Q IWA Publishing 2009 Water Science & Technology—WST | 59.11 | 2009
Atmospheric fluxes of nutrients onto Singapore Strait
P. Sundarambal, R. Balasubramanian and P. Tkalich
In view of recurring forest fires in Southeast Asia (SEA) on a large scale and the abundant rainfall
in this tropical region, atmospheric fallout of airborne particles i.e. dry atmospheric deposition
(DAD) and wet atmospheric deposition (WAD) of nutrients to the ocean surface are thought to be
significant. Currently, limited data sets of atmospheric deposition (AD) exist for tropical
ecosystems in the region. Furthermore, there is a lack of reliable experimental data on AD of
nitrogen (N) & phosphorus (P) in tropical environments. It is therefore imperative to quantify the
AD of macro-nutrients, N and P species in order to estimate their impacts on aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, field measurements of nitrite, nitrate, ammonium, total N
(TN), phosphate and total P (TP) were made, in both airborne particulate matter and precipitation,
from January 2006 to July 2006 in Singapore. These measurements were done to characterize
and estimate the difference between DAD and WAD fluxes of N & P to coastal waters.
The estimated loadings from DAD and WAD (g/m2/year) of TN were 1.011 ^ 0.441 and
7.052 ^ 4.34 and those of TP were 0.187 ^ 0.16 and 0.532 ^ 0.524, respectively. This
P. Sundarambal
P. Tkalich
Tropical Marine Science Institute,
National University of Singapore,
Singapore 119223,
[email protected];
[email protected]
P. Sundarambal
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
National University of Singapore,
Singapore 117576,
R. Balasubramanian
Division of Environmental Science and Engineering,
National University of Singapore,
Singapore 117576,
[email protected]
investigation represents a baseline study to access environmental effects of AD of nutrients on
the coastal aquatic ecosystem.
Key words
| atmospheric deposition, coastal waters, eutrophication, nutrient fluxes,
Singapore strait, tropical environment, wet and dry deposition
The atmosphere is recognized as an important pollutant
Potential sources of P include biogenic aerosols (e.g. dead
transportation route by which nutrients and particles are
microorganisms), which have a small size and thus have
delivered to the sea surface. The first step in determining the
longer atmospheric residence time (Mahowald et al. 2005),
quality of ambient air is to measure its total suspended
soil derived dusts and anthropogenic emissions, agricultural
particulate matter (TSP). These particles could be either of
(mainly fertilizers), and emissions from marine aerosols.
natural origin or man-made. The TSP in urban air is an
In Europe, America and Asia, the atmospherically depos-
aggregate of direct emissions from different sources and
ited nutrients have been reported to have increased tenfold
those formed through condensation and transformation.
in recent decades due to a diverse array of industrial human
Important anthropogenic sources that contribute
activities and forest fires (Galloway et al. 2004). Estimates of
particulate matter in urban air are emissions from vehicular
the atmospheric fluxes of nutrients to the ocean suggest that
traffic, industrial and construction activities, fossil-fuel
the atmosphere can be a major source in terms of mass
burning and natural biomass burning (Balasubramanian
(Duce et al. 1991; Prospero et al. 1996), and it plays a major
et al. 2003). Anthropogenic activities can provide important
role in the oceanic biogeochemical cycling (Jickells 1995;
inputs of atmospheric N, for example, from vehicle
Paerl 1997). Atmospherically deposited N (AD-N) can reach
emissions but with little influence on atmospheric P level.
N-sensitive waterways via direct deposition to the water’s
doi: 10.2166/wst.2009.262
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Water Science & Technology—WST | 59.11 | 2009
P. Sundarambal et al. | Atmospheric fluxes of nutrients
surface or by deposition to land surface and subsequent
(Peierls & Paerl 1997). Some studies have shown evidence
runoff (indirect deposition). Furthermore, there are two
that the atmospheric input of phosphate is likely to affect
depositional pathways for removing pollutants from the
biological productivity in Mediterranean oligotrophic
atmosphere: DAD (particulate matter and gases) and WAD
waters (Herut et al. 1999; Markaki et al. 2003). The impact
(precipitation) (Figure 1). Dry deposition is the process by
of nutrient-enriched atmospheric inputs is enhanced under
which atmospheric gases and particles are transferred to the
oligotrophic conditions. Under nutrient depleted conditions
surface as a result of random turbulent air motions. Wet
at surface waters, the atmospheric spreading of nutrients
deposition is the process where gaseous and particulate
over offshore waters is expected to generate a phyto-
components are scavenged by the means of rain droplets
plankton biomass increase (Ridame & Guieu 2002). The
and subsequently transferred to the ground.
dry deposition mode is a significant source of nutrients to
The atmospheric deposition may introduce a significant
surface waters at the yearly scale; however, when nutrient
nutrient load to the surface water and aquatic ecosystem.
concentrations in surface water are low, nutrients do not
Once the atmospheric nutrients enter surface water, the
accumulate and are immediately consumed by biota
chemical form of the dissolved ion may be altered, thus
(Migon et al. 2001), and new production triggered by the
changing its solubility, retention in the euphotic zone, and
atmospheric nutrients input may not be clearly observable.
bioavailability. Thus, AD could contribute a substantial
The rapid exhaustion of atmospheric suspended matter
fraction of dissolved inorganic N to the euphotic zone. This
during atmospheric washout causes high pulses of nutrients
new source could possibly support the primary production.
associated with washout events (Buat-Menard & Duce
However, these estimates have a relatively large uncertainty
1986). The excess nitrogen can deplete essential oxygen
due to errors associated with deposition flux calculations
levels in the water by eutrophication and has significant
and its temporal variability. The coastal and oceanic
effects on climate, food production, and ecosystems all over
primary production due to atmospherically transported N
the world (Duce et al. 2008).
and other nutrient sources may promote the major
The air in Singapore and the region is episodically
biological changes that are now apparent in coastal and
polluted by the transboundary smoke haze from the land
oceanic waters, including the proliferation of harmful algal
and prolonged forest fires in Indonesia and neighboring
blooms (HAB) and decline in the water quality and fish
countries (Balasubramanian et al. 2003). These haze
stock (Jickells 1998). Atmospherically derived dissolved ON
episodes could introduce considerable amounts of atmos-
has also been shown to stimulate bacterial and algal growth
pheric nutrients to aquatic systems through both DAD and
WAD. However, no detailed studies to date have yet been
conducted in the region on nutrient composition in aerosol
particles and precipitation. The main goals of this work
were to develop sampling and laboratory methods for
measuring nutrients (N & P species) in DAD and WAD,
and to estimate annual N and P fluxes on water surface in
Singapore Strait. The data obtained from the field measurements are presented and discussed in this paper.
Study area
Figure 1
Schematic diagram of atmospheric deposition occurrence onto aquatic
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Singapore is a small urban country with total land area
of 700 km2 located at latitudes 18060 N and 18240 N &
Figure 2
Water Science & Technology—WST | 59.11 | 2009
P. Sundarambal et al. | Atmospheric fluxes of nutrients
Map of Southeast Asia, Singapore and sampling locations.
longitudes 1038240 E and 1048240 E, 137 km north of the
potentially could transport haze from the region to
equator (Figure 2). Because of its geographical location,
Singapore area, Malacca Straits and Peninsular Malaysia.
its climate is characterized by uniform temperature
The ambient air temperature is ranging from 21.1 to 35.18C,
and pressure, high humidity and abundant rainfall. Mon-
the annual average rainfall of 2,136 mm and a resident
soon system over the Singapore region is a part of the
population of four million (Singapore Department of
Asian monsoon system; however, it has some regional
Statistics 2005). In general, dry weather is the result of
characteristics different from that over the Indian Ocean
lack of convection or stable atmosphere which prevents the
and Indian subcontinent. Singapore has two seasons, the
development of rain-bearing clouds. SW and NE winds
Northeast Monsoon (NEM) (November to March) and the
occur in the coastal area periodically and the maximum
Southwest Monsoon (SWM) season (June to September),
wind speeds range from 5 m/s to 10 m/s.
and inter-monsoon (IM) periods (April to May and
October). During NEM period (Figure 3a), the air mass
Sample collection
masses might bring air pollution from China, Myanmar,
Both the aerosol and rainwater sampling was conducted at
Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. During SWM
the atmospheric research station (latitudes 18180 N and
period (Figure 3b), air masses pass by southern Sumatra,
longitudes 1038460 E, 67 m above sea level) located at the
Borneo, Surabaya & Java Islands of Indonesia and
rooftop of building E2, National University of Singapore
Figure 3
Climatological winds averaged over the years 1980–2006.
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Water Science & Technology—WST | 59.11 | 2009
P. Sundarambal et al. | Atmospheric fluxes of nutrients
(NUS, Figure 2), Singapore. There are no industrial sources
in the vicinity of the sampling site. The atmospheric
particulates (TSP) for dry deposition measurements were
collected by a High Volume air sampler (model 3,800 AFC,
HI-Q Environmental Products Company, USA). Air flow
was maintained at 40 SCFM (Standard Cubic Feet per
Minute) by an automatic air flow control system. Air
samples were collected over 24 hours at the sampling
location mainly during dry weather conditions randomly
during the study period. The TSP samples were collected on
20.3 £ 25.4 cm size Whatman QM-A Quartz air-sampling
filters for water soluble ionic and nutrients analysis. The
filters were conditioned in a dry box at 40% relative
humidity and 258C temperature for 24 hours pre- and postsampling weights to obtain mass collected on the filters. The
Sample analysis
The sample analysis was done to characterize wet and dry
nutrient deposition. The types of atmospheric nutrients
were identified for AD calculations: N species such as
ammonium (NH4), nitrate (NO3), nitrite (NO2), total
nitrogen (TN) and organic nitrogen (ON), and P species
such as phosphate (PO4), total phosphorus (TP) and
organic phosphorus (OP). The air sampling and the
chemical analysis of atmospheric samples were carried
out according to standard protocols (APHA 2005). The
collected atmospheric samples were analyzed for N species
and P species by an analytical procedure developed
for DAD and WAD samples in the tropical region
(Sundarambal et al. 2007).
mass concentration of TSP (mg/m3) was calculated from the
Dry deposition filter samples were taken as a fraction,
collected mass of particulate (mg) divided by the volume of
for example, 1/4 or 1/8th part of total filter area and 20 or
air passed through the filter (m3) during sampling period.
50 ml Milli-Q water (Millipore) was added in a tapered
Filters were then weighed using a Mettler top-loader balance
bottle. It was sonicated for 30– 60 min. The extracts were
with the lowest readability of 0.0001 mg. The balance was
then filtered using a syringe filter. Rain water samples
regularly checked with NIST-traceable standard calibrated
were taken after filtration for laboratory analysis. Wet and
weights. The particulate filters were stored in a refrigerator
dry samples were analyzed for the ionic species by
at 48C until extraction for sample analysis.
ion chromatography (IC) (Model ICS-2000; Dionex
The rainwater samples for wet deposition were collected
Corporation) using a cation column and anion column
by using an automated wet only rainwater sampler (Ecotech
according to our standard laboratory procedure, TN and TP
Model 200, Ecotech Pty Ltd, Australia) at the sampling
(Karthikeyan et al. 2007; Sundarambal et al. 2007). The
location. Rainwater samples were transferred from the
dominant ionic species are sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium
sampler to pre-cleaned high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
among the inorganic ions.
bottles after the rain event and immediately filtered using
To determine TN, the samples were placed in a bottle
0.45 nylon membrane filters and refrigerated at 48C for
with an oxidizing reagent (potassium persulfate – sodium
sample analysis. Rainfall, , 1 mm was not taken into
hydroxide) and borate buffer solution. The bottles were
account, firstly for analytical convenience, and secondly
placed in a pressure cooker at 1008C (0.2 –0.27 atm) for
because even when the nutrient concentration is high, such
60 min for sample digestion so that all N species could be
events yield low or negligible nutrient loads. Daily rainfall
converted into nitrate. After the samples were cooled to room
amounts and other meteorological
temperature, the digested samples were filtered through a
obtained for January 2006 through July 2006 from NUS
0.45 mm filter. A boric acid-sodium hydroxide buffer was
weather station (Department of Geography, NUS). The dry
added to bring the pH of the sample within the range 7 – 8.
deposition (27 aerosol samples) and wet deposition samples
If IC was used for TN determination, the digested sample pH
(24 rain samples) were collected for the period from January
should be adjusted to alkaline condition to avoid the IC
2006 to July 2006. The aerosol and rainwater samples at the
columns damage. The sample was then ready for the
sampling station (NUS), and seawater samples (n ¼ 11) from
determination of total oxidized nitrogen using IC as nitrate.
Singapore Strait near Southern Island (SJI, Figure 2) were
EDTA standards were used for calibration.
also collected during October 2006 haze episode to explore
the relation between AD nutrients and phytoplankton.
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Wet and dry samples were analyzed by the IC anion
column for PO4 and by the Ascorbic Acid method for TP
Water Science & Technology—WST | 59.11 | 2009
P. Sundarambal et al. | Atmospheric fluxes of nutrients
(APHA 2005). The digested sample was used for TP
determination as per standard phosphate procedure. OP
was quantified by subtracting the PO4 from the TP. The
quality of the methods for both N and P species was verified
by a known NIST SRM 1648 (urban particulate matter)
standard sampling procedure and a standard addition
method. The PM10 air samples (n ¼ 10) collected from
August 1997 to November 1997 during the smoke haze
period were utilized for validation of the developed laboratory methods of nutrient analysis (Sundarambal et al. 2007).
Nutrients in aerosol particles
TSP contains airborne particles of all sizes, a fraction of
these particles is only inhalable. These are the particles with
an aerodynamic diameter of 10 mm and less, generally
referred to as PM10; WHO guideline for TSP is 120 mg/m3
(WHO 1997). During the sampling period, the highest TSP
was 93.2 mg/m3 while PSI (Pollution Standard Index) was
51. Singapore adopted the USEPA’s Pollution Standards
Index (PSI) to report the ambient air quality i.e good
Atmospheric flux calculations
(0–50), moderate (51 – 100), unhealthy (101– 200), very
The atmospheric fluxes of identified nutrient species were
estimated as follows. The DAD flux (Fd) (g/m2/year) of each
nutrient was calculated from the concentration of the
soluble fraction of aerosol nutrient in the air (Ca) and the
dry deposition velocity of aerosol nutrient (Vd), (i.e)
Fd ¼ CaVd. The WAD flux (Fw) (g/m2/year) of each nutrient
was calculated from the precipitation rate (Pr) and the concentration of the nutrient in rainwater (Cr), (i.e) Fw ¼ CrPr.
The magnitude of dry deposition rate (Vd) depends on the
specific chemical components. Deposition velocities for
particulate contaminants are a function of particles’ mass
median diameters and meteorological parameters. Physical
processes determining the dry deposition velocity include
unhealthy (201 –300) or hazardous (. 300). PSI is calculated by measuring the concentrations of CO, SO2, NO2, O3
and PM10. Whenever there is a haze episode, high PM10
concentrations usually contributes to the PSI. It was also
observed that measured nutrient concentrations were high
when PSI was high. The maximum measured TN,
ammonium, nitrate þ nitrite (hereafter denoted as nitratenitrogen), ON, TP, phosphate, OP concentrations (mg/m3)
in the aerosol were 5.78, 0.997, 3.54, 2.13, 0.635, 0.355 and
0.339, respectively, when the highest TSP (93.2 mg/m3) was
observed. The average N species concentrations in the
aerosol phase were 1.31 ^ 0.91 mg/m3 for nitrate-nitrogen,
0.374 ^ 0.27 mg/m3 for ammonium, 0.963 ^ 0.661 mg/m3
gravitational settling, impaction, and diffusion (Jickells &
for ON and 2.67 ^ 1.17 mg/m3 for TN. The average P
Spokes 2001). Also, it is dependent on climatological and
physical conditions in the troposphere, and on the chemical
0.156 ^ 0.144 mg/m3 for phosphate, 0.14 ^ 0.122 mg/m3
species, since the species are known to be associated with
for OP and 0.296 ^ 0.254 mg/m3 for TP. Figure 4 shows
different particle fractions. Duce et al. (1991) proposed a
average concentration of nutrients in DAD from January
mean Vd value of 0.1 cm/s for sub-micrometre particles, and
2006 to July 2006 and the seawater baseline derived from
2.0 cm/s for aerosols .1 mm in diameter depositing to
Tkalich & Sundarambal (2003). Deposition was fairly
ocean regions ,1,000 km from land. Dry deposition
evenly distributed between nitrate-nitrogen, ammonium,
and ON (50%, 14%, and 36%, respectively). The percentage
0.0062 cm/s, for particles with a diameter of 0.75 mm, to
5.4 cm/s for those with a diameter of 24 mm (Qi et al. 2005).
Owing to the absence of measured deposition rates, the
Vd values used in this study follow those reported by Duce
et al. 1991 for phosphate, nitrate and ammonium, which are
respectively 2.0, 1.2 and 0.6 cm/s and those assumed for
both TN & ON, and TP & OP are 1.2 cm/s and 2 cm/s,
respectively. These values were used previously in similar
flux calculations by Herut et al. (1999).
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Figure 4
Average concentration of nutrients (N and P species) in atmospheric dry
deposition and seawater in Singapore.
Figure 5
Water Science & Technology—WST | 59.11 | 2009
P. Sundarambal et al. | Atmospheric fluxes of nutrients
Representative 4 days air mass back trajectories for starting altitude of 1,000 m, 500 m, and 60 m above ground level (AGL) calculated for the sampling site (a) on 28th July
2006 and (b) on 4th March 2006. The location of hotspots in Sumatra observed on 26th July 2006 is shown on the regional haze map.
contribution of phosphate and OP on Singapore Strait were
respectively 53 and 47 of TP.
The air mass back trajectories were plotted for each
sampling period to identify the origin and history of air
masses received at the sampling site in Singapore. The
backward trajectories were plotted using NOAA HY-SPLIT
model (Draxler & Rolph 2003) at altitudes 1,000, 500, and
60 m for the representative periods on 28th July 2006
(SWM, Figure 5a) and 4th March 2006 (NEM, Figure 5b).
Archived data of the hot spots count in Sumatra
(Singapore’s National Environment Agency, NEA) showed
that South Sumatra, the area whereby most of the
trajectories passed through (Regional haze map on 26th
July 2006 by NEA), had more hot spots than the rest of
Sumatra during hazy days. The transport of the smoke haze
strongly depends on the prevalent wind direction (Figure 3).
The smoke haze particles from fires in the northern ASEAN
Nutrients in precipitation
The concentrations of N species in precipitation were in
the range of 0.725 –5.783 mg/l for TN, 0.39 –5.55 mg/l
for nitrate-nitrogen, 0.01– 0.94 mg/l for ammonium and
0.12– 2.66 mg/l for organic N. The results show that WAD
was the predominant source of atmospheric nutrients to the
Singapore area. Figure 6 shows the average concentrations
of WAD from January to July 2006 and the seawater baseline
derived from Tkalich & Sundarambal (2003). The dissolved
phase in rainwater is regarded here as an approximation of
its bioavailable fraction. The particulate fraction in rainwater
that enters the marine surface layer partly dissolves,
however. There was no DAD regional data published
previously and few WAD data for ammonium and nitrate
only were published elsewhere (e.g. Ayers & Yeung 1996;
Ayers et al. 2000; Asiati et al. 2001). The importance of ON in
(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) region were
carried over by mild winds, contributing to hazy conditions
(NEA, Singapore). The maximum TN concentration of
5.78 mg/m3 and 3.81 mg/m3 was observed respectively in
DAD on 28th July 2006 and 4th March 2006. Both
values were higher as compared to clear days. This
observation is consistent with those made earlier during
the previous smoke haze episodes at the same sampling site
(Balasubramanian et al. 2003).
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Figure 6
Average concentration of nutrients (N and P species) in atmospheric wet
deposition and seawater in Singapore.
Water Science & Technology—WST | 59.11 | 2009
P. Sundarambal et al. | Atmospheric fluxes of nutrients
Table 1
Comparison of WAD flux (g/m2/year) of ammonium and nitrate in some countries, SEA
1993 – 1998
Ayers et al. (2000)
1992 & 1996
Asiati et al. (2001)
Hong Kong
1998 – 1991
Ayers & Yeung (1996)
Present study
for DAD flux.
TN from AD has recently been re-evaluated; it may represent
continental, natural and anthropogenic source for P species
half of the input of inorganic forms on a regional scale and be
(Herut et al. 1999). The WAD flux was higher than the DAD
equal to them for global ocean (Cornell et al. 1995). The
flux and the total budget shows that the biologically
observed ON is 36 to 40% of TN in the present study while
available N load to the surface waters is significantly more
that published was 41% of TN (Cornell et al. 2003).
than ,10 times the biologically available P load to the
surface waters (Figure 7). Duce et al. (2008) reported that
the ratio of 2030 to 2000 deposition rates increased up to a
Atmospheric fluxes of nutrients
factor of 2 in SEA, TN deposition constitutes 40% of net
In the present study, the atmospheric fluxes of nutrients
external N supply.
are calculated based on the field measurements from
January 2006 to July 2006 in Singapore. The mean DAD
fluxes of organic and inorganic P species were estimated as
Total AD nutrients fluxes
0.088 ^ 0.077 and 0.098 ^ 0.091 (g/m2/year), respectively.
The range and mean of total (WAD þ DAD) fluxes of N
The mean WAD fluxes of organic and inorganic P species
and P species over the sampling period in Singapore based
0.068 ^ 0.047
on the present study are shown in Table 2. The maximum
(g/m /year), respectively. Table 1 shows the WAD flux
annual flux of atmospheric TP was 2.85 (g/m2/year) while
of ammonium and nitrate-nitrogen in Singapore were
that of TN was 21.9 g/m2/year. The proportion of DAD flux
comparable with those published elsewhere in SEA.
to total fluxes for N species and P species were in the range
The nutrient composition in DAD and WAD indicated
of 0.1 to 0.12 and 0.15 to 0.59, respectively. It was observed
a dominant anthropogenic source for N species and a
that the proportion of DAD to total fluxes for N compounds
0.498 ^ 0.525
Figure 7
Atmospheric deposition flux of nutrients (N and P species) in atmospheric wet deposition and dry deposition during sampling period.
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Table 2
Water Science & Technology—WST | 59.11 | 2009
P. Sundarambal et al. | Atmospheric fluxes of nutrients
(WAD þ DAD) fluxes (g/m2/year) of inorganic and
Total AD nutrient fluxes (g/m2/year) in Singapore
organic N species were in the range of 0.97 –15.4 and
NO3 þ NO2
The estimated atmospheric nutrient fluxes could contribute
a substantial fraction of dissolved inorganic N to the
euphotic zone. This investigation represents a baseline
study using which possible environmental effects of “new”
0.363 – 6.49, and those of P species were 0.003 – 0.344 and
0.142 – 2.51, respectively. The atmospheric depositions were
mainly contributed by nitrate-nitrogen, followed by ON and
then ammonium ion (50%, 36%, and 14%, respectively).
AD of N & P compounds on the coastal aquatic ecosystem
was smaller than that for P compounds. The observed range
can be assessed.
of seawater phytoplankton was 0.018 – 0.172 mg C/l during
2006 haze event. From the analysis of field measurements of
AD and seawater during October 2006 haze, a significant
correlation between phytoplankton and AD deposition
(Pearson correlation coefficient . 0.6, P-value , 0.05)
was found; The field observations of AD nutrients made
during the October 2006 haze event will be published
elsewhere. A long term monitoring of both AD of nutrients
and the corresponding changes in seawater is needed to
conclude the exact relationship between phytoplankton and
This research is a part of the main author’s PhD research.
We would like to thank the Division of Environmental
Science and Engineering (ESE) for providing laboratory
facilities and financial support, He Jun (ESE) for sample
collection, and Tropical Marine Science Institute, National
University of Singapore for the technical support.
AD nutrients in tropical coastal waters.
The transfer of atmospheric nutrients through precipi-
tation is a more efficient deposition process for the
particulate matter in the marine area as compared to
DAD (Bergametti et al. 1992) which is consistent with the
observations made in this study. Using the estimated AD
nutrient fluxes from this study and water quality model
(NEUTRO, Tkalich & Sundarambal 2003; Sundarambal
et al. 2007), the simulated results to show the effects of
atmospheric nutrient input into Singapore area and
surrounding waters will be published elsewhere.
This study was conducted to quantify both the inorganic
and organic fractions of water soluble N and P species in
dry atmospheric deposition and wet atmospheric deposition
to a tropical marine environment of Singapore. A systematic
study on the methodologies of DAD and WAD measurements and the quantification of nutrients (N & P species)
were carried out for the first time in Singapore. The total
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