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1977, Physica status solidi
4 pages
1 file
J. SAWICKI (a), B. SAWICKA (b), and 0. GZOWSKI (c) Mossbauer spectra of 57Fe in iron-phosphate glass are studied both in transmission (powder samples) and conversion electron reemission mode (pellets). Octahedrally coordinated ferrous and ferric ions are determined. The ratio FeZ+/Fe3+ is found to be strongly reduced near the surface of air-heated pellets, and reestablishes to the value about 0.4 after heat treatment of the samples in vacuum. Es werden MoBbauerspektren von 57Fe in Eisenphosphatglasern sowohl in Transmission (Pulverproben) als auch mit der Konversionselektronen-Reemissionsmode (Pellets) untersucht. Oktaedrisch koordinierte Ferro-und Ferriionen werden bestimmt. Es wird gefunden, daB sich das Verhaltnis Fe2+/FeS+ in der Nahe der Oberflliche der an Luft erhitzten Pellets stark verringert, wobei nach Temperung im Vakuum die Proben wieder den Wert von etwa 014 annehmen.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1992
M6ssbauer spectroscopy was used to study the iron in silica glasses, either pure, or containing 5 tool% L i 2 0 , Na20 or CaO. Glasses with 5 mol% FeO and 1 tool% FeO were prepared by the sol-gel method. After drying at 60°C, gels were heat treated between 500 and 1000°C, under oxidizing or reducing conditions. M6ssbauer spectra were taken at 300 and 80 K. Estimated isomer shifts for the spectra of all samples heated between 500 and 850°C in oxidizing conditions suggest that Fe 3+ is mainly in tetrahedral sites if a glass modifier is present. In pure ion silicate glasses, finely dispersed colloidal hematite is observed and Fe 3+ appears in both tetrahedral and octahedral sites. Under reducing conditions, below 500°C, all iron was found in alkali or CaO containing glasses as tetrahedral Fe 3+. Fe z+, in octahedral sites, was only observed after heating above 600°C; the FeZ+/Fe 3+ ratio increased with temperature and total iron content of the glasses. In the pure iron silicate samples, under reducing conditions, as temperature increased, Fe 3+ seemed to move from tetrahedral to octahedral sites.
Physica Status Solidi B-basic Solid State Physics, 1993
glass inducesbefore any crystallization can be detected by X-ray diffractiondifferent short-range ordering effects reflected in the simultaneous recording of conversion electron (CEM) and transmission (TM) Mossbauer spectra. A quadrupole interaction analysis reveals an almost identical threshold energy for the bulk stress relief and for the chemical short-range order growth evidenced in CEM spectra, attributed to different strength and distribution of the atomic bonding. Les spectres Mossbauer de transmission (TM) et des electrons de conversion (CEM), enregistres simultankment, mettent en evidence un ordre different a parcours rCduit induit a Yetat vitreux du compose Fe8,B1,,,Si-&, durant le recuit dans un champ de radiofrequence pulsatoire de 54,8 MHz. L'analyse de l'interaction quadrupolaire montre un seuil presque tquivalent l'hergie de relaxation de tension du milieu dans les spectres TM et a celle de la croissance de l'ordre chimique a parcours rtduit dans les spectres CEM, effets d2 aux differentes forces de liaison.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2003
The structures of xFeO Á (1 À x)P 2 O 5 glasses (0 6 x 6 0:50) prepared in sealed silica ampoules have been investigated using M€ o ossbauer and infrared (IR) spectroscopies. M€ o ossbauer results indicate that the glasses contain 6-18% Fe(III). Both Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions occupy octahedral coordination environments in these glasses. Analysis of the IR spectra indicates that the structure of glass transforms systematically from a three-dimensional P 2 O 5 network (dominated by Q 3 tetrahedra) to a two-dimensional network (dominated by Q 2 units) as the FeO content increases. This transformation is evidenced by the replacement of the IR band at 1380 cm À1 attributed to P@O vibrations on isolated Q 3 sites with the band at 1260 cm À1 band which is attributed to asymmetric vibrations of PO 2 groups on the Q 2 tetrahedra. In addition, a new IR band at 1317 cm À1 is created when FeO is added to P 2 O 5 and this band is assigned to P@O bonds that participate in the coordination environments of the Fe-octahedra. At x $ 0:35 FeO, the P@O bonds that remain are only those that coordinate with the Fe-octahedra. These structural changes are similar to those observed for other ultraphosphate glasses.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2001
Samples of 10Fe 2 O 3 Á 10Al 2 O 3 Á 80SiO 2 composition were prepared by the sol±gel method and heat-treated between 120 and 1300°C under oxidising (air) conditions. These samples were studied by Fourier transformer infrared (FTIR) and M ossbauer spectroscopy. The results indicate that Fe 3 is in octahedral sites at 250°C and in tetrahedral sites between 500 and 1300°C. Goethite and hematite particles are present in the 250 and 500°C samples and hematite particles in the samples heat-treated between 1000 and 1300°C. The hematite particles, present in the samples, show a lower hyper®ne ®eld (47:91 AE 0:08 T) than that usually seen for hematite (51.5 T). This is due to the fact of Al 3 ions take the place of Fe 3 ions in hematite particles.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2003
Mossbauer and optical spectroscopic study of temperature and Mossbauer and optical spectroscopic study of temperature and redox effects on iron local environments in a Fe-doped (0.5 mol% redox effects on iron local environments in a Fe-doped (0.5 mol% M€ o ossbauer and optical spectroscopic study of temperature and redox effects on iron local environments in a Fe-doped (0.5 mol% Fe 2 O 3) 18Na 2 O-72SiO 2 glass
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Articles, 1987
The effects of iron on the structural properties of Zn-borosilicate glass and Pb-metaphosphate glass were studied using X-ray diffraction,57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy. Zn-borosilicate glass was prepared with varying amounts of Fe2O3 (up to 30% wt.). It was found that the chemical form of added iron (-FeOOH, -Fe2O3 or Fe3O4) affects the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio, as well as the distribution of iron ions at different coordination sites. At high concentration of iron the crystallization of zinc ferrite in the glass matrix takes place. X-ray diffraction and57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy showed that the amount of zinc ferrite in Zn-borosilicate glass decreases with the following order of addition: -FeOOH-Fe2O3Fe3O4. In Pb-metaphosphate glass doped with high concentration of -Fe2O3, the crystallization of Fe3(PO4)2 is pronounced. The assignments of IR band positions and the corresponding interpretation are given. The importance of this study for the technology of vitrification of high-level radioactive wastes is emphasized.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1996
A series of (SiO2)0.7_x(Na20)o.3(Fe203)x glasses (0.0 < x < 0.18) were prepared and investigated by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The quantitative ratio [Fe2+]/[Fetotal], for each glass has been determined from an analysis of the Fe 3p spectra. For low Fe203 content both iron valencies are present, however, it was found that Fe 3+ is the dominant species for high Fe203. From an analysis of the O ls spectra, it was possible to discriminate between bridging and non-bridging oxygen atoms. It was found that the ratio of the non-bridging oxygen content to the total oxygen content increases with increasing iron concentration. It has also been shown that the non-bridging oxygen contribution to the O 1 s spectra can be simulated by summing the contributions from the SiONa, SiOFe(II) and SiOFe(III) components present in the glass.
Hyperfine Interactions, 1985
Iron-based metallic glasses have recently become an important class of ferromagnetic materials exhibiting excellent soft magnetic properties coupled with good mechanical properties. These glasses are usually prepared by rapid quenching techniques and are produced in thin long ribbon form with widths ranging from a few mm to 150 mm or more. STFe M6ssbauer spectroscopy has been extensively used to study hyperfine interaction parameters in these metallic glasses to understand ferromagnetism in amorphous structure. In particular, M6ssbauer spectra have been carefully analyzed to reveal information about the distribution of hyperfine fields resulting from the randomness of the atomic arrangement and to understand the temperature dependence of hyperfine fields, spin-wave excitations, magnetic structure, thermal stability and crystallization, the quenched-in magnetization axis, the Curie temperature and its dependence on compositions, the effect of stress and pressure on the magnetic properties, corrosion behaviour, local order and atomic arrangement, phase transformation, etc. This paper reviews the application of STFe M6ssbauer spectroscopy to magnetic studies on metallic glasses mainly based on the iron-boron alloy system, and some of the significant results obtained which are characteristic of the glassy/amorphous state.
Hyperfine Interactions, 1987
Room temperature M6ssbauer spectra of xFe203 : (l-x) (Na20r 2V205) glass system showed that Fe 3 § are present at both tetrahedral-"network modifying " and octahedral-"network modifying" sites. A Zeeman hyperfine splitting is also observed for x = 0. 225 along with a doublet, whose internal magnetic field (-'2 518 + 5 KOe) and isomer shift are found comparable to that of ~-Fe203.
Journal of The American Ceramic Society, 1973
Moessbauer effect spectroscopic studies were made on Na-Fe-SiO2 glasses before and after wetting experiments on steel in an Ar atmosphere. The glasses prepared under reducing conditions contained Fe3+ ions. The Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio for all glasses increased as the time at wettability test temperature was increased. Iron in the glasses (according to isomer-shift data) was possibly octahedrally coordinated. The Fe environment in glasses very nearly saturated with Fe oxide was most symmetrical. The glasses prepared under reducing conditions exhibited more symmetrical Fe environments than those prepared under oxidizing conditions. The structural symmetry in the glasses very nearly saturated with Fe oxide facilitated the electron transfer reaction, 2Fe3++Fe0=3Fe2+; the conversion to Fe2+ occurred to the greatest extent in these glasses.
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