Homayoon Abtahi, Florida Atlantic University
Ali Zilouchian, Florida Atlantic University
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© American Society for Engineering Education, 2009
Development of a Prototype Fuel Cell Laboratory*
Florida Atlantic University has recently developed a prototype interdisciplinary undergraduate
fuel cell (FC) laboratory. The new laboratory addresses simple and effective approaches for the
implementation of fuel cell technology and its applications through the innovative industrial
design techniques, incorporation of real-time sensory interfacing and other applicable industrial
advances. The implementation phase of the laboratory has been recently achieved in
collaboration with a leading industry with over 15 years experience in design, fabrication and
implementation of fuel cells in both stationary and mobile applications. Students from electrical,
mechanical, ocean and computer engineering are currently benefiting from opportunities the
laboratory provides in design, experiment and simulation of fuel cells. The laboratory consists of
a prototype experimental station. The station contains three microcomputer, three Data
Acquisition boards, several sensors and actuators, and eight experimental setups.
Authors have recently offered a new course entitled “Introduction to Fuel Cell Technology” in
conjunction with the FC laboratory. In addition, multi-disciplinary student groups from senior
design classes are utilizing the lab for FC design projects. It is anticipated that the current
development of the new laboratory will have a direct impact on undergraduate education by
creating a focal point for interdisciplinary learning, a balance between theoretical and hands-on
experience in undergraduate teaching, and application of these educational tools in a vibrant
technology sector. The evaluation plan for the course materials focuses on three general areas.
The first focus is on the assessment of the course modules. The second focus is related to
student-identified strengths/weaknesses of the course/modules. Finally, the third focus is to
document the course/curricular refinements resulting from the evaluative data obtained by end of
spring 2008 semester.
The population of the United States is projected to increase from the current level of 303 million
to 438 million by the year 20501. Only 0.2 % of all energy consumed comes from solar and wind
generation, and only 3.3% is derived from bio-fuels and biomass2 .
The commitment of the new US administration to lead the US to a new era of less dependence on
energy imports, and a serious move to renewable sources of energy presents great opportunities
for job creation and economic development. Jobs that are based on home-grown green energy
supplies may be one of the many anchors that may stabilize our nation and help the economic
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The technical and scientific challenges to provide reliable energy for the nation in a short 30 year
period are enormous tasks, and especially so when combined with strategic and recent economic
concerns. It is clear that as part of the mix of energy sources necessary to deal with these
challenges, solar and hydrogen fuel cells will play critical or even a central role. The US
Department of Energy, as well as a number of the national laboratories and academic institutions
have been aware of the importance of solar and hydrogen for some time. Recently, car
manufacturers, transportation experts, and even utilities are paying attention to this vital source
of energy for the future. The universities need to play an even more important role in addressing
not only the research component of the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable sources of
energy, but, the educational aspects. This role includes a wide range of tasks that include general
education requirements at one end of the spectrum to specific retraining needs at the other.
This paper addresses the educational, and to some extent the information dissemination
component of a recent NSF project related to fuel cell technology by authors.
The past fifteen years has seen an emphasis in advancing fuel cell technology to enable decrease
reliance on fossil fuels3. Toward this end, a significant amount of governmental and industrial
resources have been focused on developing Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) as a
“cleaner” more efficient alternative to existing power generation technologies. PEMFCs convert
chemical energy directly to electrical energy with conversion efficiencies approaching 60% 4-7.
In addition, the only bi-product of reaction is water, which makes the PEM very attractive from
an environmental standpoint. Foreseen applications of PEM fuel cells are widespread ranging
from automotive, aviation, space, marine, military and stationary power production to name a
few 8-10. The technology is suited to provide for power demands from a few watts up to about
300kW11. Some of the major advantages of PEM fuel cell over other fuel cell technologies are
the low operating temperatures and quick startup.
Even though the flexibility of the PEMFC design makes this type of fuel cell an ideal candidate for
use in a variety of applications, several areas within the technology need to be advanced to make
them a practical and cost effective solution8-12. Issues associated with water management,
membrane longevity, and cost need to be addressed in order for the PEMFC to be seriously
considered as a viable alternative to present day carnot-cycle/heat engines. As a result, a lot of
activity within the fuel cell community is centered on improving membrane and electrode
materials, developing methods for managing product water levels and implementing novel
manufacturing techniques to reduce cost 12-16.
During the last few years, several fuel cell research centers have been created at the universities
around the United States. However, most of these centers have developed their activities related
to the graduate level research. Although, there are a few activities and undergraduate projects
related to fuel cell at the undergraduate level, it appears \none of these activities are directly
comparable with the project described herein. The development of the laboratory addresses
existing gap between theory and practice at the undergraduate level. Therefore, it is essential that
today’s undergraduate students be exposed to the fundamental operation of PEM fuel cells, their
varied applications and the issues associated with their widespread use. It is anticipated that the
full development of the materials could be utilized by other institutions around the nation.
Curriculum Development
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An introductory fuel cell course (EML 4930/EEL 4930), has been developed as part of the project,
which has intended to provide a fundamental understanding of present fuel cell technology, its
applications and area of improvement necessary for successful implementation. The course is a 3
credits senior elective course open to students from various departments within the college of
engineering. A portion of the lecture course covers the premise behind the operation of a fuel cell
and provide a survey of prominent fuel cell technologies, their applications, advantages and
disadvantages. The remainder of the class focuses on the PEM fuel cell, its fundamental operation,
basic design, components, operating conditions, performance, applications and prevalent system
designs. A background of the electrochemical and thermodynamic processes associated with
PEMFC are addressed as well as a review of basic designs and components used. Major
components such as membranes, electrodes, catalysts, gas diffusion layers, collector plates, busplates and endplates is covered to provide a fundamental knowledge of present materials. A
substantial time is spent reviewing operating conditions and their effects on fuel cell performance.
Effects of operating pressure, temperature, reactant gas humidification, product-water management
and heat removal is also discussed. Commonly used methods for identifying causes of maladies
and appropriate remedies are also examined. Considerations necessary for the implementation as
well as sizing of a fuel cell stack to a particular application are discussed. This will also consist of
a review of electrical design considerations necessary to meet both DC and AC power
requirements. An overview associated with the connection of fuel cell stacks in series, in parallel
or in conjunction with batteries is provided. Three main system configurations are discussed, pure
hydrogen/oxygen, pure hydrogen/air and reformate/air. Both advantages and shortcomings are
addressed and areas of improvement reviewed.
In order to advance fuel cell technology, the capability to testing and evaluating new designs is
critical. Without proper testing facilities very little progress can be made in advancing a particular
design. The design and development of fuel cells greatly depends on constructing hardware and
then evaluating it under expectant environmental conditions. It is nearly impossible to come up
with a fuel cell design that works as intended without proceeding through various testing and redesign iteration. United Technologies Inc., and Teledyne Energy Systems currently have several
fuel cell configurations that exhibit excellent performance17-19 . These design techniques can
provide exceptional stability even at current densities greater than 600 mA/cm2. Teledyne fuel
cells are well known for their high power densities and superb cell-to-cell voltage consistency
(typically less than 10 mV, even at high current densities) under various operating conditions 18,19 .
The know-how necessary to achieve this level of performance is lacked by most other fuel cell
developers due to the immense hardware configurations inherent in designing a fuel cell and the
time required to iterate to a final design20-22. Designs such as the model TESI NG2000™ have
reached a point in development that allow large-scale production methods to be sought out in
earnest. This has largely been made possible by over 15 years of refining designs through testing.
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The multi-disciplinary and the inter-disciplinary aspects of fuel cells make them ideal teaching
tools. Design and analysis of fuel cells involve the understanding of electrochemistry,
thermodynamics, fluid flow and heat transfer, system dynamics, electronics and controls on both
theoretical and experimental levels. Mechanical, electrical, material science and computer science
students can all work together in a unified approach to modeling, simulation, and testing of fuel
cells. The College of Engineering at FAU has for several years supported a multi-disciplinary
approach to engineering education. The senior year set of two design courses involve students
from all engineering departments working together in design and fabrication of student projects.
The concept of using fuel cells as the center of a cooperative course between electrical and
mechanical engineering grew out of a cooperation between respective faculty members of these
two departments. The tools needed for analysis, simulation, and testing of fuel cells are common
to both departments and include: system modeling and tools as such as Matlab’s SimulinkR, an
extensive data acquisition system and the utilization of National Instrument’s LabviewR hardware
and software. These common threads between the students from mechanical and electrical
engineering departments were used to form a cohesive class of multi-disciplinary individuals
working on a common project.
Laboratory Modules and Project Evaluation
The students in the fuel cell class were exposed to Fuel Cell fundamentals. Department of
Energy (DOE) handbook on fuel cells2 was made available on the class Blackboard site as well
as a number of other references. Once the students had a basic familiarity with fuel cell
electrochemical basics and general design principles, they were grouped into teams of three to
four. To strengthen the multi-disciplinary nature of the course, each team was required to have at
least one mechanical and one electrical engineering student. Each team was then required to
study and evaluate a major aspect of fuel cell research, development, design, safety or marketing.
The flexibility for topic choice created interest and excitement in the classroom, and led to
informative, educational, and a state-of-the art discussion of emerging and innovative fuel cell
For the spring 2006, more than 40 students have enrolled for the EEL 4930 or EML 4930 course.
The students' survey has provided the PIs a great feedback to refine the materials as well as the
laboratory experiments. More than fifteen team projects were completed during Sp. 2006
semester. For the spring 2007, 29 students were enrolled for the course. The students were
divided into 13 different groups for the experimental part of the project. Due to the Laboratory
limitation, a cap was placed for the Spring 08 semester. 14 students registered for the course for
the spring 08 semesters. The content of the course was revised according to the assessment plan.
For the first-phase course evaluation, a course-based assessment instrument has been designed to
determine fundamental student understanding of PEM fuel cells, their varied applications, and
issues associated with their use. Ten(10) questions have been distributed to the students at the
end of each semester that course has been offered for the past three years. The first part of the
assessment has focused on (1) integration of the lecture and the laboratory (2) labview and data
acquisition, (3) simulik modeling of the fuel cells (4) the data collection of the commercial fuel
cell (5) modeling of the fuel cell based on the laboratory data, and (6) completion of a system
design and final project.
The second part of the assessment has focused upon student-identified strengths/weaknesses of
the course/modules. In sequel, the assessment results have been utilized for the course/curricular
refinements. Twenty-two (22) students provided the survey for spring 2007. Eleven (11) students
returned the survey papers for spring 2008. In addition, 5 different surveys were conducted for
teaching assistants. Below is a brief summary of the student's feedback based on the above
described modules:
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(1)Students were generally pleased with the integration of the course materials and the
laboratory. For the Spring 07 semester, 89% of the students approved the integration of the
lecture and the laboratory strongly, and 9% disapproved of the concept. For spring 2009 survey,
all students strongly approved the integration of the course and the laboratory.
(2) The four (4) Simulink modeling experiments were very useful to understand the
mathematical concepts and the modeling of the PEM fuel cell. 82% of the surveyed students
highly approved the simulink experiments for the spring 07 semester. All the students for spring
08 semester thought the simulink experiments were very useful.
(3) The three Labview projects have provided the students with much better understanding of the
instrumentation interface and data acquisition procedures. However, only 59% of the students
have approved the approach for the Labview experiments, where 39% thought major
improvements were needed. In sequel, the students' suggestions were integrated for the spring 08
semesters. All of the students were positive related to the Labview experiments. They thought it
was a very useful tool for real-time modeling and control.
(4) Majority of spring 07 survey students were pleased with the lab experiments with Nexa Fuel
cell (68%). However, more stations with variety of fuel cells were needed in order to
accommodate the enrolled students in the lab. For spring 08, more stations were added with
limited number of students for each lab session.
(5) Modeling of the Nexa based on the collected lab data were revised based on the TA's and
student's suggestion. The students' survey shows 100% approval for the Nexa experiment for the
sp. 08 semesters.
(6) All students for spring 06, 07 and 08 were pleased with the final project modules. During
spring 2007, thirteen (13) different team projects were completed by the students in various
subject related to PEM fuel cells. During 2008, eight (8) different projects were completed. The
students were very pleased with formal, informal, team learning and self learning of the projects.
Students were required to present their final project. They were also required submitting a formal
report for each project. The students have worked as a team in order to accomplish each of their
tasks. Each team prepared a written final report describing their projects. In addition, each team
was required to present the project to the entire class.
Finally, representatives from a spectrum of local industries, including Motorola, Teledyne Inc.
and Enerfuel Inc. have been invited to visit the new laboratory several times. Their comments
and suggestions have been utilized to modify the on-going activities at the laboratory.
Furthermore, peer evaluation of the laboratory program has been conducted by invitation of
colleagues from universities especially from the Florida State University Systems including
UCF, FSU, and FIU. Such evaluations have been utilized in order to enhance our program as
well as to provide a vehicle for our national visibility in this area.
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Figure 1: Implementation of Single Stack FC
Figure 2: Single Stack FC
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Figure 3: Ballard NEXAR 1.2 kW fuel cell test station
Student reaction thus far has been exceptionally gratifying. There is a sense in the classroom that
this is a real opportunity for learning. The chemistry between the students and the teachers reveals
the special bond that develops when a group of interested students and teachers come together for
a common goal. While projects and lab assignments are graded, it is clear that most of the students
in this class are not attending merely for a grade. One of the most interesting observations in this
class is that when learning is task oriented, much better results are achieved. This is particularly
evident in the students’ attitude toward modeling and instrumentation software packages. Because
the students are aware that they will use the software in the upcoming experiments involving the
fuel cells with their specific lab assignments, there is improved attendance, retention, and nearly
100% compliance with assignment goals. As compared with the authors’ experience in for
example Experimental Methodology which also uses the Labview packages but for generic
experiments, there appears to be a better response in the goal oriented fuel cell class.
In summary, the Fuel Cell Course has proven to be a tremendous tool in multi-disciplinary
learning, in the teaching of modeling and instrumentation software, covering the fundamentals of
fuel cell technology, and hands on training of students with PEM fuel cells. Based on evaluation
outcome and accomplishments of the project, the prototype system can be elevated to full-scale
development and implementation in various institutions around the nation.
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Population Reference Bureau Web site:
DOE, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Website: “”
F. Barbir: Recent Progress and Remaining Technical Issues in PEM Fuel Cell Development, World Hydrogen
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J. Larminie and A. Dicks: Fuel cell systems explained, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, West Sussex, England, 2000.
M. Williams, D. Rastler and K. Krist: Fuel Cells: Realizing the Potential, 2000 Fuel Cell Seminar, Portland,
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10. K. Washington: Development of a 250kW Class Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Stack, 2000 Fuel Cell
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17. J. Eborn, C. Haugstetter, L. Pedersen and S. Ghosh: System Level Dynamic Modeling of Fuel Cell Power
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Page 14.689.9
18. M. Fuchs: Teledyne Energy Systems Inc.: Development of Advanced, Low-cost PEM Fuel Cell Stack and
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20. H. Abtahi, P. Das and M. Fuchs: Final Report on Fuel Cell Flow Optimization, # PRDA-DE - AC0896NV11986, October 10, 1997.
21. H. Abtahi and A. Zilouchian and F. Fuchs: Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Control Strategy for
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22. H. Abtahi, A. Zilouchian, A. and F. Fuchs: Design and Implementation of a Hierarchical Control Strategy for
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Proceedings of 37th IEEE, Controls and Decision Conference, pp. 461463, Tampa, FL Dec. 1998.
23. A. Zilouchian, A. and H. Abtahi, Design and Implementation of a Fuel Cell Laboratory, 2008 National Science
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24. A. Saengrung, H. Abtahi and Ali Zilouchian, “Neural network model for a commercial PEM fuel cell system”
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25. H. Abtahi, and A. Zilouchian, ”Using Alternative Energy Sources and Appropriate Energy Utilization as
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26. M. Saelzer, R. Messenger, A. Zilouchian and H. Abtahi “Solar-Powered Electric Cart”, Proceedings of 19th
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27. A. Zilouchian, H. Abtahi and A. Saengrung, “Water Management of PEM Fuel Cells Using Fuzzy Logic
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* This project is partially supported by the National Science Foundation(NSF) under the
grant #DUE-0341227.
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