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2009, Journal of vacuum science & technology
5 pages
1 file
In was implanted into bulk ZnO creating a square profile with a thickness of about 100 nm and an In concentration of about 1 ϫ 10 20 cm −3. The layer was analyzed with Rutherford backscattering, temperature-dependent Hall effect, and low-temperature photoluminescence measurements. The implantation created a nearly degenerate carrier concentration n of about 2 ϫ 10 19 cm −3 , but with a very low mobility , increasing from about 0.06 cm 2 / V s at 20 K to about 2 cm 2 / V s at 300 K. However, after annealing at 600°C for 30 min, n increased to about 5 ϫ 10 19 cm −3 , independent of temperature, and increased to about 38 cm 2 / V s, almost independent of temperature. Also, before the anneal, no excitons bound to neutral In donors, called I 9 in literature, were observed in the photoluminescence spectrum; however, after the anneal, the I 9 line at 3.3568 eV was by far the dominant feature. Analysis of the Hall-effect data with a parametrized, two-layer model showed that the conduction before the anneal was mainly due to very high concentrations of native donors and acceptors, produced by the implantation, whereas the conduction after the anneal was due to In ions that were nearly 100% activated. These results show that strongly degenerate conductive layers with designed profiles can be created in ZnO with implantation and relatively low-temperature anneals.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2003
The behavior of In implants, 170 keV, 1  10 16 ions/cm 2 , in ZnO after annealing was investigated in the temperature range of 750-850°C. The In depth profiles reveal the anomalous behavior due to the plateau region in profiles. In diffusion coefficients were estimated from the plateau region of the profiles, and the temperature dependence was described as D In ½cm 2 =s ¼ 1:1 expðÀ259 AE 17 ½kJ=mol=RT Þ. The feature in the In profiles resulted from the complex defects formed by In and radiation damages. The annealing leads to an intense emission at around 525 nm in photoluminescence spectrum. This emission is due to the defects related to the oxygen vacancy.
Thin Solid Films, 2007
Undoped (as-grown) ZnO films grown by pulsed laser deposition on Al 2 O 3 (0001) substrates were doped with nitrogen by means of an ion implantation process. Post-implantation annealing behavior in the temperature range between 500 and 700°C has been studied by photoluminescence and Hall effect measurements. The implanted films show no peak other than the excitonic recombination emission in the asimplanted state, however, after rapid thermal annealing at 700°C they reveal a nitrogen acceptor related emission at 3.273 eV. The as-implanted ZnO films show more electron concentrations than the as-grown, unimplanted ZnO film. In contrast, after annealing, the electron concentration in the implanted films is significantly reduced, indicating that the incorporated nitrogen becomes activated after the thermal annealing, then produces holes and eventually compensates for certain amount of electrons. The results imply that a proper nitrogen implantation and subsequent annealing may be a way to produce p-type ZnO films.
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2003
ZnO [0 0 0 1] single-crystals were implanted at room temperature with 150 keV Tm + ions at a fluence of 5 Â 10 15 cm À2 . Each sample was then subjected to one single 30 min air annealing at 800 C, 950 C and 1050 C. The Tm lattice site location and defect recovery were investigated with Rutherford Backscattering/Channeling Spectroscopy. Detailed angular scans along the [0 0 0 1] direction show that 94% of the Tm ions occupy substitutional Zn sites (S Zn ) in the as-implanted sample. All the annealing temperatures lead to a reduction of this fraction to 30%. Also, progressive damage recovery and Tm segregation to the surface were observed, being enhanced at 1050 C. Photoluminescence (PL) studies with above band gap excitation performed on these samples revealed no luminescence on the as-implanted state. The 800 C air annealing promotes the Tm 3+ optical activation and a well-defined nearinfrared intraionic emission is observed. For higher annealing temperatures, in spite of no change of the Tm fraction at S Zn sites, a decrease of the Tm intraionic emission was observed. These results suggest that optical activation of Tm ions is related with the defect density in their environment.
Journal of Applied Physics, 2013
We report on incorrect carrier type identification achieved by Hall effect measurements performed on ZnO films grown by pulsed laser deposition on InP substrates and subsequently annealed for 1 h at 600 C in air. While Hall measurements, after post-growth annealing, reveal a change in the electrical properties of the films, from n-type to p-type, both photocurrent-based and standard CÀV measurements performed on the same samples show no change in the native n-type doping of the ZnO films. A possible interpretation of the two results is reported. In particular, p-type conductivity observed by Hall effect may be ascribed to a highly conductive thin layer formed during the annealing process at the ZnO/InP interface, which dominates the Hall effect measurements and does not influence the photo-electrochemical behavior of ZnO as well as the measured differential capacitance. The conflicting results here reported show that for this kind of samples, Hall effect measurement can be misleading with respect to the real nature of the analyzed material, instead both CÀV and photocurrent-based characterization techniques are more reliable and therefore could be alternatively used when particularly ambiguous results are expected by Hall effect measurements. V C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.
We used depth-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy (DRCLS), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and temperature-dependent Hall-effect (TDHE) measurements to describe the strong dependence of H passivation and doping in H-implanted ZnO on thermal treatment. Increasing H implantation dose increases passivation of Zn and oxygen vacancy-related defects, while reducing deep level emissions. Over annealing temperatures of 100-400 • C at different times, 1 h annealing at 200 • C yielded the lowest DRCLS deep level emissions, highest TDHE carrier mobility, and highest near band-edge PL emission. These results describe the systematics of dopant implantation and thermal activation on H incorporation in ZnO and their effects on its electrical properties.
Applied Physics Letters, 2006
Codoping of Ga and N was utilized to realize p-type conduction in ZnO films using rf magnetron sputtering. The films obtained at 550°C on sapphire showed resistivity and hole concentrations of 38 ⍀ cm and 3.9ϫ 10 17 cm −3 , respectively. ZnO films also showed a p-type behavior on p-Si with better electrical properties. ZnO homojunctions synthesized by in situ deposition of Ga-N codoped p-ZnO layer on Ga doped n-ZnO layer showed clear p-n diode characteristics. Low temperature photoluminescence spectra of codoped films also revealed a dominant peak at 3.12 eV. The codoped films showed a dense columnar structure with a c-axis preferred orientation.
Applied Surface Science, 2010
Journal of Latinos and Education, 2024
Vendée Gothique : Comprendre, conserver, valoriser. Journée d'études organisée par le Centre vendéen de recherches historiques, 2024
Bénédicte Fillion-Braguet qui meurt en 1212. Elle est déjà veuve lorsqu'elle hérite en 1214 de son frère des seigneuries de Machecoul, Luçon et de La Roche-sur-Yon, et qu'elle se remarie avec Aimery VIII de Thouars (1187-1246). Avec son second époux, elle a un fils, Aimery, mort en bas âge (1218), et une fille Jeanne de Thouars, 1217-1258, morte sans postérité. Dans le testament qu'elle rédige en 1235, Beatrix de Machecoul exprime son souhait d'être enterrée dans l'église de l'abbaye qu'elle a fondée 3. En ce qui concerne l'église dans laquelle se trouve le tombeau, c'est en juillet 1210 que, selon la Gallia Christiana, Béatrix, avec son premier mari Guillaume de Mauléon, seigneur de Talmont, fonde l'abbaye dans la forêt de La Roche-sur-Yon. Entre 1212 et 1216, Béatrix fait plusieurs dons pour en augmenter le temporel, dons qui sont confirmés par son testament de 1235. L'église est visitée en 1240 par l'évêque de Poitiers Jean de Melun, lequel revient en 1248 pour consacrer l'autel majeur. Ce sont des dates à prendre avec prudence : la fondation n'est pas synonyme de la pose de la première pierre et la consécration ne marque pas nécessairement la fin du chantier. Dans le cas des Fontenelles, il est difficile 3. René Blanchard, « Cartulaire des sires de Rays, 1160-1449 », dans Archives historiques du Poitou, t. XXVIII, 1898, p. CXXIII.
Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, 2024
Osmanlı Devleti’nin İtalya ile olan ilişkileri oldukça köklü bir geçmişe sahiptir. Venedik, Ceneviz ve Floransa gibi İtalya’nın birçok kent devleti ile olan evvela ticari ilişkiler yüzyıllar içerisinde ve özellikle İtalya’nın 1861 yılında siyasal birliğini sağlamasına kadar birçok alanda farklı çerçevelerde devam etmiştir. Sultan Abdülhamid döneminden Millî Mücadele dönemine kadar dost bir ülke olarak İtalya, 1922 yılından itibaren Anadolu’da gerçekleştirdikleri işgaller ile bu dostluğu bozmuştur. Her ne kadar iki ülke arasında yaşanan gerginlikler devam etse de özellikle bazı ticari ilişkilerin bu süreç içerisinde sürdüğünü belirtmek gerekir. Bunlardan birisi de Türk donanmasının modernizasyonu meselesidir. 19. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde İtalya’nın Cenova kentine gönderilen Osmanlı gemilerinin restorasyonu ve buna müteakip İtalya’ya ödenmesi gereken borçlar Cumhuriyet dönemine kadar iki ülke arasında türlü sorunların oluşmasına sebebiyet vermiştir. Atatürk dönemi modernleşme hareketinde Türk donanmasının modernizasyonu meselesinin çok mühim bir yerde olduğu muhakkaktır. Bu bakımdan bu çalışmanın önemli bir katkı yapacağını düşünmekteyiz./// The relationship between the Ottoman Empire and Italy has a long history, with trade relations dating back to the city-states of Venice, Genoa, and Florence. These relations continued in various forms until Italy achieved political unity in 1861. Italy was initially a friendly country to the Ottoman Empire from the era of Sultan Abdul Hamid until the period of the Turkish War of Independence in 1922, when Italy occupied parts of Anatolia, which strained the friendship between the two countries. Despite ongoing tensions, some commercial relations continued during this period as well, including the issue of modernizing the Turkish navy. The restoration of Ottoman ships sent to the city of Genoa in Italy in the late 19th century and the subsequent debts owed to Italy until the Republican era caused various problems between the two countries. The modernization of the Turkish navy was a significant aspect of the modernization movement during Atatürk’s era. Therefore, we believe that this study will make a significant contribution.
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