Launching the new era

1993, Communications of the ACM

ratories. Current research interests include design and implementation of programming languages, logic programming, concurrency and parallelism, and knowledge information processing.

current logic programming language GHC. Given the middle-out strategy of ICOT, the choice of the kernel programming language was crucial to all other developments, downward to-the hardware architecture and upward to the operating system, programming environment, and applications. GHC, defined in 1984, has proved to be a sound basis for KL1, the kernel language used for the development of PIMOS, the PIM operating system, and the PIM applications. Ueda describes the intellectual history of GHC and its role in the Fifth Generation project. Ken K a h n and his group at Xerox PARC have pioneered several research directions in concurrent logic programming. First, they offered a method for objectoriented programming within a high-level language on top of a concurrent logic language. Second, they have investigated the use of concurrent logic programming for programming distributed open systems. Third, Vijay Saraswat, a member of the group, has integrated the approaches of concurrent logic programming and constraint logic programming in the cc framework for concurrent constraint programming. Fourth, Kahn and Saraswat have invented a method for the complete visualization of concurrent logic programs and their computations, which might signal a breakthrough in visual programming. Kahn describes the research carried out by his group and their interaction with colleagues at ICOT and at the Weizmann Institute. Takashi Chikayama is responsible, more than any other person, for ICOT's success in realizing innovative computer systems that were actually working and usable. Chikayama was chief architect and chief programmer of all the software systems developed at ICOT, including ESP (ICOT's object-oriented version of Prolog), SIMPOS (the operating system and programming environment of ICOT's Prolog workstation, their main workhorse during most of the project), KL1 (the kernel programming language for PIM), and PIMOS (the PIM operating system). Chikayama shares with us his experience in designing, implementing, and using these software systems. Evan Tick's Ph.D. dissertation was on the design and performance evaluation of Prolog architectures. Tick was the first U.S. postdoctoral participant at ICOT, visiting under the ICOT-NSF exchange agreement. Tick investigated shared-memory implementations of both Prolog and FGHC while at ICOT. Following his postdoctoral work at ICOT, Tick spent another year in Japan as a faculty member of Tokyo University, still maintaining close contacts with ICOT. Among the "outsiders," Tick i~ perhaps the most intimately familiar with the inner workings of the Fifth Generation project, which he describes in his contribution to this special section. We conclude this special section with a short epilogue which briefly assesses the material presented in the articles and offers some general assessments of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems project. • E h u d Shapiro, Department of Applied Mathematics and ComputerScience, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel David H.D. Warren, Department of Computer Science, Bristol University, Bristol BS8 1TR, United Kingdom LAUNCHING THE NEW ERA KazuhiroFuchi ICOT RESEARCH C E N T E R @ ~ As you know, we have been conducting a 10-year research project on fifth-generation computer systems. Today is the tenth anniversary of the founding of our research center, making it exactly 10 years since our project actually started. The first objective of this international conference is to show what we have accomplished in our research during these 10 years. Another objective of this conference is to offer an opportunity for researchers to present the results of advanced research related to fifth-generation computer systems and to exchange ideas. A variety of innovative studies, in addition to our own, are in progress in many parts of the world, addressing the future of computers and information processing technologies. I constantly use the phrase "Parallel Inference" as the keywords to simply and precisely describe the technological goal of this project. Our hypothesis is that parallel inference technology will provide the core for those new technologies in the future--technologies that will be able to go beyond the framework of conventional computer technologies. During these 10 years I have tried to explain this idea whenever I have had the chance. One obvious reason I have repeated the same thing so many times is that I wish its importance to be recognized by the public. However, I have another, less obvious, reason. When this project started, an exaggerated image o f the project was engendered, which seems to persist even now. For example, some people believed we were trying, in this project, to solve in a mere 10 years some of the most difficuh problems in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), or to create a machine translation system equipped with the same capabilities as humans. In those days, we had to face criticism, based on that false image, that it was a reckless project trying to tackle impossible goals. Now we see criticism, from inside and outside the country, that the project has failed because it has been unable to realize those grand goals. The reason such an image was born appears to have something to do with FGCS'81--a conference we held one year before the project began. At that conference we discussed many different dreams and concepts. The substance of those discussions was reported as sensational news all over the world. A vision with such ambitious goals, however, can ¢OMMUNICATIONSOFTHIEACM/~[arch 1993/Vol.36, No.3 4 9 never be materialized as a real project in its original form. Even if a project is started in accordance with the original form, it cannot be m a n a g e d and o p e r a t e d within the framework o f an effective research scheme. Actually, our plans had become much more modest by the time the project was launched. For example, the d e v e l o p m e n t o f application systems, such as a machine translation system, was removed from the list o f goals. It is impossible to complete a highly intelligent system in 10 years. A preliminary stage is required to enhance basic studies and to r e f o r m c o m p u t e r technology itself. We decided to focus o u r efforts on these foundational tasks. A n o t h e r reason is that, at that time in Japan, some private companies had already begun to develop pragmatic, low-level machine-translation systems i n d e p e n d e n t l y and in competition with one another. Most o f the research topics related to pattern recognition were also eliminated, because a national project called Pattern Information Processing had already been conducted by the Ministry o f International T r a d e and Industry for 10 years. We also f o u n d that the stage o f the research did not match o u r own. We thus deliberately eliminated most research topics covered by Pattern I n f o r m a t i o n Processing from the scope o f o u r FGCS project. However, those topics them- selves are very important and thus remain major topics for research. T h e y may become a main theme o f another national project o f J a p a n in the future. Does all this mean that FGCS'81 was deceptive? I do not think so. First, in those days a pessimistic outlook p r e d o m i n a t e d concerning the future d e v e l o p m e n t of technological research. For example, there was a general trend that research into artificial intelligence would be o f no practical use. In that sort o f situation, there was considerable value in maintaining a positive attitude toward the future o f technological r e s e a r c h - - w h e t h e r this meant 10 years or 50. I believe this was the very reason we received remarkable reactions, both positive and negative, from the public. T h e second reason is that the key concept o f Parallel Inference was presented in a clear-cut form at FGCS'81. Let me show you a d i a g r a m (Figure 1). This d i a g r a m is the one I used for my speech at FGCS'81, and is now a sort o f "ancient document." Its draft was completed in 1980, but I had come up with the basic idea four years earlier. After discussing the concept with my colleagues for four years, I finally completed this diagram. Here, you can clearly see o u r concept that o u r goal should be a Parallel Inference Machine. We wanted to create an inference machine, starting with study on a variety o f parallel architectures. For this purpose, research Figure 1. Conceptional development diagram (Year) 1 5 • Network 10 - - - (optics) - - - e 'a e (New software) • • ROLOG machine + (z ~ / LISP \ ~,,\ Small . talk / ~,, PS, etc. f/functional ~ programming \ logic / Intelligent programming environments Designing and prototypebuilding environments • Various machines (chip module) . {" comparable to large-scale'~ \ machine currently used J New lan 5GCorela Supermachine-->renderedintelligentparallel n~:::~ X ; Associative / ~ H Other ideas • SO Software - Knowledge engineering (Accumulation) ....................... Software engineering (Basic theories) Research for artificial intelligence March 19931Vo1.36, No.3 / ¢ O N M U N I C J I , T I O N I I O I R T H I A | M igher level symbol manipulation / / Planning (" . . . . . ~ Programming | I'roulem solving \ Theorem proving J/ \ Games / / . . . . . / QA-language understanding /Rnowleege ease [ . . . . . L_ \ L,onsuliailons into a new language was necessary. We wanted to develop a fifth-generation kernel l a n g u a g e - - w h a t we now call KL1. T h e diagram includes these hopes of ours. T h e u p p e r part o f the diagram shows the research infrastructure. A personal inference machine or workstation for research purposes should be created, as well as a chip for the machine. We expected that the chip would be useful for our goal. T h e c o m p u t e r network should be consolidated to support the infrastructure. T h e software aspects are shown in the bottom part o f the diagram. Starting with the study on software engineering and AI, we wanted to build a framework for highlevel symbol processing, which should be used to achieve our goal. This is the concept I presented at the FGCS'81 conference. I would appreciate it if you would compare this diagram with o u r plan and the results of the final stage o f this project, when deputy director Kurozumi shows them to you later. I would like you to compare the original structure conceived 12 years ago with the present results o f the project so you can appreciate what has been accomplished and criticize what is lacking or what was immature in the original idea. Some people tend to make more of the conclusions drawn by a committee than the concepts and beliefs o f an individual. It may sound a little bit beside point, but I have h e a r d there is an anecdote in the West that goes: "The horse designed by a committee will turn out to be a camel." T h e p r e p a r a t o r y committee for this project had a series o f enthusiastic discussions for three years before the project's launching. I thought they were doing an exceptional j o b as a committee. Although the committee's work was great, however, I must say the plan became a camel. It seems that their enthusiasm created some extra humps as well. Let me say in passing that some people seem to a d h e r e to those humps. I am surprised that there is still such a so-called bureaucratic view even among academic people and journalists. This is not the first time I have expressed this opinion about the goal of the project. I have, at least in Japanese, been declaring it in public for the past 10 years. I think I could have been discharged at any time had my opinion been inappropriate. As the person in charge o f this project, I have pushed forward with the lines of Parallel Inference based on my own beliefs. Although I have been criticized as still being too ambitious, I have always been p r e p a r e d to take responsibility for that. Since the project is a national project, it goes without saying that it should not be controlled by one person. I have had many discussions with a variety o f people for more than 10 years. Fortunately, the idea o f the project has not r e m a i n e d just my belief but has become a common belief shared by the many researchers and research leaders involved in the project. Assuming that this project has proved to be successful, as I believe it has, this shared belief is probably the biggest reason for its success. For a research project to be successful, it needs to be favored by good external conditions. But the most important thing is that the research g r o u p involved has a c o m m o n belief and a c o m m o n will to reach its goals. I have been very fortunate in realizing and experiencing this over the past 10 years. So much for introductory remarks. I wish to outline, in terms o f Parallel Inference, the results o f o u r work conducted over these 10 years. I believe the remarkable feature o f this project is that it focused on one language and, based on that language, e x p e r i m e n t e d with the development o f hardware and software on a large scale. F r o m the beginning, we envisaged taking logic prog r a m m i n g and giving it a role as a link that connects highly parallel machine architecture and the problems concerning applications and software. O u r mission was to find a p r o g r a m m i n g language for Parallel Inference. A research g r o u p led by d e p u t y director Furukawa was responsible for this work. As a result o f their efforts, Ueda came up with a language model, GHC, at the beginning of the intermediate stage of the project. T h e two main precursors of this language were Parlog and Concurrent Prolog. He enhanced and simplified them to make this model. Based on GHC, Chikayama designed a p r o g r a m m i n g language called KL1. KL1, a language derived from the logic p r o g r a m m i n g concept, provided a basis for the latter half o f our project. Thus, all o f our research plans in the final stage were integrated u n d e r a single language, KL1. For example, we developed a hardware system, the Multi-PSI, at the end o f the intermediate stage, and d e m o n s t r a t e d it at FGCS'88. After the conference we made copies and have used them as the infrastructure for software research. In the final stage we made a few PIM prototypes, a Parallel Inference Machine that has been one o f our final research goals on the hardware side. These prototypes are being d e m o n s t r a t e d at this conference. Each prototype has a different architecture in its interconnection network and so forth, and the architecture itself is a subject o f research. Viewed from the outside, however, all o f them are KL1 machines. Division chief Uchida and laboratory chief Taki will show you details on PIM later. What I want to emphasize here is that all o f these prototypes are designed, down to the level of internal chips, with the assumption that KL 1, a language that could be categorized as a very high-level language, is a machine language. O n the software side as well, o u r research topics were integrated u n d e r the KL1 language. All the application software, as well as the basic software such as operating systems, were to be written in KL1. We demonstrated an operating system called PIMOS at FGCS'88, which was the first operating system software written in KL1. It was immature at that time, but has been improved since then. T h e full-fledged version o f PIMOS now securely backs the demonstrations being shown at this conference. Details will later be given by laboratory chief Chikayama, but I wish to emphasize that not only have we succeeded in writing software as complicated and huge as an operating system entirely in KL1, but we have also proved t h r o u g h o u r own experience that KL1 is much m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e than conventional languages ¢OMNUNICATIONSOFTHIIACM/March 1993/Vo1.36,No.3 S ~ for writing system software such as operating systems. O n e of the major challenges in the final stage was to demonstrate that KL1 is effective not only for basic software, such as operating systems and language implementations, but also for a variety o f applications. As laboratory chief Nitta will r e p o r t later, we have been able to demonstrate the effectiveness of KL1 for various applications including LSI-CAD, genetic analysis, and legal reasoning. These application systems address issues in the real world and have a virtually practical scale. But, again, what I wish to emphasize here is that the objective o f those developments has been to demonstrate the effectiveness o f Parallel Inference. In fact, it was in the initial stage o f o u r project that we first tried the a p p r o a c h o f developing a project a r o u n d one particular language. T h e technology was at the level o f sequential processing, and we a d o p t e d ESP, an exp a n d e d version o f Prolog, as a basis. Assuming that ESP could play a role o f KL0, o u r kernel language for sequential processing, a Personal Sequential Inference machine, called PSI, was designed as hardware. We decided to use the PSI machine as a workstation for our research. Some 500 PSIs, including modified versions, have so far been p r o d u c e d and used in the project. SIMPOS, the operating system designed for PSI, is written solely in ESP. In those days, this was one o f the largest p r o g r a m s written in a logic p r o g r a m m i n g language. U p to the intermediate stage o f the project, we used PSI and SIMPOS as the infrastructure to conduct research on e x p e r t systems and natural language processing. This kind o f a p p r o a c h is indeed the d r e a m o f researchers, but some o f you may be skeptical about o u r approach. O u r project, though conducted on a large scale, is still considered basic research. Accordingly, it is supposed to be conducted in a free, unrestrained atmosphere to bring about innovative results. You may wond e r whether the policy o f centering a r o u n d one particular language restrains the f r e e d o m and diversity o f research. But this policy is also based on my, or our, philosophy. I believe research is a process o f assuming and verifying hypotheses. I f this is true, the hypotheses must be as p u r e and clear as possible. I f not, you cannot be sure of what you are trying to verify. A practical system itself could include compromise or, to put it differently, flexibility to accommodate various needs. However, in a research project, the hypotheses must be clear and verifiable. Compromises and the like could be considered after basic research results have been obtained. This has been my policy from the very beginning, and that is the reason I took a rather controversial or provocative approach. We had a strong belief that o u r hypothesis o f focusing on Parallel Inference and KL1 had sufficient scope for a world of rich and free research. Even if the hypothesis acted as a constraint, we believed it would act as a creative constraint. I would be a liar if I were to say there was no resistance a m o n g o u r researchers when we decided on the above policy. KL1 and parallel processing was a completely new world to everyone. It required a lot o f 52 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 /¢OMMUHICATIONS OIF T H E A C M courage to plunge headlong into this new world. But once the psychological barrier was overcome, the researchers set out to create new parallel p r o g r a m m i n g techniques one after another. People may not feel like using new p r o g r a m m i n g languages such as KL1. Using established languages and systems only, or a kind o f conservatism, seems to be the major trend today. In o r d e r to make a b r e a k t h r o u g h into the future, however, we need a challenging a n d adventurous spirit. I think we have carried out o u r e x p e r i m e n t with such a spirit t h r o u g h o u t the 10-year project. A m o n g the many other results we obtained in the final stage was a fast t h e o r e m - p r o v i n g system, or a prover. Details will be given in' laboratory chief Hasegawa's report, but I think this research will lead to the resurrection o f t h e o r e m - p r o v i n g research. Conventionally, research into t h e o r e m proving by computers has been criticized by many mathematicians who insisted that only toy examples could be dealt with. However, very recently, we were able to solve a problem labeled by mathematicians as an "open problem" using o u r prover, as a result of collaborative research with Australian National University. T h e applications o f o u r prover are not limited to mathematical t h e o r e m proving; it is also being used as the inference engine of o u r legal reasoning system. Thus, o u r prover is being used in the mathematics world on one hand, and the legal world on the other. T h e research on p r o g r a m m i n g languages has not e n d e d with KL1. For example, a constraint logic prog r a m m i n g language called GDCC has been developed as a higher-level language than KL1. We also have a language called Quixote. F r o m the beginning o f this project, I have advocated the idea o f integrating three types of languages--logic, functional, and o b j e c t - o r i e n t e d - - a n d o f integrating the worlds o f p r o g r a m m i n g and o f databases. This idea has been materialized in the Quixote language; it can be called a deductive object-oriented database language. A n o t h e r language, CIL, was developed by Mukai in the study o f natural language processing. C I L is a semantics representation language designed to be able to deal with situation theory. Quixote incorporates C I L in a natural form and therefore has the characteristics o f a semantics representation language. As a whole, it shows one possible future form o f knowledge representation languages. More details on Quixote, along with the development o f a distributed parallel database management system, Kappa-P, will be given by laboratory chief Yokota. T h u s far I have outlined, albeit briefly, the final results o f o u r 10-year project. Recalling what I envisaged 10 years ago and what I have d r e a m e d and h o p e d would materialize for 15 years, I believe we have achieved as much or more than I expected, and I am quite satisfied. Naturally, a national project is not p e r f o r m e d for mere self-satisfaction. T h e original goal o f this project was to create the core o f next-generation c o m p u t e r technologies. Various elemental technologies are n e e d e d for future computers and information processing. Although it is impossible for this project alone to provide all o f those technologies, we are p r o u d to be able to say we have created the core part, or at least provided an instance o f it. T h e results o f this project, however, cannot be commercialized as soon as the project is finished, which is exactly why it was conducted as a national project. I estimate that it will take us another five years, which could be called a period for the maturation o f the technologies, for o u r results to actually take root in society. I had this prospect in mind when this project started 10 years ago, and have been declaring it in public right up t h r o u g h today. Now the project is nearing its end, but my idea is still the same. T h e r e is often a gap o f 10 or 20 years between the basic research stage o f a technology and the day it appears in the business world. Good examples are Unix, C, and RISC, which has become p o p u l a r in the current trend toward downsizing. These technologies a p p e a r to be up-to-date in the business world, but research has been conducted on them for many years. T h e frank opinions of the researchers involved will be that industry has finally caught up with their research. T h e r e is thus a substantial time lag between basic research and commercialization. O u r project, from its very outset, set an eye on technologies for the far distant future. Today, the movement toward parallel computers is gaining m o m e n t u m worldwide as a technology leading into the future. However, skepticism was d o m i n a n t 10 years ago. T h e situation was not very different even five years ago. When we tried to shift our focus on parallel processing after the initial stage of the project, there was a strong opinion that a parallel c o m p u t e r was not possible and that we should give it up and be satisfied with the successful results obtained in the initial stage. In spite o f the remaining skepticism about parallel computers the trend seems to be changing drastically. Thanks to constant progress in semiconductor technology, it is now becoming easier to connect five h u n d r e d , a thousand, or even more processor chips, as far as hardware technology is concerned. Currently, the parallel computers that most people are interested in are supercomputers for scientific computation. T h e ideas there tend to still be vague regarding the software aspects. Nevertheless, a new age is dawning. T h e software problem might not be too serious as long as scientific computation deals only with simple, scaled-up matrix calculation, but it will certainly become serious in the future. Now suppose this problem has been solved and we can nicely deal with all the aspects o f large-scale problems with complicated overall structures. Then, we would have something similar to a generalp u r p o s e capability that is not limited to scientific computation. We might then be able to replace the mainframe computers we are using now. T h e preceding scenario is one possibility leading to a new type of m a i n f r a m e c o m p u t e r in the future. One could start by connecting a n u m b e r o f processor chips and face enormous difficulties with parallel software. However, one could alternatively start by considering what technologies will be required in the future, and I suspect that the answer should be the Parallel Inference technology we have been pursuing. I am not going to press the preceding view. However, I anticipate that if anybody starts research without knowing o u r ideas, or u n d e r a philosophy that he or she believes is quite different from ours, after many twists and turns that person will reach more or less the same concept as o u r s - - p o s s i b l y with small differences such as different terminology. In other words, my opinion is that there are not so many different essential technologies. It may be valuable for researchers to struggle through a process o f research i n d e p e n d e n t from what has already been done, finally to find they have followed the same course as somebody else. But a more efficient approach would be to build on what has been done in this FGCS project and devote energy to moving forward from that point. I believe the results o f this project will provide i m p o r t a n t insights for researchers who want to pursue general-purpose parallel computers. This project will be finished at the end of this year. As for maturation of the Parallel Inference technology, I think we will need a new form of research activities. T h e r e is a concept called "distributed cooperative computing" in the field o f computation models. I expect that, in a similar spirit, the seeds generated in this project will spread both inside and outside the country and sprout in many different parts o f the world. For this to be realized, the results o f this project must be freely accessible and available worldwide. In the software area, for example, this means it is essential to disclose all our accomplishments including the source codes and to make them "international c o m m o n public assets." M I T I minister Watanabe and the director general o f the Bureau a n n o u n c e d the policy that the results of our project could be utilized t h r o u g h o u t the world. Enormous effort must have been made to formulate such a policy. I find it very impressive. We have tried to encourage international collaboration for 10 years in this project. Consequently, we have enjoyed opportunities to exchange ideas with many re- I believe the results of the FGCS project will p r o v i d e important researchers insights for who want to pursue general-purpose parallel computers. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE A l : M / M a r c h 1993/Vol.36, No.3 S~ searchers involved in advanced studies in various parts o f the world. T h e y have given us much support and cooperation, without which this project could not have been completed. In that regard, and also considering that this is a Japanese national project that aims to make a contribution, though it may only be small, toward the future o f the h u m a n race, we believe we are responsible for leaving o u r research accomplishments as a legacy to future g e n erations and to the international community in a most suitable form. This is now realized, and I believe it is an i m p o r t a n t s p r i n g b o a r d for the future. Although this project is about to end, the end is just a n o t h e r starting point. T h e advancement of computers and information processing technologies is closely related to the future o f h u m a n society. Social thought, ide- ologies, and social systems that fail to recognize its significance will perish, as we have seen in recent world history. We must advance into a new age now. To launch a new age, I fervently hope that the circle o f those who share our passion for a bright future will continue to expand. • CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: K.2 [Computing Milieux]: History of Computing General Terms: Design, Experimentation Additional Key Words and Phrases: Fifth Generation Com- puter Systems project About the Authors: KAZUHIRO FUCHI is the director of the Research Center at the Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT). Author's Present Address: Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan. Robert Kowalski IMPERIAL T h e initial a n n o u n c e m e n t of the F G C S project caused a great deal of confusion and controversy t h r o u g h o u t the world. Critics of the project were uncertain about its scope, which ranged from AI applications to parallel c o m p u t e r architectures; and they were critical of its methods, which used logic p r o g r a m m i n g (LP) to bridge the gap between applications and machines. They also criticized the lack of attention given to m a i n s t r e a m c o m p u t i n g and software engineering matters. Invitations for international collaboration were reg a r d e d with suspicion, because it was believed that such collaboration would unequally benefit Japan. To a large extent, MCC in the U.S., Alvey in Great Britain, and ESPRIT in E u r o p e were set up to compete with Japan. These research p r o g r a m s p r o m o t e d both FGCS and mainstream computing technologies and paid relatively little attention to LP c o m p a r e d with the FGCS project. T h e E u r o p e a n C o m p u t e r Research Centre (ECRC) in Munich and the Swedish Institute for C o m p u t e r Science in Stockholm (SICS), on the other hand, p u r s u e d the LP approach, but on a much more modest scale. Announcement of FGCS and the British Response I began to receive draft outlines o f the FCGS project in mid-1981. Even at this stage it was clear that LP was destined to play an i m p o r t a n t role. Having advocated LP as a unifying foundation for computing, I was delighted with the LP focus o f the FCGS project. Like many others, however, I was worried that the project might be too ambitious and rely too heavily on research breakthroughs that could not be foreseen in S4 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 / ¢ O M M U H I C A T I O N S O F T H I I A C M COLLEGE advance. T h e field o f AI, in particular, was notorious for raising great expectations and p r o d u c i n g disappointing results. Having recently supervised a Ph.D. dissertation by George Pollard on the topic o f parallel c o m p u t e r architectures for LP, I was enthusiastic about the longterm prospects of such architectures, but apprehensive about realizing those prospects within the 10-year time scale o f the FGCS project. On balance, however, the FGCS strategy o f setting ambitious goals seemed preferable to the m o r e conservative strategy o f aiming at safe targets. Although I was invited to the October 1981 FGCS Conference, which presented the project plans in detail, I was unable to attend, because I was already committed to participate in the New H a m p s h i r e Functional Prog r a m m i n g (FP) Conference being held at the same time. My colleagues, Keith Clark and Steve Gregory in the LP g r o u p at Imperial College (IC), also attended the FP Conference, where they presented their p a p e r on the relational language. By coincidence, their work on the relational language eventually led to the concurrent LP language, GHC, which was later developed at ICOT, and which served as the software foundation o f the FGCS project. Following the FGCS conference, the British delegation, sent to Tokyo to discuss the possibility o f collaborating with the FGCS project, met with other parties in the U.K. to p r e p a r e a draft response. A r e p o r t was presented to a general meeting in London, which I was invited to attend. T h e p r o m i n e n t role planned for LP in FGCS was noted with skepticism. T h e result o f those meetings was that a committee, chaired by J o h n Alvey, was created to formulate a U.K. p r o g r a m o f research in information technology (IT). T h e committee consulted widely, and research groups t h r o u g h o u t the country lobbied the committee to promote s u p p o r t for their work. T h e r e was widespread con- cern, especially a m o n g academic groups in particular, that the Alvey p r o g r a m might follow the FGCS lead and promote AI and LP to the detriment o f other research areas. At that time the LP g r o u p at IC, although small, was probably the largest and most active LP g r o u p in the world. As head o f the group, I had a responsibility to argue the case for LP. To begin with, my arguments seemed to have little positive effect. When the Alvey p r o g r a m finally started, LP received hardly a mention in the plan o f work. More generally, declarative languages (LP and FP) and their associated parallel c o m p u t e r architectures were also largely overlooked. To r e m e d y this latter oversight, J o h n Darlington, also at IC, and I were invited by the Alvey directorate to edit a d o c u m e n t on behalf o f the U.K., LP and FP research communities to put the case for declarative languages and their parallel c o m p u t e r architectures. T h e case was accepted, and a declarative-systems architecture initiative was a d d e d to the Alvey program. However, the initiative became d o m i n a t e d by FP, and the planned LP/FP collaboration never materialized. Equally frustrating was the exclusion o f LP from the formal methods activities within Alvey, especially since so much o f the work in our g r o u p at IC was concerned with the development o f formal methods for verifying and transforming logic programs. Although LP was not singled out for special support, there was enough general funding available to keep me and my colleagues busy with negotiating grant applications (and to distract me from doing research). I also continued to argue the case for LP, and eventually in 1984 the Alvey directorate launched a LP initiative. By November 1985, the initiative had awarded a total o f £2.2 million for 10 projects involving eight industrial research organizations and eight universities. T o g e t h e r with research grants which were awarded before the LP initiative, the Alvey p r o g r a m s u p p o r t e d 13 research grants for o u r group, involving a total exp e n d i t u r e o f £1.5 million. At its peak in 1987 the LP g r o u p at IC contained approximately 50 researchers including Ph.D. students. Those grants f u n d e d LPoriented work in such diverse areas as deductive databases, legal reasoning, h u m a n - c o m p u t e r interaction, intelligent front ends, logic-programming environments, and implementations and applications o f the concurrent LP language, Parlog. T h u s the LP g r o u p at IC was for a time relatively well supported. But, because its work was divided into so many separate projects, mostly of three years duration, and many with other collaborators, the work was fragm e n t e d and unfocused. Moreover, the group remained isolated within the Alvey p r o g r a m as a whole. ESPRIT Most o f the funding u n d e r the Alvey p r o g r a m came to an end a r o u n d 1988. Researchers in the UK, including those in o u r group at IC, increasingly looked to the ESPRIT p r o g r a m in E u r o p e to continue support for their work. For me, ESPRIT had the advantage over Alvey that work on LP was held in higher regard. But it had the disadvantage that it involved larger collaborations that were difficult to organize and difficult to manage. My involvement with ESPRIT was primarily with the basic research p r o g r a m , first as coordinator o f the computational logic (Compulog), Action, which started in 1989, and then as the initial coordinator o f the Compulog Network of Excellence. Both o f these were concerned with developing extensions o f LP using enhancements from the fields o f c o m p u t e r algebra, database systems, artificial intelligence, and mathematical logic. In 1991 Gigina Aiello in Rome took over my responsibilities as coordinator of the Network, and in 1992 Krzysztof A p t in Amstersdam took over as coordinator of the Action. By 1992 the Network contained over 60 m e m b e r nodes and associated nodes t h r o u g h o u t Europe. Contacts with Japan My frustrations with the Alvey p r o g r a m were exacerbated by my early contacts with the FGCS project and by my resulting awareness of the importance of LP to FGCS. These contacts came about both as the result o f visits made by participants in the FGCS project to o u r g r o u p at IC and as a result of my visits to Japan. I made my first visit to J a p a n in November 1982, on the initiative o f the British Council in Tokyo, and my second visit in J u n e 1984, as part o f a small SERC delegation. These visits gave me an insight into the FGCS work beginning at ICOT, ETL, the universities, and some o f the major Japanese c o m p u t e r manufacturers. As a consequence o f these early contacts, several Japanese researchers came to work in our group: Yuji Matsumoto and Taisuke Sato from ETL, s u p p o r t e d by the British Council, Takeshi Chusho and Hirohide Haga from Hitachi, and Ken Satoh from Fujitsu. These visitors came for various periods ranging from one month to one year. Many visitors also came for shorter periods. Partly because o f my heavy commitments, first to Alvey and later to ESPRIT, I had relatively little contact with J a p a n d u r i n g the period 1985 to 1990. During the same period, however, members o f the Parlog g r o u p m a d e a n u m b e r o f visits to ICOT. Keith Clark and Steve Gregory, in particular, both visited for three weeks in 1983. Keith made several other visits and participated in the FGCS conferences held in 1984 and 1988. J i m C r a m m o n d , A n d r e w Davison, and Ian Foster also visited ICOT. In addition, the Parlog g r o u p had a small grant from Fujitsu, and the LP g r o u p as a whole had a similar grant from Hitachi. My contacts with J a p a n increased significantly d u r i n g the 1990-92 period. In the s u m m e r o f 1990, I was invited by I C O T to give a talk at the Japanese LP Conference and to stay for a one-week visit. In addition to the talks I gave about legal reasoning, temporal reasoning, metalevel reasoning, and abduction, I interacted with the groups working on knowledge representation. I was interested in the work on theorem proving (TP), but was sceptical about the need for full first-order logic and general T P problem-solving methods. My own work, partly motivated by legal-reasoning applications, concentrated instead on developing extensions o f LP. It was COHHUNICA'IPIOIINIlOP~I A C u / M a r c h 1993/Vol.36, No.3 n~l[~ a challenge, therefore, to consider whether the I C O T applications o f more general-purpose TP could be reformulated naturally in such extended LP form. This challenge helped me later to discover a duality between knowledge representation in LP form, using backward reasoning with if-halves of definitions, and knowledge representation in disjunctive form, using forward reasoning with only-if halves of definitions [6]. Interestingly, the model generation theorem prover (MGTP) developed at ICOT, if given the disjunctive form, would simulate execution of the LP form. I am currently investigating whether other TP strategies for reasoning with the disjunctive form can simulate generalized constraint propagation [7] as a method of executing constraint LP. I was also interested in the genetic-analysis and legal reasoning applications being developed at ICOT. It seemed to me that the genetic analysis applications were of great scientific interest and social importance. Moreover, ICOT's logic-based technology, combining the functionality of relational databases, rule bases, recursive data structures, and parallelism, seemed ideally suited for such applications. At that time, ICOT's work on legal reasoning focused primarily on case-based reasoning, and much of the emphasis was on speeding up execution by means of parallelism. Two years later, the work, presented at FGCS'92, had progressed significantly, integrating rulebased and case-based reasoning and employing a sophisticated representation for event-based temporal reasoning. ICOT's work on legal reasoning was undertaken in collaboration with the Japanese legal expert systems association (LESA) headed by Hajime Yoshino. I attended a meeting of LESA during my visit, and since then my colleague, Marek Sergot, and I have continued to interact with LESA on a small international project concerned with formalizing the United Nations' Convention on International Contracts. This same visit to I C O T coincided with the conclusion of discussions with Fujitsu labs about a five-year project for work on abductive LP, which started in October 1990. T h e following year in November 1991, Tony Kakas and I visited Fujitsu Labs to report on the results of our first year of work. We also made a short visit to ICOT, where we learned more about the MGTP, about Katsumi Inoue's use of MGTP to implement default reasoning (via the generation of stable models for negation as failure), and about the application of these techniques to legal reasoning. In 1991, the program committee of FGCS'92 invited me to chair the final session of the conference, a panel with the title: "Will the Fifth Generation Technologies be a Springboard for Computing in the 21st Century?". I was pleased to accept the invitation, but I was also apprehensive about undertaking such a responsibility. The panelists were Herv~ Gallaire, Ross Overbeek, Peter Wegner, Koichi Furukawa, and Shunichi Uchida. Peter Wegner, an outspoken proponent of objectoriented programming, was chosen to be the main critic. In fact, all of the panelists and I were aware that the S6 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 / C O M M U N I C A T I O I I S O F T H E A C M FGCS technologies had made comparatively little impact on the world of computing during the course of the FGCS project. During the months preceding the conference, I thought about what, if anything, had gone wrong, and whether the problems that had been encountered were inherently unsolvable or only short-term obstacles along the way. What Went Wrong? I shall consider the problems that have arisen in the three main areas of FGCS, namely AI applications, LP software, and parallel-computer architectures, in turn. Perhaps it is the area of AI application which has been the most visible part of the FGCS project. Not only were the original FGCS targets for AI exceedingly ambitious, but they were considerably exaggerated by some commentators, most notably perhaps by Feigenbaum and McCorduck in their book The Fifth Generation [3]. By comparison with the expectations that were raised, worldwide progress in AI has been disappointingly slow. Expert systems and natural language interfaces, in particular, have failed to capture a significant share of the I T market. Moreover, many of the AI applications which have been successful have ultimately been implemented in C and rely significantly on integration with non-AI software written in C and other imperative languages. T h e FGCS project has suffered from the resulting downturn of interest in AI. In later sections of this article, concerned with legal reasoning and default reasoning, I will argue both that progress in AI has been greater than generally appreciated and that there are good reasons to expect steady progress in the future. Despite the disappointments with AI, it is probably ICOT's choice of LP as the basis for the FGCS software that is regarded by many critics as ICOT's biggest mistake. There are perhaps four main reasons held for this belief: • LP is an AI language paradigm of limited applicability • LP is too inefficient • Concurrent LP is too remote from the forms of LP needed for user-level programming • LP cannot compete with the world-wide trend to standardize on programming in C LP is an M Language Paradigm. LP has suffered twofold from its popular image as a language suited primarily for AI applications, it has suffered both because AI itself has experienced a decline of interest and because, as a consequence of its associations with AI, LP is not normally viewed as being suitable for non-AI applications. T h e contrary view is that LP is a language paradigm of wide applicability. Indeed, one simple characterization of LP is that it can be regarded as a generalization of both FP and relational databases, neither one of which is normally regarded as being restricted to AI applications. The AI image of LP is probably more a reflection of sociological considerations than of technical substance. It certainly reflects my own experience with the Alvey program, where the LP research community was isolated from both the FP and software engineering research communities. T h e titles o f the technical sessions o f the First International Applications o f Prolog Conference held in London in 1992 give a m o r e objective indication o f the range of applications of the most p o p u l a r LP language, Prolog: • • • • • • • • • • CAD and Electronic Diagnosis Planning Virtual Languages Natural Languages and Databases Diagnostic and Expert Systems Advisory Systems Constraint Systems Analysis Planning in Manufacturing Information Systems Many o f these applications combine AI with more conventional computing techniques. In addition to Prolog, several other commercial variants of LP have begun to become available. These include constraint LP languages such as C H I P and Prolog III, and concurrent LP languages such as Strand and PCN. Deductive database systems based on LP are also beginning to emerge. I C O T itself has focused more on developing the underlying enabling technologies for applications than on constructing the applications themselves. In the course o f developing this technology it has employed its LPbased software primarily for systems-programming purposes. In particular, its use of the concurrent LP languages GHC and KL1 to implement PIMOS, the operating system for the parallel-inference machine, PIM, has been a major achievement. LP is Too Inefficient. This seemingly straightforward statement is ambiguous. Does it mean that conventional algorithms written in LP languages run inefficiently in time or space? Or does it mean that p r o g r a m specifications run orders o f magnitude more inefficiently than well-designed algorithms? T h e first problem is partly a nonproblem. For some applications LP implementations are actually more efficient than implementations written in other languages. For other applications, such as scheduling, for example, which need to run only occasionally, efficiency is not the main consideration. What matters is the increased prog r a m m e r productivity that LP can provide. In any case, this kind of 'low-level' inefficiency can and is being dealt with. T h e Aquarius compiler [9] and ICOT'S PIM are a m o n g the best current examples of what can be achieved on sequential and parallel implementations respectively. T h e second problem is not only more difficult, but has received correspondingly less attention. T h e possibility o f writing high-level p r o g r a m specifications, without concern for low-level details, is a major reason many people are first attracted to Prolog. However, many of these same people become disillusioned when those specifications loop, even on the simplest examples, or when they run with spectacular inefficiency. Few enthu- siasts persist to achieve the level of expertise, exemplified in the book by Richard O'Keefe [8], required to write p r o g r a m s that are both high level and efficient. W h e n they do, they generally find that Prolog is a superior language for many applications. Some critics believe that this second efficiency problem results from the LP community not paying sufficient attention to software engineering issues. In reality, however, many LP researchers have worked on the provision o f tools and methodologies for developing efficient programs from inefficient programs and specifications. Indeed, this has been a major research topic in our g r o u p at IC, in the Compulog project, and in Japan. Perhaps the main reason this work has had little practical impact so far is that it applies almost entirely only to p u r e logic p r o g r a m s and not to Prolog programs that make use o f impure, nonlogical features. Either the theoretical work needs to be e x t e n d e d to the more practical Prolog case, or a much higher priority needs to be given to developing p u r e r LP languages and p u r e r styles of p r o g r a m m i n g in Prolog. I believe it is the latter alternative that is the more promising direction for future work. Concurrent LP is Too Remote from other Forms of LP. This is possibly the biggest criticism of the I C O T approach, coming from members o f the LP community itself. It is a criticism borne out by the gap which has e m e r g e d in our own work at IC between the concurrent form o f LP used for systems p r o g r a m m i n g in the Parlog g r o u p and the forms of LP used for AI, databases, and other applications in the rest o f the LP group. Moreover, when the Parlog group has concerned itself with highlevel knowledge representation, it has concentrated on providing object-oriented features and on practical matters o f combining Parlog with Prolog. T h u s the gap that developed between the different forms of LP investigated in o u r g r o u p at IC seemed to m i r r o r a similar gap that also occurred at ICOT. Indeed, it can be argued that the logical basis or conc u r r e n t LP is closer to that of mainstream process models o f concurrency, such as CCS and CSP, than it is to standard LP. F r o m this point o f view, the historical basis o f concurrent LP in standard LP might be r e g a r d e d as only a historical accident. T h e r e are counterarguments, however, that seek to reconcile concurrent LP with standard LP and standard logic. Currently, the most p o p u l a r of these is the proposal to use linear logic as an alternative foundation for concurrent LP. I C O T has also made a n u m b e r o f promising proposals. T h e most original of these is to implement M G T P in KL1 and to implement higher-level forms o f logic and LP in MGTP. Two other promising approaches are the A n d o r r a computational model o f David H.D. Warren and Seif Haridi and the concurrent constraint LP model o f Michael Maher and Vijay Saraswat. It is too early to foresee the outcome of these investigations. However, no matter what the result, it seems reasonable to expect that the affinity o f concurrent LP both to standard LP and to mainstream models of con- ¢OMMUNI¢ATiOHSOFTHItACM/~A~r¢~ 1993/Vol.36, No.3 ~ currency will prove to be an advantage rather than a disadvantage. L P Cannot Compete with C. The FGCS focus on LP has had the misfortune to conflict with the growing worldwide trend to standardize on Unix as an operating system and C (and extensions such as C + + ) as a programming language. C has many virtues, but perhaps its most important one is simply that more and more programmers are using it. Like the qwerty keyboard and the VHS video system, C is not necessarily the best technology available for its purpose, but it has virtually become the standard. Thus LP, in order to succeed, needs to integrate as smoothly as possible with other systems written in other languages. For this purpose, the Prolog company, Quintus, for example, has developed its own macrolanguage with a C-like syntax that compiles into Prolog. In a similar spirit, Chandy and Kesselman [1] have developed a language, CC+ +, that is partly inspired by the conceptual model o f concurrent LP but is an extension of C. These and other adaptations of the LP ideal might offend the purist, but they may be necessary if LP is to integrate successfully into the real world. Moreover, they may only prove that the procedural interpretation of logic, which is the foundation of LP, has greater applicability than is normally supposed. Not only can logical syntax be interpreted and executed as procedures, as is usual in most implementations of LP, but suitably wellstructured procedural syntax can also be interpreted as declarative statements of logic. Problems with Parallel Inference Machines. In addition to these criticisms of LP, the I C O T development of specialized hardware, first the personal sequential inference machine and then the parallel inference machine (PIM), has also been j u d g e d to be a mistake. Not only do specialized machines to support LP go against the trend to standardize on Unix and C, but they may not even bring about an improvement of efficiency. T h e failure of LISP machines is often cited as an analogous example, in which the gain in efficiency obtained by specialized hardware has been offset by the more rapid progress of implementations on increasingly efficient generalpurpose machines. Undoubtedly, ICOT's decision to base its software on specialized hardware has restricted the accessibility of ICOT's results. It is also a major reason why the project has been extended for a further two years, to reimplement the software on standard machines, so that it can be made more widely available. But the view that the FGCS machines are special purpose is mistaken. I C O T has discovered, as have other groups, such as the FP group at IC, that the techniques needed to implement declarative languages are very similar to those needed to support general-purpose computation. As a result, I C O T has been able to claim that PIM is actually general purpose. Moreover, the concurrent LP machine language of PIM can also be viewed as supporting both a mainstream model of concurrency and a mainstream approach to object-oriented programming. Viewed in this way PIM and its operating system PIMOS are the first large-scale implementations of such general-purpose mainstream approaches to the use of concurrency to harness the potential of parallel computation. As a consequence, it is quite possible that the FGCS project has attained a worldwide lead in this area. The Longer-Term Outlook The FGCS project has taken place during a time of growing disillusionment with innovation and of increasing emphasis on applications, interfaces, and the streamlining and consolidation of existing technologies. T h e move to standardize on Unix and C and the rapid growth o f graphics and networking exemplify these trends. It is difficult to predict how the growing influence of C will affect the development of higher-level languages in the longer term. Perhaps concurrent LP-inspired languages on parallel machines will one day displace C on sequential machines. Or perhaps it will be adequate simply to standardize on the interfaces between programs written in higher-level (and logic-based) languages and programs written in C and other imperative languages. But no matter what the future of present-day systemsprogramming languages, computer users must ultimately be allowed to communicate with computers in high-level, human-oriented terms. My own investigations of the formalization of legislation [5] have convinced me that LP provides the best basis for developing such human-centered, computer-intelligible languages. The FGCS project has during a time disillusionment taken place of growing with innovation and of increasing emphasis on applications, interfaces, and the streamlining and consolidation of existing technologies. S8 March 1993/Vo1.36, No.3 /¢OMMUNICATION|OFTHIIAIIM More than any other form of communication in natural language, legislation aims to regulate virtually every aspect of human behavior. As a result, laws can be regarded as wide-spectrum programs formulated in a stylized form of natural language to be executed by people. For this purpose, the language of law needs to be highly structured and as precise and unambiguous as possible, so that it can be understood the way it was intended, and so that, in a given environment, execution by one person gives the same results as execution by another. Such precision needs to be combined judiciously with "underspecification," so that law can be flexible and can adapt to changing environments. These seemingly conflicting requirements are reconciled in law by defining higher-level concepts in terms of lower-level concepts, which are then either defined by still lower-level concepts or left undefined. The undefined concepts either have generally agreed common-sense meanings or else are deliberately vague, so that their meanings can be clarified after the law has been enacted. This structure of legal language can be reflected in more formal languages by combining precise definitions with undefined terms. Although legal language is normally very complex, its resemblance to various computing language paradigms can readily be ascertained, and its affinity to logic and especially to LP is particularly apparent. This affinity includes not only the obvious representation of rules by means of conclusions and conditions, but even the representation of exceptions by means of LP's negation as failure. Nonetheless, it is also clear that to be more like legal language LP needs to be extended, for example, to include some form of explicit negation in addition to negation as failure, to amalgamate metalanguage with object language, and to incorporate integrity constraints. The example of law does not suggest that programs expressed in such an extended LP language will be easy to write, but only that they will be easier to read. Very few users of natural language, for example, acquire the command of language needed to draft the Acts of Parliament. Perhaps the future of application-oriented computer languages will be similar, with only a few highly skilled program writers but many readers. There are other important lessons for computing to be learned from legal language and legal reasoning: about the relationship between programs (legislation) and specifications (policies), about the organization and reuse of software, and about the relationship between rule-based and case-based reasoning. I C O T has already begun to explore some of these issues in its own work on legal reasoning. I believe that such work will become increasingly important in the future. Default Reasoning Perhaps the most important extension that has been developed for LP is negation as failure (NAF) and its use for default reasoning. In my opinion this development has great significance not only for knowledge representation in AI but also for the application of logic in everyday life outside computing. Until the advent of logics for default reasoning, formal logic was largely restricted to the formalization of statements, such as those of mathematics, that hold universally and without exception. This has greatly inhibited the application of logic in ordinary human affairs. To overcome these restrictions and to reason with general rules such as "all birds fly," that are subject to endless exceptions, AI researchers have made numerous proposals for logics of default reasoning. Although a great deal of progress has been made in this work, these proposals are often difficult to understand, computationally intractable, and counterintuitive. T h e notorious "Yale shooting problem" [4], in particular, has given rise to a large body of literature devoted to the problem of overcoming some of the counterintuitive consequences of these logics. Meanwhile, LP researchers have developed NAF as a simple and computationally effective technique, whose uses range from implementing conditionals to representing defaults. These uses of NAF were justified as long ago as 1978 when Clark [2] showed that NAF can be interpreted as classical negation, where logic programs are "completed" by putting them into "if-and-only-if" form. The development of logics of default reasoning in AI and the related development of NAF in LP have taken place largely independently of one another. Recently, however, a number of important and useful relationships have been established between these two areas. One of the most striking examples of this is the demonstration that NAF solves the Yale shooting problem (see [6] for a brief discussion). Other examples, such as the development of stable model semantics and the abductive interpretation of NAF, show how NAF can usefully be extended by applying to LP techniques first developed for logics of default reasoning in AI. I C O T has been a significant participant in these developments. The example of default reasoning shows that much can be gained by overcoming the sociological barriers between different research communities. In this case cooperation between the AI and LP communities has resulted in more powerful and more effective methods for default reasoning, which have wide applicability both inside and outside computing. In my opinion, this is a development of great importance, whose significance has not yet been widely understood. conclusions I believe that progress throughout the world in all areas of FGCS technologies during the last 10 years compares well with progress in related areas in previous decades. In all areas, ICOT's results have equaled those obtained elsewhere and have excelled in the area of parallelcomputer architectures and their associated software. ICOT's work compares well with that of other national and international projects such as Alvey and ESPRIT. If there has been any major mistake, it has been to believe that progress would be much more rapid. Although the technical aspects of FGCS have been fascinating to observe and exciting to participate in, the sociological and political aspects have been mixed. On ¢OMIIIUHICATIONSOI~THIIACM/March 1993/Vol.36,No.3 5 g the one hand, it has been a great pleasure to learn how similarly people coming from geographically different cultures can think. On the other hand, it has been disappointing to discover how difficult it is to make p a r a d i g m shifts across different technological cultures. I believe the technical achievements of the last 10 years justify a continuing belief in the importance o f LP for the future o f computing. I also believe that the relevance o f LP for other areas outside computing, such as law, linguistics, and philosophy, has also been demonstrated. Perhaps, paradoxically, it is this wider relevance that, while it makes LP m o r e attractive to some, makes it disturbing and less attractive to others. • References 1. Chandy, K.M. and Kesselman, C. The derivation of compositional programs. In Proceedingsof theJoint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming (Washington, D.C., Nov. 1992). MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 3-17. 2. Clark, K.L. Negation as Failure. In Logic and Database, H. Gallaire andJ. Minker, Eds. Plenum Press, New York, 1978, pp. 293-322. 3. Feigenbaum, E.A. and McCorduck, P. The Fifth Generation. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1983. 4. Hanks, S. and McDermott, D. Default reasoning, nonmonotonic logics, and the frame problem. In AAAI-86. Morgan Kaufman, San Mateo, Calif., 1986, pp. 328-333. 5. Kowalski, R.A. Legislation as logic programs. In Logic Programming in Action, G. Comyn, N.E. Fuch, and M.J. Ratcliffe, Eds. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992, pp. 201-230. 6. Kowalski, R.A. Logic programming in artificial intelligence. In IJCAI-91 (Sydney, Australia, Aug. 1991), pp. 596-603. 7. Le Provost, T. and Wallace, M. Domain independent propogation. In Proceedingsof lnternational Conferenceon Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Tokyo, June 1992), pp. 10041011. 8. O'Keefe, R. The Craft of Prolog. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1990. 9. Van Ross, P. and Despain A.M. Higher-performance logic programming with the Aquarius Prolog compiler. IEEE Comput. (Jan. 1992), 54-68. CR Categories and Subject Descriptions: C. 1.2 [Processor Architectures]: Multiple Data Stream Architectures (Multiprocessors); D.1,3 [Programming Techniques]: Concurrent Programming; D.1.6 [Software]: Logic Programming; D.3.2 [Programming Languages]: Language Classifications-Concurrent, distributed, and parallel languages, Data-flow languages, Nondeterministic languages, Nonprocedural languages; K.2 [Computing Milieux]: History of Computing General Terms: Design, Experimentation Additional Key Words and Phrases: Concurrent logic programming, Fifth Generation Computer Systems project, Guarded Horn Clauses, Prolog About the Author: ROBERT KOWALSKI is a professor of computational logic at Imperial College. Current research interests include logic programming, artificial intelligence, and legal reasoning. Author's Present Address: Imperial College Department of Computing, 180 Queen's Gate, London, England, SW7 2BZ; email: [email protected] ~0 March 1993/Voh36, No.3 /COMMUNICATIONS OF THE A I I M KoichiFurukawa KEIO UNIVERSITY Three years prior to the start of F G C S , a committee investigated new information-processing technologies for the 1990s. M o r e than a h u n d r e d researchers were involved in the discussions conducted during that time. Two m a i n prop o s a l s e m e r g e d f r o m the d i s c u s s i o n s . O n e was an architecture-oriented proposal focusing on more flexible and adaptive systems that can generate computers tuned to given specifications. T h e other was a software-oriented proposal aimed at redesigning p r o g r a m m i n g languages and building a new software culture based on those new languages. After thorough feasibility studies were completed, we selected the latter approach because of its potential richness and its expected impact. For the selection of the kernel p r o g r a m m i n g language, one of the most i m p o r t a n t points was the adequacy of the language for knowledge information processing. F r o m this point of view, there were two candidates: LISP and Prolog. At that time, we had much p r o g r a m m i n g experience in LISP. On the other hand, we were relatively new to Prolog. Fuchi (Keio University), a few other researchers from ETL, and I, began a joint research project on logic p r o g r a m m i n g in late 1976. Fuchi was very interested in Prolog that I brought from SRI in 1976. It was a Prolog i n t e r p r e t e r by Colmerauer, written in F o r t r a n r u n n i n g on a DEC-10 computer. We were able to make it run on o u r c o m p u t e r and began a very preliminary study using the system. I wrote several p r o g r a m s on database indexing. After that, we obtained DEC-10 Prolog from David H.D. Warren. I wrote a p r o g r a m to solve the Rubik cube problem in DEC-10 Prolog [9]. It ran efficiently and solved the problem in a relatively short time (around 20 seconds). It is a kind o f e x p e r t system in which the inference engine is a Production System realized efficiently by a tail-recursive Prolog p r o g r a m . F r o m this experience, I became convinced that Prolog was the language for knowledge information processing. What Caused the Shift from Prolog to GHC? F r o m the beginning o f the project, we p l a n n e d to introduce a series o f (fifth-generation) kernel languages: the preliminary version, the first version, and second version o f F G K L [9]. T h e preliminary version was a version of Prolog with some extensions to the modularization, meta-structure and relational database interface. T h e direction o f the first and final versions o f FGKL was given in [9] at FGCS'81: T h e first version of the FGKL will be designed, and its software simulator will be implemented during the first stage of the project. One of the goals of this version is a support mechanism for parallel execution. A new parallel execution mechanism based on breadth first search of and/or graph has to be developed as well as exception handling of forced sequential execution. The features extended to Prolog in the preliminary version should also be refined in this stage. Another important extension to be introduced in this stage is concurrent programming capability; [12] developed a very high-level simulation language which incorporates a concurrency control mechanism into a Prologlike language. T h e design and implementation of the second and final version of FGKL will be completed by the end of the intermediate stage. The main feature of the final version is the ability to deal with distributed knowledge bases. Since each knowledge base has its own problem-solving capability, cooperative problem solving will become very important. One of the basic mechanisms to realize the function is message passing [14]. Since concurrent programming needs interprocess communication, the primitive message-passing mechanism will have been developed by the end of the initial stage. The result of the research on knowledge representation languages and metainference systems will be utilized in this stage to specify those functions which FGKL is to provide, and to work out means to realize them. In preparing the preceding material, I did not have a chance to read the paper by Clark and Gregory [5], proposing a concurrent logic programming language called Relational Language. Just after having read the paper, I believed that their proposal was the direction we should follow because it satisfied most of the functional specifications of the first and second versions of FGKL, as cited. I met Ehud Shapiro in Sweden and in France in 1982, and we found that we had common interests in concurrent logic programming. He proposed a new concurrent logic programming language called Concurrent Prolog [20]. This was more expressive than Relational Language in the sense that it was easy to write a Prolog interpreter in the language. Just after the conference, we invited him to continue our discussion. At ICOT, the KL1 design group tried to find the best solution to concurrent logic programming languages. We collaborated with Shapiro, and Clark and Gregory, who designed Relational Language and, late, PARLOG [4]. We also collaborated with Ken Kahn who was also very interested in concurrent logic programming. In 1983, we invited those researchers to I C O T at the same time and did extensive work on concurrent logic programming, mainly from two aspects: expressiveness and efficiency. Concurrent Prolog is not efficient in realizing the atomic unification that is the origin of its expressiveness. It is particularly difficult to implement on it the distributed-memory architecture essential for scalable parallel processing. On the other hand, PARLOG is less expressive, and it is impossible to write a simple Prolog metainterpreter in the language. Furthermore, mode declaration is needed to specify input/output mode. This restriction makes it possible to realize efficient implementation even on scalable distributed-memory architecture. At that time, since it was very difficult to judge which of the two languages was better, we planned to pursue both Concurrent Prolog and PARLOG at the same time. Then, Ueda investigated the details of these two languages. Finally, he proposed Guarded Horn Clauses (GHC) [22, 24]. It was about one year after the intensive collaboration. GHC is essentially very similar to Relational Language/PARLOG. One apparent difference is that GHC needs no mode declaration. After deliberate investigation on this proposal, we decided to adopt GHC as the core of FGKL version 1. The change of the language from Prolog to concurrent logic programming was, therefore, scheduled by us from the beginning, and the change was no surprise for me. However, it provided a considerable shock to the researchers and managers in the private companies that were collaborating with us. We needed to persuade them by showing them the new language's superiority over Prolog. One serious defect of concurrent logic programming was the lack of automatic search capability, a shortcoming that is directly related to the notion of completeness of logic programming. In other words, we obtained the ability of concurrent programming in logic programming at the cost of automatic search capability. The research topic of regaining this capability became one of the most important issues since the choice of GHC. We at last succeeded in solving this problem by devising several programming methodologies for an allsolution search after several years of research efforts [6, 19, 23]. Evaluation of the Current Results in Light of Early Expectations My very early expectations are best summed up in [9] and [10]. I will evaluate the current research results by referring to the descriptions in these papers. The former paper describes what we were striving for in mechanisms/functions of problem solving and inference as follows: T h e mechanisms/functions of problem solving and inference that we have considered range from rather basic concepts such as list processing, pattern matching, chronological backtracking, and simple Horn clause deduction, to higher-level ones such as knowledge acquisition, inference by analogy, common sense reasoning, inductive inference, hypothetical reasoning, and metaknowledge deduction. Furthermore, high-speed knowledge information processing based on parallelcomputation mechanisms and specialized hardware have been extensively investigated to enhance efficiency and make the whole system feasible. The research project for problem solving and inference mechanisms is outlined as follows: COMMUNICATIONSOFYiUIACM/~[arch 1993/Vo1.36, No.3 61 1. T h e design of the kernel language of the FGC (called FG-kernel language or simply FGKL): According to the current program, there will be three evolution stages for the development of FGKL to follow; the preliminary version for the first three years, the first version for the following four years and the second and final version for the last three years. 2. The development of basic software systems on the FGKL, including an intelligent programming system, a knowledge representation language, a metainference system, and an intelligent human-machine interface system. 3. (Ultimate goal of this project): T h e construction of knowledge information processing system (KIPS) by means of the basic software systems. According to [9], four major components were proposed to realize the problem-solving and inference mechanisms: the FG-kernel language, an intelligent programming system, a knowledge representation language, and a metainference system. I will pick up these four items to evaluate the current research results in the light of my early expectations. Also, there are several research results that we did not expect before, or even at the beginning of, the project. The two most important results are constraint logic programming and parallel theorem provers. On the FG-Kernel Language The most important component of this project is the FGkernel language. In my very early expectations, I wanted to extend Prolog to incorporate concurrency as the first version of FGKL. However, concurrent logic programming is not a superset of Prolog. It does not have the automatic searching capability, and therefore it lacks the completeness of Prolog. Also, it is not upwardly compatible with Prolog. Fortunately, we largely succeeded in regaining the searching capability by devising programming techniques. At the end of the initial stage and the beginning of the intermediate stage, we tried to design a second version of FGKL, named KL2, based on GHC/KL1. We designed a knowledge-programming language called Mandala [11], but we failed to build an efficient language processor for Mandala. The second candidate for KL2 was the concurrent constraint-programming language called Guarded Definite Clauses with Constraints (GDCC) [ 13]. We are working on developing an efficient language processor in GHC/KL1, but we have not succeeded so far. We developed a parallel theorem prover called Model Generation T h e o r e m Prover (MGTP) [8] in GHC/KL1. We adopted an efficient programming methodology for the all-solution search [6] to implement MGTP, and we succeeded in developing a very efficient bottom-up theorem prover for full first-order logic. Although MGTP demands range restrictedness in the problem description, it is widely applicable to many realistic applications. This system provides the possibility for the full firstorder logic to be one of the higher-level programming languages on our parallel inference machine. 62 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 /¢OIIMUIIli:ATIONS OF Tile ACM on an Intelligent ProgrammJng System Regarding the second component, we emphasized the importance of intelligent programming to resolve the software crisis. We described it as follows: One of the main targets of the FGCS project is to resolve the software crisis. In order to achieve the goal, it is essential to establish a well-founded software production methodology with which large-scale reliable programs can be developed with ease. The key technology will likely be modular programming, that is, a way to build programs by combining component modules. It has been already noted that the kernel language will provide constructs for modularization mechanisms, but to enhance the advantage a programming system should provide suitable support. T h e ultimate goal is that the support system will maintain a database with modules and knowledge on them to perform intelligent support for modular programming. Concerning modularization, we developed ESP, Extended Self-contained Prolog [2], which features module construction in an object-oriented flavor. We succeeded in developing our operating system. SYMPOS [2], entirely in ESP. The result shows the effectiveness of the module system in ESP. However, ESP is not a pure logic programming language. It is something like a mixture of Prolog and Smalltalk. T h e module system originated in Smalltalk. In a sense, we adopted a practical approach to obtaining modularity for developing the operating system by ourselves. Later, we developed an operating system for PIM, called PIMOS, in KL1 [3]. We extended GHC by adding a meta-control mechanism called Shoen (a Japanese word meaning an ancient regional government) for creating users' programming environments. By utilizing the Shoen mechanism, we succeeded in developing an operating system that runs on PIM. For the ultimate goal of an intelligent programming system, we tried to develop component technologies such as partial evaluation, program transformation, program verification, and algorithmic debugging. We even tried to integrate them in a single system called Argus. However, we could not attain the goal for real applications. On a Knowledge Representation Language Since the issue of knowledge representation was discussed in much greater detail in [10], I will use that description as a reference: The goal of this work is to develop cooperative knowledge-based systems in which problems are solved by the cooperation of intelligent agents with distributed knowledge sources. An intelligent agent works as if it were an excellent librarian, knowing where the relevant knowledge sources exist, how to use them to get necessary information, and even how to solve the problem. With the future progress of knowledge-engineering technology, it can be expected that the size of knowledge bases in practical use will become bigger and bigger. We think the approach ;liming at the cooperative knowl- edge-based systems is a solution of the problem: how to manage the growing scale of knowledge base in real problems. As the knowledge sources distribute over the knowledgeable agents, inference and problem solving should be executed cooperatively over those distributed knowledge sources. T h e research project for knowledge base mechanisms is outlined as follows: 1. The development of a knowledge representation system: the design of a knowledge representation language (called Fifth Generation Knowledge Representation Language, FGKRL in short) and support systems for the knowledge base building are planned at the initial stage of the project. 2. Basic research on knowledge acquisition: this system is the key to the cooperative knowledge-based system. 3. Basic research on distributed problem solving. 4. Design of the external knowledge bases: the intelligent interface between a central problem solver and external knowledge bases is the key issue of this work. Relational algebra may be an interface language at least in the earlier stages of the project. In our research into knowledge bases, we focused on developing a knowledge representation language, rather than pursuing its architectural aspect (including a cooperative knowledge base). In this respect, very little research was done in the project for pursuing knowledge base architecture. From the viewpoint of an inference mechanism associated with a knowledge base, we expected a mixture of a production system and a frame-oriented system as described in [9]: T h e image of the knowledge representation language we have in mind can be more or less regarded as a mixture o f a production system and a frame-oriented system. Our aim is to implement such a sophisticated language on FGKL . . . . However, it is difficult to efficiently implement a frame-oriented system on Prolog because of its lack of structuring concepts. The proposed extension for structuring mechanisms such as modality and metacontrol is expected to solve the problem. I f we paraphrase this as a mixture of a declarative knowledge representation scheme having a uniform inference engine and a knowledge representation scheme for structural information, we can claim we attained the expectation. We developed a powerful knowledge representation language called Quixote [ 18, 25], based on the idea of representation of structural information and constraint satisfaction as its uniform inference engine. The result is not truly satisfactory in the sense that it cannot be executed efficiently in concurrent/parallel environments, so far. On a M e t a l n f e r e n c e S y s t e m In the original plan, a metainference system had an important role in realizing intelligent human-machine and machine-machine interfaces, as described here: A metainference system serves a semantic interpreter between a person and a machine and also between two different machines. T h e interpreter must understand natural language and human mental states, as well as machine language and machine status. We intend to solve several apparently different problems in a single framework of the metainference system. The problems we consider include: (1) knowledge acquisition, (2) problem-solving control, (3) belief revision, (4) conversation control, (5) program modification, (6) accessing external databases, (7) reorganizing external databases. A metainference system makes use of knowledge about (a) inference rules, (b) representation of objects, (c) representation of functions/predicates, and (d) reasoning strategies to solve the problems we have listed. T h e most relevant work we noticed after the project started was the amalgamation o f language and metalanguage in logic programming by Bowen and Kowalski. Combining this approach with well-known metaprogramming techniques to build a Prolog interpreter, we built an experimental knowledge assimilation system in Prolog [15, 17]. We treated the notion of integrity constraint as a kind of metaknowledge in the system and succeeded in developing an elegant knowledge assimilation system using metaprogramming techniques. One serious problem was the inefficiency of metaprograms caused by the interpretive execution steps. Takeuchi [21] applied partial evaluation to metaprograms and succeeded in removing interpretive steps from their execution steps. This was one of the most exciting results we obtained during the preliminary stage of the project. It is interesting to note that this result was observed around the same time (the end of 1984) as another important result, the invention of GHC by Ueda. We also pursued advanced AI functions within the Prolog framework. They include nonmonotonic reasoning, hypothetical reasoning, analogical reasoning, and inductive inference. However, most research output, including the knowledge assimilation system was not integrated into the concurrent logic programming framework. Therefore, very little was produced for final fifth-generation computer systems based on PIM. An exception is a parallel bottom-up theorem prover called MGTP, and application systems running on it. An example of such applications is hypothetical reasoning. I expect this approach will attain my original goal of "high-speed knowledge information processing based on parallel computation mechanisms and specialized hardware" in the near future. HOW ICOT Worked and Managed the Project Research activity is like a chemical reaction. We need to prepare the research environment carefully to satisfy the reaction conditions. If the preparation is good, the reaction will start automatically. In the case of research activity, the reaction conditions are (1) an appropriate research subject (knowledge information processing and ¢OMNUNICATIONIIIOlUTHilACM/~/[arch 1993/Vol.36,No.3 6 3 parallel processing), (2) an a p p r o p r i a t e research discipline (logic programming), (3) sufficiently good researchers, (4) several key persons, and (5) a p p r o p r i a t e research management. T h e importance of the research subject is considerable, and the success o f o u r project is due mainly to the selection o f the research topics, that is, knowledge information processing and parallel processing, and the selection o f logic p r o g r a m m i n g as the research discipline. At the establishment o f the I C O T research center, the director o f ICOT, Kazuhiro Fuchi, posed one restriction on the selection o f researchers: that is, the researchers must be u n d e r 35 years old when they join ICOT. We made another effort to select good researchers from private companies associated with the project by designating researchers whose talent was known to us from their earlier work. T h e overall activity o f I C O T covered both basic research and systems development. An important aspect related to this point is a good balance o f these two basically different activities. T h e n u m b e r o f researchers involved in these two activities was about the same at the beginning. T h e latter gradually increased to a r o u n d twice as many as the former. T h e technology transfer of basic research results into the systems development g r o u p was p e r f o r m e d very smoothly by reorganizing the structure o f I C O T and moving researchers from the basic research g r o u p into the systems development group. A typical example is the development o f GHC in the basic research group, and the later d e v e l o p m e n t o f KL1, Multi-PSI, and PIM in the systems d e v e l o p m e n t group. In the basic research group, we intentionally avoided research m a n a g e m e n t except for serious discussions on research subjects. I personally played the role o f critic (and catalyst), and tried to provide positive suggestions on basic research subjects. We were very fortunate, since we received unexpected feedback from abroad at the beginning o f the project. National and international collaboration greatly helped us to create a highly stimulating research environment. I C O T became a world center o f logic-programming research. Almost all distinguished researchers in the logicp r o g r a m m i n g field visited us and exchanged ideas. Also, we received strong s u p p o r t from national researchers t h r o u g h working groups. Concluding Remarks Logic p r o g r a m m i n g is a rich enough topic to s u p p o r t a 10-year project. During this decade, it p r o d u c e d new research subjects such as concurrent LP, constraint LP, deductive databases, p r o g r a m analysis, p r o g r a m transformation, nonmonotonic reasoning in LP frameworks, abduction, and inductive logic p r o g r a m m i n g . C o n c u r r e n t logic p r o g r a m m i n g was the right choice for balancing efficient parallel processing with expressiveness. We succeeded in boosting the a m o u n t of logic prog r a m m i n g research all over the world, which further benefited o u r own project. Logic p r o g r a m m i n g now covers almost all aspects o f 4 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 / C O M M U N I C A T I O N S O F T H E A C M c o m p u t e r science, including both software and hardware. It provides one of the best approaches to general concurrent/parallel processing. F u r t h e r research will focus on new applications. Complex inversion p r o b l e m s , including abductive inference and the solving o f nonlinear equations by G r 6 d n e r are good candidates that will require heavy symbolic computation and parallel processing. • References 1. Bowen, K.A. and Kowalski, R.A. Amalgamating language and metalanguage in logic programming. In Logic Programming. Academic Press, New York, 1982, pp. 153-172. 2. Chikayama, T. Programming in ESP--Experiences with SIMPOS. In Programming of Future Generation Computers. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988. 3. Chikayama, T., Sato, H. and Miyazaki, T. Overview of the Parallel Inference Machine Operating System (PIMOS). In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computing Systems 1988 (Tokyo). 1988. 4. Clark, K.L. and Gregory, S. PARLOG: Parallel programming in logic. ACM. Trans. Program Lang. Syst. 8, 1 (1986). 5. Clark, K.L. and Gregory, S. A relational language for parallel programming. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture. ACM, New York, 1981. 6. Fuchi, K. An hnpression of KL1 programming-from my experience with writing parallel provers. In Proceedings of the KL1Programming Workshop '90. ICOT, Tokyo, 1990. In Japanese. 7. Fuchi, K. and Furukawa, K. The Role of Logic Programming in the Fifth Generation Computer Project. Vol. 5, No. 1, New Generation Computing, Ohmsha-Springer, Tokyo, 1987. 8. Fujita, H. and Hasegawa, R. A model generation theorem prover in KL 1 using a ramified-stack algorithm. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming (Paris). 1991. 9. Furukawa, K., Nakajima, R., Yonezawa, A., Goto., S. and Aoyama, A. Problem solving and inference mechanisms. In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1981 (Tokyo, 1981). 10. Furukawa, K., Nakajima, R., Yonezawa, A., Goto, S. and Aoyama, A. Knowledge base mechanisms. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming (Tokyo, 1981). 11. Furukawa, K., Takeuchi, A., Kunifuji, S., Yasukawa, H., Ohki, M. and Ueda, K. Mandala: A logic based knowledge programming system. In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Tokyo, 1984). Ohmsha-North-Holland, Tokyo, 1984, pp. 613-622. 12. Futo, I. and Szeredi, P. T-Prolog: A Very High Level Simulation System--General Information Manual. SZ. K. I. 1011 Budapest I. Iskola Utca 8, 1981. 13. Hawley, D. and Aiba, A. Guarded definite clauses with constraints--Preliminary report. Tech. Rep. TR-713, ICOT, Tokyo, 1991. 14. Hewitt, C. Viewing control structure as patterns of passing messages. Artifi. lntell. 8, 3 (1977). 15. Kitakami, H., Kunifuji, S., Miyachi, T. and Furukawa, K. A methodol6gy for implementation of a knowledge acquisition system. In Proceedings of the IEEE 1984 International Symposium on Logic Programming (1984). IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Calif. 16. Manthey, R and Bry, F. SATCHMO: A theorem prover implemented in Prolog. In Proceedings of CADE-88 (Argonne, Ill., 1988). 17. Miyachi, T., Kunifuji, S., Kitakami, H., Furukawa, K., Takeuchi, A. and Yokota, H. A knowledge assimilation method for logic databases. In Proceedings of the IEEE 1984 International Symposium on Logic Programming. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Calif., 1984, pp. 118125. 18. Morita, Y., Haniuda, H. and Yokota, K. Object identity in Quixote. Tech. Rep. TR-601, ICOT, Tokyo, 1990. 19. Okumura, A. and Matsumoto, Y. Parallel programming with layered streams. In Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Logic Programming (San Francisco, 1987), pp. 343-350. 20. Shapiro, E.Y. A subset of concurrent Prolog and its interpreter. Tech. Rep. TR-003, Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, Tokyo, 1983. 21. Takeuchi, A. and Furukawa, K. Partial evaluation of Prolog programs and its application to meta programming. In Proceedings of IF1P'86 (1986). North-Holland, Amsterdam. 22. Ueda, K. Guarded Horn Clauses. In Logic Programming '85, E. Wada, Ed. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 221, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986. 23. Ueda, K. Making exhaustive search programs deterministic. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Logic Programming (1986). Springer-Verlag, New York. 24. Ueda, K. and Chikayama, T. Design of the Kernel Language for the Parallel Inference Machine. Comput. J. 33, 6 (1990), 494-500. 25. Yasukawa, H. and Yokota, K. Labeled graphs as semantics of objects. Tech. Rep. TR-600, ICOT, Tokyo, 1990. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.1.2 [Processor Architectures]: Multiple Data Stream Architectures (Multiprocessors); D.1.3 [Programming Techniques]: Concurrent Programming; D.1.6 [Software]: Logic Programming; D.3.2 [Programming Languages]: Language Classifications-- Concurrent, distributed, and parallel languages, Data-flow languages, Nondeterministic languages, Nonprocedural languages; K.2 [Computing Milieux]: History of Computing General Terms: Design, Experimentation Additional Key Words and Phrases: Concurrent logic programming, Fifth Generation Computer Systems project, Guarded Horn Clauses, Prolog About the Author: KOICHI FURUKAWA is a professor in the Faculty of Environmental Information at Keio University. Current research interests include artificial intelligence, logic programming, and machine learning. Author's Present Address: Keio University, Faculty of Environmental Information, 5322, Endo Fujisawashi, Kanagawa, 252, Japan; email: [email protected] KazunoriUeda NEC CORPORATION A n outstanding feature of the Fifth Generation C o m p u t e r Systems ( F G C S ) project is its middle-out approach. Logic p r o g r a m m i n g was chosen as the central notion with which to link highly parallel hardware and application software, and three versions of so-called kernel language were planned, all of which were assumed to be based on logic programming. T h e three versions corresponded to the threestage structure of the project: initial, intermediate, and final stages. T h e first kernel language, KL0, was based on Prolog and designed in 1982 as the machine language of the Sequential Inference Machine. Initial study o f the second kernel language, KL1, for the Parallel Inference Machine started in 1982 as well. T h e main purpose o f KL1 was to s u p p o r t parallel computation. T h e third kernel language, KL2, was p l a n n e d to address high-level knowledge information processing. Although the Institute for New Generation C o m p u t e r Technology (ICOT) conducted research on languages for knowledge information processing t h r o u g h o u t the project and finally p r o p o s e d the language Quixote [11], it was not called a "kernel" language (which meant a language in which to write everything). This article will focus on the design and the evolution o f KL1, with which I have been involved since 1983. What are the implications o f the middle-out approach to language design? In a bottom-up or top-dowp approach, language design could be justified by external criteria, such as amenability to efficient implementation on parallel hardware and expressive power for knowledge information processing. In the middle-out approach, however, language design must have strong justifications in its own right. T h e design o f KL0 could be based on Prolog, which was quite stable when the FGCS project started. In contrast, design o f KL1 had to start with finding a counterpart of Prolog, namely a stable parallel p r o g r a m m i n g language based on logic p r o g r a m m i n g . Such a language was supposed to provide a c o m m o n platform for people working on parallel c o m p u t e r architecture, parallel prog r a m m i n g and applications, foundations, and so on. It is well known that I C O T chose logic p r o g r a m m i n g as its central principle, but it is less well known that the shift to concurrent logic p r o g r a m m i n g started very early in the research and d e v e l o p m e n t of KL1. Many discussions were made d u r i n g the shift, and many criticisms and frustrations arose even inside ICOT. In these struggles, I p r o p o s e d G u a r d e d H o r n Clauses (GHC) as the basis o f KL1 in December 1984. G H C was recognized as ¢ O M M U N I C A q r I O N S Olin TIIIIE A C M / M a r c h 1993/Vol,36, No.3 6S a stable platform with a number of justifications, and the basic design of KL1 started to converge. Thus it should be meaningful to describe how the research and development of KL1 was conducted and what happened inside I C O T before KL1 became stable in 1987. This article also presents my own principles behind the language design and perspectives on the future of GHC and KL1. Joining the FGCS Project When I C O T started in 1982, I was a graduate student at the University of Tokyo. My general interest at that time was in programming languages and text processing, and I was spending most of my time on the thorough examination of the Ada reference manual as a member of the Tokyo Study Group of Ada. (Takashi Chikayama, author of an article included in this issue, was also a member of the Tokyo Study Group.) A colleague, Hideyuki Nakashima, one of the earliest proponents of Prolog in Japan, was designing Prolog/KR [13]. We and another colleague, Satoru Tomura, started to write a joint paper on input and output (without side effects) and string manipulation facilities in sequential Prolog, with a view to usihg Prolog as a text processing language instead of languages such as SNOBOL. The work was partly motivated by our concern about declarative languages: We had been very concerned about the gap between the clean, "pure" version of a language for theoretical study and its "impure" version for practical use. I was wondering if we could design a clean, practical and efficient declarative language. I had been disappointed with language constructs for concurrent programming because of their complexity. However, Hoare's enlightening paper on CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) [10] convinced me that concurrent programming could be much simpler than I had thought. I joined the NEC Corporation in April 1983 and soon started to work on the FGCS project. I was very interested in joining the project because it was going to design new programming languages, called kernel languages, for knowledge information processing (KIP). The kernel languages were assumed to be based on logic programming. It was not clear whether logic programming could be a base of the kernel language that could support the mapping of KIP to parallel computer architecture. However, it seemed worthwhile and challenging to explore the potential of logic programming in that direction. KL1 Design Task Group Prehistory T h e study of KLI had already been started at the time I joined the project. I C O T research on early days was conducted according to the "scenario" of the FGCS project established before the commencement of ICOT. Basic research on the Parallel Inference Machine (PIM) and its kernel language, KLI, started in 1982 in parallel with the development of the Sequential Inference Machine and its kernel language, KL0. Koichi Furukawa's laboratory was responsible for the research into KL1. Although KL1 was supposed to be a machine lan- 66 March 1993/%1.36, No.3 [ ¢ O I I I l i U N I C A T I O N | OII THi ACll guage for PIM, the research into KL1 was initially concerned with higher-level issues, namely expressive power for the description of parallel knowledge information processing (e.g., knowledge representation, knowledge-base management and cooperative problem solving). The key requirements to KL 1 included the description of a parallel operating system as well, but this again had to be considered from higher-level features (such as concurrency) downward, because ad hoc extension of OR-parallel Prolog with low-level primitives was clearly inappropriate. T h e project was concerned also with how to reconcile logic programming and objectoriented programming, which was rapidly gaining popularity in Japan. Research into PIM, at this stage, focused on parallel execution of Prolog. Concurrent logic programming was not yet a viable alternative to Prolog, though, as an initial study, Akikazu Takeuchi was implementing Relational Language in Maclisp in 1982. It was the first language to exclusively use guarded clauses, namely clauses with guards in the sense of Dijkstra's guarded commands. Ehud Shapiro proposed Concurrent Prolog that year, which was a more flexible alternative to Relational Language that featured read-only unification. He visited I C O T from October to November 1982 and worked on the language and programming aspects of Concurrent Prolog mainly with Takeuchi. They jointly wrote a paper on object-oriented programming in Concurrent Prolog [16]. T h e visit clearly influenced Furukawa's commitment to Concurrent Prolog as the basis of KL1. The TaSk Group After joining the project in April 1983, I learned it was targeted toward more general-purpose computing than I had expected. Furukawa often said what we were going to build was a "truly" general-purpose computer for the 1990s. He meant the emphasis must be on symbolic (rather than numeric) computation, knowledge (rather than data) processing, and parallel (rather than sequential) architecture. As an I C O T activity, the KL1 Design Task Group started in May 1983.* Members included Koichi Furukawa, Susumu Kunifuji, Akikazu Takeuchi and me. T h e deadline of the initial proposal was set for August 1983 and intensive discussions began. By the time the Task Group started, Furukawa and Takeuchi were quite confident of the following guidelines: • (Concurrent Prolog) T h e core part o f KL1 should be based on Concurrent Prolog, but should support search problems and metaprogramming as well. • (Set/stream interface) KL1 should have a set of language constructs that allows a Concurrent Prolog program to handle sets of solutions from a Prolog engine and/or a database engine and to convert them to streams. • (Metaprogramming) KL1 should have metaprogram*Fortunately, I found a number of old files of the Task Group in storage at ICOT, which enabled me to present the precise record of the design process in this article. ming features that support the creation and the (controlled) execution of program codes. Apparently, the set/stream interface was inspired by Clark et al.'s work on IC-PROLOG [5], and metaprogramming was inspired by Bowen and Kowalski's work on metaprogramming [5]. The idea of sets as first-class objects may possibly have been inspired by the functional language KRC[18]. I knew little about Relational Language and Concurrent Prolog prior to joining the project. I was rather surprised by the decision to abandon Prolog's features to search solutions, but soon accepted the decision and liked the language design because of the simplicity. Various issues related to the preceding three guidelines were discussed in nine meetings and a three-day workshop, until we finally agreed on those guidelines and finished the initial proposal. We assumed that KL1 predicates (or relations) be divided into two categories, namely AND relations for stream-AND-parallel execution of concurrent processes based on don't-care nondeterminism, and OR relations for OR-parallel search based on don't-know nondeterminism. The clear separation of AND and OR relations reflected that the OR relations were assumed to be supported by a separate OR-parallel Prolog machine and/or a knowledge-base machine. (Years later, however, we decided not to create machines other than PIM; we became confident search and database applications could be supported by software with reasonable performance). Set/stream interface was to connect these two worlds of computation. We discussed various possible operations on sets as first-class objects. Metaprogramming was being considered as a framework for • the observation and control of stream-AND-parallel computation by stream-AND-parallel computation, and • the observation and control of OR-parallel computation by stream-AND-parallel computation. The former aspect was closely related to operating systems and the latter aspect was closely related to the set/stream interface. Metaprogramming was supposed to provide a protection mechanism also. The management of program codes and databases was another important concern. Starting with the "demo" predicate of Bowen and Kowalski, we were considering various execution strategies and the representation of programs to be provided to "demo." Other aspects of KL1 considered in the Task Group included data types and object-oriented programming. It was argued that program codes and character strings must be supported as built-in data types. The initial report, "Conceptual Specification of the Fifth Generation Kernel Language Version 1 (KL1)," which was published as an I C O T Technical Memorandum in September 1983, comprised six sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Parallelism Set Abstraction Meta Inference String Manipulation Module Structures In retrospect, the report presented many good ideas and very effectively covered the features that were realized in some form by the end of the project, though of course, the considerations were immature. The report did not yet consider how to integrate those features in a coherent setting. The report did not yet clearly distinguish between features requiring hardware support and those realizable by software. I C O T invited Ehud Shapiro, Keith Clark and Steve Gregory in October 1983 to discuss and improve our proposal. Clark and Gregory had proposed the successor of the Relational Language, PARLOG [3]. Many meetings were held and many I C O T people outside the Task Group attended as well. In the discussions, Shapiro criticized the report as introducing too many good features, and insisted that the kernel language should be as simple as possible. He tried to show how a small number of Concurrent Prolog primitives could express a variety of useful notions, including metaprogramming. While Shapiro was exploring a metainterpreter approach to metaprogramming, Clark and Gregory were pursuing a more practical approach in PARLOG, which used the built-in "metacall" primitive with various features. From the implementation point of view, most of us thought the guard mechanism and the synchronization primitive of PARLOG were easier to implement than those of Concurrent Prolog. However, the KL1 Design Task Group stuck to Concurrent Prolog for the basis of KL1; PARLOG as of 1983 had many more features than Concurrent Prolog and seemed less appropriate for the starting point. Some people were afraid that PARLOG imposed dataflow concepts that were too static, making programming less flexible. The discussions with the three invited researchers were enlightening. The most important feedback, I believe, was that they reminded us of the scope of KL1 as the kernel language and led us to establish the following principles: • Amenability to efficient implementation • Minimal number of primitive constructs (cf. Occam's razor) • Logical interpretation of program execution Meanwhile, Furukawa started to design a user-level language on top of KL1. The language was first called Popper (for Parallel Object-oriented Prolog Programming EnviRonment), and then Mandala. On the other hand, the implementation aspect of KL1 was left behind for a long time, until Shapiro started discussions of sequential, but serious, implementation of Concurrent Prolog. T h e only implementation of Concurrent Prolog available was an interpreter on top of Prolog, which was not fast--a few hundred reductions per second (RPS) on DECsystem-20. After the three invited researchers left, the Task Group had many discussions on the language specification of KL1 and the sequential implementation of Concurrent Prolog. Although we started to notice that the informal specification of Concurrent Prolog left some aspects (including the semantics of read-only unifica- COMMLiJNICATIONSOFTHIEACM/Mar¢~ 1993/VoL36,No.3 6 i ~ tion) not fully specified, we became convinced that Concurrent Prolog was basically the right choice, and in January 1984 started to convince the I C O T members and the members of relevant Working Groups. Three large meetings on Concurrent Prolog were held in February 1984, which many people working on the FGCS project attended. The Task Group argued for Concurrent Prolog (or concurrent logic programming in general) as the basis of KL1 on the following grounds: 1. It is a general-purpose language in which concurrent algorithms can be described. 2. It has added only two syntactic constructs to the logic programming framework. 3. It retains the soundness property of the logic programming framework. 4. Elegant approaches to programming environments taken in logic programming could be adapted to concurrent logic programs. People gave implicit consent to the choice of the Task Group in that nobody proposed an alternative basis of KL1 in response to our solicitation. However, as a matter of fact, people were quite uneasy about adopting Concurrent Prolog as the basis of KL1. The arguments being made by the Task Group seemed based on belief rather than evidence. Many people, particularly those working on PIM, were rather upset (and possibly offended) that don't-know nondeterminism of Prolog was going to be excluded from the core part of KLI and moved to a back-end Prolog engine. Unlike logic programming, the direction of computation was more or less fixed, which was considered inflexible and unduly restrictive. However, Furukawa maintained that the parallel symbolic processing was a more important aspect of KL1 than exhaustive search. Implementation people had another concern: whether reasonable performance could be obtained. Some o f them even expressed the thought that it could be too dangerous to have parallel processing as the main objective of the FGCS project. Nevertheless, through the series of meetings, people agreed that a user language must be higher level than Concurrent Prolog and that various knowledge representation languages should be developed on top of the user language. We also agreed that programming environments for Concurrent Prolog (and a KL1 prototype) must be developed quickly in order to accumulate experiences with concurrent logic programming. We decided to develop a Concurrent Prolog implementation in a general-purpose language (C was considered first; Maclisp was chosen finally) to study implementation techniques. In March 1984, the Task Group finalized the report on the Conceptual Specification of KL1 and published it as an I C O T Technical Report [7]. The report now concentrated on the primitive features to be supported directly in KL1 for flexible and efficient KIP. Implementing Concurrent Prolog A good way to understand and examine a language definition is by trying to implement it; this forces us to con- 8 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 /¢OMI~IUlII¢ATION$ OF THE lli¢lm sider every detail of the language. In April 1984, the Task Group acquired some new members, including Toshihiko Miyazaki, Nobuyuki Ichiyoshi and Jiro Tanaka, and started a project on the sequential implementation of Concurrent Prolog under Takeuchi's coordination. We decided to build three interpreters in Maclisp, which differed in the multiple environment mechanisms necessary to evaluate the guard parts of program clauses. The principal member, Miyazaki, was quick in designing and Lisp programming. We also started to build a Mandala implementation in Concurrent Prolog. As an independent project, Chikayama started to improve Shapiro's Concurrent Prolog interpreter on top of Prolog. By compiling program clauses to some extent, he improved the performance to 4kRPS, a much better number for practical use. I further improved the performance by compiling clauses to a greater degree, and obtained 1 lkRPS by November 1984, a number better than most interpretive Prolog systems of that time. We had a general question on the implementation of concurrent logic languages as well, which had been mentioned repeatedly in our discussions on systems programming. T h e question was whether basic operations such as many-to-one interprocess communication and array updates could be implemented as efficiently as could be done in procedural languages in terms of time complexity. For systems programming without side effects to be practical, it seemed essential to show that the complexity of these operations is not greater than that o f procedural languages. I devised an implementation technique for these operations with Chikayama in the beginning of 1984, and presented it in the FGCS'84 conference. These two pieces o f work on implementation convinced me of the viability of concurrent logic programming languages as the basis of KL1. Meanwhile, Clark visited us again in spring 1984, and introduced a revised version of PARLOG [4]. T h e language had been greatly simplified. Although we were too committed to Concurrent Prolog at that time, the new version influenced the research on KLI later in various ways. The three Concurrent Prolog interpreters were almost complete by August 1984, and an interim report comparing the three methods was written. Two successor projects started in September, one on an abstract KL1 machine architecture, and the other on a KL1 compiler. I started to design an abstract machine instruction set with Miyazaki, but was not very excited about it. One reason is that we had found several unclarified points in the definition of Concurrent Prolog, most of which were related to read-only unification and the execution of the guards of program clauses. I started to feel that we should reexamine the language specification of Concurrent Prolog in detail before we went any further. T h e other reason is that full implementation of the guard construct seemed to be too complicated to be included in a KL1 implementation. The idea of Flat Concurrent Prolog (FCP), which avoided the nesting of guards by allowing only simple test predicates in guards, was conveyed to us by Shapiro in June 1984, but few of us, including me, were interested. In retrospect, it is rather curious that we stuck to the full version of Concurrent Prolog, which was hard to implement. However, we were not confident o f moving to any subset, T h e guard construct, if successfully implemented, was supposed to be used for OR-parallel problem solving and for the protected execution o f user programs in an operating system. People working on PIM, who were supposed to implement KL1 in the future, were getting impatient in mid1984. As architects, they n e e d e d a concrete specification of KL1 as early as possible and wanted to know what kinds o f operations should be particularly optimized, but the design o f KL1 had not reached such a phase. On the other hand, members of the KL1 Design Task G r o u p were u n h a p p y that they received few constructive comments from outside. A kind o f mutual disbelief was exposed in three meetings of the PIM Working G r o u p held from J u n e to August, in which the Task G r o u p conferred with the PIM people. P r o p o s a l o f GHC, a N e w Basis o f KL1 After the FGCS'84 conference in November 1984, I started to reexamine the language specification of Concurrent Prolog in detail, the main concerns being the atomicity (or granularity) o f various operations, including read-only unification and commitment, and the semantics o f the multiple environment mechanism [19]. Many subtle points and difficulties were f o u n d and discussed. I had to conclude that although the language rules could be made rigorous and coherent, the resultant set o f rules would be more complex and require more sequentiality than we had expected. T h e result of that work was not very encouraging, but I continued to seek a coherent set of language rules. In mid-December, I came up with an alternative to Concurrent Prolog, which solved the problems with read-only unification and the problems with the multiple environment mechanism simultaneously. T h e idea was to suspend the computation of the guard of a clause if it would require a multiple environment mechanism, that is, if the computation would instantiate variables in the caller of the clause. T h e semantics o f guard now served as the synchronization mechanism as well, making read-only unification necessary. On December 17, I p r o p o s e d the new language to the KL1 D~sign Task G r o u p as KL0.7. T h e name KL0.7 meant the core part o f KL1 that left: • the decision on whether to include pure Prolog to support exhaustive search directly • m a c h i n e - d e p e n d e n t constructs and • the set o f p r e d e f i n e d predicates T h e h a n d o u t (in Japanese) included the following claims: 1. Read-only annotation is dispensed with because it does not fit well in fine-grained parallel computation models. 2. Multiple environments are unnecessary. It is not yet clear whether multiple environments must be implemented, while it certainly adds to implementation cost. Figure 1. C o n c e p t u a l c o n f i g u r a t i o n o f KL1 (1984) [71 Figure 2. S t r u c t u r e o f KL1 (1985) Multiple environments make the visibility rule (of the values o f variables) and the commitment rule less clear. 3. Mode declaration is dispensed with; it can be excluded from the kernel language level. 4. One kind o f unification is enough at the kernel language level, though a set o f specialized unification primitives could exist at a lower level. 5. I m p l e m e n t a t i o n will be as easy as PARLOG. 6. Implementation will be as efficient as PARLOG. 7. A m e t a i n t e r p r e t e r o f itself can be written. 8. Sequentiality between primitive operations is minimized, which will lead to high intrinsic parallelism and clearer semantics. Interestingly, the resultant language t u r n e d out to be semantically closer to PARLOG than to Concurrent and FCP in the sense that it was a single-environment language. Unlike PARLOG, however, it did not assume static analysis or compilation; PARLOG assumed compilation into Kernel PARLOG, a language with lower-level primitives. T h e h a n d o u t claimed also that pure Prolog need not be included in KL1 if we made sure that exhaustive search could be done efficiently in KL1 without special support. T h e only new aspect to be considered in the implementation o f KL0.7 was the m a n a g e m e n t of nested guards. I found it could be done anyway and expected that static analysis would help in many cases. It was not clear whether complex nested guards were really necessary, but they were free of semantical problems and thus could be retained for the time being. In addition, the new language was undoubtedly more amenable to compilation than Concurrent Prolog. I quickly finished two internal reports, "Concurrent Prolog Re-Examined" and "A Draft Proposal o f CPII" and b r o u g h t them to the Task G r o u p meeting on December 20. T h e name CPII (for Concurrent Prolog II) was selected tentatively and was used for a while. T h e Task G r o u p seemed to welcome my proposal and appreciated the simplification. COMMUNICATIONSOFTHEACM/Mar£h 1993/Vol.36, No.3 6 ~ In J a n u a r y 1985, the Task G r o u p continued designing KL1 with a new basis. Takeuchi proposed that KL1 be CPII with the metacall construct ~ la PARLOG and primitives for the allocation and scheduling o f goals. T h e proposal well reflected the final structure o f the core part o f KL1. Set/stream interface and modularization (as a user-level feature) were still considered to be part o f KL1, but were put aside for the moment. By January 1985, the Task G r o u p reached an agreement to base KL1 on CPII. T h e a g r e e m e n t was quick and without too much discussion, because we had agreed to base KL1 on some concurrent logic language, and CPII seemed to have solved most o f the problems we had experienced with Concurrent Prolog. CPII did exclude some o f the p r o g r a m m i n g techniques allowed in Conc u r r e n t Prolog, as Shapiro's g r o u p at the Weizmann Institute pointed out later. However, we p r e f e r r e d a language that was simpler and easier to implement. People outside the Task G r o u p also welcomed the proposal o f CPII, though most o f them were not yet convinced o f the a p p r o a c h based on concurrent logic prog r a m m i n g in general. It was not very clear, even to us in the Task Group, how expressive this conceptual language was in a practical sense, much less how to build large parallel software in it. However, there seemed to be no alternative to CPII as long as we were to go with concurrent logic p r o g r a m m i n g , since the language seemed to address "something essential." In early J a n u a r y 1985, Masahiro Hirata at T s u k u b a University, who was independently working on the formal operational semantics o f Concurrent Prolog, notified me that the functional language, Qute, designed by Masahiko Sato and Takafumi Sakurai [15] had incorporated essentially the same synchronization mechanism. T h e news m a d e me wonder if the essence of CPII was simply the rediscovery o f a known idea. After learning that Qute introduced the mechanism to retain the Church-Rosser p r o p e r t y in the evaluation o f expressions, however, I f o u n d it very interesting that the same mechanism was i n d e p e n d e n t l y introduced in different languages from different motivations. This suggested that the mechanism introduced in these languages was more universal and stable than we had thought at first. Apparently, Hirata was i n d e p e n d e n t l y considering an alternative to the synchronization mechanism o f Conc u r r e n t Prolog, and later p r o p o s e d the language Oc [9], which was essentially CPII without any g u a r d goals. By J a n u a r y 21, I modified my Concurrent Prolog compiler on top of Prolog and obtained a CPII compiler. T h e modification took less than two days, and demonstrated the suitability o f Prolog for rapid prototyping. Miyazaki also made a G H C compiler with more features by modifying Chikayama's Concurrent Prolog compiler on top o f Prolog. In the meantime, I considered the name of the language by putting down a n u m b e r o f keywords in my notebook. T h e name was changed to G u a r d e d H o r n Clauses (GHC) by F e b r u a r y 1985. In March 1985, the project on Multi-SIM (renamed to Multi-PSI later) started u n d e r Kazuo Taki's coordination. Its p u r p o s e was to provide an environment for the 70 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 / ¢ O M M U N I C A T I O N S O F T H E A¢M development o f parallel software. Thus, by the end o f the initial stage, we could barely establish a starting point o f research in the intermediate stage. From OH(: to KL1 In J u n e 1985, the intermediate stage o f the FGCS project started, and I j o i n e d I C O T while maintaining a position at NEC. Shortly before that, the KL1 Design Task G r o u p (the members being Furukawa, Takeuchi, Miyazaki, Ueda and Tanaka at that time) p r e p a r e d a revised internal r e p o r t on KL1. T h e two main aspects of the revision were (i) the adoption o f G H C in view o f parallel execution and (ii) the reallocation o f p r o p o s e d features to three sublanguages, KL1-C (core), KL1-P (pragma), and KL1-U (user). KL1-C, the core part o f KL1, was supposed to be G H C a u g m e n t e d with some metacall construct to s u p p o r t metainference and modularization. KL1-P was supposed to deal with the m a p p i n g between KL 1-C p r o g r a m s and physical resources of the underlying implementation. T h e p r o p o s e d components o f KL1-P were an abstract machine model, a mechanism for allocating goals to processors, and a mechanism for scheduling goals allocated in the same processor. KL1-U was considered as a set o f higher-level language constructs to be compiled into KL1-C and KL1-P, which included the s u p p o r t o f p u r e Prolog (with a set/stream interface) and a module construct. A n o t h e r sublanguage, KL1-B, was a d d e d to KL1 after a while. Although KL1-C and KL1-P were supposed to be the lowest-level sublanguages for p r o g r a m m e r s , they were still too high-level to be executed directly by hardware. We decided to have a layer c o r r e s p o n d i n g to the W a r r e n Abstract Machine for Prolog. Initial study of the operating system for PIM, called PIMOS, started as well in J u n e 1985. We had assumed that KL1-C had all the features o f GHC, including nested guards, until Miyazaki and I visited Shapiro's g r o u p at the Weizmann Institute for two weeks from July to August 1985. D u r i n g the visit, we had intensive discussion on the differences between G H C and C o n c u r r e n t Prolog/FCP. We had discussions also on the subsetting of G H C to Flat GHC, an analogue o f FCP obtained from GHC. Colleagues at the Weizmann Institute (Stephen Taylor in particular, who later codesigned Strand and PCN) were greatly interested in Flat G H C as an alternative to FCP. However, they were concerned that the smaller atomic operations o f Flat G H C m a d e the language less robust for describing their Logix o p e r a t i n g system. In C o n c u r r e n t Prolog and FCP, a goal pubfishes binding information to outside on the reduction o f a goal to others, while in GHC, the publication is done after reduction using an i n d e p e n d e n t unification goal in a clause body. T h e separation m a d e implementation much easier, but caused a problem in their m e t a i n t e r p r e t e r a p p r o a c h to o p e r a t i n g systems: the failure o f a unification body goal might lead to the failure o f the whole system. O u r visit provoked many discussions in the FCP group, but they finally decided not to move to Flat G H C on the g r o u n d that Flat G H C was too fragile for the metainterpreter approach [17]. On the other hand, we chose the metacall approach because we thought the metainterpreter approach would require very careful initial design in order to get everything to work well, which could be too time-consuming for us. T h e metacall approach was less systematic, but this meant it would be easier to make extensions if required in the development of the PIMOS operating system. Back in ICOT, a meeting was held to discuss whether we should move from GHC to Flat GHC. Since Flat GHC was clearly preferable from an implementation point of view, the question was whether the OR-parallel execution of different nested guards was really necessary, or if it could be efficiently compiled into the ANDparallel execution of different body goals. We did not have a definite answer, but decided to start with Flat GHC since nobody claimed the necessity of nested guards. A week later, Miyazaki submitted the detailed design of a Flat GHC implementation for Multi-SIM, and Taki submitted the design of interconnection hardware for Multi-SIM. Miyazaki also submitted a draft specification of KL 1-C as a starting point for discussions. The points to be discussed included the detailed execution rule of guards, distinction between failure and suspension, the detail of metacall predicates, the treatment of extralogical predicates, requirement for systems programming, and the handling of various abnormal situations (i.e., exception handling). However, the detail of KL1-C was left unfinalized until summer 1987. We had a number of things to do before that. From an implementation point of view, we first had to develop basic technologies for the parallel implementation of Flat GHC, such as memory management and distributed unification. From a programming point of view, we had to accumulate experiences with Flat GHC programming. Although the focus of the R&D of parallel implementation was converged on (Flat) GHC by the end of 1985, it was still very important to accumulate evidence, particularly from the programming point of view, that the concurrent logic programming approach was really feasible. One of the greatest obstacles to be cleared in that respect was to establish how to program search problems in Flat GHC. I started to work on compilation from pure Prolog to Flat GHC in the spring of 1985. Since Hideki Hirakawa had developed a pure Prolog interpreter in Concurrent Prolog[8], the initial idea was to build its compiler version. However, the interpreter used an extralogical feat u r e - t h e copying of n o n g r o u n d terms--which turned out not to make any sense in the semantics of GHC. After some trial and error, in September 1985, I found a new method of compiling a subset of pure Prolog into Flat GHC programs that enumerated the solutions of the original programs. While the technique was not as general as people wanted it to be in that it required the mode analysis of the original programs, the avoidance of the extralogical feature led to higher performance as well as clearer semantics. Although the technique itself was not widely used later, people started to agree that an appropriate compilation technique could generate efficient concurrent logic programs for search problems. An important outcome along this line was Model Generation T h e o r e m Prover (MGTP) for a class of n o n - H o r n clause sets [6]. My main work in 1985 and 1986 was to examine and justify the language design from various respects and thus to make the language more robust. I had a number of opportunities to give presentations and have discussions on GHC. These were very useful for improving the way in which the language was explained. T h e paper on GHC was first presented at the Japanese Logic Program Conference in June 1985 [201. A two-day tutorial on GHC programming, with a textbook and programming assignments, was held in May 1986 and 110 people attended. All these activities were quite important, because people had not had sufficient exposure to actual GHC programs and had little idea about how to express things in GHC. At first, I was introducing GHC to people by comparing it with the framework of logic programming. However, I started to feel it was better to introduce GHC as a model of concurrent computation. GHC looked like a concurrent assembly language as well, which featured process spawning, message sending/receiving, and dynamic memory management. I revised my presentation transparencies describing the syntax and the semantics of GHC several times. T h e current version uses only one transparency, where I refer to the syntactic constructs of logic programming only for conciseness. KLl-related R&D activities in the intermediate stage started as collaboration between the first research laboratory for basic research (to which the KL1 Design Task From an implementation point of view, w e develop basic technologies first for the had to parallel implementation of Flat GHC, such as memory management and distributed unification. From a programming point of view, w e h a d t o a c c u m u l a t e experiences with Flat GHC programming. ¢OHMUNICATIONSO|?HIA|/[V[~,rc~ 1993/Vol.36, No.3 7 S Group belonged) and the fourth research laboratory for implementation. As the Multi-SIM project progressed, however, the interaction between the two laboratories decreased. The fourth research laboratory had to design implementation details, while the first research laboratory was concerned with various topics related to concurrent and parallel programming. In November 1986, all the development efforts related to KL1, including the design of KL1, were gathered in the fourth research laboratory. The detail of KL1 had to be determined with many practical considerations in implementation. GHC was to concurrent logic programming what pure Prolog was to logic programming; there was still a gap between GHC and a kernel language for real parallel hardware. I was of course interested in the design of KL1, but thought there would be no other choice than to leave it to the implementation team. During 1986 and 1987 I spent much of my time in giving tutorials on GHC and writing tutorial articles. I did have another implementation project with Masao Morita, but it was rather a research project with the purpose of studying the relationship between language specification and sophisticated optimization techniques. In the summer of 1987 Chikayama and his team finally fixed the design of KL1-C and KL1-P. The design of KL1-C reflected many discussions we had since Miyazaki's draft specification, and took Chikayama's memory management scheme based on 1-bit reference counting (MRB scheme) [2] into account. KL1-C turned out not to be a genuine extension of Flat GHC but had several ad hoc restrictions which were mainly for implementation reasons. I did not like the discrepancy between pure and practical versions of a language, but I felt that if some discrepancy was unavoidable, the two versions should be designed by different people. In our project, both GHC and KL1 are important in their own rights and had different, rather orthogonal design rationales, which were not to be confused. Fortunately, the discrepancy is far smaller than the discrepancy between pure Prolog and Prolog, and can be negligible when discussing the fundamental differences between GHC and KL1 (see the following subsection "GHC and KLI"). Research in the Final Stage Since 1987, the activities related to the kernel language in the first research laboratory were focused on basic research on Flat GHC and GHC programming. T h e additional features of KL1 (by KL1 we mean KL1-C and KL1-P henceforth, ignoring the upper and lower layers) were too practical for theoretical study, and Flat GHC itself still had many aspects to be explored, the most important of which were formal semantics and program analysis. I had long thought that in order to maintain its own "healthiness," in addition to reconciling parallel architecture and knowledge information processing, a kernel language must reconcile theory and practice. A programming language, particularly a "declarative" one, can easily split into a version for theoretical study and another version for practice, between which no substan- 72 March 1993/Vo1.36, No.3 / ¢ O M M U N I C A T I O I I S O I m T H E A C M tiat relationship remains. I wanted to avoid such a situation. Unfortunately, the interests of most I C O T theoreticians were not in concurrent logic programming (with a few exceptions, including Masaki Murakami, who worked on the semantics of Flat GHC, and Kenji Horiuchi, who worked on abstract interpretation). Since January 1988, I thought about how the set of unfold/ fold transformation rules for Flat GHC, initially proposed by Furukawa, should be justified. I finally developed what could be viewed as an asynchronous version of theoretical CSP, in which each event was a unit transaction between an observee process and its observer, and presented this idea at the FGCS'88 conference. In the FGCS'88 conference, I was invited to the final panel discussion on theory and practice of concurrent systems chaired by Shapiro, and presented my position on the role and the future direction of kernel languages [24]. T h e panel was exceptionally well organized and received favorable responses, which was unusual for panel discussions. I suggested two research directions of KL1 in the panel. T h e first was the reconstruction of metalevel features in KL1. By metalevel features I meant the operations that referred to and/or modified the "current" status of computation. Jiro Tanaka was interested in the concept of reflection since 1986 and was designing reflective features for Flat GHC with his colleagues. I liked the approach, but felt that a lot of work was necessary before we could build a full-fledged concurrent system with reflective operations. The second research direction was the simplification of KL1 and the development of sophisticated optimization techniques, the motivation being to promote KL1 programming with many small concurrent processes. T h e ultimate goal was to implement (a certain class of) processes and streams as efficiently as records and pointers in procedural languages. I became interested in optimization techniques for processes that were almost always suspending, and began studying with Masao Morita in September 1988. The work was intended to complement the R&D of Muhi-PSl and PIM and to explore the future specification of KL1 to be used beyond the FGCS project. We soon devised the basic idea of what we later called the message-oriented implementation technique [25], though it took a long time to generalize it. We found it interesting that Flat GHC programs allowed an implementation technique totally different from the one adopted by all the other implementations. Sophisticated optimization clearly involved sophisticated compile-time analysis of programs, particularly the global analysis of information flow (mode analysis). Concurrent logic languages employed unification as the basic means of communication. Although mathematically elegant, the bidirectionality of unification made its distributed implementation rather complicated. From the language point of view, the bidirectionality might cause unification failure, the failure of unification body goals. Unification failure was considered an exceptional phenomenon very similar to division-by-zero in procedural languages (not as a superficial analogy, as ex- plained in [21]), and hence it was much more desirable to have a syntactic means to avoid it than to have it processed by an exception handler. On the other hand, people working on d e v e l o p m e n t were skeptical about global p r o g r a m analysis, suspecting that it was not practical for very large programs. T h e skepticism, however, led me to develop an efficient mode analysis technique that was efficient and amenable to separate analysis o f (very) large p r o g r a m s [25]. T h e technique was based on a mode system which t u r n e d Flat GHC into a strongly m o d e d subset called Moded Flat GHC. I presented the technique at ICOT's 1990 newyear plenary meeting. Very interestingly, two other talks at the meeting a r g u e d against general unification in KL 1 as well. T h e group implementing distributed unification complained of its complexity. T h e g r o u p working on natural languages and knowledge representation pointed out that unification in KL1 did not help in implementing unification over richer structures such as feature graphs. These arguments convinced me that general unification was not necessary or useful at the kernel language level, though the progress made with KL1 implementations on PIM had been too great for us to stop implementing general distributed unification. KL1 implementations on PIM would have been considerably simpler if the mode analysis technique had been proposed earlier. Reflections and Future Prospects GHC and KL1 How close is the current status o f KL1 to my vision? In many senses, KL1 was designed from very practical considerations, while the main concern o f G H C was the basic framework o f concurrent computation. As a positive aspect o f KLI's design policy, its performance is no worse than procedural languages in terms of computational complexity, and its absolute performance is also good for a novel symbolic processing language. On the other hand, the constructs for m e t a p r o g r a m ming have stayed rather conservative. I expected that practical m e t a p r o g r a m m i n g constructs with some theoretical background could be designed finally, but it t u r n e d out to be very difficult. Also, the precise semantics o f guards seems to have somewhat ad hoc aspects. For instance, the otherwise construct for specifying "default" clauses could have been introduced in a more controlled way that allowed better formal interpretation. From a methodological point o f view, the separation of the two languages, GHC and KL1, turned out to be successful [25]. In designing these two languages, it turned out that we were trying to separate two different, though closely related, notions: concurrency and parallelism. Concurrency has to do with correctness, while parallelism has to do with efficiency. GHC is a concurrent language, but its semantics is completely independent from the underlying model o f implementation. Before GHC was designed, Shunichi Uchida, who led the implementation team, maintained that the basic computational model of KL1 should not assume any particular granularity of underlying parallel hardware. To make effective use o f parallel computers, we should be able to specify how a p r o g r a m should most desirably be executed on t h e m - - a t least when we wish. However, the specification tends to be implementationd e p e n d e n t and is best given separately. This is an important role o f KL1, or more precisely, KL1-P. T h e clear separation o f concurrency and parallelism made it easier to tune p r o g r a m s without affecting their meaning. O n GHC, the main point o f success is that it simplified the semantics of guards by unifying two previously distinct notions: synchronization and the m a n a g e m e n t o f binding environments. W h e n G6rard H u e t visited I C O T in 1988, he finished a CAML implementation of Flat G H C in a few days. I was impressed with the quick, constructive way o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g a p r o g r a m m i n g language he presented, but this was possible because G H C was so small. A n o t h e r point of success is that G H C t u r n e d out to be very s t a b l e - - n o w for eight years. I always emphasized the design principles and basic concepts of GHC whenever I introduced it, and stubbornly kept the language unchanged. This may have caused frustration to GHC/ KL1 p r o g r a m m e r s . Indeed, the design o f G H C has not been considered deeply from a software engineering point of view. However, the essence of GHC is in its semantics; the syntax could be redesigned as long as a program in a new syntax can be translated to a p r o g r a m in the current syntax in a well-defined manner. I found the design o f user languages much more difficult to justify, though they should be useful for the development of large software. Many candidates for KL1-U were considered in ICOT, but the current one turned out to be a rather conservative set o f additional syntactic conveniences. Although I have kept G H C unchanged, I have continued to study the language. It a d d e d much to the stability of the language and improved the way the language was explained. Many ideas that were implicit when G H C was designed materialized later from the research inside and outside I COT, and contributed to the justification o f the language design. I m p o r t a n t theoretical results from outside I C O T include the logical account o f the communication mechanism by Maher [12] and Saraswat's work on concurrent constraint p r o g r a m m i n g [14] that subsumes concurrent logic p r o g r a m m i n g and Flat G H C in particular. On a personal side, I have always been interested in clarifying the relationship between concurrent logic prog r a m m i n g and other formalisms o f computation, including (ordinary) logic p r o g r a m m i n g and models of concurrency. I have also been interested in subsetting and have come up with a strongly m o d e d subset called M o d e d Flat GHC. Many people in the project worked on the implementation of KL1 and KL1 p r o g r a m m i n g , and p r o d u c e d innovative outcomes [11]. T h e y were all important in demonstrating the viability o f the concurrent logic prog r a m m i n g a p p r o a c h and provided useful information for future language design and implementation. I believe o u r R&D went quite well. A new p a r a d i g m o f parallel symbolic p r o g r a m m i n g based on a new p r o g r a m m i n g language has gone in a promising direction, though o f course, much remains to be done. C O M M U H I C A T i O H S O F T H E A C M / M a r c h 1993/'4ol.36, No.3 73 Did logic programming have anything to do with the design of KLI? T h e objective of concurrent logic programming is quite different from the objective of logic programming [22]; nevertheless logic programming played an important role in the design of GHC by giving it strong guidelines. Without such strong guidelines, we might have relied too much on existing concurrency constructs and designed a clumsier language. It is not easy to incorporate many good ideas coherently in a single language. Consequently, GHC programs still allow nonvacuous logical reading. Instead of featuring don't-know nondeterminism, GHC and other concurrent logic languages tried to give better alternatives to operations that had to be done using side effects in Prolog. Logic programming provided a nice framework for reasoning and search and, at the same time, a nice framework for computing with partial information. Concurrent logic programming exploited and extended the latter aspect of logic programming to build a versatile framework of concurrent computation. O f course, the current status of concurrent logic programming is not without problems. First of all, the term "concurrent logic programming" itself and the fact that it was born from logic programming were--ironically e n o u g h - - a source of confusion. Many people considered GHC as an unduly restrictive logic programming language rather than a flexible concurrent language at first. I tried to avoid unfruitful controversy on whether concurrent logic programming languages are "logic" programming languages. Also, largely due to the confusion, the interaction o f the concurrent logic programming community with the community of concurrency theory and the community of object-oriented concurrent programming has been surprisingly small. We should have paid more attention to concurrency theory much earlier, and should have talked much more with people working on object-oriented concurrent programming. The only basic difference between object-oriented concurrent programming and concurrent logic programming seems to be whether sequences of messages are hidden or exposed as first-class objects. ICOT as a Research Environment I C O T provided an excellent research environment. I could continue to work on language issues for years discussing them with many people inside and outside Japan, which would have been much more difficult elsewhere. Electronic mail communication to and from overseas was not available until 1985. O f the three stages of the project, the initial stage (fiscal 1982 to 1984) was rather different in the sense that it gave us who worked on KL1 much freedom as well as much responsibility for the R&D of subsequent stages. I have never felt that ICOT's adherence to logic programming acted as an obstacle to kernel language design; the details were largely up to us researchers, and it was really interesting to try to build a system of new concepts based on logic programming. The project's commitment to logic programming was liable to be considered extremely political and may have 74 March 1993/Vo1.36, No,3 / ¢ O M M U N I C A T I O I M $ O F T H I I A C M come as an obstacle to some of the researchers who had their own fields of :interest outside (concurrent) logic programming. However, in retrospect, ICOT's basic research activities, particularly those not directly related to concurrency and parallelism, could focus more on connecting logic programming and their primary fields of interest. Parallelism, too, was not a primary concern for most people working on applications. Parallel programming in KL1 was probably not an easy and pleasant task for them. However, it was clear that somebody had to do that pioneering work and contribute to the accumulation of good programming methodologies. Position and Beliefs Fortunately, I have been able to maintain a consistent position regarding my research subject--at least since 1984 when I became acquainted with the project. I was consistently interested in clarifying the relationship and interplay a m o n g different concepts rather than amalgamating them. T h e position, for instance, reflected in the research on search problems in concurrent logic languages. Although the Andorra principle was proposed later as a nice amalgamation o f logic programming and concurrent logic programming, our research on search problems, including the MGTP project, focused on the compilation approach throughout. An interesting finding obtained independently from my work on exhaustive search and the MGTP work is that a class of logic programs, which the specialists call range-restricted, is fundamentally easier to handle than others. Thus the compilation approach led us to recognize the importance of this concept. T h e separation of a concurrent language, GHC, and a parallel language, KL1, is another example. T h e panel discussion o f the FGCS'88 Conference included a heated debate on whether to expose parallelism to programmers or to hide it. My position was to expose parallelism, but in a tractable form. This was exactly what KL1 tried to address by separating concurrency and parallelism. It is often claimed that GHC is a language suitable for systems programming, but the fact is that GHC itself lacks some important features for systems programming, which are included in KL1. In language design, there has been a long controversy within the concurrent logic language community on whether reduction (of a goal) and unification (for the publication o f information) should be done atomically or separately. Here again, we continued to use the separation approach. One reason I stuck to the separation o f concepts is that the gap between parallel hardware and applications software seemed to be widening and was unlikely to be bridged by a single universal paradigm. Logic programming was a good initial approximation to the paradigm, but it turned out that we had to devise a system of good concepts and notations. T h e system of concepts and notations was supposed to form a new methodology, which the FGCS project was going to establish as its principal objective. GHC and KL1 were to form the substratum of the system. (This is why the performance of KL1 imple- mentations is very important.) Later on, languages such as GDCC [11] and Quixote provided higher-level concepts and notations. First-order logic itself can be regarded as one o f such higher-level constructs, in the sense that M G T P compiles it to KL1 programs. These languages will play the role of Mandala and KL2 we once planned. I was always interested in the interaction between theory and practice and tried to put myself in between. Now I am quite confident that a language designer should try to pay attention to various aspects including its definition, implementation, p r o g r a m m i n g and foundations simultaneously. Language design requires the reconciliation o f constraints from all these aspects. (In this sense, our a p p r o a c h to the project was basically, but not strictly, middle-out.) Mode analysis and the message-oriented implementation technique were the recent examples of simultaneity working well. It would have been very difficult to come up with these ideas if we had p u r s u e d theory and practice separately. In the combination o f high-level languages and recent c o m p u t e r architectures, sophisticated p r o g r a m analysis plays an important role. It is highly desirable that such analysis can be done systematically rather than in an ad hoc manner, and further that a theory behind the systematic a p p r o a c h is expressed naturally in the form of a language construct. By stipulating the theory as a language construct, it become's a concept sharable among a wider range o f people. Language designers need feedbacks from specialists in related fields. In semantics research, for instance, one position would be to give precise meanings to given prog r a m m i n g languages. However, it would be much more productive if the mathematical formulation gives constructive feedbacks back to language design. The Future What will the future o f GHC/KL1 and concurrent logic p r o g r a m m i n g in general be? Let us look back to the past to predict the future. T h e history o f the kernel language design was the history o f simplification. We moved from Concurrent Prolog to GHC, and from G H C to Flat GHC. Most people seemed to believe we should implement distributed unification for Flat G H C at first. My present inclination, I have adherence acted language never however, is not to do so. T h e simplification n e e d e d a lot o f discussions and experiences, but the p e r f o r m a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t has always been a strong thrust to this direction. It is not yet clear whether we can completely move to a kernel language based on M o d e d Flat GHC in the near future, but if successful in moving, I expect the p e r f o r m a n c e can be approximately half o f the performance o f comparable p r o g r a m s written in procedural languages. T h e challenge is to achieve the performance in a non-ad hoc manner: For applications in which efficiency is the primary issue but little flexibility is needed, we could design a restricted version of GHC which allows only a subclass of GHC and/or introduces declarations which help optimization. Such a variant should have the properties that additional constructs such as declarations are used only for efficiency purposes and that a program in that variant is readable as a GHC program once the additional constructs are removed from the source text. [20, Section 5.3] We hope the simplicity of GHC will make it suitable for a parallel computation model as well as a programming language. The flexibility of GHC makes its efficient implementation difficult compared with CSP-like languages. However, a flexible language could be appropriately restricted in order to make simple programs run efficiently. On the other hand, it would be very difficult to extend a fast but inflexible language naturally. [20, Section 9] Review o f the design o f KL1 and its implementation is now very important. T h e design o f different models o f PIMs may not be optimal as KL1 machines, because they had to be designed when we did not have enough knowledge about KL1 implementation and KL1 programming. Also, as experimental machines, they included various ideas we wanted to try. Now the machines have been built and almost a million lines of KL1 programs have been written. Based on the experience, we should try to simplify the language and the implementation with m i n i m u m loss of compatibility and expressive power. A n o t h e r problem facing KL1 is the huge economical and social inertia on the choice o f p r o g r a m m i n g languages. Fortunately, the fact that KL1 and other concurrent logic languages address the field o f parallel computing makes things more advantageous. For example, PCN [1], a descendant of concurrent logic languages, addresses an i m p o r t a n t issue: parallelization o f proce- felt to logic as an design; that I¢OT'S programming obstacle to kernel the details were largely up to us researchers, and it was really interesting to try to build a system of new concepts based on logic programming. COMMUNICATIONBOImTHmACM/March1993/Vol.36, No.3 7 S dural programs. I am pleased to see that a new application area of concurrent logic p r o g r a m m i n g is developed this way, but at the same time, I feel we should study whether parallel applications can be made to r u n very efficiently without interfacing to procedural codes. Formal techniques, such as verification, are the area in which the progress of our research has been very slow so far. However, we believe that GHC/KL1 is quite amenable to formal techniques compared with other concurrent languages. T h e accumulation of technologies and experiences should be done steadily, as the history of Petri nets has shown. I n his invited lecture of the final day of the FGCS'92 conference, C. A. R. Hoare concluded his talk, "Programs Are Predicates" [11], with comments on the similarities between his and our approaches to p r o g r a m m i n g languages and formalisms, listing a n u m b e r of keywords--simplicity, efficiency, abstraction, predicates, algebra, concurrency, and nondeterminism. Acknowledgments T h e author is indebted to Akikazu Takeuchi for his comments on the early design activities of KL1. • References 1. Chandy, M. and Taylor, S. An Introduction to Parallel Programming. Jones and Bartlett Inc., Boston, 1992. 2. Chikayama, T. and Kimura, T. Multiple reference management in Flat GHC. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming, MIT Press, 1987, pp. 276293. 3. Clark, K.L. and Gregory, S. PARLOG: A parallel logic programming language. Res. Rep. DOC 83/5, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, 1983. 4. Clark, K.L. and Gregory, S. PARLOG: Parallel programming in logic. Res. Rep. DOC 84/4, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, 1984. Also in ACM. Trans. Prog. Lang. Syst. 8, 1 (1986), 149. 5. Clark, K. and T~irnlund, S.-~., Eds. Logic Programming, Academic Press, London, 1982, 153-172. 6. Fujita, H. and Hasegawa, R. A model generation theorem prover in KL1 using a ramified-stack algorithm. In Proceed- 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 76 ings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming, MIT Press, 1987, pp. 535-548. Furukawa, K., Kunifuji, S., Takeuchi, A. and Ueda, K. The conceptual specification of the kernel language version 1. ICOT Tech. Rep. TR-054, ICOT, Tokyo, 1984. Hirakawa, H., Chikayama, T. and Furukawa, K. Eager and lazy enumerations in Concurrent Prolog. In Proceedings of the Second International Logic Programming Conference (Uppsala Univ., Sweden, 1984), pp. 89-100. Hirata, M. Letter to the editor. SIGPLAN Not. 21, 5 (1986), 16-17. Hoare, C.A.R. Communicating sequential processes. Commun. ACM 21, 8 (1978), 666-677. ICOT, Ed. In Proceedings of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Ohm-sha, Tokyo, 1992). Maher, M.J. Logic semantics for a class of committedchoice programs. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1987, pp. 858-876. March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 ]COMMUHICATIONS OF THE ACM 13. Nakashima, H. Knowledge representation in Prolog/KR. In Proceedings of the 1984 Symposium on Logic Programming, IEEE Computer Society, 1984, pp. 126-130. 14. Saraswat, V.A. and Rinard, M. Concurrent constraint programming (Extended Abstract). In Conference Record of the Seventeenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of ProgrammingLanguages, ACM, New York, N.Y., 1990, pp. 232-245. 15. Sato, M. and Sakurai, T. Qute: A functional language based on unification. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1984, ICOT (Tokyo, 1984), pp. 157-165. 16. Shapiro, E. and Takeuchi, A. Object oriented programming in Concurrent Prolog. New Generation Computing 1, 1 (1983), 25-48. 17. Shapiro, E.Y. Concurrent Prolog: A progress report. Computer 19, 8 (1986), 44-58. 18. Turner, D.A. The semantic elegance of applicative languages. In Proceedings of the 1981 Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, ACM, New York, N.Y., 1981, pp. 85-92. 19. Ueda, K. Concurrent Prolog re-examined. ICOT Tech. Rep. TR-102, ICOT, Tokyo, 1985. 20. Ueda, K. Guarded Horn Clauses. ICOT Tech. Rep. TR103, ICOT, Tokyo, 1985. Also in Logic Programming "85, Wada, E., Ed., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 221, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1986, 168-179. 21. Ueda, K. Designing a concurrent programming language. In Proceedings of the InfoJapan'90, Information Processing Society of Japan, Tokyo, 1990, pp. 87-94. 22. Ueda, K. Parallelism in logic programming. In Inf. Process. 89, G.X. Ritter, Ed., North-Holland, 1989, pp. 957-964. 23. Ueda, K. and Chikayama, T. Design of the kernel language for the Parallel Inference Machine. Comput. J. 33, 6 (Dec. 1990), 494-500. 24. Ueda, K. and Furukawa, K. Transformation rules for GHC programs. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1988, ICOT (Tokyo, 1988), pp. 582-591. 25. Ueda, K. and Morita, M. A new implementation technique for Flat GHC. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming, MIT Press, 1990, pp. 3-17. A revised, extended version submitted to New Generation Computing. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.1.2 [Processor Architectures]: Multiple Data Stream Architectures (Multiprocessors); D.1.3 [Programming Techniques]: Concurrent Programming; D.1.6 [Software]: Logic Programming; D.3.2 [Programming Languages]: Language Classifications-- Concurrent, distributed, and parallel languages, Data-flow languages, Nondeterministic languages, Nonprocedural languages; K.2 [Computing Milieux]: History of Computing General Terms: Design, Experimentation Additional Key Words and Phrases: Concurrent logic programming, Fifth Generation Computer Systems project, Guarded Horn Clauses, Prolog About the Author: KAZUNORI UEDA is assistant manager of the Computer System Research Laboratory at NEC C&C Systems Research Laboratories. Current research interests include design and implementation of programming languages, logic programming, concurrency and parallelism, and knowledge information processing. Author's Present Address: NEC C&C Systems Research Laboratories, Computer Systems Research Laboratory, 1-1 Miyazaki 4-chome, Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki 216, Japan; email: [email protected] KenKahn XEROX PARC A Braid of Research Threads from ICOT, Xerox PARC, and the Welzmann Institute W h e n I C O T was formed in 1982, I was a faculty m e m b e r of the University of Uppsala, Sweden, d o i n g research at U p p s a l a P r o g r a m m i n g Methodology and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory ( U P M A I L ) . T h e creation of I C O T caused great excitement in the labo r a t o r y because we shared with the Fifth Generation project a basic research stance - - t h a t logic p r o g r a m m i n g could offer much to A I and, in general, symbolic computing. Koichi Furukawa (at that time an I C O T lab manager, now deputy director of I C O T ) and some of his colleagues visited U P M A I L that year to present the plan for the Fifth G e n e r a t i o n project and to explore possible collaborations. About a year later I was invited to be a guest researcher at I C O T for a month. My research at that time was on LM-Prolog, an extended Prolog well integrated with Lisp and i m p l e m e n t e d on MIT-style Lisp Machines (LMI and Symbolics) [1]. One of the driving motivations behind this work was that there were lots o f good things in Prolog, but Prolog could be much better if many of the ideas from the Lisp and object-oriented p r o g r a m ming communities could be i m p o r t e d into the framework. I was also working on a partial evaluator for Lisp written in LM-Prolog [11]. This p r o g r a m was capable o f automatically specializing Lisp programs. One goal o f this effort was to generate specializations of the LMProlog interpreter, each o f which could only interpret a single LM-Prolog program. T h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f these specialized interpreters o f p r o g r a m s was comparable to the compiled versions of those programs. Researchers at I C O T were working on similar things. T h e r e was good work going on in partial evaluation o f Prolog programs. T h e r e was work on ESP, a Prolog extended with objects and macros [2]. Efforts on a system called Mandala had begun which combined ideas of metainterpretation and object-oriented p r o g r a m m i n g in a logic p r o g r a m m i n g framework [5]. While my demonstrations and seminars about LMProlog and partial evaluation went well and my discussions with I C O T researchers were productive, the most i m p o r t a n t event d u r i n g my visit was my introduction to C o n c u r r e n t Prolog. E h u d Shapiro, from the Weizmann Institute o f Science in Israel was visiting then, working closely with Akikazu Takeuchi o f ICOT. Concurrent Prolog was conceived as an extension ~ o f Prolog to introduce p r o g r a m m e r - c o n t r o l l e d concurrency [20]. It was based on the concept of a read-only variable, which I had found very conflasing when I had read about it before my I C O T visit. Part o f the problem was simple nomenclature: a variable does not become read-only; what happens is that there are occurrences of a variable which only have a read capability instead o f the usual situation where all occurrences have read/write privileges. Shapiro and Takeuchi [21] had written a p a p e r about how Concurrent Prolog could be used as an actor or concurrent object language. I was very interested in this, since I had worked on various actor languages as a doctoral student at MIT. Again, my difficulty in grasping read-only variables interfered with a good grasp o f the central ideas in this article. I u n d e r s t o o d it only after Shapiro carefully explained the ideas to me. After understanding the paper, I felt that some very powerful ideas about concurrent objects or actors were h i d d e n u n d e r a very verbose and clumsy way o f expressing them in Concurrent Prolog. T h e idea o f incomplete messages in which the receiver (or receivers) fills in missing portions o f messages was particularly attractive. Typically, there are processes suspended, waiting for those parts to be filled in. It seemed clear to me that this technique was a good alternative to the continuation passing o f actors and Scheme. At this time the Fifth Generation project was designing parallel hardware and its accompanying kernel language. A distributed-memory machine seemed to make the most sense since it could scale well, while sharedm e m o r y machines seemed uninteresting because they were limited to a small n u m b e r of processing elements. Shapiro was working on a parallel machine architecture called the Bagel [19]. I collaborated with him on a notation for m a p p i n g processes to processors based on the ideas of the Logo turtle. A process had a heading and could spawn new processes forward (or backward) along its heading and could change its heading. At this time it seemed that single-language machines were a good idea. T h e r e was lots o f excitement about Lisp machines, which benefited from a tight integration of components and powerful features. During my visit to I C O T it seemed clear to most people that building a Prolog or Concurrent Prolog machine was the way to go. A n d unlike the Lisp Machines, these new machines would be designed with parallelism in mind. 2 As I recall, there was some debate at that time about whether the kernel language o f parallel inference ma1There never was an implementation of C o n c u r r e n t Prolog that retained Prolog as a sublanguage. Eventually, C o n c u r r e n t Prolog was redefined as a different l a n g u a g e which provided c o n c u r r e n c y a n d sacrificed the ability of Prolog p r o g r a m s to d o implicit search. ~With the advantage o f hindsight, this was a mistake because it cut o f f FGCS research f r o m tools a n d platforms o f o t h e r researchers. This app r o a c h was too closed, a n d only now is I C O T d o i n g serious work on porting their software to s t a n d a r d platforms. COMMUHICATIONSOFTiiEACM/Mar(~h1993/"/ol.36,No.3 7 7 generating animations of program executions [13]. One discovery was that object-oriented programs did not come out so clumsy and verbose when they were drawn instead of typed. I collaborated with Shapiro on a preprocessor for logic programs designed to support object-oriented programming. My thinking had changed from believing that concurrent logic programs were too low level, to believing they just needed some simple syntactic support. I came to realize that the Vulcan language, by trying to be an actor language, had sacrificed some very important expressive power of the underlying language. In 1989 I presented an invited paper at the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming on this topic [10]. T h e essence of the paper is that concurrent logic programming, by virtue of its first-class communication channels, is an important generalization of actors or concurrent objects. Multiple input channels are very important, as is the ability to communicate input channels. During this period I interacted with Kaoru Yoshida of I C O T during her development of A'UM, an objectoriented system on top of FGHC which retains the power of multiple, explicit, input channels [24]. Andrew Davidson at the Imperial College also made this design decision early in his work on Pool and Polka. We hosted an extended visit by Kazunori Ueda and Masaki Murakami from ICOT. Ueda, the designer of Flat Guarded H o r n Clauses (FGHC), slowly won us over to the view that his language, while weaker than Herbrand, was simpler and that there were programming techniques that compensate for its weaknesses. Essentially, we moved from the view of unification as an atomic operation to viewing it as an eventual publication of information. I began to program in the FGHC subset of the Weizmann Institute implementation of FCP. I would have seriously considered using an I C O T implementation had one been available for Unix workstations. (ICOT today is working on porting their work to com. merically available multiprocessors and Unix workstations and has made its software freely available.) AI Limited in the United Kingdom then announced a commercial concurrent logic programming language called Strand88. We became a beta test site and received visits by one of the language designers (Steve Taylor) and lafer by officials of the company. We were very eager to collaborate because the existence of a commercial product gave these languages a certain realness and respectability within Xerox. 5 O u r first reaction was that they had simplified the language too much: they had replaced unification by single assignment and simple pattern matching. What we once believed was the essence of concurrent logic programming was gone. As was the case with FGHC, we were won over to the language by being shown how its deficiencies were easily compensated for by certain programming techniques and that there were significant implementation and/or semantic advantages that followed. I stopped using the FGHC subset of FCP and 5Xerox also h a d a long history of business relations with AI Limited o n o t h e r products• 80 March 1993/Vol.36,No.3 ]COMIrilLINIIllATION$O F THE ACM became a Strand programmer. I even offered a wellattended in-house tutorial on Strand at PARC. Saraswat quickly became disenchanted with Strand because the way it provided assignment interfered with it fitting into his concurrent constraint framework and thereby giving it a good declarative semantics. Strand assignment is single assignment, so it avoids the problems associated with assignment in a concurrent setting. But Strand signals an error if an attempt is made to assign the same variable twice. A symptom of these problems is that in Strand X := Y where X and Y are unbound is operationally very different from Y := X. We wanted := to mean the imposition (or "telling") of equality constraints between its arguments. Saraswat then discovered a two-year-old paper by Masahiro Hirata from the University of Tsukuba in Japan on a language called DOC [9]. The critical idea in the paper was that if every variable had only a single writer then no inconsistencies or failures could occur. Saraswat, Levy, and I picked up on this idea and designed a concurrent constraint language called Janus [18]. We introduced a syntax to distinguish between an asker and a teller of a variable. We designed syntactic restrictions (checkable at compile time) which guarantee that a variable cannot receive more than one value. We discovered that these restrictions also enable some very significant compiler optimizations, including compiletime garbage collection. Because we lacked the resources to build a real implementation of Janus, we started collaborative efforts with various external research groups (the University of Arizona, McGill University, Saskatchewan University). Jacob Levy left and started a group at the Technion University in Israel. 6 TOday Today work continues on Janus implementations. David Gndeman and others at the University of Arizona have produced an excellent high-performance serial implementation [6]. I C O T research on moded FGHC attempts to achieve the goals of Janus by sophisticated program analysis rather than syntactic restrictions [22]. An interesting aspect of this work is how it manages, when appropriate, to borrow implementation techniques from object-oriented programming. Also, work on directed logic variables at the Weizmann Institute was inspired by Janus [15]. Saraswat has had a major impact on the research community with his fiamework of concurrent constraint programming. He is active in a large joint Esprit/NSF project called ACCLAIM based on his work. At I C O T there is a system called GDCC ,which directly builds on his work. His work has also had significant impact on the theoretical computer science community interested in concurrency. Saraswat and a student (Clifford Tse) are working on the design and parallel implementation a programming language called Linear Janus, which is based on concurrent constraint programming and ad6He now works at Sun Microsystems a n d is i m p l e m e n t i n g J a n u s in his spare time. dresses the same goals as Janus but is based on linear logic. The work of the Vulcan project on exploring the feasibility and advantages o f using concurrent logic programming as the foundation for building distributed applications has strongly influenced Shapiro's group at the Weizmann Insitute. In recent years they have moved away from a focus on parallel computing to a focus on distributed-computing foundations and applications. After leaving Xerox, Tribble and Miller focused primarily on large-scale hypertext systems. However, they have been designing a programming language for distributed computing called Joule, which combines many of the insights from concurrent logic-programming language design, higher-order programming, actors, and capability-based operating systems (in particular the KeyKOS system [7]). Until very recently, I concentrated my efforts on building an environment for Pictorial Janus, a visual syntax for Janus. The system accepts program drawings in PostScript, parses them, and produces animations of concurrent executions. A postdoc (Markus Fromherz) is using Pictorial Janus to model the behavior of paper paths in copiers. I see this work as making the ideas behind concurrent logic programming more accessible. Programs and their behaviors are much easier to understand when presented in a manner that exploits our very capable perceptual system. In September 1992, 1 left Xerox to start my own small company to develop T o o n T a l k - - a n animated programming language for children based on the concurrent logic programming research at ICOT, Weizmann, Xerox PARC, and elsewhere. My belief is that the underlying concepts of concurrency, communication, synchronization, and object orientation are not inherently difficult to grasp. What is difficult is learning how to read and write encodings of behaviors of concurrent agents. My research on Pictorial Janus convinced me that encoding the desired behaviors as static diagrams was a good step in the right direction, but not a large enough one. I believe the next step is to make heavy use of animation, not just to see how a program executes but also to construct and view source programs. In the process of doing my dissertation work on the creation of computer animation from story descriptions, I took several animation courses and made a few films. An important lesson I learned was how effectively well designed animation can communicate complex dynamic behaviors. I believe the designers of programming language syntax and programming environments should be studying Disney cartoons and home entertainment such as Super Mario Brothers. When I was a member of the Logo project at MIT, I recall Seymour Papert describing the Logo language as an attempt to take the best ideas in programming language research and make them accessible to children. In the late 1960s Lisp was the best source of these ideas. More than 20 years later, I see myself as making another attempt, taking what I see as the best in programming language research--concurrent logic programming, constraint programming, and actors--and, with the help of interactive animation, making these powerful ideas usable by children. If successful, concurrent logic programming will soon be child's play. A Personal view of the Project So what is my view of the Fifth Generation project after 10 years of interactions? Personally, I am very glad that it happened. There were many fruitful direct interactions and I am sure several times as many indirect positive influences. Without the Fifth Generation project there might not have been a Vulcan project, or good collaborations with the Weizmann Institute, or the Strand and Janus languages. More globally, the whole computer science research community has benefited a good deal from the project. As Hideaki Kumano, director general, Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) said during his keynote speech at the 1992 FGCS conference: Around the world, a number of projects received their initial impetus from our project: these include the Strategic Computing Initiative in the U.S., the EC's ESPRIT project, and the Alvey Project in the U.K. These projects were initially launched to compete with the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project. Now, however, I strongly believe that since our ideal of international contributions has come to be understood around the globe, together with the realization that technology cannot and should not be divided by borders, each project is providing the stimulus for the others, and all are making major contributions to the advancement of information processing technologies. I think the benefits to the Japanese computer science community were very large. Comparing visits I made to Japanese computer science laboratories in 1979, 1983, 1988, and 1992 there has been tremendous progress. When the project started there were few world-class researchers in Japan on programming language design and implementation, on AI, on parallel processing, and so forth. Today the gap has completely disappeared; the quality and breadth of research I saw in 1992 is equal to that of America or Europe. I think the Fifth Generation project deserves much credit for this. By taking on very ambitious and exciting goals, they got much further than if they had taken on more realistic goals. I do not believe the Fifth Generation project is a failure because they failed to meet many of their ambitious goals; I think it is a great success because it helped move computer science research in Japan to world-class status and nudged computer science research throughout the world in a good exciting direction. • References 1. Carlsson, M. and Kahn, K. LM-Prolog user manual. Tech. Rep. 24, UPMAIL, Uppsala University, 1983. 2. Chikayama, T. Unique features of ESP. In Proceedingsof the International Conference on FGCS. 1984. 3. Clark, K.L. and Gregory, S. A relational language for parallel programming. Tech. Rep. DOC 81/16, Imperial College, London, 1981. IIOMMUNICATIONSOFTHIIACM/March1993/Vol.36, No,3 8S 4. Foster, I. and Taylor, S. Flat Parlog: A basis for comparison. Int. J. Parall. Programm. 16, 2 (1988). 5. Furukawa, K., Takeuchi., A., Kunifuji, S., Yasukawa, H., Ohki, M. and Ueda, K. Mandala: A logic based knowledge programming system. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems. 1984. 6. Gudeman, D., De Bosschere, K. and Debray, S.K., JC: An efficient and portable sequential implementation of Janus. In the 1992 Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming (Nov. 1992). 7. Hardy, N. Keykos architecture. Oper. Syst. Rev. (Sept. 1985). 8. Haridi, S. and Janson, S. Kernel Andorra Prolog and its computation model. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming (June 1990). 9. Hirata, M. Programming language DOC and its selfdescription, or, x = x considered harmful. In the Third Conference Proceedings of the Japan Societyfor Software Science and Technology (1986), pp. 69-72. 10. Kahn, K. Objects--A fresh look. In Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1989, pp. 207224. 11. Kahn, K. The compilation of Prolog programs without the use of a Prolog compiler. In Proceedings of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Conference. 1984. 12. Kahn, K. and Kornfeld, W. Money as a concurrent logic program. In Proceedings of the North American Conference on Logic Programming. The MIT Press, Cambridge Mass,, 1989. 13. Kahn, K. and Saraswat, V. Complete visualizations of concurrent programs and their executions. In Proceedings of the IEEE Visual Language Workshop. IEEE, New York, (Oct. 1990). 14. Kahn, K., Tribble, E., Miller, M. and Bobrow, D. Vulcan: Logical concurrent objects. In Research Directions in ObjectOriented Programming. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1987. Also in Concurrent Prolog, MIT Press, Ehud Shapiro, Ed. 15. Levy, Y. Concurrent logic programming languages: Implementation and comparison. Ph.D. dissertation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 1989. 16. Miller, M.S. and Drexler, K.E. Markets and computation: Agoric open systems. In The Ecology of Computation. Elsevier Science Publishers/North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988. 17. Saraswat, V. Concurrent constraint programming languages. Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1989. 18. Saraswat, V.A., Kahn, K. and Levy, J. Janus--A step towards distributed constraint programming. In Proceedings of the North American Logic Programming Conference. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1990. 19. Shapiro, E.Y. Systolic programming: A paradigm of parallel processing. In Proceedings of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Conference. (1984). 20. Shapiro, E. A subset of Concurrent Prolog and its interpreter. Tech. Rep. CS83-06, Weizmann Institute, Israel, 1983. 21. Shapiro E. and Takeuchi, A. Object oriented programming in Concurrent Prolog. New Gener. Comput. 1, (1983), 25-48. 22. Ueda, K. A new implementation technique for Flat GHC. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming (June). 1990. 23. Ueda, K. Guarded Horn Clauses. Tech. Rep. TR-103, ICOT, 1985. 2 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 / ¢ I ) M M U N I ¢ A T I O N S O F T H I I A C M 24. Yoshida, K. and Chikayama, T. A'um--A stream-based concurrent object-oriented language. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, 1988, pp. 638-649. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.1.2 [Processor Architectures]: Multiple Data Stream Architectures (Multiprocessors); D.1.3 [Programming Techniques]: Concurrent Programming; D.1.6 [Software]: Logic Programming; D.3.2 [Programming Languages]: Language Classifications-- Concurrent, distributed, and parallel languages, Data-flow languages, Nondeterministic languages, Nonprocedural languages; K.2 [Computing Milieux]: History of Computing General Terms: Design, Experimentation Additional Key Words and Phrases: Concurrent logic programming, Fifth Generation Computer Systems project, Guarded Horn Clauses, Prolog About the Author: KEN KAHN is founder and CEO of Animated Programs, Inc. His interests range from concurrent programming languages to visual and animated programming to novice/end user programruing tools. Author's Present Address: 44 El Rey Road, Portola Valley, CA 94028, [email protected] TakashiChikayama ICOT RESEARCH CENTER I joined the Institute for New Generation C o m p u t e r Technology ( I C O T ) in J u n e 1982, almost immediately after its creation in April of the same year. All the researchers then gathered at I C O T were recruited from computer m a n u facturers a n d governmental research i n s t i t u t e s (I was a m o n g these and was recruited from Fujitsu). Almost all these researchers, with very few exceptions, of which I was one, left I C O T after three to five years, either returning to their original places of employment or starting new careers, mosdy in universities. Having been at I C O T for the entire project period of 10 years plus one additional year, I have gradually been making more critical decisions about research directions. I started my research career at I C O T designing a sequential logic p r o g r a m m i n g language ~ la Prolog and its implementation, and then designing an operating system for logic p r o g r a m m i n g workstations. As the main interest of the project shifted to c o n c u r r e n t logic programming, my research topics naturally changed to the design and implementation of c o n c u r r e n t languages and an operating system for parallel systems. T h e project has included various other research topics with which I have not been involved, and cannot c o m m e n t fully here. Before Things Really Started The First Encounter W h e n the preliminary investigation o f the FGCS project plan began in 1979, I was a graduate student at the University o f Tokyo. T o h r u Motooka, a professor at the university, was playing an i m p o r t a n t role in forming the project plan. I was invited to participate in one o f many small groups to discuss various aspects o f the project plan. T h a t was my first chance to hear about this seemingly absurd idea o f the "fifth-generation" c o m p u t e r systems. T h e project plan at that time was just too vague to interest me. T h e idea o f building novel technologies for future c o m p u t e r systems seemed adequate, but it was not at all clear what such technologies should be. O u r group was supposed to discuss how an a p p r o p r i a t e software development environment for such a system should be designed, but the discussion was not much more than writing a science fiction story. Both the needs and seeds o f such a system were beyond o u r speculation, if not our imagination. A few years later, the project plan became more concrete, committed to parallel processing and logic programming. My main research topic at the university was design and implementaion o f a Lisp dialect. Hideyuki Nakashima, one o f my colleagues there, was an enthusiastic advocate o f logic p r o g r a m m i n g , and was strongly influenced by Koichi Furukawa, who o f the key designers o f the FGCS project plan. Nakashima was implementing his Prolog dialect on a Lisp system I had just implemented, and I assisted in this process. Although the Prolog language seemed interesting, I could not imagine how such a language could be i m p l e m e n t e d with the efficiency reasonable for practical use. W h e n I finished my doctoral dissertation in March 1982 and was looking for a j o b opportunity, Motooka kindly r e c o m m e n d e d me to work at ICOT. Without any particular expectation in research topics, hoping to do something interesting without too much restriction, I accepted his proposal. Joining the Project T h e FGCS project was organized so that one central research institute, ICOT, could decide almost all the aspects o f the project, except for the size o f its budget. T h e J a p a n e s e g o v e r n m e n t (the Ministry o f International T r a d e and Industry [MITI], to be more specific), f u n d e d the project, but M I T I officers never forced I C O T to change the research direction in o r d e r to promote the Japanese industry more directly. This has been true t h r o u g h o u t the 11 years o f the project period. Although the g r a n d plan o f the project was already there, it was still vague enough to leave enough freedom to the I C O T researchers. One of the consequences o f this situation was t h a t when the research center was f o u n d e d with some 30 researchers in J u n e 1982 nobody had concrete research plans. T h e core members o f the project, including Kazuhiro Fuchi, Toshio Yokoi, Koichi Furukawa and Shunichi Uchida who had participated in the project's g r a n d plan, held meetings almost daily to develop a more detailed plan. C o m m o n researchers such as I had no mission for about a month but to read t h r o u g h a heap o f research papers on many related areas. Voluntary groups were formed to study those papers. Also, we tried out Prolog p r o g r a m m i n g with implementations on PDP-11 and A p p l e - I I systems, which were the only systems available to us at that time. My greatest surprise in the course o f this study was that the researchers gathered there had almost no experience o f symbolic processing, with only a small n u m b e r of exceptions. Only a few had experienced design and implementation o f any language systems or operating systems either. It was not that ICOT's selection of researchers was i n a p p r o p r i a t e - - t h e r e were so few in J a p a n with experience in these areas. T h e level of the c o m p u t e r software research in J a p a n was far behind the United States and Western Europe at that time, especially in the basic software area. In early July, a m o r e concrete research plan was finished and several research groups were f o r m e d to tackle specific topics. I j o i n e d the g r o u p to design the first version o f the "kernel language." T h e idea o f the "kernel language" has been characteristic o f the project. T h e research and development were to be started with the design o f a p r o g r a m m i n g language, followed by both hardware and software research toward its efficient implementation and effective utilization. T h e r e have been two versions o f the kernel language, KL0 and KL1, and this process repeated in the project. T h e design I started in 1982 was that o f KL0, which was a sequential logic p r o g r a m m i n g language. Sequential Inference Systems One o f the first subprojects planned was to build socalled "personal sequential inference machines." T h e development effort was an attempt to provide a comfortable software research environment in logic prog r a m m i n g languages as soon as possible. It actually took longer than expected, as is always the case; the first system was ready (with a barely useful software d e v e l o p m e n t environment for application users) at the end o f 1984, two-and-a-half years after the project began. T h e development environment gradually mat u r e d to a reasonable level as its operating system went t h r o u g h several revisions. Two major revisions were subsequently m a d e to the hardware, and the execution speed was improved by m o r e than 30 times. T h e system, which had been used as the principal tool for software research until the first experimental parallel inference system was ready in 1988, is still used heavily for personal workstations that efficiently simulate the parallel system. Sequential Inference Machine: PSI Without any doubt, the decision to develop such a "machine" had the same motivation as the Lisp machines developed at M I T and Xerox PARC. A DEC-2060 system was introduced in the fall of 1982, allowing us to use E d i n b u r g h Prolog [2]. Its compiler was by far the most efficient system available at the time. However, when we started to solve larger problems, we soon found that the COMMUNICATIONS OF THIE A C r e / M a r c h 1993/Vol.36, No,3 8~ FIFTH ~E~WI~'ATI ON . . PROJECT . . 1115"8 amount of computation needed exceeded the capacity of time-shared execution. Personal workstations specially devised for a specific language and with plenty of memory seemed to be the solution. Indeed they were, I think, for logic programming languages in 1982 when more sophisticated compilation techniques were not available. Two models of personal sequential inference machines, called "PSI," were developed in parallel [23]. They had the same microprogram-level specification designed at ICOT, but with slightly different architectures. Two computer companies, Mitsubishi and Oki, manufactured different models. Such competition occurred several times during the project on different R&D topics. T h e word "competition" might not be quite accurate here. Although the top management of the companies might have considered them as competition, the researchers who actually participated in the projects gradually recognized that they were meant to be in collaboration. They exchanged various ideas freely in frequent meetings at ICOT. Both models of sequential inference machines had microcoded interpreters for graph-encoded programs. An alternative research direction which put more effort on static analysis and optimized compilation was not considered seriously. Running such a research project in parallel with the development of the hardware systems might have yielded less costly solutions. However, given a short period of time and few h u m a n resources with compiler-writing skills, we had to commit ourselves to pursue a single method. The First Kernel Language: KLO My first serious job in the project was designing the first version of the kernel language, "KL0." This language was, in short, an extended Prolog. Some nonstandard control primitives were introduced, such as mechanisms for delaying execution until variable binding or for cleaning up side effects on backtracking, but they were only minor additions that did not affect the basic implementation scheme of Prolog. We decided to write the software, including the operating system, in this language. This was partly for clearing up the c o m m o n misunderstanding that logic programming languages could not be practical for real-world software development. We thought, on the contrary, that using a symbolic processing language was the easiest way to build a decent software environment for the new machine. For writing an entire operating system, extensions to control low-level hardware, such as the I/O bus or pagemap hardware, were also made. The memory space was divided into areas private to each process for Prolog-like stacks and areas c o m m o n to all the processes where side effects were allowed. Side-effect mechanisms were much more enhanced than in Prolog. Interprocess communication was effected through such side effects. The resultant language had high descriptive power, but was somewhat of a medley of features of various languages. I did not mind it because, although the language had all the features of Prolog, it was supposed to be a low-level machine language, rather than a language for application software developers. 4 March 1993/Vo1.36, No.3 / ¢ O M M U N I C A T I O N S O F T H I I A C M An Object-Oriented Language: ESP A group headed by Toshio Yokoi was designing the operating system for the sequential inference machines. Their rough design of the system was based on objectoriented abstraction of system features. After finishing the design of KL0, I was requested to join a team to design a higher-level language with object-oriented features. T h r o u g h several meetings discussing the language features, a draft specification of the language named "ESP" was compiled [3]. I wrote an emulator of its subset on Edinburgh Prolog in the summer of 1983, in about one week when the DEC-2060 was lightly loaded because most of the other users were away on summer vacation. This emulator was used extensively later in early development phases of the operating system. T h e language model was simple. Each object corresponds to a separate axiom database of Prolog. T h e same query might be answered differently with different axiom sets, as different objects behave differently on the same method in other object-oriented languages. This allowed programming in small to be done in the logic programming paradigm and programming in large in the object-oriented paradigm. SIMPOS More detailed design of the operating system followed. Actual coding and debugging of the system began in the fall of 1983 using the implementation on Edinburgh Prolog, by a team of some 30 programmers gathered from several software companies. T h e hardware o f PSI arrived at I C O T on Christmas day, and the development of the microcoded interpreter, which had also been done on emulators, was continued on the physical hardware. In July 1984, the operating system, named SIMPOS, first began working on the machine. In the course of the development, I gradually had become the virtual leader of the development team. Even in its first version, SIMPOS had a full repertoire of a personal operating system: multitasking, files, windows (which were not so c o m m o n at that time), networking, and so forth. T h e first version, however, was awfully slow. It took several seconds to display a character on a display window after pressing a keyboard key. Following our analysis of this slug, a thorough revision of the system was carried out. T h e microcoded language implementation and the compiler, especially the object-oriented features, were considerably improved, making the same program run about three times faster. T h e operating system also went through a complete revision in the kernel, the I/O device handlers, the window system, and so forth. Algorithms and data structures were changed everywhere. Task allotment to processes was also changed. This considerable amount of change made the system run almost two orders o f magnitude faster. T h e revision took less than three months and was ready to exhibit at the FGCS'84 conference in the beginning of November [4]. The system before the revision already had several tens of thousands of lines of ESP. T h e high-level features o f ESP helped considerably in carrying out such a major revision in such a short period of time. The object-oriented features, especially its flexible modularization power, allowed major changes without taking too much care on details. Like other symbolic processing languages, explicit manipulation of memory addresses is not allowed in ESP (except for in the very kernel of the system) and ranges of indexes to arrays are always checked. This made bugs in rewritten programs much easier to find. A very important byproduct of the development of SIMPOS was training of logic programming language programmers. For most of the programmers participating in the development of SIMPOS it was their first experience in writing a logic or an object-oriented programming language. Many, probably nearly half of them, had not experienced any large-scale software development before. For some, ESP was the first language to program in. Those programmers who acquired programming skills during this development effort played important roles in development of a variety of software later in the project. Software Systems on PSI The original PSI machine ran at about the same speed as Edinburgh Prolog on a DEC 2060. The large main memory (80MB max.) allowed much larger programs to run. Being a personal machine, users were not bothered by other time-sharing users. Limitation of computational resources, one of the largest obstacles in advanced software research, was greatly reduced. From 1985 on, the PSI machine, and its successors PSI-II and -III, have been used heavily in software research. T h e largest software on PSI was its operating system SIMPOS. It went through many revisions and added more and more functionalities, including debugging and performance-tuning facilities, on ever-increasing users' demands. It now has more than 300,000 lines of ESP code. Not only the operating system but also other basic software systems were built up on PSI and SIMPOS. A database system Kappa based on a nested relational model was probably the largest such system. Higherlevel programming language systems, such as a language based on situation semantics CIL or a constraint-based language CAL, were also built. Numerous experimental application systems were also built on PSI. A natural language processing system, DUALS played an important role in demonstrating to the people outside the community what a logic programruing system can do. Many expert systems and expert system shells were developed, based on a variety of reasoning technologies. At its maximum, probably more than 200 people were conducting their research using PSI or its successors within the project [14]. PSI-II and -III Near the end of 1985, we decided to develop a new model of PSI based on a more sophisticated compilation scheme proposed by David H.D. Warren [22]. Its experimental implementation on PSI by Hiroshi Nakashima ran more than twice as fast as the original implementa- tion. A new machine called PSI-II was designed and became operational near the end of 1986. SIMPOS were ported to the machine relatively easily. This model went through minor revisions for faster clock speed later and its final version attained more than 400 KLIPS, about 10 times faster than the original PSI. As the machine clock was as low as 6.67MHz, this meant that one inference step needed 16 microprogram steps. Another major revision was made during 1989 and 1990, which resulted in the third generation of the system, PSI-III. At this time, Unix was already recognized as the common basis of virtually all research systems. Thus, the PSI-III system wa,~ built as a back-end processor, rather than a standalone system. T h e operating system, however, was ported to the new hardware almost without modification, replacing I/O device drivers with a communication server to the front-end part. The system attained 1.4 MLIPS at the clock rate of 15MHz. One inference needed only 11 steps. Parallel Inference Systems From the very beginning of the project, the second version of the kernel language was planned to combine parallel computation and logic programming. Parallel hardware research was going on simultaneously. These two groups, however, did not interact well in the early years of the project, resulting in several parallel Prolog machines and a language design that did not fit on them. Later, the language and hardware design activities became much better orchestrated under the baton of KL1. Early Parallel Hardware Systems Some argued that much parallelism could be easily exploited from logic programming languages because both AND and OR branches can be executed in parallel. With some experience in cumbersome interprocess synchronization, I was quite skeptical about such an optimistic and simplistic claim. Yes, a high degree of parallelism was possibly there, but exploiting that parallelism could be counterproductive; making everything parallel means making everything slow, probably spoiling the benefits of parallelism. The parallel hardware research began, however, despite the skepticism. As far as pure Prolog is concerned, the easiest parallelism to exploit was the OR parallelism because no sharing of data is required between branches once the whole environment is copied. Some of the systems successfully attained reasonable speedup, although the physical parallelism was still small. T h e next thing to do was to implement a fuller version of Prolog, since the descriptive power of pure Prolog was quite limited. T h e implementation was a difficult task. To do that efficiently actually required a considerable amount of effort later in the Aurora OR-parallel Prolog project [17]. O u r language processing technology was not yet at that level. OR parallel hardware research ceased around 1985 and was displaced by committedchoice type AND parallel research. Pre-GHC Days The first concurrent logic programming language I ¢IDMMUNICATIOliSOFTIIIAgM/March 19931Vo1136,No.3 8S learned was the Relational Language by Keith Clark and Steve Gregory [8]. When I read the paper in 1982, I liked it because the language did not try to blindly exploit all the available parallelism, but confined itself to the dataflow parallelism. T h e idea seemed quite revolutionary. I thought the language implementation would be much easier than naive parallelization of Prolog and parallel algorithms could be easily expressed in the language. But should a language for describing algorithms be called a logic programming language? The most loudly trumpeted advantage of logic programming was that the programmers have only to describe what problem to solve, not how. At that time, in the summer of 1982, I was still a beginner in Prolog programming. I did not yet recognize fully that, even in Prolog, I had to describe algorithms. Anyway, 1 was too busy designing the sequential system and soon stopped thinking about it. Near the end of 1982, Ehud Shapiro visited I C O T with his idea of Concurrent Prolog (CP). During his stay, he refined the idea and even made its subset implementation on Edinburgh Prolog [18], which worked very slowly but allowed us to try out the language. T h e language design considerably generalized the idea in the Relational Language by allowing partially defined data structure to be passed between processes. The objectoriented programming style in CP proposed later by Shapiro and Akikazu Takeuchi [19] showed that the enhanced descriptive power would be actually useful in practical programming. The language feature which attracted people at I C O T most might be its syntactic similarity to Prolog, which the Relational Language did not have. This look-alikeness was inherited later in PARLOG and then in GHC. This may have been the main cause of the widespread misunderstanding that concurrent logic programming languages are parallel versions of Prolog. In 1983 Clark and Gregory proposed their new language, PARLOG [9]. Its design seemed to have been greatly influenced by CP. A crucial difference was that the argument mode declaration allowed more static program analysis, making it much easier to implement nested guard structures. When I C O T invited Shapiro, Clark, Gregory, and Ken Kahn, who was also interested in the area, we discussed various aspects of those languages. These discussions contributed significantly in deciding later research directions. I was an outsider at that time, but enjoyed the discussions. Basic ideas of some o f the features later incorporated in KL1 implementations occurred to me during the discussions, such as automatic deadlock detection by the garbage collector [16]. I already had become sure enough through my experience of Prolog programming that we cannot avoid describing algorithms even in logic programming languages. When the basic design and the development time table of SIMPOS were more or less established, I could find some time for my participation in the design of CP implementation. After FGCS'84, Kazunori Ueda, then at NEC, started examining the features o f CP, especially its synchroniza- 86 March 1993/Voh36, No.3 / ¢ O M M U N I C A T I O N S O F T H E A C M tion mechanism by read only variables and atomic unification in detail. His conclusion was that, to make the semantics clean enough, the language implementation would become much more complicated than was expected. That led him, at the very end of the year, to a new language with much simpler and cleaner semantics, later named the Guarded Horn Clauses (GHC) [20]. Guarded Horn Clauses When Ueda proposed GHC, the group designing KL1 almost immediately adopted it as the basis of KL1, in place of CP. Although I cannot deny the possibility o f the "not invented here" rule slightly affecting the decision in a national project, the surprisingly simpler and cleaner semantics o f GHC was the primary reason. GHC was much more welcomed than CP by language implementers. Those who had not found any reasonable implementation schemes of CP felt much more relaxed. Only a few months later, Shunichi Uchida and Kazuo Taki initiated a group to plan an experimental parallel system, connecting several PSI machines, to make an experimental implementation of GHC, which was called Multi-PSI [13]. I was still feeling uneasy with its ability to express nested guards. Arbitrarily nested environments were required to implement them correctly, in which variables of the innermost environment and outer environments must somehow be distinguished. In the fall of 1985, partly u n d e r the influence o f the Flat version of CP adopted as the basis o f the Logix system developed at Weizmann Institute [12], the KL1 group decided not to include nested guards in the language, which made it Flat GHC. This decision allowed me to start considering further details of the implementation with Toshihiko Miyazaki and others, although rny principal mission was still the sequential system. T h e last few months of the year might have been the most difficult period for those who had been engaged in the parallel Prolog hardware development. After examining the rough sketch of Flat GHC implementation, the leaders o f the group, Shunichi Uchida and Atsuhiro Goto, decided that this language was simple enough for efficient implementation and descriptive enough for a wide range o f applications. T h e development o f parallel Prolog machines was stopped and a new project of building parallel hardware that supports a language based on Flat GHC was started. MRB and My Full Participation Based on experimentations with the first version of Multi-PSI, building a more powerful and stable parallel hardware was planned, called Multi-PSI V2. For the processing elements, the second generation of PSI, PSIII, was chosen. From this stage (i.e., from 1986), I was more fully involved in the parallel systems research as SIMPOS was approaching its maintenance phase. My active motivation was that I thought I solved the last remaining difficulty of efficient implementation. Logic programming languages are pure languages in that once a value holder (a variable or an element of a data structure) gets some value, it will remain constant. It is impossible to update an element o f an array. What one can do is make a copy of an array with one element differing from the original. A straightforward implementation of actually copying the whole array was, of course, not acceptable. Representing arrays with trees, allowing logarithmic time accesses, would not be satisfactory either. Without constant time array element accesses, computational complexity o f existing algorithms would become larger--massively parallel p r o g r a m s written in such a language would be beaten by sequential programs with large enough problem size. H e n r y Baker's shallow binding method [1] or similar methods proposed for Prolog matched the basic requirements, but the constant overhead associated with those methods seemed unbearable for the most basic primitives. In early 1986, I h e a r d that a constant time update scheme was designed by a g r o u p in a company cooperating with ICOT. I talked with them and found a crucial oversight in their algorithm, but the basic idea was excellent. I f there were no other references to an array except that used as the original o f the u p d a t e d array, destructive u p d a t e would not disturb the semantics. While the idea was simple, the algorithm o f keeping the single reference information where I found the bug was rather complicated, since we had to cope with shared logical variables. After several days o f considering how to fix the bug, I reached a solution, later n a m e d the multiple reference bit (MRB) scheme [6]. Only one-bit information in pointers, rather than data objects, was needed for MRB, which was especially beneficial for shared m e m o r y implementation, since no m e m o r y accesses were needed for reference counting. It was also suited for hardware support. In later years, as static analysis o f logic programs prospered, static reference count analyses were also studied, yielding reasonable results. But this dynamic analysis by MRB was well suited to the h u m a n resources we had at ICOT. T h e lack o f compiler experts had always been a problem with the project. I f we had tried static analysis methods at that time, the language implementation would not have been completed in that short period of time. years and the discussion there was the hottest I know o f at ICOT. T h e final design o f KL1 [21] was decided here and most o f the p r o p o s e d ideas were actually implemented on Multi-PSI [14]. Most of the implementation issues were on optimization schemes, many based on MRB. T h e principle there was to make single reference cases as efficient as possible and have multiple reference cases handled correctly but less efficiently. This decision proved reasonable through later p r o g r a m m i n g experience since the single reference p r o g r a m m i n g style was found to be not only efficient but also more readable. Some similar languages designed more recently even enforce data structure references to be single. T h e discussion in the g r o u p was not confined to implementation issues. Some aspects of the specification o f KL1, especially on metalevel features, were also investigated. Although the KL1 language design g r o u p had already p r o p o s e d that KL1 should have the metacall feature similar to one in PARLOG [10], it only had qualitative execution control mechanisms, while more quantitative mechanisms such as priority and resource control were n e e d e d as the parallel kernel language. It was reasonable, I think, to define details o f such metalevel features at the implementation group, since they could not be clearly separated from implementation issues. Load distribution was m a d e explicit by enabling the p r o g r a m to specify the processor to execute goals. This decision seems to have been appropriate, since we are still struggling to design good load distribution policies and it would have resulted in disaster if the language implementation tried to automatically distribute the load within large-scale multiprocessor systems. Data placement, on the other hand, was made automatic. T h a n k s to the side effect-free nature of the language, data structures can be moved to any processors and arbitrarily many copies can be made. This simplified the design considerably. Features for building up a reasonable software develo p m e n t environment, such as primitives for p r o g r a m tracing and executable code management, were also added. These additions were designed so that the basic principles o f the language, such as the side effect-free semantics, were not disturbed. Otherwise, the implementation would have been much more complicated, disabling various optimization schemes. As a whole, the design o f the language and its implementation was rather conservative. We chose a design we KL1 and Multi-PSI V2 Near the end o f 1986, a g r o u p was f o r m e d to investigate details o f the language implementation on Multi-PSI. Weekly meetings o f this g r o u p continued for about two The goal of the project was to establish the basic technologies needed for making such a dream come true. I consider better excuse such than dreams Star a much Wars to obtain funding for basic research. ¢OMMUNICAIrlONIOIITHIA¢M/March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 87 could be sure to implement without many problems and gave up our ambition of being more innovative. We had to provide a reasonable development environment to allow enough time for parallel software research within the project period. T h e hardware development went on in parallel with the language implementation meetings at Mitsubishi and the hardware arrived at I C O T at the end of 1987. It had 64 processors with 80MB of main memory each, connected by a mesh network. T h e development of KL1 implementation on the hardware continued. PIMOS When the design of the basic metalevel primitives was completed, a team to develop the operating system for parallel inference systems, PIMOS, was formed in 1987. Given the well-considered language features, the design of PIMOS was not very difficult. As the real parallel hardware was expected to be ready much later, we needed some platform of the operating system development. Although an implementation of GHC on Prolog by Ueda was available, its performance was too low for large-scale program development and many newly added features o f KL1 for system programming were lacking. A team led by Miyazaki made a fuller pseudoparallel implementation in C, called PIMOS Development Support System (PDSS) to fill the needs. Coding and debugging of PIMOS were done by a team of about 10 participants using PDSS, until the language system on Multi-PSI V2 became barely operational at the end of the summer of 1988. As we expected, but nevertheless to our surprise, the operating system developed on the pseudoparallel PDSS could be ported immediately on to the real parallel hardware. With multiple processors, the execution order of processes on Multi-PSI was completely different from PDSS. In theory, the dataflow synchronization feature of GHC was expected to avoid any synchronization problems. But based on my own experience in developing a multitask operating system SIMPOS, I was ready to encounter annoying synchronization bugs. On physically parallel hardware on which scheduling-dependent bugs were hard to reproduce, debugging should be much more difficult than on single-processor multitask systems. All the bugs we found were those of the language implementation except for a few problems of very highlevel design. This experience clearly showed us the merit of using a concurrent logic programming language. In a parallel processing environment, not only a limited number of system programmers, but also application programmers have to solve synchronization problems. The dataflow synchronization mechanism can reduce the burden almost entirely. T h e language implementation might be much more difficult than for sequential languages with additional communication and synchronization features, but the results of the effort can be shared by all the software developers using the language. After about two months, the language implementation and the operating system on Multi-PSI V2 became stable. We could exhibit the system at FGCS'88 held in 8 March 1993/Vol,36, No.3 ] C O M M U I I I C A T I O I N S O F T H E A C M the beginning of December with several preliminary experimental application software systems [7]. Application Software Development With its 64 processor,;, Multi-PSI V2 ran more than 10 million goal reductions per second at its peak. This figure was not outstanding, being only about 10 times faster than Prolog on mainframe machines, but good enough to invite some of the application researchers to parallel processing. Several copies of Multi-PSI V2 were manufactured in the following years and used heavily in parallel software research in various areas [15]. For about a year or two, we heard many complaints from those who were accustomed to Prolog and ESP. The lack of automatic backtracking made the language completely different from Prolog, while their syntactic similarity prevented some from easily recognizing the difference. Many tried to write their programs in Prolog-like style, recognizing after the debugging struggle that the language did not provide automatic search features and they had to write their own. T h e n they reluctantly started writing search algorithms. This often resulted in much more sophisticated searches than Prolog's blind exhaustive search. They also had to consider how these searches could be parallelized in an efficient way. T h e language lured Prolog programmers to the strange world of parallel processing with its syntactic decoy. Another typical difficulty seems to have been in finding a good programming style in the language with too much freedom. T h e object-oriented style [19] became recognized as the standard style later. Designing programs in KL1 became synonymous with designing process structures. Load distribution with decent communication locality is the key to efficient parallel computation. Load distribution strategies that were successful for some particular problems were compiled into libraries and distributed with the operating system [ 11 ], accelerating the development of many application systems. Although some application systems attained almost linear speedup with 64 processors rather easily, others needed more effort to benefit from parallel execution. Some needed a fundamental revision in the algorithm level; some could run only a few times faster than on a single processor; some seemed to have attained reasonable speedup, but when certain changes in the algorithm successfully improved the overall performance, the speedup figure went down considerably. Research into parallel algorithms with assumptions on the hardware much more realistic than PRAM is one of the most important areas of study in the future. Parallel Inference Machines In parallel with the development of the experimental Multi-PSI V2, design of more powerful parallel inference machines, PIMs, was going on by a team headed by Goto and later by Keiji Hirata. I participated in this hardware project only to a limited extent, but I may have influenced the grand design of the language implementations on PIMs considerably. Five different models were planned, corresponding to five different c o m p u t e r manufacturers. This decision had a more political than pure scientific basis. Five different models not only required m o r e funding but also incurred considerable research m a n a g e m e n t overhead. On the other hand, it may have been quite effective in diffusing the technology to Japanese industry. Since it was still difficult to find many language implementation experts, we decided to use basically the same implementation, Virtual PIM (VPIM), for four out of five models to minimize the effort. T h e one remaining model inherited the design from the implementation on Multi-PSI V2. VPIM was written in a language called the PIM System Language (PSL), which is a small subset of C with extensions to control low-level hardware features. T h e idea was that the same implementation should be ported to all the models by only writing PSL compilers. VPIM was developed at I C O T using a PSL compiler built on Sequent Symmetry. T h e responsibility o f porting it to each model was on each manufacturer. T h e first model o f PIM to have become available in mid-1991 was PIM/m, the successor o f Multi-PSI V2 by Mitsubishi. It had up to 256 processors with a peak speed of more than 100 million reductions per second (i.e., about 10 times faster than Multi-PSI V2). PIMOS and many software applications developed on Multi-PSI were ported to PIM/m without much effort, since the p r o g r a m m i n g language was identical. Almost all o f the software that showed near-linear s p e e d u p on Multi-PSI V2 also did so on PIM/m. Early in 1992, another model, PIM/p, m a n u f a c t u r e d by Fujitsu, got ready for software installation. This system had up to 64 clusters, each with 8 processors sharing the main m e m o r y t h r o u g h coherent cache memory. Load distribution within clusters was automatic by the language implementation, while it was still p r o g r a m m e d a m o n g clusters. This m a d e the scheduling quite different from Multi-PSI or PIM/m, but PIMOS and application software were ported without much o f a problem except for hardware and language implementation problems, to be solved in time for exhibition at FGCS'92 [5]. Again we thanked the language for its dataflow synchronization. Conclusion T h e r e have been pros and cons on the outcome o f the project. One might argue that the project was a failure as it could not meet its goal described in the project's grand plan, such as a c o m p u t e r that can speak like a human. T h e grand plan did not actually say such a computer can be realized within 10 years. T h e goal o f the project was to establish the basic technologies n e e d e d for making such a d r e a m come true. I consider such dreams a much better excuse than Star Wars to obtain funding for basic research. T h e FGCS project was the first scientific Japanese national project conducted by M I T I . All the projects carried out before FGCS started, and many that followed, were aiming primarily at promoting industry. This may have been greatly due to the intransigent character o f the project leader, Kazuhiro Fuchi. T h e results o f the project may not be immediately commercialized. But we have not been aiming at such a short-term goal. O u r goals are much longer-term: technologies that will be indispensable when even personal computers can have muhimillions of processors. One of the weak points o f o u r project was, as mentioned earlier, the shortage of h u m a n resources in basic software technology. If we had three times as many researchers who could design a p r o g r a m m i n g language and who could write optimizing compilers, the design o f the parallel inference machines might have been much different. At least, more ambitious systems (several of them) could have been designed. T h e language system was not our ultimate goal. Research in parallel software architecture was a much m o r e important goal. For securely providing a development environment for parallel software research with the limited h u m a n resources, we chose one safe route, which, I believe, was the best choice. As a whole, I think the project was quite successful. It made a considerable contribution to the parallel processing technologies, especially in p r o g r a m m i n g language and software environment design. Research in parallel software for knowledge processing has only begun, but without the project, there would have been nothing. F u r t h e r refinements o f the design o f the kernel language, its implementation both in compilation scheme and hardware are needed, but they are relatively minor issues. T h e most i m p o r t a n t research topic o f the future, I believe, is in the design o f parallel algorithms. T h e largest achievement of the project was showing a way to build a platform for such research activities. Acknowledgments T h e a u t h o r would like to thank all those who participated in the project and research in the related areas. References 1. Baker, H. Shallow binding in LISP 1.5. Commun. ACM 21, 7, 1978. 2. Bowen, D.L., Byrd, L., Pereira, F.C.N., Pereira, L.M. and Warren, D.H.D. DECsystem-lO Prolog User's Manual, Nov. 1983. 3. Chikayama, T. Unique features of ESP. In Proceedings of FGCS'84, pp. 292-298, 1984. 4. Chikayama, T. Programming in ESP--Experiences with SIMPOS. In Programming of Future Generation Computers, Kazuhiro Fuchi and Maurice Nivat, Eds. North-Holland, New York, N.Y., 1988, pp. 75-86. 5. Chikayama, T. Operating system PIMOS and kernel language KL 1. In Proceedingsof FGCS'92, Tokyo, Japan, 1992, pp. 73-88. 6. Chikayama, T. and Kimura, Y. Multiple reference management in flat GHC. In Proceedingsof the Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming, 1987. 7. Chikayama, T., Sato, H. and Miyazaki, T. Overview of the parallel inference machine operating system (PIMOS). In Proceedings of FGCS'88, Tokyo, Japan, 1988, pp. 230-251. 8. Clark, K.L. and Gregory, S. A relational language for parallel programming. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Functional Languages and Computer Architecture, 1981, pp. 171-178. 9. Clark, K.L. and Gregory, S. Parlog: A parallel logic pro- COMMUlilCAT|OHSOFTHIEAI~M/Marc~ 1993/7ol.36, No.3 8S THE ]"IF I O N PROJECT gramming language. Res. Rep. TR-83-5, Imperial College, 1983. 10. Clark, K. and Gregory, S. Notes on systems programming in PARLOG. In Proceedingss of FGCS'84, 1984, pp. 299306. 11. Furuichi, M., Taki, K. and Ichiyoshi, N. A multi-level load balancing scheme for or-parallel exhaustive search programs on the multi-PSI. In Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, March 1990, pp. 50-59. 12. Hircsh, M., Silverman, W. and Shapiro, E. Computation control and protection in the logic system. In Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers, vol 2, Ehud Shapiro, Ed. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1987, pp. 28-45. 13. Ichiyoshi, N., Miyazaki, T. and Taki, K. A distributed implementation of flat GHC on the multi-PSI. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1987. 14. ICOT. Proceedings ofFGCS'88. ICOT, Tokyo, Japan, 1988. 15. ICOT. Proceedings ofFGCS'92. ICOT, Tokyo, Japan, 1992. 16. Inamura, Y. and Onishi, S. A detection algorithm of perpetual suspension in KL1. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming, The MIT Press, 1990, pp. 18-30. 17. Lusk, E., Warren, D.H.D., Haridi, S. et al. The Aurora orparallel system. New Generation Comput., 7 (1990), 243-271. 18. Shapiro, E. A subset of Concurrent Prolog and its interpreter. ICOT Tech. Rep. TR-003, ICOT, 1983. 19. Shapiro, E. and Takeuchi, A. Object oriented programming in Concurrent Prolog. ICOT Tech. Rep. TR-004, ICOT, 1983. Also in New Generation Computing, SpringerVerlag vol.1 no.I, 1983. 20. Ueda, K. Guarded Horn Clauses: A parallel logic programming language with the concept of a guard. ICOT Tech. Rep. TR-208, ICOT, 1986. 21. Ueda, K. and Chikayama, T. Design of the kernel language for the parallel inference machine. Comput. J. (Dec. 1990). 22. Warren, D.H.D. An abstract Prolog instruction set. Tech. Note 309, SRI International, 1983. 23. Yokota, M., Yamamoto, A., Taki, K., Nishikawa, H. and Uchida, S. The design and implementation of a personal sequential inference machine: PSI. ICOT Tech. Rep. TR045, ICOT, 1984. Also in New Generation Computing, vol.1 no.2, 1984. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.1.2 [Processor Architectures]: Multiple Data Stream Architectures (Multiprocessors); D.1.3 [Programming Techniques]: Concurrent Programming; D.1.6 [Software]: Logic Programming; D.3.2 [Programming Languages]: Language Classifications-Concurrent, distributed, and parallel languages, Data-flow languages, Nondeterministic languages, Nonprocedural languages; K.2 [Computing Milieux]: History of Computing General Terms: Design, Experimentation Additional Key Words and Phrases: Concurrent logic programming, Fifth Generation Computer Systems project, Guarded Horn Clauses, Prolog About the Author: TAKASHI CHIKAYAMA is chief of the First Research Laboratory at the Institute for New Generation Computer Technology. Current research interests include design and implementation of logic programming languages, object-oriented programming languages, and software development environments. Author's Present Address: Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, ICOT Research Center, 1-4-28, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan; email: chikayama@ 0 M a r c h 1993/Vol.36, No.3 /¢OHHUHICATION|OPlrHiA¢iR EvanTick UNIVERSITY OF OREGON It is not very often that Westernersget to see theJapanesejust as they are. The difficulty we have when we look at Japan--the layers-of-the-onion problem--can be so frustrating that we tend to raise our own screen of assumptions and expectations, or we content ourselves with images of the Japanese as they would like to be seen. If you live in Japan, you learn to value moments of clarity--times when you feel as ifyou'd walked into a room where someone is talking to himself and doesn't know you 're there. L E T T E R F R O M JAPAN E Smith The N e w Yorker, April 13, 1992 Summaries of the F G C S project successes and failures by most foreign researchers tend to categorize the abstract vision (of knowledge engineering and a focus on logic programming) as a great success and the lack of commercially competitive hardware and software as the m a i n failure. I would like to place these generalizations in the specific context of my personal involvement with the project: my own corner of things, and my assessment of parallel inference machine (PIM) research as a whole. Furthermore, I would like to comment on more subtle successes and failures that fewer observers had a chance to evaluate. These results involve the training of a generation of computer scientists. My participation in the FGCS project is somewhat unique because I was both an I C O T visitor in February 1987 and then a recipient of the first N S F - I C O T Visitors Program grant, from September 1987-September 1988. For that year I conducted basic research in the laboratory responsible for developing parallel-inference multiprocessors. I n 1988 I j o i n e d the University of Tokyo, in the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), with a visiting chair in information science donated by the CSK Corporation. T h u s over the period 1987 to 1989 I had an "insider's view" of the FGCS project. Furthermore, for the past three years, at the University of Oregon, I have continued to collaborate with I C O T researchers in the PIM groups. Stranger In a Strange Land I had applied for the NSF-ICOT Visitor's Program grant with the goal of both extending my thesis research (evaluating the memory-referencing characteristics of high-performance implementations of Prolog) and living in Tokyo. Since both of these goals were equally important, the NSF-ICOT grant was ideal. Prior to graduating, I had studied Japanese at Stanford for two years, in addition to making two short visits to Tokyo. Strangely, rather than being interested in that vision of rural J a p a n professed by travel posters and paperbacks, my interest was limited almost exclusively to Tokyo, the farthest one can be from the "real" Japan, and still be on Japanese soil. Yet to me, this was the "real" Japan: the vitality of a sensory overload of sound trucks, a myriad of ever-changing consumer products, ubiquitous vending machines, electronics supermarkets, and a haywire of subway and rail systems. It seemed only appropriate that I C O T was located in the midst of all this motion: downtown Mita in the Minato-ku ward of Tokyo. Located inside the Yamonote-sen, the railway line encircling the city, Mita has immediate access to all parts of cosmopolitan Tokyo either by rail, subway, taxi, bicycle, or foot. I C O T members were all "on loan" from parent companies and institutions, most of which were on the outer belts of the city, so they had long commutes. I was not so constrained and found an apartment in Hiroo, a convenient 30-minute walk to ICOT. Furthermore, Hiroo was only 30 minutes by foot to Roppongi (nightclub district) and by bicycle to Ooi Futo, a circuit where local racers practiced on Sundays. It was in this environment, not unlike Queens, New York where I grew up, that I started working in September 1987. My first day, I arrived at Narita airport at about 8:00 A.M. and took the liberty of grabbing the first available bus to Mita and then a taxi to ICOT. I had brought a Macintosh, and I figured I would first drop it off at work and say hello to everyone. Unfortunately, no one at I C O T was expecting my arrival there. To the contrary, they had informed an N H K film crew that I would be arriving at my hotel. T h e mixup was diplomatically solved by calling the film crew over to ICOT, having me carry my backpack and Mac back down to the lobby, and staging an "official" arrival for Japanese television. We then proceeded up the elevator, cameras glaring, to my desk, so they could record my unpacking of the Mac. The gist of it was "strange gaijin (in tennis shoes) brings own computer to Fifth Generation Project . . ." It was fairly amusing, although it is always disconcerting how naive the media are. Almost as funny was the next week when a newspaper requested my photo, which I had taken at a nearby film shop. The next day's paper displayed that photo, but with a necktie drawn in. Interesting cultural differences, but moreover an indication of a time of peaking national limelight for the project. Expectations and Goals My expectations were to continue my research in the direction of parallel logic programming languages implementation and performance evaluation. At the point when I finished my thesis, I had only begun to explore parallel systems, primarily collaborating with M. Hermenegildo, l In 1987 Hermenegildo was developing the prototype of what later evolved into &-Prolog, a transparent AND-parallel Prolog 2 system for shared-memory multiprocessors [7]. This work introduced me to the world of parallel processing during a period of great excitement in the logic programming community. One [Hermenegildo was at the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) at the time, now at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). of the primary triggers of this excitement was the new shared-memory multiprocessors from Sequent, Encore, and BBN in the mid-1980s. Many research groups were developing schemes to exploit parallelism. I think funding for the FGCS project motivated many international researchers to continue in this area. Two particularly promising systems at the time were Aurora OR-parallel Prolog 3 [12] and the family of committed-choice languages [16]. Aurora was being developed at the University of Manchester (later at the University of Bristol), Argonne National Laboratories (ANL), and the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). Committedchoice languages were being developed primarily at the Weizmann Institute, ICOT, and Imperial College. Both &-Prolog and Aurora were meant to transparently exploit parallelism within Prolog programs. &-Prolog was based on the idea of "restricted ANDparallelism" [4] wherein Prolog goals could be statically analyzed to determine that they shared no data dependencies, and could thus be executed in parallel. Aurora exploited OR-parallelism wherein alternative clauses defining a procedure definition could be executed in parallel, spawning an execution tree of multiple solutions. The committed-choice languages represented a radical departure from Prolog: backtracking was removed in favor of stream-AND parallelism, similar to that in Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes. These approaches were promising because they potentially offered low-overhead essential operations: variable binding, task invocation, and task switching. It was in this whirlwind of activity that I mapped out my own project for ICOT. Such planning was a good idea in retrospect. Some other visiting researchers had failed to plan ahead, and floundered, unable to connect with a group to work with. Although I should have learned from these experiences, I myself fell into the same trap at the University of Tokyo a year later. Both institutions had trouble integrating young visiting researchers into the fray because of language differences and an unjustified assumption (in my case) that "visitors" were omniscient experts who did not need mentoring. My proposed research was to evaluate alternative parallel logic programming languages, executing on real (namely Sequent and Encore at the time) multiprocessors. Specifically, M. Sato of Oki was at that time building Panda, a shared-memory implementation of Flat Guarded Horn Clauses (FGHC) 4 [16] f o r the Sequent Balance. An early (Delta) version of Aurora was also obtained from ANL. My intent was to get a set of comparative benchmarks running in both FGHC and Prolog, for judging the merits of the approaches. It would have 2Logic programs are composed of procedures defined by Horn clauses of the form: H : - B l , B2, ..., Bk for k -->0. The head H contains the formal parameters of the procedure corresponding to the clause. The body goals Bi contain actual parameters for procedure invocations made by the parent procedure. AND parallelism exploits the parallel execution of multiple body goals. SOR parallelism exploits the parallel execution of alternative clauses defining the same procedure. 4KL1 is the supersetted FGHC that is supported by the PIM architectures. ¢OMMUNICATIONSOPTHIACM/March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 S ~ THE F I FT'H GENE:R'ATI ON PROJECT been a coup to include &-Prolog in the comparisons, but the enabling compiler technology was still u n d e r develo p m e n t [14]. T h e measurements I wanted were o f the type previously collected for Prolog and &-Prolog: low-level memory behavior, such as frequency o f data-type access, and cache performance. Work progressed on several fronts simultaneously: as Panda and A u r o r a were stabilizing, a collaborative effort with A. Matsumoto to build a parallel cache simulator was underway, as was b e n c h m a r k development. T h e Panda and A u r o r a systems were then a d o p t e d and harnessed for the simulator. T h e simulator was interesting in its own right: to enable long runs, it was not trace driven, but rather ran concurrently with language emulators [6]. T h e overall goals o f this research were to conduct some o f the first detailed empirical evaluations o f conc u r r e n t and parallel logic p r o g r a m m i n g systems. Little work had been done in p e r f o r m a n c e evaluation: most logic p r o g r a m m e r s were furiously creating systems and simply not analyzing them, or at best measuring the inference rate o f list concatenation. T h e final word on performance characteristics, as was later d o c u m e n t e d for imperative languages by J.L. Hennessy and D.A. Patterson, was impossible for logic p r o g r a m m i n g languages because o f the lack o f an established body o f application programs. Although Prolog had received widespread use and recognition, leading to industrial-strength applications (e.g., [22]), concurrent languages and parallel variants had no such history. As a result, my goals were practically oriented: to make an incremental i m p r o v e m e n t in the benchmarks over the standardized UC-Berkeley and Edinburgh benchmarks, and to continue to improve the range of o u r analysis into muhiprocessor cache performance. This work was later described in a book [19], written primarily at the University o f Tokyo. Successes, Failures, and Frustrations During the s u m m e r o f 1988, A. Ciepielewski 5 visited I C O T and helped a great deal with instrumenting Aurora. This required rewriting the lock macros, the Manchester scheduler, and o t h e r nasty business. By summer's end, we had p r o d u c e d r u n n i n g systems evaluating a large b e n c h m a r k suite, which had been refined over the months for p e r f o r m a n c e considerations. In August I started writing a p a p e r on o u r results [20], finishing off my I C O T visit and moving to Todai. T h e technical results o f the empirical study were summarized in the Lisbon ICLP [20]: T h e most i m p o r t a n t result o f this study was a confirmation that indeed (independent) OR-parallel architectures have better memory performance than (dependent) AND-parallel architectures. T h e reasons are that OR-parallel architectures can exploit an efficient stack-based storage model, whereas d e p e n d e n t AND-parallel architectures must resort to a less efficient heap-based model. For allsolutions search problems, a further result is that noncommitted-choice architectures have better memory performance than committed-choice architectures. This is because 5Ciepielewski was at the Swedish I n s t i t u t e o f C o m p u t e r Science (SICS) at the time, now at C a r l s t e d t E l e k t r o n i k AB. 2 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 / ¢ O I m l R U l I I C A T I O H S O P Y l l E A ¢ I R backtracking architectures can efficiently reclaim storage d u r i n g all-solutions search, thereby reducing working-set size. Committed-choice architectures, as functional language architectures, do consume m e m o r y at a rapid rate. Incremental GC can alleviate some o f the penalty for this m e m o r y appetite, but incremental GC also incurs its own overheads. T h i r d , for single-solution problems, OR-parallel architectures cannot exploit parallelism as efficiently as dependent AND-parallel architectures can. Although OR-parallel goals may exist, they are often too fine-grained for the excessive overheads necessary to execute them in parallel. In this respect, dependent AND- parallel architectures can execute fine-grain parallelism more efficiently than can OR-parallel architectures. T h e r e were some objections to these conclusions a m o n g those i m p l e m e n t i n g the systems. T h e basic criticism was simply that the application domains o f the languages differed, therefore comparison was inappropriate. A more far-reaching question, that still has not been resolved by the FGCS project, is the utility o f an all-solutions search m e t h o d as realized by backtracking. I C O T made a radical decision in 1982 to use logic p r o g r a m m i n g as its base and then a n o t h e r radical decision to switch to committed-choice languages a few years later. Although many techniques have been e x p l o r e d to recapture logical completeness, none o f them have been entirely successful. This gap has led other research groups to develop more powerful language families, such as concurrent constraint languages (CCLs) and languages based on the " A n d o r r a Principle" [1]. First attempts at both o f these families at I C O T are GDCC and AND-ORII, respectively. I felt my greatest success at I C O T was collaborating with several engineers, contributing to both my project and others. These included the members o f the PIM laboratory, as well as I C O T visitors, such as J. C r a m m o n d o f Imperial College. T h e congeniality at I C O T was unsurpassed, not just to foreign visitors, but a m o n g the different c o m p a n y members. Sometimes I thought that it was a bit too congenial and the lack o f (externally directed) aggressive competitiveness was detrimental to the FGCS project overall. As in most J a p a n e s e institutions, foreign collaboration was somewhat carefree because the visitors were not treated as true members o f the team. T h e main reason for this was lack of reading skills n e e d e d to fully participate in g r o u p meetings and p r e p a r e working papers. A related problem was a lackadaisical attitude toward citing the influences o f foreign researchers. I attribute this somewhat to language differences, but primarily to lenient academic standards inherited from a corporate culture. An implicit success, I hope, was that my technical analysis helped uncover systems' problems that were later fixed. During the project, d e v e l o p m e n t progressed on the A u r o r a schedulers, improved Prolog and F G H C compilers, and alternative systems such as J A M Parlog and MUSE OR-parallel Prolog. In a sense, these developments were frustrating because they made my small e x p e r i m e n t somewhat obsolete. T h e half-life o f empirical data o f this type is very short: results rarely make it to j o u r n a l form before the underlying systems have been "versioned-up." Furthermore, I hope the conclusions derived comparing OR-parallel Prolog to stream ANDparallel FGHC had some influence on the Andorra model [1], developed by D.H.D. Warren to combine the two. A limited success was my influence on I C O T researchers in the PIM groups. I think the empirical slant influenced a number of researchers to devote more care to evaluating their designs. Still, I do not think enough emphasis was placed on producing quantitative performance analysis. Considering the massive efforts that went into building the Multi-PSIs and PIMs, few publications analyzing the key performance factors were generated (see [15]). I blame the three-period FGCS schedule for this. In 1988, the groups were struggling to complete the Multi-PSI-V2 demonstration. Yet the design of the PIM machines was largely under way, and little if any Multi-PSI experience collected after 1988 affected PIM. Still, the sophistication of PIM instrumentation and experimentation (e.g., Toshiba's PIM/k cache monitors and Fujitsu's performance visualization tools) have improved over the final period, even if the newer application benchmarks [15] have not yet been exercised on the PIMs. One impediment to my research was lack of compiler technology. This was prevalent throughout the systems: compile-time analysis was not yet on par with that of imperative languages, thus lessening the importance of what we were measuring. Recent work in logic program compilation (e.g., [23]) indicates that significant speedups can be attained with advanced optimization methods. A related frustration during my stay in Japan was something as simple as lack of floating-point arithmetic in parallel logic language implementations. Even SICStus Prolog had such an inefficient implementation of floating-point numbers as to make it unusable. I accidentally discovered this when attempting to implement a new quadrature algorithm for the N-Body problem, developed by K. Makino at the University of Tokyo. I had just joined the school after leaving I C O T and was eager to find that "killer application" which would link number crunching with irregular computation that logic programs are so good at. I had read a paper by Makino [13] describing a method for successively refining space into oct-trees and exploiting this to approximate longdistance force interactions. I walked over to his office, surprising him one day, got the particulars of how to generate test galaxies, and hacked up the program in Prolog. For a long period afterwards I could not get the program to perform more than a few iterations before the heap overflowed. Tracing the problem it became apparent that all unique floating-point results were interned. This was disappointing primarily because it was a lost opportunity for cross-disciplinary research within the University, which I sorely wanted. Furthermore, it indicated the early-protype state of parallel logic programming at the time, since none of the systems could tackle applications driving the U.S. markets [2]. 6 20/20 Hindsight My belief going into the I C O T visit was that transpar- ently parallelizing sequential languages was best (e.g., in some gross sense, let us exploit parallelism in Prolog as in Fortran). I still believe this approach to be very useful, especially for users who cannot be bothered with concurrency. However, during my stay I discovered the additional value of expressing concurrent algorithms directly and became an advocate of concurrent languages. My own intellectual development included, above all, learning how to write concurrent programs (and I am still learning how to make them execute in parallel). I continue to believe that concurrent languages are great, but I realized after all the effort developing those benchmarks, that although concurrent languages often facilitate elegant means to implement algorithms [16, 19], the languages per se were rarely used to model concurrent systems. T h e mainstream concurrent languages do not support temporal constraints, thereby making certain types of modeling no easier than nonlogical languages. Furthermore, it was still quite messy to express collections and connections of nondeterminate streams in these languages (recent languages have been designed to assuage this problem e.g., A'UM, Janus, and PCN). My greatest technical criticism of my own research was that it was limited in scope, both in systems (Aurora vs. Panda) and benchmark programs. If the languages had been standardized years earlier, especially among the committed-choice logic programming language community, we could have collected much more significant benchmarks. Alternatively, if I had the products of I C O T applications development conducted during the third period of the FGCS project [15], I would also have been in a stronger position. Advanced compilers are still, to this day, not available. On the personal side, collaboration was not always smooth, but that made our successes more of an accomplishment. There were more than a few arguments during the years, as to alternative methods of implementing one feature or the other, or bureaucratic culture shock. An amusing example of the latter was that to bypass M I T I software release restrictions, we would publish the source listing of the software in a technical report. My aggressiveness was not immediately understood for what it was (I like to think it is healthy competitiveness) until people got to know me better over the years. As in any organization, the Japanese were no different in that software developers become possessive and protective of their systems. When I made a branch modification of those systems, and bugs appeared, the first question was: did I cause this bug, or did I inherit it? Software systems were not as successfully partitioned among engineers as was hardware, usually resulting in a single guru associated with each system. This necessitated some rewriting of similar systems over the years. I C O T researchers worked well together, especially considering the number of companies from which they hailed. There were some communication difficulties 6It should be stressed that there are no exceptional technical problems preventing logic-programming systems from having first-class floating point, e.g., Quintus Prolog implements the IEEE standard. Recently, SICStus Prolog floating point has been repaired, benefiting Aurora and &-Prolog, both based on it. The PIM systems also support floating point. COMMUNICATIONSOPTHIIAC:M/1.~/[alsch 1993/Vol.36,No.3 9 3 among the research laboratories. My own stated problems with compilers and applications resulted in part from differing laboratory agendas: the hardware group needed help in these areas, whereas the languages group was working in other areas (e.g., or-parallel search, constraints, metaprogramming, partial evaluation, and artificial intelligence). Again, this was a conflict of advanced technology w'. basic research that depleted both. I do not think that I C O T researchers were on average more efficient than those in other institutions. Recall that the end of 1987 brought an avalanche on u.s.Japan relations: the October stock market crash, yen appreciation, and "Super 301" (U.S. trade legislation) left people in a surly mood. Japan bashing began, with foreign media attention on Japanese long working hours, among other things. We did not work any longer at I C O T than, say, at Quintus or IBM Yorktown Heights (hey, the last trains left around midnight). Long hours do not necessarily translate into insights or efficiency, anywhere. If anything, Tokyo was isolated in some sense, leading to a feeling of remoteness a m o n g the research community. For example, in the U.S., universities and industry tend to interact well informally, for instance, through university-sponsored seminars. Tokyo shares a great diversity of computer industry and universities, but none of that informal get-togetherness. On the other hand, I C O T did have an advantage commanding member manufacturers' resources (namely large groups of engineers) to construct large software (e.g., PIMOS) and hardware (PIM) systems. Such cooperation was quite astounding. In retrospect, with regard to my own participation, I would have done a few things differently. Primarily, I would have memorized my kanji every day. It was and is simply no fun at all, but Martin Nilsson of the University of Tokyo, now at SICS, demonstrated that it can be done. This would have allowed my increased participation in weekly I C O T meetings, and later at Todai. TeChnology and the FGCS Project Hirata et al. [8] and Taki [17] wrote excellent articles summarizing the design criteria and implementation decisions made at the software and firmware levels of the PIM. My own research was most closely tied to this laboratory at ICOT, so I will limit my comments to this research. Since all PIMs are organized as loosely connected shared-memory clusters (except PIM/m), each design problem requires both local and distributed solutions. Furthermore, static analysis (by the compiler) must be balanced with run-time analysis. The main components of their design include: • memory management: concurrent logic programs have a high memory bandwidth requirement because of their single-assignment property and lack of backtracking. I C O T has developed an integrated solution for garbage collection at three levels within the PIMs. Locally, incremental collection is performed with approximative reference counting. Specifically, T. Chikayama's Multiple Reference Bit is incorporated in each data word. Distributed data is reclaimed across clusters via their export ~4 March 1993/Vol.36, No.3 /(~OlRMUNIt,Ji'IPION|OIRTHN A C M tables. Finally, if local memory expires, a parallel stopand-copy garbage collector is invoked in the cluster [9]. The effort in designing and evaluating alternative garbage collection methods is one of the most extensive of all I C O T projects, primarily because the problem was recognized several years ago. However, compilation techniques, such as :~tatically determining instances of local reuse, were not explored. The trade-offs between static analysis time vs. runtime overhead are still open questions for such techniques. • scheduling: concurrent logic languages have inherently fine-grained process structures. The advantage is exploitable parallelism, but the disadvantage is the potential of a thrashing scheduler. The PIMs rely on explicit intercluster scheduling using goal pragma (an attribute telling where the goal should be executed) and implicit (automatic) load balancing within a cluster. Furthermore, goals can be assigned priorities, which steer load balancing in a nonstrict manner. Although functional mechanisms have been completed at ICOT, extensive evaluation has not yet been conducted. Higher-level programming paradigms, such as motifs in PCN, have not been designed to alleviate the complexity of user development and modification of pragma. • metacontrol: pure concurrent-logic languages have semantics that allow program failure as a possible execution result. This has long been recognized as a problem because user process failure could migrate up to the operating system in a naive implementation. I C O T developed protected tasks called shoen, similar to previous work by I. Foster. Functional mechanisms for shoen management have been implemented at I C O T over the past four years, although empirical measurements of the operating system running applications programs have not yet been analyzed. Intracluster mechanisms include foster parent (a shoen's local proxy) termination detection and deadlock detection, intercluster mechanisms include weighted throw counts for shoen termination detection and intelligent resource management [8]. Without further empirical data, it is difficult to judge the effectiveness of the mechanisms for reducing run-time overheads. Furthermore, it is not clear how this research should be viewed: as fine-grained control over concurrent logic programs or as a full-blown operating system. T h e latter view would certainly run into commercial problems. • unification: unification is peculiar to logic programs, and somewhat controversial, in the general computing conmmnity, in its utility. Concurrent logic programs reduce general two-way unification into ask and tell unifications, which correspond more directly to importation and exportation of bindings in imperative concurrent languages. Still, logical variables cause two serious problems: (1) Variables are overloaded to perform synchronization. This is both the beauty and horror of concurrent logic languages. The programmer's model is simplified by implicit synchronization on variables (i.e., if a required input variable arrives with no binding, the task suspends). Furthermore, if at any time that variable re- ceives a binding (anywhere in the machine), the suspended task is resumed. Implementing this adds significant overhead to the binding time, primarily because mutual exclusion is required during binding, and suspension/resumption management. (2) In a distributed environment, optimizing data locality over a set of unifications of arbitrary data structures is an impossibly difficult problem. Message-passing mechanisms defining import/export tables and protocols were developed, but little empirical analysis has been published. Compilation techniques to determine run-time characteristics of logical variables, such as "hookedness" and modes [21 ], and exploit them to speedup bindings, minimize suspensions, and minimize memory consumption, have not yet been implemented in the current PIM compilers. The I C O T research schedule began with the development of the personal inference machines (PSI-I,II,III), followed by mockup PIMs (Muhi-PSI-VI/2, built of PSIIIs), and finally the various PIMs: PIM/p (Fujitsu), PIM/m (Mitsubishi), PIM/i (Oki), PIM/c (Hitachi), and PIM/k (Toshiba). A great deal of credit must go to ICOT's central management of these efforts, based on a virtual-machine instruction set called PSL used to describe a virtual PIM (VPIM) running on a Sequent Symmetry [17]. VPIM was shared (with slight modifications) by most of the member organizations, making design verification feasible. These designs are summarized in Taki [17]. Highly parallel execution of dynamic and nonuniform (but explicitly not data-parallel) applications is cited as the target of the project. T h e major design decisions were made for MIMD execution, of a finegrained concurrent logic programming base language, on a scalable distributed-memory multiprocessor. The PIMs were also designed around a cluster organization. I recall visiting MCC (where research on virtual sharedmemory multiprocessors was being conducted) in spring 1987 and giving a talk describing the organization and fielding questions about why the design was not more innovative? My reply was that if I C O T could get the organization to work efficiently, that would be sufficiently innovative. I still think the design is plausible; a vote of confidence came later from the Stanford DASH project, with a similar organization (but different consistency protocols). But the two-level hierarchy presents an irregular model to mapping and load-balancing algorithms that has not yet been conclusively solved by ICOT. Interestingly, one of MCC's prime directives was to design long-term future systems that were far beyond the planning window of its member companies. Thus, for instance, advanced human interfaces (including virtual reality) and D. Lenat's common-sense knowledge base CYC [10] were tackled. The FGCS project had a fixed duration, whereas MCC did not, and as I C O T wound down, through the second and third periods, the goals became shorter term, in an effort to demonstrate working systems to M I T I to continue funding. Similarly, the more futuristic projects within MCC were terminated at the first shortage of funds (e.g., the entire par- allel processing program, including the virtual sharedmemory efforts, which now look so promising). M. Hermenegildo states that, in hindsight, this has proved to be one of MCC's primary weaknesses: that it is privately funded and thus has slowly drifted to very short-term research. I C O T succeeded in technology transfer to its member companies, even if the final systems were not ideal. In some overlapping areas of interest, MCC may have produced concepts and systems that were on a par or superior to those of ICOT, but MCC had a more difficult time transferring the technology to the shareholders. ICOT's success was due to the dedication of many engineers, the investment in a single, integrated computational paradigm, and careful management from conception to execution to transfer. Individuals were transferred as well, ensuring that the technology would not be dead on arrival. The companies contributed resources, toward hardware and software construction, that are quite large by U.S. standards. The formula: topdown concept management cooperating with strong bottom-up construction, is discussed further in the next section. In my own view, the future of this research area lies in the design and compilation o f compositional languages, such as PCN, that attempt to bring logic programming more in line with mainstream practices. Specific problems that need to be solved (many of these issues are currently active research topics): • How to reuse memory automatically at low cost? How to retain data locality within distributed implementations? • How to finesse, with static analysis, many overheads of symbolic parallel processing, such as dereferencing, synchronization, and communication? • How to efficiently schedule tasks with a combination of static analysis, profiling information, and motifs? • Programming paradigms and compilation techniques for bilingual or compositional programming languages. Efficiently partitioning the control and data structures of a problem into two languages can be difficult. • Find "killer applications" that combine the power of symbolic manipulation and supercomputer number crunching, to demonstrate the utility of logic programming languages. • Gain experience with large benchmark suites, which requires standardizing some of these languages. Commercial Success and Competitiveness In this section I will address the validity or commercialization of the processing technologies developed by ICOT, specifically the idea of building a special-purpose multiprocessor to execute a fine-grained concurrent language. This seems to be the main concern of the media and perhaps the key point on which I C O T is being evaluated. One could criticize I C O T for attempting to naively leapfrog "fourth-generation" RISC-based microprocessor technologies, which continue yearly to grow in performance. Ten years ago, Japanese companies did not have experience developing microprocessor archi- C:O~UNICATIONS OF Tun AC~/March 1993/VoL36, No.3 9S tectures, much less second-generation (superscalar) RISC designs, nor MIMD multiprocessor designs. Building the various PIM machines gave some of the hardware manufacturers limited experience in microprocessor design, although presumably this experience could have been had with a more conventional target. It should be emphasized that the key goal of the FGCS project was to develop computers for "dynamic and nonuniform large problems" [17]. This is distinctly different from the goal of supercomputing research in the U.S., developing computers for large data-parallel (regular) problems [2]. The result is different design decisions: for example, massively parallel SIMD computers cannot be effectively used to execute nonuniform applications. Neither Japan nor the U.S. misevaluated future goals, but they each saw a part of it, neglecting the other part. I do not, however, disagree with the criticism that a more conventional target could have produced successful commercial technologies and influenced human infrastructure (next section). The selection of the FGCS goals was certainly influenced by the individuals in charge, primarily K. Fuchi and K. Furukawa, who had a grand vision of logic programming integrating all aspects of high-performance symbolic problem solving. Human infrastructure development was influenced by these same architects. In some sense the two goals are connected: engineers were given less freedom to choose the direction of overall research, the top-down technologies being managed from above. This is in sharp contrast to U.S. research groups, which are closer to creative anarchy. In any case, I believe some unique experience was attained in the FGCS project: that of fabricating tagged, symbolic, parallel architectures. This endeavor covers the same ground as the more bottom-up approach to massively parallel computation, taken by conventional multiprocessor vendors. The overall problem of exploiting massively parallel symbolic computation can be seen from two vantage points. I C O T took the high road, first laying out a foundation of a family of symbolic, concurrent languages, and then attempting to implement them, and building layers of applications around them. U.S. vendors took the low road, first building massively parallel hardware, and then attempting to implement imperative languages, either through parallel library interfaces, through sophisticated compilation, or by language modification. In no instance, to my knowledge, have vendors developed massively parallel software for solving symbolic problems, as has been emphasized throughout the FGCS project. My strongest criticism of the FGCS project, however, was a lack of sufficient concern for compiler technology, something adamantly stressed in the U.S. for the past decade. It is not surprising that the operating systems community is now developing lightweight threads, what I consider a bottom-up effort. Furthermore, languages such as object-oriented Smalitalk and tuple-based Linda form the cores of recent distributed-processing efforts, these kernels developing top down, similar to the I C O T approach with logic programming. A performance gap currently remains between these top-down and bottomup approaches. To bridge this gap, significant work needs to be done in compilation, and further hardware design refinement is needed. I think the latter requirement is easier for the Japanese manufacturers than the former. I have always been impressed by the responsiveness of hardware development both in the universities and industry. It may be the case that compiler technology has made little progress in the FGCS project because the emphasis was placed elsewhere, on languages and applications. A more subtle reason is the inherent complexity of managing high-level language compilation and hardware development simultaneously. These languages have large semantic gaps that need to be covered, with concurrency adding to the analysis problem. Let us consider what the situation will be if/when the performance gap between these approaches can be bridged. The key question is then who will be in the better position? The top-down approach (taken by ICOT) has the advantage of programming and application experience in concurrent and symbolic, high-level languages. The bottom-up approach (predominantly taken by U.S. vendors) has the advantage of using imperative languages that evolved slowly, thus retaining market share. There is no clear answer to this question, but for the sake of illustration, let me rephrase it in terms of two specific technologies: worm-hole-routed distributed networks [3] and concurrent constraint languages. I believe both these technologies required significant intellectual efforts to conceptualize, design, implement, and apply in real systems. The former represents a bottom-up technology and the latter a top-down technology. Bottom-up technologies are easier to introduce into designs, e.g., PIM/m incorporates worm-hole routing (and can execute GDCC, a constraint language [18]), whereas the Intel machines [ 11 ] (and other experimental supercomputers at this level, such as the CM/5 and iWARP) do not yet have implementations of constraint languages, or in fact any vendor-offered languages other than C or Fortran. Perhaps GDCC can be ported to general-purpose multiprocessors, but that is not the issue. Where GDCC came from, and where it is going, can only be determined from the foundation of the research expertise gained in its development. This is of course true about routing technologies, but again, bottom-up technologies are more easily imported and ICOT infrastructure was u n i q u e f o r J a p a n e s e research organizations in the early 1980s in that it supplied researchers with various communication channels that normally did not exist in the corporate culture. 6 March 1993/Vo1.36, No.3 / ¢ O M M U N I C A T I O N S O F T H E A C M adapted. They are also more easily sold because they translate more directly to peak FLOPS, although this can be a grave misstatement of application performance, especially in .the domain of nonscientific codes. In 1991, the U.S. Congress passed the High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) initiative [2] stating several "grand challenges," such as climate modeling. These goals were indicative of the research interests and activities already under way in U.S. universities and national laboratories. Furthermore, these challenges echoed current government funding in supercomputer research, such as DARPA's 28% stake in Touchstone development costs [11]. Conspicuously, none of the challenges involved symbolic computation. Equally conspicuous was the lack of numerical computation in the FGCS project goals (the overlapping supercomputing project 7 was more attuned to this goal). Yet again, reasoning that if and when the bottom-up and top-down approaches coincide, we can imagine that these "traditional" number-crunching applications will also run efficiently on the resulting architectures or that the symbolic and numeric engines will become so inexpensive that they will coexist in hybrid systems. It is perhaps more revealing that software applications to solve both climate modeling and genome mapping are being led by language paradigms with logic programming roots, namely PCN [5] and Lucy [24]. A New Generation The following is a compendium of ICOT's major influences in developing its human capital. During the FGCS'92 conference in Tokyo, I had the opportunity to conduct extensive interviews with hardware engineers participating in the FGCS project, filling me in on all that had transpired since I had left. All those interviewed were active throughout the length of the project, and thus had a complete perspective. Because they worked primarily in the area of computer architecture, their combined views form one in-depth analysis of ICOT, rather than broad-based analyses. Increased Communication I C O T infrastructure was unique for Japanese research organizations in the early 1980s in that it supplied researchers with various communication channels that normally did not exist in the corporate culture. In the following I will summarize the forms of communication. Company-to-company interaction was engendered by the cooperative efforts of engineers centrally headquartered at ICOT. All previous national projects were distributed among manufacturers. Perhaps it was the Japanese culture of consensus making that made the central location successful. The introduction of electronic mail increased international as well as local information flow. This trend was generally occurring throughout Japanese organizations, coinciding with, not engendered by, the FGCS project. The creation of electronic networks falls under the aus7"High-Speed Computing Systems for Scientific and Technological Uses," 1981-1989. pices of the Ministry of Communication. Because this delegation is separate from education and industry, network infrastructure has been slow to develop in Japan. Even the most advanced universities only developed high-bandwidth networks within the past five years. Company-to-university interaction was engendered by the Working Groups (WGs) associated with the FGCS project. The WGs were started from the inception of ICOT, with the intent of fostering university and company communication. Initially there were 1 to 5 groups in the first period of the project, growing to 15 groups in the second period and about 10 in the third period. Participating universities included Tokyo, Kyushu, Kobe, Kyoto, Keio, and the Tokyo Institute of Technology. As an example, the PIM WG, one of the oldest, meets monthly. My experience, from presenting talks at the PIM WG in 1988 and 1992, was an overly structured format and limited participation. Most participation is from universities in Tokyo (for economic reasons), but student participation is extremely limited (e.g., one or two Todai students might attend). In this respect, I doubt that the WGs were efficient in strengthening ties between industry and universities, for instance, compared to the weekly Computer Systems Laboratory seminars held at Stanford University. Yet others disagree with this conclusion, pointing out that cooperation among U.S. universities is limited and among U.S. companies, almost nonexistent. Interaction between research communities in Japan and abroad was engendered by the high value placed on the publication and presentation of research results. I C O T researchers and international researchers exchanged visits frequently. The exposure gained by young researchers was exceptional, even for Western organizations. Postgraduate Education I C O T served as a substitute for O J T ("on-the-job training"), and in doing so, graduated a generation of engineers/managers educated in advanced areas of computer science and better able to manage their own groups in the future. The latter point applies to both the engineering management as well as political management, learned by a close relationship with MITI. An argument can be made that separation of industry and higher education is beneficial to Japan. For instance, it delivers engineers to industry ready to be trained in specific company technologies. My personal experience in Japan indicated that this argument is weak. The lack of popularity of graduate studies weakens Japan's ability to do computer science and, therefore, to produce advanced long-term technologies. The issue is not so much of where advanced academic skills are learned, but that the infrastructure needed to successfully learn includes high communication bandwidth of all forms and an open forum to discuss the latest research ideas. An indirect result of I C O T was to teach university graduates (mainly with B.S. degrees) how to properly conduct research and construct hardware and software systems. Furthermore, experience of presenting papers at conferences gave the individuals much needed practice at COUUUNICA'lrtONJOIt'lrglACU/~V[arch 1993/Vol,36, No.3 9 7 T IIE F I F T ~TI ON PROJECT 1-social interaction with the international community. Few I C O T researchers entered service with Ph.D.'s. Over the life o f the project, about 10 Ph.D.'s were granted for FGCS-related research. This side effect was unusual for national projects, indicating ICOT's emphasis on basic research, as well as more practical considerations of personal advancement: a large percentage of those completing Ph.D.'s became university professors. My stay at ICOT, and the University o f Tokyo, as well as various visits to industry, indicated that ICOT's infrastructure was carefully p l a n n e d to bring about these results. Detail was paid to basic things, such as the I C O T library, which was quite extensive. I have experienced that communication between engineers, unprotected by offices or cubicles, was extensive at ICOT, more than any other workplace. Finding an expert for consultation was as simple as crossing the room. Company Cultures I believe that I C O T coincided with greater forces within J a p a n causing a movement away from the culture o f lifetime employment. However, the revolution was certainly felt within the FGCS project. A. Goto o f N T T estimates that over 5% o f all I C O T participants changed their affiliations after their tenure ended. Examples include moves from industry and the national laboratories to academia (both as professors and as researchers) and moves between companies. T h e f o r m e r constituted the major group. In general the most highly productive researchers made the moves. I C O T may have implicitly influenced the individuals by e m p o w e r i n g them to conduct worldclass research programs. Once successful, they reevaluated their o p p o r t u n i t y costs, which were not being adequately met by their employers. These costs involved both salary, as well as intellectual freedom. T h e explosion came as a surprise to the companies, which it should not have, given the highly technical nature o f c o m p u t e r science. Certain companies took direct action to deal with it, such as SONY forming the C o m p u t e r Science Laboratory (CSL), a small Western-style research lab in Tokyo. NEC took indirect action by forming a research laboratory in New Jersey. In addition, the universities gained a significant number o f professors "generated" at ICOT. K. Nakajima o f Mitsubishi estimates this at about five directly from I C O T and six from the I C O T - r e l a t e d groups within industry. Perhaps this was an accidental side effect of the decade, but it certainly was not seen in the previous national projects. An opposite effect, to the previous "explosion," was the cross-fertilization o f company cultures. I C O T played a role o f matchmaker to manufacturers, resulting in technology transfers, however indirect o r inadvertent, over the 10 years. Here I review two main transfers: engineering m a n a g e m e n t techniques and multiprocessor technologies. Large systems development, such as the PIM development efforts, required scheduling. Nakajima pointed out that I C O T would pool the production m a n a g e m e n t techniques from the m e m b e r companies without bias. S8 M a r c h 1 9 9 3 / V o l . 3 6 , N o. 3 /¢:OIIII~UIIICATIONIIOFTHIIACM This resulted in more efficient scheduling and project completion. Even if the companies themselves did not adopt the hybrid methodologies, the individuals involved certainly learned. I C O T was a mixture o f manufacturers and their engineers, and the experience of introducing these groups was beneficial to all. T h e engineers have a chance to experience how things are done in other companies. K. Kumon o f Fujitsu stressed that PIM/p and PIM/m could not both be built by both Fujitsu and Mitsubishi--each m a n u f a c t u r e r had its own technology expertise, and thus the designs evolved. Designers from both companies learned, firsthand, alternatives that were not (yet) feasible in their own environments. Conclusions Considering technology, I conclude that the top-down vertically integrated a p p r o a c h in the FGCS project failed to achieve a revolution, but was a precursor to evolutionary advances in the marketplace. T h e J a p a n e s e supercomputing project involved vector processor technology that was well u n d e r s t o o d c o m p a r e d to symbolic computation. T h u s the projects cannot be c o m p a r e d on that basis. F u r t h e r m o r e , comparisons to U.S. research efforts, which are driven by strong national laboratories and universities in the direction of "traditional" scientific computation, is also inappropriate. Perhaps f u r t h e r comparison o f the FGCS and HPCC projects would be a p p r o p r i a t e , but a subject o f another article. U.S. research and d e v e l o p m e n t concerning symbolic processing in Lisp and Smalltalk might be the most valid benchmark, if comparisons are desired. T h e rise and fall o f the Lisp machine market, over this decade, does not place the U.S. in a more successful light. Refinement, rather than a b a n d o n m e n t , o f the concepts developed in the FGCS project may well serve the J a p a n e s e manufacturers in the upcomin~ decade. Considering h u m a n capital, I think all the influences cited in this article are natural results o f "market forces." T h e action o f these influences on young I C O T researchers were by and large positive. Increased communication a m o n g engineers, managers, professors, students, and g o v e r n m e n t bureaucrats leads to more rapid progress in developing basic research ideas into successful commercial products. T h e question remains as to whether a national project of this m a g n i t u d e is necessary to create these h u m a n networks each generation, or if this first network will propagate itself without help from a n o t h e r project. An optimistic view has the networks weakening with age, but remaining in place. T h u s in the future it may not require such a grand-scale project to strengthen ties. For example, c u r r e n t I C O T graduates, u n d e r s t a n d i n g the importance of free and flexible discussion o f results at national conferences, will increase the participation o f the researchers in their care, thus enabling the next generation to form their own friendships and working relationships. However, few I C O T people believe this scenario. Some believe that most I C O T researchers implicitly understand the importance o f I C O T ' s contributions in this area, but not explicitly. Without explicit self-awareness, this metaknowledge may be lost without another national project, or an equivalent, to reinforce the lessons. T h e current generation of engineers, without an experience similar to ICOT, will be at a disadvantage to the I C O T generation. Communication will be strictly limited to technical conferences, where information flow is restricted. In this sense, I C O T did not create a revolution because it did not fundamentally change the manufacturers. T h e h u m a n networks will not be self-generating from the bottom up, by the few seedling managers trained at ICOT. Although a manager's own bias may be consistent with ICOT's flexible style of research and management, the higher one gets in the company hierarchy, the less managers tend to share this sentiment. Either another project, or a radical restructuring of the diametric cultures of education and industry, will be required to propagate the advances made in the FGCS project. T h e Japanese, certainly amenable to hedging their bets, have already started on both avenues. A "sixth-generation" project involving massive parallelism, neural networks, and optical technologies is already u n d e r way. However, the research is distributed among many institutions, potentially lessening its impact. Furthermore, the Japanese Ministry of Education is currently making plans to approximately double f u n d i n g for basic research in the universities (person~l communication, K. Wada, T s u k u b a University, June, 1992). O n a more personal note, I highly respect the contribution made by the FGCS project in the academic develo p m e n t of the field of symbolic processing, notably implementation and theory in logic programming, constraint and concurrent languages, and deductive and object-oriented databases. In my specific area of parallel logic p r o g r a m m i n g languages, architectures, and implementations, I C O T made major contributions, but perhaps the mixed schedule of advanced technology transfer and basic research was ill advised. This basic research also led to a strong set of successful applications, in fields as diverse as theorem proving and biological computation. I n a wider scope, the project was a success in terms of the research it e n g e n d e r e d in similar international projects, such as ALVEY, ECRC, ESPRIT, INRIA, and MCC. These organizations learned from one another, and their academic competitiveness in basic research pushed them to achieve a broader range of successes. I n this sense, the computer science community is very much indebted to the "fifthgeneration" effort. One Sunday m o r n i n g d u r i n g my stay in Tokyo, I was invited by some U.S. congressmen to a breakfast meeting at a plush Roppongi hotel. Since it was so early, I had to attend directly from Saturday night socializing, leaving me somewhat weakened. However, I was clear-headed enough to listen to the voices a r o u n d the table stating what was wrong with the electronics/computer trade imbalance. I was perhaps the only attendee who was not a salesperson or a politician, and certainly the only one who was not quite "groking" that "Big American Breakfast" sitting in front of me. When it was my turn to speak, I could not think of much to say: the issues were as large as billions in chip d u m p i n g and unfair markets, not collaborative research efforts. Well, collaboration is of long-term importance; I t h o u g h t - - t h e same as the basic research itself. Acknowledgments T h e author is now supported by an NSF Presidential Young Investigator award, with matching funds from Sequent Computer Systems Inc. My stay at I C O T was generously supported by Y.T. Chien and A. DeAngelis of the National Science Foundation. I would like to thank the n u m e r o u s people who graciously helped me in writing this article. For space considerations, the citations in this article have been restricted. Contact the author for the complete citations. • References 1. Brand, P., Haridi, S. and Warren, D.H.D. Andorra Prolog-The language and application in distributed simulation. New Gen. Comput. 7, 2-3 (1989), 109-125. 2. Committee on Physical, Mathematical, and Engineering Sciences. Grand Challenges: High Performance Computing and Communication. NSF, Washington D.C., 1991. 3. Dally, W.J. and Seitz, C. Deadlock-free message routing in multiprocessor interconnection networks. IEEE Trans. Comput. C-36, 5 (May 1987), 547-553. 4. DeGroot, D. Restricted AND-Parallelism. In International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Tokyo, Nov. 1984). ICOT, Tokyo, pp. 471-478. 5. Foster, I., Olson, R. and Tuecke, S. Productive parallel programming: The PCN approach. Sci. Program. 1, 1 (1992). 6. Goto, A., Matsumoto, A. and Tick, E. Design and performance of a coherent cache for parallel logic programming architectures. In International Symposium on Computer Architecture (Jerusalem, May). IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, Calif., pp. 25-33. 7. Hermenegildo, M.V. An abstract machine for restricted AND-parallel execution of logic programs. In International Conference on Logic Programming. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 225. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986, pp. 25-40. 8. Hirata, K., Yamamoto, R., Imai, A., Kawai, H., Hirano, K., Takagi, T., Taki, K., Nakase, A. and Rokusawa, K. Parallel and distributed implementation of concurrent logic programming language KL 1. In International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Tokyo, June, 1992). ICOT, Tokyo, pp. 436-459. 9. Imai, A. and Tick, E. Evaluation of parallel copying garbage collection on a shared-memory multiprocessor. IEEE Trans. Parall. Distrib. Comput. To be published. 10. Lenat, D.B., Prakash, M. and Shepherd, M. CYC: Using common sense knowledge to overcome brittleness and knowledge acquisition bottlenecks. AI Mag. (Winter 1985). 11. Lillevik, S.L. The Touchstone 30 gigaflop DELTA prototype. In International Conference on Supercomputing. IEEE Computer Society, Los Ala- mitos, Calif., 1991, pp. 671677. 12. Lusk, E., Butler, R., Disz, T., Olson, R., Overbeek, R., Stevens, R., Warren, D.H.D., Calderwood, A., Szeredi, P., Haridi, S., Brand, P., Carlsson, M., Ciepielewski, A. and Hausman, B. The Aurora Or-Parallel Prolog System. In International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Tokyo, Nov. 1988). ICOT, Tokyo, pp. 819-830. 13. Makino,J. On an O(NlogN) algorithm for the gravitational ¢OMHUHICAI'IOII|OPTHBACIII/M;]rch 1993/Vol.36, No.3 ~9 N-Body simulation and its vectorization. In Proceedings of the 1st Appi Workshop on Supercomputing (Tokyo 1987). pp. 153-168. Institute of Supercomputing Research. ISR Tech. Rep. 87-03. 14. Muthukumar, K. and Hermenegildo, M. Determination of variable dependence information through abstract interpretation. In North American Conference on Logic Programming (Cleveland, Oct. 1989). MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 166-168. 15. Nitta, K., Taki, K. and Ichiyoshi, N. Experimental parallel inference software. In International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Tokyo, June 1992). ICOT, Tokyo, pp. 166-190. 16. Shapiro, E.Y., Ed. Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers, vol. 1,2. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1987. 17. Taki, K. Parallel Inference Machine PIM. In International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Tokyo, June 1992). ICOT, Tokyo, pp. 50-72. 18. Terasaki, S., Hawley, D.J., Sawada, H., Satoh, K., Menju, S., Kawagishi, T., Iwayama, N. and Aiba, A. Parallel constraint logic programming language GDCC and its parallel constraint solvers. In International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Tokyo, June 1992). ICOT, Tokyo, pp. 330-346. 19. Tick, E. Parallel Logic Programming. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1991. 20. Tick, E. A performance comparison of AND- and ORParallel logic programming architectures. In International Conference on Logic Programming (Lisbon, June 1989). MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 452-470. 21. Ueda, K. and Morita, M. A new implementation technique for flat GHC. In International Conference on Logic Programming (Jerusalem, June 1990). MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 3-17. 22. Van Caneghem, M. and Warren, D.H.D., Eds. Logic Programming and Its Applications. Ablex, 1986. 23. Van Roy, P.L. and Despain, A.M. High-performance logic programming with the Aquarius Prolog compiler. IEEE Comput. Mag. (Jan. 1992), 54-68. 24. Yoshida, K., Smith, C., Kazic, T., Michaels, G., Taylor, R., Zawada, D., Hagstrom, R. and Overbeek, R. Toward a human genome encyclopedia. In International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (Tokyo, June 1992). ICOT, Tokyo, p. 307-320. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.1.2 [Processor Architectures]: Multiple Data Stream Architectures (Multiprocessors); D.1.3 [Programming Techniques]: Concurrent Programming; D.1.6 [Software]: Logic Programming; D.3.2 [Programming Languages]: Language Classifications-Concurrent, distributed, and parallel languages, Data-flow languages, Nondeterministic languages, Nonprocedural languages; K.2 [Computing Milieux]: History of Computing General Terms: Design, Experimentation Additional Key Words and Phrases: Concurrent logic programming, Fifth Generation Computer Systems project, Guarded Horn Clauses, Prolog About the Author: EVAN TICK is assistant professor at the University of Oregon. Current research interests include parallel processing, compilation of concurrent languages, and computer architecture. Author's Present Address: Department of Computer Science and Information Science, University of Orgeon, Eugene, OR 97403; email: [email protected] O0 March 1993/%1.36, No.3 /¢OIIMUHICATIONS O F THE diem I n o u r introduction to this special section we stated that a l t h o u g h the results o f the Fifth G e n e r a t i o n project do not m e a s u r e u p to the expectations it generated, nevertheless those Involved with the project have a sense of W h a t is the source of this achievement. discrepancy between the generally negative perception of the project and the generally positive feeling o f the p e o p l e w h o actually participated in it? Perhaps the essence of this contradiction lies in the difference between the way the project was presented initially to the public a n d w h a t the project really was about. T h e p r o m o t e r s o f the project in J a p a n popularized the project by p r o m i s i n g to m a k e the d r e a m of artificial intelligence (AI) c o m e true. This view was further amplified by scientists t h r o u g h o u t the world, w h o capitalized on the fear of J a p a n e s e technological s u p r e m a c y in order to scare their own governments into f u n d i n g research. However, what the project was really a b o u t was evident very early to anyone w h o cared to find out. Ten years ago, one of us stated in this publication: The smoke cleared when ICOT was formed, with Fuchi as its director. With the excuse of budget constraints, all ballasts were dropped, and a clear, coherent research project emerged: to build parallel computers, whose machine language was based on Horn-clause predicate logic and to interface them to database machines, whose data-description and query language was based on Horn-clause logic. The fancy artificial intelligence applications of the original proposal remain, serving as the pillar of f'Lne that gives the true justification for building faster and better computers; but no one at ICOT deludes himself that in 10 years they will solve all the basic problems of artificial intelligence... Commun. A C M 26, 9 (Sept. 1983), 637-641.