Journal of Supramolecular Structure 6:419-431 (1977)
Molecular Aspects of Membrane Transport 28 1-293
Leucine Binding Protein and Regulation of
Transport in E. coli
Dale L. Oxender, James J. Anderson, Mary M. Mayo, and Steven C. Quay
Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48 709
Leucine is transported into E. coli cells by high-affinity transport systems (LIV-I and
leucine-specific systems) which are sensitive to osmotic shock and require periplasmic
binding proteins. In addition leucine is transported by a low-affinity system ( LIV-11)
which is membrane bound and retained in membrane vesicle preparations. The
LIV-I system serves for threonine and alanine in addition to the 3 branched-chain
amino acids. The LIV-I1 system is more specific for leucine, isoleucine, and valine
while the high-affinity leucine-specific system has the greatest specificity.
A regulatory locus, livR at minute 2 2 on the E. coli chromosome produces
negatively regulated leucine transport and synthesis of the binding proteins. Valineresistant strains have been selected t o screen for transport mutants. High-affinity
leucine transport mutants that have been identified include a LIV-binding protein
mutant, livJ, a leucine-specific binding protein mutant livK and a nonbinding protein component of the LIV-I system, l i v l f . A fourth mutant, /ivP, appears to be required only for the low-affinity LIV-I1 system. The existence of this latter mutant
indicates that LIV-I and LIV-11 are parallel transport systems. The 4 mutations concerned with high-affinity leucine transport form a closely linked cluster of genes on
the E. coli chromosome at minute 74.
The results of recent studies on the regulation of the high-affinity transport
systems suggests that an attenuator site may be operative in its regulation. This complex regulation appears t o require a modified leucyl-tRNA along with the transcription termination factor rho. Regulation of leucine transport is also defective in
relaxed strains.
Among t he branched-chain amino acids only leucine produces regulatory changes
in LIV-I activity suggesting a special role of this amino acid in the physiology of E.
coli. It was shown that the rapid exchange of external leucine for intracellular
isoleucine via the LIV-I system could create a n isoleucine pseudoauxotrophy and
account for the leucine sensitivity of E. coli.
Key words: regulation, amino acid transport, mutants, leucine sensitivity, leucine, isoleucine, valine
E. coli have developed 2 basic types of active transport systems for leucine. One of
these transport systems is a low-affinity membrane-bound system (LIV-11) and can be
observed in membrane vesicle preparations described by Kaback (1). High-affinity trans-
Received May 27, 1977; accepted June 3, 1977
0 1977 Alan R . Liss, Inc., 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 1001 1
Oxender et al.
port systems for leucine (LIV-I and leucine-specific) in E. coli are sensitive t o osmotic
shock (2) and require periplasmic binding proteins. The leucine binding proteins have been
described in various review articles (3-5). The high-affinity LIV-I system has a K, for
leucine o f lop7 M and also transports isoleucine, valine, threonine, and alanine. The
leucine-specific system comprises about 20% of the high-affinity transport capacity for
leucine of wild-type E. coli K-12. The regulation of the high-affinity transport systems
which respond to the level of leucine in the medium has been extensively studied in our
laboratory (6-10). Mutations resulting in a loss of leucine repression have been mapped
and characterized (6, 10). The mutations livR (signifying a derepression of the LIV-I and
leucine-specific systems) and IstR (signifying derepression of the leucine-specific system
and the LIV-I1 systems) determine negatively acting regulatory elements and are genetically
closely linked. Our current understanding of the regulation of leucine transport suggests
that leucine interacts with t RNAleu and the leucyl-tFWA synthetase t o produce this
regulation. The regulation primarily changes the differential rate of synthesis o f transport
components relative to total cellular proteins (9). We have recently shown that mutations
that alter the hisT gene which codes for a tRNA modifying enzyme (1 1) and the rho allele
which codes for a transcription termination factor (1 2) also produce a derepression of leucine
transport (1 3, 14). These results suggested that an "attenuator" type of regulation obtains
similar to that described for the regulation of tryptophan (15), histidine (16), and branchedchain amino acid (1 1) biosynthetic pathway enzymes.
Analysis of the structural components of the high-affinity and low-affinity transport
systems for leucine has been aided by our recent identification (17) of a genetic complex
which codes for at least 4 functions involved in binding protein expression and LIV-I1
transport expression. This complex is linked t o malT o n the E. coli genetic map, approximately 180" from the regulatory loci livR and IstR.
Growth Conditions
Growth supplements for auxotrophic strains when not indicated otherwise were:
5 0 pg/ml for all L-amino acids except for L-leucine which was used at a concentration of
25 pg/ml; thymine 50 pg/ml; vitamins 1 pg/ml, glucose 0.2%.
For all experiments the medium consisted of a morpholino propane sulfonatebuffered salts solution (MOPS) described by Neidhardt et al. (1 8). All supplements were
either sterilized by filtration through 0.2 ym membrane filters or autoclaved.
Cultures were grown aerobically in 125- or 250-ml erlenmeyer flasks in a shaking
water bath (New Brunswick Scientific Company, Model G-76) that maintained constant
temperatures between 30 and 41 ? 0.25"C. The platform rotation was approximately
150 rpm. Cell growth was followed b y monitoring absorbance at 420 nm at room temperature using a GCA-McPherson model EU 707-1 2 spectrophotometer.
Isolation of Binding Protein
Binding protein was isolated by the osmotic shock procedure and binding activity
determined by equilibrium dialysis as described previously (5).
Transport Assays
Routine transport assays, as well as the rapid transport assay variant for screening
large number o f prospective transport mutants, were performed as described previously (10).
Leucine Transport and Regulation in E. coli
Enzymes Assays
The following enzymes were assayed as referenced:
Threonine deaminase: (E. C.; L-threonine hydrolyase [deaminating] :
(threonine dehydratase) (19)except that the absorbance of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone
derivative of a-ketobutyrate was measured at 530 n m in a Zeiss PMQ2 spectrophotometer.
Acetohydroxy acid synthetase: (AHAS; acetolactate synthetase, E.C.
3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (IPMP; 2-hydroxy-4-methyl-3-carboxyvaleratenicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidoreductase. E. C.
Mu Phage Procedure
Wild type Mu-1and Mucrs 62 lysates were prepared as already described (17).
Mu Mutagenesis
E. coli cultures were grown to a density of 2 X lo8 cells/ml in LBT broth supplemented with 0.01M MgS04 and mutagenized b y adding Mu or M u m phage to a multiplicity of infection of 1 .O. After lysis at the appropriate temperature (37°C for Mu, 30°C
for M u m ) the cultures were allowed to grow overnight. Procedures for detecting Mu lysogeny have been previously described (1 7).
SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
Slab gels containing 1 1% acrylamide and 0.1%SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) were
prepared by the method of Laemmli (22). The gels were 1.5 mm thick. Samples of concentrated shock fluids were prepared in 1% SDS by heating for 2 min at 100°C.After
electrophoresis the gels were fixed, stained, and destained by the method of Fairbanks
(23). The gels were dried on filter paper under vacuum and photographed.
Isolation of Mutants in the Branched-ChainAmino Acid Uptake Systems
Regulatory mutants. Among spontaneous mutants selected for the ability t o grow on
D-leucine were mutants with elevated levels of branched-chain amino acid transport (6).
The mutant allele livR results in failure of L-leucine to repress the osmotic shock-sensitive
high-affinity LIV-I and leucine-specific transport systems and their respective binding proteins, but has no apparent effect on the membrane-bound low-affinity LIV-I1 system
(6, 10). The lsrR allele, However, results primarily in a derepression of the leucine-specific
transport system and in the level of leucine-specific binding protein, with an apparent twofold increase in the LIV-I1 system as well (10 and unpublished experiments). The IstR
mutation permits the cells t o utilize lower levels of D-leucine than the livR mutation
(Table I). Since these 2 distinct patterns of regulation suggested that different functions
were specified by the livR and lstR alleles, a complementation test was carried out between lsrR and livR mutants. Strains were constructed which were diploid for the E. coli
chromosome covering the region in which lsrR and livR are located (Fig. 1). Previous work
had indicated very close linkage between these 2 alleles (10). Both lsrR and livR are recessive t o their respective wild-type alleles (Table 11, strains 1 , 2 , 3 , and 5) which therefore
indicates that they produce a negatively operating, diffusable factor. The merodiploid
strain listed as number 4 in Table I1 is homozygous for IstR and displays the mutant
phenotype. Strains homozygous for livR also display the mutant phenotype (10).Strain
number 6 , however, shows that the wild-type alleles of livR and lstR can complement
O x e n d e r e t al.
TABLE I. Growth Phenotypes of liv Mutants
Colonv formationd o n medium suoolemented with
0.03 uM L-leucineb
livR livJ
1ivR livK
livR livH
lstR livH livP
0.4 p M L-valinec
850 pM D-leucineb
1,700 pM D-leucineb
aComplete strain descriptions are published elsewhere; all strains are isogenic and carry the derepressed
transport allele livR (10) except IivH livP, which is in a lstR strain background.
bDetermined in leu strain background
CDetermined in leut strain background
dDetermined after 72-h incubation at 32°C
TABLE 11. Complementation Analysis of lstR and livR Alleles in F-prime Merogenotes
Merogenote genotypea
> F
L-leucine uptake, nmol/min/mg dry wt.
Colony formation,
1,700 pM D-leucine
astrains carrying the F147 gal+ F-prime (35) were constructed from recipients which were, in addition
to the designated transport alleles, recA gal leu. They were grown o n galactose minimal medium supplemented with 25 pg L-leucine per ml. The F147 istR episome was isolated from a D-leucine utilizing
homogenoteof a recA+ strain similar in genotype to strain No. 3, above.
each other, y i e l d i n g the wild-type phenotype. We conclude from these results t h a t ZivR
and ZstR are separate genes, each c o n t r o l l i n g a d i f f e r e n t pattern of regulation of the
branched-chain amino acid uptake systems. The m o l e c u l a r n a t u r e of these g e n e p r o d u c t s
is under investigation.
Leucine Transport and Regulation in E. coli
(liv K, J ) liv H
ma1 T
aro B
rpe L
Fig. 1. Simplified genetic map of the E. coli chromosome taken from Bachpan, Low, and Taylor (24)
showing positions of Ziv mutations discussed within. Alleles in parentheses have not been precisely
Isolation of Mutants Defective in Branched-Chain Amino Acid uptake Systems
Mutant strains possessing the livR allele have increased wnsitivity to L-valine, which
inhibits the growth of E. coli K-12 (Table I). Mutations to Gvaline resistance Were induced
by the mutator phage Mu in strains possessing the livR allele (Table I). A concentration of
L-valine was chosen which would prevent colony formation only in strains with elevated
levels of the LIV-I system in order to avoid excessive selective pressure (17). Three biochemically distinct classes of mutants were found which have been designated livH, livJ,
and livK (17). These map together by transduction and are closely linked to malT (17 and
Fig. 1). The transport of L-leucine in these strains has been diminished (Table 111) without
affecting the transport of other amino acids (17). The mutation livK results in a loss of all
detectable high-affinity leucine uptake (LIV-I and leucine-specific systems) and a loss of
the leucine-specific binding protein, both by in vitro activity (Table I) and by SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Fig. 2). The LIV-binding protein is still present in these
strains even though all high-affinity transport is lost. The high-affinity uptake of L-valine
and L-isoleucine has also been eliminated (17), as has the ability of the cells to utilize
D-leucine (Table 1). The livJ mutation eliminates the LIV-I high-affinity uptake but the
leucine-specific system and LIV-I1 system are unaffected. There is a parallel loss of the
LIV-binding protein activity and the corresponding band on SDS-polyacrylamide gel slabs
(Table 111 and Fig. 2 ) . D-Leucine utilization, however, is retained (Table I) indicating that
the D-leucine utilization phenotype in ZivR and lstR strains is presumably due to a derepression of the leucine-specific system. The mutation livH eliminates both high-affinity
transport systems without producing any detectable change in the mobilities or activities
(Table 111, Fig. 2 and Ref. 17) of the 2 binding proteins. Evidently livH codes for an additional factor of high-affinity uptake, at present unidentified.
Oxender e t al.
TABLE 111. Transport Phenotypes of liv Mutants
Percent of wild-type
livH livP
leucine uptakeb
protein activityd
L-leucine uptake systemsc
aStrains, same as Table I
bL-leucine transport was measured at 5 pM L-leucine.
cThe leucine-specific and LIV-I systems are defined by their low Km (0.1-0.4 p M ) for L-leucine; the
leucine-specific system resists inhibition by L-isoleucine and is responsible for D-leucine uptake. The
LIV-I1 system has a higher K, (2-4pM) for L-leucine and also transports L-isoleucine and L-valine.
Presence or absence of a given system was determined by kinetic analysis over substrate ranges from
0.02 p M to 20 p M ( 6 ) .
dL-leucine-binding activity was measured on crude osmotic shock fluid; the leucine-specific binding
protein activity was determined by resistance of L-leucine binding to L-isoleucine competition (10).
A third group of mutants were obtained which were defective in the low-affinity
(LIV-11) transport system. These mutants were obtained b y inducing a second mutation
in the livH mutant strain b y mutagenizing the livH strain with ethyl methane sulfonate
and penicillin-enriching for mutant strains unable t o utilize low concentrations of L-leucine
(Table I). One of these mutations has been designated IivP. Conjugational analysis has
shown that livP is also linked t o malT (unpublished observations, Fig. 1). Transport of
L-leucine in the double mutant livH livP has been dramatically lowered over that of the
parent livH strain (Table III), and kinetic analysis (data not shown) has revealed that the
LIV-I1 system has been reduced t o undetectable levels. Thus, in this double mutant strain
both high- and low-affinity transport systems for leucine have been mutationally eliminated.
Other workers, however (25, 26) have reported additional low-affinity uptake systems for
leucine. We are presently characterizing the remaining leucine uptake in the double
mutant strain t o ascertain the nature of the residual leucine uptake.
A genetic complex is suggested for leucine transport genes in E. coli by these studies
since at least 4 different genes specifying components of the known transport systems for
leucine map in the same region. We believe that the structural genes for the leucine-binding
proteins are part of this complex since a previously reported mutation altering the structure of the leucine-specific binding protein (6) also maps in this area (17). We are presently
characterizing other mutants by complementation analysis and fine mapping t o better
define the genetic organization of the region. We are also attempting t o biochemically
identify the components coded for b y the livH and livP genes.
Regulation of Leucine Transport
Repression by leucine. Early studies showed that high-affinity leucine transport
activity is highly regulated and responds t o the level of leucine in the growth medium (6).
There is a direct relationship between the level of high-affinity leucine transport and the
Leucine Transport and Regulation in E. coli
I:ig. 2. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel profile of crude osmotic shock fluid proteins. The
slab gels were prepared according to the method of Laemmli (22) and were 11% acrylamide. Direction
of migration is from top t o bottom. A sample of pure LIV-binding protein (LIV-BP) and a trace of the
leucine-specific binding protein (LS-BP) are shown o n the left; H) shock fluid from a strain carrying the
liuH mutation, J) strain with liuJ mutation, and K ) strain with liuH. The wild-type profile (not shown)
is identical to H.
level of the leucine-binding proteins (1 7). The correlation between the transport capacity
and the amount of binding protein shows that the binding proteins are the rate limiting
component in the transport of leucine into E. coli. When E. coli is grown on nutrient
medium or minimal medium containing 25-50 pg/ml L-leucine essentially complete repression of the synthesis of both the LIV and the leucine-specific binding proteins occurs
and essentially all high-affinity leucine transport is abolished (27).
Oxender e t al.
Separate Regulation of Biosynthesis and Transport of Leucine
The levels of the leucine biosynthetic enzymes are also regulated by the intracellular
level of branched-chain amino acids (28). Since both transport and biosynthetic enzymes
for leucine were repressed by growth on leucine we attempted to determine whether these
2 processes were regulated in a concerted manner. For these studies we collaborated with
Dr. Umbarger of Purdue University. We provided Dr. Umbarger with mutant strains that
were derepressed for leucine transport and he gave us several mutants that were derepressed for the biosynthetic enzymes of the branched-chain pathway. We examined the
regulation of leucine transport in strains that were derepressed for biosynthesis (IeuABCD,
ilvB, iIvADE) as well as a deletion of the entire leucine biosynthetic operon. Leucine transport activities and leucine-binding protein levels in these strains were regulated in a normal
manner. Using the transport mutants from our laboratory, Dr. Umbarger showed that the
regulation of the biosynthetic enzymes for the branched-chain amino acids was not altered
in mutants with derepressed transport and leucine-binding proteins. The normal regulation
of transport in E. coli strains with deletions of the entire biosynthetic operon indicated
that none of the gene products of this operon are required for regulation of transport. We
concluded from these studies that the transport systems and the biosynthetic enzymes in
E. coli are not regulated together by a cis-dominant type of mechanism and although both
systems appear to have components in common it is possible to obtain separate regulatory
mutations for each system (7, 13).
Role of Leucyl t R N A Synthetase in Transport Regulation
A possible candidate for a common component in the regulation of both transport
and biosynthesis of leucine is the requirement for aminoacyl tRNA rather than the free
leucine. Extensive studies in other laboratories have indicated aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
are part of the regulatory system for branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis (29). The
availability of temperature-sensitive mutants for the leucyl-tRNA synthetase (leuSI) permitted us to determine whether this enzyme was also involved in the regulation of the
transport of leucine. We examined both the level of transport activity and the level of the
periplasmic-binding proteins in the temperature-sensitive mutant strain (leuS1) grown at
the permissive temperature (36°C) and the nonpermissive temperature (41 "C). Strain
EB143 has a complete deletion of the leucine biosynthetic operon which avoids the increased endogenous levels of leucine that would be produced in a prototrophic temperature
sensitive IeuS strain grown at 41°C. Strain EB144 served as the isogenic non-temperaturesensitive control strain. The results are presented in Table IV. When mutant strain EB143
was shifted from 36 to 41°C the transport activity for leucine, isoleucine, and valine was
greatly increased. Little effect was observed for proline or histidine uptake. Proline is transported by a membrane-bound transport system that derives its energy from the membrane
potential while histidine is transported by a periplasmic-binding protein system and derives
its energy more directly from ATP. The derepression of threonine deaminase that was
observed for strain EB143 when it was shifted to 41°C was the expected response of a
branched-chain amino acid biosynthetic enzyme which is subject to multivalent repression.
The branched-chain amino acid transport system responds only to changes in the leucine
level. Isoleucine and valine t RNA synthetase mutants did not produce regulatory changes
in the transport activity. The shock fluid of strains EB143 and EB144 were examined for
leucine-binding proteins when the cells were grown at 41°C. There is a fivefold derepression
in the synthesis of the binding proteins for leucine when the temperature is shifted to 41°C
L e u c i n e T r a n s p o r t a n d R e g u l a t i o n i n E. c o l i
TABLE 1V. Expression of Transport and a Biosynthetic Enzyme Activity in Strains EB143 and
Transport activitiesb
conditionsa Leu
I le
Val dcaminasec
EB 143, ura-leua1 101, IeuSl
EB144, ara-leii~l101
E,0 143, ura-leii~llO1leu S l
EB 144, aru-lennl I01
G r o w t h in glucose-basal salts medium plus 0.2 mM L-leucine.
bTransport was assayed a t 1 pM leucine (Leu) or isoleucine (He) and 3 p M valine (Val). One hundred
percent represents 0.23 mmol leucine taken up per min per kg cells dry weight.
CSpecific activity represents pmol of a-ketobutyrate formed per min/g of cellular protein. The growth
media included 0.4 mM L-leucine and L-isoleucine and 1 mM L-valine.
with little change in the control strain. These results were consistent with a role of the
binding proteins in the rate limiting step in leucine transport and further indicated that the
synthesis of the binding proteins is regulated by the level of modified leucyl-tRNA or the
leucyl-tRNA synthetase. We obtained a mutant strain with a defect in the maturation of
leucyl-tRNA to distinguish between these 2 alternatives.
Role of hisT Gene Product
The hisT locus codes for an enzyme that converts uridine to pseudouridine in the
tRNAs for leucine, histidine, and tyrosine. The regulation of biosynthetic enzymes for
these 3 amino acids is no longer sensitive t o their cognate amino acids in strains containing
a kisT mutation (1 1). We obtained E. coli strains containing a hisT mutation from Drs.
R. P. Lawther and W. Hatfield. An examination of leucine transport activity in the hisT
strain showed that the regulation was abnormal.The hisT strain showed a higher transport
of leucine than the parental strain when grown under repressing conditions and furthermore it failed t o derepress leucine transport activity when grown under conditions of
leucine limitation. Under these same conditions the biosynthetic pathway for leucine also
does not show a repression or derepression regulation (Quay SC, unpublished observations).
We reported similar results for a role of the hisT gene product in the regulation of leucine
transport activity in Salmonella typhimurium (13). The results of these 2 studies with
hisT strains provide evidence that the repression of transport of leucine requires fully
maturated t RNA which is aminoacylated with leucine.
Role of rho in Transport Regulation
Recent reports have shown that several of the biosynthetic operons in bacteria contain an “attenuator” site near the operator region that acts as a barrier t o transcription by
RNA polymerase (1 5, 16). The termination factor rho has been implicated in attenuator
function. To test if transport for leucine, isoleucine, and valine is under an attenuator-type
regulation 2 strains were obtained from Dr. Umbarger of Purdue University, which were
leucine auxotrophs with one having a suA120 allele (1 4). The mAl2O allele is a missense mutation in the rho factor ( 3 3 ) . The initial rate of transport of 8 amino acids was measured in
Oxender e t al.
TABLE V. Effect of a Mutation in Termination Factor rho o n Amino Acid Transport
Specific transport activity (prnol/min/g cells, dry wt.)
Control strain
Arginine (3 pM)
Glutarnine (1 pM)
Histidine (1 pM)
Isoleucine ( 1 pM)
Leucine (1 p M )
Proline (3 pM)
Tryptophan ( 3 p M )
Valine ( 3 pM)
0.5 1
SuA mutant
"Cells were grown in MOPS-G, 0.2 m M leucine, and 25 rng/liter tryptophan. Cells were harvested and
transport assayed as described previously (9).
the rho mutant and the isogenic parental strain. The data are presented in Table V. The
uptake of leucine, isoleucine, and valine is increased twofold even though leucine is present
in the growth medium. Arginine and histidine transport activity is also increased in the
rho mutant. Tryptophan and proline uptake is unchanged but glutamine is greatly decreased. The kinetics of uptake showed that the K, values for both the high- and the lowaffinity transport systems for leucine in the rho mutant were similar to those obtained for
value for the high-affinity leucine uptake was increased
the parental strain. The V,,
approximately eightfold in the rho mutant. The V,,,,of the low-affinity system was only
slightly elevated.
An examination of the leucine-binding activity in the osmotic shock fluid was
carried out. The leucine-binding activity showed a fourfold increase in the rho mutant. In
a similar manner the histidine- and arginine-binding activities in the osmotic shock fluid
were increased somewhat while glutamine-binding activity decreased significantly. These
results show that rho-dependent transcriptional termination is important for leucinespecific repression of branched-chain amino acid transport (14).
Leucine Sensitivity
The ZivR locus, which leads t o a trans-recessive derepression of the high-affinity
transport system for leucine is responsible for greatly increased sensitivity toward growth
inhibition by leucine, valine, serine, and certain analogues such as 4-azaleucine or
5',5',5'-trifluoroleucine (31). We recently showed that the ability of the LIV-I transport
system to carry out exchange of endogenous amino acids for extracellular leucine is a
major factor in leucine sensitivity. When E. coli cells are shifted from nutrient medium to
minimal medium containing leucine a long lag time in the resumption of growth is observed.
The lag time in the growth represents the time required to derepress certain biosynthetic
enzymes. Added isoleucine antagonizes the leucine sensitivity showing that the necessary
derepression of the biosynthesis of isoleucine is prevented by leucine. We were able to
show that the necessary biosynthetic enzymes for isoleucine cannot by synthesized. The
high-affinity transport system serves for rapid exchange of branched-chain amino acids
while the low-affinity system does not produce significant exchange of these amino acids.
Leucine Transport and Regulation in E. coli
These results provide a mechanism for leucine sensitivity and explain the increased sensitivity of strains with derepressed high-affinity transport such as that shown by the ZivR
mutant strain.
The results presented above describe the 2 types of active transport systems in E.
coli for the branched-chain amino acids. One type is membrane bound and can be observed
in membrane vesicles (LIV-II), and the other type is osmotic-shock sensitive and requires
binding proteins t o produce active transport of leucine (LIV-I). A regulatory genetic locus,
livR, at minute 22 on the E. coli chromosome produces negatively regulated leucine transport and synthesis of the leucine-binding proteins. Valine-resistant strains that were still
sensitive to the dipeptide glycylvaline were selected as potential LIV-I transport mutants.
Among the valine-resistant mutants we identified a LIV-binding protein mutant (ZivJ), a
leucine-specific binding protein mutant (livK), and a nonbinding protein component of the
LIV-I system (livH). A fourth mutation, livP, appears t o be a component of the low-affinity
LIV-I1 system. Since a livP mutant appears to have normal LIV-1 transport we have concluded that the LIV-I and LIV-11 systems represent parallel systems even though they may
have certain components in common. These mutations concerned with leucine transport
form a cluster closely linked t o rrzalT at minute 74 on the E. coli chromosome. The positions
of these mutations are distinctly different from that of bmQ, brrzR, and brnS mutations
of branched-chain amino acid transport described by laccarino and co-workers (26).
Continued studies of the chemical and physical properties of the LIV- and leucinespecific binding proteins are being carried out in collaboration with other laboratories.
Dr. Ovchinnikov and co-workers of Moscow, USSR, have recently published the complete
amino acid sequence of the LIV-binding protein (32) and are currently sequencing the
leucine-specific binding protein which is structurally very similar. Antonov et al. (33)
have shown that a concentration-dependent reversible association of the LIV-binding
protein may occur producing aggregates with an apparent molecular weight up t o 300,000.
The presence of these aggregates has been correlated with nonlinear Scatchard plots of
leucine-binding activity. Alternative explanations for nonlinear Scatchard plots of leucine
binding t o the LIV-binding protein have been offered by Anraku and co-workers (34).
These studies suggest that binding protein preparations contain bound ligand which could
alter the specific activity of added ligand at high protein t o ligand ratios.
Figure 3 presents a scheme of the regulatory components of the LIV-I transport system
which responds t o the level of leucine added t o the medium. Modified leucyl-tRNA appears to play a role in the regulation along with the transcription termination factor rho.
The results of this study suggest an attenuator site may be operative in the regulation of
high-affinity leucine transport. This complex regulatory system for transport of leucine is
similar t o that of its biosynthe.sis suggesting the important role of the LIV-I transport
system to the physiology of the bacterial cell. Since changes in isoleucine or valine levels
do not produce regulatory changes in LIV-I a special role of leucine in the physiology of
E. coli is implied. The properties of the LIV-I system that give rise t o a rapid exchange of
leucine for isoleucine, thus creating isoleucine pseudoauxotrophy under certain conditions,
have helped t o explain the leucine sensitivity of E. coli (31). This complex regulatory
system for the transport of leucine which is similar t o that of the biosynthetic enzymes
provides an example of the important role transport systems can play in amino acid
MAMT:29 1
Oxender et al.
Structural Gene(s)
tRNA,,, + leucine
Fig. 3. Model of leucine transport regulation in E. coli
We wish t o thank Dr. H. E. Umbarger of Purdue University and Drs. R. P. Lawther
and W. Hatfield of The University of California at Irvine for the E. coli strains containing
the hisT mutation. This investigation was supported by Public Health Service Grant
GMllO24 t o D.L.O. from the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences.
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