SI-Lab Annual Research Report 2021
Marco Righi, Giuseppe Riccardo Leone, Andrea Carboni, Claudia Caudai,
Sara Colantonio, Ercan Engin Kuruoglu, Barbara Leporini, Massimo Magrini,
Paolo Paradisi, Maria Antoniet Pascali, et al.
To cite this version:
Marco Righi, Giuseppe Riccardo Leone, Andrea Carboni, Claudia Caudai, Sara Colantonio, et al..
SI-Lab Annual Research Report 2021. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. 2022. hal-03928399
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Annual Report CNR ID 475983
SI-Lab Annual Research Report 2021
Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy (e-mail:
[email protected])
Corresponding author: Giuseppe Riccardo Leone (e-mail:
[email protected]).
ABSTRACT The Signal & Images Laboratory (SI-Lab) is an interdisciplinary research group in computer
vision, signal analysis, intelligent vision systems and multimedia data understanding. It is part of the
Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR).
This report accounts for the research activities of the Signal and Images Laboratory of the Institute of
Information Science and Technologies during the year 2021.
INDEX TERMS Computer vision, Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent systems, Topological data analysis, Human-Computer Interaction, Inclusion and accessibility, Quality-of-Life
interdisciplinary research laboratory in computer vision,
signal analysis, intelligent vision systems and multimedia
understanding. It is part of the Institute of Information
Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the National Research
Council of Italy. Researchers and technologists in computer
science, mathematics, engineering and physics work together
to produce original and effective research in computer vision
and signal analysis and transfer knowledge and innovative
solutions to society and industrial production and services.
The application fields of the lab range from cultural heritage
to tourism, from mobility to entertainment, from security
to environment, from healthcare and wellness to sustainable
This report aims to give a global and comprehensive view
of the activities that were carried on during 2021. After the
spreading of the pandemic in the previous year, in 2021
the lab has faced the changes brought by the outbreak,
reorganizing the way research and team work are carried
out. Notwithstanding these difficulties, the lab was not only
able to continue the research activities based on its solid
basis and background but new activities and projects were
conceived and brought to life during the year.In Section
III we summarize consolidated research topics on our main
research fields while in Section IV, we describe the projects
in which we were involved during the year 2021. Section V is
a complete list of the publications, including thesis defended
during this year. Section VI finally lists the publicly available
HIS section reports some highlights of SI-Lab activities
starting with the end of 2020 and going through the
whole of 2021.
During 2021, ample space was given to the following
• Computer vision
• Artificial intelligence & intelligent systems
• Statistical signal processing
• Topological data analysis
• Human-computer interaction
• Inclusion and accessibility
The research had an impact on the following areas:
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
Biological signal and image processing: Radiomics,
Connectomics, Digital microscopy, Electrophysiology
• Assistive technologies: interactive systems for cognitive
and motor rehabilitation, personalized and empathic
• Computational Biology: networks of genic interactions,
3D chromatin structure, diffusion processes
• Edutainment: gesture and biofeedback capture, Audio/Video (AV) synthesis, Virtual and Augmented reality (VR, AR, XR)
• IT for Cultural Heritage: artwork image analysis, AR
techniques, Structural health monitoring
• Smart cameras, embedded systems and pervasive intelligence in security environmental monitoring, urban intelligence and smart cities, intelligent transport systems
• Industry 4.0: Augmented reality, AI for predictive maintenance, real-time video processing, Acoustic AI
• Precision agriculture: intelligent systems for imagebased detection and classification of threats
• Remote sensing and Earth observation: marine motoring, SAR image processing, Inland water bodies monitoring
• Integrated systems for smart energy management, sustainable buildings and the nautical sector
During the year results were obtained both in terms of scientific publications (as reported in Section V and at the level
of international scientific collaborations. In general, thanks
to the expertise gained over time and recent progress, the
laboratory has been able to attract projects both in the application areas already explored (smart cities; cultural heritage;
technologies for the sea; computational biology; eHealth,
well being and active ageing) and in areas of more recent
interest, for example, connected with the Factory of the
Future, urban intelligence and precision agriculture. All the
project activities are described in the dedicated paragraphs
in Section IV and can also be consulted on the laboratory
The lab is also actively participating in the establishment
of the “AI@Edge” lab, an infrastructure for studying AI
applications across the entire computational continuum, from
sensors and low-power nodes to cloud resources. In particular, the SI-Lab will design and develop some use cases related, for instance, to ambient intelligence and physiological
computing systems. In fact, it is envisaged to create a demonstrator on the theme of activity recognition in the health
‘& well-being field connected with the assessment of the
healthiness and comfort of work and residence environments.
The system, based on the data collected by wearable sensors,
cameras and other ad hoc devices for indoor localization,
will be able to recognize and understand the activities, the
context in which they are carried out, and the dynamic social
interactions. Response to various stimuli will be analyzed
from a physiological computing point of view.
With regard to participation in international committees,
we point out the constant participation in the ERCIM “Muscle” Working Group (
index.php/Main_Page). Furthermore, since 2018, the laboratory has managed the TC 16 of the IAPR dedicated to the
topic “Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Techniques in
Pattern Recognition & Image Analysis” (http://iapr-tc16.isti. Furthermore, the laboratory participates in Technical
Committees of the IEEE Signal Processing Society in the
context of "Machine Learning for Signal Processing".
During the period, various projects were acquired and activated, including two Tuscany Region projects under the
“COVID19” Health call, one project with the Italian Space
Agency (INTECS lead partner), one project with the European Space Agency (Mapsat lead partner), four projects POR
CREO Tuscany Region FESR 2014-2020 RS tender 1. Other
H2020 proposals are under evaluation.
During the period, the seventh edition of Image Mining
was organized. Theory and Applications (IMTA - http:// as a satellite workshop of
ICPR 2020 held online in January 2021. Furthermore, the
ninth edition of the International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IWCIM)
at the end of September 2021, in hybrid online and on-site
mode (Rhodes, Greece). Finally, a special online edition of
Advanced Infrared Technologies and Applications (AITA was held in October 2021.
transfer programs are carried out by SI-Lab on issues
that address various topics: Assistive technologies and systems integration, Computational biology, Computational intelligence in Computer Vision, Computational topology and
geometry for vision, Document image analysis and restoration, Hybrid intelligent methods, Nature-inspired computation for Smart Sensors, Real-Time imaging and Embedded
Systems, Shape analysis and description, and Statistical signal processing.
Integrated imaging, biomedical and gestural sensing technologies for enhancing and/or maintaining health and well
The research aims to provide understanding and solutions
to genomics and in general biological processes in the cell
through the use of statistical signal processing methodology
and information theory framework. In particular, we concentrate on: epigenetics, gene interaction networks modelling,
Research Activities Report of 2021
cancer mutation modelling, evolution modelling, chromosome conformation and 3D chromation structure capture.
Methods for categorizing and interpreting heterogeneous,
multimodal and multisource imagery data. The activities in
this field is particularly focused on advanced and innovative intelligent methods designed and developed for categorizing,understanding and interpreting heterogeneous, multimodal and multisource imagery data.
The main aim of this activity is to introduce advanced
geometrical and topological methods for tackling computer
vision and pattern recognition problems. In particular, using approaches capable to turn multidimensional images
and datasets into discrete objects treatable by computational
topology, it is possible to explore, discover and measure
interesting features of the original data.
The focus is on all those methodologies aimed at improving
readability, analysis, and recognition of the content of a
document. In particular we mention: use of multispectral,
multisensory or multiview acquisitions, models of degradations and features, digital restoration and enhancement, content disclosure and segmentation, correction of geometrical
and radiometric distortions, application to ancient archival
documents and historical manuscripts.
sensor/actuator, which increases the ability to cope with
complexity at a fair price. Nature-inspired computation denotes all the efforts for producing algorithms directly taking
inspiration by Nature, for example, looking at the smart
behavior of animals, or at all scales, both in classical or
quantum vision of the physical world. The topics enclosed
in the field denoted Nature inspired computation for Smart
Sensors try to translate methods such Machine learning and
Artificial Intelligence to sensors and actuators in order to
improve sensing functionality in the most wide of possible
Analysis and development of algorithms for real-time image
analysis, aiming to achieve a low-cost, low-consumption
and pervasive implementation on platforms like embedded
Shape analysis and description serve to derive machineunderstandable representations of the content of shape models, such as images and 3D objects. Shape analysis and
description are key to shape matching, retrieval, classification, and annotation. We study mathematical methods and
algorithms for 2D and 3D shape analysis and description,
with application to disparate fields.
Complex signal elaboration, ranging from DSP hardware
development to signal compression and analysis.
Hybrid systems based on the combination of different types
of learning and reasoning techniques have emerged as a
viable solution to overcome limitations of single techniques
in the attempt to mimic human-like cognitive processes. The
goal is to blend deductive strategies (e.g., knowledge-based
systems), inductive techniques (e.g., connectionist systems),
and reasoning by analogy approaches (e.g., case-based reasoning) to build robust information processing solutions. Our
research here focuses on the definition of multilevel systems able to make sense of heterogeneous data for decision
making, by combining sub-symbolic data interpretation with
knowledge-based reasoning and meta-reasoning. Eligible application fields are eHealth, and new emerging trends such as
the quantified self and the personalized informatics.
Smart sensors and actuators should provide support for various modes of operation and interfacing. Some applications
require additionally fault-tolerance and distributed computing. Such high-level functionality can be achieved by adding
specific embedded computing capabilities to the classical
URING 2021 several projects have been carried out
at SI-Lab. Since signals, images and more general
multimedia data are ubiquitous, the variety of project application fields is wide, ranging from e-health and wellbeing to environmental monitoring, from remote sensing to
cultural heritage and urban intelligence. At the same time,
the lab has been able to secure projects by responding to
several calls at the regional, national and European levels.
There are indeed two active European H2020 projects, plus
an European Space Agency (ESA) funded project and a
COST action, two national projects, eight regional projects,
two projects supported by foundations and two commercial
contracts. Besides funded projects, other scientific collaborations have been activated with relevant associations and
stakeholders. Below, we first list the projects clustering them
in macro-areas; then, we provide details about each of them
in alphabetical order.
AUTOMATION & MONITORING: Advanced and smart
ICT technologies for factory automation and environment
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
Medical Waste Treating 4.0 : Sistema innovativo automatizzato per il trattamento e la nobilitazione dei rifuti
sanitari in chiave End of Waste - Innovative automated
system for the treatment and ennobling of sanitary waste
in an End of Waste (EoW) perspective
Smart Converting 4.0 : L’intelligenza artificiale al
servizio dell’automazione avanzata, dell’integrazione e
dell’advanced safety delle linee di converting del tissue
e del nonwoven – Artificial intelligence at the service
of advanced automation, integration and safety of tissue
and non-woven converting lines
LIFE Demo : Low Impact Fully Enanched Design Modeling (for Modern Housing
CULTURAL HERITAGE: Advanced and smart ICT solutions for preserving and fruition of Cultural Heritage.
VERO : Virtual reality in Pinocchio’s amusement park
technologies for healthcare, wellbeing, ambient assited living
and active & healthy ageing.
GOODBROTHER : Network on Privacy-Aware Audio
and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted
NAVIGATOR : An Imaging Biobank to Precisely Prevent and Predict cancer, and facilitate the Participation
of oncologic patients to Diagnosis and Treatment
Optimised : An optimised path for the data flow and the
clinical management of COVID-19 patients
PINK STUDY : Prevention, Imaging, Network and
PLATFORMUPTAKE.EU : Assessing the State of the
Art and Supporting an Evidence-Based Uptake and
Evolution of Open Service Platforms in the Active and
Healthy Ageing Domain
PRAMA : Proteomics, RAdiomics and Machine
learning-integrated strategy for precision medicine for
PROCANCER-I : An AI Platform integrating imaging
data and models, supporting precision care through
prostate cancer’s continuum
Scientific collaboration with iCARE : Interactive and
robotics technologies for neuromotor rehabilitation
Scientific collaboration with Lega del Filo d’Oro : Innovation in the field of assistive technologies
Scientific collaboration with SIMeM : Research and
applications for mountain medicine
TI ASSISTO : Clinical monitoring of Covid-19 patients
TIGHT : Tactile InteGration between Humans and arTificial systems
Advanced and smart ICT technologies for assistive technologies.
Scientific collaboration with K-ARRAY : Development
and testing of a hardware and software infrastructure
that optimizes the interaction between all the elements
of the electroacoustic chain
SENSING AND AI FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Advanced and smart ICT technologies for monitoring and preserving the environment with applications to precision agriculture, maritime safety and blue growth.
• AGROSAT+: Deep learning for precision agriculture
• NAUTILOS : New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean obServation
• OSIRIS-FO : Optical/SAR data and system Integration
for Rush Identification of Ship models
• RTOD : Real-Time Object Detection thorough Machine
Learning based on low-power GPU
• S4E : Safety & Security Systems for Sea Environment
URBAN INTELLIGENCE : Advanced and smart ICT technologies for smart city planning and monitoring.
• SPaCe : Smart Passenger Center
• WEARECLOUDS@LUCCA : Audio visual sensor networks supporting Urban Intelligence in the municipality
of Lucca
As already mentioned, in the following, we describe in
alphabetical order the details of each project listed above.
Deep learning for precision agriculture
Funded under: Commercial contract with Barilla
Amount (Total): EUR 80,000 (201,000)
Protocol: Prot. ISTI n. 317/2020 (dated 2/7/2020)
Contract: CUP B19E20000040007
Start date: 27 January 2020
End date: 27 July 2023
Coordinator: Barilla G. e R. Fratelli Spa
Other partners: IBE-CNR
Start date: 1 February 2020
End date: 31 January 2022
Keywords: Precision Agricolture; Deep-learning
Contact: Massimo Martinelli (
[email protected])
In the framework of precision agriculture, Agrosat+
project, funded by Barilla G. & R. Fratelli SpA, aims at
developing methods for the classification of images and
videos based on cutting-edge machine learning algorithms.
The ultimate goal is to develop a real-time software system
for the classification of plants, their diseases, weeds and
insects based on images shot by mobile devices in uncontrolled scenarios to support farmers and operators during
the daily routine. The precise knowledge of diseases and
weeds (also obtained thanks to correlation with other data
and computational models) will help farmers choose adaptive
Research Activities Report of 2021
and optimal treatments to prevent crop losses.
During 2020 the work was focused on developing classification modules using Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically
Deep Learning models. Moreover, with the development
of interfacing solutions between the mobile App and the
Artificial Intelligence module, the workflow of the AI module
development has started. A set of load-balancing solutions
has been implemented and tested.
During 2021, the activity was focused on the development
and validation of a number of Deep Learning models to
detect and classify wheat stresses, specific diseases, damages,
weeds and insects, in order to help farmers choose adaptive
and optimal treatments to prevent crop losses. First field tests
were performed by farmers, using a prototype of a mobile
app connected to our servers cluster, to evaluate the Artificial
Intelligence (AI) developed models and the full workflow of
the operations.
Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living
Funded under: COST Program
Project reference: COST Action CA 19121
Contract: CA N.19121
Start date: 29 September 2020
End date: 28 September 2024
Coordinator: Universidad de Alicante – Spain
Other partners: 37 managing partners and 3 observing
partners available at
Keywords: Video-based Health Monitoring; Privacypreservation; Active and Assisted Living
Contact: Sara Colantonio (
[email protected])
Europe faces crucial challenges regarding health and social
care due to demographic change and the current economic
context. Active and Assisted Living (AAL) are a possible
solution to face them. AAL aims at improving the health,
quality of life, and well-being of older, impaired and frail
people. AAL systems use different sensors to monitor the
environment and its dwellers. Cameras and microphones
are being more frequently used for AAL. They allow us to
monitor an environment and gather information, being the
most straightforward and natural ways of describing events,
persons, objects, actions, and interactions. Recent advances
have given these devices the ability to see and hear. However,
their use can be seen as intrusive by some end users (assisted
persons, and professional and informal caregivers.)
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes the obligation for technologies to meet the principles
of data protection by design and data protection by default.
Therefore, AAL solutions must consider privacy-by-design
methodologies in order to protect the fundamental rights of
those being monitored.
FIGURE 1. Agrosat+: an example of object detection and classification of the
GranoScan App
The aim of GoodBrother is to increase awareness of
the ethical, legal, and privacy issues associated with audioand video-based monitoring and to propose privacy-aware
working solutions for assisted living, by creating an interdisciplinary community of researchers and industrial partners
from different fields (computing, engineering, healthcare,
law, sociology) and other stakeholders (users, policymakers,
public services), stimulating new research and innovation.
GoodBrother will offset the Big Brother sense of continuous
monitoring by increasing user acceptance, exploiting these
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
ASSE 1 - AZIONE 1.1.5 SUB A1
Amount: EUR 158,288 (2,426,618)
Protocol: Prot. ISTI n. 0003531 (dated 04/10/2018)
Start date: 01 September 2020
End date: 31 December 2022
Coordinator: Siram-Veolia SpA, Florence
Other partners: Vivere il Legno Srl (BarberinoTavarnelle,FI), Thermocasa Srl (Peccioli,PI), Elettro D Srl
Keywords: Assistive Technology; Home Automation; Industry 4.0
Contact: Emanuele Salerno (
[email protected])
FIGURE 2. The Goodbrother’s working groups
new solutions, and improving market reach. The Signals
& Images Lab is contributing to privacy-preserving image
and video analysis methods and as part of the Management
Committee of the Action. The Cost Action TheGoodBrother
started its core activities at the end of September 2020 with
a kick-off meeting involving all the partners and representatives and officers from the Cost Association. Since then,
two meetings of the Core Management Team have been
organized, discussing and agreeing on the activity plan for
the action and organizing liaison initiatives with other Cost
Actions. A meeting with the Italian members has been also
organized at the beginning of November. SI-Lab started discussing with other partners from the Catholic University of
Croatia, the Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship and
the Staffordshire University, the preparation of a paper about
the ethical challenges and the user perceptions of monitored
sensory environments in AAL applications.
During 2021 a comprehensive survey of the most recent
advances in audio- and video-based monitoring technologies
for AAL has been drafted as a collective effort of WG3, led
by Sara Colantonio, to supply an introduction to AAL, its
evolution over time and its main functional and technological
underpinnings. In this respect, the report contributed to the
field with the outline of a new generation of ethical-aware
AAL technologies and a proposal for a novel comprehensive
taxonomy of AAL systems and applications. Moreover, the
report allowed non-technical readers to gather an overview
of the main components of an AAL system, and the ways
they function and interact with the end-users [183]. The
description of the main components of AAL systems and
their applications has been also included in a white paper on
the “State of the art on ethical, legal, and social issues linked
to audio-and video-based AAL solutions” [108].
With the collaboration of four leading firms in the building industry, this project aims at establishing a set of best
practices for the design and management of residential buildings through their entire life cycle, from the initial idea to
decommissioning and disposal. This activity embodies the
technological innovation devised in the ‘fourth industrial
revolution’ paradigm and provides the development of different tools devoted to the realization of the digital twin of a
building, including all the information related to its design,
realization and maintenance, also allowing for the simulation
of its structural and energy behaviour as a result of any
stimulus from the environment or human intervention. To
demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedures developed,
a demo prototype will be built on the CNR campus at Pisa.
This will also enable us to monitor continuously, through
all the seasons, the thermal and structural performances of
the building. During 2021 the supporting and enabling technologies within the paradigm ‘Impresa 4.0’, and the related
norms, have been analyzed. On this basis, the procedure
to be followed to realize the building information model
(BIM) and the digital twin of our prototype has been assessed. The key roles for this process have been identified
and distributed among the project partners. Starting from
an initial sketch of the demo prototype, the ultimate design
has been completed through a dynamical simulation of highperformance building materials and the technological facilities, the economic and environmental sustainability study,
the definition of needs and performance requirements, the
architectural solutions and the structural assessment. The
descriptive technical report to apply for the needed building
authorization has thus been produced.
Sistema innovativo automatizzato per il trattamento e la
nobilitazione dei rifuti sanitari in chiave End of Waste Innovative automated system for the treatment and ennobling
of sanitary waste in an End of Waste (EoW) perspective
Low Impact Fully Enhanced Design Modeling (for Modern
Funded under: POR CReO Toscana 2020 - 2014-2020,
Funded under: POR CReO Toscana 2020
Amount (total): EUR 181,927 (2,898,129)
Research Activities Report of 2021
FIGURE 3. LIFE DEMO: 3D rendering of the demo prototype to be built.
Protocol: Prot. ISTI n. 1442/2021 (dated 20/04/2021)
Start date: 1 September 2020
End date: 31 December 2022
Coordinator: CISA Group
Other partners: SILMA, ACTA, LINARI
Keywords: Computer Vision; Circular Economy; Waste
Sorting; Industry 4.0
Contact: Davide Moroni (
[email protected])
The project aims to develop an innovative system that will
allow for a radical revolution in medical waste management
processes. In fact, in complete coherence with the principles
of Industry 4.0 and through the convergence of advanced
automation solutions, ICT and innovative materials, we intend to make it possible to treat and refine medical waste
from an End of Waste perspective: what today represents
waste, and therefore a cost will be transformed into new raw
material, realizing the principles of the circular economy.
The project is primarily concerned with an innovative, highly
automated treatment and ennobling system, identified with
the acronym of WTET (Waste Treatment and Ennoblement
Tunnel). Through the WTET, the medical waste will be
sterilized, treated and ennobled to lead to the creation of new
raw materials, following cost-effective and sustainable regeneration paths. The project also provides for the development
of the following additional innovative solutions for the entire
logistics chain connected to the WTET: a) an innovative
equipped collection and packaging station which, thanks to
the use of advanced logic for control and support to operators during the primary differentiation phases will allow the
intelligent delivery of waste; this station, called Waste Packing Station (WPS), will be located in the waste production
areas and will be sensorized and interconnected to monitor
the filling status of the appropriate waste containers, called
Medical Waste Containers (MWC); b) the MWCs mentioned
above, i.e. innovative configurable and modular containers
for the separate collection of medical waste and their safe
transport, suitably traceable using dedicated tags. They will
FIGURE 4. Workflow for the management of medical waste and key
components to be developed by Medical Waste Treatment 4.0
be equipped with several compartments dedicated to various
fractions of the waste and will also be made with recycled
material, in complete consistency with the circular economy
principles; c) an innovative system for the functionalization
of recovered materials produced by WTET by depositing
electrospun nanofibers. In fact, nanotechnologies will lead to
the identification of prototypes to functionalize the recycled
material (for example, non-woven fabric), to convert it into
high-tech material for the production of valuable products
such as HEPA filters and filters for surgical masks. All such
solutions will make it possible to implement a revolutionary
approach to the management of sanitary waste, also thanks
to essential innovations in advanced materials and nanotechnologies that will be implemented: in particular, innovative
materials will be used as compatibilizing additives, making
it possible to regenerate and jointly enhance materials that
otherwise cannot be combined.
The lab is primarily involved in the project to support the
design of the overall systems by providing sensing and data
processing functionalities. They will allow for increasing the
automatization of the system, monitoring the process quantitatively and assessing the revenue that is possible to obtain
by adopting circular economy principles. A critical aspect
is represented by the primary waste sorting to be performed
briefly after the waste has been produced. It is necessary to
support operators during sorting without overloading their
duties. Artificial intelligence and computer vision are helping
in this context. Specifically, SI-Lab is designing a computer
vision system to categorize waste and select the proper
sorting procedure. During the year, preliminary studies on
waste categories and materials have been conducted while
collecting visual datasets is in progress.
New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative,
Low-cost Ocean obServation
Funded under: H2020-BG-2020-1
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
Project reference: Grant Agreement n. 101000825
Amount: EUR 537,067
Protocol: Prot. ISTI 0002767/2020 (dated 04/09/2020)
Start date: 1 October 2020
End date: 30 September 2024
Coordinator: ISTI-CNR
Other partners: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research,
Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning, Suomen Ymparistokeskus, Institut Francais de Recherche pour l’exploitation
de la Mer, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
CNRS, ETT Spa, Edgelab Srl, Universidade do Algarve,
NKE Instrumentation Sarl, Aquatec Group Limited, Subctech Gmbh, CEIIA - Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento, Haute Ecole Specialisee de Suisse Occidentale,
CSEM Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique
SA - Recherche et Developpement, Univerza v Ljubljani,
Fundacao Eurocea, Deutsches Forschungszentrum fur Kunstliche Intelligenz Gmbh, Universita della Calabria, IMAR Instituto do Mar, Evroproject OOD
Keywords: Maritime Observation; Marine Data Management; Underwater Technologies for Augmented Observation
Contact: Gabriele Pieri (
[email protected])
NAUTILOS will fill in existing marine observation and
modelling gaps through the development of a new generation
of cost-effective sensors and samplers for physical (salinity,
temperature), chemical (inorganic carbon, nutrients, oxygen),
and biological (phytoplankton, zooplankton, marine mammals) essential ocean variables, in addition to micro-/nanoplastics, to improve our understanding of environmental
change and anthropogenic impacts related to aquaculture,
fisheries, and marine litter. Newly developed marine technologies will be integrated with different observing platforms
and deployed through the use of novel approaches in a broad
range of crucial environmental settings (e.g. from shore to
deep-sea deployments) and EU policy-relevant applications:
Fisheries and Aquaculture Observing Systems,
Platforms of Opportunity demonstrations,
Augmented Observing Systems demonstration,
Demonstrations on ARGO Platform,
Animal-borne Instruments.
The fundamental aim of the project will be to complement
and expand current European observation tools and services,
to obtain a collection of data at a much higher spatial resolution and temporal regularity and length than currently
available at the European scale, and to further enable and
democratise the monitoring of the marine environment to
both traditional and non-traditional data users. The principles that underlie the NAUTILOS project will be those of
the development, integration, validation and demonstration
of new cutting-edge technologies with regard to sensors,
interoperability and embedding skills. The development will
always be guided by the objectives of scalability, modularity,
FIGURE 5. NAUTILOS Project Infographics.
cost-effectiveness and open-source availability of software
and data products produced. NAUTILOS will also provide
full and open data feed towards well-established portals and
data integrators (EMODnet, CMEMS, JERICO).
During 2021 the activities of Work Package 8 continue in
line with the schedule for all Tasks. In Task 8.4 it proceeds
toward the design and build of the data portal based on a
graphical web interface supporting the project data collection
and sharing; moreover, in the same Task, the design and development phase for the Citizen Science App has started. For
Task 8.5, after the finalization of the state-of-the-art analysis
of the image recognition and classification algorithms, activities in this task continue with the analysis and development
of different algorithms developed for the various identified
image analysis domains (mainly for underwater images and
up-welling analysis).
An Imaging Biobank to Precisely Prevent and Predict cancer,
and facilitate the Participation of oncologic patients to
Diagnosis and Treatment
Funded under: Par Fas Salute Toscana 2014-2020
Amount: EUR 232,000
Protocol: Prot. ISTI 0003093/2020 (dated 21/10/2020)
Contract: CUP I58D20000500002
Start date: 9 October 2020
End date: 8 October 2023
Coordinator: Università di Pisa
Other partners: IFAC-CNR, AUSL Toscana Centro,
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Azienda Universitaria Ospedaliera Careggi
Keywords: Imaging Biobanks; Oncology; Radiomics; Predictive Models; Data Analytics; Machine Learning; Open
Contact: Sara Colantonio (
[email protected])
Oncology may strongly benefit from a paradigm shift
Research Activities Report of 2021
towards personalised medical solutions that account for the
great heterogeneity and intra-variability of tumour biology,
manifestation and treatment response. Quantitative imaging and imaging-guided interventions play a key role in
this frame, as they provide, for individual patients, multiparametric morphologic and functional information, precious
to personalised predictions and prognoses, and new insights
into the mechanisms underlying patients’ responses to therapy.
NAVIGATOR aims to boost precision medicine in oncology by advancing translational research based on quantitative
imaging and multi-omics analyses, towards a better understanding of cancer biology, cancer care, and, more generally,
cancer risk. The project will deliver a technological solution
relying on:
• an open imaging Biobank, collecting and preserving a
large amount of quality, standardised imaging data and
related omics data in a secure and privacy-preserving
model. Data will include CT, MRI and PET data for various neoplasms, clinical data from regional healthcare
services (i.e., from Azienda Regionale di Sanità - ARS),
molecular and liquid biopsy data
• an open-science oriented, Virtual Research Environment, available for medical researchers and general
clinical stakeholders, to process the multi-omics data
to extract gold-standard and novel imaging bio-markers
based on Radiomics analyses; and create and test digital
patient models, through data analytics techniques, based
on cancer phenotypes, stratified risks and responsiveness to therapy.
Three highly-impacting, solid neoplasms will be initially
considered as use cases to populate the Biobank (≥ 1500
cases) and to advance clinical findings in their respect.
Nonetheless, the Biobank data model will be highly flexible
to ensure its scalability to integrate other tumour types.
NAVIGATOR relies on a robust regional network of Hospitals and University hospitals and Research Institutions in
Pisa, Florence and Siena, which have partnered with European universities (i.e., Cambridge and Bournemouth) to
grant an international grounding of the work. ISTI-CNR
plays a vital role in the project, as the three Labs involved
(i.e., NeMIS, HPC and SI-Lab) will lead the design and
deployment of the Virtual Research Environment as well as
of the AI algorithms for the Radiomics analyses.
NAVIGATOR started its activities with a kick-off meeting
in October 2020. Since then, the activities have mainly concerned the definition of the working groups corresponding to
the various work packages of the project and several meetings
to set up the collaboration with the Tuscany Region towards
the future sustainability of the BioBank.
In 2021, the partners agreed on most of the requirements and
specifications of the Navigator infrastructure. After several
meetings among the clinicians and sci-tech partners, the data
model for the three cancer use cases was finalized. On the
other side, the development platform of Navigator, hosted by
the D4Science infrastructure, has been set in order to make
FIGURE 6. Navigator: the data model for MRI data for prostate cancer.
available algorithms and tools for the analysis of the data,
which will soon be uploaded by the clinical centres.
An optimised path for the data flow and the clinical management of COVID-19 patients)
Funded under: Regione Toscana Bando COVID 19
Amount: EUR 35000
Project reference: Regione Toscana, decreto dirigenziale
n.19049 (dated 17 November 2020
Start date: 26 February 2021
End date: 25 February 2023
Coordinator: AUOP
Other partners: University of Pisa, IFC-CNR Pisa, IFACCNR Florence, University of Florence, AUSL Toscana Centro Florence
Keywords: COVID-19; Deep Learning; Computed Tomography; Radiomics
Contact: Sara Colantonio (
[email protected])
The uniqueness and complexity of the SARS-CoV-2 disease still pose many critical challenges for the clinical care
and management of COVID-19 patients. Many hospitals have
struggled to find effective approaches to treat the infected
citizens, as there were no tools to predict the evolution and
the impact of the disease. The diagnostic test, based on
the detection of the viral RNA by real-time PCR, does not
provide any piece of information on the severity and the
effects of the disease. In addition, the lack of “solid” evidence
on the pathology has led to fragmented and inhomogeneous
patient management. In some sites, as for instance at the
Emergency Department of the Azienda USL Toscana Centro,
the clinical and laboratory evaluation was coupled with a
standard chest X-ray, whilst in other sites, as for instance,
at the University Hospital of Pisa, patients also underwent
a chest computed tomography and a lung ultrasound exam.
These diverse diagnostic approaches have jeopardized the
collection of data on the regional territories and now pose the
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
need for a careful analysis of the most effective procedure
with respect to the clinical manifestation of the disease.
In this complex scenario, OPTIMISED will work to create
a path for managing the data flow of COVID-19 patients
based on a careful analysis of the retrospective imaging and
clinical data. The analysis will serve to determine the potential and limits of the different imaging techniques as well
as the role of innovative blood parameters. The knowledge
acquired and integrated during the project will lead to a
prognostic model based on risk stratification and effective
recommendations for healthcare professionals about the most
suitable patient management procedures.
The OPTIMISED path will be conceived to be easily
exportable to other hospitals both in Tuscany and other
regions, thus supporting the management of the current peaks
of COVID-19, but also in anticipation of other future pandemics.
The SI-Lab team will work to design and train deeplearning models able to segment and label computed tomography images of COVID-19 patients. Chest CT imaging is
considered in the project to estimate lung involvement and
to extract quantitative bio-markers that may be relevant in
outcome prediction. As a preliminary step in this respect, in
2021, we designed, trained, and tested a 2D FCNN model
for the binary segmentation of chest CT imaging data. The
model leverages an attention-based learning approach into an
encoder-decoder architecture; hence, we named it AttentionFCNN. The network was preliminary trained and tested
on a dataset of 25013 images, derived from 56 CT scans,
retrospectively collected during the first period of COVID19 outbreak in one of the clinical centres involved in the
project. The dataset was split into two datasets, used for
training (17177 sequential slices taken from 36 different
patients) and testing (7836 images belonging to 20 patients)
the 2D Attention-FCNN. Dice score computed on the test set
reached the value of 85.1%.
Funded by: ESA
Amount: EUR 21,000
Start date: November 2020
End date: October 2022
Coordinator: Mapsat
Other partners: Sistemi Territoriali
Keywords: Maritime Traffic Surveillance; Optical/SAR Image Analysis; Ship Classification; Ship Kinematics Estimation; Ship Behavior Analysis
Contact: Emanuele Salerno (
[email protected])
OSIRIS-FO is a 1.5-year follow-on of the past ESA GSTP
project OSIRIS (Optical and SAR data and system Integration for Rush Identification of Ship models). A system with
classification, behaviour and route prediction for collaborative and non-collaborative ships detected by optical and synthetic aperture radar satellite-borne sensors was developed
during the previous project. With the aim of improving the
technological readiness level of the system, OSIRIS-FO will
optimize or extend the functionalities of some of its SAR
processing modules. The SI-Lab contribution to this effort is
twofold. A ground-truth database for ship classification will
be populated with data extracted from a public annotated data
set. This will help the studies devoted to refining classification from the moderate-resolution images obtained by ESA’s
Sentinel-1 constellation. Another contribution consists in an
improved target velocity estimation module that avoids the
need of detecting the ship wake in the SAR image.
During 2021 the ground-truth database for ship classification
has been populated with nearly 700 ground-truth ship records
linked to the corresponding feature records extracted from
a newly developed feature extractor. All the feature records
equipped with their ground truth have been used to train
several random forest models for supervised classification.
Nearly 3000 different targets have been downloaded from
the OpenSARShip public data set of Sentinel-1 images;
the feature extracted will be soon fed into the database. A
velocity estimation algorithm based on the Doppler history
of the imaged target has been developed and evaluated by
comparison to the existing wake-based algorithms.
Prevention, Imaging, Network and Knowledge
FIGURE 7. Optimised: an example of a ground truth mask (on the left) and
the mask predicted by 2D Attention-FCNN
Optical/SAR data and system Integration for Rush Identification of Ship models
Funded under: Fondazione Umberto Veronesi
Amount: EUR 46,100
Protocol: Prot. ISTI n. 0003531 (dated 04/10/2018)
Start date: 02 January 2017
End date: 01 October 2022
Coordinator: IFC-CNR
Other partners: IEO Milano, IRCSS Ospedale San Luca
Milano, Univ. Politectnica Marche, Senologica Srl, Studi
Med Cadorna Srl, Studio Radiologico Bazzocchi de Mor-
Research Activities Report of 2021
FIGURE 9. PINK diagnostic data types
FIGURE 8. OSIRIS-FO: Scattering profile of a bulk carrier ship as estimated
by the new feature extractor.
purgo, Poilluci Srl, AOU Careggi, Studio Michelangelo
Firenze, Ospeale Maggiore Senologia Parma, AUSL Imola,
Ospedale Villa Scassi Genova, Azienda USL Toscana NordOvest, RSM Spa
Keywords: Breast Cancer Screening; Artificial Intelligence;
Contact: Sara Colantonio (
[email protected])
Screening activities are undoubtedly our best ally against
the spread of oncological pathologies. In the case of breast
cancer, the screening program mainly encompasses radiological investigations based on mammography. However, other
diagnostic modalities may prove to be crucial in the early
detection of a tumour lesion, in relation to the peculiarity
of the breast tissue and to the different types of cancer. The
PINK study - Prevention, Imaging, Network and Knowledge
- is an important national research project, funded by the
Umberto Veronesi Foundation, which aims to evaluate the
validity of the different imaging methods. Led by the Institute
of Clinical Physiology (IFC) of CNR, PINK sees the participation of numerous public and private radiological centres
throughout Italy. The main goal is to identify the diagnostic
imaging technique, among mammography, ultrasound and
tomosynthesis, or the combination of techniques that may
better suit an individual woman thus ensuring to prompt
detect potential tumours. SI-Lab collaborates in the project
by working, jointly with IFC, on the creation of the digital
infrastructure for the collection and management of epidemiological data from the centres that collaborate with the study.
The infrastructure provides, as part of the so-called Imaging
Petal of the project, the storage of image data for supporting
the application of innovative investigation techniques based
on radiomics for the identification of new biomarkers relevant
to phenotyping cancer cases. The overarching goal of the
study is to evaluate the increased diagnostic accuracy in
detecting cancers obtained with different combinations of
imaging technologies, and find the most effective diagnostic
pathway matching the characteristics of an individual patient.
The PINK Study is reaching the final stages of its initial 5year activity plan. So far, the 15 participating centres across
Italy have recruited a total of 22,848 patients. Based on the
analyses of the first 175 histopathological-proven breast cancers, mammographic sensitivity was estimated to be 61.7%
(n = 108 cancers), whereas diagnostic accuracy increased by
35.5% (n = 44 cancers) when mammography was integrated
with other imaging modalities (ultrasound and/or digital
breast tomosynthesis). The increase was mainly determined
by ultrasound alone.
Assessing the State of the Art and Supporting an EvidenceBased Uptake and Evolution of Open Service Platforms in
the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain
Funded by: H2020 SC1-HCC-02-2019
Project reference: Grant Agreement n. 875452
Amount (Total): EUR 81,172.5 (1,477,421.25)
Protocol: Prot. ISTI n. 0004538/2019 (dated 12/6/2019)
Start date: 1 January 2020
End date: 28 February 2022
Coordinator: SYNYO GmbH
Other partners: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der
Angewandten Forschung E.V., Universidad Politecnica de
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
Madrid, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems,
Institut Jozef Stefan, Afedemy, Academy On Age-Friendly
Environments in Europe BV, Caritas Diocesana de Coimbra,
Linkopings Universitet, Universitat de les Illes Balears,
Stichting Smart Homes, Etablissementsa Lievens Lanckman
Keywords: Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA); Active Assisted Living (AAL)
Contact: Andrea Carboni (
[email protected])
a pathway (as part of an overarching methodology) to define
and select Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), taking into
account an extensive amount of parameters related to success,
uptake and evolution of platforms. An analysis structured
along with the 4 main actions of mapping, observing, understanding, and defining has been detailed. The analysis focuses on Platforms, defined as operating environments, under
which various applications, agents and intelligent services
are designed, implemented, tested, released and maintained.
By following the proposed pathway, we were able to define
a practical and effective methodology for monitoring and
evaluating the uptake and other success indicators of AHA
platforms. In addition, by the same token, we were able to
provide guidelines and best practices for the development of
the next-generation platforms in the AHA domain.
Submission of a research article and relative participation
in “13th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence 29 September - 1 October 2021 Rhodes,
Proteomics, RAdiomics & Machine learning-integrated strategy for precision medicine for Alzheimer’s
The seeks to deliver an inventory of
the state of the art and analyse the use of open service
platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing domain, covering
both open platforms -such as UniversAAL, FIWARE and
partly-open/proprietary platforms developed by industry, and
address the interactions between these platforms. To measure
the impacts of such platform and enhance their uptake, the
project proposal presents a methodology for monitoring open
platform development, adoption and spread across Europe,
by listing key factors that determine success or hindrance in
their uptake by the end-user groups, and also the evolution of
their ecosystems and stakeholder networks.
The proposed methodology shall be employed in the
project to evaluate the use of open platforms by collecting
and processing data from past and currently running European projects and other initiatives that are built upon such
platforms. As such, the evolution in the further development
of existing platforms and their sustainability will also be
addressed. Following such knowledge acquisition, the project
will elaborate evaluation guidelines and best practice models
of integrating multiple platforms, taking account of technical,
organisational, financial/business and legal aspects, with the
aim to promote their future evolutions and a wider uptake by
the end-user communities.
The activities carried out during the year 2020 began in
January with the kick-off of the project held in Vienna.
During this meeting, the activities to be carried out were
presented, with particular regard to WP2, of which ISTICNR is WP Leader. During the year, notwithstanding the
difficulties due to the pandemic, the team was able to propose
Funded under: Par Fas Salute Toscana 2014-2020
Amount (Total): EUR 160,000 (736,000)
Protocol: Prot. ISTI 0003162/2020 (dated 27/10/2020)
Contract: CUP B94I20001200007
Start date: 22 October 2020
End date: 21 October 2023
Coordinator: IFAC-CNR
Other partners: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Azienda
Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi
Keywords: Alzheimer’s Disease; Artificial Intelligence; Disease Phenotypes
Contact: Sara Colantonio (
[email protected])
Common clinical trials for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) rely
on outdated hypotheses on disease pathogenesis and on approximate criteria for patient selection, grouping together
patients with diverse manifestations of the disease. Recent
studies have suggested that AD may come with several clinical phenotypes and that the differentiation between disease
subtypes can be due to the pathway followed by the AD precursor beta-amyloid (Aβ) peptide when it self-assembles into
amyloid aggregates in the brain. An integrated survey taking
advantage of multiple marker modalities is, thus, perceived
as a desirable solution to support clinicians in identifying
different disease subtypes, even in their early stages, and to
accordingly decide on personalized treatments for individual
In the PRAMA project, we intend to build up a strategy for personalized prediction of the disease based on the
hypothesis that the main precursors of AD can form specific aggregates responsible for distinct clinical pictures of
Research Activities Report of 2021
the disease, with consequent different sensitivity to drugs.
In detail, a combined biochemical, biophysical and optical
spectroscopy characterization of molecular biomarkers found
in the cerebrospinal fluid of 100 individuals will be carried
out, by including patients with progressive clinical signs
of AD. This data will provide information on biomarker
composition, structure, aggregation level and toxicity. This
will constitute the proteomic profile of the biomarker content
for each individual. The same patients will be subjected to
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) followed by a radiomicsbased image analysis. The entire set of biochemical, optical,
MRI data including clinical parameters and neuropsychological evaluation of patients will be elaborated through data
analytics techniques to, firstly, discover correlations among
novel and gold-standard biomarkers and, then, to mine and
identify different AD phenotypes. The most recent Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques will be employed to model and process the complex high-dimensional
data gathered in PRAMA. Data analyses will also aim at
discovering specific diagnostic, prognostic or predictive responses at the different stages of disease stages, on a personalized basis.
The outcomes of PRAMA are expected to have a high
socio-economic impact, with significant advantages that include reducing healthcare costs and improving the well-being
of the ageing population.
The project is coordinated by IFAC-CNR and will last
three years. SI-Lab is involved in the analysis of the multimodal data to define the disease phenotypes.
The kick-off meeting of PRAMA was organized in
November 2020. Preliminary actions on data collection and
relevant features to be extracted from the diagnostic data have
been discussed between the two CNR institutes involved in
the Project.
During 2021, the activities of PRAMA were focused
mainly in the acquisition of several kinds of data (clinical,
chemical, biochemical, imaging) that will be used to get
an early diagnosis of the Alzheimer disease, and predict its
prognosis. SILab is mainly involved in the subsequent step,
i.e. the analysis and integration of the acquired data. In this
respect, a preliminary study of the state of the art has been
carried out, with a special focus on how to manage small
and/or heterogeneous data-sets.
An AI Platform integrating imaging data and models, supporting precision care through prostate cancer’s continuum
Funded under: H2020-EU.3.1.5
Project reference: Grant Agreement n. 952159
Amount (Total): 345,000 (9,997,870)
Protocol: Prot. ISTI 0002430/2020 (dated 02/09/2020)
Start date: 9 October 2020
End date: 8 October 2023
Coordinator:Idryma Technologias kai Erevnas
Other partners: Fundacao d. Anna Sommer Champalimaud
e dr. Carlos Montez Champalimaud, Stichting Katholieke
Universiteit, Fundacion para la Investigacion del Hospital
Universitario La Fe de la Comunidad Valenciana, Università
di Pisa, Institut Jean Paoli & Irene Calmettes, Hacettepe
Universitesi, Fundacio Institut D’investigacio Biomedica de
Girona Doctor Josep Trueta, Joao Carlos Costa - Diagnostico
por Imagen, S.A., Nacionalinis Vezio Institutas, Geniko
Antikarkiniko Ogkologiko Nosokomeio Athinon o Agios
Savvas , the Royal Marsden National Health Service Trust,
Qs Instituto de Investigacion E Innovacion Sl, Fondazione
Del Piemonte per l’Oncologia, the General Hospital Corporation, Biotronics 3d Limited, Advantis Medical Imaging
Monoprosopi Idiotiki Kefaleouchiki Etairia, Quibim S.L.,
Universitat Wien
Keywords: Medical Imaging; Artificial and Computational
Intelligence; Prostate Cancer; Open Image Space; Trustworthy AI
Contact: Sara Colantonio (
[email protected])
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most frequent type of
cancer in men and the third most lethal in Europe. Current
clinical practices suffer from lack of precision, often leading to overdiagnosis and overtreatment of indolent tumours.
This calls for advanced AI models to go beyond the state
for the art by deciphering non-intuitive, high-level medical
image patterns and increase performance in discriminating
indolent from aggressive disease, early predicting recurrence
and detecting metastases or predicting effectiveness of therapies. To date, efforts in the field are fragmented, based on
single–institution, size-limited and vendor-specific datasets,
thus making model generalizability impossible.
The ProCAncer-I project brings together 20 partners, including PCa centres of reference, world leaders in AI and
innovative SMEs, with recognized expertise in their respective domains, working to design, develop and sustain a cloud
based, secure European Image Infrastructure with tools and
services for data handling. The platform will host the largest
collection of PCa multi-parametric MRI, anonymized image
data worldwide (>17,000 cases), in line with EU legislation
through data donorship. Robust AI models will be developed,
based on novel ensemble learning methodologies, leading to
vendor-specific and vendor-neutral AI models for addressing
eight PCa clinical scenarios.
To accelerate clinical translation of PCa AI models, the
project will focus on improving the trust of the solutions
with respect to safety, accuracy and reproducibility. Metrics
to monitor model performance and inner causal relationships
will shade lights on model outcomes, also informing decision
makers on possible failures and errors. A roadmap for AI
models certification will be defined, by interacting with regulatory authorities, thus contributing to a European regulatory
roadmap for validating the effectiveness of AI-based models
in clinical decision making.
ISTI-CNR’s role in the project is key as the team is
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
involved in the development of robust AI models able to cope
with the heterogeneity of imaging data and the biases and
confounders this might introduce in the learning models. The
team will lead the task related to AI trustworthiness, based
on safety, transparency and reproducibility of results as well
as on performance monitoring when used in clinical practice.
The activities of ProCancer-I started with a kick-off meeting in October 2020. Initial activities have been carried out
on setting the environment and the working groups for the
management and technical work. SI-Lab has drafted and
circulated the first deliverable D1.4 on the Data Management
Plan, as Sara Colantonio is serving as the Quality Manager
for the project. First meetings on the management of the
GIT software repositories and the data anonymization actions
have been organized. During 2021 the research activities of
The project RTOD (Real-Time Object Detection mediante
Machine Learning basato su tecnologia Low-Power GPU),
is funded by the Italian Space Agency, its main goal is to to
develop a platform with a specific hardware and software
based on Machine Learning techniques to recognise and
classify objects in video streams to be used in spatial systems.
This platform is proposed as a basic element for object detection and can be used in multiple contexts. The components
that will be introduced in the projects span from a Highperformance computational platform based on Low Power
GPU, the real-time execution of recognition algorithms, an
object detection system based on innovative Machine Learning techniques, and finally advanced validation techniques
for these ML algorithms. The contribution of Signal and
Images Lab in this period has been mainly concerning the
study of existing HW and SW technologies to identify the
available elements and the most appropriate methodologies
for use within the project. Moreover, following the definition
of the system requirements, the initial definition of the tests to
validate the ML components and the entire aggregate system
are being analysed.
N. S4E
Safety & Security Systems for Sea Environment
FIGURE 10. 3D vision transformers architecture used to predict prostate
cancer aggressiveness.
SIlab in ProCAncer-I were focused mainly on MRI image
preprocessing and on training AI-models on some already
existing prostate cancer dataset (publicly available), in order
to speed up the activities of AI-model developing, foreseen
in the next two years. Also considerable effort has been
devoted to activities related to AI model monitoring and AI
trustworthiness guarantee.
Funded under: PON Smart Cities
Amount: 154,000 EUR
Contract: Decreto di concessione n. 418 del 28.02.2018,
D.D. 44 24-01-2000
Start date: 1 January 2018
End date: 30 June 2022
Coordinator: iCampus
Other partners: University of Naples "Federico II", INGV,
LASAP, Nexsoft
Keywords: Sea Technologies; Safety; Volunteered Geographical Information; Wireless Sensor Networks; Active
and Passive Radar
Contact: Davide Moroni (
[email protected])
Real-Time Object Detection mediante Machine Learning
basato su tecnologia Low-Power GPU
Funded under: Italian Space Agency
Start date: 9 September 2021
End date: 8 March 2023
Other partners:
Keywords: Machine Learning; Embedded Systems
Contact: Gabriele Pieri (
[email protected])
The final objective of the S4E project is to build the first
technological supply chain in Italy for the implementation
of an intelligent integrated system capable of pervasive and
continuous monitoring of the chemical-physical parameters
of the water column, to simplify surveillance and increase
safety in the coastal areas and to facilitate and monitor
navigation in areas not served by traditional radar systems.
The achievement of this technological development objective
will allow users of the platform to be able to combine the
needs of promoting the protection of the environment and
marine resources in terms of safety, monitoring, remediation
and conservation of the marine environment with the search
for greater efficiency in the administrative-management processes related to surface navigation.
Research Activities Report of 2021
ISTI-CNR’s role in the project is related to the provision
of intelligent services for the analysis of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) [153], based on prior background
acquired by the lab in the detection and management of oil
spills [156], [157].
During the year, a mobile app for the the collection
of crowdsourced information regarding undesired events at
sea has been designed and realized. In details, aiming at
promoting its wide usage, the application has been developed exploiting the software framework React Native [154].
Thanks to this, the application has been easily exported
and built for both Android and iOS systems. It has been
designed as simple as possible in order to promote its usage
among volunteers, that could be discouraged by an excessive
complexity. Thus, the application offers only a few essential
functionalities with a basic and straightforward interface (see
Figure 11). The application relies on a data server to store and
by a set of REST APIs, in charge of satisfying application
requests, plus a PostGIS [165] database. PostGIS database
allows providing complex queries that take into account
spatial position and distances, such as retrieving reports in
the nearby of the volunteer position. possible pollution events
at sea. By converse, the app will provide helpful information
and early warning for superior maritime safety. In the next
months the app will be tested in several operational scenarios
in the Leghorn area.
L’intelligenza artificiale al servizio dell’automazione avanzata, dell’integrazione e dell’advanced safety delle linee di
converting del tissue e del nonwoven: lo smart converting
4.0 – Artificial intelligence at the service of advanced automation, integration and safety of tissue and non-woven
converting lines: SMART CONVERTING 4.0
Funded under: POR CReO Toscana 2020
Amount (Total): EUR 140,675 (2,997,703)
Protocol: Prot. ISTI 0001500/2021 (dated 27/3/2021)
Start date: 1 September 2020
End date: 31 December 2022
Coordinator: Futura
Other partners:, Alleantia, AME, Tecnopaper
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Acoustic Analysis; Predictive Maintenance; Location-based Services
Contact: Davide Moroni (
[email protected])
FIGURE 11. Opening screen of the app as reported in [155].
retrieve the submitted reports. The data server is composed
Converting represents a very relevant segment within the
paper industry. The raw materials processed include tissue
paper and a wide range of non-woven (NW) fabrics. The converting business area has been characterised for several years
by a high degree of technological and competitive turbulence,
depending on the evolution of international markets and the
technologies incorporated in the plants. Also, in relation to
these dynamics in recent years, the converting lines have
been progressively equipped with automation elements to
optimise the processes, acting mainly at the level of a single
machine. However, the potential for the use of Industry
4.0 philosophy and technologies in the converting sector is
still largely unexplored and, therefore, not exploited. This
research and development project aims to bridge this gap
by developing disruptive technology innovations aimed at
developing innovative tissue and non-woven converting lines
that are more smart, automated, integrated, reliable and safe
than those of state of the art. The main lever foreseen within
the project to achieve this goal is the introduction of Artificial Intelligence as a ubiquitous methodology to allow the
development of innovative solutions based on advanced automation and collaborative robotics and aimed at maximising
self-regulation capacity, the interaction and advanced safety
of the lines, as well as optimising the predictive maintenance
systems of the lines themselves. Besides being breakthrough
innovations (i.e. disruptive with respect to the state of the art
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
FIGURE 12. Artificial intelligence for acoustic data processing: visual
comparison of spectrograms of a working engine (left: faulty conditions; right:
healthy conditions)
in the sector), these solutions are also characterised by having
a very broad and "transversal" application potential: in the
context of this project, these solutions will be tested through
the design and prototyping of three innovative systems based
on robotic systems and advanced automation solutions: the
core maker, for tissue converting, the calender and the splicer
for non-woven converting. The new prototypes taht will be
designed and developed will also be produced as a digital
twin and will offer innovative functionalities, anticipating the
emerging demands in the international market, allowing to
obtain a holistic integration of the production and converting
lines (in full correspondence with the principles of the fourth
industrial revolution) and thus allowing to get an intense and
sustainable competitive advantage over a long period.
The role of SI Lab in the project is related mainly to the
introduction of artificial intelligence paradigms in two areas:
acoustic data analysis e localisation services.
For the first aspect, it is common to say that an engine
or machinery sings, meaning that the sound they emit is
representative of perfect operating behaviours. Noise and vibrations are hints correlated to the maintenance status of nonvisible or not otherwise appreciable parts and components of
machinery, such as bearings, or the process the machinery is
performing, such as cutting and grinding a product. Thanks
to artificial intelligence, acoustic and vibrational analysis in
the factory environment might provide relevant information
about a plant during its operation. For instance, information
collected by accelerometric sensors might be used to assess
the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of a bearing. At the same
time, acoustic data obtained by directional microphones permits the collection of precise contactless information from
the area of interest of a machine. Our ongoing experimentation shows that acoustic AI might be an ally of industrial IoT
applications, allowing predictive maintenance and adaptive
control of production processes.
For indoor localisation, it is envisaged that modern technologies, such as Ultra-Wide Band (UWB), might provide
context-dependent information and support employees in
their work. An additional dimension is investigated in the
Smart Converting 4.0 project: safety. Indeed, the combination
of localisation services and artificial intelligence can bring
advanced safety features, especially in the presence of collaborative robotics, such as Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV)
or non-segregated robotic arms. Trajectories of operators,
robots and devices can be tracked and analysed on a suitable multi-level architecture. When a real-time response is
needed, processing can be done by ad hoc embedded devices
directly connected to robots and vehicles. In such a way, their
behaviours can be promptly modified, for instance, reducing
the speed of a robotic arm or avoiding a collision between
an AGV and an operator. Tracking objects such as Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) can also assure that operators
are wearing adequate protection by checking the correlation
between human and PPEs trajectories. In general, pattern
analysis on the set of trajectories and business logic allow
for defining and applying adaptive safety policies ( see e.g.
[51]). Collection of the trajectory data and pattern analysis
permits a better insight into historical data, understanding
the behaviour of operators, identifying areas where most of
their effort is spent and possible bottlenecks, and devising
improvements for a more efficient process. A demonstrator
in the context of Smart Converting 4.0 is under active development.
Smart Passenger Center
Funded under: POR CReO Toscana 2020
Amount (Total): EUR 126,089 (2,667,385)
Start date: 1 October 2020
End date: 31 December 2022
Coordinator: Eikontech-Mermec
Other partners: Softhrod, Resiltech, Wondersys
Keywords: Intelligent Transport System; Pervasive Computting; Edge Computing; Privacy-by-design; Multiple People Tracking; Artificial Intelligence; Transport Security;
Smart Surveillance
Contact: Andrea Carboni (
[email protected])
The Smart Passenger Center (SPaCe) is a fully integrated
platform that aims to overcome the complexity of centralized
management of public transport infrastructure and vehicles.
The SPaCe artificial intelligence engine predicts threats and
critical events and proposes countermeasures by examining
the daily flows of people and correlating different data and
events, thanks to machine learning and big data analytic.
All this massive data comes from a pervasive smart camera
network that constantly monitors activities in stations, trains,
buses and other places of interest. In this work, we present
the idea of this computer vision distributed sub-system, the
state of the art of the techniques involved and the advanced
functionalities that this intelligent surveillance system offers to the upper layers. Everything is developed following
the privacy-by-design paradigm; namely, no real image is
recorded or transmitted, but all the elaborations take place
on the edge nodes of the system.
Research Activities Report of 2021
FIGURE 13. Privacy by design passengers analysis : the video streams are
processed on edge and no image is stored permanently in all operations
involving sensitive personal data. Besides people analytic SPaCe will offers
auxiliary functionalities: supporting cleaning activities, reporting abandoned
objects, identifying damage and vandalism, detecting smoke and fire
FIGURE 14. TiAssisto: a telemedicine system assisting SARS-Cov2 and
pluripathologies patients
Clinical monitoring of Covid-19 patients
Funded under: Regione Toscana Bando COVID 19
Amount (Total):
Start date: 19 February 2021
End date: 18 February 2023
Other partners:
Keywords: Telemedicine; Multipathology; Multiparametric
Monitoring; Artificial Intelligence; Decision Support System; Medical Imaging; Biomedical Computing
platform (Health Advisor) with the addition of televisit and
teleconsultation activities, also associating an Intelligent Decision Support System Clinical and application of artificial
intelligence algorithms for the automatic interpretation of
ultrasound images. The project will provide a contribution to
research and a potential self-financing service for the health
system. During 2021 the activity was focused on the platform
design and implementation, also taking into account already
developed, tested and validated telemedicine systems in other
healthcare contexts (see e.g. [143]), ensuring the feasibility of
the proposed solutions.
Tactile InteGration between Humans and arTificial systems
Contact: Massimo Martinelli (
[email protected])
In the health frame, the TiAssisto project aims at developing and validating an innovative and intelligent platform of
services, in order to improve early diagnosis and quality of
life in patients diagnosed with Covid-19 with or without multiple pathologies, and to reduce hospital access . TiAssisto
is based on telemedicine solutions to enable treatments with
high quality standards, by using Artificial Intelligence and
ICT. In phase 1 of the epidemic, paucisymptomatic Covid19 patients at home were unable to have a follow-up and
this led to their arrival at the hospital already in a phase
of severe respiratory failure. Therefore the TiAssisto project
will provide: education and empowerment of patients and
caregivers; integrated services for healthcare professionals,
including telemonitoring, signal and image processing, notification systems; clinical decision support based on artificial
intelligence algorithms, knowledge extraction and inference
on clinical data; analysis algorithms to evaluate cardiac and
lung echo images acquired directly at the patient’s home. All
enrolled patients will be followed up with a follow up (1
month, 3 months, 6 months). TiAssisto is in line with the
activities introduced by the Tuscany Region (DGRT n 464
of 3 April 2020) being able to integrate with the regional
Funded under: PRIN
Amount (Total): EUR 88,049 (670,792)
Protocol: DD n. 2068 (dated 29/10/2019) + Decreto di
proroga termine progetti n.788 (dated 05/06/2020)
Contract: 2017SB48FP
Start date: 27 January 2020
End date: 27 July 2023
Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Siena
Other partners: Università di Pisa, Politecnico di Milano,
Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Keywords: Haptics; Robotics; Human-centred design; Neuroscience; Wearable Haptics
Contact: Barbara Leporini (
[email protected])
In a world where humans work with machines and communicate via computers or smartphones, we need to re-consider
the concepts of confidence and awareness towards artificial
devices. Confidence is essential, since it allows humans to
tackle both known and unfamiliar tasks with hope, optimism,
and resilience. Awareness enables confidence, because the
more we know about the task we have to perform, and about
the agent we must interact with, the more we are confident. In
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
the TIGHT (Tactile InteGration between Humans and arTificial systems) project, the aim is to communicate that sense
of awareness to humans that need to be assisted by other
humans or by artificial systems. The mutual understanding
between a human and her/his collaborator, no matter whether
another connected human or a robot, will be enabled by
novel tactile communication paradigms formulated within
TIGHT. The tactile channel has several advantages, but it is
still under-exploited in complex assistive and industrial applications. Capitalizing on the successful results of the newly
established field of wearable haptics, TIGHT will tackle
the technological and neuroscientific challenges that derive
from the development of wearable haptic interfaces suitable
for human-human (e.g., visually-impaired people guidance)
and human-robot (e.g., cooperative assembly) collaboration
scenarios. ISTI-CNR will provide its contribution especially
on the design of user interfaces thanks to its knowledge and
experience in the Human-Computer Interaction and accessibility field. The main activities carried out in the 2020 year
focused especially on the user requirements gathering and
analysis. To this end, surveys and interviews with users to
acquire information in the field of orientation and mobility
have been conducted to define the requirements and technical
specifications for:
The design of tools for supporting the visually-impaired
in indoor and outdoor navigation.
The design of applications able to support the blind person in navigation in indoor and outdoor environments.
The identification of a possible taxonomy of use cases
to be considered during the development of the HW
Throughout 2021, we investigated the usage of the haptic
channel as a means of supporting orientation and navigation
for indoor and outdoor environments, for persons with visual
impairments. More specifically, the following activities were
carried out:
Design of a software architecture to enable an accessible
and personalised user experience during the visit of an
indoor complex environment. A metadata model was
designed for the points of interest, that kept into account
information fruition, both in terms of its physical accessibility and in terms of its presentation according to
the users’ profiles or preferences. Prototypes of web and
mobile GUIs were also designed, for the back-end web
application and for the Android navigation app, in which
vibro-tactile and audio stimuli were used to highlight the
presence of the points of interest and deliver information
in real time.
Development of an Android prototype for an interactive, vibro-tactile map. The purpose of this prototype
was to assess the effectiveness of the haptic channel
in helping users with visual impairments build mental
representations of a physical environment, both indoor
and outdoor.
FIGURE 15. The typical flow of information between the various components
in a mobile navigation system that exploits haptic feedback.
Virtualità intErattiva nel paRco di pinOcchio
Funded under: POR FSE 2014 -2020
Amount: EUR 56,000
Protocol: Prot. ISTI n. 0004423/2019 (dated 11/27/2019)
Contract: B15J19001040004
Start date: 1 June 2020
End date: 31 May 2022
Coordinator: CNR -ISTI
Other partners: Operatore Culturale Fondazione Nazionale
Carlo Collodi
Keywords: Augmented Reality; Cultural Heritage; Interaction Design
Contact: Massimo Magrini (
[email protected])
ICT technologies can foster understanding and fruition
of cultural heritage supporting and enriching of the visitors
experience. In particular, augmented reality (AR) systems
can encourage greater and wider involvement of the public.
Moreover, they can be useful for overcoming cognitive barriers, for a more inclusive access. In this project we will create
a special AR based app for the Pinocchio Park, located in
Collodi (Tuscany). The mosaics in the Piazzetta di Venturino
Venturi, inside the Park, will be animated with original 3D
contents, thanks to AR technologies. The visitors, by framing
Research Activities Report of 2021
FIGURE 16. Screenshot of animation present in the VERO augmented reality
the scenes of the mosaics (depicting book episodes) with
the device, will be able to view 3D animations perfectly
integrated with the real scene, giving the illusion that the mosaic comes alive in the space. The AR app will be available
both on dedicated wearable viewers (delivered by the staff
at the entrance of the park) and via a smartphone app. The
3D animated content will be carried out by digital artists,
collaborators of Alma Artis Academy in Pisa, under the
artistic supervision of the Collodi Foundation.
In 2021 the activities led to the publication of a book [83],
a technical report [82], and the development of a technological system for the provision of AR content in outdoor
scenarios [151], that has been tested and validated in the
Pinocchio park [152].
Audio visual sensor networks supporting Urban Intelligence
in the municipality of Lucca
Funded by: Fondazione CaRi Lucca
Amount (Total): EUR 27,500 (55,000)
Protocol: Prot. ISTI n. 560/2020 (dated 25/2/2020)
Contract: PEC 0004389/2019 - 25/11/2019
Start date: 15 November 2019
End date: 14 November 2022
Coordinator: ISTI-CNR
Other partners: Joint action with AIMH lab
Keywords: Security; Audio Recognition; Image Understanding; Crowd Behaviours
Contact: Andrea Carboni (
[email protected])
WeAreClouds@Lucca carries out research and development in the field of monitoring public places, such as squares
and streets, through cameras and microphones and using
artificial intelligence technologies in order to collect valuable
information both for the evaluation of tourist flows and
their impact on the city and for the purpose of automatic
identification of particular events of interest for statistical or
security purposes. The research activity develops artificial
intelligence technologies for the analysis of video streams
and audio signals capable of providing information on the
number of people present, their age, gender, acoustic impact
on the flows of people and on the identification of specific
events. The technologies developed, starting from those already in possession of ISTI-CNR researchers, will be adapted
to the particular needs of the Municipality of Lucca. The
experimental activity is based on the use of cameras and
microphones already present in the historic centre of Lucca
and commonly used for surveillance.
The activities, jointly performed by AIMH and SI-Lab,
started effectively in the fall of 2020. In this initial phase,
meetings were held with the administration of the city of
Lucca, the site of the experimentation, to calibrate better the
prototypes of the services we intend to develop. The state-ofthe-art analysis and definition of the requirements were also
carried out and reported at the end of 2020 [23], [189], [190].
The carried out activity in 2021 focused mainly on two
the study and implementation of a system based on
video analysis for counting people in open spaces;
the study of technologies based on sound processing for
the analysis and recognition of parameters related to the
creation of a system for monitoring public noise.
1) S.C. with iCare
The collaboration permits experimentation and transfers
Protocol: ISTI-CNR 1253 (dated 11/05/2020)
Start date: 11/05/2020
End date: 10/12/2020
Keywords: Computer Graphics; Motion Analysis; Prognostics and Health; Rehabilitation Robotics; Robotics
Contact: Massimo Magrini (
[email protected])
and Marco Righi (
[email protected])
After the conclusion of the PAR FAS Project INTESA, the
collaboration with iCare has continued in several directions.
In particular, since iCare manages the "Tabaracci" Assisted
Living Facility (ALF) in Viareggio, experimentation of new
technologies for exergames is being carried out for motor
rehabilitation. At the end of the ALF experimentation, the
desirable results are an increase in ROM capacity, an increase
in precision and speed of movements, and a decrease in
pathological tremors.
2) S.C. with K-Array
Under project E.CH.O. - Electroacoustic Chain Optimization
Protocol: ISTI-CNR 124/2019 (dated 21/01/2019)
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
Start date: 20 January 2019
End date: 19 January 2022
Keywords: Professional Audio; Hi-power Audio Systems;
Digital Interface
5) S.C. with SMA
Start date:
End date:
Keywords: Computer Vision; Artificial Intelligence
Contact: Giuseppe Fusco (
[email protected])
Contact: Massimo Magrini (
[email protected])
The collaboration is connected to the research project
E.CH.O (Electroacoustic Chain Optimization), which aims
the development and testing of a hardware and software
infrastructure that optimizes the interaction between all the
elements of the electroacoustic chain and between them and
the environment. The optimization goals are to maximize
the quality and intelligibility of sound with the constraint
of minimizing the number of devices, the time required for
setting up events, noise pollution and energy consumption.
3) S.C. with Lega del Filo d’Oro
Innovation in the field of assistive technologies via scientific
collaboration with Filo d’Oro ONLUS
Protocol: ISTI-CNR 440/2020 (dated 18/02/2020)
Start date: 12 February 2020
End date: 11 February 2023
Keywords: Assistive Technologies; Disability; Assisted Living; Training
The agreement between ISTI and SMA concerns the
development of interactive multimedia installations within
the Pisan museum system. Currently, the TAU2 installation is
still active at the exhibition "Hello Wold!” currently present
in the Benedictine complex.
6) S.C. with the UO Otolaryngology, audiology and
phoniatrics (UNIPI)
Study, implementation and application of software systems in
the context of advanced multidisciplinary research in sectors
ranging from the socio-health sector to biomedical (from
Health to Well-being)
Start date: 18 November 2020
End date: 17 November 2025
Keywords: Decision support system; Signals and Images;
Computer Vision; Artificial Intelligence
Contact: Massimo Martinelli (
[email protected])
Contact: Giuseppe Fusco (
[email protected])
The subject of the scientific collaboration between ISTI
and the Lega del Filo d’Oro is "joint research, development,
training and transfer activities, related to technological innovation in the field of assistive technologies". Due to the
pandemic, the work done in 2020 is limited to periodic virtual
meetings for planning future activities.
7) S.C. with SIMeM
Researches and applications for mountain medicine via
scientific collaboration with Italian Society of Mountain
Medicine (SIMeM)
Protocol: ISTI-CNR 221/2020 (dated 31/01/2020)
Start date: 31 January 2020
End date: 30 January 2023
Keywords: Mountain Medicine; Artificial Intelligence
4) S.C. with ALMA ARTIS
Start date:
End date:
Keywords: Computer Vision; Artificial Intelligence
Contact: Massimo Magrini (
[email protected])
The agreement between ISTI and Alma Artis provides for
joint activity in the field of research and development of
innovative technologies applied to art and cultural heritage.
The activity includes teaching the subject of Interaction
Design and assisting with the thesis work carried out in
collaboration with the institute.
Contact: Massimo Martinelli (
[email protected])
This project is about a set of research and applications
in the field of mountain medicine that have been performed
and implemented. The telemedicine system studied and implemented in the e-Rés@mont Interreg-Alcotra European
Project has been published by the top journal of telemedicine
[143]. A presentation was performed at an international
conference [180]. An article on the effects of high-altitude
was published too. The carried out activity in 2021 focused
mainly on four branches:
the completion of the study related to the lifestyle and
acute mountain sickness conducted in the framework of
the Save the Mountains on 804 volunteers;
Research Activities Report of 2021
the completion of the study on the Alps related to effects
of acute and sub-acute hypobaric hypoxia on oxidative
the completion of a study related to the effects of
acupuncture on cerebral blood flow during normoxia
and normobaric hypoxia;
the presentation of the world of apps and the mountains
at the SIMeM conference.
HE publications that appeared during the year 2020 are
available on Open ISTI Portal, which is the gateway
to the scientific production of the Institute of Information
Science and Technologies (ISTI). In the following we list all
of them reporting, when available, a short abstract to provide
indicative information on the publication itself and on the
overall research activities of the laboratory. Publications are
listed by their typology, starting with journal papers (18
items) and going on with books and editorials (1 item),
conference papers (11 items), posters and presentations (6
items), technical reports (22 items), miscellanea (6 items) and
master theses (1 item).
Title: Integration of multiple resolution data in 3D chromatin
reconstruction using ChromStruct
Authors: Caudai C. and Zoppè M. and Tonazzini A. and
Merelli I. and Salerno E.
Journal: Biology (Basel)
Publisher: MDPI, Basel
DOI: 10.3390/biology10040338
Abstract: The three-dimensional structure of chromatin in
the cellular nucleus carries important information that is
connected to physiological and pathological correlates and
dysfunctional cell behaviour. As direct observation is not feasible at present, on one side, several experimental techniques
have been developed to provide information on the spatial
organization of the DNA in the cell; on the other side, several
computational methods have been developed to elaborate
experimental data and infer 3D chromatin conformations.
The most relevant experimental methods are Chromosome
Conformation Capture and its derivatives, chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing techniques (CHIP-seq),
RNA-seq, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and other
genetic and biochemical techniques. All of them provide
important and complementary information that relate to the
three-dimensional organization of chromatin. However, these
techniques employ very different experimental protocols and
provide information that is not easily integrated, due to
different contexts and different resolutions. Here, we present
an open-source tool, which is an expansion of the previously
reported code ChromStruct, for inferring the 3D structure of
chromatin that, by exploiting a multilevel approach, allows
an easy integration of information derived from different
experimental protocols and referred to different resolution
levels of the structure, from a few kilobases up to Megabases.
Our results show that the introduction of chromatin modelling features related to CTCF CHIA-PET data, histone
modification CHIP-seq, and RNA-seq data produce appreciable improvements in ChromStruct’s 3D reconstructions,
compared to the use of HI-C data alone, at a local level and
at a very high resolution.
Title: AI applications in functional genomics
Authors: Caudai C. and Galizia A. and Geraci F. and Le Pera
L. and Morea V. and Salerno E. and Via A. and Colombo T.
Journal: Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
Publisher: Chalmers University of Technology„ Göteborg ,
DOI: 10.1016/j.csbj.2021.10.009
Abstract: We review the current applications of artificial
intelligence (AI) in functional genomics. The recent explosion
of AI follows the remarkable achievements made possible by
”deep learning", along with a burst of ”big data" that can
meet its hunger. Biology is about to overthrow astronomy
as the paradigmatic representative of big data producer.
This has been made possible by huge advancements in the
field of high throughput technologies, applied to determine
how the individual components of a biological system work
together to accomplish different processes. The disciplines
contributing to this bulk of data are collectively known
as functional genomics. They consist in studies of: i) the
information contained in the DNA (genomics); ii) the modifications that DNA can reversibly undergo (epigenomics);
iii) the RNA transcripts originated by a genome (transcriptomics); iv) the ensemble of chemical modifications decorating different types of RNA transcripts (epitranscriptomics);
v) the products of protein-coding transcripts (proteomics);
and vi) the small molecules produced from cell metabolism
(metabolomics) present in an organism or system at a given
time, in physiological or pathological conditions. After reviewing main applications of AI in functional genomics, we
discuss important accompanying issues, including ethical, legal and economic issues and the importance of explainability.
Title: Insights on features’ contribution to desalination
dynamics and capacity of capacitive deionization through
machine learning study
Authors: Saffarimiandoab F. and Mattesini R. and Fu W. and
Kuruoglu E. E. and Zhang X.
Journal: Desalination (Amst.)
Publisher: Elsevier, Amsterdam , Paesi Bassi
DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2021.115197
Abstract: Parameter optimization in designing a rational
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
capacitive deionization (CDI) process is usually performed
to achieve both high electrosorption capacity and speed. This
necessitates a clear understanding of system behavior and
discriminating the features’ role on desalination capacity
from its dynamic. Machine learning (ML) modeling is widely
employed for understanding various systems’ behavior as an
alternative for physics-based extrapolation models. Herein,
various ML models are implemented with reasonable accuracies to unveil CDI electrode and operational features’ local
and global impacts on equilibrium desalination capacity,
speed, and duration. Electrode specific surface area and
electrolyte ionic concentration are determined to play the
most significant roles in CDI by synergistically enhancing
desalination capacity and speed. Increasing electrode micropore volume is detected to inhibit desalination and make
ion removal sluggish. According to the established models,
electrode nitrogen content extends desalination capacity
without improving its dynamic. In addition, unlike the complex impacts from electrodes oxygen content on desalination
capacity, it is shown that electrode oxygen content clearly
elongates desalination time. This study demonstrates the
strong abilities of the established ML models in explaining
the underlying complex mechanisms in the CDI process.
Title: A generalized Gaussian extension to the Rician distribution for SAR image modeling
Authors: Karakus O. and Kuruoglu E. E. and Achim A.
Journal: IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers„
New York, N.Y. , Stati Uniti d’America
DOI: 10.1109/tgrs.2021.3069091
Abstract: We present a novel statistical model, the
generalized-Gaussian-Rician (GG-Rician) distribution, for
the characterization of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Since accurate statistical models lead to better results
in applications such as target tracking, classification, or
despeckling, characterizing SAR images of various scenes
including urban, sea surface, or agricultural is essential. The
proposed statistical model is based on the Rician distribution
to model the amplitude of a complex SAR signal, the inphase and quadrature components of which are assumed
to be generalized-Gaussian (GG) distributed. The proposed
amplitude GG-Rician model is further extended to cover the
intensity of SAR signals. In the experimental analysis, the
GG-Rician model is investigated for amplitude and intensity SAR images of various frequency bands and scenes in
comparison to state-of-the-art statistical models that include
Weibull, G, Generalized gamma, and the lognormal distribution. The statistical significance analysis and goodnessof-fit test results demonstrate the superior performance and
flexibility of the proposed model for all frequency bands and
scenes, and its applicability on both amplitude and intensity
SAR images.
Title: Modeling brain connectivity dynamics in functional
magnetic resonance imaging via particle filtering
Authors: Ambrosi P. and Costagli M. and Kuruoglu E. E.
and Biagi L. and Buonincontri G. and Tosetti M.
Journal: Brain informatics (Online)
Publisher: Springer, Berlin ; Heidelberg, Germania
DOI: 10.1186/s40708-021-00140-6; 10.1101/2021.01.19.427249
Abstract: Interest in the studying of functional connections
in the brain has grown considerably in the last decades,
as many studies have pointed out that alterations in the
interaction among brain areas can play a role as markers
of neurological diseases. Most studies in this field treat the
brain network as a system of connections stationary in time,
but dynamic features of brain connectivity can provide useful
information, both on physiology and pathological conditions
of the brain. In this paper, we propose the application of a
computational methodology, named Particle Filter (PF), to
study non-stationarities in brain connectivity in functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). The PF algorithm estimates time-varying hidden parameters of a first-order linear
time-varying Vector Autoregressive model (VAR) through a
Sequential Monte Carlo strategy. On simulated time series,
the PF approach effectively detected and enabled to follow
time-varying hidden parameters and it captured causal relationships among signals. The method was also applied
to real fMRI data, acquired in presence of periodic tactile
or visual stimulations, in different sessions. On these data,
the PF estimates were consistent with current knowledge on
brain functioning. Most importantly, the approach enabled to
detect statistically significant modulations in the cause-effect
relationship between brain areas, which correlated with the
underlying visual stimulation pattern presented during the
Title: Using localisation technologies and haptic feedback
for a more inclusive society
Authors: Leporini B. and T Paratore M.
Journal: ERCIM news
Publisher: ERCIM., Le Chesnay
Title: Integrating wearable haptics and obstacle avoidance
for the visually impaired in indoor navigation: a usercentered approach
Authors: Barontini F. and Catalano M. G. and Pallottino L.
and Leporini B. and Bianchi M.
Journal: IEEE transactions on haptics (Print)
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society„ New York , Stati Uniti
Research Activities Report of 2021
DOI: 10.1109/toh.2020.2996748
Abstract: Recently, in the attempt to increase blind people
autonomy and improve their quality of life, a lot of effort
has been devoted to develop technological travel aids. These
systems can surrogate spatial information about the environment and deliver it to end-users through sensory substitution
(auditory, haptic). However, despite the promising research
outcomes, these solutions have met scarce acceptance in
real-world. Often, this is also due to the limited involvement
of real end users in the conceptual and design phases. In this
manuscript, we propose a novel indoor navigation system
based on wearable haptic technologies. All the developmental phases were driven by continuous feedback from visually
impaired persons. The proposed travel aid system consists
of a RGB-D camera, a processing unit to compute visual
information for obstacle avoidance, and a wearable device,
which can provide normal and tangential force cues for
guidance in an unknown indoor environment. Experiments
with blindfolded subjects and visually impaired participants
show that our system could be an effective support during
indoor navigation, and a viable tool for training blind people
to the usage of travel aids.
Title: A System for Neuromotor Based Rehabilitation on a
Passive Robotic Aid
Authors: Righi M. and Magrini M. and Dolciotti C. and
Moroni D.
Journal: Sensors (Basel)
Publisher: Molecular Diversity Preservation International
(MDPI)„ Basel
DOI: 10.3390/s21093130
Title: Machine learning models and techniques applied to
CTGAN-generated data
Authors: Moreign V. and Moreign Z. and Martinelli M.
Journal: Journal of machine learning research (Online)
Publisher: MIT Press„ [Cambridge, Mass.] , Stati Uniti
Title: Acupuncture effects on cerebral blood flow during normoxia and normobaric hypoxia: results from a prospective
crossover pilot study
Authors: Pecchio O. and Martinelli M. and Lupi G. and
Giardini G. and Caligiana L. and Bonin S. and Scalese M.
and Salvetti O. and Moroni D. and Bastiani L.
Journal: Technologies (Basel)
Publisher: MDPI, Basel, Svizzera
DOI: 10.3390/technologies9040102
Title: Effects of acute and sub-acute hypobaric hypoxia on
oxidative stress: a field study in the Alps
Authors: Mrakic-sposta S. and Gussoni M. and Dellanoce C.
and Marzorati M. and Montorsi M. and Rasica L. and Pratali
L. and D’Angelo G. and Martinelli M. and Bastiani L. and
Natale Di L. and Vezzoli A.
Journal: European journal of applied physiology (Print)
Publisher: Springer, Heidelberg ;, Germania
DOI: 10.1007/s00421-020-04527-x
Title: Patient perceptions and knowledge of ionizing radiation from medical imaging
Authors: Bastiani L. and Paolicchi F. : Faggioni L. and Martinelli M. and Gerasia R. and Martini C. and Cornacchione
P. and Ceccarelli M. and Chiappino D. and Della Latta D.
and Negri K. and Pertoldi D. and Negro D. and Nuzzi G. and
Rizzo V. and Tamburrino P. and Pozzessere C. and Aringhieri
G. and Caramella D.
Journal: JAMA network open
Publisher: American Medical Association, Chicago IL, Stati
Uniti d’America
DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.28561
Title: SST image processing for mesoscale patterns identification
Authors: Papini O. and Reggiannini M. and Pieri G.
Journal: Engineering proceedings (Basel)
Publisher: MDPI, Basel, Svizzera
DOI: 10.3390/engproc2021008005
Abstract: Understanding the marine environment dynamics
to accordingly design computational predictive tools represents a factor of paramount relevance to implement suitable
policy plans. In this framework mesoscale marine events are
important to study and understand since human related activities, such as commercial fishery, strongly depend on this type
of phenomena. Indeed the dynamics of water masses affect
the local habitats due to nutrients and organic substances
transport, interfering with the fauna and flora development
processes. Mesoscale events can be classified based on
the presence of specific hydrodynamics features, such as
water filaments, counter-currents or meanders originating
from upwelling wind actions stress. In this paper a novel
method to study these phenomena is proposed, based on the
analysis of Sea Surface Temperature imagery captured by
satellite missions (Metop, MODIS Terra/Aqua). Dedicated
algorithms are presented, with the goal to detect and identify
different observed scenarios based on the extraction and
analysis of discriminating quantitative features. Promising
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
results returned by the application of the proposed method
to data captured within the maritime region in front of the
southwestern Iberian coasts are presented.
Title: Online communication and body language
Authors: Paradisi P. and Raglianti M. and Sebastiani L.
Journal: Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience
Publisher: Frontiers Research Foundation„ Lausanne ,
DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.709365
Title: Learning topology: bridging computational topology
and machine learning
Authors: Moroni D. and Pascali M. A.
Journal: Pattern recognition and image analysis
Publisher: Distributed by Allen Press„ Lawrence, KS , Stati
Uniti d’America
DOI: 10.1134/s1054661821030184
Title: Smart parking systems: reviewing thelLiterature, architecture and ways forward
Authors: Biyik C. and Allam Z. and Pieri G. and Moroni D.
and O’fraifer M. and O’connell E. and Olariu S. and Khalid
Journal: Smart cities (Basel)
Publisher: MDPI, Basel, Svizzera
DOI: 10.3390/smartcities4020032
Title: Analysis of diagnostic images of artworks and feature
extraction: design of a methodology
Authors: Amura A. and Aldini A. and Pagnotta S. and
Salerno E. and Tonazzini A. and Triolo P.
DOI: 10.3390/jimaging7030053
Title: Algoritmi di Image Analysis applicati alle immagini
diagnostiche: nuove metodologie per l’analisi conoscitiva ed
estrazione semi-automatica della mappatura del degrado
Authors: Amura A. and Aldini A. and Landi L. and Pisani
L. and Salerno E. and Soro M. V. and Tonazzini A. and Torre
M. and Triolo Paolo A. M. and Zantedeschi G.
Journal: Kermes
Publisher: Nardini., Firenze, Italia
Title: A procedure for the correction of back-to-front degradations in archival manuscripts with preservation of the
original appearance
Authors: Savino P. and Tonazzini A.
Journal: Vietnam journal of computer science (Online)
Publisher: Springer, Berlin ; Heidelberg, Germania
DOI: 10.1142/s2196888822500099
Title: Challenges in the digital analysis of historical laminated manuscripts
Authors: Del Grosso A. M. and Fihri D. F. and Mohajir M.
El and Tonazzini A. and Nahli O.
Journal: International Journal of Information Science and
Publisher: [El Mohajir Mohammed], [S. l.], Marocco
Title: Venturino Venturi e la Piazzetta dei Mosaici del Parco
di Pinocchio
Authors: Matarese F. and Magrini M.
Abstract: Nel cuore del Parco dedicato al burattino più
famoso del mondo si trova un’opera straordinaria: una
piazzetta quadrangolare di 30 m di lato, interamente mosaicata, che offre al visitatore un eccezionale crocevia
artistico delle figure che popolano la storia di Pinocchio.
Venturino Venturi, che insieme agli architetti Renato Baldi
e Lionello De Luigi ha realizzato il progetto, ha dato vita
a un ludus estetico spiazzante e fiabesco che continua a
risuonare con elementi della contemporaneità, ispirando
le nuove tecnologie digitali: la realtà aumentata infatti
permetterà una visione inedita di questo spazio magico.
Un’indagine su un grande artista del Novecento italiano,
sulla sua opera maggiore e sul suo rapporto con Pinocchio,
che lo ha accompagnato artisticamente ed esistenzialmente
per tutta la vita, diventando un vero e proprio simbolo della
sua poetica
Title: La stella di Deotisalvi
Author: Tarabella L.
Abstract: Deotisalvi è l’Architetto del secolo d’oro, il XII.
Della sua vita non si sa niente. Forse veniva dall’Oriente.
Forse era un frate. Di lui sono rimasti i suoi monumenti
e, nelle parole di Silvano Burgalassi, i monumenti parlano
di per sé ... perché ci sono. Questo è un racconto del tutto
fantasioso sulla vita di Deotisalvi ispirato dalla geometria
dei suoi monumenti. I monumenti della Piazza sono la mente
e la vita artistica di Deotisalvi: una mente ed una vita
Research Activities Report of 2021
spirituale e geometrica. E neanche matematica (caso mai
aritmetica) ma geometrica.Perché la matematica come la
pensiamo, la conosciamo e la utilizziamo ora all’epoca non
esisteva. La geometria è nella Natura.La matematica è nella
mente dell’uomo. La geometria è il collegamento tra l’uomo
e la Natura.
Title: Fractional Diffusion and Medium Heterogeneity: The
Case of the Continuous Time Random Walk
Authors: Vittoria Sposini and Silvia Vitali and Paolo Paradisi
and Gianni Pagnini
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-69236-0_14
Abstract: In this contribution we show that fractional diffusion emerges from a simple Markovian Gaussian random
walk when the medium displays a power-law heterogeneity. Within the framework of the continuous time random
walk, the heterogeneity of the medium is represented by
the selection, at any jump, of a different time-scale for an
exponential survival probability. The resulting process is a
non-Markovian non-Gaussian random walk. In particular,
for a power-law distribution of the time-scales, the resulting
random walk corresponds to a time-fractional diffusion process. We relates the power-law of the medium heterogeneity
to the fractional order of the diffusion. This relation provides
an interpretation and an estimation of the fractional order of
derivation in terms of environment heterogeneity. The results
are supported by simulations.
Title: Signals and images in sea technologies
Authors: Moroni D. and Salvetti O.
DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-1355-3
Abstract: Life below water is the 14th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) envisaged by the United Nations and is
aimed at conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas
and marine resources for sustainable development. It is not
difficult to argue that Signals and Image technologies may
play an essential role in achieving the foreseen targets linked
to SDG 14. Indeed, besides increasing general knowledge of
ocean health by means of data analysis, methodologies based
on signal and image processing can be helpful in environmental monitoring, in protecting and restoring ecosystems,
in finding new sensor technologies for green routing and
eco-friendly ships, in providing tools for implementing best
practices for sustainable fishing, as well as in defining
frameworks and intelligent systems for enforcing sea law
and making the sea a safer and more secure place. Imaging
is also a key element for the exploration of the underwater world for various scopes, ranging from the predictive
maintenance of sub-sea pipelines and other infrastructures
to the discovery, documentation and protection of the sunken
cultural heritage. The main scope of this Special Issue has
been to investigate the techniques and ICT approaches, and
in particular the study and application of signal- and imagebased methods and, in turn, to explore the advantages of their
application to the main areas mentioned above.
Title: TSXor: a simple time series compression algorithm
Authors: Bruno A. and Nardini F. M. and Pibiri G. E. and
Trani R. and Venturini R.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86692-1_18
Abstract: Time series are ubiquitous in computing as a
key ingredient of many machine learning analytics, ranging
from classification to forecasting. Typically, the training of
such machine learning algorithms on time series requires
to access the data in temporal order for several times.
Therefore, a compression algorithm providing good compression ratios and fast decompression speed is desirable. In
this paper, we present TSXor, a simple yet effective lossless
compressor for time series. The main idea is to exploit the
redundancy/similarity between close-in-time values through
a window that acts as a cache, as to improve the compression
ratio and decompression speed. We show that TSXor achieves
up to 3× better compression and up to 2× faster decompression than the state of the art on real-world datasets.
Title: UIP-net: a decoder-encoder CNN for the detection and
quantification of usual interstitial pneumoniae pattern in lung
CT scan images
Authors: Buongiorno R. and Germanese D. and Romei C.
and Tavanti L. and De Liperi A. and Colantonio S.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-68763-2_30
Abstract: A key step of the diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is the examination of high-resolution
computed tomography images (HRCT). IPF exhibits a typical
radiological pattern, named Usual Interstitial Pneumoniae
(UIP) pattern, which can be detected in non-invasive HRCT
investigations, thus avoiding surgical lung biopsy. Unfortunately, the visual recognition and quantification of UIP
pattern can be challenging even for experienced radiologists
due to the poor inter and intra-reader agreement. This
study aimed to develop a tool for the semantic segmentation
and the quantification of UIP pattern in patients with IPF
using a deep-learning method based on a Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN), called UIP-net. The proposed CNN,
based on an encoder-decoder architecture, takes as input a
thoracic HRCT image and outputs a binary mask for the
automatic discrimination between UIP pattern and healthy
lung parenchyma. To train and evaluate the CNN, a dataset
of 5000 images, derived by 20 CT scans of different patients,
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
was used. The network performance yielded 96.7% BF-score
and 85.9% sensitivity. Once trained and tested, the UIP-net
was used to obtain the segmentations of other 60 CT scans
of different patients to estimate the volume of lungs affected
by the UIP pattern. The measurements were compared with
those obtained using the reference software for the automatic
detection of UIP pattern, named Computer Aided Lungs Informatics for Pathology Evaluation and Rating (CALIPER),
through the Bland-Altman plot. The network performance
assessed in terms of both BF-score and sensitivity on the
test-set and resulting from the comparison with CALIPER
demonstrated that CNNs have the potential to reliably detect
and quantify pulmonary disease in order to evaluate its
progression and become a supportive tool for radiologists.
Title: Success and hindrance factors of AHA-oriented open
service platforms
Authors: Carboni A. and Russo D. and Moroni D. and
Barsocchi P. and Nikolov A. and Dantas C. and Guardado D.
and Leandro A. F. and Van Staalduinen W. and Karanastasis
E. and Andronikou V. and Ganzarain J. and Rus S. and
Lievens F. and Oliveira Vieira J. and Juiz C. and Bermejo B.
and Samuelsson C. and Ekström A. and Fernanda Cabreraumpierrez M. F. and De Los Rios Peres S. and Van Berlo A.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-88113-9_53
Abstract: In the past years, there has been a flourishing
of platforms dedicated to Active Assisted Living (AAL) and
Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA). Most of them feature as
their core elements intelligent systems for the analysis of
multisource and multimodal data coming from sensors of
various nature inserted in suitable IoT ecosystems. While
progress in signal processing and artificial intelligence has
shown how these platforms may have a great potential in
improving the daylife of seniors or frail subjects, there are
still several technological and non-technological barriers
that should be torn down before full uptake of the existing
solutions. In this paper, we address specifically this issue
describing the outcome and creation process of a methodology aimed at evaluating the successful uptake of existing
platforms in the field of AHA. We propose a pathway (as
part of an overarching methodology) to define and select for
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), taking into account an
extensive amount of parameters related to success, uptake
and evolution of platforms. For this, we contribute a detailed
analysis structured along with the 4 main actions of mapping,
observing, understanding, and defining. Our analysis focuses
on Platforms, defined as operating environments, under
which various applications, agents and intelligent services
Title: Imaging e radiomica nell’ambito del progetto P.I.N.K.
Authors: Caudai C. and Colantonio S. and Franchini M. and
Molinaro S. and Pascali M. A. and Pieroni S. and Salvatori
Abstract: La presentazione introduce la linea di sviluppo
dedicata alla radiomica nell’ambito dello studio P.I.N.K.
Vengono introdotti gli aspetti e le potenzialità di Radiomics
and Deep Learning per l’imaging medico , suportatti da
alcuni esempi di applicazione. Vengono indicate le linee
organizzative per implementare questa linea di sviluppo
all’interno dello studio, affrontando gli aspetti tecnologici
e modalità di attuazione previste.
Title: A deep Learning approach for hepatic steatosis estimation from ultrasound imaging
Authors: Colantonio S. and Salvati A. and Caudai C. and
Bonino F. and De Rosa L. and Pascali M. A. and Germanese
D. and Brunetto M. R. and Faita F.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-88113-9_57
Abstract: This paper proposes a simple convolutional neural
model as a novel method to predict the level of hepatic steatosis from ultrasound data. Hepatic steatosis is the major histologic feature of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD),
which has become a major global health challenge. Recently
a new definition for FLD, that take into account the risk
factors and clinical characteristics of subjects, has been
suggested; the proposed criteria for Metabolic DisfunctionAssociated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD) are based on histological (biopsy), imaging or blood biomarker evidence of fat
accumulation in the liver (hepatic steatosis), in subjects with
overweight/obesity or presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
In lean or normal weight, non-diabetic individuals with
steatosis, MAFLD is diagnosed when at least two metabolic
abnormalities are present. Ultrasound examinations are the
most used technique to non-invasively identify liver steatosis
in a screening settings. However, the diagnosis is operator
dependent, as accurate image processing techniques have
not entered yet in the diagnostic routine. In this paper, we
discuss the adoption of simple convolutional neural models
to estimate the degree of steatosis from echographic images
in accordance with the state-of-the-art magnetic resonance
spectroscopy measurements (expressed as percentage of the
estimated liver fat). More than 22,000 ultrasound images
were used to train three networks, and results show promising
performances in our study (150 subjects).
Title: Discriminating stress from cognitive load using contactless thermal imaging devices
Authors: Gioia F. and Pascali M. A. and Greco A. and
Colantonio S. and Scilingo E. P.
DOI: 10.1109/embc46164.2021.9630860
Abstract: This study proposes long wave infrared technology
as a contactless alternative to wearable devices for stress
Research Activities Report of 2021
detection. To this aim, we studied the change in facial thermal
distribution of 17 healthy subjects in response to different
stressors (Stroop Test, Mental Arithmetic Test). During the
experimental sessions the electrodermal activity (EDA) and
the facial thermal response were simultaneously recorded
from each subject. It is well known from the literature that
EDA can be considered a reliable marker for the psychological state variation, therefore we used it as a reference
signal to validate the thermal results. Statistical analysis was
performed to evaluate significant differences in the thermal
features between stress and non-stress conditions, as well as
between stress and cognitive load. Our results are in line with
the outcomes of previous studies and show significant differences in the temperature trends over time between stress and
resting conditions. As a new result, we found that the mean
temperature changes of some less studied facial regions, e.g.,
the right cheek, are able not only to significantly discriminate
between resting and stressful conditions, but also allow
to recognize the typology of stressors. This outcome not
only directs future studies to consider the thermal patterns
of less explored facial regions as possible correlates of
mental states, but more importantly it suggests that different
psychological states could potentially be discriminated in a
contactless manner.
Title: Sign Language GIFs exchange communication system:
a PECS-based computer-mediated communication tool for
the deaf
Authors: Zhilla C. and Galesi G. and Leporini B.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85607-6_64
Abstract: Thanks to technological advances, Sign Language
(SL), which is used by most deaf people, has gradually been
freed from the need for face-to-face interaction. Deaf people
used to communicating via SL may experience many problems in writing and reading text contents. Considering those
difficulties, we propose a messaging system that integrates
a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) gallery representing
phrases and words in SL to promote written communication
closer to the needs of this user category.
Title: LISA - Lingua Italiana dei Segni Accessibile: a progressive web app to support communication between deaf
people and public administrations
Authors: Zhilla C. and Galesi G. and Leporini B.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-91421-9_12
Abstract: Most deaf people use Sign Language (SL) to
communicate. This usually requires the presence of an SL
interpreter to mediate and decode the communication with a
non-deaf person. However, the presence of an SL interpreter
to support a deaf person can be very difficult, expensive
and not always possible, for example during the COVID-19
pandemic which requires limiting contact between people in
presence. This work proposes a Progressive Web Application
(PWA), called LISA, as a solution to facilitate communication
between a deaf citizen and a non-deaf person, thanks to a
remote Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS). The LISA
prototype is designed to promote the communication of deaf
citizens with the Public Administrations (PA). This real-time
SLIS can be used flexibly on different types of devices (i.e. mobile and desk). This allows PA operators to easily respond to
the needs of deaf citizens. Furthermore, to facilitate written
communication and to overcome the difficulties encountered
by deaf people in writing text messages, the LISA system
integrates a text/SL gateway. The user selects items from a
gallery of GIF images that represent simple pre-set phrases
and words in SL, and the system can also convert them into
text. This improves accessibility by offering a more suitable
messaging tool than a text chat for the needs of the target
Title: Verso la descrizione automatica delle immagini
nell’editoria digitale accessibile: proposta di una tassonomia
di immagini per gli algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale
Authors: De Martin C. and Leporini B. and Pellegrino G.
Abstract: In questo contributo viene proposta una tassonomia di possibili tipologie di immagini da poter utilizzare
per migliorare la composizione dei dataset di addestramento
degli algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale da applicare ai
task di classificazione e descrizione automatica delle immagini. Viene altresì sinteticamente illustrato il processo di
validazione effettuato nello studio. 25 categorie sono state
identificate nella tassonomia proposta.
Title: Distance meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic: are
video conferencing tools accessible for blind people?
Authors: Leporini B. and Buzzi M. and Hersh M.
DOI: 10.1145/3430263.3452433
Abstract: Since the first lockdown in 2020, video conferencing tools have been becoming increasingly important
for employment, education, and social interaction. This
makes accessibility and usability of these tools essential.
For instance, are the main functionalities fully accessible
to all users? In this study we analyzed accessibility and
usability by visually impaired people using screen readers
and keyboard. This involved an inspection evaluation to test
the most important features and a survey of visually impaired
users to obtain information about the accessibility of three
popular video conferencing tools: Zoom, Google Meet and
MS Teams. The results showed that Zoom was preferred to
Google Meet and MS Teams, but that none of the tools was
fully accessible via keyboard and screen reader.
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
Title: An enriched emoji picker to improve accessibility in
mobile communications
Authors: Paratore M. T. and Buzzi M. C. and Buzzi M. and
Leporini B.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85623-6_25
Abstract: We present an emoji picker designed to enrich
emojis selection on mobile devices using audio cues. The aim
is to make emojis selection more intuitive by better identify
their meanings. Unlike the typical emoji input components
currently in use (known as "pickers"), in our component
each emotion-related item is represented by both an emoji
and a non-verbal vocal cue, and it is displayed according
to a two-dimensional model suggesting the pleasantness and
intensity of the emotion itself. The component was embedded
in an Android app in order to exploit touchscreen interaction
together with audio cues to ease the selection process by
using more than one channel (visual and auditory). Since the
component adds non-visual information that drives the emoji
selection, it may be particularly useful for users with visual
impairments. In order to investigate the feasibility of the
approach and the acceptability/usability of the emoji picker
component, a preliminary remote evaluation test involving
both sighted and visually impaired users was performed.
Analysis of the data collected through the evaluation test
shows that all the participants, whether sighted or visually
impaired, rated the usability of our picker as good, and also
evaluated positively the model adopted to add semantic value
to emojis.
Title: Il mondo delle App e la montagna
Author: Martinelli M.
Title: New technology improves our understanding of
changes in the marine environment
Authors: Pieri G. and Ntoumas M. and Martinelli M. and
Chatzinikolaou E. and Martins F. and Novellino A. and
Dimitrova N. and Keller K. and King A. and Smerdon A.
and Mazza M. and Malardé D. and Cocco M. and Torres A.
and Triantafyllou G. and Sá S. and João Bebianno M. and
Sparnocchia S. and Kristiansen T. and Lusher A.
Abstract: Existing European observation tools and services
have the potential to take advantage of cutting-edge technologies to obtain a wide range of data at a much higher
spatial resolution and temporal regularity and duration. The
EU-funded NAUTILOS project will develop a new generation of sensors and samplers for physical, chemical, and
biological essential ocean variables in addition to microand nano-plastics. The project will improve our understanding of environmental variations and anthropogenic
impacts connected with aquaculture, fisheries, and marine
litter. The project will integrate recently advanced marine
technologies into different observing platforms and deploy
them through innovative and cost-effective methods in a wide
range of key environmental settings and EU policy-related
applications. The project aims to complement and expand
existing European observation instruments and services and
further enable and democratise the monitoring of the marine
environment for both traditional and non-traditional data
Title: Mediterranean diet mitigates acute mountain sickness
Authors: Agazzi G. C. and Valoti P. and Bastiani L. and
Denoth F. and Pratali Ll. and D’Angelo G. and Carrara B. and
Parigi G. B. and Malanninom. and Spinelli A. and Calderoli
A. and Orizio L. and Giardini G. and Salvetti O. and Moroni
D. and Martinelli M. and Mrakic Sposta S.
Abstract: A pilot study was conducted in the framework
of the Save the Mountains initiative, an education and
sustainability project, promoted by Italian Alpine Club of
Bergamo, Bergamo section of the National Alpine Association, Province of Bergamo, Observatory for the Bergamasque Mountains and Alpine and Speleological Rescue.
As a part of this study, an anonymous online questionnaire
was designed and prepared, collecting lifestyle information
(eating habits, alcohol, tobacco, sleep, exercise) of the
mountaineers in order to recommend specific measures useful
for staying in mountain areas and for preventing individual
risk factors related to lifestyle and Acute Mountain Sickness
(AMS): The
study will continue the collection of questionnaire responses
until at least the end of Summer 2021; at the time of writing
(February 2021), 804 questionnaire responses were already
collected and analyzed. The initial sample refers to the
people who attended mountain huts in the Orobie Alps; then
the online questionnaire form was publicly extended to other
regions. About 99% of the interviewed people are Italian; the
rest are Swiss, Polish, British and French people. Mean age
is 48 years(+/-15), 62% males and 38% females. Only 8.8%
of them answered they suffered from altitude sickness, but
self-reported Lake Louise Score (LLS) classified the 21.3%
of people with Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), light AMS
15,4% and severe AMS 5,8% (To assess AMS the original
LLS questionnaire was used: AMS is classified as severe
when a headache is present and the LLS is greater than 5,
it is instead light when there is a headache and the LLS
is between 3 and 5, else is normal). The Mediterranean
Diet’s adherence, collected as the frequency of food items
consumption, was assessed by the MEDI-LITE score, a
validated questionnaire, ranging from 0 to 13. In this sample,
a median score of 8 was found, while the 25th percentile
corresponds to a score lower than 6 and the 75th percentile
to a score greater than 9. The 14% of the sample resulted
Research Activities Report of 2021
in being not adherent to the Mediterranean diet, the 51%
was in the mean, the 35% was adherent. This study confirms
that the predisposing factor most associated with the AMS
is "having had the same episode in the past" (OR 2.50, CI
1.88/3.13), having sleep disturbs (OR 1.29, CI 1.03 /1.55),
age (OR -0.03, CI -0.35/-0.02). Moreover, it underlines that
lifestyle is important with respect to risk to develop the AMS:
actually, despite the structural limitations of surveys, this
study pointed out that lifestyle contributes to mitigating the
risk of developing the AMS (Mediterranean diet score OR 0.34, CI -0.64 -> - 0.55). Gender, smoke and high physical
activity are instead not significant. Future studies should
investigate more deeply how lifestyle can change the impact
on high altitude diseases.
Title: Image processing applied to temperature pattern identification
Authors: Papini O. and Pieri G. and Reggiannini M.
Abstract: The objective of our work is to detect and classify
mesoscale patterns in an upwelling ecosystem by analysing
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) maps coming from satellite
data. The poster shows how we organize this information in a
"spaghetti plot", a tool that we use to analyse different trends
of the SST in a target area for a period of time, and how we
can associate those trends with different mesoscale patterns.
Title: Mesoscale patterns identification through SST image
Authors: Reggiannini M. and Janeiro J. and Martins F. and
Papini O. and Pieri G.
DOI: 10.5220/0010714600003061
Title: Learning topology: bridging computational topology
and machine learning
Authors: Moroni D. and Pascali M. A.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-68821-9_20
Abstract: Topology is a classical branch of mathematics,
born essentially from Euler’s studies in the XVII century,
which deals with the abstract notion of shape and geometry.
Last decades were characterised by a renewed interest in
topology and topology-based tools, due to the birth of computational topology and Topological Data Analysis (TDA).
A large and novel family of methods and algorithms computing topological features and descriptors (e.g. persistent
homology) have proved to be effective tools for the analysis
of graphs, 3d objects, 2D images, and even heterogeneous
datasets. This survey is intended to be a concise but complete
compendium that, offering the essential basic references,
allows you to orient yourself among the recent advances in
TDA and its applications, with an eye to those related to
machine learning and deep learning.
Title: Estimation of sediment capacity of Aswan High Dam
Lake utilizing remotely sensed bathymetric data: case study
Active Sedimentation portion of Nubia
Authors: Negm A. and Hossen H. and Elsahabi M. and
Makboul O. and Scozzari A.
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13628
Abstract: This study deals with the quantitative estimation
of the accumulated sediment capacity within the period from
the initiation of the storage process of Lake Nubia in 1964
until 2012, by using field measurements and remote sensing
data. The bed levels of the study area related to year 1964
were extracted from a tri-dimensional model of the lake
derived from a topographic map, based on observations
anterior to lake filling. This map was compared with the
bed levels estimated for the year 2012, which were extracted
from remote sensing data, with the aim to estimate the
sediment capacity. The utilized technique for estimating the
bathymetric data (depths) from satellite images relies on
establishing a Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) model
between in situ measurements and reflectance data from
multi-spectral optical satellite observations. The Multiple
Linear Regression (MLR) model showed good results in the
correlation between field measurements and remote sensing
data. The current approach provides flexibility as well as
effective time and cost management in calculating depths
from remote sensing data when compared to the traditional
method applied by Aswan High Dam Authority (AHDA). This
study is in the framework of a bilateral project between ASRT
of Egypt and CNR of Italy, which is still running.
Title: Investigating the possible measure to protect groundwater from polluted streams in arid and semi-arid regions:
the Eastern Nile Delta case study
Authors: Abd-elaty I. and Zelenakova M. and Straface S. and
Vranayová Z. and Abuhashim M. and Negm A. and Scozzari
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14734
Abstract: Groundwater is the main source of drinking water
in the Nile Delta. Unfortunately, it might be polluted by
seepage from polluted streams. This study was carried out
to investigate the possible measures to protect groundwater
in the Nile delta aquifer using a numerical model (MT3DMS
- Mass Transport 3-Dimension Multi-Species). The sources
of groundwater contamination were identified and the total dissolved solids (TDS) was taken as an indicator for
the contamination. Different strategies were investigated
for mitigating the impact of polluted water: i) allocating
polluted drains and canals in lower permeability layers; ii)
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
installing cut-off walls in the polluted drains, and finally,
iii) using lining materials in polluted drains and canals.
Results indicated these measures effective to mitigate the
groundwater pollution. In particular, the cut-off wall was
effective for contamination reduction in shallow aquifers,
whereas it had no effect in the deep aquifer, while lining
materials in polluted drains and canals were able to prevent
contamination and to protect the freshwater in the aquifers.
It is worth mentioning that this study was partially supported
by a bilateral project between ASRT (Egypt) and CNR (Italy).
Title: Feasibility of using Sentinel-3 in estimating Lake
Nasser water depths
Authors: Khairy M. and Hossen H. and Elsahabi M. and
Ghaly S. and Scozzari A. and Negm A.
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11958
Abstract: After the construction of the Grand Ethiopian
Renaissance Dam (GERD), Nasser Lake (NL)became one
of the most challenging hot spots at both local and global
level. It is one of the biggest manmade reservoirs in the
world and the most important in Egypt. It is created in the
southern part of the Nile River in Upper Egypt after the
construction of Aswan High Dam (AHD). The water level in
NL might fluctuate between 160 to 182 m above the mean sea
level. Monitoring NL water depth is an expensive and timeconsuming activity. This work investigates the possibility
to use information from the Sentinel missions to estimate
the depth of NL as an inland water body, in the frame of
estimating storage variations from satellite measurements.
In this preliminary study, we investigated the relationship
between the radiance /reflectance of optical imagery from
two instruments SLSTR and OLCI instruments hosted by the
Sentinel-3A platform and in situ water depth data using the
Lyzenga equation. The results indictaed that there was a
reasonable correlation between Sentinel-3 optical data and
in situ water depth data. Also, Heron’s formula was used
to estimate water storage variations of NL with limited in
situ data. In addition, equations governing the relationship
between water level and both surface area and water volume
were worked out. This study is in the framework of a bilateral
project between ASRT of Egypt and CNR of Italy, which is
still running.
Title: Progetto DIONCOGEN. Rapporto Attività CNR-ISTI
Authors: Martinelli M. and Benassi A. and Bruno A. and
Moroni D.
Title: SI-Lab Annual Research Report 2020
Authors: Leone G. R. and Righi M. and Carboni A. and
Caudai C. and Colantonio S. and Kuruoglu E. E. and Leporini
B. and Magrini M. and Paradisi P. and Pascali M. A. and
Pieri G. and Reggiannini M. and Salerno E. and Scozzari A.
and Tonazzini A. and Fusco G. and Galesi G. and Martinelli
M. and Pardini F. and Tampucci M. and Buongiorno R. and
Bruno A. and Germanese D. and Matarese F. and Coscetti S.
and Coltelli P. and Jalil B. and Benassi A. and Bertini G. and
Salvetti O. and Moroni D.
DOI: 10.32079/isti-ar-2021/001
Abstract: The Signal & Images Laboratory (
is an interdisciplinary research group in computer vision,
signal analysis, smart vision systems and multimedia data
understanding. It is part of the Institute for Information
Science and Technologies of the National Research Council
of Italy. This report accounts for the research activities of the
Signal and Images Laboratory of the Institute of Information
Science and Technologies during the year 2020.
Title: Introduzione al trattamento del rumore nelle protesi
Authors: Righi M. and Bertini G.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5792649
Abstract: La presente nota, prende spunto da un argomento
oggetto di un seminario effettuato in DAD per gli studenti
del 3° anno del corso di laurea in Tecniche Audioprotesiche
(aa 2020 - ’21), nel quale sono state trattate le varie
strategie adottate nelle protesi acustiche per diminuire gli
effetti del rumore acustico sul parlato. Ultimamente alcune
di tali tecniche adottano soluzioni basate su reti neuronali
e criteri di intelligenza artificiale. Prima di illustrare le
varie soluzioni viene anteposta una breve descrizione delle
varie tipologie di rumore, la modalità della sua stima e
gli effetti che può provocare sull’apparato uditivo umano.
Viene dato un cenno anche ai tentativi proposti per rendere
udibili alcuni particolari segnali non verbali, cioè vari tipi di
allarmi, che invece è bene non vengano attenuati.
Title: Efficient Improvements in Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Title: Barilla AgroSat+ Server, Client e Modelli
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Server, Client e Modelli del Progetto Barilla
Research Activities Report of 2021
Title: Barilla Agrosat+ Organi, aggiornamenti, confronti
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Aggiornamenti e confronti. Progetto Barilla
Title: TiAssisto - Obiettivo Operativo 4
Authors: Martinelli M. and Bruno A. and Moroni D.
Abstract: Presentazione Kick-Off Meeting Bando Ricerca
COVID-19 Regione Toscana Progetto TiAssisto Obiettivo
Operativo 4.
Title: Barilla Agrosat+ - Insetti, aggiornamento modelli,
merge, gestore richiesta, et al.
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Insetti, aggiornamento modelli, merge, gestore
richiesta, et al.
Title: Barilla AgroSat+ - Preparazione al "Test Day"
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Nuovi modelli di AI, progetto Barilla Agrosat+ Conclusione articolo.
Title: Barilla Agrosat+ - Aggiornamento 09/21
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Nuovi modelli, miglioramento, to-do list, situazione articolo, progetto Barilla Agrosat+
Title: Barilla Agrosat+ Aggiornamento 10/21
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Nuovi modelli, miglioramenti, to-do list, progetto
Barilla Agrosat+
Title: Barilla Agrosat+ - Aggiornamento 12/21
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Nuovi modelli, miglioramenti, to-do list, progetto
Barilla Agrosat+.
Title: Progetto DiOncoGen CloudPathology - Secondo test
di valutazione delle informazioni sul secondo dataset
Authors: Martinelli M. and Bruno A. and Moroni D.
Abstract: Il presente documento fornisce i risultati del
secondo test di valutazione del secondo dataset ricevuto
nell’ambito del progetto DiOncoGen-CloudPathology.
Title: Barilla Agrosat+ - Riorganizzazione task e nuovi
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Riorganizzazione task e nuovi modelli, integrazione app mobile, sito Web, modelli di AI, progetto Barilla
Agrosat+ - Presentazione draft articolo.
Title: Barilla Agrosat+ - Aggiornamento modelli e Beta
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Aggiornamento Modelli di AI, rilascio Beta release, progetto Barilla Agrosat+ - Presentazione nuovo draft
Title: TiAssisto 0.0.3 - Analisi del flusso di funzionamento
della piattaforma di telemedicina - Aggiornamento 26/7/2021
Authors: Bruno A. and Martinelli M. and Moroni D. and
Bastiani L. and Pratali L. and Cicalini D. and Memmini S.
and Tomei A.
Abstract: Descrizione del flusso di funzionamento della
piattaforma di telemedicina TiAssisto: aggiornamenti ed
Title: Improving Plant Disease Classification by Adaptive
Minimal Ensembling
Authors: Bruno A. and Moroni D. and Dainelli R. and
Rocchi L. and Toscano P. and Ferrari E. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Plant disease diagnosis is a challenging and
time consuming process. In recent years, the evolution of
neural network technologies has made it possible to improve
automatic recognition. In this article, we propose a novel
method to improve the state of the art in plant disease
classification. Using as baseline EfficientNet, a recent and
advanced family of architectures, we have devised and applied specific design choices, namely stratification, refining
validation, regularization and minimal ensembling, using
specific transfer learning, optimizer and accuracy test. Our
method was tested on PlanVillage as baseline, a public
reference dataset used to benchmark models’ performances
in this domain in both its original and augmented versions,
with 55,448 and 61,486 images, respectively. We noticeably
improved the state of the art of PlantVillage classification by
achieving zero errors in both the original and augmented
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
dataset. In addition, the proposed method requires fewer
parameters than the previous state of the art. Results shown
were obtained using PyTorch to train, test and validate
the models; reproducibility is granted by the provision of
exhaustive details including hyperparameters used in the
experimentation. A Web interface is also made publicly
available to test the proposed methods.
Title: SPaCe - Documento di studio e definizione delle
tecnologie e degli algoritmi di analitica del trasporto pubblico
Authors: Leone G. R. and Moroni D. and Magrini M. and
Pardini F. and Carboni A.
Abstract: Nel contesto del progetto Space in questo documento verrà presentato uno studio e la definizione delle
tecnologie applicabili al trasporto pubblico. I casi d’uso di
interesse sono principalmente due: il caso d’uso su gomma,
con riferimento a mezzi tipo bus cittadini, e il caso d’uso su
rotaia, in riferimento al trasporto ferroviario. Gli obiettivi
sono molteplici e riguardano principalmente il comportamento dei passeggeri a bordo o in attesa dei mezzi, la
ricostruzione di un viaggio che consiste nella concatenazione
di tratte effettuate su mezzi diversi, il controllo degli oggetti
e il monitoraggio dello stato dei mezzi sia per questioni di
sicurezza che di manutenzione degli stessi. In generale sono
state identificate due macro aree di riferimento: Controllo
degli spazi e Controllo dei passeggeri.
Title: Studio Pink - Le linee di sviluppo
Authors: Pieroni S. and Franchini M. and Denoth F. and
Colantonio S. and Tampucci M. and Fortunato L. and Molinaro S.
Abstract: Questo documento descrive le linee di sviluppo
dello studio P.I.N.K., già previste come parte integrante
del progetto fin dall’avvio delle attività, che si fondano
sull’attivazione di studi ad hoc trasversali alle diverse tematiche trattate. Sono di fatto tre linee di ricerca parallele che
partono dalla solida base di conoscenza creata all’interno di
P.I.N.K. nei suoi primi tre anni di vita: linea 1 riguardante
Imaging e Radiomica, linea 2 riguardante la dosimetria
personalizzata, linea 3 riguardante la nutrizione e stile di
Title: Technical report on the development and interpretation
of convolutional neural networks for the classification of
multiparametric MRI images on unbalanced datasets. Case
study: prostate cancer
Authors: Pachetti E. and Colantonio S.
Abstract: This report summarized the activities carried
out to define, train and validate Deep Learning models
for the classification of medical imaging data. The issue
of unbalanced datasets was faced by applying some data
augmentation techniques, based on transformation of the
original images. Such techniques were compared to verify
their impact in a frame where object morphology is relevant.
Multimodal deep learning models were defined to exploit the
information contained in heterogeneous imaging data and
cope with data distribution imbalance. To verify the inner
functioning of the deep learning models, the LIME algorithm
was applied, thus checking that the regions that contribute
to the classification were the real meaningful ones. The case
study used to was the categorization of prostate cancer aggressiveness based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
data. The aggressiveness was determined, as a ground truth,
via tissue biopsy and expressed with a score from 2 to 10
known as Gleason Score, which is obtained as the sum of two
values, each one from 1 to 5, associated with the two most
common patterns in the tumor tissue histological sample.
Title: TiAssisto - Obiettivo Operativo 3
Authors: Martinelli M. and Galesi G. and Tampucci M. and
Moroni D.
Title: Una metodologia di sviluppo di applicazioni di realtà
aumentata per i beni culturali applicata ad un caso di studio:
il Parco di Pinocchio
Authors: Matarese F. and Magnavacca J. and Magrini M.
DOI: 10.32079/isti-tr-2021/004
Abstract: Presentazione Kick-Off Meeting Bando Ricerca
COVID-19 Regione Toscana - Progetto TiAssisto Obiettivo
Operativo 3.
Title: Ti Assisto - Sistema Informativo
Authors: Martinelli M. and Deluca R. and Moroni D.
Abstract: Il sistema informativo, le piattaforme pregresse,
privacy, requisiti
Title: TiAssisto - Analisi del flusso di funzionamento della
piattaforma di telemedicina
Authors: Cicalini D. and Martinelli M.
Abstract: Lo scopo di questo rapporto è quello di iniziare
a descrivere il flusso di funzionamento della piattaforma
di telemedicina TiAssisto e di porre l’attenzione sui punti
ancora da definire.
Research Activities Report of 2021
current status
Authors: Salerno E. and Martinelli M. and Reggiannini M.
and Righi M. and Tampucci M.
Abstract: ESA OSIRIS 2 Project - Current status of CNRISTI
Title: TiAssisto - Analisi del flusso di funzionamento della
piattaforma di telemedicina - Aggiornamento
Authors: Martinelli M. and Bastiani L. and Pratali L. and
Memmini S. and Tomei A.
Abstract: Lo scopo di questo rapporto è quello di iniziare
a descrivere il flusso di funzionamento della piattaforma
di telemedicina TiAssisto e di porre l’attenzione sui punti
ancora da definire.
Title: A tool for the temporal analysis of sea surface temperature maps
Author: Papini O.
DOI: 10.32079/isti-tr-2021/011
Abstract: This document describes the usage of a tool that
produces plots of the evolution of the sea surface temperature
in a specified space-time window, extracting data from a
series of NetCDF files.
Title: NAUTILOS - External advisory board report 1
Author: Pieri G.
Abstract: An annual report and evaluation provided by the
External Advisory Board providing their overall assessment
of NAUTILOS and advice on the future direction of the
project. The following deliverable will be the report following
their meeting after MM3 in M12.
Title: NAUTILOS - POPD - Requirement No. 2
Authors: Pieri G. and Gianvincenzo A. and Novellino A. and
Deluca R.
Abstract: This document is intended to provide recommendation on the procedures of the Information Systems and is
inspired by the principles of correctness and diligence and is
adopted in compliance with the provisions contained in the
Privacy code and in the General Data Protection Regulation
of the European Union.
Title: NAUTILOS - A - Requirement No. 3
Author: Pieri G.
Abstract: This deliverable describes the general nature of
the experiments with animals and the procedures that will
be performed within NAUTILOS, in order to ensure animal
welfare and adherence to EU Directive 2010/63/EU and the
Three Rs guidelines principle. Moreover, information about
existing expertise and experiences of the involved partners
are reported.
Title: NAUTILOS - NEC - Requirement No. 4
Author: Pieri G.
Abstract: This deliverable describes the ethical issues concerning the research performed outside the EU, both in terms
of ethical compliance with EU standards, and in terms of the
detail of the materials that will be imported/exported from
and to non-EU countries to a member state.
Title: NAUTILOS - EPQ - Requirement No. 5
Author: Pieri G.
Abstract: The deliverable presents and discusses the procedures and measures to mitigate environmental risks happening during the Project. Moreover, the application of health
and safety procedures, conforming to the relevant guidelines
and legislations are described, together with the measures
minimising impact on endangered species or protected areas
involved in the project activities.
Title: NAUTILOS - H - Requirement No. 1
Authors: Pieri G. and Deluca R. and Chatzinikolaou E.
Abstract: The procedures and criteria that will be used
to identify/recruit research participants, as well as the informed consent procedures that will be implemented for
the participation of humans external to NAUTILOS to the
project activities and in regard to their data processing
are presented in this document. Templates of the informed
consent/assent forms and information sheets covering the
voluntary participation and data protection issues, in the
English version are provided.
Title: NAUTILOS - Data Management Plan
Authors: Novellino A. and Colombo F. and Gianvincenzo A.
Pieri G. and Tampucci M.
Title: Ship kinematics estimation based on doppler centroid
deviation in synthetic aperture radar images
Author: Reggiannini M.
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
Abstract: In this deliverable the Data Management Plan
(DMP) of the project will be written, in compliance with
the H2020 Data Management Guidelines, also based on
inputs from WP8. It will outline a data management policy,
including data to be generated by the project, their potential
exploitation, curation and storage. Additionally, in line with
the principles of Open Access to research data and publications generated through H2020 programmes, NAUTILOS
will participate in the Open Research Data Pilot carried out
by the European Commission.
Title: Track-Hold System (THS): sperimentazione e validazione delle soluzioni tecnologiche derivanti dal progetto
Authors: Dolciotti C. and Magrini M. and Moroni D. and
Righi M.
Abstract: Il progetto Track-Hold System (THS), realizzato in
struttura sanitaria e quindi in un ambito sanitario controllato
e protetto, si inserisce nel più generale e ampio contesto
della Robotic Assisted Therapy (RAT). La RAT rappresenta
una metodica di riabilitazione, sia motoria che cognitiva, più
avanzata e innovativa e si avvale di dispositivi robotici attivi,
passivi e facilitanti, spesso dotati di sensori di rilevazione
e tracciamento di movimenti sia volontari che involontari,
e di protocolli multimediali appositamente elaborati per
raggiungere il massimo livello possibile di rieducazione
funzionale. La RAT, al pari delle metodiche convenzionali
di riabilitazione (ad es Metodo Perfetti, Mirror Therapy,
Biofeedback, etc.) richiede la stretta collaborazione tra i
componenti del Team Multidisciplinare, che nella RAT, oltre
al Medico e al Terapista, prevede la presenza del Fisiologo e
dell’Ingegnere Biomedico ed Informatico.
Title: Using random forests to classify vessels from naive
geometrical features
Author: Salerno E.
Abstract: This report is concerned with the application of
Random Forest classification methods to the identification
of ship types in moderate-resolution SAR images. After a
brief presentation of the theory and and the features of this
class of methods, we select an R package useful to train,
test and execute the classifier. Some experiments are then
reported using naive geometrical features extracted from a
few thousands of targets in the OpenSARShip data set. All
the ship chips extracted are derived from IW GRD Sentinel 1
C-band SAR images, accompanied by AIS and MarineTraffic
ground-truth data. The ideal performance of this classifier
is evaluated through the standard classification indices, with
respect to the ship types that are sufficiently represented in
the subsets considered.
Title: Naive bayes for naive geometry: classifying vessels
from length and beam
Author: Salerno E.
Abstract: This report is concerned with the application of
a Naive Bayes classification method to the identification
of ship types in moderate-resolution SAR images. After a
brief presentation of the principles behind the method, a
simple implementation and an extensive experimentation on
naive geometrical features extracted from a few thousands
of targets in the OpenSARShip data set are presented. All
the ship chips extracted are derived from IW GRD Sentinel 1
C-band SAR images, accompanied by AIS and MarineTraffic
ground-truth data. The ideal performance of this Naive Bayes
is evaluated through the standard classification indices, with
respect to the ship types that are sufficiently represented in
the subsets considered.
Title: Multiple kernel learning to classify vessels from naive
geometrical features
Author: Salerno E.
Abstract: This report is concerned with the application
of a Multiple Kernel Learning classification method to
the identification of ship types in moderate-resolution SAR
images. After a brief presentation of the theory and and
the features of this class of methods, we select a few R
packages useful to this aim, and delineate a procedure to
select the relevant features and kernel functions, execute and
test the classifier. Some experiments are then reported using
naive geometrical features extracted from a few thousands
of targets in the OpenSARShip data set. All the ship chips
extracted are derived from IW GRD Sentinel 1 C-band SAR
images, accompanied by AIS and MarineTraffic ground-truth
data. The ideal performance of this classifier is evaluated
through the standard classification indices, with respect to
the ship types that are sufficiently represented in the subsets
Title: Geometric and scattering features for ship classification from Sentinel 1 SAR images
Author: Salerno E.
Abstract: Following the evaluation of some ship classification strategies based on geometrical features, this report
accounts for the use of scattering measurements in SAR
images as additional features, in the hope of improving the
classification performance. A set of eight scattering features
has been selected and added to the already tested set of
eight naive geometric features to explore the discriminating
power of the whole feature set or any subset thereof. The
algorithm chosen for this investigation is Random Forest,
Research Activities Report of 2021
as implemented in the R package randomForest. The basic
finding has been that, as opposed to some claims in the literature, the use of scattering features improves the classification
performance even from images characterized by a moderate
resolution, such as the ones provided by ESA’s Sentinel 1
satellite-borne SAR.
Title: FUTURE-AI: Guiding Principles and Consensus Recommendations for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in
Medical Imaging
Authors: Lekadir, Karim and Osuala, Richard and Gallin,
Catherine and Lazrak, Noussair and Kushibar, Kaisar and
Tsakou, Gianna and Aussó, Susanna and Alberich, Leonor
Cerdá and Marias, Kostas and Tsiknakis, Manolis and Colantonio, Sara and Papanikolaou, Nickolas and Salahuddin,
Zohaib and Woodruff, Henry C and Lambin, Philippe and
Martí-Bonmatí, Luis
DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2109.09658
Title: A software package for the study of REM-sleep
Authors: Barcaro U. and Magrini M.
Title: A software package for the study of REM-sleep
Authors: Magrini M. and Barcaro U.
Title: Introduzione a Thunkable
Author: Galesi G.
Abstract: Slide della lezione effettuata il 26 Ottobre 2021 per
il Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica dell’ Università di Pisa all’interno del corso 617AA: Tecnologie assistive
per la didattica (aa 2021/22) con tema la piattaforma web
per lo sviluppo di app Thunkable.
Title: Esempi applicativi di app realizzate con Thunkable
Author: Galesi G.
Abstract: Slide della lezione effettuata il 2 Novembre 2021
per il Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica dell’
Università di Pisa all’interno del corso 617AA: Tecnologie assistive per la didattica (aa 2021/22) con tema la
piattaforma web per lo sviluppo di app Thunkable.
Title: Modelling time-varying epidemiological parameters
for COVID-19
Authors: Kuruoglu E. E. and Li Y.
Title: TiAssisto - Una piattaforma di tele-assistenza e telemonitoraggio di pazienti affetti da Covid-19 - Incontro con i
Medici di Medicina Generale coinvolti nel progetto
Author: Martinelli M.
Abstract: Incontro con i Medici di Medicina Generale coinvolti nel progetto TiAssisto: descrizione della piattaforma
di telemedicina di tele-assistenza e tele-monitoraggio di
pazienti affetti da Covid-19.
Title: On some scientific results of the ICPR-2020
Authors: Gurevich I. B. and Moroni D. and Pascali M. A.
and Yashina V. V.
DOI: 10.1134/s1054661821030093
Abstract: This special issue of PRIA is devoted to some
scientific results and trends of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (Virtual, Milano, Italy, January 10–15, 2021). Two important events of ICPR-2020
are represented in this special issue: (1) The paper of
Professor Ching Yee Suen (Centre for Pattern Recognition
and Machine Intelligence, Department of Computer Science
and Software Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal,
QC, Canada)–the recent winner of IAPR very prestigious
K.S. Fu Prize for a year of 2020. The paper based on
his lecture “From handwriting to human personality and
facial beauty” presented at the ICPR 2020; (2) Special issue
“ICPR-2020 Workshop “Image Mining. Theory and Applications.” The analysis of the scientific contribution of IMTAVII-2021 allows us to draw the following conclusions: (1)
The construction of a unified mathematical theory of image
analysis is still far from complete. (2) There is considerable
interest in the development of new mathematical methods for
analyzing and evaluating information presented in the form
of images. (3) There is a tendency to expand the mathematical
apparatus in the development of new methods of image
analysis and recognition by involving in this process areas of
mathematics that were not previously used in image analysis.
(4) The gap between the capabilities of new mathematical
methods of image analysis and recognition and their actual
use in solving applied problems remains significant. (5) There
is an excessive use of neural networks in solving applied
problems of image analysis and image recognition, and quite
often without proper justification and interpretation of the
results. The special issue includes articles based on the
workshop papers selected by the IMTA-VII-2021 Program
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
Committee for publication in PRIA. The PRIA special issue
“Scientific Resume of the 25th International Conference on
Pattern Recognition” is prepared by the National Committee
for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, the IAPR member society, and by the
IAPR Technical Committee no. 16 on Algebraic and Discrete
Mathematical Techniques in Pattern Recognition and Image
Title: Special Issue "Remote sensing for maritime and water
Authors: Pieri G. and Reggiannini M.
Title: Signals and Images in Sea Technologies
Authors: Moroni D. and Salvetti O.
DOI: 10.3390/jmse9010041
Title: PsicoTableau: sperimentazione artistica sui livelli
di attivazione e valenza emotiva attuata mediante sensori
Author: Ratto C.
Abstract: Questo lavoro di tesi consiste nello studio e nella
realizzazione di un’installazione audiovisiva reattiva allo
stato emotivo del visitatore. Sebbene il lavoro si inserisca in
un panorama ormai ben consolidato come quello delle arti
elettroniche interattive, la particolare modalità di interazione
uomo-macchina che utilizza la caratterizza sufficientemente
da renderla sicuramente non comune. Laddove la maggior
parte delle opere interattive presuppone di utilizzare la
presenza fisica e la gestualità per attivare e/o controllare i
contenuti, siano essi audio video o cinetici, in questo lavoro
si è scelto di utilizzare lo stato emotivo come impalpabile
catalizzatore dei media. La filosofia adottata sposta quindi
il valore estetico dell’opera dagli aspetti più "retinici" a
quelli più concettuali: è il meccanismo in sé che costituisce
l’operazione estetica, non (solo) i risultati/output che produce e controlla.
HIS section reports the software packages and infrastructures that have seen significant progress during the
year. They are very different in purposes and nature, being
TELEECO a web consultation system, Chromstuct a scientific software for computational biology, and TAUMUS a
software heritage initiative to keep track of pioneering work
in computer music carried out in Pisa in the 70ies.
Teleconsulto ecografico polmonare per la medicina di emergenza
Author : Martinelli M., Salerno D., Guerrini E., Bulletti F.,
Barbieri G., Pratali L., Ghiadoni L., Rugna M., Magazzini S.,
Ponchietti S. and Spinelli S.
Contact: Massimo Martinelli (
[email protected])
Description : TELEECO is a Web teleconsultation system
for the Emergency Health Service of the central Tuscan
Health Authority to provide a second evaluation of signs,
symptoms and ultrasound images. Starting from the results
of a former EC project e-Rés@mont, these activities were
conducted in collaboration with the CNR Institute of Clinical
Physiology. Artificial Intelligence-based methods provide
classifications of pathologies, and clinical decision support
theory provides suggestions based on clinical protocols and
physicians’ knowledge [141].
Reconstruction of 3D chromatin structure from chromosome
conformation capture data
Source : Software, 2018, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, 2018-388694
DOI : 10.13140/RG.2.2.26123.39208
Contact: Claudia Caudai (
[email protected])
Description: This Python code provides an estimate of
the 3D structure of the chromatin fibre in cell nuclei from
the contact frequency data produced by a ’Chromosome
conformation capture’ experiment. The only input required
is a text file containing a general real matrix of contact
frequencies. The code features a GUI where all the tune-able
parameters are made available to the user. The fibre is divided
in independent segments whose structures are first estimated
separately and then modelled as single elements of a lowerresolution fibre, which is treated iteratively in the same
way until it cannot be divided anymore into independent
segments. The full-resolution chain is then reconstructed by
another iterative procedure. See the Readme file and the cited
references for more detail.
Research Activities Report of 2021
Software controlling the real-time computer-music system
Description: TAUmus is the software controlling the realtime computer-music system TAU2-TAUMUS, developed in
the 70’s of the XX century at IEI and CNUCE in Pisa under
the leadership of Maestro P. Grossi [187]. Thanks to the
SWHAP@Pisa project under the framework of the UNESCO
initiative Software Heritage, the software has been carefully
collected and organized together with original raw materials.
The repository has a branch containing a small excerpt of
the development history of the source code: some samples of
session scripts that use the TAUmus commands to generate
computer music on the audio-terminal TAU2 and a few IBM
360 FORTRAN files from the TAUmus command interpreter
Contact: Massimo Magrini (
[email protected])
[1] Amura A., Aldini A., Landi L., Pisani L., Salerno E., Soro M. V., Tonazzini A., Torre M., Triolo Paolo A. M., and Zantedeschi G. Algoritmi di
image analysis applicati alle immagini diagnostiche: nuove metodologie
per l’analisi conoscitiva ed estrazione semi-automatica della mappatura
del degrado. Kermes, 2021.
[2] Amura A., Aldini A., Pagnotta S., Salerno E., Tonazzini A., and Triolo P.
Analysis of diagnostic images of artworks and feature extraction: design
of a methodology. JOURNAL OF IMAGING, 7, 2021.
[3] Amura A., Tonazzini A., Salerno E., Pagnotta S., and Palleschi V. Color
segmentation and neural networks for automatic graphic relief of the state
of conservation of artworks. Color Culture and Science Journal, 2020.
[4] Benassi A., Bruno A., Galesi G., Moroni D., Pardini F., Ovidio Salvetti
O., and Martinelli M. Barilla Agrosat+: quarto aggiornamento. Technical
report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
[5] Benassi A., Carboni A., Colantonio S., Coscetti S., Germanese D., Jalil
B., Leone G.R., Magnavacca J., Magrini M., Martinelli M., Matarese F.,
Moroni D., Paradisi P., Pardini F., Pascali M., Pieri G., Reggiannini M.,
Righi M., Salvetti O., and Tampucci M. Augmented reality and intelligent
systems in Industry 4.0, 2020.
[6] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla AgroSat+: flusso modulo
AI. Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
[7] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla agrosat+ - aggiornamento
09/21. Technical report, 2021.
[8] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla agrosat+ - aggiornamento
12/21. Technical report, 2021.
[9] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla agrosat+ - aggiornamento
modelli e beta release. Technical report, 2021.
[10] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla agrosat+ - insetti,
aggiornamento modelli, merge, gestore richiesta, et al. Technical report,
[11] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla agrosat+ - preparazione
al "test day". Technical report, 2021.
[12] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla agrosat+ - riorganizzazione task e nuovi modelli. Technical report, 2021.
[13] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla agrosat+ aggiornamento
10/21. Technical report, 2021.
[14] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla agrosat+ organi,
aggiornamenti, confronti. Technical report, 2021.
[15] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Barilla agrosat+ server, client e
modelli. Technical report, 2021.
[16] Bruno A., Moroni D., and Martinelli M. Efficient improvements in
artificial intelligence. Technical report, 2021.
[17] Bruno A., Moroni D., Martinelli M., Rocchi L., Dainelli R., and Toscano
P. Barilla Agrosat+: interazione app-server e modelli. Technical report,
ISTI-CNR, 2020.
[18] Bruno A., Moroni D., Martinelli M., Rocchi L., Dainelli R., and Toscano
P. Barilla Agrosat+: protocollo di comunicazione. Technical report, ISTICNR, 2020.
[19] Bruno A., Moroni D., Dainelli R., Rocchi L., Toscano P., Ferrari E., and
Martinelli M. Improving plant disease classification by adaptive minimal
ensembling. Technical report, 2021.
[20] Bruno A., Martinelli M., Moroni D., Bastiani L., Pratali L., Cicalini
D., Memmini S., and Tomei A. Tiassisto 0.0.3 - analisi del flusso
di funzionamento della piattaforma di telemedicina - aggiornamento
26/7/2021. Technical report, 2021.
[21] Bruno A., Nardini F. M., Pibiri G. E., Trani R., and Venturini R. Tsxor: a
simple time series compression algorithm. In SPIRE 2021 - International
Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, pp. 217–
223, France, Lille (Virtual Event), 04/10/2021-06/10/2021, 2021.
[22] Carboni A., Russo D., Moroni D., Barsocchi P., Nikolov A., Dantas
C., Guardado D., Leandro A. F., Van Staalduinen W., Karanastasis E.,
Andronikou V., Ganzarain J., Rus S., Lievens F., Oliveira Vieira J., Juiz
C., Bermejo B., Samuelsson C., Ekström A., Fernanda Cabrera umpierrez
M. F., De Los Rios Peres S., and Van Berlo A. Success and hindrance
factors of aha-oriented open service platforms. In ICCCI 2021 - 13th
International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence, pp.
656–668, Rhodes, Greece, September 29 - October 1, 2021. Springer
Nature Switzerland, Basel, CHE, 2021.
[23] Carboni A., Massoli F. V., Moroni D., Leone G. R., and Falchi F.
Weareclouds@lucca - d1.3 definizione dei requisiti. Technical report,
ISTI Project report, WeAreClouds@Lucca, D1.3, 2020, 2020.
[24] Nacci A., Bastiani L., Barillari M.R., Martinelli M., Lechien J. R., Simoni
F., Berrettini S., and Fattori B. Reflux symptom index (rsi) and singing
voice handicap index (svhi) in singing students. a pilot study. Journal of
Voice, 2020.
[25] Nacci A., Bastiani L., Barillari M.R., Lechien J. R., Martinelli M.,
De Bortoli N., Berrettini S., and Fattori B. Assessment and diagnostic
accuracy evaluation of the reflux symptom index (rsi) scale: Psychometric properties using optimal scaling techniques. Annals of Otology,
Rhinology & Laryngology, 2020.
[26] Negm A., Hossen H., Elsahabi M., Makboul O., and Scozzari A. Estimation of sediment capacity of aswan high dam lake utilizing remotely
sensed bathymetric data: case study active sedimentation portion of nubia. In EGU General Assembly 2021, Online Conference, 19-30/04/2021,
[27] Novellino A., Colombo F., Gianvincenzo A. Pieri G., and Tampucci M.
Nautilos - data management plan. Technical report, 2021.
[28] Scozzari A., Mounce S., Han D., Soldovieri F., and Solomatine D. ICT
for Smart Water Systems: measurements and data science. Springer,
[29] Scozzari A., Vignudelli S., and Negm A. Lake water level estimated by a
purely radiometric measurement: An experiment with the slstr radiometer
onboard sentinel-3 satellites. In 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation
and Measurement Technology Conference. IEEE-Institute Of Electrical
And Electronics Engineers Inc., Piscataway, USA, 2020.
[30] Scozzari A., Vignudelli S., Elsahabi M., Galal N., Khairy M., and Negm
A. Synergy between optical imaging radiometry and radar altimetry for
inland waters: an experience with sentinel-3 on the nasser lake, 2020.
[31] Mattia Angelini, Vito Ferrulli, Francesco Banterle, Massimiliano Corsini,
Maria Antonietta Pascali, Paolo Cignoni, and Daniela Giorgi. ViDA 3D:
Towards a View-based Dataset for Aesthetic prediction on 3D models.
In Silvia Biasotti, Ruggero Pintus, and Stefano Berretti, editors, Smart
Tools and Apps for Graphics - Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference.
The Eurographics Association, 2020.
[32] Gurevich I. B., Moroni D., Pascali M. A., and Yashina V. V. On some
scientific results of the icpr-2020, 2021.
[33] Hussain B., Jalil B., Pascali M.A., Imran M., Serafino G., Moroni D.,
and Ghelfi P. Thermal vulnerability detection in integrated electronic and
photonic circuits using infrared thermography. Applied optics, 2020.
[34] Leporini B. and Galesi G. Creare un documento accessibile. Technical
report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
[35] Leporini B., Buzzi M., and Hersh M. Distance meetings during the covid19 pandemic: are video conferencing tools accessible for blind people?
In W4A’21 - 18th International Web for All Conference, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 19-20/04/2021, 2021.
[36] Leporini B., Rosellini M., and Forgione N. Designing assistive technology for getting more independence for blind people when performing
everyday tasks: an auditory-based tool as a case study. Journal of ambient
intelligence & humanized computing, 2020.
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
[37] Leporini B. and T Paratore M. Using localisation technologies and haptic
feedback for a more inclusive society. ERCIM news, 127:36–37, 2021.
[38] Leporini B., Rossetti V., Furfari F., Pelagatti S., and Quarta A. Design
guidelines for an interactive 3d model as a supporting tool for exploring
a cultural site by visually impaired and sighted people. ACM transactions
on accessible computing, 2020.
[39] F. Barontini, G. C. Bettelani, B. Leporini, G. Averta, and M. Bianchi. A
user-centered approach to artificial sensory substitution for blind people
assistance. In 5th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation
(ICNR2020), October 13-16, 2020 (online), (poster). Springer, 2020.
[40] Martinelli M. Bastiani L., Paolicchi F. and Gerasia R. Radiazioni Ionizzanti e Popolazione Generale. Cosa sanno gli Italiani delle procedure
radiologiche in Medicina. CNR, Roma, Italy, 2020.
[41] Agazzi G. C., Valoti P., Bastiani L., Denoth F., Pratali Ll., D’Angelo G.,
Carrara B., Parigi G. B., Malanninom., Spinelli A., Calderoli A., Orizio
L., Giardini G., Salvetti O., Moroni D., Martinelli M., and Mrakic Sposta
S. Mediterranean diet mitigates acute mountain sickness. In ISMM2021 Virtual XIII World Congress on mountain medicine, Online Conference,
June 14-16, 2021, 2021.
[42] Biyik C., Allam Z., Pieri G., Moroni D., O’fraifer M., O’connell E.,
Olariu S., and Khalid M. Smart parking systems: reviewing thelliterature,
architecture and ways forward. Smart cities (Basel), 4:623–642, 2021.
[43] Caudai C., Galizia A., Geraci F., Le Pera L., Morea V., Salerno E., Via A.,
and Colombo T. Ai applications in functional genomics. Computational
and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 19:5762–5790, 2021.
[44] Caudai C., Zoppè M., Tonazzini A., Merelli I., and Salerno E. Integration
of multiple resolution data in 3d chromatin reconstruction using chromstruct. Biology (Basel), 10:338, 2021.
[45] Caudai C., Colantonio S., Franchini M., Molinaro S., Pascali M. A.,
Pieroni S., and Salvatori M. Imaging e radiomica nell’ambito del progetto
p.i.n.k. In Terzo Webinar del ciclo Agorà P.I.N.K, 21/6/2021, 2021.
[46] De Martin C., Leporini B., and Pellegrino G. Verso la descrizione
automatica delle immagini nell’editoria digitale accessibile: proposta di
una tassonomia di immagini per gli algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale.
In AIUCD 2021 - 10° conferenza nazionale, pp. 480–483, Online Conference, 19-22/01/2021, 2021.
[47] Dolciotti C., Magrini M., Moroni D., and Righi M. Track-hold system (ths): sperimentazione e validazione delle soluzioni tecnologiche
derivanti dal progetto track-hold. Technical report, 2021.
[48] Ratto C. Psicotableau: sperimentazione artistica sui livelli di attivazione
e valenza emotiva attuata mediante sensori biomedici. Master’s thesis,
[49] Zhilla C., Galesi G., and Leporini B. Lisa - lingua italiana dei segni
accessibile: a progressive web app to support communication between
deaf people and public administrations. In GOODTECHS 2021 - International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good,
pp. 153–162, Online Conference, 15-17/09/2021, 2021.
[50] Zhilla C., Galesi G., and Leporini B. Sign language gifs exchange
communication system: a pecs-based computer-mediated communication
tool for the deaf. In INTERACT 2021 - 18th IFIP TC 13 International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Part V), pp. 490, Bari,
Italy, 30/08/2021 - 03/09/2021, 2021.
[51] Antonello Calabrò, Eda Marchetti, Davide Moroni, and Gabriele Pieri.
A dynamic and scalable solution for improving daily life safety. In
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applications of
Intelligent Systems, pages 1–6, 2019.
[52] Claudia Caudai, Emanuele Salerno, Monica Zoppe, Ivan Merelli, and
Anna Tonazzini. Chromstruct 4: a python code to estimate the chromatin
structure from hi-c data. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational
biology and bioinformatics, 16(6):1867–1878, 2018.
[53] Claudia Caudai, Emanuele Salerno, Monica Zoppe, and Anna Tonazzini.
Estimation of the spatial chromatin structure based on a multiresolution
bead-chain model. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology
and bioinformatics, 16(2):550–559, 2018.
[54] Simone Coscetti, Davide Moroni, Gabriele Pieri, and Marco Tampucci.
Augmented reality for tissue converting maintenance. In 2019 15th
International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based
Systems (SITIS), pages 585–590. IEEE, 2019.
[55] Caramella D., Paolicchi F., Dore A., Feriani G., Aringhieri G., Pozzessere
C., Di Coscio L., Marcheschi A., Grattadauria S., Bastiani L., Trivellini
G., Serasini L., Banti D., Martinelli M., Benassi A., Galesi G., Pardini
F., Salvetti O., Chiappino D., Micaela P., Rinaldi R., Della Latta D.,
Martini C., Curlo I., Rossi G., Cornacchione P., Giardina M., Carnevali
F., Iacovone S., Pertoldi D., Favat M., Contato E., Pelati C., Baccarin
F., Negro D., Pizzi M., Gelmi C., Carlevaris P., Rossato C., Ribaudo
K., Ceccarelli M., Saba L., Muntoni E., Caoci D., Busonera C., Spano
A., Tronci A., Mura M., Giannoni D., Tamburrino P., Leggieri V., Rizzo
V., Farese R., Pastore S., Rossetti F., Nuzzi G., Calligari D., Cioce P.,
Di Fuccia G., Liparulo M., Petriccione G., Romano S., Stringile M.,
Travaglione G., Negri J., Marinelli E., Angelini G., Gerasia R., and
Lo Sardo C. Radiazioni Ionizzanti e Popolazione Generale - RadIoPoGe.
CNR, Roma, Italy, 2020.
Cicalini D. and Martinelli M. Tiassisto - analisi del flusso di funzionamento della piattaforma di telemedicina. Technical report, 2021.
Masini D., Moroni D., Pieri G., Tampucci M., and Viani A. Iride - d2.7:
Piano dei test. Technical report, Project Report, IRIDE, D2.7, 2020, 2020.
Masini D., Moroni D., Pieri G., Tampucci M., and Viani A. Iride - d2.8:
Report dei test. Technical report, Project Report, IRIDE, D2.8, 2020,
Masini D., Coscetti S., Moroni D., Pieri G. Tampucci M., Viani A.,
Conventi D., and Moretti A. Iride - d2.6: Prototipo di sistema di supporto
alla manutenzione e controllo mediante funzionalità di realtà aumentata
su dispositivi portatili. Technical report, Project Report, IRIDE, D2.6,
2020, 2020.
Moroni D. and Pascali M. A. Learning topology: bridging computational
topology and machine learning. Pattern recognition and image analysis,
31:443–453, 2021.
Moroni D. and Pascali M. A. Learning topology: bridging computational
topology and machine learning. In ICPR 2021: Pattern Recognition.
ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Milan, Italy - Fully
virtual event, 11/01/2021. Springer, Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, CHE, 2021.
Moroni D. and Salvetti O. Signals and images in sea technologies, page
130. MDPI, 2021.
Moroni D. and Salvetti O. Signals and images in sea technologies, 2021.
Francesco Di Tullio, Paolo Paradisi, Renato Spigler, and Gianni Pagnini.
Gaussian processes in complex media: new vistas on anomalous diffusion. Frontiers in Physics, 7:123, 2019.
Mario d’Acunto, Davide Moroni, Alessandro Puntoni, and Ovidio Salvetti. Optimized dislocation of mobile sensor networks on large marine
environments using voronoi partitions. Journal of Marine Science and
Engineering, 8(2):132, 2020.
Kuruoglu E. E. and Li Y. Modelling time-varying epidemiological
parameters for covid-19, 2021.
Pachetti E. and Colantonio S. Technical report on the development and
interpretation of convolutional neural networks for the classification of
multiparametric mri images on unbalanced datasets. case study: prostate
cancer. Technical report, 2021.
Salerno E. Identifying value-increasing actions for cultural heritage
assets through sensitivity analysis of multicriteria evaluation results.
Sustainability, 2020.
Salerno E. Integration of analysis of the hierarchical process and
dempster-shafer theory for cooperative evaluation tasks. Technical report,
ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Salerno E. Sensitivity analysis to plan meliorative actions on a cultural
heritage asset evaluated through a multicriteria decision making method.
Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Salerno E. Uso di tecniche di sparse independent component analysis
per l’estrazione di regioni di interesse in opere pittoriche e grafiche.
Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Salerno E. Geometric and scattering features for ship classification from
sentinel 1 sar images. Technical report, 2021.
Salerno E. Multiple kernel learning to classify vessels from naive
geometrical features. Technical report, 2021.
Salerno E. Naive bayes for naive geometry: classifying vessels from
length and beam. Technical report, 2021.
Salerno E. Using random forests to classify vessels from naive geometrical features. Technical report, 2021.
Salerno E., Martinelli M., Reggiannini M., Righi M., and Tampucci M.
Osiris-fo - osiris pdr meeting - cnr-isti current status. Technical report,
Abd elaty I., Zelenakova M., Straface S., Vranayová Z., Abuhashim M.,
Negm A., and Scozzari A. Investigating the possible measure to protect
groundwater from polluted streams in arid and semi-arid regions: the
eastern nile delta case study. In EGU General Assembly 2021, Online
Conference, 19-30/04/2021, 2021.
Barontini F., Catalano M. G., Pallottino L., Leporini B., and Bianchi M.
Integrating wearable haptics and obstacle avoidance for the visually im-
Research Activities Report of 2021
paired in indoor navigation: a user-centered approach. IEEE transactions
on haptics, 2020.
Barontini F., Catalano M. G., Pallottino L., Leporini B., and Bianchi M.
Integrating wearable haptics and obstacle avoidance for the visually impaired in indoor navigation: a user-centered approach. IEEE transactions
on haptics (Print), 14:109–122, 2021.
De Biasio F., Vignudelli S., Scozzari A., Papa A., Zecchetto S., and
Baldin G. Estimating relative and absolute sea level rise and vertical
land movement rates in the adriatic sea with in situ observations and the
esa sl_cci altimetry dataset. In ESA Coastal Altimetry Workshop, 2020.
Gioia F., Pascali M. A., Greco A., Colantonio S., and Scilingo E. P. Discriminating stress from cognitive load using contactless thermal imaging
devices. In EMBC 2021 - 43rd Annual International Conference of the
IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, pp. 608–611, Online
Conference, 30/10/2021, 5/11/2021. IEEE, New York, USA, 2021.
Matarese F., Magnavacca J., and Magrini M. Una metodologia di
sviluppo di applicazioni di realtà aumentata per i beni culturali applicata
ad un caso di studio: il parco di pinocchio. Technical report, 2021.
Matarese F. and Magrini M. Venturino Venturi e la Piazzetta dei Mosaici
del Parco di Pinocchio. Edizioni Fondazione Carlo Collodi, 2021.
Paolicchi F., Martinelli M., and Bastiani L. Cosa sa la popolazione
generale delle radiazioni ionizzanti?, 2020.
Saffarimiandoab F., Mattesini R., Fu W., Kuruoglu E. E., and Zhang X.
Insights on features’ contribution to desalination dynamics and capacity
of capacitive deionization through machine learning study. Desalination
(Amst.), 515, 2021.
Agazzi G., Bastiani L., Pratali L., Valoti P., Carrara B., Parigi G. B.,
Malannino M., Spinelli A., Calderoli A., Orizio L., D’Angelo G., Giardini G., Moroni D., Sposta S. M., and Martinelli M. Le style de vie des
montagnards. In 5e Colloque de médecine de montagne et d’aventure,
Betti G., Landucci D., Masini D., Coscetti S., Labbozzetta E., Moroni
D., Pieri G., Tampucci M., and Reggiannini M. Iride - piano dei test
(deliverable d1.6 di oo1). Technical report, ISTI Project report, IRIDE,
D1.6, 2020, 2020.
Betti G., Landucci D., Masini D., Coscetti S., Labbozzetta E., Moroni
D., Pieri G., Tampucci M., and Reggiannini M. Iride - realizzazione
e sperimentazione di un prototipo di sistema integrato di monitoraggio,
controllo e ispezione. Technical report, ISTI Project report, IRIDE, D1.5,
2020, 2020.
Betti G., Landucci D., Masini D., Coscetti S., Labbozzetta E., Moroni
D., Pieri G., Tampucci M., and Reggiannini M. Iride - report dei test
(deliverable d1.7 di oo1). Technical report, ISTI Project report, IRIDE,
D1.7, 2020, 2020.
Galesi G. Esempi applicativi di app realizzate con thunkable, 2021.
Galesi G. Introduzione a thunkable, 2021.
Galesi G., Giunipero L., Leporini B., Pagliucoli F., Quatraro A., and Verdi
G. Selflens: A personal assistive technology to support the independence
of people with special needs in reading information on food items. In
ICCHP 2020 - 17th International Conference on Computers Helping
People with Special Needs. Springer International Publishing, CH-6330
Cham (ZG), CHE, 2020.
Galesi G., Giunipero L., Leporini B., and Verdi G. Selflens: a portable
tool to facilitate all people in getting information on food items. In AVI
’20: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual
Interfaces, 2020.
Galesi G. and Martinelli M. How to effectively implement a multimedia
telegram bot. Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Pieri G. A new approach to underwater technologies for innovative, lowcost ocean observation: Nautilos. ERCIM News, 2020.
Pieri G. Nautilos - a - requirement no. 3. Technical report, 2021.
Pieri G. Nautilos - epq - requirement no. 5. Technical report, 2021.
Pieri G. Nautilos - external advisory board report 1. Technical report,
Pieri G. Nautilos - nec - requirement no. 4. Technical report, 2021.
Pieri G., Gianvincenzo A., Novellino A., and Deluca R. Nautilos - popd
- requirement no. 2. Technical report, 2021.
Pieri G., Ntoumas M., Martinelli M., Chatzinikolaou E., Martins F.,
Novellino A., Dimitrova N., Keller K., King A., Smerdon A., Mazza M.,
Malardé D., Cocco M., Torres A., Triantafyllou G., Sá S., João Bebianno
M., Sparnocchia S., Kristiansen T., and Lusher A. New technology
improves our understanding of changes in the marine environment. In 9th
EuroGOOS International conference, pp. 500–508, Online Conference,
May 3-5, 2021, 2021.
[102] Pieri G. and Reggiannini M. Special issue "remote sensing for maritime
and water monitoring", 2021.
[103] Pieri G. and Dimitrova N. Nautilos - d1.1: Report on management
procedures. Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
[104] Pieri G., Deluca R., and Chatzinikolaou E. Nautilos - h - requirement no.
1. Technical report, 2021.
[105] Michela Gabelloni, Lorenzo Faggioni, Simona Attanasio, Vanina Vani,
Antonio Goddi, Sara Colantonio, Danila Germanese, Claudia Caudai,
Luca Bruschini, Mariella Scarano, Veronica Seccia, and Emanuele Neri.
Can magnetic resonance radiomics analysis discriminate parotid gland
tumors? a pilot study. Diagnostics, 10(11), 2020.
[106] Bettelani G.C., Averta G., Catalano M. G., Leporini B., and Bianchi M.
Design and validation of the readable device: a single-cell electromagnetic refreshable braille display. IEEE transactions on haptics, 2020.
[107] Bushra Jalil, Giuseppe Riccardo Leone, Massimo Martinelli, Davide
Moroni, Maria Antonietta Pascali, and Andrea Berton. Fault detection
in power equipment via an unmanned aerial system using multi modal
data. Sensors, 19(13):3014, 2019.
[108] Andrzej Klimczuk, Alin Ake-Kob, Aurelija Blazeviciene, Liane
Colonna, Anto Cartolovni, Carina Dantas, Anton Fedosov, Francisco
Florez-Revuelta, Eduard Fosch Villaronga, Zhicheng He, Maksymilian
Kuźmicz, Adrienn Lukacs, Christoph Lutz, Renata Mekovec, Cristina
Miguel, Emilio Mordini, Zada Pajalic, Barbara Krystyna Pierscionek,
Maria Jose Santofimia Romero, Albert Ali Salah, Andrzej Sobecki,
Agusti Solanas, Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, and Sara Colantonio. State of
the art on ethical, legal, and social issues linked to audio-and video-based
AAL solutions. SSRN eLibrary, 2022.
[109] Bastiani L., Paolicchi F. : Faggioni L., Martinelli M., Gerasia R., Martini
C., Cornacchione P., Ceccarelli M., Chiappino D., Della Latta D., Negri
K., Pertoldi D., Negro D., Nuzzi G., Rizzo V., Tamburrino P., Pozzessere
C., Aringhieri G., and Caramella D. Patient perceptions and knowledge
of ionizing radiation from medical imaging. JAMA network open, 4,
[110] Tarabella L. La stella di Deotisalvi. Edizioni ETS, 2021.
[111] Karim Lekadir, Richard Osuala, Catherine Gallin, Noussair Lazrak,
Kaisar Kushibar, Gianna Tsakou, Susanna Aussó, Leonor Cerdá Alberich, Kostas Marias, Manolis Tsiknakis, et al. Future-ai: Guiding
principles and consensus recommendations for trustworthy artificial intelligence in medical imaging. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.09658, 2021.
[112] B. Leporini and G. Catanzaro. App inventor as a developing tool to
increase the accessibility and readability of information: A case study. In
9th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies
for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2020 ),
December 2-4, 2020, (online). ACM, 2020.
[113] Bing Liu. Sentiment analysis and opinion mining. Synthesis lectures on
human language technologies, 5(1):1–167, 2012.
[114] Bacco M., Barsocchi P., Cassarà P., Germanese D., Gotta A., Leone
G.R., Moroni D., Pascali M. A., and Tampucci M. Monitoring ancient
buildings: real deployment of an iot system enhanced by uavs and virtual
reality. IEEE Access, 2020.
[115] Buzzi M., Leporini B., and Romano F. Exploring wai-aria techniques
to enhance screen reader interaction: the case of a portal for rating
accessibility of cultural heritage sites. In Universal Access in HumanComputer Interaction. Design Approaches and Supporting Technologies
- HCII 2020, 2020.
[116] D’Acunto M., Moroni D., Puntoni A., and Salvetti O. Optimized
dislocation of mobile sensor networks on large marine environments
using voronoi partitions. Journal of marine science and engineering,
[117] Del Grosso A. M., Fassi Fihri D., El Mohajir M., Nahli O., and Tonazzini
A. Digital safeguard of laminated historical manuscripts: the treatise
"poem in rajaz on medicine" as a case study. In CiSt’2020 - 6th
IEEE Congress on Information Science & Technology, Agadir-Essaouira,
Morocco, 5-12 June 2021. IEEE, New York, USA, 2020.
[118] Del Grosso A. M., Fihri D. F., Mohajir M. El, Tonazzini A., and Nahli
O. Challenges in the digital analysis of historical laminated manuscripts.
International Journal of Information Science and Technology, 5:34–43,
[119] Hersh M., Leporini B., and Buzzi M. Accessibility evaluation of video
conferencing tools to support disabled people in distance teaching, meetings and other activities. In ICCHP open access compendium "Future
Perspectives of AT, eAccessibility and eInclusion", 2020.
[120] Hersh M., Leporini B., and Buzzi M. Ict to support inclusive education.
introduction to the special thematic session. In ICCHP 2020 - 17th
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special
Needs, 2020.
Khairy M., Hossen H., Elsahabi M., Ghaly S., Scozzari A., and Negm A.
Feasibility of using sentinel-3 in estimating lake nasser water depths. In
EGU General Assembly 2021, Online Conference, 19-30/04/2021, 2021.
Magrini M., Righi M., Moroni D., and Dolciotti C. Un sistema per
la riabilitazione neuromotoria basato su di un ausilio robotico passivo.
Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Magrini M. and Barcaro U. A software package for the study of remsleep microstructure, 2021.
Martinelli M. Deep learning for time series. Technical report, ISTI-CNR,
Martinelli M. Ia - Intelligenza Artificiale, 2020.
Martinelli M. Intelligenza Artificiale, 2020.
Martinelli M. Il mondo delle app e la montagna. In SIMeM 2021 Il Cambiamento Climatico e la Frequentazione della Montagna nell’era
post Covid-19, Online e in presenza a Torino, 25/09/2021, 2021.
Martinelli M. Tiassisto - una piattaforma di tele-assistenza e telemonitoraggio di pazienti affetti da covid-19 - incontro con i medici di
medicina generale coinvolti nel progetto, 2021.
Martinelli M. and Benassi A. Segnali e Immagini, 2020.
Martinelli M., Benassi A., Bruno A., and Moroni D. Progetto dioncogen.
rapporto attività cnr-isti. Technical report, 2021.
Martinelli M., Bruno A., and Moroni D. Progetto dioncogen cloudpathology - secondo test di valutazione delle informazioni sul secondo dataset.
Technical report, 2021.
Martinelli M., Bruno A., and Moroni D. Tiassisto - obiettivo operativo 4.
Technical report, 2021.
Martinelli M. and Moroni D. Barilla Agrosat+: primo prototipo. Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Martinelli M. and Moroni D. Barilla Agrosat+: secondo prototipo.
Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Martinelli M. and Moroni D. Barilla Agrosat+: terzo aggiornamento.
Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Martinelli M. and Moroni D.
Barilla Agrosat+: workflow
riconoscimento-ai. Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Martinelli M. and Moroni D. Primo test di valutazione delle informazioni
- progetto Cloudpathology-dioncogen. Technical report, ISTI-CNR,
Martinelli M. and Moroni D. Secondo test di valutazione delle informazioni - progetto Cloudpathology-dioncogen. Technical report, ISTICNR, 2020.
Martinelli M., Moroni D., Pardini F., Benassi A., and Salvetti O. Forecasting industrial components life cycle: Futura prototype 1. Technical
report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Martinelli M., Moroni D., Reggiannini M., Righi M., Salerno E., and
Tampucci M. Osiris-fo. Technical report, ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Martinelli M., Salerno D., Guerrini E., Bulletti F., Barbieri G., Pratali
L., Ghiadoni L., Rugna M., Magazzini S., Ponchietti S., and Spinelli S.
Teleconsulto ecografico polmonare per la medicina di emergenza, 2020.
Martinelli M., Galesi G., Tampucci M., and Moroni D. Tiassisto obiettivo operativo 3. Technical report, 2021.
Martinelli M., Bastiani L., Moroni D., Mrakic-Sposta S., Giardini G., and
Pratali L. High altitude mountain telemedicine. Journal of telemedicine
and telecare, 2020.
Martinelli M., Bastiani L., Pratali L., Memmini S., and Tomei A. Tiassisto - analisi del flusso di funzionamento della piattaforma di telemedicina - aggiornamento. Technical report, 2021.
Martinelli M., Reggiannini M., Righi M., Salerno E., and Tampucci M.
Optical/sar data and system integration for rush identification of ship
models osiris 2 - esa project the ground truth data base. Technical report,
ISTI-CNR, 2020.
Martinelli M., Deluca R., and Moroni D. Ti assisto - sistema informativo.
Technical report, 2021.
Reggiannini M. Ship kinematics estimation based on doppler centroid
deviation in synthetic aperture radar images. Technical report, 2021.
Reggiannini M., Janeiro J., Martins F., Papini O., and Pieri G. Mesoscale
patterns identification through sst image processing. In ROBOVIS
2021 - 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and
Intelligent Systems, pp. 165–172, Online Conference, 27-28/10/2021.
SciTePress, Lisbona, PRT, 2021.
Righi M. and Bertini G. Introduzione al trattamento del rumore nelle
protesi acustiche. Technical report, 2021.
[150] Righi M., Magrini M., Dolciotti C., and Moroni D. A system for
neuromotor based rehabilitation on a passive robotic aid. Sensors (Basel),
21, 2021.
[151] Massimo Magrini, James Magnavacca, and Fabrizio Matarese. A multiblock method to improve 2d tracking in outdoor augmented reality applications. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing
and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom
Workshops), pages 97–99. IEEE, 2022.
[152] Massimo Magrini, Fabrizio Matarese, and Davide Moroni. Test and
validation of a multi-block solution for improved tracking in outdoor
scenarios: A case study in the pinocchio park. Information, 13(10):449,
[153] Massimo Martinelli and Davide Moroni. Volunteered geographic information for enhanced marine environment monitoring. Applied Sciences,
8(10):1743, 2018.
[154] Meta Platform, Inc. React native., 2021.
[155] Davide Moroni, Gabriele Pieri, Marco Reggiannini, and Marco Tampucci. A mobile crowdsensing app for improved maritime security
and awareness. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive
Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events
(PerCom Workshops), pages 103–105. IEEE, 2022.
[156] Davide Moroni, Gabriele Pieri, and Marco Tampucci. Environmental
decision support systems for monitoring small scale oil spills: Existing
solutions, best practices and current challenges. Journal of Marine
Science and Engineering, 7(1):19, 2019.
[157] Davide Moroni, Gabriele Pieri, Marco Tampucci, and Ovidio Salvetti. A
proactive system for maritime environment monitoring. Marine pollution
bulletin, 102(2):316–322, 2016.
[158] Karakus O., Kuruoglu E. E., and Achim A. A generalized gaussian
extension to the rician distribution for sar image modeling. IEEE
transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 2021.
[159] Karakus O., Kuruoglu E. E., and Altinkaya M. A. Modelling impulsive
noise in indoor powerline communication systems. Signal, image and
video processing, 2020.
[160] Papini O. A tool for the temporal analysis of sea surface temperature
maps. Technical report, 2021.
[161] Papini O., Pieri G., and Reggiannini M. Image processing applied to
temperature pattern identification. In ISTI Day(s) 2021, Online event,
23/11/2021, 2021.
[162] Papini O., Reggiannini M., and Pieri G. Sst image processing for
mesoscale patterns identification. Engineering proceedings (Basel), 8,
[163] Pecchio O., Martinelli M., Lupi G., Giardini G., Caligiana L., Bonin S.,
Scalese M., Salvetti O., Moroni D., and Bastiani L. Acupuncture effects
on cerebral blood flow during normoxia and normobaric hypoxia: results
from a prospective crossover pilot study. Technologies (Basel), 9, 2021.
[164] Open Geospatial Consortium. GeoServer., 2021.
Last retrieved December 7, 2022.
[165] Open Geospatial Consortium. PostGis., 2021. Last
retrieved December 7, 2022.
[166] Ambrosi P., Costagli M., Kuruoglu E. E., Biagi L., Buonincontri G., and
Tosetti M. Modeling brain connectivity dynamics in functional magnetic
resonance imaging via particle filtering. Brain informatics (Online), 8,
[167] Coltelli P., Barsanti L., and Gualtieri P. Unveiling the secrets of escher’s
lithographs. Journal of Imaging, 2020.
[168] Paradisi P., Raglianti M., and Sebastiani L. Online communication and
body language. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 15, 2021.
[169] Savino P. and Tonazzini A. A procedure for the correction of backto-front degradations in archival manuscripts with preservation of the
original appearance. Vietnam journal of computer science (Online),
[170] Abileah R., Vignudelli S., and Scozzari A. The algorithm for processing
specular echoes. In ESA Coastal Altimetry Workshop, 2020.
[171] Abileah R., Vignudelli S., and Scozzari A. Inland radar altimetry
for intermediate scale water bodies with nadir specular echoes and a
constellation of small satellites. In ESA Coastal Altimetry Workshop,
[172] Buongiorno R. Analisi di immagini tomografiche ad alta risoluzione
attraverso reti neurali convoluzionali per lo studio delle interstiziopatie
polmonari. Master’s thesis, University of Pisa, 2020.
[173] Buongiorno R., Germanese D., Romei C., Tavanti L., De Liperi A.,
and Colantonio S. Uip-net: a decoder-encoder cnn for the detection
and quantification of usual interstitial pneumoniae pattern in lung ct
Research Activities Report of 2021
scan images. In ICPR 2021: Pattern Recognition. ICPR International
Workshops and Challenges, pp. 389–405, Milan, Italy - Virtual event,
10-15/01/2021. Springer International Publishing, CH-6330 Cham (ZG),
CHE, 2021.
Buongiorno R., Colantonio S., and Germanese D. Analisi di immagini
tomografiche ad alta risoluzione attraverso reti neurali convoluzionali per
lo studio delle interstiziopatie polmonari. Technical report, ISTI-CNR,
Leone G. R., Moroni D., Magrini M., Pardini F., and Carboni A. Space
- documento di studio e definizione delle tecnologie e degli algoritmi di
analitica del trasporto pubblico. Technical report, 2021.
Leone G. R., Righi M., Carboni A., Caudai C., Colantonio S., Kuruoglu E. E., Leporini B., Magrini M., Paradisi P., Pascali M. A., Pieri
G., Reggiannini M., Salerno E., Scozzari A., Tonazzini A., Fusco G.,
Galesi G., Martinelli M., Pardini F., Tampucci M., Buongiorno R., Bruno
A., Germanese D., Matarese F., Coscetti S., Coltelli P., Jalil B., Benassi
A., Bertini G., Salvetti O., and Moroni D. Si-lab annual research report
2020. Technical report, 2021.
Marco Reggiannini and Davide Moroni. The use of saliency in underwater computer vision: A review. Remote Sensing, 13(1), 2021.
Colantonio S., Salvati A., Caudai C., Bonino F., De Rosa L., Pascali M.
A., Germanese D., Brunetto M. R., and Faita F. A deep learning
approach for hepatic steatosis estimation from ultrasound imaging. In
ICCCI 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computational Collective
Intelligence, pp. 703–714, Rhodes, Greece, 29/09/2021,1/10/ 2021, 2021.
Coscetti S., Moroni D., Pieri G., and Tampucci M. Factory maintenance
application using augmented reality. In 3rd International Conference on
Applications of Intelligent Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain,
January 7 - 9, 2020. ACM, Association for computing machinery, New
York, USA, 2020.
Mrakic Sposta S., Gussoni M., Dellanoce C., Marzorati M., Montorsi M.,
Rasica L., Pratali L., D’Angelo G., Martinelli M., Bastiani L., Di Natale
L., and Vezzoli A. Effects of acute and sub-acute hypobaric hypoxia on
oxidative stress: a field study in the alps. European journal of Applied
Physiology, 2020.
Pieroni S., Franchini M., Denoth F., Colantonio S., Tampucci M., Fortunato L., and Molinaro S. Studio pink - le linee di sviluppo. Technical
report, 2021.
L. Sebastiani, M. Magrini, P. Orsini, F. Mastorci, A. Pingitore, and
P. Paradisi. Pilot study on music-heart entrainment in a pianist during
a live performance. In 11th Conference of the European Study Group on
Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), pages 1–2, July 2020.
Aleksic Slavisa, Atanasov Michael, Agius Jean Calleja, Camilleri Kenneth, Cartolovni Anto, Climent-Perez Pau, Colantonio Sara, S, tefania
Cristina Mirica, Despotovic Vladimir, Ekenel Hazim Kemal, Erakin
Ekrem, Florez-Revuelta Francisco, Germanese Danila, Grech Nicole,
Sigurd̄ardóttir Steinunn Gróa, Emirzeoglu Murat, Iliev Ivo, Jovanovic
Mladjan, Kampel Martin, Kearns William, Klimczuk Andrzej, Lambrinos Lambros, Lumetzberger Jennifer, Mucha Wiktor, Noiret Sophie,
Pajalic Zada, Perez Rodrigo Rodriguez, Petrova Galidiya, Petrovica
Sintija, Pocta Peter, Poli Angelica, Pudane Mara, Spinsante Susanna,
Salah Albert Ali, Romero Maria Jose Santofimia, Islind Anna Sigríd̄ur,
Stoicu-Tivadar Lacramioara, Tellioglu Hilda, and Zgank Andrej. State
of the art of audio- and video-based solutions for AAL. SSRN eLibrary,
Vittoria Sposini, Silvia Vitali, Paolo Paradisi, and Gianni Pagnini. Fractional Diffusion and Medium Heterogeneity: The Case of the Continuous
Time Random Walk, pages 275–286. Springer International Publishing,
Cham, 2021.
Mrakic sposta S., Gussoni M., Dellanoce C., Marzorati M., Montorsi M.,
Rasica L., Pratali L., D’Angelo G., Martinelli M., Bastiani L., Natale Di
L., and Vezzoli A. Effects of acute and sub-acute hypobaric hypoxia on
oxidative stress: a field study in the alps. European journal of applied
physiology (Print), 121:297–306, 2021.
Paratore M. T., Buzzi M. C., Buzzi M., and Leporini B. An enriched
emoji picker to improve accessibility in mobile communications. In
INTERACT 2021 - 18th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on HumanComputer Interaction (Part I), pp. 418–433, Bari, Italy, 30/08/2021 03/09/2021, 2021.
Leonello Tarabella, Graziano Bertini, Carlo Raffaelli, and Luca Doni.
L’informatica musicale a Pisa: l’esperienza di Pietro Grossi al CNUCE
e all’IEI istituti del CNR. Pisa University Press, 2019.
Barcaro U. and Magrini M. A software package for the study of remsleep microstructure, 2021.
[189] Massoli F. V., Carboni A., Moroni D, and Falchi F. Weareclouds@lucca
- d1.1 analisi del territorio. Technical report, ISTI Project report,
WeAreClouds@Lucca, D1.1, 2020, 2020.
[190] Massoli F. V., Carboni A., Moroni D., and Falchi F. Weareclouds@lucca
- d1.2 stato dell’arte scientifico. Technical report, ISTI Project report,
WeAreClouds@Lucca, D1.2, 2020, 2020.
[191] Moreign V., Moreign Z., and Martinelli M. Machine learning models and
techniques applied to ctgan-generated data. Journal of machine learning
research (Online), 2021.
[192] Andreas S Weigend. Time series prediction: forecasting the future and
understanding the past. Routledge, 2018.
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
DAVIDE MORONI received the M.Sc. degree
(Hons.) in mathematics from the University of
Pisa, in 2001, the Diploma from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the University of Rome
La Sapienza, in 2006. He is a Researcher with the
Institute of Information Science and Technologies
(ISTI), National Research Council, Italy, Pisa. He
is currently the Head of the Signals and Images
Lab, ISTI. He is the Chair of the MUSCLE working group ( of the European Consortium
for Informatics and Mathematics. Since 2018, he serves as the Chair of
the Technical Committee 16 on Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Techniques in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis ( the
International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). He is an Associate Editor of IET Image Processing. His main research interests include
geometric modeling, computational topology, image processing, computer
vision, and medical imaging. At the moment, he is leading the ISTI-CNR
team in the National Project PON MIUR S4E, working on maritime safety
and security, and in the regional Project IRIDE addressing AR technologies
and computer vision of Industry 4.0.
ANTONIO BENASSI is a Senior Research Associate at the Signals and Images Lab (SI-Lab) since
2014; he is the author of more than 180 scientific
papers and seven patents. His main research topic
is Clinical Engineering and, with this respect,
Antonio has been responsible for the first Clinical Engineering Unit recognized by the Tuscany
Region in 1990. He has contributed to creating
health information systems, to designing devices
and methodologies for acquiring and processing
biomedical signals and images, and to developing technologies for underwater medicine and the extreme environment’s physiology. At the SI-Lab,
he is contributing as an advisor for physiological signal processing themes,
giving relevant pieces of advice for several regional and European projects.
GRAZIANO BERTINI was hired as a technician
from CSCE/CNR in 1965. He received a Master
Degree in Computer Science from the University
of Pisa on 21/7/1975. From January 1976, he was
a researcher within the National Research Council
of Italy within the CNUCE and then within the
IEI. He was a scientific reference of a unit for
various projects and contracts to develop digital
systems and techniques in audio signal processing.
Since 2013 he has been a lecturer of “Sound
signal processing methods”, a bachelor’s degree class in "Audio-prosthetic
Techniques" within the University of Pisa. Nowadays, he is a collaborator of
the Signal and Image Lab of ISTI-CNR.
ANTONIO BRUNO received the Master Degree
in Computer Science from the University of Pisa.
He received a research grant from the Signal and
Images Lab (SI-Lab) of the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) for collaborating on the Barilla AGROSAT Plus project. His
main research interests include deep learning for
structured domain (e.g sequences, trees, images).
ROSSANA BUONGIORNO received the Master
Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Pisa. She is actually a Ph.D. student in
Information Engineering at the University of Pisa
and a Research Fellow at the Signal and Images
Lab (SI-Lab) of the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI). Her main research
interests include methods of data and visual sequences analysis and segmentation based on representation learning and autoencoding approaches,
particularly in the field of Medical Imaging.
ANDREA CARBONI received the M.Sc. degree
in Computer Science from the University of Pisa
in 2008. He is a researcher whithin the Institute
of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI),
National Research Council, Italy, Pisa. His main
research interests includes image processing, computer vision, audio analysis and natural user interfaces.
GIANLUCA CARLONI received the M. Sc. degree (Hons.) in Biomedical Engineering in 2021
from the University of Pisa and he is currently
a 2nd-year Ph. D. student in Information Engineering from the same University. He is also
a research fellow with the Institute of Information Science and Technologies, National Research
Council, Pisa. His main interests regard the study
and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
systems for Medical Images Understanding and
integration of causality within deep learning and eXplainable AI (XAI)
models. Recently, he has been working on the classification of breast mass
malignancy from mammogram images via an explainable-by-design models,
and he is carrying out a systematic review of the role of causality in XAI.
Gianluca authored two international conference papers, four abstracts and a
journal paper.
Research Activities Report of 2021
CLAUDIA CAUDAI received the MS degree in
Mathematics in 2003 and the PhD in Biomedical
Engineering in 2009, both from Pisa University.
From 2008 to 2011, she was with the Scientific
Visualization Unit at the Institute of Clinical Physiology of CNR in Pisa, working on 3D visualization of biological processes. Currently she is
researcher at the CNR Institute of Information
Science and Technologies in Pisa. Her research interests include statistics, mathematical modelling,
bio-informatics, biology, genomics and proteomics.
SARA COLANTONIO M.Sc. (Hons.) in Computer Science and Ph.D. in Information Engineering from the University of Pisa, is currently a
Researcher at ISTI-CNR in Pisa, as a member of
Signals & Images Lab. In 2008 and 2009, she
received a grant funded by FINMECCANICA for
investigation in the field of machine learning in
diagnostic imaging. Her expertise covers artificial intelligence and machine learning, decision
support theory, data understanding and personal
informatics. She has co-authored over 80 scientific papers, and worked
in several national and international projects, mainly in the field of AI
applied in the ehealth domain. She co-ideated and coordinated the EU FP7
Project SEMEOTICONS, whose main outcome is a smart mirror, called
Wize Mirror, which earned her the award as one of the top 40 healthcare
Transformers by the MM&Media Magazine. She is currently leading CNR
team in the EU Project ProCAncer-I, two regional projects NAVIGATOR
and PRAMA, working on AI for medical diagnoses, and the Cost Action
TheGoodBrother, for privacy preservation in AAL. She is the co-leader of
the Working Group MAD4Future – Models, Algorithms and Data for the
Future of CNR strategic project Foresight. She has served and is serving as
an EU appointed expert, as an expert for ENISA, and as ISTI delegate in
CNR Observatory on Artificial Intelligence.
PRIMO COLTELLI received the Master Degree
in Physics from the University of Pisa in 1982 and
the diploma in Computer Science Specialization
from the University of Pisa in 1985. He is a retired
researcher of the Institute of Information Science
and Technologies (CNR Pisa - Italy). His most
recent research interests include Image Processing
and Analysis, Image Sequence Analysis, and Digital Microscopy.
FRANCESCO CONTI is a PhD student in mathematics at Pisa University. His research topic is
topological data analysis, a branch of mathematics
which aims to inject geometric knowledge into
machine learning. In the SI-Lab, he is developing
a topological pipeline for the study of digital data
by means of geometrical features. He graduated in
mathematics at Bologna University.
GIUSEPPE FUSCO has been collaborating at
various levels for over 25 years with some institutes of the National Research Council. He gained
experience, also outside Italy, in the application
of information technology to support the needs of
disabled and elderly people. Over the years, the activity carried out, especially in the CNUCE-CNR
Institute of Pisa, today ISTI-CNR, has developed
in an articulated way, embracing more aspects
related to the different applications of technology
in the assistive, didactic field and training.
GIULIO GALESI received the B.Sc. degree in
biomedical engineering from the University of
Pisa, in 2007. He is now part of the ISTI-CNR
technical staff. Involved in several European and
national projects, he has managerial and technological expertise and provides administrative and
technical support at various levels.
DANILA GERMANESE received the M.Sc. degree in biomedical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in information engineering. Since 2014, she
has been a Graduate Fellow with ISTI-CNR, Pisa,
Italy. Her current research activity includes the development of hardware-software platforms based
on commercial sensor array and widely employed
open source controllers; the development of machine learning algorithms for image processing.
IGNESTI GIACOMO received the M. Sc degree
in Biomedical Engineering in 2019 and a master’s degree in Machine Learning and Big Data
in Precision Medicine in 2021. He is now a Ph.
D student in the National doctoral program on
Artificial Intelligence since November 2022. He
works as a graduate fellowship at the Institute of
Information Science and Technologies, National
Research Council of Italy, Pisa. The main focus
of his research is the development of Intelligent
automatic systems to enhance patients’ and physicians’ healthcare experience. This task is fulfilled by providing an Artificial Intelligence solution to
analyse biomedical signals and images.
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
ERCAN E. KURUOGLU received his PhD degree in Information Engineering from Cambridge
University in 1999. Prior to joining ISTI-CNR
in 2002, he worked in Xerox Research Center
Europe, UK and INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, France.
He is the Editor in Chief of Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier. He was an Alexander Humboldt
Experienced Research Fellow in Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany
2013-2014. Since 2020 he is a Chief Scientist
(Dirigente di Ricerca) at ISTI. He is currently a Visiting Professor at
Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, China. His research interests are in
statistical signal and image processing and machine learning with applications in biology and remote sensing.
M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from La
Sapienza–University of Rome and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Automation from
the University of Florence. Since 2003 he is
a researcher with the National Research Council of Italy, working with mobile robots, multiple vision systems and virtual avatars for human–computer interaction, contributing to several
research projects. His main area of expertise is
computer vision with particular application to mobile robotics, information
fusion from multiple vision system, image analysis and understanding, smart
surveillance and monitoring.
BARBARA LEPORINI received her PhD in
Computer Science at University of Pisa and her
research is in the Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI) field. She investigates techniques and methods to make user interfaces accessible and usable
to users with special needs. Beyond research, Barbara has been teaching computer sciences classes
and participating in boards and groups working on
accessibility applied to various and different areas.
MASSIMO MAGRINI graduated in Information
Sciences at the University of Pisa, he is a technologist at the ISTI-CNR Institute in Pisa. Since 1994
he has been carrying out research and development
in the field of signal and image processing, within
regional, national and European projects. His research interests are mainly related to interactive
multimedia systems, with applications in the fields
of New Media Art and in rehabilitation. Since
2018 he has held the Interaction Design course at
the "Alma Artis" Academy of Fine Arts in Pisa. He is also active as an
electronic musician / new media artist, he has released around twenty albums
and performed live in Italy and abroad.
MASSIMO MARTINELLI is member of the Signals&Images research laboratory at ISTI-CNR
since 2000, at CNR since 1987. Head of the
"Software Technologies and Frameworks Area"
at SI-Lab since 2016. He is currently the Principal Investigator of the projects. TiAssisto (Tuscany region), CloudPathology (industrial), Barilla
Agrosatplus (industrial), RadIoPoGe (collaboration). Leader of the of the Scientific Collaboration
Agreements with the UO Otolaryngology, audiology and phoniatrics (UNIPI), with the Italian Mountain Medicine Society,
and with the Tuscan Scientific Committee of the Italian Alpine Club.
Member of the Doseteam4you group of the Department of Diagnostics and
Interventional Radiology of the University Hospital of Pisa. Member of
the Topic Board of the Sensors MDPI Journal, Topic editor of "Machine
Learning and Biomedical Sensors" (MDPI) with the following participating
Journals: Bioengineering, Healthcare, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Journal
of Sensor and Actuator Networks, Applied Sciences, Sensors Editor of Artificial Intelligence in Point of Care Diagnostics - Frontiers in Digital Health.
Guest Editor of the following special issues: Artificial Intelligence in Point
of Care Diagnostics - Frontiers in Digital Health, Wearable Sensors and
Internet of Things for Biomedical Monitoring - Sensors, Intelligent Sensors
for Monitoring Physical Activities - Sensors. His main scientific interests
include Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Decision Support Systems, Web
FABRIZIO MATARESE received his master’s degree in History and Forms of Visual Arts, Performing Arts and New Media from the University
of Pisa. He received a research grant from the
Signal and Images Lab (SI-Lab) of the Institute
of Information Sciences and Technologies (ISTI)
to collaborate on the VERO project. His research
interests include visual culture, cultural heritage,
new media and augmented reality.
ALI REZA OMRANI received his A.Sc. and B.Sc.
degrees in Software Engineering from Mohajer
technical college and Bahonar Technical College,
in Iran, in 2014 and 2016, respectively. Additionally, he finished his M.Sc. degree in Artificial
Intelligence from Kharazmi University in Iran in
2020. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree
with CNR PISA - ISTI lab. His current research
interests include High Dynamic Range Imaging,
Activity Recognition, and Medical Imaging.
Research Activities Report of 2021
EVA PACHETTI received the M. Sc. degree
(Hons.) in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2021 and is currently a PhD student
in Information Engineering at the same University.
She is also a research fellow at the Signal and
Images Lab (SI-Lab), Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), CNR, in Pisa. Her
research focuses on developing Deep Learning
models exploiting the Meta-Learning paradigm
for Few-Shot Learning. The main application of
her work concerns assessing prostate cancer aggressiveness from MRI
images, intending to realize a virtual biopsy to limit invasive interventions
on the patient.
OSCAR PAPINI received the M.Sc. Degree in
Mathematics in 2014 and the Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2018, both from the University of Pisa. He
is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Signals
& Images Laboratory at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the National
Research Council of Italy. His main interests are
computational algebraic geometry, computational
algebraic topology, mathematical methods applied
to image analysis, and machine learning.
PAOLO PARADISI is Senior Researcher within
the ISTI-CNR in Pisa and external scientific member of Basque Center of Applied Mathematics
(Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence) in Bilbao,
Spain. He is an expert of numerical and analytical tools of non-equilibrium statistical physics:
stochastic processes, probability and statistics.
He carried out both theoretical developments
(stochastic modeling of diffusion) and methodological studies about novel statistical indicators
of complexity. He applied these tools to the statistical data analysis of
different datasets, in particular in the framework of biomedical applications
(electrophysiological signal processing).He has co-authored more than 70
publications (58 Scopus, 54 ISI). H-index (scopus): 18 ; H-index (ISI):
17 ; H-index (google): 21. He participated in 20 projects, in 3 of them as
Coordinator. He has been visiting researcher at the Center of Nonlinear
Sciences, University of North Texas (Denton, USA). He is associated editor
of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. He has been the Managing Editor of a
Special Issue. He won two awards as an excellent reviewer of Chaos,
Solitons and Fractals. He organized three workshops and participated in the
program and/or technical committees of several international conferences.
He has held 10 invited seminars/talks and more than 30 talks in international
FRANCESCA PARDINI has been working at
Signals and Image Lab since 2010 as an administrative and technical collaborator. She contributes
to managing projects, including partner relations,
and drafting agreements and contracts with both
public and private entities. She takes care of event
organization, including the realization of communication and dissemination materials.
M.Sc. degree (Hons.) in mathematics from the
University of Pisa, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree
in mathematics from the University of Rome La
Sapienza, in 2010. She is member of IAPR TC16
on "Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Techniques in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis". She is currently a researcher within the
Institute of Information Science and Technologies,
Italian National Research Council, Pisa. She is
currently involved in a number of research projects concerning scene understanding and structural health monitoring. Her main interests include modelling the protein 3D motion, 3D virtual environment in Cultural Heritage,
heterogeneous and multi-modal data integration for underwater archaeology,
3D shape analysis for e-health, thermal imaging, statistical data analysis of
health-related data, applied computational topology, interplay of Topological
Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, deep learning applied to mp-MRI
GABRIELE PIERI M.Sc. in Computer Science
from the University of Pisa is a Researcher at
the “Signals & Images” Laboratory at ISTI–CNR
since 2001, working in the field of image acquisition and analysis, tracking systems, neural networks. His main research activities are focused on
data processing systems for the analysis of marine
images and the fusion of multi-source data, with
particular attention to geo-based decision support
systems; analysis and development of integrated
communication systems and for heterogeneous maritime data; analysis and
development of Marine Information Systems for monitoring pollution at sea;
definition of dynamic risk maps for the assessment of the danger due to oil
spills at sea based on various heterogeneous factors. Member of organising
committees of workshops in the field of advanced infrared technologies and
applications; acted as the scientific and technical coordinator for CNR in
FP7 Project ARGOMARINE (2009-12).
MARCO REGGIANNINI received the M. Sc.
degree in Applied Physics (specializing in Medical Physics) in 2009 and the Ph. D. degree in
Automation and Robotics Engineering in 2016.
He is a technologist with the Institute of Information Science and Technologies, National Research
Council of Italy, Pisa. His main research interests
concern the study and implementation of systems
and procedures dedicated to the understanding
of a given scenario through the analysis of data
captured by imaging sensors. Examples of his current research activity
include the design and implementation of image processing and computer
vision techniques for underwater scene and image understanding and remote
sensing data processing for sea vessels’ traffic monitoring and kinematics
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab
MARCO RIGHI Master of Science in Computer
Science from the University of Pisa in 2002, Master of Science degree in Informatics from the University of Pisa in 2003, and Doctor of Philosophy
in Information Engineering from the University
of Pisa in 2015. Adjunct Professor at the Dept.
of Mathematics and at the Dept. of Medicine.
He has been an Adjunct Professor at the Dept.
of Computer Science and Dept. of Literature and
Philosophy. Marco Righi is a researcher at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies, an institute of the National
Research Council. His major interests, past and present, include Image
Analysis, Signal Analysis, Robotics, Neuroimaging, Networking, Operating
Systems, Server Administration, and Internet Services.
EMANUELE SALERNO , graduated in electronic engineering, is a senior researcher in the
Signal and Image Laboratory of ISTI-CNR. He
joined CNR in 1987, and since then his scientific interests have been in inverse problems, applied to various fields related to signals and images. Within image processing and reconstruction,
he has been dealing with computed tomography,
super-resolution and image restoration in industrial nondestructive evaluation, combustion control, astrophysics, maritime surveillance and cultural heritage. Recently, he
has also been working in computational biology. Salerno is a member of the
IEEE, AEIT and the Electromagnetics Academy, and an associate editor of
the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
OVIDIO SALVETTI , Senior Research Associate
at ISTI-CNR, is working in the fields of image
analysis and understanding, multimedia information systems, spatial modeling and intelligent processes in computer vision and information technology. He is co-author of seven books and monographs and more than four hundred technical and
scientific articles and also owner of eleven patents
regarding systems and software tools for real-time
signal and image acquisition and processing. He
has been scientific coordinator of several National and European research
and industrial Projects, in collaboration with Italian and foreign research
groups, in the fields of computer vision, multimedia semantics and highperformance computing for diagnostic imaging. Member of the Editorial
Boards of the International Journals Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
and Forensic Computer Science, Associate Editor of IET Image Processing,
of IEEE and of the Steering Committee of a number of EU Projects.
ANDREA SCOZZARI , PhD in Information Engineering, is research scientist with the Italian
National Research Council since 2002, after ten
years of industrial experience. His main research
activities are in the field of data and signal processing for the observation of the environment,
with particular focus on water systems. He’s been
co-organiser and Committee member of various
water-related events in the MENA region. Andrea
holds courses in “Environmental remote sensing
systems” and “Remote Sensing for Earth Observation” at the University of
Pisa (Italy) and has been member of the PhD board in “Remote Sensing” at
the same University for six years.
SALVATORE STRAFACE is full Professor of
Fluid Mechanics at the Department of Environmental Engineering of the University of Calabria.
He is Vice-Rector for International Relations with
Ecuador and Coordinator of the Network FUCSIE
between more than twenty Universities of Italy
and Ecuador. He is Coordinator of the Environmental Engineering Master’s Degree of University
of Calabria. He was Prometeo Researcher at the
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador
since 2013. He was Principal Investigator of several national Research
Projects and now is Project Coordinator of the H2020 project “Renewable
Energies for Water Treatment and Reuse in Mining Industries (REMIND).
His research activity has been focused mainly on characterization of hydrodynamic and hydrodispersive parameters, hydrogeophysics, and modeling of
flow and transport in real porous media. His research activity has produced to
date, 58 papers on Journals, 9 chapters in Books, 40 papers in Proceedings, 2
Books and 2 Patents. (h index=16 (Scopus) – 19 (Google Scholar) and 1044
citations from Scopus or 1495 citations from Google Scholar).
MARCO TAMPUCCI received the M.Sc. degree
in computer science from the University of Pisa,
Italy, in 2006. He is currently a Research Technician with the SI-Lab, ISTI-CNR, since 2007. He
is the coauthor of more than 40 scientific publications. His main interests include 3D reconstruction, virtual environment, data management, data
fusion, web-oriented infrastructures, and medical imaging. In 2007, he won the Young intelligence and magnificent excellence of Collesalvetti
Award. In 2011, he won the Best Paper Award of the Advances in Mass Data
Analysis of Images and Signals in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry, and
Food Industry (MDA) conference with the paper "A Web infrastructure for
emphysema diagnosis". He is currently involved in a number of European
and national research projects and collaboration regarding virtual environment, data management, information technology and environmental decision
support systems.
Research Activities Report of 2021
ANNA TONAZZINI graduated with honors in
Mathematics from the University of Pisa. She is a
senior researcher at the Signals and Images Lab of
the Institute of Information Science and Technologies, CNR. She has coordinated national and international projects on neural networks and learning,
computational biology, and document processing,
and has been supervisor of various postdoctoral
fellowships. Her current research interests concern
image analysis for cultural heritage, and computational methods for structural genomics.
ISTI-CNR Signal and Images Lab