Water pollution status assessment of King Talal Dam, Jordan


Kh alid G. Fan d i, Is am Y. Qu d s ieh , Su ley man A. M u y ib i, M u h an n ad M as s ad eh : W ater Po llutio n Statu s A s s es s men t o f Kin g Talal Dam, Jo rd an :

92 A dvances in Environmental Biology, 3(1): 92-100, 2009 ISSN 1995-0756 © 2009, A merican-Euras ian Network for Scientific Information T his is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed ORIGINAL ARTICLE Water Pollution Status Assessment of King Talal Dam, Jordan 1 Khalid G. Fandi, 2,3 Isam Y. Qudsieh, 3Suleyman A. Muyibi, 4Muhannad Massadeh 1 Department of Biology Faculty of Science , A l -H u s sein Bin Talal University, Jordan, 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ja z a n U n i v e r sity, Jazan, Saudi Arabia. 3 Bioenvironmental Engineering Research Unit (BERU) Department of Biotechnology of Engineering International Islamic University Malaysia P.O. Box 10 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 4 Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechn o logy Faculty of Science The 13115, Al-Zarqa, Jordan P.O Box 20, Ma'an, P.O. Box 706, 45142 Engineering F a c u l ty Hashemite University Khalid G. Fandi, Is am Y. Quds ieh, Suleyman A . M uyibi, M uhannad M as s adeh: W ater Pollution Status A s s es s ment of King Talal Dam, Jordan: Am.-Eurasian J. S u s t a i n . Agric., 3(1): 92-100, 2009 ABS TRACT King Talal Dam (KTD) res ervoir, Jordan's larges t surface res erv o ir, is t h reatened by the activities of the catchment’s area, both domes tic and indus trial, whic h e mit untreated was te into the res ervoir’s tributaries , cons equently, raising the pollution and co n t a min ating the water chemically and biologically. T h e re fo re , the objective of this s tudy was to as s es s the water quality and the pollution load to th e res ervoir in t e rms o f s ome cardinal water quality parameters . W ater s amples obtained from ins ide and releas e outlet s ite of the dam were chemically tes ted by a n alyzing the pres ence of heavy metals , phenolic compounds , trace elements us ing as a s creening tool ICP-M S, GCM S, and other e q uipment for phys ico-chemical and other parameters . For the biolo g ic a l s c reening, eos ine methylene blue (EM B) media was us ed to inves tigate the pres ence of the fecal coliform and E. coli. Re s u lt s o b t a ined from this s tudy s howed that th e c oncentration of analyzed metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Fe, Hg, Pb, M o and M n) and other parameters (p H , EC, TDS, BOD, turbidity) are within the recommended s tandard limits fo r t h es e contents in irrigation water. A ls o, res ults obtained from this s tudy indicates the pollutio n tendencies of the s u rfa c e w a ters of KTD res ervoir, attributable to high levels of organic compounds .. Res ults revealed s ignifica n t toxicity of phenolic compounds was found in water s amples , indicating the water quality of thes e s ample s is not potable. It is mainly due to the pres ent of biological contamination. The maximum concentrations of phenol was (2.09 mg l-1 ) and (1.82 mg l-1 ) fo r o u t let and ins ide w a ter s amples res pectively. A mong the s elected phenolic compounds , the mos t frequently detected w e re cyclohexane and benzene, which was found to be pres ent in all s ampling s ites . A ll the analyzed s ample s o f fecal coliform s howed contaminated s tatus ranging between 1.1 ´ 103 to 2.1 ´ 106 CFU 100 ml-1 from water and s ewage s amples res pectively. E. coli c ounts were more than 1.1 ´ 102 CFU in 100 ml-1 in all s amples which indicates that our irrig a t io n w a ter have biological pollution which is very alarming. This s t u d y p ro vides a very us eful amount of information for detecting potential toxicity ris ks . Key words: King Talal Dam, Biological Pollu t a n t s , P henolic Compounds , GC/M S, Surface W ater Quality, Heavy M etals Corres ponding Author Khalid G. Fandi, 1Department of Biology Faculty of Science, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, P.O Box 20, M a'an, Jordan, H/P: +962777718013 Email: [email protected] Adv. Environ. Biol., 3(1): 92-100, 2009 Introduction The Kin g T alal Dam (KTD) is a larges t s urface res ervoir in the hills of northern Jordan, which was originally cons tructed in 1977 to provide a s torage capacity of 55 million m3 (M CM ). To meet t h e country's increas ed water demands , in 1984 work to rais e the dam further w a s begun, , a project that was completed in 1988 w it h a gros s s torage capacity of 86 M CM . The ma in purpos e of this res ervoir is to s upply agricultural irrigation water to the J o rdan Valley. M eanwhile, the water from KTD re s e rv o ir is us ed to irrigate lands within the middle an d s outhern zones of the Jordan Valley [1]. T h e Has hemite Kingdom of Jordan: W ater Sector Revie w U p date. M a in Re p o rt . F e b ru a ry 1 5 , 2 001. Ru ra l Development, W ater and Environment Group & In fras tructure Development Group, M iddle Eas t an d N o rth A frica Region. Report No. 21946-JO.] Zarqa River is the main artery flow ove r the KTD. The flow charac t eris tics have been further modified by t h e dis charge to the river of treated do mes tic and indus trial was tewater that compos e nearly all of th e s u mmer flow and s ubs tantially degrad e t h e water quality. W ater quality from the KTD is d ra ma t ic a lly d e t e rioration after the es tablis hment of the larges t was tewater treatment plants (W W T P ) in 1985 at A s -Samra which is about 42 km ups tream the res ervoir. The treated was tewater, dis charged through the Zarqa River to KTD and s pilled out do w n s tream until it reaches to the Jordan Valle y area, is mainly us ed for irrigation purpos es . Therefore, a ny pollution in the river will lead to pollution in the d a m, w h ich in turn may affect the qua lity of agricultural produce in t h e Jordan Valley, which is partially irrigated from its waters [2]. For the time being, K T D water is mixed wit h treated was tewater which comes from the A s -Samra W W TP at a rate of 70 M CM Y-1 [3]. The tre a t e d effluent from the W W TP is mixed with fres h water res ource from the Zarqa River Bas in in a ratio of approximately 1:1 [4] before it dis charged to W adi Zarka Ba s in s ys tem and flows into the res ervoir [2]. Subs e q u ently, the amount of s ew age flowing into the A s -Samra was tewater treatment plant has been increas ing rapidly and has overloaded almos t three time s the plant's des igned capacity [5], mainly due to the high population growth in th e me t ro p o lit a n A mma n-Zarqa area. A ls o, the KTD res ervoir is threatened by factories indus trial areas , w hich emit untrea t e d w a s t e in t o t h e re s e rv o ir’s tributaries , rais ing s alinity and levels of chemical and metal [6]. M oreover, groundwater s alinis a t ion and agricultural res idues als o influence s urface waters , s o that, the re s e rvoir was reported to be highly euth ro p hic [6, 7]. It is neces s ary to det e rmine the water quality for agriculture s ince it plays an important role in s oil for growing crops [8]. W hile there is little evidence [9] of 93 real deterioration of s oil quality from irrigatio n u s in g K T D w a t e r, there t e n d s t o b e a ps ychological avers ion to cons uming th is produce. Concern over microbiological contamination has lead to res trictions on the us e of the treated was tewate r. Typically, green vegetables are not irrigated with this water, while fruit trees a re . A ls o , g roundwater in the area of the plant has witnes s ed s erious deterioration [10]. W ater quality concerns dominated the earlies t dev e lo p me n t a l p h a s e s . P o p ulation increas es , ho w e v er, exert more pres s ure on limited high quality s urface s ources and contaminated water s ources with human and indus t ria l was tes , which led to deteriorating water quality. The activitie s in catchment's area of the KTD have the main contribution and effect in the water quality by polluting and contaminat in g the water chemically and biologically. Recently, new plant was in itiated by the government to u p g ra de A s -s amra W W TP to improve the quality of its effluent dis charges and to reduce its impact on the Zarqa River. This s tudy focus e s o n the pres ent water quality of the KTD and defin e s the exis ting problem encountered with the water quality in res pect of the agricultural irrigation purpos e. A full d eep s tu d y and further inves tigations will be beneficial to determine the problem s tatement by identifying the t y p e of contaminants which can lead the government to the s o urce of the contamination and the type of tre a t me nt required. Some data on KTD water quality are available [11], but little or any information have been provided o n the bioavailable heavy me n t al and organic fractions of the res ervoir. Phenol and p h e n olic compounds are a group of organic pollutants that often appear in w a s t e w a t e rs fro m ma n y h e a v y c h e mic a l, petroch e mical, and oil refining indus tries . Becaus e of their toxicity and poor biodegradability [12], phe nolic compounds are important water pollutant which are s ubject to legis lation, even at low concentration. A European Community directive s pecifies a legal tolerance le v e l o f 0.1 ìg l!1 for each phenolic c o mp o u nds and 0.5 ìg l!1 for the s u m of all compounds in water intended for human cons umption [13, 14][2] EEC Drinking W ater Gu id e lin e 80/ 779/ EECN O L 229/ 11–29, 1980.. Hence, the pres ent res earch was carried out o n KTD to determine the phys ico-chemical characte ris t ic s , h e a v y metals , biological, and phenolic compounds in s urface water, this planned res earch will be helpful to as s e s s the impact of the pollution of th e catchment’s area effluent in KTD on the s urrounding water bodies . Materials and Methods Sample collection and preparation Surface water s amples (raw water) of KTD were collected about 10 cm below the water s urface us ing glas s bo t t les . W ater s amples in this Adv. Environ. Biol., 3(1): 92-100, 2009 s tudy were collected in July 2007 from d ifferent places (Ins ide a n d o u t let) of the KTD (Fig. 1). Standard procedures w e re fo llo w e d fo r the collection of water s amples for phys ico-chemical ana ly s is . Polyethylene bottles were us ed to s tore s urface water s amp les bas ed on the methods d e s cribed in A PHA [15]. For biological analys is and placed in an ice b ox and trans ported to the laboratory for immediate analys is . T h e s amples were s tored at 1 – 4 ° C t e mperature prior to analys is in the laboratory. W a t e r s amples collected were filtered through 0.45 ìm membrane filt e r paper (M illipore®) us ing glas s filtration unit and acidified w it h concentrated HNO3 acids in order to pres e rv e t h e me t a ls and als o to avoid precipitation [16]. Water quality analysis The w a t e r p H , t e mp e ra t u re , electrical conductivity (EC) and total dis s olved s olid (TDS) we re d etermined at the time of s ampling in the fie ld us ing a portable W TW Cond. 315i HA N N A , HI991301 M odel Oaklab. Total Solid (TS), Total Sus pended Solid (TSS), were determined according to A PHA methods [16]. Chemical oxygen dema nd (COD), Dis s olved Oxygen (DO ) and Biological oxyg e n d e mand (BOD) were als o determined following the procedure of Hamer [17]. ICP-MS analysis For determining heavy metal conc e n trations , 50 ml of each water s amples we re a c idified with approximately 0.5 ml o f c o ncentrated HNO3 (M erck, s uprapur) and pas s e d t h ro u g h a cid was hed folded filters (M N 280 1/4, M achereyNagel). The filt rate was s tored in acid was hed polypropylene tubes (62.548.004 PP, Sars tedt) u n til it was mea s u red. Inductively Coupled Plas ma-M as s S p e c t ro s c o p y (ICP -M S ) O p tima 2000 D V, s pectrometer A utos ampler model (PerkinElme r) was us ed to d e termine and accurately the trace metal concentrations in water s amples . The validation of t h e p ro c e d u re fo r metal determination wa s conducted by s piking s amples with multielement s tandard s olution containing 0.5 mg l-1 of all me tals analys ed. Spiked s amples were analys ed under the s ame experimental conditions us ed for procedural blanks and s amples . A cceptable (>90%) recov e ries from the s piking experiment validate the experimental procedure. Gas Chromatograph - Mass Spectrophotometer Capillary GC/M S analys is an A gile n t (P alo A lto, CA , gas chromatograph, equipped injection port, interfaced to was carried o ut on USA ) M odel 6890N with a s plit/s plitles s an A gilent 5975C 94 inert ma s s -s elective detector (M SD). For each s ample, 10 ml of water was placed in a 20-ml tes t tube (with s crew cap) or a reactio n vial and dis s olved in 10 ml of h e xa n e . A 100 µl of 2N potas s ium h y d ro xide in methanol (11.2 g in 100 ml) was a d d ed. Samples were vortex for 30 s econds . A fter then centrifu g ed at 4000 g for 3 min and the clear s upernatant w a s trans ferred to a 2-ml autos ampler vial [18]. A DB-5M S fus ed s ilica capillary column (J&W Scient ific, Fols om, CA , USA ) was us ed; t h e dimens ions of the column were 30 m × 0.25 mm i.d ., 0.25 µm film thicknes s . Ultra hig h purity heliu m (He) with an in-line A lltech oxygen trap was u s ed as carrier gas . The carrier gas -line pres s ure was s et at a flow of 1.0 ml min - 1 and c o lu mn h e a d p re s s u re at 26.04 p s i. T h e temperature of the in jector was maintained at 320 NC and the injected s ample v olume was 1.0 µl in the s plitles s mo d e with 1:50 s plit ratio. The in terface temperature was held at 280 NC. T h e c o l u m n t e m p e ra t u re p ro g ra m w a s : o v e n equilibration time 1 min; initial temperature 120 N C for 3 min, then rais ed to 292 NC at a ra t e of 5 NC/min and then to 320N at a ra t e of 30 NC/ min with a final is otherm of 2 min. The ma s s s p e c t ro me t e r w a s c a l i b r a t e d w it h p e rflu o ro tributylamine at an ele c t ro n imp a c t ionization energy of 70 eV. The identific a tion of individual peaks in t he total ion chromatogram was done by the A gilent data s ys te m having a NBS mas s s pectra lib ra ry of about 40 000 compounds . Microbiological parameters Bacteriological analys is of w ater s amples colle c t e d from five different s ites of KTD was conducted after s a mp lin g . T h e p res ence of Coliforms and E. coli s pecifically was tes ted us ing Co lit a g T M kit . A t ra n s p a re n t b o ttle containing 100 ml of wat e r s ample mixed with Colitag re a gents was incubated at 37°C overnight. A fter incubation, the b o t t les were examined for yellow color formation which indicated coliforms pres ence. Pos itive bottles we re then checked for the pres ence of E.coli by looking for fluore s cence under UV light. Standard Plate count me t h o d was us ed for further water ana lys is . Liquefied tubes containing Tryptone glucos e agar were ino culated with 1 ml of water s ample, mixed and poured into a Petri d is h. The Petri dis hes were then in c u bated at 37°C for 24 hours . The amount of bacteria in water is expres s ed as t he number of Colony Forming Units per 100 milliliters (CFU 100 ml - 1 ). Total coliforms and E. coli were analyzed u s ing Eos ine M ethylene Blue (EM B) agar plates and Lactos e broth w it h Durham tube [19]. Adv. Environ. Biol., 3(1): 92-100, 2009 95 Fig. 1: Locations of the s ampling s ites on KTD by Google earth Res ults and Dis cus s ion Physico-chemical analysis A s umma ry o f t h e p h y s ic o -c h e mical parameters obtained in KTD for two differe nt s ites are pres ente d o n T able 1. pH was found to b e a ll alkaline in nature in the range between 7.76 to 8.24 in s ummer. W HO has recommended maximum permis s ible limit of p H from 6.5 to 9.2 [20]. On the whole the KTD has pH values within the des irable and s uitable range. The high pH valu e s d u ring s ummer may be due to high photos ynthes is of micro and macro vegetation res ulting in high production of free CO2, s hifting the equilibrium towards alkaline s ide [21]. The value of total dis s olved s olid (TDS) ranges from 1.98-2.36 mg l-1 all the values of total dis s olved s olid is in the pres cribed limit o f W HO [22] it is d u e t o high dis s olved s alts of Ca, M g a n d F e . D e termination of TDS is as s ociated w ith the general acceptance of water by population as its pres ence in e xc e s s ive quantities reduces t he palatability and imparts bad tas te to water [23]. Turbidity was fo u n d in the range of 8.11 to 32.8 NTU of outlet to ins ide s ample res pectively. T u rbidity level exceeding 10 NTU in the dam water, affects the aes thetic quality of wa t e r, s ig n ific antly. W ater may not be s a fe fro m hygie n ic point of view as under s uch conditions it b e c omes very difficu lt t o ma in t a in t h e minimum des irable limit of chlorine in the water. Electrical conductivity (EC) of water is als o an important parameter for water quality. The values of EC we re 1240 ìS cm-1 for both s amples s ites (Table 1). H igher conductivity of water could indicates high amount of ion s t h a t exceed the recommended limit by W HO [22]. A range of 4.1-6.2 ppm of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) was obtained at ins ide and out le t s amples res pectively (Table 1). BOD indicates the pres ence of microbial activities and dead organic matte r on which microbes can feed. BO D is directly linked with decompos ition of dead organic matt e r pres ent in the dam and hence the higher values of BOD can b e d irectly rela t ed with pollution s tatus of the dam. A n invers e relations hip w a s fo u n d b etween the dis s olved oxy g e n concentration and biological oxygen demand values [24]. Chemic a l Oxygen Demand (COD) indicates the pollution level of a water body a s it is relate d t o t he organic matter pres ent in the dam [22]. COD concentra tions in the range of 19-39 ppm were obtained in the outlet and ins ide s amples res pectively (Table 1). F rom the obs erved value of Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand, it may s afely be c oncluded that the bacteriological load in KTD is high due to Eutrophicat io n a nd dumping of was te materials . From the obs ervation it is als o s een that th e Ch e mic a l O xy gen De mand (COD) was s lightly higher. This is als o a bad indication. Microbial analysis The pres ence o f fecal coliform is an index of biological pollution in water s amples . The analytical data values of feca l c o liform bacteria and E. c o l i a re pres ented in Table-2. The bacteriological contamination of t o tal coliform at the four water s a mples obtained from different s ites of KTD exces s ively exceeded the permis s ible limit. Fecal coliform s howed a wide amplitude of variation at all the s tudy point s and it ranged fro m 1.1 ´ 103 CUF 100 ml-1 to 2.3 ´ 104 CUF 100 ml-1 . In ra w s e w age concentration of total Adv. Environ. Biol., 3(1): 92-100, 2009 96 Table 1: Physico Chemical Parameters of KT D during Sampling point at the dam pH* EC(ìs cm -1) Inside 7.76 1420 Outlet 8.24 1420 summer at two selected sites of T DS (mg l -1) VDS (mg l -1) 2.36 1.1 1.98 0.42 inside and outlet of the dam T urbidity (NT U) BOD5 32.8 4.1% 8.11 6.2% Table 2: Analytical data of cations and heavy metals. T he determination of trace elements i n K T D w at ers Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Sampling point at the dam Heavy metals (mg l -1) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cu Zn Cr Mn Fe Co Inside Outlet 0.01 0.00031 0.00014 0.01 Nil Nil Ref. Values: Inside Outlet 0.01 0.0058 0.0038 0.01 0.0122 0.119 Ref. Values: Ref. Values: Inside Outlet COD 39 19 (mg l -1) b y Inductively 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.01 Nil 0.0006 0.0006 0.009 Nil 0.2995 0.0236 0.004 Heavy metals (mg l -1) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mo Sn Pb Ni Hg Phenol 0.01 0.05 0.0003 0.0032 Nil 0.0034 Cations (mg l -1) -----------------------------------------------Mg+ Na+ Ca+ 30 49.19 58.61 60 263.3 241.9 0.01 0.0034 0.0018 1.829 2.092 30 116.1 152.7 coliform and fecal coliform was 1.7 ´ 107 and 2.1 ´ 106 CUF 100 ml- 1 res pectively. A ll the analyzed s amples s how contaminate d s tatus and E. coli coun t s w e re more than 1.1 ´ 102 CUF 100 ml - 1 s ample. The pres ence of fecal colifo rm bacteria indicates t h at the water is contaminated with fecal human or animal w a s te, while the total coliform c o u nts indicate that the water is c o n taminated with both fecal was te and other bacteria from the s oil. The larg e number of b a c t e ria pres ent in was tewater not only pos e a healt h h a zards to the pers on who us es it for irrigation but als o there is ris k of contaminating fo od products [ ]. W HO s tandards for the us e of was tewater in agricultural prod uction for export g e n e rally require a level of treatment that ens ure s t h at the fecal coliform content of the was tewat e r is le s s than 103 CFU 100 ml-1 [25]. The res ults obtained from this s tudy in w a s exceeded the irrig ation reus e s tandard limited of 1000 mos t probable number M PN of fecal coliform p e r 100 ml and the treated was tewater s tandard limit fo r total coliform [26], it indicates that our irrigation channels have biological pollu tion which is very alarming. plants and microorganis ms , wh ile many other metals like Cd, Cr and Pb have no known phys iological activ it y , b u t t h e y a re proved detrime ntal beyond a certain limit [28, 29] which is very mu ch narrow for s ome elements like Cd (0.01 mg l-1 ), Pb (0.10 mg l - 1 ) and Cu (0.050 mg l-1 ). The dea dlier dis eas es like edema of e y e lids , tumor, conges tion of nas a l mu c o u s membranes and pharynx, s tu ffines s of the head a n d g a s t ro in t e s t in a l, mus cular, reproductiv e , neurological a n d genetic malfunctions caus ed by s o me o f t h e s e heavy me t a ls h a v e b e e n documented [30, 31]. Th e refore, monitoring thes e metals is important for s afety as s es s me nt of the environment and human health in particular. The trace elements analys is was carried out through UPM laboratories us ing ICP-M S. The average analytical res ults of trace ele ments of the KTD water s amples are pres ented in Table 3. The res ults indicate that all of the heavy me t als , compared with the optimum concentrations of idea l c o n c e n t ra t io n s [32], w e re within the accepted limits for irrigation. Heavy metals analysis Organic c ompounds analyzed by GCM S in the KTD water s a mples s tudies are s hown in Table 4. A typical computerized recons tructed ion chromatogram of phenolic comp ounds for which the water s amples were analyzed is s hown in Figure 2. The high chemical variability s hown by the row water s amples in s tudy were obs erved. M ore than 100 compounds w e re detected in the organic A mong t h e inorganic contaminants of the KTD water, heavy metals a re getting importance fo r t h e ir non-degradable nat u re a n d o ft e n ac c u mu la t e t h ro u g h t ro pic level caus ing a deleterious biological effect [27]. Though s ome of the metals like Cu, Fe, M n, Ni and Zn are es s ential as micronutrients for life p ro ces s es in Chemical analysis Adv. Environ. Biol., 3(1): 92-100, 2009 Table 3: Analytical data of faecal Coliform (E. coli) Sample T otal Plate count Faecal Coliform (CFU100 ml -1 ) bacteria (CFU100 ml -1 ) Raw Sewage 1.7 × 107 2.1 × 10 6 Sample 1 1.6 × 103 2.3 × 10 4 Sample 2 1.4 × 103 1.8 × 10 4 Sample 3 1.1 × 103 1.3 × 10 4 Sample 4 1.6 × 102 1.1 × 10 3 97 Escherichia coli levels (CFU 100 ml -1) 1.4 × 10 3 1.6 × 10 2 1.4 × 10 2 1.3 × 10 2 1.1 × 10 2 pH 7.4 7.1 7.4 7.6 7.3 Table 4: Organic compounds identified by GCMS in the KT D water samples and their percentage of apparition Library/ID CAS # R.T min % of total 4-Decene, 3-methyl-, (E)062338-47-0 3.318 0.78% 3-Heptene, 2-methyl-,(E)000692-96-6 3.318 0.78% 3-Ethyl-4-methyl-2- pentene 019780-68-8 3.349 1.82% 2-Methyl-2-heptene 000627-97-4 3.349 1.82% 1-Hexene,3,3,5-trimethyl013427-43-5 3.349 1.82% Dodecane,4,6-dimethyl061141-72-8 4.104 0.77% Undecane,4,6-dimethyl017312-82-2 4.104 0.77% Dodecane, 2,7,10-trimethyl074645-98-0 4.168 1.29% Undecane 001120-21-4 4.217 1.03% Benzene, 1,2,3-trimethyl000526-73-8 4.724 1.18% Cyclopentane, (2-methylbutyl)053366-38-4 4.921 3.25% Cyclohexane, 1,1,2-trimethyl007094-26-0 4.921 3.25% 1-Hexene, 3,3-dimethyl003404-77-1 4.986 4.62% 2,3-Dimethyl-3-heptene,Z)059643-73-1 5.048 3.47% Nitric acid, nonyl ester 020633-13-0 5.048 3.47% Hexacosane 000630-01-3 5.554 0.70% Dodecane, 1-iodo004292-19-7 5.622 1.51% Sulfurous acid, 2-ethylhexyl hexyl 1000309-20-2 5.622 1.51% Undecane, 3,6-dimethyl 017301-28-9 5.683 1.99% Nonane, 4,5-dimethyl 017302-23-7 5.683 1.99% Benzene, 1,3-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl 001014-60-4 5.748 6.14% Benzene, 1,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl 001012-72-2 5.748 6.14% Heptadecane 000629-78-7 5.814 1.17% T ridecane, 1-iodo035599-77-0 5.814 1.17% 2-Bromo dodecane 013187-99-0 5.814 1.17% 1-Hexene, 3,5,5-trimethyl004316-65-8 5.999 0.75% 2-Nonanol, 5-ethyl000103-08-2 5.999 0.75% Cyclooctane, butyl016538-93-5 5.999 0.75% Cyclohexane,1-ethyl-2,3-d-imethyl007058-05-1 6.278 1.24% Cyclohexane,1,1,3,5-tetramethyl-, 050876-31-8 6.278 1.24% 1-Hexadecanol, 2-methyl002490-48-4 6.393 2.31% Cyclohexane, 1,1,3,5-tetramethyl-,cis050876-32-9 6.393 2.31% 1-Butene, 3,3-dimethyl000558-37-2 6.536 1.22% 2-Pentene, 2-methyl000625-27-4 6.536 1.22% Pentadecane, 8-heptyl071005-15-7 6.81 0.46% Eicosane 000112-9S-8 6.81 0.46% T etratriacontane 014167-S9-0 6.864 0.45% Decane, 2-methyl006975-98-0 6.966 0.56% 10-Methylnonadecane 056862-62-5 6.99 0.90% Octacosane 000630-02-4 7.129 1.05% Pentacosane 000629-99-2 7.129 1.05% Methoxyacetic acid,2-tetradecy)ester 1000282-04-8 7.419 0.61% Cyclohexane, 1-ethyl-2-propyl062238-33-9 7.459 1.37% Hexene, 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl 000692-47-7 7.459 1.37% Undecane, 5-methyl001632-70-8 7.611 1.33% Cyclooctane, ethyl013152-02-8 7.644 3.22% Nitric acid, nonyl ester 020633-13-0 7.683 1.95% 3-Hexene, 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-, (Z 000692-47-7 7.683 1.95% Cyclohexane, 1-ethyl-2,3-dimethyl007058-05-1 7.706 1.14% Cyclohexane, 1,2,4-trimethyl2002234-75-5 7.774 1.67% Undecene, 4,5-dimethyl-, [R*,S*- (Z)1_ 055170-93-9 7.774 1.67% Disulfide, di-tert-dodecyl 027458-90-8 8.35 1.74% Cyclohexane, 1,3,5trimethyl001795-26-2 8.564 0.79% L -Hexadecanethiol 025360-09-2 8.611 1.10% Oxalic acid, allyl hexadecyl ester 1000309-24-4 8.674 2.09% Cyclooctane, ethyl013152-02-8 8.674 2.09% 2-Heptene, 4-methyl-, (E)066225-17-0 8.674 2.09% T etrapentacontane, 1,54-dibromo 1000156-09-4 8.728 1.98% T etratetracontane 007098-22-8 8.812 1.08% Cyclohexane, 2-ethyl-1,3-dimethyl007045-67-2 8.847 0.85% Pyrene 000129-00-0 8.938 1.15% Sulfurous acid, butyl undecyl este 1000309-17-8 9.002 0.73% Adv. Environ. Biol., 3(1): 92-100, 2009 Table 4: Continue Heneicosane Pentacosane T etrapentacontane, 1,54-dibromo Heptacosane 98 000629-94-7 000629-99-2 1000156-09-4 000593-49-7 9.002 9.319 9.319 9.319 0.73% 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% Fig. 2: Chromatogram of total phenolic comp o u n d s fro m K T D water of outlet A , and ins ide the res ervoir B, us ing GCM S. Phenolic compounds are pres ented in Table 4 fraction. The mos t frequently detected compounds at two s ampling s ites from KTD were bis phenol A ( B P A ) , o c t y lp h e n o l ( O P ) , 1 , 2 benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis (2-ethylhexyl) e s ter (D EH P ) a n d 1,2-b e n ze n e d ic a r b o xy lic a c id , bis (methylpropyl) es ter (DBP). A methylated phenolic compound 2,6-bis (1,1dimethylethyl)4-methyl phenol was detected very Adv. Environ. Biol., 3(1): 92-100, 2009 frequently at all s ampling s ites . The frequency of p h t h a la t e e s t e r (Benzene dicarboxyclic a c id diethyl) was highes t among the detected es ters Samples from the KTD were run, alternately, fo r the total extractable organics in s can mod e in order to monitor organic pollution other t han phenols . M any extractable organics were found in the KTD durin g t h is s urvey. From the res ults it is a s s u me d that the res ervoir is organically polluted with cyclohexanes . S ince the Zarqa river pas s es through agricultura l areas of northern Jordan where cyclic pes ticides , ins ecticides and herbicides are regularly us ed in order to protect crop from pes ts , it is mos t likely that thes e compounds have entered the river as water runoff and pres ent as a photo-geothe rmal degradation by products of thes e pes ticides . Recently, A l-Zu’bi [9] reported v arious levels o f h e a vy metals concentration in the s oil o f irrigated are a fro m K T D a n d t h e t re a t e d was tewa t e r dis charged through the Zarqa River to KTD until it reaches to the Jorda n Valley area, is a c ceptable for irrigation purpos es . However, the fate of o t h er pollutants like phenols , chlorophenols and organochlorine compounds had not been evaluated. The major s o u rc e s o f wides pread phenols , chlorophenols and bromophenols in the water have probably been the indus trial effluents , petrochemical, agricultural runoff, chlorination of w a s t e w a t e r p rior to the dis cha rg e in t h e waterways and t ra n s fo rma t ion products from n a t ural and s ynthetic chemicals [33]. Health ris ks res ulting from phenols and chlorophenols in the water have not been es tablis hed, however, t hey are known to caus e tas te and odor problems in drinking water even at trace level [34]. For the GC, it is clear tha t there are a big number o f c h emicals involved in the pollution; expect e d chemicals are more than 100 pollutants s uch as hexane, toluen e , b e n zene and their derivat ives . Supported by the res ult of Phenol which is very high according to W HO s tan d ards to meet th e d is charge requirements for s ewage and indus trial effluents (0.001 mg l-1 -W HO) and for recommended raw w a t er quality criteria and frequency of monitoring is 0.002 mg l-1 -W HO). Howe v e r t he res ults of ICP s how that the pres ence of heavy metals is not contrib uting a lot in the pollution. Supporting by the COD res ults w h ic h a re lo w e r than expected. Fro m t h e s creening, we can s ay that the pollution is n o t caus ed by hydrocarbon s ources , but it is becaus e of t h e pres ence of certain chemicals s uch as phenolic compound s t hat may be dis charged from the pharmaceutical indus try or another indus tries involved and located in t h e catchment's area of the Dam. The KTD does not comply with the W HO effluent regulations for thes e parameters and is a s ignificant point s ource of pollution into the 99 Zarqa river and t h e D a m. The KTD needs further upgrading t o imp ro v e it s t re a tment perfo rmance to ens ure s us tainable us e of the water for the downs t re am us ers . It is not an e as y job to s elect the type of treatment be fo re identifying the real p roblem by tes ting the water. A ds orption treatment by activated ca rb o n is highly recomme nded or carbon nano tube can be us ed t o s o lv e t h e p ro b le m o f h e a v y me t a ls . Biore me diation which is the us e of biological agent s t o reclaim s oils and waters polluted by s ubs t a n c es hazardous to human health and/or the enviro nment; it is an extens ion of biological t re a t me n t p ro c e s s e s t h a t have been us e d traditionally to treat was tes in w h ic h microorganis ms ty p ic a lly a re u s ed to biodegrade environmental pollutants . The t arget of treatment can be achieved by as s e s s ment of biological proces s with micro-filtration (M F) us ing hollow fiber membrane as pretreatme n t fo r Re v e rs e os mos is RO/ Nano filt ra t io n N F P ro c e s s es , as s es s ment of membra n e technologies (NF &RO) as advanced treatmen t p roces s es , demons trating the reu s e o f reclaimed water for lands cape irrigation and eva lu a ting treatment cos ts and economics of water reus e. It is s till early t o ma ke a decis ion on what t y p e of treatment can be us ed to s olve the problem. 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