M. Aprodu and V. Brı̂nzǎnescu
Nagoya Math. J.
Vol. 154 (1999), 111–122
Abstract. We study moduli spaces M (c1 , c2 , d, r) of isomorphism classes of
algebraic 2-vector bundles with fixed numerical invariants c1 , c2 , d, r over a ruled
surface. These moduli spaces are independent of any ample line bundle on the
surface. The main result gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the nonemptiness of the space M (c1 , c2 , d, r) and we apply this result to the moduli
spaces ML (c1 , c2 ) of stable bundles, where L is an ample line bundle on the
ruled surface.
Let π : X → C be a ruled surface over a smooth algebraic curve
C, defined over the complex number field C. Let f be a fibre of π. Let
c1 ∈ Num(X) and c2 ∈ H 4 (X, Z) ∼
= Z be fixed. For any polarization L,
denote the moduli space of rank-2 vector bundles stable with respect to L in
the sense of Mumford-Takemoto by ML (c1 , c2 ). Stable 2-vector bundles over
a ruled surface have been investigated by many authors; see, for example
[T1], [T2], [H-S], [Q1]. Let us mention that Takemoto [T1] showed that
there is no rank-2 vector bundle (having c1 .f even) stable with respect
to every polarization L. In this paper we shall study algebraic 2-vector
bundles over ruled surfaces, but we adopt another point of view: we shall
study moduli spaces of (algebraic) 2-vector bundles over a ruled surface X,
which are defined independent of any ample divisor (line bundle) on X, by
taking into account the special geometry of a ruled surface (see [B], [B-St1],
[B-St2] and also [Br1], [Br2], [W]).
In Section 1 (put for the convenience of the reader) we present (see [B])
two numerical invariants d and r for a 2-vector bundle with fixed Chern
classes c1 and c2 and we define the set M (c1 , c2 , d, r) of isomorphism classes
of bundles with fixed invariants c1 , c2 , d, r. The integer d is given by the
splitting of the bundle on the general fibre and the integer r is given by
some normalization of the bundle. Recall that the set M (c1 , c2 , d, r) carries
Received February 8, 1996.
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a natural structure of an algebraic variety (see [B], [B-St1], [B-St2]). In
Section 2 we study uniform vector bundles and we prove the existence of
algebraic vector bundles given by extensions of line bundles and which are
not uniform. In Section 3 the main result gives necessary and sufficient
conditions for the non-emptiness of the space M (c1 , c2 , d, r) and we apply
this result to the moduli space of stable bundles ML (c1 , c2 ).
§1. Moduli spaces of rank-2 vector bundles
In this section we shall recall from ([B], [B-St1], [B-St2]) some basic
notions and facts.
The notations and the terminology are those of Hartshorne’s book [Ha].
Let C be a nonsingular curve of genus g over the complex number field and
let π : X→C be a ruled surface over C. We shall write X ∼
= P(E) where E
is normalized. Let us denote by e the divisor on C corresponding to 2 E
and by e = − deg(e). We fix a point p0 ∈ C and a fibre f0 = π −1 (p0 ) of X.
Let C0 be a section of π such that OX (C0 ) ∼
= OP(E) (1).
Any element of Num(X) = H (X, Z) can be written aC0 + bf0 with
a, b ∈ Z. We shall denote by OC (1) the invertible sheaf associated to the
divisor p0 on C. If L is an element of Pic(C) we shall write L = OC (k) ⊗ L0 ,
where L0 ∈ Pic0 (C) and k = deg(L). We also denote by F (aC0 + bf0 ) =
F ⊗ OX (a) ⊗ π ∗ OC (b) for any sheaf F on X and any a, b ∈ Z.
Let E be an algebraic rank-2 vector bundle on X with fixed numerical
Chern classes c1 = (α, β) ∈ H 2 (X, Z) ∼
= Z × Z, c2 = γ ∈ H 4 (X, Z) ∼
= Z,
where α, β, γ ∈ Z.
Since the fibres of π are isomorphic to P1 we can speak about the generic
splitting type of E and we have E|f ∼
= Of (d) ⊕ Of (d ) for a general fibre
f , where d ≤ d, d + d = α. The integer d is the first numerical invariant
of E.
The second numerical invariant is obtained by the following normalization:
−r = inf{l| ∃L ∈ Pic(C), deg(L) = l, s.t. H 0 (X, E(−dC0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L) 6= 0}.
We shall denote by M (α, β, γ, d, r) or M (c1 , c2 , d, r) or M the set of
isomorphism classes of algebraic rank-2 vector bundles on X with fixed
Chern classes c1 , c2 and invariants d and r.
With these notations we have the following result (see [B]):
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Theorem 1. For every vector bundle E ∈ M (c1 , c2 , d, r) there exist
L1 , L2 ∈ Pic0 (C) and Y ⊂ X a locally complete intersection of codimension
2 in X, or the empty set, such that E is given by an extension
0→OX (dC0 + rf0 )⊗π ∗ L2 →E→OX (d C0 + sf0 )⊗π ∗ L1 ⊗IY →0,
where c1 = (α, β) ∈ Z × Z, c2 = γ ∈ Z, d + d = α, d ≥ d , r + s = β,
l(c1 , c2 , d, r) := γ + α(de − r) − βd + 2dr − d2 e = deg(Y ) ≥ 0.
Remark. By applying Theorem 1 we can obtain the canonical extensions used in [Br1], [Br2].
Indeed, let us suppose first that d > d . From the exact sequence (1) it
follows that
OC (r) ⊗ L2 ∼
= π∗ E(−dC0 )
OX (rf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L2 ∼
= π ∗ π∗ E(−dC0 )
OX (dC0 + rf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L2 ∼
= (π ∗ π∗ E(−dC0 ))(dC0 ).
If d = d then, by applying π∗ to the short exact sequence
0→OX (rf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L2 →E(−dC0 )→OX (sf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L1 ⊗ IY →0
it follows the exact sequence
0→OC (r) ⊗ L2 →π∗ E(−dC0 )→OC (s) ⊗ L1 ⊗ OC (−Z1 )→0,
where Z1 is an effective divisor on C with the support π(Y ). With the
notation Z = π −1 (Z1 ), by applying π ∗ (π is a flat morphism) we obtain the
following commutative diagram with exact rows
0 ✲ OX (rf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L2
≀ ✻id
✲ E(−dC0 )
✲ OX (sf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L1 ⊗ IY ✲ 0
0 ✲ OX (rf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L2 ✲ π ∗ π∗ E(−dC0 ) ✲ OX (sf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L1 ⊗ IZ ✲ 0
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From the injectivity of ψ we obtain the injectivity of ϕ. Because of
OX (sf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L1 ⊗ IY ⊂Z ∼
= Coker ψ ∼
= Coker ϕ
we conclude.
Recall that a set M of vector bundles on a C−scheme X is called
bounded if there exists an algebraic C-scheme T and a vector bundle V on
T × X such that every E ∈ M is isomorphic with Vt = V |t×X for some
closed point t ∈ T (see [K]).
For the next result see [B]:
Theorem 2. The set M (c1 , c2 , d, r) is bounded.
§2. Uniform bundles
In what follows, we keep the notations from Section 1.
Definition 3. A 2-vector bundle E is called an uniform bundle if the
splitting type is preserved on all fibres of X.
Theorem 1 allows us to give a criterion for uniformness.
Lemma 4. Let f be a fibre of X and let us suppose that IY ∩f ⊂f ∼
Of (−n). Then E|f ∼
= Of (d + n) ⊕ Of (d − n).
Proof. We suppose that E|f ∼
= Of (a) ⊕ Of (a ), where a ≥ a . Then we
have a surjective morphism
E|f →Of (d ) ⊗ IY ⊗ Of
in virtue of Theorem 1. On the other hand, the restriction of the sequence
0→IY →OX →OY →0
to f gives a surjective morphism
IY ⊗ Of →IY ∩f ⊂f ∼
= Of (−n).
So, we obtain another surjective morphism
Of (a) ⊕ Of (a )→Of (d − n).
By using the inequalities a ≥ a , d ≥ d ≥ d − n and the equality a + a =
d + d = α it follows that a = d − n and a = d + n.
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Corollary 5. E is an uniform bundle if and only if l(c1 , c2 , d, r) = 0.
By means of Corollary 5 the uniform bundles are given by extensions
of line bundles. It is naturally to ask if the converse is true. Unfortunately,
this question has a negative answer, as proved by the following
Proposition 6. On the rational ruled surface Fe with e ≥ 1 there
exist non-uniform bundles given by extensions of line bundles.
For the proof we need some preparations.
Let E be a 2-vector bundle given by an extension
0→F →E→G→0,
where F = OX (aC0 + r f0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L2 , G = OX (a C0 + s f0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L1 (L1 , L2 ∈
Pic0 (C)) are line bundles on X. By means of Theorem 1, E sits also in a
canonical extension (1). If a ≥ a then E is obviously uniform. Then, we
shall suppose that a < a .
Lemma 7. With the above notations we have d ≤ a .
Proof. Indeed, by the restriction of the sequence (2) to a general fibre
f we obtain a surjective morphism
Of (d) ⊕ Of (d )→Of (a ).
If d > a , then it follows that d = a which contradicts the inequalities
a < a , d ≥ d (a + a′ = d + d′ ).
Lemma 8. If d = a then E is uniform.
Proof. Let f be a fibre of X such that the splitting type of E|f is
different from the generic splitting type of E. According to Lemma 4
E|f ∼
= Of (d + n) ⊕ Of (d − n),
where n > 0.
By the restriction of (2) to f we obtain a surjective morphism
Of (d + n) ⊕ Of (d − n)→Of (d).
Because of d + n > d it follows d − n = d, contradiction.
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Lemma 9. In the above hypotheses, if d = a , then E ∼
= F ⊕ G.
Proof. Let us observe that we can suppose, without loss of general′
ity, that a = 0 and r = 0 (by twisting the sequences (1) and (2) with
OX (−aC0 − r f0 )). Then, it follows that d = a = α > 0, s = β and d = 0.
Therefore, the sequences (1) and (2) become:
OX (αC0 + βf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L1
χ ✒
(1′ ) 0 ✲ OX (αC0 + rf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L2 ✲ E ✲ OX (sf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L1 ⊗ IY ✲ 0
π ∗ L2
The computation of c2 (E) in (1′ ) gives deg(Y ) = −αs. Moreover, by
means of Lemma 8, deg(Y ) = 0, so s = 0 (we supposed α > 0).
The homomorphism χ = ϕψ is non-zero, otherwise OX (αC0 + βf0 ) ⊂
π (L2 ) (which would contradict the condition α > 0), so L2 = L1 and χ is
the multiplication by a λ ∈ C∗ , and the assertion follows.
In this moment, we are able to give the counter-example announced in
Proposition 6.
Proof of Proposition 6. Let G be OX (2C0 ) and let F be OX . Then:
dim H 1 (G−1 ) = e + 1 6= 0.
For E given by an extension ξ ∈ Ext1 (G, OX ), keeping the notations
from Section 1, we have d ≤ 2 (Lemma 7) , d ≥ d , d + d = 2 and r + s = 0.
There are only two possibilities:
(a) d = 2 , d = 0, which implies E ∼
= OX ⊕ OX (2C0 ) (Lemma 9).
(b) d = d = 1 and, in this case, in the canonical extension (1) of E, we
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deg(Y ) = dd e − ds − d r = e ≥ 1.
By applying Corollary 5, all vector bundles given by non-zero extensions
from Ext1 (G, OX ) are non-uniform.
§3. Non-emptiness of moduli spaces
For a rank-2 vector bundle E, we shall denote by dE and rE the invariants of E, when confusions may appear.
Theorem 10. M (c1 , c2 , d, r) is non-empty if and only if l := l(c1 , c2 ,
d, r) ≥ 0 and one of the following conditions holds:
(I) 2d > α or,
(II) 2d = α, β − 2r ≤ g + l.
Proof. We observe that if M 6= ∅ then, by means of Theorem 1, the
elements of M lie among 2-vector bundles given by extensions of type (1).
Therefore, we conclude that M 6= ∅ if and only if in the extensions of type
(1) there are 2-vector bundles with dE = d and rE = r.
It is clear that all the vector bundles given by an extension of type (1)
have dE = d so we shall look for bundles with rE = r.
We fix L1 , L2 ∈ Pic0 (C) and Y ⊂ X a locally complete intersection (or
the empty set) and we denote
N1 = OX (d C0 + sf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L1
N2 = OX (dC0 + rf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L2
and l = deg(Y ).
Consider the spectral sequence of terms
E2p,q = H p (X, Extq (IY ⊗ N1 , N2 ))
which converges to
Extp+q (IY ⊗ N1 , N2 ).
We have
Ext0 (IY ⊗ N1 , N2 ) ∼
= N2 ⊗ N1−1 and Ext1 (IY ⊗ N1 , N2 ) ∼
= OY .
But H 2 (X, N2 ⊗ N1−1 ) = 0 so the exact sequence of lower terms becomes
0→H 1 (X, N2 ⊗ N1−1 )→Ext1 (IY ⊗ N1 , N2 )→H 0 (Y, OY )→0.
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Now, by a result due to Serre (see [O-S-S], Chap.I, 5, [Se]), any element
in the group Ext1 (IY ⊗ N1 , N2 ) which has an invertible image in H 0 (Y, OY )
defines an extension of the desired form with E a 2-vector bundle.
We write the sequence (1) under the equivalent form
0→OX →E(−dC0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L →OX ((d − d)C0 + (s − r)f0 ) ⊗ π ∗ (L̃) ⊗ IY →0
where L̃ = L1 ⊗ L−1
2 , L = OC (−r) ⊗ L2 and deg(L ) = −r.
From the definition, it follows r ≤ rE for every bundle E given by an
extension (1). We distinguish three cases:
(I) d > d . In this case we shall prove that M is non-empty if and only if
l ≥ 0. To do this we prove that all vector bundles from extension (1) have
rE = r.
We verify that for all L ∈ Pic(C) with deg(L ) < 0 we have
H 0 (E(−dC0 ) ⊗ π ∗ (L ⊗ L )) = 0,
which is true because H 0 (L ) = 0 and
H 0 (OX ((d − d)C0 + (s − r)f0 ) ⊗ π ∗ (L1 ⊗ L−1
2 ⊗ L ) ⊗ IY ) = 0.
(II) a◦ . d = d , r ≥ s. Then M is non-empty if and only if l ≥ 0. The proof
runs like in the first case with the remark deg(OC (s−r)⊗L1 ⊗L−1
2 ⊗L ) < 0.
(II) b◦ . d = d , r < s. Then M is non-empty if and only if l ≥ 0 and
β − 2r ≤ g + l.
Let us see first that the natural isomorphism
M (2d, β, γ, d, r)−→M (0, β, l, 0, r)
E−→E(−dC0 )
allows us to suppose d = d = 0.
In this case, the sequence (3) becomes
0→OX →E ⊗ OX (−rf0 ) ⊗ π ∗ L−1
2 →OX ((s − r)f0 ) ⊗ π (L1 ⊗ L2 ) ⊗ IY →0.
The definition of the second invariant implies that rE = r if and only
if E := π∗ E ⊗ OC (−rp0 ) ⊗ L−1
2 is normalised. E belong to an extension
0→OC →E →L→0
where L = OC ((s − r)p0 ) ⊗ L1 ⊗ L−1
2 ⊗ OC (−Z1 ) with Z1 an effective divisor
on C with support π(Y ) and card(Y ) ≤ deg(Z1 ) ≤ l = deg(Y ).
According to a result of Nagata ([N] or [Ha] Ex.V.2.5) , if E is normalised, then
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− deg(E ) = r − s + deg(Z1 ) ≥ −g
which proves “only if” part of (II) b◦ .
For “if” part we choose Y reduced, obtained by intersection between
C0 and l distinct fibres of X. In this case, we have the following short exact
0→IZ →IY →IY ⊂Z →0
where Z1 = π(Y ) = p1 + · · · + pl , Y ⊂ Z = π −1 (Z1 ) = f1 + · · · + fl with fi
distinct fibres, OZ = Of1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Ofl , IY ⊂Z = Of1 (−1) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Ofl (−1) .
So, the sequence (5) becomes
0→IZ →IY →Of1 (−1) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Ofl (−1)→0.
Tensoring by KX ⊗ N2−1 ⊗ N1 and taking the long cohomology sequence
we obtain an injective map:
H 1 (KX ⊗ N2−1 ⊗ N1 ⊗ IZ )−→H 1 (KX ⊗ N2−1 ⊗ N1 ⊗ IY ).
By dualizing, it follows that the natural map
Ext1 (IY ⊗ N1 , N2 ) −→ Ext1 (IZ ⊗ N1 , N2 ) ∼
= Ext1 (L, OC )
is surjective, which shows that all bundles in (4) are coming from (1) by
applying π∗ .
According to [Ha] (Ex. V.2.5), there is a non-empty open set V ⊂
Ext1 (L, OC ) (don’t forget the condition s − r ≤ g + l !) such that all ξ ∈ V
define normalised vector bundles on C.
Now, in Ext1 (IY ⊗ N1 , N2 ) the set of vector bundles is a non-empty
open set U . It is clear that ϕ−1 (V ) ∩ U 6= ∅ (being open sets in Zariski
topology), so we conclude.
§4. Moduli of stable bundles
There is an interesting relation between the moduli spaces M (c1 , c2 , d, r)
and the Qin’s sets Eζ (c1 , c2 ) (see [Q1], [Q2] for precised definitions).
As in the proof of Theorem 10, case (I) we conclude that if ζ is a
normalized class reprezenting a non-empty wall of type (c1 , c2 ) such that
lζ (c1 , c2 ) > 0 then, for (2d−α, 2r −β) = ζ , Eζ (c1 , c2 ) and M (c1 , c2 , d, r) are
coincident modulo a factor of Pic0 (C) (Qin workes with first Chern class c1
as an element in Pic(X)).
This is a consequence of the following facts:
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(a) lζ (c1 , c2 ) = l(c1 , c2 , d, r)
(b) condition ζ 2 < 0 implies 2d > α
(c) in the case 2d > α the bundles L1 , L2 and the set Y from the
sequence (1) are uniquely determined by E.
(d) if l(c1 , c2 , d, r) > 0 then in the sequence (1) the bundles are given
only by non-trivial extensions.
In fact it is not hard to see that M (c1 , c2 , d, r) 6= ∅ iff Eζ (c1 , c2 ) 6= ∅ so,
by means of Theorem 10, Eζ (c1 , c2 ) 6= ∅ if lζ (c1 , c2 ) > 0. But we have even
Corollary 11. Let X be a ruled surface different from P1 × P1 and
let C be a chamber of type (c1 , c2 ) different from Cf0 . Then the moduli space
MC (c1 , c2 ) 6= ∅.
Proof. From Theorem 1.3.3 in [Q2] it follows that
MC (c1 , c2 ) = (MC1 (c1 , c2 ) − E(−ζ) (c1 , c2 )) Eζ (c1 , c2 ) ,
where C1 is the chamber lying above C and sharing with C a non-empty
common wall W and ζ runs over all normalised classes representing W . By
the above considerations, it follows that Eζ (c1 , c2 ) 6= ∅ if l(c1 , c2 , d, r) > 0.
It remains the case l(c1 , c2 , d, r) = 0 and it will be sufficient to prove that
h1 (X, N2 ⊗ N1−1 ) := dim H 1 (X, N2 ⊗ N1−1 ) > 0
(see the proof of Theorem 10).
We have
N2 ⊗ N1−1 = OX ((d − d′ )C0 + (r − s)f0 ) ⊗ π ∗ (L2 ⊗ L−1
1 ),
where d − d′ = 2d − α = u and r − s = 2r − β = v. But ζ = uC0 + vf0 is a
normalized class and this implies that u > 0 and v < 0 (see [Q1]).
Because H 2 (X, N2 ⊗ N1−1 ) = 0, the Riemann-Roch Theorem gives the
χ = h0 (X, N2 ⊗N1−1 )−h1 (X, N2 ⊗N1−1 ) = 1−g+(1/2)((u+1)(2v−ue)+u(2−2g)).
But ζ 2 < 0 gives u(2v − ue) < 0; it follows 2v − ue < 0.
If g ≥ 1, then obviously χ < 0. If g = 0, then e ≥ 0 and
χ = 1 + v + (u/2)(2(v + 1) − e(u + 1)).
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If e ≥ 1, then χ < 0. For e = 0 we get X = P1 × P1 , which we excluded.
Thus, in all cases χ < 0; it follows h1 (X, N2 ⊗ N1−1 ) > 0 and the proof is
Remark. Let us suppose that X = P1 × P1 and that C is a chamber
of type (c1 , c2 ) lying below a non-empty wall defined by a normalized class
ζ = uC0 + vf0 with v ≤ −2. Then the same conclusion as in the above
corollary holds.
Indeed, in this case we have χ = (1 + v)(1 + u). Since v < −1, then
again χ < 0.
Acknowledgements. The second named author expresses his gratitude to the Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Bonn for its hospitality
during the final stage of this work.
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Marian Aprodu
Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
P.O. BOX 1-764, RO-70700 Bucharest
[email protected]
Vasile Brı̂nzǎnescu
Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
P.O. BOX 1-764, RO-70700 Bucharest
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