The occult pneumothorax: What have we learned?
Chad G. Ball, MD*
Andrew W. Kirkpatrick, MD†
David V. Feliciano, MD*
From the *Departments of Surgery,
Trauma and Critical Care, Grady Memorial
Hospital, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.,
and the †Departments of Surgery,
Trauma and Critical Care Medicine,
Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, Alta.
Accepted for publication
Apr. 28, 2008
Correspondence to:
Dr. C.G. Ball
Department of Surgery
Grady Memorial Hospital Campus
Glenn Memorial Bldg., Rm. 302
69 Jesse Hill Jr. Dr. SE
Atlanta GA 30303
fax 404 616-7333
[email protected]
Supine anteroposterior chest radiography is an insensitive test for posttraumatic pneumothoraces. Computed tomography often detects pneumothoraces that were not
diagnosed on chest radiography (occult pneumothoraces). Whereas the incidence of
occult pneumothoraces approximates 5% of all trauma registry patients, this value
approaches 15% among injured patients undergoing computed tomography. Up to
76% of all pneumothoraces may be occult to supine chest radiography with real-time
interpretation by trauma teams. Although the size and intrathoracic distribution
(anterior) of overt and occult pneumothoraces are similar, significantly more patients
with occult pneumothoraces undergo tube thoracostomy compared with those with
overt pneumothoraces. This pattern extends both to patients receiving mechanical
ventilation and those with penetrating trauma. As an early clinical predictor available
during the resuscitation of a trauma patient, only subcutaneous emphysema is predictive of a concurrent occult pneumothorax. The majority of patients with occult pneumothoraces (85%) do not have subcutaneous emphysema, however. Thoracic ultrasonography, as part of a bedside extended focused assessment with sonography for
trauma examination, detects 92%–100% of all pneumothoraces and represents a simple extension of the clinician’s physical examination. The final remaining question is
whether clinicians can safely omit tube thoracostomy in some patients with occult
pneumothoraces concurrent to positive pressure ventilation. This omission would
avoid subjecting patients to the 22% risk of major chest tube–related insertional, positional and infective complications.
La radiographie pulmonaire antéropostérieure en supination ne constitue pas un test
sensible pour le pneumothorax posttraumatique. La tomodensitométrie détecte souvent des pneumothorax non diagnostiqués au moyen d’une radiographie pulmonaire
(pneumothorax occultes). L’incidence des pneumothorax occultes atteint environ 5 %
du total des patients inscrits au registre des traumatismes, mais cette valeur atteint
presque 15 % chez les patients traumatisés soumis à une tomodensitométrie. Jusqu’à
76 % des pneumothorax peuvent être occultes à une radiographie pulmonaire en
supination interprétée par des équipes de traumatologie. Même si la taille et la distribution intrathoracique (antérieure) des pneumothorax évidents et occultes se ressemblent, il y a beaucoup plus de patients atteints d’un pneumothorax occulte qui subissent une thoracostomie à drain comparativement à ceux qui ont un pneumothorax
évident. Cette tendance s’avère à la fois pour les patients recevant une ventilation
mécanique et pour ceux qui ont subi un traumatisme pénétrant. Comme prédicteur
clinique précoce disponible au cours de la réanimation d’un patient traumatisé, seul
l’emphysème sous-cutané est prédicteur d’un pneumothorax occulte simultané. La
majorité des patients qui ont un pneumothorax occulte (85 %) n’ont toutefois pas
d’emphysème sous-cutané. L’échographie thoracique, comme élément d’une évaluation convergente étendue effectuée au chevet par sonographie pour examen du traumatisme, permet de détecter de 92 % à 100 % des pneumothorax et représente un
simple prolongement de l’examen médical du clinicien. La dernière question à
résoudre consiste à déterminer si les cliniciens peuvent omettre sans danger la thoracostomie à drain chez certains patients qui ont un pneumothorax occulte pendant
qu’ils sont soumis à une ventilation à pression positive. Cette omission éviterait de
soumettre les patients aux 22 % de risque de complications majeures reliées à l’insertion et au positionnement du drain thoracique, ainsi qu’à l’infection.
ccult pneumothoraces are a relatively recent radiological phenomenon.1–5 They are defined as pneumothoraces detected with thoracic or
abdominal computed tomography (CT) that were not diagnosed on
preceding supine anteroposterior chest radiography.1–5 With the increase of
both CT and thoracic ultrasonography as the initial screening modalities for
the investigation of blunt thoracoabdominal trauma,1–14 these entities are
© 2009 Canadian Medical Association
Can J Surg, Vol. 52, No. 5, October 2009
becoming extremely common. Because of the importance
of spine immobilization in the acutely injured patient, it is
also evident that the technological limitations of supine
anteroposterior chest radiography performed in the trauma
bay will not be overcome in the near future. This is compounded by the fact that supine chest radiography is the
least sensitive of all the plain radiographic techniques for
demonstrating a pneumothorax.6,15–18 These factors make the
accurate, rapid and reliable diagnosis of pneumothoraces a
significant challenge.
Although occult pneumothoraces are regularly identified in the daily practice of caring for the injured patient,1,19
clinicians have had minimal objective evidence to guide
their management decisions until recently. During the past
5 years, many of the inaccurate assumptions regarding
occult pneumothoraces have been debunked. Studies have
confirmed the incidence of occult pneumothoraces (unpublished data, 2009),19–25 and have commented on their
intrathoracic distribution,23,26 risk factors,19,20 outcomes19,23
and appropriate treatment.19,23,27 Recent literature also discusses the utility of thoracic ultrasonography in identifying
occult pneumothoraces,7–13 and its evolution as a crucial
diagnostic tool in the assessment of patients with blunt
injuries in the trauma bay. Still unclear, however, is the
optimal treatment for patients with occult pneumothoraces
requiring concurrent mechanical ventilation.1 It is also
unknown which modality is most appropriate for subsequent monitoring for occult pneumothoraces in patients
whose conditions are stable and who do not require
mechanical ventilation (chest radiography, CT, dependent
ultrasonography or clinical observation). This review discusses all recent literature pertaining to occult pneumothoraces, as well as the remaining controversies. We also
include our diagnostic and management algorithm for
patients with blunt thoracic trauma.
The definition of an occult pneumothorax is uncontested.
It is a pneumothorax that was not suspected on the basis of
clinical examination or plain radiography, but is ultimately
detected with CT.1–5 It was originally defined as a pneumothorax noted on abdominal CT that was not seen on
preceding supine anteroposterior chest radiography.2–5
This definition has been expanded to include occult pneumothoraces identified with thoracic CT as well.1 It is also
reasonable to include patients who have undergone initial
investigation with upright chest radiography (unpublished
data, 2009). Although erect chest radiography is superior
to its supine colleague for detecting pneumothoraces (sensitivities of 92% and 50%, respectively), it is not possible
to attain upright views in all patients with blunt or even
penetrating injury (unpublished data, 2009).1–6,15–20
More recently, the trauma literature has also supported
the use of thoracic ultrasonography in the initial assessment
J can chir, Vol. 52, N 5, octobre 2009
of injured patients.8–13 This technique of early bedside thoracic imaging to detect pneumothoraces has a sensitivity
of 92%–100% among patients with blunt trauma.8,9,11,12
Whereas this test performance is impressive, it is unclear
whether the definition of an occult pneumothorax should
be expanded to include patients whose pneumothoraces
were occult to supine anteroposterior chest radiography,
but are subsequently identified on extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma (eFAST) examination.14
We believe that if chest radiography is performed before a
definitive test (thoracic ultrasonography or CT), then the
pneumothorax should be defined as occult. More commonly the pneumothorax is first identified on an eFAST
examination performed early in the resuscitation phase, and
hence before the completion of radiography. In this setting,
the pneumothorax is only occult to supine anteroposterior
chest radiography because of the test’s poor sensitivity.
Finally, the concept of a secondary occult pneumothorax has been recently introduced. 26 This occurs when
supine anteroposterior chest radiography fails to detect a
residual pneumothorax following tube thoracostomy (i.e.,
before definitive CT). Secondary occult pneumothoraces
can be large in size (20 CT images) and are common in
frequency (57% of all postinsertion patients).26
The published incidence of occult pneumothoraces has
remained remarkably constant during the past 5 years.
It continues to reflect the inception cohorts involved
(unpublished data, 2009).19–25 Although original literature
describing the incidence of occult pneumothoraces varied
from 3.7% in injured children presenting to an emergency
department,28 to 64% in multitrauma patients after tube
thoracostomy with an average injury severity score of 30,29
most publications approximated 5% among all injured
patients. Recent publications have confirmed these values
with incidences of occult pneumothorax ranging from
1.8% using International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, ninth revision, codes
in a diagnostic level-II study of 21 193 injured patients,23
to 4% among patients with minor blunt thoracic trauma
(level III),25 to 6% of all patients with blunt injuries in
a given trauma registry (level III). 19 When analysis is
restricted to patients who underwent CT, the incidence is
significantly higher. In a retrospective level-III study of
2326 patients who received full thoracic CT, Plurad and
colleagues27 identified an incidence of 4.4%. Additional
publications incorporating 88 (level III), 27 (level III) and
338 (level III) patients with blunt injuries noted incidences
of occult pneumothorax of 8%,24 11%22 and 15%,19 respectively. This rate also depends on the extent of CT used.
With a recent report that 16% of all patients with occult
pneumothoraces had evidence of the diagnosis solely on
selected images of the thoracic component of their CT
scan,19 it is unclear how many more patients would have
been diagnosed had all studies included chest CT. Clearly
the frequency of occult pneumothoraces depends directly
on the imaging modalities applied in any particular study.
The reported proportion of pneumothoraces that are
occult compared with those actually seen on supine anteroposterior chest radiography remains variable among recent
publications. Level-III and -IV studies of varying quality identified occult pneumothorax rates from 30% to
55%.8,19,22–24 On closer examination, however, it is often
unclear who is actually making the diagnosis of an occult
pneumothorax at these centres. Most studies employ
board-certified radiologist dictations of the initial supine
anteroposterior chest radiograph to determine the rate of
occult pneumothoraces. Although this methodology is the
most precise way to identify the true incidence of occult
pneumothoraces, it may not be the most accurate with
regard to the actual treatment decision for a given patient.
In a 17-month prospective level-II study, the incidence of
occult pneumothoraces appeared as high as 76% when
interpreted by the trauma service at the time of admission.20 Although the team may have good interpretive
skills, they do not routinely have the luxury of prolonged
interpretation times, a perfectly lit environment and premium digital monitors like our radiology colleagues.21
Although this is concerning, it is also a more realistic view
of patient treatment in a real-time environment. It is these
initial interpretations, not the delayed dictations, that
result in tube thoracostomy, and therefore exposure to the
22% risk of major complications.30–33
Although the incidence of occult pneumothoraces
among patients with blunt injuries is now well described,
the frequency of this entity in penetrating trauma was previously unknown. Up to 17% of all pneumothoraces in
patients injured by penetrating mechanisms were occult in
a recent level-III study of 5552 admissions at Grady
Memorial Hospital (unpublished data, 2009). In the subset
in which only supine anteroposterior chest radiography
was available, this rate approached 80%. Fortunately,
upright chest radiography detected 92% of all pneumothoraces and were possible in most patients (87%) (unpublished data, 2009).
In summary, the incidence of occult pneumothoraces in
patients with blunt trauma approximates 2%–15% depending on whether all patients in a given registry, or only those
that underwent CT, are included. This value may increase
substantially when the initial chest radiography interpretation is done by the trauma team. The frequency of occult
pneumothoraces in victims of penetrating trauma ap proaches 17%, but may be reduced when upright chest radiography is used. These new data once again highlight the
poor test performance of supine anteroposterior chest radiography for detecting pneumothoraces, and the requirement
for complete thoracic CT if the diagnosis of an occult pneumothorax must be ruled out in a given trauma patient.
Clinicians often state that the reason a given pneumothorax is occult to supine anteroposterior chest radiography is
because of its extremely small size or “atypical” intrathoracic distribution. In a level-IV study of 89 patients with
103 CT-identified pneumothoraces, the size and distribution of overt and occult pneumothoraces were determined
to be statistically similar, however.26 Regardless of type
(overt, occult or secondary occult), most pneumothoraces
were anterior in the supine patient.26 Furthermore, the
mean number of CT images with evidence of an overt or
occult pneumothorax, as well as their comparative size
index (number of images multiplied by the maximum
width of a given pneumothorax), were similar.26 As mentioned previously, it is important to note that 16% of all
occult pneumothoraces were evident only on selected thoracic images of the chest CT.19 This reaffirms the belief
that if it is essential to rule out an occult pneumothorax,
complete CT of the thorax must be performed. In a recent
unpublished audit from our institution, 12 of 20 (60%)
patients with evidence of an occult pneumothorax solely on
chest CT (i.e., not abdominal CT) could have also been
diagnosed using the pulmonary window settings during
evaluation of the cervical spine component of the CT
imaging series.
In an effort to compensate for the poor diagnostic sensitivity of supine anteroposterior chest radiography,6,15–18 a
series of readily apparent clinical markers should ideally
be available to the clinician early in the resuscitation of a
severely injured patient. These risk factors could then be
used to make treatment decisions for patients with a high
probability of having an occult pneumothorax. A level-III
retrospective study of 338 severely injured patients identified subcutaneous emphysema (odds ratio [OR] 5.47), pulmonary contusions (OR 3.25) and rib fractures (OR 2.65)
as clinical risk factors for the presence of an occult pneumothorax.19 Unfortunately, on a subsequent prospective
level-II evaluation by the same group, only subcutaneous
emphysema remained independently predictive of occult
pneumothoraces.20 Although 15% of patients with occult
pneumothoraces have concurrent subcutaneous emphysema, virtually all patients with subcutaneous emphysema
have an underlying overt or occult pneumothorax.19,20 As a
result, the absence of subcutaneous emphysema is insufficient to rule out an occult pneumothorax.24 Lastly, in a
level-III study of minor blunt thoracic trauma, Misthos
and colleagues25 also identified the presence of associated
chest wall muscle contusions in 79% of patients with
occult pneumothoraces.
In addition to clinical variables available in the trauma
bay, it was also unclear how particular physicians might
Can J Surg, Vol. 52, No. 5, October 2009
affect the incidence of occult pneumothoraces. As previously noted, there has been some suggestion that the radiologic skills of the admitting trauma team may be inferior
when compared with delayed interpretations by boardcertified radiologists.20,21 It was also unknown whether the
ability to diagnose occult pneumothoraces via an examination with such poor test characteristics (i.e., supine anteroposterior chest radiography) varied among radiologists
themselves. A simple level-III study using 3 heterogeneous
blinded radiologist cohorts to reinterpret 55 supine anteroposterior chest radiographs found that nearly one-quarter
of all occult pneumothoraces might have been inferred
from subtle radiologic findings missed by the initial radiologist.21 Although the “miss rate” did not depend on the mix
or number of interpreting radiologists, poor agreement
was displayed across all evaluations.21 Furthermore, up to
25% of all supine anteroposterior chest radiographs were
considered “inadequate” for reliable interpretation.21 With
this high level of disagreement among radiologists, it is not
surprising that trauma team members practising in challenging and distracting settings observe more occult pneumothoraces.20 This rate of “missed” occult pneumothoraces
of 20% was recently confirmed by Lamb and colleagues22
in a study of 134 blunt trauma patients (level III). The
most common missed radiologic findings were deep sulcus
and crisp cardiac silhouette signs.21,22
Although current level-II and -III evidence indicates that
observation of small occult pneumothoraces (i.e., that do
not cross the midcoronal line) without tube thoracostomy
in trauma patients not receiving mechanical ventilation is
likely safe (unpublished data, 2009),1–6,15–27 actual clinical
practice remains varied. Whereas 65% of injured patients
received a tube thoracostomy in cases of overt pneumothoraces, only 31% underwent chest tube insertion when
their pneumothoraces were occult (level III).19 In spite of
data confirming overt and occult pneumothoraces as similar in size and distribution, 26 this variance in practice
reflects the difficulty clinicians have in determining the
appropriate therapy for occult pneumothoraces. When
patients receiving mechanical ventilation are included, the
rate of chest tube insertion is better delineated. In the
largest retrospective publication (level III), 102 occult
pneumothoraces were identified during a 7-year period.27
Only 12 (12%) of these patients underwent chest tube
insertion, irrespective of mechanical ventilation.27 This
group reported no complications and therefore cast doubt
on the practice of tube thoracostomy for all but the largest
occult pneumothoraces. The overall rate of chest tube
insertion varies depending on the patient cohort. Rates of
25% in patients with “minor” chest trauma (level III),25
40% in a small level-III emergency medicine study,22 59%
in a large retrospective level-II review of 21 193 injured
J can chir, Vol. 52, N 5, octobre 2009
patients,23 and 82% in patients with concurrent occult
hemothoraces (level III)24 have recently been published.
On inspection of the patients receiving mechanical ventilation as a separate entity, more patients with overt
pneumothoraces (95%) also receive chest tube therapy
than those with occult pneumothoraces (76%).19 This supports observed insertion rates of 83%–100% in other
recent studies and is again intriguing when one considers
the similar size and distribution of all pneumothorax
The highly variable rate of chest tube insertion for
pneumothoraces in blunt trauma is also evident among victims of penetrating injury. In spite of no observed difference in hemodynamic stability or patient characteristics,
the rate of tube thoracostomy was 95% and 56% in
patients with overt and occult pneumothoraces, respectively
(level III) (unpublished data, 2009). Similar to blunt
trauma, we suspect it relates to the antiquated notion that
occult pneumothoraces “must be smaller” than overt pneumothoraces. The concept of overtreatment is particularly
important with tube thoracostomy as it is associated with
an up to 22% rate of major complications (level III).30
These include insertional (intercostal artery or intraparenchymal lung injuries), positional (requiring reinsertion)
and infective (empyema or wound infection) issues.2–4,30–33
This risk of complications can be objectively compared
with recent level-III studies describing patients who were
closely observed and for whom tube thoracostomy was
initially avoided.19,22,25 None of these patients had a major
complication. Similarly, a minority of patients required
placement of a subsequent chest tube after progression of
a pneumothorax during observation (9%–11%).19,25 The
need for chest tube insertion in patients undergoing
mechanical ventilation also remains unclear. Although retrospective studies indicate that tube thoracostomy may
not be required, 1,19 only 2 level-I randomized trials
(36 patients) are available. Unfortunately, they arrive at
opposite conclusions.4,5
Finally, a unique level-II publication has constructed a
new formula comprised of the largest diameter of the air
pocket and its relationship to the pulmonary hilum. 23
Whereas this study appears to predict the placement of
chest tubes by clinicians for occult pneumothoraces in a
retrospective fashion, it has yet to be validated as an accurate prospective predictor.
Taken as a collective, there is still clinical equipoise
regarding treatment of occult pneumothoraces. Whereas it
appears that small to moderate occult pneumothoraces in
patients not receiving mechanical ventilation can be
observed,1,34 recent literature does not definitively identify
which subset of patients receiving mechanical ventilation
can safely avoid tube thoracostomy. This likely explains the
variation in rates of chest tube insertion, as well as in opinion, among clinicians. Fortunately a prospective multicentre randomized trial is now underway to study this issue.
chest tube insertion (level II).39 The authors postulate this
is a result of intrapleural adhesions.39 It is unclear if this
also applies to patients with occult pneumothoraces who
do not receive a tube thoracostomy.
Bedside thoracic ultrasonography, as part of the eFAST
examination for trauma patients,14 appears to overcome
many of the limitations of supine anteroposterior chest
radiography. The diagnostic sensitivity of this modality
for detecting pneumothoraces ranges from 92% to 100%
among patients with blunt injuries.8,9,11,35 It also allows
maintenance of spine precautions. Although the superiority and utility of ultrasonography in this setting is seldom
debated, 10 the absence of lung sliding is virtually pa thoneumonic for an occult pneumothorax in a previously
normal chest.11 Potential pitfalls such as pleural adhesions
and emphysematous bullae36 are also less common in populations with trauma injuries. Even in these situations,
however, other ultrasonography signs can be helpful in
diagnosing injuries.36–38 Thoracic ultrasonography has also
been shown to be accurate with respect to identifying the
size and extension of occult pneumothoraces.8,9,11 When
compared with gold standard thoracic CT, ultrasonography confirmed the size of a pneumothorax within 1.9
and 2.3 cm in level-I studies of 25 and 56 patients, respectively.8,9 Unfortunately this accuracy is lost 24 hours after
The extent of CT required for patients with blunt trauma
is a contested topic. Whereas some authors believe that
the diagnosis of all occult injuries via routine “pan scans”
is critical, others believe the pendulum has swung too far.
Plurad and colleagues 27 recently identified a 24-fold
increase in the number of occult thoracic injuries diagnosed during the past 6 years as a direct result of a 10-fold
increase in chest CT (level III). Because few of these
occult injuries required changes in management, they
called for continued refinement of the indications for thoracic CT after negative chest radiography.
Based on the recent publications summarized in this
review, as well as the risk of radiation exposure associated
with CT, 40–42 our diagnostic algorithm for blunt chest
trauma is included (Fig. 1). Although no sequence is 100%
sensitive, this approach is limited only by the rare occult
Blunt trauma
eFAST thoracic
Tube thoracostomy
Tube thoracostomy
Supine AP chest
No apparent
Thoracic CT
Tube thoracostomy
Blunt aortic
Appropriate therapy
Tube thoracostomy
Fig. 1: Diagnostic algorithm for blunt thoracic trauma. AP = anteroposterior; CT = computed tomography; eFAST = extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma.
Can J Surg, Vol. 52, No. 5, October 2009
pneumothorax or blunt aortic injury missed by thoracic
ultrasonography (0%–8%)8,9,11,35 and supine chest radiography (2%–7%),43,44 respectively. This algorithm assumes
competency in the performance and real-time interpretation of thoracic ultrasonography. It also recognizes the
immense overall screening value of supine chest radiography. Although we consider the chest radiography and
eFAST examination to be complementary, we conceptualize the eFAST examination as a simple extension of the
clinician’s physical examination. As a result, the eFAST
examination is employed as the initial diagnostic modality
(Fig. 1). Should the patient ever become hemodynamically
unstable, tube thoracostomy is completed without any further imaging. The use of eFAST should not delay the chest
radiography, as an organized resuscitation can obtain both
images simultaneously if a radiologic technician is present.
If overt pneumothorax or hemothorax are identified a chest
tube is inserted. Thoracic CT is reserved for the presence
of a wide mediastinum, or for cases of potentially falsenegative chest radiographs for a pneumothorax (Fig. 1). All
occult pneumothoraces must be treated with tube thoracostomy if close clinical observation is not possible.
Recent literature has answered many of the remaining
questions surrounding the increasingly common diagnosis
of an occult pneumothorax. Whereas the incidence of
occult pneumothoraces approximates 5% of all trauma
registry patients, this value is likely an underestimate
based on the limited proportion of thoracic CT performed among database studies. The use of boardcertified radiologist dictations, rather than the real-time
trauma team interpretations, also minimizes this value.
The size and intrathoracic distribution of overt and occult
pneumothoraces appears to be similar. This clouds the
rationale for the higher rates of chest tube insertion
observed among patients with overt pneumothoraces
compared with those with occult pneumothoraces. This
pattern extends to both patients recieving mechanical ventilation and those with penetrating trauma. It is clear that
only subcutaneous emphysema is predictive of a concurrent occult pneumothorax in the early resuscitation phase.
Unfortunately, it cannot be relied on as the sole clinical
risk factor for an occult pneumothorax because most of
these patients do not have subcutaneous emphysema.
Thoracic ultrasonography, as part of a bedside eFAST
examination, detects nearly all pneumothoraces and
should be incorporated into a clinician’s diagnostic algorithm for chest trauma. The final remaining question
in the occult pneumothorax literature is whether a predictable cohort within the group of patients undergoing
mechanical ventilation can be safely observed without tube
thoracostomy. This would avoid the high risk of chest
tube–related complications. With the completion of a
J can chir, Vol. 52, N 5, octobre 2009
prospective multicentre trial this last query should
be elucidated.
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Can J Surg, Vol. 52, No. 5, October 2009