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2007, Springer eBooks
11 pages
1 file
Science of The Total Environment, 2007
Contents PREFACE XI PART I AN INTRODUCTION TO SOIL AND WATER CONTAMINATION 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Historical perspective 1.2 Environmental pollution 4 1.3 Environmental pollutants 1.3.1 Classification of pollutants 1.3.2 Background concentrations 1.3.3 Anthropogenic sources 1.4 Ecological impacts 1.5 Spatial and temporal variability and the concept of scale 1.6 Outline and rationale of this book Exercises 2 BASIC ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 2.1 VI Sod and Water Contamination 2.10.3 Redox potential 2.10.4 Redox reactions and pe 44 2.10.5 pH-Eh diagrams 45 2.11 Further reading on basic chemistry 45 Exercises 47 3 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPARTMENTS 51 3.1 VII 5.8 Aluminium 101 5.9 Chloride 103 5.10 Inorganic carbon 105 5.11 Sulphate and sulphide 108 Exercises 110 6 NUTRIENTS 113 6.1 Introduction 113 6.2 Nitrogen 115 6.2.1 Environmental role and occurrence of nitrogen 115 6.2.2 Nitrogen cycle 116 6.2.3 External sources and sinks 118 6.3 Phosphorus 119 6.3.1 Environmental role and occurrence of phosphorus 119 6.3.2 Phosphorus cycle 121 6.3.3 External sources and sinks 122 Exercises 7 HEAVY METALS 7.1
Journal of Hydrology, 2004
The purpose of this study is to obtain a better understanding of groundwater contamination processes in an arid environment (precipitation of 50 mm/year) due to cultivation. Additional aims were to study the fate of N, K, and other ions along the whole hydrological system including the soil and vadose zone, and to compare groundwater in its natural state with contaminated groundwater (through the drilling of several wells).
Ecology, environmental science, water quality, water purification, экология, окружающая среда, качество воды, очищение воды, 2019.05.11
2019.05.11. Who read by 12.05. Ecology, environmental science, water quality, water purification, экология, окружающая среда, качество воды, очищение воды, Research Interests: Environmental Science×Water×Ecology×TOP×Articles×Papers×Research papers×Water quality×экология×окружающая среда×вода×водная токсикология×Aquatic Toxicology×Ecotoxicology×Bibliography×Остроумов Сергей Андреевич
Amazon 1. Amazon is currently, the customers favorite retailer for years but talking about the essential things or commodity products, it is complicated that a company that delivers very fast, in 1 or 2 days, deliver things that people need right in the moment like toothpaste or paper, so that section of the market will probably maintain on the local retail stores or supermarket for a long time. 2. They are buying both things, but the thing that probably interests the most is the quick service, because there are not a lot of things that you need that fast like the commodity products but ignoring that, you want them fast as possible without any urgency. 3. The most important thing of these type of platforms is to get the best connection between buyer and customer, but getting a their own shipping platform will completely guarantee the shipping time without third partners problems and they can also improve even more their shipping time making it lower.
Penelitian yang telah dilakukan para ahli selama beberapa dekade terakhir ini menunjukkan bahwa ternyata makin panasnya planet bumi dan berubahnya sistem iklim di bumi terkait langsung dengan gas-gas rumah kaca
Editorial de la revue Le Philosophoire n°60, 2023
Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur
Les principes de l’éthique médicale sont, pour l’essentiel, clairement définis. Néanmoins on ignore, pour une large part, dans quelle mesure ils sont l’objet d’une réappropriation normative par les acteurs et comment ils structurent les pratiques. Nous avons interrogé ces processus dans le champ de la psychiatrie, en nous fondant sur un recueil de données qualitatives. Celui-ci nous a permis de saisir les interprétations de l’éthique médicale émergeant des discours des soignants en psychiatrie et d’identifier sa nature. Nous en exposerons les facettes en tentant d’abord de comprendre le sens conféré à l’exclusion de l’éthique du champ de leur pratique par certains médecins. Puis nous saisirons les contours se dessinant empiriquement de l’éthique en psychiatrie pour autant qu’elle repose sur une réinterprétation de principes canoniques de l’éthique médicale. Nous montrerons enfin que cette éthique de l’action se conçoit comme une éthique que la philosophie morale décrirait comme particulariste. The principles of medical ethics are quite well defined. Nevertheless we still do not know how they are appropriated by actors neither how they structure the practices. We investigated these processes in the field of psychiatry through qualitative interviews. This survey allowed us to grasp the interpretations of medical ethics in this field. We will present them and try firstly to understand the meaning of the exclusion of ethics by some medicals from the framework of their practices. Then we will try to draw the meaning of ethics in psychiatry rising from empirical discourses and grounded on fundamental principles of medical ethics. Finally, we will demonstrate that this ethics of action can be interpreted as a kind of particularist ethics.
// Российская история. 2016. № 5. С. 124–139.
In the article it is considered that in the original version of «The Legend of the Calling-in of the Varangians» the idea of the conformity of the three towns with the inviting tribes was missing. The possibility of the literal comprehension of the three mentioned towns – Novgorod, Beloozero and Izborsk – as the centres of the Rurik's state is also declaimed. The logic of the text, as well as the archaeological data, leads the author to the conclusion that the early part of the Legend tells about the Varangian tribute, which was imposed upon the three tribes (the Slavs, the Krivichians, the Merians), and the calling-in of the princes to Novgorod. The phrase about the distribution of Rurik's brothers' reigns in Izborsk and Beloozero is interpreted as the later interpolation, as well as the addition of the Chuds to the list of tribes. These later actuals, especially the triple system of the towns, correspond with the time of prince Yaroslav's reign in Novgorod before Vladimir's death. Key words: Old Russian chronicles, Varangians, Rurik, Sineus, Truvor, Novgorod, Beloozero, Izborsk, 2015
International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 2023
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine, 2024
Holistic Nursing Practice, 2011
RUNA, archivo para las ciencias del hombre
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New Biotechnology, 2012
American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2006
IEEE Computer Applications in Power, 1995
International Journal of Engineering Science, 1989
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2003