The International Journal of Computational Science, Information Technology and Control Engineering
(IJCSITCE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2018
Jerome M. Gumpy1, Ibrahim Goni1 and Mohammed Isa2
Department of Computer Science,
Adamawa State University Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Department of Human Kinetics and Public Health,
University of Nigeria, Nsuka, Nigeria
Tuberculosis is the second leading cause of death from an infectious disease worldwide, after the human
immunodeficiency virus. The main aim of this research work is to develop a Neuro-Fuzzy system for
diagnosing tuberculosis. The system is structured with to accept symptoms with the help of three domain
Medical expertise as inputs that are used to automatically generate rules that are injected in to the
knowledge based where the system would use to make decisions and draw a conclusion. MATLAB 7.0 is
used to implement this experiment using fuzzy logic and Neural Network toolbox. In this experiment
linguistic variables are evaluated using Gaussian membership function. This system will offer potential
assistance to medical practitioners and healthcare sector in making prompt decision during the diagnosis
of tuberculosis. In this work basic emblematic approach using Neuro-fuzzy methodology is presented that
describes a technique to forecast the existence of mycobacterium and provides support platform to
researchers in the related field.
Tuberculosis, Neuro-fuzzy, Fuzzy logic, Artificial Neural Network, Diagnosing, Mycobacterium
Tuberculosis was discovered by German Physician Robert Koch in 1882. Tuberculosis (TB) is
caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a
contagious bacterial infection that involves lungs, but may spread to other organs Navneet, et al.,
(2015). Tuberculosis is the second leading cause of death from an infectious disease worldwide,
after the human immunodeficiency virus Mahmoud, et al.,(2015).Basically there are two types of
tuberculosis infection: latent and active Tuberculosis. In Latent TB, bacteria remain in the body
but in an inactive state. Even though cause no symptoms and is not contagious, but they can
become active. While Active TB has symptoms and can be transmitted to others, about one-third
of the world's population is believed to have latent TB. There is a 10% chance of latent TB
becoming active, but this risk is much higher in people who have compromised immune systems
that is people living with Human Immune Virus (HIV) or malnutrition, or people who smoke
According to James, (2017).The Typical outward indications of pulmonary tuberculosis include
persistent cough for two weeks or more and usually accompanied by any of the following
DOI: 10.5121/ijcsitce.2018.5101
The International Journal of Computational Science, Information Technology and Control Engineering
(IJCSITCE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2018
symptoms coughing with blood, night sweats, difficulty in breathing, fever, loss of appetite and
tiredness Karahoca, and Karahoca, (2013).
In the context of Medicine, diagnostic decision of disease depends on the experiences and
expertise of the medical doctor in relation to the symptoms of the disease. In this infectious
disease, the microorganisms frequently penetrate into the lungs through breathing and are spread
to the whole body through the blood circulatory system, which is direct extension to other organs.
Shahaboddin et al., (2014) Tuberculosis is usually transmitted and spread via aerosols (droplets
from the mouth and respiratory tract) that are coughed, sneezed, or forcibly expelled from the
body to the surrounding air. These droplets, when inhaled by a susceptible host, can infect a new
person and, within weeks to months, the disease begins to develop in that infected person
(Imianvan & Obi, 2011). The constant communications between medical practitioners, computer
scientists, computer engineers and electronic engineers have led to the development of expert
system that would diagnosis a patient. Many techniques has been used to build such system but
fuzzy logic, neural network, genetic algorithm and swarm intelligence were the most commonly
used in the literatures as stated in (Smita, et al., 2013) “The Fuzzy Expert System has proved its
usefulness significantly in the medical diagnosis for the quantitative analysis and qualitative
evaluation of medical data, consequently achieving the correctness of results.”
Fuzzy logic is an artificial intelligence technique that handles numeric data and linguistic
knowledge simultaneously; it is a non-linear mapping of inputs (vectors) to an output (scalar) i.e.
it maps numeric value to numeric values. Fuzzy logic presents an inference morphology that
enables appropriate human reasoning capabilities to be applied to knowledge-based systems. The
theory of fuzzy logic encompasses a mathematical strength to capture the uncertainties associated
with human cognitive processes (Imianvan& Obi, 2011).
The hybridization of fuzzy logic and Neural Network resulted to Neuro-fuzzy system models
(Janget al., 1997). The integration of biological science, Artificial intelligence (AI), and
mathematical models have entered a period of rapid discovery in medicine and are used to assist
physicians to more accurately diagnose various diseases Polatet al. (2007).
Despite the advancements in Tuberculosis treatment, early diagnosis is still very important for
increasing the survival rates of Tuberculosis patients. The most common standard of diagnosing
Tuberculosis is cultured specimens however, results take weeks to obtain. These slow and
insensitive diagnostic methods hampered the global control of tuberculosis, and scientists are
looking for early and accurate detection strategies, which remain the foundation of tuberculosis
control. This research work is to develop a Neuro-Fuzzy system for diagnosing tuberculosis
through a comprehensive survey on research contributions that investigates the utilization of
Neuro-fuzzy in diagnosing and to provide a roadmap on building the model that would ease and
fastened the diagnosing of tuberculosis and its control.
Prinhatini and Putra, (2012) Developed knowledge-based Expert system for diagnosing tropical
infectious diseases on web based platform to receive input in the form of physical symptoms and
results of complete blood examination in the laboratory. The inputs are crisp and fuzzy value to
handle the vagueness of symptoms. Fuzzy rules represent the correlation of symptoms of each
The International Journal of Computational Science, Information Technology and Control Engineering
(IJCSITCE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2018
disease using the certainty of the expert. The system provides output from the diagnosis of the
seven existing disease expressed as a percentage of certainty of the user experience of the disease.
They tested results show that the system developed has the similarity with the real expert at
Jahantigh, (2015) Presented a kidney diseases Diagnosis system using fuzzy logic the results of
the research indicated that, in the diagnosis of eight cases of kidney diseases through the
examination of 21 indicators using fuzzy logic, kidney stone disease with 63% certainty was at
the first level and renal tubular with 15% was at the lowest level and the other kidney diseases
were at the other levels.
Egwali and Obi, (2014) developed an adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Diagnosis of
Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever (EHF) Five ANFIS classifiers were used to detect five EHF state
using 34 clinical symptoms (parameters) and five EHF risk level as inputs to the system. The
paper presents by (Nawarycz and Pytel, 2013) fuzzy Abdominal Obesity (AO) models were
developed on the basis of Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference and Weight to Height ratio
measurements. Fuzzy logic based system for the classification of seven types of neuromuscular
diseases at first level and classification of eight types of muscular dystrophy diseases at second
level presented in Pandey and Heena, (2014). Fuzzy C-means and probability-based classification
was presented in Yun and Lin, (2008) to classify the severity of depression. In their work scoring
of beck depression inventory of subjects were analyzed by clustering analysis while the diagnose
of depression-severity by a psychiatrist was used as the criterion to evaluate classification
accuracy. While (Patil and Mohsin, 2013,Shahaboddin et al. 2014and Valley and Sarma, 2015)
discussed fuzzy logic for health status based on bio-signal reading, artificial immune recognition
system with fuzzy used for identification of tuberculosis and using hybrid system to diagnose
chest diseases respectively.
This research work derived the concept of Expert system of forward or backward chaining. In
forward chaining the system reason from antecedent truth to consequent truth, that is, the system
would draw a conclusion from the facts in the rule antecedent and establish new facts. The system
is structured with eleven (11) inputs and one output of which one hundred and twenty (120) rules
were generated. A domain Medical expertise definitions are injected in to the knowledge based
where the system would use to make conclusive decisions. MATLAB 7.0 Fuzzy and Neural
toolboxes are used to implement this research.
3.1. Data Collection and Analysis
The symptoms of Tuberculosis were analyzed based on the information gathered from Experts.
The likely symptoms were used as inputs of the system. The inputs are; persistent cough of two
(2) weeks or more, coughing with blood, weight loss, tiredness, fever, night sweat, chest pain,
difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite, lymph node enlargement and history of positive TB
The inputs parameters are based on patient demographic data and clinical findings obtained
during the interviewed. Persistent cough parameter is define based on four (4) linguistic
variables one (1) week, two (2) weeks, three (3) weeks and four (4) weeks, cough with
The International Journal of Computational Science, Information Technology and Control Engineering
(IJCSITCE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2018
blood,Weight loss, Night sweat, difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite, lymph node enlargement
and History of positive TBcontact are defined based on two linguistic variables which are
presence and absence. Tiredness are define based on two (2) linguistic variables which are Yes
and No,Fever parameter are define based on four (4) linguistic variables which are Mild,
Moderate, Severe and very severe, Chest pain parameter is define based on four (4) linguistic
variables which are Mild, Moderate, Severe and very severe.
3.2. Neuro-Fuzzy Tuberculosis Model
The figure below shows the actual system architecture with the inputs representing the eleven
symptoms which are: persistent cough for two weeks or more, coughing with blood, weight loss,
tiredness, fever, night sweat, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite, lymph node
enlargement and history of positive TB contact. The input mf represents the Inputs membership
functions which are Presence and Absence, Mild, Moderate, Severe, Very severe, Yes and No.
The rule represent the (120) rules generated by the system, the output mf represent the output
membership functions which are Pulmonary Tuberculosis and No TB while the Y block
represents the output. The output of this model is based on the mapping between the inputs and
outputs membership functions generated by the Neuro-fuzzy system produce the final output (Y).
Figure: Neuro-Fuzzy TB model
4.1 Inputs Membership Functions
Figure 1: Input Membership Function Plot for Cough
The International Journal of Computational Science, Information Technology and Control Engineering
(IJCSITCE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2018
Figure 2: Input Membership Function Plot for Cough with blood
Figure 3: Input Membership Function Plot for weight loss
Figure 4: Input Membership Function Plot for Tiredness
Figure 5: Input Membership function plot for fever
The International Journal of Computational Science, Information Technology and Control Engineering
(IJCSITCE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2018
Figure 6: Input Membership Function Plot for Night sweats
Figure 7: Input Membership Function Plot for chest pain
Figure 8: Input Membership Function Plot for Difficulty in breathing
Figure 9: Input Membership Function Plot for loss of appetite
The International Journal of Computational Science, Information Technology and Control Engineering
(IJCSITCE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2018
Figure 10: Input Membership Function Plot for Lymph node enlargement
Figure 11: Input Membership Function Plot for history of positive TB contact
4.2 Inputs and TB Range analysis
Based on this work all inputs parameter were given a numeric values depend on the gravity of the
input in diagnosing TB.The higher the numeric value given the higher the possibility of TB the
lower the number the lower the possibility of TB as shown in the figure 12;
Figure 12: Inputs and output mapping analysis
In this research work Numeric values are assigned to the inputs parameters, the greater the value
the higher the possibility of TB and otherwise. Figure 12 above shows that coughing for two
weeks or more has the highest value that is 2 which indicated that if the cough exceed two weeks
The International Journal of Computational Science, Information Technology and Control Engineering
(IJCSITCE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2018
automatically there is highest possibility of TB, coughing with blood and Nightsweat are the
second leading symptoms of TB,1.5 is assigned to them which also shows the possibility of TB,
chest pain is 1.25, difficulty in breathing lymph node enlargement and history of positive TB
contact 1 is assigned to them, tiredness is 0.75, fever is 0.5 and loss of appetite is 0.3 which were
used throughout this experiment to draw conclusion whether apatient has TB or not.
4.4 Discussion
The advantage of the fuzzy logic and neural networks lies in their ability to process nonlinear
relationships. Because of the clinical complexity and pathologic heterogeneity of TB, correct
identification of patients with active disease is likely depends on the presence of a single defining
feature. Hence, it is not surprising that standard linear statistical methodologies are relatively
inadequate solutions for this type of problem.
The diagnosing tuberculosis system is based on Neuro-Fuzzy approach. It is designed for
diagnosis of tuberculosis disease in human. This system consists of 11 input variables as
indicated in the figure 12; persistent cough of two (2) weeks or more, coughing with blood,
weight loss, tiredness, fever, night sweat, chest pain, and difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite,
lymph node enlargement and history of positive TB contact. The rule base of this system consists
of 120 rules are used to determine one output parameter: the presence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
Sugeno inference engine is adopted for this research work. We used center of gravity method for
the defuzzification in this research.
Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to diagnosing tuberculosis was implemented using MATLAB 7.0 Fuzzy
Inference System. The system allowed us to clearly see the relationship between various inputs
and output based on the rules automatically generated by the Neuro-fuzzy system and this
research work can be in cooperated into medical diagnostic machine for TB diagnostic.
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Jerome M. Gumpy Received B.Eng. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)at
University of Maiduguri 1995, M. Engr. (Electronics) and Ph.D. (Control
Systems) 2006 and 2016 respectively at AbubakarTafawaBalewa University,
Bauchi. His research interests include Instrumentation and control of Industrial
machines with emphasis on Controller design using Artificial and Computational
Intelligence; Data Communication and Computer Networking. He is currently a
lecturer at Adamawa State University, Mubi Nigeria.
Ibrahim Goni Received B.Sc.Computer Science at AdamawaState University
Mubi and currently pursuing M.Sc. Computer Science at Adamawa State
University Mubi His research interests include Artificial intelligence,
Computational Intelligence Soft computing, Neuro-computing, Image
processing, Informatics, wireless sensor Network, Security, Data mining, Data
Communication and Computer Network. He published many International
Journals and has many International and National Conferences.
Mohammed is a Postgraduate student at University of NigeriaNsuka.