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2023, Sehepunkte, 23, No.9
3 pages
1 file
The book under review is Tolan's first monograph dedicated to another medieval "Other"- the Jews, after decades have passed since his dissertation on the converted Jew Petrus Alfonsi was published. He sums up a dramatic process in a readable style, directing it not only towards the experts but towards the average person interested in medieval history. What occupies him most is the neglect of the medieval presence of English Jewry which fell into oblivion. According to Tolan, this is the source of the deeply rooted antagonism towards Jews which still prevails in English society. This is what makes his book so valuable to the reader.
Journal of Social History, 2024
John Tolan's book, England's Jews: Finance, Violence, and the Crown in the Thirteenth Century, is an effective example of how thorough historical work can be made accessible and pertinent to today's everyday readers. He opens by observing that, in the early 2000s, residents of Norwich were shocked that the seventeen twelfth-or thirteenth-century people, whose skeletal remains were found in a local well shaft, might be Jewish. They were surprised, Tolan states, not only that Jewish men and women lived in the thriving port city over 750 years ago, but also that they suffered from extreme violence there. Tolan uses the publicity surrounding this recent discovery to observe that all the efforts of historians over the past several decades have not yet undone the nineteenth-century legacy of burying the extent to which the exploitation of minorities drove the economic growth of European colonial powers (2). The aim of England's Jews, then, is to provide an account of the integral role that Jews played in England's development, as well as to explain how and why they faced persecution, based chiefly on the long reign of King Henry III (r.1216-1272). Tolan tells this story chronologically through seven engagingly composed chapters, each focused on a protagonist of the era. The first three chapters describe how Jews were caught amid the struggle for authority between three powers: The first chapter focuses on the Crown's interactions with Jews by spotlighting Isaac of Norwich, whose eventful life as a Jewish moneylender spanned the reigns of Henry II, Richard I, John, and the regency of Henry III. Especially prolific moneylenders like Isaac, who had imposing clientele like Westminster Abbey and the landed nobility, were of great economic import to the Crown. This chapter demonstrates the kaleidoscopic range of exploitative, violent, and protective royal measures to maintain exclusive dominion over the kingdom's Jews. The English Church is the subject of the second chapter. Tolan accesses the ecclesiastical world by studying the orbit of Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury (1207-1228), who sought to apply a reformist agenda and became preoccupied with limiting everyday Jewish-Christian
Jews in Medieval England, 2017
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
This chapter brings us to visit a "Survey of Early English Literature" classroom. None of the survey anthologies is ideal, but I always feel the need to include an anthology, so I do. For the sake of full disclosure, I want to begin with a confession. I had been teaching a version of "The Survey of Early English Literature" for a bit before it hit me that the many available anthologies that stretched from Anglo-Saxon times to the Enlightenment lacked either a Jewish voice or a Jewish presence. What leads to my confession is that as a scholar of the Middle Ages, especially the English Middle Ages, I knew that Jews were physically present on-and certainly writing in-the "English" territory after the Normans arrived in 1066. As a scholar, I knew this. In fact, in my role as a scholar, I was both invested in researching and writing about medieval English Jews and publicizing the historical oversights concomitant with Jewish presence. As a teacher, I had yet to intertwine my scholarly discoveries with my classroom work, but once I did make that link, I had new struggles with issues of space and allotment on my syllabus. There is much to tell students about the Jewish presence between 1066 and 1659, and I desired to tell it all. Bandying about two larger concerns regarding the logistics of addressing the Jewish presence in medieval England, I found myself caught in a state of fear that sprung from worries over an anti-Semitic backlash that might surface either implicitly or explicitly in the classroom. I was also reluctant to add more material to an already packed syllabus. Desirous of encouraging
I 290. Reflecting on the melancholy history of thirteenth-century Anglo-Jewry, Dobson conceded that the erratic rise and fall of the medieval English Jewry is one of those historical phenomena notable for the number of possible turning-points at which no turn was made. Nevertheless, 1255, the year of Aaron of York's bankruptcy, of little Hugh's mysterious death at Lincoln, and of Henry 111's mortgaging of the entire Jewish community to his younger brother, Richard of Cornwall, may have marked a genuine divide. The corrosive effects of excessive tallages on the one side and of increased anti-Jewish propaganda and blood-libel accusations on the other seem to have made the mid-1250s a real watershed in the history of Anglo-Jewish relations."
A sketch of the history of Medieval Jews in England, written for a conference at the German Historical Institute in London, bringing together German and British historians to compare England and Germany in the middle ages. Chap. 8 is a companion piece on Germany by Alexander Patschowsky.
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