Technogenic Soils Atlas


Ca t-total calcium CEC-cation exchange capacity EC 1:2-electrical conductivity of a 1:2 soil-water extract EC e-electrical conductivity of the soil saturation extract K a-available potassium K t-total potassium LoI-loss on ignition Mg a-available magnesium Mg t-total magnesium N t-total nitrogen Na t-total sodium n.d.-not determined NEL-non-polar extractable substances OC-organic carbon P a-available phosphorus P ca-phosphorus soluble in 1% citric acid solution P t-total phosphorus PAH-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PCB-polychlorinated biphenyl

technogenic soils atlas technogenic soils atlas edited by Przemysław Charzyński Maciej Markiewicz Marcin Świtoniak Polish Society Of Soil Science Toruń 2013 Editors Przemysław Charzyński, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland Maciej Markiewicz, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland Marcin Świtoniak, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland Reviewers: Radim Vácha, Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation, Prague, Czech Republic Piotr Hulisz, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland Language editing Ewa Kaźmierczak Cover design Marcin Świtoniak © Copyright by Polish Society of Soil Science ISBN 978-83-934096-2-4 Published by Polish Society of Soil Science Atlas of Technogenic Soils P. Charzyński, M. Markiewicz, M. Świtoniak (Editors) Toruń 2013 First Edition Graphics design: Beata Króliczak-Zajko White Plum 87-100 Toruń, ul. Szosa Bydgoska 50 tel. +48 56 651 97 87 Press: Machina Druku tel. +48 56 651 97 87 CONTENTS FOREWORD 7 LIST OF SYMBOLS WITH EXPLANATIONS 8 CONTRIBUTORS 9 I CHAPTER 1 11 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Przemysław Charzyński, Maciej Markiewicz, Renata Bednarek, Marcin Świtoniak I CHAPTER 2 35 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Gábor Sándor, György Szabó, Przemysław Charzyński, Emilia Szynkowska, Tibor József Novák, Marcin Świtoniak I CHAPTER 3 75 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA Jaroslava Sobocká I CHAPTER 4 93 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN Edward Meller, Ryszard Malinowski, Edward Niedźwiecki, Katarzyna Malinowska, Marcin Kubus I CHAPTER 5 111 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Przemysław Charzyński, Maciej Markiewicz, Renata Bednarek, Łukasz Mendyk I CHAPTER 6 141 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Andrzej Greinert REFERENCES 164 FOREWORD Technological development and rapid growth of the human population in the world increasingly affect the transformation of the natural environment. One of the main ecosystem components, which undergoes irreversible changes is the soil cover in urban and industrial areas. The extent and type of changes in the soil depend on many factors: duration, intensity and the land use, properties of primary soils or reclamation techniques. Urban or industrial soils are dominated or strongly affected by human-made material and exhibit a high spatial heterogeneity. Their properties and pedogenesis are mainly related to technical origin. These soils are more likely to be contaminated than soils from other groups. Even when the environment of urban or industrial areas is essentially changed, the technically transformed soils can still fulfill the same ecological functions as natural soils. Advancing our knowledge about these soils is essential for spatial planning, optimal use of resources and can bring considerable benefits resulting in the improvement of life quality in the cities. This book provides an extensive database on urban and industrial soils from the following countries: Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. The main objective of this study was to present a great diversity of transformations in the investigated soils. Most of the presented examples meet the criteria of Technosols – one of the Reference Soil Groups in the WRB classification system. The above-mentioned RSG includes only pedons with a very high degree of technogenic disturbances. For this reason, a broader term is proposed − ’technogenic soils‘ − to describe all urban and industrial soils. The collected data will allow greater understanding of processes taking place in human-made ecosystems and will be a useful tool in soil-science teaching. Przemysław Charzyński Maciej Markiewicz Marcin Świtoniak 7 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas LIST OF SYMBOLS WITH EXPLANATIONS Cat – total calcium CEC – cation exchange capacity EC1:2 – electrical conductivity of a 1:2 soil-water extract ECe – electrical conductivity of the soil saturation extract Ka – available potassium Kt – total potassium LoI – loss on ignition Mga – available magnesium Mgt – total magnesium Nt – total nitrogen Nat – total sodium n.d. – not determined NEL – non-polar extractable substances OC – organic carbon Pa – available phosphorus Pca – phosphorus soluble in 1% citric acid solution Pt – total phosphorus PAH – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PCB – polychlorinated biphenyl TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 8 CONTRIBUTORS RENATA BEDNAREK DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF EARTH SCIENCES NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY, TORUŃ, POLAND [email protected] PRZEMYSŁAW CHARZYŃSKI DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF EARTH SCIENCES NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY, TORUŃ, POLAND [email protected] ANDRZEJ GREINERT DEPARTMENT OF LAND PROTECTION AND RECLAMATION INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ZIELONA GÓRA, POLAND [email protected] MARCIN KUBUS DEPARTMENT OF DENDROLOGY AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE WEST POMERANIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SZCZECIN, POLAND [email protected] KATARZYNA MALINOWSKA DEPARTMENT OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND AGRICULTURE WEST POMERANIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SZCZECIN, POLAND [email protected] RYSZARD MALINOWSKI DEPARTMENT OF PEDOLOGY FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND AGRICULTURE WEST POMERANIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SZCZECIN, POLAND [email protected] MACIEJ MARKIEWICZ DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF EARTH SCIENCES NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY, TORUŃ, POLAND [email protected] 9 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas EDWARD MELLER DEPARTMENT OF PEDOLOGY FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND AGRICULTURE WEST POMERANIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SZCZECIN, POLAND [email protected] ŁUKASZ MENDYK DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF EARTH SCIENCES NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY, TORUŃ, POLAND [email protected] TIBOR JÓZSEF NOVÁK DEPARTMENT OF LANDSCAPE PROTECTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY, UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN, HUNGARY [email protected] GÁBOR SÁNDOR DEPARTMENT OF LANDSCAPE PROTECTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY, UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN, HUNGARY [email protected] JAROSLAVA SOBOCKÁ SOIL SCIENCE AND CONSERVATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA [email protected] GYÖRGY SZABÓ DEPARTMENT OF LANDSCAPE PROTECTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY, UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN, HUNGARY [email protected] EMILIA SZYNKOWSKA DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF EARTH SCIENCES NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY, TORUŃ, POLAND MARCIN ŚWITONIAK DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF EARTH SCIENCES NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY, TORUŃ, POLAND [email protected] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 10 1 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Przemysław Charzyński Maciej Markiewicz Renata Bednarek Marcin Świtoniak Cluj-Napoca is the second most populous city in Romania after the national capital Bucharest, and is the seat of Cluj County located in the northwestern part of the country (Fig. 1). The city is situated in the Someşul Mic River valley, and is considered to be an unofficial capital of the historical province of Transylvania. The Cluj-Napoca metropolitan area has a population of 411 379 people and 324 576 inhabitants live within the city limits (2011). The boundaries of the municipality contain an area of 179.52 square kilometres. Today, Cluj-Napoca is one of the most important academic, cultural, industrial and business centres in Romania. At the site of the present-day city, there was a pre-Roman settlement called Napoca. After the Roman conquest of the area in 106 AD, the place was known as Municipium Aelium Hadrianum Napoca (Dragos et al. 2007). Cluj-Napoca is located within the Somesul Mic corridor at the Fig. 1. Location of Cluj-Napoca intersection of three major geographical units: the Transylvanian Plain, the Someş Plateau and the Apuseni Mountains, at an average altitude of 360 m and is intersected by the parallel of 46°46' north latitude and the meridian of 23°36' east longitude. It extends over the valleys of Someşul Mic and Nadăş. The southern part of the city covers the upper terrace of the northern slope of Feleac Hill, and is surrounded along three sides by hills or mountains with an altitude between 500 m and 700 m. The Someş plateau is situated to the east, while the northern part of the city includes Dealurile Clujului (‘the Hills of Cluj’), with 11 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK the following peaks: Lombului (684 m), Dealul Melcului (617 m), Techintău (633 m), Hoia (506 m) and Gârbău (570 m). Other hills are located in the western districts, and the hills of Calvaria and Cetăţuia (Belvedere) are located near the centre of the city. The natural dominant soils in the surroundings of the city are Eutric Cambisols, Haplic Luvisols and most fertile Haplic Phaeozems. In the river valleys, Eutric Gleyic Fluvisols predominate (Soil Atlas of Europe 2005). The research on the urban soil cover was carried out in the city. Information on the lead contamination in Cluj-Napoca soils can be found in the paper by Rusu and Bartok (2002). The soils in the industrial zone Somes-Nord of Cluj-Napoca were described by Micle et al. (2005). The effects of a waste platform on soil pollution near the city of Cluj-Napoca was investigated by Cacovean et al. (2007). Studies of bacterial communities and enzymatic activities in the polluted soils of the traffic, industrial and household waste dumping ground in Cluj-Napoca was carried out by Simule and Bularda (2009a, b). Ekranosols in the Cluj-Napoca city centre was investigated by Charzyński et al. (2011a). Acknowledgments We are grateful to Marcin Chmurzyński and Jolanta Błaszkiewicz for support in the field and laboratory. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 12 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 1 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Skeletic) Location: Tipografiei 10 st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: 46o46’39.7’’ N 23o35’40.4’’ E Altitude: 341 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Land-use: side-street Vegetation: none 13 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 1 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Skeletic) 0 cm Morphology: 0–20 cm: technic hard rock (asphalt). Bu1 – 20–73 cm: sand, white, granular structure, dry, few artefacts (tile fragment; about 5%), clear boundary. 50 cm Bu2 – 73–97 cm: sandy loam, very pale brown, granular structure, slightly moist, few artefacts (grout; 5%). 100 cm TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 14 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 1 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Skeletic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Bu1 Bu2 20–73 73–97 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 40 6 2.0–1.0 24 1 1.0–0.5 26 1 0.5–0.25 22 2 0.25–0.1 15 23 0.1–0.05 4 37 0.05–0.02 2 23 0.02–0.002 5 6 <0.002 2 8 sand sandy loam dry 10YR 8/1 10YR 8/2 wet 10YR 5/1 10YR 7/3 OC [%] 0.22 0.16 Nt [%] 0.006 0.008 37 20 268 331 H2O 8.0 9.3 1M KCl 7.4 8.0 3.1 1.6 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] 15 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 2 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Location: Cardinal Luliu Hossu 37 st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: 46o46’11.8” N 23o34’15.0” E Altitude: 343 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Position: bridge over rain channel Vegetation: grass (Poaceae sp.) TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 16 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 2 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Selected soil properties HORIZON AuCu DEPTH [cm] 0–(1–3) PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 4 2.0–1.0 7 1.0–0.5 13 0.5–0.25 18 0.25–0.1 16 0.1–0.05 30 0.05–0.02 9 0.02–0.002 7 <0.002 0 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) loamy sand dry 10YR 5/3 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR wet 10YR 5/1 OC [%] 7.03 Nt [%] 0.281 C:N 25 H2O 7.3 pH 1M KCl 7.1 CaCO3 [%] 3.2 Pca [mg·kg-1] 198 HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Pb <16 Zn 297 [mg·kg-1] Cu 84 Cd <5 17 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 3 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Location: Cardinal Luliu Hossu 37 st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: 46o46’11.8” N 23o34’15.0” E Altitude: 343 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Position: bridge over rain channel Vegetation: ruderal species (e.g. Plantago sp., Taraxacum sp., Poaceae sp.) TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 18 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 3 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Selected soil properties HORIZON AuCu DEPTH [cm] 0–(1–4) PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 6 2.0–1.0 12 1.0–0.5 20 0.5–0.25 26 0.25–0.1 15 0.1–0.05 11 0.05–0.02 11 0.02–0.002 4 <0.002 1 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) loamy sand dry 10YR 4/2 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR wet 10YR 2/2 OC [%] 4.84 Nt [%] 0.279 C:N 17 H2O 7.4 pH 1M KCl 7.2 CaCO3 [%] 3.2 Pca [mg·kg-1] 210 HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Pb 365 Zn 569 [mg·kg-1] Cu 48 Cd <5 19 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 4 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Location: Prahovei 5 st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: 46o46’10.6’’ N 23o35’25.6’’ E Altitude: 350 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Position: Top of brick wall at a height of 2.5 m Vegetation: Chelidonium maius L. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 20 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 4 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Selected soil properties HORIZON AuCu DEPTH [cm] 0–(2–3) PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 13 2.0–1.0 9 1.0–0.5 21 0.5–0.25 31 0.25–0.1 22 0.1–0.05 5 0.05–0.02 5 0.02–0.002 5 <0.002 2 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) sand dry 10YR 8/1 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR wet 10YR 7/2 OC [%] 10.4 Nt [%] 0.068 C:N 152 H2O 8.2 pH 1M KCl 8.0 CaCO3 [%] 9.5 Pca [mg·kg-1] 161 HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Pb <16 Zn 87 [mg·kg-1] Cu 91 Cd <5 21 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 5 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric) Location: Prahovei 5 st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: 46o46’10.6’’ N 23o35’25.6’’ E Altitude: 350 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Position: Foundation of partly ruined building at a height of 0.4 m Vegetation: grass (Poaceae sp.) TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 22 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 5 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric) Selected soil properties HORIZON AuCu DEPTH [cm] 0–(3–5) PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 12 2.0–1.0 8 1.0–0.5 17 0.5–0.25 25 0.25–0.1 24 0.1–0.05 5 0.05–0.02 6 0.02–0.002 9 <0.002 6 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) loamy sand dry 7.5YR 8/1 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR wet 7.5YR 4/4 OC [%] 0.45 Nt [%] 0.187 C:N 2 H2O 7.8 pH 1M KCl 7.7 CaCO3 [%] 8.3 Pca [mg·kg-1] 216 HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Pb <16 Zn 70 [mg·kg-1] Cu 17 Cd <5 23 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 6 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Location: Avram Iancu 23 st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: 46o46’00.2’’ N 23o35’33.5’’ E Altitude: 354 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Position: Top of the wall at a height of 3.0 m Vegetation: Chelidonium maius L., Chenopodium bonus-henricus L. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 24 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 6 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Selected soil properties HORIZON AuCu DEPTH [cm] 0–(3–7) PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 10 2.0–1.0 5 1.0–0.5 8 0.5–0.25 12 0.25–0.1 17 0.1–0.05 12 0.05–0.02 10 0.02–0.002 21 <0.002 15 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) sandy loam dry 7.5YR 8/1 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR wet 7.5YR 4/4 OC [%] 1.88 Nt [%] 0.178 C:N 11 H2O 8.3 pH 1M KCl 7.4 CaCO3 [%] 8.3 Pca [mg·kg-1] 78,2 HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Pb 256 Zn 96 [mg·kg-1] Cu 60 Cr <5 25 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 7 – Protofolic Linic Technosol Location: Avram Iancu 23 st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: 46o46’00.8’’ N 23o35’37.1’’ E Altitude: 354 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Position: roof of the outbuilding at a height of 3.0 m Vegetation: Cheliodonium maius L. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 26 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 7 – Protofolic Linic Technosol Selected soil properties HORIZON Ou DEPTH [cm] 0–(5–7) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR dry 7.5YR 3/2 wet 7.5YR 3/1 OC [%] 25.8 Nt [%] 2.05 C:N 13 pH H2O 7.2 1M KCl 6.8 CaCO3 [%] — Pca [mg·kg-1] 267 HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Pb 67 Zn [mg·kg-1] Cu Cr 124 17 <5 27 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 8 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic, Paraskeletic) Location: Uzinei Electrice / Stadion, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: N 46o45’58.3’’ E 23o34’12.7’’ Altitude: 343 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Position: Roof of transformer substation at a height of 5.0 m Vegetation: Acer negundo L. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 28 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 8 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic, Paraskeletic) Selected soil properties HORIZON AuCu DEPTH [cm] 0–(1–4) PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 29 2.0–1.0 10 1.0–0.5 18 0.5–0.25 16 0.25–0.1 19 0.1–0.05 9 0.05–0.02 12 0.02–0.002 13 <0.002 3 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR sandy loam dry 10YR 8/1 wet 10YR 5/2 OC [%] 1.52 Nt [%] 0.101 C:N 15 H2O pH 1M KCl 7.9 7.6 CaCO3 [%] 4.7 Pca [mg·kg-1] 1115 BASE CATIONS Ca2+ 21.5 Mg2+ [cmol·kg-1] K+ Na+ 0.5 0.6 0.3 HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Pb <16 Zn [mg·kg-1] Cu Cr 128 22 <5 29 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 9 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Location: Uzinei Electrice/Stadion, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: 46o45’58.3’’ N 23o34’12.7’’ E Altitude: 343 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Position: Roof of transformer substation at a height of 5.0 m Vegetation: Populus L. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 30 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 9 – Linic Technosol (Paracalcaric, Parahumic) Selected soil properties HORIZON AuCu DEPTH [cm] 0–(3–5) PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 30 2.0–1.0 11 1.0–0.5 31 0.5–0.25 28 0.25–0.1 14 0.1–0.05 4 0.05–0.02 3 0.02–0.002 5 <0.002 4 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) sand dry 10YR 2/2 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR wet 10YR 2/1 OC [%] 9.58 Nt [%] 0.238 C:N 40 H2O 8.1 pH 1M KCl 7.7 CaCO3 [%] 4.7 Pca [mg·kg-1] 151 HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Pb <16 Zn 143 [mg·kg-1] Cu 110 Cr <5 31 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 10 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric) Location: Tipografiei 12 st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania Coordinates: 46o46’39.7’’ N 23o35’40.6’’ E Altitude: 341 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.3oC Average annual precipitation: 594 mm Land-use: pavement Vegetation: none TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 32 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA Site 10 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric) Morphology: 0–5 cm: technic hard rock (asphalt). 0 cm Bu1 – 5–20 cm: sand, grey, granular structure, dry, clear boundary; common artefacts: (brick pieces, charcoals 30%). Bu2 – 20–45 cm: loam, light grey, angular structure, slightly moist, common artefacts: (bones, charcoals, wood, metal elements; 10%), clear boundary. Bu3 – 45–95 cm: loam, light brownish grey, angular structure, moist. 50 cm 33 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 10 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric) Selected soil properties HORIZON Bu1 Bu2 Bu3 DEPTH [cm] 5–20 20–45 45–95 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 50 0 19 2.0–1.0 10 4 4 1.0–0.5 35 5 7 0.5–0.25 24 8 10 0.25–0.1 16 20 16 0.1–0.05 5 11 11 0.05–0.02 5 13 10 0.02–0.002 4 27 28 <0.002 1 12 14 sand loam loam dry 5Y 5/1 5Y 7/1 2.5Y 6/2 wet 5Y 3/1 5Y 4/2 2.5Y 3/4 OC [%] 0.53 — 1.53 Nt [%] 0.012 0.119 0.138 44 — 11 519 2 559 636 H2O 9.3 8.6 8.3 1M KCl 8.0 7.3 7.2 10.4 21.4 6.8 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL COLOUR MATRIX C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 34 2 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN GÁBOR SÁNDOR GYÖRGY SZABÓ PRZEMYSŁAW CHARZYŃSKI EMILIA SZYNKOWSKA TIBOR JÓZSEF NOVÁK MARCIN ŚWITONIAK Debrecen, the seat of Hajdú-Bihar, is situated in the eastern part of Hungary, at a distance of 230 km from the capital and 35 km from the Romanian border – 21o38’ E and 47o31’ N. With an area of 461.65 km2 and a population of about 200 000, Debrecen is the second largest and most populated city of the country. It is commonly known as the ‘Calvinist Rome’ or the ‘Civis city’. It is a cultural, economic, tourism and transport centre and one of the most dynamically developing city of Eastern Hungary. Debrecen environs were inhabited since the Ancient Ages. Before Hungarians, who were leading a nomadic lifestyle until about the year 800, more ethnical groups (Vandals, Goths, Avars, and Bulgarians) lived in the Carpathian Basin. The name of the city was first mentioned in 1235 in a church document and it earned the oppidum status in 1361. A 4–5 m deep trench was found around the settlement which served Fig. 1. Location of Debrecen defensive purposes. Trading was booming in the 16th century and most of the trade relations were established with the northern and western European countries. That was the time when the city converted to Protestantism. Debrecen is located on the border of Hajdúság and Nyírség landscapes. The first one represents a loess plateau landscape, whereas Nyírség is a lowland covered with sand dunes. This sandy region occupies an area north of the city and it is the highest part of 35 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK the Great Hungarian Plain. The landscape limit can be found along the Böszörményi road − Nyugati street − Train Station line, however, at a depth of 5–10 m, it is difficult to establish a sharp boundary since the sand of Nyírség was deposited in multiple places onto the loess of Hajdúság during the last glaciation, and it appears that the sand is also covered with a thin loess film. The various landscape features affect also the soil conditions, therefore in the sand areas of Nyírség mostly Arenosols can be found on the surface. On the loess plains, including Hajdúság, Chernozem is the most frequent soil type (Martonné 2008). In the past, four different villages (almost completely vanished now) were located in the present-day city centre. In the place of the hub of the city centre, the present-day Kossuth Square, there was a wet dune within a depression where planks were used to make the traffic possible. Through the centuries, the natural deposits have been overlain by younger anthropogenic sediments, and today the original soil surface can be found at a depth of 2–3 m (Csorba 2008). The area has the highest ratio of soil sealing – 75%. The structure of the road network in the city centre is mostly radial. The area is built up mainly with 2–4 storey blocks and houses with a closed facade facing the street. The areas surrounding the city centre are higher, therefore the cultural layer is usually thinner. Recently in the eastern part of Debrecen, family houses have become a characteristic feature, and sealed areas represent less than 50%. Whereas in the western part of the city, 4–14 storey housing estates dominate and the sealed soils cover 50–75% (Szegedi 1999, 2003). From the aspect of air quality, Debrecen is a moderately polluted city, however, in the city centre, the pollution coming from the transportation is a major issue as the emission rate of nitrogen-oxide and volatile organic compounds is increasing. The industrial companies – the main sources of the polluting agents – are located in four industrial parks. In the industrial structure of the city, apart from the pharmaceutical, light, bearing and plastic industry, medical device manufacturing and electronics, also traditional, mainly food industry companies are significant. The Tiszántúl Environmental Protection, Nature Conservation and Water Management Inspectorate in a survey performed in 2009 registered 184 objects where operations are dangerous to the waters and the geological environment. Among others, dangerous pollution was detected in the area of TEVA pharmaceutical, the airport, the MÁV service station, the old communal dump site, the power plant and the petrol stations (The Environment Protection Program of Debrecen 2009). Regarding the soils of Debrecen, so far one research was carried out which deals with the distribution pattern of heavy metals coming from the transportation and its urban ecological effects. Szegedi (1999) established that the lead content in the soils is the highest in the city centre, near the roads with heavy traffic (at present or in the past) and in the industrial areas. The lowest heavy metal content was measured within the green areas. Based on the results of the research, it can be established that soils of playgrounds, recreational areas, small gardens and meadows near the roads are most TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 36 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN sensitive in terms of exposure to heavy metals, because the latter can easily get into the human body from there. The study of Sándor and Szabó (IUSS Working Group WRB 2007) examines soil features modified by technogenic factors, the vertical distribution of the toxic heavy metals and classification of the soils according to the WRB system (2007). It can be said that soils of the centre of Debrecen are under strong technogenic influence, because of the accumulation of cultural layers and strong modifications in the majority of sections where the original soil structure cannot be recognized. In all of the examined sections, we found artefacts which were mostly building waste materials. The soils reaction was slightly alkaline. Higher pH is mainly caused by the occurrence of artefacts containing CaCO3, therefore the technogenic origin is evident. The vertical distribution of the humus content also indicates a strong technogenic effect; alternating layers of humus-rich and humus-poor soil layers were found towards the deeper levels. In the city centre, the ratio of the covered surfaces is very high, therefore almost exclusively Ekranic Technosols occur here; the most widely used qualifiers are Calcaric, Ruptic and Arenic. Soil pits 7-12 were dug during LiFES workshop supported by grant 2012-2-PL1-ERA10-28971 awarded by Polish Foundation for the Development of the Education System. 37 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 1 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Toxic, Epiarenic) Location: Csapó Street, Debrecen, East Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o31’56.22” N 21o37’52.26” E 122 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene blown-sand Land-use: fallow, disused Vegetation: lawn grass, weed TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 38 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 1 — Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Toxic, Epiarenic) Morphology: 0–15 cm: technic hard rock – flagstone and gravel. 0 cm HTM – 15–20 cm: human-transported material, sand, pale yellow, single grain structure, dry, abrupt boundary, common artefacts. Cu1 – 20–45 cm: loamy sand, brown, single grain structure, dry, gradual boundary, common artefacts. Cu2 – 45–80 cm: loamy sand, dark greyish brown, single grain, dry, gradual boundary, few artefacts. 50 cm Ab – below 80 cm: sandy loam, brown, weak granular structure, slightly moist, gradual boundary, very few artefacts. 100 cm Comments: Site 1 was located in Csapó Street in downtown of Debrecen. Presently, the area is fallow. Periodically it is used as the parking place. 39 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 1 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Toxic, Epiarenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON HTM Cu1 Cu2 Ab DEPTH [cm] 15–20 25–45 45–80 > 80 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] Artefact content 7 7 3 1 2.0–0.2 14 14 13 11 0.2–0.1 61 56 59 52 0.1–0.05 11 10 12 11 0.05–0.02 4 5 5 9 0.02–0.01 2 4 3 5 0.01–0.005 2 3 3 4 0.005–0.002 2 3 2 3 <0.002 4 5 3 5 loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand sandy loam dry 2.5Y 8/4 10YR 6/3 10YR 5/2 10YR 4/1 wet 2.5Y 8/6 10YR 5/3 10YR 4/2 10YR 4/3 LoI [%] 0.82 0.79 0.69 1.46 OC [%] 0.48 0.46 0.4 0.85 6 9 11 6 H2O 8.3 8.2 8.1 7.9 1M KCl 8.2 8.2 8.1 7.9 4.5 5.9 5.2 4.5 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR Pca [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 2M HNO3 Zn 48.5 62.0 58.8 65.5 Pb 29.5 43.5 55.7 105 Cd <1 <1 <1 <1 18.5 49.7 81.3 25.7 Cr 9.0 17.5 10.3 12.5 Ni 7.22 8.13 6.68 7.31 Co 7.07 5.22 6.52 5.95 Cu [mg·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 40 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 2 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Ruptic, Toxic, Arenic) Location: Segner Square, Debrecen, East Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o31’45.59” N 21o36’43.75” E 119 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene drift of sands Land-use: pathway and cycle path Vegetation: none 41 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 2 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Ruptic, Toxic, Arenic) 0 cm Morphology: 0–15 cm: technic hard rock – flagstone and gravel. HTM – 15–60 cm: human-transported material, sand, grey colour, single grain structure, dry, clear boundary, common artefacts. 50 cm Au – 60–115 cm: sandy loam, very dark greyish brown, weak structure, slightly moist, clear boundary, very few artefacts. 100 cm B – 115–130 cm: loam, very dark greyish brown, weak structure, moist, very few artefacts. Comments: Site 2 is located on the Segner Square. Here is located one of main bus terminals of Debrecen. This part of Debrecen is quite busy. Nearby is the Kenézy Gyula Hospital and a lot of supermarkets. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 42 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 2 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Ruptic, Toxic, Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON HTM Au B DEPTH [cm] 15–60 60–115 115–130 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] Artefact content 8 2 0 2.0–0.2 25 8 1 0.2–0.1 56 36 18 0.1–0.05 12 18 12 0.05–0.02 1 22 22 0.02–0.01 1 6 11 0.01–0.005 1 3 9 0.005–0.002 1 4 10 <0.002 3 3 17 sand sandy loam silt loam TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) dry 10YR 5/1 10YR 3/1 10YR 3/2 wet 10YR 4/2 10YR 3/2 10YR 3/2 LoI [%] 0.51 2.45 2.75 OC [%] 0.30 1.42 1.60 6 4 3 H2O 8.8 8.2 8.2 1M KCl 8.3 7.9 7.8 2.9 7.0 10.6 Zn 20.5 67.7 73.5 Pb 10.3 59.7 104 Cd <1 <1 <1 7.1 28.9 29.9 Cr 8.0 25.8 47.0 Ni 4.58 10.3 12.3 Co 7.41 4.71 3.64 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR Pca [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 2M HNO3 Cu [mg·kg-1] 43 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 3 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Ruptic, Arenic) Location: Vörösmarty Mihály Street, Debrecen, East Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o31’20.52” N 21o37’30.12” E 120 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene drift of sands Land-use: surfaced road, sidewalk Vegetation: none TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 44 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 3 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Ruptic, Arenic) Morphology: 0 cm 0–20 cm: technic hard rock – flagstone and gravel. HTM – 20–45 cm: human-transported material, sand, brownish yellow, single grain structure, dry, abrupt boundary, common artefacts. Abu1 – 45–85 cm: sandy loam, brown, granular structure, moist, abrupt boundary, common artefacts. 50 cm Au/C – 85–100 cm: mixed horizon, sandy loam, yellowish brown, single grain structure, moist, abrupt boundary, few artefacts. 100 cm Comments: Site 3 was located in Vörösmarty Mihály street in downtown of Debrecen. Nearby the main train station is located. The traffic is low and the houses are four-storey. 45 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 3 – Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric, Ruptic, Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] HTM Abu1 Au/C 20–45 45–85 85–100 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] Artefact content 13 9 4 2.0–0.2 13 10 6 0.2–0.1 65 35 36 0.1–0.05 15 16 14 0.05–0.02 2 13 15 0.02–0.01 1 7 8 0.01–0.005 1 5 5 0.005–0.002 1 5 7 <0.002 2 9 9 sand sandy loam sandy loam TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) dry 10YR 6/6 10YR 5/3 10YR 5/4 wet 10YR 5/4 10YR 4/3 10YR 4/4 LoI [%] 0.47 1.21 1.41 OC [%] 0.27 0.71 0.82 5 2 5 H2O 8.4 8.5 8.5 1M KCl 8.3 8.2 8.2 3.6 10.6 8.9 Zn 29.5 76.8 62.5 Pb 32.5 43.3 72.5 Cd <1 <1 <1 6.0 23.1 24.5 Cr 7.5 21.8 29.0 Ni 2.4 9.7 9.8 Co 7.5 4.8 4.0 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR Pca [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 2M HNO3 Cu [mg·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 46 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 4 – Ekranic Thaptomollic Luvic Technosol (Calcaric, Toxic, Humic) Location: Krúdy Street, Debrecen, East Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o31’18.89’’ N 21o36’47.28’’ E 123 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene blown-sand Land-use: garden Vegetation: weeds 47 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 4 – Ekranic Thaptomollic Luvic Technosol (Calcaric, Toxic, Humic) Morphology: 0 cm 0–15 cm: technic hard rock – flagstone and gravel. Au1/Au2 – 15–30 cm: mixed horizon, sandy loam, dark grey, granular structure, dry, clear boundary, common artefacts. Au1 – 30–60 cm: sandy loam, dark grey, granular structure, dry, gradual boundary, common artefacts. Au2 – 60–80 cm: sandy loam, dark grey, granular structure, slightly moist, gradual boundary, common artefacts. 50 cm Au3– 80–115 cm: loam, very dark greyish brown, weak structure, moist, gradual boundary, few artefacts. 100 cm Comments: Site 4 was located in Krúdy Gyula Street in Debrecen. This area of the city belongs to ‘Family Houses with garden’ zone. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 48 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 4 – Ekranic Thaptomollic Luvic Technosol (Calcaric, Toxic, Humic) Selected soil properties HORIZON Au1/Au2 Au1 Au2 Au3 DEPTH [cm] 15–30 cm 30–60 60–80 80–115 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] Artefact content 9 9 9 2 2.0–0.2 11 12 8 6 0.2–0.1 43 45 37 27 0.1–0.05 14 14 14 12 0.05–0.02 15 13 20 18 0.02–0.01 6 5 8 10 0.01–0.005 4 4 5 8 0.005–0.002 4 4 4 8 <0.002 3 3 4 11 sandy loam sandy loam sandy loam loam dry 10YR 4/1 10YR 4/1 10YR 4/1 10YR 4/2 wet 10YR 3/1 10YR 3/1 10YR 3/1 10YR 3/2 LoI [%] 2.06 2.07 2.04 2.35 OC [%] 1.12 1.20 1.18 1.36 9 10 3 5 H2O 8.1 8.0 8.3 8.3 1M KCl 8.0 7.9 8.1 8.1 8.6 7.0 11.8 11.6 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR Pca [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 2M HNO3 Zn 108 111 102 102 Pb 85.7 92.0 73.0 120 <1 <1 <1 <1 39.0 38.9 39.2 39.2 Cr 24.7 21.5 31.0 35.3 Ni 9.00 8.22 10.6 11.1 Co 4.34 4.61 3.80 3.79 Cd Cu [mg·kg-1] 49 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 5 – Ekranic Thaptomollic Luvic Technosol (Calcaric, Toxic, Humic) Location: The public cemetery, Debrecen, East Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o33’30.49’’ N 21o39’00.67’’ E 124 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene drift of sands Land-use: cemetery Vegetation: deciduous trees, pine trees, flowers TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 50 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 5 – Ekranic Thaptomollic Luvic Technosol (Calcaric, Toxic, Humic) 0 cm Morphology: 0–35 cm: technic hard rock – concrete layer. A/C – 35–54 cm: mixed horizon, sandy loam, light yellowish brown and dark greyish brown, abundant mottles, weak structure, very dry, abrupt boundary, no artefacts. A1 – 54–85 cm: humus horizon, loamy sand, dark greyish brown, weak structure, dry, clear boundary, no artefacts. 50 cm A2 – 85–104 cm: humus horizon, sand, greyish brown, single grain, dry, clear boundary, no artefacts. 100 cm C1 – 104–130 cm: loamy sand, brown, single grain, slightly moist, gradual boundary, no artefacts. C2 – 130–155 cm: sandy loam, brownish yellow, single grain, slightly moist, gradual boundary, no artefacts. 150 cm Comments: Site 5 was located in the public cemetery, established in 1932 (northern part of Debrecen). The national main road ‘4’ is next to it. 51 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 5 – Ekranic Thaptomollic Luvic Technosol (Calcaric, Toxic, Humic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] A/C A1b A2 C1 C2 35–54 54–85 85–104 104–130 130–155 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] Artefact content 0 0 0 0 0 2.0–0.2 7 14 11 11 7 0.2–0.1 41 49 58 56 37 0.1–0.05 25 15 16 17 22 0.05–0.02 10 6 5 5 11 0.02–0.01 4 4 2 2 4 0.01–0.005 2 3 2 2 3 0.005–0.002 3 3 2 2 3 <0.002 8 6 4 5 13 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) sandy loam loamy sand sand loamy sand sandy loam dry 10YR 6/4;4/2 10YR 4/2 10YR 5/2 10YR 6/3 10YR 6/4 wet 10YR 6/8;3/2 10YR 3/2 10YR 4/2 10YR 5/3 10YR 6/8 LoI [%] 0.86 1.47 0.57 0.26 0.43 OC [%] 0.50 0.85 0.33 0.15 0.25 86 180 79 80 97 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR Pca [mg·kg-1] pH H2O 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 1M KCl 7.5 7.4 7.2 7,0 6.8 3. 9 2.5 2.3 3.2 2.8 CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 2M HNO3 Zn 38.0 49.0 19.3 17.2 28.8 Pb 38.1 32.8 17.6 16.0 22.5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 19.0 17.1 10.8 9.45 14.1 15.6 14.8 8.78 9.14 24.5 Cd Cu Cr [mg·kg-1] Ni <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 Co 4.08 4.08 4.52 4.51 3.85 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 52 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 6 – Urbic Technosol (Calcaric, Ruptic, Arenic) Location: Jerikó Street, Debrecen, East Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o32’49.30’’ N 21o36’42.12’’ E 121 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene drift of sands Land-use: lawn (recreational) Vegetation: lawn grass 53 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site – 6 Urbic Technosol (Calcaric, Ruptic, Arenic) 0 cm Morphology: Au – 0–32 cm: humus horizon, sand, light grey, single grain structure, very dry, abrupt boundary, numerous artefacts. 32–47 cm: technic hard rock –asphalt mixture, weakly permeable. 50 cm Cu – 47–90 cm: loamy sand, light brownish grey, single grain structure, very dry, abrupt boundary, many artefacts. C – 90–115 cm: loam, yellowish brown, weak structure, slightly moist, abrupt boundary, no artefacts. 100 cm Comments: Site 6 was located in ‘Newgarden’ in north part of Debrecen. Residential district with 4–14 floors apartment houses with small parks and playgrounds. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 54 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site – 6 Urbic Technosol (Calcaric, Ruptic, Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Au Cu C 0–32 47–90 90–115 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] Artefact content 16 16 0 2.0–0.2 17 16 1 0.2–0.1 62 56 25 0.1–0.05 9 11 16 0.05–0.02 3 4 26 0.02–0.01 2 3 9 0.01–0.005 2 2 5 0.005–0.002 2 3 4 <0.002 3 5 14 sand loamy sand loam TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) dry 10YR 7/2 10YR 6/2 10YR 7/6 wet 10YR 4/2 10YR 4/2 10YR 5/6 LoI [%] 0.61 0.15 0.30 OC [%] 0.35 0.09 0.17 126 92.5 74.5 H2O 7.6 8.3 7.5 1M KCl 7.2 7.9 6.2 2.2 3.4 2.7 Zn 26.6 27.8 44.2 Pb 33.7 36.6 41.8 Cd <1 <1 <1 24.8 13.4 26.4 Cr 9.74 15.5 41.7 Ni <2 <2 <2 Co 4.30 3.44 2.92 SOIL MATRIX COLOUR Pca [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 2M HNO3 Cu [mg·kg-1] 55 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 7 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Location: Kassai Campus, Laktanya utca 1, Debrecen Coordinates: Altitude: 47o32’29.4’’ N 21o38’20.7’’ E 130 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene blown-sand Land-use: university campus, former Soviet army barracks area Vegetation: lawn grass, weeds TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 56 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 7 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Morphology: 0–20 cm: technic hard rock – concrete slab. Au1 – 20–23 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, brown, clear and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials; 3%). 0 cm Au2 – 23–28 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, brown, clear and smooth boundary, dominant artefacts (construction materials, e.g. brick pieces; 85%). Au3 – 28–32 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, brown, clear and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials; 4%). 50 cm Bu1 – 32–38 cm: loamy sand, medium granular structure, dark grey, clear and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials; 3%). Bu2 – 38–41 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, greyish brown, gradual and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials; 4%). Bu3 – 41–57 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, light yellowish brown, gradual and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials; 3%). 100 cm Bu4 – 57–93 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, pale brown, gradual and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials; 4%). Bu5 – >93 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, light yellowish brown, few artefacts (construction materials; 3%). Comments: Site 7 was located in Laktanya 1 street in Debrecen; former Soviet military area. Nowadays used as a parking place. 57 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Au1 Au2 Au3 Bu1 Bu2 Bp3 Bp3 Bp5 20–23 23–28 28–32 32–38 38–41 41–57 57–93 >93 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 2.0–1.0 7 11 5 14 8 1 1 1 1.0–0.5 9 13 4 17 6 2 1 3 0.5–0.25 18 16 15 20 21 19 12 20 0.25–0.1 51 43 65 40 57 69 79 68 0.1–0.05 11 10 9 4 6 8 7 4 <0.05 4 58 7 2 5 2 1 0 4 loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand 7,5YR 5/2 7,5YR 5/3 10YR 5/3 10YR 4/1 10YR 5/2 10YR 6/4 10YR 6/3 10YR 6/4 7,5YR 3/2 7,5YR 3/3 10YR 3/2 10YR 2/1 10YR 4/2 10YR 4/3 10YR 3/3 10YR 4/4 OC [%] 1.23 1.03 0.96 2.76 0.58 0.15 0.21 0.14 Nt [%] 0.074 0.050 0.042 0.092 0.045 0.01 0.02 0.01 C:N [%] 17 21 23 30 13 15 11 12 115 84 100 128 235 305 378 138 8.3 8.6 8.3 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.3 8.3 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) loamy sand SOIL MATRIX dry COLOUR wet Pca [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] H2O 1M KCl 7.7 7.8 7.4 7.3 7.9 8.0 8.0 8.0 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.1 G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 7 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Site 7 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Selected soil properties cont. 59 HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Au1 Au2 Au3 Bu1 Bu2 Bu3 Bu4 Bu5 20–23 23–28 28–32 32–38 38–41 41–57 57–93 >93 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Zn 75 68 48 92 45 17 19 19 66 52 51 80 63 63 66 33 Cd <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Cu 41 36 27 54 25 21 21 19 Pb [mg·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 8 – Urbic Technosol (Arenic) Location: Kassai Campus, Laktanya utca 1, Debrecen, Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o32’29.4’’ N 21o38’20.7’’ E 130 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene blown-sand Land-use: fallow, disused Vegetation: lawn grass, weed TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 60 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 8 – Urbic Technosol (Arenic) Morphology: Ap – 0–20 cm: fine sand, single grain structure, rock fragments, dark greyish brown, few roots, few artefacts (construction materials; 4%), clear and smooth boundary. 0 cm Au – 20–30 cm: fine sand, single grain structure, brown, very few roots, dominant artefacts, 50% (construction materials), clear and smooth boundary. Bp1 – 30–36 cm: fine sand, single grain texture, dark grey, few artefacts (construction materials; 3%), clear and smooth boundary. 50 cm Bp2 – 36–42 cm: fine sand, very fine granular structure, rock fragments, brown, few artefacts (construction materials: 3%), clear and smooth boundary. 100 cm Bp3 – 42–127 cm: fine sand, weak, very fine granular structure, light yellowish brown, few artefacts (construction materials; 3%). Comments: Site 8 was located in Laktanya 1 street in Debrecen; former Soviet military area. Nowadays a lawn. 61 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 8 – Urbic Technosol (Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Ap Au Bp1 Bp2 Bp3 0–20 20–30 30–36 36–42 42–107 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] 2.0–1.0 9 13 12 4 1 1.0–0.5 8 14 12 7 1 0.5–0.25 19 15 18 21 10 0.25–0.1 50 44 43 59 80 0.1–0.05 8 8 10 8 7 <0.05 6 6 5 1 1 fine sand fine sand fine sand fine sand fine sand dry 10YR 4/2 7,5YR 5/3 10YR 4/1 10YR 5/3 10YR 6/4 wet 10YR 2/2 7,5YR 3/3 10YR 2/1 10YR 3/2 10YR 4/4 OC [%] 1.91 1.13 2.03 0.41 0.18 Nt [%] 0.091 0.053 0.070 0.038 0.019 C:N [%] 21 21 29 11 10 Pca [mg·kg-1] 160 109 194 401 271 H2O 8.3 8.2 7.5 8.1 8.4 1M KCl 7.8 7.9 7.1 7.6 7.8 1.4 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.0 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Zn Pb Cd Cu [mg·kg-1] 70 62 48 32 36 26 35 38 37 36 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 31 37 36 22 20 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 62 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 9 – Urbic Technosol (Arenic) Location: Bolyai utca 27, Debrecen, Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o32’58’’ N 21o36’57’’ E 126 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene blown-sand Land-use: residential use Vegetation: lawn grasses, weeds 63 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 9 – Urbic Technosol (Arenic) Morphology: 0 cm A – 0–20 cm: fine sand, single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, roots, few artefacts (construction materials; 3%). ABu – 20–28 cm: fine sand, single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, roots, dominant artefacts (construction materials, glass; 10%). Bu – 28–35 cm: fine sand, single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, roots, dominant artefacts (construction materials, glass, bricks; 85%). 50 cm ABu – 35–48 cm: fine sand, single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, very few roots, dominant artefacts (construction materials, glass, bricks, aluminium foil, plastic bottle; 90%). B – 48–105 cm: fine sand, single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, very few roots, few artefacts. 100 cm Comments: Site 9 was located in Bolyai utca 27 of Debrecen. Narrow strip of lawn (3 m wide) along the street. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 64 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 9 – Urbic Technosol (Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] A ABu Bu ABu B 0–20 20–28 28–35 35–48 48–105 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] 2.0–1.0 36 14 5 3 0 1.0–0.5 17 8 6 5 0 0.5–0.25 14 17 18 13 15 0.25–0.1 20 48 61 64 79 0.1–0.05 9 6 7 10 5 <0.05 4 7 3 5 1 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) fine sand fine sand fine sand fine sand fine sand SOIL MATRIX dry COLOUR wet 10YR 4/2 10YR 5/3 10YR 7/2 10YR 5/2 10YR 6/3 10YR 2/2 10YR 3/3 10YR 5/3 10YR 3/2 10YR 4/3 OC [%] 1.90 0.69 1.42 1.09 0.13 Nt [%] 0.177 0.043 0.028 0.087 0.009 C:N [%] 11 16 51 12 13 176 213 164 116 82 H2O 7.7 8.4 8.8 8.2 8.2 1M KCl 7.1 7.9 8.2 7.8 7.5 0.2 1.2 8.4 1.2 0.1 Pca [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Zn Pb Cd [mg·kg-1] Cu 65 41 34 13 31 8 65 62 68 92 46 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 27 33 33 39 19 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 10 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Location: Bolyai utca 27, Debrecen, Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o32’58’’ N 21o36’57’’ E 126 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene blown-sand Land-use: traffic area, bus stop Vegetation: none TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 66 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 10 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Morphology: 0 cm 0–6 cm: technic hard rock – flagstone and gravel. HTM – 6–40 cm: human-transpored material, fine sand, single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials, bricks; 4%). ABu – 40–58 cm: fine sand, single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials; 3%). 50 cm B – 58–120 cm: fine sand, single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials; 4%), roots. 100 cm Comments: Site 10 was located in front of Regional Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Debrecen; Bolyai utca 27. 67 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 10 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON HTM ABu B DEPTH [cm] 6–40 40–58 58–120 2.0–1.0 33 7 0 1.0–0.5 35 2 1 0.5–0.25 24 21 28 0.25–0.1 6 63 63 0.1–0.05 1 4 5 >0.05 1 3 3 fine sand fine sand fine sand dry 10YR 6/3 10YR 6/3 10YR 5/3 wet 10YR 5/3 10YR 3/3 10YR 3/3 OC [%] 0.10 0.27 0.13 Nt [%] 0.008 0.021 0.017 C:N [%] 12 13 7 Pca [mg·kg-1] 110 126 109 H2O 9.0 8.7 7.9 1M KCl 8.5 8.3 7.0 0.2 0.4 0.1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Zn Pb Cd Cu [mg·kg-1] 13 21 7 <16 24 24 <5 <5 <5 20 44 18 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 68 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 11 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Location: Doberdó Street, Debrecen, Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o33’23’’ N 21o36’31’’ E 126 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene blown-sand Land-use: residential area, soil under pedestrian alley Vegetation: none 69 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 11 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol 0 cm Morphology: 0–12 cm: technic hard rock – flagstone and gravel. HTM 12–24 cm: human-transpored material – loamy sand, single grain structure, very pale brown, roots, abrupt boundary, dominant artefacts (construction materials, bricks; 90%). A– 24–32 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, roots, abrupt boundary, few artefacts (bricks). 50 cm Bu – 32–70 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, abrupt boundary, dominant artefacts (construction materials, stone, bricks, cinder; 85%). Bu2 – 70–92 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, abrupt boundary, dominant artefacts (construction materials, stone, brick, cinder, plastic bottle, metal nails; 85%). 100 cm Bu3 – 92–104 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, abrupt boundary, dominant artefacts (construction materials, stone, bricks, cinder; 85%). Ab – 104–160 cm: loamy sand (gleyic properties), single grain structure, few artefacts. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 70 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 11 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Selected soil properties HORIZON HTM A Bu Bu2 Bu3 Ab DEPTH [cm] 12–24 24–32 32–70 70–92 92–104 104–160 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] 2.0–1.0 34 46 11 14 15 9 1.0–0.5 35 18 11 8 13 8 0.5–0.25 26 12 22 20 16 29 0.25–0.1 4 17 47 48 43 47 0.1–0.05 1 4 6 7 7 5 <0.05 0 3 3 3 6 2 loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand sandy loam sandy loam sandy loam 10YR 7/3 10YR 3/2 10YR 6/2 10YR 6/3 10YR 5/3 10YR 5/2 10YR 3/2 10YR 4/2 10YR 3/2 10YR 2/2 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX dry COLOUR wet 10YR 4/3 10YR 2/2 OC [%] 0.07 1.13 0.63 0.41 0.51 0.44 Nt [%] 0.006 0.121 0.036 0.029 0.039 0.044 C:N [%] 12 9 17 14 13 10 Pca [mg·kg-1] 130 541 60 35 91 61 H 2O 8.4 7.5 8.5 8.6 8.4 8.2 1M KCl 7.7 6.2 7.9 8.0 7.9 7.3 0.1 0 1.3 1.2 1.2 0.1 pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Zn Pb Cd [mg·kg-1] Cu 71 12 67 38 23 23 20 40 68 66 73 78 78 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 19 32 27 56 22 22 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 12 – Urbic Technosol Location: Doberdó Street, Debrecen, Hungary Coordinates: Altitude: 47o33’22’’ N 21o36’28 E 126 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6–9.9oC Average annual precipitation: 540 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene blown-sand Land-use: residential area, lawn area between street and apartment houses Vegetation: lawn grasses, weeds TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 72 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN DEBRECEN Site 12 – Urbic Technosol 0 cm Morphology: A – 0–24 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, few roots, clear and smooth boundary. Bu1 – 24–40 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, few roots, clear and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials, cinder, charcoals; 4%). 50 cm Bu2 – 40–74 cm: loamy sand, single grain structure, few roots, clear and smooth boundary, dominant artefacts (construction materials, cinder, bricks; 90%). Bu3 – 74–98 cm: loamy sand (gleyic properties), single grain structure, few roots, clear and smooth boundary, dominant artefacts (construction materials, glass, cinder, bricks; 85%). 100 cm Bu4 – 98–116 cm: loamy sand (gleyic properties), single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, few artefacts (charcoals, bricks, stones; 4%). Ab – 116–147 cm: loamy sand texture, single grain structure, clear and smooth boundary, few artefacts (construction materials, glass, nails; 3%). 150 cm 73 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas G. SÁNDOR, Gy. SZABÓ, P. CHARZYŃSKI, E. SZYNKOWSKA, T. J. NOVÁK, M. ŚWITONIAK Site 12 – Urbic Technosol Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] A Bu1 Bu2 Bu3 Bu4 Ab 0–24 24–40 40–74 74–98 98–116 116–147 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] 2.0–1.0 24 11 11 12 21 10 1.0–0.5 15 6 15 7 12 7 0.5–0.25 18 15 19 14 15 26 0.25–0.1 26 54 44 56 38 49 0.1–0.05 14 12 9 6 7 5 <0.05 3 2 2 5 7 3 loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR dry 10YR 4/2 10YR 5/3 10YR 6/2 10YR 6/3 10YR 5/2 10YR 3/2 wet 10YR 2/2 10YR 2/3 10YR 3/2 10YR 3/3 10YR 3/2 10YR 2/2 OC [%] 2.16 0.83 1.76 0.41 0.56 0.48 Nt [%] 0.208 0.057 0.064 0.024 0.046 0.053 C:N [%] 10 15 27 17 12 9 Pca [mg·kg-1] 123 88 115 131 82 42 H2O 6.8 8.4 8.5 8.7 8.5 7.5 1M KCl 6.1 7.8 7.9 8.0 7.8 8.1 0.1 0.5 5.7 1.2 1.2 0.2 pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS EXTRACTED IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HF AND HClO3 Zn Pb Cd Cu [mg·kg-1] 48 29 41 20 25 38 96 104 40.2 25 40 39 <5 <5 <5 6 6 <5 31 27 29 40 24 23 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 74 3 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA JAROSLAVA SOBOCKÁ Bratislava is one of the youngest capitals in Europe with two thousand years of rich history. Location in the heart of Central Europe on the banks of the Danube River (Fig. 1), and thus at the intersection of trade routes, determined the multicultural character of the city. Bratislava − the capital of the independent Slovak Republic since early 1993 − is situated between two orographic units: the Danube Basin and the Záhorska Basin in the foothills of the Little Carpathians, at the confluence of the Danube and Morava rivers. In the south and west, it is adjacent to the state borders of Hungary and Austria. The area of the city is 367.9 km2 with a population of 432,800 (2010). It is located at 17º7’ east longitude and 48º9’ north latitude, at an altitude of 126–514 m above sea level (top point Devinska Kobyla), the average altitude is 140 m above sea level. Besides the Danube, which flows through the city from west to south-east, the northwestern boundary of the Fig. 1. Location of Bratislava city is delineated by the Morava River, which flows into the Danube in Devin. Climate conditions are very mild with mean annual temperature of 9.6ºC, with the maximum of 20ºC in July and minimum of -1.6ºC in January. The total annual precipitation is 650–670 mm. The first traces of a permanent settlement are linked to the Neolithic Age (Celts, Romans and Slavs later). Three geomorphologic units can be distinguished in Bratislava: 1) Little Carpathians, 2) Zahorska Lowland (as part of the Vienna Basin) and 3) Danube Lowland (as part of the Little Danube Basin). The Little Carpathians are built of crystalline and Mesozoic rocks, lined by low-lying Neogene and Quaternary sediments. Záhorska lowland depressions in the foothills are filled by the Neogene Vienna Basin materials covered with 75 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas J. SOBOCKÁ debris and alluvial cones. Soils of sandy texture are also quite common. The Danube Lowland is a flat plane built mostly of the Holocene sandy-gravel and loamy sediments. Elevation differences in low-lying terraces are insignificant. The foothills of the Little Carpathians represent a narrow strip of higher, deforested area, which consists of Pleistocene alluvial cones and footslope debris. Anthropogenic soils dominate in Bratislava (33.5%; Sobocká et al. 2007), represented by Antrozems and Kultizems according to the taxonomy of the Morphogenetic Soil Classification System of Slovakia (Collective 2000). The second (26%) significant group consists of Fluvizems – soils developed in alluvial deposits. The next group of soils represents pedons with the mollic horizon (21%) (Phaeozems, Chernozems) associated with the Danube Lowland and the group of brown soils (Kambizems) occurring in the Little Carpathians (16%). The group of Rendzinas soils (2%) is represented in a single area of Devínska Kobyla. The built-up area in Bratislava is affected by strong technogenic activity. Soil in the urban area is present on the ground surface in the form of green exposures, mostly ornamental gardens, street alleys, recreation areas, children’s playgrounds and schoolyards, cemeteries, city parks etc. Soil of these areas was classified as Kultizems or Antrozems – highly dominant types in urban areas. Ornamental parks, orchards, gardens represent the soil type of Kultizems, which form the core of the Castle Hill. Kultizems are soils with a deep, transformed top horizon (more than 35 cm), while the origin of the soil can be determined based on the diagnostic remains of subsoil. The newly built residential areas, historic and commercial centres, and industrial zones are mapped and classified as Antrozems – artificial soils with antrozemic Ad-horizon formed from human-transported anthropogenic materials of different origin. The anthropogenic substrate is defined as human-transported material (HTM) of natural or natural-technogenic or technogenic origin. Such soils are not associated with specific ecological environment; they are significantly azonal and are a product of human, or civil-engineering activities. Technogenic material, formed during industrial processing, construction or mining and military activities is less safe for handling and difficult to diagnose. In Bratislava, we can recognize all subtypes of Antrozems but Initial Antrozems dominate, with an initial Adi-horizon having a thickness of 1–10 cm and containing at least 0.3% of organic carbon. Reclaimed Antrozems are soils with significantly improved fertility after reclamation treatments. An Antrozem’s covering subtype can be found on artificial surfaces consisting of soil improvers such as peat, humolit, compost, humic earth. It should be emphasized that soils in built-up areas, especially Antrozems, possess highly diverse as a consequence of entropically developed environment. This means that soil is without any horizontal internal structure, instead developed chaotic arrangement (Sobocká 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c, 2010; Sobocká et al 2000; Sobocká, Poltárska 2004; Sobocká, Burghardt 2005; Sobocká, Fulajtár 2009). Soil types listed as Nekrozems, Ekranozems or Industrizems will be defined in the upcoming version of the Slovak Soil Classification System and will be referred to the soil type Technozem. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 76 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA Site 1 – Spolic Technosol (Toxic, Skeletic) Location: Bratislava – Vrakuna, Danube lowland, chemical waste dump site from the chemical industry, south-western Slovakia Coordinates: 48.16º N 17.186º E Altitude: 134 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 10.3ºC Average annual precipitation: 580 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: lowland, alluvial flood plain Lithology: quaternary (Wűrm), land fill-up age 45 years Land-use: abandoned area Vegetation: ruderal green and trees 77 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas J. SOBOCKÁ Site 1 – Spolic Technosol (Toxic, Skeletic) 0 cm Morphology: Au – 0–2 cm: sandy loam, pale red, dry, slightly hard, friable, weak subangular blocky, mediate rooting, calcareous, 15% presence of mixed anthro-gravels clear boundary. Bu1 – 2–18 cm: sandy loam, light red, moderate moist, firm, weak subangular blocky to no structure, rarely rooting, calcareous, 30% tiny gravel, abundant artefacts: (brick, glass, plastic, wood, rarely coarse gravel; 50%), clear boundary. 50 cm Bu2 – 18–66 cm: sandy loam, olive brown, moderate moist, firm, no structure, few roots, calcareous, 60–70% of gravel, 30% of artefacts, clear boundary. Bu3 – 66–94 cm: sandy loam, olive brown, moist, firm, loam to sandy loam, no structure, few roots, calcareous, 10% of boulders, 40–50% medium coarse gravels, presence of artefacts as building material, clear boundary. 100 cm Bu4 – below 94 cm: sandy loam, brownish yellow, moist, firm, no structure, redoximorphic mottles >25%, few roots, calcareous, artefacts presence (bricks, wire). Comments: Site 1 was located on abandoned area, partly building activities chemical waste dump (at present finished). Artefacts – 60% building and toxic material, chemical waste material from chemical industry. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 78 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA Site 1 – Spolic Technosol (Toxic, Skeletic) Selected soil properties HORIZON Au Bu1 Bu2 Bu3 Bu4 DEPTH [cm] 0–2 2–18 18–66 66–94 >94 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] 2.0–0.05 67 57 63 68 71 0.05–0.002 22 27 23 18 17 <0.002 11 16 14 14 12 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) sandy loam sandy loam sandy loam sandy loam sandy loam OC [%] 1.91 1.22 0.80 0.47 0.64 Nt [%] 1.343 — — — — H2O 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.4 8. 5 1M CaCl2 7.2 7.2 7.6 7.6 7.8 ***38.8 ***8.0 ***21.1 ***3.3 ***3.3 ***38.8 ***8.0 ***20.8 ***3.3 ***3.3 0.02 ***2.11 — — — ***130 ***860 ***110 ***100 ***290 pH ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Content PAH 1* Content PAH 2** Content PCB mg·kg-1 Content of NEL * Content PAH 1 = sum of 16 compounds: naphthalene, acetonaphthalene, acenaphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, indeno(1,2,3c,d)pyrene, chryzene. ** Content PAH 2 = sum of 12 compounds according to Soil Protection Act 220/2004 [Slovak Republic]: naphthalene, phenanhtrene, antracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene. According to the Act. No. 220/2004 (Slovakia) on the protection and use of agricultural land limits are: • limit value of PAH = 1 mg∙kg-1 • limit value of PCB = 0.05 mg∙kg-1 • limit value of NEL = 100 mg∙kg-1 *** These values exceed limits for organic risk elements. This site represents environmental risk [hot spot area] which served as sink for sewage dilution from Dynamite Nobel factory in the past. Groundwater and soil is contaminated because no preventive protection measures were made. 79 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas J. SOBOCKÁ Site 2 – Urbic Technosol (Calcaric, Skeletic) Location: Bratislava – Dubravka, Little Carpathians, Devinska Kobyla, south-western Slovakia Coordinates: 48.199º N 17.032º E Altitude: 220 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 10.3ºC Average annual precipitation: 580 mm Relief and lithology Major landform: mountains foot slope Slope position: undulated plain Lithology: Mesozoic (middle Triassic), building rubble 30 years Land-use: abandoned urban area ready for recultivation activities Vegetation: ruderal green and some trees TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 80 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA Site 2 – Urbic Technosol (Calcaric, Skeletic) Morphology: 0 cm Au – 0–20 cm: sandy loam, dark yellowish brown, dry, friable, calcareous, humantransported material with admixture of 60% gravel and sharp stoniness (granite), no structure, presence of artefacts (20%), weak or moderate rooting, abrupt boundary. 50 cm Bu1 – 20–30 cm: sandy loam, dark yellowish brown, dry, friable, calcareous, with admixture of >60% gravel, and weathered rock (granite, sandstone, slate), no structure, very weak rooting, fragments of artefacts: brick, plastic, iron-concrete, clear boundary. Bu2 – 30–90 cm: sandy loam, pale brown, moist, friable, 10–15% sharp granite weathered rock, rarely boulders, no structure, no rooting, clear boundary. 100 cm Bu3 – 90–150 cm: sandy loam, light grey, moist, friable, more than 50% gravel (dominantly sharp weathered rock – granite, sandstone, slate), abundant artefacts (iron-concrete, plastic, mortar, brick, no structure, no rooting; 50%). 150 cm 200 cm Comments: Artefacts – 50% urban building rubble. 81 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas J. SOBOCKÁ Site 2 – Urbic Technosol (Calcaric, Skeletic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Au Bu2 Bu3 0–20 50–70 130–150 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] 2.0–0.05 60 65 66 0.05–0.002 28 24 26 <0.002 12 11 8 sandy loam sandy loam sandy loam OC [%] 0.96 0.56 1.16 Nt [%] — — — C:N TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) — — — Pa [mg·kg-1] 21.5 23.3 13.3 Ka [mg·kg-1] 135 90.0 95.6 365 120 1370 H2O 8.3 8.3 8.1 1M KCl 7.4 7.5 7.9 As* 1.10 1.04 1.36 Cd 0.32 0.03 0.14 Co 5.39 1.07 1.19 Cr 9.38 1.54 3.86 14.70 3.00 6.30 139 101 179 7.50 0.90 2.20 Pb 62.50 4.40 45.80 Zn 80.70 7.40 27.10 Hg** 0.05 0.03 0.06 ECe [µS·cm-1] pH INORGANIC ELEMENTS Cu Mn Ni [mg ·kg-1] Extraction with 2M HNO3, As* – extraction with 2M HCl, Hg** – total content TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 82 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA Site 3 – Spolic Technosol (Siltic) Location: Sered (town), Danube lowland, industrial waste spoil heap near to abandoned nickel smelter, southern Slovakia Coordinates: Altitude: 48.278º N 17.733º E 118 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.6ºC Average annual precipitation: 529 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: lowland, foot slope of spoil heap on alluvial plain Lithology: alkaline industrial waste from nickel metallurgy Land-use: controlled dump Vegetation: ruderal green, partially seeded 83 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas J. SOBOCKÁ Site 3 – Spolic Technosol (Siltic) Morphology: 0 cm Ap – 0–20 cm: silt, black, dry, very friable, crumbly structure, moderate rooting, partly accumulated, clear boundary. Bp1 – 20–90 cm: silt, light reddish brown, dry, compacted, angular blocky, alkaline, efflorescence and accumulation of carbonates, wave clear boundary. 50 cm 100 cm Bp2 – >90 cm: silt, black, dry, friable, no structure, dominant artefacts (alkaline industrial material with 49% of iron; 100%). TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 84 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA Site 3 – Spolic Technosol (Siltic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Ap Bp1 Bp2 0–20 50–70 90–110 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] 2.0–0.05 74 79 77 0.05–0.002 24 20 22 <0.002 2 1 1 loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand 1.21 1.42 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] ACTUAL MOISTURE [% v/v] 20.4 29.7 OC [%] 0.99 0.87 Pa [mg·kg-1] <0.56 0.56 Ka [mg·kg-1] 37.0 45.5 H2O 8.1 8.5 1M KCl 8.0 8.1 pH Chemical composition of spoil bank material [%] Fe 49–52 CaO 3–4.5 Fe2O3 42–43 MgO 2–3 FeO 27–28 K2O 0.08–0.10 Ni 0.27–0.29 Cr2O3 3–3 Cu 0.01–0.02 Fe metamorph. 0.25–0.35 P2O5 0.06–0.8 TiO2 0.10–0.12 SiO2 8–10 SO3 0.08–0.10 Na2O 0.20–0.21 Al2O3 4–6 MnO 0.3–0.4 H2O 15–18 Sieve analysis of spoil bank material Fractions Percentage Fractions Percentage >200 µm 1.60 40–30 µm 11.75 200–90 µm 10.90 30–20 µm 10.95 90–70 µm 13.80 20–10 µm 7.60 70–60 µm 4.70 10–5 µm 17.05 60–50 µm 10.95 85 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas J. SOBOCKÁ Site 4 – Ekranic Spolic Technosol (Skeletic) Location: Hacava, Slovak Ore Mountains, surroundings of the magnesite factory, Central Slovakia Coordinates: 48.747º N Altitude: 20.777º E 402 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.0ºC Average annual precipitation: 630 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: mountains Lithology: weathering rock of phyllites Land-use: abandoned and partly recultivated area surrounding industrial plant (smelter) Vegetation: very rarely ruderal green, significantly reduced vegetation TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 86 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA Site 4 – Ekranic Spolic Technosol (Skeletic) Morphology: 0 cm 0–10 cm: technic hard rock – MgCO3 hard crust from longterm emission fallout of magnesite work, with cracs 1–2 cm thick, clear boundary. AB – 10–25 cm: silty clay loam, dark yellowish brown, dry, compact, platy, 30% stoniness, distinct boundary. Bw – 25–45 cm: clay loam, yellowish brown, dry, compact, angular blocky, 35% stoniness, gradual boundary. 50 cm BC – >45 cm: clay loam, yellowish brown, dry, hard, massive, more than 60% stoniness. 100 cm Comments: Artefacts – 50% industrial waste (on the topsoil occurrence of MgCO3 crust, 10 cm thick). 87 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas J. SOBOCKÁ Site 4 – Ekranic Spolic Technosol (Skeletic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] AB Bw BC 10–25 25–45 >45 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION* ø [mm] [%] 2.0–0.25 2 5 10 0.25–0.05 17 16 12 0.05–0.01 22 20 20 0.01–0.001 24 22 20 <0.001 35 37 38 OC [%] 5.76 0.64 0.34 Pa [mg·kg-1] 1.7 1.2 1.25 [mg·kg-1] 87 34 31 H2O 8.6 8.4 8.3 1M KCl 8.5 7.8 7.7 — — Ka pH** CaCO3 [%] * Soil texture in site 4 ** pH – was altered by visible technogenic emission [MgCO3 crust] of former non-calcareus acid soil Chemical elements composition of emission from the magnesite rotary kiln [in ppm] Mg Ca Fe Mn Cu Pb Zn 221 300 3 200 20 200 1 460 60 159 20 Co Cr Ni As Hg Cd Sb 45 140 79 3 2 3 126 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 88 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA Site 5 – Garbic Gleyic Technosol (Reductic, Skeletic) Location: Horné Prsany, Kremnica Mountains, municipal waste dump, Central Slovakia Coordinates: 48.695º N Altitude: 17.032º E 635 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.0ºC Average annual precipitation: 653 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: mountains, fill up terrain Slope position: gently sloping plain Lithology: weathering rock of silicate dolomites Land-use: regulated waste dump (at present finished) Vegetation: ruderal green (grassland) 89 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas J. SOBOCKÁ Site 5 – Garbic Gleyic Technosol (Reductic, Skeletic) Morphology: 0 cm Ap – 0–28 cm: sandy loam, top horizon, dark yellowish brown, dry, loose, subangular blocky structure, 30% stoniness, weak rooting, fragments of asphalt, clear boundary. Bp1 – 28–70 cm: human-transported protective clay material, with 1–2 cm thick cracks, light yellowish brown, dry, compacted, strong mottling, clear boundary. 50 cm Bp2 – > 70 cm: burned municipal waste material with metagenesis possibility, greyish brown, 60% stoniness, presence of artefacts: plastic cables, bricks, cinder blocks, hard plastic. 100 cm Comments: Artefacts – 40% municipal waste (incinerated) overlaid by recultivation material. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 90 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SLOVAKIA Site 5 – Garbic Gleyic Technosol (Reductic, Skeletic) Selected soil properties HORIZON Ap Bp2 0–20 70–90 dry — — wet 10YR 4/4 10YR 6/4 BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] 1.11 1.46 ACTUAL MOISTURE [% v/v] 27.8 34.6 OC [%] DEPTH [cm] SOIL COLOUR (MATRIX) 0.95 2.20* [mg·kg-1] 24.5 0.63 Ka [mg·kg-1] 220 185 H2O 7.7 7.2 1M KCl 6.8 6.2 — — Pa pH CaCO3 [%] *evidence of ignition of the municipal waste, the landfill is used for afforestration, and excluded from agricultural use 91 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 4 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN EDWARD MELLER RYSZARD MALINOWSKI EDWARD NIEDŹWIECKI KATARZYNA MALINOWSKA MARCIN KUBUS Szczecin, the largest city and the capital of the West Pomeranian Province (Fig. 1), is located on the Oder River and Lake Dąbie. It covers an area of 300.55 km²; almost 24% are lands under water. The report on the state of Szczecin (2004) shows that the city is divided into four administrative districts: Downtown (with Międzyodrze), North, West and Right-Bank. In 2011, the population of Szczecin was 410 000 (Demographic Yearbook 2012). Kollender-Szych et al. (2008) provide a historical overview of the Szczecin city. In the area of present Szczecin, there was a settlement dated back to the period of the Lusatian culture, i.e. the 7th–6th century BC. In the 9th century, the Dukes of Slavic tribes built a castle surrounded by a moat, in the foothills of which a fishing settlement developed. In 967, Pomerania and Szczecin were annexed to Poland by Mieszko I. Szczecin consisted then of three parts: the castle, borough and the port. In 1181, the city with West Pomerania became a vassal of the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. In 1243, Duke Barnim I granted Szczecin the town privileges. The town was occupied by the Swedes in 1630, and in 1713, the city was annexed to Prussia. The Russians besieged Szczecin during the Seven Years’ War. In the years 1806– 1813, Szczecin was under French occupation. The French dominion ended in December 1813 and was followed by Fig. 1. Location of Szczecin 93 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas E. MELLER, R. MALINOWSKI, E. NIEDŹWIECKI, K. MALINOWSKA, M. KUBUS Prussian and German rule. In 1873, the then Mayor of the city, Hermann Haken made the decision to pull down the walls and expand the city. During the Second World War, Szczecin was liberated on 26 April 1945, and the official transfer of the city to the Polish authorities took place on 5 July 1945. The time when Szczecin was surrounded by new walls (brick and stone) corresponds with the town privileges granted. Disposal of old wood and earthen embankments, and construction of a new defence system required major land levelling (Kotla 2001). They were carried out mainly in the Odra valley and on the island Łasztownia. These wetlands required significant superstructuring of soil banks for the development (Adamczak et al. 1999). The period of building the powerful fortress in Szczecin (by the Swedes and the Prussians) was also associated with a large-scale land levelling. Old moats were filled up, new excavations were created, old fortifications were surfaced and new earth ramparts and bastions were erected (Turek-Kwiatkowska and Białecki 1991; Kotla 2001). A huge amount of artefacts introduced into the soil, covered with natural levelling material, creates a cultural layer, which results in an increased thickness of the urban soil layer and a raised land surface (Chudecka 2009). After 1873, during the removal of fortifications, the ground defensive structures constructed in the earlier periods w ere levelled on a large scale. Consequently, the ground surface in the city is almost flat (Baranowska 2001). The late 19th and the early 20th century was a period of intensive development and industrialization of the city (Adamczak et al. 1999; Baranowska 2001). During the Second World War Szczecin was destroyed in 60–70% and turned into a pile of rubble. The city was covered with another cultural layer – the technogenic one. Reconstruction of Szczecin has resulted in new embankments consisted of debris and earth, as well as ground mixing for laying pipelines, drains and new power lines (Chudecka 2009). The study of technogenic soils of north-west Szczecin in areas along the roads with heavy traffic (Bohaterów Warszawy Av., Mieszka I st., Sprzymierzonych and Odrodzenia Sq. and Giedroycia Rbt.) and streets with little traffic (Chopina, Braniborska and Słowackiego sts.) was conducted by Niedźwiecki et al. (2009). The obtained results indicate that these soils consisted of thick layers of highly transformed silt loamy sand with admixtures of substrates of technical origin and in the upper layer − the fertilizing organic materials. The studies of technogenic soils in the oldest part of Szczecin (which dates back to the Roman times) were conducted by Chudecka (2009). The author showed that the thickness of man-made sediments reaches 6.2 m and is diverse in terms of particle size. Several scientific studies focused on heavy metal con amination in Szczecin soils, including: Piasecki et al. (1995), Wojcieszczuk and Niedźwiecki (2003), Niedźwiecki et al. (2004), Wojcieszczuk et al. (2006), Malinowska (2012). TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 94 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN Site 1 – Mollic Urbic Technosol Location: Mierzyn, Waniliowa st., northern Poland Coordinates: 53º26’15.2” N 14º27’14.7” E Altitude: 37 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.6ºC Average annual precipitation: 538 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain (Gumieniecka Plain) Lithology: glacial tills Land-use: wasteland Vegetation: lawn grass, bushes 95 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas E. MELLER, R. MALINOWSKI, E. NIEDŹWIECKI, K. MALINOWSKA, M. KUBUS Site 1 – Mollic Urbic Technosol 0 cm Morphology: Au1– 0–35 cm: loamy sand with large amount of rubble, pieces of bricks and gravel (50%), dark yellowish brown. Au2 – 35–40 cm: sandy loam with slag (60%). 2A – 40–55 cm: sandy clay loam, reddish brown. 50 cm 2C1 – 55–90 cm: sandy clay loam, yellowish brown, massive structure. 2C2 – 90–150 cm: sandy clay loam, yellowish brown. 100 cm TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 96 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN Site 1 – Mollic Urbic Technosol Selected soil properties HORIZON Au1 Au2 2A 2C1 2C2 DEPTH [cm] 0–35 35–40 40–55 55–90 90–150 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 25 90 6 4 49 2.0–0.05 74 68 51 51 52 0.05–0.002 18 23 26 25 24 <0.002 8 9 23 24 24 loamy sand sandy loam sandy clay loam sandy clay loam sandy clay loam LoI [%] 1.95 8.00 3.06 2.52 2.61 OC [%] 1.07 3.83 1.53 0.49 0.28 Nt [%] 0.05 0.09 0.11 0.06 0.03 21 43 14 8 9 H2O 7.7 7.6 7.4 7.1 7.4 1M KCl 7.6 7.5 7.4 6.7 7.0 3.21 9.59 4.71 1.10 0.66 9.4 21.4 22.6 20.6 15.8 Mga** 14.7 9.04 9.65 13.7 19.5 Pt 484 1 056 605 264 253 Kt 3 080 2 310 3 600 19 280 18 330 3 050 2 540 2 200 4 690 5 070 Cat 14 070 16 940 4 850 2 890 3 540 Nat 245 1 483 200 207 223 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) C:N pH P a* Ka* Mgt [mg·100 g-1] [mg·kg-1] * content of available forms of P and K – by the method of Egner-Riehm ** content of available forms of Mg – by the method of Schachtschabel 97 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas E. MELLER, R. MALINOWSKI, E. NIEDŹWIECKI, K. MALINOWSKA, M. KUBUS Site 1 – Mollic Urbic Technosol Selected soil properties cont. HORIZON Au1 Au2 2A 2C1 2C2 DEPTH [cm] 0–35 35–40 40–55 55–90 90–150 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 1M HCl Cd 0.04 0.42 0.16 0.03 0.04 Co 1.47 1.83 1.49 1.39 2.93 Cu 4.49 17.1 6.61 3.52 2.41 37.7 137 30.4 6.30 14.6 13.6 61.3 21.9 7.50 5.6 Ni 1.80 5.67 3.39 2.50 1.72 Mn 134 143 112 51.8 28.7 Fe 1 910 2 810 3 250 1 890 2 150 Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HNO3 + HClO4 Cd 0.04 0.42 0.27 0.18 0.13 Co 5.4 13.0 5.4 7.0 10.2 Cu 12.4 40.3 13.0 11.3 10.9 75.5 276 54.0 40.0 40.2 19.2 58.0 889 19.4 19.7 Ni 12.7 36.8 13.7 25.7 25.7 Mn 214 229 132 114 101 Fe 16 370 17 330 14 200 27 910 30 210 Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 98 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN Site 2 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Location: Mierzyn, Milenijna-Długa street, northern Poland Coordinates: 53º25’40.4” N 14º27’49.7” E Altitude: 26 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 8.6ºC Average annual precipitation: 538 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain (Gumieniecka Plain) Lithology: glacial tills Land-use: residential area, square surrounded by buildings Vegetation: lawn grasses, bushes 99 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas E. MELLER, R. MALINOWSKI, E. NIEDŹWIECKI, K. MALINOWSKA, M. KUBUS Site 2 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol 0 cm Morphology: 0–25 cm: technic hard rock – cobblestones with foundation and gravel ballast. Au1 – 25–50 cm: layer created of great amount of sand with great addition of rubble, pieces of bricks and gravel, yellowish brown colour (10YR 5/4). 50 cm Au2 – 50–70 cm: loamy sand with addition of rubble and gravel, very dark grey (5Y 3/1), mottles of oximorphic colours. A3 – 70–120 cm: humus layer, sandy loam, very dark greyish brown (10YR 3/2), mottles of oximorphic colours. 100 cm A4 – 120–150 cm: humus layer, clay loam, olive color (5Y 5/4), gleyic colour pattern. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 100 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN Site 2 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Au1 Au2 A3 2A4 25–50 50–70 70–120 120–150 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 14 12 1 83 2.0–0.05 87 79 74 27 0.05–0.002 9 15 17 42 <0.002 4 6 9 31 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) sand loamy sand sandy loam clay loam LoI [%] 1.72 3.04 3.48 3.86 OC [%] 1.23 2.00 1.74 0.90 Nt [%] 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.08 31 22 13 11 H2O 8.4 7.8 7.7 7.7 1M KCl 8.3 7.6 7.6 7.5 2.99 3.52 5.89 3.30 40.0 16.8 29.2 55.2 Mga** 3.70 7.07 8.16 11.62 Pt 429 275 440 506 Kt 2 010 2 140 3 190 30 800 2 010 1 510 1 970 11 140 Cat 36 470 11 670 8 990 10 390 Nat 238 125 140 342 C:N pH Pa* K a* Mgt [mg·100 g-1] [mg·kg-1] * content of available forms of P and K – by the method of Egner-Riehm ** content of available forms of Mg – by the method of Schachtschabel 101 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas E. MELLER, R. MALINOWSKI, E. NIEDŹWIECKI, K. MALINOWSKA, M. KUBUS Site 2 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Selected soil properties cont. HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Au1 Au2 A3 2A4 25–50 50–70 70–120 120–150 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 1M HCl Cd 0.09 0.18 0.19 0.18 Co 0.66 1.04 1.08 2.38 Cu 5.3 24.3 13.2 4.9 26.9 74.2 55.1 9.5 6.4 13.1 15.0 11.7 Ni 3.2 9.9 9.3 6.8 Mn 83.1 58.9 76.8 85.5 Fe 1402 16.8 1700 1750 Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HNO3 + HClO4 Cd 0.29 0.43 0.28 0.27 Co 2.6 3.6 4.2 11.0 Cu 8.07 27.6 16.2 16.1 28.8 128 101 118 18.0 25.0 25.5 27.6 Ni 8.17 19.1 19.4 39.6 Mn 153 116 145 179 Fe 7 180 7 960 21 420 34 320 Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 102 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN Site 3 – Technic Phaeozem (Arenic) Location: Szczecin, Przestrzenna street, northern Poland Coordinates: 53º23’48.8” N 14º39’26.8” E Altitude: 1 m a.s.l Climate Average annual temperature: 8.6ºC Average annual precipitation: 538 mm Relief and lithology Major landform: plain (Odra Floodplain) Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: wasteland Vegetation: bushes, single trees 103 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas E. MELLER, R. MALINOWSKI, E. NIEDŹWIECKI, K. MALINOWSKA, M. KUBUS Site 3 – Technic Phaeozem (Arenic) 0 cm Morphology: A1 – 0–30 cm: sand, black (10YR 2/1), many artefacts: rubbles, pieces of bricks, textiles, plastic, metals, rubber. A2 – 30–150 cm: sand with addition of rubbles, black (10YR 2/1), artificial materials, rubber. 50 cm 100 cm TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 104 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN Site 3 – Technic Phaeozem (Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] A1 A2 0–30 30–150 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 5 1 2.0–0.05 91 91 0.05–0.002 7 7 <0.002 2 2 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) sand sand LoI [%] 8.82 5.50 OC [%] 4.49 2.90 Nt [%] 0.28 0.18 16 16 in H2O 7.5 7.3 in 1M KCl 7.4 7.1 7.70 4.80 4.20 4.00 Mga** 8.93 7.49 Pt 506 374 Kt 1 350 881 842 879 Cat 9 850 12 020 Nat 123 127 C:N pH Pa* [mg·100 g-1] K a* [mg·kg-1] Mgt * content of available forms of P and K – by the method of Egner-Riehm ** content of available forms of Mg – by the method of Schachtschabel 105 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas E. MELLER, R. MALINOWSKI, E. NIEDŹWIECKI, K. MALINOWSKA, M. KUBUS Site 3 – Technic Phaeozem (Arenic) Selected soil properties cont. HORIZON A1 A2 0–30 30–150 Cd 0.11 0.18 Co 0.72 0.77 Cu 7.64 14.3 88.8 163 37.9 45.7 Ni 2.44 2.41 Mn 48.6 46.1 Fe 1 540 1 920 DEPTH [cm] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 1M HCl Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HNO3 + HClO4 Cd 0.46 0.71 Co 2.68 2.89 Cu 13.9 19.3 115 341 38.4 55.1 Ni 6.38 5.95 Mn 245 236 Fe 6 240 6 670 Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 106 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN Site 4 – Technic Arenosol Location: Szczecin, Sąsiedzka st., northern Poland Coordinates: 53º21’37.9” N 14º36’32.1” E Altitude: 68 m a.s.l. Climate Average annual temperature: 8.6ºC Average annual precipitation: 538 mm Relief and lithology Major landform: terminal moraine (Bukowe Hills) Lithology: glacial loamy sands Land-use: lawn Vegetation: lawn grasses 107 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas E. MELLER, R. MALINOWSKI, E. NIEDŹWIECKI, K. MALINOWSKA, M. KUBUS Site 4 – Technic Arenosol 0 cm Morphology: A1 – 0–15 cm: loamy sand with small amount of artefacts, light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4). A2 – 15–30 cm: loamy sand, light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4), visible artefacts (man-made materials). 50 cm C1 – 30–55 cm: layer of sandy texture, yellow (10YR 7/6), many artefacts in the form of artificial materials and textiles. C2 – 55–110 cm: layer composed of many narrow layers with texture of sand, very pale brown (10YR 8/4), many rust-colored mottles. 100 cm C3 – 110–150 cm: sand, pale brown (2.5Y 8/4). TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 108 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN SZCZECIN Site 4 – Technic Arenosol Selected soil properties HORIZON Au1 Au2 Cu1 C2 C3 DEPTH [cm] 0–15 15–30 30–55 55–110 110–150 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2.0 7 12 5 0 0 2.0–0.05 83 81 93 95 98 0.05–0.002 12 14 4 5 1 <0.002 5 5 3 0 1 sand sand sand TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) loamy sand loamy sand LoI [%] 2.70 1.78 0.80 0.46 0.24 OC [%] 1.48 0.85 0.18 0.01 0.05 Nt [%] 0.118 0.059 0.014 0.010 0.005 13 14 13 1 10 H2O 7.4 7.5 7.4 7.2 7.9 1M KCl 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.1 7. 9 4.4 2.8 2.7 1.7 2.2 39.2 11.4 6.0 3.8 3.6 Mga** 2.61 1.67 1.32 1.09 0.52 Pt 297 253 209 143 143 Kt 1 590 1 590 943 935 856 847 972 525 443 318 Cat 5 500 5 940 1 000 715 2 070 Nat 72 75 53 43 42 C:N pH P a* K a* Mgt [mg·100 g-1] [mg·kg-1] * content of available forms of P and K – by the method of Egner-Riehm ** content of available forms of Mg – by the method of Schachtschabel 109 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas E. MELLER, R. MALINOWSKI, E. NIEDŹWIECKI, K. MALINOWSKA, M. KUBUS Site 4 – Technic Arenosol Selected soil properties cont. HORIZON Au1 Au2 Cu1 C2 C3 DEPTH [cm] 0–15 15–30 30–55 55–110 110–150 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 1M HCl Cd 0.17 0.06 0.01 0.22 0.26 Co 0.68 1.04 0.41 0.23 0.23 Cu 4.30 3.79 1.41 1.16 1.08 56.7 43.8 10.7 28.6 9.37 7.75 6.59 2.59 2.36 1.85 Ni 1.29 1.34 0.67 0.31 0.44 Mn 35.6 33.6 18.3 6.56 10.0 Fe 433 584 330 380 314 Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN MIXTURE OF ACIDS HNO3 + HClO4 Cd 0.77 1.99 2.03 1.99 2.01 Co 2.78 3.97 2.55 2.25 1.88 Cu 6.06 6.68 3.09 3.08 2.83 93.6 58.4 28.4 24.5 26.6 26.2 5.55 4.35 5.09 4.92 Ni 6.69 5.89 3.40 2.80 1.68 Mn 232 275 172 125 158 Fe 7 350 14 500 5 840 5 650 3 990 Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 110 5 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Przemysław Charzyński Maciej Markiewicz Renata Bednarek Łukasz Mendyk Toruń is one of the oldest cities in Poland. The history of Toruń as an urban centre began on 18 December 1233 when the city rights were granted. In the Middle Ages, it was a prominent trade centre as a member of the Hanseatic League. Nowadays, because of the famous Gothic urban complex, the city is one of the most important and crowded tourist centres in Poland. The population of the city as of January 1st 2013 was 198 383 inhabitants. Toruń covers an area of 116 km2. It is located on the Vistula river, in the eastern part of the Toruń Basin (part of the Vistula ice marginal valley) in North Poland − 18º36’ E and 53º01’ N (Fig. 1). The genesis of the Toruń Basin is associated with erosion and accumulation processes induced by meltwaters during the recession of the Weichselian ice sheet. There is a set of eleven river terraces in the described area, built of thick sand series. Within the terraces, vast dune complexes occur. The origin of surface feature transformation in the area of Toruń goes back to the 13th century with the highest intensity in the 19th and 20th centuries. Nowadays the largest areas in Toruń are represented by flat lands, which have developed as a result of filling of Fig. 1. Location of Toruń primary or secondary depressions and levelling of natural convex forms (e.g. dunes). Human activity generates the development of negative and positive land forms, which contribute to specific technogenic relief within the city limits (Podgórski 1996). Destructive morphological activity of man was present, among others, in the construction of roads, streets, channels and drainage ditches, and levelling surfaces, etc. The impact of human activity led to a gradual transformation 111 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK of aeolian forms and to the total elimination of small dunes. The thickness of surface embankments within the administrative boundaries of the city varies depending on their age. In the medieval area of the city and in the left-bank Podgórz district, there are 2.5–4.0 m thick embankments. On the outskirts of the Old Town, their thickness increases to about 7 m. The embankments with a thickness of 1.0–2.5 m occur within the boundaries of the 19th century city (Fedorowicz 1993). The present state of urban soils in Toruń is a result of over 750-years of spatial development and an effect of human economic activity. The variety of technogenic soils can be found in Toruń: undisturbed and weakly transformed soils, urbisols, industrisols, garden soils, soils of parks and lawns, necrosols, ekranosols, constructosols and edifisols (Charzyński et al. 2013a). Urban forest soils (Podzols and Arenosols) cover about 23% of the city area. Changes in their morphology and properties are often relatively minor. Therefore, locally these soils can be classified even as natural. A large part of this area in the left-bank part of the city are military training grounds and locally soils are strongly transformed (Jankowski, Sewerniak 2013). The urban agricultural soils (mainly Fluvisols) are used as meadows, pastures and arable lands. They cover ca. 25% of the city area, but this value constantly decreases. Urbisols formed in the urban built-up area are characterised by varying degrees of morphological transformation. The soils occurring in the Old Town and downtown were formed on a well-developed cultural layer with the urbic horizon of a large thickness and high content of artefacts. The areas of relatively new housing estates are covered with incompletely developed urbisols. Toruń industry, and thus industrisols are concentrated in three parts of the city – western, north-eastern and southern. Allotment gardens in Toruń cover ca. 349 ha (3% of the total city area). The largest complex occurs in left-bank Toruń, in the Rudak quarter. Garden soils in Toruń cover a slightly larger area, because such soils can also be found in districts of detached houses. The soils of parks and grass plots cover 1.95% of the city area. Lawn soils are described by Charzyński et al. (2013b). There are 11 contemporary cemeteries in Toruń. Their soils – necrosols – were researched by Charzyński et al. (2011b). The largest homogeneous area of ekranosols in the city is located under the runway and taxiways of Toruń Aerodrome. Furthermore, ekranosols also occur under all asphalted or cemented streets, sidewalks and alleys in the city parks (Charzyński et al. 2011a, 2013d). Constructosols in Toruń are mainly represented by soils developed on forts (Jankowski et al. 2013) or some medieval walls, and soils of older sport grounds. Locally, edifisols can be found on some medieval structures and on ruined or badly maintained buildings (Charzyński et al. 2010, 2013c). Acknowledgments We are grateful to Patrycja Hudańska, Beata Żołnowska and Jolanta Błaszkiewicz for support in the field and laboratory. This study was financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (grant No. N N306 463738). TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 112 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 1 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Location: Central Communal Cemetery established in 1975, Toruń, northern Poland Coordinates: Altitude: 53º2’43.85” N 18º37’6.71” E 71.5 m a.s.l. Climate: A verage annual temperature: 7.5ºC Average annual precipitation: 600 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: cemetery Vegetation: none 113 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 1 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Morphology: Au – 0–11 cm: sand, dark grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, clear boundary. 0 cm Bu – 11–15 cm: sand, light yellowish brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, abrupt boundary, common soft concretions of iron. Ab – 15–36 cm: sand, greyish brown, granular structure, slightly moist, gradual boundary. Bw – 36–60 cm: sand, greyish brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, diffuse boundary. 50 cm C – below 60 cm: sand, very pale brown, single structure, slightly moist. Comments: 25 years old grave. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 114 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 1 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON Au Bu Ab Bw C DEPTH [cm] 0–11 11–15 15–36 36–60 >60 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 1 2 5 2 0 2.0–1.0 1 2 3 2 0 1.0–0.5 9 15 14 15 4 0.5–0.25 43 48 48 68 17 0.25–0.1 44 28 25 13 76 0.1–0.05 2 2 6 1 0 0.05–0.02 1 2 2 1 1 0.02–0.002 0 2 2 0 2 <0.002 0 1 0 0 0 sand sand sand sand sand dry 10YR 4/1 10YR 6/4 10YR 5/2 10YR 6/6 10YR 8/3 wet 10YR 2/4 10YR 4/4 10YR 3/2 10YR 4/6 10YR 6/3 1.57 1.57 1.63 1.67 1.51 [% v/v] 2.7 6.4 7.8 2.8 3.2 [% w/w] 4.3 10.1 12.7 4.7 4.9 OC [%] 0.98 — 0.50 — — Nt [%] 0.070 — 0.035 — — 14 — 14 — — 382 121 347 137 80 H2O 8.1 7.9 7.6 7.4 7.2 1M KCl 7.6 7.0 6.6 6.1 6.0 0.3 — — — — TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] ACTUAL MOISTURE C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] 115 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 2 – Urbic Technosol (Humic, Arenic) Location: Sienkiewicza St., Toruń, northern Poland Coordinates: Altitude: 53º00’54” N 18º34’54” E 52 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 7.5ºC Average annual precipitation: 600 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: fallow. Vegetation: grasses, weeds TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 116 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 2 – Urbic Technosol (Humic, Arenic) Morphology: 0 cm Au – 0–30 cm: sand, dark greyish brown, granular structure, slightly moist, clear boundary, common roots, artefacts: charcoals, grout, pieces of bricks, glasses. Au2 – 30–95 cm: sand, weak red, granular structure, slightly moist, common roots, dominant artifacts (pieces of bricks, glasses, plastic, metal, bones etc.; 80%), clear boundary. 50 cm C – 95–130 cm: sand, light brown, single grain structure, dry. 100 cm Comments: Site 2 was located in former Nicolaus Copernicus University botanical garden. 117 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 2 – Urbic Technosol (Humic, Arenic) Selected soil properties – site 2 HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Au Au2 C 0–30 30–95 95–130 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 7 11 0 2.0–1.0 3 7 3 1.0–0.5 12 24 17 0.5–0.25 54 47 59 0.25–0.1 18 13 18 0.1–0.05 7 4 1 0.05–0.02 0 1 0 0.02–0.002 3 2 0 <0.002 3 2 2 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR sand sand sand dry 2.5Y 4/2 2.5Y 4/2 10YR 6/3 wet 2.5Y 3/1 2.5Y 3/1 10YR 4/3 1.41 1.65 BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] [% v/v] 9.5 [% w/w] 13.1 — — — OC [%] 1.49 2.64 0.20 Nt [%] 0.103 0.128 14 21 — — ACTUAL MOISTURE C:N Pca [mg·kg-1] H2O pH 1M KCl CaCO3 [%] 2.2 3.7 34 51 14 7.6 7.7 7.6 7.2 7.1 6.9 0.5 0.8 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN MIXTURE OF HF AND HClO4 Zn Pb Cu [mg ·kg-1] 142 577 6 <3 148 <3 <7 22 <7 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 118 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 2 – Urbic Technosol (Humic, Arenic) 119 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 3 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Location: St. George Cemetery, Toruń, northern Poland Coordinates: Altitude: 53º0’58.79” N 18º35’40.35” E 53.5 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 7.5ºC Average annual precipitation: 600 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: cemetery Vegetation: none TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 120 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 3 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Morphology: Au – 0–53 cm: sand, dark grey, granular structure, slightly moist, common roots, gradual boundary. 0 cm AC – 53–65 cm: sand, brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, gradual boundary. 50 cm C – 65–110 cm: sand, very pale brown, single grain structure, slightly moist. AC (inclusion) – left side of C horizon: sand, mixed with humus material, greyish brown, single grain structure, common roots. 100 cm Comments: Site 3 was located in oldest Toruń cemetery (St. George Cemetery) existing since 1811. 121 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 3 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Au AC C AC (incl.) 0–53 53–65 65–110 65–110 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 4 0 0 0 2.0–1.0 2 1 1 1 1.0–0.5 17 12 6 16 0.5–0.25 57 61 63 60 0.25–0.1 19 23 27 19 0.1–0.05 1 0 3 3 0.05–0.02 2 1 0 0 0.02–0.002 2 2 0 1 <0.002 0 0 0 0 sand sand sand sand dry 10YR 4.5/1 10YR 5/3 10YR 7/4 10YR 5/2 wet 10YR 2.5/1 10YR 3/3 10YR 5/4 10YR 4/1 1.46 1.66 1.60 1.52 [% v/v] 5.5 2.4 2.4 3.3 [% w/w] 8.0 4.1 3.9 5.0 OC [%] 0.69 — — 0.50 Nt [%] 0.049 — — 0.035 C:N 14 — — 14 Pt [mg·kg-1] 472 126 115 292 H2O 8.1 8.6 8.0 7.8 1M KCl 7.6 8.3 7.3 7.4 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.4 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] ACTUAL MOISTURE pH CaCO3 [%] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 122 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 4 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Location: St. Jacob the Apostle Parish Cemetery established in 1817 Toruń, northern Poland Coordinates: Altitude: 53º59’32” N 18º37’35.31’ E 62.5 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 7.5ºC Average annual precipitation: 600 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: cemetery Vegetation: none 123 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 4 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) 0 cm Morphology: Au – 0–60 cm: sand, dark grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, very few roots, gradual boundary. 50 cm AC – 60–85 cm: sand, greyish brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, clear boundary. Bu – 85–90 cm: sand, very pale brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, common artefacts (remains of coffin, part of chain, nails, bones etc. 5–15%), abrupt boundary. 100 cm C – 90–100: sand, brown, single grain structure, slightly moist. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 124 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 4 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] Au AC C 0–60 60–85 90–100 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 5 2 4 2.0–1.0 4 2 4 1.0–0.5 8 9 7 0.5–0.25 47 50 46 0.25–0.1 31 32 35 0.1–0.05 3 3 3 0.05–0.02 4 3 1 0.02–0.002 1 1 4 <0.002 2 0 0 sand sand sand dry 10YR 4/1 10YR 5/2 10YR 5/3 wet 10YR 2/1 10YR 3/1 10YR 3/2 1.38 1.49 1.49 [% v/v] 5.2 3.0 4.4 [% w/w] 7.2 2.4 3.5 OC [%] 0.93 0.78 0.48 Nt [%] 0.068 0.053 0.038 14 15 13 580 372 352 H2O 7.2 7.1 7.3 1M KCl 6.8 6.5 6.7 — — — TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] ACTUAL MOISTURE C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] 125 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 5 –Urbic Ekranic Technosol Location: Gałczyńskiego st., Toruń, northern Poland Coordinates: Altitude: 53º00’59.25” N 18º35’59.99” E 53 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 7.5ºC Average annual precipitation: 600 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: former parking Vegetation: none TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 126 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 5 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Morphology: 0 cm Bu1 – 0–15 cm: sand, light grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, dated for 20th century, abrupt boundary. Bu2 – 15–45 cm: sand, light brownish grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, dated for 20th century, abrupt boundary. 50 cm Bu3 – 45–55 cm: layer consisting of rubbish: pieces of glass, polystyrene, bitumen etc., dated for 20th century, abrupt boundary. Bu4 – 55–65 cm: sand, dark grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, dated for 20th century, abrupt boundary. 100 cm Bu5 – 65–115: layer consisting of bricks fragments, dated for 19th/20th century, abrupt boundary. Bu6 – 115–180 cm: loamy sand, greyish brown, granular structure, slightly moist, dated for 19th/20th century, clear boundary. 150 cm Bu7 – 180–235 cm: sand, light grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, dated for 19th/20th century, clear boundary. 200 cm Bu8 – 235–245 cm: sand, dark grey, single grain structure, slightly moist. 250 cm 127 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 5 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Selected soil properties HORIZON Bu1 Bu2 Bu4 Bu6 Bu7 Bu8 DEPTH [cm] 0–15 15–45 55–65 115–180 180–235 235–245 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 4 9 6 8 1 18 2.0–1.0 2 4 4 3 1 10 1.0–0.5 6 15 12 17 20 22 0.5–0.25 12 32 42 35 54 29 0.25–0.1 59 36 24 20 15 15 0.1–0.05 18 6 5 8 1 3 0.05–0.02 2 2 6 7 2 8 0.02–0.002 1 3 5 9 4 13 <0.002 0 2 3 1 3 0 sand sand sand loamy sand sand loamy sand 2.5Y 7/2 2.5Y 6/2 5Y 4/1 2.5Y 5/2 10YR 7/1 2.5Y 4/1 2.5Y 4/4 2.5Y 4/2 5Y 1/1 2.5Y 3/2 10YR 7/2 2.5Y 2/2 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX dry COLOUR wet OC [%] 0.14 0.52 4.21 1.39 2.64 0.75 Nt [%] 0.005 0.020 0.278 0.097 0.083 0.025 C:N 28 26 15 14 32 30 Pt [mg·kg-1] 200 541 2 590 4 180 1 880 2 060 H2O 8.0 8.2 7.7 8.1 8.0 8.1 1M KCl 7.4 7.7 7.4 7.7 7.6 7.7 0.2 3.2 2.2 7.3 0.7 22.7 pH CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN MIXTURE OF HF AND HClO4 Pb Cd Zn Cu [mg ·kg-1] 65 109 228 206 208 n.d. 5 5 6 6 6 n.d. 17 36 102 88 54 n.d. 19 28 61 124 92 n.d. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 128 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 6 –Urbic Ekranic Technosol Location: Szosa Chełmińska st., Toruń, northern Poland Coordinates: Altitude: 53º00’59. 33 N 18º35’05.55” E 53 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 7.5ºC Average annual precipitation: 600 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: pavement Vegetation: none 129 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 6 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Morphology: 0 cm Bu1 – 0–15 cm: sand, light grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, gradual boundary, dated for the end of 20th century. Bu2 – 15–30 cm: sand, light brownish grey, slightly moist, clear boundary, dated for 19th/20th century. Au1 – 30–39 cm: sandy loam, light yellowish brown, granular structure, moist, gradual boundary, dated for 19th/20th century. 50 cm Buh1 – 39–65 cm: sandy loam, granular structure, light olive brown, slightly moist, gradual boundary, dated for 19th/20th century. Buh2 – 65–90 cm: loamy sand, subangular structure, black, slightly moist, artefacts: pieces of bricks, gradual boundary, dated for 19th/20th century. 100 cm Buh3 – 90–140 cm: loamy sand, grey, subangular structure, slightly moist, artefacts: pieces of glass, polystyrene, bricks, gradual boundary, dated for 19th/20th century. Buh4 – 140–150 cm: sandy loam, light brownish grey, granular structure, slightly moist, artefacts: pieces of bricks, dated for 19th/20th century. 150 cm Comments: Soil under the concrete pavement. TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 130 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 6 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Selected soil properties HORIZON Bu1 Bu2 Au1 Buh1 Buh2 Buh3 DEPTH [cm] 0–15 15–30 30–39 39–65 65–90 90–140 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 2 2 0 0 7 14 2.0–1.0 1 2 4 2 1 2 1.0–0.5 21 25 9 9 10 14 0.5–0.25 58 53 27 26 36 33 0.25–0.1 16 16 31 32 37 23 0.1–0.05 2 2 3 7 5 7 0.05–0.02 0 0 4 3 2 4 0.02–0.002 1 1 10 11 7 13 <0.002 1 1 12 10 2 4 sand sand sandy loam sandy loam loamy sand loamy sand 10YR 7/2 2.5Y 6/2 2.5Y 6/3 2.5Y 5/4 5Y 2/1 5Y 5/1 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX dry COLOUR wet 10YR 5/2 2.5Y 4/2 2.5Y 3/2 2.5Y 4/2 5Y 2/1 5Y 4/1 OC [%] 0.13 0.06 1.54 0.57 1.85 1.22 Nt [%] 0.002 0.000 0.055 0.030 0.098 0.042 65 — 28 19 19 29 249 165 1 010 1 830 784 1 940 8.5 8.4 8.0 8.2 7.7 8.1 8.2 8.1 7.4 7.3 7.3 7.4 0.4 — 3.1 3.5 2.3 0.5 181 318 63 C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH H2O 1M KCl CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN MIXTURE OF HF AND HClO4 Pb Cd Zn 63 [mg ·kg-1] Cu 131 18 67 6 8 6 6 6 6 18 — 54 27 40 16 21 18 59 36 135 66 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 7 –Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric) Location: Szeroka st., Toruń, northern Poland Coordinates: Altitude: 53º00’37.67” N 18º35’26.12” E 49 m a.s.l. photo J. Błaszkiewicz Climate: Average annual temperature: 7.5ºC Average annual precipitation: 600 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: sidewalk Vegetation: none TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 132 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 7 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric) 0 cm Morphology: Buh1 – 0–18 cm: sand, light grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, gradual boundary. Buh2 – 18–55 cm: sand, light grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, few artefacts, gradual boundary. 50 cm Buh3 – 55–110: sand, light brownish grey, single grain structure, slightly moist, clear boundary. 100 cm Buh4 – 110–220 cm: sand, grey, single grain structure, moist, many artefacts: pieces of brick. 150 cm 200 cm Comments: Soil under the granite slabs on the main pedestrian street of Toruń Old Town. 133 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 7 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol (Calcaric) Selected soil properties HORIZON Buh1 Buh2 Buh3 Buh4 DEPTH [cm] 0–18 18–55 55–110 110–220 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 3 4 4 4 2.0–1.0 7 6 4 3 1.0–0.5 23 13 14 14 0.5–0.25 37 41 40 41 0.25–0.1 21 27 30 28 0.1–0.05 3 4 5 4 0.05–0.02 3 2 1 3 0.02–0.002 5 5 6 6 <0.002 1 2 0 1 sand sand sand sand dry 2.5Y 7/1 2.5Y 7/1 10YR 6/2 10YR 6/1 wet 2.5Y 3/4 2.5Y 3/4 10YR 3/4 10YR 3/4 OC [%] 0.44 0.04 0.84 0.60 Nt [%] 0.016 0.015 0.034 0.021 28 26 25 29 1 180 898 1 780 1 880 H2O 9.0 8.1 8.1 8.1 1M KCl 8.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 2.4 2.1 1.3 1.0 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 134 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 8 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Location: Rybaki Street, Toruń, Northern Poland Coordinates: Altitude: 53º00.537’ N 18º35.078’ E 48 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 7.5ºC Average annual precipitation: 600 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: pavement Vegetation: none 135 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 8 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Morphology: 0 cm 0–5 – pavement tiles Bhu – 5–20 cm: horizon enriched with organic matter, sand, yellowish brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, clear boundary, mixed material. Bu – 20–21 cm: black bituminous layer. Ab – 21–40 cm: buried humus horizon, sand, very dark grey, weak granular structure, slightly moist, clear boundary, common roots. 50 cm Bw – 40–80 cm: sand, very pale brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, few dead roots mottles, gradual boundary. Cl – below 80 cm: sand, pale brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, common soft iron concretions. 100 cm Comments: Site located at Rybaki Street. It was sealed with concrete pavement tiles (stairs to park alley). TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 136 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 8 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON Bhu Bu Ab Bw Cl DEPTH [cm] 5–20 20–21 21–40 40–80 80–120 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 6 — 26 1 0 2.0–1.0 6 — 8 1 1 1.0–0.5 19 — 17 10 15 0.5–0.25 33 — 46 51 56 0.25–0.1 35 — 15 20 24 0.1–0.05 5 — 2 9 2 0.05–0.02 2 — 4 5 1 0.02–0.002 0 — 7 3 1 <0.002 0 — 1 1 0 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR sand — sand sand sand dry 10YR 6/4 7.5YR 3/1 7.5YR 4/1 10YR 8/2 2.5YR 8/3 wet 10YR 4/4 10YR 6/4 10YR 6/3 — — BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] — 7.5YR 2.5/1 7.5YR 2.5/1 — 1.34 [% v/v] — — 15.9 — — [% w/w] — — 11.9 — — OC [%] 0.43 12.5 7.50 0.19 0.04 Nt [%] 0.010 0.269 0.163 0.004 0.004 43 46 46 47 10 ACTUAL MOISTURE C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH 122 134 86 109 97 H2O 8.2 6.9 7.6 7.4 7.3 1M KCl 7.8 6.4 7.0 6.5 6.8 1.2 trace 0.7 0.5 0.4 221 <3 11 CaCO3 [%] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN MIXTURE OF HF AND HClO4 Zn Pb Cd [mg ·kg-1] Cu 137 6 197 <16 <16 47 59 <16 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <7 55 34 <7 <7 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 9 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Location: Rybaki Street, Toruń, northern Poland Coordinates: Altitude: 53º00.537’ N 18º35.078’ E 48 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 7.5ºC Average annual precipitation: 600 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene fluvial sands Land-use: asphalt alley Vegetation: none TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 138 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN TORUŃ Site 9 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Morphology: 0 cm 0–8 – asphalt (bituminous) alley Bhu – 8–21 cm: sand mixed with bitumens, dark grey, weak granular structure, slightly moist, gradual boundary. Ab – 21–40 cm: buried humus horizon, sand, dark greyish brown, weak granular structure, slightly moist, clear boundary, common roots. 50 cm Bw – 40–80 cm: sand, very pale brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, few dead roots mottles, gradual boundary. Cl – below 80 cm: sand, pale brown, single grain structure, slightly moist, common soft iron concretions. 100 cm Comments: Site located at Rybaki Street. It was sealed with hard bituminous layer (park alley). 139 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas P. CHARZYŃSKI, M. MARKIEWICZ, R. BEDNAREK, Ł. MENDYK Site 9 – Ekranic Technosol (Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON Bhu Ab Bw Cl DEPTH [cm] 8–21 21–40 40–80 80–120 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 11 3 1 0 2.0–1.0 5 3 1 1 1.0–0.5 19 30 10 15 0.5–0.25 43 51 51 56 0.25–0.1 17 11 20 24 0.1–0.05 6 2 9 2 0.05–0.02 4 1 5 1 0.02–0.002 4 2 3 1 <0.002 2 0 1 0 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR sand sand sand sand dry 10YR 4/1 10YR 4/2 10YR 8/2 2.5YR 8/3 wet 10YR 2/1 10YR 3/2 10YR 6/4 10YR 6/3 — 1.49 — — BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] [% v/v] — 15.4 — — [% w/w] — 10.3 — — OC [%] 4.54 1.30 0.19 0.04 Nt [%] 0.148 0.057 0.004 0.004 31 23 47 10 247 344 109 97 6.9 7.9 7.4 7.3 ACTUAL MOISTURE C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH H2O 1M KCl CaCO3 [%] 6.2 7.6 6.5 6.8 trace 0.8 0.3 0.4 <3 11 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN MIXTURE OF HF AND HClO4 Zn Pb Cd Cu [mg ·kg-1] 78 20 64 <16 59 <16 <5 <5 <5 <5 23 10 <7 <7 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 140 6 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA ANDRZEJ GREINERT Zielona Góra is a medium-sized city in the Polish-German border region (Fig. 1), located on the historical military route Berlin-Wrocław. The history of Zielona Góra as an urban area began probably in the 13th century. The first information about the city foundation comes from 1222 (Schmidt 1922, 1928), but the very first Slavic settlement was probably founded even in the 10th century (Garbacz 2003). The settlement was formed on the right bank of the Złota Łącza stream, near a hill, later called the Brick Height. The first document marked as ‘territorio Grunenbergense’ dates from 1302. The city rights were probably granted in 1312 (Schmidt 1922; Ribbeck 1929). During the Middle Ages, Zielona Góra was surrounded by a wall, first a wooden palisade, followed by a stone and brick wall. It was demolished in the 18th and 19th centuries (only small fragments of the brick wall are visible today). By the end of the 18th century, it was a typical small town (8 000 inhabitants), based on agriculture and craft. Intensive industrialization processes took place in the 19th and early 20th century. The main factories in the city were connected with food processing, textiles and Fig. 1. Location of Zielona Góra metal industry. At the beginning of World War II, Zielona Góra was populated by 30 000 inhabitants, living over a relative small area. A large increase in the area and the population size has been observed since the mid-20th century, especially in the late 20th century. 141 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT In Polish, Czech and German, the city’s name means a ‘green mountain’. Vineyards were present in Zielona Góra almost throughout the entire history of the city – the first plantation was probably established in 1150 (Czyżniewski 2010). It is the only urban area in Poland based on the tradition of wine production. Nowadays, the city is known mostly for this tradition. The population of the city, as of March 31st 2013, was 119 051 inhabitants. Zielona Góra covers an area of 5 864 ha. It is located on two geomorphological structures: glacier end-moraine (moraine belt) and moraine upland. The moraine belt in the southern part of the city is characterised by large differences in a relative height, exceeding 150 m (the highest point – Wilkanow Height – 221 m a.s.l.; 51º54’55.17” N 15º27’33.22” E). The northern part of the city is located within the moraine upland (70–100 m a.s.l.). The land cover in the city is not typical for modern agglomerations. A total area of 2 667 ha in Zielona Góra is covered by forests dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Climatic conditions are characterised by the following indices (2011): average annual air temperature 9.7ºC, total annual precipitation 576 mm, average wind velocity 3.2 m∙s-1, insolation 1 937 h, average cloudiness in octants 4.7 (data source: Institute of Meteorology and Water Management 2012). The origin of surface feature transformation in the area of Zielona Góra goes back to the 13th century with the highest intensity in the 19th and 20th centuries. Human activity generates huge changes in the types of area development. First of all, the vineyards and orchards have been transformed into the residential areas, first with multi-family housing, later with detached houses. The second, very important spatial factor consisted in surrounding the industrial ring (the historical one located outside the city) by the residential areas. Morphological changes in the city were caused by, among others, preparation of levelled surfaces for houses (making the ‘platforms’ on the moraine slopes), construction of roads, streets and channels etc. An interesting form of human activity in the city area consisted in channelling the streams into the pipes laid under the city. The present state of urban soils is a result of different human activities: agricultural, urban and industrial. The areas covered with natural soils are still found within the city: (mainly Podzols and Brunic Arenosols, rarely Luvisols, Phaeozems, Gleysols and Histosols). Most of them are distinguished by major chemical transformations without changes in the morphology of soil Sites (Greinert 2003). Several different types of technogenic soils can be found in the city: urbisols, industrisols, garden soils, soils of parks and lawns, necrosols (relicts of several historical graveyards and cemeteries are to be found in the city centre), ekranosols and constructosols. The urban agricultural soils (mainly Phaeozems, Plaggic and Hortic Anthrosols) are used as allotment gardens. A large arable land (475 ha vs. residential area of 630 ha, industrial area of 236 ha) is a typical feature of Zielona Góra, next to a large forest area. Technosols are deeply transformed, including the enrichment with different construction and waste materials – a higher level of TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 142 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA enrichment in the subsoil compared to the topsoil is a typical situation (Greinert 2003; Greinert et al. 2013). Brick fragments, mortar, gravel and slag are most often found. Usually all the soil Sites are destroyed during the construction work. A low pH value of the topsoil (0–20 cm) – pH – 0.01M CaCl2 of 3.2–4.5 − is a characteristic property of the forest soils outside the urban area. The analysis from Zielona Góra shows higher pH values in the forests – 4.3–5.3 (Greinert 2001) and significantly higher in the residential, traffic and industrial area – 6.4–8.3 (Greinert 2000, 2002, 2003). Considering the sandy texture and low content of organic carbon in the topsoil, the expected effect is a low content of elements in the soil, except for calcium (Greinert 2000, 2002, 2003; Greinert et al. 2013), and low EC values (0.1–0.3 mS∙cm-1) even on the roadsides (Greinert 2003, 2005; Greinert et al. 2013). A high concentration of Cu in several types of soil in the city is an interesting phenomenon connected with the presence of a vineyard in the past (the use of Bordeaux Mixture and slaked lime as a fungicide since 1882). 143 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 1 – Hortic Anthrosol Location: ‘Brick Height’ Vineyard Park, Zielona Góra, western Poland Coordinates: 51º56’15” N 15º30’43” E Altitude: 142.5 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.2ºC Average annual precipitation: 591 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: height’s slope Slope position: the lower part of the slope, elevation SW Lithology: late Pleistocene (Vistulian, Würm, Wisconsin) fluvio-glacial sands Land-use: vineyard-park (recreational) Vegetation: vineyard, grass as the intercrop TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 144 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 1 – Hortic Anthrosol Morphology: A1 – 0–5 cm: sand, very dark greyish brown, granular structure, slightly moist, clear boundary, very few artefacts (plastics, municipal wastes, glass; < 1%); 0 cm A2 – 5–145 cm: sand, dark olive grey, granular structure, slightly moist, sharp boundary, few artefacts (stones; < 1%). 50 cm 100 cm C – below 145 cm: sand, light yellow, loose, dry/slightly moist. 150 cm Comments: Site 1 was located about 500 m from the Old Square, on the slope of the ‘Brick Height’ (part of the glacier end moraine), today developed as the Vineyard Park. It’s a place probably close to the initial location of the town. From the 14th century till the end of the World War II productive vineyard. 145 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 1 – Hortic Anthrosol Selected soil properties HORIZON A1 A2 C DEPTH [cm] 0–5 5–145 > 145 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 4.72 0.00 0.00 2.0–1.0 18 21 35 1.0–0.5 30 30 31 0.5–0.25 27 27 17 0.25–0.1 13 12 5 0.1–0.05 7 3 7 0.05–0.02 2 5 4 0.02–0.002 3 2 1 <0.002 0 0 0 sand sand sand dry 5Y 4/1 5Y 5/1 2.5Y 8/3 wet 5Y 2.5/1 5Y 3/1 2.5Y 6/3 BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] 1.42 1.51 1.62 OC [%] 5.3 3.3 0.0 Nt [%] 0.38 0.21 — 14 16 — 3 200 2 600 600 H2O 6.5 6.8 6.8 1M KCl 6.0 6.3 6.5 CaCO3 [%] 0.5 0.3 0.0 EC1:2 [mS·cm-1] 0.28 0.24 0.06 CEC [cmol·kg-1] 22.8 20.6 2.0 10 600 8 550 4 300 26 000 22 000 2 800 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH Kt [mg·kg-1] Cat [mg·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 146 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 1 – Hortic Anthrosol Selected soil properties cont. HORIZON A1 A2 C DEPTH [cm] 0-5 5-145 > 145 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN AQUA REGIA Fe 9 430 8 400 5 760 Mn 341 290 187 Zn 143 123 46.4 57.0 43.0 17.5 0.52 0.30 0.20 Cu 192 138 29.4 Ni 10.0 8.7 6.4 Co 3.4 3.4 2.8 Fe 219 617 878 Mn 237 232 166 53.6 50.1 12.9 23.2 21.5 15.8 Cd 0.32 0.18 0.09 Cu 94.4 80.2 19.5 Ni 3.0 2.6 1.7 Pb Cd [mg ·kg-1] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 0.1M HCl Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] 147 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 2 –Urbic Ekranic Technosol Location: Old Square, Zielona Góra, western Poland Coordinates: 51º56’19” N 15º30’19” E Altitude: 139.5 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.2ºC Average annual precipitation: 591 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene (Vistulian, Würm, Wisconsin) fluvio-glacial sands Land-use: old town (commercial) Vegetation: few Acer saccharinum L. trees in isolated places TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 148 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 2 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Morphology: 0 cm 0–12 cm: technic hard rock – concrete slabs, grey, links filled with cement mortar. C –12–50 cm: sand, light yellowish brown, loose, slightly moist, clear boundary. 50 cm IIC – 50–80 cm: sand, pale yellow, slightly moist, clear boundary. IIIC – 80–120 cm: loamy sand, dark olive brown, slightly moist, gradual boundary, few artefacts (pieces of bricks; 30%). 100 cm IVC – 120–195 cm: sandy loam, dark brown, slightly moist, gradual boundary, artefacts (mortar, brick fragments; 30%). 150 cm VC – below 195 cm: brick construction dated back to the late Middle Ages, loam. 200 cm Comments: Site 2 was located on area of the Old Square, a few meters from the town hall’s wall. Soil site with residues of medieval times about 150–200 cm below the present surface (i.a. the foundations of ancient buildings and the furnace bread were found). Until the end of the seventies of 20th century vehicular traffic permitted. 149 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 2 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] C IIC IIIC IVC VC 12–50 50–80 80–120 120–195 > 195 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 3 1 8 15 87 2.0–1.0 12 15 12 7 6 1.0–0.5 24 28 24 25 16 0.5–0.25 34 32 25 24 16 0.25–0.1 21 19 11 12 11 0.1–0.05 5 4 4 5 6 0.05–0.02 3 2 8 6 16 0.02–0.002 1 1 12 11 16 <0.002 0 0 4 10 13 sand sand dry 2.5Y 6/3 2.5Y 7/3 2.5Y 8/1 5YR 5/2 7.5YR 5/2 7.5YR 5/1 wet 2.5 4/3 2.5 5/4 5YR 4/1 7.5YR 3.5/2 7.5YR 4/1 BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] 1.42 1.53 1.66 1.72 — OC [%] 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 600 200 1 100 1 500 900 H2O 7.5 7.1 7.2 7.1 6.9 1M KCl 7.1 6.8 6.9 6.8 6.7 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR Pt [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] loamy sand sandy loam loam 2.1 0.6 1.3 4.2 0.9 [mS·cm-1] 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.21 0.24 [cmol·kg-1] 5.7 2.6 12.4 15.4 18.1 Kt [mg·kg-1] 2 460 2 650 3 780 4 200 4 290 Cat [mg·kg-1] 32 000 5 800 17 100 42 000 8 900 EC1:2 CEC TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 150 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 2 – Urbic Ekranic Technosol Selected soil properties cont. HORIZON DEPTH [cm] C IIC IIIC IVC VC 12–50 50–80 80–120 120–195 > 195 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN AQUA REGIA Fe 10 970 11 720 10 570 8 870 12 670 Mn 164 445 459 309 81 Zn 293 181 135 53.8 49.8 85.2 127 75.4 13.6 10.2 0.58 0.58 0.52 0.32 0.28 Cu 33.0 61.7 63.4 40.6 20.1 Ni 9.7 14.1 11.1 10.1 21.0 Co 2.9 4.9 4.9 3.8 4.5 Pb Cd [mg ·kg-1] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 0.1M HCl Fe 1 410 1 390 1 330 736 1 410 Mn 112 386 403 292 44 61.9 57.1 51.6 15.5 6.3 17.9 51.3 45.0 11.3 5.7 Cd 0.39 0.36 0.21 0.09 0.08 Cu 7.3 30.5 37.7 31.9 6.9 Ni 2.1 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.0 Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] 151 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 3 – Ekranic Episkeletic Technosol (Arenic) Location: Konstytucji 3 Maja Lane, Zielona Góra, western Poland Coordinates: 51º56’12” N 15º30’33” E Altitude: 118.0 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.2ºC Average annual precipitation: 591 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene (Vistulian, Würm, Wisconsin) fluvio-glacial sands Land-use: main city roadway Vegetation: lawn on median strip, single trees about 50 m from the soil pit TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 152 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 3 – Ekranic Technosol (Episkeletic, Arenic) Morphology: 0 cm 0–8 cm: technic hard rock – concrete slab s, grey, links filled with asphalt. 8–13 cm: technic hard rock – asphalt. HTM1 – 13–38(55) cm: technic hard rock – road-material (breakstone); cement and silt admixtures (3%); greenish grey. HTM2 – 38(55)–55(60) cm: humantransported material – sand with cement and silt (30%), greenish grey, gradual boundary.. 50 cm C1 – 55(60)–120 cm: sand, yellow, loose, slightly moist, gradual boundary. 100 cm C2 – 120–150 cm: sand, white/pale yellow, loose, slightly moist. 150 cm Comments: Site 3 was located within sidewalk along one of the most important roads of Zielona Góra (ro ute from Wrocław). The road borders from the south historical center of Zielona Góra. 153 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 3 – Ekranic Technosol (Episkeletic, Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] HTM1 HTM2 C1 C2 13–38(55) 38(55)–55(60) 55(60)–120 120–150 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 96 73 <1 <1 2.0–1.0 47 39 13 15 1.0–0.5 35 38 24 28 0.5–0.25 11 16 34 32 0.25–0.1 7 7 21 19 0.1–0.05 6 6 5 4 0.05–0.02 1 2 3 1 0.02–0.002 2 1 0 1 <0.002 0 0 0 0 sand sand sand sand dry 5G 6/1 5G 6/1 5Y 8/6 wet 5G 4/1 5G 3/1 2.5Y 5/6 — — 1.55 1.59 0.04 0.03 — — 800 800 300 200 H2O 7.8 7.6 7.3 7.3 1M KCl 7.3 7.1 6.9 6.9 2.1 1.6 0.5 0.0 EC1:2 [mS·cm-1] 0.20 0.10 0.07 0.07 CEC [cmol·kg-1] 11.7 11.7 8.9 3.9 Kt [mg·kg-1] 0.68 0.63 0.55 0.37 1.90 1.52 0.48 0.16 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] OC [%] Pt [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] Cat [mg·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 154 2.5Y 8/1 2.5Y 7/3 2.5Y 7/2 2.5Y 4/3 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 3 – Ekranic Technosol (Episkeletic, Arenic) Selected soil properties cont. HORIZON DEPTH [cm] HTM1 HTM2 C1 C2 13–38(55) 38(55)–55(60) 55(60)–120 120–150 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN AQUA REGIA Fe 4 480 2 870 1 030 1 790 Mn 165 123 152 132 Zn 85.0 16.4 11.6 7.0 35.8 7.2 1.9 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 Cu 15.4 8.1 23.1 15.1 Ni 4.8 3.2 10.2 2.4 Co 2.2 2.6 1.4 1.1 Pb Cd [mg ·kg-1] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 0.1M HCl Fe 1 580 1 050 571 510 Mn 129 70 77 78 6.9 7.0 3.2 2.5 11.3 1.6 0.7 0.7 Cd 0.1 0.1 n.d. n.d. Cu 4.4 4.4 10.9 2.8 Ni 2.2 2.2 1.8 1.1 Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] 155 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 4 – Ekranic Technosol (Humic, Arenic) Location: Dąbrowskiego St., Zielona Góra, western Poland Coordinates: 51º56’53” N 15º29’35” E Altitude: 118.0 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.2ºC Average annual precipitation: 591 mm Relief and lithology: Major land form: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene (Vistulian, Würm, Wisconsin) fluvio-glacial sands Land-use: local city roadway Vegetation: none TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 156 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 4 – Ekranic Technosol (Humic, Arenic) Morphology: 0 cm 0–10 cm: technic hard rock – asphalt surface. 10–20(28) cm: technic hard rock – uneven layer made of asphalt and different construction wastes, clear boundary. AuBu – 20(28)–55(85) cm: sand with different technogenic admixtures uneven filled (5–50%), greyish brown, slightly moist, unclear boundary. 50 cm Bu – 55(85)–100 cm: loamy sand, dark greyish brown, without technogenic admixtures, slightly moist, gradual boundary. 100 cm C – 100–150 cm: sand, light greenish grey, loose, moist. 150 cm Comments: Site 4 was located under the sidewalk along the local roadway connecting city center with north-western city quarters. Primary road construction was made in early fifties of the 20th century; surface of the road was few times rebuild. 157 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 4 – Ekranic Technosol (Humic, Arenic) Selected soil properties HORIZON DEPTH [cm] AuBu Bu C 20(28)–55(85) 55(85)–100 100–150 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 19 — — 2.0–1.0 34 19 17 1.0–0.5 29 30 30 0.5–0.25 17 28 32 0.25–0.1 9 12 15 0.1–0.05 8 9 5 0.05–0.02 2 1 1 0.02–0.002 1 1 0 <0.002 0 0 0 sand sand sand dry 2.5Y 5/2 2.5Y 4/2 5GY 8/1 wet 2.5Y 4/2 2.5Y 3/3 5Y 7/4 BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] 1.48 1.59 1.63 OC [%] 1.6 2.0 0.6 Nt [%] 0.44 0.35 0.06 27 17 10 5 100 2 500 600 H2O 8.6 7.6 7.4 1M KCl 8.3 7.2 7.1 CaCO3 [%] 2.5 1.4 0.4 EC1:2 [mS·cm-1] 0.45 0.17 0.20 CEC [cmol·kg-1] 12.6 15.8 5.5 Kt [mg·kg-1] 0.67 0.85 0.50 3.0 1.8 0.3 TEXTURE CLASS (USDA SOIL MATRIX COLOUR C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH Cat [mg·kg-1] TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 158 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 4 – Ekranic Technosol (Humic, Arenic) Selected soil properties cont. HORIZON DEPTH [cm] AuBu Bu C 20(28)–55(85) 55(85)–100 100–150 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN AQUA REGIA Fe 3 090 6 300 2 970 Mn 100 110 107 Zn 68 64 28 16 14 7 0.4 0.4 0.6 Cu 15.3 51.9 8.9 Ni 4.1 15.9 10.7 Co 1.7 2.9 0.9 Fe 780 3940 815 Mn 11 89 14 31 28 12 1 2 5 Cd 0.1 0.1 0.1 Cu 9.8 32.3 4.8 Ni 4.1/ 4.5 1.7 Pb Cd [mg ·kg-1] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 0.1M HCl Zn Pb [mg ·kg-1] 159 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 5 – Technic Gleyic Podzol (Novic) Location: Pod Topolami st., Zielona Góra, western Poland Coordinates: 51º56’29” N 15º30’25” E Altitude: 135.5 m a.s.l. Climate: Average annual temperature: 9.2ºC Average annual precipitation: 591 mm Relief and lithology: Major landform: plain Lithology: late Pleistocene (Vistulian, Würm, Wisconsin) fluvio-glacial sands Land-use: wasteland in the city center Vegetation: herbaceous vegetation typical for urban wasteland TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 160 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 5 – Technic Gleyic Podzol (Novic) Morphology: 0 cm Auh1 – 0–15 cm: humus and sand mixed with municipal wastes (40%), reddish brown, slightly moist, clear boundary. Auh2 – 15–32 cm: dark brown, slightly moist, artefacts (mortar, stones, concrete elements, plastics, glass; 10%), clear boundary. 50 cm Auh3 – 32–48 cm: very dark brown, slightly moist, clear boundary. Au – 48–68 cm: sand, few artefacts (stones, brick elements, < 1%), slightly moist, gradual boundary. Es –68–84 cm: sand, white, loose, slightly moist, gradual boundary. 100 cm Bs – 84–125 cm: sand, yellow, humic and ferrous deposits, slightly moist, gradual boundary. CG – 125–150 cm: sand, pale yellow/light greenish grey, loose, moist. 150 cm Comments: Site 5 was located on the area, situated just outside the medieval city walls, opened for development in 16th or 17th centuries. Until the end of 20th century waterlogged empty area (on the maps from the 30’s of the 20th century signed as meadow). Build-up at the beginning of 21st century. 161 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas ANDRZEJ GREINERT Site 5 – Technic Gleyic Podzol (Novic) Selected soil properties HORIZON Auh1 Auh2 Auh3 Au Es Bs CG DEPTH [cm] 0–15 15–32 32–48 48–68 68–84 84–125 125–150 <1 — — — PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ø [mm] [%] >2 43 9 <1 2.0–1.0 26 19 17 33 34 34 34 1.0–0.5 24 25 24 26 26 29 31 0.5–0.25 16 25 25 16 17 18 22 0.25–0.1 9 11 13 11 9 9 7 0.1–0.05 7 10 10 11 9 7 3 0.05–0.02 6 7 5 3 3 2 0 0.02–0.002 9 3 6 0 2 1 1 <0.002 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 loamy sand loamy sand loamy sand sand sand sand sand TEXTURE CLASS (USDA) SOIL MATRIX COLOUR dry 2.5YR 4/4 10YR 3/3 10YR 2/2 7.5YR 4/3 2.5Y 8/1 5Y 7/6 5Y 7/4 5G 8/1 wet 2.5YR 3/3 10YR 2/2 10YR 2/1 7.5YR 3/1 2.5Y 7/2 5Y 5/4 5Y 6/6 5G 7/1 BULK DENSITY [g·cm-3] 1.20 1.36 1.40 1.60 1.62 1.67 1.70 OC [%] 5.79 4.21 3.91 0.89 0.10 0.16 Nt [%] 0.56 0.41 0.39 0.05 0.01 0.01 C:N Pt [mg·kg-1] pH CaCO3 [%] EC1:2 [mS·cm-1] 10 10 10 18 10 16 — — — 4 800 3 300 3 100 800 n.d. n.d. n.d. H2O 7.7 7.7 6.8 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.1 1M KCl 7.4 7.4 6.5 5.9 6.0 6.0 6.0 1.5 1.1 0.4 0.2 — — — 0.32 0.28 0.26 0.20 0.17 0.18 0.29 CEC [cmol·kg-1] 24.7 24.5 12.5 5.8 2.5 1.8 5.6 Kt [mg·kg-1] 1.08 0.99 0.73 0.48 0.40 0.40 1.71 Cat [mg·kg-1] 7.77 7.40 2.00 0.37 0.19 0.19 0.11 TECHNOGENIC SOILS atlas 162 TECHNOGENIC SOILS IN ZIELONA GÓRA Site 5 – Technic Gleyic Podzol (Novic) Selected soil properties cont. HORIZON Auh1 Auh2 Auh3 Au Es Bs CG DEPTH [cm] 0–15 15–32 32–48 48–68 68–84 84–125 125–150 HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN AQUA REGIA Fe 9 440 10 950 7 830 3 820 1 350 5 390 4 970 Mn 165 225 593 131 22 100 17 Zn 184 186 97 35 22 14 30 73 90 43 12 4 4 8 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 Cu 52 61 25 11 7 6 11 Ni 14 14 9 6 2 4 14 Co n.d. 1.1 2.1 0.2 1.2 1.3 4.8 Pb Cd [mg ·kg-1] HEAVY METALS SOLUBLE IN 0.1M HCl Fe 1 300 1 200 875 753 356 751 1 020 Mn 109 138 558 118 12 88 14 14 51 26 7 3 3 5 4 4 27 10 1.8 0.6 5 Cd 0.1 0.2 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 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