Cardiac Damage in Pediatric Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

2001, Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology

Cardiac damage in pediatric carbon monoxide poisoning Gandini C, Castoldi AF, Candura SM, Priori S, Locatelli C, Butera R, Bellet C, Manzo L. Journal of toxicology - clinical toxicology 2001; 39(1):45-51 ARTICLE IDENTIFIERS DOI: unavailable PMID: 11327226 PMCID: not available JOURNAL IDENTIFIERS LCCN: not available pISSN: 0731-3810 eISSN: 1097-9875 OCLC ID: 08175535 CONS ID: not available US National Library of Medicine ID: 8213460 This article was identified from a query of the SafetyLit database. Powered by TCPDF (