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Записка тциЧ'хстЬаго В). 1X # Проценко: о поворот Аму-Дарьи еъ Еаспійское море съ точки зр нія Государственной потребности читанная въ собраніи чіеновъ Кавказскаго Отд іенія Императорскаго Русскаго Т хничгескаго Общества, б декабря 1886 года-появилась всі дствіе сообщенія барона А. В-Еаульбарса, въ Еавказскомъ Отд л Императорскаго Географическаго Общества 17 октября того же года, о причинахъ поворота Аму-Дарьи. Въ ви ду значенія этого важнаго вопроса въ наше время считаемъ шг лезнымъ перепечатать отчетъ о сообщеніи барона А. В. Еаудь, барса и дальн йпіія по поводу его разъясненія, какъ со стороны самаго барона А. В-Еаулъбарса, такъ инженера Еонпшна и г. Шаврова появившаяся въ газет Еавказъ^ ОТЧЕТЪ О зас даніи собрангя членовъ Кавказскаго Отд ла Император скаго Русскаго Географжескаго Общества. Въ пяттщу, 17-40 Октября 1886 года. Въ собраніи происходило сообщеніе барона А. В. Каульбарса о старыхъ руслахъ Аму-Дарьи. Предупредивъ слушателей, которыхъ собралось очень много, что онъ не готовился къ настоящему чтенію, такъ-вакь прі халъ въ Тифлисъ случайно, туристомъ, и не предполагалъ д лать никакихъ сообщеній, почему и не им етъ документовъ подъ руками и будетъ говорить на память, почтенный референтъ заявилъ, что вопросомъ объ Аму-Дарь онъ занимается еъ 1873 г. и изучилъ его не теоретически, а чисто практически, на м ст , путемъ личныхъ изсл дованій. Ц ль настоящаго сообщенія-это указаніе на т данныя, который уб ждаютъ, что р. Аму-Дарья, въ прежнее время, текла отъ Чарджуйскаго оазиса на западъ, прямымъ пу темъ, въ Еаспійское море. Установивъ тотъ фактъ, что Аму-Дарья, на основаніи нов йншхъ изсл дованій, отъ Хивинскаго оазиса че-Гое lh ас.
AIAA conference Irvine ca , 2024
The Moon was a God in ancient sumeria. His name was SIN and his son UTU was the Sun. The motion of the moon was used to create a standard of length which goes back in time over 7000 years and maybe much longer. This Ancient Foot was developed using a pendulum timed by the motion of the Moon. The pendulum was allowed to swing 60 times (120 beats) in the 121.2 seconds it took the moon to move one diameter in the night sky.
Marketing and sales departments need to interact seamlessly as both are essential in every market-oriented company. In practice, the working relationship between the sales and marketing functions is often described as bearing improvement potential. Even though a huge challenge in corporate practice, only recently, the optimization of the marketing and sales interaction has gained more interest in the research community. Previously the academic focus was more on marketing’s interaction with other functions such as R&D or finance, as researchers did not differ between the marketing and sales functions at all. This has changed: organizational research now acknowledges that marketing and sales have different tasks within an organization and usually have different goal orientations, but there still seems to be a lack of understanding which processes are important for the marketing and sales relationship and how the two functions can work together. The focus of this paper lies on identify...
Le opere e i gorni. Lavoro, produzione e commercio tra passato e presente, a cura di V. Caminneci, 2014
Ricostruire il quadro delle produzioni artigianali di età greca ad Akragas risulta abbastanza complicato, sia per la quantità e per la varietà dei reperti che si possono attribuire a officine locali sia per la frammentarietà e la diversità dei dati che si rintracciano nelle pubblicazioni relative alla città antica. Non esistono infatti studi sistematici aggiornati sulla cultura materiale della polis, né di tipo archeometrico, né di tipo morfologico, tenteremo pertanto di ricostruire un quadro, molto parziale, di alcune delle produzioni akragantine, in particolare delle terrecotte figurate, attraverso una rapida rassegna sia delle matrici pubblicate sia delle aree di fornaci note. Già a partire dalla fine dell''800 infatti sono state diffuse notizie di ritrovamenti di alcune matrici, provenienti dall'area della città antica, che documentano un'importante attività produttiva. In uno scritto del 1898 Giulio Emanuele Rizzo pubblica una serie di reperti che, dalle notizie che lui riporta, erano state trovate nel 1894 " da uno di quei pericolosi frugatori di oggetti antichi" (RIZZO 1898, 263) "in una campagna un po' al sud del così detto Tempio di Castore e Polluce". Le matrici erano state trovate insieme "forse a rifiuti di fabbrica" in un'area dove "doveva esistere un'officina vasaria" (RIZZO 1898, 264). L'autore insiste sull'eccezionalità della scoperta, ritenendo le matrici, per i suoi tempi, un unicum in Sicilia. Alcune di queste, collocate in un orizzonte cronologico posteriore al IV sec. a.C., presentano scene a rilievo
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2017
This paper attempts to analyze the status of Women Empowerment in India and highlights the Issues and Challenges of Women Empowerment. Today the empowerment of women has become one of the most important concerns of 21st century. But practically women empowerment is still an illusion of reality. We observe in our day to day life how women become victimized by various social evils. Women Empowerment is Abstract the vital instrument to expand women’s ability to have resources and to make strategic life choices. Empowerment of women is essentially the process of upliftment of economic, social and political status of women, the traditionally underprivileged ones, in the society. It is the process of guarding them against all forms of violence. The study is based on purely from secondary sources. The study reveals that women of India are relatively dis-empowered and they enjoy somewhat lower status than that of men in spite of many efforts undertaken by Government. It is found that accept...
No. Social Development Goals (SDGs) Description SDG 1 No Poverty End poverty in all its forms everywhere. Focuses on reducing poverty rates and ensuring basic resources and services for all. SDG 2 Zero Hunger End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Emphasizes reducing maternal and child mortality, combatting diseases, and improving health services. SDG 4 Quality Education Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Scientia Iuris, 2023
Há alguns anos a mediação passou a ser utilizada de forma indiscriminada para tratar conflitos no Brasil, entretanto o procedimento não é adequando para todos os tipos de contendas devendo ser avaliado cada caso de forma individual. Posto isso, a problemática de pesquisa que se pretende responder é: Qual mecanismo apresenta-se como melhor meio para tratar demandas consumeristas? Para responder será utilizado o método de abordagem dedutivo partindo de uma análise geral para chegar a uma específica e como técnica de pesquisa a bibliográfica, para ao final responder que a mediação é ineficiente para tratar demandas consumeristas, tendo em vista que o procedimento é adequado em contendas que envolvem sentimentos, relações contínuas e duradouras, apontando o procedimento de negociação como melhor meio de resolver conflitos advindos de relação de consumo.
XLinguae, 2024
Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2018
Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 1988
journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences, 2010
European journal of geriatrics and gerontology, 2023
Biochemistry, 1991
PLoS ONE, 2014
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2008
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2007
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1985