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2020, Springer eBooks
13 pages
1 file
The details of the Swiss method to determine the residual expansion of concrete from structures are described in detail in Chap. 9 of WP-1 in the STAR and corresponds to the test described in [1, 2]. In the following, two examples are given, how this method can be used in combination with others. The first example performed on a laboratory produced concrete element shows which techniques can be used to complement the residual expansion test. The second example is a dam where it is demonstrated how differences in expansion and damage can be identified using the residual expansion measurements and additional techniques. In both cases recommendations are given how the determined expansion rates can be used in models. As there are confidentiality restrictions in both cases no details about the concrete component and structure are given.
Materials and Structures
The susceptibility of concrete structures due to alkali-silica reaction (ASR) can be assessed by means of ASR concrete prism testing at 60°C, according to RILEM AAR 4.1. There, expansion of concrete prisms indicates alkali-reactivity of the examined concrete mix. This work applies in situ expansion measurement to accelerated concrete prism testing. Automated measuring facilitates both storage without the usually necessary interruptions for manual measurement and acquisition of quasi-continuous expansion data. A comparative experimental programme showed that conventional testing resulted in stronger expansion and leaching of alkalis than automated testing. Experimental simulation of interruptions, typically associated with manual measurements in conventional testing, could prove the influence of these cooling-heating cycles. Two phenomenological approaches, frequently used for describing reaction kinetics of ASR by linking it to expansion results from ASR-testing, were validated with continuous expansion data of three types of aggregate. Experimental expansion depicted s-shaped curves similar to them of the modelling approaches. However, strong swelling recorded in the beginning of the test was not covered by the model curves. Auxiliary measurement of acoustic emissions and ultrasonic velocity helped characterising mechanisms such as hydration and cracking, which also influence prism expansion. The proposed modification of the measurement procedure provides an extended basis to analyse expansion mechanisms. Regarding data for validation of ASR-expansion models, continuous expansion results are preferable to conventional test results.
Materials and Structures, 2008
Availability of computational power calls for the responsible use of mechanical models that faithfully represent material behavior even in complex cases, as is concrete undergoing Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) expansion. In this paper, a series of tests aimed towards obtaining meaningful data for mechanical characterization of an existing, old-aged, ASR-affected dam concrete are presented. These tests, consisting mainly in long-term measurement of free and confined expansions of core-drilled specimens extracted from different locations in the dam, are designed to provide data for a material model. A specific methodology is developed and applied, including procedures for test design, mechanical loading and data acquisition in harsh environmental nonlaboratory conditions. Conclusions about the possibility of ASR-expansion mitigation through confinement are drawn from experimental data.
Diagnosis & Prognosis of AAR Affected Structures
This study, realized for EPRI in order to complete round-robin tests, aims at characterizing concrete cores of a concrete and the initial aggregates used for the casting. The chemical potential of aggregates will be evaluated on mortar made with the extracted aggregates of concrete cores. For one concrete, sand (0/5 mm), fine gravel (5/14 mm) and coarse gravel (>14 mm) will be extracted depending on the aggregates used. Thus, the aggregate sensitivity at the alkali-silica reaction will be characterized on the 3 aggregate sizes of the tested concrete and original aggregates (3 sizes). The advancement of the reaction will be deduced from both measures (in the case of structure, potential residual expansion of aggregate and total potential expansion of aggregate are respectively given by the measurements on the underwater location and on the open-air location-unaltered concrete).
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2008
A large experimental research program was carried out at Power Company) as a partner, in order to validate a methodology for the mechanical assessment of structures damaged by Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR). Long-term deformations of specimens kept under varied environments were measured. Results were collected according to the French methodology for measuring residual expansion, on cores drilled from blocks made of the same concrete materials. A large range of testing conditions was intended to check the experimental robustness of the most significant input data for structural assessment. The paper focuses on the residual expansion tests. It appears that omitting the measured expansion of the specimens during a rather long period (60 days), as presently recommended, can lead to an unsafe estimation of ASRresidual expansions, especially when the core is drilled during the active phase of ASR development. Evolutions and improved conditions of application relatively to the French standard method for estimating residual expansion of ASR-affected concrete are proposed, which results in a significant step for developing and validating the methodology of assessment for ASR-affected concrete structures.
This paper discusses the results of an interlaboratory study on the Accelerated Concrete Prism Test (i.e. 60°C, R.H. > 95%) for ASR. Concrete mixtures were made in one laboratory with moderately-and highly-reactive Canadian aggregates. Test prisms were prepared and further tested for weight changes and expansion in the participant's laboratories both in the standard (38°C) and the accelerated (60°C) test conditions. The results obtained in this study and in the literature indicate that the variability in the expansion results obtained in the accelerated concrete prism test is quite comparable to that of the standard CPT performed at 38°C. A review of available test results shows that a limit of 0.04% at three months generally give the same diagnostic as that obtained after one year in the standard CPT. Increased leaching of alkalis from the test prisms and an increased sulfate content in the pore solution (with consequent reduction of pH) with increasing testing temperature, likely explain why, in most cases, the main expansion phase of the test prisms at 60°C is often completed after 3 months of testing.
The material in this document is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act, by Canadian laws, policies, regulations and international agreements. Such provisions serve to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission. For more information visit Les renseignements dans ce document sont protégés par la Loi sur le droit d'auteur, par les lois, les politiques et les règlements du Canada et des accords internationaux. Ces dispositions permettent d'identifier la source de l'information et, dans certains cas, d'interdire la copie de documents sans permission écrite. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements :
The estimation of mechanical properties of concrete can be carried out by several methods; destructive and non-destructive. In this context, the crushing of the samples is the usual destructive test to determine the concrete strength. The rebound hammer test and the ultrasonic device are used in the field of non-destructive tests to determine respectively the compression strength and the ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) in the concrete. In this work, eight concrete compositions were used to prepare cylindrical specimens (16 cm x 32 cm) by varying the water/ cement ratio and the cement dosage. An experimental study was conducted to determine the compressive strength of concrete by destructive (compression) and non-destructive (rebound hammer) tests at different ages (7, 14 and 28 days). In addition, the influence of several factors on the modulus of elasticity determined by pulse velocity test was investigated. These factors mainly included the age of concrete and the water/ cement ratio. The results showed that the difference between the resistance values obtained by destructive and non-destructive methods decreases with increasing age of concrete. The dynamic modulus of elasticity increases with the curing time of the concrete until the age of three months. In addition, a simplified expression has been proposed to estimate the rebound number from the value of the dynamic modulus of elasticity determined by pulse velocity test.
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 1997
Accelerated curing results, obtained after only 24 hours, are used to predict the 28 day strength of concrete. Various accelerated curing methods are available. Two of these methods are compared in relation to the accuracy of their predictions and the stability of the relationship between their 24 hour and 28 day concrete strength. The results suggest that Warm Water accelerated curing is preferable to Hot Water accelerated curing of concrete. In addition, some other methods for improving the accuracy of predictions of 28 day strengths are suggested. In particular the frequency at which it is necessary to recalibrate the prediction equation is considered.
Diagnosis & Prognosis of AAR Affected Structures
This test method covers the laboratory determination of the swelling potential and the residual free expansion of concrete extracted from structures affected by alkali silica reactions. The method is not an aggregate test like in the methods where aggregates are extracted from concrete cored from structures and reused in accelerated mortar tests with added alkali. This test method only indirectly encompasses the assessment of the reaction advancement in the structure. Indeed, the method allows assessing the reaction advancement (at least in an indirect way) by assessing the ε c (t c 0 ) parameter which corresponds to the expansion developed until coring of the specimen in the structure. This document is mainly a translation of [6] (based itself on . The experimental technique described hereafter is not a standard and has been developed as an experimental diagnosis tool by the French Public Works Research Laboratory. 1 1 LCPC became IFSTTAR in 2011.
Neste livro figuram os mais relevantes preceitos e institutos do direito administrativo. A sequência lógica dos temas possibilita fácil compreensão. Esta 21ª edição abriga revisão, atualização e acrés cimos, inserindo-se, por exemplo, matéria sobre o Estatuto Jurídico das Estatais, o regime especial dos precatórios, a Regularização Fundiária Urbana. Bibliografia específica se encontra ao final de cada capítulo, havendo uma bibliografia geral no fim do livro, ambas atualizadas. A linguagem direta e clara propicia ágil leitura por todos os que se interessam por temas do direito administrativo.
A concrete slab containing reactive aggregates was stored at 27°C and 65% RH after production for a few month. Afterwards, the temperature of the storing room varied between 18 and 24°C at approximately 40% RH. The slab was three years old and its average expansion was 0.24% at the time of coring.
The gravity concrete dam is given as a second example for the application of the Swiss method. No details on the several decades old structure are given as it should not be identifiable. The investigation of the dam was triggered, because deformations that indicated concrete expansion were registered during monitoring.
There are only few typical AAR-cracks on the surface of the dam. However, a crack spans the entire length of the gallery located in the interior of the dam.
Only part of the analysis is shown as the example given in paragraph 2 already demonstrates, how the residual expansion measurements can be complemented with microscopy. The purpose of this example is to show the approach to assess the spatial distribution of damage and residual expansion potential in a structure. The horizontal cores taken from the dam (see the following paragraph) are used to show this approach.
Four concrete cores (diameter: 100 mm, length: 200 mm) were used for the investigation. Three cores were tested according to the Swiss method.
In order to get additional information on the state of ASR in the concrete at time of delivery, one core was cut and five subsamples were prepared (~50 × 90 mm 2 ). They were dried in an oven at 50°C for three days, epoxy impregnated and polished. The crack-index was determined using a Zeiss Axioplan microscope at a magnification of 100×. The samples were further documented under fluorescent light using a 24 MP camera. As an additional step, the impregnated subsamples were used to produce four samples (discs with a diameter of 50 mm) for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). They were investigated with a Nova NanoSEM 230 FEI at a pressure of 2.0-4.0 × 10 −6 Torr at an acceleration voltage of 12 kV and a beam current of 80-88 µA. An Qxford SSD detector and INCA Energy software with ZAF correction were used for energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The concrete after the test was studied in an identical way. Four subsamples were prepared (~50 × 90 mm 2 ) and investigated with the optical microscope. Two samples were produced for studying the concrete with SEM.
The water-soluble alkali content was determined before and after the residual expansion test according to the procedure described in [1,2].
Horizontal and vertical cores with a diameter of 100 mm were taken in three parts of the dam. The vertical and horizontal cores had a length of about 11 m and 5 m, respectively. The samples were sealed immediately after coring to avoid changes in their moisture state. Samples for microscopy were prepared from all cores at different concrete depth always using an 11 cm long section of the concrete core. This allowed to produce thin Sects. (50 × 90 mm 2 ) parallel and perpendicular to length axis of the cores (total of 54 thin sections). Impregnation followed the same protocol described in paragraph 2.2. Crack indices and percentages of aggregates exhibiting cracks typical for ASR were determined.
Data from the vertical cores, results on microstructure acquired by SEM and on water soluble alkali are not shown.
The cores show a relatively fast expansion ( Fig. 14.1). The longitudinal expansion (value used for assessment) during conditioning (20°C, 100% RH) is above 0.03%. The irreversible longitudinal expansion at the end of the test of 0.11% indicates that about 0.02% of the swelling during the conditioning is irreversible and must be attributed to ASR. The end of the fast expansion (phase 2) has been reached very quickly after moving the samples into the reactor (temperature of 38°C and 100%
Figure 14
Expansion of the concrete cores from the slab and the dam as a function of time compared to the data base of Swiss structures. Note: before test duration was defined to be six month, cores were measured up to more than Expansion rates during phases 2 and 3 of concrete extracted from Swiss structures (squares), from the tested slab (circle) and from the dam (triangles, see Sec. 14.3) on their expansion during phase 2 and 3 in the residual expansion test, concrete from structures in Switzerland are classified as (see Chap. 7):
The water soluble alkalis decrease during the test (Table 14.2). Alkalis can either be leached or bound in ASR products.
Table 14
Crack index of the concrete before and after the residual expansion test
The concrete shows already pronounced cracking in its delivery state ( Fig. 14.2). The cracks are initiated in aggregates of the sand fraction. Cracks in aggregates >4 mm are practically absent. The cracking is more pronounced after the residual expansion test. In particular, aggregates >4 mm display cracks as well, even when the cracking is much less pronounced than in the sand fraction. The majority of cracks, especially in the cement paste, are filled with ASR products after the test.
The crack-index was determined both before and after the residual expansion test. The values are presented in Table 14.3. The difference between the crack-indices is 0.17%.
The samples prepared for SEM ( Fig. 14.3) show cracking restricted to aggregates of the sand fraction (Figs. 14.4 and 14.5) in the state of delivery, as already observed in the optical microscope. Some of the aggregates in the sand fraction contain alkalisilica-glass (determined by EDS) providing a highly reactive phase and a source of alkalis. The majority of the cracks both in aggregates and in the cement paste (width up to 30 µm) are empty or only partly filled with ASR products. There are aggregates of sedimentary, volcanic and magmatic origin, but they will not be described in detail in the following.
Cracking of the concrete is more pronounced with wider cracks up to a width of 60 µm after the residual expansion test. The majority of the cracks in the cement paste are now filled with ASR products (Fig. 14.6). The porosity of the reactive sand grains is increased by further dissolution. Aggregates >4 mm show occasional cracks containing ASR products as well (Fig. 14.7).
The current experiences with the determination of the residual expansion measurements indicate that the expansion during phase 2 is connected with expansion of the concrete since occurrence of ASR until the time of core extraction [2,3]. Consequently, the expansion during phase 2 indicates that the expansion in the concrete BL A horizontal BL B horizontal BL C horizontal close to the surface has been larger compared to the interior of the dam. This can have two different reasons. First, the concrete in dams often contains more cement and was produced with a lower w/c resulting close to the surface resulting in a higher alkalinity of the concrete pore solution and a higher degree of ASR. Secondly, the exposure of the dam to the south (air side and location of the coring sites) leads to increased temperature during the day increasing SiO 2 solubility and ASR. However, there are no indications detected in microscopy for a significant difference in concrete composition. In any case, the higher expansion rate close to the surface goes together with a higher degree of ASR in this part of the dam, as clearly indicated by the relatively high number of reacted aggregates and the relatively high crack-indices. The expansion during phase 3 represents the kinetics of expansion of the tested concrete [2,3]. Because there is no clear difference in expansion as a function of concrete depth, the degree of ASR-induced damage and the higher expansion rate during phase 2 is likely attributable to the high daily temperature caused by sun radiation. A higher cement content and lower w/c should have resulted in higher expansion during phase 3 of the concrete close to the surface.
Compared to the expansion rates of concrete from other structures, the values for this specific dam are low (Fig. 14.9). This correlates well to the age of the dam and the relative low degree of cracking observed on the concrete surface. Although cracking of the concrete is only small to moderate, many of the cracks as observed in microscopy are not filled with ASR products. This is another sign for a very slow reaction. But it additionally shows that ASR has not reached a "ripe" stage (indicated by reaction products filling cracks and voids) but it still progressing.
In order to model the behavior of the dam in the future, the expansion rates during phase 3 should be used, but the likely temperature-driven higher expansion on the south side should be taken into account. Even if the expansion rates as determined during phase 3 have to be higher than in reality due to the elevated temperature of 38°C, modelling could identify the areas of the dam where problems will likely occur. As the dam is regularly monitored, these in situ measurements could provide a valuable benchmark for the modelling.
The concrete expands considerably in the residual expansion test. As typical, the rate of longitudinal expansion in phase 3 is lower compared to phase 2. The irreversible expansion indicates a total longitudinal expansion during the test of 0.11%. Based on the longitudinal expansion during phase 3, an expansion rate of 0.20%/year can be calculated. This is the value to be used as a starting for assessing the expansion of the investigated concrete component. If the studied cores originated from a concrete structure, the boundary conditions like temperature, humidity and stress state would have to be taken into account in an overall assessment.
The more or less constant expansion during phase 3 indicates an internal source of alkalis, as a decrease of expansion with time is usually observed due to leaching. This seems to be confirmed by the presence of aggregate particles of volcanic origin containing alkali-silica-glass.
Microscopy indicates that the very reactive aggregates are present mainly in the sand fraction. The concrete shows already obvious cracking caused by ASR in its state of delivery. The cracking is more pronounced after the test. The difference in the crack index before and after the test is 0.17%. This value should approximately correspond with concrete expansion during the test. Obviously, there is a certain overestimation of expansion by the crack-index in the current case (measured values of 0.11 and 0.14% in longitudinal and diametral direction, respectively), even if the expansion is in the same order of magnitude.
In comparison with expansion of cores extracted from Swiss concrete structures, the tested laboratory concrete expands fast and reaches very high expansion values (Figs. 14.8 and 14.9). • concrete with a residual expansion potential zero or very low.
• concrete with a moderate residual expansion potential.
• concrete with a high residual expansion potential.
The tested concrete can be assessed as a concrete with fast kinetics and obviously a high residual expansion potential. The expansion rates during phases 2 and 3 are both higher than the ones reported from Swiss concrete structures (Fig. 14.9). Here, it has to be mentioned, that Swiss aggregates are relatively slow reacting. Volcanic rocks containing glass that are present in the studied concrete (see Sec. 14.2.6) are absent.
Close to the south-ward directed surface of the dam the relative number of reacted aggregates in blocks B and C is significantly higher compared to the interior of the dam (Fig. 14.10). There is no such trend visible in block C. The same applies to the crack-indices that are clearly higher close to the surface of the dam in blocks B and C than in the interior (Fig. 14.11) confirming a more pronounced AAR in this area.
The expansion determined in the residual expansion test during phases 2 and 3 was used to calculate an expansion rate for the concrete. The highest expansion rates in all three horizontal cores during phase 2 occur close to the surface (Fig. 14.12). The values during phase 3 are about 10 times lower compared to phase 2 without showing a systematic trend as function of concrete depth (Fig. 14.13). The values in block C during phase 3 indicate somewhat faster kinetics compared to the other block.
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