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Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
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World Squid Fisheries
Alexander I. Arkhipkin , Paul G. K. Rodhouse , Graham J. Pierce , Warwick Sauer , Mit suo
Sakai , Louise Allcock , Juan Arguelles , John R. Bower , Gladis Cast illo , Luca Ceriola ,
Chih-Shin Chen , Xinj un Chen , Mariana Diaz-Sant ana , Nicola Downey , Angel F. González ,
Jasmin Granados Amores , Corey P. Green , Angel Guerra , Lisa C. Hendrickson , Christ ian
Ibáñez , Kingo It o , Pat rizia Jereb , Yoshiki Kat o , Oleg N. Kat ugin , Mit suhisa Kawano ,
Hideaki Kidokoro , Vladimir V. Kulik , Vladimir V. Lapt ikhovsky , Marek R. Lipinski , Bilin
Liu , Luis Mariát egui , Wilbert Marin , Ana Medina , Kat suhiro Miki , Kazut aka Miyahara ,
Nat alie Molt schaniwskyj , Hassan Moust ahf id , Jaruwat Nabhit abhat a , Nobuaki Nanj o ,
Click for updates
Chingis M. Nigmat ullin , Tet suya Oht ani , Gret t a Pecl , J. Angel A. Perez , Uwe
Piat kowski , Pirochana Saikliang , Cesar A. Salinas-Zavala , Michael St eer , Yongj un Tian ,
Yukio Uet a , Dharmamony Vij ai
Yamashiro , Norio Yamashit a
, Toshie Wakabayashi , Tadanori Yamaguchi , Carmen
& Louis D. Zeidberg
Fisheries Depart ment , St anley, Falkland Islands
Brit ish Ant arct ic Survey, Nat ural Environment al Research Council, Cambridge, UK
Oceanlab, Universit y of Aberdeen, Newburgh, UK
CESAM & Depart ament o de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Port ugal
Depart ment of Icht hyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes Universit y, Grahamst own, Sout h
Af rica
Tohoku Nat ional Fisheries Research Inst it ut e, Fisheries Research Agency, Hachinohe-shi,
Aomori, Japan
School of Biological Sciences, Queen's Universit y, Belf ast , Belf ast , UK
Inst it ut o del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), Callao, Perú
Facult y of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido Universit y, Hakodat e, Hokkaido, Japan
FAO MedSudMed, Rome, It aly
Inst it ut e of Marine Af f airs and Resource Management , Nat ional Taiwan Ocean Universit y,
Keelung, Taiwan
College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean Universit y, Shanghai, China
Cent ro Int erdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas-IPN, La Paz, BCS, México
Inst it ut o de Invest igaciones Marinas (CSIC), Vigo, Spain
Cent ro de Invest igaciones Biológicas del Noroest e SC, La Paz, BCS, México
Depart ment of Environment and Primary Indust ries, Fisheries Vict oria, Queensclif f ,
Vict oria, Aust ralia
Nort heast Fisheries Science Cent er, U. S. Nat ional Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole,
Massachuset t s, USA
Depart ament o de Ciencias Ecológicas, Facult ad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile,
Sant iago, Chile
Fisheries Research Inst it ut e, Aomori Pref ect ural Indust rial Technology Research Cent er,
Aomori, Japan
ISPRA, Rome, It aly
Pacif ic Research Fisheries Cent re (TINRO-Cent re), Vladivost ok, Russia
Yamaguchi Pref ect ural Fisheries Research Cent er, Nagat o, Yamaguchi, Japan
Japan Sea Nat ional Fisheries Research Inst it ut e, Fisheries Research Agency, Niigat a, Japan
Fisheries Division, CEFAS, Lowest of t , Suf f olk, UK
Nat ional Research Inst it ut e of Fisheries Science, Kanazawa, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Hyogo Fisheries Technology Inst it ut e, Fut ami, Akashi, Hyogo, Japan
School of Environment al and Lif e Sciences, Universit y of Newcast le, Ourimbah, New Sout h
Wales, Aust ralia
Nat ional Oceanic and At mospheric Administ rat ion (NOAA), Unit ed St at es Int egrat ed Ocean
Observing Syst em (US IOOS), Operat ions Division, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Excellence Cent re f or Biodiversit y of Peninsular Thailand (CBIPT), Facult y of Science,
Prince of Songkla Universit y, Hat yai, Songkhla, Thailand
Fisheries Research Inst it ut e, Toyama Pref ect ural Agricult ural, Forest ry and Fisheries
Research Cent er, Namerikawa, Toyama, Japan
At lant ic Research Inst it ut e of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (At lant NIRO),
Kaliningrad, Russia
Taj ima Fisheries Technology Inst it ut e, Hyogo Pref ect ural Technology Cent er f or
Agricult ure, Forest ry and Fisheries, Kasumi, Kami, Mikat a, Hyogo, Japan
Inst it ut e f or Marine and Ant arct ic St udies, Universit y of Tasmania, Hobart , Tasmania,
Aust ralia
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Cent ro de Ciências Tecnológicas da Terra e do Mar (CTTMar), Universidade do Vale do
It aj aí (UNIVALI), It aj aí, SC, Brazil
Leibniz-Inst it ut e of Marine Sciences IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany
Bureau of Fisheries Expert , Depart ment of Fisheries, Kaset Klang, Chat uchak, Bangkok,
Sout h Aust ralian Research and Development Inst it ut e (Aquat ic Sciences), Henley Beach,
Sout h Aust ralia, Aust ralia
Tokushima Agricult ure, Forest ry and Fishery Technology and Support Cent er, Fisheries
Research Inst it ut e, Tokushima, Japan
Graduat e School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido Universit y, Hakodat e, Hokkaido, Japan
Nat ional Fisheries Universit y, Shimonoseki, Japan
Saga Pref ect ural Genkai Fisheries Research and Development Cent er, Karat su, Saga, Japan
Hokkaido Nat ional Fisheries Research Inst it ut e, Fisheries Research Agency, Kat surakoi,
Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan
Calif ornia Depart ment of Fish and Wildlif e, Marine Region, Mont erey, Calif ornia, USA
Published online: 09 Jun 2015.
To cite this article: Alexander I. Arkhipkin, Paul G. K. Rodhouse, Graham J. Pierce, Warwick Sauer, Mit suo Sakai, Louise
Allcock, Juan Arguelles, John R. Bower, Gladis Cast illo, Luca Ceriola, Chih-Shin Chen, Xinj un Chen, Mariana Diaz-Sant ana,
Nicola Downey, Angel F. González, Jasmin Granados Amores, Corey P. Green, Angel Guerra, Lisa C. Hendrickson, Christ ian
Ibáñez, Kingo It o, Pat rizia Jereb, Yoshiki Kat o, Oleg N. Kat ugin, Mit suhisa Kawano, Hideaki Kidokoro, Vladimir V. Kulik,
Vladimir V. Lapt ikhovsky, Marek R. Lipinski, Bilin Liu, Luis Mariát egui, Wilbert Marin, Ana Medina, Kat suhiro Miki, Kazut aka
Miyahara, Nat alie Molt schaniwskyj , Hassan Moust ahf id, Jaruwat Nabhit abhat a, Nobuaki Nanj o, Chingis M. Nigmat ullin,
Tet suya Oht ani, Gret t a Pecl, J. Angel A. Perez, Uwe Piat kowski, Pirochana Saikliang, Cesar A. Salinas-Zavala, Michael
St eer, Yongj un Tian, Yukio Uet a, Dharmamony Vij ai, Toshie Wakabayashi, Tadanori Yamaguchi, Carmen Yamashiro, Norio
Yamashit a & Louis D. Zeidberg (2015) World Squid Fisheries, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquacult ure, 23: 2, 92-252, DOI:
10. 1080/ 23308249. 2015. 1026226
To link to this article: ht t p: / / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1080/ 23308249. 2015. 1026226
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Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 23:92–252, 2015
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ISSN: 2330-8249 print / 2330-8257 online
DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2015.1026226
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World Squid Fisheries
Fisheries Department, Stanley, Falkland Islands
British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environmental Research Council, Cambridge, UK
Oceanlab, University of Aberdeen, Newburgh, UK
CESAM & Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Hachinohe-shi, Aomori, Japan
School of Biological Sciences, Queen’s University, Belfast, Belfast, UK
u (IMARPE), Callao, Peru
Instituto del Mar del Per
Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan
FAO MedSudMed, Rome, Italy
Institute of Marine Affairs and Resource Management, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan
College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China
Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas-IPN, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC), Vigo, Spain
Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste SC, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Fisheries Victoria, Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA
Departamento de Ciencias Ecologicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Fisheries Research Institute, Aomori Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Center, Aomori, Japan
ISPRA, Rome, Italy
Ó Alexander I. Arkhipkin, Paul G. K. Rodhouse, Graham J. Pierce, Warwick Sauer, Mitsuo Sakai, Louise Allcock, Juan Arguelles, John R. Bower, Gladis
Castillo, Luca Ceriola, Chih-Shin Chen, Xinjun Chen, Mariana Diaz-Santana, Nicola Downey, Angel F. Gonzalez, Jasmin Granados-Amores, Corey P. Green,
Angel Guerra, Lisa C. Hendrickson, Christian Iba~nez, Kingo Ito, Patrizia Jereb, Yoshiki Kato, Oleg N. Katugin, Mitsuhisa Kawano, Hideaki Kidokoro, Vladimir
V. Kulik, Vladimir V. Laptikhovsky, Marek R. Lipinski, Bilin Liu, Luis Mariategui, Wilbert Marin, Ana Medina, Katsuhiro Miki, Kazutaka Miyahara, Natalie
Moltschaniwskyj, Hassan Moustahfid, Jaruwat Nabhitabhata, Nobuaki Nanjo, Chingis M. Nigmatullin, Tetsuya Ohtani, Gretta Pecl, J. Angel A. Perez, Uwe Piatkowski, Pirochana Saikliang, Cesar A. Salinas-Zavala, Michael Steer, Yongjun Tian, Yukio Ueta, Dharmamony Vijai, Toshie Wakabayashi, Tadanori Yamaguchi, Carmen Yamashiro, Norio Yamashita, and Louis D. Zeidberg
*Address correspondence to Alexander I. Arkhipkin, Fisheries Department, Bypass Road, Stanley, FIQQ 1ZZ, Falkland Islands. E-mail:
[email protected]
This is an Open Access article. Non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed, cited,
and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way, is permitted. The moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.
Pacific Research Fisheries Centre (TINRO-Centre), Vladivostok, Russia
Yamaguchi Prefectural Fisheries Research Center, Nagato, Yamaguchi, Japan
Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Niigata, Japan
Fisheries Division, CEFAS, Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Kanazawa, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Hyogo Fisheries Technology Institute, Futami, Akashi, Hyogo, Japan
School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, New South Wales, Australia
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Integrated Ocean Observing System
(US IOOS), Operations Division, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Excellence Centre for Biodiversity of Peninsular Thailand (CBIPT), Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla
University, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand
Fisheries Research Institute, Toyama Prefectural Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center,
Namerikawa, Toyama, Japan
Atlantic Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (AtlantNIRO), Kaliningrad, Russia
Tajima Fisheries Technology Institute, Hyogo Prefectural Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries, Kasumi, Kami, Mikata, Hyogo, Japan
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Centro de Ci^encias Tecnologicas da Terra e do Mar (CTTMar), Universidade do Vale do Itajaı (UNIVALI), Itajaı,
SC, Brazil
Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany
Bureau of Fisheries Expert, Department of Fisheries, Kaset Klang, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand
South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Henley Beach, South Australia,
Tokushima Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Technology and Support Center, Fisheries Research Institute,
Tokushima, Japan
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan
National Fisheries University, Shimonoseki, Japan
Saga Prefectural Genkai Fisheries Research and Development Center, Karatsu, Saga, Japan
Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Katsurakoi, Kushiro, Hokkaido,
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Region, Monterey, California, USA
Downloaded by [University of Kiel] at 03:24 25 June 2015
Some 290 species of squids comprise the order Teuthida that belongs to the molluscan Class Cephalopoda. Of these, about
30–40 squid species have substantial commercial importance around the world. Squid fisheries make a rather small
contribution to world landings from capture fisheries relative to that of fish, but the proportion has increased steadily over
the last decade, with some signs of recent leveling off. The present overview describes all substantial squid fisheries
around the globe. The main ecological and biological features of exploited stocks, and key aspects of fisheries
management are presented for each commercial species of squid worldwide. The history and fishing methods used in squid
fisheries are also described. Special attention has been paid to interactions between squid fisheries and marine ecosystems
including the effects of fishing gear, the role of squid in ecosystem change induced by overfishing on groundfish, and
ecosystem-based fishery management.
catch, Cephalopoda, fisheries, lifecycle, squid
Interactions between human societies and fish stocks have
played an important part in our history. Regrettably, it is now
recognized that the humankind has failed in many instances to
conserve marine species and obtain the optimal social and economic benefits from the marine environment. However, scientists and managers involved in cephalopod fisheries arguably
find themselves in a better position than those responsible for
finfish. Although the total world catch from marine and freshwater fish stocks appears to have peaked and may be declining
(Hilborn et al., 2003), the catch of cephalopods has continued
to increase as fishers concentrate efforts away from more
traditional finfish resources. This is not a modern phenomenon,
May et al. (1979) highlighted a shift toward harvesting
“unconventional” stocks of marine organisms, which typically occupy lower trophic levels. Over the last four decades, cephalopod catches have increased from approximately
1 million t in 1970 to over 4.3 million t in 2007 (Jereb and
Roper, 2010). However, we cannot assume that cephalopod
catches will continue to rise and there is some evidence of
landings leveling off recently. After the peak of 4.3 million
t in 2007, world cephalopod landings fell sharply to under
3.5 million t in 2009, although they had recovered to just
over 4 million t again in 2012. The fall in landings since
2007 was almost entirely attributable to a temporary
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
vol. 23 2015
collapse of the Argentine shortfin squid Illex argentinus
landings (notably by Argentina, Taiwan, China, and Korea);
the recovery since 2009 was mainly driven by increased
landings of Humboldt squid Dosidicus gigas by Peru, Chile,
and (especially) China (FAO, 2012) and recovery of the
Argentine shortfin squid since 2011 (Falkland Islands Government, 2012). These figures remind us that a significant
component of world cephalopod landings relies on a very
small number of oceanic squid species.
There are about 800 living cephalopod species belonging to three main groups represented by different orders.
Squids belong to the Order Teuthoidea. They are characterized by the presence of a remnant of the molluscan shell
which has been retained in the form of the gladius, a stiff
chitinous structure that lies inside the dorsal surface of the
mantle muscle. The molluscan foot has evolved into the
eight arms and two tentacles (the latter absent in some
groups of squids), and these are armed with suckers and in
some cases hooks which are modified suckers. Squid swim
using the fins and by jet propulsion, using the mantle to
expel water explosively from the mantle cavity through the
funnel. There are some 290 species of squids and about
30–40 species have substantial commercial importance
(Table 1). The other main cephalopod groups exploited for
food are the cuttlefish and octopus, plus to a much lesser
extent the sepiolids.
Table 1. Squid species and unidentified groupings of squid published by FAO
Downloaded by [University of Kiel] at 03:24 25 June 2015
Fishing method
Todarodes pacificus
Northwest Pacific 20 –60 N
Shelf and upper slope
Todarodes sagittatus
Nototodarus sloanii
Eastern Atlantic 70 N–10 S
New Zealand south of the
Subtropical Convergence
Southwest Atlantic 22 –54 S
Northwest Atlantic 25 –65 S
Western Atlantic 5 –40 N and
eastern Atlantic 20 S–60 N
Circumglobal, bisubtropical
30 –60 N and 20 –50 S
Eastern Pacific 50 N–50 S
Shelf and upper slope
Shelf and upper clope
Largely jigging with lights;
some bottom trawling and
purse seine
Bycatch in trawls
Jigging with lights and
Largely jigging with lights;
some bottom trawling
Jigging and bottom trawling
Bycatch in trawls
Jigging with lights
Largely oceanic but extends
over the narrow shelf of the
western seaboard of the
Oceanic and over continental
Jigging with lights
Illex argentinus
Illex illecebrosus
Illex coindetii
Ommastrephes bartramii
Dosidicus gigas
Martialia hyadesi
Doryteuthis (Loligo) gahi
Doryteuthis (Loligo) opalescens
Doryteuthis (Loligo) pealeii
Loligo reynaudii
Loligo forbesii
Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Onykia (Moroteuthis) ingens
Berryteuthis magister
Circumpolar, Antarctic Polar
Frontal Zone north to
Patagonian Shelf and New
South America, Gulf of
Guayaquil to northern
Patagonian Shelf
Western North and Central
America, southern Alaska to
Baja California
Eastern Americas, Newfoundl
and to Gulf of Venezuela
Southern Africa
Eastern Atlantic, 20 –60 N and
Indo-West Pacific, Japan to
Northern Australia and New
Zealand and to northern Red
Sea and Mozambique/
Madagascar, Hawaii
Circumpolar sub-Antarctic north
to Patagonian Shelf, central
Chile, southern Australia, and
North Island New Zealand
North Pacific from Sea of Japan
to Southern California via
Shelf and upper slope
Jigging with lights
Bottom trawls
drum seine; purse seine;
brail net
Bottom trawls and trap nets
Trawls and around Madeira
and Azores caught on jigs
Trawls, traps, seines, jigs,
hooks, spears, etc.
Demersal on continental slope
and mesopelagic
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
vol. 23 2015
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There are a number of characteristics of squid that,
although not unique, set them apart from many other commercially exploited marine species (although not necessarily from
other cephalopods). They are short-lived, semelparous and fast
growing, with high feeding rates and conversion efficiencies.
They also have high reproductive rates, although loliginid
squids usually produce fewer eggs than do ommastrephids.
These features have adapted them to be ecological opportunists that can rapidly exploit favorable environmental conditions, but equally their abundance responds rapidly to poor
conditions, so recruitment and abundance may be highly variable on annual time scales (Rodhouse et al., 2014). There is
evidence that squid populations have benefited from ecological change driven by overexploitation of groundfish in some
regions (Caddy and Rodhouse, 1998). A recent extensive
expansion of the geographical range of the jumbo flying squid
D. gigas has occurred on the west coast of the Americas following the 1997/98 El Ni~
no Southern Oscillation and there
has been debate whether this was caused by physical drivers
or ecosystem change associated with fishing (Watters et al.,
2008; Zeidberg and Robison, 2008). This highlights the challenge of discriminating between the effects of climate variability and change, and the effects of fishing, on squid populations.
Squid fisheries make a relatively small contribution to
world landings from capture fisheries, but the proportion has
increased steadily over recent decades, although as noted
above landings have apparently leveled off recently. Although
squid fishery production is small relative to that of fish, a large
proportion of the world squid catch is composed of a small
number of species. The fisheries for those species remove substantial biomass from local marine ecosystems.
Squids are important prey for large numbers of vertebrate
predators including many fish species, toothed whales, pinnipeds, and seabirds (Clarke, 2006; Jereb and Roper, 2010). Estimates of global squid consumption by predators suggest that
they consume a greater mass of squid than the total world
catch of all marine species combined (Voss, 1973; Clarke,
1983). Squid are also predators themselves that make long
migrations over their lifecycle, are responsible for spatial
transfer of substantial biomass (Arkhipkin, 2013) and may be
keystone species (Gasalla et al., 2010). There are therefore
important relationships between squid fisheries and marine
ecosystems and this is especially relevant in the context of
ecosystem-based fishery management (EBFM). Squid fisheries
themselves need to be managed with regard to their impact on
the ecosystem but it is also important that squid stocks should
be considered as a key element in many ecosystems in the context of the management of other fisheries.
The natural ability of squid stocks to recover from low
biomass levels following a period of unfavorable environmental conditions might make them less susceptible to
long-term reduction in numbers due to overfishing. Conversely heavy fishing pressure coinciding with poor environmental conditions might generate a critical tipping point
for populations. The biological characteristics of squid
raise interesting questions about the response of populations to future climate change. It can be argued that in
some situations opportunism in a changing environment
might enable populations to expand (Rodhouse, 2013).
In order for squid species to be suitable for commercial
exploitation they must be of suitable size (medium/large) and
have an acceptable flavor and texture. Only the muscular, negatively buoyant, species meet all these criteria. The more neutrally buoyant squids store light ammonium ions in vacuoles
in the muscle tissues, or in the case of the cranchiids, in the
coelomic fluid (Clarke et al., 1979). As a result of these adaptations the flesh has an ammoniacal flavor and flaccid texture
which humans find unacceptable. Nevertheless, predators are
not deterred from consuming ammoniacal squids which may
predominate in the diet of some species (Lipinski and Jackson,
1989). It has been proposed that chemical processing of the
flesh of ammoniacal squids could result is a palatable product
for human consumption (Pierce and Portela, 2014).
Fisheries need to target aggregations of squid near the surface to be commercially viable so those species that do not
aggregate for at least part of their lifecycle are generally of little interest other than as bycatch in other fisheries. Detailed
accounts of the lifecycle and biology of the most important
exploited species of squids are given in Rosa et al. (2013a
and b).
The bulk of the global squid catch comprises species from
two families, the Ommastrephidae and Loliginidae. The species for which capture production data are published by FAO
are listed in Table 2 together with details of the distribution,
habitat, and fishing method. The FAO data provide the only
information on global fisheries but they are unavoidably
incomplete because of both non-reporting and lack of identification (or misidentification) of species. Views differ as to how
much can be inferred from the data (Pauly et al., 2013) and
they should be used with some caution. Nevertheless, it is clear
that members of the family Ommastrephidae dominate in
terms of biomass with five main commercial species. Four of
these—Todarodes pacificus, Nototodarus sloanii, I. argentinus, and I. illecebrosus—inhabit high velocity western boundary current systems of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The
fifth species, D. gigas, inhabits the low-velocity eastern
boundary current systems of the eastern Pacific which are
characterized by coastal upwelling. Another neritic/oceanic
species, Nototodarus gouldi, is not reported by FAO but is
caught off the southern part of Australia and around North
Island, New Zealand.
Larger numbers of loliginid species are also caught and at
least some of these will have been included in the
“Loliginidae” and “various squids” categories in Table 1. The
main species targeted include Doryteuthis gahi, D. pealeii,
L. bleekeri, and L. reynaudii. Twenty species of loliginid other
than those identified in Table 1 were reported by Jereb et al.
(2010) to be of fisheries interest.
Apart from the ommastrephids and loliginids there are also
targeted fisheries for members of the families Enoploteuthidae,
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
vol. 23 2015
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Table 2. Capture production (tonnes) in the major squid fisheries reported by FAO 2001–2010
Todarodes pacificus
Todarodes sagittatus
Nototodarus sloanii
Illex argentinus
Illex illecebrosus
Illex coindetii
Ommastrephes bartramii
Dosidicus gigas
Martialia hyadesi
Doryteuthis (Loligo) gahi
Doryteuthis (Loligo) opalescens
Doryteuthis (Loligo) pealeii
Loligo reynaudii
Loligo forbesii
Loligo vulgaris
Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Onykia (Moroteuthis) ingens
Moroteuthis robusta
Berryteuthis magister
Various squid (Loliginidae,
Ommastrephidae, other families)
Gonatidae, Onychoteuthidae, and Thysanoteuthidae (Jereb and
Roper, 2010).
There are a number of ommastrephid species that are probably underexploited including Sthenoteuthis pteropus, Ommastrephes bartramii, Martialia hyadesi, Todarodes sagittatus,
Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, Nototodarus philippinensis, and
Todarodes filippovae (Jereb and Roper, 2010). Dosidicus gigas
was earlier included in this list but since 2004, global landings
have risen to almost 1 million t annually (FAO, Fishstat J).
Other species that apparently have fisheries potential are
Gonatus fabricii (Gonatidae) and Thysanoteuthis rhombus
(Thysanoteuthidae). These are all large and medium size
squids found in offshore habitats.
Annual capture production for the decade 2001–2010 for
each species published by FAO is given in Table 2. The total
world capture production of cephalopods (squid, octopus, and
cuttlefish) in 2010 was 3.65 million t. This was 15% less than
the maximum for the 10 years up to 2010, which reached
4.31 million t in 2007. In 2010, 2.98 million t of the total cephalopods was squids, of which 48% was ommastrephids, 30%
was loliginids and 2% was gonatids. The remaining 20% of
squids were not identified.
The data for the major fisheries show large interannual variations over the decade, by up to a factor of 5 in the case of
I. argentinus, with no clear trends within or between species.
While the inter-annual variations can be expected to reflect
underlying changes in stock size the capture production data
may be influenced by variable reporting and by changes in
fishing effort which in turn may be driven by management
restrictions, market conditions, fuel prices, etc.
Hunsicker et al. (2010) have assessed the contribution of
cephalopods to global marine fisheries both as a commodity
and in terms of a supportive ecosystem services provider (as
food for other commercially exploited species). A variety of
ecosystems, including continental shelves, major currents and
upwelling zones, gulfs, seas, and open oceans were evaluated.
In each ecosystem, data for the top 25 taxonomic groups contributing to fishery landings were analyzed. The contribution
of cephalopods, in terms of their supportive service, is substantial in many marine systems. For example, on the Patagonian
Shelf, the contribution (commodity and supportive) of cephalopods to total fishery landings and landed values (US$)
reached 55% and 70%, respectively. Across all the ecosystems
studied, average estimates of commodity and supportive contributions by cephalopods to total fishery landings and revenue
were 15% and 20%, respectively. The study also compared the
importance of cephalopods as a commodity versus a supportive service. In 8 of 28 ecosystems evaluated, cephalopod contribution as direct landings was greater than their contribution
to predator landings. However, the reverse was true for another
eight ecosystems evaluated. Generally, the contribution of
cephalopods as a commodity was greatest in the coastal ecosystems, whereas their contribution as a supportive service
was greatest in open ocean systems. In terms of landed values,
the average price per tonne of cephalopods was greater than or
near the average price per tonne of the predator species in
many of the ecosystems. Hunsicker et al. (2010) point out that
the expansion of fisheries to lower trophic level species, such
as squids, is not necessarily the equivalent of an expansion to
lesser value species as further discussed by Pauly et al. (1998).
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When considering the expansion of cephalopod fisheries Hunsicker et al. (2010) suggest that within ecosystems where
cephalopods are both valuable as a commodity as well as in a
supportive capacity, further scrutiny of the trade-offs is
required. In future, recognition by managers of the interconnectedness of commercial cephalopods and commercial predatory fishes could contribute to sustainable management of
fisheries in ecosystems under current and increased levels of
exploitation. This issue has not been addressed yet in scientific
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Very little is known about ancient fisheries, and even for the
18th and 19th centuries information is scarce. According to
Erlandson and Rick (2010), the earliest marine fisheries may
date back as far as 160,000 years on the South African coast.
Ancient communities here seem to have had a substantial
impact on the marine ecosystem, frequently reducing the size
of exploited populations. However, in contrast to what is often
seen in terrestrial habitats (especially on islands) this probably
did not result in extinctions. Cephalopods were not specifically
mentioned in their study, but it is likely that this prehistoric
coastal community and others like it exploited littoral octopods,
and probably used squid which stranded on beaches as bait, fertilizer, and fodder for domestic animals, as well as for human
consumption. As with primitive communities today, squid have
probably been spearfished and caught using jigs (similar to
modern jigs made from wood such as amaiki and kusaiki in
Japan). There is no technical information about fishing nets
used in ancient times. Nevertheless, the octopus culture of the
middle to late Minoan period on Crete in the eastern Mediterranean, in which images of octopuses appear on items from
earthenware pots to coffins, is clear evidence that these ancient
people were, at least, thoroughly familiar with cephalopods.
We find information about cephalopod biology and fisheries in ancient Greek literature, reviewed by Diogenes Laertios
(1925) (Lives of Eminent Philosophers, compiled in the 3rd
century AD). Two philosophers, Aristotle and his disciple
Theophrastus, wrote about cephalopod biology but unfortunately only the botanical volumes of Theophrastus survived;
12 volumes about animals (among them animals which change
color) have been lost. Aristotle (1970, 1991), in his History of
Animals (books 4–10 which survive to this day), describes T.
sagittatus (D teuthos) and Loligo vulgaris (D teuthis). He
described the morphology, anatomy, behavior and parts of the
life history of these squids. He did not explicitly mention fisheries but his observations point to the fact that squid were
fairly easily accessible live and in good condition. There is
evidence in what he wrote that he had close contact with
The only systematic source of information about cephalopods
in ancient Roman literature is in Pliny the Elder; other authors
like Claudius Aelianus, Galen and Athenaeus, mentioned cephalopods only in passing. However, Pliny did not mention fisheries
for cephalopods specifically; instead he focused on anecdotes
about octopus stealing fish from fish farms.
It is Oppian of Anazarbus (or Corycus) who wrote the first
major treatise on sea fishing, the Halieutica or Halieutika,
composed between 177 and 180 AD. The treatise, written to
honor the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus, includes descriptions of mating and predation of various marine animals and descriptions of fishermen, fishing
tools, and fishing techniques. These include the use of nets
cast from boats, scoop nets held open by hoops, spears and tridents, and various traps, and the treatise specifically mentions
cephalopods many times. For instance, the following description about squid (L. vulgaris) fishing is given: “Against the
calamaries a man should devise a rod fashioned after the manner of a spindle. About it let him fasten close to one another
many hooks with recurving barbs, and on these let him impale
the striped body of a rainbow-wrasse to hide the bent teeth of
bronze, and in the green depths of the sea let him trail such
snare upon a cord. The Calamary when it sees it, darts up and
grasps it in the embrace of its moist tentacles and becomes
impaled upon the tips of bronze, and no more can it leave
them for all its endeavor but is hauled against its will, having
of itself entangled its body.”
Perhaps not surprisingly, there are also records of cephalopod fisheries in ancient Japan. Judging from the present-day
artisanal fisheries in the Mediterranean (similar to the descriptions of Oppianus) and present-day artisanal fisheries in the
Far East, methods and experiences were similar. The developmental history of squid fishing in Japan was described by
Ogura (2002): squid were presented to the Imperial Court,
according to an ancient legal code called “Engishiki” during
the Heian period (794–1185); however, no clear description
exists on fishing methods. In 1458, a prototype of modern
squid jigging gear was invented for a small scale fishery for
the Japanese flying squid T. pacificus in Sado Island, Sea of
Japan. This was a hand-held, jointed, squid-jig with several
hooks along its axis and a weighted sinker. The squid jig was
developed independently in Japan, no later than in the Mediterranean Basin. Traditional methods of jigging are described
by Yoshikawa (1978).
Squids and other cephalopods appear again much later in
the western Mediterranean literature, in the work of Conrad
Gesner (Historiae animalium, 1551–1558), Guillaume Rondelet (Libri de piscibus marinis, 1556), and Ulysse Aldrovandi
(De reliquis animalibus exanguibus libri quarto, 1606).
What might be called modern literature on squid biology
starts with Lamarck (1815–1822) and Cuvier (1817), and was
continued by Verrill (1879–1882) and Tryon (1879). However,
all accounts up to the beginning of the 20th century lack information about fishery landings. Tryon (1879) reported large
scale fishing for Illex illecebrosus in the Newfoundland area,
mainly for bait, but statistics relating to catches are not given.
The same author reported on fishing for T. pacificus in Japan,
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near Hakodate. Squid were caught by small boats at night
using lights, and dried for human consumption (surume-ika).
For this fishery, he provides some quantitative information:
“During the quarter ending June 1872 imports from Japan to
the three Chinese ports of Kinkiang, Shanghai and Ningpo,
totalled 4198 picals (D 265 t).” Elsewhere during the 19th century statistics for squid fisheries, if collected at all, were
mostly descriptive and anecdotal.
Modern squid fisheries started to develop in the early part
of the 20th century with the appearance of motorized fishing
vessels and the development of specific trawling and jigging
gear. It was only after World War II, with the development of
ocean going fishing vessels, that catches of cephalopods in
general and squids in particular started to reach hundreds of
thousands of t and later millions of t annually. At this point,
they started making a substantial contribution to the total of
marine products caught for human consumption. The fishing
history of each abundant and commercially important species
of squid is presented in the species accounts below.
3.1. Fishing Methods
Cephalopods in general and squids in particular possess
ecological and behavioral features that are quite similar to
those of fishes. In fact, Packard (1972) has pointed out that
functionally cephalopods are fish and Pauly (1988) develops
this theme further. Many nektonic squids migrate in dense
schools similar to those of pelagic fishes and fishing methods
are common to both groups. Squid fishing methods are
described in detail by Boyle and Rodhouse (2005). Here, we
briefly introduce the main fishing methods leaving specifics to
the species accounts.
3.1.1. Nets
Various types of fishing gear based on nets have been used
for catching squids since the early days of exploitation. These
include the various trap nets, set nets, and purse seines that
have mainly been used in artisanal fisheries. Currently, seine
nets are used in conjunction with lights in the Californian Doryteuthis opalescens fishery and pumps are sometimes used to
remove the squid from the net. Set nets are used in fisheries
for I. illecebrosus, Doryteuthis pealeii, and Watasenia scintillans with the variety of traps used for a large number of different squid species especially in east Asian countries.
The advent of motorized vessels in the early 20th century
created opportunities for targeting large schools of pelagic and
near bottom squids as well as fish. Trawlers use various types
of the trawling gear (pelagic, semi-pelagic, and bottom) which
are deployed during daytime to exploit the natural behavior of
squids over the continental shelf as they aggregate near the
seabed during daylight. The trawling gear used is essentially
the same as that used for finfish. Pelagic trawls are used to
catch I. argentinus near the bottom in the Southwest Atlantic
and semipelagic nets are employed to catch T. sagittatus and
Todarodes angolensis in the north and south east Atlantic. Bottom trawls are used mainly to catch near-bottom aggregations
of loliginid squids such as D. gahi around the Falkland Islands
(Figure 1A).
The commercial otter trawl has two hydrovanes, known as
otter boards or doors, one on each side of the net to spread the
trawl horizontally. Special cables called bridles and sweeps
Figure 1. Vessels for squid fishing: (A) factory trawler; (B) large oceanic jigger; (C) jigger light fishing at night; and (D) drift netter.
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connect the doors to the trawl wings. The movement of the
cables through the water creates disturbance that is sensed by
the fish lateral line, herding the fish close to the midline of the
net. Unlike fish, squid use mainly vision for their orientation
in the water column, and disturbance of water by the door
cables has a lesser effect on their behavior in front of the trawl.
In order to concentrate squid schools from a wide area into the
wings of the trawl, polyvalent oval shaped doors are used.
These scrape the seabed, creating clouds of silt that the squids
attempt to avoid and so concentrate close to the midline of the
net. This method has a negative impact on the sea floor as the
trawl doors effectively plough the seabed and damage benthic
communities (e.g., Jones, 1992, and many others). Increasingly bottom trawling is prohibited on environmental grounds.
Trawlers use acoustic target-finding technology to locate
aggregations of squids. However, squids provide weak acoustic targets because they lack a swim bladder so the technology
has limited use where squid targets are mixed with fish possessing swim bladders. Squid targets can be also confused
with aggregations of similar sized fish that do not have a swim
bladder, such as the rock cod Patagonotothen ramsayi. In the
Falkland Islands fishery, the target shape and strength of this
species are so similar to those of the squid D. gahi that the
catch cannot be identified until it is hauled onboard (Falkland
Islands Government, 2012).
As trawls catch most individuals that are larger than the
mesh size of the net, the total catch is very often mixed with
the target species. The texture of squid skin is more delicate
than that of fish, which is usually covered with scales, so in a
mixed catch it becomes damaged and is sometimes completely
removed from the body as a result of contact with knots in the
mesh of the net and with other elements of the catch. Squid
with damaged skin have less value than those with intact skin,
so the total value of a trawled catch can be considerably
reduced depending on the type of bycatch. Another common
problem occurs when squid in the net are mixed with small
fish as these tend to penetrate the squid’s mantle when the
catch accumulates in the codend of the trawl. It takes time to
remove the fish from the mantle by hand, and the quality of
the catch is again reduced. Silt or sand can get into the mantle
of squid if the trawl ground rope is too heavy and stirs up the
bottom. In general then, squid from trawlers is of inferior quality compared with the catch using methods such as jigging or
trapping. However, where trawlers target squid, a “clean”
catch can be obtained. In the Moray Firth (UK), targeted
squid-fishing operations yield fairly clean hauls, with few fish
by-caught in large numbers. Only whiting are caught occasionally in large amounts (up to 25% of the catch; Hastie et al.,
3.1.2. Jigging
Jigging for squid is less damaging to the marine environment and produces a more valuable product. This technology
exploits the natural behavior of the squid which moves up in
the water column toward the surface at night where they can
then be attracted using lights toward the fishing vessel and the
jigs. Many large scale fisheries for both ommastrephid and
loliginid squids employ jigging with lights. This method
results in a higher value product where the squid can be sold
whole because the process causes little or no damage to the
skin. Although squid jigging vessels remain stationary in the
water there is little or no saving on energy costs because the
fuel used to generate the electricity to power the fishing lights
is broadly equivalent to that consumed by trawling.
Commercial squid jigging was developed on Sado Island
during the Meiji era in the 19th century and jigs were first
demonstrated in a fisheries exhibition held in 1883 (Igarashi,
1978). At that time hand jigging gear deployed two rods with
the line connected to both and the method was used to catch
squid from the surface to 100 m depth. The increasing engine
power of fishing vessels later enabled the development of
squid jigging gear using one line per jig in the northern part of
Hokkaido (Igarashi, 1978). The design of jigging gear currently used, in which multiple jigs are attached to one line in
series, was developed in 1951. Simultaneously, barbless hooks
for use on jigs were developed to facilitate release of captured
squid on board. From the late 1950s hand-wound drums with a
line of 10–40 jigs were used in artisanal fisheries. In the mid1960s electrically powered, automatic jigging machines were
introduced and these drastically increased squid catches. Hand
drums could only be used close to the surface whereas electric
machines had enough power to catch squid in much deeper
water (50–200 m) (Inada and Ogura, 1988).
Modern squid jigging vessels have three elements: (1) a
large parachute drogue deployed as a sea anchor to hold the
vessel still in the water; (2) an array of incandescent lights to
attract the squid at night when the squid naturally migrate
upward to feed; and (3) jigging machines which lower and
raise the weighted lines to which are attached a series of colored or luminescent jigs—each of which is armed with an
array of barbless hooks. Some vessels operate one or two submarine lights of 2–5 kW each. They are lowered on cables and
then slowly hauled to the surface to concentrate the squid and
lure them upward toward the vessel (Figure 1B).
Fishing operations are automatic or semiautomatic and
under centralized control which reduces the labor required and
aids optimal use of the gear (Inada, 1999). Intermediate size
vessels over 30 GRT and large vessels over 100 GRT are
equipped with 10–50 automatic jigging machines, respectively
(Mikami, 2003). The jigs are deployed on 100 or more lines,
each carrying some 25 jigs. A large squid jigger will operate
150 or more metal halide lamps which are usually 2 kW each
(but can be 1–3 kW). The lamps are mostly white but a smaller
number of green lamps are sometimes included (Inada and
Ogura, 1988) (Figure 1C). Small artisanal jigging boats less
than 10 GRT are the most labor efficient as only two fishermen
can do all the work, operating the jigging machines and packing the catch, etc. (Mikami, 2003). In spite of a high level of
automatization of fishing operations on large jigging vessels,
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Figure 2. Changes in locations of Japanese jigging and driftnet fisheries.
Modified from Araya (1987) and Murata (1990).
sorting the catch and packing the squid is still done by the
crew. Operating a sea-anchor on a large vessel, controlling the
fishing lines and preventing them from tangling are also relatively labor intensive.
3.1.3. Driftnets
The Japanese squid driftnet fishery for neon flying squid,
O. bartramii, was developed in the northwestern Pacific to
compensate for reduced catches of T. pacificus when the stock
decreased sharply in the 1970s (Figure 1D). From 1974 to
1978, the driftnet fishery operated off the Pacific coast of
Japan west of 150 E (Figure 2) but it conflicted with the jig
fishery (Yatsu et al., 1993). In response, the Japanese government adopted a limited entry licensing system in 1981 and regulated the season and area where the driftnet fishery could
operate (Figure 2).
The Japanese squid drift netters were converted from, or
were also engaged in, other fisheries such as salmon driftnet
fisheries, tuna fisheries, the Pacific saury fishery, squid jigging
fisheries, distant water trawl fisheries, the North pacific longline, and gillnet fishery (Nakata, 1987).
Some 400–500 driftnet vessels, ranging from 59.5 to 499.9
GRT were used between 1981 and 1990. Japanese squid driftnets were made of nylon monofilament with a diameter of
about 0.5 mm. The corkline length of a panel (“tan”) ranged
from 45 to 50 m. Panel depth when deployed was usually 7–
10 m. A stretched mesh size of 110–120 mm was specified
by the regulations. A single driftnet section could have 70–
200 tans connected together, and would be deployed before
sunset and retrieved 2–3 hr before sunrise. Several sections
were usually set and would be separated by distances of 2–3
nautical miles. The soak time for an operation varied from
5 hr to more than 15 hr. From 1982 to 1986, the average
number of tans used per day increased from 663 to 1000
(Yatsu et al., 1993).
In the early 1980s, the Republic of Korea driftnet fishery
also developed (Araya, 1987). There were 99 Korean driftnet
vessels in 1984 and 150 by 1989. They operated from coastal
waters off northwest Japan to 150 W (Gong et al., 1993a, b).
In the autumn and early winter, the Korean fishery
concentrated from 142 E to 160 E where the Japanese jigging
fleet was operating (Figure 3). Vessels ranged from 100 to 500
GRT, but were mostly from 200 to 300 GRT. A progressive
increase of catch of O. bartramii by driftnets occurred, rising
from 37,000 t in 1983 to 124,000 t in 1990.
Taiwanese driftnetting for O. bartramii in the North
Pacific emerged in the late 1970s. From the early 1980s,
escalation of oil prices accelerated the replacement of
squid jiggers (which had been introduced in the early
1970s) by driftnetters (Yeh and Tung, 1993). The driftnet
fishery for O. bartramii coexisted with the jig fishery until
1983, but thereafter driftnets replaced jigging. From 1985
to 1988, the Taiwanese driftnet catch was concentrated
between 155 E and 165 E. From 1983 to 1990, 94–179
vessels were operating for 6,000–18,000 days per year.
Annual catch ranged from 10,000 to 30,000 t.
The principle fish bycatch was Pacific pomfret (Brama
japonica) but blue shark, albacore, pelagic armorhead, and
skipjack catches were also high. Large numbers of seabirds,
especially dark shearwaters, marine mammals, and turtles
were also taken as bycatch (Nakata, 1987; Yatsu et al., 1993).
Because of the excessive bycatch and because lost or discarded
nets can continue “ghost fishing” at unquantifiable levels for
an indefinite period they were banned worldwide by a UN
moratorium in 1991. The O. bartramii fishery has now
switched to jigging with lights.
3.2. Processing
In many fisheries, the squid are frozen whole on board the
fishing vessel, often after grading according to size. Otherwise,
the only processing normally carried out on board is that the
viscera are removed and the “tubes” and “tentacles” (mantles
and brachial crowns) are frozen. This is mainly done in the
larger ommastrephids. In the Falkland Islands fishery over
92% of I. argentinus and over 98% of D. gahi is frozen whole
(Laptikhovsky et al., 2006).
In processing factories ashore, the squid are eviscerated and
separated into the edible “wings” (fins),” tubes” (mantles), and
“tentacles” (brachial crown) either by hand or using machines.
The tubes are often sectioned to produce “squid rings” and
usually frozen. Squid meat from the tubes and tentacles is also
processed in a variety of other ways including canning, drying,
and smoking. In most cases, the viscera and trimmings are discarded but a specialized product is made in Japan by fermenting the digestive gland (Yoshikawa, 1978).
Recently, the nutraceutical industry has begun to utilize
squid for essential omega-3 fatty acids that are increasingly
being used as supplements in human diet. Crude oil is
extracted from the viscera and trimmings, mainly from the
large oil-filled digestive gland of ommastrephids, and is then
purified by distillation and refining for bottling or encapsulation. The oil is rich in eicosapentaenoic acid and especially
docosahexaenoic acid.
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Figure 3. Monthly distribution of Korean driftnet fishery for neon flying squid in 1989. Dots indicate relative CPUE (kg/net) by 1 square.
3.3. Assessment of Squid Stocks
Assessments of squid stocks have been carried out
before, during and after the fishing season (Pierce and
Guerra, 1994). Methods that have been successfully applied
include: (1) depletion methods (Rosenberg et al., 1990),
which have cost and other advantages because they use data
from the commercial fishery (as they are normally operated
in real-time, they require significant man-power, on-board
and on land, to collect and process catch, effort, and biological data); (2) swept area methods (using nets) (Cadrin and
Hatfield, 1999); and (3) acoustics (Starr and Thorne, 1998;
Goss et al., 1998, 2001). An “ecological approach” has also
been used to set a precautionary catch for a potential new
fishery for Martialia hyadesi in the CCAMLR (Commission
for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources)
area (Rodhouse, 1997). This used estimated total consumption by predators (seabirds, seals, and toothed whales) to set
a TAC (total allowable catch) that was sufficiently low to
have a negligible effect on dependent predator populations
and was consistent with the ecosystem-based approach to
fishery management adopted by CCAMLR.
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A number of other assessment methods have been
attempted or proposed for squid stocks (Rodhouse et al.,
2014). Surveys of paralarval numbers prior to recruitment
have been carried out (e.g., Okutani and Watanabe, 1983) but
were found to have little practical application. Stock-recruitment relationships have been tested (Okutani and Watanabe,
1983) but with inconsistent results, as the relationship between
stock and recruitment is weak in squid stocks. The surplus production method has also been tried, sometimes unsuccessfully
(perhaps for the same reason) but with some success in
Saharan Bank fisheries (possibly because cephalopod stocks
rapidly adjust to effects of exploitation, so that equilibrium
can be achieved) (Pierce and Guerra, 1994). Cohort analysis
has been attempted several times but is often impractical
because of the difficulties associated with sectioning and reading large numbers of statoliths (to collect age data) in the short
fishing season operating in most squid fisheries. However, a
successful application to Loligo in the English Channel was
reported by Royer et al. (2002).
The mark-recapture method, which has been used widely
in population ecology, has potential utility for assessment of
squid stocks. The method involves sampling the population,
tagging a subsample, and releasing them back into the population. The population is then resampled and population size
estimated based on the proportion of tagged individuals
recaptured (Krebs, 1999). Although large scale tagging of
squid has been successfully carried out (Nagasawa et al.,
1993; Sauer et al., 2000), these have been for research on distribution and migration but no stock assessment has yet been
done by mark-recapture. Squid are fragile so the potential for
tagging related mortality biasing the results would be a
3.4. Management of Squid Fisheries
The short life span of squids (approximately 1 year in the
case of most commercially exploited species) requires a different management approach to that taken for most finfish fisheries. There are usually only one or two cohorts per year
depending on the number of seasonal spawning groups present
in the population. The members of these cohorts spawn, sometimes in more than one batch and die soon afterward. This
means that there is usually a period in the year when adults are
largely absent and the population is represented by eggs, paralarvae, and prerecruits. Following recruitment, there is generally a relatively short fishing season during which growth and
individual biomass increases rapidly.
The annual lifecycle means that managers have very little information on the potential size of the exploitable
stock until shortly before recruitment. Prerecruit surveys
may provide some information (Roa-Ureta and Arkhipkin,
2007) but it is only when the squid are large enough to be
susceptible to the fishing gear that reliable estimates of
stock size can be made. Given the challenges of managing
squid fisheries Caddy (1983) proposed that management
should be based on effort limitation, with the possibility of
short-term adjustment of effort, and with the objective of
allowing a maximum proportion (40%) of the catchable
biomass to be removed each year.
The approach was adopted and refined in the Falkland
Islands fishery for I. argentinus and D. gahi (Beddington
et al., 1990; Rosenberg et al., 1990; Beddington et al.,
1990; Rodhouse et al., 2013). Stock assessment is carried
out in-season using a modified Lesley–Delury depletion
method. Target escapement in I. argentinus was initially
based on allowing a proportion of the preseason numbers
of squid to escape but this was later changed to a precautionary minimum spawning biomass, estimated on the basis
of experience, needed to generate adequate recruitment
(Basson et al. 1996). The approach has been considered
elsewhere for management of fisheries for D. pealeii
(Brodziak and Rosenberg, 1999) and Loligo reynaudii
(Augustyn et al., 1992) but it has not been widely adopted.
Management of the Japanese T. pacificus fishery has been
described by Okutani (1977), Caddy (1983), Okutani (1983),
Murata (1989, 1990), and Suzuki (1990). Management has
been concerned with balancing market demand and price as
well as ensuring the stock is fished sustainably (Boyle and
Rodhouse, 2005). Maintaining price by limiting the catch, and
hence market availability, will tend to have the effect of limiting overfishing unless the stock drops to a low level when
price increases, resulting in pressure on stocks in the absence
of restrictions.
Fisheries for D. gigas take place off the west coast of the
Americas from Chile to California, though the species range
now extends northward to Alaska. Fisheries are pursued off
Peru, Chile and in Baja California (BC), Mexico, and their
management has been recently reviewed by Rosa et al.
(2013c). The Peruvian fishery is managed by setting quotas
based on data from acoustic surveys and data from the fishery. In Mexico, the fishery is managed on the basis of
allowing at least 40% escapement of the stock to spawn. In
practice, a higher proportion of the stock survives to spawn
and the fishery is considered by managers to be underexploited. In Chile, the fishery is managed by restricting
access and limiting use of product for human consumption.
TAC is flexible and based on a combination of historical
catch and in-season catch rates.
Other management approaches adopted elsewhere have
been outlined by Boyle and Rodhouse (2005). These include
spatial and seasonal restrictions, mesh size restrictions and the
introduction of individual transferable quotas, which eliminates “competitive” fishing. In the future, marine protected
areas (MPAs) will undoubtedly play their part in the management of squid fisheries.
It is worth noting that small-scale squid fisheries exist in
many parts of the world, for example, in coastal waters of
southern Europe. These are often essentially unregulated
(except for minimum landing sizes (MLSs) in some areas).
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If further management is introduced, approaches used in
large-scale fisheries are unlikely to be suitable. Regionally
and locally based measures, involving comanagement have
been proposed for small-scale octopus fisheries and such
an approach may be suitable for small-scale squid fisheries.
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The Northwest Atlantic region includes the coastal, shelf
and oceanic waters off the eastern coasts of Canada and the
United States of America (USA). The continental shelf broadens in a northward direction and lies primarily within the jurisdiction of these two countries, but the Flemish Cap and the
Nose and Tail of the Grand Bank are located in international
waters. Regional oceanographic conditions are mainly driven
by the cold, relatively fresh Labrador Current which flows
southwestward and a warmer, saltier western boundary current, the Gulf Stream, which flows northeastward (Loder et al.,
1998). Two species of squids are subject to commercial
exploitation in the region: I. illecebrosus (Northern shortfin
squid) is an oceanic squid species that is fished in USA, Canadian and international waters and D. pealeii (longfin inshore
squid) is a neritic squid species that is fished on the USA shelf.
Both species have been exploited since the late 1800s, originally mostly as bait, but fishing pressure increased rapidly in
the region and was highest during the 1970s when large factory trawlers from Japan, the former USSR, and Western
Europe targeted both species for food.
4.1. Illex illecebrosus (Northern Shortfin Squid)
4.1.1. Geographic Range and Distribution
Northern shortfin squid, I. illecebrosus, are distributed across
a broad latitudinal range in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, in
continental shelf, slope, and oceanic waters located off the east
coast of Florida (26 –29 N) to 66 N, including southern Greenland, Baffin Island, and Iceland (Roper et al., 2010).
Distribution is highly influenced by water temperatures and
water masses, and on the eastern USA shelf, temperature preferences during the fall are size-specific (Brodziak and Hendrickson, 1999). The species is associated with bottom water
temperatures greater than 6 C on the Scotian Shelf (Rowell
et al., 1985a) and greater than 5 C on the Newfoundland shelf
(Mercer, 1973a). On the USA shelf, shortfin squid are most
abundant at bottom temperatures of 8–13 C during fall and
10–14 C during spring (Hendrickson and Holmes, 2004).
Although common in nearshore waters north of the Gulf of
Maine during summer and fall, the species is uncommon in
shallow waters (<18 m) on the USA shelf (Hendrickson and
Holmes, 2004).
The timing of migrations into the fishing areas varies interannually (Fedulov and Amaratunga, 1981) and begins earliest
in the southern portion of the species’ range. During March
and April, on-shelf migration occurs simultaneously along the
USA shelf/slope edge, from South Carolina to Browns Bank
on the southern Scotian Shelf, and squid densities are highest
in the southernmost and deepest survey strata as well as on
Browns Bank (Hendrickson, 2004). Migration onto the Scotian
Shelf also begins by April (Fedulov and Amaratunga, 1981;
Black et al., 1987), but migration onto the Grand Banks generally occurs later, during May and June (Squires, 1957), and
densities are highest along the Bank edge in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions 3O and 3N
(Figure 4; Black et al., 1987; Hendrickson, 2006). During late
May, both juveniles with a modal mantle length (ML) of
40 mm and adults were caught near the USA shelf edge (Hendrickson, 2004). By July, the species is broadly distributed
across the USA shelf, Scotian Shelf and Gulf of St. Lawrence
(Hendrickson, 2004, Black et al., 1987) and has migrated to
the inshore fishing grounds off Newfoundland (Dawe, 1981).
Fall offshore migrations also begin earliest in the southern portion of the species’ range. During September and October,
squid remain distributed throughout the USA shelf but density
and squid body size increase with depth for individuals greater
than 100 mm ML (Brodziak and Hendrickson, 1999), indicating an off-shelf migration along the entire length of the USA
shelf (Hendrickson, 2004). However, migration from the Newfoundland inshore fishing grounds occurs later, generally during November (Dawe, 1981).
I. illecebrosus concurrently inhabits the continental shelf,
slope and oceanic waters during portions of the year. However,
sampling beyond the depth limit of USA and CA spring and
fall bottom trawl surveys (about 366 m) is limited. Small
quantities of shortfin squid have been caught in Northeast
Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) bottom trawl surveys
(Azarovitz, 1981) on the upper slope between the Gulf of
Maine and Cape Hatteras in April (381–460 m depths). Concurrent with the USA fishery on the continental shelf, shortfin
squid were also caught offshore in July near the Bear Seamount, with the maximum catch at 2510 m depth (NEFSC,
2003), and during late fall, catch rates declined with depth and
bottom temperature at depths ranging from 384 to 1,038 m,
between Georges Bank and Cape Canaveral, Florida (Rathjen,
1981). Concurrent with the July inshore jig fishery off Newfoundland, shortfin squid were consistently caught offshore in
Division 3M (Figure 4) bottom trawl surveys of the Flemish
Cap (i.e., 20–5,143 t during 2003–2012), at depths up to
1460 m (Hendrickson and Showell, 2013).
4.1.2. Stock Identification
The I. illecebrosus population is considered to constitute
a single stock throughout its range in the Northwest Atlantic
Ocean (Dawe and Hendrickson, 1998). Based on an allozyme polymorphism analysis, there is no significant genetic
heterogeneity of I. illecebrosus populations located off
Newfoundland and Cape Cod (Martınez et al., 2005a,b).
The stock was managed as single unit during 1974–1976
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Figure 4. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) reporting areas, Subareas 3–6 and associated Divisions, for fisheries that occur in the Northwest
Atlantic Ocean.
(Amaratunga, 1981a) by NAFO; formerly the International
Commission for Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF).
However, since the 1977 implementation of the 200-mile
fishing limits for the USA and Canada, this transboundary
species has been managed as two separate stock components. The northern stock component consists of squid from
Canadian and international waters and is managed by
NAFO. The northern stock component (NAFO Subareas
3C4) includes squid from Subarea 3, which includes the
Grand Banks, Flemish Cap, and inshore Newfoundland
waters, and Subarea 4, which includes the Scotian Shelf,
Bay of Fundy, and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Figure 4). The southern stock component (NAFO Subareas
5C6) consists of squid from USA waters, between the Gulf
of Maine and the east coast of Florida, and is managed in
the USA by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council.
4.1.3. Life History
Shortfin squid utilize continental shelf, slope, and oceanic
habitats during their lifecycle and adults undergo long-distance migrations among boreal, temperate, and subtropical
waters. Similar to several other ommastrephids, the lifecycle
of Northern shortfin squid is associated with a western-boundary current system (Coelho, 1985; Hatanaka et al., 1985a), the
Gulf Stream, which has been hypothesized as the primary
transport mechanism for egg “balloons,” paralarvae, and small
juveniles northeastward toward the Grand Banks (Trites,
1983). The neutrally buoyant egg “balloons” have not been
found in nature (O’Dor and Dawe, 1998), but laboratory
studies indicate that normal embryonic development occurs at
a minimum temperature of 12.5 C with hatching in sixteen
days (O’Dor et al., 1982), and at a maximum temperature of
about 26 C, hatching occurs in 6 days (Balch et al., 1985).
The ML of I. illecebrosus hatchlings is approximately 1.1 mm
(Durward et al., 1980). Illex sp. paralarvae have been captured
during most of the year in the warm, nutrient-rich waters of
the Gulf Stream/Slope Water Convergence Zone, between
central Florida and south of Newfoundland (Dawe and Beck,
1985), but were most abundant during February and March,
above the thermocline, at temperatures greater than 13 C
(Dawe and Beck, 1985; Hatanaka et al., 1985b). During
spring, epipelagic juveniles migrate from the Convergence
Zone to cooler, more productive, neritic waters where individual growth rates are more rapid (Perez and O’Dor, 1998). During late May, juveniles (34–68 mm ML) have been collected
near the USA shelf edge along the southeast flank of Georges
Bank, at depths of 140–260 m, where surface and bottom temperatures were 10.6 and 9.9 C, respectively (Hendrickson,
Bakun and Csirke (1998) suggested that the southwestwardflowing Slope Water Countercurrent may aid the species during its fall migration to an inferred winter spawning area
located south of Cape Hatteras (Trites, 1983; Rowell and
Trites, 1985). The fall, off-shelf migration from all fishing
areas and southwest migration patterns of several individuals
tagged on the northern fishing grounds (Amaratunga, 1981b;
Dawe et al., 1981) lend support to the lifecycle hypothesis of
Rowell and Trites (1985). However, unlike males, females are
not yet mature when they emigrate from inshore
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Newfoundland waters during late fall (Squires, 1967; Mercer,
1973b). In addition, the Illex sp. hatchlings which have been
collected south of Cape Hatteras during winter were not identified to the species level, despite the fact that I. illecebrosus is
sympatric with I. oxygonius and I. coindetii south of New Jersey and Virginia, respectively (Roper and Lu, 1979; Roper
et al., 2010). Thus, the winter spawning area remains
unknown, as do the migration patterns between the northern
and southern stock components (refer to Section 4.1.4), and
the autumn spawning migration route (Hendrickson and
Holmes, 2004).
The only confirmed spawning area is located along the
USA shelf edge, in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (between 39 10´ N
and 35 50´ N), where the winter cohort was found spawning
during late May at depths of 113–377 m and surface and bottom temperatures ranging from 13.4–20.1 C and 11.4–20.3 C,
respectively (Hendrickson, 2004). Mature and spawning individuals have also been caught in the USA directed bottom
trawl fishery during June-September (Hendrickson and Hart,
2006). Thus, the Mid-Atlantic Bight is the primary spawning
area during at least May–September, but some spawning may
also occur in the Gulf Stream/Slope Water frontal zone where
paralarvae and juveniles have been collected during most winter months (Hatanaka et al., 1985b). The presence of spawners
during May–September, combined with the documentation of
November–June hatch dates (Dawe and Beck, 1997; Hendrickson, 2004), indicate that spawning occurs year-round.
The maximum ML and weight recorded for the species are
350 mm and 700 g and females achieve larger sizes than
males (O’Dor and Dawe, 1998). The lifespan of mated females
from the winter cohort inhabiting the USA shelf was 115–
215 days (Hendrickson, 2004) whereas a maximum age of
250 days was documented for females caught in the Newfoundland jig fishery and which were not mature (Dawe and
Beck, 1997). The species exhibits latitudinal clines in growth
rate and size-at-maturity such that individuals inhabiting
warmer waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight exhibit faster growth
and maturation rates, and possibly have a shorter lifespan,
than squid from the colder waters off Newfoundland
(Hendrickson, 2004).
by the Gulf Stream along with enhanced survival of paralarvae
and juveniles from the winter spawning period (Dawe et al.,
2007). Coelho and O’Dor (1993) and O’Dor and Coelho
(1993) hypothesized that squid abundance in the northernmost
fishing area, off Newfoundland, is highest when the winter
cohort is predominant.
The winter cohort (i.e., squid hatched primarily during
December and January), which is predominant on the USA
shelf during May, provides recruitment to the USA fishery during the early part of the fishing season (Hendrickson, 2004).
However, squid from the winter cohort were not predominant
in the Newfoundland jig fishery catches during July–November. Instead, squid caught in the jig fishery during July–
September were predominately hatched during March (Dawe
and Beck, 1997), which corresponds to the March-hatched
juveniles present on the northern USA shelf during May
(Hendrickson, 2004). During October–November, the
Newfoundland jig fishery catches were dominated by squid
hatched during April–May, which corresponds to the hatching
period of the progeny of the spawning squid that were present
on the USA shelf during May.
4.1.5. Fisheries
The onset and duration of the directed fisheries generally
reflect the timing of squid migrations through each fishing
area and can vary interannually. Since 1996, the duration of
the USA bottom trawl fishery in Subareas 5C6 (Figure 5A)
has also been affected by fishery closures which occur when a
4.1.4. Recruitment
Recruitment is highly variable, particularly at the northern
limit of the species’ range, primarily due to the effects of variability in water temperatures and broad-scale oceanographic
conditions. Dawe et al. (2007) found that variation in atmospheric forcing, as well as the latitudinal position of the ShelfSlope Front (SSF), were closely related to oceanographic processes that exert opposing effects on the distribution and abundance of I. illecebrosus and D. pealeii, which are sympatric on
the USA shelf during summer and fall. For I. illecebrosus,
southward displacement of the SSF and north wall of the Gulf
Stream were related to a warm oceanographic regime off Newfoundland and improved efficiency of northeasterly transport
Figure 5. Gear types used in the Illex illecebrosus fisheries. (A) The
squid catch of a USA bottom trawler (a freezer vessel) is pushed from the
“pen” area, shown here, to a conveyor belt for sorting on deck prior to
packing and freezing the catch in the hold. (B) A fisherman manually operates a jig reel while fishing for squid near the Newfoundland coast. (C) A
view from the dock of jig reels used in the small-boat (4–14 m in length)
squid fishery off Newfoundland and a day’s catch. (D) Fishermen jigging
for squid in a Newfoundland embayment. Photograph credits: (A) Lisa C.
Hendrickson; (B)
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percentage of the annual quota is landed (i.e., 80% in 1996 and
95% during 1997–2014) and which triggers a shortfin squid
trip limit of 45,359 kg (the regulatory definition of a directed
trip). The seasonal peak of landings for each fishing area also
varies interannually depending on fishing effort, squid availability, and abundance. Since 1992, the Subarea 4 and 5C6
fisheries have occurred mainly during June-October, with a
landings peak in July or August, and the Subarea 3 inshore
fishery has generally occurred about one month later, during
July–October or November, with a peak in September (Hendrickson et al., 2002).
In Subarea 3, a majority of the landings have been taken in
a jig fishery that occurs in small, open boats in the nearshore
waters (depths < 20 m) of Newfoundland (Mercer, 1973c;
Hendrickson and Showell, 2013) (Figure 5B–D). During
1970–1980, international midwater and bottom trawlers and
jig vessels fished offshore in Subareas 3 and 4 (Dawe, 1981;
Hatanaka and Sato, 1980). During 1963–1969, small amounts
(65–433 t) of I. illecebrosus were landed from Subarea 4 during a June–November inshore trap fishery (Amaratunga et al.,
4.1.6. Total Catches
Since 1963, total landings (nominal catches) from Subareas
3–6 have varied considerably and have consisted of three distinct levels of magnitude. The period of highest landings
(1976–1981), which occurred when international fishing fleets
were active in all fishing areas, was bracketed by periods of
substantially lower landings (Hendrickson and Showell, 2013;
(Figure 6). Total landings were primarily from the northernmost fishing area (Subarea 3 inshore jig fishery) during
1963–1967 (average D 7,354 t) and from the southernmost
area (international fishery in Subareas 5C6) during 1968–1974
(average D 13,470 t). Following a sustained period of record
high landings in Subareas 3C4 during 1976–1981 (average D
100,300 t), these northern fisheries collapsed; declining from
162,092 t in 1979 to 426 t in 1983. However, landings from
Subareas 5C6 remained stable during the same period and did
Figure 6. Landings of Illex illecebrosus and TACs (000’s t) in Subareas
3C4, during 1953–2012, and in Subareas 5C6 during 1963–2012.
not exceed 25,000 t, in part, due to effort restrictions. Since
1987, total landings have been mainly from the USA fishery in
Subareas 5C6. Subareas 3C4. The Subarea 3 inshore jig fishery has
occurred since the late 1800s, but landings have only been
quantified since 1911 and totalled less than 1,000 t during
most years between 1911 and 1952 (Dawe, 1981). During
1920–1952, landings from Subarea 4 averaged 269 t with a
peak of 1990 t in 1926 (Mercer, 1973c). Landings from Subareas 3C4 were predominately from the Subarea 3 inshore jig
fishery during 1953–1969 (average D 4,647 t) due to increased
export market demand and the use of mechanized jiggers
beginning in 1965 (Dawe, 1981). The inshore jig fishery has
repeatedly been defined as “passive” and entirely driven by
squid availability (e.g., Mercer, 1973c). However, the lack of
fishing effort data for the jig fishery prior to 1990 (Dawe and
Hendrickson, 1998) and lack of inshore abundance and distribution data do not allow one to discern whether landings fluctuations were attributable to resource availability or changes
in fishing effort and/or abundance. During the 1970s, landings
from Subareas 3C4 increased rapidly with the development of
offshore international fleets, from 1,485 t in 1970 to a peak of
162,092 t in 1979 (Hendrickson and Showell, 2013; Figure 6).
During 1970–1978, landings from Subareas 3C4 were predominately from the Subarea 4 international fleets (average D
18,659 t). During this same period, Subarea 3 landings were
predominately from the inshore jig fishery (average D 10,172
t). Landings by the offshore international fleets in Subarea 3
occurred primarily during 1975–1979 and were much lower,
with a peak of only 5,700 t in 1978 (Dawe, 1981). Due to a
strong export market demand, revenues from the jig fishery
landings increased rapidly from $4,100 in 1976 to nearly
$9 million in 1978 (Hurley, 1980). Landings in Subareas 3C4
were highest during 1976–1981 and averaged 80,645 t (Figure 6). Following a landings peak in 1979 (162,092 t), the fishery in Subareas 3C4 collapsed; landings declined to 426 t in
1983 and remained low thereafter with the exception of a few
years (Figure 6). During 1987–1999, landings were primarily
from an international fishery in Subarea 4 for Merluccius bilinearis, I. illecebrosus, and Argentina sp. (Hendrickson et al.,
2002), but since 2000, landings have been primarily from the
Subarea 3 inshore jig fishery (Hendrickson and Showell,
2013). The amounts of shortfin squid discards in the Subareas
3C4 trawl fisheries are unknown. Subareas 5C6. Landings of squids (I. illecebrosus
and D. pealeii combined) off the eastern USA coast have been
recorded since 1887, and during 1928–1963, averaged 1,232 t
and 700 t from New England (ME to CT) and Mid-Atlantic
(NY to NC) waters, respectively (Lange and Sissenwine,
1983). Prior to 1982, USA landings of I. illecebrosus were
mainly from a nearshore trap fishery, for bait, off the Maine
coast and incidental in bottom trawl fisheries during summer
and fall (Lange, 1978). Landings from Subareas 5C6 are
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Figure 7. Landings of Illex illecebrosus and TACs (000’s t), for Subareas
5C6, during 1963–2012.
characterized by two distinct periods (1968–1986 and 1987–
2012). During 1968–1982, landings were predominately taken
by international fleets and averaged 15,086 t with a peak of
24,936 t in 1976; the second highest level (Hendrickson and
Showell, 2013; Figure 7). Most of the landings were taken by
Spain (33%), Japan (17%), Russia (16%), Italy (12%), and
Poland (13%, Figure 8). After 1976, landings gradually
declined to 1958 t in 1988. The decline was due to restrictions
on effort and catch allocations for international vessels, the latter which were further reduced during 1982–1986 in order to
develop a domestic squid fishery which initially consisted of
joint ventures between foreign “processor” vessels and American “catcher” vessels (Lange and Sissenwine, 1983). During
1987–2002, USA fishery landings averaged 11,728 t. Following an increase to 23,568 t in 1998 (which led to an August
fishery closure) landings declined to 2,750 t in 2002; the lowest level since the 1987 inception of the domestic fishery.
Landings reached a record high in 2004 (26,097 t), resulting in
a September fishery closure, then declined again and averaged
14,453 t during 2005–2012. Discards of shortfin squid are low
in the directed fishery and due to their lower value primarily
occur in the D. pealeii fishery. Total discards in both fisheries
Figure 8. Landings (000’s t) of Illex illecebrosus in Subareas 5C6, by major
country, during 1963–1987. Landings by fleets from eight additional countries,
not shown in the figure, ranged between 7 t and 1566 t during the same time
Figure 9. Fleet size (A) and percent of annual Illex illecebrosus landings (B),
by tonnage class (gross registered tonnage, GRT), for the USA directed bottom
trawl fishery during 1996–2012.
comprised 0.5–6.0% of the directed fishery landings during
1995–2004 (NEFSC, 2006). Fishing fleets. International fleets fishing in Subareas 5C6 consisted of 95 jiggers, bottom trawlers, and midwater trawlers that ranged in size from 34–87 m (298–3,697
GRT), during 1977, and which fished mainly during the day at
depths of 165–200 m (Kolator and Long, 1979). The USA bottom trawl fleet consists of fewer and smaller vessels, totaling
about 30 vessels, during highly productive years (e.g., 2004),
but only 10–20 vessels during most years (Figure 9A). During
1996–2012, the USA fleet totalled 9–37 vessels. However,
during most years, most of the landings (56–89%) were taken
by 6–15 vessels in the 151–215 GRT size class (Figure 9A
and B). The USA fleet fishes during the day, and during 1996–
2012, vessel logbook data indicated that 95% of the landings
occurred at depths of 128–238 m (mode D 183 m) with most
(69%) occurring at 146–201 m.
Fishing effort by the USA fleet is affected by on-shelf availability of squid, abundance, vessel type, and ex-vessel price.
Vessel types include freezer trawlers, on which catches are
frozen at sea, and trawlers on which catches are stored either
on ice or in refrigerated seawater (NEFSC, 2003). Freezer
trawlers can fish for up to about 14 days and ice/refrigerated
seawater trawlers generally fish less than 4 days. Freezer
trawlers harvest a majority of the landings except during years
when the landings are exceptionally high (NEFSC, 2006).
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Figure 10. Landings (000’s t) and average price (2012 $/t, adjusted for inflation using the Producer Price Index), of Illex illecebrosus in the USA directed
fishery during 1982–2012. Economic importance. A portion of the landings
by the USA fleet are sold domestically as bait, but a majority
is exported as food. Ex-vessel price is highly influenced by the
global squid market, in particular, the amount of I. argentinus
available from the Falklands (NEFSC, 1999). The average
price of I. illecebrosus (in 2012 $/t, adjusted for inflation using
the USA Producer Price Index (PPI)) nearly doubled during
development of the domestic fishery, from $511/t in 1982 to
$1,013/t in 1991, but then gradually declined to $627/t in 2000
(Figure 10). During the 1990–1999 and 2000–2009, mean prices averaged $877/t and $723/t, respectively. Average price
peaked at $1,017/t in 2011 and was $908/t in 2012. During
1982–2012, trends in gross revenues (in 2012 $ adjusted using
the PPI) were similar to the landings trends (Figure 10) and
ranged from $1.1 million in 1983 to a peak of $23.1 million in
2004. Gross revenues were above the 1982–2011 average
($9.0 million) during 1990–1998, 2004–2006, and 2009–2012.
4.1.7. Fishery Management and Stock Assessment Subareas 3C4. Total allowable catches (TACs) of
I. illecebrosus for Subareas 3C4 have been established annually by ICNAF/NAFO since 1976, and during 1976 and 1977,
the TACs of 25,000 t were exceeded by 167% and 343%,
respectively (Figure 6) due to fishery reporting problems
(Lange and Sissenwine, 1983). As landings continued to
increase during 1978–1980, the respective TACs also
increased to 100,000 t, 120,000 t, and 150,000 t, respectively,
and were based on applying a target exploitation rate of 0.40
to the prior year’s biomass estimate (Lange and Sissenwine,
1983). The 1979 TAC was exceeded by 135% (Figure 6).
International fleets were also subject to effort controls which
consisted of delayed fishery opening dates of June 15 and July
1 during 1978 and 1979, respectively (Roberge and Amaratunga, 1980). Beginning in 1977, small-mesh (minimum
codend mesh size D 130 mm) international bottom trawlers
were required to fish seaward of a “Small Mesh Gear Line”
(located near the 200 m isobath in Divisions 4W and 4X) during April 15-November 15, to reduce bycatch (Waldron,
The northern stock component was assessed annually during 1974–2002 and every third year since then, with brief
monitoring reports during interim years. The assessment is
data-poor, and since 1998, has been based on trends in relative
biomass and body size indices derived from the July bottom
trawl surveys of the Scotian Shelf. Two general levels of productivity have been identified for the northern stock component. A period of high productivity occurred during 1976–
1981, between two low productivity periods, 1970–1975 and
1982–2012 (Hendrickson and Showell, 2013). A TAC of
34,000 t, an estimate of the potential yield sustainable under
low productivity conditions (Rivard et al., 1998), has been in
effect since 2000 but landings have been well below this level
since 1982 (Hendrickson and Showell, 2013). Subareas 5C6. An initial TAC of 71,000 t (for I. illecebrosus and D. pealeii combined) was established by
ICNAF in 1974–1975, for Subarea 5C6, as a preemptive measure to limit expansion of the international squid fisheries
(Lange and Sissenwine, 1983). ICNAF also set I. illecebrosus
TACs for Subareas 5C6 during 1976–1977 and the 1977 TAC
was adopted by the USA as part of a preliminary Fishery Management Plan that was implemented following the USA withdrawal from NAFO (Figure 7). The TAC was 30,000 t during
1976–1995 and ranged between 19,000 t and 24,000 t during
1996–2012. Fishery closures occurred during 1998 and 2004
when the TACs of 19,000 t and 24,000 t, respectively, were
attained and exceeded (Figure 7).
Beginning in March of 1977, international bottom trawl
fleets targeting either squid species were subject to weekly
catch reports, hiring USA fishery observers, effort restrictions
and mesh size limitations. Minimum codend mesh sizes of 40
and 60 mm (inside stretched mesh measurements) were
required in 1977 and 1978, respectively, and fishing was limited to specific months within five offshore “fishing windows”
(depth range of 90–200 m), with a requirement of pelagic
trawls (minimum codend mesh size of 45 mm) in some areas
and months, in order to reduce gear conflicts with lobster pots
and reduce bycatch (Kolator and Long, 1979). Since 1996, the
USA I. illecebrosus fleet has been limited to fishing seaward
of 91 m, during June-September, to avoid D. pealeii bycatch.
Unlike the D. pealeii fishery minimum mesh size requirements
(i.e., 48 mm codend and 114 mm strengthener during 1996fall of 2010; 54 mm codend and 127 mm strengthener since
then, inside stretched mesh), the USA I. illecebrosus fishery
has no minimum mesh size requirements. Vessel logbook data
during 2010–2012 indicated that 42% of the I. illecebrosus
fishery landings were taken with 48–53 mm diamond mesh
codends (inside stretched mesh), and the remainder were primarily taken with 28 mm (28%), 38 mm (10%), and 61–
64 mm (16%) mesh. Partial and full recruitment to the USA
fishery occurs at 110 and 180 mm ML, respectively (Lange
and Sissenwine, 1980; NEFSC, 2003).
The stock assessments of shortfin squid are data-poor and
are not conducted annually. Several models have been used to
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compute biomass, fishing mortality rates, and MSY-based biological reference points (BRPs), or proxies thereof (e.g.,
F40%), as required by the stock’s Fishery Management Plan.
The most recent assessment consisted of a weekly, age-based
model for an unfished cohort that was used to estimate the maturation and natural mortality rates of non-spawners and
spawners and which also incorporated aging error (Hendrickson and Hart, 2006). Output from the maturation-natural mortality model was then incorporated into a weekly, per-recruit
model to estimate BRPs and biomass and fishing mortality
rates were estimated from a weekly-based, DeLury-type model
that utilized tow-based biological and fishery data (NEFSC,
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4.2. Doryteuthis pealeii (Longfin Inshore Squid)
4.2.1. Geographic Range and Distribution
Longfin inshore squid inhabits the continental shelf and
upper slope waters between southern Newfoundland and the
Gulf of Venezuela, including the Gulf of Mexico and the
Caribbean Sea (Jereb et al., 2010). In the Northwest Atlantic
Ocean, D. pealeii is most abundant between Georges Bank
and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (Figure 4) where a commercial fishery occurs (Serchuk and Rathjen, 1974). North of
Georges Bank, the species is seasonally abundant in the Gulf
of Maine during summer through fall, primarily at depths
<90 m (NEFSC, 2011), but is seldom found further north.
However, during several years, longfin squid have been found
as far north as southern Newfoundland when northern water
temperatures were warmer than normal (Dawe et al., 2007).
The southern limit of distribution in east coast USA waters is
unknown because D. pealeii is sympatric with D. plei, mainly
south of Cape Hatteras, and the two species cannot be visually
distinguished between based on gross morphology (Cohen,
North of Cape Hatteras, longfin squid exhibit seasonal
north-south and inshore-offshore migrations which are
strongly influenced by water temperatures. Distribution patterns are known from spring and fall bottom trawl surveys conducted between the Gulf of Maine and Cape Hatteras by the
NEFSC (Azarovitz, 1981). The species migrates southward
and to the edge of the continental shelf, as far north as Georges
Bank, during late fall then migrates inshore to embayments
and sounds during spring where squid remain through fall
(Summers, 1983; Black et al., 1987; NEFSC, 2011). Inshore
migrations begin earlier at southern latitudes (Whitaker, 1978)
as inshore waters gradually warm in spring (Black et al.,
1987). Longfin squid prefer warmer water temperatures than
I. illecebrosus (Brodziak and Hendrickson, 1999). Catch rates
of longfin squid during NEFSC spring bottom trawl surveys
were highest at depths of 111–185 m and bottom temperatures
of 10–12 C, but catch rates were greatly reduced at bottom
temperatures less than 8 C during spring and fall surveys
(Serchuk and Rathjen, 1974). During NEFSC fall bottom trawl
surveys, longfin squid preferred depths of 37–75 m and bottom
temperatures of 11–15 C (Brodziak and Hendrickson, 1999).
4.2.2. Stock Identification
The D. pealeii population inhabiting the waters between the
Gulf of Maine and Cape Hatteras is managed as a single stock
(NEFSC, 2011) based on the results of genetics studies and the
consistency of seasonal migrations to the inshore spawning
grounds (Black et al. 1987). Genetics studies by Herke and
Foltz (2002) and Shaw et al. (2010) found no evidence of
genetically distinct subpopulations between the Gulf of Maine
and the east coast of Florida. Buresch et al. (2006) found population differentiation at some of their sampling sites. However, in a follow-up genetics analysis to address comments in
Shaw et al. (2012), they found that population differentiation
was not temporally stable (Gerlach et al., 2012). Most studies
of genetic structuring in Loliginid squid populations have suggested widespread genetic uniformity (Shaw et al., 2010).
4.2.3. Life History
The longfin inshore squid has a lifespan of less than 1 year
(Macy, 1995) and spawning occurs year-round (Brodziak and
Macy, 1996; Macy and Brodziak, 2001). Spawning occurs
inshore during late spring through fall where egg masses have
been found at depths <50 m from the Gulf of Maine to Delaware Bay (Bigelow, 1924; Haefner, 1964; Summers, 1969).
Although several offshore winter spawning areas have been
suggested by fishermen (Hatfield and Cadrin, 2002), the location of the main winter spawning area remains unknown. The
paralarval distribution of longfin squid cannot be used to determine whether spawning occurs south of Cape Hatteras because
chromatophore patterns cannot be used to distinguish between
D. pealeii and D. plei paralarvae (Vecchione, 1988). Egg
masses of longfin squid are attached to the substrate, macroalgae, and fixed objects at temperatures ranging from 10 to
23 C, and salinities of 30–32 ppt (McMahon and Summers,
1971). The rate of embryonic development is temperature
dependent, such that hatching occurs in 27 days at 12.0–
18.0 C, in 19 days at 15.5–21.3 C, and in 11 days at 21.5–
23.0 C (McMahon and Summers, 1971).
Individuals are 1.8 mm ML at hatching (McMahon and
Summers, 1971). Paralarvae are planktonic and both paralarvae and individuals as large as 15 mm ML have been collected
near the surface in coastal waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight,
but only between May and early November, at salinities ranging between 31.5 and 34.0 ppt and water temperatures of 10–
25 C (Vecchione, 1981). Individuals as small as 10 mm ML
are frequently caught at shallow depths during NEFSC fall
bottom trawl surveys, and to a lesser extent during spring surveys, which suggests that the onset of diel vertical migration
commences at a size less than 10 mm ML.
Longfin squid undergo an ontogenetic shift in depth distribution whereby large squid occupy deeper water than smaller
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squid during spring and fall bottom trawl surveys (Summers,
1969; Serchuk and Rathjen, 1974; Brodziak and Hendrickson,
1999). During NEFSC fall bottom trawl surveys, catches of
squid larger than 80 mm ML were highest at depths of 111–
185 m and bottom temperatures of 11–16 C while catches of
smaller squid were highest at depths of 27–55 m and peaked
where bottom temperatures were greater than 16 C (Brodziak
and Hendrickson, 1999). During NEFSC spring surveys, a
majority of the individuals larger than 80 mm ML were caught
at depths of 101–160 m and bottom temperatures of 8–14 C
while smaller squid exhibited a bimodal depth distribution
(modes at 101–140 and 21–30 m) and most were caught at
bottom temperatures of 7–13 C with the highest catches at
11–13 C (Jacobson, 2005).
Longfin squid rest on the seabed (Stevenson, 1934) and forage in demersal habitats during the daytime and disperse into
the upper water column at night (Summers, 1969; Sissenwine
and Bowman, 1978). Diel vertical migration is more pronounced in juveniles ( 80 mm ML) than in adults (Brodziak,
1998; Brodziak and Hendrickson, 1999). Squid 80 mm ML
dominated daytime survey catches, averaging 75% and 78%,
respectively, of the NEFSC spring and fall survey abundance
indices during 1976–2008 (NEFSC, 2011). Diel vertical migrations may be influenced by the seasonal stratification of the
water column because diel effects on catch rates were more
pronounced during the fall when the water column is thermally
stratified, than during spring and winter when the water column
is well mixed (Hatfield and Cadrin, 2002; NEFSC, 2011).
Water temperatures have a major influence on longfin squid
growth rates and the effect of an increase in water temperature
on growth rate is most pronounced during the first three
months of life (Hatfield et al., 2001). Size compositions of
longfin squid are highly heterogeneous due to year-round
spawning and the presence of multiple cohorts growing at different rates (Macy and Brodziak, 2001). Squid comprising the
summer cohort (squid hatched during May–October) have
faster growth rates than squid from the winter cohort (hatched
during November–April, Brodziak and Macy, 1996; Macy and
Brodziak, 2001). Males grow faster and attain larger sizes than
females (Brodziak and Macy, 1996). The maximum size
recorded in the NEFSC fishery and survey databases is
510 mm ML, but most individuals were <300 mm ML.
4.2.4. Recruitment
Recruitment to the fishery occurs throughout the year with
seasonal peaks in overlapping “microcohorts” that have rapid
and variable growth rates (Brodziak and Macy, 1996; Macy
and Brodziak, 2001). Squid hatched during November–April
provide recruitment to the inshore fishery (May–October) and
vice versa for recruitment to the winter offshore fishery (Macy
and Brodziak, 2001). Recruitment is driven primarily by environmental factors (Dawe et al., 2007). During August–September of 2000, an unusually high abundance of longfin squid
which occurred off southern Newfoundland was associated
Figure 11. Fishermen harvesting Doryteuthis pealeii from a weir located in
shallow water off the southern coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Poles are
driven into the seabed in a heart-shaped configuration to which small-mesh is
attached. A mesh “leader” is installed perpendicular to the shoreline to direct
squid and finfish into the “bowl” shown here. After hauling in the floor of the
“bowl” to concentrate the catch in a small area, the catch is “brailed” from the
“bowl” using a special dip net and loaded into the boat. Photograph credits:
Lisa C. Hendrickson.
with both warm local water temperatures and an unusual eastward displacement of the atmospheric features associated with
the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO; Dawe et al., 2007).
Recruitment may also be negatively affected by the impacts of
increasing ocean acidification on the paralarval stage (Kaplan
et al., 2013).
4.2.5. Fisheries
Fisheries for longfin squid have solely occurred in NAFO
Subareas 5C6 (Figure 4). USA landings of squid (I. illecebrosus and D. pealeii combined) have been recorded since 1887,
and during 1928–1963, averaged 1,232 t and 700 t for the New
England (Maine through Connecticut) and Mid-Atlantic (New
York through North Carolina) regions, respectively (Lange
and Sissenwine, 1983). Squid were landed for bait from incidental catches in summer bottom trawl fisheries and catches in
nearshore weirs/traps located off Massachusetts (Figure 11).
During 1887–1963, squid landings from the Mid-Atlantic and
New England regions were assumed to be primarily D. pealeii
and I. illecebrosus, respectively (Lange and Sissenwine,
1983). Beginning in 1964, incidental catches of squid by Russian factory trawlers were reported, and shortly thereafter,
landings increased rapidly as international fleets began targeting both squid species. Landings of longfin squid were mainly
from the international offshore fishery during 1967–1984 and
from the USA bottom trawl fishery thereafter (Figure 12).
Landings from the traditional inshore weir/trap fishery reached
a record low level in 2012 (47 t), a 97% decline from 1,656 t
in 1988. Since 1989, most of the weir/trap landings have
occurred in Massachusetts where the decline in landings was
associated with a decline in fishing effort (Figure 13).
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Figure 12. Landings, discards, and catches (000’s t) of Doryteuthis pealeii,
and TACs (000’s t), in NAFO Subareas 5C6 during 1963–2012.
Figure 14. Landings (000’s t) of Doryteuthis pealeii in NAFO Subareas
5C6, by country, during 1963–1987.
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4.2.6. Catches
During 1964–2012, catches averaged 16,674 t with a peak
of 38,892 t in 1973 when international fleets were fishing off
the eastern US coast (Figure 12). During 1987–2012, catches
were solely from a domestic fishery and averaged 16,327 t
with a peak of 24,566 t in 1994. The discarded portion of the
longfin squid catches is low, due to the species’ high value,
and primarily occurs in other small-mesh (<63 mm codend
mesh size) bottom trawl fisheries (NEFSC, 2011).
4.2.7. Landings
During 1967–2012, trends in total landings of longfin squid
consisted of four distinct periods. With the development of an
international fishery for squid, total landings increased rapidly
from 1677 t in 1967 to a time series peak of 37,613 t in 1973
and were predominately (>90% during 1969–1975) from the
international fleets (Figure 14). Japan, Spain, Romania, and
Bulgaria began reporting squid landings by species in 1973,
which accounted for most of the total longfin squid landings
(Lange and Sissenwine, 1980). After 1973, total landings
declined rapidly to 10,831 t in 1978, concurrent with a decline
in catch per day fished for the two major offshore fleets, Japan
Figure 13. Doryteuthis pealeii catch (t) and fishing effort data (numbers of
weir lifts and permits) for the coastal Massachusetts (MA) weir/trap fishery
and total D. pealeii catches in weir/trap fisheries for all states during 1982–
and Spain, during 1972–1976 (Lange and Sissenwine, 1980).
In addition to Japan and Spain, Russian, and Italian trawler
fleets also targeted longfin squid at various times during 1967–
1986 (Figure 14). The Russian squid fishery occurred yearround beginning in 1974, but a ban on bottom trawl fishing off
Virginia and country-specific quotas which began in 1976 led
to gradual declines in fishing effort thereafter (Chuksin, 2006).
During 1967–1978, total landings averaged 19,914 t. Prior to
1977, Japanese and Italian trawlers fished longfin squid along
the edge of the continental shelf during October–March
(Lange and Sissenwine, 1980). The Japanese fishery targeted
Atlantic butterfish, Peprilus triacanthus, and longfin squid
during the night and day, respectively (Lange and Waring,
1992). Spain’s squid fishery resulted in substantial amounts of
butterfish and Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) bycatch
(up to 65% during March and April); most of which was discarded (Lange and Sissenwine, 1980).
Beginning in 1977, when the USA began managing the
squid fisheries within their 200-mile territorial waters, international fleets were subject to catch and bycatch allocations,
gear limitations, and time-area restrictions. During 1977, the
international squid fleets consisted of 95 factory vessels (jiggers, bottom trawlers, and off-bottom trawlers) that ranged in
size from 34 to 87 m and from 298 to 3697 GRT (Kolator and
Long, 1979). During 1978–1999, total landings exhibited two
rise-and-fall periods. During the first period (1978–1986) landings during most years were from the international fleets, averaging 18,217 t, and during the second period (1987–1999)
most of the landings were from the domestic fishery (Figure 12). Total landings averaged 18,217 t during 1978–1986,
and after reaching a peak of 23,746 t in 1980, declined to
13,448 t in 1985 along with reductions in squid quota allocations for the international fleets. International allocations were
reduced in order to develop a domestic offshore fishery which
began during the early 1980s (Figure 12). During the fall of
1985, closure of a portion of the international longfin squid
fishery also occurred when Spain exceeded its butterfish
bycatch quota (Lange and Waring, 1992).
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4.2.8. USA Fisheries
A small-vessel (<50 GRT), bottom trawl fishery for longfin
squid initially developed inshore during 1973–1976; a period
of time when catch-per-unit-effort increased from 1.3 to 5.9 t
per day fished, respectively (Lange and Sissenwine, 1980).
During 1970–1976, most of the USA landings occurred on the
inshore spawning grounds where 58% and 25% of the landings
were taken during May and June, respectively, with the
remainder taken incidentally in other bottom trawl fisheries
during the rest of the year. USA landings averaged 336 t during 1970–1976 and 4,043 t during 1977–1986. Since 1987,
total landings have essentially been taken by the USA bottom
trawl fishery. During 1987–1999, landings averaged 18,453 t
and reached a peak of 23,738 t in 1989. Landings of longfin
squid from joint-ventures between international “processor”
vessels and USA “catcher” vessels occurred during 1981–
The USA fishery occurs year-round primarily between sunrise and sunset. The modal tow duration is 3.0 hr (range D
1.0–5.2 hr) and the modal towing speed is 5.6 km/hr (Hendrickson, 2011). The depth range and duration of the fisheries
reflect the species’ annual migration patterns. An inshore fishery occurs on a portion of the spawning grounds, between
western Long Island and the east coast of Cape Cod (NEFSC,
2011), at depths less than 50 m (mode D 20 m) during May–
August (Figure 15). During September–November, the fishery
follows the species’ southward and offshore migration which
results in a spatial overlap at depths of 140–220 m with the
I. illecebrosus fishery (Figure 15). The offshore longfin squid
fishery occurs near the shelf edge, primarily between Georges
Bank and Maryland (41 –38 N), but some fishing also occurs
as far south as 36 N (NEFSC, 2011) during November-April
at depths of 110–200 m (mode D 150 m). During 2000–2012,
in-season longfin squid quotas were attained at least once per
year, with the exception of 2010, resulting in inshore and offshore fishery closures. Landings gradually declined between
2000 and 2010, from 17,540 t to 6,913 t, respectively (Figure 12). Landings during 2012 (13,236 t) were slightly above
the 2000–2011 average of 13,206 t.
Since 2000, the distribution of monthly landings has been
affected by in-season longfin squid quotas, and since 2011, by
trimester-based butterfish catch quotas which, with the exception of 2010, have led to one or more directed fishery closures
per year. Monthly landings were the least variable during
1987–1995, with no peak and a low of 6% during August, but
reporting of landings was not mandatory until 1996. The
1996–1999 landings trend resembled the trend for 2001–2006
(the period of quarterly-based quotas) and generally declined
from a peak in February through June then increased through
October (Figure 16). During the current management regime
of trimester-based squid quotas (2007–2012), the landings
peak shifted to July and October, and landings totaled 36%,
37%, and 28% during Trimesters 1–3 (T1-T3), respectively
(Figure 16). The 2007–2012 quota allocations for T1–T3 were
Figure 15. Landings (% by time period) of Doryteuthis pealeii (year-round
fishery) and Illex illecebrosus (generally June–October fishery) in the directed
fisheries (i.e., landings of I. illecebrosus and D. pealeii > 45,359 kg and
1134 kg per trip, respectively), by depth (m), during 1997–2004. The inshore
regulatory depth limit of the I. illecebrosus fishery is 91 m.
Figure 16. Landings (%) of Doryteuthis pealeii in the directed fishery, by
month, during four fishery management periods: annual quotas without (1987–
1995) and with (1996–1999) mandatory landings reporting; quarterly quotas
(2001–2006); and trimester quotas (2000 and 2007–2012).
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and 114 mm (strengthener) were required. However, during
2011–2012 (when minimum mesh sizes of the codend and
strengthener increased to 54 and 127 mm, respectively), an
apparent modal size increase occured (to 130 mm ML), the
proportion of squid larger than 160 mm ML doubled, and the
proportion of squid smaller than 100 mm ML, most of which
are discarded (Hendrickson, 2011), was reduced (Figure 18).
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Figure 17. Landings (% by weight) per trip of Doryteuthis pealeii as a cumulative percentage of the annual landings during a period of annual quotas
(1996–1999) versus a period of in-season quotas (2000–2009).
set at 43%, 17%, and 40%, respectively, but as of 2010,
allowed for a T2 quota increase of up to 150% when a comparable underage of the T1 quota exists.
Since the implementation of in-season quotas, fishery directivity has also changed. In-season fishery closures, which trigger a trip possession limit of 1,134 kg (i.e., the regulatory
definition of a directed trip), resulted in increased directivity
(i.e., the percentage of the landed trip weight composed of
longfin squid). Most (90%) of the longfin squid landings prior
to the in-season quota period (1996–1999) were from trips
where longfin squid comprised 31–40% of the total trip weight
(Figure 17). However, most (90%) of the longfin squid landings during the in-season quota period (2000–2009) were from
trips where longfin squid comprised 51–60% of the total trip
Fishery selectivity of longfin squid likely varies by season
due to differential growth rates (Hendrickson, 2011). Landings
length compositions were similar (modal size D 120 mm ML)
during periods of annual (1996–1999) and in-season (2000–
2010) quotas when minimum mesh sizes of 48 mm (codend)
Figure 18. Length compositions of Doryteuthis pealeii landings in the
directed bottom trawl fishery during three fishery management periods: 1996–
1999 (annual quotas); 2000–2010 (in-season quotas; minimum mesh sizes of
codend and strengthener D 48 and 114 mm, respectively, during both time
periods); and 2011–2012 (minimum mesh sizes of codend and strengthener D
54 and 127 mm, respectively). USA fishing fleets. The USA bottom trawl fleet consists of single- or multi-day trip vessels, onboard which squid
are retained in refrigerated sea water or on ice, and larger,
multi-day trip vessels onboard which squid catches are frozen
(NEFSC, 2011). During 1997–2000, the numbers of vessels
involved in the May–October inshore fishery (trips with longfin squid landings >1134 kg) were much higher (149–190 vessels) than during the 2001–2012 period of in-season quota
management (72–120 vessels). Fleet size declined from a peak
of 190 vessels in 2000 to 72 vessels in 2005 then increased
again and ranged between 95 and 120 vessels during 2006–
2012 (Figure 19A). Most of the inshore fleet consisted of vessels within the 51–104 GRT class, which declined in size during 1999–2005 then increased through 2012 (Figure 19B).
During 1996–1999, the numbers of vessels involved in the
November–April offshore fishery were also higher than during
2000–2012. The fleet size of the offshore fishery peaked at
197 vessels in 1998 then rapidly declined to 46 vessels in 2012
(Figure 19A) due to a rapid decline in the numbers of vessels
within the three largest GRT classes (Figure 19C). During
1996–2007, landings were predominately from the offshore
fishery (72%) then reached equal proportions during 2008, but
were predominately from the inshore fishery (59%) during
A small recreational jig fishery for longfin squid also occurs
at night aboard party and charter boats, primarily during late
April–June. Vessel logbooks indicated that the average numbers of trips and catches of longfin squid tripled between
1994–2003 and 2004–2012, from 15 trips and 2 t to 42 trips
and 6 t, respectively. During 2012, the number of people jigging longfin squid from piers was unusually high in Massachusetts, but catches from shore are not recorded. Economic importance. Fishing effort in the USA
longfin squid fishery is affected by squid availability, abundance, and ex-vessel price. Most of the landings are sold
domestically for food and the remainder is exported. Ex-vessel
price is influenced by the global squid market (e.g., frozen
D. gahi from the Falkland Islands and D. opalescens from the
western USA coast), but to a lesser extent than I. illecebrosus
prices, because a smaller percentage of longfin squid landings
(averaging 6% and 17% during 1991–2005 and 2006–2012,
respectively) are exported (NMFS, 2013). Foreign trade statistics for the New England and the Mid-Atlantic Customs Districts combined indicate that D. pealeii products were
primarily exported to Italy (29%), China (19%), Spain (16%),
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Figure 20. Landings (000’s t) and average price (2,012 $/t, adjusted for inflation using the USA Producer Price Index), of Doryteuthis pealeii in the USA
directed fishery during 1982–2012. The average inflation-adjusted price of US
landings of Illex illecebrosus is also shown for comparison.
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were similar to the landings trends and ranged from
$3.7 million in 1982 to $53.6 million in 1994 with an average
of $30.5 million.
4.2.9. Fishery Management and Stock Assessment
Figure 19. Numbers of vessels, by fishery (A) and by gross registered tonnage class during the May–October (B) and November–April (C) Doryteuthis
pealeii fisheries (trips with longfin squid landings >1134 kg) during 1996–
Greece (6%), and Japan (4%) during 1991–2012 (NMFS,
The average annual prices (in 2012 $ per t) and gross revenues (in 2012 $) for D. pealeii and I. illecebrosus were
adjusted for inflation using the USA Producer Price Index.
The average price of D. pealeii generally increased with the
development of a domestic offshore fishery, from $1,070/t in
1984 to a time series peak of $2,769/t in 1998, but then
declined by $600/t between 1999 and 2000 (Figure 20).
Despite a general decline in landings, the average price
remained fairly stable, between $2,147/t and $2,422/t, during
2000–2009 and the mean of $2,308/t was similar to the mean
of $2,235/t during 1990–1999 (Figure 20). The price stability
from 2000 onward coincides with the management change
from annual to in-season quotas but is not the only determinant
of average price. During 1982–2012, trends in gross revenues
An initial TAC of 71,000 t (for I. illecebrosus and D. pealeii combined) was established for Subareas 5C6, by ICNAF
during 1974–1975, as a preemptive measure to limit expansion
of the international squid fisheries (Lange and Sissenwine,
1983). ICNAF established a separate TAC of 44,000 t for D.
pealeii in 1976 which was then adopted by the USA as part of
a preliminary Fishery Management Plan implemented in
March of 1977. Since 1978, the stock has been managed by
the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, in conjunction
with the Fishery Management Plan for the Squid Fishery of
the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, during 1978–1982, and the
Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management
Plan thereafter. The D. pealeii TAC was 44,000 t during
1976–1994, then was gradually reduced to 17,000 t during
2001–2008 and was about 19,000 t during 2009–2012 (Figure 12). The annual TAC was only exceeded during 2000.
Beginning in March of 1977, international bottom trawl
fleets targeting either I. illecebrosus or D. pealeii were subject
to the management requirements described above in the I. illecebrosus Section As a result of the co-occurrence of
longfin squid and butterfish, international squid fleets were
also subject to butterfish bycatch allocations equivalent to 6%
of their individual longfin squid quota allocations (Lange and
Waring, 1992).
During 1996–2012, the primary management measures for
the longfin squid resource included: TACs; mandatory reporting of landings purchased by federally permitted dealers; mandatory reporting of fishing effort, location, and estimated catch
data by fishermen with federal longfin squid/butterfish permits;
time-area closures; minimum codend and mesh sizes; and an
incidental catch cap on a co-occurring finfish species. During
2000–2012, trimester-based quotas (2000 and 2007–2012) and
quarterly quotas (2001–2006) were established to permit inseason adjustment of the harvest rate in order to maintain adequate levels of spawning stock biomass on a seasonal basis.
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The longfin squid stock assessments are data-poor and are
not conducted annually. A variety of assessment models have
been used to compute stock biomass, fishing mortality rates,
and MSY-based BRPs, or proxies thereof (e.g., F40%), as
required by law and in accordance with a Fishery Management
Plan. The stock was most recently assessed based on catchability-adjusted, swept-area biomass estimates for the fall and
spring cohorts which were derived using daytime catches from
NEFSC spring and fall bottom trawl surveys, respectively
(NEFSC, 2011). Fishing mortality was evaluated using seasonal exploitation indices. Preliminary estimates of the minimum consumption of the two longfin squid cohorts were
estimated as the longfin squid biomass consumed during each
half-year period by the species’ primary finfish predators based
on food habits data from NEFSC spring and fall bottom trawl
surveys. During most years (1987–2009), longfin squid consumption estimates were higher than the catches for the same
half-year period (NEFSC, 2011).
At least seven species of the family Loliginidae are known
to occur in neritic waters of the Central-West Atlantic from
western Venezuela to Southern Brazil: Lolliguncula brevis
(Blainville, 1823), Sepioteuthis sepioidea (Blainville, 1823),
Pickfordiateuthis pulchella Voss, 1953, D. pealeii (Lesueur,
1821), Doryteuthis surinamensis (Voss, 1974), Doryteuthis
sanpaulensis (Brakoniecki, 1984) and Doryteuthis plei (Blainville, 1823) (Haimovici and Perez, 1991a; Haimovici et al.,
2009; Jereb and Roper, 2010). L. brevis and all Doryteuthis
spp. have been commonly recorded in commercial catches
throughout the area, but D. plei has been the only one regarded
as economically important, sustaining local directed fisheries
and comprising the bulk of regional squid landings in both
Venezuela and Brazil (Juanic
o, 1980; Arocha, 1989; Costa
and Haimovici, 1990; Perez, 2002a). This review focuses on
southeastern and southern Brazil, at the southern extreme of
the species’ latitudinal distribution range, where fishing for
this coastal squid has become both socially and economically
relevant, and where a significant amount of information on the
species’ life history, ecology, and fisheries has been produced
in the last decade.
5.1. Doryteuthis plei (Slender Inshore Squid)
5.1.1. Stock Identification
No stocks have been formally identified in the main fishing
areas of the Central-West Atlantic. Juanic
o (1972), exploring
data produced by trawl surveys covering a wide latitudinal
range off Brazil (23 –30 S), showed that concentrations in
the northern and southern extremes of this range differed in
size-at-maturity patterns and could comprise different
geographic populations. Later studies, mostly based on commercial catches of squid, found further seasonal and smaller
spatial scale variations in size-at-maturity (Perez et al., 2001a;
Rodrigues and Gasalla, 2008.). Such variation may simply
indicate plasticity, with maturation patterns reflecting local
conditions. The existence of genetically isolated stocks
remains an open question yet to be addressed.
5.1.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
This is a Western Atlantic species that occurs on the continental shelf and upper slope from Cape Hatteras (36 N) to
southern Brazil (34 S), occasionally being reported beyond
these limits (New England and northern Argentina) (Jereb and
Roper, 2010). It is a warm-water species also commonly found
in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Off Venezuela,
it is reported down to 185 m but most abundant on the inner
continental shelf, between 20 and 55 m depths (Arocha, 1989;
Arocha et al., 1991). In the Southeastern Brazil Bight (SBB,
22–28 S, sensu Matsuura, 1995), the species occurs over the
continental shelf down to 250 m (Haimovici et al., 2009) but
dense concentrations are common during the austral summer
months on the inner shelf (10–40 m depths). These concentrations are often associated with the subsurface shoreward intrusion of oceanic South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW) that
seasonally enhances productivity and therefore the availability
of food to pelagic and benthopelagic populations (Costa and
Fernandes, 1993; Rodrigues and Gasalla, 2008; Martins et al.,
2004). South of 28 S, D. plei occurs offshore, during warm
months, and under the influence of the Brazil Current that
flows over the shelf break and slope (Haimovici and Perez,
1991a and b).
Jackson and Forsythe (2002), based on statolith ageing
methods, estimated that D. plei may mature in the Gulf of
Mexico after 100 days of life and live no longer than six
months. Jackson (2004) included the species among “tropical
loliginids with short lifespans (under 200 days)”, rapid population turnover and year-round spawning. Off southern Brazil
the species was found to live longer, reaching maturity after
200 days of life and probably living up to 300–350 days
(Perez et al., 2006; Perez, unpublished data). It appears that
the lifecycle may show considerable flexibility, for example,
near the southern extreme of its distribution range the species
approximates Jackson’s (2004) “moderate” lifespan
(200 days–1 year) group exhibited by temperate or cool-temperate species (Perez et al., 2006).
Squid caught by commercial fisheries in the SBB tend to
show a pronounced size-dimorphism with both sexes concentrating around a modal size of 100–130 mm ML, but with variable proportions of large males reaching 250–350 mm ML
(Perez et al., 2001a; Rodrigues and Gasalla, 2008). These
large males, in general, exhibit a characteristic striped color
pattern on the ventral mantle and are relatively more frequently caught during the summer and by inshore hand jigging
and fish traps (Martins and Perez, 2007). Both females and
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males in advanced maturation stages are common in commercial catches all year round, suggesting that breeding and
spawning occur throughout the year. However, a major reproductive event seems to take place during the summer months
on the inner continental shelf (20–40 m depth) and in shallow
waters around coastal islands (Perez et al., 2001a; Martins and
Perez, 2007; Rodrigues and Gasalla, 2008). All evidence to
date supports post-spawning mortality for the species.
Precise spawning grounds off Brazil are still unknown but
egg capsules and newly hatched paralarvae have been
recorded on 6- to 20-m-deep muddy bottoms around S~ao
Sebasti~ao Island where there seems to be a large potential for
paralarval retention during most of the year (Gasalla et al.,
2011; Martins et al., 2014). Around Santa Catarina Island,
newly hatched paralarvae were also recorded from plankton
samples but their origin remains unclear (Martins and Perez,
2006). There is consistent evidence that young immature squid
tend to concentrate offshore (100–200 m depths) all year
round, and several hypotheses have been put forward regarding their connection with the coastal spawning concentrations
(Haimovici and Perez, 1991b; Haimovici et al., 2008;
Rodrigues and Gasalla, 2008). For example, (a) offshore juveniles may hatch in coastal areas and migrate throughout the
year to the outer shelf where they remain until the onset of
maturity and then return to near-shore spawning grounds, or
(b) they may originate from spawning events that occur in winter and spring in deeper areas and remain offshore throughout
their lifecycle. These animals would likely experience less
favorable conditions and mature at smaller sizes than those
recruited in shallower areas (Haimovici et al., 2008). The plasticity of life history patterns, the temporal and spatial variability of growth, and survival conditions on the SBB and the high
mobility of the D. plei may contribute to the occurrence of a
variety of possible lifecycles in the area, including: short versus long (6–10 months), migratory versus resident, spawning
early in life at small sizes versus spawning late in life at large
sizes. It is noticeable, however, that despite such variability,
squid fishing has been mostly linked to those lifecycles that
contribute to the formation of a large summer spawning event
in the coastal areas of the SBB.
5.1.3. Fishing Grounds and Seasons
D. plei has been historically fished in inshore and offshore
areas of the SBB. In inshore waters, fishing grounds comprise
a series of discrete shallow bays (5–15 m deep) distributed
along the coastline and around near shore islands, most noticeably, S~ao Sebasti~ao and Santa Catarina. Squid aggregate on
these grounds during the summer months and become vulnerable to day and night hand jigging conducted by artisanal fisherman from coastal communities (Perez et al., 1999; Perez,
2002a; Martins et al., 2004; Gasalla, 2005; Postuma and
Gasalla, 2010). D. plei is also a catch component of fish traps
set during most of the year in the shallow sectors of these
bays. Around Santa Catarina Island, trap catches were shown
to “trigger” the onset of the hand jigging fishing season in different bays (Perez et al., 1999; Martins and Perez, 2008).
Directed fisheries with dip nets and beach seines (“ganchos”)
also take place during summer in the northern coast of Rio de
Janeiro state and in association with Cabo Frio SACW upwelling events (Costa and Haimovici, 1990).
Offshore D. plei is mostly caught by trawling operations
that take place on the continental shelf from Espırito Santo
(22 S) to southern Santa Catarina (29 S) (Perez et al., 2005).
These operations have historically aimed at penaeid shrimps
and sciaenid fish but, in the last few decades, a variety of valuable finfish and shellfish species has been both systematically
retained or targeted in different areas and/or seasons (Perez
and Pezzuto, 1998). At least since the early 1990’s, trawlers
have directed their effort during the summer months on a limited area in the center of the SBB (»25–26 S), between the 14
and 45 m isobaths, to take advantage of profitable concentrations of mature/spawning D. plei (Perez, 2002a; Perez et al.,
D. plei catches are highly seasonal. At the two main ports of
the SBB, Itajaı and Santos, 87–92% of the biomass captured
by trawlers between 1998 and 2012 was landed from early
December and to late March. During the rest of the year
catches are reduced, scattered and mixed with D. sanpaulensis,
which tends to be more abundant at both extremes of the SBB
(south of 29 S and north of 23 S) (Costa and Fernandes, 1993;
Perez and Pezzuto, 1998). Squid fishing in inshore areas is
also conducted during summer between December and March
(Perez, 2002a; Postuma and Gasalla, 2010). Around Santa Catarina Island most hand jigging catches are taken in pulses of 2–
3 weeks that tend to occur in different bays at different times
(Perez et al., 1999). It is suggested that such spatial and temporal patterns of catches reflect the foraging displacement of
schools of D. plei around the island’s coastline and intermittent SACW upwelling events that concentrate small pelagic
fish prey in different bays where these schools become available for local artisanal fishing (Martins et al., 2004).
5.1.4. Economic and Social Importance
Squid fishing by artisanal fishermen has been regarded as
socially relevant, and one amongst several activities that sustain traditional fishing communities spread along Rio de
Janeiro, S~ao Paulo and Santa Catarina coastlines. These activities include a variety of near shore fishing practices, mussel
culture and agriculture among others (Diegues, 1983;
Medeiros et al., 1997). Fishing villages around Santa Catarina
Island may rely on fish trap catches as their main source of
income throughout the year (Medeiros, 2001); in the summer,
cutlass fish (Trichiurus lepturus) and D. plei comprise over
80% of the traps catches (Martins and Perez, 2008). On the
other hand, jigging may only take place during short periods
within the season, when schools “invade” and stay in the shallow bays feeding on small clupeids (Perez et al., 1999; Martins
et al., 2004). Because D. plei is valuable, income per squid
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fishing day (»US$ 30.00) tends to be high in comparison with
income from fishing other local resources. However the contribution of squid to each fisherman’s overall income is usually
low and sporadic (Medeiros, 2001). In some fishing villages in
Santa Catarina fishermen conduct 1- to 3-day fishing trips following schools around the islands. Income estimates are not
available but catch rates per day of these fishermen are significantly higher than those obtained by fishermen that only fish
for squid when they approach the village’s nearshore area
(Perez et al., 1998).
Medeiros (2001), analyzing the fishing dynamics of
“P^antano do Sul” bay, Santa Catarina Island, found that the D.
plei hand jigging fishery is more socially than economically
important. In fact, when it is established during the summer
season, many people of the community are involved, even the
ones who do not fish throughout the year. A similar situation
was reported along the coast of S~ao Paulo and southern Rio de
Janeiro, where most of the families of fishermen, particularly
women and children, are recruited during summer to hand jig
for D. plei. An increase in the family income seems to occur
during this season because catches can be sold directly, and at
high prices, to summer tourists who concentrate in the coastal
towns (Gasalla, 2005).
Offshore, D. plei has been by-caught by trawlers that operate in the SBB for nearly 60 years. Because traditional targets,
such as the pink shrimp and sciaenid fish, have shown important biomass reductions at least since the 1980s (Haimovici
et al., 2006), marketing of (previously) nontarget species has
become increasingly valued by fishermen as a strategy to
increase overall income (Perez et al., 2001b). That process
involved the development of particular spatial and seasonal
strategies that have diversified catches and taken advantage of
valuable finfish and shellfish concentrations. The species taken
included flatfishes (Paralichthys spp.), scallops (Euvola ziczac), octopus (Octopus vulgaris), scampi (Metanephrops
rubellus), slipper lobster (Scyllarides deceptor), loliginid
squids (mostly D. plei) and, more recently, the argentine shortfin squid (I. argentinus) (Perez and Pezzuto, 1998; Perez and
Pezzuto, 2006). Because they are generally short-lived and
semelparous, squids become abundantly available to bottom
trawling in limited areas and seasons and therefore have stimulated seasonal directed fisheries both in the inner shelf (D. plei)
and on the slope (I. argentinus) waters. Therefore, apart from
contributing to the general income of trawlers operating in the
SBB throughout the year, squid species can have a seasonally
variable but critical importance.
Beninca (2013) measured the contribution of an array of
catch components to the monthly landings and incomes of a
large group of trawlers based in Santa Catarina during three
consecutive years (2008–2010). Overall D. plei ranked 10th
among catch components contributing to the total income of
pink shrimp trawlers that stored their catch on crushed ice and
2nd of those that stored the catch in freezers. Squid prices varied between US$ 0.86 and 2.40/kg, less than 1/5 of prices
attained by the pink shrimp. Despite this, for these trawlers
D. plei were consistently the main target between December
and March, a period when shrimp catch rates tend to be low.
During this season, the relative contributions of squid to the
landed biomass and the total income increased by 2–4 times
and 2–6 times, respectively, varying widely between years
(Figure 21). In 2010, when a catch peak was reported (following a trough in 2008, Figure 22), squid attained a maximum of
44.2% and 50.3% of the biomass landed and the income,
respectively, for the “freezer” fleet (Figure 21).
5.1.5. Fishing Fleet
Hand jigging in near shore waters often takes place from
canoes or from small motor boats (8–11 m long, 16–30 HP)
generally used for sea-bob shrimp (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri)
trawling. Fishing is conducted both during the day and at
night, when a light source is used for attraction (Perez et al.,
1999; Gasalla, 2005). Quantitative data describing this activity
in the region are fragmented. In fishing communities along the
S~ao Paulo State coastline, where there has been consistent
monitoring since 2009, 11–156 boats have been recorded
Figure 21. Relative contribution (%) of squid in the landed biomass (positive values) and income (negative values) of double-rig trawlers that store catches in
ice (A) and freezers (B) in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Total annual values (dark bars) are contrasted with values calculated only for the summer squid fishing seasons
(December–March) (empty bars).
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Figure 22. Squid catches landed in the fishing ports of Santa Catarina (dark
bars) and S~ao Paulo (empty bars) states. The latter are only available from
2000 onward. The number of double-rig trawlers reporting squid catches during the summer months in Santa Catarina are shown (dashed line) as a measure
of effort. Sources: “Instituto de Pesca/ APTA/ SAA/ SP” (
br) and “Grupo de Estudos Pesqueiros/ Universidade do Vale do Itajaı” (www.
fishing for squid each month of the squid season (Instituto de
Pesca, 2013). Their squid catches have been significant in the
state, reaching 10–40% of the biomass reported by trawlers in
the port of Santos. Similar data obtained in Santa Catarina
between 1991 and 1995, recorded 41–96 boats from 5 to 8
villages reporting squid jigging catches each season (Table 3)
(IBAMA, unpublished data). In the same period squid landings were also recorded from 9 to 21 fish traps from different
fishing villages along the coastline (Table 3). Hand-jigging
and fish traps were jointly responsible for the bulk of artisanal
D. plei catches every summer, reaching from 7% to 15% of
total squid catches reported by trawlers in the ports of Santa
D. plei is caught in the continental shelf area of the SBB
mostly by double rig, stern, and pair trawlers. These are
approximately 10- to 25-m-long vessels made of wood or steel
and powered by 100–500 HP engines (Perez et al., 2007;
Tomas et al., 2007; Castro et al., 2007). Squid landings are
concentrated in the harbor towns of Itajai (Santa Catarina
State) and Santos (S~ao Paulo State), where the relative
contribution of different types of trawlers to total squid catches
has changed over the years. In S~ao Paulo state, reports of squid
in the bycatch of shrimp and fish trawlers date back to 1959
(Gasalla et al., 2005a). Throughout the 1990s, and until now,
over 80% of summer squid landings have been produced by
double-rig shrimp trawlers (Tomas et al., 2007; Instituto de
Pesca, 2013). In Santa Catarina, between 30 and 60 trawlers
operated during the squid fishing seasons in the 1990s, most of
them geared with double rigs and originally built to fish for
shrimps. Pair trawlers were also common in that period, producing a large proportion of the total squid catches each season (Perez, 2002a). In the 2000s, the pair trawler fleet was
greatly reduced, whereas the number of double-rig trawlers
targeting squid during the summer seasons nearly doubled
(Table 3) and produced 50% to 90% of the landed biomass.
5.1.6. Catch and Effort Data
Catch statistics in southeastern and southern Brazil do not
discriminate D. plei from D. sanpaulensis. However, because
nearly 90% of the squid landings occur in the summer season
when D. plei is highly dominant (approximately 90% of the
landed biomass), total numbers tend to be little affected by
D. sanpaulensis catches (Gasalla et al., 2005b). Such an
assumption is probably not valid for landings in Rio Grande
do Sul and Rio de Janeiro states, where the latter species predominates (Juanico, 1981; Costa and Fernandes, 1993).
Inshore and offshore catches reported in S~ao Paulo and Santa
Catarina states between 1979 and 1998 fluctuated between 100
and 1200 t annually (Perez et al., 2005). In general, catches
increased after 1986, remaining mostly above 600 t per year.
However, records of total annual squid catches after that
period are underestimates, because artisanal landings in Santa
Catarina state have not been monitored since 2000 (Figure 22). Between 2000 and 2012, these estimates varied from
230 t in 2008 to a peak of 1702 t in 2002 (Figure 22).
The evolution of fishing effort directed at D. plei was investigated between 1990 and 1997, considering only the trawl
fleets that operated during the summer months from the ports
of Santa Catarina (Perez, 2002a and b). It was shown that
Table 3. Summary of Doryteuthis spp. fishing activity in the South Brazil Bight (SBB). Data presented were recorded in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil,
in two periods, 1990–1997 and 2000–1912. They correspond to mean, maximum and minimum number of boats, number of landings, and landed biomass
reported by different gears per month during the summer fishing season (December–March). Although catch statistics do not discriminate species, more than
90% of catches during this season refer to D. plei (see text).
Number of boats
Number of landings
Landed biomass (t)
Number of boats
Number of landings
Landed biomass (t)
Double-rig trawl
Stern trawl
Pair trawl
Hand jigging
Fish trap
32 (15–46)
48 (18–90)
131.8 (54.7–278.6)
16 (5–32)
49 (7–108)
244.0 (28.8–512.0)
79 (42–96)
377 (150–559)
22.8 (7.9–37.9)
18 (9–21)
126 (66–183)
25.0 (11.6–38.5)
65 (35–97)
110 (48–197)
405.2 (95.0–833.2)
6 (4–19)
15 (3–28)
110.4 (0–613.4)
9 (2–15)
12 (6–31)
57.1 (6.5–205.7)
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standardized fishing effort (measured as “fishing trips”)
increased until 1995 and decreased in the two following years
when (less numerous) pair trawlers prevailed (Table 3). Landings were highest in 1993, reaching 718 t and decreased to 453
t in 1993 (Perez, 2002b). Between 1998 and 2000, catches
reached very low levels, increasing again in the following
years as double rig trawler effort increased in the summer fishing grounds and the pair trawl fleet shrunk (Table 3). Catches
produced by trawlers operating from Santa Catarina after 2000
fluctuated according to the number of double rig trawlers and
their landings during the fishing seasons (Figure 22). These
findings suggest that the summer D. plei fishing in the SBB is
opportunistic and related to the relative success of fishermen
operating double rig trawlers in profiting with other valuable
targets (Perez and Pezzuto, 1998).
Assessments of effort in the inshore fisheries are unavailable in the region. However Postuma and Gasalla (2010)
described an increase in numbers of boats and of days dedicated to hand jig fisheries around S~ao Sebasti~ao Island
between 2005 and 2009, in association with a sharp decrease
in catches (21 to 9 t per season).
5.1.7. Stock Assessment and Management
Biomass assessments have been attempted on a nonregular
basis by both fishery-dependent and independent methods and
in different areas. Perez (2002a) analyzed standardized trawl
catch per unit effort (CPUE) and showed that the summer fishing season is generally enclosed within a 17-week period during which squid biomass builds up gradually, peaking between
the 6th and 14th week, and decreases sharply thereafter due to
postspawning mortality. Using an extended Leslie depletion
model, Perez (2002a) estimated the D. plei biomass available
at the week of biomass peak during five fishing seasons, which
varied between 210.5 and 1583.3 t, and the escapement rate,
which varied between 20% and 69% of the biomass depending
on the amount of effort directed by different trawlers each
Interseasonal abundance variation in the SBB was studied
using Generalized Linear Model applied to a trawl CPUE
series available in Santa Catarina from 1990 to 1997 (Perez,
2002b). Biomass was shown to oscillate apparently on 4-year
cycles. Biomass peaks revealed by the model were poorly correlated to the catch peaks previously described, which suggested that the trawl fleet may not necessarily identify seasons
with particularly favorable concentrations of squid (Perez
et al., 2005). A similar analysis was carried out for the hand
jigging fishery off S~ao Paulo by Postuma and Gasalla (2010),
who showed that abundance index (CPUE) correlated positively with surface temperatures and chlorophyll-a.
Haimovici et al. (2008), estimated a total biomass of 1,442
t (§49%) and 9,474 t (§66%), respectively during two trawl
surveys covering outer shelf and upper slope areas off southeastern and southern Brazil in winter-spring 2001 and summer-autumn 2002. D. plei was caught in an area of
approximately 108,000 km2, along the entire latitudinal range
surveyed (34 40´S–23 S) between 100 and 200 m. Because
the species concentrates along the inner shelf during the summer months, these values are probably underestimates of
actual biomass. However it is important to note that nearly
53% of estimated biomass concentrated between latitudes 28
and 24 S where most summer squid fishing takes place.
There are three types of trawl fishing permits available in
Brazil, as defined by their main fishing targets: the pink shrimp
(Farfantepenaeus spp.), the sea-bob shrimp (Xiphopenaeus
kroyeri) and “demersal fish” (M. furnieri, Umbrina canosai,
C. guatucupa, M. atricauda, Paralichthys spp., Urophycis
spp., and Prionotus spp.). These permits also define an array
of species that can be captured and landed as “predictable
bycatch,” although with no quotas or maximum proportions of
the total catch formally determined. In practice, because loliginid squids are included in this predictable bycatch list, a large
trawl fleet (over 300 units) is authorized to catch D. plei with
no specific controls, and with only a few, mostly shrimp-oriented, management measures in place (e.g., annual fishing closure between April and June, valid for pink and sea-bob
shrimps permits only). Along the coast of S~ao Paulo and Santa
Catarina, MPAs have been established (e.g., Arvoredo Biological Reserve, “Litoral Norte” Environmental Protection Area)
which tend to limit fishing and other human activities in the
coastal spawning grounds of D. plei.
5.1.8. Conservation Measures, Biological Reference Points
The current demersal fishing management model in Brazil
fails to recognize the importance or protect a variety of target
species that were gradually incorporated into the former
shrimp and sciaenid fish trawl fisheries. These have been
shown to represent a significant part of the total income of
most trawlers’ owners (Beninca, 2013) but are still regarded as
bycatch and therefore remain without any specifically oriented
conservation measures. D. plei is one of these components
whose importance seems critical in an eventual reform of the
current management model (Perez et al., 2001b), not only
because it sustains dedicated and uncontrolled effort in a relatively limited area during the summer, but also because it is an
important component of the neritic food webs in the SBB,
upon which several economically important predator fishes
seem to rely (Gasalla et al., 2010).
To date, no specific conservation measures or reference
points have been established for D. plei off Brazil. Nevertheless, most of the above-mentioned studies proposed management recommendations whose fundamental concepts can be
summarized as follows.
D. plei currently constitutes both a bycatch component and
a major target in the SBB. In that sense the species should be
subject to both (a) more stringent multi-species management
strategies (Rodrigues and Gasalla, 2008) and (b) a single target-species management regime applied to trawlers that
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operate specifically during the summer fishing grounds (Perez,
Fishing mortality exerted on D. plei off Brazil is largely
concentrated in population groups that spawn along the inner
shelf of the SBB between December and March. Because the
species is semelparous, defining escapement thresholds during
this season should be of major value in the process of building
reference points for the species (Perez et al., 2005). In shallow
coastal areas, “MPAs” can be critical for protection of localized spawning grounds.
Abundance tends to vary widely from season to season,
partly associated with oceanographic fluctuations. Sustainable
catch limits are therefore uncertain and recruitment-dependent.
Any management action aiming at squid should prioritize conservation during low productivity years (Perez et al., 2005;
Postuma and Gasalla, 2010).
D. plei has been characterized as a keystone species in the
food webs of the SBB ecosystem, and therefore should figure
prominently in any ecosystem-based management (EBM)
actions in the area (Gasalla et al., 2010).
In their comparison of the relative importance of cephalopods in fisheries of large marine ecosystems around the world
during 1990–2004, Hunsicker et al. (2010) noted that the relative (direct) contribution of cephalopods to landings varied
widely between areas, being highest on the Patagonian shelf
(around 40% of landings).
In 1999, according to FAO figures (FAO, 2011), cephalopod landings from the Southwest Atlantic reached 1.2 million
t, a figure only ever exceeded in the Northwest Pacific. However, it was only at the end of the 1970s, when landings of
I. argentinus first exceeded 10,000 t, that squid fisheries
assumed major importance in this area and annual landings
then steadily increased until their 1999 peak. Argentina is the
most important fishing nation in the region (taking almost
25% of cephalopod landings between 1950 and 2010). Other
important fishing nations include Taiwan, Korea, Japan,
China, Poland, Spain, and (since the establishment of conservation zones around the islands in the mid-1980s) the Falkland
Islands (Malvinas). Squid catches in the region are dominated
by the Argentine shortfin squid I. argentinus (84.5% of cephalopod landings from the region between 1950 and 2010),
although landings fell by almost an order of magnitude
between 1999 and 2004. The fishery has experienced a further
boom and bust cycle since then, with overfishing almost certainly to blame, reflecting a lack of international collaboration
in the region (Pierce and Portela, 2014). The only other significant catch identified to species level in the FAO data is that of
the Patagonian squid Doryteuthis (formerly Loligo) gahi
(8.9%) Two additional squid species are identified in catches,
albeit in small amounts: the sevenstar flying squid (Martialia
hyadesi) (0.34%) and greater clubhook squid (Onykia ingens)
(0.002%). These, and squid landings not identified to species,
make up 99.75% of cephalopod landings from the area, the
remainder being octopuses. Other squid species of potential
commercial value occurring in the region include O. bartramii, for which exploratory surveys have been performed (Brunetti and Ivanovic, 2004).
The high squid biomass in the region is reflected in the high
importance of these species in energy and nutrient transfer. As
such, overfishing could have catastrophic effects. As noted by
Arkhipkin (2013), the variable nature of squid populations
increases their vulnerability to overfishing and environmental
change. Failure of these critical biological pathways, for whatever reason, could result in irreversible long-term consequences for biodiversity and resource abundance.
6.1. Illex argentinus (Argentine Shortfin Squid)
6.1.1. Distribution
The Argentine short-finned squid, I. argentinus is the most
abundant commercial species of squid in the Southwest Atlantic. This squid is a widespread neritic species occurring in
waters off Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and the Falkland
Islands (Nesis, 1987). It is associated mainly with temperate
waters of the Patagonian Shelf. Its distribution extends over
the shelf and individuals have also been caught in the open
ocean as far east as the Antarctic Polar Front (Anderson and
Rodhouse, 2001; Rodhouse, 1991). The highest concentrations
of this squid are observed on the shelf to the north-west of the
Falkland Islands and on the shelf and shelf edge at 45–47 S
(Haimovici et al., 1998).
6.1.2. Population Structure and Life History
It has been assumed that the species consist of two populations with different spawning seasons and sites: an abundant
winter spawning population (more than 95% of the total stock)
and a small summer spawning population (Hatanaka, 1988).
Brunetti (1988) subdivided the winter spawning squid into two
stocks (groups), the Bonaerensis North Patagonian stock and
the more abundant South Patagonian Stock, distinguished by
their feeding grounds (north and south of 46 S, respectively)
and size of adults (medium and large, respectively). The taxonomic status of these groups remains unclear. Analyses of
length frequency compositions showed that the lifecycle of all
I. argentinus populations was approximately 1 year (Hatanaka,
1986). This was later confirmed by statolith ageing studies
(Arkhipkin, 1990; Rodhouse and Hatfield, 1990).
The winter-spawned South Patagonian stock has the longest
ontogenetic migrations. The postlarval period takes place in
the open ocean and above the continental slope of Brazil and
Uruguay in August and September (Leta, 1987; Santos and
Haimovici, 1997). Then, juveniles migrate to the shelf off Uruguay and Argentina in September–December (Brunetti, 1988;
Parfeniuk et al., 1992), and continue their feeding migrations
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on the Patagonian Shelf in January–April (Brunetti, 1988;
Hatanaka, 1988). During the feeding period, the stock structure is quite stable. During each 10 day period, four to five
monthly age classes (microcohorts) are usually observed
(Uozumi and Shiba, 1993). The relative importance of different monthly age classes changes gradually, from mainly Junehatched squid in February to mainly July-hatched squid in
March–April. After their maturation in April-May, prespawning schools of squid descend to deep water (600–800 m) over
the continental slope to the north of the Falkland Islands and
migrate along the slope off Argentina and Uruguay in May–
July (Arkhipkin, 1993; Hatanaka, 1986, 1988). Spawning
takes place on the shelf and slope off northern Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil in July–August (Brunetti, 1988; Santos and
Haimovici, 1997).
The South Patagonian Stock has been further subdivided
into two groups, the “matured at medium sizes shelf group”
and the “matured at large sizes slope group” (Arkhipkin,
1993). The shelf group of I. argentinus has a neritic type of
lifecycle, characterized by spawning in warm shelf waters of
the northern part of the species range (27–36 S), southward
feeding migrations of juveniles <100–150 mm ML over the
Patagonian shelf, medium maximum sizes of mature squid
(males of 180–260 mm ML, females of 220–320 mm ML)
and northward pre-spawning migrations along the shelf. The
slope group of I. argentinus has an oceanic slope type of lifecycle characterized by spawning on the slope in the northern
part of the species range (27 –36 S), southward feeding
migrations of juveniles <100–150 mm ML in the open part of
the Argentine Basin, large maximum sizes of mature squid
(240–340 mm ML, females up to 280–400 mm ML) and
northward pre spawning migrations along the slope.
6.1.3. Fishing Fleets, Seasons, and Catches
Argentinean trawlers regularly had “calamar” as a bycatch
in hake fishery since the 1930s. After the description of the
species by Castellanos (1960), I. argentinus appeared separately in FAO catch statistics. The first large annual catch of
this squid was taken by the Soviet trawl fleet that worked in
the then just-established Argentine EEZ in 1967 (12,000–
15,000 t; Prosvirov and Vasiliev, 1969; Vovk and Nigmatullin,
1972). After 1967, the Soviet fleet did not take any more
licenses to fish within EEZ, and I. argentinus were mainly
taken as minor bycatch by Argentinean and Uruguayan hake
trawlers in the northern part of the Patagonian Shelf (1,000–
8,000 t per annum) (Brunetti, 1990). At the end of 1970s, several fishing companies started to target aggregations of
I. argentinus on the Argentinean and Patagonian Shelves,
achieving annual catches of 73,000 t in 1978 and 122,000 t in
1979 (Csirke, 1987). In 1979, a Japanese research vessel,
“Shinkai Maru,” carried out a major trawl survey of the Patagonian Shelf and estimated a minimum standing biomass of
0.9 million t of the winter-spawning (South Patagonian) stock
Figure 23. Total annual catches of Illex argentinus by trawlers and jiggers
combined in the Argentinean EEZ (SagPaya, 2013).
of I. argentinus prior to their pre-spawning northward migrations to the continental slope (Sato and Hatanaka, 1983).
The development of the macroscale international fishery for
I. argentinus took place between 1980 and 1986, especially in
so-called “high seas areas” outside the Argentinean EEZ
(between 41 and 47 S and further south around the Falkland
Islands) at depths ranging from 105 m to 850 m. In total, from
40 to 90 large factory trawlers and 50–120 jigging vessels,
belonging to 10–14 countries, operated annually in these areas
(Sato and Hatanaka, 1983; Csirke, 1987). Japanese catches
gradually increased from 6,900 t in 1978 to 73,700 t in 1986
(Sato and Hatanaka, 1983; Brunetti, 1990). Catches by the Polish fleet (trawlers and combi-vessels) rapidly increased from
4,300 t in 1978 to 113,400 t in 1984, but then decreased to
28,300 t in 1986. One of the important innovations of Polish
fishermen was to equip the trawlers with jigging machines that
enabled them to fish effectively throughout the day, trawling
during daylight hours and jigging at night (Karnicki et al.,
1989). Large Soviet factory trawlers (2,000–4,000 GRT) took
from 17,000 t in 1982 to 73,700 t in 1984 (Nigmatullin et al.,
1995). The fleets followed the ontogenetic migrations of squid
on the Patagonian shelf. In January to early March, feeding
aggregations were targeted on the shelf at 130–160 m depth,
mainly during daytime when squid schools were near the bottom. In April–June, prespawning aggregations were fished at
600–650 m over the continental slope, initially at 47 –48 S,
then at 45 –47 S, and then further north at 42 S at depths
700–750 m. As squid concentrations were well above the bottom, trawlers fished with large pelagic trawls with the ground
gear almost touching the bottom and with a vertical opening of
40–50 m. Inside the Argentinean EEZ, I. argentinus was
fished as bycatch during the hake fishery and also in February–July by a specialized fishery with total annual catches up
to 300,000 t (Brunetti, 1990; Figure 23).
A substantial change in the I. argentinus fishery occurred in
1986, when the Falkland Islands Interim Fishery Conservation
and Management Zone (FICZ) was established, extending to
150 nm around the Falkland Islands. Before that, Polish, Japanese, and Soviet trawlers fished for the squid close to the
islands without any restrictions. The establishment of a
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Total catch of I.argentinus
Mean jigger CPUE
Total catch, t
Mean daily catch of jigger, t
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Figure 24. Total annual catch (t) and mean daily CPUE (t per night) in Illex
argentinus jigging fishery within Falkland Conservation Zones.
regulated fishery in the FICZ has drastically changed the participants in the fishery. Licenses were taken mainly by Asian
jigging fleets (up to 170 per year) with 100–120 jigging vessels
fishing for squid between February and June. The total annual
catch of I. argentinus in the FICZ fluctuated between 102,000
t and 224,000 t between 1987 and 1992 (Falkland Islands Government, 2012; Figure 24). The collapse of the Soviet Union
and Eastern socialist block heavily impacted on far seas squid
fisheries, ultimately reducing the trawler fleet in the Southwest
Atlantic to a few dozen vessels by 2000. Since then, mainly
Spanish and Korean trawlers have caught I. argentinus in shallow waters (130–160 m) as an important bycatch of the hake
fishery. The trawl fishery in deep water no longer exists.
In 1993, the Argentinean Government facilitated access for
foreign vessels to fish in the Argentinean EEZ together with
establishment of the domestic jigging fleet. From 1993 to
2000, this fleet increased from 40 to 90 vessels. In 1993, a fishing ban was introduced to prevent fishing on squid to the north
of 44 S between 1 February and 30 April, and to the south of
44 S from 1 July to 31 January. These regulatory measures
enabled an increase in the Argentinean catch of squid to
203,200 t in 1993 and 432,000 t in 1999 (Brunetti et al.,
2000). Since then, catches have ranged from 73,400 t to
270,000 t (Secretaria de Pesca, 1993–2013).
In 1998–2013, catches of squid around the Falkland Islands
varied widely from a mere 44 t in 2009 to 161,000 t in 2007.
Each year, licenses were issued to 43–125 vessels (mean 80
vessels). Jigging vessels belonging to 15–20 countries fished
for squid, mainly from Taiwan and South Korea, but also
Japan (until 2004) and China (until 2007) (FIFD, 2012; Figure 24). On the high seas (41 –47 S), a large international
fleet of about 30–40 trawlers (mainly from Spain and Korea)
and 120–150 jigging vessels (mainly from Taiwan, South
Korea and China) worked for the whole period from January
to June, taking at least 200,000 t of squid per annum (Nigmatullin, 2007). Uruguayan fishermen also took from 1600 t to
20,800 t of squid from their waters (FAO, 2010). A local fishery for I. argentinus (several thousand t per annum) is also
being developed in the southern parts of Brazil (Perez and Pezzuto, 2006; Perez et al., 2009).
The Japanese fishery for I. argentinus began as a trawl fishery in the late 1970s. In the 1980s, the trawlers operated
Figure 25. Catches of Illex argentinus by the Japanese trawl and jigging fisheries (based on Sakai, 2002).
extensively in the High Seas area, and the catches increased.
Squid jigging began in 1985 and expanded in 1987 and 1988,
when the annual catches reached nearly 200,000 t (Figure 25).
Around that time, Japanese fishers were prohibited from entering Argentine Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The main
fishing grounds were between 43 and 47 S on the continental
shelf and offshore, and near the Falkland Islands. In 1993, fishers were allowed access to the Argentinean EEZ through “a
formal charter system,” and the main fishing grounds moved
into the EEZ (Japan Large Squid Jigging Boats Association,
2008). In 2002, a bareboat charter contract system, which
imposed strict restrictions on foreign squid jigging vessels in
the EEZ, was initiated. During 1985–2006, maximum of 117
Japanese vessels were fished in 1987. Then, jigging fleet
remained stable (around 50 vessels) in 1990s but further
decreased from 2002 onward. In 2006, only 4 vessels worked
in the region, which was the final year of the Japanese jigging
fishery for I. argentinus (Figure 26). After 2007, the Japanese
jigging fleet witrhdrew completely from the Argentine waters
due to the Argentine policy of the development of their own
jigging fishery (Japan Large Squid Jigging Boats Association,
2008). The mean CPUE of the Japanese squid jigging vessels
was around 10–15 t per day with some annual variations (Figure 27). In 2000, mean CPUE was 26.8 t per day, the highest
in history, but then dropped steeply to 5.9 t per day in 2004,
the lowest since 1985. In 2005 and 2006, CPUE increased, and
it was considered that the resource had recovered.
Figure 26. Number of Japanese squid jigging vessels in the Illex argentinus
fishery in the Southwest Atlantic (based on Sakai and Wakabayashi, 2010).
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The Chinese jigging fishery began exploiting I. argentinus
for the first time in 1997, both on the high seas and later in the
Argentinean EEZ. In 1999, more squid fishing vessels entered
into this area, and the annual output reached 60,000 t (Wang
and Chen, 2005). In 2001, the catch increased to 99,000 t, with
an average catch of 1,044 t per vessel. In 2004, as its recruitment fell, the squid production decreased dramatically, and
the total Chinese catch was only 13,400 t. After 2005, the
catch greatly increased to 184,000 t in 2007 and 197,000 t in
2008, respectively. However, the annual catch fell sharply to
12,000 t in 2011 (Figure 28).
Taiwanese jigging vessels mainly fish on the high seas
around 45 –46 S and north of the Falkland Islands between
December and June. Some fishing vessels operate within the
Argentinean EEZ and FICZ under local licenses. When low
squid production occurred, such as in 2004 and 2009, fishing
fleets left as early as May and moved to the Southeast Pacific
to fish for D. gigas, or to the Northwest Pacific for Pacific
saury (Cololabis saira).
The annual production of I. argentinus by Taiwanese jiggers varied from 9,000 (2004) to 284,000 t (2007) between
1986 and 2011, with an annual average production of about
120,000 t, which accounted for 20»30% of the global production of I. argentinus. The annual number of vessels ranged
from 8 to 132 and with an annual average around 80 vessels in
recent years (Figure 29).
Altogether, despite substantial fluctuations in abundance, the
total catch of I. argentinus in the Southwest Atlantic was high
between 1987 and 2003 (410,117–1,153,300 t), although
catches had declined every year since 1999. In 2004–2005, the
Catch per fishing vessel (t)
catch per fishing vessel 3500
Catch (t)
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Figure 27. Catches and the mean daily CPUE for the year of Illex argentinus
by Japanese squid jigging vessels during 1985–2006 (adapted from Sakai and
Wakabayashi, 2010).
2007 2008
Figure 28. Total catch and catch per fishing vessel of Illex argentinus for
Chinese squid jigging fleets in the southwest Atlantic.
Figure 29. Production of Illex argentinus and number of vessels for Taiwanese distant-water squid fishery in the Southwest Atlantic between 1983 and
total catch dropped sharply to 178,900–287,600 t, probably due
to low abundance triggered by overfishing and/or unfavorable
environmental conditions. After a return to high abundance in
2006–2008 (total catch of 703,800–955,000 t), there was
another drop in abundance in 2009–2011 (190,000–261,200 t).
In 2012–2013, another recovery of I. argentinus populations
was observed with total catch approaching »500,000 t.
6.1.4. Stock Assessment
The Argentine short-finned squid is a typical “straddling”
or transboundary stock that, during its ontogenesis, migrates
through the EEZs of several countries including Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, as well as Falkland Conservation Zones. It
also occurs in the unregulated High Seas fishing area around
42 S and 45 –47 S. Stock assessment of this squid is challenging because it requires the data from several fishing zones
under different (or no) jurisdiction in the Southwest Atlantic.
Before the start of large-scale commercial exploitation, several biomass surveys were carried out on the entire Patagonian
Shelf by R/V Walter Herwig (1978), Shinkai Maru (1978/79)
and Dr Holmberg (1981/82). The biomass estimated by the
swept-area method varied between 635,968 t (Otero et al.,
1981) and 2,605,000 t (Sato and Hatanaka, 1983). In 1990, a
bilateral South Atlantic Fisheries Commission (SAFC) was
established that included Argentina and the United Kingdom.
One of the main aims was to exchange data on I. argentinus
catches and locations with further recommendations on stock
conservation. The SAFC organized joint trawl surveys to estimate the recruitment of the winter spawning stock on the Patagonian Shelf before the start of the fishing season in February.
Abundance and biomass were estimated by swept-area method
using Argentinean research vessels.
During the fishing season, stock abundance was estimated
using a modified DeLury model (Beddington et al., 1990;
Rosenberg et al., 1990) under the assumption that in March–
April squid remain in the same area (Southern Patagonian
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Shelf) with no substantial immigration or emigration. Later,
Basson et al. (1996) improved the depletion model by considering the progressive (i.e., asynchronous) immigration of squid
to the fishing ground after the season starts. It was established
that if the Spawning Stock Biomass fell below the threshold
limit of 40,000 t for the Southwest Atlantic, the SAFC should
recommend early closure of the Illex fisheries both in Argentina and the Falkland Islands. Such early closures were implemented in a number of years. Unfortunately, since 2005, the
SAFC has been inactive because the Argentine Government
reduced cooperation, declined to attend meetings and suspended joint scientific activities. Currently, the Southwest
Atlantic region suffers from lack of any effective regional
management and conservation of straddling I. argentinus
stocks because there is no regional fisheries management organization (RFMO). An RFMO should include all or the majority
of countries whose fleets are exploiting those stocks. To date
no such organization exists, making the Southwest Atlantic
unique in having no comprehensive fisheries management programme. Countries with fishing waters in which I. argentinus
occurs now impose conservation measures separately. This situation has undoubtedly increased the vulnerability of I. argentinus stocks. Since 2000, I. argentinus abundance has become
more variable (Falkland Islands Government, 2012), probably
reflecting both climatic variation and overexploitation.
6.2. Doryteuthis gahi (Patagonian Squid)
6.2.1. Distribution
The Patagonian squid D. gahi (Orbigny, 1835) inhabits the
continental shelves of South America from southern Peru and
Chile in the Pacific to southern Argentina and the Falkland
Islands in the Atlantic (Jereb and Roper, 2010). It is a relatively small squid, typically attaining 130–170 mm ML. Doryteuthis gahi is the coldest water species among loliginids that
lives in waters of Sub-Antarctic origin mixed with shelf
waters. In the Pacific, the squid is distributed as far north as
4 S on the shelf of northern Peru, in shallow waters derived
from the Humboldt Current (Villegas, 2001). The abundance
of squid in Peruvian waters was quite low, with the total
annual catch not exceeding several thousand t per year along
the whole Peruvian coast. In Chilean waters, D. gahi is
encountered from Valparaiso in the north to Cape Horn in the
south (Arancibia and Robotham, 1984) in very low abundance,
probably too low to support any specialized fishery. It is
assumed that the populations off Peru and Chile are connected
by squid that occur in the northern part of Chile (Jereb and
Roper, 2010). However, there are no records of D. gahi’s
occurrence in the region between 20 and 34 S.
In the Southwest Atlantic, D. gahi is widely distributed on
the whole Patagonian Shelf, and found within waters of the
Falkland (Malvinas) Current up to 38 –40 S on the Argentinean Shelf. The squid is most abundant to the south, southeast and north-east of the Falkland Islands, where it is the
subject of a specialized bottom trawl fishery (Patterson, 1988;
Hatfield et al., 1990). Its distribution and abundance on the
Falkland Shelf are closely associated with the “Transient
Zone” representing the mixing of Shelf Waters with the subAntarctic Superficial Water Mass of the Falkland Current
(Arkhipkin et al., 2004b).
6.2.2. Population Structure and Life History
Two main seasonal cohorts of unclear taxonomic status,
namely, a spring-spawning cohort and an autumn-spawning
cohort, were identified around the Falkland Islands (Patterson,
1988). Recruitment of the autumn-spawning cohort occurs in
the feeding grounds from October until January, that of the
spring-spawning cohort in March and April. Squid of both
cohorts have an annual lifecycle (Patterson, 1988; Hatfield,
1991) but, because of difference in spawning and hatch dates
(Arkhipkin et al., 2004a), their similar ontogenetic phases
occur at different times of the year and are subject to different
environmental conditions. The squid that hatched in summer
(at higher temperatures) were significantly larger than squid of
the same age but hatched in winter (Hatfield, 2000). Ontogenetic growth in D. gahi is characterized by two-stage growth
patterns with positive acceleration of growth during the juvenile period and negative acceleration of growth during the
adult period. The inflection point of the Shnute growth curve
was observed at the same age as the inflection point of the
maturity ogive in males, but much earlier in females (Arkhipkin and Roa, 2005).
Genetic studies of D. gahi using allozyme markers found no
evidence of genetic differentiation among samples collected
monthly over 1 year, suggesting that all seasonal cohorts of
D. gahi belonged to one single interbreeding population (Carvalho and Loney 1989; Carvalho and Pitcher 1989). Subsequent studies on the D. gahi population occurring around the
Falkland Islands revealed no significant genetic differentiation
among subpopulations (Shaw et al., 2004). This suggests
extensive genetic interchange between spawning cohorts and
geographical areas, that is, that there is interbreeding between
the cohorts (Patterson, 1988; Agnew et al., 1998; Arkhipkin
and Middleton, 2003).
Squid of both cohorts occur in the warmest water available
in near-bottom layers of the Transient Zone between shelf
waters and the Falkland Current (Arkhipkin et al., 2004b).
The extent of the distribution of D. gahi aggregations on their
feeding grounds may be predicted by determining the location
of the Transient Zone on the shelf (Arkhipkin et al., 2004b).
These areas comprise their feeding grounds on the Falkland
Shelf. In summer, immature squid of the autumn spawning
component are found in the warmer waters of the inshore
boundary of the Transient Zone, moving to shallow Shelf
Waters as soon as they start to mature. In autumn, emigration
of the autumn-spawning cohort from their feeding grounds
ends and these squid are replaced by immature squid of the
spring-spawning cohort, which are just arriving on the shared
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6.2.3. Composition and Numbers of the Fishing Fleet
The fishery for D. gahi around the Falkland Islands started in
the beginning of 1980s, when both Polish and Spanish trawlers
discovered dense aggregations of squid on the shelf near the
Beauch^ene Island. The fishery has been carried out exclusively
by trawlers operating bottom nets with small mesh liners. The
fishery by several dozen factory trawlers was totally unregulated with the declared annual catch around 40,000 t (Csirke,
1987). The establishment of the 150-nm FICZ around the Falkland Islands in 1986 introduced a management regime for all
commercial resources within the Zone. Since then all trawlers
had to fish for D. gahi under licenses issued by the Falkland
Islands Fisheries Department. In 1988–1990, up to 46 trawlers
belonging to ten countries (mainly Spanish, 50–70%) were
licensed to fish for Patagonian squid. The numbers of licenses
gradually decreased to 21 in 1998, with the composition of fishing fleet changing to mainly Falkland flagged vessels (70–
80%). Since 2000, the fleet has consisted of 16 factory trawlers
(almost exclusively Falkland flagged vessels).
6.2.4. Fishing Grounds, Duration of Fishing Period
The D. gahi fishery is restricted spatially, limiting the trawling fleet to an area to the east and south of the Falkland
Total catch of D. gahi
Mean catch of trawler
Mean daily catch of trawler, t
Total catch, t
feeding grounds. Late autumn homogeneity in temperatures
from inshore to 200 m depths enables the spring-spawning
squid to penetrate deeper into the Transient Zone. Winter cooling of the Shelf Waters and formation of the warm water layer
between 150 and 250 m depths in the Transient Zone restricts
squid almost exclusively to this zone, their movement being
limited by colder waters situated both shallower and deeper.
Thus, the whole spring-spawning cohort stays in the deepwater
feeding grounds in winter, and continuous growth and maturation is evident in biological sampling. As soon as the spring
warming starts at the end of October, the spring-spawning
squid begin to move to shallow water to spawn, disappearing
first from the deeper parts of the Transient Zone.
The squid spawn in shallow waters with egg masses occurring in kelp beds (Arkhipkin et al., 2000). The first (autumnspawning) and second (spring-spawning) cohorts of D. gahi
differ in the duration of embryonic development. Squid of the
autumn-spawning cohort have their peak spawning in May–
June (austral autumn) (Hatfield and des Clers, 1998), their egg
masses develop slowly throughout the winter, and their hatchlings appear in early spring. Squid of the spring-spawning
cohort spawn in the austral spring (October–November), their
egg masses develop rapidly in warmer water conditions, and
their hatchlings appear in early summer. Thus, the 5–6 month
difference in spawning time between the two cohorts diminishes to only 2–4 months difference in hatching time (Arkhipkin and Middleton, 2003). This strategy enables recruits of
both cohorts to target the pronounced spring-early summer
zooplankton bloom in the Southwest Atlantic (Boltovskoy,
1999), presumably enhancing their survival.
Figure 30. Total annual catch (t) and mean daily CPUE (t per day) in Doryteuthis gahi fishery within Falkland Conservation Zones in the Southwest
Islands. The so called “Loligo box” extends about 10,000
square nautical miles on the shelf and shelf edge between 100
and 350 m depths. Two fishing seasons were established, the
first running from February to May, and the second running
from August to October. Since 2003, the seasons were shortened for conservation reasons. Currently, the first season is
scheduled for 50 calendar days of fishing from February 24 to
April 14, and the second season is scheduled for 78 calendar
days of fishing from July 15 to September 30. During the first
season, the squid exploited mainly belong to the first, autumnspawning cohort, whereas during the second season the squid
exploited mainly belong to the second, spring-spawning
6.2.5. Amounts and Dynamics of Catches
Over the last two decades, total annual catches of D. gahi in
the Falkland Islands have ranged from 24,000 to 98,000 t (Figure 30) with a mean of 51,000 t (Arkhipkin et al., 2013).
CPUE has also been variable, with a negative interannual trend
observed in the 1990s and a positive trend observed since 2000
onward (Figure 30). Occasionally, catches of D. gahi are also
taken in the high seas at 46 –47 S outside the Argentinean
EEZ in August–September, but they usually do not exceed
5,000 t per annum.
6.2.6. Stock Assessment
There is a rare opportunity in the Falkland Islands to use a
depletion model for stock estimations of D. gahi as all ontogenetic stages of squid occur in one management area. A modified standard Leslie–Delury method is focused on the use of
catch and effort data from the commercial fishery (Rosenberg
et al., 1990). Instead of the usual assumption of negligible
mortality, a fixed mortality rate was introduced, together with
an extension to consider multiple fleets instead of a single
catch-effort series. Assessments are carried out over the period
following a peak in CPUE (where catch is expressed in numbers of squid). In practice, assessments using this method
(Rosenberg et al., 1990) did not work in all fishing seasons,
primarily because the time series of weekly CPUE deviated in
some years from the assumed pattern of a continuous decline
following an initial peak (Agnew et al., 1998). This has been a
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particular problem in the first season where recruitment of the
second cohort often masks the depletion of the first cohort.
Deviations from the assumed pattern of CPUE may also arise
for other reasons including spatial structuring of the population
on the fishery grounds (Arkhipkin and Middleton, 2002). The
combined modeling of D. gahi stocks employs a stochastic
biomass projection model for preseason and postseason assessment, and a stock depletion model (SDM) that assesses the
stock during the fishing season period (Roa-Ureta and Arkhipkin, 2007). Additionally, it was shown that the spatio-temporal
dynamics of the fleet was a useful component of the stock
assessment of the D. gahi stock by the SDM. This is because
more than one depletion episode, some of them quite shortlived, may occur in a given season, either in distant regions
within the fishing grounds (as in the second seasons of 2004
and 2005) or even at short distances within the same region
(the first season of 2005) (Roa-Ureta and Arkhipkin, 2007).
6.2.7. Management
The fishery management of D. gahi is based on the strict
control of fishing effort rather than the more common policy
of limiting catches (TAC). The choice of effort limitation as
the primary management tool was made taking into account an
annual lifecycle and high variability in abundance from year
to year. With a very weak stock-recruitment relationship the
management target has been to maintain spawner escapement
biomass above a level that appreciably decreases the probability of poor recruitment (currently 10,000 t for each cohort). As
the numbers of recruits cannot generally be estimated until the
fishery is actually underway, Beddington et al (1990) argued
that management should aim for constant proportional escapement via a constant harvest rate. In-season monitoring remains
important to allow the possibility of reducing effort in years
when a low recruitment implies that a constant harvest rate
will not be sufficiently conservative. The aim of a constant
proportional escapement has been implemented via the setting
of allowable fishing effort, estimating the catchability coefficients and likely time spent fishing of groups of vessels, and
thereafter issuing appropriate numbers of licenses (Beddington
et al., 1990). The issuing of licenses, which are based on predetermined estimates of a vessel’s fishing power and do not
restrict the actual catch taken, has the advantage of reducing
the incentive to mis-report catch (Beddington et al., 1990),
which can be a serious problem in catch-limited fisheries.
Several management measures are currently in force to conserve the D. gahi stocks (Arkhipkin et al., 2008). Temporal
restrictions (in the form of the early closure of the fishery season) may be used in cases when in-season estimations of stock
size show that the stock is approaching a minimum escapement level. Spatial restrictions (in the form of areas temporally
or permanently closed for fishing) may be used to prevent the
fishing of dense schools of small juvenile squid during their
offshore feeding migrations. The locations and timings of
closed areas may vary interannually depending on
environmental conditions, which determine the distribution of
young squid. Reductions in fishing effort could be used in case
of predicted poor recruitment of D. gahi for a given fishing
season, though predictive ability is limited at present. If assessments indicate that minimum spawning stock biomass targets
were not met then effort may be reduced in following seasons
to take account both of the fact that recruitment may have
been reduced and that fleet performance may have been underestimated. The current management practice, in the form of
fishing effort regulation by restrictions in number of licenses,
together with in-season spatial and temporal restrictions of the
fishery, is flexible enough to conserve the stocks of short-lived
D. gahi around the Falkland Islands at a sustainable level.
The ICES divides the Northeast Atlantic, FAO area 27, into
14 fishery areas (Figure 31). Within this area, most catches of
cephalopods arise from areas IV to IX, on the Continental
shelf. Cephalopod fisheries remain relatively unimportant in
the northeast Atlantic, a fact highlighted in reviews by Caddy
and Rodhouse (1998) and Hunsicker et al. (2010). Indeed,
according to Caddy and Rodhouse (1998), the only region of
the world covered by their study where total cephalopod landings had not increased significantly over the previous 25 years
was the Northeast Atlantic1. This area is only the 11th most
important FAO fishing area for total cephalopod catches since
1950; with peak annual landings of just over 60,000 t compared to a peak of almost 1.5 million t for the Northwest
Pacific (FAO, 2011).
The continuing pressure on finfish stocks has led several
authors to propose that cephalopods, especially squid, would
become increasingly important as a fishery resource (e.g., Boyle
and Pierce, 1994). However, except for a brief period during
1980–1985, when T. sagittatus supported an important fishery
in Norway, squid have remained less important than octopus
and cuttlefish in this region; and the general upward trend in
cephalopod landings since 1979 (peaking in 2004 at just over
60,000 t) has been driven by increasing landings of cuttlefish.
In the northern Northeast Atlantic, expansion of cephalopod
fishing has probably been held back by the limited local consumption of cephalopods. For example, most squid landed in
Scotland is exported to southern Europe (e.g., Pierce et al.,
2010). Nevertheless, there has been intermittent interest in
directed squid fishing in UK waters over the years and directed
fishing on squid occurs on Rockall Bank and in the Moray
Firth (see Hamabe et al., 1982; Pierce et al., 1994a; Young
et al., 2006a; Hastie et al 2009a; Smith, 2011).
Note, however, that the time window selected affects the trends seen in
the Northeast Atlantic. Total cephalopod landings increased from 1950 to
1970 but fell sharply to a low in 1979, trends driven by the rise and fall of
Spanish octopus landings. The general increase seen since 1979 (at least until
2004) mainly reflects an increase in French cuttlefish landings, aside from the
short-lived Todarodes fishery in Norway (see FAO, 2011 and Pierce and Portela, 2014).
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Figure 31. The division of the Northeast Atlantic, FAO area 27, into 14 fishery areas by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
From the English Channel southward, cephalopods assume
much greater importance as resource species, with commercial
and artisanal fishing for cuttlefish, octopus and, to a lesser
extent, squid. However, it is only very recently that there
appears to have been more widespread commercial targeting
of squid, for example, by Spanish trawlers in the Bay of Biscay, reflecting the poor state of the hake stock (ICES, 2013).
In the northern Northeast Atlantic, the most important
cephalopod fishery resource is currently the loliginid squid
Loligo forbesii. From the English Channel southward, other
cephalopods, notably the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and the
octopus Octopus vulgaris, are more important in terms of both
weight and value of catches, and L. forbesii is increasingly
replaced in catches by L. vulgaris. There is some evidence that
L. forbesii abundance declined markedly in the south of its
range in the early 1990s, leading to increased dominance of
L. vulgaris (Chen et al., 2006). The English Channel cuttlefish
fishery is currently the most valuable Northeast Atlantic cephalopod fishery (ICES, 2012; Pierce et al., 2010).
Two other loliginid species, namely Alloteuthis subulata
and A. media, are of minor fishery importance in the Northeast
Atlantic. These species are landed and marketed as a secondary target or bycatch in Spain and Portugal; however, they are
not distinguished from each other and are also likely sometimes landed with Loligo catches (Moreno, 1995; Garcıa
Tasende et al., 2005; Jereb et al., in press).
Unlike in many parts of the world, the most important squid
resources in the Northeast Atlantic are loliginids although, as
mentioned above, historically, the ommastrephid T. sagittatus
supported an important, if short-lived, fishery, in Norway
(FAO, 2011). Two other ommastrephids, Todaropsis eblanae
and Illex coindetii, are landed in small amounts as bycatch in
the northern NE Atlantic, occasionally along with third species, O. bartramii (Pierce et al., 2010; ICES, 2012; Jereb
et al., in press).
Clarke (1963) proposed that ommastrephid squids could
provide an important future fishery resource in the eastern
North Atlantic, for human consumption, animal feed, and fertilizer. He cited the seasonal exploitation of Todarodes sagitattus, Stenoteuthis pteropus and S. caroli (the latter now
recognized as a synonym of O. bartramii) in Madeira. The
Arctic and sub-Arctic gonatid squid Gonatus fabricii is
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considered to have some fishery potential (Bjørke and
Gjøsæter, 1998). It is caught for use as bait in Greenland and
has been the subject of unsuccessful experimental fisheries
(Frandsen and Wieland, 2004). As Clarke (1963) observed,
ommastrephids are generally considered less palatable than
loliginid squid, but it remains possible that economically
important fisheries for various oceanic squid species could be
developed in the future. Nevertheless, the evidence for the
existence of a high biomass of these species, that is, their
importance in oceanic food webs, is also a reason to take a precautionary approach since uncontrolled exploitation could
have important and unpredictable consequences for oceanic
Most information on abundance of the commercially
exploited species arises from fishery landings and, in some
cases, trawling surveys. Usually, at best these provide an indication of relative abundance; even where swept area estimates
have been derived (as for L. forbesii, Pierce et al., 1998), they
are essentially minimum estimates due to uncertainty about
gear selectivity. In the last two decades, some model-based
estimates have been derived (e.g., Young et al., 2004),
although these also suffer from uncertainty about natural mortality. What is evident is that there are wide interannual fluctuations in abundance, generally thought to be environmentally
driven although effects of fishing cannot always be ruled out.
7.1. The Loliginid Squids: Loligo and Alloteuthis
The so-called long-finned (loliginid) squid in this region
comprise four species, Loligo forbesii (veined squid) and L.
vulgaris (European squid) and A. subulata (European common
squid) and A. media (midsize squid). Fishing focuses mainly
on the former genus.
7.1.1. Biology, Ecology, and Stock Structure Loligo forbesii. The range of L. forbesii extends
along the eastern Atlantic continental shelf from Norway to
north Africa; it is absent from the Baltic Sea and the southern
boundary of its range in the Atlantic is poorly defined. It also
occurs around the Azores and the Canary Islands groups, and
throughout the Mediterranean (Jereb et al., in press). It appears
to be most abundant in the northern part of its range, particularly around the United Kingdom (see Chen et al. 2006). L.
forbesii is a temperate and subtropical neritic species, usually
found in continental shelf waters at temperatures exceeding
8.5 C and with a vertical range from 50 to over 700 m along
the mainland coast, although apparently generally found in
deeper waters than L. vulgaris in areas where the two species
co-occur. In the Azores, where deep waters are found close to
the shore it can be found at depths up to 1000 m.
Males reach much larger sizes and weights than females,
although females are usually heavier at any given length (e.g.,
Pierce et al., 1994c). Males can reach over 900 mm in length
while maximum female size is around 460 mm, with the most
common adult sizes being in the range 200–300 mm. Size at
maturity is very variable; two or more size modes of maturity
can exist in both sexes, but these separate modes are more pronounced in males (Collins et al., 1999). In Portuguese waters
the smallest mature male measured 80 mm ML, and the smallest mature female 103 mm. However, on the mainland coast,
most males start to mature at a minimum size around 150 mm
ML and females around 170 mm ML. In the Azores, minimum
sizes at maturity are larger, at 240 and 200 mm ML for males
and females respectively (Jereb et al., 2010).
The lifecycle is annual, as indicated by generally consistent
seasonal peaks of reproduction and recruitment, although
statolith readings suggest that individuals can live up to around
16 months and there has been speculation the lifecycle could
sometimes take two years (e.g., Boyle et al., 1995). In Scotland, the species is typically winter-spawning, with young animals recruiting to the fishery mainly in summer and autumn
(Boyle and Ngoile, 1993a; Pierce et al., 1994b; Boyle et al.,
1995; Rocha and Guerra, 1999; Jereb et al., in press). However, some spawning may occur all year round and the seasonal peaks differ between areas; secondary spawning peaks
may also occur, for example, in the summer in the English
Channel (Holme, 1974). Following the classification of Rocha
et al. (2001) the species is an intermittent terminal spawner.
It shows an onshore-offshore ontogenetic migration, typical
of loliginids, moving from the shelf edge (at 100–200 m) in
summer toward inshore waters to spawn in the winter. In some
years a West-East migration apparently occurs in autumn in
Scottish waters (Waluda and Pierce, 1998). In the Moray Firth,
Scotland, the smallest individuals are caught close inshore in
summer and there seems to be a subsequent ontogenetic migration away from the coast and a later return of mature animals
into coastal waters to spawn (e.g., Viana et al., 2009).
Several studies in Scotland have reported two main recruitment periods, in April and November, with small numbers of
recruits present throughout most of the year, despite there
apparently being a single main breeding season (Lum-Kong
et al., 1992; Boyle and Pierce, 1994; Pierce et al., 1994b;
Boyle et al., 1995; Collins et al., 1997, 1999). The phenology
of lifecycle events appears to be very variable, both between
years, apparently reflecting sensitivity to varying environmental conditions (see Sims et al., 2001; Pierce and Boyle, 2003;
Pierce et al., 2005) and also within years, since between two
to four microcohorts may be identifiable in landings at any one
time (Collins et al., 1999). It is generally unclear whether variability in life history characteristics is environmentally driven,
genetic, or a mixture, but it has given rise to suggestions that
more than one stock may be present (see below). Several studies on squid landings in Scotland have identified an apparently
predictable seasonal pattern, with highest landings from
coastal waters usually occurring in autumn, as might be
expected from the predominant seasonality of recruitment and
growth. However, examining data over several decades, it
becomes evident that the seasonal pattern of landings has
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actually varied considerably over the years, possibly reflecting
a shift in relative dominance of winter and summer breeding
populations (Pierce et al., 2005). Thus while peak landings in
the 1990s were usually in October and November, in 2012 and
2013 the peaks occurred in August and September, respectively (Wangvoralak, 2011). Further research is needed on this
topic, preferably underpinned by routine monitoring of monthto-month evolution of size distributions, as indeed would be
needed for any formal stock assessment.
Fishery landings and survey catch data suggest wide fluctuations in abundance of this species (e.g., Pierce et al., 1994b;
1998), a conclusion also supported by the few (project-based)
attempts to carry out a formal stock assessment (e.g., Young
et al., 2004). Many studies have demonstrated links between
cephalopod abundance and environmental conditions, often
related to sea temperature and/or large scale indices such as
the NAO Index, as is the case for L. forbesii (e.g., Pierce and
Boyle, 2003); there are many hypotheses about mechanisms
but most authors propose effects on food availability, metabolism, growth and survival, especially during early life stages
(see Pierce et al., 2008 for a review). Environmental drivers
may also have strong influences on distribution and (as mentioned above) lifecycle phenology. Results from spectral analysis of Scottish Loligo landings data suggested an underlying
cyclic pattern of abundance with a periodicity of around
15 years (Pierce et al., 1994a). However, in recent years the
peaks have been closer together. This, coupled with increased
landings in recent years (see Section 7.1.2), suggests that the
boom-bust cycle may be at least partly fishery driven.
L. forbesii is an active predator, older animals being largely
piscivorous; seasonal shifts in the diet are consistent with
opportunistic feeding (Pierce et al., 1994c; Collins and Pierce,
1996; Wangvoralak et al., 2011). It is itself eaten by a variety
of marine predators, including fish, seabirds, seals and cetaceans (see Daly et al., 2001; Jereb et al., in press).
Given that most squid species are highly mobile and undertake sometimes extensive ontogenetic migrations, it is not
expected that the distribution range of L. forbesii would be
divided into very many separate stocks. However, various
studies of life history and morphometric variation in L. forbesii
have indicated the existence of different forms, sometimes
occurring sympatrically. Thomas (1973) proposed that the variable patterns of squid availability, particularly the difference
between coastal waters and the offshore Rockall area (ICES
subdivision VIb), were consistent with the existence of at least
two stocks with different migratory patterns. Further evidence
of differences between animals from Rockall and coastal
waters arises from results on the phenology of maturation
(Rockall animals apparently mature earlier in the year) and on
morphometric characters (Boyle and Ngoile, 1993b, Pierce
et al., 1994 d,e). As previously mentioned, Holme (1974)
identified winter and summer breeding populations of this species in the English Channel, which gives rise to the suggestion
that Rockall animals are summer breeders, as opposed to the
more usual winter breeding modality (see also Pierce et al.,
1994a, b, 2005). Another phenomenon that has led to suggestions of alternative lifecycles is the existence of (at least) two
distinct modes of male maturity (Boyle et al., 1995), although
this seems to be linked to selection for alternative mating strategies (mate guarders vs. sneakers; c.f. Hanlon and Messenger
(1996)), rather than implying the existence of reproductively
isolated stocks.
Genetic evidence of stock differentiation within continental
shelf waters of the European Atlantic remains inconclusive: a
study based on allozyme data indicated no differences (Brierley et al., 1995), while Shaw et al. (1999) reported no significant differences between samples from different coastal areas
but some genetic differences between inshore and offshore
(Rockall and Faroe Islands) animals.
One geographically isolated and genetically distinct stock
of L. forbesii certainly exists; that in the Azores. Its distinct
morphometric, allozyme, and genetic characteristics indicate
that these animals comprise a highly isolated population,
based on a founder event occurring up to 1 million yr ago
(Shaw et al., 1999). Brierley et al. (1995) suggested that the
Azorean population should be regarded as a separate
subspecies. Loligo vulgaris. The geographical distribution of
L. vulgaris extends from 20 S, off the south-western coast of
Africa, to approximately 55 N, extending into the North Sea,
the Skagerrak, the Kattegat and the western Baltic Sea—
although currently it is rarely recorded north of the English
Channel. It occurs off the Canary Islands and Madeira but is
absent from the Azores (Jereb et al., in press). On the continental shelf, ontogenetic migrations are thought to occur. Animals which overwinter in deeper waters of the French coast
and in the Bay of Biscay apparently migrate northward in summer to spawn in shallow waters of the North Sea and English
Channel respectively. Southward migrations take place in the
Loligo vulgaris typically lives up to 12 months of age
(Rocha and Guerra, 1999), although a shorter lifespan
(9 months) has been suggested in southern Portuguese
waters. As is the case for L. forbesii, its lifecycle appears to
be annual and it shows similar variability and sexual dimorphism in growth and maturation. No major changes in the
general morphology occur with sexual maturity; males attain
larger sizes and weights and mature earlier than females, but
females generally exhibit higher weights than males at any
given length. Size at maturity is variable. Two modes in size
at maturity are reported for males from most Atlantic areas.
Spawning extends all year round in most of its distributional
range, usually with two seasonal peaks that occur earlier in
southern waters; it is mainly a winter breeder in the north of
its range (Guerra and Rocha, 1994; Arkhipkin, 1995; Jereb
et al., in press). Following the classification of Rocha et al.
(2001) the species is an intermittent terminal spawner.
Using microsatellite data, Garoia et al. (2004) showed that
Atlantic specimens of L. vulgaris differed consistently from
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Eastern and Western Mediterranean samples, which also differed from each other.
Like L. forbesii, L. vulgaris shows an ontogenetic shift in
feeding habits, from a diet dominated by small crustaceans to
a mainly piscivorous diet (Rocha et al., 1994). Most published
records of predation on loliginid squid refer to fish and cetacean predators; because identification is often based on examination of beaks, the squid are often identified only to genus
level (Jereb et al., in press). Alloteuthis subulata and A. media. The ranges of the
two Alloteuthis species differ from those of Loligo in that they
do not extend so far from the coast; in addition, both are absent
from the Canary Islands and the Azores, while the occurrence
of A. media further north than the Irish Sea and southern North
Sea is doubtful (see Jereb et al., in press). Alloteuthis spp.
have a maximum age of around 12 months (Rodhouse et al.,
1988; Moreno et al., 2007). The lifecycle lasts between 6 and
12 months; there may be several spawning seasons (Rodhouse
et al., 1988; Moreno, 1990, 1995; Arkhipkin and Nekludova,
1993; Hastie et al., 2009b; Oesterwind et al., 2010).
Like Loligo spp., A. subulata show an ontogenetic shift in
feeding habits, from a diet dominated by small crustaceans to
a mainly piscivorous diet. The diet of A. media is less well
documented. In terms of their role as prey, most published
records of predation on these loliginid species refer to fish and
cetacean predators; because identification is often based on
examination of beaks, the squid are often identified only to
genus level (Jereb et al., in press).
There is currently no information on the existence of different stocks in the Alloteuthis species; however, larger taxonomic issues remain unresolved for this genus, specifically the
number and identity of extant species and their relationship to
the recognized “A. subulata” and “A. media” morphotypes
(see Anderson et al., 2008; Jereb et al., in press).
7.1.2. Fisheries
Loliginid squid are fished throughout shelf waters of the
Northeast Atlantic as well as around offshore banks (e.g.,
Rockall) and islands (e.g., the Azores), usually all year round
although with seasonal peaks reflecting the timing of the lifecycle. Across the region, much of the catch of loliginids is
taken as a bycatch by demersal trawling, although some artisanal fishing does occur, especially in the south. Squid tend to
be caught year round, with clear seasonal peaks for some species, and represent an important source of income for fishers in
the region. Official fishery landings data normally identify
squid only to family level. Information on the proportion of
different species present may to some extent be inferred from
the known distributions of the species and the size of squid
landed (hence loliginid squid landed in Scotland are normally
L. forbesii and larger loliginid squid landed in the Iberian Peninsula are mainly L. vulgaris) although some additional information on the proportions of different species is available
from project-based studies and regional fishery monitoring
programmes (e.g., fishery monitoring by the Galician government in Northwest Spain).
Data on total landings of loliginids from the Northeast
Atlantic are available from the ICES WGCEPH (see reports
from 1995 to 2013 available at, but must be
viewed as approximate due to gaps in reporting by various
countries, and indeed the frequent revision of the figures.
Between 1988 and 2012, reported annual landings of loliginid
squid ranged from 7,124 t to 12,464 t. The underlying trend
since 1990 is downward. Currently, the southern part of the
region (ICES areas VIII and IX) is more important for squid
fisheries than the northern region: in 2012, around 5,550 t out
of 9000 t declared landings of long-finned squid from the
European ICES region came from areas VIII and IX (ICES,
2013). However, a decade previously, landings from these
areas made up only around 1/3 of a total of approx. 9,800 t.
The increased importance of the southern areas for squid landings in recent years is driven mainly by increased catches in
the Bay of Biscay reported by France and Spain (ICES, 2013). Loligo forbesii. Loligo forbesii is fished all year
round, currently mainly as a bycatch in demersal trawl fisheries in UK waters, with seasonal peaks in landings related to
the lifecycle (see Section 7.1.1). United Kingdom landings of
Loligo spp. (probably dominated by L. forbesii) ranged from
around 1,500 t to 3,500 t in the period 2000–2012 while
French landings in the same period ranged from approximately
2,800–6,400 t (ICES, 2012, 2013).
The importance of directed fishing may be limited by the
wide fluctuations in abundance reported (Young et al., 2004;
2006a) but in fact L. forbesii has been targeted in various locations over the last 70 years. Loligo forbesii supported a
directed fishery by Denmark and Sweden in the North Sea and
Skagerrak in 1948–1953, while targeted fishing from small
boats emerged in the English Channel in the mid-1970s
(Arnold, 1979). In his review of the economic status of European squid fisheries, Shaw (1994) described fisheries in UK
waters for L. forbesii, noting that directed fishing occurred off
southwest England from late summer to autumn. The most
important British port for squid landings was usually Brixham
in Devon, from which as many as 45 boats with crews of two
or three undertook day-trips to trawl for squid within 20 miles
of the coast. In addition, 8 to 10 boats with crews of three or
four sailed from Newlyn or Mevagissey in Cornwall. Elsewhere, vessels targeted squid if there were reports that they
were available in substantial numbers.
A directed trawling fishery for L. forbesii developed at
Rockall, 480 km west of mainland Scotland, during the 1980s,
involving boats that usually targeted haddock and other whitefish (Shaw, 1994) but which switched to squid when this was
abundant. Catches of L. forbesii at Rockall occurred mainly in
July and August (Pierce et al., 1994a), a time when only the
smallest recruits are normally caught in coastal waters, thus
supporting the idea that this was a different stock. The Rockall
squid fishery yielded high landings in 1986, 1987, and 1989
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Landings, Scotland, (tonnes)
but subsequently almost disappeared (Pierce et al., 1994a,
2005), although since 2008 there has been something of a
resurgence, with 700 t landed in 2011 (ICES, 2012).
A small directed trawl fishery for squid now exists close
inshore in the Moray Firth (North Sea, Scotland). This fishery
is strongly seasonal (mainly September–November) and initially involved around 20 trawlers of between 10 and 17 m
in length. In the mid-2000s, the number of boats taking part in
the fishery increased dramatically (from around 20 boats in
2000 to as many as 65 in 2003; Young et al., 2006a). However, high catches were not sustained and interest subsequently
decreased again (Smith, 2011).
Stroud (1978) reported that squid were caught in UK waters
mainly as a bycatch of trawling or seining for white fish, as
also shown by more recent analyses (e.g., Pierce et al.,
1994a). He further noted that, since squid tend to swim off the
bottom, the best catches were obtained with midwater trawls
or high headline bottom trawls, and that a high proportion of
the smaller squid could readily escape through the meshes of a
typical trawl. Boyle and Pierce (1994) described specially
designed squid trawls used in Scotland, which had small mesh
cod-ends and higher head ropes than those normally used to
catch fish. In the Moray Firth, vessels change to small mesh
gear in late summer when the squid become abundant (Young
et al., 2006a). Use of jigs to catch squid in UK waters was
advocated by Hamabe et al. (1982) but various unsuccessful
trials of commercial jigging machines in the UK in the 1970s
and 1980s appear to have discouraged further use of this gear
(see Pierce et al., 1994a).
Loliginid squid are caught throughout UK waters, notably
in the English Channel, Celtic Sea, and in the Moray Firth,
although the spatial distribution of catches varies from year to
year. In some years, there are high catches on the offshore
Rockall Bank while, historically, the species was caught on
Faroe Bank and in the Bay of Biscay by UK vessels. Within
this area, Scottish landings can be assumed to be mainly L. forbesii but further south L vulgaris is increasingly important and
squid landed in England, Wales, and France likely normally
comprise a mixture of both Loligo species. Market sampling
of French landings has been used to estimate the proportion of
the two Loligo species present in catches, results suggesting
that these species have different seasonal cycles (Robin and
Boucaud, 1995).
In Scotland, available landing records for squid (as mentioned above, presumed to be mainly L. forbesii; Figure 32)
go back to at least 1904 (Thomas, 1969), although the fishery
only became significant in the mid-1950s, perhaps facilitated
by the advent of deep-freeze facilities (although most squid
caught in Scottish waters continue to be landed fresh, on ice)
and exports to continental Europe. To some extent, landings
will reflect abundance: this is plausible for a valuable nontarget species for which there is no quota (Pierce et al, 1994a).
However, even though fresh undamaged squid fetch a good
price they are not always landed since, as noted previously,
they are often damaged when caught in a trawl along with fish
Figure 32. Landings of loliginid squid in Scotland (1904–2013).
and, in addition they cannot be kept on ice for many days (not
withstanding the somewhat optimistic appraisal of the condition of squid after a week on ice by Stroud (1978)). Furthermore, fishing effort has undoubtedly increased since the early
1900s, and other human factors such as two world wars have
clearly had an effect on squid landings. Nevertheless, it can be
suggested that abundance trends are characterized by recurrent
peaks and troughs.
Major peaks in Scottish loliginid landings broadly correspond to those in total loliginid landings for the region (ICES
2013) although in Scotland the trend since 1990 has been
upward, opposite to that for the whole region. This could suggest that L. forbesii has become more abundant while L. vulgaris has been declining.
L. forbesii is also caught in waters of the mainland coast of
the Iberian Peninsula, both by trawling and artisanal fisheries,
but, as elsewhere, is not normally distinguished from L. vulgaris in official landings data. Previous studies and recent observations by the authors and colleagues suggest that it forms
only a small proportion of long-finned squid landings in the
area. In the Azores islands, L. forbesii is fished exclusively by
an artisanal fleet equipped with hand-lines and home-made jigs
(Martins, 1982; Porteiro, 1994). It is also fished in Madeira,
where it is used both for human consumption and as bait. Loligo vulgaris and Alloteuthis spp. Loligo vulgaris
is fished all year round throughout its distributional range. It is
caught together with L. forbesii as a bycatch of French trawlers
operating in ICES areas VIII and VII; the species are not separated in official landing statistics. During 2001–2010, the average annual French landings of long-finned squid were 5705.5 t
(range 4690–6292 t).
In southern Europe, while loliginids (mainly L. vulgaris but
also L. forbesii and sometimes Alloteuthis spp.) are caught by
trawling, there are also important small-scale fisheries, using
jigs and hand-lines, beach seines, gill nets or trammel nets,
which target loliginid squid when they enter coastal waters in
autumn and winter to spawn (e.g., Cunha and Moreno, 1994;
Guerra et al., 1994).
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In Galicia (NW Spain), official annual total landings of L.
vulgaris were on average 418.9 t (range 292–560 t) for the
period 2004–2012. Trawler landings accounted for approximately 95.5% of the total and the remainder were caught by
small-scale fisheries, using artisanal gears such as hand-jigs
and beach seines, mainly during the summer; beach seining is
permitted during July and August. The sale price at auction of
this species in Galician ports varied from 5.67 to 19.70 € per
kilo during the period 2001–2013. The beach seine fishery
takes squid below the legal minimum size (100 mm ML),
along with Alloteuthis spp. European squid is mainly sold
fresh and reaches a high market value. In the coastal rıas of
southern Galicia (northwestern Spain), L. vulgaris is targeted
during July–September using boat seines (“boliche”) and
makes up around half of the catch; Alloteuthis spp. are a secondary target in this fishery and are also taken using trawls
and purse-seines in grounds outside the rıas (Tasende et al.,
In the Gulf of Cadiz (SW, Spain), L. vulgaris is mainly
caught by the multi-species bottom trawl fishery. Bottom trawl
catches from 1994 to 2010 ranged from 300 to 575 t (average
497 t), which represent 99% of the total landings in the Gulf of
Cadiz. This squid fishery shows a clear seasonal pattern, with
higher landings occurring in October and November. Both
Alloteuthis spp. are also caught as a bycatch of the bottom
trawl fleet in this area, with recorded annual landings of
between 55 and 290 t during 1996–2006 (Pierce et al., 2010).
The catches of long-finned squid in Portugal potentially
combine three different species, which are not distinguished in
the markets: L. vulgaris, L. forbesii, and A. subulata although
most are probably L. vulgaris. There is a MLS for L. vulgaris
of 100 mm ML, which effectively covers the three species. In
the 1990s, only L. vulgaris entered the market because L. forbesii was not available in significant numbers, and A. subulata
is a small species that is almost always under the MLS. For the
period 2001–2010, the Portuguese official landings for this
category were 514 t per year on average. On the west coast,
off Aveiro (Central Portugal), large trawlers which mainly target horse mackerel also have well-defined fishing strategies
for taking cephalopods. They catch common octopus (O. vulgaris) and L. vulgaris, switching between these species seasonally and year to year depending on abundance (and hence
ultimately depending on the interannual recruitment variation
of these species) (Fonseca et al., 2008).
7.1.3. Stock Assessment
There is presently no routine stock assessment for European
cephalopods and (in consequence) there is no routine market
sampling of biological characteristics and few directed surveys
for this species in the northern Northeast Atlantic. Nevertheless, several research projects and the ICES WGCEPH have
carried out exploratory assessments (Robin and Denis, 1999;
Denis et al., 2002; Royer et al., 2002; Young et al., 2004;
Challier et al., 2005; ICES, 2010, 2011, 2012).
Various characteristics of species such as L. forbesii make it
difficult to apply traditional stock assessment approaches;
these include the short lifespan, the fact that age determination
is difficult and time-consuming, variable growth rates (resulting in weak length-age relationships, the lack of synchronization of lifecycle events (reflected in the presence multiple
microcohorts) and year-to-year differences in the timing of
lifecycle events, reflecting high sensitivity to variation in environmental conditions (Boyle and Pierce, 1994; Pierce and
Guerra, 1994; Young et al., 2004; Pierce et al., 2008). The
lack of stock-recruitment relationships, reflecting short lifecycles and high environmental sensitivity means that postseason assessments have limited predictive value. In fact, the
difficulty of predicting abundance is a fundamental issue for
managers in all cephalopod fisheries (Rodhouse, 2001).
Options for stock assessment in squid include forecasting,
surveys for recruits, in-season assessment (e.g., using depletion models), and postseason assessment (e.g., using production models or models more explicitly based on population
dynamics) (Pierce and Guerra, 1994). The existence of relationships between abundance and environmental conditions
suggest the possibility of forecasting abundance (Rodhouse,
2001), although the predictive power of such relationships
may be weak (e.g., Pierce and Boyle, 2003).
In the Northeast Atlantic, only Portugal has routinely carried out trawling surveys directed at cephalopods (see Pereira
et al., 1998). Data collected from standard trawling surveys
for fish can generate abundance indices, the value of which is
supported by the positive correlation between indices of
abundance derived from trawling surveys and annual fishery
landings (Pierce et al., 1998). It may also be possible to provide absolute abundance estimates by applying to trawl survey data a swept area method. However, both relative and
absolute abundance estimates are presently difficult to
achieve. The timing of many such surveys (directed at fish) is
inappropriate to allow recruitment strength to be predicted; in
any case the timing of loliginid lifecycles is known to vary
both within and between years (e.g., Pierce et al., 2005).
Gear selectivity needs to be understood so that an appropriate
mesh size can be chosen. Furthermore, bearing in mind the
apparently highly patchy distribution of the species, important concentrations may easily be missed by surveys, or
indeed suffer high additional mortality due to research trawling (see Hastie, 1996; Pierce et al., 1998). There is also the
issue of the difficulty of distinguishing small Loligo from
adult Alloteuthis.
Royer et al. (2002) applied depletion methods and monthly
cohort analysis to both Loligo species in the English Channel.
With the depletion method, assuming a natural mortality value
of 0.2, initial population size (recruitment) ranged from 3.7 to
19 million for L. forbesii and from 2.1 to 10 million for
L. vulgaris. Cohort analysis gave figures of 2.4 to 14 million
for L. vulgaris and 6.3 to 22.3 million for L. forbesii. For both
Loligo species, exploitation levels in the English Channel
were above the optimum. Assessments can be improved by
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introducing age data and accounting for variability in individual growth rates (Challier et al., 2006), although the necessary
data collection is labor intensive.
Young et al. (2004) estimated abundance of L. forbesii in
Scottish waters in the 1990s using a depletion method, obtaining figures that varied from a maximum of around 6 million
(in the 1990–1991 season) down to a few thousands in 1995–
1996. In addition, an approach to estimating fishing effort and
landings from interview surveys of fishermen has been
attempted for Loligo fisheries in Scotland (Young et al.,
Key challenges include obtaining standardized CPUE indices, estimating the ratio of the two Loligo species in areas of
overlap, estimating recruitment strength, and linking length to
7.1.4. Fishery Management for Loliginid Fisheries
Management of cephalopod fishing in Europe is largely
limited to MLS regulations in southern Europe. In Spain and
Portugal, the MLS for Loligo spp. is 100 mm (Fonseca et al.,
2008). In Galicia, there is a MLS (60 mm) for Alloteuthis
(Tasende et al., 2005). Collins et al. (1997) proposed that a
directed fishery for L. forbesii could be managed by a combination of controlled opening, to prevent growth overfishing,
and curtailment of fishing during spawning, to prevent recruitment overfishing. However, the authors recognized that this
would leave a fairly narrow window within which fishing
could take place.
The need for management is indicated by analyses that suggest exploitation levels are above optimum, and the occurrence
of boom and bust dynamics in landings. In addition, loss of
eggs either due to trawling over spawning grounds or egg laying on fixed gear may be important and there has been evidence of growth overfishing (high catches of very small squid
followed by lower catches later in the season) in the Moray
Firth. Large numbers of eggs are laid on fixed gear (e.g., trammel nets) off western Portugal and this may represent a significant cause of mortality (A. Moreno, pers. comm).
Perhaps the most realistic approach, considering the
continued dominance of landings from bycatch fisheries, is
for management to focus on protection of essential habitat
such as spawning areas rather than on generic catch or
effort limitations. Recent modeling work has attempted to
define habitat and movements of L. forbesii in Scottish
waters (Viana et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2013) but the main
spawning areas of this species remain to be identified.
Many records exist of Loligo spp. eggs on traps, pots and
creel lines (Holme, 1974; Lum-Kong et al., 1992; Porteiro
and Martins, 1992; Martins, 1997; Craig, 2001; Pham
et al., 2009; Smith, 2011). Lordan and Casey (1999) argue
that L. forbesii probably spawn mainly over rocky bottoms
where opportunities to attach eggs to the substrate are
more numerous and, indeed, damage by bottom trawling is
less likely. In the case of L. vulgaris, some spawning
grounds have been identified, for example, off southwest
Portugal (Villa et al., 1997). Habitats of English Channel
fish, cephalopod and macrocrustacean communities, including a subcommunity demarcated by the two Loligo species,
were described by Vaz et al (2007).
7.2. The Ommastrephid Squids
7.2.1. Biology, Ecology, and Stock Structure
Three ommastrephid species are caught regularly by commercial fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic, if rarely as target
species, namely the European flying squid T. sagittatus, the
lesser flying squid T. eblanae and the broadtail shortfin squid
I. coindetii. Several other species of this family may be caught
occasionally. All three species show apparently wide fluctuations in abundance, with sporadic occurrences of very high
abundance; further details appear in Section 7.2.2. Todarodes sagittatus. The European flying squid,
T. sagittatus, occurs in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean from Iceland, the Barents and Kara Seas southward to Guinea, and
westward to the mid-Atlantic Ridge as well as throughout the
Mediterranean. It is a nerito-oceanic species, inhabiting not
only mostly slope waters from the surface down to >1000 m,
but also occurs on the shelf and in the open ocean.
As has been the case for many other squid species, the
availability of age data from statoliths led to a downward revision of the lifespan, and the conclusion that it is basically an
annual species. The maximum recorded age is around 14
months (assuming that growth increments on statoliths are
daily; Lordan et al., 2001). Off West Africa, spawning was
recorded all year round but with a winter peak (Arkhipkin
et al., 1999), while Lordan et al. (2001) found evidence of
summer and winter breeding peaks.
The European flying squid takes a wide range of prey species but is mainly piscivorous, with small mesopelagic fishes
(e.g., pearlsides and lanternfishes) making up a high proportion of the diet. It is in turn eaten by a range of fish and cetaceans, as well as seabirds and seals (Breiby and Jobling, 1985;
Piatkowski et al., 1998; Lordan et al., 2001; Jereb et al., in
Within the species range there are at least three populations—a migratory Northeast Atlantic population that reproduces at the mid-Atlantic Ridge and forages as far north as off
Iceland and Norway, and resident Mediterranean and Northwest African populations (Dunning and Wormuth, 1998; Nigmatullin et al., 2002; Vecchione et al., 2010). Status of these
stocks is unclear as genetic comparisons between them have
not been researched. No specific management measures are
presently applied to the species. Illex coindetii. The broadtail shortfin squid has a
widespread and disjunct geographic distribution. In the eastern
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Atlantic, it occurs from the Norwegian coast at around 60 N to
Namibian waters (20 S). Unlike T. sagittatus, it is restricted to
shelf waters, and is absent from waters around Iceland (Jereb
et al., in press). It also occurs throughout the Mediterranean
Sea. In the western Atlantic, the northernmost records are
from off the Virginia coast (37 N). The southern limit of its
western Atlantic distribution is unknown but it occurs in the
Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea and has also been
reported from French Guiana.
This species is a demersal, neritic species of the continental
shelf and upper slope, occurring from the surface down to over
1000 m, with maximum concentrations between 150 and
300 m in the eastern Atlantic. The lifecycle is probably
approximately annual, with a maximum age around 15 months
(Gonzalez et al., 1996). Breeding occurs all year round, albeit
with seasonal peaks which vary between areas (Jereb et al., in
press). It is mainly piscivorous, although smaller animals take
more crustaceans, and takes a wide range of fish species, both
pelagic and demersal (Rasero et al., 1996). Predators include
fish and cetaceans, as well as seabirds and other cephalopods
(Jereb et al., in press). There appears to be only a single stock
of I. coindetii in the northeast Atlantic region (Martınez et al.,
2005a, b). Todaropsis eblanae. The lesser flying squid exhibits
a very wide distribution, occurring in shelf waters of the Eastern Atlantic Ocean from 61 N to 36 S, as well as the Baltic
Sea and the entire Mediterranean Sea. Its range extends as far
north as that of T. sagittatus, beyond the north of Norway
(Golikov et al., 2013). However, it also occurs in the western
Indian Ocean, western Pacific Ocean, South China Sea and
Australian waters, the Timor Sea, along the western and eastern Australian coasts, to Tasmania on the eastern side.
The lesser flying squid is a medium-sized demersal species
usually associated with sandy and muddy bottoms, within a
temperature range from 9 to 18 C in depths between about 20
and 850 m. Typically, it is associated with the shelf break
zone where boundary currents and associated mesoscale
oceanographic events such as downwelling eddies and upwelling cells promote rich food supplies. No clear evidence exists
of seasonal migrations or any other type of major migration. It
is probably the least mobile of the ommastrephid squids in
terms of migratory habits (see Jereb et al., 2005).
The sex ratio is usually 1:1 in the populations studied to
date. There is sexual dimorphism in body size with females
growing larger than males (a maximum of 290 mm ML in
females and 220 mm in males) and maturing at slightly larger
sizes. The smallest mature females measure around 120 mm
ML compared to 100 mm ML in males. In addition, maturing
and mature males have bractae (leaf-like plates) on both ventral arms (see Sabirov et al., 2012). The lifecycle is probably
approximately annual although the maximum recorded age in
T. eblanae is only 255 days (Robin et al., 2002). Breeding
occurs all year round, albeit with seasonal peaks which vary
between areas. In Atlantic waters south of 44 N, hatching
extends all year round but with peaks at the end of the summer
and the beginning of autumn. (Gonzalez et al., 1994; Hastie
et al., 1994; Robin et al., 2002; Zumholz and Piatkowski,
2005; Jereb et al., in press).
Like I. coindetii, it is mainly piscivorous, opportunistically
on fishes, crustaceans and other cephalopods, in decreasing
order of importance; cannibalism also occurs (Rasero et al.,
1996). Predators include fish and cetaceans, as well as seabirds
and other cephalopods (Jereb et al., in press).
Although there are three stocks of T. eblanae in the eastern
Atlantic, only one occurs in the Northeast Atlantic (Dillane
et al., 2005).
7.2.2. Fisheries
Abundance of T. sagittatus is highly variable and presumably depends on a range of oceanographic factors influencing
the recruitment strength. Explosions of the North Atlantic population when the squid invaded Norwegian and Barents Seas—
the world’s largest fishery grounds for this species—occurred
in 1885, 1891, 1930–1931, 1937–1938, 1949, 1958, 1962, and
1965 (Zuev and Nesis, 2003). Wiborg (1978) commented that
“during the years 1949–1971, it came to the¢Norwegian coast
nearly every autumn, failing only in 1951, 1952, 1956, and
1961,” also noting that much of this catch was used as bait for
long-line fisheries.
The next period of very high squid abundance occurred in
1980–1985 and led to the development of a large scale, though
short-lived, fishery for this species (Sundet, 1985). This followed the similar event on the other side of the Atlantic, where
another ephemeral large-scale fishery for an ommastrephid
squid, in this case I. illecebrosus (also previously a bait species) bloomed in the late 1970s. Both events followed a
decline in Japanese domestic squid catches, and so led to the
development of a huge market for frozen whole and dried
squid (O’Dor and Dawe, 2013). Currently, T. sagittatus is
taken as bycatch throughout its range, though it has periodically occurred in Norway in sufficiently large numbers to support a moderate target fishery (Pierce et al., 2010).
The lesser flying squid and I. coindetii are landed as
bycatch throughout the year, mainly from trawling. These species are normally not distinguished from each other (or other
ommastrephids) in official landings data. However, in Galicia,
NW Spain, market sampling has been used to derive separate
figures for both species; both are landed in substantial
amounts, albeit with different spatial and seasonal patterns
(Gonzalez et al., 1994; Bruno et al., 2009). Both species are
usually caught in waters 100–400 m deep (Hastie et al.,
2009a; Jereb et al., in press), T. eblanae mainly in waters of
around 200 m depth according to Robin et al. (2002). However, in some years in Scotland T. eblanae has been caught
adjacent to the coast (Hastie et al., 1994). Illex coindetii is
generally more important in French and northern Spanish landings than T. eblanae (Robin et al., 2002; Bruno and Rasero,
2008). Nigmatullin (1989, 2004) comments that consistently
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occurring concentrations of O. bartramii have not been found
in the North Atlantic; there are no data on landings of this species. A fourth species, O. bartramii, whose distribution
extends throughout the Mediterranean and Northeast Atlantic
as far north as Iceland, may represent a very small proportion
of ommastrephid landings.
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7.2.3. Fishing Methods
Fishing methods used to catch T. sagittatus depend on the
area, and were often originally designed to catch something
else. In Norway, the main fishing method, used when the squid
enter the fjords, is the use of jigging machines (Wiborg and
Beck, 1984; Sundet, 1985). In 1984, as many as 1800 vessels
participated in this fishery (Sundet, 1985). Across Europe as a
whole, however, the most important fishing method is bottom
trawling, in which this species is taken as a small bycatch
from Greece to Scotland, Norway and Iceland (Wiborg and
Beck, 1984; Joy, 1990; Jonsson, 1998; Roper et al., 2010).
This squid is also recorded in catches from pelagic trawls and
purse seines off Norway, gillnets off France and northern
Spain, purse-seines and Scottish fly-seines off the United
Kingdom, gill-nets and trammel nets off Portugal, hand-jigs in
the Canary Islands and Italy, and hand-jigs, purse-seines and
trammel nets in Greece (Wiborg and Beck, 1984; Pierce et al.,
2010; Escanez Perez et al., 2012).
There have been several attempts to develop specialized
fisheries for the species. In the 1980s T. sagittatus was caught
as bycatch during the commercial purse seine fishery for pollock, mackerel and herring off Norway and in the northern
North Sea. Amounts caught varied from several kilograms to
50 t per day. However, an experimental target fishery in Norway in October–November 1981 was a failure. Squid were
located by echosounder and concentrated with lights mounted
on a small anchored skiff. Unfortunately, they were attracted
in low numbers, and the maximum catch was »200 kg
(Wiborg et al., 1982). The traditional method of squid jigging
proved to be more successful. In autumn 1981, a prawn trawler
was equipped with five jigging machines with double line
drums. During six weeks of fishing the maximum daily catch
was 3.3 t, whereas another trawler equipped with eight singleline drum jigging machines caught 100 t of squid during one
month with maximum catches of 10–12 t per day (Wiborg
et al., 1982). An experimental jigger fishery in Soviet waters
of the Barents Sea in autumn 1981 resulted in 1–10 t of squid
per night (PINRO, 2011). Attempts to use Japanese drift nets
for the squid fishery in Norway, as used for the O. bartramii
fishery in the North Pacific, were not successful (Wiborg et al.,
1982; Wiborg and Beck, 1983).
In April–May 1982, the Soviet trawlers fishing for blue
whiting took up to 4 t of squid per week as bycatch, but
attempts to launch a specialized trawl fishery either in Norway
or in Soviet waters in the 1980s failed due to low catches
(Wiborg and Beck, 1983, PINRO, 2011). It appears pelagic
nets do not concentrate T. sagittatus into the trawl path as they
do with Illex and Loligo (PINRO, 2011). Most of the squid
(210–470 mm ML) in catches of research hauls by a semipelagic commercial blue whiting trawl, were found in meshes
of the wings of the trawl, and very few in the codend (Wiborg
and Beck, 1983). The same situation occurred during Russian
research surveys off Northwest Africa when a semi-pelagic
net (vertical opening »30 m, horizontal opening 40–50 m,
mesh size 10–34 mm) was used. Squid size in catches was
mostly 120–240 mm ML, and most of the catch was stuck in
the wings.
Off Northwest Africa, T. sagittatus was occasionally
fished as an important bycatch of Russian trawl fisheries for
pelagic and demersal fish (chub mackerel, horse mackerel,
hake, and others) from Cap Blanc to 23 N–23 30 N.
Normally catches peaked at 300–500 kg/d in June–July,
though in years of high abundance some vessels could
achieve 2–6 t/d and even 10–15 t/d. The best catches were
obtained on the bottom between 10.00 and 17.00 hr.
Because fish predominated in catches, particularly horse
mackerel, commercial freezing of whole squid was often
hampered by intensive skin damage. Production of canned
pieces of mantle and arms turned out to be an optimum
solution to the problem. In 1992, Russia recognized Moroccan jurisdiction of these waters, and the sporadic squid fishery was stopped (Nigmatullin et al., 1998). The species was
also taken occasionally by the Russian fleet in Mauritania
before 1983, when the country introduced a prohibition on
cephalopod bycatch.
The lesser flying squid (T. eblanae) is mainly landed by
trawlers but is also caught using gill nets and trammel nets,
long lines, and jigs. The broadtail shortfin squid (I. coindetii)
is taken by bottom and pelagic trawls, and, to a lesser extent,
by gill nets, trammel nets, and hooks (Jereb et al., in press).
7.2.4. Catches
As is the case with the loliginids, reported landings of shortfinned squid are often not identified to species and there are
doubts as to the veracity of the landings data submitted to
ICES and FAO, although national data may be more reliable.
Thus, according to ICES data, total landings of these species
for the European ICES area ranged between around 970 and
5600 t annually during 2000–2012 (ICES, 2012, 2013). For
the same period, FAO data indicate annual landings into
Europe from Area 27 ranging between 835 and 10270 t (FAO,
2014). Although both sources agree that Spain has the majority
of European landings for this group, otherwise correspondence
between the two datasets is poor, with the minima occurring in
2007 in the ICES data and in 2004 in the FAO data. In addition, although the FAO database distinguishes between the different ommastrephid species caught in the northeast Atlantic,
it indicates that by far the largest proportion of the landings in
Spain are of northern shortfin squid, in other words I. illecebrosus, a species which does not occur in the northeast
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There were just two cases of a target fishery for T. sagittatus in periods of its high abundance. One of them was in
waters off Northwest Africa in 1974 and another in 1981–
1985 in Norway. In 1974, Russian trawlers took around
18,000 t around Cape Blanc (21 –23 N). Aggregations of
immature squid of 140–200 mm ML (70–150 g BM) appeared
in May of that year and peaked in June–July; occurring
between 100 and 300 m depth. This situation was likely
related to a sudden explosion of T. sagittatus abundance as a
particular generation entered the shelf for foraging. Intensive
surveys by the Russian R/V “AtlantNIRO” in 1995–1998 carried out between 18 and 32 N demonstrated that squid of this
size occur mostly between 400 and 800 m, whereas waters
shallower than 300 m are occupied by different ommastrephids:
I. coindetii and T. eblanae.
The T. sagittatus fishery in Norwegian and Barents seas in
1980–1985 developed gradually. From 1977, when 1683 t were
taken, the squid T. sagittatus invaded the Norwegian coast and
adjacent areas every year with increasing intensity. The introduction of the squid into the Norwegian food market was successful,
and there was an increasing demand. The squid were generally
large, with their size in inshore waters increasing during the fishing season from ca. 280–350 mm ML in October to 390–
450 mm ML in March (Wiborg, 1978; Wiborg et al., 1982;
Wiborg, 1987). In oceanic and bank waters, squid were 20–
30 mm smaller (Wiborg et al., 1982). The fishery used a variety
of gears, but in coastal and bank waters jigging appeared to be
the best fishing method for T. sagittatus. The fishery was based
on immature squid with females representing 92–100% of
catches. The abundance of males was slightly higher in oceanic
waters (sometimes up to 20–25%), and on Viking Bank at the
border between the Norwegian and North Seas, they represented
>80% of the total catch in March–April 1982 (Wiborg et al.,
1982). The maximum catches, of 18,385 and 18,025 t, were
taken in 1982–1983. Catches gradually declined with intensive
interannual fluctuations until the disappearance of this species in
1986. This was followed by a short-term return of scarce commercial aggregations in 1987–1988 (total catch of 3,936 and
1,183 t, respectively).
Nowadays, the species is taken only as a valuable bycatch.
In the Northeast Atlantic in recent years most catches have
been reported by Spain (around 2,500 t in 1997, declining to
373 t in 2004, since then amounts have increased again
slightly). The United Kingdom has also reported landings of
this species, falling from 293 t in 1998 to only 6 t in 2010
(FAO, 2011). Landings of T. sagittatus are variable throughout the species’ range and, historically, peak catches generally lasted just a few years followed by long periods of low
squid abundance. During the last 60 years, reported catches
varied from nil to »20,000 t (Figure 33), mean 2,934 t for a
period 1950–2009. The maximum reported catch in Norwegian waters was » 18,000 t in 1982–1983, and after 1988
commercial aggregations disappeared from the area (FAO,
Landings (tonnes)
Figure 33. Landings of Todarodes sagittatus landings by Norway and in
total for the Northeast Atlantic (adapted from FAO (2011)).
I. coindetii and T. eblanae are caught by the French, Spanish, and Portuguese trawling fleet as bycatch in fisheries targeting teleosts (e.g., hake, moonfish, etc.) and crustaceans (e.g.,
Norway lobster). Fishing occurs year round. Landings, however, only reflect retained catches and discards are unknown
and can depend on the market price and the amount of target
species that have been caught. In Spain, the average price of
these two species from 2002 to 2012 was 1.5 €/kg, which represents a total first sale income of around 6–8 million euros
per year. The Spanish bottom trawl and pair trawl fleet was
composed in 2012 of around 85 industrial vessels and an
unknown number of boats engaged in small-scale fishing with
hooks and trammel nets.
The monthly mean percentage by weight of I. coindetii in
ommastrephid squid landings from Spanish bottom trawlers in
the last 10 years varied between 56% and 88%, as compared
to 12–44% for T. eblanae. For pair trawlers, the relative
importance of the two species was reversed: I. coindetii represented 11–28% of landings, and T. eblanae 72–89%. It seems
these differences can be mainly attributed to fishing fleet
behavior, although differences in species biology and oceanographic conditions may contribute.
French catches of I. coindetii represent around 8–10% of
the total catch, mainly caught in the ICES Divisions VIII a,
b, and c. Spanish catches represent 76–80% of the total
catch, and Portuguese catches from ICES division IXa represent 12–14%. Within the Spanish catch, Galician ports
receive around 78% of short-finned squid caught in the
ICES Divisions VIIIc West and IXa North. Of these, 75%
are caught by the bottom trawl fleet, 22% by pair trawl,
and 3% by hooks and gillnets. For the Bay of Biscay
(ICES Division VIIIc East), bottom trawling provides 49%
of ommastrephid squid landings, pair trawls 37%, and 14%
arise from hooks and gillnets.
Landings of I. coindetii in Spain show a high interannual
variation, but a seasonal pattern can be observed for most
years, mainly due to the seasonal trend in landings along the
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Galician coast, with higher mean annual values in spring
(30%) and autumn (26%), and lowest values in summer
(19%). A seasonal pattern in the monthly body weight distribution of I. coindetii was observed in landings from the Spanish bottom trawl fleet. Larger specimens (average of 90–
100 g; subadult and adult individuals) are more abundant in
winter and spring than in the summer and autumn (average
50 g, new recruits and juveniles). I. coindetii from pair trawl
landings are generally bigger than those from Spanish bottom
trawl; in pair trawl landings I. coindetii 120 g represented
42% of the total number, as compared to only 24% for bottom
Although the seasonal trend in monthly body weight distribution of T. eblanae is not very clear in most years, the data
show increases in recruitment in the period January–May (this
period includes 75% of individuals with a body weight of less
than 50 g).
7.2.5. Stock Assessment and Management
There is currently no stock assessment of any of the
ommastrephid species in European waters and no regulation of
fishing on these species. This reflects the usual issues with
cephalopod stocks (as described above for the loliginids),
exacerbated in the case of the ommastrephid squids by the sporadic nature of the catches and the fact that they are generally
less appreciated than loliginids by consumers. In addition, the
data available to carry out assessments are limited. Aside from
issues with landings data already mentioned (including the
unknown proportion of discards), since there is little or no
directed fishing, fishing effort data for these species are not
available. Lastly, they are not included among the species for
which there is routine market sampling (except at regional
level; as seen above good data are available for Galicia, e.g.,
Bruno, 2008; Bruno and Rasero, 2008; Bruno et al., 2009).
Though sometimes considered as part of the Atlantic
Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea constitutes a distinct and separate entity due to its geographical, ecological, historical, social
and economic peculiarities. Almost completely enclosed by
land, a characteristic which determines distinct environmental
parameters and events, which, in turn, affect fishery resources
biology, with about 46,000 km of coastlines, the Mediterranean Sea offered the best and most suitable environment for
fisheries activities to coastal populations since the colonization
of Mediterranean lands.
The exploitation of marine living resources started several
thousands years ago and since remote antiquity the Mediterranean Sea has been the object of studies and descriptions in
which “marine activities and fishing hold a paramount place”
(Margalef, 1989, in Farrugio et al., 1993). Interest in Mediterranean cephalopods is well documented since the studies of
Aristotle (about 23 centuries ago) and continued in old Greek
and Roman times (see Section 2 of this review). The Mediterranean Sea became a core area in cephalopod research at the
beginning of the 20th century till recent years (see Boletzky,
2004 for a review), due to the Zoological Station at Naples,
Italy, the Laboratoire Arago, at Banyuls-sur-Mer, France and
other important institutions subsequently. Along with excellent working facilities, Neaples offered two main series of
publications: the “Publications of the Zoological Station at
Neaples” and the monographs of the “Fauna and Flora of the
Gulf of Neaples.” Among the monographs, Giuseppe Jatta’s
one on the cephalopod fauna of Neaples (Jatta, 1986), represents a milestone in cephalopods study and some of the superb
illustrations by Merculiano included in that book are still used
in modern publications (e.g., Orsi Relini et al., 2009). The
Swiss zoologist Adolf Naef visited Neaples in the early 1900s,
completed his PhD Thesis there and remained to continue
Jatta’s work. Naef’s monograph (1921/23) created the basis
for modern systematic studies on cephalopods and still represents the most comprehensive systematic presentation of Mediterranean cephalopods and squids.
As for Mediterranean squids biology, the monograph of
Katharina Mangold-Wirz (1963), “Biologie des Cephalopodes
bentiques et nectoniques de la Mer Catalane,” still constitutes
a fundamental reference for main Mediterranean squid species
such as L. vulgaris, I. coindetii and T. eblanae, but also T. sagittatus and A. media.
Squids appear depicted in several fisheries scenes in Mediterranean mosaics from the first centuries after Christ, such as
those preserved in the archeological Museum of Sousse (Tunisia) (Figure 34A,B; Donati and Pasini, 1997). Also, a beautiful
squid image, clearly a Loligo, is portrayed in an apsis mosaic
illustrating the god Ocean and its main creatures (Figure 34C;
Donati and Pasini, 1997), indicating that squids were considered an important component of marine coastal life.
Squids, especially L. vulgaris, still constitute an important
component of Mediterranean populations diet, particularly in
Spain, Italy, and Greece, and play an important role in the
local fish markets, both for their specific value (L. vulgaris)
and their abundance (I. coindetii and T. eblanae) (Jereb and
Roper, 2010).
Although only a few targeted fisheries for these species
exist in the Mediterranean, squids are fished throughout the
Mediterranean basin, both by small-scale and artisanal coastal
fisheries as well as by larger multi-species trawl fishing boats.
Results of the detailed monitoring of major landings in southern Sicily (the Italian region contributing the highest percentage to total Italian cephalopod landings; Jereb and Agnesi
2009) in the late 1980s, indicated that cephalopods can contribute up to 37% of total estimated landings for the region, and
squids (mainly Illex and Todaropsis) up to >30% of total cephalopods landings in some Sicilian ports (Andreoli et al., 1995).
Squids make up for about 1/4 of the Mediterranean recent
capture production as documented by FAO database (FAO,
2011–2013). These include the long-finned squids L. vulgaris
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Figure 34. (A, B) Coastal fishery scenes. (C) The Ocean and its creatures Mosaic; Donati and Pasini, 1997.
and L. forbesii, along with A. media and A. subulata, and the
ommastrephid squids I. coindetii, T. eblanae, and T. sagittatus.
O. bartramii captures also occur, but, even though this species
has been acknowledged to be more common in the Mediterannean Sea than originally thought (see Orsi Relini, 1990;
Ragonese and Jereb, 1990a; Bello, 2007), it is rarely caught
and seldom targeted by artisanal or sport fishers (e.g., Eolian
Island, southern Tyrrhenian Sea; Potoschi and Longo, 2009).
8.1 Biological Information on Main Squid Species
8.1.1. Loligo vulgaris
The European squid L. vulgaris is distributed throughout
the Mediterranean Sea, including the western and central Mediterranean waters, the whole Adriatic Sea, the Ionian Sea, the
Aegean Sea and the Levant Basin (Jereb et al., in press). This
species has also been recorded in the Sea of Marmara (Katagan
et al., 1993; Unsal
et al., 1999).
It is most likely an annual species, as indicted by growth
studies using statolith analysis on Mediterranean specimens
(Natsukari and Komine, 1992), even though both longer
(Rocha and Guerra, 1999; Arkhipkin, 1995) and shorter (Bettencourt et al., 1996; Raya et al., 1999) lifecycles have been
reported from outside the Mediterranean, with a maximum age
of 15 months for both sexes (Moreno et al., 2007).
In the Mediterranean Sea spawning seasons of varying
length have been observed. In the western Mediterranean and
the Central Adriatic Sea, the presence of mature animals all
year round indicates that spawning may occur throughout the
year. However, spawning concentrations from (February)
March to July (August) (Mangold-Wirz, 1963; Worms, 1980),
with recruitment peaks in late summer (Lloret and Lleonart,
2002) have been observed in the western Mediterranean and
peaks between January and May were recorded in the Adriatic
Sea (Krstulovic Sifner
and Vrgoc, 2004). Recent studies
confirmed spawning activities all year-round with peaks in
spring in the Balearic Islands (Cabanellas-Reboredo, 2014a, b).
More restricted spawning seasons were reported for the
eastern Mediterranean, where data from the Thracian Sea (Lefkaditou et al., 1998) indicate a spawning concentration from
February to May and additional data from Greek seas indicate
a spawning season from November until April–May (Moreno
et al., 2007).
Males grow larger than females, and maximum sizes up to
640 mm ML for males and 485 mm ML for females have
been recorded off the West African coasts (Raya, 2001). In the
Mediterranean Sea, maximum sizes of 540 mm ML for males
and 340 mm for females were recorded in the Gulf of Lion
(western Mediterranean; Worms, 1979), and specimens larger
than 300–400 mm ML are not infrequent throughout the species distributional range.
Usually more abundant in waters shallower than 100 m, L.
vulgaris is found from the coast to the limits of the upper slope
(200–550 m) (Jereb et al., in press), the deepest record in the
Mediterranean being at 545 m, in the eastern Ionian Sea
(Krstulovic Sifner
et al., 2005). Where its distribution overlaps
with that of L. forbesii, L. vulgaris tends to be found in shallower waters, the switch from dominance of one species to the
other being placed at around 70–80 m (Ragonese and Jereb,
1986; Ria et al., 2005).
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In the Mediterranean Sea L. vulgaris migrations are mainly
related to sexual maturation and spawning, and thus are generally limited to on-shore/off-shore movements as mature adults
reach shallow coastal waters in late winter-early spring and
young individuals move back to deeper waters in fall (Mangold Wirz, 1963; Worms, 1980; Sanchez and Guerra, 1994;
Valavanis et al., 2002). Vertical migrations to surface waters
at night, related to feeding, also occurs. This behavior is well
known and is used by commercial and recreational fishermen
who concentrate on shallow water fishing grounds at night and
sunset, targeting squid using line jigging (e.g., CabanellasReboredo et al., 2012a).
Like most fast-growing, active swimming squids, L. vulgaris is an opportunistic predator, feeding mainly not only on
fish, but also on crustaceans and cephalopods, with seasonal
variations in diet resulting from changes in prey abundance
and changes of fishing grounds. In turn, it is preyed upon by
several pelagic and demersal fish, sharks, and marine mammals (Jereb et al., in press).
In the Mediterranean Sea L. vulgaris is mainly a bycatch
of the multi-species bottom trawl fisheries, and it is landed
throughout the year, along with L. forbesii. However,
directed small-scale coastal fisheries targeting inshore
spawners, using hand-jigging, beach seining, and other artisanal gears such as gill nets and trammel nets and recreational fisheries also exist (Lefkaditou and Adamidou, 1997;
Lefkaditou et al., 1998; Morales-Nin et al., 2005; Adamidou, 2007; Cabanellas-Reboredo et al., 2012a, b, 2014a, b).
8.1.2. Loligo forbesii
The veined squid L. forbesii is also widely distributed
throughout the Mediterranean Sea, including the western and
central Mediterranean waters, the central and southern Adriatic Sea, the Ionian Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Levant Basin
(Jereb et al., in press). The species has not been recorded in
the Sea of Marmara.
Once relatively abundant, at least in some Mediterranean
areas (i.e., the Sicilian Channel; Ragonese and Jereb, 1986),
this species has undergone an abrupt decrease in its southern
distributional range, including the Mediterranean, since the
1990s (Jereb et al, 1996; Chen et al., 2006). Recent studies,
however, indicate that L. forbesii constitutes an important
resource among loliginid squids of the Egyptian Mediterranean waters (off Alexandria, Riad and Werfaly, 2014), both as
bycatch of artisanal trawling and as the subject of directed
hand-jig fisheries.
Results from different studies on this species age and
growth in the Atlantic, suggest a lifespan of about 16 months
with a maximum estimate of 18 months (Rocha and Guerra,
1999), though most of the sampled individuals showed an
annual lifecycle (Jereb et al., in press). Information on the
biology of this species in the Mediterranean is poor, but data
from the Atlantic indicate an extended spawning season, with
spawning peaks variable in time, according to different
geographic areas (Jereb et al., in press). Preliminary observations from the Sicilian Channel (central Mediterranean), indicated a winter spawning concentration in that area, from
November-December till February–March (Ragonese and
Jereb, 1986) and, possibly, a second pulse in late spring-early
summer. Recent observations from the Egyptian Mediterranean indicate that spawning occurs in spring and early summer
in that area (Riad and Werfaly, 2014).
In the Mediterranean Sea L. forbesii occurs down to depths
of over 700 m (i.e., 715 m in the Ionian Sea; Lefkaditou et al.,
2003a). Though records in waters shallower that 50 m do exist
(e.g., Cuccu et al., 2003), major L. forbesii concentrations
occur close to the shelf break area, between 200 and 500 m
both in the eastern (Lefkaditou et al., 2003b) and the western
(Quetglas et al., 2000) Mediterranean. As previously mentioned, where its distribution overlaps with that of L. vulgaris,
L. forbesii tends to be found in deeper water, the switch from
dominance of one species to the other being placed at around
70–80 m (Ragonese and Jereb, 1986, Ria et al., 2005). Migratory patterns have been described in the northeast Atlantic, but
are still poorly understood (Jereb et al., in press).
The veined squid is a highly opportunistic predator, feeding
on fish, crustaceans, cephalopods, polychaetes, and any other
potential available prey, and cannibalism, also, occurs; the
species is preyed upon by several pelagic and demersal fish,
sharks and marine mammals (Jereb et al., in press).
In the Mediterranean Sea L. forbesii is mainly a bycatch of
the multi-species trawl bottom fisheries and it is landed
throughout the year, usually mixed with L. vulgaris; however
it is also a target of hand-jig fisheries in some areas (e.g.,
Egyptian Mediterranean waters; Riad and Werfaly, 2014).
8.1.3. Alloteuthis media and Alloteuthis subulata
Alloteuthis media and A. subulata are widely distributed in
the Mediterranean Sea (Jereb et al., in press), however, due to
the still unresolved taxonomic issues related to these two species, doubts remain as to the true geographic limits and location of each of them, as well as to the true taxonomic
allocation of Mediterranean specimens to either species.
Both A. media and A. subulata are considered represented
in the western and central Mediterranean waters (e.g., Mangold and Boletzky, 1987; Belcari and Sartor, 1993; Jereb and
Ragonese, 1994; Relini et al., 2002; Cuccu et al., 2003), in the
Adriatic Sea and the eastern Ionian Sea (Krstulovic Sifner
et al., 2005, 2011). Alloteuthis media is also widely distributed
in the Ionian and the Aegean Sea (Tursi and D’Onghia, 1992;
Salman et al., 1997; Lefkaditou et al., 2003a, b), and it has
been recorded from the western Marmara Sea (Kata
gan et al.,
1993; Unsal
et al., 1999).
The presence of one morphometric taxa in the eastern Mediterranean, A. media, is supported by recent morphometric
analysis (Laptikovsky et al., 2002, 2005); subsequent genetic
analysis, confirming the existence of two species in the Mediterranean (Anderson et al., 2008), suggests that one species, A.
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media, extends from the eastern to the western side of this sea,
while the other, A. subulata is present in the Adriatic Sea; the
presence of A. subulata in the Ionian Sea has been recently
confirmed (Lefkaditou et al., 2012).
Alloteuthis media is one of the most abundant cephalopods
of the shelf community throughout the Mediterranean Sea,
from the western side (Gonzalez and Sanchez, 2002; Massutı
and Re~
nones 2005) through the central waters (Mannini and
Volpi, 1989; Sanchez et al., 1998), the Adriatic Sea (Ungaro
et al., 1999; Krstulovic Sifner
et al., 2005) and the Aegean
Sea (Katsanevakis et al., 2008). It is found from shallow
waters down to about 600 m (585 m, Aegean Sea; Lefkaditou
et al., 2003b).
Little information on the biology of Alloteuthis species in
the Mediterranean Sea is available, the most comprehensive
information still being data collected in the Catalan Sea for A.
media (Mangold-Wirz, 1963). Lifecycle is probably 1 year
(e.g., Mangold-Wirz, 1963; Auteri et al., 1987; Rodhouse
et al., 1988) even though a slightly shorter lifespan has been
estimated by direct ageing for A. media in the Aegean Sea
(Alidromiti et al., 2009) and as short as six months for A. subulata off the African coast (Arkhipkin and Nekludova, 1993).
According to observations on A. media in the Gulf of
Naples (Lo Bianco, 1909; Naef, 1921/1923) and more recent
information from the eastern Mediterranean (Laptikhovsky
et al., 2002), spawning occurs year round, even though a
more restricted spawning season (March-October) has been
reported from the Catalan Sea (western Mediterranean; Mangold-Wirz, 1963).
Both Alloteuthis species are caught as bycatch in bottom
trawl and beach-seine fisheries and, even though these species
are discarded in some areas (e.g., Machias et al., 2001), they
are considered of variable commercial interest in others
(Ragonese and Jereb, 1990b; Sartor et al., 1998) and are landed
and marketed in Spain and Italy. In southern Sicily, they are
marketed under the commercial category “calamaretti.”
8.1.4. Illex coindetii
The broadtail shortfin squid I. coindetii occurs throughout
the Mediterranean Sea, including the western and central Mediterranean waters, the whole Adriatic Sea, the Ionian Sea, the
Aegean Sea, and the Levant Basin (Jereb et al., in press). The
species has been recorded in the Sea of Marmara (Katagan
et al., 1993; Unsal
et al., 1999).
In the Mediterranean Sea the lifecycle is most likely annual
(i.e., 14–16 months, Sicilian Channel; Jereb and Ragonese,
1995; 10–15 months, Greek Sea; Arvanitidis et al., 2002; 13–
14 months, north Aegean Sea; Lefkaditou, 2007; 12–15
months, Ligurian Sea; Cavanna et al., 2008) even though
shorter and longer lifespans have been estimated by using different age techniques and by geographic areas. A lifecycle as
short as 6–7 months (Sicilian Channel; Arkhipkin et al., 2000)
and as long as 18 months (western Mediterranean; Sanchez
et al., 1998) has been estimated by statoliths reading, while
modal progression analysis resulted in a lifespan between 17
and 18 months (Sanchez, 1984) and 2 years (Mangold-Wirz,
1963) in the Catalan Sea.
The broadtail shortfin squid is a medium-sized squid, commonly reaching 200–250 mm ML throughout its distributional
range (see Jereb et al., in press). Females are larger than
males. Very large specimens up to 300 mm ML have also
been recorded in the Mediterranean Sea (Ceriola et al., 2006;
Profeta et al., 2008; Perdichizzi et al., 2011); these represent
extremes in the population and it has been hypothesized that
they are late-hatching members of the previous year class or
individuals that do not reach maturity and continue to grow
(see Jereb et al., in press).
Spawning occurs year-round for this species in most of its
distributional range (Sanchez et al., 1998; Arkhipkin et al.,
2000; Arvanitidis et al., 2002; Ceriola et al., 2006), however,
spawning peaks have been observed throughout the Mediterranean, such as in spring and summer in several Italian seas (Maragliano and Spedicato, 1993; Soro and Paolini, 1994; Jereb and
Ragonese, 1995; Gentiloni et al., 2001; Ceriola et al., 2006).
In the Mediterranean Sea I. coindetii has been recorded
from surface waters to over 700 m (i.e., 776 m, South Aegean
Sea; Lefkaditou et al., 2003), with highest densities found
between 100–200 and 400–600 m (e.g., Tursi and D’Onghia,
1992; Jereb and Ragonese, 1995; Salman et al., 1997). It lives
close to muddy, sandy, and debris-rich bottoms and it is often
associated with decapod crustacean such as the deep-water
rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) and the European
hake (Merluccius merluccius) (Jereb and Ragonese, 1991), the
lesser flying squid (T. eblanae) (e.g., Mangold-Wirz, 1963;
Lumare, 1970; Gentiloni et al., 2001; Ciavaglia and Manfredi,
2009), the horned octopus (E. cirrhosa) and the midsize squid
(A. media) (Krstulovic Sifner
et al., 2005, 2011).
Juveniles and adults share the same depth ranges in some
Mediterranean areas (Sanchez et al., 1998; Ceriola et al.,
2006), though juveniles/small specimens show a major concentration in waters shallower than 200 m. Adults undergo
vertical migrations from the bottom to the upper layers at night
and seasonal migrations have been observed in the western and
central Mediterranean waters (Mangold-Wirz, 1963; Soro and
Paolini, 1994; Sanchez et al., 1998; Gentiloni et al., 2001)
with the bulk of the population approaching shallow waters
(70–150 m) in spring, to spread again over a wider bathymetric range in autumn.
In the Mediterranean Sea I. coindetii is taken throughout
the year as bycatch in bottom and pelagic trawls, and, to a
lesser extent, with gill and trammel nets, at depths between
100 and 400 m.
8.1.5. Todaropsis eblanae
The lesser flying squid T. eblanae is widely distributed
throughout the Mediterranean Sea, including the western and
central Mediterranean waters, the whole Adriatic Sea, the
Ionian Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Levant Basin (Jereb et al.,
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in press). The species has been recorded in the Sea of Marmara
gan et al., 1993; Unsal
et al., 1999).
The information on the biology of this species in the Mediterranean is limited to the Catalan Sea (Mangold-Wirz, 1963)
and to few other studies in Italian waters (e.g., Belcari et al.,
1999; Lelli et al., 2005; Cavanna et al., 2008). In the Mediterranean Sea, the lifecycle is most likely annual, as a recent
direct ageing study evidenced (12 months; Ligurian Sea, Cavanna et al., 2008), even though a lifespan up to 2 years has
been estimated by indirect age observations on the species in
the Catalan Sea (Mangold-Wirz, 1963).
Todaropsis eblanae is a medium-sized squid. In the Mediterranean Sea maximum ML was 210 and 200 mm for females
and males from the Sicilian Channel (central Mediterranean
waters; Ragonese and Jereb, 1990). The spawning season
probably extends year-round, mature females having been
found from March through November in the Catalan Sea
(Mangold-Wirz, 1963).
This squid inhabits mainly the lower sublittoral and upper
bathyal throughout the Mediterranean waters (Mangold-Wirz,
1963; Ragonese and Jereb, 1990; Belcari and Sartor, 1993; Salman et al., 1997; Giordano and Carbonara, 1999; Quetglas
et al., 2000; Gonzales and Sanchez, 2002; Cuccu et al., 2003;
Lefkaditou et al., 2003a, b; Krstulovic Sifner
et al., 2005).
Deepest records occurred in the northeastern Ionian Sea
(848 m; Lefkaditou et al., 2003a), but the species is particularly
abundant between 200 and 500 m (e.g., Belcari and Sartor,
1993; Krstulovic Sifner
et al., 2005) and in highly productive
areas such as the shelf-break (100–200 m; Colloca et al., 2004).
In the Mediterranean Sea T. eblanae is taken throughout the
year as bycatch in bottom and pelagic trawls, and, to a lesser
extent, with gill and trammel nets, in depths between 100–200
and 600–800 m.
Most individuals probably live for 12–14 months, even
though the lifespan of the largest individuals may approach
2 years. Spawning likely takes place on the continental
slope, as suggested by Clarke for Todarodes species
(Clarke, 1966). According to the presence of mature females
and males year-round (Quetglas et al., 1998), spawning
probably occurs throughout the year, even though different
seasonal spawning concentrations may occur, depending on
the geographic area; a major spawning season occurs in
autumn-winter in the western Mediterranean (i.e., between
September and November–December in the Catalan Sea and
the Balearic Islands, Mangold-Wirz, 1963; Quetglas et al.,
The European flying squid inhabits the water column in the
open ocean as well as near the coast, and has been found from
shallow waters down to 800 m throughout the Mediterranean
(e.g., Jereb and Ragonese, 1990; Tursi and D’Onghia, 1992;
Belcari and Sartor, 1993; Salman et al., 1997; Casali et al.,
1998; Giordano and Carbonara, 1999; Quetglas et al., 2000;
Gonzalez and Sanchez, 2002; Cuccu et al., 2003; Lefkaditou
et al., 2003a, b; Krstulovic Sifner
et al., 2005). It is known to
migrate between the surface at night and near bottom waters
during the day and more important migrations toward deeper
waters in winter may occur, according to the higher captures
observed in summer in some areas of its distribution (i.e.,
Ionian Sea; Lefkaditou et al., 2003a; southern Tyrrhenian Sea;
Potoski and Longo, 2009).
As mentioned above, artisanal hand-jigging fisheries occur
in some areas of the Mediterranean Sea (e.g., southern Tyrrhenian Sea; Potoski and Longo, 2009; Battaglia et al., 2010),
and the species is also taken as a bycatch in trawl fisheries.
Todarodes sagittatus is reported as a separate category in FAO
statistics; however, no data are recorded at present from Mediterranean countries.
8.1.6. Todarodes sagittatus
The European flying squid T. sagittatus occurs throughout
the Mediterranean Sea, including the western and central Mediterranean waters, the whole Adriatic Sea, the Ionian Sea, the
Aegean Sea and the Levant Basin (Jereb et al., in press). Old
references to the presence of the species in the Sea of Marmara
exist (Demir, 1952, in Unsal
et al., 1999); however, the species has not been recorded by recent investigations in those
waters (Kata
gan et al., 1993; Unsal
et al., 1999).
The biological information on this species in the Mediterranean Sea is mainly restricted to the western Mediterranean
(Morales, 1958; Mangold-Wirz, 1963; Quetglas et al., 1988,
1999; Cuccu et al., 2005). The European flying squid is a typical strong, muscular ommastrephid, with common sizes ranging between 350 and 400 mm for females and 200 and
250 mm for males. Very large animals have been reported
from the Mediterranean, a female of 600 mm ML and males
of over 380 mm ML (south Sardinia; Cuccu et al., 2005),
while a maximum ML of 418 mm is reported for a female
from the Balearic Islands (Quetglas et al., 1998).
8.2 Fisheries
The variety of squid species, the absence of large, monospecific “stocks” comparable to those inhabiting other wide
areas of open oceans, the variety of small-scale fisheries operating along the coastlines and the need to coordinate 23 countries bordering its body of waters (each with its own legal
approach toward marine resources management within
national waters) make for the unusual circumstances of the
Mediterranean fisheries (Caddy, 1993; Farrugio et al., 1993).
In particular, fishing activities exhibit great variation from one
area to the other, differences being related not only to geographical and ecological constraints, but to the social, economic and historical context of neighboring countries.
Cephalopod fisheries in European waters have been extensively reviewed by Lefkaditou et al., 2010. Statistical information reported therein has been updated for the Mediterranean,
using FAO’s database and FishstatJ (2.0.0) software (FAO,
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Figure 35. Total cephalopods capture production in the Mediterranean Sea
and proportion over the total Mediterranean capture production (1950–2011).
Bars D capture production; line D proportion over the total.
Figure 36. Percentage of squids, cuttlefishes and octopuses over the total
cephalopods capture production in the Mediterranean Sea (1950–2011). NEI
D not elsewhere indicated.
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8.2.1 Landings
Cephalopod landings data in the Mediterranean are gathered and grouped according to the following main commercial
Cuttlefishes: not only Sepia officinalis, but also S. elegans and
S. orbignyana
Octopods: mainly Octopus vulgaris, Eledone cirrhosa, and E.
Long-finned squid: mainly Loligo vulgaris and L. forbesii, but
also Alloteuthis media and A. subulata species
Short finned squid: Illex coindetii, Todaropsis eblanae, and
Todarodes sagittatus
Total fisheries capture production in the Mediterranean
increased from about 500,000 t in 1950 to about 1.6 million t
at the end of 1980s, fluctuating around 1.4 million t since then.
Cephalopod contribution to the total Mediterranean fisheries
capture production reached 7% in the middle sixties but oscillated around 4.5% throughout the time range observed (Figure 35); octopuses and cuttlefishes dominate the landings
(Figure 36), and the overall trend showed a slight but constant
increase since 1950 (Pearson’s coefficient, p < 0.05 for cuttlefishes, p < 0.01 for octopuses).
Total squid capture production increased for about 20 years,
from 1950 to the end of the sixties and remained quite stable
since then, with a peak at the end of the eighties and the minimum reached at the beginning of 2000 (Figure 37). Squids contribution to total cephalopod capture production oscillates
around 25%. Italy, Spain, Greece, Libya, and Turkey are the
main producers (Figure 38), with recorded landings of 4971,
2629, 1551, 470, and 394 t, respectively, in 2011.
Most of the squid fisheries capture production (52–100%,
1950–2011) in the Mediterranean Sea is reported as unclassified. The remaining part is dominated by short-finned squids
with a peak at the end of the eighties-beginning of the nineties
and a strong reduction from 2000 onward (Figure 39). Longfinned squids capture production was first recorded as a
separate category during the mid-seventies and peaked at the
end of the time period considered (2011; Figure 39). However,
it is not clear if this increase is related to an effective increase
in capture production or to a more accurate reporting for the
According to a recent practical working approach by the
FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean,
this body of water is divided into three main areas: western
Mediterranean (Algeria, France, Morocco, and Spain), central
Mediterranean (Albania, Croatia, Italy, Libya, Malta, Montenegro—before 2008 reported as Serbia and Montenegro—and
Tunisia) and eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus, Egypt, Gaza
Strip, and West Bank [Palestina], Greece, Israel, Lebanon, and
Syria) (GFCM, 2007).
Most of the squids capture production is recorded in the
central Mediterranean with a maximum (about 13,500 t) at the
end of the eighties and minimum at the beginning of 2000
(about 4,000 t) (Figure 40).
8.2.2. Fishing Fleets
According to Lleonart et al. (1998) and as adopted in Sacchi (2011), Mediterranean fishing fleets can be broken down
Figure 37. Squids capture production in the Mediterranean Sea (1950–2011).
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Figure 38. Reported squids capture production of Mediterranean countries in
into three main categories: industrial, semi-industrial, and
small-scale artisanal fishing (Sacchi, 2011).
Industrial fleets, often described as ocean-going or longdistance fishing fleets, go out for several days at a time and use
large vessels, generally over 500 GRT, to transport the catch
and accommodate the crew (Folsom et al., 1993). They target
large catches of certain species (such as tunas, sardines, anchovies, large gadidae, squids, or prawns) for the international
fresh or frozen markets and especially for processing. This
implies large investments, both in fishing vessels and gear
(ship-owners) and processing (factories and fattening units),
and it is only possible for industrial or financial groups.
Semi-industrial fleets. Also driven by domestic or international market demand, the management of these vessels is
mainly artisanal, with the captain being also the owner of the
vessel and fishing gears. The relationship with markets is
either via auctions or contracts with fishing associations (such
as cooperatives, producer bodies and Spanish “cofradias”).
Like industrial fleets, they specialize and use fishing gear suitable for large catches. In the Mediterranean, this category
mainly comprises trawlers, sardine seiners and vessels using
equipment such as mechanical drag nets, certain long-lines
and trammel nets. They generally land their catches daily or
on 2–3 days basis and mainly operate on the continental shelf
and around the continental slope.
Figure 40. Squids capture production in the western (Algeria, France,
Morocco, and Spain), central (Albania, Croatia, Italy, Libya, Malta, and Montenegro—before 2008 reported as Serbia and Montenegro and Tunisia) and
eastern (Cyprus, Egypt, Gaza Strip, and West Bank [Palestine], Greece, Israel,
Lebanon, and Syria) Mediterranean Sea (1950–2011).
Small-scale artisanal fishing fleets. These fleets mostly target local markets with varied products, mainly sold directly to
consumers. However, some of them may contribute significantly
to the export market. They generally operate in lagoons and in
the coastal areas of the continental shelf. They mainly use lowtonnage boats with small or no engines, usually no more than
12 m long and comprise small-scale fisheries, made up of vessels that require low levels of investment. Boat length is not an
absolute criterion and in certain countries polyvalent (i.e., multipurpose) vessels longer than 12 m and specializing in longline
and gillnet fishing can be considered as practising artisanal fishing. Artisanal fleets use a wide variety of fishing techniques (45
types of fishing gear have been identified in the Mediterranean),
catching around a hundred different demersal species and a
smaller proportion of medium-sized pelagic species. They
employ a variable number of fishermen, depending on the practices of the various geographical areas, generally with one or two
registered fishermen per vessel and one or two “seasonal” hands.
It is important to stress that, while “small-scale” and
“artisanal” fisheries clearly differ from industrial and recreational fisheries, and even though in the preface of the draft
“Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale
Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication,” (FAO, 2012) it is acknowledged that the terms
“small-scale fisheries” and “artisanal fisheries” are considered
to relate to the same fraction and can be used interchangeably,
from a technological point of view these two terms imply
somewhat dissimilar concepts, relating to the size of the fishing unit (i.e., the scale) as well as to the relative level of technology (or “artisanality”) expressed as capital investment/
men-on-board (Farrugio, 2013).
8.2.3. Fishing Methods
Figure 39. Total capture production of short- and long-finned squids in the
Mediterranean Sea (1950–2011).
Generally, all squids species are caught as bycatch of the
several scale-differing trawl fisheries operating throughout the
Mediterranean Sea and trawling is responsible for the main
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landings of these cephalopods; however, other fishing systems
are also used and some species are geographically and seasonally targeted.
This is the case, for example, of T. sagittatus, which is the
object of recreational and artisanal fisheries in southern Italy.
According to a recent study carried out in the Aeolian Island
(southern Tyrrhenian Sea, northeast Sicily; Battaglia et al.,
2010), the artisanal fishery use the typical Aeolian hand-jig line
(called “totanara,” after the Italian name given to ommastrephid
squid, “totano”), consisting of a crown of hooks mounted on a
stainless steel cylinder, baited at its central part and empowered
by the addition of a small blinking light. Larger cylinders baited
but devoid of hooks are positioned near the bottom, at 400–
600 m depth, to attract squid. These are then hauled to a depth
of about 120 m and fishermen commence fishing with hand-jig
lines. Boats are between 5.40 and 9.80 m long and engine
power varies between 6.6 and 133 kW. According to the analysis of Battaglia et al. (2010), the average income per fisherman
in summer may be among the highest registered for the local
small-scale fisheries (comparing trammel nets, squid hand-jig
line, and albacore drifting longlines).
Hand-jigs of various types named “calamarieres” in Greek,
“palhacinhos” or “toneiras” in Portuguese, and “poteras” in
Spanish are used by artisanal and sport-fishery vessels to catch
L. vulgaris and O. bartramii (e.g., Lefkaditou et al., 2010; Battaglia et al., 2010). Typical jigs are usually lead cylinders, bearing crowns of metal hooks at one end and a metal ring on the
other end, to which the fishing line is tied. Fishermen hold the
fishing line, giving rhythmic movement to the gear (i.e.,
“jigging”). Jig fishing is carried out mostly before sunset or at
night using some kind of light attraction (Ragonese and Bianchini, 1990; Potoschi and Longo, 2009; Lefkaditou et al., 2010).
Boat-seines with bags are used along the Spanish and Greek
coasts, where they target L. vulgaris when the species concentrates in coastal fishing grounds (Lefkaditou et al., 2010). The
“boliche” or “chinchorro” used in Spain has two wings, each
75 m long, and the cod-end is 10 m long with a mesh size of
18–60 mm (the minimum legal mesh size is 17 mm). Loligo
vulgaris appears to be the most important catch of this fishery
(e.g., 45.5% of catches during the years 1999–2003; Lefkaditou et al., 2010).
The “pezotrata” or “vintzotrata” used in Greece consists of
a main body (or “shoulder”), two relatively long wings, the
bag, and the cod-end (Katsanevakis et al., 2008; Lefkaditou
et al., 2010). The total length of the net in Greek boat seines is
usually between 200 and 450 m. The wings constitute the longest part of the net, having a length of 140–400 m and a
stretched mesh size of 350–600 mm. The bag, which is the
central part of the net, is 13–40 m long with a stretched mesh
size of 20–28 mm. The rearmost part of the bag is the codend, which has a length of 1–7 m; the netting of the cod-end
usually has a stretched mesh size between 16 and 20 mm
(Adamidou, 2007). This metier is registered separately in
Greek fisheries statistics and yields 25–30% of the total
national catches of L. vulgaris (Lefkaditou et al., 2010).
Beach-seines and trammel nets are also used to fish L. vulgaris and I. coindetii (e.g., Guerra et al., 1994; Lefkaditou,
et al. 1998; Colloca et al., 2004).
In the western Mediterranean an inshore recreational fishery for L. vulgaris occurs in the southern waters of Mallorca
(Balearic Islands), as part of the recreational fishery which is
one of the island’s main leisure activities (Morales-Nin et al.,
2005; Cabanellas-Reboredo, et al., 2012a, b). It is a seasonal
activity, as local fishers concentrate on squid when they enter
shallow waters for reproduction, and hand-line jigging with
artificial lures are used (Cabanellas-Reboredo, 2012a). Local
fishing activity is restricted to a shallow depth range (25–
30 m) and fishing operations occur primarily at sunset, when
squid become more active for feeding (Cabanellas-Reboredo,
2012a, b, 2014a).
8.3. Stock Assessment and Management
According to the peculiarities mentioned above, biologist
and decision makers face numerous difficulties in their efforts
to study and manage the Mediterranean fisheries (e.g., Caddy,
1993; Farrugio et al., 1993; Papaconstantinou and Farrugio,
2000; Scovazzi, 2011).
As for most Mediterranean cephalopods, squids stocks are
not assessed. In the Mediterranean, fisheries management
measures indirectly affect squids capture production as they
involve the various fisheries exploiting them; thus, measures
adopted at national level for bottom trawlers, such as capacity
control, limitation of fishing days and restricted areas, indirectly affects the capture of squid.
In particular, management measures aimed at protecting
nursery areas and improving selectivity for bottom trawling
indirectly affect cephalopods fisheries; for example, prohibition of trawling within 3 NM off the coastline, at depths shallower than 50 m and on Posidonia beds (nursery areas for
many species including cephalopods) indirectly protects cephalopod juveniles; also, the adoption of diamond 50 mm
stretched or 40 mm squared mesh size in the cod-end instead
of the traditional diamond 40 mm stretched enhances selectivity for octopuses and juvenile squids.
The general rules established by United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS; Montego Bay, 1982) on
marine spaces division and attributes apply also in semienclosed seas, such as the Mediterranean Sea. However, in the
case of this body of water, the presence of 23 bordering States
creates a particularly complex situation (Scovazzi, 2011).
While most coastal Mediterranean States established a 12mile territorial sea, not all of them have established an EEZ.
However, others have proclaimed fishing zones or ecological
protection or both, beyond the territorial sea. Although some
high seas zones still exist in the Mediterranean Sea, the area is
already fractioned into several subareas under different control
regimes, some of which by law implement measures not applicable in the Mediterranean Sea (i.e., quotas catch systems).
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As for the high seas, the UNCLOS fisheries regime is based
on an obligation to cooperate for the conservation and management of living resources, which is not devoid of legal
meaning and, in principle, should favor the conclusion of
agreements for the conservation of common resources to the
benefit of all (Scovazzi, 2011). In practice, however, problems
such as unregulated fishing, vessel reflagging to escape control, insufficiently selective gear, unreliable databases, excessive fleet size, and lack of sufficient cooperation between
States frustrate and neutralize efforts toward conservation and
management goals in the Mediterranean.
However, two important commissions have been established with relevance to Mediterranean fisheries management:
the FAO General Fisheries Commission (formerly Council)
for the Mediterranean (GFCM; 2007, amended to its actual
status) and the International Commission for the Conservation
of the Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT; 1996) in the Atlantic Ocean
and the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, a network of FAO
Projects has also been established to promote cooperation and
capacity development of fisheries in the Mediterranean.
GFCM counts 24 members at present (including Japan and
the European Union (EU)) and covers the high seas and marine
areas under national jurisdiction, with the purpose of promoting the development, conservation, rational management, and
best utilization of all marine living resources.
FAO fisheries related Projects (i.e., AdriaMed, CopeMed,
EastMed, and MedSudMed) contribute to this goal by providing member countries with the necessary tools to meet national
and international requirements. GFCM “adopts” ICCAT decisions related to tuna fishing and quotas on tuna fish.
Last but not least, an important role in the Mediterranean
fisheries is played by the European Union (EU), through its
eight Mediterranean coastal member countries (Croatia,
Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, and Spain).
Due to the multi-form and complex status of present maritime zones within the Mediterranean, which reflects on the
fisheries, it is to be hoped that future jointly agreed fisheries
management approaches will be developed by the GFCM, and
that the EU fishery policy will devote more attention to the
peculiarities of Mediterranean fisheries communities.
8.4. Concluding Remarks
With a production reaching about 11,000 t in 2011, Mediterranean squids landings undoubtedly contribute only a small
proportion of the world squids production, estimated at over 2
and a half million t for the same year (2,564,978 t; FAO,
Their contribution to the European squids fisheries by
means of the coastal Mediterranean members has also
decreased conspicuously in the last years, after an important
peak in the mid-1960s (Figure 41). However, squids are an
important resource for the Mediterranean communities and
economy. Average prices for Mediterranean Loligo still are
Figure 41. Squids capture production: percentage of Mediterranean European countries (Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, and
Spain) over the total European countries (1950–2010).
the highest with respect to other areas production, averaging
more than twice the values of Loligo from other areas (i.e.,
15–20 € £ kg, compared to 6–8 € £ kg, respectively; So.Ge.
Mi. SpA, 2013).
Also, traditionally, local demand for regional, high-quality
products obtained from the artisanal fisheries still exists in
some Mediterranean areas, and prices of L. vulgaris caught by
trammel nets, for example, are double those for trawl caught
squids (Guerra et al., 1994), due to the higher quality of the
former. The role of squids in the economy and social structure
of local communities involved in the small-scale artisanal fisheries may have been underestimated, as future investigations
and studies on these fisheries are likely to prove.
A number of squid species are found in the Southeast
Atlantic; however, few are of any commercial importance. An
exception is Loligo reynaudii, targeted by hand jigging in
South Africa as a major commercial fishery, and caught with
homemade jigs in southern Angola by artisanal fishers. Todarodes angolensis is broadly distributed around the southern part
of Africa, and is especially common and abundant in Namibian waters. Caught as a bycatch by commercial trawlers, it
has in the past been sold as bait but presently is discarded as
far as we are aware. Todaropsis eblanae is another widely distributed species present in the Eastern Atlantic, but differing
genetically from other areas of distribution and is considered
to be a separate population. The lifecycle of the southern African population has not been studied in any detail and is imperfectly known. In southern African waters, this species is a
bycatch in the demersal trawl fishery.
9.1. Loligo reynaudii (Cape Hope Squid)
9.1.1. Distribution and Life History
The Cape Hope squid L. reynaudii, locally known as
chokka, is distributed from Southern Angola on the west coast
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of southern Africa, to the Great Fish River on the east coast of
South Africa (Shaw et al., 2010). Interestingly, L. reynaudii is
rarely found on the shelf off Namibia, which lies between
Southern Angola and the west coast of South Africa. This is a
neritic loliginid species and is seldom found deeper than
200 m. In South African waters, although distributed along the
majority of the coastline, two-thirds of the adult biomass is
concentrated on the south east coast (Augustyn, 1989, 1991;
Augustyn et al., 1993).
Size at maturity within this species is highly variable, particularly for males, depending on not only location but also the
time of year (Augustyn et al., 1992). Males can be mature at
90 mm ML or immature at 250 mm ML. Females generally
mature between the sizes of 100–180 mm ML (Augustyn
et al., 1992). L. reynaudii spawn inshore in both protected
bays and open, exposed parts of the south east coast of South
Africa (Augustyn, 1989, 1990; Sauer et al., 1992). Depending
on the substrate (open sand vs. rocky reef with small patches
of sand), egg beds comprise of a few egg strands to large beds
up to 4 m in diameter (Sauer et al., 1992). Eggs recovered
from demersal research trawls (Roberts and Sauer, 1994; Roberts et al., 2012) and hydroacoustic traces of mushroom
shaped spawning aggregations offshore (Roberts et al., 2002)
indicate this species also spawns in the deeper colder waters
between 70 and 130 m (Roberts et al., 2012). Inshore spawning peaks during the summer months (November-January)
(Augustyn, 1989). In some years, a second peak in spawning
occurs during the winter (Olyott et al., 2006). The environment appears to play a role in the formation of spawning
aggregations (Roberts, 1998) with the initial formation of
spawning aggregations possibly being triggered by upwelling
(Sauer et al., 1991; Roberts, 1998; Sch€
on, 2000; Downey
et al., 2010). L. reynaudii are serial spawners (Sauer and Lipinski, 1990; Melo and Sauer, 2007), and as a result mortality is
sporadic over a prolonged period.
The most important prey for L. reynaudii paralarvae is the
copepod Calanus agulhensis (Venter et al., 1999; Roberts,
2005). On the spawning grounds, adults feed mainly at night
with teleosts dominating the prey items (Lipinski, 1987). During the day, cannibalism is prominent (Lipinski, 1987). Lipinski (1992) investigated the impact of predation by L. reynaudii
on commercial fish species. The results indicated that there
may be an impact on anchovy (Engraulis capensis) and hake
(Merluccius capensis) of 100,000 and 70,000 t/y respectively,
but further study is needed.
9.1.2. Stock Identification
In South African waters, the population characteristics of
L. reynaudii from the western part of its distribution differ
from those of the population in the east (Augustyn, 1989).
Generally, when compared to squid occurring in the east, squid
from the west are slower growing, mature at a larger size, the
size distribution is narrower and gonadal development is not
as far advanced (Augustyn, 1989; Olyott et al., 2007).
Although as yet inconclusive, results of a study by Olyott et al.
(2006) suggest there may indeed be two separate stocks in
South African waters. Recent genetic evidence (Shaw et al.,
2010) further strengthens this hypothesis.
9.1.3. Catches and Effort
The small commercial jig fishery (6000–13,000 t caught
annually) occurs mainly on the south Eastern Cape coast of
South Africa. Fishermen target squid on inshore spawning
aggregations, as well as using drogue anchors and strong lights
to attract the squid during offshore drift fishing. In South African waters, squid are also caught as bycatch of a hake directed
demersal trawl fishery (Figure 42). Initially, chokka squid was
caught as bycatch of the trawl industry operating in South
African waters. This species was considered a bait species and
bycatch was sold as such. Between 1974 and 1985, both the
South African and foreign trawl fleet were catching between
»1,800 and »3,800 t per annum (Roel et al., 2000).
Squid targeted trawling is not possible in South African
waters due to a ban on trawling within bays, introduced in
1987 (Augustyn and Roel, 1998). As a result, only 200–500 t
are caught (as bycatch) annually, by the demersal trawl fisheries. Commercial jig catches vary considerably from year to
year, as can be seen in Figure 43. The lowest annual catch of
under 2,000 t was recorded in 1992, and the highest annual
catch, over 13,000 t, was landed in 2004. Annual catches
appear to have stabilized at around 9,000 t in recent years,
however preliminary catch data for 2013 indicates another
period of very low catches. Nominal CPUE, measured in kg
per man per day, ranged from »16 to »38 kg/man/d during
the period 1995–2008.
9.1.4. Fishing Methods and Fleet
In Southern Angola, an artisanal hand-line jig fishery
occurs close to shore (Sauer et al., 2013). Fisherman use floats
washed ashore to make rafts from which they operate the
hand-lines (Sauer et al., 2013) (Figure 44). In South African
waters, only in 1985 did a coastal jig fishery begin to develop
(Augustyn et al., 1992), starting with squid being targeted by
hand-line from ski-boats. The jig fishery expanded rapidly and
by 1986 the squid fishing fleet comprised 17 mother vessels
with freezing capacity, 95 deck boats (10–15 m) and 40 skiboats (M. J. Roberts unpublished data). In 1987, trawling
within bays along the South African coast was banned, preventing the targeting of spawning squid by trawlers (Augustyn
and Roel, 1998). Although not yet used to target squid spawning concentrations, purse-seining was also banned as it was
considered too destructive on the spawning habitat (Augustyn
and Roel, 1998). From 1988 ski-boats in the squid fishing fleet
began to be upgraded to larger vessels with on-board freezing
capacity (M.J Roberts, unpublished data). This enabled vessels
to remain at sea for more than a week at a time. By 1998, the
number of small ski-boats within the fleet had been reduced
from 128 to only 39 (M. J. Roberts unpublished data). The
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spawning period (October-November), and a ban on fishing
in the Tsitsikamma National Park area on the south coast.
9.1.7. Economic Importance
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Figure 42. The contribution of Loligo reynaudii to the Eastern Cape demersal inshore trawl catch between 1967 and 1995, South Africa (from Booth and
Hecht, 1998).
current fleet is comprised of large-decked vessels with freezing
facilities (Sauer, 1995) (Figure 44).
9.1.5. Duration of Fishing Period
The jig fishery operates throughout the year, except for a 5
week period during the peak spawning season when a closed
season is imposed.
9.1.6. Stock Assessment
The first formal stock assessment conducted on the
L. reynaudii fishery in South Africa was in 1998 and indicated the resource was at risk of collapsing (Roel, 1998).
Although a 33% reduction in the then effort levels (3.6 million man-hours) was advised, due to employment reasons,
only a 10% reduction in effort levels was implemented
(Roel, 1998). Recent stock assessment results indicate the
L. reynaudii resource is in a healthy condition as a result of
above average recruitment in successive years (Sauer et al.,
2013). Currently, effort levels are capped at 136 vessels and
2422 crew (Sauer et al., 2013). In addition, effort is further
reduced by an annual 5-week closed season during the peak
The jig fishery centred on L. reynaudii is the third most
valuable fishery in South Africa (Cochrane et al., 2012). It
provides employment for »3000 people with catches generating R400 million per year (DAFF 2009/2010). As the
majority of the fishery operates out of the Eastern Cape, it
is an important economic engine for that province (Glazer
and Butterworth, 2006). In fact, links have been made
between increased crime levels and low squid catches in
one of the main coastal towns out of which this fishery
operates (Downey et al., 2010).
9.2. Todarodes angolensis (Angolan Flying Squid)
9.2.1. Distribution and Life History
Todarodes angolensis is a distinct species, broadly distributed around the southern part of Africa, and is especially common and abundant in Namibian waters (Jereb and Roper,
The lifecycle is still unclear. Spawning occurs year-round,
with a peak in spring-summer (October–December). It is also
the period of greatest catches by bottom trawlers during daylight hours, with female squid dominating the catch. Spawning
behavior and larval biology are unknown. Juveniles grow in
the epipelagic zone where they are most abundant on the
Orange Banks in 200–300 m of water, feeding mainly on crustaceans. Adults feed mostly on myctophids and lightfish (Lipinski, 1992). Longevity is about one year, with fast growth
(Villanueva, 1992).
9.2.2. Stock Identification
Stock structure has not been investigated in any detail but
judging from the even distribution of catches it is likely to be a
single uninterrupted stock. This species is bottom-dwelling,
dominating the cephalopod fauna between a depth of 200 and
400 m in the north of Namibia (18 –28 S, mainly 23 30’–
24 S) (Villanueva, 1992) and a depth of around 500 m in the
south, investigated in detail in the Cape Canyon and Cape Valley by Roeleveld et al. (1992). Nocturnal vertical migrations
of adult squid have not been investigated in any detail
although Laptikhovsky (1989) and Villanueva (1992) confirm
that they do undertake diel migrations. Juveniles, however,
have not been caught in the water column during day or night
trawls (Lipinski, R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen unpublished data).
9.2.3. Catch and Effort
Figure 43. Commercial jig catches (tons) of Loligo reynaudii in South Africa
from 1985–2008.
Adults of this species are caught as a bycatch of the trawl
fishery in Namibian waters, aimed mainly at deep-water hake
(Merluccius paradoxus). Between 1960 and 1980, bycatch of
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Figure 44. (A) Typical squid hand jigging fishing vessels used in the earlier days of the South African chokka squid fishery, beached along the Kromme River,
South Africa. (B) A typical squid hand jigging boat used today, with fishermen along the rail with jig lines in the water. (C) Squid caught on a single line with
two jigs. (D) Strong lights are used to attract squid to the surface at night. (E) A raft fashioned from floats washed ashore, typically used by artisanal fishers in
Southern Angola to target both squid and teleosts. (F) The current South African fleet is comprised of vessels with freezing facilities, and squid are sorted by
size, packed and frozen on board. (G) The frozen catch is packaged at land-based factories, with more than 95% of the catch exported.
T. angolensis was frozen whole by trawlers belonging to the
Eastern Bloc countries (Russia, Poland, Germany, and Romania) and sold as bait (e.g., to Faroe Islands). Russian trawl
operations in this area began in roughly 1970, followed by
other Eastern bloc countries in 1973. Spanish trawlers also
fished in this area. Anecdotal evidence suggests that catches
were fairly low per trawl (»30 kg/hr); however, the large
number of trawlers indicates a considerable catch, estimated at
5,000–7,000 t in good years.
To the best of our knowledge T. angolensis are presently
discarded by the fishing fleet in Namibia.
9.2.4. Stock Assessment
T. angolensis are not subject to any stock assessment and
conservation measures. The only exceptions are two demersal
surveys per year, conducted with a stratified random survey
design in South Africa and one survey per year conducted
according to transect design in Namibia. The biomass indices
are calculated for all dominant demersal species, but provide
only indicators of yearly changes rather than absolute measures of total biomass. Available catch and biomass data are
given in Figure 45.
importance is given by Jereb and Roper (2010). Stock identification was studied by Dillane et al. (2000; 2005) using microsatellite DNA analysis, concluding that the south-eastern
Atlantic part of this species distribution constitutes a separate
population, differing significantly from all other populations.
The lifecycle of the southern African population has not
been studied in any detail and is imperfectly known. Longevity
is probably one year on average, hence growth is relatively
rapid (Arkhipkin and Laptikhovsky, 2000, for NE African
waters), although there is evidence on the possibility of slower
growth for this species in South African waters (Lipinski et al.,
1993). Research conducted in Cape Valley and Cape Canyon
indicated an association of this species with the slope waters
(around 300 m). Feeding is conducted mainly in the water
9.3. Todaropsis eblanae
9.3.1. Distribution and Life History
Todaropsis eblanae is a widely distributed species, laying
claim to two hotspots of occurrence; Indo-Pacific, and Eastern
Atlantic. A precise account of the biology and ecological
Figure 45. Catches and estimates of biomass of cephalopods in the northern
Benguela ecosystem, 1980–1988. Most of the catch and all of the biomass estimates are for Todarodes angolensis (from Lipinski, 1992).
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column, indicating some vertical movement (as adults, they
feed upon lanternfish Lampanyctodes hectoris, lightfish Maurolicus muelleri and some other small fishes; Lipinski, 1992)),
with feeding intensity independent on the stage of maturity.
There is no evidence of geographical migrations. Spawning
occurs year-round, with no distinct spawning peak. Spawning
behavior and biology of paralarvae are unknown.
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9.3.2. Catch and Effort
In southern African waters, this species is a bycatch in the
trawl fishery for hake (both Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus). Adult squid are caught year-round, mainly on the western Agulhas Bank and along the west coast of South Africa in
depths between 200 and 400 m. The average catch is small
and does not exceed 30 kg/hr trawled. Total catch rarely
exceeds 100 t per year. In the years 1980–2000, this species
was retained and frozen whole as there was a limited Mediterranean market for it (Lipinski, unpublished data). It is presently discarded.
Ocean (Chen et al., 2007c), with the Arabian Sea considered
one of the richest regions for this species (Mohamed et al.,
2006). S. oualaniensis are pelagic, inhabiting the open
ocean beyond depths of 250 m. Three major and two minor
intraspecific forms of this species have been described by
Nesis (1993). The middle-sized form is the “typical” form
occurring throughout its range (Mohamed et al., 2006;
2011). Distribution is closely linked to oceanographic conditions, such as the presence of an upper-homogenous layer
in areas with large scale cyclonic gyres, and sea surface
temperatures within the range 25–28 C (Chen et al., 2007c).
As summarized by Young and Hirota (1998); (1) the small
dwarf form (the only form without a dorsal photophore)
occupies equatorial waters, (2) the giant form is found in
the Red and northern Arabian Seas and the Gulf of Aiden,
(3) a small dwarf from (with a dorsal photophore) is found
in the Red Sea and Mozambique Channel, (4) the middlesized “typical” form (with double axes on the gladius) is
found throughout the species range, and (5) the “typical”
form (with single axes on the gladius) is found in the Red
Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Northern Arabian Sea.
9.3.3. Stock Assessment
T. eblanae are not subject to any stock assessment and conservation measures. The only exception are two demersal surveys per year, conducted with a stratified random survey
design in South Africa and one survey per year conducted via
transects in Namibia, providing an index of biomass.
The Western Indian Ocean region includes the western part
of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and Arabian
Sea, and is bordered by 24 countries. There is a high dependence on marine resources in this region and fishers operate primarily at the subsistence and artisanal level (van der Elst et al,
2005). Annual landings of squid in the West Indian Ocean have
increased from »10,000 t, in 1986, to »140,000 t, in 2001 (van
der Elst et al., 2005). Uroteuthis duvaucelii, the most common
loliginid squid in Indo-Pacific waters, is exploited throughout
its range by artisanal fishers. U. duvaucelii also supports commercial fisheries in India, Thailand, the Andamen Sea and Gulf
of Aden. Sepioteuthis lessoniana, another neritic loliginid, and
the oceanic squid S. oualaniensis, are also targeted by commercial fisheries in this region. The squid are caught using a variety
of gears, including purse-seining, trawling, jigging (hand and
mechanical), and specialized shore seines.
10.1. Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (Purpleback Flying Squid)
10.1.1. Distribution
The purpleback flying squid S. oualaniensis is distributed
in the equatorial and tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific
10.1.2. Life History
Mohamed et al. (2011) provide detailed information on the
life history of S. oualaniensis stating that the lifecycle of the
dwarf form (modal sizes of 90–100 mm for mature males and
90–120 mm for mature females and a maximum length of
140–150 mm;) is estimated at 6 months, whereas the lifecycle
of the middle form (modal sizes 120–150 mm for mature
males and 190–250 mm for mature females) and giant (modal
sizes 400–500 mm and maximum size of 650 mm) forms is
one year. Females tend to be larger than males (Chen et al.,
2007c). The giant forms inhabit depths 400–1100 m during
the day, migrating to 50–150 m at night (Mohamed et al.,
2011), whereas the middle size form is found near the surface
(Mohamed et al., 2011).
Chen et al. (2007c), investigating the fisheries biology of
this species in the northwest Indian Ocean, found three spawning groups with different growth rates: a summer spawning
group (highest growth rate, Chen et al., 2008b), a spring
spawning group and an autumn spawning group (lowest
growth rate, Chen et al., 2008b).
There is some evidence indicating S. oualaniensis is an
intermittent multiple spawner, with spawning occurring
over a period of 1–3 months (Mohamed et al., 2011).
Unlike loliginids, eggs are not attached to the substrate and
spawning is not dependent on suitable or available substrate. Instead, eggs are released in the epipelagic zone
(Mohamed et al., 2011). The tentacles of the rhynchoteuthion paralarvae are fused to form a proboscis. During
growth, the proboscis gradually separates, and this separation is complete by 7.0–8.0 mm ML. Subadults and adults
migrate vertically. At night, they inhabit the surface
and subsurface layers from 0 to 150 m to feed, with
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maximum numbers between the surface and about 25 m
depth. In the morning, they descend to 200–1100 m and
remain there during the day. Wormuth (1976) reported that
S. oualaniensis usually forms small schools comprising
about thirty individuals of nearly the same size, most likely
to avoid cannibalism. Giant forms larger than 35 mm ML
have been observed swimming alone in the Arabian Sea
(pers. ob.).
The diet of S. oualaniensis not only varies with size but
also with region (Chen et al., 2007c). Generally, early
juveniles are active-grazing predators (feeding on crustaceans), late juveniles and middle sized squid are predator
pursuers (feeding on small fish) with large squid being
attacking predators (feeding on fish and squid; Nesis, 1977;
Mohamed et al., 2011). In larger squid, cannibalism
accounts for 50% of the diet (Chen et al., 2007c).
10.1.6. Stock Assessment Management
The biomass of S. oualaniensis in the Indian Ocean
ranges from 50 to 75¡2, with the highest concentration (4–42¡2) found in the Arabian Sea (Zuev et al.,
1985; Pinchukov, 1989). A more recent biomass survey
(2010–2011) of the Arabian Sea (area between the Lakshadweep Islands) provided estimates of biomass in excess of 5¡2 (Mohamed et al., 2011). Total biomass throughout
this species range has been estimated to be 8 to 11 million t
(Nigmatullin, 1990). An earlier estimate of total biomass in
the Indian Ocean alone was approximated to be 2 million t
(Zuev et al., 1985).
10.1.7. Economic Importance
S. oualaniensis is used as bait for tuna as well as for human
10.1.3. Fisheries
A small-scale Chinese commercial jig-fishery targeting S.
oualaniensis in the Northwest Indian Ocean commenced in
2005 (Chen et al., 2008b). This fishery has yielded more than
5,000 t in production (Chen et al., 2008b).
In India, this species is caught using hook and line by fisherman targeting tuna and sharks (Mohamed et al., 2006). Due
to the lack of market demand, these squid are not currently
landed, but there is potential for the development of a new
fishery (Mohamed et al., 2006). There has also been an investigation of the abundance of S. oualaniensis in the Arabian
Sea as a first step to possibly developing a fishery for S. oualaniensis in Indian waters (Mohamed et al., 2011).
Studies suggest fishing grounds that yield a high daily catch
can be identified by the presence of zooplankton Chaetognatha, Copepoda, and Mysidacea, all of which have been found
in the stomachs of S. oualaniensis (Chen et al., 2008b). This
would suggest fisheries target this species on their feeding
grounds. However, during the spawning period, no significant
decrease in feeding rate has been observed (Mohamed et al.,
2011) and it may be that spawning individuals are not vulnerable to exploitation.
10.1.4. Stock Identification
No work been done on identifying specific stocks.
10.1.5. Catch and Effort Data
Research survey catch, using Chinese squid jigger vessels,
in the northwest Indian Ocean showed the catch rate to vary
from 0.1–36 t/d with an average catch of 4.4 t/d (Chen et al.,
2007c). A total of 1570 t of S. oualaniensis was caught
throughout the three surveys (one in 2003 and two in 2005),
the majority of which were captured on the edge of an upwelling area (Chen et al., 2007c). Since its inception in 2005, the
small-scale S. oualaniensis fishery has yielded 5000 t in production (Chen et al., 2008b).
10.2. Uroteuthis duvaucelii (Indian Squid)
10.2.1. Distribution
The Indian squid U. duvaucelii (formally Loligo duvaucelli)
is one of the most common species among the Indo-Pacific
loliginids (Jereb and Roper, 2006). It is distributed in coastal
waters within depths of 0–170 m (Bergman, 2013), from
Madagascar, the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, eastward to the
Bay of Bengal (Sri Lanka) and the Andaman Sea, with Taiwan
being the northern limit (Meiyappan et al., 1993; Jereb and
Roper, 2006; Choi, 2007; Sukramongkol et al., 2007; Bergman, 2013). U. duvaucelii is the most abundant squid species
in Indian waters (Meiyappan et al., 1993), the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea of Thailand (Sukramongkol et al.,
10.2.2. Life History
Length frequency analysis of U. duvaucelii from the waters
of India suggest a lifecycle of more than 12 months (Kasim,
1985 in Jereb and Roper, 2006; Mohamed, 1996; Mohamed
and Rao, 1997); however, results from statolith age readings
suggest that this may be an overestimate with the lifecycle not
exceeding 1 year (Jereb and Roper, 2006). Similar results
were found for specimens from the Gulf of Thailand, as
described by Sukramongkol et al. (2007). Interestingly, statolith age determination of specimens collected from both Hong
Kong waters (Choi, 2007) and the Andaman Sea (Sukramongkol et al., 2007) has suggested an even shorter lifespan of 7–8
months and 161 days, respectively. It is also possible that similar sized U. duvaucelii from the Andaman Sea mature at a
younger age than those from Gulf of Thailand (Sukramongkol
et al., 2007).
As described by Choi (2007), the maximum ML of U.
duvaucelii varies throughout its’ range with the largest specimens found in India (371 mm), while those in Thailand reach
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just 300 mm and those in Hong Kong 160 mm. Further investigation on the maximum dorsal length of U. duvaucelii from
India has shown squid on the west coast to attain a greater size
than those on the east coast (Meiyappan et al., 1993; Meiyappan and Mohamed, 2003). This was evident in both sexes
(males west coast: 371 mm, males east coast: 260 mm and
females west coast: 235 mm, females east coast: 210 mm).
Size at first maturity also appears to vary between regions in
the waters of India (Rao, 1988), but in general size at 50%
maturity for this species is 90–130 mm ML for females and
70–150 mm ML for males (Jereb and Roper, 2006).
Spawning appears to occur throughout the year, with
seasonal peaks dependent on the region (Meiyappan and
Mohamed, 2003; Choi, 2007; Sukramongkol et al., 2007).
For example, Meiyappan and Mohamed (2003) reported
peaks in spawning in India during the postmonsoon period
whereas in Hong Kong waters peak spawning appears to
occur during both summer and winter (Choi, 2007).
Spawning aggregations are formed close inshore and
become vulnerable to exploitation during this period
(Meiyappan and Mohamed, 2003).
U. duvaucelli have been found to prey on both fish and
crustaceans, with fish forming an important component of
the diet throughout the size range, and a preference for
crustaceans declining with increasing size (Meiyappan
et al., 1993). Cannibalism increases with size (>80 mm)
(Meiyappan et al., 1993).
10.2.3. Fisheries
U. duvaucelii is exploited throughout its range by artisanal
subsistence fishers (Roper et al., 1984). It is also one of the
most important commercial cephalopod species in India (Jereb
and Roper, 2006), Thailand (Chotiyaputta, 1993), the Andamen Sea (Sukramongkol et al., 2007), Hong Kong (Choi,
2007), and the Gulf of Aden (Roper et al., 1984). It further
forms a large portion of the bycatch of prawn trawlers off the
northeastern South African coast (Fennessy, 1993 in Bergman,
INDIA: During the 1970s, U. duvaucelii was generally
caught as an incidental catch by Indian EEZ shore seine,
trawl, boat seine, and cast net fisheries (Sarvesan, 1974).
Due to the small numbers caught in shore and boat seines,
it was initially thought this species was not abundant (Sarvesan, 1974). The use of mechanized vessels and the consequent ability to fish further offshore resulted in much
higher yields of U. duvaucelii (Sarvesan, 1974). Landings
of cephalopods in the 1980s were mostly as a bycatch of
the shrimp trawl fisheries, with some 10,000 trawlers operating in 1982 (Silas et al., 1982). Cephalopod production
increased ten-fold in the period between the 1980s and late
1990s (Mohamed and Rao, 1997), but only in the last
decade have they become a targeted resource (Sasikumar
and Mohamed, 2012). Trawl nets operating up to 100 m
depth account for nearly 85% of the cephalopod landings
in Indian marine waters (Sundaram and Deshmukh, 2011).
For example, along the Karnataka coast the trawl fishery is
made up of a single-day fleet and a multi-day fleet
(Mohamed and Rao, 1997), with the latter undertaking fishing trips of up to seven days in depths from 25–100 m and
accounting for 98% of the squid catch (Mohamed and Rao,
1997). Hand jigging is now slowly emerging as a viable
method for targeting cephalopods and has been observed in
a number of regions, and catches fetch a premium price
(Sundaram and Deshmukh, 2011).
THAILAND: U. duvaucelii is exploited for both local
consumption and export in the Gulf of Thailand and the
Andaman Sea (Srichanngam, 2010). During the period
1977–1978, small trawlers targeting squid were replaced by
purse-seiners with strong lights to attract squid (Department
of Fisheries, 2006 in Srichanngam, 2010). Over time cast
nets were replaced by falling nets, lift nets, and scoop nets,
and the electric power of light lures has been increased
from 20 to 30 Kw (Panjarat, 2008). Together with Loligo
chinensis, U. duvaucelii is the most valuable commercial
cephalopod in the Andaman trawl fishery (Sukramongkol
et al., 2007). Age at recruitment into the fishery is within
2–4 months of hatching (Sukramongkol et al., 2007).
HONG KONG: Choi (2007) provided a brief synopsis of
the Hong Kong U. duvaucelii fishery, recording that U.
duvaucelii has recently become the dominant species in the
Hong Kong cephalopod fishery, replacing U. chinensis/
edulis. In addition, a new recreational jigging fishery targeting U. duvaucelii has developed. As a number of Hong
Kong fisheries are in decline, the “new” recreational fishery
is seen as having a number of benefits: it is a high-profit
fishery with revenues 27 times higher than those generated
by the commercial trawl fishery (Recreational catch: HK$
635/kg, vs. commercial catch, HK$: 20–30/kg) and benefits
the local economy; it is potentially sustainable as catch
rates are low and the escape rate of squid high (due to the
inexperience of fishers), as jigging is a very selective
method of fishing there is little to no bycatch; and jigging
does not disturb the benthic habitat.
10.2.4. Fishing Seasons
In the Karnataka state mechanized fishing operations are
suspended from 1st June to 31st August, due to the southwest
monsoon (Rao, 1988).
10.2.5. Stock Identification
Population genetic studies have not been carried out
throughout the distributional range of U. duvaucelii. However,
a study by Bergman (2013) has found U. duvaucelii from Iranian waters to be genetically distinct from specimens caught
in Thai and Chinese waters. As Bergman (2013) elucidates, a
phylogeographic pattern similar to this has been observed in
Sepia pharaonis, another neritic cephalopod found throughout
the Indo-Pacific.
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Figure 46. Production of Uroteuthis duvaucelii in India.
on the east coast, although high, would most likely not
adversely affect recruitment, but suggested a cap on effort.
The studies highlight the complexity of managing bycatch of a
multi-species trawl fishery, particularly those targeting shrimp
with small mesh sizes. As suggested by Abdussamad and
Somayajulu (2004), the only feasible solution is the regulation
of effort to reduce fishing pressure in coastal waters during
periods of peak abundance and by limiting the operation of
larger trawlers to deeper water.
In Thailand fisheries are open access, with licenses only
required for some of the main fishing gears, and are not an
accurate indication of fishing activity, as motorized vessels are
registered separately and “illegal” or unlicensed fishing gear is
often used on these vessels (Panjarat, 2008).
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10.2.6. Catch and Effort Data
The increased production of U. duvaucelii from India (Figure 46) is a result of the increased demand for cephalopods
(Meiyappan et al., 1993). Trawl catches account for the majority of the catch (Figure 46), with the remainder being caught
by artisanal gears including boat seines, shore seines, hooks
and line, fixed bag nets (dol) and drift nets (Meiyappan et al.,
A review of the emergent jig fishery in India by Sundaram
and Deshmukh (2011), reports CPUE of cephalopods (of
which U. duvaucelii forms over 95%) varies from 30–50, 100–
120, and 200–250 kg, dependent on the vessel size and power.
In Thailand, total squid production increased from 63,996 t in
1985 to 76,202 t in 2006 (Srichanngam, 2010). According to
Kaewnuratchadasorn et al. (2003) (in Choi, 2007), over 95%
of the squid landed is U. duvaucelii. Srichanngam (2010)
found the average size and the CPUE of U. duvaucelii to have
decreased, possibly as a result of the improvements in fishing
gear and high fishing effort. No species specific landing data
exists for Hong Kong (Choi, 2007).
10.2.7. Stock Assessment and Management
Numerous stock assessments have been carried out on
U. duvaucelii in Indian waters (Meiyappan et al., 1993;
Mohamed and Rao, 1997). Meiyappan et al. (1993) found
exploitation of U. duvaucelii to be just below the level of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and increases in effort would
only result in a marginal increase in catch. An assessment of
the stock off the Karnataka coast (west coast of India) was carried out by Mohamed and Rao (1997). Using virtual population analysis (VPA) and a Thomson and Bell analysis they
concluded there had been a slow but steady increase in the
spawning stock biomass since 1988, possibly contributing to
the increased abundance of U. duvaucelii stocks in the 1990s.
An assessment of stocks on the east coast of India, undertaken
by Abdussamad and Somayajulu (2004) revealed large size
differences of squid caught in comparison to the west coast,
suggesting that this was either a result of size overfishing on
the east coast or two separate stocks exist on the east and west
coasts of India. They concluded that the level of exploitation
10.3. Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Bigfin Reef Squid)
10.3.1. Distribution
The bigfin reef squid S. lessoniana is a neritic species common throughout the coastal waters (<100 m) of the Indo-West
Pacific (Chotiyaputta, 1993; Triantafillos and Adams, 2005). It
is distributed from Japan to Australia and New Zealand, and
from Hawaii to East Africa, north to the Red Sea and south to
Madagascar (Jereb and Roper, 2006).
Due to different reproductive features (number of eggs in a
single capsule, capsule attachment, and spawning season,
Jereb and Roper, 2006) evident in S. lessoniana in Japanese
waters, it has been suggested a species complex exists (Aoki
et al., 2008). These consist of aorika or shiroika which has a
white body color and is the most abundant, akaika which has a
red body color, and kuaika which has a small body size at
maturity in comparison to the other two. Population genetics
studies have shown the genetic structure of S. lessoniana
around Japan to differ significantly (Yokogawa and Ueta,
2000 in Aoki et al., 2008), but interestingly a study comparing
S. lessoniana from Japan and Thailand report a single large
gene pool (Izuka et al., 1996 and Pratoomchat et al., 2001 in
Aoki et al., 2008). The results of a study by Aoki et al. (2008)
suggest limited gene flow between Japan and East and South
China Seas, resulting in isolated Japanese populations with
low genetic variability.
Two genetically distinct groups of S. lessoniana have also
been recorded in Australian waters (Bergman, 2013). This
Australian form is also genetically distinct from the southeast
Asian groups (Bergman, 2013). Bergman (2013) also refers to
the recent finding of a third genetically distinct group from
Sumatra and concludes that six or more separate species could
10.3.2. Life History
Early length frequency analysis and field observations
indicated a lifespan between 1 and 3 years for S. lessoniana
(Jereb and Roper, 2006). However, rearing experiments and
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direct ageing techniques indicate a much shorter lifespan of
»6 months (Jackson and Moltschaniwskyj, 2002), with animals reaching sexual maturity between 110 and 140 days
(Jereb and Roper, 2006). Significant variation in growth
rates and maturity exist between equatorial, tropical, and
subtropical Indo-Pacific populations (Jackson and Moltschaniwskyj, 2002). In the equatorial waters of the Gulf of Thailand, growth is faster and squid mature at a smaller size
when compared to S. lessoniana inhabiting the subtropical
waters of southern Australia (Jackson and Moltschaniwskyj,
2002). S. lessoniana in tropical waters show intermediate
growth when compared to the two extremes previously mentioned (Jackson and Moltschaniwskyj, 2002). As mentioned
the size at maturity differs between regions, but generally
males mature at a smaller size compared to females (Mhitu
et al., 2001).
S. lessoniana spawns in multiple batches throughout its
adult lifespan (Jereb and Roper, 2006). In the waters of India,
these squid migrate inshore after winter to begin mating and
spawning (Jereb and Roper, 2006). The spawning season
varies throughout its distribution as summarized by Chung
(2003) and Jereb and Roper (2006). In southern India, S. lessoniana moves inshore to spawn from January to June, from
mid-June to August in southern Japan and in Okinawa three
spawning seasons have been documented, late January to late
February, late April to late May and late June to midSeptember.
S. lessoniana preys mainly on prawns and fish, with stomapods and crabs also contributing a small percentage to the diet
(Silas et al., 1982).
10.3.3. Fisheries
S. lessoniana is one of the most commercially important
squid species throughout its distributional range (Jereb and
Roper, 2006). In Palk Bay and the Gulf of Mannar off India,
S. lessoniana is caught by specialized shore seines (ola valai,
Silas et al., 1982), by hand jigs and as trawl bycatch (Silas
et al., 1985a). It is one of the most valuable fishery species in
the Jaffna Lagoon in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka where
it is caught by “sirahu valai,” jigs and pots and also as bycatch
from trawl, cast net, and beach seine fisheries (Sivashanthini
et al., 2009). In Taiwan, S. lessoniana is caught by jigging,
producing a high quality product (Chung, 2003). In Zanzibar,
S. lessoniana is used as bait in the hook and line fishery and
also for human consumption (Mhitu et al., 2001). In Japan, it
is caught by a directed trawl fishery, a directed seasonal purse
seine fishery around Hong Kong and by jigging (Jereb and
Roper, 2006). It is also caught in the South China Sea, Indonesian waters, northern Australian waters, the Gulf of Thailand,
and the Andaman Sea (Jereb and Roper, 2006).
10.3.4. Catch and Effort
In general, there is very limited information on the catch
and effort for S. lessoniana, and where it exists, is often
outdated. In Indian waters, the S. lessoniana fishery is
mostly confined to Palk Bay, with S. lessoniana and Doryteuthis spp. contributing 300 t to the annual average squid
production of 11,030 t (Alagarswami and Meiyappan,
1989). Silas et al. (1985b) reports that cephalopods around
Mandapam are caught as bycatch of some »120 (1985
records) otter trawlers, with total squid landings, recorded
for 1976 and 1977, of 1,366 and 1,457 kg, respectively,
65.5–74.9% of which consisted of S. lessoniana. About
140 trawlers operate out of Rameswaram, with the fishing
grounds of these trawlers coinciding to a large extent with
those from Mandapam. Unlike landings recorded at Mandapam, however, S. lessoniana is not the dominant species
making up the squid catch (1976: 4,685 kg and 1977:
7,138 kg) but contributes only 37.4–45.3%. This species is
also caught by handlines in these two areas, operated by
fisherman in canoes or standing in shallow waters. Annual
landings are small, varying between 143–480 kg, and with
CPUE of 0.9–12.4 kg. In the Kilakarai region S. lessoniana
is targeted by shore seines (Kara valai and Ola valai) and
handlines. From 1973–1975 Kara valai annual landings
ranged between 3,781–4,797 kg, dropping to 329 kg in
On the east coast of India, S. lessoniana was recorded as
contributing 7% (750 t) to total cephalopod landings in the
period 1990–1994 (Meiyappan et al., 2000).
10.3.5. Stock Assessment
Stock assessment studies of S. lessoniana appear limited.
However, a stock assessment of U. duvaucelli, Doryteuthis
sibogae, S. lessoniana, Sepia pharaonis, S. aculeata, and
Sepiella inermis from the Tuticorin coast reported overexploitation of four of the species viz. U. duvaucelii, Doryteuthis
sibogae, S. lessoniana, and Sepiella inermis (Mohan, 2007). A
reduction of 10% of effort levels was recommended to sustain
the stock of squids and cuttlefishes of the area (Mohan, 2007).
An assessment of S. lessoniana in Sikao Bay (1987–
1997) by Thapanand and Phetchsuthti (2000), indicated
that the squid resource had been overfished since 1991,
resulting in decreased catches in the following years. After
a reduction in fishing effort however, catches increased.
MSY was calculated to be 301.693 t, optimum fishing
effort to be 54,000 days and the number of fishermen
should be limited to 225.
10.3.6. Economic Importance
S. lessoniana is consumed by a certain class of people in the
coastal areas of India (Alagarswami and Meiyappan, 1989). At
Mandapam and Rameswaram this species is sold at a price
almost twice that of Sepia aculeata and U. duvaucelii (Silas
et al., 1985a).
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(Chotiyaputta, 1995a; Boonwanich et al. 1998; Suppanirun
et al., 2011).
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Over the last two decades the annual yield of loliginid squids
in Thai waters varied between 70,000 and 100,000 t, 1986–2010
(DOF, 2013), with approximately 90% of the catch from the
Gulf of Thailand and 10% from the East Andaman Sea. Catches
from these areas make up almost half of the total squid yield for
the south-east Asian region (200,000–250,000 t). Other major
countries that fish for squids are Indonesia and Malaysia, with
annual yields of about 60,000 t (SEAFDEC, 2013). In Thailand,
one-third of the catch is locally consumed and the remaining
two-thirds processed on both a small and large scale and
exported. Thailand is one of the major exporters of cephalopod
products to Japan and Europe. Commercial cephalopod catches
are comprised of loliginid squids (60%), cuttlefish (35%), and
octopus (15%) (Kittivorachate, 1980; Supongpan, 1995). Small
species are processed into fish-meal, which is the main ingredient of feed used by the aquaculture industry.
The main species captured in the East Indian Ocean are
neritic, with nine species recorded in Thai waters (Nabhitabhata et al., 2009; Nabhitabhata and Nateewathana, 2010).
These are Uroteuthis chinensis (Gray, 1849); U. duvaucelii
(Orbigny, 1835); U. edulis (Hoyle, 1885); U. singhalensis
(Ortmann, 1891); U. sibogae (Adam, 1954); Loliolus affinis
Steenstrup, 1856; Loliolus sumatrensis (Orbigny, 1835); L.
beka (Sasaki, 1929), and S. lessoniana Ferussac, 1831. However, no detailed statistics of individual species exist. All cephalopods caught are mixed and roughly categorized as
(loliginid) squid, cuttlefish or octopus according to size at
landing. Small-sized species (e.g., Loliolus) are mixed with
juveniles of other large-sized species. The gears used by the
industrial fishery are mainly trawlers (otter board trawlers,
paired trawlers) purse seiners and lift-netters using lights. The
artisanal fishery uses mostly traps and hand jigging under
lights. The use of lift-netting emerged in about 1979 and soon
became an important gear for squid fisheries. By the 1990s,
more than 40% of trawlers had changed to lift-netting and
purse seining (Supongpan, 1995).
11.1. Distribution and Lifecycles of Commercial Loliginids
Only the three major commercially important species are
described here.
11.1.1. Uroteuthis chinensis (Mitre Squid)
Uroteuthis chinensis is the largest (350–460 mm ML) and
most commonly caught species in this region. Although distributed throughout the depth range 10–100 m, squid are most
abundant in the 30–50 m depth range. Males mature at
105 mm ML and females at 90 mm ML. Female fecundity is
3000–20,000 eggs. The sex ratio is 1:1.5 males to females.
Spawning is thought to occur all year round with two minor
11.1.2. Uroteuthis duvaucelii
Uroteuthis duvaucelii is routinely fished in this region.
Although smaller (30–300 mm ML) than U. chinensis, this
species is more abundant in shallower waters, 10–30 m. Males
also mature at a smaller size (80 mm ML) compared to U. chinensis. Females mature at 90 mm. Female fecundity is 1500–
12,000 eggs. The sex ratio of males to females is 1:1.3. Spawning is likely to occur year round, but peak spawning is
observed during January–June and August–December
(Supongpan et al., 1993; Chotiyaputta, 1995a; Boonwanich
et al. 1998; Suppanirun et al., 2011).
11.1.3. Sepioteuthis lessoniana
The bigfin reef squid S. lessoniana inhabits rocky reefs in
shallow water between 5 and 45 m deep. Aggregation and
school size is smaller (5–20 individuals) compared to that
recorded for the genus Uroteuthis (Nabhitabhata, 1996). Squid
trapping is the most important fishing method, and annual
yields are 2000–4000 t. Catch is composed of squid across the
size range 75–325 mm ML. The fecundity is estimated at
700–2300 eggs (Rattana-anant, 1978, 1979, 1980). Spawning
occurs year round with peaks during November–January,
March–May, and July–August in the Gulf of Thailand (Chotiyaputta, 1984, 1988; Roongratri, 1997) and June-December
in the East Andaman Sea (Yakoh et al., 2013).
11.2. Stock Identification
Stock identification methods employed for each economically important species include morphometric measurements
(dorsal ML and weight), and; age and growth rate (see Dawe
and Natsukari (1991) and Natsukari et al. (1988) for methods)
(Chotiyaputta, 1995b; Supongpan, 1996; Boonwanich et al.
1998). Length frequency analysis is based on von
Bertalanffy’s growth model. Bhattacharya’s method is used to
separate normal distribution curves from the total distribution
plot. Modal progression analysis is used to estimate growth.
Fecundity, sex ratio and reproductive status are used to determine reproduction seasons.
The CPUE is estimated from routine research survey catch
composition. The MSY is estimated from Schaefer’s surplus
production models and Fox’s derivatives (Vibhasiri et al.
1985; Supongpan, 1996).
Tropical neritic squids have a fast growth rate and a short
lifespan of less than 1 year. Spawning can occur all year round
without prominent peaks. As a result, the stocks or populations
are mixed and it is possible to distinguish at least two to three
annual growth cohorts.
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Figure 47. Total loliginid squid catches (t) in the Gulf of Thailand and the
East Andaman Sea during 1986–2010 (DOF 2013).
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11.3. Fisheries
Squid catches contribute about 50% to total cephalopod
production in Thai waters. Annual yields range from 51,000‒
97,000 t (1986 to 2010, Figure 47). Catch composition is
made up of 15–52% U. chinensis, 29–64% U. duvaucelii and
5–8% S. lessoniana (Kittivorachate, 1980; Chotiyaputta,
1995b; DOF, 2013). The potential yield of the squid stock in
Thai waters has been estimated to be about 67,000 t for U. chinensis and 60,000 t for U. duvaucelii, with a corresponding
optimum fishing effort of 6.29 million hours (Supongpan,
1995). Vibhasiri (1980), FAO (2010) and Supongpan (1995)
estimated that the MSY of the squid stock had already been
reached by 1977, and in fact U. chinensis had been overexploited by some 20% (Supongpan, 1995). However, it is
important to note that estimations have been based on the
premise that the squid resources in Thai waters belong to a
homogeneous single stock.
11.4. Fishing Methods
Squid capture fisheries in south-east Asian countries can be
categorized by fishing gear type. Historically, gears consisted
of hook and line, gill nets, cast nets, and bamboo stake traps.
More recently small-scale or artisanal fishing gears include
gill nets, small push nets, hook and line, jig, cast nets, and
traps (Munprasit, 1984; Bjarnason, 1992). Small scale or artisanal fishing boats are non-powered, equipped with an outboard engine (so-called “long-tail boats” in Thailand) or a
small inboard engine. A larger industrial sector uses otterboard
trawls, beam trawls and pair trawls, large push nets, and largescale squid traps. All industrial vessels are powered with
inboard engines that can be classified according to length as
small (<14 m), medium (14–18 m), and large (>25 m) (DOF,
In Thai waters, approximately 40–55% of the annual yield
is captured by trawlers (10–35% from otterboard trawlers and
10–20% from pair trawlers) (Chantawong, 1993; Supongpan,
Light luring squid nets include a stick-held lift and a giant
cast net or falling net. The main catch from this kind of fishing
operation is loliginid squids (approximately 90%) with the rest
of the catch being made up of pelagic fish. The yield from
this fishery (Squid Light luring Fishery or SLLF) accounts
for 30–50% of Thailand’s production (Supongpan, 1996;
Songjitsawat and Sookbuntoeng 2001) (Figure 48). There are
three types of nets used by the industrial sector: the lift net of
12 £ 12 m with 2–3 cm mesh size, the cast net of 12 £ 12 or
16 £ 16 m with 2.5–3.2 cm mesh size and the box net of 14–
30 £ 14–30 £ 20 m with 2.5–3.2 cm mesh size. The cast net
is also used with small boats of less than 6 m length (Ogawara
et al., 1986; DOF, 1997). The catch is comprised of 36.7–
93.9% loliginid squids and 2.9–9.0% S. lessoniana. Among
loliginids, 76.4–80.3% comprises U. chinensis, 14.8–22.5%
U. duvaucelii, and 1.1–4.95% Loliolus sumatrensis (Songjitsawat and Sookbuntoeng, 1988).
Small scale squid fishing boats (cast netting and jigging
with light luring) operate in shallow water zones of 5–15 m
(Chenkitkosol, 2003). The artisanal jig fishery currently makes
use of small generators and florescent lamps to attract squid
(Bjarnason, 1992; Chenkitkosol, 2003). Green fluorescent light
rods are used (Chenkitkosol, 2003). Hand jigging uses artificial bait with light lures during the night and trolling during
the day. S. lessoniana makes up 100% of the catch at night,
and 95% during the day with the other 5% comprising of loliginid squids (U. duvaucelii and U. chinensis). Yield is about
10–15 kg/d (Supongpan et al., 1988).
Squid traps are the only artisanal fishing gear used to target
loliginid squid with S. lessoniana being the target species
(Boongerd and Rachaniyom, 1990) (Figure 49). Squid trapping originated in Eastern Thailand in the late 1960s and by
the 1980s was widespread throughout Thailand and the southeast Asian region (Munprasit, 1984). Around 2005 a collapsible squid trap was developed in eastern Thailand, allowing
larger vessels to carry up to 2000 traps. S. lessoniana comprises 90–95% of the catch, with the remainder made up of
sepiid cuttlefish. Loliginids and octopus do not enter the traps.
The lifespan of the trap is 90–120 days (Boongerd and Rachaniyom, 1990; Khrueniam and Suksamrarn, 2012). The CPUE
is 10.3 kg/trip for S. lessoniana and 1.3 kg/trip for cuttlefish
(Supongpan et al., 1988). During 1986–1999, the annual yield
of S. lessoniana caught by trapping in Thai waters exceeded
5,000 t, decreasing to 1,000 t in 2007 (DOF, 2013). A major
concern is the loss of squid egg capsules that have been
attached to the traps. During 1990–2003, the Thailand Department of Fisheries tackled this problem by purchasing egg capsules from the fishermen and rearing them in a hatchery before
releasing them for restocking. The number of S. lessoniana
produced and released annually now averages 1.8 million individuals (Nabhitabhata et al., 2005).
Another major threat is the conflict between squid trap fisheries and trawlers operating on the same fishing grounds (Figure 50). Traps are damaged or lost when they are in the line of a
trawling operation. On the other hand, trawl nets are damaged by
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squid light luring nets in the Gulf of Thailand registered to
Thailand Department of Fisheries has continuously increased
from 230 units in 1980 to 3,160 in 2004 (Figure 51). By contrast, the number of trawl nets, (10,428 units in 1980) decreased
to 5757 units in 2005. The total yield of loliginid squids in Thailand increased to more than 70,000 t after the introduction of
squid light luring nets in the early 80s (Supongpan, 1996), but
has since stabilized. More recently, the only area where there
has been an increase in yield, estimated to be at least 20%, is in
the Andaman Sea subregion (Chantawong, 1993).
11.5. Stock Assessment and Management
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Figure 48. A falling net boat participating in squid light luring fishery for
loliginid squid in Thailand.
traps. Resolution has been reached in some communities through
an agreement to annually assign zones (spatial partitioning) for
the different fishing gears and limiting the fishing period for
each fishery in each of the zones (temporal partitioning)
(Supongpan, 1995; Srikum and Binraman, 2008). Rising costs of
fishing, particularly fuel is threatening the long term viability of
the fishery (Yamrungrueng and Chotiyaputta, 2005; Srikum and
Binraman, 2008; Khrueniam and Suksamrarn, 2012).
The annual landings of loliginid squids caught in the Gulf of
Thailand by squid light luring netting constitutes about 40–
50% of the total cephalopod catch (Chantawong, 1993), and is
therefore described here in some detail. Squid fisheries using
the light luring technique emerged around1978 and rapidly
became popular over the next 3 years (Munprasit, 1984). The
high yield of this fishing gear allowed fishermen to transform
small to medium trawlers into squid netters. The number of
Figure 49. A long tail artisanal fishing boat with squid traps targeting Sepioteuthis lessoniana in Thailand.
The MSY from trawling and cast netting of U. chinensis
and U. duvaucelii is estimated at 37,179 t when the relative
fishing effort (RFE) equals 1.15 in the Gulf of Thailand (Kongprom et al., 2010) and 1,728 t at a RFE of 0.75 in the Andaman
Sea (Boonsuk et al., 2010). Fishing effort is considered to be
about 15% below MSY in the Gulf of Thailand, but 25% above
this in the Andaman Sea. In 2010, fishing mortality (F) of U.
(P.) chinensis was estimated at 2.48 in the Gulf of Thailand
and 8.60 in the Andaman Sea. For U. duvaucelii, F was estimated as 4.41 and 4.83, respectively (Boonsuk et al., 2010,
Kongprom et al., 2010).
The principle legal framework is the 1947 Thailand Fisheries Act, which was amended in 1981. The Act is a provision
for the adoption of regulations and notifications which are
issued for purposes of conservation and management of
marine fisheries resources. Notification by the Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperatives issued in 1981 prohibits the use
of nets with a mesh size smaller than 3.2 cm as well as any
other kinds of fishing appliances using electric lights to target
squid (Charuchinda, 1987, 1988). Push netting and trawling
are prohibited within 3 km from the shoreline. At present,
some of the local provincial governments have expanded this
to 5.4 km (3 nautical miles). The above fishing gears are also
banned in certain fishing grounds over spawning periods and
also on the nursery grounds of economically important pelagic
finfish species. It is proposed that these regulations should
include SLLF (Supongpan, 1996) allowing for the spatial management of squid stocks. Zoning of Marine Protected Areas
and Marine National Parks as well as other zoning initiatives
under different names (with similar purposes) can also indirectly enhance squid stocks. The so-called “annual Gulf closing season” and “Andaman Sea closing season” that ban
commercial fishing targeting pelagic fish from February to
May in the western Gulf of Thailand and from April to June in
the Andaman Sea (Petsalapsri et al., 2013) should be expanded
to cover squid light luring fishing.
Supongpan (1996) also proposed that the numbers of SLLF
boats should be reduced by 20% through stepwise measures in
order to make the measures politically acceptable. However,
the Thai government experienced strong opposition (that
turned into a political issue) soon after trying to limit the
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Figure 50. Fishing grounds for squid trapping in the Andaman Sea, Eastern Indian Ocean (after Suppapreuk et al. 2013).
numbers of trawlers. It may be possible to limit light intensity
used in this fishery and Munprasit (1984) has suggested that
10 kW generators can produce enough light intensity for fishery operations at depths of less than 80 m in the Gulf of
The Northwest Pacific region encompasses the Pacific
Ocean waters of the southeast Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril
Islands and Japan including the Bering Sea (western part), the
Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan, the Internal Japan Sea, the
Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea
(northern part). This region is fished by the Peoples’ Republic
of China, Taiwan, Japan, the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea, the Republic of Korea, and the Russian Federation
(Spiridonov, 2005) The Northwest Pacific has a high productivity and contributes the largest proportion of world fish and
seafood (Spiridonov, 2005). In the southern regions, squids are
one of the principle groups exploited. Species supporting
squid fisheries in this region include Heterololigo bleekeri,
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Figure 51. Numbers of trawlers and squid light luring netters registered in
the Gulf of Thailand, 1971–2011 (DOF 2013).
S. lessoniana, U. edulis, U. chinensis, U. duvauceli, Berryteuthis magister, T. rhombus, W. scintillans. T. pacificus, S. oualaniensis, and O. bartramii. The squids are caught using a
variety of methods and gears such as trawl nets, set nets,
angling, jigging, trolling, bait fishing, and purse seine.
12.1. Heterololigo bleekeri (Spear Squid)
12.1.1. Distribution
The spear squid Heterololigo bleekeri is mainly distributed
in the coastal waters of Japan from Hokkaido to Kyushu and
the coast of Korea, but is occasionally found in the East China
Sea and the Yellow Sea (Natsukari and Tashiro, 1991, Ti
et al., 1987) (Figure 52, Tian et al., 2013). The spawning season and depth distribution depend on water temperature. In the
warmer southern region, squid inhabit deeper waters compared
to the colder northern region. In Tosa Bay, Kochi Prefecture,
spear squid are caught in a depth range of 70–300 m and at
bottom temperatures of between 11 and 15 C (Toriyama et al.,
12.1.2. Population Structure and Life History
Spear squid in Japan are divided into two stocks: the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC, the Sea of Japan) stock and the
Pacific stock (Tian, 2012; Nashida and Sakaji, 2012). This
division is convenient for stock assessment and is based on
geographical distribution, but without a strict biological definition. The spear squid is a commercially important species for
coastal fisheries in Japan. The fisheries depend largely on four
groups: southern and northern stocks in the TWC region of the
Sea of Japan, and southern and northern stocks in the coastal
Kuroshio and Oyashio Current regions of the Pacific (Figure 52). There is no difference in genetic structure of the Japanese spear squid population (Ito et al., 2006).
The main spawning seasons are in winter in the southern
region and in spring in the northern region both in the Sea of
Japan and in the Pacific. In the south-western Sea of Japan,
spear squid spawn through winter to spring, grow quickly to
about 100 mm ML within 6 months (Kinoshita, 1989; Murayama and Kitazawa, 2004), and recruit to the fishery in
autumn and winter when they are caught by bottom trawls and
set nets in Japanese coastal waters (Kitazawa, 1986). Spear
squid move from deep offshore waters to coastal waters to
spawn, but the species does not undertake large-scale migrations like that of the Japanese flying squid T. pacificus (Sato,
In northern Japan, spawning stocks tend to move southward
from December to February with decreasing water temperature
and northward from March to June with increasing water temperature (Sato, 1990). This movement is considered to allow
the squid to utilize the optimum water temperature of 10–12 C
for spawning (Sato, 1990), with the water temperature in the
spawning season ranging from 7 to 14 C (Hamabe, 1960; Ishii
and Murata, 1976). The spawning grounds occur in shallow
reef areas, and egg capsules are laid beneath the undersurfaces
of firm substances (Isahaya and Takahashi, 1934). Embryonic
development and hatching are affected by water temperature
and salinity. The optima for development of eggs are 12.2 C
and 36.0 psu, and the lower limits for normal development are
8.3 C and 28.0 psu (Ito, 2007).
The estimated mean ML at 50% maturity is 193 mm for
males and 171 mm for females (Ito, 2007). Large and small
males have different reproductive strategies (Iwata et al., 2005).
12.1.3. Fishing Fleets, Seasons, and Catches
In Japan spear squid are fished mainly by trawls, set nets
and angling (Kasahara, 2004). The extended continental shelf
of the south-western Sea of Japan, from Tsushima Islands to
Oki Islands, supports the southern stock in the Sea of Japan
and historically has been an important fishing ground for pair
trawlers (Figure 52) (Tian, 2007, 2009). The northern stock in
the Sea of Japan, which ranges from north of Noto Peninsula
to the west coast of Hokkaido, is one of the most important target species of the set-net fishery (Ito, 2007; Tian, 2012). From
the east coast of Kyushu to the south of Bousou Peninsula in
the Pacific, the southern stock is a target of set nets and
trawlers, but mainly fished by pair trawlers in the waters south
of Shikoku. In the north Pacific, from Bousou Peninsula to
Iwate Prefecture, the northern stock is a target of trawlers, but
single trawlers operating in the waters from Bousou to Kinkazan Island had the largest contribution (Nashida and Sakaji,
2012; Tian et al., 2013).
Annual landings in Japan between 1978 and 2012 ranged
from 3900 to 20,000 t, showing large interannual variations
(Figure 53). Total catches decreased from 20,000 t in 1979 to
less than 5,000 t in recent years, showing a declining trend. In
addition to the linear trend, it also showed some periodicity
with peaks in 1979, 1989, 1994, and 2008 (Tian et al., 2013).
Catches of the northern stock in the Sea of Japan are made
mainly by set-net fisheries in Aomori and Hokkaido Prefectures; catches from Toyama to Akita form a small part of the
total (Figure 54A). The catches show large interannual variation, with high catches during the late 1970s and 1990s and
lower catches during the 1980s and 2000s. CPUEs for set nets
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Figure 52. Distribution (shaded grey area) of spear squid and oceanographic structure around Japan (Modified from Tian et al., 2013). Four fisheries regions for
southern and northern Sea of Japan (SJS, NJS) and Pacific (SP, NP) are marked by bold dashed lines and thin dotted arrows. Thick dotted bold arrows indicate the
Tsushima Warm Current (TWC), Kuroshio Current (KC) and Oyashio Current (OC), respectively. Locations of some place names mentioned in the text are
shown with stars.
in Aomori Prefecture show a trend similar to the catches. The
catches from the southern stock in the Sea of Japan are made
mainly by pair trawlers; however, the proportion of catches
from Ishikawa to Hyogo Prefecture has increased since the
1990s (Figure 54B). Catches from pair trawlers decreased
from a maximum of 13,700 t in 1977 to a minimum of 16 t in
2003, and maintained an extremely low level thereafter. The
trend of abundance index (AI, similar to CPUE) was consistent
with the catch; it was high during the 1970s and 1980s, but
extremely low since the 1990s, indicating decadal-scale variation (Tian, 2009; Tian et al., 2013).
The catches from the Pacific northern stock depend
largely on the catches from single trawlers operating from
Bousou Peninsula to Kinkazan Island (Figure 54C), and
catches from trawlers in Iwate Prefecture. Catches increased
after the late 1980s, peaked in 1996, and decreased thereafter to the minimum in 2005. CPUE for the single trawlers in
the Bousou-Kinkazan region showed large inter-annual variations. For the Pacific southern stock, catches from the pair
trawl fishery were high in the 1980s, decreasing in the
1990s (Figure 54D). The CPUEs for the pair trawlers
mirrored the catch throughout, excluding the last 5 years
(Tian et al., 2013).
Trends in catch and CPUE indicate that the abundances of
the southern stocks both in the Sea of Japan and Pacific Ocean
Figure 53. Annual changes in catches of spear squid from Pacific (white
bars) and the Sea of Japan (black bars) for the period of 1978–2012 (Modified
from Tian et al., 2013).
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Figure 54. Annual changes in catch (vertical bars) by fishing methods and CPUE or abundance index (solid line with diamonds) for the main fishery for the four
stocks of spear squid around Japan (Modified from Tian et al., 2013). (A) Northern stock in the Sea of Japan during 1975–2010 (the data for Hokkaidou and for
Toyama-Akita were for 1985–2010 and 1990–2010, respectively). (B) Southern stock in the Sea of Japan during 1975–2010 (the data for Ishikawa-Hyogo was
for 1990–2010). (C) Northern stock in the Pacific during 1978–2010. (D) Southern stock in Pacific during 1978–2010.
decreased abruptly around 1989/1990, whereas the abundance
of northern stocks increased around 1993/1994. This strongly
suggests synchronicity in abundance with step changes during
the late 1980s to early 1990s in the Sea of Japan and Pacific
(Tian et al., 2013). The disparate patterns between the southern and northern stocks indicate latitudinal difference in
12.1.4. Impact of Fishing, Stock Assessment, and Implication
for Management
It is notable that the decadal variation in the abundance of
spear squid corresponds closely with the water temperature; the
southern stocks were high during the cool thermal regime and
low during the warm thermal regime since the 1990s, whereas
the northern stocks showed the opposite pattern (Tian et al.,
2013). The close correspondences between CPUE and WT
strongly indicates the impacts of the late 1980s regime shift,
which was characterized by abrupt changes from cool to warm
temperature around 1987/1988 (Tian et al., 2011). On the other
hand, the impacts of fishing on spear squid are unclear. Fishing
effort (including the cumulative hauls and number of licensed
fishing trawlers, and number of fishing units for the set-net fishery), has been declining since the 1980s (Nashida and Sakaji,
2012; Tian, 2012). However, fishing effort of both set nets and
trawl fisheries appeared to intensify during the short spawning
season (Tian, 2009). A case study of the southern stock in the
Sea of Japan indicated that fishing mortality estimated from the
DeLury model increased substantially since the late 1980s
(Tian, 2009). This example strongly suggests that fishing
pressure can be intensified under unfavorable climate regimes
despite a decline in total fishing effort.
Spear squid are one of the target species under the Japanese
government stock assessment program. The status of the stock
is assessed annually based on trends in catch and CPUE. Spear
squid stocks have been lower since the 1990s, both in the
Pacific and the Sea of Japan (Tian, 2012; Nashida and Sakaji,
2012). This is largely associated with the warming in water
temperatures (Tian et al., 2013).
As stated above, the responses to the regime shift differed
between the southern and northern stocks. It is important to
identify both favorable and unfavorable climate conditions
and evaluate fishing pressure in order to develop a stock-specific management strategy to ensure the recovery of southern
stocks. For the northern stocks, it is notable that the positive
effects of a warm winter could be compensated by the negative
effects of a warm summer. Recommended management measures to allow the recovery of southern stocks include a delay
of the fishing season to protect juveniles, and a ban on fishing
on the spawning grounds during the autumn spawning season
(Tian, 2009; Tian et al., 2013).
12.2. Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Bigfin Reef Squid)
12.2.1. Stock Identification
In Japan, the bigfin reef squid (S. lessoniana; also called the
oval squid) occurs in nearshore to offshore waters from southern Hokkaido to the Nansei Islands (Sasaki, 1929; Okutani,
1973) and is a commercially important coastal resource
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Figure 56. Geographical distributions of Shiro-ika (black portions), Aka-ika
(dotted line), Kua-ika (black portions) (Izuka et al. 1996) in Japan.
Figure 55. Sepioteuthis lessoniana variations in Japanese waters: Shiro-ika
(A), Aka-ika (B) in Tokushima Prefecture, and Kua-ika (C) in Okinawa
where food is abundant and large predators are less abundant
than offshore during summer to autumn (Figure 57). In winter,
subadults and adults migrate southward from coastal waters
<15–20 C to offshore waters >15–20 C. Schools are mainly
distributed at the thermohaline front between 15 and 20 C in
high density (Ueta, 2003). In spring, adults migrate to nearshore waters to spawn.
Spawning occurs mainly during April to September around
Japan’s main islands and from January to October in Okinawa
(Ueta, 2000). Captive females have been observed to make
(Figure 55) (Okutani, 1973; Ueta, 2000). Fishers in Okinawa
Prefecture have long separated local populations into three
groups based on the size, color in freshly killed condition,
and fishing ground (Izuka et al., 1994; Izuka et al., 1996). In
Japan, three genetically and reproductively independent
forms are now recognized: “shiro-ika” (“white squid”),
“aka-ika” (“red squid”), and “kua-ika” (Izuka et al., 1994;
Izuka et al., 1996; Figure 55). The distribution and ecology
of each form differ (Izuka et al., 1996).
12.2.2. Shiro-ika Distribution and Lifecycle. Shiro-ika is widely
distributed throughout Japan from southern Hokkaido to the
Nansei Islands and Ogasawara Islands (Okutani, 1973;
Izuka et al., 1996), (Figure 56), and occurs from the surface
to about 100 m depth. In Japan’s main islands, juveniles and
young squids occur at 0–20 m depth in nearshore waters,
Figure 57. The lifecycle of Shiro-ika around Tokushima Prefecture,
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Large males grow to about 2–3 kg (370–440 mm ML), and
large females grow to about 1–1.5 kg (280–330 mm ML). The
minimum size at maturity of females is approximately
15.5 cm ML (209 g body weight) (Ueta, 2000).
Figure 58. Schemata of squid-jigging, trolling, and bait fishing for Shiro-ika
in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan.
multiple copulations and spawn 4–11 times during a spawning
season (Wada 1993Wada and Kobayashi, 1995). Egg capsules
contain 1–9 eggs (mode D 5–6) and are attached to seaweed,
eelgrass, corals and manmade spawning beds near the nearshore (Ueta, 2000). It is estimated that spawned eggs hatch
after 24–27 days at 25 C from laboratory experiments
(Segawa, 1987).
Shiro-ika in the main islands recruits during July to October
and dies after several spawnings in April to September of the
following year (Ueta, 2003; Wada and Kobayashi, 1995). The
lifespan in the main islands is about 1 year (Ueta, 2000). Water
temperature has a marked effect to both the hatching period
and growth rates. High water temperature appears to cause
early hatching and higher growth rates, and high water temperature is associated with higher survival rates and successful
recruitment (Ueta et al., 1999; Ueta, 2000). Individual difference of mantle length in adult is large, influenced by the long
spawning season (April–September) and growth differences. Fishing gear. In western Japan, shiro-ika is mainly
caught year round by jigging, trolling, bait fishing, set net, and
purse seine fisheries. Monthly catches peak during the recruitment period (October–January) and spawning period (April–
June). Shiro-ika is mainly caught by jigging, trolling, bait fishing, set net in the night time, and daily catches tend to increase
around the full moon, rainy days being the exception (Munekiyo and Kawagishi, 1993; Ueta, 2000). Moonlight of suitable
luminous intensity seems to accelerate movement and predation behavior.
Jigging and trolling fisheries use a traditional jig shaped like
a prawn called “egi,” which was developed in Kagoshima Prefecture in the 1800s (Okada, 1978) and had been repeatedly
improved (Figure 58). Catches occur mainly at dusk and at
night. Shiro-ika caught in squid jigging and trolling fisheries
are larger than those caught in the set net fishery due to the size
selectivity of the jig (Tokai and Ueta, 1999). Trolling is more
efficient than jigging, because trolling uses several lures at the
same time and does not require that the rod be manually swung
back and forth. Bait fishing is conducted during the day using
live Japanese jack mackerel and amberstripe scad as bait.
In Tokushima Prefecture, shiro-ika is mainly caught by
nearshore set nets below 15–20 m depth. Fishers use the
small-sized set nets of pound net type and bag net type (Figure 59). Both net types are operated by one or several fishers
using small (<1–2 GRT) boats. The scale and structure of the
nets vary among regions and fishers. 20–70 m leader nets are
set perpendicular to the shore, and the bag net or pound nets
attached to fish court for landings are positioned at the offshore
end of the leader nets (Figure 59). Squid swim along leader
nets and enter the bag net (bag net type). In the pound type,
squid move from the fish court to the pound net with a nonreturn device. Squid tend to enter the bag net with a large mesh
size (50 mm ML) more often than nets with a small mesh size
(16–21 mm ML), which is used to catch Japanese sardine and
Japanese anchovy.
Fishers in Kyushu use purse seines and boat seines. These
gears catch Shiro-ika migrating to brush woods sunk by fishers
and natural seaweed beds to spawn (Figure 60). These gears
are laid near a steep slope with sandy bottoms at 5–15 m
depth. Fishers using a purse seine, encircle the squid and then
direct the squid into the pocket net using a scaring device tied up colored ropes.
12.2.3. Aka-ika
Aka-ika has a redder body color than the other forms due to
its many red chromatophores (Figure 55). It is distributed in
the Ryukyu Islands and probably occurs along the Pacific coast
of Honshu (Figure 56). It occurs deeper than the two other
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corresponding to 500–600 mm ML. It is caught at the Ryukyu
Islands, Tanegashima Island and Yakushima Island, by jigging
and bait fishing at 20–50 m depth. The fishing methods are the
same as those used for Shiro-ika (Figure 58). Live five-barred
goatfish, Parupeneus multifasciatus and striped mullet, Mugil
cephalus are used as bait fish. Aka-ika is rarely caught around
Japan’s main islands except the Izu and Ogasawara Islands.
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12.2.4. Kua-Ika
Kua-ika occurs only near the Ryukyu and Ogasawara
Islands (Figure 56) (Izuka et al., 1996). At Ishigaki Island, it
occurs only near coral reefs and attaches two-egg capsules to
the underside of dead tabletop corals in shallow coral reefs
during June to October (Segawa et al., 1993a; Izuka et al.,
1996). The maximum body weight is estimated to be about
100 g, corresponding to 100–150 mm ML. The stock size of
Kua-ika is very small, and its importance as a fishery resource
is small.
12.2.5. Catch Statistics
Figure 59. Schemata of two types of small-sized set net for Shiro-ika in
Tokushima Prefecture, Japan.
forms. Females in Ishigaki Island have been observed to attach
egg capsules containing 5–13 eggs (mode D 9.2) on the
branches of dead staghorn corals at about 23 m depth in May
(Segawa et al., 1993b). Females in the Ryukyu Islands were
observed to attach egg capsules on the upper part of steel artificial fish reefs at 81–100 m depth in April and July (Ueta and
Umino, 2013). The maximum body weight is about 5–7 kg,
The Statistics and Information Department at the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries does
not collect catch data for S. lessoniana in Japan, but
regional catch statistics are available from some local fisheries research stations. Based on these data, annual landings
during the 1980s in Japan were estimated to be several thousand t (Adachi, 1991). Most of landings in Japan are Shiroika. The annual catch in eight major fishing markets
between 1986 and 2010 was variable from year to year,
ranging from 55 to 166 t.
Figure 60. Schemata of purse seine for Shiro-ika in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
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Figure 61. Main distribution area (shaded) and presumed spawning grounds (black) of Uroteuthis edulis.
12.2.6. Economic Importance
The bigfin reef squid is generally caught nearshore and
landed within several hours, so it is sold fresh. In Japan, S. lessoniana is called the “king of squids” because of its good taste
and the beautiful transparency of its meat in sashimi and sushi.
Therefore, this squid is expensive; squid >1 kg are traded at
>2000–3000 yen/kg (20–30 USD/kg) at the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo and by wholesalers selling to fancy sushi restaurants and Japanese restaurants. Some of the catch is sold live
to restaurants specializing in squid dishes. In western Japan,
jigging using “egi” is very popular with recreational fisherman, and the market for fishing gear such as “egi,” rods, reels,
and lines is very large and growing.
12.3. Uroteuthis edulis (Swordtip Squid)
12.3.1. Japanese Fisheries Stock identification. Uroteuthis edulis occurs in the
Indo-West Pacific Ocean from central Japan to the South
China Sea and northern Australia (Roper et al., 1983; Carpenter and Niem, 1998). From the southwestern Sea of Japan and
the East China Sea, this species has a continuous distribution
(Figure 61). Despite large differences observed in size and
maturation stage among several migrating groups, allozyme
analysis indicates the stock consists of an identical population
(Natsukari et al., 1986).
Three seasonal migrating groups of U. edulis occur in
the southwestern Sea of Japan (Yamada et al., 1986;
Kawano et al., 1990). The spring group consists of the
largest mature individuals (200–450 mm ML), which hatch
from June to September, and are fished from April to June
the following year. The summer group consists of medium
sized mature individuals (200–300 mm ML), which supposedly hatch from November to December, and are fished
from August to September the following year. The autumn
group consists of immature individuals smaller than the
others (100–200 mm ML), which hatch from January to
March, and are fished from September to November of the
same year. Another group occurs in the waters off northwestern Kyushu in autumn, which matures at 200–300 mm
ML (Tashiro, 1978; Kawano et al., 1990). The minimum
size of mature squid is 120 mm ML for males and
160 mm ML for females in spring, and 110 mm ML for
males and 120 mm ML for females in summer (Yamada
et al., 1983).
Spawning grounds in the southwestern Sea of Japan are on
sandy seabed up to 80 m in depth, with spawning taking place
between April and July (Figure 61; Natsukari, 1976; Furuta,
1980; Aramaki et al., 2003; Kawano, 2006; Ueda, 2009). In
the East China Sea, a large spawning ground exists in the
inshore waters off northern Taiwan, with spawning occurring
in spring and autumn (Wang et al., 2008). The concurrent
occurrence of male and female squid, and the spring and
autumn presence of juveniles (20 mm ML), on the shelf edge
in the northern East China Sea, suggests spawning also occurs
here (Yamada and Tokimura, 1994). Distribution and Lifecycle. Both immature and
mature U. edulis are distributed over the continental shelf
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(Natsukari and Tashiro, 1991), although seasonal migrations
occur in the southwestern Sea of Japan and the waters off
northwestern Kyushu (Tashiro, 1977; Kawano et al., 1990).
The migration routes of the seasonal groups are hypothesized
as follows (Kawano et al., 1990): the spring migrating group
spawns in neritic seas whilst moving northward from waters
off the southern Goto Islands, west of northern Kyushu. The
summer migrating group migrates into offshore waters of
northern Kyushu from offshore waters of northwestern
Kyushu, and spawns after maturing while searching for food.
The autumn migrating group moves southward from the southwestern Sea of Japan to waters off northwestern Kyushu from
September to December. Another autumn group migrates
from the waters around Goto Islands to the coastal waters off
northwestern Kyushu. U. edulis is distributed over the East
China Sea, especially in the southern area, throughout the
year, with distribution expanding northeastward in summer
and concentrating into the southern area in winter (Tokimura,
1992). The maximum number of statoliths growth rings (350)
indicates a lifespan of c.a. one year (Natsukari et al., 1988). Fishing Grounds and Seasons. During the 1970s
and early 1980s, the small boat jigging fishery operated in the
coastal areas (20–50 m depth) in the southwestern Sea of
Japan and waters off northwestern Kyushu between April and
May (Furuta, 1978a; Ogawa et al., 1983; Kawano, 1987).
Since 1982, when “Tarunagashi” jigging (a kind of bottom
drifting long line fishing, Kawano et al., 1990) was introduced; fishing occurred on natural reefs (<100 m depth) in the
waters off northern Kyushu and off Yamaguchi Prefecture, in
spring and winter (Takahashi and Furuta, 1988; Akimoto,
1992; Kawano and Saitoh, 2004). The main fishing ground
moved gradually offshore to 70–120 m depth from summer to
autumn (Furuta, 1978a; Ogawa et al., 1983; Kawano, 1987;
Kawano, 2013).
During the 1970s, the jigging fishery grounds occurred at
water temperatures of 18–24 C and salinities of 34.1–34.7%
(Furuta, 1976). After the introduction of “Tarunagashi” jigging, fishing grounds were found to be at temperatures
between 13 and 24 C and salinities of 33.4–34.8% in winter
(Takahashi and Furuta, 1988). The formation of fishing
grounds is related to not only sea temperatures and salinity but
also the distribution of prey for the squid; and fishing grounds
coincide with distributions of pelagic fish schools (Moriwaki
and Ogawa, 1986). However, the distribution of spawning
groups can differ from that of fish schools (Kawano et al.,
1990). Small squid (100–200 mm ML) are jigged all year
round. Larger squid (> 250 mm ML) are fished in waters off
northwestern Kyushu between spring and autumn, and in
waters off northern Kyushu and the southwestern Sea of Japan
between spring and summer (Furuta, 1978b; Yamada et al.,
1983). Since 1991, the medium-size boat squid jigging fishery
began to fish the squid in the East China Sea and expanded the
fishing grounds in the southern areas (Yoda and Fukuwaka,
Figure 62. Value of annual catches of Uroteuthis edulis from six prefectures
located along the southwestern Sea of Japan and northwestern Kyushu shown
in Figure 53. (Data are estimated values by each prefectural fisheries research
East of 128 30’E, offshore pair trawl fishery CPUE (catch in
case per haul) is high from the eastern Tsushima Straits to
waters off the southern Tsushima Island, with these high
CPUE areas tending to be inshore in spring and offshore in
autumn (Ogawa and Yamada, 1983; Kawano, 1997). Bottom
conditions in the high CPUE areas are generally 13–15 C and
34.50–34.70% in March, 10–15 C and 34.25–34.75% in May
and August, and 13–19 C and 34.25–34.70% in November
(Kawano, 1997). Many small squid (<200 mm ML) are
caught year round by the offshore pair trawl fishery (except
for the fishing-closed period during June and July) (Kawano,
1991). Smaller squid (90–150 mm ML) account for a large
portion of the catches between August and October, and the
size of squid increases gradually from November to March,
with the majority having a ML of 70–200 mm (Kawano,
The Japanese western pair trawl fishery in the East China
Sea, west of 128 30’E, begins its fishing in the southern East
China Sea over the continental shelf in May. Its fishing
grounds expand toward Kyushu in summer and begin to shrink
from the northern area in autumn (Yamada and Tokimura,
1994). Apart from U. edulis, the fishery changes its targets in
October. MLs of U. edulis caught by trawl nets are generally
small in autumn and winter and large in summer (Furuta,
1978b). Economic importance. The value of annual catches
from six prefectures located along the southwestern Sea of
Japan and northwestern Kyushu were 8.2–11.9 billion yen
from 2001 to 2010 (Figure 62). U. edulis is highly important
in the local fishing industry as the catch value is one of the
highest of marine products in each of the prefectures, and
many fishermen are involved in fishing for squid. Composition and numbers of Japanese fishing
fleet. Most of squid jigging boats targeting U. edulis are less
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2006 (Figure 63). Fishermen operate two to four rigs consisting of several jigs tied to a nylon line (Natsukari and
Tashiro, 1991). Operating “Tarunagashi” jigging in spring
and winter, fishermen float 10–20 buoys with the rigs. The
catches of the squid by fishing boats (>5 GRT) equipped
with automatic squid-jigging machines have dramatically
increased in the southwestern Sea of Japan since the end
of the 1990s (Kawano, 2013). The number of medium-size
squid jigging boats (30 GRT) operating in the East China
Sea decreased from 18 in 2001 to 3 in 2011 (Yoda and
Fukuwaka, 2013).
The number of fishing vessels in the offshore pair trawl
fishery operating in the southwestern Sea of Japan, and western trawl fisheries operating in the East China Sea, decreased
from 59 and 131 in 1988 to 28 and 25 in 2000, respectively
(Figure 63).
Figure 63. Annual number of fishing units of small-size boat jigging fishery
in the six prefectures located along the southwestern Sea of Japan and northwestern Kyushu shown in Figure 53 and trawl fisheries operating in the southwestern Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. (Annual Report of Catch
statistics of Fishery and Aquaculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries, 1988–2006.)
than 10 t, with the majority being less than 5 t (Kawano et al.,
1990). The number of fishing vessels in the six prefectures
located along the southwestern Sea of Japan and northwestern
Kyushu decreased from 11,851 boats in 1989 to 7082 boats in Duration of fishing period by fishing region. Squid
jigging begins in March or April in waters off northwestern
Kyushu, around Goto Islands, with the arrival of the spring
migrating group. The fishing grounds expand along the
coastal areas between May and August, and from September
to December, the autumn migrating group is fished in waters
off northern Kyushu (Furuta, 1978c). In the southwestern
Sea of Japan, the fishing season is also from April to December, with catches increasing around May and peaking in early
summer or autumn, before decreasing in December (Figure 64; Ogawa et al., 1982). “Tarunagashi” jigging catches
more squid in the waters off northern Kyushu in spring and
winter compared to other jigging fisheries (Kawano, 1997).
Catches peak in spring and summer in waters off northwestern Kyushu and in autumn in the southwestern Sea of Japan
(Figure 64; Kawano, 1997). However, the peak in catch
varies concurrently with long-term alternations of dominant
Figure 64. Monthly catches of Uroteuthis edulis by fisheries operating in the southwestern Sea of Japan and the East China Sea in 2011. (Data were compiled
from Yoda and Fukuwaka, 2013.) Catches by small-size boat jigging fisheries are from the catches at representative fishing ports.
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species in pelagic fishes in the southwestern Sea of Japan
(Ogawa, 1982; Moriwaki and Ogawa, 1986). The fishing season of the medium-size boat squid jigging fishery in the
southern East China Sea is from June to October (Figure 64;
Yoda and Fukuwaka, 2013).
The offshore pair trawl fishery in the southwestern Sea
of Japan catches U. edulis throughout the year (except for
during the June-July closed season) with a major peak in
catch in autumn and a minor peak in spring (Figure 64;
Moriwaki, 1986). Catches of U. edulis by western trawl
fisheries in the East China Sea operating all year round
were high in summer and autumn, especially in August, in
the 1960s (Furuta, 1978c). However, the fisheries have
been closed in summer since 2004 (Figure 64; Yoda and
Fukuwaka, 2013). Catch and effort data of Japanese fisheries. Total
squid catches from the southwestern Sea of Japan to the East
China Sea decreased from 35,000 t in 1988 to 11,000 t in 2011
(Figure 65; Yoda and Fukuwaka, 2013). In the southwestern
Sea of Japan and in waters off northwestern Kyushu, the
catches decreased from about 24,000 t in 1988 to 11,000 t in
2011. In the southern East China Sea, catches significantly
dropped from 11,000 t in 1988 to about 170 t in 2011 (Yoda
and Fukuwaka, 2013).
Fishing effort targeting squid has decreased continuously
since the late 1980s: The number of fishing days of smallsize squid jigging boats (<10 GRT) in the six prefectures
located along the southwestern Sea of Japan and northwestern
Kyushu gradually decreased from 725,000 days in 1988 to
356,000 days in 2006 (Figure 66). That of medium-size squid
jigging boats in the southern East China Sea also decreased
(Figure 66; Yoda and Fukuwaka, 2013), and the total number
of hauls by trawlers in the southwestern Sea of Japan and
the East China Sea decreased markedly from 1988 to 2011
(Figure 66; Yoda and Fukuwaka, 2013).
Figure 65. Annual catches of Uroteuthis edulis by fisheries operating in the
southwestern Sea of Japan and the East China Sea (after Yoda and Fukuwaka,
Figure 66. Annual fishing days by squid jigging fisheries and number of
hauls by trawl fisheries operating in the southwestern Sea of Japan and
the East China Sea. (Data were compiled from Yoda and Fukuwaka,
2013 except for the fishing days by small-size boat jigging fishery which
were from Annual Report of Catch statistics of Fishery and Aquaculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 1988–2006.) Stock assessment and management. The exploitation rate was generally under 10% and the resource was not
being overfished in the southwestern Sea of Japan in the 1980s
(Kawano et al., 1986); therefore, fishing impact on the
resource of U. edulis was small and management measures
were not planned at that time.
Hamada (1998) estimated%SPR (percentage of spawningbiomass per recruitment) of the spring/summer-hatched
group and the winter-hatched group as 50% and 55%,
respectively, based on a cohort analysis of U. edulis in
waters off northern Kyushu during the 1990s, and recommended one day of fishing closure per week to improve%SPR for both groups. Hamada and Uchida (1998)
proposed: (1) conservation of the eggs (protected areas and
periods in the spawning grounds), (2) reduction of fishing
effort (one closed day per week), and (3) restriction of squid
size and spawning stages in the catch.
Recently, stock assessment of U. edulis in the Sea of Japan
and the East China Sea has been conducted by the Japanese
government based on trends of catches by trawls and squid jigging fisheries, and an immigration abundance index of U.
edulis estimated following Kitahara and Hara (1990). The
assessment showed that the stock of U. edulis constantly
remains at a low level (Yoda and Fukuwaka, 2013). The
assessment suggested that the catch should be managed so as
to be lower than the ABC (allowable biological catch) and that
management effort should be required not only by Japan but
also by countries which harvest the stock in the East China
Sea, in order for the stock to recover (Yoda and Fukuwaka,
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12.3.2. Chinese Fisheries Stock identification. Spring and autumn spawning
groups are separated based on spawning seasons (Wang et al.,
2008, 2010).
Downloaded by [University of Kiel] at 03:24 25 June 2015 Distribution and lifecycle. The swordtip squid is a
large-sized loliginid squid widely distributed in the continental
shelf waters from northern South China to northern China
(Roper et al., 1984). The squid spawn all year round (Wang,
2002; Wang et al., 2008), and the longevity is no more than
one year (Natsukari et al., 1988). Females mature at about 5
months, which is about 2 months later than males (Wang et al.,
2010). The size at first maturity of mature males was about
120 mm in spring and 170 mm in autumn groups, while that
of mature females was about 165 mm in spring and 185 mm
in autumn groups (Wang et al., 2010). Fishing grounds. The suitable temperature for fishing ranges from 15 to 28 C and salinity from 29.0 to 34.5. The
fisheries have developed in three main areas in the East China
Sea, viz., the southern, central and northern parts, and two main
regions in the South China Sea viz. the southern part of Hainan
Island, and the central-southern part of Beibu Gulf (Chen et al.,
2013b). Liao et al. (2006) suggested that the fishing grounds
were generally located in the area between 25 and 29 N, 121 and
126 E, where the water depths range from 100 to 200 m. Economic importance. The annual economic value
of the swordtip squid has been more than $20 million for the
past 10 years in Taiwan, while separate statistics were not
reported for the Chinese mainland (Wang et al., 2008). Duration of fishing period by fishing region. In the
southern part of the East China Sea, the fishing season is from
May to October with a peak from June to August. In the central
regions of the East China Sea, the fishing season is from July to
October with a peak from July to August. For the southern part of
Hainan Island, fishing occurs year round with peaks in spring and
summer. In the central-southern Beibu Gulf, fishing also occurs
year round but with peaks in spring, summer, and autumn. Catch and effort data. The swordtip squid is the
most important coastal fishery species, being fished mainly by
the torch-light fishery in Taiwan and by the trawl fishery on the
southeast coast of China, and with annual landings of more than
20,000 t (Chyn et al., 1998; Song et al., 2008; Chen et al.,
2013b). In the Beibu Gulf, previous survey data showed that the
average CPUEs were 0.36, 3.55, and 2.80 kg/hr in 1997–1999,
2000–2002, and 2007, respectively (Sun et al., 2011). From 2000
to 2002, the highest CPUEs were up to 9.64, 15.50, and 15.15 kg/
h in the northern South China Sea, Beibu Gulf and southern
Hainan Island, and the eastern Hainan Island, respectively (Li
et al., 2010). In the area west of 25 30’N and 33 30’N, 128 00’E
of the East China Sea, the average CPUEs were 8.2 and 4.2 kg/h
in 1994–1996 and 2004–2006, respectively (Song et al., 2008).
In China, the catch of swordtip squid were generally recorded
together with Mitre squid and the total catch fluctuated between
100,000 and 200,000 tones since 1996. Stock assessment and management. Fishing is forbidden in the spawning grounds during the breeding period.
There is a need to explore light-lure fishing instead of the traditional trawl fishery.
12.4. Uroteuthis chinensis (Mitre Squid)
12.4.1 Stock Identification
Spring and autumn spawning groups are separated based on
spawning seasons (Chen et al., 2013b).
12.4.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
The Mitre squid is widely distributed in the South and East
China Seas from Japan, Gulf of Thailand, Arafura, and Timor
Seas to northern Australia in the western Pacific Ocean (Roper
et al., 1984). Spawning occurs throughout the year (Roper
et al., 1984). The Mitre squid has a longevity of no more than
7 months (Jackson and Choat, 1992; Sukramongkol et al.,
2007). The size range of the mature females is smaller than
that of mature males. In the Andaman Sea of Thailand, the age
of mature squid ranges from 87 to 125 days (121–286 mm
ML) for males and 75–151 days (104–235 mm ML) for
females (Sukramongkol et al., 2007).
12.4.3. Fishing Grounds
The suitable temperature for fishing is from 21 to 29 C and
suitable salinity is from 32.0 to 34.5%. The fisheries have developed in three main areas in the South China Sea: the waters
around the southern part of the Hainan Island, the southwest part
of Beibu Gulf, and the Taiwan shoal (Chen et al., 2013b).
12.4.4. Economic Importance
The fishery accounts for up to 90% of the Chinese loliginid
catch (Chen et al., 2013b).
12.4.5. Duration of Fishing Period by Fishing Region
Around the southern part of the Hainan Island, the fishing
season is from April to September with a peak from July to
September. In the southwest part of Beibu Gulf, the fishing
season is from April to January with a peak from July to
September. In the Taiwan shoal, fishing occurs from April
to September with a peak from July to September.
12.4.6. Catch and Effort Data
The Mitre squid is the most targeted species in the Chinese
loliginid fishery with a maximum catch of 100,000 t (Chen et al.,
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12.5.5. Catch and Effort Data
During 2006–2007, in the waters off southern Zhejiang
province, the CPUE was from 0.65 to 7.05 kg/h (Chen et al.,
2013b). In recent years, the average catch was around 50,000 t
(Figure 67).
12.6. Taiwanese Loliginids
12.6.1. Species
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Figure 67. Total annual catches of swordtip, mitre, and Indian squid in China
in 1996–2012.
2013b) (Figure 67). In the Taiwan shoal fishing grounds, annual
landings were 20,000–25,000 t (Zhang et al., 2008). In the Beibu
Gulf, the CPUE ranged from 0.07 to 1.91 kg/h, 1.07 to 5.51 kg/h,
and 2.08 to 3.49 kg/h in 1997–1999, 2000–2002, and 2006–
2007, respectively (Li and Sun, 2011).
12.4.7. Stock Assessment and Management
Fishing is banned in the spawning grounds during the
breeding period.
There are at least nine species of loliginid squids that have
been identified around Taiwan: four species in the genus Lilolus, one species in the genus Sepioteuthis and four species in
the genus Uroteuthis. S. lessoniana is targeted by the recreational fishery (angling) in the coastal waters of North Taiwan
from August to March, and occasionally found in the harvest
of commercial fisheries (trawlers).
12.6.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
Uroteuthis edulis are predominant in the south East China
Sea, while U. chinensis and U. duvaucelii are predominant in
Taiwan Strait.
12.6.3. Population Structure
12.5. Uroteuthis duvaucelii (Indian Squid)
12.5.1. Stock Identification
Spring, summer, and autumn spawning groups are separated based on spawning seasons (Chen et al., 2013b).
12.5.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
The Indian squid is widely distributed in the Indian Ocean
periphery including the Red Sea and Arabian Sea, extending
eastward from Mozambique to the South China Sea and Philippines Sea, northward to Taiwan (Roper et al., 1984). Spawning of the squid occurs throughout the year, but usually peaks
when water temperature increases (Roper et al., 1984). The
squid longevity is no more than 1 year (Supongpan and Natsukari, 1996; Sukramongkol et al., 2007). The size range of
mature females is smaller than that of mature males.
12.5.3. Fishing Grounds
The fisheries have developed in two main areas of China,
namely, the northern South China Sea and the waters off Zhejiang province (Chen et al., 2013b).
12.5.4. Duration of Fishing Period by Fishing Region
In the northern South China Sea, fishing occurs throughout
the year with peaks in autumn. Off the Zhejiang province, fishing occurs throughout the year with peaks in summer.
Based on maturation and growth parameters, the spawning
grounds of U. edulis are thought to be around three isles off
north Taiwan (Wang et al., 2008). Based on statolith microstructure analysis, hatching may occur year round, peaking in
spring (March–April) and autumn (October–November)
(Wang et al., 2010). The lifespan of U. edulis was estimated to
be at least 9 months.
12.6.4. Fisheries Status
The annual production of neritic squid (loliginid squid)
from Taiwan ranged from 1900 t (in 1968) to 20,000 t (in
1998) between 1959 and 2011. The average annual production
was 9400 t, which accounted for 78.4% of the domestic cephalopod fisheries in Taiwan for the last two decades (Figure 68).
The annual production of neritic squid reached a historic high
(20,000 t) in 1998 and then declined thereafter. Loliginid
squids are harvested by a torch-light net fishery (accounting
for 62.1% of domestic neritic squid production), and secondly
by a trawl fishery (accounting for 32.9%). The contribution to
total catch of the torch-light net fishery showed a decrease in
recent years (Figure 69).
12.6.5. Fishing Grounds and Seasons
The fishing grounds are located on the shelf of the East
China Sea with isopleths at 100–200 m and range from 25 to
28 N and 121 to 126 E. Seasonal movement of the fishing
vessels was applied to infer the migration of the squid in this
region (Liao et al., 2006). The fishing season of the torch-light
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net fishery is between April and November, and particularly
between July and September.
12.6.6. Conservation Management Measures
Although the fishing vessels need a legal license to operate
in the waters around Taiwan, no conservation management
measures are currently adopted for the squid fishery. However,
at least two scientific projects were carried out since 2010 to
examine the species and stock status of loliginids off North
Taiwan and in the northern Taiwan Strait. The reference points
for management will be determined in the near future based on
the results from these studies.
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12.7. Berryteuthis magister (Schoolmaster Gonate Squid)
Berryteuthis magister (Berry, 1913) is also known as
schoolmaster gonate squid, magistrate armhook squid, commander squid, or red squid. B. magister belongs to the family
Gonatidae (Nesis, 1982). This is the only species of the gonate
squids in the North Pacific which is fished commercially both
as a target species and as a bycatch by demersal and bottom
trawl fisheries (Osako and Murata, 1983; Fedorets, 2006; Ormseth, 2012). This squid species is widely distributed in the
boreal North Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas (Naito et al.,
1977; Nesis, 1998).
12.7.1. Stock Identification
Various stock identification approaches have been applied to
reveal stock composition of B. magister across the species range.
Extensive population structure studies of B. magister using biochemical genetic techniques have revealed geographically related
patterns within the species gene pool (Katugin, 1999, 2002). Similar geographic patterns were revealed using morphometric analysis of B. magister gladius (Katugin et al., 2004). These studies
along with the analyses of size-at-maturity data and distribution
of different ontogenetic stages in B. magister suggested that there
presumably exist geographical superpopulations associated with
major basins in the North Pacific: the Japan, Okhotsk and Bering
Seas, and Gulf of Alaska. The Japan Sea squid differ most strikingly from the others and constitute a separate subspecies; conspecific populations inhabiting other areas are much closer to
each other than to their counterparts from the Japan Sea in genetic
composition, biology and morphology. A multi-disciplinary
approach has revealed that squid populations from the Okhotsk
Sea show certain differentiation from the northwestern Bering
Sea squid; however, these squid have much in common in lifecycle patterns and differ from the Northeast Pacific stocks at least
in size-at-maturity profiles (Katugin et al., 2013). A number of
studies suggested a rather complicated stock structure for B. magister inhabiting the Northwest Pacific. The existence of two major
successive spawning groupings, or cohorts (spring-summer and
autumn-winter) were proposed to comprise B. magister aggregations off the Kuril Islands and in the western Bering Sea based
Figure 68. Production of total domestic cephalopod fishery, neritic squids,
cuttlefishes, octopus, and oceanic squids of Taiwan from 1959 to 2011.
mainly upon long-term observations on monthly changes in sizeand-maturity composition of the squid catches (Fedorets et al.,
1997a, b; Fedorets, 2006). More detailed analysis using data on
length-frequency, maturation, and age structure (based upon
microstructure of gladii and statoliths) has revealed the existence
of several seasonal groups in B. magister aggregations inhabiting
the northwestern Bering Sea slope (Arkhipkin et al., 1996). In the
southeastern Bering Sea, along the Aleutian Islands and in the
Gulf of Alaska, aggregations of B. magister also exhibit a rather
complex structure with successive seasonal cohorts, judging
from size structure of the squid in trawl catches (Ormseth, 2012;
Katugin et al., 2013).
12.7.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
The distribution range of B. magister extends along the continental slope of the North Pacific Rim: in the Japan, Okhotsk,
Figure 69. Production of total domestic neritic squid fishery, as separated by
torch-light net fishery and trawl fishery, of Taiwan from 1959 to 2011.
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and Bering seas, including underwater rises (Jamato, Kitajamato, and Oki in the Japan Sea; Shirshov and Bowers ridges in
the Bering Sea), in the North Pacific Ocean off the northeast
coast of Honshu and east Hokkaido, along the Kuril Islands and
east Kamchatka, along the Commander-Aleutian chain of
islands, in the Gulf of Alaska and further southeast to waters
off California (Nesis, 1998). This is a boreal demersal species
living within a wide depth range from the lower sublittoral
zone down to the bathyal (mostly upper-bathyal) zone (Nesis,
1985), and is considered quasibenthic in its life mode, which
means that its lifecycle is associated with the bottom (Okutani,
1988). Bathymetric distribution of B. magister is very characteristic: the densest concentrations of adult individuals are
found on the slope predominantly within 300–500 m depth in
most areas of the squid occurrence (Nesis, 1998). Squid frequently occur within the core of the warm intermediate layer
where water temperature is about 3.5–3.9 C in the northwestern
Pacific Ocean, Okhotsk, and Bering Seas (Fedorets, 1983, 2006;
Arkhipkin et al., 1996), and live in generally much colder conditions at about 0–1.5 C in the Japan Sea (Railko, 1979).
There is no shortage of information on distribution and
biology of B. magister micronektonic juveniles through
spawning adults. However, reports on B. magister egg-masses
are still to be verified, and data on the earliest ontogenetic
stages are scanty, which strongly hampers the understanding
of the species lifecycle. Some authors suggest that squid paralarvae live in the epipelagic plankton community for several
months and are therefore susceptible to wide dispersal over
vast geographic areas (Kubodera, 1982; Fedorets, 2006). However, in spite of high abundance of juveniles and adults, paralarvae of B. magister occur extremely rarely, and the most
reliable information suggests that they occur primarily in deep
water (e.g., Okutani, 1988). It was proposed that functional
structure of the species range can be associated with the largescale gyres in the North Pacific, which serve as major external
factors influencing the observed population structure and life
history patterns (Katugin, 1998; Alexeev, 2012). A modified
version of the species lifecycle, based on critically analyzed
data on distribution and occurrence of different ontogenetic
stages, suggests that passive dispersal of newly hatched squid
is rather limited, and squid are demersal during the greater
part of their life, foraging in the pelagic zone mainly as juveniles and living primarily near the bottom as adults (Katugin
et al., 2013).
12.7.3. Fishing Grounds and Seasons
Fisheries for B. magister takes into consideration the existing knowledge on the species distribution and lifecycle, and in
different areas, is based upon aggregations of large adult individuals at different stages of maturity. Areas where B. magister has been historically harvested by commercial trawlers are
scattered all over the extended geographic range of the species,
and include underwater rises in the central and continental
slope in the northwestern Japan Sea, Pacific Ocean along the
Figure 70. Distribution density (tons per square km) of Berryteuthis magister in areas where commercial fishery takes place: (A) northwestern Bering
Sea and (B) Pacific Ocean off the Kuril Islands.
Kuril Chain and east Kamchatka, western and southeastern
Bering Sea, continental slope around the Commander and
Aleutian islands, and the Gulf of Alaska. However, today
major fishing areas for this species are located within the Russian EEZ in the northwestern Pacific Ocean off the Kuril
Islands and southeast Kamchatka, and in the northwestern
Bering Sea (Figure 70). Maximum distribution density of
B. magister calculated from bottom trawl catches appeared the
highest on the underwater plateau off the north Kuril Islands,
of about 1,300 t per square km. Off the Simushir and Urup
islands maximum distribution density peaked at 810–855, on
the bank between Bering and Mednyi islands at 690, and in
the western Bering Sea at about 560 t per square km.
Size and maturity features of B. magister in the harvested
commercial aggregations vary in different fishery areas. In the
western Bering Sea, where there is no direct fishery for
B. magister and squid are taken mostly as a bycatch during
fishing for groundfish and walleye pollock, aggregations are
usually comprised primarily of large maturing, fully mature,
and prespawning individuals. In that region, about 60% of captured females ranged from 240 to 270 mm ML, and 70% of
males had ML of 200–230 mm, and up to 70% of all animals
were at advanced maturity stages (IV and V). On the banks
close to the Commander Islands, where trawlers intentionally
fished for B. magister close to the spawning grounds, about
70% of captured females had ML ranging from 230–270 mm,
and up to 90% of males had ML of 200–270 mm; over half of
harvested females and about 80% of males were at advanced
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Figure 71. Annual catch for Berryteuthis magister in the northwestern Pacific
Ocean fishing grounds, and oscillations of the Aleutian Low index (NPIa).
maturity stages. Occasionally up to 100% of harvested squid
were prespawning (stage IV) and spawning (stage V), and
spent individuals (stage VI) sometimes comprised 20–30% of
commercial catches (Fedorets et al., 1997b). In the Pacific
Ocean off the Kuril Islands, where B. magister is a target species, commercial aggregations of the squid consist mainly of
foraging adult squid, mostly females being at the onset of maturation and males at more advanced stages. In fishing areas off
the north Kuril Islands (Paramushir and Onekotan islands),
about 60% of captured females had ML ranging from 210–
250 mm, and 70% of males had ML of 190–220 mm; about
70% of all females were virtually immature (stage II), while
almost half of all males were maturing and ready to mate
(stages III and higher). Off the central Kuril Islands (Simushir
and Ketoy islands), 60% of captured females ranged from
220–250 mm ML, and 80% of males had ML of 200–
240 mm; about 60% of females were at stage II, and 70% of
males were at stage III and higher. Therefore, commercial harvest for B. magister within the Russian EEZ is based upon
aggregations of adult animals; however, mostly mature and
ready to spawn individuals are captured in the western Bering
Sea and near the Commander Islands, and mostly immature
individuals comprise the bulk of the catch off the Kuril
12.7.4. Catch and Effort Data and Fishing Fleet
In Russia, targeted or specialized fishery for B. magister
dates back to 1977, and during the last three decades, total
annual catch of this squid fluctuated from 9,200 to 90,200 t
with an evident drop in the mid-1990s, followed by a positive
trend and a peak in 2006 (Figure 71). In these years, targeted
fishing for B. magister took place mainly off the north and central Kuril Islands, where total annual catch ranged from 8,600
to 76,630 t, and accounted for 60–99% of the total catch for
this squid in the Russian EEZ. In the ocean off the south Kuril
Figure 72. Seasonal variability in catch for Berryteuthis magister in different
fishing areas (shaded area correspond to the total annual catch in each fishing
Islands and east Kamchatka, and in the western Bering Sea (on
the slope along the Koryak coast and in the Olutorskyi Bay),
the species was harvested as a bycatch in walleye pollock and
bottom-fish fisheries during 1999–2003. However, the beginning of a targeted fishery in these areas in 2004 resulted in a
sharp increase of the annual catch, up to about 13,000 t in the
western Bering Sea in 2010 and off east Kamchatka in 2012.
High-density near-bottom aggregations of B. magister at
spawning grounds on the slope of the banks ocean-ward off
the Commander Islands were harvested in the late 1960s–early
1970s, and occasionally through the early 1990s until closure
was imposed on any fishing operations within the 30-miles
prohibition zone around the islands, which were declared a
state nature reserve. Annual landings of B. magister around
the Commander Islands did not exceed 3000 t.
CPUE for B. magister has been traditionally estimated and
reported by captains of fishing vessels as the catch in t per day
per vessel (CPDV). Large commercial trawlers with gross
capacity exceeding 2500 t account for the greater portion of B.
magister total catch off the Kuril Islands and east Kamchatka
and in the western Bering Sea. For example, from 74% to 89%
(on average, 81.8 § 2.7%) of the total squid catch off the Kuril
Islands came from large fishing trawlers in 2009–2013. For
large gross capacity vessels, CPUE varied within a wide range,
and peaked usually at about 20–30 t CPDV during “high season” in major fishing areas, rising occasionally up to 45–46 t
CPDV (e.g., off the north Kuril Islands in the late summer–
early autumn in 1998 and 1999).
Distribution of daily catch for B. magister in different fishing areas shows that, in the western Bering Sea and off eastern
Kamchatka, squid are harvested mainly during fall, while off
the Kuril Islands, there are two seasons of high catches: early
(usually in the late spring and early summer) and late (usually
in autumn) (Figure 72).
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A number of studies provided explanations for the variability in catch during fishery operations for B. magister. On the
one hand, the observed seasonal changes in the squid catch
(and abundance) are related to such factors as the species lifecycle features and stock structure, in particular, to the existence of successive cohorts. On the other hand, external
factors may also have direct or indirect impacts on the squid
abundance. At the fishing grounds off the Kuril Islands in the
Pacific Ocean, high-density concentrations of the squid were
frequently associated with quasi-stationary mesoscale eddies,
which originated as a result of interaction between large-scale
(geostrophic) currents and local tidal activity coupled with
specific geomorphological structures of the bottom (Railko,
1983; Malyshev and Railko, 1986). Monthly fluctuations in
the character and intensity of daily tidal currents along the
Kuril Chain supposedly influence both density and distribution
depth of the squid commercial aggregations: the densest concentrations are frequently associated with the depth of warm
intermediate layer, and squid usually aggregate at shallower
depths during the highest tides (when daily tidal fluctuations
are up to 1.2 m) and are found notably deeper when tidal
amplitude is low (of about 0.3–0.6 m) (Fedorets et al., 1997a).
Regional changes in atmospheric pressure may also presumably influence the squid distribution by changing the sea level
height and associated intensity of water exchange between the
sea and the ocean through the Kuril passes: low pressure over
the south Okhotsk Sea and high pressure over the oceanic area
off the islands may provide favorable conditions for squid
migrations from the sea through the passes to fishing grounds
in the ocean (Alexeev, 2012). On the decadal scale (1997–
2010), the squid distribution and abundance along the Kuril
Islands were evidently impacted by changes in hydrology
associated with the variability in the atmospheric pressure system over the North Pacific, in particular, with the position and
structure of the Aleutian Low: in warm years, when due to the
position of the Aleutian Low the winter monsoon was relatively weak, the squid catches tended to be higher (Katugin
et al., 2013).
To efficiently identify important variables influencing
catch fluctuations, we used maximum information coefficient (MIC) (Reshef et al., 2011; Speed, 2011). It appeared
that, among an array of climate indices (AOIa, NPIa,
PDOw, PDOs, PDOa, SAI, SI, AI, WPw, and WPsp with
and without time lag) commonly available (http://www., only the Aleutian Low index, or
NPIa (Kalnay et al., 1996) showed relatively strong association with annual B. magister catch off the north Kuril
Islands (MIC D 0.53). However, although during 1980–
2012, increased catches were observed mainly in years with
positive NPIa, and vice versa (Figure 71), only less than
10% of changes in annual catches were due to oscillations
of NPIa, and most of the observed variability in catch was
explained by temporal autocorrelation between catches in
successive years (Katugin et al., 2013, 2014).
12.7.5. Stock-Assessment Methods
Direct survey-based assessment of B. magister biomass in
the major fishery area along the Kuril Islands is impossible
because high-density squid aggregations are located on the
narrow sharp slope and near rough ground in that area. The
method of the so-called “trawl tracks” (Railko, 2005), which
takes into account distribution patterns and behavior of the
species, has been suggested to estimate the squid biomass in
fishing areas off the Kuril Islands. It has been noticed that, during the fishing season, squid density decreased by the end of
each fishing day, and the more vessels trawling for squid, the
quicker the fall of catch per hour trawling. However, by the
new day, when the fishing is resumed after a break for the
night, squid again became numerous on the fishing grounds.
Therefore, to calculate squid biomass, it has been assumed
that, within a given depth range, all squid are taken out during
a day of fishing and new squid migrate from adjacent areas
and totally replenish the harvested aggregation. During 1987–
2012, biomass of B. magister assessed using the “trawl tracks”
approach off the central and northern Kuril Islands, fluctuated
from 77,000 to 284,100 t. However, along the Kuril slope,
tracks for relatively safe bottom trawling are located within a
narrow depth range on the slope, generally between 270 and
450 m, which automatically leads to underestimation of the
real squid biomass in the region. The total area occupied by
trawl paths or tracks, suitable for trawling, account for only 7–
10% of the slope area off the islands, where the squid occur in
large quantities. Therefore, we may assume that biomass
assessments for B. magister off the Kuril Islands are in fact
underestimated. Contrary to that, in the northwestern Bering
Sea, where the continental slope is less rugged (e.g., along the
Koryak coast, Olutorskyi-Navarin region between capes Olutorskyi and Navarin), stock assessments for B. magister, based
on bottom trawl surveys, which almost totally cover the depth
range of squid occurrence, seem to be more realistic. For
example, within a wide area from the Olutorskyi to Anadyr
bays, the squid biomass has been assessed at about 190,000 t
in the autumn of 1998 based on bottom trawl survey (Lapko
et al., 1999).
Seasonal changes in the squid distribution density in the
western Bering Sea have been thoroughly studied during a
experimental fishery by Japanese research bottom trawlers
(Bizikov, 1996). It was shown that in May-June, mean density
distribution of the squid is low, about 200–300 kg/km2; by
August, average density grows to 500 kg/km2 and in aggregations even higher, up to about 2,000 kg/km2. The squid density
grows toward early October, and then decreases. The instantaneous harvested stock of B. magister was estimated to vary
from about 4,500 t in June to about 30,000–60,000 t in October
in different years within the Olutorskyi-Navarin region. Retrospective data for the western Bering Sea (B. magister stock
abundance estimated from research trawl surveys) suggested
that, in the Olutorskyi-Navarin region, autumn biomass was
the highest ever recorded during 1976–1979, about
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350,000–390,000 t (Fedorets and Kozlova, 1986), and
decreased down to about 200,000 t in the 1990s (Fedorets
et al., 1997).
Assessments of B. magister biomass have been used to
set limits for TAC of this species in major fishing areas.
Conventionally, TAC is set at about 45–55% of the total
assessed biomass within each major fishing area (waters off
the Kuril Islands, waters off East Kamchatka, and western
Bering Sea). Such a proportion of TAC from the total
assessed biomass has been historically applied for B. magister taking into consideration similar values usually applied
for short-lived iteroparous animals such as pelagic squid,
for example, T. pacificus (Osako and Murata, 1983), and
other squid species (Au, 1975). Usually, the TAC limit for
B. magister has not been attained in any of the statistical
fishing regions. Annual catch usually accounted for about
75% of the TAC off the north and central Kuril Islands and
50% of the TAC off east Kamchatka only rarely hitting the
limit (e.g., in 2006 off the Kuril Islands), and has been considerably lower, accounting for only 10–12% of the TAC in
the western Bering Sea though showing a positive trend in
recent years (Dudarev et al., 2012). Such a discrepancy
between areas in the use of TAC stems from the fact that,
in the western Bering Sea, B. magister was harvested as a
bycatch up to 2003 and mainly in autumn, and off the Kuril
Islands, squid are fished almost all the year round.
The fact that B. magister is harvested at a relatively low
level (below TAC) does not allow us to apply the concept of
MSY for the management of this species. However, the use of
a production model fairly satisfactorily predicted biomass values, and given that, during the last decade, MSY showed a
slight positive trend, as well as the percent of TAC taken annually, the TAC must be higher than 70,000 t even under a precautionary approach with bias-corrected approximate
confidence limits of 80%.
12.7.6. Economic Importance
The economic importance of B. magister can be estimated from the amount of and wholesale price for food
products that are prepared annually from squid by different
companies fishing for this species in Russia. Time series of
production output and interpolated price for different B.
magister frozen products which are delivered to the wholesale market (e.g., mantle without fins, skinned mantle without fins, arms, etc.) suggest that general production
increases by the end of the year, which is associated with
high squid catches during the autumn season; and though
production output showed a similar intra-annual pattern
every year, the price for products from squid varied among
seasons and years (Figure 73). Beginning from 2009, the
highest profit from selling the squid products on the market
within Russia was made in 2011, reaching almost 4.5 billion
rubles, which roughly equaled 150 million US dollars.
Figure 73. Time series for food production (tons) from Berryteuthis magister
delivered to the Russian whole-sale market and associated income from sales
per unit of production weight (Russian Rubles per kg).
12.8. Thysanoteuthis rhombus (Diamond Squid,
Diamondback Squid)
12.8.1. Stock Identification
Mitochondrial DNA analyses of individuals collected
around Japan (Okinawa, the Sea of Japan, and the Ogasawara
(Bonin) Islands) and from the eastern Pacific near the Galapagos Islands have found no evidence of stock structure either
around Japan or across the Pacific (Kitaura et al., 1998).
12.8.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
Thysanoteuthis rhombus is a cosmopolitan species distributed worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters. In Japan, it
occurs around central and southern Japan at higher latitudes
than in other regions in the world due to its association with
the Tsushima Current, which transports young stages northeastward from southern spawning grounds into the Sea of
Japan (Nishimura, 1966). Catch data and stranding records
suggest it is more abundant along the Sea of Japan coast than
along the Pacific coast.
Spawning in southern Japan appears to occur almost year
round, and more than one microcohort is observed annually in
the Sea of Japan (Miyahara et al., 2006c). Back-calculations
from growth-increment counts in statoliths and catch dates
indicate that individuals in the Sea of Japan hatch from January to September, with a peak in February–March. Spawning
also occurs during summer-autumn in the Sea of Japan (Miyahara et al., 2006a), but individuals that hatch during this period
will encounter reduced temperatures as they grow, which will
slow growth and presumably reduce survival.
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Figure 75. Sequential diagram showing the descent of the taru-nagashi fishing gear. One fisher uses 30–80 sets of gear a day (daytime fishery), which are
set along a north-south line approximately 100 m apart. A standing buoy signals that a squid has been hooked.
Figure 74. Scheme and picture of typical gear used in the taru-nagashi fishery of Thysanoteuthis rhombus in the Sea of Japan. The gear used in the hatanagashi in Okinawa Prefecture is very similar, but has a longer main line
(350–700 m) and more jigs. Also a flag is attached to the floating buoy so that
fishers can find the gear easily in the wide ocean.
The early life stages have characteristics similar to those of
other oceanic squid whose young are passively dispersed
(Miyahara et al., 2006b). Growth rates do not differ significantly between sexes, but the microcohorts in the Sea of Japan
grow at different speeds depending on the time of hatching;
earlier-hatched squid grow faster than later-hatched ones
(Miyahara et al., 2006c). In the Sea of Japan, males mature
from about 470–520 mm ML, and females mature from about
590–610 mm ML (Nazumi, 1975; Takeda and Tanda, 1997,
1998). Analyses of statolith growth increments and catch
length–frequency data suggest its lifespan is about one year
(Miyahara et al., 2006c).
12.8.3. Fishing Grounds
The only country with a major fishery for T. rhombus is
Japan. The main fishing grounds are the Sea of Japan, Okinawa Prefecture, and Kagoshima Prefecture, with most catches
occurring in the Sea of Japan and Okinawa. Fishing trials have
also been promising in the Pacific near the Ogasawara (Bonin)
Islands and Izu Islands (Okutani, 1995b; 1998).
The fishery in the Sea of Japan began in the early 1960s
using baited hooks, and in 1967 vertical long line gear called
“taru-nagashi” with an attached free-floating buoy was developed in Hyogo Prefecture. The gear is now used widely in the
Sea of Japan. It comprises a weighted vertical main line (75–
120 m) attached to one or two jigs (artificial lures) approximately 300 mm in length with two to three rows of stainless
steel hooks (Figure 74 and 75). The other end of the line is
attached to a rectangular, fluorescent-orange buoy (float) that
rests on its side at the surface until an attached jig is grabbed
by a squid, which causes the buoy to stand up and signals to
the fisher that a squid is on the line. The squid is then pulled
either by hand or using a winch to the surface, where it is
gaffed or netted, and brought on board. Since this gear is operated visually, it is primarily a daytime fishery (Figure 76).
The fishing grounds in the Sea of Japan are located in
coastal areas and extend from Shimane to Niigata Prefectures.
Good catches occur where seawater temperatures during late
summer to early winter are >19 C at 50 m and >14–15 C at
100 m (Miyahara et al., 2007a). Most squid in the catches are
300–800 mm ML and weigh 1–20 kg.
In 1989, fishing gear used in the Sea of Japan was introduced in Okinawa Prefecture to target T. rhombus, which was
previously collected as a bycatch in a fishery for purpleback
flying squid (S. oualaniensis) (Kawasaki and Kakuma, 1998).
The gear was adapted to suit oceanographic conditions there.
This improved gear is named “hata-nagashi” (hata means
“flag”). It comprises several jigs attached to a longer main line
(300–750 m) than those used in the Sea of Japan, and the line
is attached to several buoys and a flag at the surface. After it
was introduced, catches increased, and the fishery spread
throughout the prefecture and to Amami Oshima Island
(Kagoshima Prefecture).
MLs of squid caught around Okinawa and Kagoshima Prefectures range from 300 to 900 mm, and most measure 600–
800 mm (Kawasaki and Kakuma, 1998; Ando et al., 2004);
this size is larger than those caught in the Sea of Japan. This
difference is due to the different fishing seasons, growth rates,
and migration routes (Figure 77).
Interest in T. rhombus is growing outside Japan. There is a
small-scale, artisanal fishery in the Dominican Republic (Herrera et al., 2011), and there is interest in developing fisheries
in other areas of the Caribbean (JICA, 2010), the Philippines
(Dickson et al., 2000), New Caledonia (Blanc and Ducrocq,
2012), the Cook Islands (Sokimi, 2013), and Fiji (SPC Coastal
Fisheries Programme, 2014).
12.8.4. Economic Importance
Together with T. pacificus and U. edulis, T. rhombus is one
of the most important species for small-scale coastal squid
fishers in the Sea of Japan, especially in southern areas. The
annual fishery production value of T. rhombus in Hyogo Prefecture in 1998 reached 480 million yen (about US$4.7 million). About 40% of the catch from the Sea of Japan is landed
in Hyogo, thus the overall production in the Sea of Japan was
roughly 1.2 billion yen (about US$11.7 million).
In Okinawa Prefecture, the estimated annual production
during 2001–2010 was in the range of 1–2 billion yen (about
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Figure 76. Photos showing how Thysanoteuthis rhombus is typically fished in Hyogo Prefecture (Sea of Japan). (A) A typical boat used in the fishery. Most
boats are operated by one fisher. (B) A bouy (float) resting on its side, indicating that no squid has grabbed a jig attached to the line. If a squid grabs a jig, the
buoy will stand up. (C) When a fisher spots a standing buoy, the gear is retrieved using a winch and by hand. (D) Buoys on deck. (E) When the squid reaches the
surface, it is gaffed or netted, and brought onboard (F).
US$9.75–19.5 million). T. rhombus has become a core target
species, and catch amounts there are now second only to that
of tuna.
12.8.5. Composition and Numbers of the Fishing Fleet
In the Sea of Japan, fishers use boats smaller than five GRT.
These squid are caught mainly using vertical long lines set by
one to two fishers (usually one) on board privately owned
boats. Licenses are not needed for angling, and the numbers of
fishing boats vary depending on the annual biomass (immigration level) of T. rhombus and other squids, such as T. pacificus
and U. edulis. Fishers also catch T. rhombus in inshore set
In Okinawa Prefecture, most fishers use boats of 5–10 t. In
2011, there were 300–400 boats in the drop-line fishery and 1
boat in the long-line fishery.
12.8.6. Duration of Fishing Period by Fishing Region
Figure 77. Fishing seasons and estimated growths of Thysanoteuthis rhombus in the Sea of Japan and around Okinawa Prefecture. The fishing season in
Okinawa (*) is based on annual instructions from the Okinawa Sea-area Fishery Adjustment Commission. Growths were estimated by substituting hatching
dates of January 1 (J), February 1 (F), March 1 (Mar), April 1 (A), and May 1
(May). Thick curves: growth curves for T. rhombus in the Sea of Japan (Miyahara et al., 2006c). Thin curves: growth curves for those in tropical-subtropical
waters calculated using the logistic formula from Nigmatullin et al. (1995).
In the Sea of Japan, the fishery usually runs from early
August to February, with highest catches occurring in September–November. Squid are transported by the Tsushima Current
from upstream spawning grounds, which are thought to extend
from the southwest Pacific to the East China Sea (Miyahara
et al., 2006c). Immigration into the Sea of Japan through the
Tsushima Strait starts in late spring and continues through
early fall. The fishing period is subject to the amount and timing of this migration. The migrants are mainly postlarvae and
juveniles, which are fished as they grow (Figure 77).
In Okinawa and Kagoshima Prefectures, the fishing season
is regulated. It runs mainly from November to June, with highest catches occurring during February–April.
12.8.7. Catch and Effort Data
The Japanese national government does not publish official
catch data for T. rhombus, but Bower and Miyahara (2005)
reported that the total national catch peaked in 2001 at about
5900 t. Annual catches fluctuate widely in both the Sea of
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The exploitation rates in 1999–2004 were 0.3–0.7, suggesting
that the fishing pressure can be very high. However, the result
of the VPA suggested that fishing pressure was not concentrated in the early fishing season, and growth overfishing was
not observed.
Recruitment into the fishery in the western Sea of Japan
during the peak fishing season (September–November) has
been shown to be positively related to seawater temperatures
600 km upstream in the Tsushima Strait in June, and several
models incorporating environmental indices near the strait
have been shown to accurately predict the annual CPUE in the
fishery (Miyahara et al., 2005). The distribution and abundance of catches are also related to seawater temperatures on
the fishing ground (Miyahara et al., 2007a).
In Okinawa and Kagoshima Prefectures, the stock has not
been assessed, but it is closely managed by administrative
commissions and local governments. Annual official instructions of the Sea-area Fishery Adjustment Commissions regulate the fishing season, number of drop-line gear, number of
jigs (artificial lures) on a long-line, fishing areas, etc.
Nigmatullin and Arkhipkin (1998) estimated the worldwide
biomass of T. rhombus to be at least 1.5–2.5 million t, but the
worldwide standing stock is not known (NOAA et al., 2005).
Figure 78. Annual catches of Thysanoteuthis rhombus in two major fishing
regions in Japan. The Japanese national government publishes no official catch
data for T. rhombus, and the catch amounts are estimated by local research
institutes. Top: Hyogo Prefecture, which generally has the highest catches
among prefectures in the Sea of Japan. Bottom: Okinawa Prefecture, which
composes over approximately half of the national catch.
Japan and Okinawa, but the variance is larger in the Sea of
In the Sea of Japan, the annual abundance is strongly
related to environmental indices (e.g., water temperature) near
the Tsushima Strait, when the stock passes through the strait.
Changes in catch amounts show similar trends among prefectures facing the Sea of Japan. Annual catches during 1990–
2012 in Hyogo Prefecture, which generally has the highest
catches among prefectures in the Sea of Japan, ranged from 10
to 1179 t (Figure 78). The highest annual production in the
Sea of Japan was about 3700 t in 1998.
Catches in Okinawa compose over half of the national
catch, and annual catches during 1990–2012 (caught from
November to the following June) were about 800–2600 t
(Figure 78).
12.8.8. Stock Assessment Management
Miyahara et al. (2007b) assessed the stock of Hyogo Prefecture using the DeLury method (both the standard method
and a modified one taking account of the natural mortality
coefficient (M) as in Rosenberg et al., 1990) and VPA. The
initial stock abundance in Hyogo Prefecture on August 1
ranged from 100,000 to 700,000 individuals, and the estimated
overall abundance in the Sea of Japan in 1999–2004, when M
was 0.05–0.1, was roughly 200,000–2,000,000 individuals.
12.8.9. Conservation Measures and Biological Reference
In the Sea of Japan, the stock structure is strongly affected
by environmental conditions when the squid migrate into the
Sea of Japan. Environmental indices and CPUE have been
found to closely correspond, so numerical models based on
oceanographic conditions have been proposed to forecast
future fishing conditions (Onitsuka et al., 2010). Strict in-season management can help prevent growth overfishing of the
young, and simulation studies suggest that closing the fishery
during the first 10–20 days, when the body size of recruited
squid is small, will have little effect on total catch amounts
due to its fast growth. In 2001, a community-based program to
release small recruits was implemented and resulted in a more
stable market price.
On the other hand, there are no known measures that can
effectively stabilize the catches during the following year.
Extensive tagging studies have found no evidence of a return
spawning migration to the East China Sea (Miyahara et al.,
2008), and spawners in the Sea of Japan have few chances to
produce future recruits under the present oceanographic conditions (null dispersion), so fishing pressure in the Sea of Japan
probably does not affect the future stock size.
In Okinawa Prefecture, more detailed fishery biological
information about, for example, the migration during the offseason and the stock-recruit relationship, is needed to assess
and evaluate the stock. But many management measures have
resulted in efficient utilization of recruits and secure spawners.
Continuous monitoring of exploitation strength in more
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tropical regions is also needed to consider future management
of the fisheries around Japan.
12.9. Watasenia scintillans (Firefly Squid)
12.9.1. Stock Identification
In the Sea of Japan, there is thought to be one stock based
on the extent of the spawning grounds (Nihonkai Hotaruika
Shigen Kenkyu Team, 1991).
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12.9.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
The firefly squid is distributed in the western North Pacific.
Individuals about 70 mm ML are distributed mainly in the Sea
of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk and along the Pacific coast of Japan
(Okutani, 2005). Adults occur near the seafloor at depths of
200 m or more during the day and migrate upward to depths
of 50–100 m at night (Nihonkai Hotaruika Shigen Kenkyu
Team, 1991; Hayashi, 1995b). The lifespan is 12–13 months
for females and 11–12 months for males (Yuuki, 1985; Hayashi, 1995b). Spawning in the Sea of Japan occurs mainly from
April to June when the females aggregate around the 200 m
isobath (shelf break) at the spawning grounds in the eastern
Tsushima Channel, off Oki Island, in Wakasa Bay, and in
Toyama Bay, but eggs are collected throughout the year
(Yuuki, 1985; Nihonkai Hotaruika Shigen Kenkyu Team,
1991; Hayashi, 1995b; Kawano, 2007). In the southwestern
Japan, the main spawning ground forms in Tsushima Current
waters deeper than 130 m depth with salinity 34.2–34.6%
(Kawano, 2007). Mating occurs mainly from January to
March, after which the males die (Yuuki, 1985; Hayashi,
12.9.3. Fishing Grounds
In the Sea of Japan, there are two main fishing grounds,
which correspond with the spawning grounds: Toyama Bay
(Toyama Prefecture) and the southwestern Sea of Japan. In
Toyama Bay, W. scintillans is caught in fixed nets set around
and near the shelf break in the innermost part of the bay (Figure 79), where the shelf is narrow and the break runs near the
coast. The catches comprise mostly mature females, which
migrate to spawn. Uchiyama et al. (2005) suggested that the
potential and optimum sea temperatures for squid fishing in
Toyama Bay are 9–15 C and 11–13 C, respectively. The
results of multiple regression analyses suggest that potential
indices for forecasting the catch of squid entering the bay from
spring include water temperature, salinity and predation pressure (Nishida et al., 1998).
In the southwestern Sea of Japan, W. scintillans is caught in
bottom trawls towed at 200–230 m bottom depth, and good
catches occur where the 200 m isobath runs close to Japan
(mainland and/or islands) such as off Mishima Island (Yamaguchi Prefecture), off Hamada (Shimane Prefecture), east of
Figure 79. Locations of fixed nets used to fish Watasenia scintillans (shaded
areas) in the innermost part of Toyama Bay, Japan.
Oki Island (Shimane Prefecture), off Tajima (Hyogo and Tottori Prefecture), and off Wakasa Bay (Kyoto and Fukui Prefectures, Figure 80). Fishing grounds form due to factors such as
bathymetric features, the upwelling of bottom cold water
related to Japan Sea Intermediate Water (Senjyu, 1999) and/or
Japan Sea Proper Water (Uda, 1934), and vertical diffusion of
warm surface waters derived from the Tsushima Current.
Catches early in the fishing season (through February) comprise mostly males, but during the peak fishing season
(March–May), the catches comprise mostly mature females of
50–60 mm ML, which migrate nearshore to copulate and
spawn. MLs of squid caught in the southwestern Sea of Japan
are slightly smaller than those caught in Toyama Bay in the
same period (Nihonkai Hotaruika Shigen Kenkyu Team,
12.9.4. Economic Importance
In Toyama Prefecture, W. scintillans is marketed fresh or
live, and served mainly either raw (mantle and arms) or boiled
Figure 80. Main Watasenia scintillans fishing grounds by bottom trawl fisheries in the southwestern Sea of Japan.
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Figure 81. Design of a typical fixed net used to fish Watasenia scintillans in
Toyama Bay.
(whole). The annual catch value of W. scintillans in Toyama
Prefecture during 1985–1990 was 0.5–1.6 billion yen (about
US$ 4.9–15.8 million at May 2013 exchange rate), which was
4–11% of the total annual value of the fishery in Toyama Prefecture (Hayashi, 1995b). In recent years, the annual catch
value in Toyama Prefecture has been about 1 billion yen
(about US$ 9.9 million at May 2013 exchange rate)
(Uchiyama et al., 2005).
The firefly squid is also an important tourist attraction.
Many people enjoy watching the bioluminescent flashing of
squid caught by fixed nets in the early morning and of squid
that wash ashore. Part of Toyama Bay has been designated by
the Japanese government as a special natural monument called
“Hotaru-ika Gunyu Kaimen,” meaning “sea surface” where
W. scintillans schools.
In the southwestern Sea of Japan, W. scintillans is now one
of the most important target species for bottom trawlers.
Recent annual catch values of W. scintillans have been about
1.1 billion yen (about US$ 10.8 million at May 2013 exchange
rate), which accounts for about 6% of annual total catch value
from bottom trawls (mean in 2010–2012, from Tottori to Ishikawa Prefecture). In the peak fishing season (March–May), W.
scintillans composes 21% of the total catch value from the bottom trawls. In Hyogo Prefecture, where most of the catch in
the southern Sea of Japan is landed, 96% of bottom trawlers
target W. scintillans in April. During this month, W. scintillans
composes 57% of the total catch amount and 54% of the total
catch value.
Figure 82. Annual catches of Watasenia scintillans fished by the fixed nets
in Toyama Bay (Toyama Prefecture) in 1953¡2012 and by the bottom trawls
in the southwestern Sea of Japan in 1984¡2012.
the females returning offshore after spawning inshore (Hayashi, 1995a). Squids that enter the net at night are landed before
daybreak and transported to markets in the morning.
Trawl fisheries for firefly squid in the southwestern Sea of
Japan operate using single seine trawlers of <10–125 t. The
bottom trawls are operated only in daytime when adult squids
are distributed near the seafloor. During 2010–2012, about
40% of bottom trawlers from Tottori to Ishikawa Prefecture
targeted W. scintillans. The trawlers use special trawling gear
to catch W. scintillans effectively and avoid bycatch such as
brittle stars (Ophiura sarsisarsi et al.) and snow crabs (Chionoecetes opilio). The gears consist of large-sized nets with
small meshes (cod-end meshes D around 13 mm) and lightweight ground ropes. The nets are suspended from the ground
rope using vertical ropes or major meshes.
12.9.6. Duration of Fishing Period by Fishing Region
In Toyama Bay, the fishing period for fixed nets lasts from
March to July. Peak catches have usually occurred from late
April to early May (Uchiyama et al., 2005), but in recent
years, catches have occurred earlier (from late February to
early June with a peak in April) (Nanjo unpubl. data).
In the southwestern Sea of Japan, the fishing season for bottom
trawls occurs during January-May, with a peak in March–May.
12.9.5. Composition and Numbers of the Fishing Fleet
Probably, fishing for W. scintillans began as early as 1585
using primitive fixed nets (Inamura 1994), and now it is one of
the most important fisheries in Toyama Prefecture. Recently
46 fixed nets have been used to catch W. scintillans in Toyama
(Nanjo unpubl. data); in the late 1980s, 52–54 fixed nets were
used (Nihonkai Hotaruika Shigen Kenkyu Team, 1991).
Fixed nets used for fishing W. scintillans have a large trap
with a chamber, which has side walls reaching to the surface,
and is closed at the bottom by netting to catch W. scintillans
guided from a funnel-shaped entrance by a long leader net
(Figure 81). The leader net is placed toward the shore to guide
12.9.7. Catch and Effort Data
The annual landings by fixed nets in Toyama Bay during
1953–2012 fluctuated considerably between about 500 and
3900 t, with a mean of about 1900 t (Figure 82).
In the southwestern Sea of Japan, the stock was first
exploited as bycatch in 1984, after which bottom trawlers
began to target the stock (Figure 82). In 1985, the catch
amount in the southwestern Sea of Japan exceeded that of
Toyama Bay. Since 1986, catches have reached 2500–4500 t.
About 130 fishing boats target the squid in this area (mean in
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12.9.8. Stock Assessment and Management
The stock in the Sea of Japan has been assessed using
the DeLury method, scientific echo sounders, and the egg
production method (Nihonkai Hotaruika Shigen Kenkyu
Team, 1991). The most accurate method, the egg production method, which is based on data from the broadest sea
areas in the Sea of Japan, indicated that overall exploitation rates in the Sea of Japan during 1986–1989 were
0.03–0.05. This suggests that the fishing pressure was low
enough to prevent recruitment overfishing (Nihonkai Hotaruika Shigen Kenkyu Team, 1991).
Fishing with fixed nets in Toyama Bay also seems to
prevent recruitment overfishing, because females can
spawn before being caught. The exploitation rates using
fixed nets in the bay between 1986 and 1990 was estimated
to be 0.142–0.222 (Hayashi, 1995b), and the number of
fixed nets has remained stable at around 50 during the last
30 years.
In the southwestern Sea of Japan, fishers in Hyogo Prefecture have used community-based management to limit maximum landing of each boat to 300–400 boxes (2.4–3.2 t)
during the peak fishing season. During June–August, the season is regulated by a ministerial ordinance.
12.9.9. Conservation Measures and Biological Reference
The firefly squid is an important micronektonic species in
the Sea of Japan (Okiyama, 1978). It is an important prey in
the Sea of Japan ecosystem (e.g., as a prey for flathead flounder Hippoglossoides dubius (Uchino et al., 1994)), and management of the stock of this species should consider its niche
in the Sea of Japan ecosystem and potential trophic cascades
that could result following its removal from the ecosystem
(Yamasaki et al., 1981).
12.10. Todarodes pacificus (Japanese Flying Squid)
12.10.1. Distribution and Lifecycle
The Japanese flying squid, T. pacificus, is an ommastrephid
squid with a 1-year lifecycle distributed in the northwest
Pacific including the Sea of Japan (Soeda, 1950; Hamabe and
Shimizu, 1966; Araya, 1967; Okutani, 1977, 1983). T. pacificus spawns year round with a peak during autumn and winter
(Hamabe and Shimizu, 1966; Araya, 1967; Okutani, 1977,
1983; Kasahara, 1978). The distribution range shifts seasonally with changes in water temperature (Soeda, 1950; Araya,
1967; Okutani, 1977, 1983); the northern limit of its range
reaches about 50 N in September and about 40 N in April.
12.10.2. Stock Identification
The Japanese flying squid is divided into three or four
cohorts based on spawning season, of which the autumn and
winter cohorts are the largest in terms of biomass (Araya,
1967; Okutani, 1977, 1983; Osako and Murata, 1983; Kidokoro et al., 2003; Kidokoro, 2009). The autumn cohort spawns
mainly from October to December, and is distributed and
landed primarily in the Sea of Japan (Figure 83). The winter
cohort spawns mainly from January to March, migrates counterclockwise around the Japanese Islands, and is caught primarily in the Pacific Ocean (Figure 83). The catch statistics of
each stock are divided based on differences found in the fishing grounds throughout the seasons using monthly catch statistics (Kidokoro et al., 2003).
Figure 83. Diagrams of the migration routes of Todarodes pacificus autumn cohort and winter cohort (modified from Kidokoro et al. 2010).
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Figure 84. Catch composition of Todarodes pacificus by fishing methods in
Japanese fisheries.
Figure 85. Main fishing grounds and fishing season for Todarodes pacificus
around Japanese waters. In this figure, main fishing methods are also shown in
each fishing ground (modified from Yamashita and Mori. 2009).
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12.10.3. Fishing Grounds
The fishing grounds shift seasonally as T. pacificus
migrates. By June, individuals of the autumn cohort measure
approximately 200 mm ML and begin to be caught by commercial fisheries in the Sea of Japan. In July, the winter cohort
is targeted by commercial fisheries in the Pacific Ocean. The
autumn cohort is fished in the Sea of Japan during June–
December. The winter cohort is fished during July–December
in the Pacific and during January–March in the Sea of Japan.
12.10.4. Composition of Fishing Fleets
The Japanese flying squid is fished using several fishing
methods, but the main method is jigging. There are two categories of jigging vessels: coastal jiggers and offshore jiggers.
Coastal jiggers in Japan are restricted in size to less than 30 t,
and offshore jiggers are restricted to between 30 and 200 t (to
100 t in the 1980s).
The Japanese flying squid is also fished by offshore
trawlers, large and medium-scale purse seiners and set nets,
and the catches by these fisheries has increased since the
1990s (Yamashita and Kaga, 2013). Jiggers caught approximately 90% of the total catch during the 1980s (Figure 84),
but this percentage declined in the early 1990s to approximately 60% since 2000. Ratios of the other methods have
increased, in particular, offshore trawlers, and set nets have
reached approximately 10–20% since the 1990s (Figure 84).
The main fishing methods used differ among regions (Kidokoro et al., 2013; Yamashita and Kaga, 2013). In the Sea of
Japan, T. pacificus is fished mostly by coastal and offshore jiggers (Figure 85). They operate on fishing grounds that are
divided into various geographical regions. Coastal jiggers fish
coastal areas in the Sea of Japan, and offshore jiggers fish the
central part of the Sea of Japan (Figure 85). Catches in coastal
areas are landed fresh, and offshore catches are frozen on
In the Pacific, T. pacificus is taken largely by coastal jiggers, but more than half of the total catch is taken by other fisheries, that is, offshore trawlers, large- and medium-scale purse
seiners, and set nets. In the Sea of Okhotsk and Nemuro Strait,
the northeastern most fishing ground in Japan (Figure 85),
most of the catches are taken by set nets and coastal jiggers,
but annual catches have been changing dramatically.
12.10.5. Economic Importance
The Japanese flying squid is commercially the most important cephalopod species in Japan. Annual landings have totaled
approximately 500 million dollars in value since the mid1970s. They are used not only as fresh foods but also processed foods.
There are many factories that process squid in cities near
the fishing grounds (e.g., Hakodate and Hachinohe). The
annual sales of processed squids are very important for these
cities (e.g., in recent years, annual sales of processed squid in
Hakodate have been approximately 500 million dollars). In
these cities, industries associated with the fishery are important
for generating employment. Therefore, stock size fluctuations
of T. pacificus have greatly affected local communities and
economies in these cities.
12.10.6. Catch Statistics
Trends in catch statistics for the Japanese common squid
are closely related with the development of the fishery as well
as changes in stock size. Before the 1930s, squid were fished
in coastal areas with hand lines and jigs from small boats. In
the 1940s and 1950s, the fishing boats were motorized, and the
fishing grounds expanded offshore. In the 1960s, the number
of fishing vessels with large freezers increased, and in the
1970s, most vessels were equipped with squid jigging
Squid fishing has been conducted in Japan for several hundred years, but reliable catch statistics are available for only
the past 100 years (Figure 86). Total annual landings of Japanese common squid in Japan were less than 200,000 t before
the 1930s and increased in the 1940s with the development of
commercial fisheries. Annual landings were usually 400,000–
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Figure 86. Annual changes in the catches of Todarodes pacificus by Japanese fisheries, which are shown by region (Pacific region, Sea of Japan).
500,000 t during the 1950s and 1960s, but decreased during
the 1970s, and dropped to 100,000 t in the mid-1980s. In the
1990s, landings increased and have rebounded to about
300,000–400,000 t. However, annual landings have decreased
gradually since 2000 (Figure 86).
Annual catches in the Sea of Japan were less than 100,000 t
during the 1950s and 1960s (Figure 86). They rose to
200,000–250,000 t in the early 1970s due to the development
of offshore fisheries (Kasahara, 1978), but declined to 150,000
t during the mid-1970s and the 1980s with the decline of the
stock size of the autumn cohort. Annual catches in the Sea of
Japan increased again in the early 1990s with the rebuilding of
the stock size of the autumn cohort, but have decreased gradually since 2000 and have been approximately 100,000 t in
recent years.
Annual catches in the Pacific were approximately 300,000–
400,000 t during the 1950s and 1960s (Figure 86). They
declined drastically in the early 1970s, and were approximately 10,000–30,000 t during the 1970s and 1980s. This
decline is considered to have been caused by a drastic decline
in the stock size of the winter cohort in the beginning of the
1970s (Murata, 1989). However, annual catches in the Pacific
region increased in the 1990s, and have been approximately
100,000–200,000 t in recent years (Figure 86).
The decline in the stock size of Japanese common squid
during the 1970s and 1980s was considered to have been
caused by excessive fishing effort at that time (Okutani, 1977;
Doi and Kawakami, 1979; Murata, 1989). However, it is now
clear that changing environmental conditions also affects the
stock size (Sakurai et al., 2000; Kidokoro et al., 2003). For
example, expansion of the spawning grounds with the 1989
regime shift (Goto, 2002), which is thought to have been
caused by changing environmental conditions (Sakurai et al.,
2000; Kidokoro 2009), was a cause of the increased stock size.
12.10.7. Changes in CPUE and Fishing Efforts
Changes in the CPUE and fishing efforts for T. pacificus in
Japanese fisheries are shown in the assessment reports on the
fisheries stocks around Japan (Kidokoro et al., 2013;
Figure 87. Annual changes in the CPUEs of coastal jigger and offshore jigger target for Todarodes pacificus. CPUE of coastal jigger is based on the data
of operated in the Pacific region. CPUE of offshore jigger is based on the data
of operated in the Sea of Japan (modified from Kidokoro et al. 2013; Yamashita and Kaga. 2013).
Yamashita and Kaga, 2013). In the Sea of Japan, CPUE (t/vessel/d) of offshore jiggers was usually below 1.0 t/vessel/d in
the 1980s (Figure 87). This has increased since 1989, and has
remained high (2.0–3.0 t/vessel/d) for the past two decades
(Figure 87). In the Pacific, the CPUE of coastal jiggers was
approximately 0.1 ton/vessel/d, until the latter half of the
1980s, but increased to over approximately 1.0 ton/vessel/d
since the 1990s, and has been around 0.7–1.0 t/vessel/d in
recent years (Figure 87).
The stock size of the autumn cohort has been rather large
for two decades (Kidokoro et al., 2013), but annual catches
have been decreasing in the Sea of Japan since the beginning
of the 2000s. This decrease has been due to decreasing fishing
effort. The number of offshore jigger vessels has been decreasing for 30 years (Figure 88). The annual number of operation
days by offshore jiggers in the Sea of Japan was more than
100,000 days during the mid-1980s, but this decreased during
Figure 88. Annual change in the fishing efforts of coastal jigger and offshore
jigger targeted for Todarodes pacificus. Fishing effort of coastal jigger is
shown by the days operated in the Pacific region. Fishing effort of offshore jigger is shown by the days operated in the Sea of Japan (modified from Kidokoro
et al. 2013; Yamashita and Kaga. 2013).
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Figure 89. Annual changes in the quota on Japanese Todarodes pacificus fisheries. TAC is shared into major fisheries in the Japanese management system. In
these figures, annual catches by each fishery are also shown.
the next two decades to approximately 15,000–20,000 days in
the late 2000s (Figure 88).
On the other hand, fishing effort in the Pacific coast
appears to have not decreased. The annual number of operation days by coastal jiggers that landed catches at major
ports in the Pacific, have been stable at 30,000 days since
1990 (Figure 89). These differences in fishing effort by
region are considered to have led to the differences in catch
trends by region observed in the 2000s.
12.10.8. Stock Assessment Methods and Management
Although some Japanese fisheries have been regulated
through licensing systems, practical management has been left
up to the fishermen themselves. The Japanese Fisheries
Agency has managed seven major fisheries stocks since 1997
using the TAC method. T. pacificus was added to the TAC
management plan in 1998. The annual TAC is set by the government through a process that weighs a combination of socioeconomic factors and the ABC recommended by researchers
at the national fisheries research institute. T. pacificus is
assessed as two stocks (autumn cohort and winter cohort), and
an ABC is recommended for each stock, but TAC is set for the
total annual catch using the sum of the two recommended
ABCs. The TAC is shared among the major fisheries (coastal
jiggers, offshore jiggers, offshore trawlers, large and medium
scale purse seiners, and set nets) and regulated separately by
the fisheries, although the ratios of actual landings to TAC differ among fisheries (Figure 89).
The calculations of the Japanese ABCs are modeled after
those used in the United States (Restrepo et al., 1998). ABC
(ABClimit) is calculated from the fishing mortality (Flimit) and
forecasted stock abundance in the target year. The Flimit usually uses BRPs (e.g., Fmsy, Fmed, F0.1: see Caddy and Mahon,
1995) or current fishing mortality when the current stock size
is above a threshold stock size (Blimit). If the current stock size
is below the Blimit, then the Flimit should be set below the BRP
to rebuild the stock to an acceptable level within an appropriate time frame (Restrepo et al., 1998). The BRP used as the Flimit is revised every year using data from recent surveys.
Change in the annual stock size of T. pacificus has been
monitored by surveys conducted by scientific research vessels
with jigging machines at the beginning of the fishing season
since the 1970s (Kidokoro et al., 2013; Yamashita and Kaga,
2013). The density of T. pacificus at each station is estimated
based on the CPUE (the number of individuals caught/squidjigging machine/hr (ind./hr)) of the research vessels, and the
average CPUE is used to calculate the annual stock index
(Kidokoro et al., 2013; Yamashita and Kaga, 2013).
Stock abundance is quantified based on the stock index,
which is assumed to be related to stock abundance. Spawning stock abundance (the number of survivors) is calculated
as survivors after fishing season based on the stock abundance, annual catch and natural mortality, which is
assumed to be 0.6 (Kidokoro et al., 2013; Yamashita and
Kaga, 2013). BRPs are estimated based on the estimated
spawner-recruit relationship. Currently ABC is calculated
based on Fmed (Caddy and Mahon, 1995) and the forecasted stock abundance, which are both estimated from the
spawner-recruit relationship (Figure 90). ABClimit is calculated from Flimit and the forecasted stock abundance, which
is also estimated based on the spawner-recruit relationship.
In this way, the spawner-recruit relationship plays an
important role in the present assessment and management
method for T. pacificus in Japan (Kidokoro et al., 2013;
Yamashita and Kaga, 2013).
In most cephalopod stocks, there is usually no clear relationship between spawning stock abundance and subsequent
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recruitment (Pierce and Guerra, 1994; Basson et al., 1996;
Uozumi, 1998). However, it is well known that spawning stock
abundance of T. pacificus as determined from the paralarval
density shows a clear positive relationship with stock abundance in the following year (Okutani and Watanabe, 1983;
Murata, 1989; Sakurai et al., 2000). This indicates that the
spawner-recruit relationship can be used to estimate the BRP
and to forecast recruitment (Kidokoro et al., 2013; Yamashita
and Kaga, 2013).
For ommastrephid squids, annual variability in oceanographic conditions causes annual variation in recruitment
strength (Dawe et al., 2000; Waluda et al., 2001). Moreover,
decadal or inter-decadal variations or regime shifts also influence the stock status (Sakurai et al., 2000). The stock size and
landings of ommastrephid squids fluctuate widely on decadal
and inter-decadal scales.
The spawner-recruit relationship of T. pacificus is assumed
to change with changing environmental conditions; in particular, decadal or inter-decadal changes are assumed to influence
the stock status and spawner-recruit relationship (Kidokoro
et al., 2013; Yamashita and Kaga, 2013). Therefore, the
parameters used in our spawner-recruit relationship were estimated from data collected since 1990 following an apparent
regime shift (Figure 90), but when the current regime changes,
these parameters should be revised accordingly. However, it is
unclear how changing environmental conditions influence the
stock size of T. pacificus, and it is difficult to predict when the
regime shift might occur.
On the other hand, the results of investigations show that
the spawning grounds (Goto, 2002), migration routes (Nakata,
1993; Kidokoro et al., 2010), and body size (Takayanagi,
1993) all show changes that coincide with changing stock size.
These changes are assumed to be closely connected with
changing environmental conditions (regime shifts) and/or
stock abundance. In particular, the shift in the spawning
grounds may affect the survival rate of paralarvae accounting
for the changing stock size. We need to better understand these
ecological changes and how they affect stock size to allow us
to better forecast future trends in stock abundance.
12.11. Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (Purpleback Flying
12.11.1. Stock Identification
The purpleback flying squid has a complex population
structure comprising three major and two minor forms (see
Section 11.1). Data from the northwest Indian Ocean on ML
composition and maturity stages suggest several other groups
of different sizes may exist in addition to the above forms
(Chen et al., 2007). There is partial overlap in the geographic
ranges of these forms. Three seasonal subpopulations with differing size-maturity relationships have been reported from
Taiwanese waters (Tung, 1976). Roper et al. (2010) suggested
Figure 90. Spawner–recruit relationship in the autumn cohort. There is a significant positive relationship between the number of spawners and recruits in
the following year (modified from Kidokoro et al. 2013).
that the species is in the process of intensive adaptive radiation
and all five forms are species in the nascent state.
12.11.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
The purpleback flying squid is widely distributed in tropical
and subtropical oceanic waters of the Pacific and Indian
Oceans, generally where the bottom depth exceeds 200–
400 m and where the surface temperature ranges from 16 to
32 C (Roper et al., 2010). The distribution is patchy and concentrated in areas of high productivity between 40 N and 40 S
(Snyder, 1998). High-latitude areas are used by migrant squid
as foraging zones, mainly by females (Roper et al., 2010). The
species is abundant (»5 t km¡2) in the northwest Indian Ocean
and South China Sea.
12.11.3. Fishing Grounds
Currently, no large-scale fisheries target this species. The
development of commercial fisheries is impeded for three reasons: (1) its scattered and patchy distribution in the open
ocean; (2) the lack of an effective fishing method; and (3) the
relatively poor quality of the meat compared to other species.
Despite these shortcomings, there are small-scale fisheries in
the South China Sea, near Okinawa and in the Arabian Sea
(Figure 91) using automatic squid jigging, light-attraction falling nets (LAFN) and hand jigging (Chen et al., 2007; Peng
et al., 2010). The fisheries target mainly adults larger than
25 mm ML. The species is also collected as bycatch.
12.11.4. Economic Importance
The purpleback flying squid has increased in importance as
a fishery resource during the last decade as several countries
have been trying to develop fisheries. China recently developed a small-scale fishery in the South China Sea and Arabian
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Figure 91. Locations of small-scale fisheries for Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis in the South China Sea, near Okinawa and in the Arabian Sea using automatic squid
jigging, light-attraction falling nets and hand jigging.
Sea. In 2008, the estimated value of the catch in the South
China Sea was US$ 4 million (Peng et al., 2010). Between
2006 and 2009, mean monthly catches decreased from 197.1 t
to 56.7 t, whereafter many fishing vessels switched to other
fisheries in the South China Sea (Peng et al., 2010). In Hawaii,
the species is used mainly as bait in the tuna handline fishery.
Globally, little research has been conducted with the aim to
develop commercial fisheries for S. oualaniensis; however
countries bordering the Arabian Sea and South China Sea
have recently shown an interest in developing fisheries. To
explore the feasibility of a commercial jigging fishery on oceanic squid in the South China Sea and western Philippines, the
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC)
(2000) conducted a survey in the region in 1998 under the
SEAFDEC Collaborative Research Program. Countries that
participated in the survey included Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Japan. The survey estimated biomasses of 283 metric t in the western Philippines and
1.132 million metric t in the South China Sea (Siriraksophon,
2009). To date, no commercial fishery has been developed in
the region.
Due to decreasing coastal resources, India has recently
begun exploring offshore waters. Research cruises have been
conducted to explore potential fishing areas for S. oualaniensis
in the central Arabian Sea. Both gillnets and automatic jigging
machines were used, and gillnets were found to be effective
for the adult species (Mohamed et al., 2011). Dense aggregations (»130,000 ind./km2) of juveniles ranging from 3 to
30 mm ML were observed and collected from surface waters
using scoop nets. The stock abundance of adult squids was
estimated to be 5 t/km2.
The purpleback flying squid was studied in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea under the “Ecosystem-Based Fishery
Management in the Bay of Bengal,” a collaborative survey
project carried out from October to December 2007 by Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Thailand. The
objective was to assess potential fishery resources, including
S. oualaniensis. Catches were slightly higher in the Andaman
Sea (n D 30) than in the Bay of Bengal (n D 9), but were too
low for fishers to develop a commercial fishery (Sukramongkol et al., 2008). CPUE using automatic jigging machines was
0.03 kg/line/hr. In 1997, jigging trials conducted in northern
Australian waters yielded small catch amounts (Dunning et al.,
The Fishery Agency of Japan conducted two survey cruises
during 1975–1976 in the Arabian Sea to examine pelagic fish
abundance as part of FAO’s project on the Indian Ocean.
These cruises identified dense aggregations of S. oualaniensis
in the mesopelagic layer (100–300 m) during daytime and epipelagic layer at night (Fishery Agency of Japan, 1976). In
1995, the Fishery Agency of Japan conducted another survey
cruise in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean to study the abundance and biology of S. oualaniensis. This survey recorded all
three major forms of S. oualaniensis with higher CPUEs for
middle-sized and giant forms. Ommastrephid paralarvae were
also collected, with S. oualaniensis paralarvae dominating the
catch (»33%) in the northern Arabian Sea (Yatsu, 1997; Yatsu
et al., 1998a).
High amounts of cadmium, urea, and ammonium chloride
in S. oualaniensis makes it less palatable than other squid on
the market (Nakaya et al., 1998; Narasimha Murthy et al.,
2008; Roper et al., 2010). Additional food processing is
required to make it competitive against other squid products.
12.11.5. Composition and Numbers of the Fishing Fleet
In 2008, 50 boats in the South China Sea caught a total of
5000 t. In 2009, the market price decreased, and only 10 boats
remained in the fishery, with a total landing of 500 t (Peng
et al., 2010). Artisanal fisheries using dipnets and hand jigs
are conducted near Okinawa (Japan), Taiwan, and Hawaii
(USA) (Roper et al., 2010). Other countries where S. oualaniensis is caught either in small-scale fisheries or as bycatch
include Vietnam, Iran, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and
India. In India, it is collected as bycatch by shrimp trawlers
(Mohamed et al., 2011) and as incidental catch by fishers targeting tunas and sharks using small hook and lines (Mohamed
et al., 2006). In the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, it is collected
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as bycatch in the Iranian fishery for the skinnycheek lantern
fish (Benthosema pterotum) (Valinassab et al., 2007).
12.11.6. Duration of Fishing Period by Fishing Region
In the South China Sea, the main fishing season lasts from
March to April with an average catch of 2 t/d (Peng et al.,
2010). The main fishing gear includes automatic jigging
machines and LAFNs. The fishery in Okinawa runs from June
to November, and the fishery in Taiwan runs from March to
November, with peak catches occurring during May–August.
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12.11.7. Stock Assessment and Management
The total biomass has been estimated to be near 8–11.2 million t, including 3–4.2 million t in the Indian Ocean and 5–
7 million t in the Pacific Ocean (Roper et al., 2010). Biomass
has been estimated based on visual observations (e.g., Zuev
et al., 1985) and on CPUE (e.g., Chesalin and Zuev, 2002).
12.12. Ommastrephes bartramii (Neon Flying Squid)
12.12.1. Stock Identification, Distribution, and Lifecycle
The neon flying squid (O. bartramii) is a large, oceanic species widely distributed from subtropical to subarctic waters in
the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans (Bower and Ichii,
2005; Roper et al., 2010). Three major populations (subspecies) inhabit the North Pacific, North Atlantic, and circumglobal Southern Hemisphere (Roper et al., 2010). Significant
genetic differences have been found between the populations
in the North Pacific and Indian Ocean (Kurosaka et al., 2012)
and between those in the North Pacific and South Atlantic
(Wakabayashi et al., 2012).
The North Pacific population is widely distributed across
the Pacific mainly between 20 and 50 N. It comprises two
cohorts: an autumn-spawning cohort that hatches from September to February and a winter–spring cohort that hatches
mainly from January to May, but extending to August. The
population can be further separated into four stocks based on
the mantle-length composition (Yatsu et al., 1998b), distribution of paralarvae (Mori, 1997), and rates of infection by helminth parasites (Nagasawa et al., 1998): (1) central stock of
the autumn cohort, (2) east stock of the autumn cohort, (3)
west stock of the winter–spring cohort, and (4) central-east
stock of the winter–spring cohort. The autumn cohort is fished
in the central and the northwest Pacific from late May to late
July, and the winter–spring cohort is fished in the northwest
Pacific and off northeast Japan from early July to February.
The neon flying squid makes an annual round-trip migration between its subtropical spawning grounds and its northern
feeding grounds near the Subarctic Boundary. The feeding
ground of the winter–spring cohort extends from off eastern
Japan to off western Canada, whereas that of the autumn
cohort occurs mainly east of the Emperor Seamounts, that is,
Figure 92. Squid landings in Japan.
170 E (Ichii et al., 2006). The neon flying squid matures at 7–
10 months of age and has an estimated 1-year lifespan (Yatsu
et al., 1997).
Katugin (2002) reported a small but significant shift in
genetic composition between western and eastern populations
in the North Pacific, as evidenced by allele frequency distribution, and a slight difference in the total level of genetic variability. But Kurosaka et al. (2012) found no clear genetic
differences among sampling locations in the North Pacific.
12.12.2. Fishing Grounds
The neon flying squid is widely distributed in several
oceans, but fished commercially only in the Pacific Ocean. It
is fished mainly in summer and autumn between 36 and 46 N
latitude near its northern feeding grounds.
Experimental jigging surveys for O. bartramii conducted
during 1968–1974 off the Sanriku and Hokkaido coasts of
Japan found large densities during summer and autumn (Murata et al., 1976). The squid ranged in size from 200 to 400 mm
ML (Akabane et al., 1979), and the species was found to be
acceptable for processing (Araya, 1987). When landings of
Japanese flying squid (T. pacificus) began to decrease in the
early 1970s (Figure 92), some Japanese fishers switched to jigging for O. bartramii in the northwest Pacific. During 1974–
77, landings increased rapidly from 17,000 to 124,037 t. In
1978, a driftnet fishery began in the same region, and the fishing ground expanded eastward off northeast Japan to near
165 E (Araya, 1987; Murata, 1990) (Figure 2).
As the driftnet fishery grew, conflicts developed between
Japanese jigging and driftnet fisheries over the exploited stock
and fishing grounds. To resolve these problems and conserve
the stock, in 1979 and 1981, the Japanese government established a licensing system, delineated the fishing grounds (west
of 170 E for the jigging fishery, and between 170 E and
145 W for the driftnet fishery) and limited the fishing season
(Yatsu et al., 1994).
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In the early 1980s, South Korean and Taiwanese driftnet
fisheries also developed (Araya, 1987). The South Korean fishery operated from coastal waters off northwest Japan to 150 W
(Gong et al., 1993a). In the autumn and early winter, the South
Korean fishery was concentrated from 142 E to 160 E where
the Japanese jigging fleet was operating. The fishing grounds
of Taiwanese squid fishing vessels are located around 30 to
47 N, particularly between 35 and 45 N. The ranges have
been as far as 150 W during the period of drift-net operation
(1981 to 1992). However, the fishing grounds have been
located between 150 and 170 E for the past two decades.
Due to the large impact the driftnets had on nontarget species (Northridge, 1991), the General Assembly of the United
Nations imposed a global moratorium at the end of 1992 on
the use of large-scale high seas driftnets (Bower and Ichii,
2005). Japanese medium-scale jigging vessels continued
exploiting nearshore waters off northeast Japan after the moratorium. In 1996, there were about 100 Japanese jigging vessels
operating on the former driftnet fishing grounds east of 170 E
(Ichii, 2002).
The first survey on this squid by the Chinese squid jigging boats was made in the North Pacific in 1993. Chen
et al. (2012) used the catch per fishing day (CPUE, t/d) of
O. bartramii from the Chinese mainland squid jigging
fleets on the feeding ground (150 –165 E and 38 -4-6 N)
during August to October from 1998 to 2007 to calculate
the monthly latitudinal gravity center of CPUE (LATG),
and analyzed the relationship between the Kuroshio and
the spatial distribution. Regression modeling of LATG versus Kuroshio transport also revealed a significant (p <
0.05) influence of Kuroshio strength on north-south movement of O. bartramii. Sea surface temperature was the
environmental variable most significantly correlated with
LATG (p < 0.01), indicating that the distribution of O.
bartramii is controlled by optimal thermal habitat.
12.12.3. Economic Importance
Demand for O. bartramii increased as catches of Japanese flying squid decreased in the early 1970s. In 1978,
Russia prevented access of the Japanese salmon driftnet
fishery to its EEZ (Araya, 1987), so O. bartramii offered
an alternative for the displaced salmon fishers. The species
was acceptable for processing, so it became an important
resource for the Japanese squid market supplying various
food products, especially deep-fried squid, soft squid jerky,
and semi-dried and seasoned squid (called “saki-ika” in
Japanese). In the late 1970s, annual landings by mid- and
large-sized jigging vessels were valued at approximately
1.6 billion US$ (based on 1978 yen-dollar exchange rate)
(Miki, 2003; Ishida, 2008). Recently, its economic importance has increased in other Asian countries. The price of
the frozen O. bartramii now costs about 2–4 US$ (200–
400 yen) more per kg than Japanese flying squid The price
varies depending on catch amount and the availability of
other species (e.g., jumbo flying squid (D. gigas)) (Ueno
and Sakai, 2010; Sakai et al., 2010).
12.12.4. Composition and Numbers of the Fishing Fleet
In 1973, Japanese jigging vessels fishing for O. bartramii
ranged in size from 50 to 138 GT and numbered 2006 (Miki,
2003). The number decreased to 812 vessels in 1983. Driftnet
fishing vessels in Japan numbered 534 in 1981 and 457 in
1990 (Yatsu et al., 1994). In 1980, South Korean and Taiwanese driftnet vessels numbered 14 and 12, respectively, and by
1990 the number of boats in both countries had increased to
142 and 138, respectively (Gong et al., 1993a, b; Yeh and
Tung, 1993).
Since the closure of the driftnet fishery, catches by Chinese
vessels have increased dramatically (Hu, 2003). The number
of Chinese vessels in the fishery has fluctuated, but Koganezaki (2002) reported more than 500 jigging vessels were operating in the central and northwest Pacific, including within the
Japanese EEZ.
Little information is available on the Taiwanese fishing
fleet. Recently, Taiwan fishers have developed fishing vessels that operate both squid jigging gear and light trapping
nets for Pacific saury (Cololabis saira). The gear can be
used alternatively but not simultaneously. These vessels
target two species, making it difficult to estimate the size
of the jigging fleet.
12.12.5. Duration of Fishing Period by Fishing Region
In the late 1970s, the Japanese squid jigging fishery operated off northeast Japan from July to December (Akabane
et al., 1979). Several years later, driftnet and jigging vessels
operating in the same area came into conflict (Araya, 1987),
whereupon in 1981, the Japanese government began regulating
the fisheries. The driftnet fishery was allowed to operate from
June to December in the central North Pacific (20–46 N,
170 E–145 W). The South Korean driftnet fishery operated
from off northeast Japan to 160 W during early summer and
autumn, and in the northwest Pacific during autumn to early
winter (Gong et al., 1993b). The Taiwanese squid fishery
(mainly driftnet vessels) operated from April to November
between 150 E and 145 W (Yeh and Tung, 1993).
Since the driftnet moratorium, the Japanese jigging fishery
has operated in the central North Pacific from early summer to
autumn and off the coast of northeast Japan in winter (Bower
and Ichii, 2005).The Chinese fleet reportedly fishes mainly at
40 –46 N, 150 –165 E during August–November (Chen
et al., 2008).
12.12.6. Catch and Effort Data
Catch data were first collected in the North Pacific by Japan
and Taiwan in 1974 (Table 4). Annual catches during 1985–
1990 by Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan ranged from
248,000–378,000 t (Murata and Nakamura, 1998; Figure 93).
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Table 4. Catch and effort of O. bartramii in the North Pacific by Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan.
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Jig catch
catch (t)
Driftnet effort
catch (t)
South Korea
No. jigging
Following the driftnet moratorium, the winter-spring cohort
became the target of an international jigging fishery (Koganezaki, 2002; Chen and Chiu, 2003), with annual catches reaching 100,000–200,000 t (Chen et al., 2007). The Japanese
jigging fleet has operated from near the coast of northeast
Japan to the central North Pacific, but effort data have not
been published.
A large-scale jigging fishery by Chinese vessels started in
1994, and a total of 23,000 t catch was landed with an average
of 234.6 t per fishing vessel. In 1995, the catch was expanded
to 73,000 t as a result of an increase in the number of fishing
vessels. The maximum Chinese catch in 1999 reached 132,000
t (Figure 93). During 2000–2008, the annual catch ranged
from 80,000 to 124,000 t. But a sharp fall in catch after 2009
showed the annual catch to have reached only 34,000–56,000 t
(Figure 93).
catch (t)
Driftnet effort
catch (t)
boat no.
No. jigging
Figure 93. Annual catches of Ommastrephes bartramii by Japan (JPN), Taiwan (TWN), South Korea (KOR), and China (CHN) during 1974–2011. Chinese catches after 2006 are estimates.
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Figure 94. Production of Ommastrephes bartramii and number of vessels for
Taiwanese distant-water squid fishery in the Northwest Pacific between 1976
and 2011.
Taiwanese squid fishing vessels began harvesting O. bartramii in 1977. The squid were initially harvested by the
Taiwanese fleets using jigging, but in 1980, the Taiwanese
fleets shifted to harvesting with large Japanese-imported driftnets. The annual production varied from 5,000 (1980) to
29,000 t (1989) between 1980 and 1992, with an annual average production of about 18,000 t (Figure 94). The annual number of vessels ranged from 39 to 183 during the same period.
After a moratorium on driftnet fishing implemented at the
end of 1992, O. bartramii were again harvested by Taiwanese
jigging from 1993. The annual production of O. bartramii by
Taiwanese jiggers varied from 23 (2011) to 34,000 t (1998)
between 1993 and 2011, with an annual average production of
about 7,000 t (Figure 94). The number of vessels ranged from
1 to 77 during 1993–2011, with almost no Taiwanese vessel
jigging squids in the Northwest Pacific after 2007.
Chen (2010) found that stocks in the northwest Pacific and
northeast Pacific exhibited opposing trends in abundance suggesting that large-scale environmental factors are more critical
than regional factors in influencing its abundance. But in a
smaller scale study in the Northwest Pacific, Tian et al. (2009)
suggested that spatio-temporal factors may be more important
than environmental variables in influencing the CPUE. Roper
et al. (2010) reported a total instantaneous biomass in the
North Pacific of about 3–3.5 million t.
12.12.7. Stock Assessment and Management
To assess how the former driftnet fishery affected the
stock size of the autumn cohort, Ichii et al. (2006) conducted a stock assessment using three methods: the swept
area method, the DeLury method, and the production
method. The first method estimates stock size by expanding
the mean density of a target species over its distribution
area. The second estimates an initial stock size assuming a
closed stock (i.e., with no immigrants or emigrants) that
declines as a consequence of fishing mortality. The third is
a simple biomass dynamic model based on catch and relative abundance data, with parameter estimates that do not
assume equilibrium. The stock size estimates using the
three different methods were very similar (330,000–
380,000 t), and they reported that the swept area estimate
was likely the most reliable. They also suggested that the
driftnet fishery may have decreased the stock to around
half of its unexploited size.
For the winter/spring cohort in waters west of 170 E,
Osako and Murata (1983) estimated the annual sustainable
catch to be 80,000–100,000 t. Chen et al. (2008) concurred
with this estimate. They fitted a modified depletion model
to the Chinese jigging fisheries data to estimate the squid
stock abundance during 2000–2005. Effects of using different natural mortality rates (M) and three different error
assumptions were evaluated in fitting the depletion model.
The assessment results indicated that the initial (prefishing
season) annual population sizes ranged from 199 to 704 million squid with the M value of 0.03–0.10 during 2000–2005.
The proportional escapement (M D 0.03–0.10) for different
fishing seasons over the time period of 2000–2005 ranged
from 15.3% (in 2000) to 69.9% (in 2001), with an average
of 37.18%, which was close to the management target of
40%. From 2000 to 2005, the annual catch from the Chinese
jigging fishery ranged from 64,000 t (in 2002) to 104,000 t
(in 2000); the other fishing fleets, Japan and Taiwan, had
annual catches of less than 10,000 t and 300–8500 t, respectively, during this period (Chen et al., 2008).
There are currently no governance/management measures
for O. bartramii fisheries on the high seas of the North Pacific.
The North Pacific Fisheries Commission, a regional fisheries
management organization now forming with the objective of
long-term conservation and sustainable use of the fisheries
resources in the North Pacific, is expected to include O. bartramii in its list of managed species.
12.12.8. Conservation Measures and Biological Reference
There are no specific conservation measures in the North
Pacific other than the driftnet moratorium. Ichii et al. (2006)
suggested that a relative fishing mortality F/FMSY of 0.8–1.2
and a figure of 40% of the proportional escapement (number
of squid alive at the end of the fishing season as a proportion
of those which would have been alive had there been no fishing), which were derived from Japanese driftnet fishery data
collected during 1982–1992, be used as management targets
for the autumn cohort, however these targets have not been
evaluated for the jigging fishery since the driftnet fishery
For the winter/spring cohort, Chen et al. (2008) consider
that fishing mortality in the jigging fishery is at a sustainable
level, but also note that the decrease in proportional escapement and escapement biomass from 2001 to 2005 suggest the
stock might have been overexploited.
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The Southwest Pacific encompasses the ocean territories of
the eastern side of Australia, all of New Zealand, and several
Pacific Island states and territories including New Caledonia
and Vanuatu. The broader Southwest Pacific region is generally characterized by deep waters with many seamounts about
which mesopelagic fish resources are exploited. To the southeast of New Zealand there is an extensive raised area, the
Campbell Plateau, of around 200 m depth. Another more shallow area extends from the centre of New Zealand in a northwesterly direction, the Lord Howe Rise, continuing to the
eponymous mid-Tasman Sea islands. The types of habitats
that are exploited in this area are varied and support varied
types of fisheries, including small-scale or artisanal fisheries,
coastal continental fisheries and deepwater seamount fisheries.
Squids, cuttlefishes and octopuses account for approximately
10% of the catch for much of the area (the region corresponding to FAO area 81). The key squid fisheries in the Southwest
Pacific are for N. gouldi and N. sloanii, with N. gouldi the
focus in Australia and a combination of both species targeted
in New Zealand. The New Zealand fishery is a low-value,
high-volume fishery targeted by foreign vessels (Korean and
Ukrainian predominantly), with both trawl and jig fisheries
operating in different subregions. Sepioteuthis australis, in the
southern half of Australia and north of New Zealand, and
S. lessoniana in the northern half of Australia and north island
of New Zealand are smaller volume fisheries but achieve a
much price higher per kilo and are considered a superior product. Minor catches of several Uroteuthis spp. also occur
throughout the Southwest Pacific.
13.1. Sepioteuthis australis (Southern Reef Squid)
13.1.1. Stock Identification
Sepioteuthis australis has diamond-shaped fins that extend
the length of the body with varied color patterns ranging from
orange-brown to white with black bands to almost transparent
(Norman and Reid, 2000). The species has maximum size up
to 550 mm ML and can weigh up to 4 kg (Pecl, 2001, Lyle
et al., 2012). A recent study used polymorphic microsatellite
markers to assess the connectivity and population structure of
S. australis across its southern Australian range. Little genetic
differentiation was detected in samples collected from Western Australia to south-eastern Tasmania, indicating a panmictic population (Smith et al., in press).
Currently there is little genetic evidence that the NZ Sepioteuthis bilineatus is a different species from S. australis (Triantafillos and Adams, 2001).
Spawning occurs throughout the year, as evidenced from
collections of reproductively mature S. australis in most
months (Moltschaniwskyj et al., 2003), and back calculation
of hatch date from statoliths (Pecl and Moltschaniwskyj,
2006). So while the generations of S. australis overlap, there is
no evidence of population structure around season of spawning
(Moltschaniwskyj and Pecl, 2003). However, in Tasmania, a
single location on the east coast, Great Oyster Bay, contributes
at least 55% and up to 84% of the fished S. australis caught
from along the east and southeast Tasmanian coast, and this is
also the only region in that larger area with any evidence of
self-recruitment (Pecl et al., 2011).
13.1.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
Sepioteuthis australis is endemic to southern Australia and
northern New Zealand waters ranging from Dampier, Western
Australia, along the southern coast and up to Moreton Bay,
Queensland, including Tasmania (Norman and Reid, 2000).
This inshore species inhabits coastal waters and bays usually
in depths <70 m (Winstanley et al. 1983). The distribution
and abundance of the species in South Australia’s Gulf St Vincent has a strong seasonal pattern, with spawning adults moving anticlockwise around the Gulf from the south-eastern
corner in spring to the western boundary in winter (Triantafillos, 2001). This is related to the seasonal wind patterns affecting water clarity, as water clarity is important for their highly
visual reproductive behavior (Jantzen and Havenhand, 2003).
Sepioteuthis australis populations are spatially segregated,
with juveniles and subadults predominantly in offshore waters,
while reproductively mature adults use the inshore areas.
Sepioteuthis australis has a relatively simple lifecycle.
Adults typically form discrete spawning aggregations in association with shallow seagrass meadows, where courting, mating and egg deposition occur (Jantzen and Havenhand, 2003).
Courtship is behaviorally complex, and females will mate with
more than one male (Van Camp et al., 2003), before attaching
their fertilized eggs to seagrass, macroalgae holdfast, or low
relief reef. Up to 10 eggs are deposited within digitate eggs
strands, with each strand attached to a common point (i.e., seagrass holdfast) to form an egg mass of >200 egg strands
(Moltschaniwskyj and Pecl, 2003). More than one female can
contribute to an egg mass resulting in considerable genetic
diversity within a discrete egg mass (van Camp et al., 2004).
Juveniles undergo direct embryonic development within the
egg mass and hatch out after 6–8 weeks (Steer et al., 2002).
Once hatched, juveniles are structurally and functionally adept
and adopt a pelagic lifestyle, moving offshore to feed and
grow prior to returning inshore to reproduce (Steer et al.,
2007). Acoustic tracking of mature adults around the spawning
grounds has revealed that males and females move on and off
the spawning ground for at least 2–3 months, possibly spawning intermittently over this time (Pecl et al., 2006). While
spawning occurs year round, the peak typically occurs during
spring and early summer (Moltschaniwskyj and Steer, 2004).
Sepioteuthis australis are short-lived (<12 months) (Pecl,
2001) and, consequently, display strong interannual variability
in species abundance and recruitment (Moltschaniwskyj et al.,
2003). Growth rates are rapid, individuals can increase their
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body weight by as much as 8% per day, and the growth pattern
is nonasymptotic, with rates differing between the sexes as
males generally grow faster and attain larger sizes (Pecl, 2004,
Pecl et al., 2004a). Females are reproductively mature as early
as 117 days, 0.12 kg and 147 mm ML while males mature at
92 days, 0.06 kg and 104 mm ML (Pecl, 2001).
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13.1.3. Fishing Grounds
Sepioteuthis australis contribute to multi-species marine
fisheries in all southern Australian states, particularly South
Australia and Tasmania (Lyle et al., 2012). They are fished in
shallow coastal bays with the peak catch obtained during
spring and summer coinciding with the peak in spawning
activity when they form large spawning aggregations (Moltschaniwskyj et al., 2003). Fishing methods primarily include
hand jigs and haul nets (Lyle et al., 2012) and fishing does not
appear to be sex-selective (Hibberd and Pecl, 2007). Trawlers
targeting prawns and demersal fish, in South Australia and
New South Wales (NSW), respectively, incidentally catch S.
australis and sell it as by-product (Lyle et al., 2012).
13.1.4. Economic Importance
Sepioteuthis australis is currently sold on local and national
markets and there has been little international export interest
(ABARES, 2011). In comparison with most other cephalopod
products, S. australis generally achieves a high wholesale
price. For example, between 1979 and 1999 the wholesale
price ranged from $3–7/kg AUD; however, the price is now
upward of $12/kg with the increased price thought to be
behind localized increases in fishing effort (Green et al.,
2012). Throughout Australia, S. australis is not regarded as an
economically important species, although it is of key importance for individual fishers targeting the species. It is also an
important recreational fishery in many parts of southern
13.1.5. Composition and Numbers of the Fishing Fleet
Commercial catch in 2010 was reported from 240 vessels in
South Australia, 92 vessels in NSW, 52 vessels in Tasmania,
54 vessels in Victoria, and 27 vessels in the Commonwealth
(Lyle et al., 2012). In South Australia and Tasmania most of
these are small vessels, < 6 m in length, and predominantly
use hand jigs. In NSW, fish and prawn trawlers land most of
the S. australis catch. In Victoria, haul seines are predominantly used to target S. australis, while the Commonwealth
trawlers in the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) occasionally take S. australis as a by-product.
13.1.6. Catch and Effort Data
Total commercial catch across Australia in 2010 was 530 t,
with. approximately 65% of this catch (348 t) was harvested
from South Australia. The remainder of the catch was taken in
Victoria (72 t), Tasmania (54 t) and NSW (48 t), with the
Commonwealth accounting for just 8 t (Lyle et al., 2012). Of
the total catch, recreational harvest is significant. In Tasmania,
recreational fishers accounted for 44.6 t (30%) of the State’s
total catch in 2007–08 (Lyle et al., 2012). Commercial catch
data from 1990 to 2008 shows catch rates in Victoria and Tasmania have been relatively stable (around 50–100 t harvested
per year), while NSW catches have declined (Figure 95).
13.1.7. Stock Assessment and Management
Due to the lack of formal stock assessments, there is insufficient information to allow confident classification of the
species status across all Australian State jurisdictions.
Figure 95. Commercial catch (t) of Sepioteuthis australis and contribution by each jurisdiction to total catch in south-east Australia (%) by year for South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania.
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Consequently, S. australis is classified as an “undefined” stock
in many states, with some jurisdictions relying on performance
indicators and limit reference points to describe the relative
status of the stock (Lyle et al., 2012).
In Tasmania and South Australia, the stocks are assessed
using performance indicators based on commercial catch,
effort, and catch rate trends. Comparison of these indicators
against limit reference points in both these jurisdictions suggests that s. austrlis is currently harvested within sustainable
limits (Lyle et al., 2012). In NSW and Victoria, no formal performance indicators are applied, apart from reports of trends in
production (including effort and catch rates). In Victoria, the
commercial fishery is characterized by decreasing effort and
increasing catch and catch rates. In the Commonwealth, S.
australis is considered a by-product species and little is known
about stock structure, biomass, or the effects of fishing pressure (Lyle et al., 2012).
In Tasmania, strategic spatial and temporal closures of the
fishery have been instituted during peak spawning in spring/
summer to ensure the sustainability of the resource is not compromised (Moltschaniwskyj et al., 2002). Other states have
instituted spatial and temporal gear restrictions; however,
these are more generic measures and not specific to the harvest
of S. australis. In South Australia, the quantification of the
capture of subadults in the prawn trawl fishery has been used
as a means to forecast S. australis recruitment strength (Steer
et al., 2007). However, there are no early indicators of population size or reproductive potential in other states.
The impacts of these environmental stressors (development,
pollution, and climate change) on southern calamari may be
significant, as S. australis populations have the capacity to rapidly respond to a changing environment, whether it is favorable or unfavorable, and subsequently boom or bust (Pecl
et al., 2004a). Due to the mobility of the species and its flexible life history, the species may be quite resilient with a high
capacity for adaptation (Pecl and Jackson, 2008). However,
based on a recent multi-species assessment of the sensitivity to
climate change drivers, S.australis was designated as
“medium-high” sensitivity to climate change (Pecl et al.,
2014). Any changes in the distribution and abundance of S.
australis may cascade through the food chain. While S. australis may adapt due to their lack of prey specialization, there
may be major trophic impacts on higher order predators, such
as marine mammals and large teleosts, with unpredictable
effects on inshore communities.
13.2. Nototodarus gouldi (Gould’s Flying Squid)
and N. sloanii (Wellington Flying Squid)
Gould’s flying squid and Wellington flying squid are discussed here together, except for the Southern Islands fishery
around Auckland and the Campbell Islands (New Zealand),
where the two species are managed as a single fishery within
an overall TACC.
13.2.1. Stock Identification
13.1.8. Conservation Measures
A preference for egg deposition on the seagrass Amphibolis
tasmanica suggests that changes in distribution and abundance
of A. tasmanica may influence the spatial patterns of spawning
and spawning behavior of S. australis (Moltschaniwskyj and
Steer, 2004). Current environmental pressures on seagrass
habitats and inshore communities that have the potential to
influence the success of the species include the effects of
coastal development, marine pollution, ocean warming, and
changing weather patterns (Hobday and Lough, 2011).
Warmer temperatures accelerate embryo development and
result in smaller hatchlings (Pecl et al., 2004b). As natural
mortality is size-mediated hatchling size determines the relative success of survival (Steer et al., 2003), changes in temperature will affect final size and survival of the individuals. In
addition, the predicted increase in intensity and frequency of
storm events associated with climate change may potentially
increase the loss of eggs from spawning grounds due to the
dislodgement of eggs from the seagrass (Moltschaniwskyj
et al., 2002). Sepioteuthis. australis also have limited capacity
to tolerate low salinity conditions and are sensitive to the
chemical composition of seawater, for example, the absence
of strontium can result in abnormal statolith formation leading
to mortality (Hanlon et al., 1989).
Gould’s flying squid, N. gouldi (McCoy, 1888) is a common ommastrephid species found south of 27 S off Australia
and the northern and central coasts of New Zealand (Dunning
and Forch, 1998). Collections from six locations around southern Australia (700–4,300 km separation) suggest that the N.
gouldi population is a single species, with little support that
the metapopulation is panmictic (Triantafillos et al., 2004).
However, minor stock structuring was evident; with animals
on the northern coast of NSW having significant allelic differences compared with Tasmanian and southern NSW animals
(Jackson et al., 2003). Comparing the shape of statoliths from
squid collected in Victoria to squid collected in the Great Australian Bight suggested significant phenotypic heterogeneity in
stocks; whereas elemental composition analysis of the statoliths suggested that N. gouldi caught at either location hatched
throughout their Australian distribution (Green, 2011).
Based on electrophoresis of the enzyme glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, morphology of the hectocotylus, and
prevalence of parasites, two species of Nototodarus are found
off New Zealand; N. gouldi and N. sloanii (Smith et al., 1981;
Smith et al., 1987). Both species mix in waters off the west
coast of the South Island and waters off the east coast of the
Northern Island; however, N. gouldi dominates the west coast
of the Northern Island and N. sloanii dominates the south and
east coasts of the South Island of New Zealand (Uozumi, 1998).
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13.2.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
Gould’s flying squid typically inhabits waters where surface
temperatures range from 11 to 25 C on the continental shelf
and slope (50–200 m) to a depth of <500 m, however, are also
observed in estuarine habitats during summer periods (Winstanley et al., 1983, Dunning and Forch, 1998, Uozumi, 1998).
In Australia and New Zealand, N. gouldi lives up to 12
months; females reach a maximum of 393 mm ML and
1655 g total body weight, and an estimated age of 360 d; while
males are smaller, reaching a size of 366 mm ML, 1057 g, and
a maximum age of 325 d (Uozumi, 1998, Jackson et al., 2003,
Jackson et al., 2005). During cooler months, female N. gouldi
grow slower and have less gonad investment compared with
females caught in warmer months (McGrath Steer and Jackson, 2004). N. gouldi collected in 1979–1980 matured at
220 mm ML compared with 300 mm ML for females
(O’Sullivan and Cullen, 1983). In contrast, female squid
caught in Tasmania during 1999–2000 matured at 328 mm
ML (Willcox et al., 2001). Eggs are released in fragile gelatinous spheres up to 1 m in diameter (O’Shea et al., 2004) and
drift in oceanic currents probably at a pycnocline (Boyle and
Rodhouse, 2005). Nototodarus gouldi spawn multiple times,
releasing eggs in small batches during their life, with spawning
occurring year round (Uozumi, 1998, McGrath and Jackson,
2002, Jackson et al., 2003, Jackson et al., 2005); though
fecundity is unknown.
In New Zealand, N. gouldi and N. sloanii hatch between January and December. Growth of the two species is different
among sexes with the mean difference in ML at 300 days of age
being 41 and 32 mm for N. gouldi and N. sloanii respectively;
with females growing larger than males. (Uozumi, 1998). The
maturation process is also similar among species; however, N.
gouldi mature about one month earlier (Anon, 2013). At 50–
60 days of age, rhynchoteuthion larvae are distributed on the
shelf and shallow waters (Uozumi, 1998). No clear difference in
the geographical distribution of young adult N. gouldi and N.
sloanii, at three different age groups, indicates that these species
do not migrate on a large scale; however, N. gouldi may migrate
north with maturity (Uozumi, 1998). Both species in New Zealand are thought to migrate to shallower water to spawn. It is
assumed that the northern species of N. gouldi is a single stock,
and that N. sloanii around the mainland comprises a unit stock
for management purposes, though the detailed structure of these
stocks is not fully understood (Anon, 2013).
Growth of N. gouldi in Australian waters is spatially variable, with water temperature and productivity thought to be
responsible (Jackson et al., 2003). Individuals hatching over
summer and autumn grow fastest, possibly due to greater primary production (Jackson et al., 2003). Commercial catches
indicate a complex population structure with multiple cohorts.
Off the coast of Victoria, up to four N. gouldi cohorts were
found during one year; however, these cohorts may be a function of four sampling times and not separately spawned animals
(Jackson et al., 2005).
Female N. gouldi migrate to Tasmanian coastal waters in
summer (Willcox et al., 2001), but large scale inshore/offshore
migrations associated with reproduction have not been
observed with mature males and females found in all sampled
locations in southern Australia (Jackson et al., 2003, Jackson
et al., 2005). New Zealand N. gouldi also display no large
inshore / offshore migrations; although, older animals tend to
be found offshore (Uozumi, 1998). In Bass Strait (between
Victoria and Tasmania), N. gouldi move <100 km over 57 d
(Dunning and Forch, 1998), and N. gouldi do move in and out
of bays in south eastern Tasmania (Stark et al., 2005). Analysis of jig caught N. gouldi suggest that squid which aggregate
on or near the bottom, migrate to shallower waters in response
to stratified prey distributions (Nowara and Walker, 1998)
which is supported by echo sounding results from a similar
area (Evans, 1986). However, larger scale inshore/offshore
migratory characteristics of N. gouldi are unknown.
13.2.3. Fishing Grounds
Although N. gouldi are distributed widely around the coast
of southern Australia (Dunning and Forch, 1998), fishing is
generally conducted off NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, and South
Australia and concentrated near fishing ports for ease of access
to fishing grounds. Squid caught inshore by jiggers are larger,
consist of a higher M:F ratio and have a greater percentage of
mature females that suggested inshore spawning (Green,
2011). Biological differences in the catch composition of N.
gouldi from Australian waters suggest jig fishers operating
inshore catch a larger percentage of the spawning biomass
than trawling offshore (Green, 2011). In New Zealand, Nototodarus spp. are caught by trawl and jig; however, it is not
known whether these different methods and locations of capture catch different proportions of the population.
13.2.4. Economic Importance
In Australia, N. gouldi are mainly sold through domestic
fish markets as arrow or Gould’s squid where wholesale prices
range from AUD$1.30 to AUD$1.70 per kg (1991–92). Such
low prices have sustained over time with sale price around
AUD$1.30 per kg in 2007–08. In 2008, the Southern Squid Jig
Fishery (SSJF) recorded its lowest annual catch of 106 t, with
87% of the catch caught near Portland (Victoria). The gross
value of production fell by 78% to AUD$236,000 which was
thought to be in response to low levels of effort in the fishery.
Many fishers found it uneconomical to fish due to the low sale
price coupled with increases in fuel cost (Wilson et al., 2009).
In 2011/2012, catch increased in the jig fishery and was worth
approximately AUD$1.6 million (Woodhams et al., 2012).
Influences in both wharf and market prices in Australia and
variable catch has meant a decline in the economic importance
(McKinna et al., 2011).
In New Zealand, the N. gouldi/N. sloanii fishery is lowvalue, high-volume fishery targeted by foreign vessels which
are chartered by New Zealand companies. An export value of
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Figure 96. Distribution of Commonwealth Trawl Sector squid catch, 2011; inset: relative fishing intensity in the Southern Squid Jig Fishery, 2011 (Woodhams
et al., 2012).
NZ$71m was estimated to be exported to markets in China,
Greece, Korea, the USA, Taiwan, Spain, and Italy during
2008. In New Zealand, squid can be purchased in supermarkets in the freezer section.
13.2.5. History, Composition, and the Numbers of the Fishing
Fleet Australia. In 1969/1970, the Japanese owned Gollin Gyokuyo Fishing Company conducted feasibility studies
around Tasmania, Australia for unexploited fisheries (Willcox
et al., 2001). With increased interest from Australian fishers,
first commercial catches of N. gouldi taken in Australia
Figure 97. Total number of fishing permits, active vessels and effort in the
southern squid jig fishery from 1996 to 2011 (Woodhams et al., 2012).
occurred in the Derwent estuary (Tasmania) in 1972/1973
when around 30 vessels caught 154 t in two months over summer (Wolf, 1973). Realising the potential to establish a fishery,
a joint venture between the Japanese Marine Fishery Resources Research Centre was established with a view of (1)
exploiting new resources (2) contributing to sound development of a squid fishery and a stable supply of fish products;
and (3) contributing to the increased benefit of both Japan and
Australia (Machida, 1979). Nineteen vessels caught 3387 t in
the first year; whereas 64 vessels caught 7914 t in the second
year off South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania (Wilson et al.,
2009). Other joint ventures with Australia followed with the
inclusion of Korean and Taiwanese jigging vessels fishing
between 1983 and 1988, taking between 13 t and 2300 t per
year (Wilson et al., 2009).
Although N. gouldi are distributed widely around the coast
of south eastern Australia (Dunning and Forch, 1998), fishing
is generally conducted locally near fishing ports for ease of
access to fishing grounds. In 1987, there was only one vessel
operating in Bass Strait. From 1988 effort increased and fluctuated between 7 and 17 vessels with catch not exceeding 400 t
until 1995 when 1260 t was landed (Wilson et al., 2009). From
1997 to 2009, the number of active vessels and jig effort had
decreased. From 1997 to 2007, catch exceeded 1000 t on seven
occasions. In 2008 and 2009, jig fishing resulted in 179 t (883
jigging hours) and 308 t (1,229 jigging hours) of squid caught;
whereas trawling accounted for 3.5 and 1.8 times more squid
caught respectively (Wilson et al., 2010). Only 7% and 3% of
the total N. gouldi catch in 2008 and 2009 respectively (trawl
and jig sectors combined) were caught in the GABTS.
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Figure 98. Catch and number of Japanese jig vessels fishing New Zealand
waters (Uozumi, 1998).
In Australia, N. gouldi are caught and landed by jig and
trawl vessels. It is targeted within the SSJF; whereas it is
retained as bycatch in the Commonwealth Trawl Sector (CTS)
and the Great Australian Bight Trawl Sector of the within the
SESSF (Figure 96).
Within the SSJF, there is a relatively large amount of latent
effort. In 2011/2012, there were 56 permits and 13 active vessels (Figure 97). Approximately 3,800 jigging hours were
used to catch 650 t. In the CTS and GABTS, 735 ts and 14 ts
were caught respectively (Woodhams et al., 2012). New Zealand. The fisheries for these species developed in the late 1960s when low catches of Japanese flying
squid (T. pacificus) in Japan prompted fishers from Kanagawa
Prefecture to try squid jigging in New Zealand waters (Kato
and Mitani, 2001). Although the squid jig fishery in New Zealand began in the early 1970s, its peak occurred in the early
1980s where greater than 200 squid vessels fished the EEZ
(Anon, 2013). The jig fishery was developed by Japanese,
Korean and Taiwanese under a joint venture where up to
60,000 t were caught. In the late 1980s, the number of jiggers
fishing declined from over 200 in 1983 to around 15 in 1994
(Uozumi, 1998) possibly due to poor prices due to an oversupply in the market (Anon, 2013). Trawling by Russian, Japanese
and Korean vessels caught up to 60,000 t annually in the
Historically, the New Zealand jig and trawl fisheries display
variable catch; however, this is likely attributed to the number
of vessels (Figures 98 and 99). The jig catch in SQU 1J
declined from 53,872 t in 1988/1989 to 4,865 t in 1992/1993
but increased significantly to over 30,000 t in 1994/1995,
before declining to just over 9,000 t in 1997–1998 (Anon,
2013). The jig catch declined to low levels for the next 5 years
but has increased in 2004/2005 to 8,981 t. From 1986 to 1998,
the trawl catch fluctuated between about 30,000–60,000 t, but
in the last few years dropped to much lower levels as the
impact of management measures to protect the Hooker’s sea
lion (Phocarctos hookeri) restricted the catch from region
SQU 6T (Anon, 2013).
Figure 99. Catch and number of Japanese trawl vessels fishing New Zealand
waters (Uozumi, 1998).
In New Zealand, there are three commercial squid fisheries;
two trawl fisheries which cover the majority of the EEZ and a
region located around the Auckland Islands in the sub-Antarctic; and a squid jigging fishery that covers most of the EEZ
(, however, are mostly surrounding
the main islands. The fisheries are split in to four fishing zones;
Figure 100. Fishing sectors of the New Zealand squid fishery (Anon, 2013).
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Figure 101. Nototodarus gouldi catch history for the Australian southern
squid jig fishery, Commonwealth Trawl Sector and Great Australian Bight
Trawl Sector from 1986 to 2011 (Woodhams et al., 2012).
SQU10T, SQU1J, SQU1T, and SQU6T (Figure 100). Both
species are targeted by mainly Korean and Ukrainian foreign
vessels which are chartered by New Zealand companies
13.2.6. Duration of Fishing Period by Fishing Region
In Australia, fishers operating in the SSJF concentrate most
effort in waters of Bass Strait (between Tasmania and Victoria), and near Portland in western Victoria in depths ranging
from 60 to 120 m (Larcombe and Begg, 2008). N. gouldi are
caught using automatic jigging machines normally at night
with fishers preferring new moon periods from January to
June. Vessels use up to 12 machines consisting of two spools;
each consisting of up to 25 jigs that are vertically lowered then
lifted. High-powered lights are normally positioned along the
midline of the vessels with a function to direct light downward
to the sea’s surface while casting a shadow underneath the
New Zealand Catch and effort data from the SQU 1T fishery show that the catch occurs between December and May,
with peak harvest from January to April (Anon, 2013).
13.2.7. Catch and Effort Data
In Australia from 1988, effort increased and fluctuated
between 7 and 17 vessels with catch not exceeding 400 t until
1995 when 1,260 t was landed (Wilson et al., 2009). From
1997 to 2009, the number of active vessels and jig effort has
decreased. From 1997 to 2007, catch exceeded 1,000 t on
seven occasions. In 2011, total jig catch increased significantly
to 650 t from 62 t in 2010; the CTS catch was 735 t, up from
483 t (Figure 101). The majority of catch from both the jig
and trawl sectors is N. gouldi; however, other ommastrephids
are also captured including Antarctic flying squid Todarodes
filippovae and neon flying squid O. bartramii (Larcombe and
Begg, 2008). Bycatch in the SSJF is very small; however, barracouta Thyrsites atun and blue shark Prionace glauca also
attack jigs.
In New Zealand during 2012, approximately 35,000 t were
landed (sectors combined); however this level was well below
the combined quota of 127,332 t. Trawl fishers contributed to
94.8% most catch. Like Australia, the catch is temporally variable (Figure 102). Catch and effort data from the SQU 1T fishery show that the catch occurs between December and May,
with peak harvest from January to April (Anon, 2013).
13.2.8. Stock Assessment and Management
In Australia, there is insufficient information available to
estimate annual biomass and hence determine a TAC for the
current year. As a result, the N. gouldi resource is managed
using total allowable effort restrictions determined annually
and a harvest strategy that monitors catch and effort in the jig
and trawl sectors within a fishing season (Dowling et al.,
2007, Dowling et al., 2008, Smith et al., 2008). Within the
SESSF during 2011, 560 standard jig machines are permitted
to fish for N. gouldi in the SSJF with the CTS and GABTS
able to retain squid as a bycatch. The “harvest strategy” uses
trigger limits of catch, effort, and CPUE, that when reached,
signals the need for assessment (e.g., depletion analysis) and
review by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority
(AFMA; Larcombe and Begg, 2008, Wilson et al., 2010).
Both jig and trawl sectors have separate catch, effort and
CPUE trigger limits, as well as trigger limits where both fisheries contribute to limits simultaneously (Wilson et al., 2009).
A 4,000 t trigger limit is imposed on the jig sector (2013)
which was calculated at half the historical maximum annual
catch (8,000 t) from 1977 to 1988 during the Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean joint venture (Sahlqvist, 2007). The combined trigger limit for fisheries combined is 6,000 t (2013). If
trigger limits are reached then a set of decision rules are within
the harvest strategy are applied to manage the fishery. Apart
Figure 102. Commercial catch and Total Allowable Commercial Catch of arrow squid in three fishing zones (Anon, 2013).
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Table 5. Total Allowable Commercial Catch and report catch off N. gouldi
and N. sloanii (combined) caught off New Zealand in 2008/09 (Anon, 2013). J
is Jig fishery, T is trawl fishery.
Fish stock
2008/2009 actual TACC (t)
2008/2009 catch (t)
from assessing the ecological impact of the SSJF (Furlani
et al., 2007) and a depletion analysis from 2001 jig data (Triantafillos, 2008), ongoing annual biomass estimates are not
calculated to determine TAC for each year. This approach to
assessing and managing the N. gouldi fishery is primarily due
to trigger limits not being reached and financial constraints.
Australia’s arrow squid fishery is considered not overfished
and not subjected to overfishing (Woodhams et al., 2012).
New Zealand fisheries managers consider both N. gouldi
and N. sloanii within the same unit stock. However because of
their one year lifecycle and temporal variability in numbers no
attempt is made to estimate biomass used to set the TACC.
Catch quotas are set according to fish stock (Table 5).
13.2.9. Conservation Measures
Within Australia’s SSJF, there are some 216 threatened,
endangered or protected species found; however, an Ecological Risk Management assessment revealed that none of these
species were assessed as a risk from commercial fishing operations (Hobday et al., 2011). In 2011 no seal interaction was
recorded in the SSJF (Woodhams et al., 2012). Observers on
jig vessels also noted no significant negative impact on seals
from jig fishing (Arnould et al., 2003).
In New Zealand, the trawl sector, squid accounts for 67% of
catch with bycatch consisting of barracouta (Thyrsites atun), silver warehou (Seriolella punctata), jack mackerel (Trachurus
declivis), and spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias). However, the
trawl sector also incidentally catches New Zealand (or Hooker’s) sea lions as well as New Zealand fur seals (Abraham,
2011) which are classified as Nationally Critical and Not Threatened, respectively, under the NZ Threat Classification System
(Baker et al., 2010). Consequently, sea lion exclusion devices
have been implemented in to the arrow squid trawl fishing since
2000–2001. In 2011–2012, 109 observed captures of seabirds
were recorded to be incidentally caught in trawls (Anon, 2013).
This level of bird captures is relatively low since the introduction
of streamer lines, bird bafflers, and warp deflectors.
The northeast Pacific (FAO area 67) is an area of relatively
minor importance for squid fishing. According to FAO data
(FAO, 2011), annual landings of squid from this region peaked
at approximately 55,600 t in 1987; indeed landings exceeded a
few thousand t only during 1982–1992 when Japan reported
landings from the area. Since 2007, only the USA has reported
squid landings from the area and, since Japan left the fishery,
the highest landings (just over 3,000 t) were reported in 1999
and in some years the figure was only a few hundred t.
The coastline of area 67 extends from northern California, through Oregon and Washington to Canada, Alaska
and, across the Bering Sea, the eastern tip of Russia. A
number of squid species are present. In the northern part of
this area, the dominant squid species is the schoolmaster
gonate squid (Berryteuthis magister). Since 2004, jumbo
flying squid, D. gigas has invaded the waters of Oregon and
Washington states, extending up into Canadian waters.
Administrative rules issued by the Oregon Department of
Fish and Wildlife define squid fisheries as referring to commercial fisheries for squid species “including, but not limited to: opalescent inshore squid (D. opalescens); jumbo
flying squid (D. gigas); schoolmaster gonate squid (Berryteuthis magister); boreopacific armhook squid (Gonatopsis
borealis); robust clubhook squid (Moroteuthis robusta); and
boreal clubhook squid (Onychoteuthis borealijaponicus).”
FAO catch data for area 67 mentions the occurrence of three
squid species, namely neon flying squid (O. bartramii),
opalescent inshore squid (D. opalescens, also known as California market squid), and robust clubhook squid (Onykia
robusta). However, less than 2% of squid landed from the
area is identified to species in the FAO records (FAO,
2010), the remainder being classified as “squid nei” (i.e.,
not identified to species).
Of the above-mentioned species, D. opalescens, which
occurs all along the Pacific coast from Alaska to BC (Jereb
and Roper, 2010), probably has the longest documented history of fishery exploitation: it has been fished in California
since the 1860s, although the fishery was of minor importance
until the late 1980s when a rise in worldwide demand for squid
led to a substantial increase in both effort and landings (Vojkovich, 1998).
Doryteuthis opalescens is essentially a temperate species of
the Northeast Pacific system; its occurrence in California and
BC is related to the cold-water California current, which originates in the north (and indeed abundance is much reduced in El
Ni~no years (Zeidberg et al., 2006). Nevertheless, much of the
information for this species derives from the eastern central
Pacific, as might be expected given the existence of the California-based fishery. Indeed, in FAO data, landings of this species
in the USA are listed only for area 77 (Central Eastern Pacific),
where they reached almost 118,000 t in 2000 (FAO, 2011).
Berryteuthis magister is better known from the northwest
Pacific (Section 12.7); Katugin et al. (2013) compares what is
known about the species in both regions, also noting that they
are genetically distinct from each other. Russian boats take
this species in the western part of the Bering Sea, beyond the
western limit of FAO area 67. However, there is also some
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Figure 103. Doryteuthis opalescens fishery landings receipt data by month. Tonnage, trips, and catch per unit effort (CPUE) tonnage/trip for the commercial
fishery in California 1969–2012. Grouped vertical bars are the sum of tonnage or trips for the periods of 1969–1989 (black, left), 1990–2009 (gray, center), or
2010–2012 (dark gray, right). Note the decrease in winter landings in Southern California, October–February for the period 2010–2012 (dark gray). CPUE is the
summed tonnage divided by the summed trips. Point Piedras Blancas 35.7 N is the boundary for North or South classification.
fishing within area 67. In Alaska, it is caught as bycatch in
large amounts by the pollock fleet2 and Connoly et al. (2011)
note that the first fishing permits to catch this species were
issued in Alaska in 2011.
14.1. Doryteuthis opalescens (Opalescent Inshore Squid)
14.1.1. Stock Identification
This species is monitored in the state of California as
one stock. There have been investigations of morphometry
(Kashiwada and Recksiek, 1978), allozymes (Christofferson
et al., 1978), and microsatellite DNA (Reichow and Smith,
2001), the latter study extending along 2500 km of the
Pacific coast, but to date none have demonstrated significantly different traits for regional stocks. However, trace
element analysis of market squid statoliths can distinguish
individuals captured from locations less than 100 km apart
(Warner et al., 2009), suggesting that some segregation
occurs over time scales too short for it to be reflected in
genetic markers; this remains a ripe field of study. In addition, there is a temporal difference in the fishery landings
from different locations. The majority of landings occur in
See Project 716 final report at
Southern California during the winter, October–February
(Figure 103). About 10% of landings occur near Monterey
Bay, emerging in the spring and summer, April–November
(Zeidberg et al., 2006).
14.1.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
Market squid range throughout the Northeast Pacific, from
Southeast Alaska to BC (Wing and Mercer, 1990). Doryteuthis opalescens is a coastal species, rarely found in waters
deeper than 500 m (Okutani and McGowan, 1969). Eggs are
laid on sandy benthic substrates where water temperatures
are 10–12 C; the depth of this environment changes with latitude and season (Zeidberg et al., 2012). The females lay 100–
300 eggs in a capsule that is attached to the sand by one end
so that wave surge can provide ventilation; total fecundity is
estimated at around 3000 eggs (reviewed in Zeidberg, 2013).
The duration of incubation is temperature-dependent ranging
from 75–45 days in water that is 9–13 C, respectively (Zeidberg et al., 2011). Upon emergence hatchlings average
2.5 mm ML and their vertical diel migration causes them to
become entrained for a few weeks within three kilometres of
shore by tidal fronts (Zeidberg and Hamner, 2002). Juvenile
squid are found over the shelf, in the water column at night
and in benthic trawls during the day (Zeidberg, 2004). Diets
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shift with ontogeny, from copepods to krill and then to fish
(Karpov and Cailliet, 1979). Adults are usually found at
depths down to 500 m during the day and at the surface at
night, but are occasionally recorded down to 1,000 m (Hunt,
1996). Adults average 127 mm ML, males are larger, and
males and females aggregate in large spawning masses of
millions of individuals on the shelf (Leos, 1998). The shift
from somatic to reproductive growth probably occurs when
the individual has attained a large enough size to compete for
mates, or when food is scarce (Ish et al., 2004). This species
lives for only a week or two after shifting to reproductive
growth and shows no signs of serial spawning (Macewicz
et al., 2004). From hatching to spawning the lifespan averages 6 months, range 4–9 months (Butler et al., 1999; Jackson and Domeier, 2003), and there are multiple cohorts
throughout the year.
14.1.3. Fishing Grounds
The vast majority of commercial fishing occurs in California, traditionally in shallow waters, less than 70 m, and
focuses on spawning adults (Zeidberg et al., 2006). The locations that have yielded the largest tonnage are near the islands
of Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, and Santa Catalina, and just offshore of Port Hueneme and Monterey. Since 1990, the majority of landings have been brought in with purse seines. There
is also a fishery for live bait that targets spawning adults with
brail nets.
In recent decades, the fishery has also extended northward,
into Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Connoly et al. (2011)
commented that fishing on market squid in Alaska had been
sporadic. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
publicizes recreational fishing on the species3.
14.1.4. Economic Importance
Since 1990, market squid has been the top ranked fishery in
terms of tonnage in California for 17 of 22 years. In 2010, the
squid fishery had a record ex-vessel value of $73.8 million
(Porzio et al., 2012). The ex-vessel price for squid is usually
around $500 per ton, thus there is a financial motivation for
purse seiners to seek out squid over other coastal pelagic species like Pacific Sardine, which often garner $90 per ton.
14.1.5. Fishing Fleet
Commercial fishing for market squid began in California in
1863. Chinese fishermen in Monterey would encircle spawning squid with nets in small row boats. They would fish at
night and use kerosene torch lamps to attract squid to the surface. The product was dried and shipped to China or consumed
locally (Scofield, 1924).
In 1905, the use of the lampara net allowed Italian fishermen to take over the lead role of squid fishing in Monterey.
The lampara net could land 20 t in a haul, but the average
landing was four t (Fields, 1950). Throughout the 1970s and
1980s, there were about 85 vessels in the fleet, and in the
1990s out-of-state fishermen increased the number to 130
(Vojkovich, 1998). In 1998 the California Department of
Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) began to require squid fishing
permits and initially 200 boats entered the fishery, but few
made landings and 95% of the landings were made by 50
boats. Due to limited entry in the fishery management plan,
there are now 78 permitted seine vessels and 35 lightboat
For the period 1969–1989, the lampara net was the
dominant gear of choice in Central California, and brail
nets dominated in Southern California. The average maximum annual landing, a proxy for fleet capacity, for all
boats in the fleet was 43 t. In 1990, the fishery shifted to
purse seine nets (Figure 104). For 1990–2009, the average
maximum annual landing for all boats in the fleet was 82
t. In addition to increasing hold capacity, all modern boats
have refrigerated holds and sonar, which allow for
increased time at sea and better squid detection. In the
1980s, smaller boats, now called light boats, with sonar
and arrays of lights began to attract and hold squid for the
seine vessels. Fishing effort has expanded to new areas in
the last decade (Zeidberg, 2013).
14.1.6. Duration of Fishing Period by Fishing Region
The Monterey fishery historically has peaks of landings in
April–May and a second pulse in August–November. In
Southern California peak landings occur in October–February
(Zeidberg et al., 2006). Ninety-five percent of landings occur
in 15–40 m depth in Monterey and 20–70 m depth in southern
California (Zeidberg et al., 2012); in both regions benthic temperatures are 10–12 C. Since 2010, the state wide fleet has
captured the annual limit of 118,000 t before the season’s end
on March 31. As this limit was approached, CDFW shut down
the fishery on December 17, 2010, November 18, 2011, and
November 21, 2012. Thus the typical winter peak (OctoberFebruary) of squid in southern California has not been
exploited for 3 years (Figure 103).
The fishery is often disrupted by environmental changes
with a decrease in landings during large El Ni~
no events and an
increase in landings in La Ni~na years (Zeidberg et al., 2006).
The Central and Southern California squid fisheries rebound
from ENSO events with differing periodicity. There is no evidence that the squid migrate out of the traditional spawning
grounds, rather the evidence shows that the entire population
biomass fluctuates (Reiss et al., 2004). Squid that developed
during the El Ni~no when Thysanoessa spinifera krill abundance was low (Marinovic et al., 2002) were smaller both on
the spawning grounds (Jackson and Domeier, 2003) and in sea
lion guts (Lowry and Carretta, 1999). The weak upwelling season of 2005 (Bograd et al., 2009) was followed by a poor or
absent squid fishery in central California for 2006–2009
(Young et al., 2011).
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Figure 104. Doryteuthis opalescens fishery landings receipt data by year. Tonnage, trips, and catch per unit effort (CPUE) tonnage/trip for the commercial fishery in California 1969–2010. Stacked vertical bars are the annual sum of tonnage or trips for the four most productive types of gear, brail net (black, bottom),
purse seine (gray, bottom middle), drum seine (dark gray, top middle), lampara net (light gray, top), and CPUE is the summed tons/summed trips. Point Piedras
Blancas 35.7 N is the boundary for North or South classification.
14.1.7. Catch and Effort Data
Since 1990, Monterey has yielded an average of 9,000 t/
y, and southern California has yielded 63,000 t/y (Figure 104, Zeidberg, 2013). There were significant differences
in the efficiency of the fleet between the two regimes before
and after the shift from lampara or brail nets to seine nets in
1990 (Figure 104). Average trips per year decreased in the
north but nearly tripled in the south. Landings and CPUE
increased in both regions with the transition to seines. The
average maximum landing nearly doubled in the southern
region and more than doubled in the north after 1990.
14.1.8. Stock Assessment and Management
The authority to manage the squid fishery in California was
delegated by the California Legislature to the Fish and Game
Commission. A management plan was developed by the CDFW
and adopted by the Fish and Game Commission in 2004 (http://, accessed December 2014).
Management measures introduced by the state include an
annual (April 1–March 30) limit of 118,000 t (107,048 t), spatial closures within MAPs, weekend closures (with no seining
allowed noon Friday to noon Sunday), a restricted access program, and a 30,000 watt limit on lights including a shield
above the horizontal line of sight. An egg escapement model
has been developed but, real-time application has not been
implemented (Macewicz et al., 2004).
Landings receipts have recorded tonnage, location, date,
and price at California ports since 1916. Since 1999 commercial squid fishermen have been required to maintain logs with
greater detail of effort including tonnage estimate, sea surface
temperature, time of net deployment, the GPS location of sets,
market information, and predators. CDFW implemented a port
sampling program, collecting 30 squid for various biometric
measurements twelve times a month.
Because market squid is such a short lived species, attempts
to develop a stock assessment using traditional methods have
been elusive. Since there is a new cohort each month, the development of a Leslie–DeLury depletion model (Agnew et al.,
2000) would be difficult for D. opalescens (Ish et al., 2004).
However, there is scope to develop predictors of abundance
based on oceanographic conditions and the abundance of early
life stages, similar to the approach used in Japan, where the
government integrates remotely sensed oceanographic data
along with metrics of early life history of T. pacificus to predict
the abundance of the fished stock each season (Sakurai, 2000).
There are a variety of existing oceanographic sampling programs that capture California market squid as paralarvae
(Koslow and Allen, 2011), juveniles (Santora et al., 2012) and
acoustic signatures (Vaughn and Recksiek, 1979). Adopting
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the use of attracting lights for commercial purposes in any
waters of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. In addition to the specific measures listed above, in California there is a network of MAPs that prohibit all fishing
including the take of squid.
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Figure 105. Fisheries of loliginids landings occur in twelve Mexican States:
eight in Pacific ocean and four in the Gulf of Mexico.
such an approach would also facilitate adaptive management,
that is, allowing the management regime to respond to changes
in abundance. In other squid fisheries, there are effective adaptive management programs, notably in the Southwest Atlantic
and Japan (Agnew et al., 2000; Sakurai et al., 2000).
14.1.9. Conservation Measures and Biological Reference
Currently there is a biomass estimate derived from the egg
escapement model (Dorval et al., 2013). Based upon a regression of fecundity on female ML, the percentage of biomass
harvested by the fishery may be estimated (Dorval et al.,
2013). The application of these estimates to derive MSY
remains an option. The goals of the MSFMP are to ensure
long-term resource conservation and sustainability. The tools
implemented with the MSFMP to accomplish these goals
include: (1) setting a seasonal catch limit of 118,000 short t
(107,048 t) to prevent the fishery from overexpanding; (2)
maintaining monitoring programs designed to evaluate the
effect of the fishery on the resource; (3) continuing weekend
closures that provide for periods of uninterrupted spawning;
(4) continuing gear regulations regarding light shields and
wattage used to attract squid; (5) establishing a restricted
access program that produces a moderately productive and
specialized fleet; and (6) creating a seabird closure restricting
This region is largely comprised of waters of the west coast
of Mexico. The Mexican squid fisheries are dominated by the
jumbo flying squid, D. gigas. Several species of loliginids
squids are landed but these are almost entirely bycatch taken
by shrimp fishing vessels.
15.1. Mexican Loliginid Squid Fisheries
There are five species of loliginid squid of commercial interest in Mexican Pacific waters: Lolliguncula (Lolliguncula) panamensis (Berry, 1911a), Lolliguncula (Lolliguncula) argus
(Brakoniecki and Roper, 1985), Lolliguncula (Loliolopsis) diomedeae (Hoyle, 1904), D. (Amerigo) opalescens (Berry,
1911b), and Pickforditeuthis vossi (Okutani and McGowan,
1969; Brakoniecki 1996; Okutani, 1995a, Roper et al. 1995;
Sanchez, 2003; Jereb et al., 2010)); where fisheries landings
occur in eight Mexican Pacific States coasts (Figure 105).
These are mostly taken as bycatch in artisanal trawl fisheries
for shrimp (Barrientos and Garcia-Cubas, 1997; Alejo-Plata
et al., 2001, Sanchez, 2003). Some 1,400 shrimp trawlers report
loliginid bycatches, mostly between September and June. Data
in Table 6 show landings in the Mexican Pacific and Gulf of
Mexico and Mexican Caribbean from 2006 to 2012; the states
with highest catches are Baja California Sur (BCS), BC, Sonora
and Sinaloa; the largest catch was 27.3 t in 2010 while the lowest catch was 2.03 t in 2006; for the Gulf of Mexico and Mexican Caribbean between 2006 and 2012; Tamaulipas recorded
the highest landings of 41.5 t in 2006 and Veracruz the lowest
of 5.2 t in 2010 (Figure 106). No assessments of loliginid
stocks are made and since it is an incidental fishery no BRPs or
conservation measures exist for the Pacific fishery in Mexico.
Table 6. Live weight in kilograms of squid Loligo sp. by entities captured in the Mexican Pacific and Gulf of Mexico and Mexican Caribbean from 2006 to
2012 (last updated: Thursday January 24, 2013 by WebMaster CONAPESCA).
Mexican Pacific
Baja California Baja California Sur
Gulf of Mexico and Mexican Caribbean
Nayarit Jalisco Colima Oaxaca Tamaulipas Veracruz Campeche Quintana Roo Yucatan
2,506,082 1,000
5,207,655 1,950
2,913 1,198
2,033 4,666
8,552 7,382
17,382 23,033
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Figure 106. Live weight in kilograms of squid Loligo sp. captured in the
Mexican Pacific and Gulf of Mexico from 2006 to 2012. (Last Modified:
Thursday January 24, 2013 by WebMaster CONAPESCA).
There are no data on stock structure for the commercial species but there have been proposals to discriminate stocks using
morphometric and genetic analysis (Granados-Amores et al.,
2013, Granados-Amores, 2013). Detailed studies on the distribution, abundance, reproduction and feeding habits of Lolliguncula panamensis have been made by ArizmendiRodriguez et al. (2011 and 2012). Basic descriptions of species and distribution maps have been published (Okutani and
McGowan, 1969, Young, 1972; Okutani, 1980, Roper et al.,
1984, Barrientos and Garcia-Cubas, 1997, Sanchez, 2003;
Jereb et al., 2010).
Loliginid bycatch in shrimp trawls is dominated by L. diomedae (29–103 mm ML) and L. panamensis 25–106 mm ML
(Sanchez, 2003). Doryteuthis opalescens is also a frequent
bycatch. Because loliginids are all caught incidentally they
only reported as Loligo spp. Catch data for 2006–2012
reported by CONAPESCA (2013) are shown in Table 6.
Shrimp trawl hauls may contain several kilos of squid which
are sold for human consumption (Hendrickx, 1985), or used as
bait in other fisheries (Roper et al., 1984). Sales are made
locally throughout the year. Demand is increasing and squid
fetch high prices sold fresh, frozen, canned, or dried.
15.2. Dosidicus gigas (Jumbo Flying Squid)
The jumbo flying squid (D. gigas) is the largest ommastrephid squid, reaching up to 1200 mm ML and 65 kg in weight.
This pelagic squid is endemic to the eastern Pacific Ocean and
is particularly abundant in the highly productive waters of the
Humboldt and California Current systems, and the Costa Rica
Dome upwelling.
15.2.1. Stock Identification
There are genetically separated subpopulations in the two
hemispheres (Sandoval-Castellanos et al. 2007; Staaf et al.,
2010), probably because the equatorial currents and countercurrents form a natural barrier in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
(ETP). Using genetic (RAPD and SSCP) techniques, Sandoval-Castellanos et al. (2007, 2010) suggest that the level of
genetic separation between northern and southern locations is
significant enough to support the idea that D. gigas is undergoing adaptive radiation (Nigmatullin et al., 2001). SandovalCastellanos et al. (2010) also argue that spatial pattern as well
as the very recent divergence (<10,000 years) among northern
and southern subpopulations could be explained by oceanographic and biological factors, in particular those affecting
ocean productivity. Yet, only mild divergence between south–
north populations were observed by Staaf et al. (2010) using
the mitochondrial marker NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2.
Iba~nez et al. (2011) also found limited evidence genetic structure within in the Humboldt Current system. According to
these authors, D. gigas consists of a single large population
that experienced a dramatic expansion in the Humboldt Current system associated with rise in sea surface temperature and
the reorganization of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the
last 30,000 years, probably associated with the glacial–interglacial transition. Physical, biological, and oceanographic factors in the ETP influence the reproductive interchange
between potential subpopulations as well as migratory ecology
(Anderson and Rodhouse, 2001), which make the dynamics of
the genetic structure of this species complex.
15.2.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
The jumbo flying squid is the most primitive and least oceanic representative of the Ommastrephinae, because it is the
only member of this subfamily with a geographical range
restricted to just one continental margin (Nigmatullin et al.,
2001).Yet, this species exhibits a broad and variable range in
the eastern Pacific Ocean and undergoes periodic range extensions. Until the end of the last millennium, the northern and
southern limits of its distribution were around 30 N and 40 S,
with the highest abundances located in the Gulf of California
and in waters off Peru (Nigmatullin et al., 2001).
More recently, the distribution limits shifted to 60 N and
50 S, respectively. In the equatorial region, the distribution may
extend as far west as 125 –140 W (Wormuth, 1998; Jereb and
Roper, 2010), but this western boundary is not well documented,
particularly with regard to the recent range expansion. Little is
known about spawning and embryonic development of D. gigas
which spawns in the relatively inaccessible open sea and, like
other ommastrephids, extrudes its eggs in a large, fragile pelagic
gelatinous mass. It was only in 2006 that the first natural egg
mass was observed during a blue–water dive in the Guaymas
Basin of the Gulf of California (at 27 7.1´N–111 16´W) (Staaf
et al. 2008). The egg mass was 2–3 m in diameter and neutrally
buoyant at »16 m deep at a temperature of »22 C. With an egg
density of 192 to 650 eggs/L, the potential number of eggs in the
entire mass ranged from 0.6 to 2 million (Staaf et al., 2008). The
recent poleward range expansion of D. gigas is probably associated with warmer periods following El Ni~no/La Ni~na events, an
ongoing expansion of the OMZ in the Eastern Pacific, and changing ecosystem interactions including food availability, competition and predation.
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Figure 107. Major areas of commercial fishing for Dosidicus gigas in Mexico.
The jumbo flying squid feeds primarily on small mesopelagic (midwater) fishes, crustaceans, and cephalopods, as well
as commercially important coastal fishes and squid in their
expanded range. Typical daily behavior involves vertical
migrations from near-surface waters at nighttime to mesopelagic depths above or within the OMZ during the daytime. A
spawning migration from foraging grounds in Canada (50 N)
to known spawning areas off BC (27 N: Camarillo-Coop
et al., 2006) would cover a distance of »2500 km. With a lifespan of 1–2 years (Nigmatullin et al., 2001; Markaida et al.,
2005), such a migration would be well within the 30–50 km/d
migration capability for adult D. gigas (Stewart et al. 2012),
but suitable spawning habitat may occur much further north.
15.2.3. Fishing Grounds
In Mexico, the main areas of commercial exploitation are
bounded by 22 and 30 N and 106 and 114 W, which covers
an area inside the Gulf of California, from the mouth of the
Gulf to the north of Isla Angel de la Guarda by BC to Puerto
Libertad on the coast of Sonora. Although widely distributed
in the Mexican Pacific fisheries are mostly located in areas of
the Gulf of California (Figure 107). However, in the past
6 years, there has been significant fishing activity off the west
coast of the BC peninsula, the catch being landed in Bahia
Magdalena, BCS, and the port of Ensenada, BC. In the Gulf of
California, the D. gigas fishery began in 1974 with an artisanal
fleet mainly composed of small open boats with outboard
motors, locally known as “pangas,” each operated by two fishermen using hand jigs (Nevarez-Martınez et al., 2000). A second fleet arose in 1978, when the shrimp trawler fleet switched
to squid during the closed season for shrimp. In 1981, this
comprised 285 shrimp boats. Between 1983 and 1987, the
stock was greatly reduced and the squid fishery disappeared.
From 1989 to 1992, the National Fishery Institute of Mexico
conducted exploratory fishing with the participation of 6 Japanese jigging vessels, controlled by Mexican companies, and
found significant quantities on the western coast of BC (Klett,
15.2.4. Economic Importance
D. gigas, together with tuna and small pelagic fishes is one
of the most important fishery resources of Mexico, with an
average catch of 47,000 t per year in the period 2006–2012
(Figure 108); but there have been years (1996, 1997, and
2002) when it reached 100,000 t. The average catch value represents 1% of foreign incomes from artisanal fisheries in Mexico (de la Cruz-Gonzalez, et al., 2011). Added value provided
by processing increases the value of the fishery by a factor of
three or more (de la Cruz-Gonzalez et al., 2011). The fishery
is an important economic activity in the northwestern Mexico.
Although D. gigas is mainly exported, in recent years the
national market has increased. Surveys in six cities in
Figure 108. Total annual catches of Dosidicus gigas in Mexico from 2006 to
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Northwest Mexico in 2004 and 2006 showed an increase in the
consumption of jumbo flying squid and recognition of its nutritional value and accessible price.
The fishery is an important source of employment and foreign exchange. Artisanal fishing is estimated to provide at least
3500 direct jobs and hundreds more indirect jobs. It is a cost
effective alternative fishery, so in the Guaymas area it alternates with the shrimp fishery (de la Cruz-Gonzalez, 2007). In
recent years, the fishery has supported economic recovery in
places such as Santa Rosalia, BCS. It has provided an important source of quality protein for local consumption (fresh and
fresh frozen) and raw material for the production of processed
products. It has also provided bait for sport and industrial
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15.2.5. Composition and Numbers of the Fishing Fleet
Fishing is with lights and there are two fleets. Firstly, artisanal pangas which are small vessels (length 6–10 m) with
outboard motors of 40–75 hp operated by two fishers. Activity
in the Santa Rosalia area starts at c. 16:00 and concludes at
02:00 and any one boat usually works from 4–6 hr. In the
Sonora area, fishing is usually from dusk to dawn, with any
one boat working 8–12 hr per night. In Sinaloa, which is the
newest fleet, the boats are 6–8 m in length with engines from
115–200 hp. These vessels can carry up to 2 t and make the
trip to the fishing grounds in less than 1 hr. The light systems
on the pangas range from car lights to low power decorativetype lights.
The shrimp fleet (vessels 6–8 m length) which is adapted
for the D. gigas fishery uses single or coupled manual reels
for jigging and each vessel may carry up to 10 fishers. They
use various lighting systems ranging from lamps of 100 w
(6840 lumens) to 2000 w (30,000 lumens). Fleets operate in
several regions and discharge catch at different ports as follows: (1) coast of BCS State: in the ports of Santa Rosalia,
Mulege, and Loreto (and to a lesser extent in Bahia Magdalena in the west coast); (2) central Gulf of California: in the
ports of Guaymas (to a lesser extent in Yavaros); (3) northeastern Gulf of California: in Bahia Kino and Puerto Libertad located in Sonora State; (4) northwestern Gulf of
California: in Bahia de los Angeles; (5) Sinaloa State coast:
in the port of Mazatlan located in the south, Dautillos in the
central part, and Topolobampo in northern Sinaloa State;
and (6) BCS: port of Ensenada located in the west coast.
Some boats move between regions depending on resource
availability and season. Production units are shown in
Table 7. There is no recreational fishery for D. gigas.
Table 7. Production units Dosidicus gigas in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa,
and Baja California Sur. (Source: Federal Delegations of Fisheries, 2010).
*Social sector
Industrial sector
*Artisanal associations.
access to the fishery by Asian vessels, large companies introduced squid boats with the technology and capacity to process
squid on board. This influx of specialized vessels began in
February 1980 and culminated in November of the same year
with landings of 22,464 t. In 1981, the catch declined by onehalf and in 1982, the fishery collapsed (Ehrhardt et al., 1983;
Ramirez and Klett, 1985). The fishery took off again in 1994
when Korean and Chinese companies began operating in the
ports of Guaymas (Sonora), Santa Rosalia and Loreto (BCS)
and La Reforma (Sinaloa). Landings reached a historical maximum of 117,351 t in 1997, followed closely by a similar volume in 2002, (Rosa et al., 2013c). Since 2008 catches have
declined to a little over 10,000 t in 2012. This decline is most
evident in the Gulf of California where the Sonora, Sinaloa
and BCS fleets traditionally operate (Figure 109).
15.2.7. Stock Assessment and Management
Stock assessment is commonly based on the assumption of
annual cohorts (Hernandez-Herrera et al. 1998), and therefore,
the modeling of this resource depends on initial recruitment
levels. Management objectives (recruitment and proportional
escapement) depend on catchability, which is computed from
indices of relative abundance, namely, CPUE. One published
management strategy uses a constant proportional escapement
as a reference point (Beddington et al., 1990; Basson et al.,
1996). Management is based on retaining 40% of the stock at
the end of each season, and effort is controlled by allocation of
fishing permits. The Mexican National Fisheries Institute
15.2.6. Catch and Effort Data
The D. gigas fishery started in Mexico as a local artisanal
activity at the beginning of the 1970s. The artisanal phase was
characterized by 4 years of landings of around 2000 t by small
vessels operating during the summer from ports in Santa Rosalia and Loreto, BCS. After the federal government negotiated
Figure 109. Total catches of Dosidicus gigas in Mexico from 2006 to 2012
by State.
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bases its estimates and recommendations on the analysis of
catch and effort data and information obtained from research
15.2.8. Conservation Measures
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Exploitation has remained at “developing fishery” level.
Nevarez-Martinez et al. (2010) reported that fishing mortality
(F) and exploitation rate (E) are below 0.5, a level that is considered healthy for an exploited resource. Assessing the impact
of fishing through the Thompson-Bell model, it seems that the
observed annual fishing mortality is below the FMSY (Fishing
mortality consistent with achieving MSY). This is supported
by the estimate of proportional escapement, which is greater
than the BRP of 40%. This suggests that D. gigas is underexploited in Mexico.
Squid fisheries in the south-eastern Pacific are pursued off
both Peru and Chile where the ommastrephid D. gigas and the
loliginid D. gahi are targeted. The D. gahi fisheries are small
and artisanal. The D. gigas fishery is artisanal and relatively
small in Chile but it is a major fishery off Peru where it is
exploited both artisanally and industrially. There is also a
major fishery for D. gigas outside the Peruvian EEZ pursued
by vessels from Korea, Taiwan, and China.
Doryteuthis gahi is mostly used for local consumption.
D. gigas is exported on a large scale, both unprocessed and
processed. In spite of the importance of the D. gigas fishery,
aspects of the biology of the species such as spawning areas
and stock structure are poorly understood.
between the east and west coasts of South America (Shaw
et al., 2004).
Analysis of statoliths of male and female D. gahi collected
in northern Peru and the Falklands islands revealed morphometric differences suggesting the existence of reproductively
isolated populations (Vega et al., 2001). Significant differences were also found between three populations (Falkland
Islands, Chile, and Peru), when hard structures (gladius, beaks,
and statoliths) of males and females were compared separately
(Vega et al., 2002).
16.1.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
The Patagonian squid inhabits coastal waters of Peru and
Chile in the southeastern Pacific (4 –55 S) and the coastal
waters of Argentina and the Falkland Islands in the southwestern Atlantic (38 –55 S) (Jereb and Roper, 2010). In Peruvian
waters and in northern Chile spawning takes place in shallow,
sandy areas. Lifespan is short (1 year) and there are two peaks
of hatching in April and December and a secondary peak
between September and October in Peru (Villegas, 2001).
16.1.3. Fishing Grounds
The Patagonian squid is caught off Peru from 03 to 16 S,
mainly in bays where the seabed is sandy. Sizes range from 27
to 430 mm ML (mean 178 mm). Males are larger than
In Chilean waters D. gahi is captured principally in the
FAO Regions V (32 S), VIII (37 S) and X (41 S) (Sernapesca). Size is in the range 45–155 mm ML. In both sexes,
maturity stages III and IV are the most frequent in spring/summer (Iba~nez et al., 2005).
16.1.4. Economic Importance
16.1. Doryteuthis gahi (Patagonian Squid)
16.1.1. Stock Identification
Studies to discriminate between stocks of Patagonian squid
(D. gahi) in the coastal waters of Peru and Chile have been
made using genetic and morphometric analysis. Genetic analysis, using mitochondrial gene Cytochrome Oxidase I, detected
a significant genetic differentiation of D. gahi along its geographical distribution showing two genetic units, a northern
population (off Peru), and southern population (off Chile)
nez et al., 2011a). Squid from the southern region showed
higher genetic diversity (H D 0.34–0.50) than the northerly
population (H D 0.75–0.80). The results suggest that the northern population is experiencing, or experienced in the recent
past, a demographic expansion some 30,000 years ago, a pattern that was not found in the southern population (Iba~nez
et al., 2011a). At a larger geographical scale, microsatellite
analysis showed significant differentiation between samples
from the Falkland Islands and from Peru, presumably caused
by substantial environmental and geographical barriers
The Patagonian squid is consumed locally in Chile and
Peru. It is also exported from Peru but information about
exports is not available.
16.1.5. Composition and Numbers of the Fishing Fleet
There is no fleet dedicated exclusively to D. gahi in either
Chile or Peru. In Peru, the fleet that takes D. gahi consists of
artisanal boats that fish for multiple species. Gear used
includes fishing with hooks, purse seine, drift net, mid-water
trawl, and “chinchorro.” Table 8 shows the number of vessels
fishing with each gear type and year in which D. gahi was the
main catch. Most vessels either used hook and line or purse
In central Chile, D. gahi is taken as a bycatch in the artisanal fishery for anchovy and sardine.
16.1.6. Fishing Seasons
Duration of the fishing season is very variable in Peru.
Between 3 and 6 S, the fishery operates over about 10 months
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Table 8. Number of artisanal boats by year and fishing methods dedicated to
catch D. gahi in Peruvian waters.
Table 9. Annual effort (number of trips) by fishing methods of D. gahi in
Peruvian waters 1997–2012.
Year Hooks Purse seine net Drift net Chinchorro* Midwater trawls Total
Year Hook Purse seine Chinchorro Mid water trawls Drift net
Source: Instituto del Mar del Peru.
*Chinchorro is a large net trawled by cars or men in sandy beach.
Source: Instituto del Mar del Peru.
per year; between 9 and 12 S, it is highly variable and takes
place over 1–6 months. In latitudes 7 –8 S and 13 –16 S, it
operates some 5 months of the year. Average catch per season
reaches up to 60 t between 04 and 05 S. In other latitudes,
catches do not exceed 50 t per season (Figure 110).
16.1.8. Conservation Measures
In Peru, purse seines for D. gahi fishing are prohibited for
artisanal, small-scale, and industrial vessels within 5 nautical
miles from the shore. There is no minimum size, catch quotas,
or BRPs in either Peru or Chile.
16.1.7. Catch and Effort Data
Between 1990 and 2010, the annual catch of D. gahi in Peru
ranged from 287 t in 1998 to 24,548 t in 2000. In Chile annual
catches ranged between 0 and 934 t. Table 9 shows fishing
effort directed to D. gahi in Peru using different methods. Stock assessment and management. There is no
stock assessment of D. gahi in either Peru or Chile. However,
fishing effort, size structure and biological parameters are
monitored in Peru during the fishing season.
16.2. Dosidicus gigas (Jumbo Flying Squid)
16.2.1. Stock Identification
Studies to discriminate stocks of D. gigas in the South East
Pacific using genetic analysis (Iba~nez et al., 2011b) have
shown no genetic differences among squid in the Humboldt
Current off Chile and Peru. However, Randomly Amplified
Polymorphic DNA (Sandoval-Castellanos et al., 2007) analysis and mitochondrial DNA analysis (Sandoval-Castellanos
Figure 110. Duration of fishing season (A) and mean landings per fishing season (B) of Doryteuthis gahi by latitude in Peruvian waters 1998–2010.
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et al., 2010) have been shown that squid from the Northeast
Pacific off Mexico and from the Southeast Pacific off Peru
belong to two populations separated by oceanographic and
biological factors (Staaf et al., 2010).
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16.2.2. Distribution and Lifecycle
D. gigas is endemic to the Eastern Pacific Ocean between
37–40 N to 45–47 S, and common between 30 N and 20–
25 S (Nesis, 1983; Nigmatullin et al., 2001). Its range fluctuates, both in the northern and southern hemisphere (Nigmatullin et al., 2001; Field et al., 2007; Zeiberg and Robinson,
2007; Iba~
nez and Cubillos, 2007; Alarc
noz et al., 2008;
Keyl et al., 2008). Its flexible and opportunistic behavior
(Markaida, 2006) allows the species to respond quickly to
environmental variability (Rodhouse and Nigmatullin, 1996);
this is manifested in changes in the distribution, abundance,
growth rate, size at maturity and longevity associated with the
availability of food and oceanographic conditions (Arguelles
et al., 2008). However, high growth rates do not necessarily
have a simple relationship to temperature and food availability. Keyl et al. (2011) have shown that fast-growing cohorts
with medium longevity and large terminal size occur during
moderately cool periods, and long-lived, slow-growing cohorts
with small terminal size occur during the extreme ecosystem
conditions of the El Ni~
no and La Ni~
na phases of the ENSO
cycle. Peruvian Waters. Off Peru, the highest concentrations of D. gigas occur between 3 24’S (Puerto Pizarro) and
9 S (Chimbote), and low to medium concentrations are located
at 13 42’S (Pisco) and 16 14’S (Atico) (Taipe et al., 2001).
Spawning occurs throughout the year with two main peaks
from October to January, and a secondary peak between July
and August (Tafur and Rabi, 1997; Tafur et al., 2001). Beyond
the Peruvian EEZ spawning also takes place throughout the
year (Liu et al., 2013). The main spawning grounds are located
between 3 and 8 S, and between 12 and 17 S within Peruvian EEZ (Tafur et al., 2001), while beyond the EEZ spawning
occurs at around 11 S (Liu et al., 2010).
Arguelles et al. (2008) have described the interannual variability of the size-at-maturity of D. gigas in Peruvian waters,
and they related the size-at-maturity with the increment of the
mesopelagic fish stocks which are part of the diet of D. gigas.
Outside the Chilean EEZ spawning grounds were reported
between 22 and 34 S (Leiva et al., 1993).
Annual variation of size-at-maturity in Peruvian coastal
waters from 1989 to 2011 is shown in Figure 111. Significant
variations in size structure were observed to be related to
oceanographic changes in the period 1958–2012. During warm
years (1997–1998) small and medium-sized groups were
observed in the catches, with average sizes between 230 and
440 mm ML; during cold years (2000–2012) a large-sized
group predominated with average sizes from 610 to 880 mm
ML. From 2001 onward, there has been a significant change in
Figure 111. Annual size structure of Dosidicus gigas in the artisanal fishery
(dashed lines) and industrial (solid lines) for 1989–2012.
population structure which is dominated by large squid (Keyl
et al., 2008; Arguelles et al., 2008; Arguelles and Tafur, 2010).
During a D. gigas survey on the research vessel Kaiyo
Maru in Peruvian waters during December 2011–January
2012, the largest squid were found to the south of 12 S and
near shore (Sakai et al., 2013). However, data from the industrial fishery in Peru show no significant latitudinal differences
in size structure of the population, except for some years, for
example, 2000 and 2001, in which there was a change from
small and medium-sized group to a large-sized group associated with environmental changes from cold to warm conditions (Table 10). Outside the Peruvian EEZ, Liu et al. (2013)
reported a wide range of sizes of D. gigas (129–1149 mm
ML) in the period 2008–2010, with most squid between 350
and 550 mm ML. Variation in the size structure would explain
continuous recruitment off the Peruvian coast, mainly from
the west where juveniles are concentrated (Sakai et al., 2013).
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Table 10. Mean, minimum, and maximum mantle length of Dosidicus gigas per latitudinal degree in Peruvian waters from 1991 to 2012.
Latitud (S)
Min (cm)
Max (cm)
Mean (cm)
Min (cm)
Max (cm)
Mean (cm)
Min (cm)
Max (cm)
Mean (cm)
Min (cm)
Max (cm)
Mean (cm)
Min (cm)
Max (cm)
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Max (cm)
Mean (cm)
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WORLD SQUID FISHERIES Costa Rica Dome. During 2009 and 2010, the
jumbo flying squid (D. gigas) population was surveyed with the
help of Chinese squid jigging vessels off the Costa Rica Dome
(4 -11 N, 90 -100 W) (Chen et al., 2013a). The mean ML
of the squid was 298 mm for males (211–355 mm) and
306 mm for females (204–429 mm). There was no significant
difference between sexes in the relationship between ML (mm)
and body weight (g) of the squid. The females and males were
of similar maturity, mostly in the maturing and matured stages
with a few spent female squid. ML and age at first sexual maturity were 297 mm and 195 days in females and less than
211 mm and 130 days in males. This indicates that off Costa
Rica small-sized squid predominate. Longevity off Costa Rica
was less than 10 months for females and 8 months for males,
while most of those off Chile and Peru are about 1»1.5 years
and a few large individuals reach 1.5»2 years old. A higher
percentage of mature individuals were found off Costa Rica
implying the region is a likely spawning ground, while a lower
proportion of mature squid off Peru and Chile indicate that
spawning may occur outside the area (Liu et al., 2013). Chilean Waters. Data on size structure of D. gigas
off the Chilean coast (29 –34 S) have been reported for the
period 1991–1994 (Fernandez and Vasquez, 1995), indicating a
size range of between 770 and 1030 mm ML. Chong et al.
(2005) reported two size groups of D. gigas during the winter
of 1993, the first of large (710–980 mm ML) squid and the second of smaller (200–440 mm ML) squid, while in spring 1993,
a group of between 260 and 600 mm ML was present. After
2000, Iba~
nez and Cubillos (2007) found sizes between 230 and
930 mm ML for the period August 2003–January 2004, and
between 280 and 840 mm ML for winter 2003, spring 2003
and summer 2004. In Chilean waters, mature females have
been observed all year round (Gonzales and Chong, 2006),
while beyond the Chilean EEZ D. gigas spawn all year also
with the peak from November to January (Liu et al., 2010). International Waters Outside Chilean EEZ. Three
surveys have been conducted in waters outside the EEZ of
Chile (20 –41 S and 74 30’–84 W) by the Chinese squid jigging between April 2006 and May 2008 (Liu et al., 2010). The
mean ML was 376 mm for males (range 257–721 mm) and
389 mm for females (range of 236–837 mm). Two distinguishable size classes, medium- and large-sized, were identified in this study with the medium-sized group (350–450 mm
ML) consisting of 89% of the total catch. Size at first sexual
maturity was 638 mm ML for females and 565 mm ML for
males. Liu et al. (2010) found that all the individuals examined were hatched during March 2007–February 2008, indicating that D. gigas might spawn all year around with the peak
spawning time being from November 2007 to January 2008.
Most of the stomachs analyzed contained food remains. Prey
included three major groups: fish (mainly lanternfish), cephalopods, and crustaceans. There is strong evidence of cannibalism in D. gigas.
16.2.3. Fishing Grounds
The jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific is fished
mainly off Peru and Chile by artisanal fleets and also by commercial jiggers off Peru.
Off the Peruvian coast the artisanal fleet operates mainly
offshore near Talara (4 S) and Paita (5 S) in the north taking
90% of the artisanal catch, 7% is taken offshore near Matarani
(16 S) and Mollendo (17 S) to the south. Lower catches Peru
(3%) are recorded from the central coast. The largest artisanal
catches are recorded within 40 nm from the coast
(Figure 112).
Between 1991 and 2009 industrial fishing off Peru was carried out over a wide area between 20 and 200 nm off the coast
(Mariategui and Taipe, 1996; Yamashiro et al., 1997; 1998)
and then was restricted to waters more than 80 nm offshore in
order to avoid interference with the artisanal fleet. The jigging
fleet also worked outside the Peruvian EEZ when squid distribution extended there (Figure 113). Japanese, Chinese and
Korean jigging vessels operate in international waters off
South America (Chen et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2013).
The highest catch rates (greater than 10 t/d/boat) are
between 4 –10 S and 12 –16 S (Mariategui and Taipe, 1996;
Yamashiro et al., 1997; Taipe et al., 2001; Rosa et al., 2013c).
In 1996, the fleet moved to the Costa Rica Dome when the
availability and abundance of jumbo squid decreased dramatically off Peru (Mariategui et al., 1997).
Off the Chilean coast, fishing grounds are situated off the
Bio Bio region of central Chile (36 –38.5 S), and off
Coquimbo and Valparaıso (29 –34 S) to the north (Fernandez
and Vasquez, 1995; Rosa et al., 2013c). Additionally, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese industrial jiggers exploit jumbo flying squid in international waters off South America. In the
waters of the Chilean EEZ, the majority of the catch in the survey was caught within 37 30’–41 S and 78 30’–80 W and by
25 –30 S and 76 –77 30’W. Favorable SSTs for fishing
grounds are 14–16 C and 16–19 C, respectively (Liu et al.
Off the Costa Rica Dome, the daily catch of D. gigas by
Chinese vessels ranges from 0 to 5.5 t/d and is mostly obtained
from the areas defined by 6 -9 N and 91 -94 W and by
6 300 N-7 300 S and 96 -97 W between July and August.
The areas yielding the most catch have had sea surface temperatures of 27.5–29 C (Chen et al., 2013a).
16.2.4. Economic Importance
The jumbo flying squid supports considerable economic
activity and is one of the major fisheries in the Southeast
Pacific. It is fished within the EEZ of Peru (Mariategui and
Taipe, 1996; Mariategui et al., 1997; Mariategui, 2009; Kuroiwa, 1998; Yamashiro et al., 1997, 1998; Taipe et al., 2001)
and Chile (Rocha and Vega, 2003; Acu~na et al., 2006; Arancibia et al., 2007; Zu~niga et al., 2008), and also fished offshore
in international waters off the coast by Chinese, Korean and
Japanese fleets (Liu et al., 2010, 2013; Rosa et al., 2013c).
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Figure 112. Artisanal fishing areas of Dosidicus gigas off Peru in the period 1999–2012.
Annual landings of D. gigas in the Southeastern Pacific
show an increasing trend since 1990, with two periods of
greatest abundance in 1994 and 2000–2012 (Figure 114).
In Peru, the exports of D. gigas have increased from 66,818
t in 2000 to 262,845 t in 2012 (Figure 115), due to increased
world demand, mainly in China, Spain, Japan, and South
Korea (National Customs Superintendent and Tax Administration-SUNAT Peru).
The industrial squid fleet is comprised of jigging vessels of
250 to 1000 m3 storage capacity; Japanese vessels are slightly
larger than the Koreans vessels (Table 11). The number of
vessels fluctuated between 31 and 77 in 1991–1995, with maximum numbers in 1993 and 1995 (Mariategui, 2009). In the
following years, the number decreased to between 4 and 15
since 2003 (Figure 117).
16.2.6. Duration of Fishing Period by Fishing Region
16.2.5. Composition and Size of the Fishing Fleet
The artisanal fishing fleet is composed of wooden boats of
1–15 m3 storage capacity that mostly operate with hand jigs
(Rosa et al., 2013c), and other large boats up to 33 m3 capacity that also catch sharks, mahi mahi, flying fish, and other oceanic fishes, but catch squids when they are available, and when
fish abundance decreases. The number of artisanal boats has
increased from 292 in 1997 to 3082 in recent years; most of
these are between 5 and 15 m3 capacity representing 79% of
the total artisanal fleet. The number of large capacity boats has
increased between 2008 and 2011 (Figure 116).
In Peru, the artisanal fishery is conducted throughout the
year along the coast. The industrial fishery is regulated by fishing licenses valid for 1 year.
16.2.7. Catch and Effort Data
D. gigas were reported as bycatch during 1964–1971 in the
coastal trawl and purse seine fisheries (Benites and Valdivieso,
1986). After 1971, D. gigas was absent or scarce in the landings until 1989. Exploratory fishing by the Instituto del Mar
del Peru (IMARPE) in 1979 and 1980 indicated low abundance at that time (Benites and Valdivieso, 1986). During
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Figure 113. Industrial fishing areas of Dosidicus gigas off Peru in the period 1991–2011.
1981–1983 absence was attributed to lack of food during the
1982–1983 El Ni~
no event (Benites, 1985). Research by the
Center for Marine Fishery Resources Research of Japan after
1984 revealed the existence of large concentrations outside the
Peruvian EEZ (Kuroiwa, 1998) and within the EEZ (Rubio
and Salazar, 1992).
The industrial fishery in Peru began in April 1991 with the
participation of Japanese and Korean fleets; they operated in
Figure 114. Landings of Dosidicus gigas by countries in the Southeast
Pacific, 1970–2012.
Figure 115. Exports and FOB value of Dosidicus gigas in Peru, 2000–2012.
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Figure 116. Structure by storage capacity of the artisanal fleet that catch
Dosidicus gigas by hand jigs in Peru.
the EEZ under fishing licenses. The annual catch fluctuated
between 57,703 and 164,715 t during 1991–1995 and in the
following years (1996–1998), the catches were very low due
to oceanographic changes produced by La Ni~
na 1996 and El
Ni~no 1997–1998 (Rosa et al., 2013c). Since 1999, there has
been a gradual increase in catches, with greater participation
of the artisanal fleet and a reduction in the number of industrial
jiggers. The annual catch between 2004 and 2012 ranged from
321,636 to 558,850 t, with the artisanal fleet taking around
90% of the total catch (Table 12, Figure 118).
There is a seasonality in the artisanal landings between
1991 and 2010, with higher values in summer and autumn.
Landings tend to decrease in winter and spring, as a result of
intensification of upwelling that extend cold coastal waters
westward. The industrial fleet shows the opposite trend with
higher landings in winter and spring. This is because the
resource is more accessible offshore where these vessels operate (Rosa et al., 2013c).
CPUE varies annually, with two periods of highest abundance in 1991–1995 with a maximum value in 1994, and 2000–
2012; an intermediate period of lower abundance between 1996
and 1998 was related to the intense ENSO event that had a
major impact on recruitment in Peruvian waters. A progressive
increase in CPUE has been observed in artisanal fisheries with
highest values between 2009 and 2012 (Table 12).
Figure 117. Number of jigging vessels (dotted line) and artisanal boats
(black line) that catch Dosidicus gigas off Peru in the period 1991–2012.
In Chilean waters, the landings of D. gigas have been sporadic
(Fernandez and Vasquez, 1995). The fishery is artisanal and
catches have been generally low with occasional periods of
high abundance in the bycatch of demersal and pelagic fisheries. A period of higher abundance occurred from 2002 onward,
with a maximum of 296,954 t in 2005, especially from the purse
seine and bottom trawl fleets (Rosa et al., 2013c; Figure 119).
Zuniga et al. (2008) report a regular seasonal pattern in
monthly catch data between 2002 and 2005, and suggest these
fluctuations may be related to reproductive success.
Between June and September in 2001, the Chinese squid
jigging industry carried out the first survey of the D. gigas
resource in the high seas off Peru and Costa Rica. This was
followed by commercial exploitation, and an annual catch
reaching 17,770 t. In 2004, a large number of Chinese jiggers
moved to the high seas outside the Peruvian EEZ after April,
and annual output reached 205,600 t, with an average output
of 1,728 t per vessel. During 2005-2010, the annual catch
ranged from 46,000 to 140,000 t. In 2011 and 2012, this
increased to 220,000–250,000 t (Figure 120).
Table 11. Main characteristics of Japanese and Korean squid fleet, 1991–
Japanese fleet
Korean fleet
Storage capacity (m3)
Length (m)
Sleeve (m)
Strut (m)
Crew number
Year of construction
Machines number
Figure 118. Annual landings of Dosidicus gigas off Peru in 1991–2012.
Artisanal fleet (gray bars) and industrial fleet (white bars).
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catch per fishing vessel
Catch (10 thousand t)
Catch per fishing vessel (t)
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
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Figure 119. Landings of Dosidicus gigas off Chile between 1987 and 2012
(data from SERNAPESCA, Chile).
Figure 120. Total catch and catch per fishing vessel of Dosidicus gigas for
Chinese squid jigging fleets in the southeast Pacific.
Between 2002 and 2011, Taiwanese jigging vessels recorded
annual catches ranging from 12,000 in 2002 to 39,000 t in
2004, with an average annual production of some 21,000 t (Figure 121). The number of vessels fishing per year ranged from
13 to 29 in the same period. The fishing grounds for Taiwanese
vessels are from about 5 to 40 S, particularly around 10 –30 S
and 75 –85 W. Fishing seasons for these vessels were from
May to August or October between 2002 and 2006, but they
have operated throughout year from 2007 to the present.
catchability for the period 1999–2011. The best fits were
obtained with varying catchability. Population parameters of
D. gigas resulting from the Schaefer dynamic model are presented in Table 13.
The biomass estimates indicates that the stock of D. gigas
in Peruvian waters for the period 2001–2011 ranged between
2.51 and 2.96 mt, with an estimated MSY of 991,514 t
(Table 13). The exploitation intensity measured by fishing
mortality (F) has grown steadily since 1999, without exceeding the reference value (FMSY).
16.2.8. Stock Assessment and Management
16.2.9. Conservation Measures
The large-scale fishery for D. gigas in Peruvian waters has
been managed by quotas since the industrial fishery began in
1991. The first quotas were derived using relative abundance
data (CPUE) recorded during exploratory fishing carried out
from November to December 1989 and June–July 1990. Initially CPUE values were 258.61 kg/hr, 53.83 kg/machine and
8.35 kg/machine/hr, and later 506.8 kg/hr, 117.2 kg/machine,
and 9.79 kg/machine/h. With this level of effort an initial
quota of 50,000 t was estimated for 1991. It was also set down
that (1) the D. gigas fishing should be restricted to 30–200
miles off the coast, (2) a maximum of 20 vessels, (3) fishing
only with jigs—no nets, (4) minimum ML of 320 mm, with an
incidence not more than 20% smaller specimens, (5) no transshipment of catch and, (6) an IMARPE scientific observer in
each vessel. In August 1991 using monthly data from jiggers
that fished from April to August, combined with production
models (Schaefer, Fox) it was determined that the quota for
1991 could be increased to 80,000 t. Quotas for the period
1992–2001 were estimated using production models and
allowed totals of 100,000–150,000 t.
From 1999 onward, biomass estimates of D. gigas were
made in the summer months by acoustic methods. This information was combined with other data to produce an index of
abundance of recruits starting in 2002. With this information
the catch quotas increased to 300,000 t per year using a projection of the biomass of recruits. From 2010 the Schaefer Biomass Dynamic Model (Hilborn and Walters, 1992) has been
used. Catch and CPUE were set assuming variable catchability
(based on sea surface temperature) and with constant
The fishery in Peru is managed through annual catch quotas
derived from fishery data and research cruises. Jiggers need a
licence issued by the Government which has implemented a
satellite tracking system for control and surveillance. They
must also carry a scientific observer to record fishery data.
In Chile, the management of the D. gigas fishery started in
2012 and includes restricted access, the exclusive use of
catches for human consumption, and a modifiable TAC based
on the landings of the last 10 years and actual catches divided
into an industrial (20%) and an artisanal (80%) part of the
catch (Rosa et al., 2013c).
Figure 121. Production of Dosidicus gigas and number of vessels for Taiwanese distant-water squid fishery in the Southeast Pacific between 2002 and
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Table 12. Annual landings, effort and CPUE of Dosidicus gigas in the artisanal and industrial fleet in 1991–2012
Downloaded by [University of Kiel] at 03:24 25 June 2015
Artisanal fleet
Landings (t)
Effort (trips)
Industrial fleet
CPUE (t/trips)
Landings (t)
Effort (days)
CPUE (t/day)
The South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization (SPRFMO) came into force on 24 August 2012. Three
squid species, D. gigas, O. bartramii and S. oualaniensis, in
the South Pacific high seas are covered by Conservation Management Measures of the Commission of the SPRFMO. All
the fishing vessels are required to follow measures adopted by
the SPRFMO Commission. Strict reporting and use of vessel
monitoring are currently required.
16.2.10. Development of the Global Market for Jumbo Flying
Squid Beginning of utilization of jumbo flying squid. D.
gigas has become one of the most economically important
squids globally. Until the 1980s, it was seldom used because
of problems with quality. When the supply of neon flying
squid (O. bartramii) were reduced following the 1993 moratorium on high seas driftnets set by the UN General Assembly
Table 13. Dosidicus gigas population’s parameters estimated with Schaefer
Dynamic model.
K (t) D
q (average) D
MSY (t) D
Optimal effort (days) D
Biomass (< 200 nm) (t) D
MSY (< 200 nm) (t) D
(Miki and Sakai, 2008), D. gigas grew in economic importance in Japan and Korea (Miki and Wakabayashi, 2010).
Landings of O. bartramii by the Japanese jigging fleet
also decreased drastically in the early 1990s and squid processors in Japan began using D. gigas caught by the Japanese far-seas jigging fleet or imported from Peru. Initially,
the high concentration of ammonium chloride in the meat
prevented it from being widely used for traditional squid
processing products, but the development in Japan of a
method to remove the ammonium chloride (Yamanaka
et al., 1995) contributed greatly to the increasing use of D.
gigas pickled, deep-fried and in the form of steaks. The
increasing demand for D. gigas has also led to the development in Peru of processed products such as fillets since the
mid-1990s. Peru now exports these products to many countries including Japan.
D. gigas is now widely used in Japan for processed products also made from T. pacificus such as “sakiika” dried squid
jerky, “shiokara” salted/fermented squid, and frozen mixed
seafood using squid arms as a substitute for octopus arms
(Wakabayashi et al., 2009).
In South Korea, D. gigas caught in the far-seas jigging fishery has been used to make “sakiika” since the early-1990s.
Since 1994, several Korean companies have constructed squid
processing factories in Mexico, shifting to local production of
“sakiika” using squid landed by small-scale local fisheries and
exporting to South Korea (Miki et al., 2010). The South
Korean “sakiika” industries were drastically reduced by the
Asian financial crisis in 1997. The center of the “sakiika”
industry has now moved from South Korea to China and
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Japan. In China especially, the “sakiika” industry has become
a major exporter. Expanding the use of jumbo flying squid. Processing methods developed in Japan and South Korea have
expanded throughout the world since the late 1990s for several
reasons. Firstly, investment in squid processing factories in
Peru, Mexico and Chile increased, particularly in Peru where
D. gigas is most abundant. Secondly, primary products
imported from developing coastal countries have been processed into products that meet the demand of countries of final
consumption such as Spain and China. China has contributed
markedly to global expansion of squid consumption by processing squid caught by Chinese vessels, or imported from
coastal countries, and then exporting the products. Spain,
which originally supplied processed squid rings of Argentine
shortfin squid (I. argentinus) to EU markets, has expanded the
squid market by processing squid rings made from D.gigas
which are cheaper than I. argentinus. The global demand for
D. gigas has thus increased.
D. gigas has therefore played an important role in supplying
the word market for squid and in expanding global squid consumption. In traditional squid-consuming countries such as
Japan, this low-priced species has accelerated development of
new processed products, which have led to increased demands,
for example, as a substitute for O. bartramii (Wakabayashi
et al., 2010). In EU countries, where squids are often consumed
as rings, there has been a shift to D. gigas as a substitute for
I. argentinus. In both Japan and the EU, the lower price of
D. gigas was an important reason why processors switched to
the species. If the stocks of O. bartramii or I. argentinus
increase and prices go down, the demand for D. gigas may
decrease. Likewise, the demand for D. gigas might decrease if
an unutilized and low-valued squid stock such as purpleback
flying squid (S. oualaniensis) in the Indian Ocean (Yatsu 1997,
Yatsu et al., 1998a, Chen et al., 2007) were to be exploited.
Interactions between fisheries and ecosystems operate in two
directions. On one hand fisheries can bring about major and
persistent changes in ecosystems in a numbers of ways including the damaging effects of fishing gear on the seabed and benthos, removals of bycatch including birds, seals, and cetaceans,
unsustainable removals of the target species and the impact of
their loss on dependent predators and on the prey of the target
species. All these effects impact the natural balance and energy
transfer within ecosystems because many species are targeted
simultaneously. On the other hand changes in ecosystems
driven by anthropogenic and natural climate change and variability, pollution by contaminants, underwater noise, and presence of built structures such as oil and gas rigs, wind farms,
etc. all in turn affect fisheries conducted in these ecosystems.
17.1. Effects of Fishing Gear on Ecosystems
The most apparent effect of fisheries on ecosystems is often
the direct impact of fishing gear. The world’s largest fisheries
for ommastrephid squids are pursued by squid jiggers using
lights. The power output of the lights of the larger jiggers may
be 300 kW or more and fleets of jiggers can be seen in satellite
imagery from the United States Defense Meteorological Satellite Programme (Rodhouse et al., 2001). The major light fisheries can be seen in imagery from the northwest Pacific
(Kurushio Current), over the continental shelves of the China
Sea and the Sunda-Arafura Province (east Asia), around New
Zealand, in the Humboldt Current—particularly off Peru—and
in the southwest Atlantic over the Patagonian Shelf and shelf
edge (Brazil and Falkland Current). Despite the scale of the
global light fishery, the jigging gear used for squids seems to
cause little damage to ecosystems. The gear does not come
into contact with the seabed and there is virtually no bycatch
of fish, seabirds, or marine mammals (Gonazalez and Rodhouse, 1998; Laptikhovsky et al., 2006). This is partly because
jigs are specifically designed to snag squid by the tentacles
and do not readily catch other marine organisms and because
there is no bait the jigs do not attract seabirds. Also, the catch
comes aboard the jiggers undamaged and is generally carried
in running seawater directly to the working deck so there is no
offal and there are no damaged squid on, or around the vessel
to attract predators and scavengers as happens with trawlers.
However, squid being hauled upward on a line attract predators such as sharks that may swallow jigs together with squid
damaging the lines (Lipinski and Soule, 2007).
The lights, however, do sometimes attract flying seabirds
toward the vessels in foggy conditions at night and these may
come aboard and remain there until daylight. Swarms of
insects are also frequently present, especially if jigging is conducted inshore. This may be detrimental but there are no data
to quantify the extent of any damage caused to these populations. Similarly planktonic and nektonic species are attracted
toward the lights together with the squid but no data have been
collected to test whether there is any effect on these groups.
Neither has there been any research on the effects of lights on
the phytoplankton, which might be expected to be sensitive
locally, or possibly on a larger scale, to the presence at night
of powerful lights close to the ocean surface.
Trawl nets are far less discriminating in what they catch.
Bottom trawls in particular cause widespread and severe damage to the seabed and the benthos (Løkkeberg, 2005) as well
as to the target and bycatch species. While pelagic trawls avoid
damage to the seabed and benthos the bycatch issues remain
the same. Several squid species are targeted by major trawl
fisheries including N. sloanii, D. pealeii, and D. gahi. Particular attention has been drawn to the New Zealand sea lion, Phocarctos hookeri, bycatch taken by the trawl fishery for N.
sloanii which uses bottom and pelagic trawls with high headlines. This sea lion breeds on sub-Antarctic Islands—mostly,
the Auckland Islands to the south of New Zealand. It is one of
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the rarest and most locally distributed pinnipeds in the world.
Despite banning trawling by establishing a marine mammal
sanctuary out to 12 nm around the Auckland Islands in 1995
and increasing protection by making it a no-take marine
reserve in 2003, sea lion pup production declined by 30% in
the eight years between 1998 and 2006 (Chilvers, 2008). Currently, a bycatch limit is set annually by government and the
fishery is closed when the limit is reached. Recently, a bioeconomic approach has been proposed that would encourage fishing effort to be increased in areas of high squid and low sea
lion density (Kahui, 2012).
Trawl fisheries for squid generally present the same bycatch
problems as fisheries using trawl gear for fish species. Foreign
trawlers fishing for D. pealeii and I. illecebrosus off the east
coast of the USA in the period 1977–1988 were responsible
for captures of several cetacean species especially pilot whales
and common dolphins but also minke, right and humpback
whales (Waring et al., 1990). More recently in the fishery for
L. pealeii the bycatch of fish species, especially undersized
scup, butterfish, and flounders, has been demonstrated to be
substantial. These fish are important commercial and recreational species and research on trawl design has enabled
bycatch to be reduced by making changes to the gear. These
changes exploit differences in the behavior in the net between
squid and fish to separate them out and allow the fish to escape
(Glass et al., 1999). Nevertheless the difficulties of introducing effective mitigation measures in this fishery show that the
problem is more complex than can be solved by gear modifications alone (Powell et al., 2004).
Elsewhere, in the Falkland Islands trawl fishery for D. gahi,
about 6% of the total catch includes bycatch some half of
which is commercial species including red cod, hakes, kingclip, hoki, blue whiting, rays, and the squid I. argentinus. The
rest of the bycatch is comprised of other fish and invertebrates
(Laptikhovsky et al., 2006).
A wide variety of other net types are used for squid (Rathjen, 1991). Some are local, artisanal designs; others are used
on a larger scale. The fishery for D. opalescens off Southern
California largely uses a method introduced from Sicily
employing seine nets in conjunction with lights to catch the
squid while they are aggregating at the spawning grounds.
This lampara net fishery around the Californian Channel
Islands has been shown to cause disturbance to nesting seabirds within range of the lights. Evidence that nests were abandoned and chick predation was increased resulted in the Fish
and Game Commission requiring vessels to restrict the wattage
output of the lights and to shield them (Barsky, 2008: http://
During the 1970s, driftnet fishing for the ommastrephid
squid O. bartramii commenced in the North Pacific and by the
1980s, it peaked at some 400,000 t/y (Murata, 1990). However, this fishing method was very destructive of marine life
and was causing high levels of environmental degradation.
Large bycatches of other commercial species as well as marine
mammals, seabirds and turtles were common and if nets were
lost they continued to catch and kill marine life by so-called
ghost fishing (Alverson et al., 1994). The fishery was banned
by a UN Moratorium in 1991 (
17.2. Role of Squid in Ecosystem Change Induced by
Overfishing on Groundfish
The short lifespan coupled with the rapid growth and reproductive rates of squid gives them the selective advantage of
ecological opportunists which can rapidly increase population
size when environmental conditions are favorable. Caddy
(1983) first suggested that cephalopods generally may be able
to increase population size in ecosystems where overfishing of
slower growing and slower reproducing groundfish stocks
have been overexploited. Reduced predation pressure from
groundfish would enable the cephalopods to fill the vacant ecological niche left by the groundfish themselves. Subsequently,
Caddy and Rodhouse (1998) presented evidence from FAO
landing statistics that in some heavily overfished regions cephalopod stocks had increased. In one cephalopod fishery (the
Saharan Banks), there is more detailed evidence that there
have been changes in the community as a result of fishing pressure but that the changes are not as great as the FAO landing
statistics suggest (Balguerıas et al., 2000). Here, changes seem
to have been caused by multiple factors including economic
drivers, oceanographic variability and competition for food.
Major changes in species range and size of populations of
D. gigas in the eastern Pacific since the 1997 ENSO event
have been documented by Field et al. (2007). These changes
have been linked to climate/oceanographic changes in the
region, together with reductions in top fish predators (tuna and
billfishes) and Pacific hake caused by high fishing pressure
(Zeidberg and Robison, 2007; 2008). Other authors (Watters
et al., 2008) have argued that the changes can be explained by
bottom up forcing alone and that D. gigas numbers increased
post 1997 at a time when tuna stocks were at a relatively high
level. Modeling results also show that squid are more susceptible to bottom-up rather than top-down control (Watters et al.,
Given the complexity of marine ecosystems, it is perhaps
not surprising that when causes of a change in one element
(squid in this case) are subjected to close analysis, it becomes
difficult to isolate a single driver. Over the last two centuries
the most substantial changes in marine ecosystems have
almost certainly been caused by direct and indirect removals
of fish, seabirds, whales, and seals by targeted fisheries,
bycatch or anthropogenic factors driving global climate
change. The latter is increasingly driving further change.
There is a need to take a holistic, interdisciplinary, approach
to observing, and modeling marine ecosystems in order to
resolve questions about change in squid populations and
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17.3. Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management (EBFM)
EBFM has its origins in the early 1980s when CCAMLR
(Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) was established in response to international
concern about the threat to the Southern Ocean ecosystem
posed by an Antarctic krill fishery. Concern focused on the
threat posed to krill-dependent predators including baleen
whales, seals and seabirds. The Commission’s objective is
conservation (including rational use) of Antarctic marine life
according to three principles: ensuring stable recruitment of
harvested resources, maintaining ecological relationships
and preventing irreversible ecosystem change: http://www.
By the turn of the millennium, catches worldwide had been
declining for over a decade and it had been clear for some
time that conventional fishery management was failing in
many areas. This led to calls for radical reappraisal of fishery
management (Pauly et al., 2005) and for more holistic
approaches to marine resource management and adoption of
EBM (Larkin, 1996; Link, 2002, 2010). A decade later this
multi-faceted approach is becoming embedded in fishery management thinking and has been widely, but not universally
adopted. EBM differs from traditional resource management
by defining management strategies for entire systems, not individual components of the ecosystem (Link, 2010). Central to
this ecosystem-based perspective is the requirement to account
for all factors that can influence resources within and ecosystem, including ecological and economic interactions.
Squid figure in EBFM both as the subject of targeted fisheries themselves and also as key components in ecosystems
where the EBFM approach is being applied to the fisheries for
other species. Faced with the prospect of a new fishery for the
ommastrephid squid Martialia hyadesi in the Southern Ocean
CCAMLR adopted precautionary management measures
based on consumption of this species by predators including
odontocetes, seals and seabirds (Rodhouse, 1997). Elsewhere
the changing population size of the jumbo flying squid, D.
gigas, in the Gulf of California is a factor in the EBM of forage
fisheries (Bakun, 2009).
EBFM is being applied to the fishery for the loliginid
squid D. opalescens in the Monterey Bay area, California—
pdfs/balancepowerpointslides.pdf—in an area where there
is a considerable amount of ecological data collected for
over six decades by CalCOFI (California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations)—
Elsewhere cephalopods, including squids, have been
included as part of an overall ecosystem approach in relation to fisheries on the Georges Bank off the Northeast
coast of the USA (Brodziak and Link, 2002) and in Southeast Australian waters (Smith et al., 2007).
Whether squids are being considered as elements in the ecosystem or as the subject of targeted fisheries there are several
issues that need to be considered in relation to EBFM. Firstly,
Figure 122. Projected quarterly yield (thousands of metric tons, t) of Northwest Atlantic longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealei) fishery for the 5-year
average of total mortality. Modified from Moustahfid et al. (2009a).
their role in marine food webs, especially as prey for vertebrate
predators. Because of the short squid lifecycle, there is an
annual cycle of abundance that teuthivorous predators may rely
on in a particular season and at a specific geographical location.
Natural variability in squid populations will impose pressures
on these predators but intensive fishing, which is likely to coincide spatially and temporally with activity of the predators, can
be expected to intensify these pressures.
As stated above forage species such as squid (the prey of
many top predators) can occupy middle trophic levels that link
lower trophic level energy or biomass to upper trophic levels,
by being common prey for a range of species (Rice, 1995).
They can be an important source of standing biomass in an
ecosystem, and are often subject to both predation pressure
and commercial harvesting. Various authors have found that
when consumption of particular forage species is calculated,
the predation mortality for the species that had been assumed
as a part of the total natural mortality in traditional stock
assessments were underestimated (e.g., Hollowed et al., 2000;
Moustahfid et al., 2009b). Because predation and fishing mortality vary temporally, spatially, and ontogenetically, total
mortality rates have the potential to be concentrated during a
narrow time-span and cause local depletions (Tsou and Collie,
2001; Staudinger, 2006; Staudinger and Juanes, 2010).
Another consensus among scientists is that, for forage species in particular, careful examination of traditional assumptions regarding predation mortality is needed because the
abundance of their major predators (e.g., demersal fish, large
pelagics, marine mammals, birds, etc.) can reasonably be
expected to increase in the next several years as stocks are
rebuilt to meet legal requirements (e.g., Overholtz et al., 2008;
Moustahfid et al., 2009a). Figure 122 illustrates the trade-offs
between predators and fisheries to be made when managing
forage species such as the longfin inshore squid in the northwest Atlantic. It is clear that if timing of high commercial
exploitation and predatory removals are not synchronous but
dynamic over the year, traditional single species models that
assume constant natural mortality rates will overestimate the
stock’s recovery potential (e.g., Moustahfid et al. 2009 a, b).
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The short lifespan, ecological opportunism and sensitivity
to environmentally driven variability of squid make it hard to
distinguish between natural and fisheries driven reduction in
stock size. The I. illecebrosus fishery which rose to prominence off the east coast of the USA and Canada in the late
1970s and early 1980s declined rapidly later in the 1980s and
it would be easy to assume that fishing pressure was the cause.
However, elsewhere major interannual changes in biomass in
T. pacificus, I. argentinus, and D. gigas have been accompanied by high fishing pressure which does not seem to have prevented recovery after periods of low biomass. For a rationally
based system of EBFM to be effective, it will be necessary to
discriminate between the effects of naturally occurring environmental variability and the effect of fishing pressure on biomass variability.
In Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), measures to protect
squid stocks will be dependent on the species concerned, in
particular, the loliginids and ommastrephids have different
lifecycles, habitats, behaviors, and position in the food web.
Loliginids are coastal/shelf species, have greater dependence
on the sea bed where they spawn and make shorter migrations
over the course of the lifecycle. Ommastrephids are more
pelagic, more oceanic, spawn in midwater, and make long
migrations (Young et al., 2013). Loliginid stocks are likely to
spend most or all of their lifecycle within one MPA and protection may need to be focused on conserving spawning
grounds, maintaining spawning biomass and regulating
bycatch in fisheries for other species. Ommastrephids are
likely to move in, out and between MPAs. They may need protection at times in their lifecycle when they are passing
through areas of intensive fishing effort and are especially vulnerable. In the interests of their dependent predators, they may
need protection when they are in, or approaching, areas where
they are preyed on intensively and so are critical in the predator’s diet at a particular time of the year.
The under- and unexploited species of squids listed in the
Introduction as having potential for fisheries are all large oceanic species. These forage in midwater/pelagic habitats, largely
on mesopelgic fish—especially myctophids—in ecosystems
which are poorly understood. The effective management of
any future fisheries for these species would be dependent on
obtaining sound knowledge of their biology and ecology and
about the ecology of the systems on which they depend.
The total world catch of squids has increased steadily over
several decades but there is now evidence in the FAO data that
this has been followed by an apparent stabilization over the
last ten years (Table 1). Behind this recent overall stability,
however, there has been considerable variation within species.
In particular, production of I. argentinus varied by a factor of
over 5 in the 4 years between 2004 and 2007. It is not possible
to determine from the data whether the global pattern is
because the current fisheries have approached full exploitation,
whether market conditions are playing a part or whether there
are environmental effects. Given the role of squids in marine
ecosystems, there are good reasons to monitor the global catch
in future and explore the reasons for its behavior over time. If
it becomes clear that production has levelled off it should
highlight the need for careful management of individual stocks
in future and also the need to make maximum use of the catch
to avoid waste and maximize the economic benefits from an
industry which is reaching the limits of growth.
The assessment of squid stocks and management of the fisheries is inconsistent regionally and there would be advantages
in moving toward standardising the approach, especially in the
major fisheries. The scheme outlined by Caddy (1983) still
remains valid today and has the advantage that it is relatively
inexpensive to implement and it enables a fishery to be managed in real time, which is especially important in volatile
stocks of short-lived species such a squids. It can form a good
starting point from which regional solutions can branch out.
This approach needs to be underpinned by good scientific
knowledge of the lifecycle, migratory patterns, and stock structure of the species being managed. This knowledge is incomplete in many cases and further fundamental research is needed.
Understanding of the environmental influences on recruitment and hence interannual variability in abundance remains
sketchy, although important progress was made recently (Rodhouse et al., 2014). Improved knowledge of the effects of
environmental variability would open the way to prerecruitment prediction, at least in broad terms, of likely stock size in
the coming season. It would also lay the foundations for predicting the possible effects of longer term climate change on
squid stocks.
Over the last three decades, a considerable body of knowledge has accumulated on the role of squids in the diet of vertebrate predators. However, there are inconsistencies emerging
between data collected using conventional gut contents analysis, the identification and quantification of squid beaks and the
biomass they represent, and the use of fatty acid signatures in
the fatty tissues of predators, including milk, in mammalian
predators (Rodhouse, 2013). There is a need to reconcile these
inconsistencies as these data will become increasingly important in the context of ecosystem-based fishery management.
Less attention has been given to the role of squids as predators.
This is partly because of the difficulty of identifying gut contents of squids but this problem may become more tractable
with the use of DNA sequencing for identification of prey.
Pauly et al. (1998) has pointed out that changing patterns in
marine fisheries can be interpreted as a forced, quantifiable
trend of fishing down the trophic pyramid. This view was first
questioned by Caddy and Garibaldi (2000) and then, from a
different perspective, by Hilborn (see Pauly et al., 2013). Can
cephalopod catches, and especially of squid, be seen as a valid
factor in this debate? All three of the most exploited species of
squids are excellent examples. Their fisheries have expanded
over 100 years in the case of T. pacificus (with tremendous
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fluctuations in abundance), over 30 years in the case of
I. argentinus) and over 20 years old in the case of D. gigas.
All three of these species lie toward the middle of the trophic
pyramid. It has been argued that the concept of food chain
links as applied to opportunistic predators should be revised
(Xavier et al., 2014). These three examples of squid fisheries
do not necessarily indicate that Pauly et al. (1998) were wrong,
but perhaps they took their conclusions too far. Their hypothesis may be specific rather than general, applying to some data
and scenarios and not to others (Caddy and Garibaldi, 2000).
More complex interactions between squid fisheries and
marine ecosystems involve the effects of removals of squid
biomass. They are key prey for vertebrate predators and have
substantial seasonal impact on their own prey populations so
unsustainable levels of exploitation will have impact throughout much of the food web.
The role of squids in ecosystem change includes their
response to change caused by overexploitation of groundfish
stocks as well as their response to changes in other predator
populations and to environmental variability on various time
scales, including long-term climate change. An important scientific challenge for the future will be to discriminate between
these interactions in order for fishery managers to respond
appropriately to changes in squid stocks.
It is advisable to use information on large-scale oceanographic processes in the management of the renewable resources—including squids—of these systems. It can be envisaged
that large and productive systems (such as the Humboldt Current system) might be the first to be managed fully according
to the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) principles and
strategies. An early task will be to model the energy balance
of these systems using different input parameters and under
different environmental scenarios. For practical reasons rophic
pyramid related controls of the marine ecosystems, food transfer energetics and food web related models are little utilized in
squidand fish management. They nevertheless hold the key for
understanding ecosystem dynamics generally. As ecosystembased fishery management develops, squid specialists have a
role both in contributing to the holistic understanding of
marine ecosystems and the role of squids in them and in developing squid fishery management protocols that are sensitive to
the needs of the ecosystem.
Gold Open Access of this paper was generously sponsored by
Pharma Marine AS, Norway, processors of omega-3 oils from
squid trimmings, for the Nutriceutical market.
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed on the
publisher’s website. The file includes a list of the authors and
the sections of the article to which they contributed.
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