Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
Jan Westerhoff1
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Received: 6 August 2022 / Accepted: 17 August 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2023
Recent developments in contemporary natural science (including the evolutionary study of perception, cognitive science, and interpretations of quantum physics)
incorporate central idealist positions relating to the nature of representation, the role
our minds play in structuring our experience of the world, and the properties of the
world behind our representations. This paper first describes what these positions are,
and how they are introduced in the relevant theories in terms of precisely formulated
scientific analogues. I subsequently consider how this way of looking at philosophical idealism through selected parts of contemporary science can help us to pursue
new ways of developing key idealist questions in a way that is integrated with a
naturalistically supported endeavour to understand central features of reality.
1 Introduction
Idealism has steadily declined in popularity over the last century. Not only do we
find hardly any contemporary philosophical defenses of idealism,1 the fact that a
theory has idealistic consequences is sometimes taken to be a sufficient argument for
its absurdity.2 This is somewhat surprising if we take into account that idealist theories of various forms played a major part in the philosophical history of the world,
including intellectual traditions as diverse as Berkeley’s idealism, the transcendental idealism of Kant and Schopenhauer, Advaita Vedānta, Yogācāra Buddhism, or
With a few notable exceptions: Foster (1982, 2008), von Kutschera (2006), Sprigge (1983), Taber
(2020). See also Farris/Göcke (2022), parts 3–5.
Anderson (2017): 5–6: “I most certainly do not want to recapitulate the realism vs. idealism and epistemic externalism vs. internalism debates […] I’ll simply assert without argument that […] any epistemology that implies internalism and its attendant skepticism has made a mistake somewhere.” Simons
(2021: 76) includes idealism in his list of “metaphysical follies”, views he considers to be “bizarre,
extreme and unbelievable”.
* Jan Westerhoff
[email protected]
Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, Norham Gardens, Oxford OX2 6QA, England
J. Westerhoff
Kaśmir Śaivism, to name but a few.3 Still, one might think, despite the venerable
ancestry of idealisms of various stripes, theoretical progress means that approaches
shown to be conceptually and empirically unsatisfactory will find few defenders, and
this is exactly what has been happening to idealism. It is then particularly puzzling
to see a current comeback of idealist concepts, carried along not by philosophy, but
by developments in contemporary science.4 Moreover, this idealistic resurgence
does not seem to be confined to a single field or researcher, but arises in areas as
distinct as the theory of perception, neuroscience, or the interpretation of quantum
This paper will look at three specific examples: the Interface Theory of Perception, Prediction Error Minimization Theory, and Quantum Bayesianism. While these
theories are generally not put forward as explicit scientific or empirical support for
idealism, their core ideas are sufficiently intertwined with idealist concepts that one
cannot fully endorse these theories without at the same time taking their idealist
frameworks seriously. I will, in the course of this essay, not be able to say much to
defend these theories, though they strike me all to be of considerable empirical and
theoretical interest. One conclusion of this essay will be hypothetical: if we want
to sign up to these theories, then we should, at the same time, embrace the idealist
positions that play a central role in their formulation. My main point, however, is
something else. I set out to show how idealist concepts play a fundamental part in
the formulation of the three theories discussed and are formulated in terms of scientifically precise analogues. This, I argue, opens up routes to develop the discussion
of idealism in a contemporary, scientifically literate manner.
In the context of this discussion I do not want to describe idealism simply as the
view that at the fundamental level everything is mental, since the conciseness of
this characterisation does not compensate for its vagueness (what exactly is meant
by ‘mental’ here?) or its excessive narrowness (what about non-foundationalist
forms of idealism?). A better approach is to understand idealism as a family of views
aligned with at least the following three principles5:
1. Representation: We do not encounter the world in a direct manner, but
through representations. Our access to the world takes place through perception, reasoning, and introspection. Perception, reasoning, and introspection
operate on representational entities, rather than on the represented entities
2. Formation: The way the world appears to us is extensively and essentially
shaped by structural features of the human mind. As everything appears to
have a greenish tint for someone wearing green-coloured lenses, our experi3
Dunham et al. (2011) and Goldschmidt/Pearce (2017) provide good surveys of the diversity of idealist
For some discussion of global advance of science in the late 19th and early 20th century and the contemporaneous rise of philosophical idealism in Europe, India, and China see Garfield/Bushan (2017:
178–216), Makeham (2014).
My claim is not that every position in the history of philosophy ever described as idealism endorses all
of these principles, but rather that they subsume a large enough subset of the family to provide sufficient
content for the discussion of idealism presented below.
Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
ence of the world is coloured by the structure of the representations through
which we perceive it.
3. Non-correspondence: This principle rejects the assumption of a world of
mind-independent represented objects behind our representations that correspond, at least in broad structural outlines, to the entities featuring in contemporary physical and mathematical theories. As such there are no spatial,
temporal, causal, or mathematical structures ‘out there’ which are isomorphic
with the structure of our experience, or with the structure of theoretically systematising this experience.6
Note the essential role of the principle of non-correspondence in this list. Even
if we assume that our access to the world is largely indirect, and strongly shaped by
our mind as the tool making this indirect access possible, we might still think we are
able to isolate the basic aspects of our experience that correspond to basic physical
or mathematical aspects of the represented world beyond our experience. This view,
however, would be a mitigated form of realism, not a form of idealism.
The purely negative formulation of this principle is also responsible for the
variety of different views that can be subsumed under this conception of idealism,
diverging in how they spell out references to ‘the world beyond our representations’.
Two obvious ways of understanding this phrase might be called noumenalism and
limitationism. For the noumenalist, such a world beyond our representations exists,
though we cannot say anything else about it. Since all our conceptual resources for
describing entities in terms of space and time, causation, probability, and so forth
are restricted to the realm of representations, we cannot use these resources to speak
about the world beyond the representations, for example by saying that it is the cause
of what appears to us. Furthermore, we do not have any other conceptual tools at our
disposal for describing this world. The limitationist, on the other hand, holds the
even more restrictive view that since the only thing we can say anything about are
representations any attempt to speak even about the existence of the world behind
the representations is impossible and results in nonsense. All our talk needs to be
restricted to the level of representation.
I believe the three principles can be brought into sharper focus by considering their direct opposites,
many of which are widely accepted philosophical positions. Representation contradicts various forms
of direct or naïve realism which assume that our perception puts us into a direct relation with entities
‘out there’ in the world, without the need for a representational intermediary (for the popular disjunctivist variety of this view see Soteriou 2016). An antithesis of formation is the common-sense realism
defended, for example, by Michael Devitt (“Tokens of most current observable common-sense and scientific physical types objectively exist independently of the mental.”, 1997: 24), while non-correspondence
is directly opposed to epistemic realism, “the reigning orthodoxy among philosophers for almost a generation”, the view that “especially in the ‘mature’ and well-developed parts of the physical sciences, scientists have come very close to discerning the way the world really is.” (Laudan 1997: 138).
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2 Interface Theory of Perception
The interface theory is a theory of perception developed by Donald Hoffman and
his collaborators over the last decades.7 It is based on the largely uncontroversial
idea that our perceptual abilities are the product of evolutionary development. They
evolved because they provided us with increased fitness, increasing our chances to
pass on our genes by enhancing our abilities to detect food, competitors, and potential mates. The evolutionary origins of perceptual abilities are usually not regarded
as in conflict with their potential to accurately represent the world. On the contrary,
it seems that our ability to detect food can only equip us with added fitness if it manages to represent the presence of food in the world accurately.8 Nevertheless, Hoffman argues, perceptual strategies aiming for evolutionary fitness, and perceptual
strategies aiming for faithful representation of the world pull in different directions.
The central support of this claim is a result in evolutionary game theory called the
fitness-beats-truth (FBT) theorem.9 The FBT theorem says that if perceptual strategies increasing evolutionary fitness are pitched against strategies aiming to accurately represent the environment (‘truth’), the former regularly outperform the latter
and will drive them to extinction, at least in cases where fitness payoff and resource
quantity do not vary monotonically.10
The consequence the interface theory draws from the FBT theorem is that
because our perceptual abilities have been picked by an evolutionary process, they
will have been selected for increasing evolutionary fitness, not accurate representation. The probability that the perceptual abilities we ended up with perform both
roles by accident (having been selected for one feature, but by coincidence also displaying another) is very low.11 This applies independently of whether we use our
perceptual abilities to navigate a busy road or to construct a theory of the fundamental constituents of matter.12
See Hoffman et al., (2015a, b). Hoffman (2019) presents a popularized account of the theory. Hoffman also sets out to build a comprehensive theory of consciousness (“conscious realism”, the view that
“the objective world […] consists entirely of conscious agents”, 2008: 103) on the basis of the interface
theory. These further theoretical developments are not part of our present discussion.
See Simons (2017: 32).
Prakash (2021).
Hoffman et al., (2015a): 1486, Prakash (2021: 326–327). This is frequently the case. Not enough
water is as bad for an organism as too much; that some intake of water increases fitness does not imply
that any intake will.
Hoffman (2008: 112) and Prakash (2020) for the relevant technical details behind this claim. We can
show that the more experiences a perceiver is able to distinguish the greater the probability that perceptual strategies aiming at fitness the perceiver might adopt will outperform strategies aiming at accurate
Prakash et al., (2020) examines a set of structures of our representation of the world (total orders, permutation groups, cyclic groups, and measurable spaces), arguing that if these structures were also instantiated in the world, it would be exceedingly unlikely that evolutionarily successful fitness functions ever
mirror them.
Hoffman (2015b) notes that “the fundamental dynamical properties of physics—including position,
momentum, and spin—do not describe reality as it is, but are instead products of—that is, creations of—
the measurement process” (1554) and that “physics is almost surely not causally complete”. (1571).
Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
As a consequence, we should conceive of our perceptions as an evolutionary
developed interface that enables us to successfully navigate the world in a way that
maximises the likelihood of passing on our genes. Successful navigation of the
world, however, does not imply accurate representation, in fact the FBT theorem
shows that it is exceedingly unlikely that our perceptual interface shares a significant amount of structure with the world it represents.13 As such, the interface theory
argues, we can conceive of this interface along the lines of a computer’s graphical
user interface: useful for operating the computer, but highly misleading if we understand the structure of the interface as indicative of the structure of the software and
hardware generating the interface.
2.1 Representation
The representationalism characterizing the interface theory is evident even after this
short description. According to this theory, we never interact with the world itself,
but only with an interface of evolutionary developed perceptual representations. The
interface theory of perception moves the majority of things we usually consider to
be part of the non-mental external world (fundamental particles, neurons, mediumsized dry goods, time, space) into the perceptual interface and treats them as constituents of this interface.14 The interface theory’s representationalism postulates a
boundary with representations on one side, and whatever it is these representations
represent on the other.
2.2 Formation
Interface theory also relies crucially on the principle of formation. The representations that make up the interface have the form they have because they have been
shaped by evolutionary selection. The way the world appears to us as a collection of
discrete entities spread out in space and time does not reflect an underlying ontology of spatio-temporally related individuals but derives from structural features of
the human mind, features which are, in turn, the result of selection pressure favouring representations that succeed best in enhancing evolutionary fitness.15 The reason
why the world appears in three-dimensional space to us, for example, the proponents
of the interface theory argue, is because structuring representations in this way constitutes an error-correcting code.16 Representing information about fitness ‘spread
out’ in space allows for redundancy, and hence for the detection and correction of
Such a sharing of structure is assumed, for example, by O’Brien/Opie (2004: 15), who argue that “it is
a relation of structural resemblance between mental representing vehicles and their objects that disposes
cognitive subjects to behave appropriately towards the latter.”.
Hoffman et al., (2015a, 2015b: 1484, 1501, 1503).
Hoffman et al., (2015a, 2015b: 1496).
Fields et al., (2017: 272–273). ‘Errors’ are here understood not as misrepresentations of the environment, but as actions that decrease fitness (288). See also Prakash (2020: 121) which discusses a formal
development of the idea that “a conscious agent can consistently see geometric and probabilistic structures of space that are not necessarily in the world per se but are properties of the conscious agent itself”.
J. Westerhoff
transmission errors. According to this view, our spatial experience is not a reflection
of a three-dimensional spatial world of material objects external to the observer, but
the result of an evolved procedure for presenting information about fitness to the
organism in a reliable way.
2.3 Non‑correspondence
The form of the non-correspondence principle adopted by the interface theory
appears to be best described as a form of noumenalism, arguing that we cannot say
anything about the world behind the evolutionarily generated interface apart from
asserting that it exists. This, I believe, also explains the rather curious claim by its
proponents that the interface theory does not provide an argument for idealism.17
For a theory suggesting that we “cannot assume that physical objects have genuine causal powers, nor that space–time is fundamental, since objects and space–time
are simply species-specific perceptual adaptions”18 this might appear somewhat
disingenuous. Their claim is best construed, I believe, as aiming for metaphysical neutrality. The interface theory’s key claim, based on the FBT theorem, is to
deny the plausibility of a structural correspondence between our representations
and the world represented. As such it presents a purely negative thesis that leaves
it wholly open what ‘the world behind the interface’ might amount to. It is essentially unknowable, and the interface theory restricts itself to transcendental claims
about what structure would have to be present in the world given that we can do
science at all. Of course it might be the case that not even this obtains, but if we are
not even willing to entertain the conjecture that empirical investigations can yield
knowledge we are probably not interested in the discussion surrounding the interface
theory in the first place. It turns out that the structural assumptions the interface
theory makes about the world behind the representation are exceedingly minimal.
Its proponents sometimes suggest that both the set of our experiences and the set of
world-states have a specific set-theoretic structure, that is, that they form a measurable space.19 What this amounts to is essentially to say that for every set there is its
complement, and for each finite collection of sets there is a set containing all their
members. This is required if we want to speak about the probabilities of world-states
and experiences,20 for talk about probabilities necessitates talk about events not happening (complementation) and events happening together (union). If these resources
are not available, talk about the probability of some event happening cannot be properly formulated. Elsewhere, however, they suggest an even more parsimonious picture. According to this we only have to assume that the set of experiences forms a
measurable space, the required structure of the world-states is then induced via the
Hoffman et al., (2015a, 2015b: 1490).
Hoffman et al., (2014: 20).
Hoffman et al., (2015a, 2015b: 1483).
Hoffman (2015b: 1565).
Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
perceptual mapping. In this way we then “need postulate no a priori structure of any
kind on [the set of world-states] W.”21
For the interface theory the nature of the world behind the representational interface is thus radically and inescapably underdetermined. Like the Kantian noumenon,
we still have to assume that it exists (for the interface theory requires our experiential states to be mapped to something they represent), but there is nothing we otherwise can or ever could say about it. Evidently it is not implied that the world behind
the interface is mental in nature — hence the claim that the interface theory cannot
be understood an argument for idealism.22 This position is not in tension with the
view developed in the present paper (that the interface theory, like the other scientific approaches discussed, is fundamentally intertwined with idealist concepts),
since the conception of idealism deployed here is not one entailing that ‘everything
is mental in nature’.
3 Prediction error minimization theory
Prediction error minimization theory sets out to provide a comprehensive theory of
perception and cognition.23 To discuss which, if any, idealist conclusions prediction
error minimization theory might support we will primarily consider two aspects: the
idea of prediction error minimization itself, and the notion of a Markov blanket separating the internal states of the perceiver from its environment.
3.1 Prediction‑error minimization
The central idea behind prediction error minimization theory is that the brain’s activity is to be understood first and foremost as concerned with minimizing prediction
error. In order to achieve this the brain creates a model of the external and internal
world, using information coming in through the various sensory channels (including introspective information) in order to predict future incoming information. The
discrepancy between what the model predicts and the actual input received is the
prediction error. In order to minimize the prediction error in the future the brain can
then either change the model (as one might, for example, adapt one’s beliefs so as
to represent the environment as aptly as possible), or it might change the state of the
organism. This latter possibility links prediction error minimization with the explanation of action: raising my arm is my brain’s way of minimizing the discrepancy
between modelling my arm as being presently up, and present incoming information
reporting my arm as being down.
Hoffman (2015b: 1563).
Despite the neutrality of the interface theory’s conception of the world behind the representations its
proponents use it as a basis on which to build an idealist metaphysics (‘conscious agent theory’), see
Hoffman et al., (2015a, 2015b: 1502). For more on conscious agent theory see Hoffman (2008), Hoffman/Prakash (2014).
Helpful surveys of the prediction error minimization theory are provided by Hohwy (2013, 2020), as
well as in the collection of papers available at
J. Westerhoff
3.2 Markov blankets
A Markov blanket is a specific network of nodes in which we can move from some
nodes to other nodes with a specific transition probability.24 If we consider the nodes
to be particular states, a transition probability of 0.6 between state a and state b
means that there is a 60% conditional probability of state b obtaining, given that state
a obtains. An obvious example of this can be found in weather forecasting. A 0.6
transition probability between sunny weather on day d and rain on day d + 1 means
that there is a 60% probability of it raining tomorrow if it is sunny today. Transition
probabilities are also used in the analysis of medical symptoms. If a patient has a
cough, there is a certain probability that he also has a raised temperature, which is
the transition probability from the ‘cough’-state to the ‘raised temperature’-state.
If some set of nodes forms a Markov blanket around a given node x, all the information necessary to determine the probability of x obtaining is located in the probabilities of x’s ‘direct neighbours’ (more precisely: in its parents, children, and children’s other parents) that form part of the Markov blanket. There is no necessity to
go further afield to states separated from x via long chains of intermediate states. As
such the Markov blanket constitutes a mathematical model of a boundary such that
if you want to know what is going on beyond the boundary you simply have to look
at what is happening on the boundary itself. It thereby provides a useful abstract way
of conceiving of the epistemologist’s veil of perception separating the ‘in here’ from
the ‘out there’. Some researchers equate the boundary between the brain and the rest
of the organism with a Markov blanket, arguing that the brain receives sensory input
through “exteroceptive, proprioceptive, and interoceptive receptors” and delivers, as
an output “proprioceptive predictions […] mainly in the spinal cord.”25
3.3 Representation
As such, the notion of the Markov blanket locates the prediction error minimization
framework firmly in a representationalist setting in which all we ever directly26 interact with are parts of the brain-generated representational interface.27 The Markov
blanket constitutes an epistemic boundary between the representations ‘in here’ and
whatever is represented ‘out there’.
Note, however, that this environmental seclusion postulate,28 claiming that we do
not have direct access to the environment, but infer it as the hidden causes of our
perceptions is by no means accepted by all proponents of predictive processing.29
Some oppose it by arguing that the Markov blanket is not a fixed boundary, but can
For more discussion of Markov blankets see Westerhoff (2020: 37–40), Menary/Gillett (2021), Bruineberg (2022).
Hohwy (2016: 276).
For further discussion of the notion of ‘directness’ relevant in this context see Snowdown (1992),
Westerhoff (2020: 22–32).
Hohwy (2016: 283).
Wiese/Metzinger (2007: 1).
For some accounts that challenge this postulate see Anderson (2017), Clark (2017), Fabry (2017a,b).
Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
be conceived of as expanded or contracted depending on context.30 In a case where
an agent is, for example, crucially reliant on a notebook in his cognitive operations,
the defender of enactive cognition would consider the notebook to be part of his
mind, and hence locate the notebook is inside the Markov blanket. In other contexts,
the same notebook might be part of the environment beyond the Markov blanket and
thus a member of the set of ‘hidden causes’. The natural response for the defender
of the environmental seclusion postulate is to say that in both cases the notebook,
being an extracranial entity is merely an inferred entity,31 and not anything we are
directly aware of, a move that critics challenge by claiming that interaction with
notebooks-in-the-model is not sufficient. What is required to minimize the prediction error, they claim, is “concrete, physically realized embodied interaction of an
organism with its local environment”.32
A point that has often not been sufficiently stressed when discussing this dispute
between the ‘internalist’ interpretations of predictive processing and the ‘externalist’
ones concentrating on embodied, enactive, and extended cognition is that they are in
an important respect on a par. The “exteroceptive, proprioceptive, and interoceptive
receptors”,33 the skull, the brain, and spinal cord of the former and the “arms, legs,
notebooks, and sticky-notes”34 of the latter cannot be conceived as differing in ontological status.35 Independent of its interpretation, the prediction error minimization
framework is formulated in terms of physical entities that, on the one hand, account
for the implementation of the prediction error being minimized and are, on the
other hand, themselves part of the inferred world of hypothesized entities generated
through the framework. It would be peculiar for either interpretation to claim that
amongst the inferred ‘hidden causes’ there are some (skulls, brains, notebooks etc.)
somewhat less hidden, where the inferred entity matches the object it represents as it
really is, while there are others where that object is completely inaccessible to us. If
the prediction error minimisation’s notion of hidden causes makes any sense at all,
they must all be equally hidden.36
What prediction error minimization takes cognition to be, independent of specific
implementations consisting of brains, assemblies of brains, notebooks and so forth
is drawing inferences from probabilistic patterns in sensory input.37 These patterns
are patterns in representations, and as such it is no exaggeration to say that everything we are cognitively engaged with according to prediction error minimization
theory are representations.38
Clark (2017: 17). See also Parr et al., (2022: 108–109).
Hohwy (2016: 275).
Fabry (2017b: 406).
Hohwy (2016: 276).
Clark (2017: 16).
On this point see Clark (2017: 16).
A point accepted by Hohwy: “the brain is itself a hidden cause” (2016: 268). See also Shand (2014:
245), note 5.
Hohwy (2013: 179, 221).
For the idea of equating the agent with a model see Hohwy (2017: 3).
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3.4 Formation
The resulting picture begins to look noticeably Kantian, with the phenomena of
models based on statistical regularities opposed to the noumena of ‘hidden causes’.
The way in which predictive processing takes up themes from Kant has not gone
unremarked in the literature.39 In addition to the dichotomy between phenomena
and noumena, and the fact that for predictive processing, as for Kant, perception
is not a process of ‘reading off’ information from incoming sensory data, but an
active process of constructing hypotheses for which the world provides feedback, an
interesting example of how specific ideas in predictive processing can be understood
as contemporary developments of Kantian themes is the case of hyperpriors.40 The
concept of hyperpriors also provides a good example of how the principle of formation fits into the prediction error minimization framework. Prediction error minimization crucially relies on the generating of predictions or hypotheses on the basis of
incoming data. As the number of predictions that can be based on a single set of data
is vast, some form of constraint on the set of predictions needs to be assumed. In the
process of Bayesian inference, predictions are developed by adapting the values of
priors in the light of new incoming information. In order to know which priors to
have in the first place, priors about priors — hyperpriors —are required. Hyperpriors provide an interesting analogue to Kant’s forms of appearance, space and time.
In the same way as these constrain and give form to our experience, hyperpriors
constrain and give form to the set of predictions which manifest as the perceived
world. For sure, hyperpriors assumed in the predictive processing literature do not
just concern space and time,41 but assumptions about these constitute a good example of ‘constraints on constraints’ necessary to make the required Bayesian computations tractable.42
3.5 Non‑correspondence
One crucial difference between prediction error minimization and Kant’s account we
should not lose sight of concerns the significant amount of structure many theorists
ascribe to the realm of ‘hidden causes’. Not only are these “causal states of affairs
in the real world” outside of the Markov blanket causally responsible for our sensory input43 they also causally interact with one another.44 In addition to this causal
See, for example, Swanson (2016), Beni (2018), Piekarski (2017), Zahavi (2018), Gładziejewski
(2016: 574), Anderson/Chemero (2013: 204). Links between predictive processing and Berkeley’s idealism are explored by Shand (2014) and Norwich (1993, chs 15, 17).
Swanson (2016: 5–6).
They also include some very specific assumptions, such as that light comes from above (Hohwy
Possible examples of hyperpriors mentioned by Clark (2013:196) include the basic assumption about
space that every location contains only a single object, and the basic assumption about time that we can
only carry out a single action at any given moment.
Hohwy (2013: 220).
Hohwy (2013: 60, 81).
Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
structure some also regard it as the locus of the probabilistic structure the brain’s
computations track.45 I would argue, however, that neither of these constitutes as
much of a conflict with the Kantian picture as one might have thought, despite the
severe limitations the latter places on properties we can ascribe to the noumenal
realm. When it comes to probabilistic structure it is worthwhile to note that regarding probabilities as degrees of beliefs, and hence as representations, rather than as
properties of a mind-independent world appears to be the most natural interpretation
of prediction error minimization theory’s Bayesianism.46 There is hence no need to
locate probabilistic structures in the ‘hidden causes’ if the Bayesian understanding
of probabilities as subjective credences locates them more naturally in our model of
the world.
When it comes to causal structure, there are some interpreters of Kant who
assume existence of some analogue of causation at the level of the noumenal.47
Those who, like me, believe that it makes no sense for a Kantian to speak of causal
relations between noumena, or, for that matter, between noumena and phenomena,48
rather than exclusively between phenomena, can revert to the suggestion that the
reference to causation “in the real world” should be treated along the lines of references to the skull, the brain, and the spinal cord we find in the expositions of prediction error minimization theory. These are essential ingredients for stating the theory
but are revealed, once the theory is properly understood, to be nothing over and
above parts of the model of the world generated through the process of prediction
error minimization.
It can therefore be plausibly argued that prediction error minimization theory
accords with key ideas delineating the outlines of Kantian transcendental idealism,
including the split between the phenomenal and the noumenal, the role which specific features of the mind play in constructing very general properties of the world
we live it, such as time and space, and the inaccessibility of the noumenal by any of
the conceptual resources we employ for navigating the world.
This would imply that prediction error minimization endorses a noumenalist form
of the non-correspondence principle, according to which a world behind the appearances is said to exist, though we cannot say anything else about it. After all, prediction error minimization theory postulates the existence of an external world of
‘hidden causes’ out there which bring about the specific experiences we have, and
thereby play an essential role in generating the prediction errors our cognitive system tries to minimize. We should note, however, that once interpreted through the
lens of prediction error minimization theory this no longer means quite what we
might think it means. First, all talk of ‘out there’ and ‘in here’, of ‘bringing about’
and ‘generating’ only has a place within our model of the world. Second, if we take
the idea of the epistemic inaccessibility of the ‘hidden causes’ seriously there is no
point in describing them as mental, material, representations, mind-independent,
Gładziejewski (2016: 571).
Feldman (2013).
Westphal (1997: 231).
As for the Kantian the causal relation is to be confined exclusively to the phenomenal realm. See
Rescher (1974: 178).
J. Westerhoff
parts of the model, abstract, and so forth. The only entities we cognitively interact with are parts of our model of the world, and hence representations, and everything we cannot cognitively interact with we cannot cognitively interact with. This
includes describing it in specific ways. If this is right, though, prediction error minimization appears to align more closely with limitationism. It restricts our theorizing to representations and rejects the coherence of talk about the world behind the
4 Quantum Bayesianism
The history of explicitly or implicitly idealist interpretations of quantum mechanics, as well as that of forms of idealism inspired by quantum mechanics is a large
topic well beyond the scope of a single paper.49 We will focus here on one specific,
relatively recent interpretation that is of particular interest when considering the link
between contemporary scientific developments and idealism: Quantum Bayesianism.50 Quantum Bayesianism or QBism sets out to interpret quantum mechanics in
terms of Bayesian probability theory.51 Its key idea is that the quantum state is not a
micro-state of some physical object ‘out there’ but a subjective probability or degree
of belief about the result of a specific measurement.
4.1 Advantages of the QBist Interpretation
One advantage of QBism is the way it accounts for the collapse of the wavefunction. In a particular experiment, the calculated wavefuction provides the prior probability. Once the experiment is performed and the observation made, the experimenter acquires new information as a consequence. The experimenter then updates
their beliefs or subjective probabilities. According to the QBist understanding the
collapse of the wavefunction is simply the updating of specific probability judgements.52 This account of the nature of the wavefunction allows for a simple resolution of the paradox of Wigner’s friend, as well as making it possible for QBists to
diffuse problems involving non-locality that arise from entangled quantum states.53
Apart from popular classics in this genre like Capra (1975) and Zukav (1979) see, for example, Goswami (1989), Wendt (2015), Kastrup (2021).
I also lack the space to discuss the work of Markus Müller, whose approach has stronger idealist
implications than QBism. See, for example Ball (2017), Müller (2018, 2020).
The philosophical implications of QBism are subject to extensive discussion in the literature, and
not all philosophers and physicists writing on this agree about all of them. Nevertheless, I hope that the
account given below faithfully represents the view of key contributors to this debate.
Fuchs et al. (2014: 749). For criticism of this understanding of the wavefunction see Brown (2019).
For some discussion see von Baeyer (2016: 135–137), Fuchs et al. (2014: 750).
Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
4.2 Representation
QBism has strong representationalist inclinations, since it is exclusively concerned
with experiences, not with whatever objects these experiences might represent.
According to some interpreters, the “entire purpose” of the QBist enterprise is to
“enable any single agent to organize her own degrees of belief about the contents
of her own personal experience.”54 As such, “everything it [i.e. QBism] purports to
be about, and everything we could ever hope to possibly assert on its basis, occurs
inside the consciousness of some lonely agent.”55 There is no pre-theoretical stratification of experiences into those reflecting reality’s deep structure and those of a
superficial or illusory nature:
Everything experienced, everything experiencable, has no less an ontological status than anything else. […] A child awakens in the middle of the night
frightened that there is a monster under her bed, one soon to reach up and
steal her arm – that we-would-call-imaginary experience has no less a hold
on onticity than a Higgs-boson detection event would if it were to occur at the
fully operational LHC.56
There appears to be no place in QBism for a direct encounter with the world,
for acquaintance with entities outside of specific, subject-relative tokens of experiences. Our entire cognitive access to the world takes place through the middle-man
of experiential representations. As such QBism assumes the existence of a boundary
between the representation (in the form of experiences) and the represented. Quantum physics and, by extension, all empirical investigation of the world is taken to be
exclusively concerned with the former.
This point is not undermined by the fact that degrees of belief are updated in the
face of evidence. Given that for the QBist no experience has a higher ontological
status than another no sense can be made of updating our beliefs ‘against the world’.
We can only update them against other experiences or other beliefs, and none of
these can claim to be in more intimate contact with the extra-representational world
than others. Any world beyond the representation remains inaccessible using QBist
4.3 Formation
Even though QBists do not have much to say on the way mental structure shapes
what we perceive as the structure of the world, they consider what is usually reified
as the spatio-temporal structure of the world as a result of the organizing activity of
the mind:
To represent the rich spatio-temporal structure of human experience as mathematical points in a space-time continuum is a smart strategic simplification,
Fuchs et al. (2014: 750).
Norsen (2016: 234).
Fuchs (2010: 21–22).
J. Westerhoff
but we ought not to confuse our actual experience with a cartoon. […] Spacetime is an abstraction that I construct to organize such experiences.57
Moreover, to the extent there are objectively correct ways of setting our probability judgements, these do not flow from a world behind the representations,58 but
from internal constraints on our judgements, in particular from the Born rule and
the Dutch book theorem which function as coherence constraints.59 The source of
the structure of the world as we identify it, and the objective, or, to be more precise,
inter-subjective nature of this identification is to be found in features of our minds,
not in a mind-independent world our minds mirror.
4.4 Non‑correspondence
While the representationalist, experience-focused nature of QBism is widely agreed
upon, there is no unified take on non-correspondence. QBism rejects the claim that
our representations mirror a world of mind-independent spatio-temporal objects,60
though different authors disagree on how precisely this absence of correspondence
is to be understood.
4.4.1 Noumenalism
Several interpreters take QBism to spell out non-correspondence in a noumenalist
manner, sometimes explicitly noting the similarities to the Kantian noumenon.61 The
existence of a world behind the representations is assumed; Fuchs points out that
“[w]e believe in a world external to ourselves precisely because we find ourselves
getting unpredictable kicks (from the world) all the time. […] [I]n such a quantum
measurement we touch the reality of the world in the most essential of ways.”62
This point seems to be directed in particular against a misunderstanding of idealism
which takes it to imply that we can somehow simply decide the contents of our experiences and the outcomes of our measurements. However, amongst all the proponents of idealism throughout the history of philosophy we will find hardly any who
regarded our epistemic input as so malleable that we could quite literally transform
our experience of an empty glass of water into that of a full glass by simply wanting
it to be so. The frequent resistance of the world to our desires and the existence of
Mermin (2014b: 422–423).
Fuchs (2017: 119, note 5).
Glick (2021: 17–18), Fuchs (2017: 119).
Glick (2021: 8).
Mohrhoff (2020: 29).
2017: 121. How, according to QBism, the world manages to ‘kick’ in a way that shows up in our experience remains entirely mysterious. As Brown (2019: 81) notes, the “part of QBism which relates to “a
theory of stimulation and response” between the agent and the world is not grounded in known physics.”
Nor, one might add, is prediction error minimization’s theory of the interaction of entities on both sides
of the Markov blanket.
Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
surprises are experiential data an idealist will not ordinarily deny.63 While the existence of a representation-transcendent world is affirmed in this way, its description
is not what QBism aims at. Though scientific theories are often perceived as seeking to provide a specific account of the fundamental nature of the world, QBism is
understood as just setting out to predict specific groups of our experiences (namely
those connected with quantum mechanical experiments). Timpson raises this point
in defending QBism against the charge of solipsism,64 noting that “the quantum
Bayesian simply rejects the idea that the quantum mechanical statements one would
typically make describe how things are. […] [Q]uantum mechanical statements do
not provide us with a story about how things are with microscopic systems, a set of
facts characterising them […].”65
If quantum mechanical statements read qbistically do not describe how things
are ‘out there’ they also cannot make the claim that everything ‘out there’ is fundamentally material or fundamentally mental (or, as the solipsist would want it,
that everything ‘out there’ is really ‘in here’). If “science is not about ultimate reality but about what we can reasonably expect”66 the idea of treating it as a guide to
the nature of what is ontologically fundamental appears to be seriously misguided.
While the existence of a world behind representations is assumed, we cannot say
anything about what the properties of this world are67 — or at least our physics does
not provide us with an account of its properties. This world remains wholly inaccessible to our epistemic endeavours. For the QBist, experience provides the epistemic
basis for our cognitive engagement with the world, while quantum mechanics is
applied to anything beyond this basis.68 If quantum mechanics, as the QBist understands it, cannot tell us anything about the world ‘out there’, and if experience, by its
very nature as an ‘internal personal’ phenomenon cannot either, it is clear that there
is no epistemic route whatsoever69 to a world behind the experiential representation.
4.4.2 Limitationism
Other takes on QBism are much more aligned with a limitationalist interpretation,
appearing to be uneasy with the idea of a ‘world external to ourselves’ laid out in an
For further discussion of attempts trying to establish a mind-independent world by kicking see Simons
(2017), Massin (2019).
That QBism doesn not reduce to solipisism, understood as the position that only I myself am fundamentally real is evident once we realize that the world as we construct it from our experience contains
minds other than our own. As we represent the world, distinct minds are included at the level of representation. And if QBism does not speak about the world as it is in itself it obviously cannot say that the
world understood in this way only contains my mind. Since there is no third conception of the world, the
world according to QBism cannot be understood along solipsist lines.
2008: 592.
von Baeyer (2016: 221).
Brown (2019: 80).
Fuchs et al. (2014: 751).
Unless we assume that this world can be accessed by pure reasoning, or by something like artistic or
mystical intuition. The number of philosophers who want to rely on these when arguing against idealist
accounts of the world is presumably small.
J. Westerhoff
objective, observer-independent manner, even if we could never determine the way
in which it is so laid out. This is particularly evident in the case of QBism’s response
to the problem of Schrödinger’s cat, which appears to deny the cogency of the existence (not simply the epistemic inaccessibility) of a way things are in themselves.
If the right response to the question whether the cat is alive or dead is to say that
“unperformed experiments have no results”70 the claim appears to be not only that
we can never know what is the case in the room before the experimenter opens the
door, but that there is no point in assuming there to be a fact to the matter. As such,
there is no perspective, whether this is the transcendent perspective of a human
being or the perspective of the state of nature as such which settles what is ‘really’
going on in the room independent of specific acts of observation.71 References to
the nature or existence of a world behind representations are illegitimate72 for an
account that should only be concerned with the systematisation of representations.
Further support for the limitationist picture is provided by QBism’s take on the
Heisenberg cut, the dividing line between the quantum and the classical world. This
is sometimes referred to as the ‘shifty split’, since this dividing line (like prediction
error minimisation theory’s Markov blanket) can move in either direction, without
any clear point beyond which further motion is impossible. The same entity can be
seen as a part of the classical world (for example an apparatus in a laboratory used
for measuring quantum phenomena) or as part of the quantum world (when considered in terms of the structure of the microscopic entities that make up the apparatus). There is no ultimate fact about which side of the cut the apparatus is to be
properly placed on.
QBism interprets this cut as the division between the world and the agent’s experience of the world, adding that every observer has their own cut.73 Yet if the line
between the ‘inner’ world of experience and the ‘outer’ world of the experienced
differs for every subject it immediately follows that no sense can be made of an
objective world behind all experience as it is in itself, whether such a world is ineffable or not. If what is on one side of the cut for Alice is on the other side for Bob,
and if we believe we can still speak about a common world of objects Alice and Bob
represent (rather than each one having only their own experiences, and the objects
constructed on the basis of these experiences, which are somehow74 supposed to
be coordinated) this world cannot be one to which the predicate ‘out there’ can be
applied. (As every instance of ‘in here’ is relativized to a subject, every instance
of ‘out there’ must be too, so that there is ‘out there for Alice’, ‘out there for Bob’
etc.). It may be the case that as a matter of fact some entity or entities end up at one
side of the cut for every one of a given group of observers, but that would hardly
reinstate the notion of an objective world behind all experience, since such a world
Peres (1978: 746), von Baeyer (2016: 142–143), Hoffman (2105b: 1553).
Glick (2021: 4).
Peres (1978: 746).
Mermin (2012: 8).
Mermin (2014a: 20) suggests that this coordination takes place through language, though he unfortunately does not make clear how language is supposed to move across sets of subject-related experiences.
See also Mermin (2014b: 422).
Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
is conceived to be precisely observer-independent, while what happens to be part of
the ‘outer’ world relative to some observers evidently does not have this property in
an independent manner, but only in a relative manner. By adding further observers
to the group something ‘outer’ might subsequently end up as ‘inner’.
In the resulting picture everything we can reasonably analyse, speak or think
about, or use as the data from which to construct our scientific theory is a representation. If the Heisenberg cut is relativised to perceivers, assuming the existence of
a world behind representations as it is in itself, independent of any perceiver leads
to a contradiction. As far as what belongs to our epistemic compass constitutes our
world, there is no world for us beyond our representations. And as far as QBism
rejects to notion of a god’s eye point of view of the world, there is no world beyond
our representations for anyone else either.
Both the noumenalist and the limitationalist way of spelling out the non-correspondence principle have specific advantages. Noumenalism fulfils a desire for a
foundation on which the world of our experience rests. That certain actions increase
fitness, that some of our predictions are accurate, that a given quantum measurements has a specific result is due to something, which is the noumenal reality behind
our representations, even though we are unable to say anything about how it can
fulfil this role.
Limitationalism, on the other hand, suggests itself to those who are either sceptical of foundationalist projects, or regard the inclusion of ineffable entities into
our ontology as problematic (or both). One may ask why one should believe that
the world of appearance has any foundation at all,75 or why an entity about which
nothing can be said is not an explanatorily idle wheel that should not be included
amongst our ontological commitments.76
Independent of whether we side with the noumenalist or the limitationalist reading of the non-correspondence principle, QBism’s adoption of this principle, in connection with representationalism, and at least some pointers in the direction of the
principle of formation demonstrate it to be in general agreement with central idealist
5 Conclusion
The above discussion has shown how all of the three scientific theories considered,
the interface theory, prediction error minimization, and QBism incorporate the three
key idealist principles we identified at the outset: representation, formation, and
Westerhoff (2020, chapter 3).
A position we have not discussed here that might be able to combine the advantages of both noumenalism and limitationism is a view that agrees with the noumenalist that we should assert the existence of
a world behind the representations, but concedes to the limitationalist that such a world can be only made
sense of as one of the representations. (See Westerhoff 2016, 2020). According to this position, though
we habitually refer to a ‘world out there’ and to entities behind our representations, such references do
not differ in type from references to representations like tables and chairs.
Brown (2019: 75, 78–81) refers to the “variant of Berkeleyian idealism which suffuses QBism”. For
an attempt to link QBism with an ontology of idealist monism see Mohrhoff (2021).
J. Westerhoff
non-correspondence. What is particularly interesting is that all three spell out these
principles in terms of specific, conceptually precise constructions. Representation is
handled by the interface theory in terms of a mapping of the set of world-states to
the set of experiences.78 Prediction error minimization theory spells it out in terms
of a Markov blanket instantiating an evidentiary boundary,79 while QBism does so
in terms of the Heisenberg cut understood as the distinction between the experiences
of each perceiver, and whatever are the objects of these experiences.80 In providing
examples of formation the interface theory introduces the idea of an error-correcting
code to explain the sources of the spatial structure of our experience, while prediction error minimization refers to hyperpriors, and QBism to coherence constraints
such as the Born rule and the Dutch book theorem. Finally, non-correspondence
is introduced by the interface theory via the FBT theorem, while prediction error
minimization is prevented from holding a robust view of a structural correspondence
between our beliefs and the probabilistic-causal structure of the ‘hidden causes’ by
its subjectivism about probabilities, as well as by the fact that conceptual resources
like the concept of causality can only be deployed within the confines of the Markov
blanket, not beyond it. Finally, QBism’s focus on the systematisations of an agent’s
experiences implies that the question of a structural correspondence between these
and some extra-experiential realm cannot even be coherently formulated against the
background of its own understanding of what quantum physics is trying to achieve.
The incorporation of the idealist principles mentioned in the scientific theories
we discussed is interesting for at least three reasons. The first concerns empirical
support for idealism. If we regard our science as a guide to metaphysics and if any of
the three theories of perception, neuroscience, or the interpretation of quantum physics is taken to be best game in town (two conditionals that, to be sure, require a significant amount of additional support), we should also accept the idealist principles
that the theories incorporate. Second, the psychology of perception, the role of inference in the functioning of the human mind, and interpretations of the mathematical
formalism for describing quantum events at least prima facie do not seem to have
too much to do with one another. In this respect the way the three theories described
converge on the idealist principles mentioned is interesting, and might suggest that
they have a somewhat deeper significance than simply being one of many background assumption one could pick to make sense of some empirical data. Finally,
the study of idealism through the lens of scientific theories is not primarily interesting because of any prospective ‘scientific proofs’ of idealism this might unearth, but
because it provides a better way of integrating the questions idealism poses into our
large-scale attempts of making sense of the world and suggesting routes for their
development. First, investigating whether to accept only some of the three principles, but not all leads to a clearer understanding of the conceptual options available.
One might have scientific reasons for endorsing a form of representationalism, without also assuming that the structure of our mind plays a large role in determining
the structure of our experience. Or one might take this on board, but refrain from a
Hoffman et al., (2015a: 1482).
Hohwy (2016: 264).
Mermin (2012), von Baeyer (2016: 152–155).
Idealist Implications of Contemporary Science
crucial step in the idealist direction by maintaining that we still manage to achieve
a fairly accurate representation of structural features of a mind-independent world.81
Second, it is interesting to see how the different technical devices uses to spell out
the key idealist principles mentioned above might be related to one another, how,
for example, the interface theories ‘interface’ is related to the notion of a Markov
blanket,82 or how Bayesian ideas about probabilities shape both prediction error
minimization and QBism.83 Finally, studying the conceptual underpinnings of the
three empirical theories discussed allows us to bring the questions that have driven
philosophical and theological forms of idealism into the contemporary discussion
in a scientifically literate way. Showing how idealist concepts can be made scientifically precise, or at least provided with scientifically precise analogues (in the form
of constructions like the FBT theorem, Markov blankets, hyperpriors etc.) allows us
to see idealism not simply as a perhaps flamboyant but somewhat quaint exhibit in
the philosophical history museum. Instead, we can regard it as a set of demarcations
within a field of ideas concerning the nature of representation, the role our minds
play in shaping our view of the world, and the nature of the world as it is in itself on
which a lively, empirically informed debate of some our most fundamental questions
can take place.
Conflict of interest The author has no conflict of interest to declare.
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