Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
Viral hepatitis and HIV coinfectionq
Mark S. Sulkowski*
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 600 North Wolfe Street, 1830 Building, Room 448, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA
Persons at high risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are also likely to be at risk for other infectious
pathogens, including hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). These are bloodborne pathogens transmitted
through similar routes; for example, via injection drug use (IDU), sexual contact, or from mother to child during pregnancy or birth. In some settings, the prevalence of coinfection with HBV and/or HCV is high. In the context of effective
antiretroviral therapy (ART), liver disease has emerged as a major cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected persons. Further, coinfection with viral hepatitis may complicate the delivery of ART by increasing the risk of drug-related
hepatoxicity and impacting the selection of specific agents (e.g., those dually active against HIV and HBV). Expert guidelines developed in the United States and Europe recommend screening of all HIV-infected persons for infection with HCV
and HBV and appropriate management of those found to be chronically infected. Treatment strategies for HBV infection
include the use of nucleos(t)ide analogues with or without anti-HIV activity and/or peginterferon alfa (PegIFN) whereas
HCV treatment is limited to the combination of PegIFN and ribavirin (RBV). Current approaches to management of HIVinfected persons coinfected with HBV or HCV are discussed in this review.
2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the European Association for the Study of the Liver.
Keywords: HIV; HCV; HBV; Liver
1. Introduction
Persons at high risk for human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) infection are also likely to be at risk for
other infectious pathogens, including hepatitis B virus
(HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). These are bloodborne pathogens transmitted through similar routes;
for example, via injection drug use (IDU), sexual contact, or from mother to child during pregnancy or birth
Associate Editor: M. Colombo
Dr. Sulkowski declares that he receives research grants or funding/
lecture sponsorships/honoraria for continuing medical education
(CME) programs from, or advisor or consultant for Boehringer
Ingelheim, Merck, Human Genome Sciences, Valeant, Bristol-MyersSquibb, Pfizer, Vertex, Roche and Schering, and government grants or
research funding (DA-16065 and DA-13806) and General Clinical
Research Center at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (MOIRR00052).
Tel.: +1 410 614 6089; fax: +1 410 614 5138.
E-mail address:
[email protected]
[1]. In some settings, the prevalence of coinfection with
HBV and/or HCV is high [2,3]. In the context of effective antiretroviral therapy (ART), liver disease has
emerged as a major cause of morbidity and mortality
in HIV-infected persons [4–6]. Further, coinfection with
viral hepatitis may complicate the delivery of ART by
increasing the risk of drug-related hepatoxicity and
impacting the selection of specific agents (e.g., those
dually active against HIV and HBV) [7]. Expert guidelines developed in the United States and Europe recommend screening of all HIV-infected persons for infection
with HCV and HBV and appropriate management of
those found to be chronically infected [8–11]. Treatment
strategies for HBV infection include the use of nucleos(t)ide analogues with or without anti-HIV activity
and/or peginterferon alfa (PegIFN) whereas HCV treatment is limited to the combination of PegIFN and ribavirin (RBV). Current approaches to management of
HIIV-infected persons coinfected with HBV or HCV
are discussed in this review.
0168-8278/$32.00 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the European Association for the Study of the Liver.
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
2. Hepatitis C virus infection
2.1. Epidemiology and natural history
HCV and HIV have similar modes of transmission
but the transmission efficiency of each virus differs.
HCV is most efficiently spread through exposure to contaminated blood or blood products, particularly injection drug use (IDU). Rates of vertical and perinatal
transmission are relatively low (3–6%), although
increased 2-fold when the mother is HIV-infected
[12,13]. Sexual transmission of HCV is inefficient and
the exact risk related to different types of sexual activity
is unknown. However, there is increasing evidence of
sexually transmitted HCV in HIV-infected men who
have sex with men (MSM). For example, in one cohort,
the incidence of HCV infection among HIV seropositive
MSMs increased 10-fold after 2000 [14]. Sexually
acquired HCV infection has been associated with sexually transmitted diseases and traumatic anal receptive
intercourse [15]. Based on the relative efficiency of transmission, the prevalence of HCV coinfection varies
depending on the route of HIV transmission, ranging
from 10% to 14% among persons reporting high-risk
sexual exposure to approximately 85–90% among those
reporting IDU [16]. In the United States and Europe,
33% of all HIV-infected persons are HCV infected
HIV infection exacerbates the natural history of HCV
infection [19–22]. HIV-infected patients are less likely to
clear hepatitis C viremia following acute infection, have
higher HCV RNA loads, and experience more rapid
progression of HCV-related liver disease than those
without HIV infection [23]. As early as 1993, Eyster
and colleagues reported that HCV RNA levels were
higher in people with hemophilia who became HIV
infected than in those who remained HIV negative,
and liver failure occurred exclusively in coinfected
patients [19]. Among HCV-positive patients with hemophilia who were prospectively monitored, Goedert and
colleagues estimated the 16-year cumulative incidence
of end-stage liver disease (ESLD) among men with
and without HIV to be 14.0% and 2.6%, respectively
[24]. Among those men with coinfection, the ESLD risk
increased 8.1-fold with HBV surface antigenemia, 2.1fold with CD4 cell counts below 200 cells/mm3, and
1.04-fold per additional year of age. Finally, the effect
of HIV on HCV was summarized in a meta-analysis of
multiple studies that assessed the correlation between
HIV coinfection and the progression of HCV-related
liver disease [6]. HIV coinfection was associated with a
relative risk of ESLD of 6.14 and a relative risk of cirrhosis of 2.07 when compared with HCV monoinfection
(Fig. 1).
Studies on the effect of ART on the natural history of
chronic HCV disease have been contradictory [25–28].
Fig. 1. Adjusted relative risk of decompensated liver disease or
histological cirrhosis in patients with HIV/HCV coinfection compared
with patients who have HCV infection alone (adapted from meta-analysis
published by Graham and colleagues) [6].
Qurishi et al. reported a lower risk of liver mortality
in persons who lived long enough to receive effective
ART [29]. However, several prospective studies have
not detected a beneficial effect of ART on HCV disease
[4,30,31]. In other studies, ART has been associated
with hepatic injury (e.g., hepatocellular necrosis and steatosis) [7,32,33]. Indeed, in a cohort of 23,441 HIVinfected patients, Weber et al. observed an increased risk
of liver-related mortality with longer ART exposure [4].
Additional research is needed to determine the longterm effect of ART on HCV disease progression.
Nonetheless, as a consequence of the high HCV prevalence and accelerated disease progression, HCV-related
morbidity and mortality is substantial in HIV-infected
persons. In one study, Gebo and coworkers evaluated
rates of admission at an urban hospital from 1995 to
2000 among HIV-infected patients and found that
admissions for liver-related complications among
HCV-positive patients increased nearly 5-fold from 5.4
to 26.7 admissions per 100 person-years during that time
[5]. Similarly, among 23,441 HIV-infected North American and European patients followed in the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D)
study, liver disease was the second leading cause of
death, with an incidence of 0.23 cases per 100 personyears follow-up behind HIV/AIDS (0.59 cases per 100
person-years) and ahead of cardiovascular disease
(0.14 cases per 100 person-years) (Fig. 2) [4]. These data
suggest that HCV-related liver disease will continue to
be a major cause of hospital admissions and deaths
among HIV-infected persons.
The effect of HCV infection on HIV disease progression is less clear. Some studies report impaired immune
reconstitution in patients with HIV/HCV co-infection
treated with ART compared to those with HIV alone
[34]; however, this effect has not been observed in other
studies [2,35] and is not likely to be clinically relevant
[36]. Patients with underlying viral hepatitis are more
likely to experience hepatotoxicity on ART [37]. How-
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
Fig. 2. Causes of death in 23,441, HIV-infected adults followed
prospectively in the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV
Drugs (D:A:D) study [4].
ever, for most persons, this does not impact ART delivery since the majority (90%) of coinfected patients do
not develop severe hepatotoxicity. In some studies, the
risk of ART-associated hepatotoxicity is greater in coinfected persons with advanced hepatic fibrosis, suggesting
that liver disease staging prior to initiating ART may be
useful to stratify the risk of hepatotoxicity [38]. Interestingly, effective treatment of HCV infection has been
associated with reduced risk of ART-associated liver
injury [10].
2.2. Diagnosis
All HIV-infected patients should be tested for evidence of chronic HCV infection [8,10]. Initial testing
for HCV should be performed using sensitive immunoassays (3rd generation EIA) licensed for detection of
anti-HCV. False negative anti-HCV EIA results may
occur in HIV-infected persons with advanced immunosupression (CD4 < 100/mm3) and true negative EIA
are common in the setting of acute HCV infection
(<12 weeks following acquisition) prior to seroconversion. If serologic test results are negative and HCV
infection is suspected due to elevated liver enzyme levels
or risk factors such as IDU or high-risk sex, HCV RNA
testing should be performed. To confirm the presence of
chronic infection, HCV seropositive persons should be
tested for HCV RNA using a qualitative or quantitative
assay. Quantitative HCV RNA level (i.e., viral load)
does not correlate with degree of liver damage and does
not serve as a surrogate for measuring disease severity,
but it does provide important prognostic information
about the response to antiviral therapy. Serial quantitative HCV RNA testing should be limited to persons
receiving HCV treatment. While a single detectable
HCV RNA result is sufficient to confirm the diagnosis
of active HCV infection, a single negative result cannot
exclude active viremia because RNA levels might tran-
siently decline below the limit of detection; repeat testing
should be performed. HCV genotype testing should be
performed in all HIV-infected persons considering
HCV treatment because it is best predictor of HCV
response to treatment and may influence the decision
to treat and/or perform liver biopsy. Repeat HCV genotype testing is rarely indicated. Serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferase (ALT and AST) levels often
fluctuate and prolonged periods of normal serum liver
enzyme levels may be observed. Although higher serum
ALT and AST levels are clearly predictive of more rapid
disease progression, significant liver disease may be present even in the case of persistently normal ALT levels
Numerous imaging modalities are available to evaluate liver parenchymal changes including ultrasonography and CT or MRI scans. However, these tests have
limited utility in staging liver disease as they are often
abnormal only in advanced disease. Ultrasonography
may be used as the initial test for evaluation of cirrhosis,
especially if suspected based on physical examination or
laboratory testing, or for preliminary detection of hepatic mass lesions suspicious for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Due to cost, the use of CT with contrast or MRI scanning should generally be limited to evaluation of hepatic
mass lesions among patients with cirrhosis.
Liver biopsy remains the preferred test for evaluation
of HCV-related disease (fibrosis stage) and is useful to
assess prognosis and guide HCV treatment decisions.
While ultrasound guidance reduces the risk, complications of percutaneous liver biopsy (i.e., hemorrhage, bile
peritonitis, and pneumothorax) occur at rates of 1–3 per
1000 cases [40]. Further, disease staging by biopsy is
expensive and subject to sampling error due to the heterogeneity of hepatic fibrosis. In some studies, disease
progression has been observed over relatively short time
periods in persons with minimal fibrosis. Therefore,
while helpful in the evaluation of coinfected persons,
liver biopsy is not required prior to the initiation of
anti-HCV therapy, particularly in patients with high
probability of responding to therapy. Non-invasive testing strategies to evaluate liver fibrosis are an area of
active research. Currently a number of tests are available which can reliably separate patients with minimal
fibrosis from those with cirrhosis but fail to clearly distinguish intermediate stages of fibrotic disease progression [41–45]. While some tests are proprietary
commercial assays (e.g., HCV FibroSURE, Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings), others are
based on laboratory tests which are routinely obtained
in most HIV-infected persons (FIB-4: age, ALT, AST,
and platelet count; APRI: AST-Platelet Ratio Index)
(Table 1). Additional studies indicate non-invasive liver
stiffness measurements using transient elastography as a
surrogate for liver fibrosis [46]. Prospective studies are
ongoing to determine which test or combinations of
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
Table 1
Noninvasive markers of HCV-related liver disease
Sensitivity/specificity for
advanced fibrosis (%)
AST/ALT ratio
Ratio > 1
Forns test
• Platelets
• Cholesterol
7.811–3.131, ln(platelet count
[109 cells/L]) 0.781 ln(GGT [UI/L])
3.467 ln(age [yrs]) 0.014
(cholesterol [mg/dL])
• Platelets
(AST level · upper limit of normal)/
(platelet count [109 cells/L]) · 100
Apolipoprotein A
• Hyaluronic acid
• TIMP-1
• Alpha-2-macroglobulin
• Transient elastography
pulse-echo ultrasound
acquisitions to measure liver
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; APRI, AST-to-platelet ratio index; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; GGT, c-glutamyl-transpeptidase; N/A, not
applicable; TIMP-1, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1.
tests provide the best predictive value for disease
2.3. Treatment
Treatment guidelines endorsed by the National Institutes of Health, the US Public Health Service, the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the
Infectious Diseases Society of America, and the European Consensus Conference Panel state that HCV
should be treated in the HIV-infected person [8–10,47].
However, current HCV therapies are associated with
significant toxicity and have limited efficacy; accordingly, treatment should be provided to patients whose
risk of liver disease is judged to outweigh the risk of
morbidity due to the adverse effects of therapy, and
who are most likely to respond to treatment (Table 2).
The goals of HCV therapy include eradication of HCV
infection, prevention of hepatic fibrosis progression
and, among persons with HCV-related cirrhosis, prevention of ESLD, hepatocellular carcinoma, and death.
Although viral eradication is not anticipated in most
treated persons, histologic and clinical benefits of therapy have been observed in the absence of virologic
response [48].
On the basis of well-designed, randomized controlled
trials, peginterferon plus ribavirin is the recommended
treatment for hepatitis C in HIV-infected persons with
observed sustained virologic response rates of 14–36%
for HCV genotype 1 infection and 43–73% for HCV
genotype 2 and 3 infection (see Table 3) [48–51].
Fixed-dose RBV (800 mg/day) is recommended for
HIV-infected persons with genotype 2 or 3. However,
among HIV seronegative persons with genotype 1, PegIFN plus weight-based RBV (1000 mg/day for persons
weighing <75 kg; 1200 mg for persons weighing
P75 kg) was more effective than fixed-dose ribavirin
[52]. While the efficacy of weight-based ribavirin in
HIV-infected persons has not been established in randomized controlled trials, studies indicate that this strategy is not associated with increased risk of adverse
effects (e.g., anemia) in coinfected persons and may be
associated with improved viral response [49,53]. Accordingly, most experts recommend the use of weight-based
RBV in HIV-infected persons with HCV genotype 1.
Because the efficacy of shorter treatment duration has
not been adequately evaluated in HIV-infected persons,
the recommended duration of treatment is 48 weeks
duration for infections with all HIV-infected persons,
including those with HCV genotype, 2 or 3.
In the absence of contraindications (see below), HCV
treatment should be routinely offered to persons in
whom the potential benefits of therapy are judged to
outweigh the potential risks including (but not limited)
to persons with: HCV genotype 2 or 3 infection; HCV
genotype 1 infection with low HCV RNA level
(<400,000 IU/mL); significant hepatic fibrosis (bridging
fibrosis or cirrhosis); stable HIV infection not requiring
antiretroviral therapy who are motivated to undergo
therapy; acute HCV infection (<6 months duration);
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
Table 2
Recommendations for the management of HCV in HIV-infected patients [8]
• Anti-HCV testing should be performed in all HIV-infected patients
• HCV RNA testing should be performed to confirm HCV infection in HIV-infected patients who are seropositive for anti-HCV,
as well as in those who are seronegative and have evidence of unexplained liver disease
• HCV should be treated in the HIV/HCV-coinfected patient in whom the likelihood of serious liver disease and a treatment response
are judged to outweigh the risk of morbidity from the adverse effects of therapy
• Initial treatment of HCV in most HIV-infected patients consists of peginterferon alfa plus ribavirin for 48 weeks
• Given the high likelihood of adverse events, HIV/HCV-coinfected patients on HCV treatment should be monitored closely
• Ribavirin should be used with caution in patients with limited myeloid reserves and in those taking ZDV or d4T. When possible,
patients receiving ddI should be switched to an equivalent antiretroviral before beginning ribavirin
• HIV-infected patients with decompensated liver disease may be candidates for orthotopic liver transplantation
cryoglobulinemic vasculitis; and/or cryoglobulinemic
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Conversely,
treatment with PegIFN/RBV should be routinely withheld from persons in whom the potential risks of therapy are judged to outweigh the potential benefits
including (but not limited to) persons with: pregnancy
or who are not willing to use birth control; advanced
AIDS with insufficient suppression of HIV replication.
HCV treatment may be considered following the successful implementation of ART; hepatic decompensation
encephalopathy, ascites). Liver transplantation, where
feasible, should be the primary treatment option for
patients with decompensated liver disease; severe,
uncontrolled comorbid medical conditions (e.g., cancer
or cardiopulmonary disease); severe, active depression
with suicidal ideation. HCV treatment may be considered following the successful implementation of psychiatric care; significant hematologic abnormality (e.g,
hemoglobin <10.5 g/dL, absolute neutrophil count
<1000/mm3, platelet count <50,000/mm3). HCV treatment may be considered following the correction of
hematologic abnormalities (e.g., treatment of underlying
causative conditions and/or use of hematopoietic
growth factors); significant renal insufficiency. In such
persons, HCV treatment with peginterferon alone may
be considered; sarcoidosis due to increased risk of severe
disease exacerbation with interferon therapy; active,
uncontrolled autoimmune conditions (e.g., systemic
lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis) due to
increased risk of severe disease exacerbation with interferon therapy.
Data from randomized controlled trials indicate that
the pre-treatment CD4 cell count is not strongly associated with SVR. However, the efficacy and safety of PegIFN/RBV in persons with CD4 cell counts <200 cells/
lL has not been established. Therefore, for HIVinfected patients with CD4 cell counts <200 cells/lL,
initiation of ART should be considered before HCV
treatment. For persons who have had to terminate or
could not initiate antiretroviral therapy because of hepatotoxicity, limited evidence supports HCV treatment in
order to permit safe restart of ART, including in persons
with CD4 cell count <200 cells/lL. As liver disease progression is likely to be slower among co-infected patients
with no or minimal fibrosis or inflammatory changes on
liver biopsy, these patients might not need HCV treatment and should be monitored periodically with serial
determinations of ALT and repeat liver biopsy. In
patients for whom HCV treatment is deferred, the most
appropriate intervals to monitor such patients have not
been determined, but because of unpredictable fibrosis
progression, even among those with limited fibrosis,
serial liver biopsy should be considered every 2–3 years
Patients with contraindications to the use of ribavirin
(e.g., unstable cardiopulmonary disease, pre-existing
anemia unresponsive to erythropoietin, renal failure,
or hemoglobinopathy) can be treated with PegIFN
monotherapy. However, decreased SVR rates are
expected among patients not receiving ribavirin. Additionally, contraindications to HCV treatment may be
dynamic; persons with modifiable (e.g., active depression) contraindications to HCV treatment should be
reassessed at regular intervals to assess candidacy for
therapy. Active injection drug use does not represent a
contraindication to HCV treatment; treatment of active
IDUs should be considered on a case-by-case basis taking into account comorbid conditions, adherence to
medical care and risk of re-infection. Management of
HCV-infected IDUs is enhanced by linking IDUs to
drug-treatment programs. Alcohol use negatively
impacts HCV disease progression and treatment; therefore, alcohol abstinence is strongly recommended before
and during antiviral therapy. A history of alcohol abuse
is not a contraindication to therapy.
Lack of early virologic response at Week 12 of therapy is highly predictive of virologic failure among
HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. In the APRICOT study,
SVR was observed in less than 2% of patients who did
not achieve at least a 2 log10 IU/mL reduction in
HCV RNA from baseline or undetectable HCV RNA
levels after 12 weeks of treatment (negative predictive
value: 98–100%) [50]. Accordingly, current guidelines
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
Table 3
Comparison of 5 randomized controlled trials of peginterferon plus ribavirin in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients
ACTG A5071b [48]
Laguno et al. [110]
PRESCOd [49]
Number of subjects
Country regimen
PegIFN alfa-2a
180 lg/wk
United States
PegIFN alfa-2a
180 lg/wk
PegIFN alfa-2b
1.5 lg/kg/wk
PegIFN alfa-2a
180 mcg/wk
800 mg/day
800 mg/day
48 wks
Dose escalated from
600 to 800 to
1000 mg/day at
4-week intervals
48 wks
PegIFN alfa-2b 100
or150 lg/wk
600–1200 mg/day
48 wks
48 wkse
11 (cirrhosis)
546 (all subjects
had CD4 >300)
72 (>800,000 IU/mL)
83 (>1,000,000 IU/mL)
(>800,000 IU/mL)
(>500,000 IU/mL)
Baseline characteristics
• White (%)
• Mean or median
CD4 cell count (cells/mm3)
• Undetectable HIV RNA (%)
• On ARTf (%)
• Bridging fibrosis or
cirrhosis (%)
• Genotype 1 (%)
• High level of HCV RNA (%)
SVR by genotype (%)
• 1
• 1 and 4
• 4
• 2 and 3
1000 mg/d
(weight <75 kg) or
1200 mg/d
(weight > 75 kg)
48 or 72 wks
APRICOT, AIDS Pegasys Ribavirin International Coinfection Trial.
ACTG, AIDS Clinical Trials Group.
ANRS; National AIDS Research Agency (France).
PRESCO, Peginterferon Ribavirin España Coinfection; ART, antiretroviral therapy.
24 wks for HCV genotype 2 or 3 and HCV RNA <800,000 IU/mL.
Didanosine was excluded in the PRESCO trial but not in other studies.
indicate that HCV treatment should be discontinued
among HIV-infected patients who fail to achieve an
early virologic response at 12 weeks of treatment to
avoid exposing patients to the risks of treatment when
they are very unlikely to achieve SVR. Recently, Payan
and colleagues reported that the failure to suppress
serum HCV RNA levels below 460,000 IU/mL after 4
weeks of therapy was associated with a negative predictive value of 100% among HIV-infected subjects
enrolled in the RIBAVIC study [54]. These data suggest
that clinical decisions regarding the continuation of
therapy may be made earlier in some coinfected persons,
particularly those experiencing significant toxicity.
Adverse events are common among HCV/HIV-coinfected patients receiving peginterferon alfa plus ribavirin. Approximately 12–25% of coinfected patients in
clinical trials discontinued therapy early because of an
adverse event, and serious adverse events occurred in
17–29%. The most common adverse effects of HCV therapy include fatigue, depression, irritability, insomnia,
and weight loss. Didanosine and zidovudine have been
found to have important interactions with peginterferon
and ribavirin. Didanosine has been associated with
severe mitochondrial toxicity leading to pancreatitis,
hepatic failure, and death, particularly among patients
taking ribavirin [55]. As such, didanosine is contraindicated in patients receiving HCV treatment. Concomitant
use of zidovudine and HCV therapy has been associated
with higher rates of anemia, ribavirin dose reductions,
and use of epoetin alfa compared with rates seen in
patients not taking zidovudine [53,56]. If other antiretroviral regimens are available (based on tolerability
and HIV resistance), discontinuation of zidovudine
prior to PegIFN/RBV should be considered; if zidovudine is continued, hemoglobin levels should be monitored closely to detect significant anemia.
Not unexpectedly, in light of the relatively low HCV
eradication rates and high rates of toxicity observed in
carefully selected clinical trial subjects, the effectiveness
of HCV therapy has been even more modest in clinical
practice. In one urban setting with a high prevalence
of HCV genotype 1 coinfection, African American ethnicity, and polysubstance abuse, the rate of referral for
hepatitis C care and initiation of HCV treatment was
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
relatively low [57]. Although the SVR rate among those
initiating HCV treatment with standard IFN or PegIFN
plus RBV was comparable (21%) to that observed in
controlled trials, the overall effectiveness in this population was low, as less than 1% of the full cohort of HIV/
HCV-coinfected patients receiving HIV care were treated and achieved an SVR. These and similar data from
other settings suggest that new paradigms for HCV care
are urgently needed in the United States and beyond –
paradigms that incorporate patient and provider education, as well as case management to address competing
patient needs, such as substance abuse, psychiatric illness, and HIV infection. These data also highlight the
need for novel HCV therapies with improved efficacy
and safety for coinfected patients.
2.4. Prevention
No vaccine is available for the prevention of HCV
infection. The primary route of HCV transmission is
drug injection via a syringe previously used by an
infected person. An increased frequency of injection, a
longer duration of injection drug use, and cocaine use
are additional factors that increase the potential for
HCV transmission [58]. Besides sharing syringes, other
factors associated with injection, such as sharing drug
solution containers, ‘‘cookers,’’ filters, ‘‘cottons,’’ and
mixing water, also increase the likelihood of HCV transmission [59]. Considerable effort should be extended to
encourage IDUs to stop using injection drugs preferably
by entering a substance abuse treatment program. If
IDUs are unwilling or unable to discontinue the use of
injection drugs, elimination of sharing needles and drug
preparation equipment should be emphasized to reduce
the transmission of HCV infection [60]. Although efficiency of sexual transmission of HCV is relatively low,
safe-sex practices should be encouraged for all HIVinfected persons, particularly men who have sex with
men; barrier precautions (e.g., latex condoms) are recommended to reduce the risk for exposure to sexually
transmitted pathogens, including HCV.
3. Hepatitis B virus infection
3.1. Epidemiology and natural history
HBV can be transmitted by sexual intercourse, percutaneous exposure, or from mother to infant. Among
persons coinfected with HIV in the United States and
Europe, HBV is most often transmitted by sexual intercourse (both heterosexual and between men), followed
by IDU [61,62]. In Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, HBV
is principally transmitted from mother to infant or during early childhood. Because the routes of transmission
of HIV and HBV are similar, there is evidence of prior
HBV infection in approximately 90% of HIV-infected
persons whereas chronic HBV infection, indicated by
reactive hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), is detected
in 5–15% of HIV-infected persons globally [63].
The outcome of HBV infection varies according to
age at acquisition and the immune status of the host.
HBV infection persists in 50–90% of persons infected
at birth or early childhood. In contrast, among HIVuninfected adults, fewer than 5% of HBV infections
become chronic [64]. HIV infection is associated with
the failure to seroconvert following acute infection and
a greater risk of developing chronic hepatitis B infection
compared to HIV seronegative persons [65,66].
3.1.1. Occult HBV infection
Detection of HBV DNA in the serum in the absence
of HBsAg has been reported in persons with HIV infection, particularly those with anti-HBc IgG alone [67].
However, estimates of the prevalence of this ‘‘occult’’
HBV infection vary considerably. Shire et al. reported
that 10% of persons with isolated anti-HBc IgG had
evidence of HBV DNA in the blood. On the other hand,
Tsui and colleagues found that only 2% of 400 HIVinfected women with anti-HBc IgG had detectable
HBV DNA and Rodriguez-Torres et al. found no occult
HBV infection among HCV/HIV coinfected persons
enrolled in the APRICOT study [68,69]. Further, in several studies, occult HBV infection has not been associated with elevation in serum ALT and the clinical
significance in HIV-infected persons is uncertain. Based
on current evidence, routine surveillance for HBV DNA
in the absence of detectable HBsAg is not indicated.
Among HIV-infected persons with chronic HBV
infection (e.g., persistent detection of HBsAg), progressive liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, ESLD and hepatocellular
carcinoma can occur. Among HIV-uninfected persons,
progression to HCC and cirrhosis is more common
among HBsAg positive persons with male gender, older
age, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, elevated
serum ALT level and higher levels of HBV DNA
(>10,000 copies/mL). In a prospective cohort study of
3653 Taiwanese patients aged 30–65 years who were
HBsAg-positive (and HIV-negative), an elevated serum
HBV DNA level (>10,000 copies/mL) was the strongest
predictor for the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma independent of HBeAg status or
serum ALT levels [70,71]. These data suggest that the
level of HBV replication appears to be closely linked
to the development of liver disease and represents an
important prognostic marker. Interestingly, persons
with HIV coinfection have higher levels of hepatitis B
viremia compared to those with HBV infection alone
The natural history of HBV infection is modified by
HIV infection, which can result in higher rates of
HBV persistence (HBsAg, HBeAg, and HBV DNA
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
Liver Mortality per 1000 person-years
detection), HBV relapse (reemergence of HBsAg,
HBeAg, or HBV DNA) and clinically significant disease
[65,73–75]. Among those with persistent HBV infection,
the risk of liver-related morbidity and mortality substantially increased in persons with HIV infection compared to those with HBV alone. Among HIV infected
and uninfected persons followed a long-term cohort
study, Thio and coworkers reported that the liverrelated mortality rate was higher in men with HIV-1
and HBsAg (14.2/1000) than in those with only HIV-1
infection (1.7/1000, P < .001) or only HBsAg (0.8/
1000, P < .001) (Fig. 3) [76]. In coinfected individuals,
the liver-related mortality rate was highest with lower
nadir CD4 cell counts and was twice as high after
1996, when highly active antiretroviral therapy was
The effect of antiretroviral-related immune restoration has been associated with spontaneous recovery
from chronic HBV infection but, in other studies, with
flares of hepatitis B. More recently, Puoti and coworkers
observed that exposure to lamivudine containing ART
was associated with decreased risk of liver-related death
in 2000 HBV/HIV coinfected persons [77]. Similarly,
Miailhes and colleagues reported that 12 of 82 coinfected persons who received ART experienced seroconversion to anti-HBe and/or anti-HBs [78]. While there are
emerging data to suggest that antiretroviral regimens
that contain drugs active against HBV infection (e.g.,
tenofovir, emtricitabine, and lamivudine) may modify
the natural history of HBV disease in HIV-infected persons by slowing disease progression and, in some
patients, leading to seroconversion, additional longterm follow-up is needed to evaluate the effect of dual
The effects of HBV infection on HIV natural history
are less apparent. Among 9802 European HIV-infected
patients, chronic HBV infection was not associated with
progression to AIDS or to viral or immunological
HBsAg +
HIV -/HBsAg -
HBsAg +/HIV +
Fig. 3. Comparison of liver-related mortality by HIV and HBsAg status
among 5293 men followed in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study
(MACS) [76].
response to ART [79]. However, chronic HBV infection
may complicate the administration of ART by increasing the risk of moderate or severe liver enzyme elevations [37,80]. In addition, the discontinuation of
antiretroviral regimens containing anti-HBV active
drugs has been associated with clinically significant liver
disease due to the emergence of HBV replication.
Accordingly, the discontinuation of anti-HBV active
ART should be avoided in HBV coinfected persons; if
discontinuation is necessary, coinfected persons should
be closely monitored for HBV disease exacerbation [47].
3.2. Diagnosis
Ongoing HBV infection is diagnosed by the detection
of HBsAg and HBV DNA in blood. Chronic hepatitis B
infection is characterized by the presence of HBsAg with
or without HBeAg. During the course of an infection,
the loss of HBeAg and development of anti-HBe are
usually associated with a decrease in serum HBV viral
load, and are associated with a favorable prognosis.
However, the loss of HBeAg may also reflect the emergence of HBeAg-negative HBV with precore and core
promoter mutations that alter the normal HBeAg synthesis. In this situation, HBV replication remains active
as indicated by detectable HBV DNA. Thus, all persons
with detectable HBsAg should be assessed for evidence
of active HBV replication by HBV DNA assays independent of HBeAg status. All persons with detectable
HbsAg should undergo screening for hepatocellular carcinoma with serum AFP and liver ultrasound at regular
intervals (6–12 months) [42,81].
Antibodies to the HBV core can be detected in some
persons without HBsAg, HBeAg, or antibodies to these
antigens. Isolated HBV core antibody serology occurs
frequently in persons engaging in IDU (who are generally also HCV infected) and among both HIV-infected
and HIV-uninfected persons [82]. The probability that
isolated antibody to the HBV core represents HBV
infection (versus a false-positive reaction) is related to
the prevalence of HBV infection and the anticore antibody titer. For example, in low-prevalence settings, such
as among volunteer blood donors, persons with low
titers of antibody to the HBV core without other HBV
markers rarely have anamnestic responses to HBV vaccination (detection of antibody to the surface antigen)
after a single dose, thus suggesting that these may be
false-positive anti-HBc reactions [83]. However, individuals with isolated anti-HBc who are at high risk for
HBV infection are more likely to have evidence of prior
HBV infection. Given the high risk for HBV infection, it
is reasonable to assume that the finding of isolated HBV
core antibody in HIV-infected persons represents evidence of past infection. However, controversy exists as
to the need to assess HIV-infected persons with isolated
antiHBc for active HBV replication with assays to detect
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
HBV DNA (i.e., occult HBV). In addition, the need for
HBV vaccine in such persons is also unclear and some
experts recommend the provision of HBV vaccine to
all HIV-infected persons who are HBsAb seronegative
independent of anti-HBc status.
3.3. Treatment
Several medications are approved for the treatment
of chronic HBV: interferon alfa, peginterferon alfa, adefovir, lamivudine, telbivudine and entecavir. In addition, tenofovir and emtricitabine are approved for the
treatment of HIV infection and are dually active against
HBV (Table 4).
3.3.1. Standard or peginterferon alfa
Few studies have addressed the efficacy of interferon
alfa treatment in patients with HIV/HBV coinfection.
The pegylated form of interferon appears to be more
effective than standard interferon alfa for the treatment
of chronic hepatitis B in HIV-uninfected persons but
there are few published data on peginterferon efficacy
in HIV/HBV-coinfected patients. One small study found
that a sequential approach to HBV infection with the
administration of PegIFN alfa-2a prior to starting
ART containing tenofovir was tolerable but no data
are available regarding efficacy [84]. However, limited
data suggest that interferon therapy will be relatively
ineffective for the treatment of HBV in HIV-infected
persons [85]. Consensus guidelines recommend that PegIFN may be considered for the treatment of HBV infec-
tion in HIV-infected persons with high CD4 cell count
(>350/mm3), low HBV DNA level, HBV genotype A
or B, no evidence of cirrhosis and no contraindications
to its use [9].
3.3.2. Lamivudine
Lamivudine is a nucleoside analogue that, in its active
triphosphate form, inhibits HBV DNA polymerase and
HIV reverse transcriptase. Although HBV DNA levels
decrease by an average of 2.7 log10 copies/mL in HIV/
HBV-coinfected persons taking lamivudine for 1 year,
the incidence of lamivudine-resistant HBV is approximately 20% per year in HIV-infected persons [86,87].
When lamivudine-resistant variants emerge, HBV
DNA levels increase, liver enzyme levels may rise, and
the resulting hepatitis can be fatal in a minority of
patients. In addition, the bulk of available data suggest
that the benefit in preventing progression of liver disease
is substantially diminished with the presence of lamivudine-resistant HBV [88]. Thus, the clinical effectiveness
of lamivudine monotherapy is limited by the frequent
emergence of resistant HBV variants.
3.3.3. Entecavir
Entecavir is a nucleoside analogue and is licensed for
the treatment of chronic HBV infection in both HIVinfected and -uninfected persons. Entecavir inhibits all
three functions of the HBV polymerase, including base
priming, reverse transcription of the negative strand,
and synthesis of the positive strand of HBV DNA.
The presence of lamivudine-resistant variants causes
Table 4
Medications available for the treatment of chronic HBV infection
Interferon alfa
Peginterferon alfa-2a or alfa-2b
Dose and duration
• 5 MU daily or 10 MU three times
per week by injection
• Duration 16–48 weeks
• 180 lg weekly by injection or 1.5 mcg/kg weekly
• Duration 6–12 months
• 300 mg/day in HIV-positive individuals
• Optimal duration unknown
• 200 mg/day
• Optimal duration unknown
• 10 mg/day
• Optimal duration unknown
• 300 mg/day
• Optimal duration unknown
• 0.5 mg/day in lamivudine-naive patients
• 1.0 mg/day in lamivudine-experienced patients
• Optimal duration unknown
• 600 mg/day lamivudine naı¨ve patients
• Optimal duration unknown
MU, million units.
Indicated by FDA for treatment of chronic HBV in HIV-infected persons.
Not considered active against HIV at doses used in HBV therapy.
Indicated for chronic
HBV in HIV-infected
Active against
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
decreased susceptibility to entecavir; thus, the recommended doses are 1 mg in lamivudine-experienced
patients and 0.5 mg in lamivudine-naive patients [89].
In a randomized controlled trial of 68 HIV/HBV-coinfected persons with lamivudine-resistant HBV, 24 weeks
of entecavir resulted in a 3.66 log10 copies/mL reduction
in HBV DNA, which is similar to reductions observed in
HBV monoinfection [90]. However, after 48 weeks of
entecavir treatment, only 9% of patients achieved suppression of HBV replication below 300 copies/mL. To
date, resistance to entecavir has not been reported
among patients with wild-type HBV infection. However,
entecavir resistance occurred in 7% of HBV-monoinfected patients with lamivudine-resistant HBV who received
entecavir for 48 weeks and 39% of those treated for 4
years [91]. Thus, while active against lamivudine resistant variants, entecavir should not be used as monotherapy to treat such patients. Finally, although initial
reports indicated that entecavir was not active against
HIV, clinical observations of significant reduction of
HIV RNA level in 3 coinfected patients receiving entecavir for the treatment of HBV in the absence of treatment
for HIV infection led to additional in vitro experiments
confirming anti-HIV activity of entecavir and the
potency for the selection of drug resistant HIV variants
[92]. Due to the risk of HIV resistance, entecavir should
only be used in HIV-infected persons receiving concurrent effective antiretroviral therapy.
3.3.4. Adefovir
Adefovir dipivoxil is a nucleotide analogue that, in its
active diphosphate form, inhibits DNA polymerase and
is licensed for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in
patients with HBV monoinfection and is active against
lamivudine-resistant HBV [93–95]. In one study, a total
of 35 HIV/HBV-coinfected persons were treated with
adefovir for 192 weeks and achieved a substantial reduction in HBV DNA (>4 log10) [96]. It is clear from this
study and from data in HBV-monoinfected patients that
the incidence of clinically evident HBV resistance to adefovir is substantially lower than that to lamivudine.
However, prolonged use (5 years) of adefovir in HIV
seronegative persons with HBeAg negative HBV infection the cumulative probabilities of resistance were 0%,
3%, 11%, 18% and 29% at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years, respectively [97,98]. Furthermore, the use of adefovir in HIV/
HBV-coinfected patients may theoretically involve a risk
of selecting HIV cross-resistance to tenofovir, because
adefovir is active against HIV at higher doses than those
used in HBV management. Nonetheless, HIV resistance
following adefovir treatment has not been reported to
date [99]. Accordingly, some experts recommend the
use of adefovir in persons who are not receiving concurrent effective ART.
3.3.5. Tenofovir
Tenofovir is a nucleotide analogue approved for the
treatment of HIV. This agent is structurally related to
adefovir, differing by one methyl group. In vitro, tenofovir’s activity against HBV is at least equivalent to that of
adefovir, with a similar IC50 [100]. In a prospective, nonrandomized study involving 53 patients with lamivudine-resistant HBV and high HBV viral load, all 35
patients treated with tenofovir had HBV DNA
<105 copies/mL at 48 weeks, compared with 44% of 18
patients treated with adefovir (P = .001) [101]. In the
setting of HIV/HBV coinfection, where lamivudineresistant HBV is common, tenofovir’s activity against
HBV has been demonstrated to be non-inferior to that
of adefovir. ACTG A5127 was a randomized, placebocontrolled trial in which 52 HIV–HBV-coinfected
patients, most (74–80%) of whom had previously used
lamivudine, received either tenofovir or adefovir [95].
The time-weighted mean change in HBV DNA did not
differ significantly between treatment arms at Week 48
by any analysis method used, and tenofovir reached
the protocol-defined criteria for non-inferiority to adefovir (Table 5). Accordingly, expert guidelines recommend
that HIV treatment regimens for HBV/HIV coinfected
persons who require ART should include tenofovir plus
emtricitabine or lamivudine [47,81]. However, long-term
follow-up is not yet available regarding the safety and
efficacy of this approach.
3.3.6. Emtricitabine
Emtricitabine is a nucleoside analogue that, following
intracellular phosphorylation, exerts potent inhibition
of both HIV and HBV replication [102–104]. Among
HIV-uninfected person emtricitabine was studied in
248 HBV-infected patients who were naive to HBV
nucleoside/nucleotide analogue therapy and received
either emtricitabine or placebo [103]. At Week 48, 54%
Table 5
Tenofovir vs adefovir for treatment of HBV in individuals coinfected with HIV [95]
Study group
Intent-to-treat population
Modified intent-to-treat population
As-treated population
HBV DNA DAVG48, log10 copies/mL
Adefovir arm
HBV DNA DAVG48, time-weighted mean change in HBV DNA at week 48.
Tenofovir arm
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
of patients in the emtricitabine group had HBV DNA
<400 copies/mL compared with 2% in the placebo
group (P < .001). Resistance mutations emerged in
13% of those treated with emtricitabine. HBV variants
resistant to emtricitabine also display decreased sensitivity to lamivudine and entecavir. Due to the high risk of
HIV and/or HBV resistance, expert guidelines indicate
that, like lamivudine, emtricitabine should not be used
in persons not receiving concurrent ART or as antiHBV monotherapy; emtricitabine should be used in
combination with tenofovir [47].
3.3.7. Telbivudine
Telbivudine is thymidine nucleoside analogue
approved for chronic hepatitis B patients which has no
activity against HIV [105]. After 52 weeks of therapy,
HBeAg positive and negative patients, telbivudine
600 mg/day was associated with a HBV DNA decrease
of 6.45 log10 in HBeAg positive and 4.45 log10 in HBeAg
negative patients. Viral suppression to undetectable levels was achieved in 60% of HBeAg positive patients randomized to telbivudine compared to only 40% of those
receiving lamivudine. Resistant variants emerged in
8.1% (HBeAg-negative) and 21% (HBeAg-positive) of
patients taking telbivudine for 52 weeks. HBV variants
resistant to telbivudine are also resistant to emtricitabine
and lamivudine. Among HIV-infected persons, telbivudine may have a unique role in that current evidence
suggests that it can be safely used in persons not taking
fully suppressive antiretroviral drugs.
3.3.8. Combination therapy
Current guidelines recommend that most coinfected
patients should be treated with two drugs that are active
against HBV infection to prevent emergence of drug
resistant variants. However, data that support the use
of combination HBV therapy in preference to the use
of single agents in HIV/HBV-coinfected patients are
limited. Dore et al. reported the HBV outcomes among
a small number of coinfected clinical trial participants
who received efavirenz and lamivudine plus either tenofovir or stavudine [106]. After 48 weeks of therapy,
mean reduction in HBV DNA among 6 patients treated
with lamivudine alone was 3.0 log10 copies/mL compared with 4.7 log10 copies/mL in 5 patients who
received dual therapy (P = .055). Nelson and colleagues
from the United Kingdom have reported results from an
open-label, randomized trial comparing ART-containing lamivudine alone, tenofovir alone, and lamivudine
plus tenofovir for treatment of HBV in HIV-infected
individuals [107]. Among 27 patients who were naive
to lamivudine at entry, the median reduction in HBV
DNA at Week 24 was significantly greater with use of
the combination regimen (5.03 log10 copies/mL vs
3.31 log10 copies/mL in the lamivudine monotherapy
arm and 4.66 log10 copies/mL in the tenofovir mono-
therapy arm; P = .045 dual therapy arm vs lamivudine
arm). In 32 lamivudine-experienced patients, switching
to or adding tenofovir resulted in superior antiviral
activity at Week 24 compared with remaining on lamivudine alone (P < .001).
3.3.9. Treatment approach
Because HIV infection can accelerate progression of
HBV-related liver disease, treatment of chronic hepatitis
B is generally recommended for most HIV-infected persons with active HBV infection (e.g., elevated serum
ALT level and HBV DNA >10,000 IU/mL). However,
the best strategy for management of HBV infection
has not been fully defined. Among patients with chronic
HBV infection with no current indication for HIV treatment (e.g., CD4 cell count >350 cells/mm3), some
experts recommend avoiding drugs active against HIV
(e.g., emtricitabine, lamivudine, entecavir and tenofovir)
and suggest using the use of adefovir, telbivudine and/or
peginterferon. However, other experts recommend the
institution of a fully suppressive antiretroviral regimen
that includes the use of two agents active against
HBV. This recommendation is based on the rationale
that control of HIV infection may represent an important step in preventing HBV-related liver disease. Therapy for HIV/HBV-coinfected patients for whom HIV
treatment is indicted is less controversial; most experts
recommend the use of an antiretroviral regimen that
includes the use of two agents that are active against
HBV (e.g., tenofovir plus emtricitabine or lamivudine).
No consensus has been reached on the management of
coinfected patients with lamivudine-resistant HBV.
However, many experts recommend the use of tenofovir
plus continuation emtricitabine or lamivudine (despite
HBV resistance to these agents) whereas other experts
recommend the use of two drugs active against lamivudine resistant HBV such as tenofovir and entecavir.
3.4. Prevention
Vaccination and the observance of universal precautions are the chief public health measures for preventing
HBV infection. HBV vaccination is indicated for all
HIV-infected patients, including those with multiple sexual partners, men who have sex with men, and people
engaging in IDU. The vaccine used in most well-resourced nations is a recombinant surface antigen expressed
in yeast. When used as licensed (3 doses administered
to the intradeltoid muscle), more than 95% of adults
develop antibody responses that are considered protective. Post-vaccination antibody testing is recommended
1–2 months after the third vaccine dose for people with
an increased risk of exposure.
In HIV-infected patients, HBV vaccination appears
to be safe, as measured by the change in HIV viral load
or the subsequent progression of HIV infection. HBV
M.S. Sulkowski / Journal of Hepatology 48 (2008) 353–367
vaccine immunogenicity is reduced in HIV-infected
patients, especially those with low CD4 cell counts
[108,109]. Improved HBV vaccine responses have been
described in HIV-infected patients given three additional vaccine injections or the use of higher doses of
vaccine. It should be noted, however, that neither of
these measures is currently routinely recommended to
prevent hepatitis B infection in people with HIV
4. Summary
Due to shared modes of transmission, coinfection
with HBV and/or HCV is common among HIV-infected
individuals. Current data indicate that HIV coinfection
exacerbates the natural history of HCV and HBV infection with decreased immune clearance and more rapid
progression of liver disease. In many HIV care settings,
liver disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Guidelines for the management of HIV disease recommend universal screening of HIV-infected persons
for chronic hepatitis C and hepatitis B, using standard
diagnostic algorithms. In both diseases, active infection
may be present in persons without serologic evidence of
disease (antigen and/or antibody) and, in some cases,
direct testing for viral RNA or DNA may be indicated.
Treatment of chronic viral hepatitis is recommended in
HIV-infected persons. HCV should be treated in coinfected patients whose risk of serious liver disease is
judged to outweigh the risk of morbidity due to the
adverse effects of therapy, and who are most likely to
respond to treatment. HCV treatment in most HIVinfected patients consists of peginterferon alfa plus ribavirin for 48 weeks. Many experts advocate the use of
early virologic response monitoring at 4 and 12 weeks
of therapy to identify persons in whom therapy is ineffective, allowing the discontinuation of treatment. Medications approved for treatment of chronic HBV include
interferon alfa, peginterferon alfa-2a, adefovir, lamivudine, and entecavir. Tenofovir and emtricitabine are also
active against HBV and are commonly used to treat
HIV/HBV-coinfected patients. The best strategy for
the management of HBV infection has not been defined,
particularly for individuals with chronic HBV who do
not yet require anti-HIV therapy. For HIV/HBV-coinfected individuals for whom HIV treatment is indicated,
most experts recommend the use of an antiretroviral
regimen that includes the use of two agents active
against HBV (e.g., tenofovir plus emtricitabine or lamivudine). Among persons who are not infected with HCV
or HBV, prevention measures should be strongly
enforced. HBV vaccination is indicated for all children
and adults who are at increased risk of HBV infection,
including HIV-infected patients, patients with multiple
sexual partners, men who have sex with men, and
IDU. Persons at risk for HCV infection (IDUs or
HIV-infected MSMs) should be counseled on measures
to reduce risk of infection such as the use of condoms
and abstinence from injection drug use. Areas of active
research include the development of non-invasive measures to stage liver disease and more effective treatment
for persons coinfected with HIV and HCV or HBV.
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