Affect of Robot’s Competencies on Children’s Perception
(Extended Abstract)
Shruti Chandra†,⋆ , Raul Paradeda⋆,∓ , Hang Yin†,⋆ , Pierre Dillenbourg† , Rui Prada⋆ ,
Ana Paiva⋆
† École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
⋆ INESC-ID & Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
∓ State University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
a long-term study with children in a school. In this article,
the preliminary results of the study concerning children’s
perception of the agent’s abilities and behavior are briefly
The focus of the research described in this paper is to explore
children’s perception of a social robot’s learning abilities and
behavior in an educational context. With this purpose, we
conducted a long-term study with children in a school by
adopting the learning-by-teaching learning method. The scenario involves a ”learner-agent” (a robot) which seeks help
from a child (a teacher) in correcting the shapes of a few
letters it writes. Two versions of the robot were built: one
where it learns and another where it does not improve over
time. The results of the study suggest that children’s social
relationship with the robot was not affected by the learning
abilities of the agent.
The experimental setup consists of a child performing
a collaborative writing activity with an autonomous Aldebaran Nao robot1 , as shown in Fig. 2(b). In the scenario,
the teacher-child and the learner-robot shared a touchscreen
with a writing application having several interactive features: the learner-robot writes a deformed letter and asks
the teacher-child to correct it. The teacher-child then corrects the letter and demonstrates a correct sample of the
same letter on the other side of the screen.
Social Robotics; Autonomous Robot; Learning Environment;
Learning-by-teaching; Long-term Study; Human Robotic Interaction
Social robotic agents have been introduced into educational contexts to support new ways of learning. Researchers
have explored peer assisted learning approaches such as the
learning-by-teaching method as a mode of interaction between children and robots. For example, Shizuko et al. [5]
conducted a study using the learning method to improve
children’s knowledge of English words and found that a
robot helped children to learn even unknown words. Similarly, a study by Kanda et al. [3] revealed that a robot
encouraged children to improve their English and form relationships with them. However, how do these social agents
affect children’s perception over long-term interactions? Few
studies have explored children’s perception of a robot which
seems to be pertinent in child-robot interaction [2, 4].
In order to understand children’s perception of a social
robotic agent, we developed an autonomous system which
provides a child-robot educational scenario to improve children’s handwriting skills. The system is employed with the
learning-by-teaching method and was tested by conducting
Figure 1 System Architecture
To generate the deformed letters for the robot, we aimed
three common handwriting issues prevalent in children: proportion, breaks and alignment which were also suggested
by other researchers [1]. To handle the proportion and the
breaks issues, we used an algorithm which has the ability to
learn and synthesize the multiple-mode motion trajectories
including their rapid extraction and representation [8]. The
algorithm supports the human movement inspired features
and generates well-formed and deformed sample of letters.
As shown in Fig. 1, the system architecture was composed
of several modules. The display screen module incorporates
the writing application along with the algorithms and letter
Appears in: Proc. of the 16th International Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2017),
S. Das, E. Durfee, K. Larson, M. Winikoff (eds.),
May 8–12, 2017, São Paulo, Brazil.
Copyright c 2017, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents
and Multiagent Systems ( All rights reserved.
Aldebaran robotics:
trajectories. Each interactive feature (letter screen, button,
small writing box, slider) present in the writing application
refers to a state. When a child interacts with these states,
the current state is send to the decision module which decides the robot’s action based on the received state. The
decision module then sends this information to the robot
by using the Thalamus framework [6], Skene [7] and Naoqi
API (provided by Aldebaran). In the system, Thalamus
provided a high-level integration framework for modularizing the robot and supported asynchronous messaging among
wrapped modules [6]. In addition, Skene was used as a semiautonomous behavior planner that translated high-level intentions originated from decision-making into a schedule of
atomic behavior actions (e.g. speech, gazing, gesture) to be
performed by the lower levels [7].
Figure 2 (b) The robot is writing a deformed letter;
(a) The child is demonstrating a correct letter; (c)
Writing ability and overall performance scores after
the third and fourth interaction
In order to explore the children’s perception towards the
abilities and behavior of a robotic agent, the study was carried out under two conditions: learning and non-learning. In
the learning condition, the agent exhibits learning abilities
by showing progression in its handwriting skills after each interaction with a child. In the non-learning condition, it does
not learn and shows consistent performance, yet still maintains the social aspect, throughout the study. The study
consists of between-subjects design and was conducted in a
private school “Colégio da Fonte” in Oeiras, Portugal. 25
children participated from the 7- to 9-year-old age group
(1st and 2nd grade) over a period of 1 month. Thirteen children participated in the learning condition while 12 children
participated in the non-learning condition. Each child interacted four times with the agent in the gap of 4-5 days and
each interaction lasted about 13-15 minutes.
The study was organized into a few steps. In the first step,
the researcher would bring a child to a study room and explain the collaborative writing activity including the writing
application features. In the second step, researcher would
ask the child to perform the pre-test through a tablet application which was specifically developed for the pre-/posttest. On the tablet screen, three shapes of a letter would be
displayed and the child would have to select the most correct
shape and demonstrate it on the right side of the screen. A
set of letters were repeated for the pre-test. In the third
step, the child would perform the collaborative writing activity with the robotic agent where the agent would write
a deformed letter (see Fig 2(a)) and ask the child for corrections (see Fig. 2(b)). After finishing the corrections, the
process was repeated for the remaining letters. Following
the interaction phase with the agent, the child would perform the post-test, identical to the pre-test. In the last step,
the researcher would ask a few self-response questions by
interviewing the child for 10-12 min. The questions were
based on 5 point Likert scale and related to the agent’s
overall performance, writing abilities and his/her fondness
towards it. The research questions of the study were: 1)
Would children be able to differentiate the learning abilities
of the agent between the conditions? 2) Would the learning
and non learning competencies of the agent affect children’s
fondness towards it?
it using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test which was
also suitable for unequal size of the data.
The results suggest that the questions related to the agent’s
learning showed significant differences over time between the
conditions. After the third interaction, children in the learning condition (mean rank = 16.42) gave significantly higher
writing ability scores to the robot compared to the nonlearning condition (mean rank = 7.86), U = 20.5, z = 86.5,
p = .002 (see Fig. 2(c)). After the fourth interaction, both
the overall performance scores and the writing ability scores
showed significant differences between the conditions. Children in the learning condition (mean rank = 16.58) gave
higher overall performance scores to the robot compared to
the non-learning condition (mean rank = 7.68), U = 18.5,
z = −3.366, p = .001 (see Fig. 2(c)). For the writing ability,
they (mean rank = 15.65) gave higher scores to the robot
compared to the non-learning condition (mean rank = 8.77),
U = 30.50, z = −2.67, p = .015 (see Fig. 2(c)).
Regarding the children’s fondness towards the agent, the
results revealed that after the last interaction, more than
92% of the children gave high scores for the fondness and
friendliness scale. In addition, in the learning condition,
we found a correlation between the likability and the overall performance, rs(13) = .567, p = .043, and in the nonlearning condition, between the friendliness and the overall
performance, rs(11) = .606, p = .04.
Combining the results of the abilities and social behavior
of the agent perceived by the children, it suggests that the
children did not change their social perception towards the
robot despite of being aware of the agent’s learning abilities.
These results may be useful for other researchers in designing
a child-robot educational scenario as it revealed that the
capabilities of the agent may not affect child-robot social
This work was supported by national funds through Fundação
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-UID/CEC/500 21/2013) and
through project AMIGOS (PTDC/EEISII/7174/2014). The first
author acknowledge grants ref. SFRH/BD/51935/2012 funded by
the FCT. The authors show their gratitude to “Colégio da Fonte”
in Porto Salvo, Portugal and its school principal, teachers and
students for their participation in this research.
We collected the data from the questionnaire and analyzed
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