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BLUEPRINT to decode the epigenetic signature
written in blood
To the Editor:
Last October, scientists gathered in
Amsterdam to celebrate the start of
BLUEPRINT (, an EU-funded consortium
that will generate epigenomic maps of
at least 100 different blood cell types.
With this initiative, Europe has pledged a
substantial contribution to the ultimate goal
of the International Human Epigenome
Consortium (IHEC) to map 1,000 human
epigenomes. Here, we provide a brief
background to the scientific questions that
prompted the formation of BLUEPRINT,
summarize the overall goals of BLUEPRINT
and detail the specific areas in which the
consortium will focus its initial efforts and
In mammals, nucleated cells share the
same genome but have different epigenomes
depending on the cell type and many other
factors, resulting in an astounding diversity
in phenotypic plasticity with respect to
morphology and function. This diversity
is defined by cell-specific patterns of gene
expression, which are controlled through
regulatory sites in the genome to which
transcription factors bind. In eukaryotes,
access to these sites is orchestrated via
chromatin, the complex of DNA, RNA and
proteins that constitutes the functional
platform of the genome. In contrast with
DNA, chromatin is not static but highly
dynamic, particularly through modifications
of histones at nucleosomes and cytosines
at the DNA level that together define the
epigenome, the epigenetic state of the cell.
Advances in new genomics technologies,
particularly next-generation sequencing,
allow the epigenome to be studied in
a holistic fashion, leading to a better
understanding of chromatin function and
functional annotation of the genome. Yet little
is known about how epigenetic characteristics
vary between different cell types, in health
and disease or among individuals. This lack
of a quantitative framework for the dynamics
of the epigenome and its determinants
is a major hurdle for the translation of
epigenetic observations into regulatory
models, the identification of associations
between epigenotypes and diseases, and
the subsequent development of new classes
of compounds for disease prevention and
treatment. The task, however, is daunting as
each of the several hundred cell types in the
human body is expected to show specific
epigenomic features that are further expected
to respond to environmental inputs in time
and space. The research community has
realized these limitations and the need for
concerted action.
The IHEC was founded to coordinate
large-scale international efforts toward the
goal of a comprehensive human epigenome
reference atlas (http://www.ihec-epigenomes.
org/). The IHEC will coordinate epigenomic
mapping and characterization worldwide to
avoid redundant research efforts, implement
high data quality standards, coordinate
data storage, management and analysis,
and provide free access to the epigenomes
produced. The maps generated under the
umbrella of the IHEC contain detailed
information on DNA methylation, histone
modification, nucleosome occupancy, and
corresponding coding and noncoding RNA
expression in different normal and diseased
cell types. This will allow integration of
different layers of epigenetic information for
a wide variety of distinct cell types and thus
provide a resource for both basic and applied
BLUEPRINT aims to bridge the gap in
our current knowledge between individual
components of the epigenome and their
functional dynamics through state-of-the-art
analysis in a defined set of primarily human
hematopoietic cells from healthy and diseased
individuals. Mammalian blood formation
or hematopoiesis is one of the best-studied
systems of stem cell biology. Blood formation
can be viewed as a hierarchical process, and
classically, differentiation is defined to occur
along the myeloid and lymphoid lineages.
The identity of cellular intermediates and
the geometry of branch points are still under
intense investigation and therefore provide
a paradigm for delineation of fundamental
principles of cell fate determination and
regulation of proliferation and lifespan, which
differ considerably between different types of
blood cells.
BLUEPRINT will generate reference
epigenomes of at least 50 specific blood
cell types and their malignant counterparts
and aim to provide high-quality reference
epigenomes of primary cells from >60
individuals with detailed genetic and,
where appropriate, medical records. To
account for and quantify the impact of
DNA sequence variation on epigenome
differences, BLUEPRINT will work
whenever possible on samples of known
genetic variation, including samples from
the Cambridge BioResource (Cambridge,
UK), the International Cancer Genome
Consortium and the British Diabetic Twin
Study for disease-discordant monozygotic
twin samples. The Wellcome Trust Sanger
Institute (Hinxton, UK) will also provide
full genomic sequencing for up to 100
samples. BLUEPRINT will harness existing
proven technologies to generate reference
epigenomes, including RNA-Seq for
transcriptome analysis, bisulfite sequencing
for methylome analysis, DNaseI-Seq for
analysis of hypersensitive sites and ChIPSeq for analysis of at least six histone marks.
Moreover, BLUEPRINT aims to develop new
technologies to enhance high-throughput
epigenome mapping, particularly when using
few cells.
BLUEPRINT is initially focusing on four
main areas. One main goal of the project
is to comprehensively analyze diverse
epigenomic maps and make them available
as an integrated BLUEPRINT-IHEC resource
to the scientific community. Integration is
envisioned for related projects within species
(e.g., the 1000 Genomes Project) and between
species (e.g., modENCODE) to better
understand functional aspects (e.g., shared
pathways) and the evolution of cell lineage
development. Analysis of the BLUEPRINT
data is expected to catalyze a better
understanding of the relationship between
epigenetic and genomic information and will
form the basis for generation of new methods
(e.g., epigenetic imputation) for prediction
of epigenetic states from epigenomic profiles.
Such prediction methods will facilitate a
move toward a more quantitative knowledge
and modeling of epigenetic mechanisms.
As a result, such models could in the future
assist in ‘reverse engineering’ of regulatory
networks to repair or restore epigenetic codes
that have been perturbed by disease.
A second goal of BLUEPRINT is to
systematically link epigenetic variation with
phenotypic plasticity in health and disease.
This will be attempted in three ways. First,
genetic and epigenetic varation in two blood
cell types from 100 healthy individuals
will be analyzed. These measurements
will be combined with whole-genome and
transcriptome sequencing to dissect the
interplay between common DNA sequence
© 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
variation and the epigenome. This will
allow estimation, assessed by changes
in transcription, of the degree to which
epigenetic variation is driven by genetic
variation and how this variation affects
function. Second, epigenetic profiles will
be generated from comparable cell types
in three different mouse strains for which
high-quality sequence is now available.
Determining genotype-epigenotype variation
in mouse will allow detailed comparison with
human data sets, contribute to generation
of experimentally testable hypotheses in
a tractable model organism and provide
a framework for future comparative
epigenomic analyses of other purified
mouse cell populations. Third, the possible
role of epigenetic variation (that is, DNA
methylation) in the etiology of common
diseases will be determined by the first
comprehensive epigenome-wide association
study of any human disease. This is designed
to discriminate between epigenetic variation
that is a cause or a consequence of disease,
a currently unresolved issue in epigenomewide association studies. Type 1 diabetes
has been chosen as an exemplar because
certain blood cells (e.g., CD14+ monocytes)
are relevant to type 1 diabetes pathogenesis
and because BLUEPRINT partners have
already conducted a successful pilot
study demonstrating the involvement
of methylation-variable positions, the
epigenetic equivalent of single-nucleotide
polymorphisms, in type 1 diabetes. Of
the >100 methylation-variable positions
identified, many have been associated
with immune genes and have been found
present before disease diagnosis, as well as
in patients positive for diabetes-associated
autoantibodies but disease-free after
12 years1. These findings suggest
methylation-variable positions to be involved
in type 1 diabetes etiology as they cannot
be explained by genetic heterogeneity or
twinning, metabolic dysfunction, insulin or
other pharmacological treatment.
Another goal of BLUEPRINT is to
foster the clinical relevance of epigenetic
analysis by including a major effort in
the biomarker area. The focus will be
identifying biomarkers for more accurate
prognosis and personalized therapy of
childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
and for determining the efficacy of
epigenetic drug treatment in acute
myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic
syndrome. Biomarker development will
focus specifically on DNA methylation
to maximize compatibility with clinical
diagnostics and capitalize on the clinical
sequencing infrastructure becoming
available in European countries2.
BLUEPRINT’s last goal is to identify new
compounds that interact with epigenetic
regulators. Epigenetic modifications are
reversible and thus have the potential to
be modified by small molecule drugs.
The first epigenetic targeting drugs (DNA
methyltransferase and histone deacetylase
(HDAC) inhibitors) have efficacy in some
types of cancer but are currently limited by
lack of specificity and high toxicity. The full
potential of epigenetic-based therapies has
not yet been realized owing to limitations
of current knowledge on specific targets
and imperfect strategies of current drug
discovery approaches based on recombinant,
single target assays. Although deregulated
expression of a few epitargets has been found
in cancer, functional results are required to
determine which targets qualify as candidates
warranting follow-up studies. BLUEPRINT
will use RNA interference screens to validate
epigenetic targets in ex vivo and in vivo
settings. Particularly relevant is the concept
of direct in vivo validation of candidate
targets, a relatively new approach, on a
selected set of candidate drug targets. In vivo
RNA interference–based screens in murine
leukemia models and patient-derived human
samples will be carried out to achieve the
most relevant level of preclinical validation
possible. Cell assays and screens will be
complemented by in vivo screens, used for
further validation and, most importantly,
allow further characterization of biological
phenotypes and assays to be developed for
drug discovery. Thus, the conventional
process of sequential validation (from in vitro
to in vivo studies) will be improved to provide
a more innovative strategy.
BLUEPRINT will also pioneer approaches
to drug discovery based on isolating
epigenetic complexes directly from human
cells or tissues, thus preserving their native
multicomponent structure. This is an
essential requirement for focused target
identification and compound optimization
to produce clinically relevant therapeutics.
For instance, by using beads modified with
HDAC inhibitors to capture interacting
proteins from cell lysates and quantitative
mass spectrometry to determine drug
affinities for those complexes, Cellzome
(Heidelberg, Germany) has already identified
novel histone deacetylase–protein complexes
specific for defined cell states and several new
targets for HDAC inhibitors3. By screening
existing, non-HDAC inhibitors for binding
to HDAC complexes, potential new uses for
these drugs as epigenetic modulators can be
uncovered, allowing either direct application
as epigenetic therapy or as a new starting
point for lead optimization on HDAC targets.
Additionally, the Cellzome platform has
revealed unexpected selectivity of known
HDAC clinical-stage inhibitors and lack
of activity against specific HDAC protein
complexes. We think many of these basic
principles can be extended to other epigenetic
target classes.
In summary, the commencement of
BLUEPRINT signals a new era for European
biomedical research that we hope will
harness the power of epigenomic dynamics
in health and disease. We expect the results
will contribute to our knowledge of genome
biology and facilitate the definition of new
avenues for pharmaceutical intervention,
prediction and diagnosis of disease.
The authors declare competing financial interests:
details accompany the full-text HTML version of the
paper at
The BLUEPRINT Consortium*
*David Adams1, Lucia Altucci2,
Stylianos E Antonarakis3, Juan Ballesteros4,
Stephan Beck5, Adrian Bird6, Christoph Bock7,
Bernhard Boehm8, Elias Campo9, Andrea
Caricasole10, Fredrik Dahl11,
Emmanouil T Dermitzakis3, Tariq Enver5,
Manel Esteller12, Xavier Estivill13,
Anne Ferguson-Smith14, Jude Fitzgibbon15,
Paul Flicek16, Claudia Giehl17, Thomas Graf13,
Frank Grosveld18, Roderic Guigo13,
Ivo Gut19, Kristian Helin20, Jonas Jarvius21,
Ralf Küppers22, Hans Lehrach23,
Thomas Lengauer7, Åke Lernmark24,
David Leslie15, Markus Loeffler25,
Elizabeth Macintyre26, Antonello Mai27,
Joost HA Martens28, Saverio Minucci29,
Willem H Ouwehand14, Pier Giuseppe Pelicci29,
Hélène Pendeville30, Bo Porse20,
Vardhman Rakyan15, Wolf Reik31,
Martin Schrappe32, Dirk Schübeler33,
Martin Seifert32, Reiner Siebert34,
David Simmons35, Nicole Soranzo1,
Salvatore Spicuglia36, Michael Stratton1,
Hendrik G Stunnenberg28, Amos Tanay37,
David Torrents38, Alfonso Valencia39,
Edo Vellenga40, Martin Vingron23,
Jörn Walter41 & Spike Willcocks42
1Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton,
UK. 2Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy.
3Universite De Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland.
4Vivia Biotech, Madrid, Spain. 5University
College London, London, UK. 6University
of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. 7Max Planck
Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken,
Germany. 8University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany.
9Institut D’investigacions Biomediques August
Pi I Sunyer, Barcelona, Spain. 10Siena Biotech
Spa, Siena, Italy. 11Halo Genomics AB, Uppsala,
Sweden. 12Institut D’investigacio Biomedica De
© 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain. 13Centre for Genomic
Regulation, Barcelona, Spain. 14University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 15Queen Mary
University of London, London, UK. 16European
Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK.
17European Research and Project Office GmbH,
Saarbrücken, Germany. 18Erasmus University
Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The
Netherlands. 19Centro Nacional de Analisis
Genomico, Barcelona, Spain. 20University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 21Sigolis
AB, Uppsala, Sweden. 22Universitaetsklinikum
Essen, Essen, Germany. 23Max Planck Institute
for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany. 24Lund
University, Malmo, Sweden. 25University of
Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. 26Centre National
de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris Descartes
University, Paris, France. 27Sapienza University
of Rome, Rome, Italy. 28Radboud University,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 29European Institute
of Oncology, Milan, Italy. 30Diagenode SA,
Liege, Belgium. 31The Babraham Institute,
Cambridge, UK. 32Genomatix Software GmbH,
Munich, Germany. 33Friedrich Miescher Institute
for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland.
34Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Zu Kiel,
Kiel, Germany. 35Cellzome AG, Heidelberg,
Germany. 36Institut National de la Sante et
de la Recherche Medicale, Marseille, France.
37Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
38Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona,
Spain. 39Centro Nacional de Investigaciones
Oncologicas, Madrid, Spain. 40University
Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands. 41University of Saarland,
Saarbruecken, Germany. 42Oxford Nanopore
Technologies Ltd., Oxford, UK.
[email protected]
1. Rakyan, V.K. et al. PLoS Genet. 9, e1002300 (2011).
2. Callaway, E. Nature 467, 766–767 (2010).
3. Bantscheff, M. et al. Nat. Biotechnol. 29, 255–265
Detecting and annotating genetic
variations using the HugeSeq
To the Editor:
Deciphering genome sequences is important
for the mapping of genetic diseases and
prediction of their risks. Advances in highthroughput DNA sequencing technologies
using short read lengths have enabled rapid
sequencing of entire human genomes and
unlocked the potential for comprehensive
identification of their underlying genetic
variations. Various computational algorithms
for identifying and characterizing variants
have been developed; however, most of
these computational methods are neither
integrated nor interoperable, making it
difficult for biologists to extract all the genetic
information from billions of sequences
generated by these sequencing technologies.
Here, we present HugeSeq, an integrated
computational pipeline to fully automate the
process of variant detection from alignment
of these genomic sequences to detection and
annotation of all types of genetic variations
(single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs),
short insertions or deletions (indels) and
larger structural variations (SVs)).
Compared with other popular platforms
for genome data analysis that typically
analyze SNPs or a limited set of variants
(Supplementary Table 1), HugeSeq covers
a more complete spectrum of variant
types. The complete variant detection and
characterization workflow of the HugeSeq
pipeline (Fig. 1) is a modular framework
comprising three phases: first, a mapping
phase that prepares and aligns reads; second,
a sorting phase that combines and sorts
alignments for parallel variant detection;
and third, a reduction phase that detects and
annotates different variants (SNPs, indels
and structural variations). It is based on a
MapReduce1 approach and runs in a parallel
computational environment, making it highly
efficient and scalable.
HugeSeq uses sequence reads (both single
end and paired end) in a FASTA or FASTQ
format (optionally compressed in a GZIP
format) as input for alignment. Because
alignment of a single read is independent
of others, HugeSeq divides the reads into
smaller subsets so they can be aligned in
parallel. It then distributes the reads in the
computer cluster and carries out a gapped
alignment against the reference genome
using the Burrows-Wheeler aligner2. The
generated sequence alignment map (SAM)3
is then converted into its binary format,
BAM, using SAMtools3 to ensure efficient
storing and access of alignment information.
After alignment, HugeSeq collects all the
mapped reads and sorts them according
to their aligned chromosomal positions
with the Picard tool. The sorted reads for
each chromosome are assigned to their
corresponding chromosomal BAM and
indexed for rapid and random access using
SAMtools. Because most variant detections
are intrachromosomal, the detection process
can be carried out on each chromosomal
BAM simultaneously. Interchromosomal
translocation detection can also be enabled
and run in a nonparallel mode, although it
slows down the process considerably.
To enhance the quality of the alignments
for more accurate variant detection, HugeSeq
carries out several processing (‘cleanup’)
procedures before variant calling. First, to
minimize experimental artifacts, it removes
potential PCR duplicates using the Picard
tool. Second, it carries out a local realignment
around indels and SNP clusters using the
Genome Analysis ToolKit (GATK) realigner4.
Last, based on the realignment, it recalibrates
the base quality of the alignments using
the GATK recalibrater4 so that the quality
scores represent the empirical probability of
mismatching to the reference genome. With
the processed read alignments or any userspecified BAMs, HugeSeq detects variants of
different kinds in a parallel fashion.
For SNP and small indel detection,
HugeSeq uses two different well-established
SNP and indel calling algorithms, the GATK
UnifiedGenotyper4 and SAMtools3. When
calling indels using GATK, it uses the Dindel5
model for greater sensitivity. The resulting
SNPs and indels are then passed through
the GATK variant filtering tool with default
parameters similar to those used in the 1000
Genomes Project6. Structural variations
and copy number variants (CNVs) are often
difficult to detect, largely owing to their
heterogeneous nature. A variety of different
methods can be used to find them but each
has distinct biases. To identify as many
structural variations as possible, HugeSeq
uses four major approaches: first, pairedend mapping using BreakDancer7; second,
split-read analysis using Pindel8; third,
read-depth analysis using CNVnator9 and
fourth, junction mapping using BreakSeq10
(a version we modified to support BAM as
input for unmapped reads). Because these
structural variation and CNV callers generate
variant calls in different formats, HugeSeq
standardizes their outputs by converting them
into the standard general feature format.
The resulting SNP and indel call sets, which
are in a standard variant call format (VCF),
are combined and merged using VCFtools11.
HugeSeq also uses VCFtools to concatenate
variants from different BAMs for each
algorithm and to merge calls from different
algorithms into a single VCF. SNPs called by
both GATK and SAMtools are of particularly
high confidence. For the structural variation