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Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto eBooks, 2022
Geography as a science and as a discipline has a huge cultural and creative potential. It can be expressed through the use of modern didactic methods and techniques to prepare for solving existing problems and contradictions in our dynamic age. The spatio-temporal dynamics of modernity imposes geographical culture as an important component of the general one. Successes in the development of a science are closely related to the importance it has for the development of a certain country, ie. It has national significance. It is especially important to use geographical knowledge in difficult situations-recovery from major natural disasters, military, political or economic crises. The geographical research plays an important role in national decision-making, concerning: the best use of the national resources; forecasting the consequences of construction of various technical facilities; improving transport, economic and communication links between regions and many others. Geography as a territorial-spatial science, studying the complex interactions in the system "nature-societyeconomy", has its own unique view of the problems caused by the increasingly aggressive anthropogenization. The geographical education presupposes the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and the composition of patterns of behavior for the objective perception and assessment of the reality in global, regional and local aspects. The goal is the formation of geographical culture, personal development, social adaptation and realization. The selection and structuring of the curriculа must follow the logic and achievements of geography as a science, be consistent with the psycho-physiological age characteristics of the students, and be in a system (traceable logical interconnections within one course and between all courses).
Guide to Early Music in Belgium, 2020
Stef Coninx, Bart Demuyt, Lieze Depuydt, Pieter Mannaerts, Aletheia Vanackere: Guide to Early Music in Belgium, edition 2020: artists, organisations and structures, and context. Brussels: Flanders Arts Institute (Kunstenpunt). 156 pages.
Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl vol. 68, 2024
En el presente trabajo se estudiarán las primeras cinco fojas de una memoria del siglo XVIII que se encuentra en el Archivo de la Fiscalía de Santa María Atlihuetzia, Tlaxcala, México. Este manuscrito fue escrito en la lengua náhuatl o mexicana, y es el registro detallado de la construcción de la iglesia dedicada a la Inmaculada Concepción. La obra demoró ocho años, ya que los trabajos se iniciaron en 1727 y se terminaron hacia 1735, cuando las autoridades eclesiásticas otorgaron el permiso para que se pudieran oficiar misas en este inmueble. La memoria es el registro detallado de la construcción de cada uno de los elementos arquitectónicos de la iglesia y, además, en ella se hace mención de quiénes intervinieron en la edificación y cuánto se pagó a los maestros canteros, doradores, herreros y carpinteros. Cada uno de ellos se encargó de alguna parte de la erección del edificio o de las esculturas religiosas que hasta ahora se encuentran en la iglesia, tanto en el interior como en el exterior.
Economic security of the corporate sector, 2024
The monograph is devoted to the current aspects of the economic security of the corporate sector and covers the entire security cycle from theoretical and methodological aspects of security to the application of economic and mathematical methods of predicting and modeling security of the corporate sector. The monograph may be of interest to academic and pedagogical staff of universities, doctoral students and students, as well as practitioners involved in the bodies and institutions of the economic security of the corporate sector. The author will be grateful for critical comments and recommendations, which will be taken into account in further scientific research and publications.
Journal of Vermont Archaeology, 2006
The following paper will examine Early Archaic “choppers” (renamed tabular knives herein) and their possible function or functions as elucidated through their specific occurrences at the Late Paleoindian Mazza site and the Early Archaic John’s Bridge site in Vermont, in addition to other early Holocene sites in the state and the broader Northeastern region. A three-part typology for these tools is subsequently proposed. From this analysis and comparison, this essay will briefly examine the implications of this functional and distributional analysis, and what these tools may suggest about the lives of early Holocene peoples.
This research paper explores the concept of visual merchandising techniques and how they can influence consumer behavior in retail stores. It argues that store design, layout, and product placement all play a significant role in how customers move around a store and what they ultimately purchase. The paper first discusses the importance of visual merchandising and how it can be used to effectively display products and promote sales. It then explores the concept of store layout and design, highlighting the importance of customer traffic flow and strategic product placement. The paper also examines how signage can be used to guide customers and influence their purchasing decisions. Finally, the paper discusses the importance of creating an engaging shopping experience for customers. It argues that a well-designed store environment can lead to increased impulse purchases and more favourable customer evaluations. The paper concludes by referencing several academic sources that support its key points.
Publicado en la serie Theologie der Einen Welt editada por el Missionswissenschaftliches Institut Missio, Aachen, Alemania (November 2017).
La inculturación pendiente es la aceptación cabal del Nuevo Paradigma cultural, la suma de los varios «nuevos paradigmas» en curso. No se trata de cambiar sólo de lenguaje, de categorías, o de cultura –ni de «ardor, métodos y expresión», como la «nueva evangelización» de Juan Pablo II–. Se trata de replantearlo todo desde bases nuevas. No necesitamos propuestas nuevas (dizque inculturadas), desde los viejos presupuestos (contenidos en el supuesto «depósito de la fe»), sino «propuestas nuevas desde presupuestos nuevos». Cuando estamos transitando un «nuevo tiempo axial», de profundos cambios (de paradigma), continuar siendo uno mismo implica necesariamente cambiar, dejarse transformar desde los presupuestos radicalmente nuevos. En tiempos de cambio radical, sólo cambiando puede uno permanecer fiel a sí mismo. Entrar en esos nuevos presupuestos, reinventarse desde los nuevos paradigmas: ésa es la nueva y más profunda inculturación pendiente.
Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 2019
Conciencia Tecnologica, 2003
History of Science Journal, 2021
Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2016
Obstetrics and gynecology, 2017
Journal of, 2017
Journal of Applied Physiology, 2001
Studi Francesi, 2004
Pediatric Rheumatology, 2013