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2003, Biotechnology Law Report
2 pages
1 file
Saddam Hussein's image on the postage stamp dominated the envelope. In it was a card purporting to come from a Dr. May Al-Doori, asking for a reprint of a story that had appeared in the December 1984 issue of Biotechnology Law Report. It was the only correspondence I have ever received from Iraq. The requested article was our report of a lawsuit that had been brought by activist-gadfly Jeremy Rifkin against the U.S. Defense Department, seeking to halt construction of a facility related to biological warfare. That case had been settled in February 1987, when the government agreed to do an Environmental Impact Statement. It was flattering to learn that the fame of our publication extended as far as the Middle East, probably via an indexing database that is available online. But only subscribers are entitled to receive our news reports, so I had no qualms about refraining from sending anything to the requester. Yet there was something else that troubled me about the communication. Even though the U.S. had been favoring Iraq in its struggle against Iran in 1989 and Iraq had not yet invaded Kuwait, this card was evidence of Iraqi interest in biological weaponry. Moreover, it seemed to
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