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2024, Foreword by Marcel van der Linden
3 pages
1 file
"In the Shadow of War and Empire is undoubtedly a landmark in the social historiography of the Global South." Marcel van der Linden
Technical Report, Wellesley College Department of Psychology (5th ed.), 2023
Identity orientations refer to the relative importance or subjective value that individuals place on various identity attributes or characteristics when constructing their self-definitions (Cheek, 1989). The development of the Aspects of Identity Questionnaire began with items that were judged to represent the domains of personal and social identity (Cheek & Briggs, 1981, 1982). Further psychometric analyses indicated that certain items originally scored on the social identity scale (e.g., "Being a part of the many generations of my family") were tending to cluster on a third factor representing communal or collective identity. Therefore, the Social Identity Orientation scale was revised to more explicitly focus on William James’ (1890) conceptualization of the social self, and a new third scale for Collective Identity Orientation was developed (Cheek, Underwood, & Cutler, 1985) and then expanded (Cheek, Tropp, Chen, & Underwood, 1994). Neither the social nor collective scales focus on intimate relationships with close friends or romantic partners, so a fourth scale for Relational Identity Orientation (“Being a good friend to those I really care about”) was added to the AIQ-IV (Cheek, Smith, & Tropp, 2002). The name Social Identity scale was changed to the Public Identity Orientation Scale by Cheek and Cheek (2018). That completed development of the AIQ-IV containing Personal, Relational, Public(Social), and Collective Identity Orientation Scales.
História (UNESP), 2024
Resumo Atualmente discursos sobre temas como “marxismo cultural” e “globalismo” colocaram a questão das teorias da conspiração na ordem do dia. Os evidentes impactos políticos das teorias da conspiração na atualidade trazem à tona a necessidade de que elas sejam estudadas a sério. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o funcionamento de uma teoria da conspiração num contexto político específico, o da Guerra Fria e da Ditadura Militar no Brasil nos anos 1970. Nesta análise, busca-se compreender as estratégias narrativas e retóricas que deram à teoria da conspiração do livro Os subversivos, de Bernard Hutton, um certo poder de convencimento. Sobretudo, o uso do discurso factual, o apelo a supostos documentos secretos e o recurso a uma linguagem melodramática. Procura-se, ainda, entender como um discurso como o aqui analisado teve efeitos na realidade, seja em termos práticos quanto à lógica repressiva da Ditadura, seja quanto à orientação de agentes e funcionários dos serviços de inteligência, a quem o livro de Hutton foi indicado como uma espécie de livro didático.
psb-psma Rela berbagi Ikhlas memberi REFERENSI LATIHAN MATERI PENYUSUN INDIKATOR SK / KD UJI KOMPETENSI BERANDA SELESAI Loading … 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% psb-psma rela berbagi ikhlas memberi REFERENSI LATIHAN MATERI PENYUSUN INDIKATOR SK / KD UJI KOMPETENSI BERANDA SELESAI STRUKTUR ATOM Dan Sistem Periodik Kelas XI Semester 1 psb-psma rela berbagi ikhlas memberi
Environmental Engineering Journal ITATS
Polusi emisi semakin meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Hal ini terjadi karena banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah emisi gas yang berasal dari pabrik. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengolahan emisi gas industri besi dan baja dengan tujuan untuk menurunkan dan mengontrol kadar partikulat, SO2, NO2, dan opasitas agar tidak mencemari lingkungan saat dilepaskan ke udara bebas. Proses pengendalian partikulat emisi terdiri dari berbagai cara, beberapa yang sering digunakan dalam industri adalah unit wet scrubber dan bag filter. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka alat pengendali emisi dan analisa input dan output pengolahan alat pengendali emisi. Operasional alat pengendali emisi berjalan selama 6 hari kerja, dengan efisiensi alat pengendali bag filter sebesar 75 % dengan kecepatan alir gas sebesar 10 m/s, dan alat pengendali wet scrubber dengan efisiensi sebesar 67% serta kecepatan alir sebesar 8,92 m/s. Penelitian ini diatur dalam skala industri, dengan jumlah alat wet scrubber sebanyak 2 unit dan bag filter 1 unit. Emisi yang sudah memenuhi baku mutu dapat dilepaskan ke udara bebas melalui cerobong atau chimney.
Develop an operational plan to meet the short term goals of your organization, i.e. sub-set of a strategic plan, specifically related to your team in your section/unit. State one key goal of the organization which you are involved in achieving?
Scopus, 2014
This article addresses the portrayal of men in government, especially the Constituent Cortes in 1820, in the Luso-Brazilian world. It focuses especially on two imagistic series, the collection of Silva Oeirense and the other gallery made by Domingos Antonio de Sequeira noticing in which ways these images have become a sort of biographical device for these deputies capable of expressing their character pronounced by moderation. Searches also point out some distinctions in these images on the portraiture of the time. Overall, it indicates a self ordinance through the senses and changes in the portraiture of a layer of scholars, Luso-Brazilian merchants, bachelors, editors, who have become invested in and have self-invested from the capacity to govern. Keywords: portrait; visual culture; Luso-Brazilian empire. Resumo: Este artigo aborda o retrato dos homens de governo, especialmente das Cortes Constituintes em 1820, no mundo luso-brasileiro. Atenta especialmente para duas séries imagéticas, uma coleção de Silva Oeirense e outra galeria feita por Domingos Antonio de Sequeira, notando-se de que maneiras tais imagens se tornaram uma espécie de dispositivo biográfico para estes deputados capaz de expressar seu caráter vincado pela moderação. Busca ainda apontar algumas distinções dessas imagens na retratística da época. No geral, indica uma ordenação de si por meio dos sentidos e das mudanças na retratística de uma camada de letrados, comerciantes, bacharéis, redatores, luso-brasileiros que se viram investidos e se autoinvestiram da capacidade de governar. Palavras-chave: retrato; cultura visual; império luso-brasileiro. I There has been a remarkable historiographical investment in historical studies since the late 1980s in Brazil, around the biographies and trajectories, which greatly affects the forms of writing history, the accounting of events and plots, in the documentary work of rebuilding what is defined, with differences, such as life. 1 Moreover, this investment, in overall academics, has a driving force in the publishing of printed books and ebooks, by reaching a considerable audience on a varied palette, from
عد المؤرخون والمهتمون بأدب الرحلة أن نصوص الرحلات هي مصدر مهم و حيوي للتأريخ للمدن و الحضارات و الأمم. جاءت هذه الدراسة لتقارن بين نصوص رحلتين حول أحوال الموريسكيين في اسبانيا بعد صدور قرار الطرد سنة 1609. الرحلة الأول لصاحبها الشهاب الحجري الموسومة بـ ناصر الدين على القوم الكافرين. والرحلة الثانية لصاحبها الوزير الغساني و هي الأولى من نوعها إلى الديار الإسبانية و و الموسومة بـ رحلة الوزير في افتكاك الأسير.
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