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Real-time surveillance systems, network and telecommunication systems, and other dynamic processes often generate tremendous (potentially infinite) volume of stream data. Effective analysis of such stream data poses great challenges to database and data mining researchers, due to its unique features, such as single-scan algorithm, multi-dimensional online analysis, fast response time, etc.
Real-time surveillance systems, network and telecommunication systems, and other dynamic processes often generate tremendous (potentially infinite) volume of stream data. Effective analysis of such stream data poses great challenges to database and data mining researchers, due to its unique features, such as single-scan algorithm, multi-dimensional online analysis, fast response time, etc.
dimensional stream processing and analysis methods. In this paper, we try to discuss the issues of data streams. We present the overview of basic methodologies for stream data processing. We discuss the various data streams mining algorithms.
Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2005
Real-time surveillance systems, telecommunication systems, and other dynamic environments often generate tremendous (potentially infinite) volume of stream data: the volume is too huge to be scanned multiple times. Much of such data resides at rather low level of abstraction, whereas most analysts are interested in relatively high-level dynamic changes (such as trends and outliers). To discover such high-level characteristics, one may need to perform on-line multi-level, multi-dimensional analytical processing of stream data. In this paper, we propose an architecture, called stream cube, to facilitate on-line, multi-dimensional, multi-level analysis of stream data.
Significant advancements have been made in the field of data mining and knowledge discovery. But there is no universal algorithm that can be dynamic enough to extract information from a continuous data stream or from a large stored dataset. A combination of algorithms has to work cohesively in order for the system to yield accurate and timely results according to user specifications. Algorithms are expected to be fast, accurate and visually informative to the user. We have tried to analyse the most effective and recent algorithms and techniques which have been developed to mine information from different data sources. We project our insight on the working of these algorithms and elicit possible loopholes and limitations.
Data streams became ubiquitous as many sources produce data continuously and rapidly. Examples of streaming data include customer click streams, telephone records, web logs, multimedia data, and sets of retail chain transactions. Data streams have brought new challenges to the data mining research community. In consequence, new techniques are needed to process streaming data in reasonable time and space. The goal of this tutorial is to present and discuss the research problems, issues and challenges in learning from data streams. We will present the state-of-the-art techniques in change detection, clustering, classification, frequent patterns, and time series analysis from data streams. Applications of mining data streams in different domains are highlighted. Open issues and future directions will conclude this tutorial. The tutorial also points to data stream mining resources. Specific goals and objectives-Introducing the area of data stream mining-Giving a detailed explanation of the major techniques in the area-Emphasizing the research issues and challenges Expected background of the audience Basic knowledge of data mining concepts and techniques is required.
Academia Biology, 2024
Eleyele Lake serves the purpose of domestic water supply, transportation, and fisheries; therefore, it is a source of food and livelihood to the artisanal fishers in Ibadan. However, various reports indicated the perturbed state of the lake, which can have adverse effects on the ecosystem services including fisheries. Therefore, this study investigated the catch per unit effort (CPUE) of fish in the Eleyele Lake and some physicochemical parameters in order to establish the status of the fisheries of the lake. Water samples were collected from the lake and analyzed. The fish catches, effective fishing effort (EFF), and CPUE of the lake were determined. The dissolved oxygen and transparency levels were not within the recommended permissible limits. Fish encountered in the lake during the study period belong to nine families and fifteen species. Cichlidae, Polypteridae, and Clariidae were the most frequently encountered families. Shannon-Weiner (2.23), Margalef (2.14) diversity indices, and Evenness (0.87) were highest during the sampling period in 2019. The EFF was 0.37 kW day−1. The mean CPUE increased from 9.55 ± 1.67 kg·kW day−1 in 2019 to 38.07 ± 30.89 kg·kW day−1 in 2021 and declined to 6.44 ± 3.02 kg·kW day−1 in 2023. The forage /carnivore ratio was 0.70 in 2019, 0.35 in 2021, and 54 in 2023 by number indicating an imbalance in the fish population. This study implies that effective management and sustainable exploitation of the fisheries in the Eleyele Lake require improvement of water quality and enforcement of a closed season.
Sudbury Star, 2020
Op-ed originally published in Sudbury Star (September 3, 2020) in defence of common humanity and grace in the workplace.
Material Docente N° 21 Academia Judicial, 2021
Este material docente revisa el contenido, las características y las aplicaciones de dos ramas del derecho internacional público que protegen a las personas en circunstancia de conflictos armados respecto de crímenes internacionales vejatorios de la dignidad humana: el Derecho Internacional Humanitario y el Derecho Penal Internacional. Considerando sus diferencias e interconexiones, se examina qué incidencia o aplicación interna pudiesen tener estos plexos normativos, sobre todo, en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno. Estructurado en dos partes, la primera de ellas está referida a la esencia de cada una de estas disciplinas; la segunda, a su impacto en los ordenamientos jurídicos internos, desde lo doctrinario dogmático-teórico a lo práctico, en análisis de sentencias chilenas e internacionales tanto de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos como de los tribunales penales internacionales.
Marco Gallo, 2015
Alla luce dei primi provvedimenti nella riorganizzazione della Curia Romana il testo offre alcuni spunti di riflessione sulle prospettive di rinnovamento del primato petrino e della ripresa del tema della collegialità episcopale
Philosophy & Social Criticism, 2024
Monuments and Sites, 2015
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovative Research Across Disciplines (ICIRAD 2019), 2020
Southeast of now, 2022
Revista Eletrônica História em Reflexão, 2024
Economics and Business Letters
Archivos argentinos de pediatría, 2014
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2013
Frontiers in Bioscience, 2008
7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2002)
Journal of Management and Educational Perspective, 2022
Linguistics in Amsterdam, 2024
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 2019
Surgical Neurology International