Relief of a Cautopates from Carnuntum

2022, Carnuntum Jahrbuch


A relief depicting Cautopates, reportedly found in the civilian settlement in Carnuntum, was acquired by the Museum Carnuntinum in 1970. Both the execution and the distorted proportions show typical provincial characteristics observable in numerous other sculptures from Carnuntum, and based on its stylistic characteristics, the relief is approximately dated to the second half of the 2 nd cent. AD. The comparative analysis of similar types of sculptures with depictions of torchbearers from Mithraeum I and III from Carnuntum, as well as from elsewhere, allows its possible original function to be deduced. It is assumed that the relief was most likely installed at the end of the left podium, close to the entrance to the cella of a Mithraeum. Since the relief was not found in situ, it is not possible to associate it with absolute certainty with any of the known Mithraea from Carnuntum. Thus, the relief is possibly evidence of another, as yet unknown, Mithraeum in the civilian settlement. NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 34. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 34. oldal

NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 33. oldal Nirvana Silnović Relief of a Cautopates from Carnuntum Plate XVII–XX A relief depicting Cautopates, reportedly found in the civilian settlement in Carnuntum, was acquired by the Museum Carnuntinum in 1970. Both the execution and the distorted proportions show typical provincial characteristics observable in numerous other sculptures from Carnuntum, and based on its stylistic characteristics, the relief is approximately dated to the second half of the 2nd cent. AD. The comparative analysis of similar types of sculptures with depictions of torchbearers from Mithraeum I and III from Carnuntum, as well as from elsewhere, allows its possible original function to be deduced. It is assumed that the relief was most likely installed at the end of the left podium, close to the entrance to the cella of a Mithraeum. Since the relief was not found in situ, it is not possible to associate it with absolute certainty with any of the known Mithraea from Carnuntum. Thus, the relief is possibly evidence of another, as yet unknown, Mithraeum in the civilian settlement. In the Archaeological Museum Carnuntinum, a relief depicting Cautopates is preserved, with the inventory number CAR-S-1454 (pl. XVII, figs. 1 a–d)1. The relief was acquired in 1970 from a private owner, and, according to the museum’s inventory book, it was found in the civilian settlement, possibly close to Petronell Castle; however, no further details about the circumstances of its find are known2. Since the monument was not found in situ, its original context is unfortunately unknown. Nevertheless, the sculpture belongs to the large corpus of monuments associated with the cult of Mithras, and this text aims to examine and contextualise the sculpture against this background. Based on the comparative analysis with sculptures bearing similar depictions, a possible function of the relief is assumed here. Moreover, since several Mithraic sanctuaries are known from Carnuntum, a potential original location of the relief will be considered as well. The stylistic features of the relief 1 2 Old inventory number 22739/429; Previously unpublished. I would like to thank Eduard Pollhammer, Archaeological Museum Carnuntinum, for providing me with the necessary information about the relief and Gabrielle Kremer for turning my attention to this monument and for her invaluable advice during the writing of this paper. will also be analysed and the approximate dating of the sculpture will be proposed. The relief is made of regional calcarenite3. The figure of Cautopates, rendered in high-relief, is less than lifesize (max. 45 cm high × 31 cm wide × max. 14.5 cm deep). The rectangular background plate is broken off at the top and bottom, while on the right and left rims, tool marks are visible4. Cautopates’ head and neck are missing, as well as his feet and the lower part of the torch. The relief probably stood on the plinth, which is not preserved either. The surface of the relief is damaged on Cautopates’ shoulder, arm, legs, tunic, and torch. Some of the left-hand fingers holding the torch are chipped off too. Cautopates is wearing a short belted tunic with sleeves, trousers, and a cloak. He is standing with his legs set parallel to each other, in a three-quarter view to the right. With his right hand, he is holding the lowered torch in front of his body, with the palm of his right hand set above the smaller left-hand one. The rest of the left hand is somewhat clumsily hidden under the cloak and appears to be larger than the right hand. The cloak, tied at the right shoulder, falls over the upper part of the left hand in wide pleats, falling over the left hand behind the torch in less pronounced folds (pl. XVII, fig. 1 b). The inner part of the cloak is rendered smoothly and falls behind Cautopates’ back to his knees, with a round hem indicated behind the right leg. The background is smooth and unframed. The back of the plate is only roughly worked (pl. XVII, fig. 1 c). Extensive remains of a dark-red colour, observable with the naked eye, indicate that the figure was wearing a dark-red cloak, with traces of red observable both on the outer and the inner side of the cloak (pl. XVII, figs. 1 b. d)5. Traces of red are also visible on his fingers and along the torch. Further remains of a lighter red colour are preserved on the tunic, on the right shoulder, below the right armpit, on the sleeve, and above the left knee. The trousers were also 3 4 5 Courtesy of Beatrix Moshammer and Andreas Rohatsch. Possibly from the secondary use. The visibility of the remains of the colour is reduced on the photographs due to the layer of dirt that covers most of the monument. However, traces of colour are clearly visible when examining the relief with a naked eye. CARNUNTUM JAHRBUCH 2022, 33–42 ©2023 by Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 33. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 34. oldal 34 Nirvana Silnović painted in lighter red, as indicated by the red colour observable on the right knee. Remains of the green colour are visible on the lower sections of the plate, meaning that the background was painted in this colour6. Despite the damage and the missing parts, especially of the head, one recognises the originally fine modelling of Cautopates’ figure, particularly noticeable in the fingers and muscular legs, and in the rendering of folds. Both the execution and the distorted proportions show typical provincial characteristics, observable in numerous other sculptures dated to the 2nd cent. AD in Carnuntum7. Who is Cautopates? The posture of the figure, the clothes and the attribute in its hands immediately reveals its identity as one of the attendants of the god Mithras. Cautopates, together with his counterpart Cautes, is among the most frequently depicted deities within the Mithraic pantheon8. The twin brothers are distinguished from each other only by the direction of the torch they are holding: Cautopates holds a downward-pointing and Cautes an upward-pointing torch9. They are usually depicted as young unbearded men, wearing oriental costumes identical to that worn by Mithras: a Phrygian cap, a long-sleeved tunic (tunica manicata), long close-fitting trousers (anaxyrides), and a cape fastened on the shoulder. They are shown standing in a relaxed pose with their legs crossed, carrying the torch in one of their hands. Some variations in their posture can be encountered, as, e.g., on the Cautopates relief from Carnuntum, on which the torchbearer’s legs are set parallel to each other10. Otherwise, differences may exist in the way they hold their torches (with two hands, as shown on the Cautopates relief from Carnuntum) or even in the number of torches held by each figure11. A number of 6 7 8 9 10 11 The colours will be analysed separately within the framework of the project “Colours Revealed – Polychromy of Roman Monuments of the Danube Provinces (PolychroMon),” led by Dr. Gabrielle Kremer (2021–2025). The project is funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences/Heritage Science Austria. Kremer 2012, 404–406; Kremer 2014a, 81–86. On the origin of their names see Schwartz 1975, 406–423. Their identity as brothers is known from several inscriptions; see, e.g., an inscription from Ostia (CIL XIV, 4315 = AE 1911, 63 = CIMRM 308 = EDH028740). One of the lines of the inscription in the Santa Prisca Mithraeum in Rome identifies them as twin brothers, see Vermaseren – Van Essen 1965, 193. Analysis of the different stances of the torchbearers in Hinnells 1976, 38 f. E.g., some reliefs from the Danubian provinces show either Cautes or Cautopates or sometimes both holding two torches, see Sicoe 2014, 56–69; Pavel 2019, 175. additional attributes can appear associated with the torchbearers as well12. They are rarely omitted from the tauroctony scenes, in which they are depicted flanking the two main protagonists of the bull-slaying scene. On the monuments from the Italian peninsula, Cautes is usually depicted on the left-hand side and Cautopates on the right13. In the Danubian provinces, their position is often reversed, with Cautopates standing to the left and Cautes to the right of the bull-slaying scene14. Apart from the tauroctony, the torchbearers appear in other scenes as well, e.g. attending Mithras’ rockbirth, the so-called taurophory (bull-hauling), a banqueting scene, or the water miracle15. Other than that, they are also encountered installed as free-standing sculptures at various places inside the Mithraea and are mentioned in a number of inscriptions16. The torchbearers are often interpreted as a set of paired opposites, related to a range of astronomical and astrological phenomena17. Their symbolism is primarily associated with the identification of the tauroctony as a map of a solar journey18. First and foremost, they are identified as the two luminaries, Cautes as the sun and Cautopates as the moon, and as such they represent day and night, respectively. Furthermore, they symbolise the daily motion of the sun, in which Cautes with his raised torch represents the rising sun and Cautopates with his lowered torch the setting sun, with Mithras in the middle symbolising the culminating noon-sun. In the context of the sun’s annual journey, Cautes symbolises the arrival of spring and Cautopates of the autumn (the seasons of the two equinoxes), while Mithras represents the summer sun at the zenith of its annual course, where it reaches its strongest influence and greatest power19. Cautes is further associated with the zodiacal sign of spring, Taurus (indicated by the bull’s head sometimes carried by the torchbearer), and Cautopates with the sign of autumn, Scorpio (indicated by a scorpion he sometimes carries in his hands)20. In light of their seasonal symbolism, they are further associated with heat and cold, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 For the survey of the attributes associated with torchbearers see Hinnells 1976, 43–45. Hinnells 1976, 38–40. Hinnells 1976, 38–40. Hinnells 1976, 45–47. See below. Gordon 1976, 127–130; Beck 1977, 1–17; Beck 1982, 126–140; Clauss 2012, 93–95. Beck 2004, 235–249, with an overview of previous astronomical identifications. Beck 1994, 45. See, e.g., two statues from Sarmizegetusa, CIMRM 2120, 2122; also Szabó 2015, 237–247. NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 34. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 35. oldal Relief of a Cautopates from Carnuntum growth and decay, fertility and sterility, sprouting and harvest21. Furthermore, Cautes, with his upwardpointed torch, symbolises the soul’s ascent (apogenesis) into immortality, while Cautopates, with his downward-pointed torch, symbolises the soul’s descent (genesis) into mortality, i.e. (re)birth and life vs. death22. Carnuntum – the supraregional centre of the cult of Mithras Considering their omnipresence in almost every Mithraeum, it is not surprising that several sculptures and epigraphic monuments related to Cautes and Cautopates are preserved from Carnuntum. The capital of Pannonia superior was, as presumed, one of the earliest centres of the cult of Mithras in the western provinces, as indicated by inscriptions and monuments dated to the late 1st and early 2nd cent.23. Among the five24 so far presumed sanctuaries (pl. XVIII, fig. 2), the so-called Mithraeum III is one of the largest sanctuaries of Mithras known in the western provinces, measuring 23 metres in length (excluding the two anterooms) (pl. XVIII, fig. 3)25. The importance of the cult of Mithras for Carnuntum is further attested by the famous inscription on the so-called Altar of the four Emperors, rededicated by the tetrarchs to D(eus) S(ol) I(invictus) M(ithras), fautor imperii sui, on the occasion of the imperial conference which took place on 11 November, AD 30826. The inscription is the sole written evidence of an emperor’s official support for the cult of Mithras and the fact that the cult received such a formal recognition as late as in the 4th cent. shows the long-lasting importance of the cult for Carnuntum27. The capital city had an important role in the spread of the cult in its hinterland as well. Several monuments confirm the direct links between the individuals from Carnuntum and the establishment of Mithraic com- 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Gordon 1976, 127–129. Beck 1977, 2; Beck 2006, 107–112. On the early date of C. Sacidius Barbarus’ altar see Kremer 2012, 180 f. no. 352 pl. 108 (with previous lit.); 382–384; Kremer 2021b, 419. Also see the discussion by Gordon 2009, 393–395. Jobst 1998, 37. Only Mithraeum I and III are, for now, identified as such with certainty. On the so-called Mithraeum II see Kremer 2012, 331 f. (with previous lit.); Kremer 2021a, 255. On the so-called Mithraeum IV see Kremer 2012, 334 (with previous lit.); Kremer 2021a, 256. On the so-called Mithraeum V see Kremer 2012, 335; Kremer 2021a, 256. Kremer 2012, 332–334 (with previous lit.); Kremer 2021a, 251– 256. Kremer 2012, 179 f. no. 351 pls. 106. 107 (with previous lit.) = = EDH023078. Kremer 2021b, 419. 35 munities in its environs28. In Stixneusiedl, a smaller settlement located some 20 km southwest of Carnuntum, two seviri of the Colonia Carnuntum dedicated a large tauroctony relief pro salute Augustorum to deus invictus Mithras29. A decurio coloniae Karnunti and custos legionis of the legio XIV Gemina appear as dedicators in the Mithraeum in Fertörákos (Hungary), situated on the western shore of the Neusiedlersee, on the border between the territories of Carnuntum and Scarbantia30. The relief of Cautopates analysed in this text thus adds to the rich body of evidence of the cult of Mithras in Carnuntum, a supraregional centre of the cult. Torchbearers in Carnuntum Among the sculptural and epigraphic monuments related to the two torchbearers, two reliefs bear certain resemblances to the Cautopates relief which might help understand the original function of this relief. Apart from these two monuments, several other sculptures and dedications associated with Cautes and Cautopates are known from Carnuntum and will be considered here. Among the stone monuments recovered from Carnuntum’s first Mithraeum is a relief showing Cautopates (55 cm high × 32 cm wide × 21.1 cm deep) (pl. XIX, fig. 4)31. The Mithraeum I was located on the eastern edge of the canabae at the foot of Kirchenberg Hill, at the place called “am Stein” (pl. XVIII, fig. 2). The site, discovered in 1853, was unfortunately destroyed by modern quarrying activities, but, according to preserved descriptions, it was set up inside a rocky cave while some parts were constructed using brick32. It is presumed that the Mithraeum was already in use at the turn of the 1st and 2nd cent. and that it remained accessible up to the first half of the 4th cent.33. The relief shows some similarities to the Cautopates relief analysed in this text. The figure of the torchbearer is also rendered in high-relief and it is set against the smooth background plate. The torchbearer is missing his head, along with the neck, feet, and 28 29 30 31 32 33 Kremer 2021b, 419. Schön 1988, 67–71; CIL III, 4539 = CIMRM 1658. 1659 = EDH071894 = CIL III, 4236 = CIMRM 1637 = EDH036755 =; CIL III, 4238 = CIMRM 1638 = EDH037301 = On the Mithraeum from Fertörákos see Tóth 2007. Kremer 2012, 64 f. no. 81 pl. 30 (with previous lit.). Arneth 1853, 331–334; von Sacken 1853, 336–364; Kremer 2012, 330 f. (with previous lit.); Kremer 2021a, 251 f. See n. 19; Kremer 2012, 331. NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 35. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 36. oldal 36 Nirvana Silnović the lower part of the torch. He is likewise dressed in a belted tunic with sleeves, trousers, and a cloak, and has an analogous posture, save for the crossed legs. The relief is dated to the first half to mid-2nd cent.34. The exact find spot of the relief is unknown, as the excavation report was never published, but the similarities (here excluding the stylistic differences) between the two reliefs (size, type of the relief) point to their having a similar purpose. Apart from the sculptural monuments, six altars arranged in a semicircle were found inside Mithraeum I as well35. One of the altars has reliefs showing Cautopates and Cautes, set on the left and right sides of the shaft, respectively36. Both figures are wearing their usual attire and are shown in their characteristic posture with crossed legs, holding an uplifted (Cautes) and inverted (Cautopates) torch. The front of the altar bears an inscription that presumably mentions one of the torchbearers: D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) C(?) T(itus) Flavius Verecundus Cl(audia) Savaria >(centurio) leg(ionis) XIIII G(eminae) M(artiae) v(ictricis) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito) The final word in the first line was variously interpreted as C(autopati), C(auti), C(aute) or as C(onservatori)37. The latter version, C(onservatori), an epithet which one could imagine being associated with Mithras, creator, and protector of all living things, is actually unattested in the corpus of Mithraic inscriptions38. The epithet was previously identified on an altar from the Mithraeum “am Ballplatz” from Mainz39. However, the altar is preserved in a highly fragmented state and both the first and last parts of the word are missing ([conser]vato/[ri?); thus the proposed interpretation remains only a guess40. That 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Kremer 2012, 65. Arneth 1853, 333 no. 2; von Sacken 1853, 345 pl. I, 1; Kremer 2012. CIL III, 4416 = CIMRM 1671 = EDH071904 = = Kremer 2012, 182 no. 354 pl. 110 (with previous lit.). C(autopati) in CIL III, 04416 and Kremer 2012, 182 no. 354 pl. 110; C(auti) in EDH071904; C(aute) in CIMRM 1671 =; C(onservatori) in von Sacken – Kenner 1866, 56 f. no. 26a. Gordon 1998, 230. A recent search of the Epigraphic Database Heidelberg yielded no results (15.04.2023). AE 1979, 0426 = AE 1994, 1310 = AE 2008, 0968 = EDH008179 = = Huld-Zetsche 2008, 83 no. 566 pl. 76. Gordon further suggested that the word should be reconstructed as impera]tor[i, which does not match the legible letters preserved on the monument, on which vato is clearly visible, see being said, the solution C(onservatori) seems like the least probable one. Analogous examples for the first three interpretations are not easy to find either, despite the relatively large number of dedications associated with the torchbearers41. All three proposals referring to only one of the torchbearers seem like an odd choice as the altar bears relief depictions of both Cautes and Cautopates on its sides, and there seems to be no obvious reason why it would ultimately be dedicated to only one of them. The dedicatory formula D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Cautopati is encountered on an inscription from the Mithraeum in Friedberg (Germania superior)42. However, the inscription is set up on a base of a relief showing Cautopates, thus complementing the sculptural depiction43. Following this argument, a more suitable solution for the inscription on the altar from Carnuntum would be a word that complements a dedicatory formula to Mithras. Without obvious analogies, it is hard to offer a more suitable solution at this point. Inside the previously mentioned Mithraeum III, several monuments associated with torchbearers were discovered as well. This Mithraeum was located at the eastern end of the civilian settlement and a ground plan detailing all the finds was published along with the excavation report from 1895 (pl. XVIII, fig. 3)44. One of the important monuments from this Mithraeum, the previously mentioned Altar of the four Emperors, is not included in this report, but it is nevertheless assumed that it belonged to this sanctuary45. On the sides of this altar, there are reliefs showing Cautes and Cautopates. They are shown wearing the typical dress, standing with their legs set parallel to each other, and holding a lowered and a raised torch, respectively. The representation is interesting for an 41 42 43 44 45 Gordon 1998, 230. However, he is correct in stating that the epithet is not attested for Mithras. An altar from Lanchaster (Longovicium, Britannia), apparently bearing a dedication Deo M(ithrae)/C(auto)p(ati) S(oli) I(nvicto) is often cited as an analogy, see CIL VII, 00650 = CIMRM 836 = RIB 1082 = EDH070311; Kremer 2012, 182. However, the monument’s Mithraic character was long doubted and it was recently suggested that it bears a dedication to Mars instead; see < ecatalogue.517930> (15.04.2023). CIL XIII, 07297 = CIMRM 1056 = EDH041961 = This relief was found together with another relief depicting Cautes, which is missing its base, CIMRM 1056 = It is, however, highly possible that the relief contained a similar dedication to Cautes on its lost base. Reichel et al. 1895, 19–51 fig. A1. Kremer 2012, 179 f. no. 351 pls. 106. 107 (with previous lit.) = = EDH023078. NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 36. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 37. oldal Relief of a Cautopates from Carnuntum additional attribute associated with Cautes. Besides the torch, in his lowered left hand he is holding three ears of corn46. Cautopates does not have any additional attribute in his left hand. Ears of corn are not a distinctive attribute for Cautes but appear associated with both torchbearers47. They also often appear in tauroctony scenes, sprouting from a dying bull’s tail or emerging from the wound on his neck, symbolising the (re)birth of life after death and the fecundity of the earth secured by the creative sacrifice performed by Mithras48. As such, they announce the resurgence of spring and the beginning of the creative period of nature49. The altar was rededicated on the occasion of the imperial conference in which the future of the Tetrarchy was decided50. The inscription indicates the restoration of a sanctuary (most probably of Mithraeum III) and names Mithras as a protector of endangered state order51. The bundle of ears of corn held by Cautes can thus be interpreted as signalling the period of growth and renewal procured by the tetrarchs. From the same Mithraeum comes another interesting monument, analogous to the Cautopates relief analysed in this text. A relief showing Cautes (82 cm high × 51 cm wide × max. 33 cm deep, pl. XIX, fig. 5) was discovered in the area of the right podium wall, close to the entrance to the cella (pl. XVIII, fig. 3, marked with the letter p)52. Aside from the stylistic differences and the fact it shows Cautes instead of Cautopates; the relief bears strong resemblances to the Cautes relief from Mithraeum I and to the Cautopates relief discussed in this text. A high-relief depiction of the torchbearer is placed against the smooth background plate, and despite the missing parts (head and neck, parts of the legs and feet, parts of the hands and the torch), the recognisable dress and posture reveal it depicts Cautes. His legs were probably crossed and the figure is set in a three-quarter view to the left. Thus, all three reliefs belong to the same type of sculpture, showing one of the torchbearers in high-relief set against the smooth relief plate in a three-quarter view either to the left or to the right. Moreover, they are all of similar size, wherein the Cautopates (max. 45 cm high) and the Cautes from Mithraeum I (max. 55 cm high) are most 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Or a twig with three pointed ends, see Kremer 2012, 180. Hinnells 1976, 44 f. Gordon 2017, 118 f. Insler 1978, 535. Kremer 2021a, 254. Kremer 2012, 179 f. no. 351. Kremer 2012, 64 no. 80 pl. 30 (with previous lit.) = 22606. 37 similar, while the Cautes from Mithraeum III is somewhat taller (max. 82 cm high). The Mithraeum III was, according to the excavation report from 1895, violently destroyed and the original placement of some of the sculptures must be taken with caution53. Nevertheless, based on several comparative finds, it is highly probable that the relief was found close to its original placement. Inside Mithraeum I from Poetovio, a pair of altars dedicated to the torchbearers were discovered near the entrance to the cella54. An altar dedicated to Cautopates was installed against the podium wall to the left of the entrance, while Cautes’ altar was placed on the opposite side, set against the right podium wall, facing the aisle55. The altars are accompanied by the smaller altars which carried the statuettes of Cautopates and Cautes, unfortunately no longer preserved56. The two reliefs depicting Cautes and Cautopates from the Mithraeum in Friedberg belong to a similar type as well. They were found at the south corner of the sanctuary, where they were probably installed against the podia walls, close to the entrance to the cella57. A similar arrangement of torchbearers reliefs was reconstructed at Mithraeum II from Güglingen (Germania superior) too, where they were placed at the beginning of the podia, Cautopates to the left of the entrance and Cautes to the right, facing the aisle of the cella58. Moreover, it seems they were installed leaning against the podium wall, as indicated by their roughly processed reverses (similar to the back of the Cautopates relief from Carnuntum, see pl. XVII, fig. 1 c)59. A similar arrangement can be reconstructed in Mithraeum III in Carnuntum as well. Besides the relief showing Cautes, two altars were discovered near the entrance to the cella, set against the left and right 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Reichel et al. 1895, 19–51; Kremer 2012, 332–334 fig. 15; Kremer 2021a, 252–254. Cautes: Vomer Gojkovič – Djurić – Lovenjak 2011, 44 f. no. 8 = CIL III, 14354, 31 = CIMRM 1499 = EDH068775 = Cautopates: Vomer Gojkovič – Djurić – Lovenjak 2011, 46 f. no. 9 = CIL III, 14354, 32 = CIMRM 1505 = EDH068776 = 9239. Vomer Gojkovič – Djurić – Lovenjak 2011, 45. 47. Cautes: Vomer Gojkovič – Djurić – Lovenjak 2011, 48 f. no. 10 = CIL III, 14354, 33 = CIMRM 1501 = EDH068777 = Cautopates: Vomer Gojkovič – Djurić – Lovenjak 2011, 50 f. no. 11 = CIL III, 14354, 34 = CIMRM 1503 = EDH068778 = CIMRM 1055. Such reliefs were also installed against the back wall of the cella, flanking the cult image, see, e.g., Mithraeum I in Stockstadt, CIMRM 1158; CIMRM 1163 =; CIMRM 1164. 1165 = EDH042523 = Also in the Mithraeum in Saarburg (Pons Saravi, Gallia), CIMRM 968. 969. Siemers-Klenner 2020, 146 f. Siemers-Klenner 2020, 146 f. NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 37. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 38. oldal 38 Nirvana Silnović podium walls and facing the central aisle (pl. XVIII, figs. 3 i. n)60. Furthermore, a statuette showing Cautopates (max. 72 cm high × max. 35 cm wide × 32 cm deep) was found close to the altar on the left side podium (pl. XVIII, fig. 3 l; pl. XX, fig. 6)61. Although the statuette seems to correspond in size and style to the figure of Cautes found on the opposite side, in contrast to the Cautes relief, it is apparently a full sculpture without a continuous background plate62. The statuette could have been installed on the left podium wall, above the altar, analogous to the arrangement in Mithareum I in Poetovio. If the symmetrical arrangement is presumed for the left and right podia, then the relief plate depicting Cautes could have been installed on the front wall of the podium, facing the entrance to the cella. The two reliefs showing torchbearers from Güglingen bear some similarities to the three reliefs from Carnuntum (Cautopates, Cautes from Mithraeum I and Cautes from Mithraeum III): both figures, here rendered in semi-plastic, are set against a smooth relief plate and stand on small plinths. Based on the analogies with the Güglingen reliefs, a similar function and placement of the three reliefs from Carnuntum can be assumed as well. As illustrated by the previously discussed examples, the arrangement of the torchbearers at the ends of the side podia, close to the entrance to the cella, appears to follow a fixed positioning of Cautopates on the left and Cautes on the right, irrespective of their positions on the cult images63. According to Richard Gordon’s analysis of the sacred topography of a Mithraeum, the side podia correspond to the north (left-hand bench) and south (righthand bench)64. Within this grid, Mithras is set on the line of equinoxes (Porphyry, De Antro, 24–25), with north on his right and south on his left65. The association of the left podium (north) with Cautopates thus corresponds with the side of the Mithraeum in which the soul descends into the genesis, while the right podium (south) is associated with Cautes and corresponds to the side in which the soul ascends into apogenesis66. Thus, following the sacred geography of a Mithraeum, the Cautopates relief from Carnuntum would have been placed against the left podium, 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Kremer 2012, 188 f. nos. 369. 370 pl. 116 (with previous lit.). Kremer 2012, 63 f. no. 79 pl. 30 (with previous lit.). Kremer 2012, 63 f. Examples of Mithraea where the torchbearers are installed at the beginning of podia in Campbell 1968, 42. See the discussion by Gordon 1976, 127–129. Gordon 1976, 127 f. Gordon 1976, 127. Gordon 1976, 128. while the two Cautes reliefs from Mithraeum I and Mithraeum III would have been placed against the right podium, as additionally indicated by the find spot of the relief from Mithraeum III. The two reliefs depicting Cautes and Cautopates from Mithraeum II in Güglingen are further interesting because of the peculiar mode of their representation. While the torchbearers are generally depicted dressed, on these two reliefs they are shown naked. Siemers-Klenner, however, assumes that their original impression might have been slightly different, due to the traces of stucco that once carried a layer of paint. Still, the fact that the reliefs were painted does not mean that the paint was used to imitate their clothes, as Siemers-Klenner implies. The two figures have their genitals exposed, indicating that the original intention was indeed to depict them naked, and the paint was most probably used to imitate the skin tones. Another naked depiction of one of the torchbearers, Cautes, was found in Carnuntum (pl. XX, fig. 7)67. A frontal view of the figure, preserved only to its chest, is set inside a shallow rectangular niche with its head tilted slightly to the left (40 cm high × max. 49.8 cm wide × 14.3 cm deep). In front of the lowered upper right arm, there is an upright torch, and the torchbearer wears a Phrygian cap on his head. However, such a frontal depiction of a naked male figure wearing a Phrygian cap and holding an upright torch is possibly more reminiscent of the scene of Mithras’ rockbirth. In the majority of the representations, Mithras is depicted nude, wearing only a Phrygian cap and usually holding an uplifted torch and a knife in his arms68. If it were not for the naked torchbearers from Mithraeum II in Güglingen, the figure on the relief from Carnuntum would have been hard to identify as Cautes, as analogies for nude depictions of the torchbearers are few in number. The statue of Cautes from the Mithraeum at S. Prisca in Rome is in fact a reworked statue of Mercury and shows the naked torchbearer wearing only a shoulder cape (the head is missing)69. The position of its hands indicates that the figure once held a now missing upward-facing torch. Although the statue was not originally intended as a nude depiction of Cautes, the fact that the stucco additions on this statue did not include the characteristic clothes means that such a naked representation 67 68 69 Kremer 2012, 110 f. no. 201 pl. 58. On the iconography of Mithras’ rock birth see Vermaseren 1951, 285–301; Clauss 2012, 65–72. For a comparison see, e.g., or Vermaseren – Van Essen 1965, 133 pl. LXXVI. NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 38. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 39. oldal Relief of a Cautopates from Carnuntum was imaginable and acceptable for the Mithraic community70. Since, however, the naked torchbearers from Mithraeum II in Güglingen open up the possibility of identifying the figure from Carnuntum as Cautes as well, it raises an interesting question of how to interpret such depictions of the torchbearers. In her analysis, Siemers-Klenner raises a compelling analogy with the Dioscuri, Castor, and Pollux71. The twin half-brothers are usually depicted as nude youths, save for the cloaks and conical caps (piloi), carrying spears in their hands and are often accompanied by their horses72. Piloi, the vestige of the eggs from which the Dioscuri hatched, symbolise the two celestial spheres, Olympus and Hades73. The dual nature of the Dioscuri, alternating between life and death, mortality and immortality, day and night, etc., can be compared to the transitory nature of the Mithraic torchbearers, who are similarly perceived as mediators between the two worlds74. The two piloi topped with stars can be recognised on the mosaic floor in the Mithraeum of Felicissimus in Ostia, where they are depicted at the beginning of the podia75. The placement of the hats thus overlaps with the placement of the two torchbearers, here depicted in mosaic at the ends of the side podia76. Since the Dioscuri shared important properties with the torchbearers, they could easily have been associated with each other by the followers of Mithras and integrated into the iconographic programme of the mosaic floor. A similar association with one of the Dioscuri might have been expressed by the relief of Cautes from Carnuntum as well. Besides its nudity, the figure wears a hat that reminds us more of a conical pilos than of the 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Two statues supposedly depicting naked torchbearers were found in Mérida, at the so-called Cerro de San Albín (Augusta Emerita, Hispania). However, the statues were found together with a large number of heterogeneous sculptures whose Mithraic character is not ascertained, see Alvar 2018, 99 f. no. = CIMRM 775; 107–109 no. = CIMRM 788; on the circumstances of the finding of the sculpture see the discussion by Romero Mayorga 2018, 176–178. The Mithraic character of the two statuettes presumably showing naked torchbearers from Boulogne-sur-Mer (Gesoriacum, Gallia Belgica) cannot be ascertained either, see CIMRM 951; SiemersKlenner 2020, 148. Siemers-Klenner 2020, 149 f. Gartell 2021, 6–8. Cautes and Cautopates are depicted holding a spear (attribute of the Dioscuri) along with their torches on a tauroctony relief from Syria, see De Jong 1997, 57. This is a unique depiction of the Mithraic torchbearers holding a spear. Gartell 2021, 102. For a detailed survey of the iconographic similarities between the Dioscuri and the Mithraic torchbearers see Blakely 2018, 427–463; also Siemers-Klenner 2020, 149 f. CIMRM 299. CIMRM 299. 39 Phrygian hat (pl. XX, fig. 7). On a relief found in Vienna (Vienna Allobrogum, Gallia), the Dioscuri seem to assume the position of the torchbearers (only the Dioscuri on the left-hand side is preserved) as they are depicted flanking the standing figure of Aion77. Another instance of the presence of the Dioscuri in the Mithraic context is a relief found in the Mithraeum in Ober-Florstadt (Germania superior) with a depiction of naked twin brothers, wearing shouldercapes and piloi, with spears and shields in their hands78. The exact circumstances of the discovery of the relief showing naked Cautes from Carnuntum are not known and it was suggested that it might have been linked to the so-called Mithraeum II (pl. XVIII, fig. 2)79. However, it was recently suggested that this complex, located at the western end of the canabae, within a sacred area in the vicinity of a temple of Jupiter Dolichenus, might have served as a meeting and banqueting room associated with this sanctuary80. Thus, the original context of this relief remains unknown for now. The original context of the Cautopates relief discussed in this text is not easy to guess either. Since the relief was reportedly found in the civilian settlement, near Petronell Castle, the only possible sanctuary here that it could have been associated with is the so-called Mithraeum IV (pl. XVIII, fig. 2)81. The room with side podia was discovered in 1891, linked to a larger complex in which a number of votive inscriptions dedicated to Silvanus and the Quadriviae were found82. However, due to the lack of Mithraic finds from the site, the three-aisled room was most likely a banqueting room, rather than a Mithraeum83. The second closest option is Mithraeum III, located just outside the walls of the civilian settlement (pl. XVIII, fig. 2). The sculptural equipment of this Mithraeum belongs to at least two phases. A bulk of the sculptures, including the large tauroctony relief and the so-called Four Seasons altar, seem to be products of the same workshop and, based on their style and iconography, can be dated to the Severan period84. The sanctuary underwent another renovation phase at the beginning of the 4th cent. (see earlier in 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 CIMRM 902; Walters 1974, 76–78 no. 16. CIMRM 1079; Schwertheim 1974, 55 no. 50. e. Kremer 2012, 111. 331 f.; Kremer 2021a, 255. Gassner 2005, 70–90; Kandler 2011; Kremer 2012, 331 f.; Kremer 2021a, 255. See note 24; Kandler 1986, 143–168; Kremer 2012, 334; Kremer 2014b, 121–136. Kremer 2012, 341–344 (with previous lit.). Kremer 2021a, 255 f. Kremer 2012, 405; Kremer 2014a, 85. NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 39. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 40. oldal 40 Nirvana Silnović the text), which, however, seems too late for the Cautopates relief. While it is not easy to assess the stylistic characteristic of the Cautopates relief without its head and feet, the relief does not seem to fit into the Severan period either. This sculpture is characterised by plump body shapes, with faces with soft cheeks, bulging lips, and large eyes85. Cautopates’ slim fingers differ from these seemingly inflated body parts, while his legs appear muscular. If the logic of proximity is followed and it is assumed that the relief comes from Mithraeum III, then it is certainly earlier than the Severan period, when the Mithraeum was renovated. Mithraeum III was presumably already built in the 1st or around the turn of the 2nd cent., which is too early for the Cautopates relief. The only possibility would be that it was part of the sculptural decoration before the renovations in the Severan period, but, due to the lack of comparative material from the sanctuary, this remains only a vague guess. Another possibility is that the relief is proof of another Mithraeum that existed in the civilian settlement, whose exact location is unknown at the moment. Apart from the Cautopates relief, it is not possible to associate a number of Mithraic monuments from Carnuntum with the Mithraea confirmed to date, thus indicating that other Mithraic temples existed here as well86. The new Cautopates relief thus adds to the rich material evidence of the cult in Carnuntum and shows that it is for future discoveries to broaden our understanding of the cult in the Pannonian capital. Summary A new relief showing Cautopates is published here. The sculpture belongs to the large corpus of monuments associated with the cult of Mithras in Carnuntum, and the aim of the text was to examine and contextualise the sculpture against this background. The iconography of the Mithraic torchbearers, Cautes and Cautopates, is briefly discussed, based on which it was possible to identify the figure on the relief. Based on its stylistic characteristics, an approximate dating to the second half of the 2nd cent. AD is proposed. The text further examined all the relevant monuments associated with the Cautes and Cautopates from Carnuntum. The comparative analysis with sculptures bearing similar depictions allowed the possible function of the relief to be deduced. It was most likely installed at the end of the left podium, close to the entrance to the cella. Since the relief was not found in situ, it is not possible to associate it with absolute certainty with any of the known Mithraea from Carnuntum. 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NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 41. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 42. oldal 42 Nirvana Silnović List of illustrations pl. XVII–XX Figs. 1 a–d: Courtesy of G. Kremer, photos edited by E. Profant; fig. 2: Kremer 2012, fig. 13; edited by N. Silnović; fig. 3: Reichel et al. 1895, fig. A1; figs. 4–7: Courtesy of G. Kremer. Address: Nirvana Silnović, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Archaeological Institute, Dominikanerbastei 16, A-1010 Vienna, [email protected] NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 42. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 101. oldal TAFELN NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 101. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 102. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 102. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 103. oldal Julia Klammer TAFEL I Abb. 1: Das Untersuchungsgebiet im nördlichen Teil des Dunkelsteinerwaldes, südwestlich von Krems an der Donau in Niederösterreich Abb. 2: Das Untersuchungsgebiet mit Kartierungen des Kastells Favianis, der Burgi, römischer Fundpunkte und in einem Teilbereich auch von im Relief erhaltenen Wegstrukturen, die auf Basis von flugzeuggetragenen Laserscandaten (hier ca. 570 km an Wegen) kartiert wurden. NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 103. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 104. oldal TAFEL II Julia Klammer Abb. 3: Weg-Gehzeit-Funktionsgrafik Abb. 4: Gehzeitraster in Minuten pro Meter NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 104. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 105. oldal Julia Klammer TAFEL III Abb. 5: Detailansicht der Abflusseigenschaften des Geländes südwestlich von Mauternbach: blau = Akkumulation des Oberflächenwassers; rot = Bereiche eigentlicher Fehlleitungen des Oberflächenwassers (Wasserrohre unter Überführungen konnten nicht berücksichtigt werden). Abb. 6: Detailansicht der Berechnung der Abflusslinien (dunkelblau) inklusive Pufferumgebung (hellblau) für die Feuchtgebietsabgrenzung und damit schwieriger zu betretendes Gelände südwestlich von Mauternbach (rot = tatsächlicher Abflussverlauf, der aufgrund der Höheninformationen im DGM nicht erhoben werden konnte). NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 105. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 106. oldal TAFEL IV Julia Klammer Abb. 7: Berechnung der Abflusslinien (dunkelblau) inklusive Pufferumgebung (hellblau) für die Erhebung von Feuchtzonen im Untersuchungsgebiet Abb. 8: Kostenentfernungsraster vom Quellpunkt Kastell Favianis NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 106. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 107. oldal Julia Klammer TAFEL V Abb. 9: Kostenrückverknüpfungsraster vom Quellpunkt Kastell Favianis Abb. 10: Ergebnisse der Kostenpfadberechnungen auf Basis des generierten Kostenentfernungs- und Kostenrückverknüpfungsrasters NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 107. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 108. oldal TAFEL VI Julia Klammer Abb. 11: Profildiagramm der Kostenpfade ausgehend vom Kastell Favianis (0 m) zu den Burgi: Bacharnsdorf (blau), St. Lorenz (rot) und Windstallgraben (grün) Abb. 12: Kostenpfade mit Markierungen von archäologisch relevanten Fundstellen NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 108. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 109. oldal Julia Klammer TAFEL VII Abb. 13: Reliefschummerung des Detailbereiches bei der Fundstelle Nr. 3; ohne kartierte Wege (o.) und mit kartierten Wegen (u.) NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 109. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 110. oldal TAFEL VIII Julia Klammer Abb. 14: Geleisstraße auf der Flur Steinplatte (Aufnahmedatum: 18.04.2012) Abb. 15: l.: Norisch-pannonische Grabhügelgruppe; r.: Geleisspur auf der Flur „Zu den Sieben Gräbern“ (Aufnahmedatum: 27.03.2012) NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 110. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 111. oldal TAFEL IX Fig. 1: Distribution map of the find objects at the site of Lauriacum/Enns Barbara Kainrath – Eva Thysell NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 111. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 112. oldal TAFEL X Barbara Kainrath – Eva Thysell Fig. 2: Alternative fixing methods: a) rivet holes in the corners, b) still preserved iron rivets Fig. 4: Fitting, originally form 3, reworked by inserting a hole to create form 2 Fig. 3: Schematic illustration of the different forms NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 112. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 113. oldal Barbara Kainrath – Eva Thysell Fig. 5: Reconstruction drawing of a local variant of the military belt from Lauriacum/Enns Fig. 6: Fitting, originally form 1, trimmed for conversion to fitting form 2 NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 113. oldal TAFEL XI NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 114. oldal TAFEL XII Barbara Kainrath – Eva Thysell Fig. 7: Found object of a fitting together with buckle. The trimming of the fitting to create the lug is clearly visible. Fig. 8: Detailed view of the corner formation of the beaded rim fittings NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 114. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 115. oldal Barbara Kainrath – Eva Thysell Fig. 9: Distribution map of previously known finds of beaded rim fittings Fig. 10: Photo and drawing of the decoration of a fitting with the Dioscuri NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 115. oldal TAFEL XIII NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 116. oldal TAFEL XIV Barbara Kainrath – Eva Thysell Fig. 11: Find objects from Lauriacum/Enns, form 1 NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 116. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 117. oldal Barbara Kainrath – Eva Thysell Fig. 12: Find objects from Lauriacum/Enns, forms 2–4 NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 117. oldal TAFEL XV NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 118. oldal TAFEL XVI Barbara Kainrath – Eva Thysell Fig. 13: Find objects from other find sites, different form variations NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 118. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 119. oldal TAFEL XVII Nirvana Silnović a b c d Fig. 1 a–d: A new relief showing Cautopates from Carnuntum NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 119. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 120. oldal TAFEL XVIII Nirvana Silnović Fig. 2: Plan of the city of Carnuntum with the locations of its Mithraea Fig. 3: Ground plan of Mithraeum III with the find spots of the monuments indicated NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 120. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 121. oldal Nirvana Silnović Fig. 4: Relief showing Cautopates, Mithraeum I Fig. 5: Relief showing Cautes, Mithraeum III NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 121. oldal TAFEL XIX NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 122. oldal TAFEL XX Nirvana Silnović Fig. 6: Statuette of Cautopates, Mithraeum III Fig. 7: Relief showing Cautes NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 122. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 123. oldal Gabrielle Kremer et al. Abb. 1: Blick in das Lapidarium des Museums Carnuntinum (2023) Abb. 2: Löwenaufsatz, Landessammlungen NÖ Inv.-Nr. CAR-S-907 NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 123. oldal TAFEL XXI NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 124. oldal TAFEL XXII Gabrielle Kremer et al. Abb. 3: Blick in die „Mithrasgrotte“ des Museums Carnuntinum mit Farbprojektion auf das Mithrasrelief (2013) Abb. 4: Objekte der Sammlung Abensperg-Traun in der Sala Terrena des Schlosses Petronell (um 1900) NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 124. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 125. oldal Gabrielle Kremer et al. Abb. 5: Löwenaufsatz in der Sala Terrena des Schlosses Petronell (um 1900) Abb. 6: Linke vordere Ecke des Löwenaufsatzes, Landessammlungen NÖ Inv.-Nr. CAR-S-907 NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 125. oldal TAFEL XXIII NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 126. oldal TAFEL XXIV Gabrielle Kremer et al. Abb. 7: Zerstörungsfreie Messung der Oberfläche mittels portabler Röntgenfluoreszenz-Analyse aufbauend auf den Daten der Multispektraluntersuchungen Abb. 8: Multispektralaufnahmen des Löwenaufsatzes Inv.-Nr. CAR-S-907: a) sichtbares (VIS), b) nahinfrarotes (IRR) und c) ultraviolettes reflektiertes Licht (UVR), d) mit sichtbarem Licht induzierte sichtbare Lumineszenz (VIVL) höherer Intensität als jene am 99 % Reflexions-Standard, e) Infrarot- (IRFC) und f) Ultraviolett-Falschfarbenbild, g) sichtbar induzierte Infrarot(IRL) und h) ultraviolett-induzierte sichtbare Lumineszenz (UVL) mit geringer Verunreinigung durch reflektiertes Licht NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 126. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 127. oldal Gabrielle Kremer et al. TAFEL XXV Abb. 9: Multispektralaufnahmen der Augen der zentralen Figur: a) sichtbares (VIS), b) ultraviolettes reflektiertes Licht (UVR), c) sichtbar induzierte Infrarot- (IRL) und d) ultraviolett-induzierte sichtbare Lumineszenz (UVL) Abb. 10: Ein mittels p-RFA erhaltenes Spektrum charakteristischer Röntgenstrahlung an einer mittels MSI lokalisierten Retuschestelle zeigt ein deutliches Signal des Elements Titan (Ti). NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 127. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 128. oldal TAFEL XXVI Gabrielle Kremer et al. Abb. 11: Querschliffe im LM- (l.) und REM-Bild (r.) entnommener Proben – a) im äußeren Winkel des linken Auges des linken Löwen: helle Kalkglätte als Grundierung, 50 μm Rotocker, etwas Gelbocker und Grüne Erde in Kalkbindung, 5 µm Retusche mit u. a. Schwerspat und Titanweiß; b) in der Mähne des linken Löwen: helle Kalkschlämme, 50 µm Gelbocker in Kalkbindung; c) im Bart der Figur: zwei- bis dreilagig aufgetragene Kalkglätte, 50 μm Rot- und Gelbocker sowie etwas Grüne Erde in Kalkbindung; d) im Rücken des rechten Löwen: Reste einer ockerfarbigen Kalkfassung; e) an der Vorderseite des rechten Löwen: Kalkglätte, 100 µm Gelbocker in versinterter Kalkbindung; f) in der Mähne des rechten Löwen: Kalkglätte/ -tünche, 30 µm Gelbocker in Kalkbindung, leichte Vergipsung; g) in der roten Kopfbedeckung: zweilagige Kalkglätte, 10 µm Rotocker in vergipster Kalkbindung; h) Mähne an der Pranke des linken Löwen: Kalkglätte, 100 µm Gelb- und Rotocker in Kalkbindung, 100 µm Abtönung mit Kohlenschwarz in Kalkbindung; i) im rechten Auge des linken Löwen: Kalkschlämme/ -tünche, 50 µm Rot- und Gelbocker in Kalkbindung; j) in der Mähne des rechten Löwen: 200 µm Kittung mit Kreide, diversen Silikaten; leicht abgetönt mit Ruß- oder Kohlepartikeln, dünne Übermalung mit Titanweiß und Schwerspat sowie diversen Ockertönen. Abb. 12: Übersicht über die am Löwenaufsatz entnommenen Proben NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 128. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 129. oldal Gabrielle Kremer et al. Abb. 13: Verbreitungskarte der gesondert gearbeiteten Löwenaufsätze (basierend auf der Bilddatenbank „Ubi erat Lupa“ und der in diesem Beitrag zitierten Literatur) Abb. 14: Grabstele eines decurio und IIvir iure dicundo aus Poetovio, sog. Pettauer Pranger NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 129. oldal TAFEL XXVII NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 130. oldal TAFEL XXVIII Gabrielle Kremer et al. Abb. 15: Zwei Löwen von einem Stelenaufsatz aus der Gräberstraße südlich der Zivilstadt von Carnuntum (Grabung BDA), derzeit im Museum Carnuntinum Abb. 16: Grabstele des L. Aurelius Celer aus Carnuntum im KHM Wien, Inv.-Nr. III 34 NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 130. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 131. oldal Gabrielle Kremer et al. Abb. 17: Detail des Löwenaufsatzes Inv.-Nr. CAR-S-907 aus Carnuntum Abb. 18: Löwenaufsatz aus Bad Waltersdorf NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 131. oldal TAFEL XXIX NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 132. oldal Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer Abb. 1: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt: Interpretation der geophysikalischen Messergebnisse und Verlauf der Notgrabung 1976 mit Markierung der Befundbereiche ZivSt1–ZivSt5 TAFEL XXX NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 132. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 133. oldal Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer TAFEL XXXI Abb. 2: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereich ZivSt3 (Sektor 5/6, lfm 0–10, Sektor 6/7, lfm 40–50): Darstellung von unterschiedlichen Tiefenbereichen der Bodenradarmessung (l.) und deren archäologische Interpretation (r.). Deutlich zu erkennen sind die durch die Baukünette zerstörten Befunde (Mitte), die Leitung (o.) und die Sohle der Künette (u.). NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 133. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 134. oldal TAFEL XXXII Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer Abb. 3: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereiche ZivSt2–ZivSt5: Interpretation der geophysikalischen Messungen (GPR) und Grabungsergebnisse. Die Punkte P1–P9 entsprechen den Messpunkten der Notgrabung 1976 (Sektoren 0/1–8/9). NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 134. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 135. oldal Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer TAFEL XXXIII Abb. 4: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereiche ZivSt2–ZivSt5: Interpretation der geophysikalischen Messungen (GPR) und Grabungsergebnisse. Mit Zahlencodes hervorgehoben sind die im Text erwähnten (Wohn-)Einheiten. NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 135. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 136. oldal TAFEL XXXIV Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer Abb. 5: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereiche ZivSt2–ZivSt5: Graustufendarstellung der Ergebnisse des Bodenradars in einem Tiefenbereich von 80 bis 140 cm NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 136. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 137. oldal Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 137. oldal TAFEL XXXV Abb. 6: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereich ZivSt1: Interpretation der geophysikalischen Messungen (GPR) und Grabungsergebnisse. Die Punkte P10–P19 entsprechen den Messpunkten der Notgrabung 1976 (Sektoren 9/10–19/20). NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 138. oldal TAFEL XXXVI Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer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bb. 7: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereiche ZivSt1–ZivSt5: Funde (Typenvertreter) aus der Notgrabung 1976 (Sektor 1/2–18/19) NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 138. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 139. oldal TAFEL XXXVII Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer GSTC0&.#$#%&.OO.@#9U#,VOL&?.43 GSTC0&.#$#U.@L&'4#8G;D.@?RC.L#=9 ,>?OT'4?.43 GSTC0&.#$#%&.OO.@#87 ,U'.L?R'3 $ " # % $ ! " # 4#5#8 4#5#= 4#5#= !"#$#%&'()#*+#,-./0123 !"#$#%&'()#8+ ,-./0123 !"#$#%&'()#** ,-./0123 4#5#8 4#5#89 4#5#6= 4#5#67+ !"#$#%&'()#*+#,>.?@?(.4A.&(3 !"#$#%&'()#*:#,-./0123 4#5#8 4#5#* !"#$#%&'()#*9#,-./0123 !"#$#%&'()#6:;*6#,-./0123 4#5#= 4#5#+8 4#5#< NF#J;02#$#E'OO4.&#6PP7 !'J)#P;9P#,BQL?ORC3 NF#J;02#$#E'OO4.&#6PP7 !'J)#*;*8 NF#J;02#$#D.L/4.M#8777 !'J)#*:;6<:8 4#5#8 4#5#8 4#5#8 DEF#$#GH@.&$FI@J@#"K#9;6 !"#$#%&'()#<= ,-./0123 !"#$#%&'()#*+#,BC.?4/'A.&43 4#5#8 ! " # !"#$#%&'()#*< ,-./0123 DEF#$#GH@.&$FI@J@#"K#9;8 DEF#$#GH@.&$FI@J@#!.#8;= EE#J;&.H#$#D.L/4.M !'J)#87;6:<+ 4#5#67 4#5#< 4#5#8 4#5#8 EE#J;&.H#$#D.L/4.M !'J)#87;6:69 EE#J;&.H#$#D.L/4.M !'J)#87;6:7= EE#J;&.H#$#D.L/4.M !'J)#87;6:8= EE#J;&.H#$#D.L/4.M !'J)#87;6+:: 4#5#* 4#5#+ 4#5#6< 4#5#= W#6X67 Abb. 8: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereiche ZivSt1–ZivSt5: Funde (Typenvertreter) aus der Notgrabung 1976 (Sektor 1/2–18/19) NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 139. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 140. oldal TAFEL XXXVIII Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer !"#$%&'#(#!)**+,-#.%5 !"#$%&'#(#!-7+,8)9: .565#;)$<#46%3 !"#$%&'#(#!-7+,8)9: .565#;)$<#4J%3 +#0#41 +#0#4 +#0#4 !"#$%&'#(#!)**+,-#.%44 !"#$%&'#(#!)**+,-#4%4 !"#$%&'#(#!)**+,-#.%/ +#0#/1 !"#$%&'#(#!-7+,8)9: .565#;)$<#/2%.3 !"#$%&'#(#!-7+,8)9: .565#;)$<#4J%6 ! 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Kap. Methodische Vorgehensweise) NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 160. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 161. oldal TAFEL LIX Ende: spätes 4. Jh./um 400 Beginn: um 70/100 Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer Befundbereich ZivSt3 Befundbereich ZivSt4 Befundbereich ZivSt5 Abb. 30: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereiche ZivSt3–ZivSt5: aoristische Verteilung des Fundmaterials aus der Notgrabung 1976 Befundbereiche ZivSt3, ZivSt4 und ZivSt5: blau = FKZ/FMKZ (n = 348), rot = SPA (n = 1.119) 0,4 0,5 0,55 0,6 0,65 0,7 0,75 0,8 0,85 0,9 0,95 1 1,05 Tiefe bis ... (m) 1,1 1,2 1,25 Anzahl 1,3 2.5 1,35 5.0 1,4 7.5 1,45 1,5 1,55 1,6 1,65 1,7 1,75 1,8 1,9 1,95 2 2,1 2,3 2,45 2,8 2,9 2,4 2,3 2,10 1,9 1,8 1,75 1,7 1,68 1,6 1,55 1,5 1,4 1,35 1,3 1,25 1,2 1,1 1,05 1 0,95 0,9 0,88 0,85 0,8 0,75 0,7 0,65 0,6 0,55 0,5 0,4 0,3 0 Tiefe ab ... (m) Abb. 31: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereiche ZivSt3–ZivSt5: Verteilung der früh- und frühmittelkaiserzeitlichen sowie der spätantiken Funde hinsichtlich ihrer (angeblichen) Fundtiefen NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 161. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 162. oldal TAFEL LX Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer 20 580−600 560−580 540−560 520−540 500−520 480−500 460−480 440−460 420−440 400−420 380−400 360−380 340−360 320−340 300−320 280−300 260−280 240−260 220−240 200−220 180−200 160−180 140−160 120−140 100−120 60−80 80−100 40−60 0−20 20−40 0 10 Total probability density 30 Befundbereich ZivSt3 (Sektor 5/6−6/ ): ehm ie elhau (n = 319) Abb. 32: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereich ZivSt3: aoristische Verteilung des Fundmaterials aus dem Umfeld des Lehmziegelgebäudes 1.5 1.0 580−600 560−580 540−560 520−540 500−520 480−500 460−480 440−460 420−440 400−420 380−400 360−380 340−360 320−340 300−320 280−300 260−280 240−260 220−240 200−220 180−200 160−180 140−160 120−140 100−120 80−100 60−80 40−60 0−20 20−40 0.0 0.5 Total probability density 2.0 2.5 Befundbereich ZivSt2 (Sektor 7/8): Forum (n = 26) Abb. 33: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereich ZivSt2: aoristische Verteilung des Fundmaterials aus dem Umfeld des Forums NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 162. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 163. oldal TAFEL LXI Christian Gugl – Silvia Radbauer – Mario Wallner – Eduard Pollhammer 20 15 580−600 560−580 540−560 520−540 500−520 480−500 460−480 440−460 420−440 400−420 380−400 360−380 340−360 320−340 300−320 280−300 260−280 240−260 220−240 200−220 180−200 160−180 140−160 120−140 100−120 60−80 80−100 40−60 0−20 20−40 0 5 10 Total probability density 25 30 Befundbereich ZivSt5 (Sektor 2/3, lfm 5−35): Einheit 65.139, Straße S184 (n = 288) Abb. 34: Carnuntum, Zivilstadt, Befundbereich ZivSt5: aoristische Verteilung des Fundmaterials aus dem Umfeld von Einheit 65.139 und der Straße S184 NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 163. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 164. oldal NM007313-001-787630_Carnuntum Jahrbuch_Cerna Beliv.pdf / 164. oldal