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2023, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum
5 pages
1 file
Franciscan Studies, Vol. 71, 237-62, 2014
Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage 21 IL CAPITALE CULTURALE , 2020
Saint Dorothy was highly popular in the fifteenth-century Hungary, however, she was almost unknown a hundred years earlier. This phenomenon is not unique and not limited only to this particular saint and territory. The fourteenth century seems to be the period when the cults and legends of virgin martyrs were rediscovered in Europe. How did their cult re-emerged in Central Europe? The present paper analyzes through the Hungarian cult of Saint Dorothy, which circumstances contributed to the proliferation of the cult of virgin martyrs with interdisciplinary method. For that I use all available materials: visual and written sources produced in medieval Hungary. My aim is to show how the general trends in the cult of saints contributed to the spread of Dorothy's veneration. Besides the growing importance of women, the general changes in the cult of saints facilitated the spread of the cult of virgin martyrs. The growing importance of images and sermons contributed to the spread of the old saints' cult, whose venerations were not connected to certain locations.
"Saeculum Christianum", 2017
The article recalls a source from 1638 which has hitherto not been referred to in the literature on the subject, i.e. the history of two chapels at the cathedral in Vilnius: the Chapel of St. Casimir founded by King Sigismund III, and the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, furnished as a burial chapel by Bishop Eustachy Wołłowicz (lit. Eustachijus Valavičius). The said source is a diary written by a Carmelite nun during her journey from Lublin to Vilnius (14 November – 26 December 1638), which she made with three fellow nuns assigned to a new monastery founded by Stefan Pac (lit. Steponas Pacas) and his wife Anna Maria Ancilia née Rudomina-Dusiatska (lit. Ona Marija Ancilia Rudomina-Dusiackaitė). The diary was penned by Sister Mary Magdalene (Anna Żaboklicka) who described various aspects of their journey, as well as a visit to the Vilnius Cathedral organized by the Pac family. The nuns were particularly impressed by the Chapel of St. Casimir. Thanks to Sister Mary Magdalene’s detailed description of the chapel, it was possible to reconstruct the subjects of some paintings by Bartłomiej Strobel, and to interpret several facets of its appearance, including the feretory of St. Casimir. While the description of Bishop Eustachy Wołłowicz’s chapel is not as detailed, it should be stressed that by inviting the nuns there, the Pac family intended to emphasize their kinship with the ruler of Vilnius, who was highly esteemed by his contemporaries.
Past and Present, 2015
Nach diesen wir in das Closter gangen, und weiters in die Kirchen, allwo Herr Ertz-Priester das Te Deum laudamus intoniert, welches hernach die Musicanten mit Trompeten und anderer music continuiret 1. When on 8 October 1675, the sounds of praising hymns sung by the reformed brothers 2 filled the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the ongoing two-decade dispute, about the reclaiming of the local Franciscan facilities, ended. The extensive ceremony of handing over the keys and all of the documentation confirming the community's property rights in the facilities, with the participation of local officials, religious authorities and local believers, as mentioned in the fragmentary account of one of the imperial commissioners quoted above, was preceded by numerous disputes and struggles conducted diplomatically, involving both municipal, religious and royal authorities. For in order to reclaim the facilities, to which claims were made, it was necessary to present an appropriate and full historical and legal argument, being the substantive basis for the final decision in the restitution process, before the majesty of the ruler. Thus, the brothers browsed through the provincial archives, religious and city chronicles, instruments or grants, so that after the information, adequately 1
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2020
Part of a collection held by Cistercian nuns was deposited in the Library of Trzebnica Parish. Among other works there are three manuscript prayer books dated to the 17 th century. Spiritual Meditations, dedicated to Katarzyna Rajska by Cistercian monk Kasper of Przemęt, is composed of several parts. Among them, the most interesting are Eucharistic ponderings and a treatise on the preparation for a holy death. The work Instruction of Spiritual Exercise is unsigned, nor do we know its owner. The main body of this manuscript consists of 40 meditations focused on the reform of religious life. The last exemplar in the collection belonged to Abbess Krystyna Pawłowska and was the gift of a Carmelite nun, Agnieszka of Jesus the Lamb. Its author, Bonawentura Frezer, a Discalced Carmelite, is a known seventeenth-century preacher and writer of mystical literature. His Protestations and various acts constitute a collection of mystical monologues on the presence of God. All of these manuscripts were made as an aid for the personal prayers of the Trzebnica nuns and had been long in use. The texts form appropriate research material for historians of religious spirituality in the Baroque period. Abstrakt: Część dawnej kolekcji mniszek cysterskich została zdeponowana w Bi-bliotece Parafii Trzebnickiej. Są między innymi trzy rękopisy modlitewne pochodzące 1 I wish to express my gratitude to the rector of the St Bartholomew and St Hedwig Parish, priest-dean Jerzy Olszówka SDS, for the possibility to work with the library resource deposited in the Trzebnica Parish.
European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 2020
Istituto Euro-Arabo di Mazara del Vallo, 2024
I Dialoghi della Comunità di Gesù con le Chiese Evangeliche e Pentecostali.
Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, 1997
J. Abellán, M. Lazarich y V. Castañeda (Dirs.), Homenaje a A, Caro Bellido. Vol. I. Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Cádiz. Cádiz, pp. 243-287.ISBN: 978-84-9828-323-5, 2011
Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, 30, 1991, 1992
Debate universitario, 2024
Trans Motauto World, 2021
BIO Web of Conferences, 2019
Nature Genetics, 2015
Raega - O Espaço Geográfico em Análise, 2017