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The e-beam and radiation wave dynamics in the radiating and non-radiating beam transport sections of Free Electron Lasers are analyzed in the collective regime by use of a single transverse mode linear response formulation. This is employed to derive conditions for coherent operation of seeded high gain FELs. It is shown that the level of incoherent self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) radiation power can be controlled by adjusting the plasma oscillation phase in the non-radiating beam transport sections preceding the FEL, and that at short wavelengths the FEL coherence is limited by energy noise (rather than current shot-noise), and ultimately by quantum noise.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2010
The e-beam and radiation wave dynamics in the radiating and nonradiating beam transport sections of free electron lasers (FELs) are analyzed in the collective regime by use of a single transverse mode linear response formulation. This is employed to derive conditions for coherent operation of seeded high-gain FELs. It is shown that the level of incoherent selfamplified spontaneous emission radiation power can be controlled by adjusting the plasma oscillation phase in the nonradiating beam transport sections preceding the FEL, and that at short wavelengths the FEL coherence is limited by energy noise (rather than current shot-noise), and ultimately by quantum noise.
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams
For a planar free electron laser (FEL) configuration we study self-amplified coherent spontaneous emission driven by a gradient of the bunch current in the presence of different levels of noise in bunches. The longitudinal granularity of the electron bunch density originating from shot noise is maintained throughout the analysis. For the FEL model with the SwissFEL injector bunch parameters, we calculate the probability density distribution of the maximum power of the radiation pulses for different levels of shot noise. It turns out that the temporal coherence quickly increases as the noise level reduces. We also show that the FEL based on coherent spontaneous emission produces almost Fourier transform limited pulses. The analysis indicates that the time-bandwidth product is mainly determined by the bunch length and the interaction distance in an undulator. Calculations of the FEL characteristics for different rise times of the front of the current pulse are performed, and it is fou...
… and Methods in Physics Research Section …, 2004
A three-dimensional, space-frequency model for analysis and simulation of radiation excitation in a FEL oscillator is developed. The total electromagnetic field is presented in the frequency domain as an expansion in terms of transverse eigenmodes of the (cold) resonator. Coupled-mode formulation is utilized in an analytical approach and in a numerical simulation to follow linear and nonlinear processes, taking place during radiation buildup, which lead to the establishment of single-mode lasing. The evolution of the radiation spectrum is investigated in the case of 'grazing', when the group velocity of the radiation is equal to the axial velocity of the electrons. r
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1985
This work was supported by DARPA under contract No. 3817. 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on~n.. Ode.i InoCf.8.n..vd Idenify by block n..anbet) Free electron laser Incoherent radiation Spontaneous radiation Oscillator start-up 20. ABSTRACT (Continuo on reverse side if necosmory .,d Idenify by block-or) An analysis of the free electron laser (FEL) oscillator start-up problem in the linear regime is presented. The model is spatially one dimensional, though many important three dimensional effects are included heuristically. The electron beam consists of pulses of arbitrary shape separated by approximately twice the radiation transit time. The small gain/pass approximation is employed in deriving an energy. (Continues) DD ,'N, 1473 EDITION OF 1 NO11V IS OSSOLETK S/N 0102-014-6601 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF TIS PAGE (fton Dot* Eniorod) SECuRiTY CL ASSI,CATION OF T.IS PAGE (hn Data En-r .d) 20 ABSTRACT (Contine.d) rate equation, which described the evolution of the radiation pulses within the resonator. The wiggler field is assumed to occupy a portion of the finite Q resonator. In the energy rate equation, the spontaneous (incoherent) radiation term is represented by a source matrix, while the stimulated (coherent) radiation term is represented by a gain matrix. The effect of small variations in the mirror separation are investigated in the context of laser lethargy. Our analysis suggests possible methods which could substantially shorten the start-up times in FEL oscillators. Finally, our results are compared with the FEL oscillator experiments performed at Stanford University. SE1URITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEIf'Wt.n Dt Enre,.d) 7 Ji I THE EVOLUTION OF SPONTANEOUS AN) COHERENT RADIATION IN THE FREE ELECTRON LASER OSCILLATOR 1.
Physical Review Letters, 1997
We have produced and analyzed self-amplified spontaneous emission emitted by a relativistic electron beam passing through an undulator for the first time in the mid-infrared. The spectral behavior of the line exhibits an unexpected growth at the start-up of the process. [S0031-9007(97) PACS numbers: 41.60.Cr There are many kinds of free-electron lasers (FEL) operating in various wavelength regions from millimeter waves to ultraviolet . The gain medium of the FEL [2] is a relativistic electron beam crossing a magnetic device (called the "undulator"). This system produces synchrotron radiation (called "spontaneous emission") and creates an optical amplification by transfer of energy from the electrons to the optical wave. The undulator is installed in an optical cavity which stores the spontaneous emission and allows the laser operation. The wavelength is easily tunable in a large range by adjusting the magnetic field of the undulator and the electron beam energy. In principle, the FEL is able to work in the x-ray spectral range. However, at present the quality of the optical cavity mirrors and of the electron beam have not been sufficient to produce the FEL oscillation at wavelengths shorter than 240 nm . In the infrared range, the gain can be larger than 100% although only a few percent have been achieved in the uv. Other related techniques, noticeably the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) harmonic generation in an undulator [4] and x-ray generation by FEL intracavity Compton backscattering have been demonstrated, but are producing small power. Nevertheless, a solution has been proposed about ten years ago to reach the x-ray range . Its principle is to operate a very high gain FEL in single pass configuration, thus avoiding mirrors: The "spontaneous emission" produced by the electrons is amplified in a very long undulator (20 to 40 m) and reaches saturation in one pass. This so-called "self-amplified spontaneous emission" (SASE) requires a very high quality electron beam (high peak current, low energy spread, small emittance). The SASE has so far been observed only in mm waves and in far-infrared [8] spectral ranges. Indeed, the electron beam requirements needed for SASE are more and more demanding as the wavelength decreases. Thus study of SASE in the mid-infrared region is an important step in understanding the process and in extrapolating to the possible development of SASE sources in x-rays.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2011
The effect of current-shot-noise suppression in an electron beam (e-beam) and the corresponding process of charged-particle self-ordering are analyzed using an analytic 1-D model and verified by 3-D numerical simulations. The suppression of current shot noise can be utilized to enhance the coherence of seeded free-electron lasers (FELs) and any other radiation devices using an e-beam. It is shown that this can be attained at optical frequencies with state-of-the-art high-quality e-beams. Our analysis of spontaneous emission suppression results in fundamental theoretical limit expressions for the coherence of FELs and other coherent radiation devices, which is analogous to the Schawlow-Townes limit. After exceeding the shot-noise limit, the coherence of FEL radiation is limited in the IR by velocity noise due to the e-beam energy spread. At UV and shorter wavelengths, it is fundamentally limited by quantum noise.
Physical Review A, 1981
The spontaneous and induced emission from a free-electron laser is treated for the case in which an axial magnetic field is imposed in addition to the helical, axially periodic wiggler magnetic field. The classes of possible single-particle trajectories in this configuration are discussed, and the results are applied to a calculation of the incoherent radiation from a beam of relativistic electrons in the system. The coherent radiation is treated by solving the Vlasov-Maxwell equations for the linear gain in the tenuous-beam limit, where the beam plasma frequency is much less than the radiation frequency and self-field effects can be ignored.
Physical Review Letters, 1998
We report measurements of large gain for a single pass free-electron laser operating in self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) at 16 mm starting from noise. We also report the first observation and analysis of intensity fluctuations of the SASE radiation intensity in the high gain regime. The results are compared with theoretical predictions and simulations. [S0031-9007(97)
Palladium, 2023
The Russian world Pax Rossica Russkij mir - from the origin of the concept with Konstantin Leontyev to its decomposition under Vladimir Putin.
This essay offers an early assessment, after the first 100 days, of Donald Trump's bewildering ascendency to the US presidency. It examines his apocalyptic rhetoric as a spectacle of salvation by demolition and deal making, a polarizing and demonizing politics that trades in deception and distraction. The spectacle, whether it is a means to an end or an end in itself, functions to distort democratic politics and to displace public dissent over the negative impact of economic globalization. The question raised is whether and how dissent might be channeled more constructively through a narrative of fairness that balances interests equitably and deliberates policy options credibly. Esej przedstawia wczesną ocenę po pierwszych stu dniach od zdumiewającego objęcia urzędu prezydenta USA przez Donalda Trumpa. Autor analizuje apokaliptyczną retorykę Trumpa jako spektakl zbawienia przez burzenie i zawieranie układów, polaryzującą i demonizującą politykę, realizowaną przez oszustwo i rozpraszanie uwagi. Spektakl ten, niezależnie od tego, czy jest środkiem do celu, czy celem samym w sobie, zniekształca politykę demokratyczną i wypiera publiczny sprzeciw wobec negatywnego wpływu globalizacji. Powstaje pytanie, czy i w jaki sposób sprzeciw może być bardziej konstruktywny poprzez wykorzystanie narracji sprawiedliwości, która równoważy interesy i rozważa w sposób wiarygodny opcje działań politycznych.
Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Костяные (роговые) детали плетей в предметном комплексе населения Алтая жужанского времени (по материалам некрополя Чобурак-I) // Археология евразийских степей. 2023. №3. С. 257–267. , 2023
Historická demografie, 2023
Journal of Security and Strategic Analysis (JSSA), 2016
Shifting Natures : ici Berlin (14-15 March). Organized by : Federica Buongiorno, Alberica Bazzoni, and Xenia Chiaramonte
Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2016
Localización: La Historia habitada: Sujetos, procesos y retos de la historia contemporánea del siglo XXI : Actas del XV congreso de la Asociación de Historia contemporánea, Córdoba, del 9 al 11 de septiembre de 2021 / coord. por Francisco Acosta, Àngel Duarte Montserrat, Elena Lázaro, María José ..., 0
Revista da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisador s Negr s - ABPN, 2020
Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry, 2015
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ChemInform, 2002
Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 1994
Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin, 2014