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In-Implanted ZnO: Controlled Degenerate Surface Layer
David C. Look
Wright State University - Main Campus,
[email protected]
Gary C. Farlow
Wright State University - Main Campus,
[email protected]
F. Yaqoob
L. H. Vanamurthy
M. Huang
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Look, D. C., Farlow, G. C., Yaqoob, F., Vanamurthy, L. H., & Huang, M. (2009). In-Implanted ZnO: Controlled
Degenerate Surface Layer. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 27 (3), 1593-1596.
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In-implanted ZnO: Controlled degenerate surface layer
D. C. Looka兲
Semiconductor Research Center, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 45435
and Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 45433
G. C. Farlow
Department of Physics, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 45435
F. Yaqoob
Department of Physics, University at Albany, Albany, New York 12222
L. H. Vanamurthy and M. Huang
College of Nanoscience and Engineering, University at Albany, Albany, New York 12203
共Received 21 November 2008; accepted 2 February 2009; published 28 May 2009兲
In was implanted into bulk ZnO creating a square profile with a thickness of about 100 nm and an
In concentration of about 1 ⫻ 1020 cm−3. The layer was analyzed with Rutherford backscattering,
temperature-dependent Hall effect, and low-temperature photoluminescence measurements. The
implantation created a nearly degenerate carrier concentration n of about 2 ⫻ 1019 cm−3, but with a
very low mobility , increasing from about 0.06 cm2 / V s at 20 K to about 2 cm2 / V s at 300 K.
However, after annealing at 600 ° C for 30 min, n increased to about 5 ⫻ 1019 cm−3, independent of
temperature, and increased to about 38 cm2 / V s, almost independent of temperature. Also, before
the anneal, no excitons bound to neutral In donors, called I9 in literature, were observed in the
photoluminescence spectrum; however, after the anneal, the I9 line at 3.3568 eV was by far the
dominant feature. Analysis of the Hall-effect data with a parametrized, two-layer model showed that
the conduction before the anneal was mainly due to very high concentrations of native donors and
acceptors, produced by the implantation, whereas the conduction after the anneal was due to In ions
that were nearly 100% activated. These results show that strongly degenerate conductive layers with
designed profiles can be created in ZnO with implantation and relatively low-temperature
anneals. © 2009 American Vacuum Society. 关DOI: 10.1116/1.3089375兴
Ion implantation 共II兲 is an important dopant technology in
many semiconductor systems.1 It can be applied directly to
bulk substrates and allows precise control of donor and acceptor concentrations and profiles. However, the main disadvantage of II is that high annealing temperatures are usually
necessary to reduce lattice damage caused by the implantation, and these high temperatures sometimes alter the dopant
profile and lead to other deleterious effects.2,3 The rule of
thumb is that the required annealing temperature TA,crit
should be about 2 / 3 of the melting temperature, and this
would give a TA,crit of about 1275 ° C in ZnO. Unfortunately,
some researchers found that even lower annealing temperatures of 1000– 1200 ° C can actually cause a heavily damaged implanted layer to partially or totally evaporate,3 which
would seem to limit applications of II in ZnO. Still, about
300 papers on this subject have been published so far, according to the ISI Web of Science. The reason for this continued strong interest is that successful II in ZnO would reap
large dividends, as is the case in almost every important
semiconductor material. However, only a very few of these
former investigations have involved In,4,5 the subject of this
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J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27„3…, May/Jun 2009
An important issue in any implantation study is potential
diffusion of the dopant during the high-temperature anneal
necessary to eliminate the lattice damage. With regard to In
diffusion in ZnO, it is known that implanted In diffuses in
hydrothermally grown bulk ZnO with a diffusion coefficient
of about 1.1 exp共−2.7 eV/ kT兲 cm2 / s,4 which translates to
diffusion lengths of about 8, 52, 230, 780, and 2200 nm in
30 min at annealing temperatures of 600, 700, 800, 900, and
1000 ° C, respectively. Our results discussed below are in
qualitative agreement, showing relatively weak diffusion at
700 ° C, and very strong diffusion at 1000 ° C. Fortunately,
however, we find that a 600 ° C anneal is sufficient to create
a highly degenerate n-type layer with a relatively high
The substrate chosen for implantation, Q8-14d, was a 5
⫻ 5 ⫻ 0.5 mm3 c-axis-perpendicular plate of hydrothermally
grown ZnO purchased from Tokyo Denpa.6 Substrates of this
type normally have good structural quality, as evidenced by
typical x-ray rocking curve full width at half maximum of
about 20 arc sec.7 The as-grown room-temperature resistivity, mobility, and carrier concentration were 72.8 ⍀ cm,
204 cm2 / V s, and 4.21⫻ 1014 cm−3, respectively. The
sample was implanted at 350 ° C on the Zn face 关0001兴 with
©2009 American Vacuum Society
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Look et al.: In-implanted ZnO: Controlled degenerate surface layer
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲
O-interstitial profiles.
calculations of In, Zn-interstitial, and
four different energy/dose combinations: 8 ⫻ 1013 ions/ cm2
at 40 keV, 1.2⫻ 1014 ions/ cm2 at 100 keV, 1.6
⫻ 1014 ions/ cm2 at 200 keV, and 6.4⫻ 1014 ions/ cm2 at
350 keV, in an attempt to produce a square In profile of
about 1020 cm−3 in a 100 nm layer. The actual In profile was
calculated by using the TRIM program,8 which employs
Monte Carlo simulations of quantum-mechanical-based ion/
atom collisions in an amorphous material. The calculated
profile was close to the desired profile, except for a tail that
extended from about 100 to 150 nm 共cf. Fig. 1兲. Rutherford
backscattering 共RBS兲 measurements were carried out with a
2 MeV He+ beam, in both random and aligned 共c-axis兲 directions. Temperature-dependent Hall-effect 共T-Hall兲 measurements were performed over the range of 15– 320 K with
a LakeShore 7507 system. Finally, 4 K photoluminescence
共PL兲 was excited with a 30 mW 共⬃30 W / cm2 at sample
position兲, 325 nm HeCd laser and dispersed with a 1.25 m
spectrometer having a resolution of about 0.01 meV in the
near-band-edge region.
No strong color changes in the implanted layer were
noted by visual inspection immediately after implantation,
although it was perhaps somewhat more opaque. However,
the unimplanted sides of some of the samples sometimes
showed a yellowish tinge, evidently from effects of the
2 MeV He+ beam used for RBS measurements. Lowtemperature PL measurements in these areas revealed new
donor-bound-exciton lines, evidently related to point defects.
Analysis of these effects will be presented separately.
Figure 2 displays channeling 共c-axis-aligned兲 RBS measurements for the sample before implantation, and both random and aligned RBS measurements after implantation.
Analysis of these results showed that about 88% of the In
ions were aligned along the c axis 共but not necessarily substitutional兲 immediately after the implantation. Further RBS
measurements, with the He+ beam at an angle of 32° with
respect to the c axis, showed that up to about 47% of the ions
were substitutional on Zn sites, before any postimplantation
annealing. The spatial profile of the In ions, calculated from
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Rutherford backscattering measurements on sample
Q8-14d, before and after implantation.
the TRIM program, is shown in Fig. 1. The profiles of displaced Zn and O atoms can also be determined from this
program, if the displacement energies Ed共Zn兲 and Ed共O兲 are
known. Values of 34 and 44 eV have been recently calculated for Ed共Zn兲 and Ed共O兲, respectively, using molecular
dynamics simulations.9,10 Although TRIM does not allow for
vacancy/interstitial recombinations, we made an ad hoc assumption that any pairs less than two nearest-neighbor lattice
distances apart will recombine, and the resulting profiles of
ZnI and OI are also shown in Fig. 1. 共Note that the profiles of
VZn and VO, not shown, are approximately the same as those
of Znl and Ol, respectively, in this calculation.兲 Even though
this model is very rough, still it is clear that the defect concentrations after implantation are much larger than the In
concentration. However, the picture is even more complicated because it is known from theoretical studies that Znl
and Ol should be mobile at room temperature,11 and thus it is
likely that they will form stable complexes, with each other
and with impurities of opposite charge. More accurate theoretical modeling of defect profiles is underway.
Near-band-edge, 4 K PL spectra of sample Q8-14d after
implantation, and after a 600 ° C anneal in flowing N2 for
30 min, are presented in Fig. 3. Also shown is the spectrum
of an adjacent sample, Q8-14a, before any implantation or
anneal. As is typical in high-quality ZnO the dominant features are excitons bound to neutral donors, mostly in the
3.357– 3.363 eV range. Meyer et al.12 have summarized results for a large number of donor-bound exciton 共D0X兲 lines
observed in vapor-phase-grown ZnO; some of the most common lines are I4共H兲 at 3.3628 eV, I6共Al兲 at 3.3608 eV,
I8共Ga兲 at 3.3598 eV, and I9共In兲 at 3.3567 eV. In Q8-14a, our
unimplanted, unannealed control sample, there are three
clearly observed D0X lines, at 3.3625, 3.3612, and
3.3602 eV. We attribute the latter two lines to Al and Ga,
respectively, recognizing that the 0.4 meV difference with
respect to Meyer’s results can arise from several factors: 共1兲
sample strain, 共2兲 inaccurate spectrometer calibration, and
共3兲 the use of different wavelength/energy conversion fac-
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 27, No. 3, May/Jun 2009
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Look et al.: In-implanted ZnO: Controlled degenerate surface layer
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Photoluminescence spectra of unimplanted ZnO
sample Q8-14a, In-implanted sample Q8-14d, and also Q8-14d after a
600 ° C anneal in flowing N2 for 30 min.
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Mobilities of unimplanted ZnO sample Q8-14a, Inimplanted sample Q8-14d, and also Q8-14d after a 600 ° C anneal in flowing
N2 for 30 min. The solid lines are only a guide to the eye.
tors. 关Our conversion factor was E共eV兲 = 12 395/ 共Å兲. Note
that the use of 12 394 instead of 12 395 would result in a
0.3 meV difference!兴 The 3.3625 eV line may well be due to
some form of H since it disappears after the 600 ° C anneal,
as expected for H in ZnO.13 Note that no I9共In兲 is observed in
our control sample on the linear scale of Fig. 3.
After implantation, sample Q8-14d displays what appears
to be a broad D0X line centered at 3.361 eV, although it
actually is better modeled as a superposition of several sharp
lines, to be discussed in detail elsewhere. The most surprising features, however, are several new lines between 3.33
and 3.35 eV, which we tentatively attribute to defect complexes. After a 400 ° C anneal 共data not shown兲, these defectrelated lines disappear, and after a 600 ° C anneal, the I9共In兲
line at 3.3568 eV finally becomes dominant, much larger
than the I6共Al兲 and I8共Ga兲 lines, which return with the same
relative strengths that had existed before the implantation. To
summarize, the PL spectrum after the 600 ° C anneal is indicative of a very large In donor concentration, and relatively
much smaller Al and Ga donor concentrations.
about 6.7⫻ 1020 and 6.5⫻ 1020 cm−3, respectively, much
higher than the implanted In concentration of about 1
⫻ 1020 cm−3. This means that the electrical characteristics of
the implanted sample, especially the mobility, are controlled
by point defects, not by the In itself; details of this subject
will be discussed elsewhere. Our main interest here is the
electrical properties of the implanted sample after an anneal
at 600 ° C, i.e., sample I/A.
As seen in Fig. 5, the carrier concentration of sample I/A
is nearly degenerate, varying by only a few percent over the
range of 15– 320 K. The mobility is not quite as degenerate,
varying from about 29 cm2 / V s at 14 K, to about
37 cm2 / V s at room temperature. However, if we treat both n
and as degenerate, using the degenerate form of BrooksHerring theory17 to describe , we get a donor concentration
NDs = 1.4⫻ 1020 cm−3 and acceptor concentration NAs = 1.0
⫻ 1020 cm−3, at 14 K. If we instead apply the same model at
The temperature-dependent mobilities and carrier concentrations for the unimplanted 共UI兲, implanted 共I兲, and
implanted/annealed 共I/A兲 samples are shown in Figs. 4 and 5,
respectively. The resulting curves are fitted with a two-layer
model,14–16 with one layer representing the bulk region, comprising most of the 0.5 mm thick sample, and the other layer,
the implanted region, known to be about 100 nm thick in this
case 共cf. Fig. 1兲. If both layers are contributing to the conductivity, then the apparent carrier concentration n will go
through a minimum,16 as appears to be the case for sample
UI, although the surface layer in this case is present in the
as-grown crystal and is not due to implantation. However, for
samples I and I/A, there is no apparent minimum in n, and in
fact the electrical properties are totally dominated by a single
layer, resulting from the implantation. A preliminary analysis
of this layer, treating n as degenerate, and the mobility as
nondegenerate, gives donor and acceptor concentrations of
FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Carrier concentrations of unimplanted ZnO sample
Q8-14a, In-implanted sample Q8-14d, and also Q8-14d after a 600 ° C anneal in flowing N2 for 30 min. The solid lines are only a guide to the eye.
The factor of 5000 on the top two curves is necessary because all three
curves have been normalized to the total sample thickness, 0.05 cm,
whereas the top two curves should be normalized to the implanted-layer
thickness, 100 nm. Thus, e.g., the top curve has a nearly constant carrier
concentration of 9 ⫻ 1015 cm−3共5000兲 = 4.5⫻ 1019 cm−3.
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Look et al.: In-implanted ZnO: Controlled degenerate surface layer
room temperature, the numbers are 1.2⫻ 1020 and 0.7
⫻ 1020 cm−3, respectively. It is reasonable to consider these
two fits as constituting a range of potential values for NDs
and NAs, i.e., NDs = 共1.3⫾ 0.1兲 ⫻ 1020 cm−3, and NAs
= 共0.8⫾ 0.2兲 ⫻ 1020 cm−3.
In this work, we have attempted to create a flat profile of
1 ⫻ 1020 cm−3 In donors from the surface to a depth of
100 nm, and have shown that the actual donor concentration
after annealing is NDs = 共1.3⫾ 0.1兲 ⫻ 1020 cm−3. This success
has been obtained with a very simple, low-cost, and robust
process: implantation of In at 350 ° C and annealing at
600 ° C in flowing N2 for 30 min. Note that these conditions
represent a first attempt, and are not optimized. For example,
it should be possible to vary the implantation and annealing
temperatures to reduce the acceptor concentration NAs and
thus increase the mobility. Nevertheless, a mobility of about
40 cm2 / V s has already been achieved at room temperature,
and this mobility is quite respectable for a carrier concentration of about 5 ⫻ 1019 cm−3. Thus, we have demonstrated that
ion implantation is a viable technique for the controlled creation of highly conducting layers in ZnO.
The authors wish to thank T. A. Cooper for the Hall-effect
measurements, W. Rice for the photoluminescence measure-
ments, and B. Claflin and Z.-Q. Fang for helpful discussions.
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sources: AFOSR Grant No. FA9550-07-1-0013 共K. Reinhardt兲, NSF Grant No. DMR0513968 共L. Hess兲, DOE Grant
No. DE-FG02-07ER46389 共R. Kortan兲, ARO Grant No.
W911NF-07-D-0001/Task07275 共M. Gerhold兲, and AFRL
Contract No. FA8650-06-D-5401 共D. Silversmith兲.
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