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2013, Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española
2 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
This case report discusses a two-month-old female infant with congenital vallecular cyst, presenting with inspiratory stridor and swallowing difficulties since birth. The diagnosis was confirmed through imaging and laryngoscopy, and the cyst was successfully excised using CO2 laser under microscopic control. The patient recovered well postoperatively, highlighting the importance of recognizing congenital vallecular cysts in infants as a cause of airway obstruction.
The Malaysian journal of medical sciences : MJMS, 2010
Vallecular cyst, a benign yet rare laryngeal lesion, may cause stridor and even life-threatening upper airway obstruction in infants. It can cause apnoea and poor feeding habits, thus reducing the chance of survival. Although laryngomalacia remains the most common cause of stridor in this age group, awareness and a high level of suspicion for this condition can help lead to early management and intervention. Direct laryngoscopy is accepted as the gold standard for diagnostic purposes, and marsupialisation of the cyst is the preferred treatment. We describe 2 cases of vallecular cysts in infants admitted to our hospital where timely diagnoses led to appropriate treatment.
Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2002
L aryngomalacia (LM) is the most common congenital anomaly of the larynx (1), whereas vallecular cysts (VC) are a fairly uncommon but well recognized cause of upper airway obstruction and death in newborns and infants (2). LM associated with VC is very rare (3-6). Anesthetic management of the airway may be challenging, because these patients are at risk for sudden complete airway occlusion resulting in hypoventilation, hypoxemia, or death (7-9). We report six cases of concurrent VC and LM over a 4-yr period in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and the problems encountered in airway management.
Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Science, 2018
Background and Objectives: Vallecular cysts are rare and generally asymptomatic. In infants and children they present with stridor, feeding difficulties, failure to thrive. Treatment is surgical excision with cautery or laser.Presentation of Case: We discuss the clinical, radiological presentation of a 7 months old child with vallecular cyst which was surgically treated with deroofing and marsupialisation with elecrocautery. There was no recurrence even up 2 years of follow-up.Discussion: Flexible nasopharyngolaryngoscopic examination was done which showed present of swelling in the left vallecula pushing the epiglottis posteriorly and to the right with narrowed normal endolarynx. Radiological investigations with CT scan showed cystic lesion noted in left side of neck with no septation and solid component. The lesion was extending to ipsilateral vallecula and paraglottic region with narrowing of endolarynx.Conclusion: Vallecular cyst is rare cause of noisy breathing in infants and c...
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 2004
Vallecular cyst is a rare but dangerous cause of stridor in neonates and young infants. Without recognition and proper therapy, the resulting airway obstruction can lead to serious morbidity and mortality. We herein report a young infant with a vallecular cyst synchronous with laryngomalacia and gastroesophageal reflux. The infant initially presented with signs and symptoms mimicking more benign laryngomalacia. Diagnosis was delayed with accompanying failure to thrive. The cyst was revealed by a barium esophagogram and confirmed by flexible bronchoscopy. Laryngomicrosurgery with CO(2) laser not only removed the cyst, but resolved the co-existing laryngomalacia and gastroesophageal reflux as well. After surgery, the infant was symptom free and exhibited a steady weight gain. There was no recurrence during 1 year of follow-up. We have reviewed the literature for this rare and potentially devastating lesion.
JRSM Short Reports, 2013
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 1999
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 2011
A 18-year-old female presented to us with acute respiratory obstruction, unconsciousness, severe respiratory acidosis, and impending cardiac arrest. The emergency measures to secure the airway included intubation with a 3.5-mm endotracheal tube and railroading of a 6.5-mm endotracheal tube over a suction catheter. Video laryngoscopy done after successful resuscitation showed an inflamed swollen epiglottis with a swelling in the left vallecular region, which proved to be a vallecular cyst. Marsupialisation surgery was performed on the 8 th post admission day and the patient discharged on 10 th day without any neurological deficit.
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 2014
Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal [SQUMJ]
The aim of this article is to highlight the varied presentation and management of vallecular cysts. Three children with diagnosis of vallecular cyst presented in our department were reviewed retrospectively for clinical presentation, diagnostic tools and treatment options. All three cases presented with respiratory and feeding difficulty. Diagnosis in all the three cases was made with laryngoscopy (flexible/direct) and imaging. All three patients were treated by transoral approach aimed for excision of cyst using cold instruments. Postoperative period was uneventful and no recurrences were observed on the long-term follow up. Vallecular cysts should be considered as one of the differentials in children with respiratory distress and dysphagia in spite of being a rare anomaly. Direct transoral approach for excision of the vallecular cyst is recommended as a safe and reliable method with no recurrences till date. Keywords: Vallecular Cyst; Respiratory Distress; Dysphagia; Laryngoscopy
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