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Recruitment and selection practices in the private sector were examined through a literature review to identify strategies that human resource (HR) departments can use in designing new employee recruitment and selection processes or improving existing processes. The following were among the findings: (1) new employees recruited by using informal sources of recruitment such as employee referrals, rehires, and self-initiated walk-ins had a greater job survival within the organization than did new employees recruited through formal sources such as newspapers, radio advertisements, and posters; (2) small businesses tended to use more informal and unstructured recruitment and selection mechanisms than large organizations do; (3) job applicants did not have an adverse reaction toward organizations that administer personality inventories provided the inventories are applied in combination with ability tests during employee selection procedures; (4) different organizations preferred differe...
Recruitment and selection practices in the private sector were examined through a literature review to identify strategies that human resource (HR) departments can use in designing new employee recruitment and selection processes or improving existing processes. The following were among the findings: (1) new employees recruited by using informal sources of recruitment such as employee referrals, rehires, and self-initiated walk-ins had a greater job survival within the organization than did new employees recruited through formal sources such as newspapers, radio advertisements, and posters; (2) small businesses tended to use more informal and unstructured recruitment and selection mechanisms than large organizations do; (3) job applicants did not have an adverse reaction toward organizations that administer personality inventories provided the inventories are applied in combination with ability tests during employee selection procedures; (4) different organizations preferred different selection strategies depending on the relative value they put on performance and minority representation at the organization; (5) for most positions requiring a college degree, organizations preferred hiring experienced people rather than new graduates; (6) some recruiters allowed personal biases to influence their selection decisions; and (7) female recruiters tended to evaluate female applicants more positively than male applicants, whereas male recruiters' evaluations were not influenced by sex similarities. (Contains 17 references.) (MN) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2021
Considered as one of the cornerstones of work and organizational psychology, it is not surprising that the selection and recruitment literature is vast. In this review, we synthesize and integrate the findings from around 40 meta-analyses and literature reviews from the last decade to identify the most recent meta-trends and future research directions in the selection and recruitment research and practice. We organize our key findings around three superordinate areas: a) recent developments in selection research, covering findings on validities of selection methods, expanding the criterion space, and applicant reactions and impression management; b) recent developments in recruitment research, paying attention to the evidence around recruitment methods and applicant attraction; and c) new technology in recruitment and selection. In our call for future research, we delineate a number of substantive issues and the need for more sophisticated theoretical developments in the field as well as methodological challenges that future efforts should address. We concur with the vast literature in that selection and recruitment research is a vibrant field, which we expect will address a number of ongoing political, cultural, technological, societal, and employment regulations-related issues to keep creating impact and providing meaningful findings for recruitment and selection practices in organizations.
The recruitment is the main function of HR department and the recruitment process is the first step towards making the competitive quality and the recruitment strategic advantage for the association. A quantitative method used to analyze this study, the researchers prepared questionnaire and distributed at Telecommunication Companies in Erbil-Kurdistan. The objective of this research paper is to determine the recruitment and selection procedures in organizations, and finding out the methodologies that are involved in the process. Moreover, finding out how being qualified and having certificates affects the recruitment process, and how different criteria such as gender, race, and culture effect on it as well. The survey was conducted at Telecom Companies. Employees filled the survey. Data was collected and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used as the statistical analysis tool while descriptive statistics were calculated and used in the interpretation of findings. The population of this study is approximately 220 employees, The researchers distributed 80 questionnaires, but 69 questionnaires received from participants, however only 60 questionnaires were properly filled out by the participants, accordingly my sample size was initially a total of (60) surveys, and %100 was turned back which means 60 surveys. Data for the research paper was collected through a questionnaire paper distributed to employees working at Telecom Companies. The researchers found that there is no difference in candidates' race and gender in internal promotion at Telecommunication Companies in Erbil-Kurdistan, therefore the researchers answered the first research question, and the second research question which stated that Within our organization, for second question the researchers found that the majority of participants believed that selection methods used (application forms, assessment centers, psychometric tests, interviews, CV data, references, group interviews) are important.
An efficient work team is essential for effective implementation of business and delivery of services. To build an efficient team, HR management must ensure that talented, competent and committed persons are recruited in the company. So the recruitment and selection process should be objective, uniform and of high quality. From past decade the business organizations are more concentrating on the human capital because they are the most valued and most treasured assets. While recruiting the candidates the organizations has to map carefully the available human resources because they create the competitive advantage for the organizations. The aim of the paper is to study the recruitment and selection process in local companies (five local companies) private companies. The best human capital availability in organizations makes them competitive advantage and as well as they become the real life blood of the organizations. This research studies the review of literature for recruitment and ...
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 2018
The process of recruitment is a primary method of people absorption function in any organization. Various companies small and big, strategize and adopt various tactics in choosing the right source of recruitment or hiring quality professionals on to their workforce. Therefore, this research aims to investigate or enquire the various research literature published on various main recruitment methods implemented in company's recruitment process or function. In this paper, the resultant outcomes based on last 20 years literature investigation are discussed in detail through a systematic review. Accordingly, the relevant resultant outcomes post the literature investigation is published by making suggestions for sustenance in the industry.
Personnel Psychology, 1989
This study investigated both an applicant pool and its resulting class of new hires in an attempt to clarify a number of empirical questions concerning recruiting source effectiveness. A pre-established database of applicants and hires for the job of life insurance agent in a large insurance company was analyzed for recruiting activity. Differences in applicant quality and new hire survival were found in favor of the informal recruiting sources. A second measure of hire success, new business commission credits, failed to show differences across recruiting sources. The informal recruiting sources yielded significantly higher selection ratios than did formal sources for all groups. Examination of recruiting source use showed significant group differences, with females and blacks using the formal recruiting sources more frequently than males, non-minorities, and Hispanics. While the informal recruiting sources yielded higher quality applicants and more successful hires for all groups, this research cautions that the implementation of revised recruiting policies must be carefully monitored for adverse effects on protected groups.
This article aims to provide brief background information about the origin of the famous tafsir scholar al-Qurtubi, as well as his way of learning, scientific journeys, teachers, and scientific works. In line with this goal, brief information was given about the city of Cordoba in Andalusia, where the scholar was born and raised. Moreover, the opinions of scholars about al-Qurtubi, his moral qualities, scientific expeditions and scientific studies were mentioned. It is especially noteworthy that in his works, the scholar used a scientific approach to discussing issues and clarifying sources.
Los materiales de construcción son los cuerpos que integran una obra de construcción, cualquiera que sea su naturaleza, composición y formas. Antes de realizar cualquier obra siempre se debe realizar un ensayo de laboratorio, y el siguiente informe trata de la práctica de laboratorio número 4, la cual es titulada " peso específico y absorción de los agregados ". Dicho informe tiene como finalidad dar a conocer el método de ensayo para determinar por secado el contenido de humedad total en el agregado, así como también el cálculo del peso específico. El peso específico de una sustancia se define como su peso por unidad de volumen. Densidad: Es una magnitud referida a la cantidad de masa contenida en un determinado volumen. En la cual se comprende que la absorción es el incremento en la masa del agregado debido al agua en los poros del material, pero sin incluir el agua adherida a la superficie exterior de las partículas, expresado como un porcentaje de la masa seca .Para la determinación del Peso específico y absorción de los agregados se procederá a realizar los procedimientos correctos que están especificados en la Norma Técnica Peruana (NTP) 400.021 y 400.022 del año 2002 basada en la norma ASTM C-127 y C-128 del año 2004. Este método de ensayo se usa para determinar por secado, el porcentaje de humedad evaporable en una muestra de agregado, este método es suficientemente exacto para el ajuste de los pesos en mezclas de concreto a fines similares, puede suceder que el método no sea aplicable o que requiera modificación en casos aislados en los cuales el agregado a sido alterado por calor, o cuando se requieran mediciones más precisas. Para el peso específico esta norma contempla el método de ensayo para determinar el peso específico aparente, el peso específico saturado superficialmente seco a 230ºC, peso específico nominal y la absorción de los agregado agregados. NORMATIVA ASTM C 127 Y ASTM C 128
Religions, 2019
A large quantity of past research in philosophical Daoism has been dedicated to the authenticity of “dao”; this essay shifts the focus to the authenticity of the “myriad things 萬物 (wanwu)” in the Zhuangzi. The concept of “myriad things”, which later gains paradigmatic importance in Chinese philosophy, was first introduced in the Laozi and developed in the Zhuangzi. Under the collective heading of “myriad”, “myriad things” encompasses all of the variegated existing entities in the empirical world, while also taking into account the individual particularities of each entity without calling forth any singular or set of qualities, or “essence”, that is shared by all individuals. As a concept that safeguards individual particularities, the use of “myriad things” in the Zhuangzi serves to counterargue against the essentialist tendency to treat “humans 人 (ren)” as a collective of moral agents with a singular and identifiable moral essence. By the same token, Daoist thinkers re-interpret th...
Suicide is a serious global public health problem in both devel-oped and developing countries. The results of the research reviewed here reveal that, in Europe, one person dies by suicide every nine minutes, and that in Spain it is currently the leading external cause of death after road traffic accidents. This review presents the latest findings on effective sui-cide prevention strategies in the general population as well as the most ap-propriate instruments for assessing the level of risk for suicidal behavior in a clinical population. The treatments that scientific literature reports to be most effective in the fight against suicide are also included. The most sig-nificant results in terms of both prevention and treatment are discussed and several limitations to this study are also raised, which may be consid-ered for future work by practitioners and researchers interested in this field
Fata viam invenient. Nuevas contribuciones a los estudios en Filología Clásica, 2023
Preprints, 2022
Journal of Islamic Education Studies
PhD, 2024
Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society, 2009
Urban Planning
International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development
Lusitania Sacra: revista do Centro de Estudos de Historia Eclesiastica, 2016
… of the 21st conference on Large …, 2007
Sigma Theta Tau International's 28th International Nursing Research Congress, 2017
International Journal of Medical Informatics, 1997