Relic dark energy from the trans-Planckian regime
Laura Mersini,* Mar Bastero-Gil,† and Panagiota Kanti‡
Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, I-56126 Pisa, Italy
~Received 23 January 2001; published 24 July 2001!
As yet, there is no underlying fundamental theory for the trans-Planckian regime. There is a need to address
the issue of how the observables in our present Universe are affected by processes that may have occurred at
super-Planckian energies ~referred to as the trans-Planckian regime!. Specifically, we focus on the impact the
trans-Planckian regime has on two observables: namely, dark energy and the cosmic microwave background
radiation ~CMBR! spectrum. We model the trans-Planckian regime by introducing a 1-parameter family of
smooth non-linear dispersion relations which modify the frequencies at very short distances. A particular
feature of the family of dispersion functions chosen is the production of ultralow frequencies at very high
momenta k ~for k.M P ). We name the range of the ultralow energy modes ~of very short distances! that have
frequencies equal to or less than the current Hubble rate H 0 as the tail modes. These modes are still frozen
today due to the expansion of the Universe. We calculate their energy today and show that the tail provides a
strong candidate for the dark energy of the Universe. During inflation, their energy is about 122 to 123 orders
of magnitude smaller than the total energy, for any random value of the free parameter in the family of
dispersion relations. For this family of dispersions, we present the exact solutions and show that the CMBR
spectrum is that of a ~nearly! blackbody, and that the adiabatic vacuum is the only choice for the initial
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.64.043508
PACS number~s!: 98.80.Cq, 98.70.Vc
There is still no fundamental physical theory of the very
early Universe which addresses issues that arise from the
regime of trans-Planckian physics. One of these issues relates to the origin of the cosmological perturbation spectrum.
In an expanding universe, the physical momentum gets blueshifted back in time, therefore the observed low values of the
momentum today that contribute to the cosmic microwave
background radiation ~CMBR! spectrum may have originated from values larger than the Planck mass M P in the
early Universe. This is similar to the problems that arise in
trying to explain the origin of Hawking radiation in black
hole physics. In a series of papers @1–5#, it was demonstrated
that the Hawking radiation remains unaffected by modifications of the ultrahigh energy regime, expressed through the
modification of the usual linear dispersion relation at energies larger than a certain ultraviolet scale k C . Following a
similar procedure, in the case of an expanding FriedmannLemaitre-Robertson-Walker ~FLRW! spacetime, Martin and
Brandenberger in Ref. @6# ~see also @7–10#! showed that
standard predictions of inflation are indeed sensitive to transPlanckian physics: different dispersion relations lead to different results for the CMBR spectrum.
It is the lack of a fundamental theory, valid at all energies,
that makes the model building of the trans-Planckian regime
very interesting. The main issue is how much the known
observables are affected by the unknown theory. The apparently ad hoc modification of the dispersion relation at high
energies is constrained by the criterion that its low energy
*Email address:
[email protected]
Email address:
[email protected]
Email address:
[email protected]
predictions do not conflict with the observables. Specifically,
in this paper we address two questions: ~a! can the transPlanckian regime contribute to the dark energy of the Universe, and ~b! how sensitive is the CMBR spectrum to energies higher than the Planck scale M P , where our current
physics theory is known to break down?
We choose a family of dispersion relations for the frequency of the wave functions that modifies the behavior of
the field at the ultrahigh energies of the trans-Planckian regime. The dispersion relation has the following features: it is
smooth, nearly linear for energies less than the Planck scale,
reaches a maximum, and attenuates to zero at ultrahigh momenta thereby producing ultralow frequencies at very short
distances. We name the tail that part of the dispersion graph
of very short distances that contains the range of ultralow
frequencies less than or equal to the current Hubble constant
H 0 . It follows that the tail modes are still currently frozen.
We calculate the energy of the tail modes in order to address
the former question ~a! and show that although the tail does
not contribute significantly to the CMBR spectrum, it has a
dominant contribution to the dark energy of the Universe
@11#. The energy density of the tail modes is of the same
order today as the matter energy density.
The second question ~b! is motivated by the problem that
in most inflationary models the present large scale structure
of the Universe is extrapolated from a regime of ultrahigh
energies ~known as the trans-Planckian regime! originating
from before the last 60 e-foldings of the exponential expansion. In Refs. @6,7# the authors have demonstrated that the
problem of calculating the spectrum of perturbations with a
time-dependent dispersive frequency can be reduced to the
familiar topic of particle creation on a time-dependent background @12#. We will use their observation in what follows.
They also conjecture that the observed power spectrum can
always be recovered only by using a smooth dispersion rela-
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©2001 The American Physical Society
tion, which ensures an adiabatic time-evolution of the
modes. By taking the frequency dispersion relations to be the
general class of Epstein functions @13#, we check and lend
strong support to their conjecture. We present the exact solutions to the mode equation for the scalar field1 with a
‘‘time-dependent mass,’’ and the resulting CMBR spectrum
below. We show that the major contribution to the CMBR
spectrum comes from the long wavelength modes when they
re-enter the horizon. The spectrum is nearly insensitive to the
very short wavelength modes inside the Hubble horizon.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we present
the setup and formalism of our analysis. The family of dispersion functions, exact solutions to the mode equations of
motion and the resulting CMBR spectrum ~from the Bogoliubov method! are reported in Sec. III. In Sec. IV, we calculate the contribution of the tail modes to the dark energy of
the Universe today. In this work, we have neglected the
backreaction effects of particle production. This assumption
is fully justified from the calculation of the energy for the
trans-Planckian modes, in Sec. IV. Due to the dispersed ultralow frequency of these modes, the energy contained in
that trans-Planckian regime is very small (102122r total ), thus
the backreaction effect is reasonably negligible @14,6#. We
present our conclusions in Sec. V.
Let us start with the generalized Friedmann-LemaitreRobertson-Walker ~FLRW! line-element which, in the presence of scalar and tensor perturbations, takes the form
ds 2 5a 2 ~ h ! 2d h 2 1 d i j 1h ~ h ,n! Q d i j
1h l ~ h ,n!
1h gw ~ h ,n! Q i j dx i dx j ,
where h is the conformal time and a( h ) the scale factor. The
dimensionless quantity n is the comoving wave vector, related to the physical vector k by k5n/a( h ) as usual. The
functions h and h l represent the scalar sector of perturbations
while h gw represents the gravitational waves. Q(x i ) and
Q i j (x i ) are the eigenfunction and eigentensor, respectively,
of the Laplace operator on the flat spacelike hypersurfaces.
For simplicity, we will take a scale factor a( h ) given by a
power law,2 a( h )5 u h c / h u b , where b >1 and u h c u
5b/H(hc). The initial power spectrum of the perturbations
can be computed once we solve the time-dependent equations in the scalar and tensor sector. The mode equations for
both sectors reduce @18 –20# to a Klein-Gordon equation of
the form
These functions are known for having exact solutions to second
order differential equations in terms of hypergeometric functions.
It has been argued in @6# that the analysis extends to other laws
for the scale factor.
m 9n 1 n 2 2
m 50,
a n
where the prime denotes derivative with respect to conformal
time. Therefore, studying perturbations in a FLRW background is equivalent to solving the mode equations for a
scalar field m related ~through Bardeen variables @20#! to the
perturbation field in the expanding background. The above
equation represents a linear dispersion relation for the frequency v ,
v 2 5k 2 5
The dispersion relation of Eq. ~3! holds for values of momentum smaller than the Planck scale. There is no reason to
believe that it remains linear at ultrahigh energies larger than
M P . Yet, nonlinear dispersion relations are quite likely to
occur from the Lagrangian of some effective theory obtained
by the yet unknown fundamental theory. Nonlinear dispersion relations, similar to the ones we consider in this work,
are known to arise in effective theories of nonlocal condensed matter or particle physics models arising from noncanonical kinetic terms @21,22#; from the dissipative behavior of a quantum system immersed into an environment after
coarse-graining @23#; or from effective theories with phase
transitions, time-dependent mass squared terms or effective
potentials @24 –26#. Perhaps, trans-Planckian models motivated by superstring theory @27,28# or a two-stage inflationary model @29# are plausible. In the latter case, one could
easily envision for example a scenario with the first stage of
inflation occurring at energy scales above the Planck mass3
followed by a nonthermal phase transition @30#. The preheating @30,31# from the nonthermal phase transition then leads
to the second stage of inflation below Planck energies. In the
former case, the motivation comes from the common belief
that the superstring theory is the one that describes or at least
is valid at energies of the trans-Planckian period. Taking this
idea one step further, we incorporate the concept of superstring duality ~which applies at trans-Planckian regimes! in
our analysis by choosing a particular family of dispersion
relations that exhibits dual behavior,4 i.e. appearance of ultralow mode frequencies both at low and high momenta5 k.
Despite the above comments and possible approaches, we
should stress that any modeling of Planck scale physics by
analogy with the already familiar systems is pure specula-
There is no reason why inflation must only occur below Planck
energies. In principle, inflation at ultrahigh energies is equally possible.
For example, when compactifying superstring theory in a torus
topology, of large radius R and winding radius r, the frequency
mode spectrum is dual in the sense that R and r are related as r
51/R. This means that each normal mode with a frequency n/R,
where n is an integer, has its dual winding mode with decreasing
energy that goes like 1/r5R @28#.
We would like to thank A. Riotto for pointing this out to us.
tion. We lack the fundamental theory that may naturally motivate or reproduce such dispersion behavior. Nevertheless, it
would be instructive to derive these dispersion relations from
particle physics and string theory, as a step towards understanding the physical nature of the model.
In what follows, we replace the linear relation v 2 (k)
5k 2 5n 2 /a( h ) 2 with a nonlinear dispersion relation v (k)
5F(k). The family of dispersion functions F(k) for our
model is introduced in Sec. III. These functions have the
following features: they are linear for low momenta up to the
Planck scale k C 5M P , taken to be the cuttoff scale, but beyond the cutoff they smoothly turn down and asymptotically
approach zero whereby producing ultralow frequencies at
very short distances. Therefore, in Eq. ~2!, n 2 should be replaced by
n 2e f f 5a ~ h ! 2 F ~ k ! 2 5a ~ h ! 2 F @ n/a ~ h !# 2 .
We will also consider the general case of non-minimal or
conformal coupling to gravity by keeping some arbitrary,
unspecified, coupling constant j . Then, the equation for the
scalar and tensor perturbations, that we need to solve, takes
the form
m n9 1 n 2e f f 2 ~ 126 j !
m 50.
a n
state6 is given by the solution to Eq. ~5! as clarified below.
But if the stage of inflation is very long, and the Hubble
parameter H is not changing considerably, then a
Minkowski-like vacuum is a good first order approximation
for the initial vacuum state ( h →2`), with
m n~ h ! .
The dynamics of the scale factor is determined by the evolution of the background inflaton field f , with potential
V( f ), and the Friedmann equation. In conformal time, these
equations are
e 2in h .
m n → h →2`
V in
e 2iV n h .
As it is well known on this scenario, in general at late times
one has a squeezed state due to the curved background that
mixes positive and negative frequencies. The evolution of
the mode function m n at late times fixes the Bogoliubov coefficients a n and b n ,
m n → h →1`
2V out
e 2iV n
2V out
e 1iV n
with the normalization condition
a9 a8 8pG
2 21
@ f 8 2a 2 V ~ f !# 50,
f 9 12
]V~ f !
f 8 1a 2
u a n u 2 2 u b n u 2 51.
In the above expressions, V in
and V out
denote the
asymptotic values of V n when h →7`. The spectrum of
particles per mode is then calculated with the conventional
Bogoliubov method @33#. The number of particles created n
and their energy density r are calculated by the following
Most of the contribution in the perturbation spectrum
comes from long-wavelength modes, since at late times they
are nonrelativistic and act like a classical homogeneous field
with an amplitude m̄ given by
m̄ 5 A^ m 2 & 5
However, if H were greater at the early stages of inflation,
before the last 60 e-foldings, and/or the inflationary stage is
short, then one must solve the wave equation and find the
solution that minimizes the energy @32,33,26#. This is the
correct vacuum state of the system. Otherwise, if one a priori
chooses the Minkowski vacuum to be the initial vacuum
state describing the system, the resulting value of ^ m 2 & is
considerably underestimated as shown rigorously by Felder
et al. @34#.
As already shown in Ref. @6#, Eq. ~5! represents particle
production in a time-dependent background. We will follow
the method of Bogoliubov transformation to determine the
spectrum. The correct initial condition for the vacuum state
is the solution to the equation that minimizes the energy.
Hence, if the ‘‘time-dependent’’ background goes asymptotically flat at late times, then in that limit the wave function
should behave as a plane wave:
For future reference, we define the generalized comoving
frequency as
V 2n 5n 2e f f 2 ~ 126 j ! .
2 p 2a 3
dnn 2 u m n u 2
2 p 2a 3
dnn 2 u b n u 2 ,
These are produced at early stages of inflation, thus they are
very sensitive to the initial conditions. The correct vacuum
In @6# the authors argue that there are two vacuum states. The
argument extends to the criteria for choosing the right vacuum out
of the two. Here we show there is only one true vacuum state which
reduces to the Minkowski vacuum only at a certain limit.
2 p 2a 4
E Ev
n e f f dn e f f u b n u 2
~ k ! d v u b ku 2.
If the resulting Bogoliubov coefficient b k of the particles
produced has a ~nearly! thermal distribution, we can conclude that the CMBR in our problem is that of a ~nearly!
black body spectrum. We introduce the class of Epstein functions as the family of dispersion relations in Sec. III, and
derive the CMBR spectrum from the exact solutions to the
evolution equations.
Meanwhile, for the special features of our choice of dispersion relation, the modes at very high momenta but of
ultralow frequencies v (k) are frozen for as long as the
Hubble expansion rate H of the Universe dominates over
their frequency. We refer to that as the tail of the dispersion
graph. In Fig. 2, for the dispersed v 2 (k) vs k, the tail corresponds to all the modes beyond the point k H , where k H is
defined by the condition v 2 (k H )5H 20 , where H 0 is the
Hubble rate today. It then follows that the tail modes are still
frozen at present. We calculate the total energy of the particles by using Eq. ~15!, as well as the frozen energy of the
tail. Thus the energy of the tail is a contribution to the dark
energy of the Universe: up to the present it has the equation
of state of a cosmological constant term. However, through
the Friedmann equation, H is a decreasing function of time
because until now it has been dominated by the energy density of matter and radiation. Therefore, whenever H drops
below the frequency v of an ultralow frequency mode, this
mode becomes dynamic by picking a kinetic term and redshifts away very quickly. Hence, when the dominant contribution to the evolution equation for H comes from the tail
energy, the behavior of those modes with equations of motion coupled to the Friedmann equation becomes very complex. It is hard to calculate at which rate H drops in this
situation. If eventually, H drops all the way to zero, all the
modes in the tail must have decayed. Their equation of state,
when H becomes zero, is that of radiation. The reason can be
traced back to their origin in the trans-Planckian regime. It is
well known that scalar perturbations produced during inflation do not contribute to the total energy. Thus the origin of
these modes is in the tensor perturbations. In their physical
nature they correspond to gravitational waves of very short
distance but ultralow energy.7 We calculate their energy today in Sec. IV.
We would like to elaborate on yet another possibility,
which has not been mentioned before in the literature, that
can give rise to a similar dispersion relation: very short or
very large distance physics may have a curvature different
from the FLRW element of Eq. ~1!, e.g. a different scale
factor. This becomes clearer when recognizing the strong
relation between the time-dependent dispersion relation and
We thank S. Carroll for pointing this out.
the curvature given by the time derivatives of the scale factor
a( h ). The basic argument is the observation that the modulated frequency V 2n in the wave equation contains the contribution of these two terms, as given in Eq. ~6!. Therefore,
while keeping the generalized frequency invariant, changing
the first term in V 2n can be viewed as or attributed to changes
in the second term, such that
2 ~ 126 j !
V 2n 5a 2 v nonlinear,k
2 ~ 126 j !
5A2 v linear,k
where A is the new scale factor at very short distances. Even
in the conformal case j 51/6, when the term a 9 /a drops out
of Eq. ~5!, the time-dependent frequency v nonlinear,k
mimic a term proportional to a 9 /a at l( h )k C !1. Thus, any
modulation of the dispersion relation is equivalent to a
change in the behavior of the time-dependence of the background ~a.k.a., the scale factor/curvature!. In other words, we
could have introduced a different curvature at very short ~or
large! distances from the start instead of a dispersed
We will consider the class of inflationary scenarios that
through Eqs. ~7! and ~8! has a power law solution for the
scale factor a( h ) in conformal time, a( h )5 u h c / h u b , with
b >1, and the following Epstein function @13# for the dispersion relation:
v 2 ~ k ! 5F 2 ~ k ! 5k 2
e 2e x
e 3e x
~ 11e x ! 2
, ~17!
n 2e f f 5a 2 ~ h ! F 2 ~ n, h !
5n 2
e 2e x
e 3e x
~ 11e x ! 2
where x5(k/k C ) 1/b 5A u h u , with A5(1/u h c u )(n/k C ) 1/b . This
is the most general expression for this family of functions.
For our purposes, we will constrain some of the parameters
of the Epstein family in order to satisfy the features required
for the dispersion relation as follows. First, imposing the
requirement of superstring duality, in order to have ultralow
frequencies for very high momenta, we demand that the dispersion functions go asymptotically to zero. That fixes
e 2 50.
We are using this equivalence in a sequential paper @35# to
demonstrate that a different large scale curvature of the Universe is
not possible as it conflicts with the observed CMBR data. Therefore, trying to reinterpret the SN1a data in the light of a possible
different curvature for the large scale regions of the Universe may
be ruled out.
On the other hand, the condition of a nearly linear dispersion
relation for k,k C requires that
e1 e3
1 51.
Still we will have a whole family of functions parametrized
by the constant e 1 , as can be seen in Fig. 1.
With the change of variables h →u5exp(Auhu), the scalar
wave equation ~5! for the mode m n becomes
] 2u 1 ] u 1V ~ u ! m n 50,
V~ u !5
ê 1
u ~ 11u !
ê 3
u ~ u11 !
~ 126 j ! a 9
u 2A 2 a
ê i 5 ~ k C u h c u ! 2
FIG. 1. Shown is our family of dispersion relations, for b 51
and representative values of e 1 ~solid lines!. We have also included
Unruh’s dispersion relation ~dashed line! and the linear one ~dotted
line! for comparison.
2(121/b )
ei .
1 ê 3 .
In the case of conformal coupling to gravity, j 51/6, Eq.
~21! is exactly solvable in terms of hypergeometric functions
@13#. This is a well studied case in the context of particle
creation in a curved background @12#. Even if we are not in
the case of conformal coupling, the contribution
At late times the solution becomes a squeezed state by mixing of positive and negative frequencies:
a 9 b ~ b 11 !
with u b n u 2 being the Bogoliubov coefficient equal to the particle creation number per mode n, and V out
n . Ae 1 n. Using
the linear transformation properties of hypergeometric functions @36#, we find that9
is going to be negligible at early times ( h →2`); at late
times, it can be absorbed in the dispersion relation Eq. ~18!
redefining the constants e i .
As explained in Sec. II, the correct initial condition is the
vacuum state solution that minimizes the energy. In the case
where e 2 Þ0, this vacuum state behaves as a plane wave in
the asymptotic limit h →2`, with V (in)
n → Ae 2 n. However,
when e 2 50 as in our case, the correct behavior of the mode
function in the remote past is given by the solution of Eq. ~5!
in the limit h →2`. The exact solution which matches this
asymptotic behavior is then given by
m (in) ~ h ! 5C in
2F 1
e 2iV n
A2V n
A2V out
e 1iV n
cosh p ~ d̃1b̃ !
5e 22 p b̃
cosh p ~ d̃2b̃ !
, ~28!
If d is a real number ( e 38 .21/4), then we obtain
u b nu 5
e 22 p b̃
2 sinh 2 p b̃
In the most general case, where e 2 Þ0 in Eq. ~18!, it is obtained
@13# that
bn coshp~d̃1b̃2ã!
an cosh p~d̃2b̃2ã!
where C in is a normalization constant, and
b5ib̃5i Aê 1 ,
m n → h →1`
with ã5 Aê 2 . Also in this case the spectrum of the fluctuations is
nearly thermal, with the parameter d̃ controlling the deviation from
It is clear from Eqs. ~30! and ~31! that the spectrum of created particles is nearly thermal to high accuracy,10
u b n u 2 .e 24 p b̃ .
Thus, we can immediately conclude that the CMBR spectrum is that of a ~nearly! black body spectrum. That means
the spectrum is ~nearly! scale invariant, i.e., the spectral index is n s .1. This is consistent with previous results obtained in the literature @6 –9#, when using a smooth dispersion relation and the correct choice of the initial vacuum
state, as discussed above. In Refs. @6# and @7#, dispersion
relations, that were originally applied to black hole physics
@1,2#, were used in the context of cosmology. New models of
dispersion relations were proposed by the authors of Refs.
@8# and @9#. Our proposal for a 1-parameter class of models
has a significantly different feature from the above, namely
the appearence of ultralow frequency modes in the transPlanckian regime. The implications of such a behavior for
high momenta on the production of dark energy are discussed in the next section.
In Sec. II, we defined the tail as the range of those modes
in the frequency dispersion class ~originating from the transPlanckian regime!, whose frequency is less than or at most
equal to the present Hubble rate, H 0 ~see Fig. 2!. It then
follows that they have not decayed and redshifted away but
are still frozen today. Since H has been a decreasing function
of time, many modes, even those in the ultralow frequency
range, have become dynamic and redshifted away one by
one, every time the above condition is broken, i.e. when the
expansion rate H dropped below their frequency. Clearly, the
other modes have long decayed into radiation and the tail
modes are the only modes still frozen. They contain vacuum
energy of very short distance, hence of very low energy. The
last mode in the tail would decay when and if H50. When
the tail modes become dynamic by acquiring a kinetic term
@when v (k).H#, they decay away as gravitational waves
~explained in Sec. II!. The tail starts from some value k H
which must be found by solving the equation
v 2 ~ k H ! 5H 20 .
However we can calculate their contribution to the dark
energy today, when they are still frozen, thereby mimicking a
cosmological constant. We calculate numerically ~using
MATHEMATICA! the range of the modes in the tail from Eq.
~33! and use this value for the limit of integration in the tail
energy given by Eq. ~15!. Below we report these results for
the case of a scale factor with b 51 but other values of b
were also considered numerically and they produce an even
smaller dark energy due to the extra suppression in the integral coming from the Bogoliubov coefficient b 2k . Equation
~33! is a messy transcendental equation but the solution to
that equation is crucial to the dark energy since the value k H
is the limit of the energy integral. That is why we solved Eq.
~33! numerically and replaced it in Eq. ~15! for the energy,
using different representative values of the parameter e 1 .
The energy for the tail is given by
^ r tail & 5
We remind the reader that we have neglected the backreaction
effects during the calculation, based on the result of a small particle
number per mode, in the high momentum regime (k@M P ) and a
very small energy contained in these modes. Clearly, the particle
number per mode being small is consistent with the result of the
exponentially suppressed, near-thermal Bogoliubov coefficient. See
Sec. IV for the energy.
E Ev
~ k ! d v u b ku 2,
while the expression for the total energy is
The range of the modes defining the tail is then for k H ,k
,`. Their time-dependent behavior when they decay depends on the evolution of H and is complicated because they
contribute to the expansion rate for H. Thus, their equations
of motion are coupled to the Friedmann equation.
FIG. 2. The range of modes in the tail, k H ,k,`, defined by
Eq. ~33!. H 0 is the present value of the Hubble constant.
^ r total & 5
E Ev
~ k ! d v u b ku 2.
The numerical calculation of the tail energy produced the
following result: for random different values of the free parameters, the dark energy of the tail is 102122 f ( e 1 ) times less
than the total energy during inflation, i.e. r tail / r total
5102122 f ( e 1 ) at Planck time. The prefactor f ( e 1 ), which
depends weakly on the parameter of the dispersion family e 1 ,
is a small number between 1 and 9, which clearly can contribute at the most by 1 order of magnitude.
This is an amazing result. It can readily be checked by
plugging in the dispersion expression for v k , Eq. ~17!, in the
integral expression of Eq. ~34! for the tail energy, then using
as the limit of integration the value k H found by the condi-
tion in Eq. ~33!. This result can be understood qualitatively
by noticing that the behavior of the frequency for the ‘‘tail’’
modes is nearly an exponential decay @see Eq. ~17!#, and as
such dominates over the other terms in the energy integrand
of Eq. ~34!:
v 2 ~ k.k C ! 'exp~ 2k/k C ! .
Hence, due to the decaying exponential, the main contribution to the energy integral in Eq. ~34! comes from the highest
value of this exponentially decaying frequency, which is the
value of the integrand at the tail starting point, k H
;O(M P ), i.e.,
H 20
r tail
' 4 v 2 ~ k H ! ' 2 '102122.
r total
ing problem of dark energy, for at least two reasons. First,
inspired by superstring duality, it is very plausible to speak
of scenarios with ultralow frequencies and very high momenta. The tail modes, which are frozen at present, provide a
good candidate for the dark energy as our calculations show.
Secondly, although smooth dispersion functions that model
the trans-Planckian regime do not affect the CMBR spectrum, this regime still leaves its imprints in the contribution
to the energy of the Universe. This is a rich and currently
underexplored area to consider with respect to the cosmological constant mystery.
Due to the physical requirement that the tail modes must
have always been frozen, the tail starting frequency v (k H ) is
then proportional to the current value of Hubble rate H 0 @Eq.
We suspect this result is generic for any scenario that
features ultralow frequencies which exponentially decay to
zero at very high momenta for two reasons. First, all the
modes with an ultralow frequency v ,H 0 will be frozen and
thus produce dark energy. Secondly, their contribution to the
energy may be small because of the following. Due to this
kind of dispersion in the high momentum regime, the phase
space available for the ultralow frequency modes with v (k
.k C ) gets drastically reduced when compared to the phase
space factor in the case of a non-dispersive trans-Planckian
regime, controlling in this way these modes’ contribution to
the energy density. The result for the tail energy also means
that the tail energy dominates today’s expansion of the Universe. Thus, at present, we cannot tell a priori the evolution
of these modes and the time when they may become dynamic. Only the solution to the equation for the modes
coupled ~strongly at present! to the Friedmann equation
would answer the question as to whether H will continue to
decrease with time. If that were the case, then these tail
modes would also eventually become dynamic and decay.
However, we calculated the equation of state for the limiting
case when H50. In this case, all the modes in the tail are
dynamic. The calculation of the energy density of the tail in
the dynamic case from Eq. ~15! confirms that the tail decays
in the form of radiation, as expected since their physical
nature is that of gravity waves of very short distances ~but
ultralow energy!, originating from tensor perturbations during inflation.
The opposite case is also a possible outcome to the
coupled equations. It is possible that the frozen modes of the
tail will prevent H from dropping further below, in which
case these modes will never decay. We have not solved these
coupled equations yet, therefore we are just speculating on
the two possible outcomes of that calculation. The solution is
left for future work.
At present, these modes, originating from the transPlanckian regime, are behaving as dark energy of the same
magnitude as the current total energy in the Universe. This
idea is then a leap forward in this longstanding and challeng-
In this work we investigated two phenomenological aspects of trans-Planckian physics: the issue of dark energy
production, and the sensitivity of the observed CMBR spectrum to the trans-Planckian regime. For this purpose, a family of dispersion relations is introduced that modulate the
high frequencies of the inflationary perturbation modes at
large values of the momenta k for the trans-Planckian regime. The smooth dispersion relations are chosen such that
the frequency graph attenuates to zero at very high k, thereby
producing ultralow frequencies corresponding to very short
distances, but it is nearly linear for low values of k up to the
cuttoff scale k C 5M P .
We present the exact solutions to the mode equations and
calculate the spectrum through the method of Bogoliubov
coefficients. The resulting CMBR spectrum is shown to be
~nearly! that of a black body. This calculation lends strong
support to the conjecture that smooth dispersion relations
which ensure an adiabatic time-evolution of the modes produce a nearly scale invariant spectrum. Further, we elaborate
on the issue of the initial conditions to which the spectrum is
highly sensitive and show that there is no ambiguity in the
correct choice of the initial vacuum state. The only initial
vacuum is the adiabatic vacuum obtained by the solution to
the mode equation. On the other hand, we showed that the
assumption of neglecting the possible backreaction effects of
the tail modes on the inflaton field is reasonable and is justified by the result of the tail energy calculation of Sec. IV.
Also the Bogoliubov coefficient obtained, Eq. ~29!, is exponentially suppressed, so backreaction does not become significant. We would also like to stress that due to the dispersion class of functions chosen, defined in the whole range of
momenta from zero to infinity, the total energy contribution
of the modes produced is finite, without the need of applying
any renormalization/subtraction scheme. In a sense, the
regularization-renormalization procedure is encoded in the
class of dispersion we postulate.11
The most exciting result of this work is the generation of
dark energy in the observed amount for the present Universe
@11#. This has its origin at the trans-Planckian regime, due to
the presence of the dispersed tail modes with ultralow frequencies equal to or less than the current Hubble constant.
Because of these two results, we do not have the problems mentioned in Refs. @14,15# when discussing trans-Planckian physics.
The evolution of these modes is given by their equation of
motion, and it depends on the Hubble rate through the frictionlike term 3H 0 ṁ n . On the other hand, the evolution of the
Hubble rate, given by the Friedmann equation, contains contribution from the energy of these modes. But currently, the
Hubble constant dominates over their frequency in the mode
equation of motion. It then follows that the tail modes, up to
the present, are still frozen and have been behaving like a
cosmological constant term. Therefore their energy is dark
We have calculated numerically the energy of the tail during the inflationary stage for different values of the dispersion parameter e . The calculation showed that the tail energy
was 102122 @times a prefactor f ( e 1 ) which weakly depends
on e 1 and, for random values of the parameter, takes values
between 1 and 9# orders less than the total energy during
inflation. This result is true for the whole class of dispersion
relations. We chose different random values of the
1-parameter dispersion family e 1 , and the numerical calculation shows that e 1 influences the energy at the most by less
than an order of magnitude. We did not need to do any tuning
of the parameters and used the Planck scale as the fundamental scale of the theory. Clearly, at present the tail energy
dominates in the Friedmann equation, if its ratio to the total
energy ~as found by the calculation! was 102122 f ( e 1 ) during
inflation. The tail thus provides a strong candidate for explaining the dark energy of the Universe @11#. We suspect
that the above result of producing such an extremely small
number for the tail energy without any fine-tuning ~and by
using M P as the only fundamental scale of the theory! is
generic for any dispersion graph with a tail. The family of
dispersion relations that feature a tail, corresponding to
vacuum modes of very short distances, was motivated by
superstring duality @27,28#.
However, in Sec. II we made the observation that introducing a dispersion relation is equivalent to introducing
changes in the curvature of the Universe, at very short or
very large distances while keeping the generalized frequency
V n of Eq. ~5! invariant. It is quite possible that the dispersion
relation for the tail modes results from a different curvature
of the Universe at very short distances. This is an important
link and we use it in a sequential paper @35# to demonstrate
that the SN1a data cannot be reinterpreted away by changing
the large scale curvature of the Universe. Although it is
counterintuitive, since large distance would correspond to
low energy theories, we show in @35# that any changes in
large scale curvature would disagree with the observed
CMBR spectrum.
It would be interesting to know what happens to the tail
and the Hubble rate in the future. After all, a model is useful
insofar as it can make future predictions. Although conceptually it is straightforward to find out the answer, given by
the solution to the coupled equations ~5!, ~7! and ~8!, tech-
For a different mechanism of generating a constant energy density, through the backreaction of cosmological perturbations, that
mimics a cosmological constant term, see Refs. @37,38#.
nically it appears difficult to predict the future evolution of
the tail modes. The technical difficulty lies in the fact that at
present, the tail equation of motion is strongly coupled to the
Friedmann equation for H since the tail energy dominates.
The Hubble rate would continue to decrease only if these
modes decay, but these modes can decay only when the
Hubble rate decreases below their frequency. It may be possible that the frozen tail will sustain a constant Hubble rate
which in turn will not allow the further decay of the tail
modes. It is also possible that H will continue to decrease, in
which case the tail modes will become dynamic and redshift
away in the future. It is only the solution to the mode equations coupled to the Friedmann equation that will provide the
answer on whether the Hubble constant and tail will decay in
the future or remain at their current value. We do not have
this solution yet, and the work is left for future investigation.
In addition, the equation of state, w(t)5 ^ p/ r & , is an observable that will provide a test to the model @39#, especially
with the new data coming in the near future from the Supernova Acceleration Probe ~SNAP! @40# and Sloan Digital Sky
Survey ~SDSS! @41# missions.
However, we know that currently these tail modes are
frozen vacuum modes of ultralow energy but very short distance, thus their energy behaves like a cosmological constant
energy. We also know they become dynamic and acquire a
kinetic term only when the Hubble rate drops below the frequency. And, if they decay, the product is radiation of gravity
waves at very short distances since their physical origin is
from the tensor perturbations during inflation ~it is well
known that scalar perturbations do not contribute to the energy!. The condition for the decay of the last mode in the tail
is fulfilled when H has dropped to zero.
Many of our results, e.g. the dispersion family and the
exact solutions together with the Bogoliubov coefficients,
could be applied to the black hole physics. The issue of
trans-Planckian physics was originally raised in the black
hole context with respect to the sensitivity of the Hawking
radiation to the blueshifted, super-Planckian energy wavepackets. Following a phenomenological approach, a few dispersive models were introduced @1–5# in order to introduce a
bound on the blueshifted energies and check the sensitivity
of the black hole spectrum. We have introduced a new, different family of dispersive models, that also gives rise to a
thermal spectrum. The analytical results of our class of dispersion models can be applied to the black hole physics and
reproduce the same thermal Hawking spectrum. There are
many subtleties involved due to the different symmetries of
the two scenarios, but these issues are beyond the purpose
and scope of this paper. It is left for future work. However, if
the Hawking radiation for this class of dispersions is again
thermal, it lends strong support to Unruh’s conjecture that
black hole radiation is insensitive to physics in the far ultraviolet ~trans-Planckian! regime, being predominantly an infrared effect. On the other hand, our class of models departs
from the previous ones in the asymptotic behavior at very
high momenta, with the presence of an infinite ‘‘tail’’ of ultralow frequency modes. The tail feature and energy results,
applied to a black hole case, may raise interesting issues, in
particular with respect to the black hole’s information loss
We are very grateful to A. Riotto for many beneficial
comments and for pointing out the connection with super-
string duality. We also want to thank R. Barbieri, R. Rattazzi,
L. Pilo, S. Carroll, and C. T. Hill for helpful discussions. P.K.
would like to acknowledge financial support by EC under the
TMR Contract No. HPRN-CT-2000-00148.
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