Biogeography of mosses and allies:
does size matter?
Nagore G. Medina , Isabel Draper and
Francisco Lara
Departamento de Biología (Botánica), Facultad de Ciencias,
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
11.1 Introduction
Bryophytes are the second largest group of embryophytes, or green land
plants, after the very diverse Angiosperms. hey comprise three main lineages
(Frey, 2009; Goi net and Shaw, 2009): mosses (Division or Phylum Bryophyta),
that are currently estimated to include 12 500–13 000 species; liverworts
(Marchantiophyta), that are thought to number 5000 or a few more; and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta), with only 100–150 species. h is adds up to around
18 000 species, although estimates range from 14 000 to 25 000.
Bryophytes in general, and especially mosses and liverworts, are highly successful plants. hey display a high level of diversity, are almost universally present in
land environments, and play a signiicant role in many terrestrial and freshwater
ecosystems (Vanderpoorten and Goi net, 2009). Although often inconspicuous,
mosses and liverworts can be found even in the world’s toughest environments,
such as freezing and hot deserts. Moreover, in some harsh environments, such as
Biogeography of Microscopic Organisms: Is Everything Small Everywhere?, ed. Diego Fontaneto.
Published by Cambridge University Press. © The Systematics Association 2011.
the epiphytic stratum of temperate woodlands or the terrestrial ecosystems of the
tundra, they are the chief group of organisms, together with lichens. Peatlands,
which cover c. 3% of the Earth’s land surface (Limpens et al., 2008), are a particular and outstanding case of habitat where bryophytes generally prevail, commonly
with species of Sphagnum as the dominant vegetation element. Even if bryophytes
are particularly diverse and luxuriant in tropical montane cloud forests and in
humid temperate woodlands, they can be found more or less abundantly in all
environments where land plants can survive (Gignac, 2001). Furthermore, in global terms, bryophytes contribute to a signiicant proportion of the production and
biomass in a variety of ecosystems (Vanderpoorten and Goi net, 2009).
Mosses and their allies are the smallest green land plants. hey can be
minute: some leafy liverworts are almost invisible to the naked eye and the tiniest
mosses are less than 2 mm tall. At the opposite end, some hepatics reach 30 cm
and several mosses can exceed 70 cm in length. he majority of bryophytes, however, measure between 0.5 and 10 cm. hey are reputed to be, both structurally
and physiologically, the ‘simplest’ land plants. Actually, bryophytes exhibit a wide
range of structural complexity, although they cannot develop complex supporting
or conducting tissues because, unlike vascular plants, bryophytes always lack lignin. he bryophyte life cycle is distinguished from that of all other embryophytes
in the predominance of the haploid generation, the gametophyte being the photosynthetic phase. Compared with tracheophytes (vascular plants, including ferns
and allies, conifers and angiosperms), the gametophyte of bryophytes is therefore
very complex. On the other hand, the diploid phase of bryophytes consists of a single sporangium on an unbranched lealess stalk, attached to the gametophyte and
nutritionally depending on it. he sporophyte generation of bryophytes is thus the
least complicated among the land plants.
Bryophytes lack mechanisms and structural systems that allow an efective control of water relations. hey are therefore poikilohydrous, a trait shared with algae
and lichens, but uncommon among pteridophytes and angiosperms (Pugnaire
and Valladares, 2007). h is characteristic could be interpreted in terms of physiological simplicity, but is actually an alternative and successful life strategy since
bryophytes combine poikilohydry with another essential feature: the capacity of
maintaining latent life (quiescence) after desiccation, with a high faculty of reviviscence without damage after rehydration (Oliver et al., 2005). In fact, their ability
to survive cold and dry conditions is unparalleled in other principal plant groups
(Glime, 2007). In the absence of major barriers for gas and water exchange, the
hydration state in most bryophytes is dependent on ambient humidity. However,
many species have evolved morphological structures or architectural characteristics that modify water uptake and storage rates, and that limit water loss from shoot
surfaces. As a consequence, species of bryophytes difer greatly in their evaporative exchange properties (Rice et al., 2001). Since desiccation tolerance and other
ecophysiological traits also vary among bryophytes (Proctor, 2009), diferent species exhibit a broad range of physiological optima and ecological amplitudes.
Bryophytes, like pteridophytes but unlike lowering plants, propagate by means
of sexual spores (meiospores). hese are produced in the capsule (sporangium) of
the sporophyte and germinate into a protonema that subsequently produces the
gametophores or green plants. Gametophytes can be monoecious and then the
processes of fertilisation and consequent generation of new sporophytes have no
special diiculties. However, among mosses dioecious species are just as common
as monoecious ones, and more so among liverworts; in some cases, sporophytes
have never been found in certain populations or even species. Bryophyte spores
are quite diverse in size, although in general they are small, usually between
10–20 µm in diameter (Frahm, 2008). Hence, they are potentially adequate for wind
dispersal, which is indeed the most common dispersal mechanism, although animal and water dispersal also occur (e.g. Porley and Hodgetts, 2005; Marino et al.,
2009). here is a tremendous variation in spore production among bryophytes,
the number of spores per capsule being in the interval of 104 to 106 for most species (Vanderpoorten and Goi net, 2009). In addition, mosses and allies propagate
through vegetative structures. Asexual propagules can be undiferentiated (fragments of gametophyte structures) or more or less specialised reproductive bodies
(brood bodies or gemmae), and have various sizes and shapes. It is suspected that
vegetative propagation plays an essential role in the dispersal of bryophytes and
it has a chief importance for colony expansion when the plants have already initiated its establishment (Glime, 2007).
Many of the characteristics of bryophytes enumerated above (size, way of life,
dispersal mechanisms, etc.) suggest that these organisms are excellent candidates
for corroborating Baas Becking’s hypothesis of ‘Everything is everywhere’ (Baas
Becking, 1934). In fact, traditional thoughts revolve around the assumptions that
(1) bryophytes display no major dispersal restrictions because of their minute
wind-transported diaspores (spores or vegetative structures for dispersal) and
(2) since they are small their distributions are largely depending on the microenvironment rather than on macroclimatic characteristics (cf. Schuster, 1983). In
the following, we intend to show to what extent this idea is valid nowadays. We use
both a classical approach, based on morphological concepts of taxa, and a phylogeographic approach, based on molecular data.
11.2 The classical approach
In classical biogeography the analysis of distribution ranges has been a keystone
in the attempts to disentangle the relative importance of the major factors afecting bryophyte distributions.
11.2.1 Wide distribution ranges
Bryophytes tend to show wider distribution ranges than lowering plants. Many
species have geographic ranges that include more than one continent, and cosmopolitan distributions are said to be relatively frequent (Shaw and Goi net, 2000;
Frahm, 2008; Vanderpoorten and Goi net, 2009). At the family and generic level,
worldwide distributions are more or less the rule. hus, more than 75% of the families of bryophytes are widespread in both hemispheres (Tan and Pócs, 2000).
However, at the species level, extremely wide distributions are not as common as
could be expected. here are no accurate data on how many cosmopolitan bryophyte species there are in total, but based on regional Holarctic bryoloras we can
get some insights. Among European liverworts and hornworts the level of cosmopolitan species ranges from 3.1% (Frey et al., 2006) to 5.1% (Dierssen, 2001), for a
lora of 453 species (Grolle and Long, 2000). For mosses, following the broad criterion of Dierssen (2001), 93 European species are considered to be cosmopolitan,
which represents 7.2% of the 1292 species known from this continent (Hill et al.,
2006). Finally, in eastern North America, Crum and Anderson (1981) considered
only ive mosses out of 765 to be cosmopolitan. Although the number of cosmopolitan species depends on the dei nition of the concept (the data on European
mosses include several species regarded as cosmopolitan that are not considered
so in the lora of eastern North America), the rates obtained are not very high in
any case. Considering that the provided data were gathered from two well-known
continents, it can be assumed that most of the world’s cosmopolitan bryophytes
are included. If this is true, the global percentage of cosmopolitan bryophytes
might be far below 1%.
he idea that very wide distributions are rare is supported by the fact that most
bryophyte species are limited to certain regions, even if their ranges are usually
larger than the ones found among other terrestrial plants. he question is whether
these distributions are restricted because of environmental factors or if there are
other meaningful biogeographic constraints. To illustrate what we mean, let us
look at the European species with ai nities for a Mediterranean climate. If we
assume that bryophytes are wide-ranging plants in which transcontinental dispersal is common, it should be expected that species with marked Mediterranean
ai nity in Europe occur in other parts of the world with a similar climate type.
In an unpublished study of the European species with a Mediterranean ai nity
we found that 62 out of 117 (61.5%) species are restricted to the Palaearctic. Of the
remaining species, 23 (19.7%) are also present in California, 11 (9.4%) are recorded
in South Africa, seven (6.0%) occur in Chile, four (3.4%) are present in Australia,
and only one species is present in all Mediterranean climate zones. Interestingly,
many of the species from the Mediterranean basin have not established successful populations in other continents, even if they produce high quantities of small
spores (down to less than 18 μm), as is the case for Orthotrichum philibertii or
Anomobryum lusitanicum. Despite their apparently having the means for spreading over long distances, a high percentage of the bryophytes show distributions
with strong geographic constraints.
Wide distribution patterns can arise from diferent mechanisms, such as
stepping-stone or long-distance dispersal. Stepping-stone dispersal is a result of
numerous efective short-distance dispersal events and therefore requires connections (present or past) between landmasses for range expansion and possibly implies long periods of time to attain wide ranges. Consequently, some of
the ranges discussed above, including the Mediterranean–South American disjunctions are diicult to explain solely by the stepping-stone mechanism. If longdistance dispersal is responsible for wide species ranges, dispersal could have
occurred in recent times, after the separation of landmasses. h is requires that
species produce small spores and have access to adequate dispersal agents (e.g.
air currents). Whereas the transport of spores to the new locality is necessary this
is not suicient for colonisation: spore survival, establishment and persistence
are also essential. hus, for the Mediterranean species it appears that several biological or ecological features can prevent species from efective dispersal (including both transport and establishment) across long distances.
11.2.2 Endemic ranges
As we have seen, many bryophytes have geographically limited but relatively
large distribution areas. here are also endemic bryophytes with very restricted
distributions (narrow endemisms); among many others, good examples are
Vandiemenia ratkowskiana, a liverwort endemic to Tasmania and only known
from two localities that are separated by c. 70 km (Furuki and Dalton, 2008), or
Renauldia lycopodioides, a moss known from a few localities in Tanzania and
Kenya (O’Shea, 2006). Nonetheless, bryophytes show low levels of endemism in
most regions. Low incidence of endemism is usually understood as an indicator
of the relevance of long-distance dispersal. On the other hand, a high percentage of endemism is interpreted as indicative of a high degree of isolation of a
given lora, both in time and space, and can be related to the prevalence of shortdistance dispersal in most of the included species. Due to the high dispersal capacity of many species, a large number of bryophytes could potentially maintain
the genetic connectivity between populations, even if they grow in localities that
are several thousand kilometres apart. Under such a scenario, allopatric speciation should be relatively rare among bryophytes. In agreement with this idea,
bryophytes show signiicantly lower rates of endemism than lowering plants.
Some islands in the Mediterranean Sea that are known to have nearly 10%
endemic vascular plants, such as Corsica and Sardinia, have just one endemic
moss (Sotiaux et al., 2009). Other good examples are the Canary Islands, where
Table 11.1. Percentage of endemic bryophytes in selected areas of high endemicity level.
Source of the data
Staples et al., 2004; Staples and
Imada, 2006
New Caledonia
Morat, 1993
New Zealand
Fife, 1995; Engel and Glenny, 2008
O’Shea, 2006
mountain range
Churchill, 2009
more than 21% of the vascular plants are endemic (Machado, 2002) compared
with only 1.4% of the mosses (González-Mancebo et al., 2008). In the Iberian
Peninsula the rate of vascular plants endemism exceeds 25% (Sáinz Ollero and
Moreno Saiz, 2002), but less than 1% of the bryophyte species are endemic. In
the Galapagos Islands only 15 liverworts and six mosses are ‘proven’ endemics
(Porley and Hodgetts, 2005). Even if the rate of endemism among bryophytes is
lower than that found in larger organisms, there are however many cases around
the world where the rates of endemism indicate isolation of the loras. Typical
examples are those areas that exhibit the world’s highest endemism rates for vascular plants (exceeding 70%) and that also present corresponding rates of liverwort and moss endemism, ranging from 23% to 50% (Table 11.1). From such data
we can infer that biogeographic barriers can have diferent signiicance for bryophytes and lowering plants. Short sea distances, such as the ones that separate
the Mediterranean islands from the continent, or mountain ranges comparable
to the Pyrenees, appear not to represent true barriers for bryophyte dispersal,
whereas they are obviously limiting the distributions of a number of lowering
plants. However, this does not mean that there are no obstacles at all to bryophyte dissemination and there are many examples that indicate the existence of
barriers (not always physical). hus, the ecologically isolated Andean region has
a signiicant level of bryophyte endemism, while New Zealand, New Caledonia
and Hawaii are equally unique in this respect as a consequence of their strong
geographic isolation.
Several species are potentially capable of maintaining transcontinental
connectivity between populations through long-distance dispersal, which
could prevent population diferentiation even in remote islands, but it is clear
that there are a number of cases in which isolation and allopatric speciation
occur. How important then is long-distance dispersal in relation to endemism?
Surprisingly, only one of the eight endemic mosses of the British Isles produces
Fig 11.1 he epiphytic moss Orthotrichum handiense growing on the branches of
Asteriscus sericeus.
sporophytes (Smith, 2004; Porley and Hodgetts, 2005), which indicates the
relevance of the lack of sexual reproduction and spore production for maintaining isolation. Although seemingly remarkable, the case above is relatively
untypical and many endemic species do indeed produce sporophytes and high
quantities of small spores and could potentially connect even distant populations. For example, Orthotrichum handiense is a moss restricted to a small area
on Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) and represents an outstanding example of
local endemism (Figs 11.1, 11.2) because it has a population that is relatively
rich in individuals and a high production of sporophytes (Lara et al., 2003). h is
shows that when evaluating the relevance of dispersal capacity and connectivity among populations, not only lack of spore production, but also many other
factors can hamper the efectiveness of dispersal, such as accessibility to transport means, survival and establishment success. In a set of experiments on
spore viability in New Zealand mosses, spores of endemic species were found
to have low survival rates after desiccation, freezing and UV exposure (van
Fig 11.2 Location (star) of the known population of O. handiense.
Zanten and Pócs, 1981; van Zanten and Gradstein, 1988), pointing out the paramount importance of spore endurance to survive the harsh conditions during
long-distance dispersal. Equally critical but less explored is the establishment
phase. It is thought that establishment of new shoots from spores germinating
under natural conditions depends on a complex set of factors and may occur
only rarely (e.g. Boatman and Lark, 1971; Miles and Longton, 1990; but see discussion in Sundberg and Rydin, 2002).
Another unknown factor is how easily diaspores can access the agents of dispersal, which might be especially relevant for the isolation in small organisms that
are found in speciic microenvironments. Some bryophyte species occupy sheltered microhabitats where wind transport is very unlikely. A good example of this
is the so-called ‘rockhouses’, in the Southern Appalachian Mountains (USA). hese
are deep narrow gorges that harbour a remarkably isolated bryolora with several
endemic mosses and a relatively high number of species that have their closest
relatives in the tropics (Billings and Anderson, 1966; Farrar, 1998). he greatest
concentration of endemism occurs near waterfalls and in sheltered microenvironments where conditions are stable and spore dissemination by wind may be
prevented by the surface tension of water in a permanently wet environment. he
result is a humid and mild refugium for certain bryophytes, isolated from major
air currents.
11.2.3 Disjunct ranges
Up to here, we have looked at insights provided by analyses of continuous ranges.
However, perhaps more than wide ranges and rates of endemism, the paradigmatic examples that summarise the controversy on the relative importance of
the main processes determining species geographic ranges are the disjunctions.
Discontinuous distribution ranges can be interpreted either as the result of fragmentation of ancient continuous distributions or as consequences of long-range
dispersals. Supporting the hypothesis of relict ranges is the fact that most bryophyte disjunct distributions are highly congruent with the continental drift
hypothesis (Schoield and Crum, 1972; Schuster, 1983). Indeed, the bryophyte disjunctions parallel those found in spermatophytes, which suggests that the historic
events that shaped species distribution for lowering plants are also relevant for
bryophytes. Schoield (1988) analysed the disjunctions between Europe and North
America and concluded that the western North American–western European
bryophyte disjunctions have a relict origin. He based his conclusion on inferences
made from the biological and ecological characteristics of the disjunct species.
h is kind of analysis gives indirect but consistent results regarding the importance
of past geologic and climatic events in causing the observed disjunct patterns.
If we accept the relict origin of the disjunctions we have to assume that some
species have remained unchanged (at least morphologically) for very long periods
of time. At the population level there is evidence for the ability of bryophytes for
long-term survival. For example, the perennial species Anastrophyllum saxicola is
known for producing extensive populations of clones that likely survived a minimum of 2000 years (Longton and Schuster, 1983). h is could indicate that some
species are capable of persisting, even under suboptimal conditions, as living fossils (Hallingbäck, 2002). It is unknown how common these rates of survival are
and, in any case, to assume species stability at a geologic time scale is a very diferent matter. Although records of old fossils are scarce within bryophytes, there are
a few remarkable examples of morphological stability, and at least some species
have remained unchanged for more than 45 million years (cf. Taylor et al., 2009).
However, to provide evidence for the African–Tropical American or Pangaea n distributions, species need to remain without apparent changes for more than 100
and 180 millions of years respectively.
Certain intriguing disjunct distributions that are diicult to interpret under a
historic and geologic perspective provide support for the long-distance dispersal
hypothesis. Perhaps the best examples are the bipolar disjunctions, distributions
that include boreal or temperate regions in both hemispheres but with an absence
from the landmasses in between. here are 18 bryophytes species in Antarctica
that are known to have this type of distribution (Ochyra et al., 2008). In most cases,
species with bipolar disjunctions have a predominantly Holarctic distribution and
a few isolated populations in the southern hemisphere and therefore they probably originated by long-distance dispersal from source populations in the northern hemisphere (Ochyra and Buck, 2003).
In spite of their support for the long-distance dispersal hypothesis, erratic and
unconnected distributions such as bipolar disjunctions are infrequent among
bryophytes. Most species show geographic ranges that are congruent with general
loristic patterns and therefore diferent biogeographic units (kingdoms, subkingdoms, regions etc.) can be recognised (e.g. Schoield, 1992). he general patterns
of vascular plants and bryophytes are analogous, suggesting that the historical
and biological mechanisms shaping the species distributions are similar in both
groups (Schoield, 1992). Because of the low likelihood of a repetition of a unidirectional stochastic event, it has been argued that the concordant bryoloras are
a proof of the lack of importance of neutral long-dispersal events in shaping species distributions (Schuster, 1983). However, it has been increasingly understood
that wind dispersal is not just a stochastic neutral process. On the contrary, intercontinental dispersal events by wind are considered part of a directional, congruent and consistent process which could give rise to patterns of concordant loras
(McDowall, 2004; Muñoz et al., 2004; Cook and Crisp, 2005), especially in groups
of high dispersal potential such as bryophytes. Despite the latter, the similarity
across loristic realms presents a picture highly concordant with historic connectivity and appears diicult to explain solely by wind connectivity. For example,
Pócs (1998) analysed the phytogeographic ai nities of the bryophyte lora of the
Arc Mountains in eastern Africa showing how the old crystalline mountains of this
cordillera host a signiicantly higher number of Lemurian (Madagascan) elements,
than the neighbouring younger mountains do. Furthermore, even if nowadays the
Eastern Arch is not the closest area to Madagascar, it contains the highest number
of Lemurian bryophytes in continental Africa. h is strongly relects ancient links
between Eastern Africa and Madagascar, two dissected parts of Gondwanaland.
11.2.4 Diversity patterns
As we have seen, bryophytes show a wide variety of distribution patterns, from
very extensive to very narrow ranges, including both continuous and disjunct distributions. Bryophyte distributions frequently parallel those of lowering plants,
which suggests that both groups were inluenced by the same factors. However,
a detailed analysis of their distribution patterns shows important discrepancies
which could have resulted from the fact that bryophytes are smaller than vascular
plants, that they have a more ancient origin, and/or that they have diferent modes
of dispersal. In some respects these diferences make bryophytes more similar to
other small-sized organisms with passive wind dispersal. We will now focus on
bryophyte diversity patterns to explore whether these are shared with vascular
plants or with microorganisms.
he latitudinal gradient of species richness has traditionally been thought to be
one of the few general rules in biogeography (Hawkins et al., 2003). he decrease in
species richness towards the poles is consistent across a wide variety of organisms
with high levels of organisation. h is latitudinal gradient is lacking in some microorganisms, which has raised doubts about the generality of the pattern. For bryophytes it has repeatedly been stated that the tropics harbour the richest bryoloras
of the world (e.g. Argent, 1979; Frahm et al., 2003). However, recently published
global maps of moss (Mutke and Barthlott, 2005) and liverwort (von Konrat et al.,
2008) species richness do not show unambiguous evidence of such a latitudinal
gradient. Tropical regions in South America are consistently richer in moss species than regions at higher latitudes. his pattern is not so clear in liverworts, and
some countries of tropical Africa show remarkably low species richness for both
mosses and liverworts. Furthermore, in a study of moss species richness in the
tropical Andes, Churchill (2009) suggested that the global pattern of richness in
bryophytes is probably the opposite of that observed in other groups. In his study
he argues that the richest areas of the world are the temperate and boreal forests
of the northern hemisphere. Although the compilation efort made is huge in both
the studies of Mutke and Barthlott (2005) and von Konrat et al. (2008), it is important to note that the information on bryophytes species richness is far from complete, and some of the observed patterns may be lawed by knowledge gaps and
uneven sampling eforts, as already noted by the authors. A good example of this
is that many tropical African countries, such as Guinea Bissau and he Gambia,
still have just one species recorded (O’Shea, 2006). In addition, both Mutke and
Barthlott (2005) and von Konrat et al. (2008) based their overviews on geopolitical
units (countries and states), which clearly oversimpliies the species richness patterns and can produce misleading results (Mutke and Barthlott, 2005).
h is problem of too coarse units, as well as the bias caused by gaps in knowledge, could also have inluenced the conclusions by Shaw et al. (2005). hese
authors published one of the few attempts of statistically quantifying the latitudinal gradient in mosses, and failed to show a strong relationship between species
richness and latitude.
Despite the lack of a general unambiguous pattern in liverworts, the Lejeunaceae, one of the largest liverwort families, is clearly most speciose in the tropical
regions of the world (von Konrat et al., 2008). An analysis of beta diversity of pleurocarpous mosses showed a higher species turnover in the tropics than in temperate and boreal regions, indicating the existence of a latitudinal gradient of moss
diversity (Hedenäs, 2007). In addition, the hot spots proposed by Tan and Pócs
(2000) are generally found in the same areas that are traditionally considered to
have a high diversity for vascular plants. At present we must therefore conclude
that it is not yet possible to infer whether bryophytes really lack a latitudinal diversity gradient or if such suggestions are due to incomplete data at the global scale.
he diferences in diversity patterns among taxonomic groups can also be
addressed in terms of species–area relationships. Species–area curves are one
of the most frequently cited correlations in geographic ecology. With some
exceptions (e.g. Kimmerer and Driscoll, 2000) bryophytes show a strong relationship between area size and species richness (Tangney et al., 1990; Ingerpuu
et al., 2001; Nakanishi, 2001; Virtanen and Oksanen, 2007). However, the slope
of the curve is supposedly less steep in bryophytes than in vascular plants and
other large organisms (Ingerpuu et al., 2001; Peintinger et al., 2003). Bryophytes
therefore seem to occupy an intermediate position between microorganisms,
for which a species–area relationship is rarely found (Fenchel and Finlay,
2004), and large organisms, where the slope is steeper. hese results support
the hypothesis that less steep species–area slopes are found in small organisms
(Drakare et al., 2006) and suggest that the greater dispersal abilities of the latter
(Mouquet and Loreau, 2002; Hovestadt and Poethke, 2005) lead to lower species
turnover and thus to more similar communities across regions. In agreement
with this, Hillebrand et al. (2001) found that the decay in community similarity with distance is slower for small than large organisms, which corroborates
the importance of dispersal ability in small organisms in shaping communities. Bryophytes do not completely fuli l the expectations regarding this tendency. For example, a meta-community analysis by Löbel et al. (2006) showed
a strong spatial aggregation in bryophytes and, more signiicantly, a study of
spatial structure in communities of mosses and other taxonomic groups demonstrated that the distance decay in similarity for bryophytes was comparable
to that in wind-dispersed vascular plants (Nekola and White, 1999). Although
these results are not conclusive, other works that do not directly address the
structure of communities have also highlighted the aggregated distribution
of bryophytes (Hedenäs et al., 1989; Söderström and Jonsson, 1989; Kuusinen
and Penttinen, 1999). h is kind of pattern suggests the existence of similar processes shaping communities of vascular plants (where spatial aggregation is a
well-known pattern) and bryophytes.
11.3 The phylogeographic approach
In bryology, as in other ields of biology, the use of molecular techniques has
become increasingly common during the last 20 years. hese techniques have
especially been applied in phylogenetic studies, but also in taxonomy and biogeography (cf. Shaw et al., 2002; Vanderpoorten and Goi net, 2009; Heinrichs
et al., 2009a). In many cases molecular analyses have coni rmed earlier hypotheses based on morphological data. However, there are also numerous examples
where taxonomical units dei ned by molecular similarity are incongruent with
morphologically dei ned taxa. h is has led both to the recognition of cryptic species and to the synonymisation of taxa, and has re-opened the species concept
debate (see e.g. Mishler, 2009 vs. Zander, 2007). In some cases, molecular-based
taxonomic units show clear biogeographic patterns that allow more or less uncontroversial interpretations, but there are also studies in which the biogeographic
history of clades is diicult to assess. here are even cases where contradictory
conclusions can be drawn from similar molecular data sets.
Molecular studies have revealed variation not only between, but also within
morphologically dei ned bryophyte species (morphospecies). In some cases the
molecular variation within morphologically stable species is even larger than
among morphologically clearly diferent taxa. h is has led to the recognition
of cryptic bryophyte species (see revision in Shaw, 2001, and Heinrichs et al.,
2009a). When morphological studies were carried out after the molecular variation was detected, this has sometimes led to the description of new species (e.g.
Szweykowski et al., 2005; Hedenäs et al., 2009) or to the re-establishment of previously synonymised taxa (e.g. Rycroft et al., 2004; Cano et al., 2005; Hedenäs,
2008; Oguri et al., 2008; Draper and Hedenäs, 2008, 2009). On the contrary, there
are also examples where taxonomically problematic bryophyte morphotypes
were impossible to distinguish on the basis of the studied markers. herefore
some taxa, both at the infraspeciic and speciic levels, have been synonymised
based on molecular evidence. h is has especially happened for endemic taxa that
were described mostly on the basis of their isolated occurrences (e.g. Heinrichs
et al., 2004a, 2004b; Werner et al., 2009). In spite of all the mentioned taxonomic
changes, the number of described bryophyte species remains approximately
constant. h is sharply contrasts with the tendency observed in other groups of
small organisms, where the introduction of molecular techniques has meant a
cut-across classic taxonomy and has multiplied the estimated number of species
up to ten times (e.g. Foissner, 1999). he diference between the two categories
probably lies in that the number of morphological characters available for species
delimitation is much higher in bryophytes than in many other small organisms.
Among microorganisms, the DNA information has revealed a vast molecular
diversity within relatively few morphologically recognised species that are globally distributed (Spratt et al., 2006).
If molecular techniques are useful, although not revolutionary for our understanding of bryophyte taxonomy at the species level, they are more widely used
for understanding bryophyte phylogeny and they have, in many cases, revealed
unsuspected relationships (cf. Renzaglia et al., 2007). Since phylogenetic relationships relect the evolutionary history, these can also be used to infer dispersal and
colonisation histories at various taxonomic levels. As an example, the geographic
distributions of haplotypes within morphospecies allow us to infer species origins
and/or diversiication areas, as well as their dispersal routes.
11.3.1 Phylogeography of endemics
Molecular techniques have a great potential to elucidate the geographic history for
both widely and narrowly distributed species, and have often conirmed endemics as distinct taxonomic entities. A nice example of the latter among bryophytes is
found in the genus Echinodium (Stech et al., 2008). his genus was earlier thought to
comprise six species, four restricted to the Macaronesian archipelago and two to the
Australasian and Paciic regions. It has now been demonstrated that this is an artiicial group consisting of an endemic Macaronesian genus (Echinodium s.str., three
species), one Macaronesian Isothecium species and two Australasian members possibly in connection with hamnobryum that show convergent morphological evolution. Stech et al. (2008) not only elucidate the taxonomy and phylogeny of this group
of species, but they also clarify the biogeography of a vicariance that is otherwise
diicult to explain. Studies of molecular variation involving endemic taxa in a phylogenetic framework can also lead to conclusions regarding speciation processes.
hus, Vanderpoorten and Long (2006) interpreted the nested position of the Azorean
endemic liverwort Leptoscyphus azoricus within populations of the Neotropical L.
porphyrius as an example of recent speciation caused by a long-distance dispersal.
Similarly, Hedderson and Zander (2007) postulated that the South African endemic
moss Triquetrella mxinwana originated during the Pliocene–Pleistocene as a result
of long-distance dispersal, on the basis of low molecular divergence levels and a
chronology consistent with the existence of the niche where it grows.
11.3.2 Phylogeography of widely distributed taxa
Haplotype diversity and molecular variation in species distributed throughout
large and more or less continuous areas have been used by several authors to infer
possible areas of origin, glacial refugia and migration routes. Hedenäs and Eldenäs
(2007) hypothesised that the two cryptic species of Hamatocaulis vernicosus complex occurring in Europe diverged before the last periods of glaciations, based on
their occurrence also in America. he species occurring in southern Europe could
have survived somewhere in the northern Mediterranean region, from where it
re-colonised earlier glaciated or periglacial areas in central and northern Europe.
Hedderson and Nowell (2006) deduced that glacial refugia for Homalothecium
sericeum occurred both in southern Europe (Balkan and Italian peninsulas) and
in the British islands and adjacent mainland, on the basis of the greater haplotype diversity and occurrence of unique haplotypes in these areas. As a i nal
example, Hedenäs (2009a) used molecular data and fossil evidence to postulate a
late Tertiary origin of ancestral haplotypes of Scorpidium cossonii in cold pockets
in a then partly sparsely forest-covered Arctic. Subsequently, haplotypes evolved
adaptations to warmer climates and that allowed colonisation of temperate wetlands and also gave rise to the morphospecies S. scorpioides.
Analyses of molecular variation among populations have also been used to
address the origin of disjunct distributions. If disjunctions originated as a consequence of recent or repeated and continuing long-distance dispersal events,
we should expect that molecular sequences from separate populations are rather
similar. On the other hand, if an original distribution area was fragmented and
populations remained isolated for a long period thereafter diferent mutations
should have accumulated in the respective areas. In the latter case molecular
diferentiation between populations should be relatively higher (e.g. Shaw et al.,
2002). In bryophyte studies both fragmentation and long-distance dispersal have
been proposed to explain extant species disjunctions. McDaniel and Shaw (2003)
analysed the distribution of diferent chloroplast haplotypes of the subantarctic
moss Pyrrhobryum mnioides. hey found evidence for recent or ongoing migration
across the Tasman Sea but not for intercontinental dispersal between Australasia
and South America or along the Andes between Patagonia and the Neotropics.
From the degree of molecular diferentiation, they concluded that Australasian
and South American populations have been isolated for approximately 80 million
years, after the Gondwanan fragmentation. Likewise, Stech and Dohrmann (2004)
found a strong geographic structure in haplotype distribution in the widespread
moss Campylopus pilifer, which they interpreted as a probable result of divergent
evolution of the populations, after the segregation of Gondwana. However, they
also assumed long-range dispersal or introduction events to explain anomalous
positions of some haplotypes that deviate from the general pattern. As a third
example, Heinrichs et al. (2006) suggested that the current distribution of the
liverwort family Plagiochilaceae is the result of the breakup of Gondwana, in combination with short-distance and rare long-distance dispersal events.
Other studies suggest long-distance dispersal to be the main process to explain
disjunct distributions, such as Vanderpoorten et al. (2008), Shaw et al. (2003) and
Werner et al. (2003) for several moss species occurring both in North America and
Europe, and Shaw et al. (2008) for several taxa in Australasia and South America.
For liverworts, long-distance dispersal was proposed to explain especially tropical American–African disjunctions (e.g. Feldberg et al., 2007; Heinrichs et al.,
2009b). Most of these cases exhibit a low degree of molecular diferentiation
among populations. As mentioned above, this probably relects either recent
divergence or repeated and continuing dispersal events. In addition, the molecular dating estimates for some liverworts, such as Marchesinia brachiata, support
an Oligocene (that is, post-Gondwanan) divergence (Heinrichs et al., 2009b). Also
the biogeography of Herbertus cannot be solely explained by Gondwanan divergence (Feldberg et al., 2007), since extremely low mutation rates would need to
be assumed. All these examples except one (cf. Shaw et al., 2003) show some geographic structure in their haplotype distributions, since European, African and
American samples are more closely related within than between continents. hus,
barriers to gene low must exist at the continental scale and this probably indicates
that intercontinental gene low is not necessarily a continuous, repeated and/or
currently ongoing process.
It can now be concluded that disjunct distributions in bryophytes probably originated from diferent processes, and that it is not possible to infer a general pattern
that is valid for all species. In line with the idea that each species has an individual history, it is especially signiicant that the distributions of congeneric species
are sometimes explained by diferent processes. Hentschel et al. (2007) found that
the extant distribution patterns of the Porella species P. swartziana, P. cordaeana
and P. platyphylla, are probably a result of long-distance dispersal events. On the
other hand, Freitas and Brehm (2001) concluded that the present distribution of P.
canariensis is the result of a fragmentation of an originally larger continuous area,
and they interpreted the geographic structure of the studied haplotypes as indicating a lack of present-day gene low among regions.
In some cases, similar data on a single species can be interpreted in conlicting
ways. Based on the demonstrated low capacity for long-distance dispersal of spores
in the moss Lopidium concinnum (van Zanten, 1978), Frey et al. (1999) interpreted
the molecular similarity among populations from New Zealand, Brazil and Chile
as indicating a Gondwanan origin and slight molecular divergence and speciation
in geological times (stenoevolution). McDaniel and Shaw (2003) and Shaw et al.
(2008) considered that a Gondwanan origin for this moss would imply unacceptable rates for chloroplast sequences evolution, and that recent or ongoing dispersal is a more likely explanation for the species’ present distribution. Whether one
or the other interpretation is more plausible could be approached by dating the
molecular phylogenies. Although this method, if used properly, can be extremely
useful, it is sometimes diicult to assess divergence times precisely (Cook and
Crisp, 2005; Heads, 2005). For bryophytes the fossil record is relatively incomplete
compared with the situation for some other organisms and only a few such studies therefore exist for this group. he problems can be illustrated by the survey on
Plagiochila by Heinrichs et al. (2006), who used a single fossil specimen to date
their phylogeny. Since the specimen could not be unequivocally assigned to a single node, they explored several possible scenarios to minimise the efect of incorrect assignments and concluded that resolving the diversiication time-frame is
critical to understand the historical biogeography of their study group. Another
example that shows how the dating of phylogenies is decisive for unravelling biogeographic patterns is that of Huttunen et al. (2008). heir phylogeny recovered for
the moss genus Homalothecium shows a strong phylogeographic signal that suggested two main lineages, one including only American species and the other one
with Western–Palaearctic species. Such a strong geographic structure is usually
interpreted as indicating lack of long-distance dispersal events. he authors estimated the divergence time for the two lineages by using absolute rates of molecular
evolution from the literature and factoring uncertainties around those estimates
using probabilistic calibration priors. he diferent scenarios that could be reconstructed from their dating suggested that the a priori probable Laurasian origin
would involve unsustainable nucleotide substitution rates and they therefore suggested that the present distribution is instead a result of transoceanic long-distance dispersal. A similar conclusion was reached by Devos and Vanderpoorten
(2009) to explain the present distribution of the liverwort genus Leptoscyphus,
also based on diferent calibration points depending on several assumptions.
hese dated phylogenies suggest that long-distance dispersal did probably play
an important role in shaping the distribution patterns of some bryophyte species
or lineages. However, one should not forget that when such species or haplotypes
show clear geographic structures, this only indicates that dispersal between the
areas occurred at a certain more or less remote moment in time.
Finally, it should also be considered that in bryophytes the study of diferent
gene regions has sometimes led to incongruent phylogenetic topologies. As was
already discussed by Hedenäs (2009b) this should be taken into account, since
molecular phylogenies based on too few specimens per taxon may not relect the
actual complexity and can lead to misleading conclusions. Moreover, the biogeographic patterns inferred by diferent analysis techniques or diferent molecular
markers can be completely divergent. Even when molecular techniques provide
much interesting and valuable information on bryophyte biogeography, care and
further work are needed before more dei nitive conclusions are possible.
11.4 Concluding remarks
As a summary of the numerous studies published, some main conclusions
arise: several distribution patterns are found among the bryophytes, and diferent
processes can explain each of them. Long-distance dispersal by wind has apparently played a chief role in at least some cases, whereas most of the known distribution patterns are better explained if other mechanisms, such as continental
drift, stepping-stone migration and dispersal by anthropogenic or other agents,
are also taken into account.
Bryophytes are an ancient group of land plants and have had time enough to
reach a very high level of diversiication. hey are remarkably heterogeneous
from many points of view, such as structurally, physiologically and ecologically.
Allorge (1947) stated that among mosses and allies, as well as in most plants, species greatly difer in their ecological amplitude; the same can be said about their
dispersal capacity and their evolutionary potential.
Given the complexity of the matter in hand, it seems that not a single hypothesis will be enough to explain the intricacy of the observed patterns. Biogeography
of bryophytes more likely depends on a complex set of interacting phenomena,
including both long-distance dispersal and efective stepping-stone propagation
acting across long periods of time.
Finally, bryophytes are small plants and their distribution areas are in general
larger than those of lowering plants. Still, the distribution patterns of species
belonging to both groups are to a high degree the result of similar processes.
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