Change Cases: Use Cases that Identify Future Requirements
Earl F. Ecklund, Jr.
Objective Technology Group
Beaverton, OR 97008
[email protected]
Lois M. L. Delcambre
Oregon Graduate Institute
Beaverton, OR 97006
[email protected]
Evolution of software systems is prompted by all
sorts of changes. This paper demonstrates how the
use case, a well known construct in objectoriented analysis, is adapted to form the change
case, to identify and articulate anticipated system
changes. A change case provides the ability to
identify and incorporate expected future change
into a design to enhance the long-term robustness
of that design. In this paper, we define change
cases and demonstrate how change cases are
captured by the analyst. We present examples to
illustrate how change cases can influence present
system design and point the way toward designs
that more easily accommodate
expected future
changes. Change cases can be effectively
employed in the context of any methodology that
supports use cases and traceability links.
Software systems derive their usefulness from
providing services in an operational context that
consists of human (and electronic) users who
request either information or action. These
requests are embedded in larger organizational
processes, of which the human users are a part.
System change is sometimes necessitated because
of a poor initial match between the system and its
context. However, even if a system is well
matched with its context, change is inevitable.
Brooks observed that “the software product is
embedded in a cultural matrix of applications,
Michael J. Freiling
Portland, OR 97213
[email protected]
users, laws, and machine vehicles. These all change
continually, and their changes inexorably force
change upon the software product.” [Brooks871
Examples of such changes include:
Market changes - As a business becomes more
successful, the client base it serves tends to grow
larger and more demanding. New clients may
require things done ‘their way’, especially if the
business they do is significant in volume. A large
customer, for instance, may require on-line access
to order and inventory information, requiring a
new avenue of access to the system.
Business requirements
change Organizations are constantly changing their
policies and procedures to cope with changes in
their environment.
For example, a new policy
may be established to check a customer’s account
status before shipping goods to fill an order. This
policy change will affect the organization’s order
fulfillment system.
processes change - Required
information or actions are redefined because of
changes to the operational process for internal or
economic reasons. For example, the elimination
of data entry clerks in an order process may
require the system to expand its capabilities to
validate raw data as it enters the system.
or regulatory
change Operational actions may need to be changed and
new information acquired in the face of legislative
or regulatory change. Previous operations may
now be forbidden, Recent Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB) regulations requiring
companies to account for pension and retiree
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A change may have a small focus and yet still
have a large scope. In a system that was not
carefully designed, for instance, the change of
medical benefits, for instance, could require a
company’s reporting system to access
information that was not previously needed.
expanding Social Security Numbers to include
Canadian and other national identification
numbers could have a tremendous scope, even
though its focus is quite small.
Imaginative users -- As users become more
familiar with a system, they inevitably discover
ways in which it could better meet their needs.
Users will request enhancements that make them
more productive, even when their initial
satisfaction with the system was quite high.
To understand and analyze change effectively, it is
necessary to understand the key characteristics of
each change under consideration.
We have
identified three key characteristics that we will
rely on in this paper to discuss the analysis and
handling of potential changes.
The focus of a change is the set of system
that the change directly affects.
Take a billing system for example. If we are
a change to the billing terms from
net 60 days to net 30 days, then the focus of this
change are the system responsibilities
determine when an account is past due and take
appropriate action. The narrower the focus of a
potential change, the easier we will be able to
the change.
The scope of a change, with respect to a given
model, refers to the pervasiveness
of ramifications
of the change throughout the artifacts developed
in that model. We use the term ‘model’ to refer
to the end product of any phase of the
development life cycle, e.g, requirements model,
analysis model, etc. We use the term artifacts to
refer to the components of the model, e.g.,
objects, responsibilities,
etc. Intuitively, one
might think of the scope of a change as the
number of objects or subsystems that will have to
modify their behavior in order to accommodate
the change. But the scope of a change also
includes user documentation,
test cases, et cetera.
The degree of definition of a change refers to
the extent to which we know the particulars of the
potential change. In some cases, we know all the
particulars or at least many of them, e.g., when it
is necessary to extend an electronic CAD system
to handle an already existing device technology
such as CMOS. In other cases, such as legislative
or regulatory changes, the most we can know in
advance are the focus of the pending change, and
perhaps the competing alternatives.
The change
does not become fully defined until the law has
For years, researchers and practitioners in
software design have recognized that robustness to
change is one of the hallmarks of a good design.
Historically, however, the development of designs
that are robust to change has been more a matter
of art than science. Predictable and repeatable
development of such designs requires two things: a
means to capture and identify potential changes to
a system, and the availability of constructs to
support designs that effectively take potential
change into account. Jacobson, almost alone
among object-oriented
pointed out the importance of addressing change
in a systematic way [Jacobson86, Jacobson87,
Jacobson911, but his focus has not been on the
description of the changes.
We propose the change case to capture potential
change. The change case is expressed primarily as
a use case [Jacobson87, Jacobson921 to describe
potential functionality
of the system. Change
cases, like use cases, express functionality from
the user’s point of view. A change case adds links
to all relevant use cases that the change case will
affect, if the change is ever implemented. That is,
the change case links determine the scope of the
change at the use case model level. The change
case thus allows for the articulation of potential
changes to system functionality and, further,
directly relates a change to the current system
scope, such as amending the business model to
enable employees to telecommute and work from
home. Thus, depending on the narrowness of its
focus, a change may require amending one or
many use cases, expressed as change cases which
describe the intended, revised function.
We advocate the use of change cases for objectoriented development
that are
based on use cases and traceability [Jacobson92].
Such a use case-driven, object-oriented
supports traceability
through the entire development life cycle. The
links from change cases to use cases, coupled with
traceability, explicitly allow the developers to
consider the impact of a potential change and to
evaluate alternative models according to their
robustness to change.
Definition: A change case consists of:
(a) a use case, with a new or revised scenario,
derived from a change to requirements, and
(b) a set of existing use cases, that would need to
be changed to be consistent with the changed
We note that there are requirements beyond those
that describe the functionality of the system as
expressed in use cases, such as algorithmic
requirements or
constraints concerning the software deployment
Changes to such requirements are
outside the scope of this paper.
In the next section we present our definition of
change cases along with an example. Section III
briefly discusses use cases and traceability, the
foundation for change cases. Section IV discusses
measuring the impact of a change and the
robustness of a design to a change. Section V
describes the role of change cases during the
phases of software development using an objectoriented methodology.
We offer concluding
remarks in Section VI.
Our description of change comprises the
description of the change (intentional) and an
associated set of change cases, each describing a
potential, new or revised use case. Each change
case, in turn, has a relationship to the use cases
that would by affected by the change case. We
thus provide traceability as advocated by Jacobson
[Jacobson921 at two levels: from the change to
representative change cases, and from each change
case to the affected use cases (the Impact Links)
These components and their relationships are
shown in Figure 1.
Change Case
A change is a requirements-level
expression of an
intended revision. A change may be very specific,
such as changing from 9.6 Kb modems to 28.8 Kb
modems, or it may represent a simply stated
intention to make a revision that will have broad
Figure 1. Change, Change Cases and Use Cases
Specifically, a change case “isa” use case
[Jacobson87, Jacobson921. As inherited from use
cases, the behavior of a change case can be
characterized by a sequence of interactions or
dialogue between a user (or actor) and the system.
Each change case’s scenario describes a single
course of events in the actor/system interaction.
A scenario can be described in English, as a
dialogue or conversation [Rubin92, WirfsBrock941, or in other notations [Buhr96,
many subordinate use cases (e.g. based on the
extends or uses abstractions [Jacobson92]).
scope of the change case at the use case level is
determined from the number of use cases affected.
We give an example, taken from the field of
pension administration, of a change and a related
change case. Our example deals specifically with
the task of supporting the process that occurs
when an employee retires and wishes to begin
receiving a pension benefit. This example comes
from concrete experience with a commercially
available pension administration
A change case refines a use case by adding a
relationship between the change case and the use
cases that are affected by the change. A single
change case may affect one or more of the use
cases already captured. Usually, one would expect
a change case to affect one user-visible use case
and, in a refined use case model [Jacobson92],
When an employee announces his or her intention
to retire, a process is set in motion to compute a
Jse Case 1.
qame: Initiate
I’d like to retire.
What is your name and social security number?
I’m Joe Smith, SSN 222-33-4444.
What will be your last day of work?
July 31, 1996
What month do you wish to begin receiving your benefit?
January, 1997
A preliminary estimate indicates you are entitled to the following
(based on regulations in effect February 1, 1996):
(a) life annuity with no payment to surviving spouse
(b) life annuity with 50% to surviving spouse:
(c) life annuity with 100% to surviving spouse:
Please select the option you prefer.
Option (c)
[ records pending retirement on indicated date ]
[ records election of option (c) ]
[ logs suspended process for final calculation and issue trustee instructions
Thank you very much.
Cast of Characters:
E: employee
S: system
Use Case Describing
the Retirement
3. Interaction
for Retirment
pension benefit that will be paid to the employee.
In most pension plans, the employee is allowed to
select from several payment options. If the
employee is married, for instance, he/she may
typically select from options that pay a “survivor
annuity” to his/her spouse in the event that the
employee should die before the spouse. Depending
on the option selected, the amount of the survivor
annuity may be 50% or 100% of the original
benetit amount. Needless to say, the higher the
percentage for the survivor, the lower the amount
of the initial annuity payment for the employee.
Annuities of equivalent “actuarial present value”
can be calculated using actuarial techniques that
consider mortality and interest rates [Jordan67].
benefit payment calculation process is established
to compute the exact final benefit and send
instructions to the pension plan’s trustee to begin
paying a benefit to the employee.
This process is
held in suspension until the day the employee
actually retires.
The calculation of an employee’s benefit in a
defined benefit pension plan is usually a function
of the employee’s final pay and length of service.
The exact amount of this benefit cannot be
known until the employee actually stops working.
But, a preliminary estimate of the benefit must be
computed, to enable the employee to select a
payment option prior to the actual date of
Once an option has been selected, a
Figure 2 shows a use case corresponding to this
To keep matters simple, we have
cast the use case as a conversation between the
system and the retiring employee.
In practice,
this conversation is typically between the system
and a pension plan administrator, who carries out
the dialogue via formal correspondence
with the
employee. The administrator uses the system to
manage and track the employee’s retirement
We show in Figure 3 a summary of a CRC analysis
session for this use case, shown as an interaction
diagram. Each vertical line represents an object
(i.e., a card in CRC). Each directed arrow
represents a collaboration from one object to
another, with the return of control shown by a
dotted, directed arrow in the reverse direction.
Plan Control Object
capture retirement date
get employee data
perform preliminary pension calculation
determine elected form of benefit
log benefit payment process
Employee Interface Object
capture retirement date
determine elected form of benefit
retrieve employee historical
perform pension
log benefit payment process
CRC Model
for Retirement
The vertical box on the line indicates the duration
of the execution, within that object; time proceeds
down the page. Finally, each collaboration line is
labeled to indicate the responsibility that is being
invoked. This is at the analysis level in that we
identify objects and responsibilities by name; there
are no signatures, attributes, relationships, etc.
Change R-l
Add support for court-issued qualified domestic relations orders (QDRO). When initiating
pension payments on an employee’s plan, determine if a QDRO applies to this plan, and if
so, determine the QDRO splits of benefits by interacting with the plan administrator.
Do not begin actual payments until the QDRO split is certified by the plan administrator.
This is an anticipated regulatory change.
Change Case 23:
Initiate Pension Payment
to support
with QDRO
much like Wirfs-Brock [Wirfs-Brock901,
shows the resulting CRC model.
Figure 4
One possible (and likely) change is a change in the
regulations concerning the calculation of payment
amounts. The associated change case would
supersede the use case in Figure 2 and would
indicate a new version of the regulations.
accommodate such a change, delegating the
calculator responsibility to a separate object, as
shown in Figure 3, would result in a very small
scope (only one object in the analysis model needs
Change Case 23.
Vame: Initiate
Process with QDRO
I’d like to retire.
What is your name and social security number?
I’m Joe Smith, SSN 222-33-4444.
What will be your last day of work?
July 31, 1996
What month do you wish to begin receiving your benetit?
January, 1997
[ determines that there is a QDRO for Joe Smith]
Please excuse me. Because a qualified domestic relations order has been
issued on your pension benefit, we will need some time to determine your
exact benefit.
What is the benefit split for Joe Smith?
Joe Smith gets 50% of his accrued benefit.
A preliminary estimate indicates you are entitled to the following benefits
(based on regulations in effect February 1, 1996):
(a) life annuity with no payment to surviving spouse
(b) life annuity with 50% to surviving spouse:
(c) life annuity with 100% to surviving spouse:
Please select the option you prefer.
Option (c)
[ records pending
[ records election
[ logs suspended
[ logs suspended
Thank you very
Cast of Characters:
retirement on indicated date ]
of option (c) ]
process for final calculation and issue trustee instructions
process to determine benefit for QDRO payee ]
E: employee
S: system
P: plan administrator
impacted Use Cases:
Use Case 1. Initiate Retirement
Case Initiating
with a QDRO
7. Interaction
Diagram for Retirement
with a QDRO
to be changed). The analysis model of figure 4 is
quite robust to this change.
To demonstrate a more substantive change case,
we now consider expanding the original system to
handle qualified domestic relations orders, or
QDRO’s. A QDRO is an order written by the
court that entitles someone other than the
employee to a stipulated portion of the
employee’s pension benefit. Typically, QDRO’s
are issued as part of a divorce settlement, and
award a former spouse the fraction of the benefit
to which they were entitled.
Because courts may write QDRO’s in any number
of ways, entering the amount of the QDRO
benefit split often requires the intervention of a
pension plan administrator.
The administrator
may consult the actual text of the QDRO, confer
with lawyers and/or actuaries if necessary,
determine an amount for the split benefit, and
enter it into the system. The change to add
QDRO processing to a pension system is shown in
Figure 5.
One of the change cases associated with this
change is shown in Figure 6. Note that now two
separate benefit payment processes must be
initiated -- one for the employee, and one for the
QDRO payee. Also note the introduction of a
new participant, the plan administrator,
in the
change case. We note that, in practice, a scenario
may not actually wait for the plan administrator
to enter the QDRO amount, but we express it this
way for simplicity.
An interaction diagram for a CRC analysis session
on this change case scenario is shown in Figure 7
and the resulting CRC model is shown in Figure 8.
A QDRO “specialist” object (QCO) is introduced
to handle issues related to the QDRO. This is a
control object traceable to the change case. A
new interface object (PIO) is introduced to handle
with the plan administrator.
There are new collaborations (from the QDRO
control object) to existing objects. That is, the
number of objects depending on certain
responsibilities has increased, providing additional
information about the assumptions or
preconditions that those responsibilities
assume. In particular, the Employee DB must now
Plan Control Object
capture retirement date
get employee and QDRO data
handle QDRO (if needed)
perform pension calculation
determine elected form of benefit
log benefit payment process
QC 0: QDRO Control Object
handle QDRO
determine benefit split
log benefit payment process
Employee Interface Object
capture retirement date
determine elected form of benefit
get employee and QDRO data
perform pension
Plan Administrator
determine benefit split
log benefit payment process
CRC Model
for Retirement
tell us whether a QDRO is in effect for this
employee, the Calculator object must now work
with the net amount available, and the Pension
Subsystem is now called twice (for the QDRO
recipient and the employee).
The benefits of change case analysis are
demonstrated by this example. By conducting this
simplified analysis CRC session for the change
case, we discover broader contexts for existing
For example, without the change
with QDRO’s
case, the Pension Subsystem might have been
written assuming that there was only one payment
process per retiree. Or the calculation program
might have been written expecting the entire
employee benefit to be available during the
computation (rather than the net amount, e.g.,
after the QDRO). Based on the change case, both
the interface and the context for each (affected)
responsibility in the current design can easily
reflect the broader view of the system that
includes the change case.
If the interfaces
and the contexts of existing
responsibilities do effectively
support the change
case, then change case analysis has minimized the
scope of the change at the analysis model. (I.e.,
no existing objects need to be changed, only the
new control objects are in the scope of the
Note that the new objects associated with the
change case, by themselves, do not affect the
robustness of the design, Rather, they are simply
added, designed, and implemented when the change
The benefit from change
is actually authorized.
case analysis is consistent with common wisdom
that getting the interfaces to existing objects
“right” promotes the maintenance
and evolution
of the software system. Change case analysis
allows the current design to reflect interfaces that
can accommodate
a future change.
The use of change cases for analyzing and
adapting to change is not in itself a methodology.
Rather, it represents a technique that can be
applied in the context of any methodology for
object oriented design and development, as long as
the methodology being used supports:
(a) capture of use cases
(b) capture and maintenance of traceability
links between different phases of the
In this section, we discuss the importance of these
two capabilities as a foundation for the use of
change cases.
A use case [Jacobson87, Jacobson92, Jacobson951
describes a single thread of interaction with the
(proposed) system from the point of view of a
user or other external actor (which may be a
separate system). A use case-driven software
such as that advocated
by Jacobson [Jacobson92], gathers all of the
requirements for user level system functionality in
the form of use cases and drives the development
of each model developed during the software life
cycle by considering these use cases.
A number of different formats have been proposed
for expressing use cases [Buhr96, Rubin92, WirfsBrock941. These formats include:
a “conversation” between the user and
the system
0 a transcript of alternating user and
system actions
0 a flow chart or list of decision/action
steps that are not assigned to either user
or system.
While we have found the conversation format
simple and natural to use (see examples in Section
II), our change case model does not depend on any
specific format. All that is required of the format
employed is that it be easy to identify which use
case steps motivate specific artifacts in the
analysis model (or design model, if the
methodology does not support an analysis model).
Change cases also carry the same benefits as use
cases. They are expressed in user or domain
They are understandable to the user
because they express changes in the system
according to how the user-visible functionality of
the system will be changed. They can be easily
validated by the user and they engage the user into
thinking about possible system evolution.
use of the change case model also
requires that the methodology
support traceability
from one design level to another.
Simply put,
refers to the explicit recording,
paper or in a CASE tool, of links from artifacts at
one level to related artifacts at subsequent levels in
the methodology.
For example:
0 each construct (e.g., analysis object) in
the analysis model is linked back to the
use case(s) that motivates the construct.
each construct (e.g., block [Jacobson92])
in the design model is linked back to the
analysis model construct from which it is
0 each test in the test suite is linked back
to the use case or other requirement it is
intended to test.
Traceability allows us to gauge the scope of a
change with respect to any level of a system’s
evolving design by following the traceability links
forward from affected use cases to the level we are
Understanding the scope of a change
on any level enables us to make judicious decisions
about how to change the design at that level (see
Section V).
refinement one can assert that the
next level of requirements (when met)
will, as a set, satisfy the parent
requirement, then the detailed
requirements are complete;
Traceability is well known and widely practiced in
software engineering
and software requirements
[e.g., Nelson90, Potts94, Thayer90,
Wymore79, Zave791. In software requirements
engineering, traceability is sometimes referred to
as requirements flowdown, and it is used to trace
the refinement of general requirements into more
concrete requirements.
Traceability enables one to
speak about the completeness and necessity of
the final detailed requirements as follows:
If each top-level
requirement traces forward to detailed
requirements, and if at each level of
Use Cases
Analysis Model
NECESSITY: If each final detailed
requirement traces backward to a top
level requirement, then it is necessary.
If a requirement statement does not
trace backward to a top level
requirement, then it is spurious and/or
out of scope, so designing and
implementing to that statement is
wasted work. (Or we have identified a
missing top-level requirement.)
In software engineering, traceability is also
commonly used to relate test cases to
requirements. A test case can be traced back to the
requirements that provide the criteria against
which the test case is performed.
Within the Object-Oriented
community, Jacobson
advocates using traceability in object-oriented
software engineering [Jacobson87, Jacobson921. It
is a consistent theme in his work that
development proceeds by seamlessly refining the
models, with traceability from use cases
(representing requirements) to each successive
Design Model
9. Traceability
in Object-Oriented
model (analysis, design, implementation
and test
models). Traceability enables one to determine
which objects implement each use case, and to
develop test cases against those objects that derive
the test criteria from the use cases (see Figure 9).
Traceability has the most value in a methodology
when the links are bi-directional.
Tracing the
links “downstream” allows us to see the analysis
and design level ramifications of a use case or
change case, and to determine the scope of a
change. Tracing the links “upstream” allows us to
see why (in terms of the original requirements) a
particular design decision was made. Even when a
system is not available to support
the navigation, links can be maintained in simple
database tables and/or paper documents that refer
to individually numbered sections (or pages, if
of the appropriate document
Impact( change C, use case level U)
use cases in U
We can take this approach a step further by
noting that any level in the system development
process consists of a number of constructs.
Typical constructs are shown in Table 1.
If we have (as discussed in the previous section)
traceability links between levels, we can determine
the constructs affected by a given change at each
level. The number of affected constructs, relative
to the total number of constructs at that level,
gives us a rough measure of the impact of the
change at that level.
Irnpact( change C, level L)
( use cases in U affected by C 1
1constructs in L affected by C 1
constructs in L
As mentioned in Section II, the links from a
change case to the affected use cases are an
important part of the structure of an individual
change case, since they determine the scope of the
change at the use case level. We can get a rough
estimate of the impact of the change at this level
by measuring the percentage of use cases affected
by the change.
Although software designers can often recognize a
good design for some particular purpose,
determining objective criteria by which designs can
be judged has been quite difficult. Some software
metrics have been proposed [Henderson96,
Recent work on object-oriented
development [Jacobson92, Gamma951 has focused
on robustness to change as a critical criterion for
evaluating designs.
The concept of impact of a change, shown above,
can be used to develop a rough measure of
robustness of a design to potential changes.
Intuitively, we would like an absolute measure of
the potential impact of a change. We would then
be able to compare the potential impact against
the actual impact, using the formula developed
above. However, the potential impact may be a
real world concept that does not submit to
in our model.
robust with respect to some of the component
changes, and D, more robust with respect to
others. If the robustness of D, exceeds that of D2
for every component of C, then D, is clearly
preferable with respect to the changes
Otherwise, it is a judgment call
based on the relative likelihood and priority of
each component change, Ci.
Note that the existing use cases for a system are a
fixed reference set, since revisions are made by
adding change cases. Thus we can use the impact
of a change at the use case level (i.e., the focus of
the change) as an approximation
of the potential
impact of the change.
Although this metric is useful for judging impact,
we note that other considerations must be taken
into account when evaluating a design.
To measure the robustness of a downstream level
to a particular change, we propose to measure the
impact of that change at the (downstream) level,
and compare it with the impact at the use case
level, whether the downstream level be analysis,
design, or implementation.
level L, change C
1 Impact( change C, use case level U) 1
1 Irnpact(change
C, level L) 1
In general, this measure will vary between 0 and 1,
although it can exceed 1. The higher the value,
the more robust our design. If it exceeds 1, we
have a very good design from the standpoint of
change C, because it means that the impact of the
change at this level has been reduced from the
original focus.
This measure, Robustness(L, C), measures
robustness to only one change. In the overall
evaluation of a design, of course, we would want to
measure robustness against a set of changes, C,,
Cl, . . . Ck, which can be viewed as components of
a change vector C = < C,, C2, . . . Ck >. In
comparing two designs, D, and DZ, against a
change vector C, D, will most likely be more
So far, we’ve talked about how change cases can be
employed in individual situations. In this section,
we discuss the overall role of change cases in a full
software development methodology.
particular, we discuss how the requirements,
analysis, design and implementation phases can be
affected by incorporating change cases into your
The discussion of the requirements
phase focuses on sources for discovering changes,
and determining which change cases to elaborate.
Discussion of phases after the requirements phase
assumes that the change cases have been captured,
and focuses on their use during the phase.
The requirements phase is typically where use
cases are captured, so it is a relatively simple
matter to capture change cases as well during this
phase. Sources for information about potential
change are also plentiful, including:
planned or scheduled changes to product
/ service offerings
0 user comments during JAD sessions
0 review of regulatory / legal environment
drafts of pending legislation / regulations
review of organization’s technology &
platform strategy
Candidate Change Analysis Budget Line
Use Cases
Design Objects
I Figure
1 Poten@xl Analysis Objects 1
; -$o-t~n-t~~l l+jEn_ Fbjects
Analysis Objects
10. Change Analysis Budget for Robustness
The difficult decision to make is to determine how
many and which potential changes are important
enough to warrant consideration during initial
system design, since budgetary constraints usually
preclude consideration of every possible change.
In Figure 10, we show the required development
artifacts on the left side and the “optional”
artifacts, associated with potential
changes, on the right side. Assuming that a
project might budget some resources for change
analysis, we have drawn a dashed line to indicate
the budgetary cutoff. The budget line is sloped to
imply that a subset of the change cases should be
considered, with some of the change cases
reflected in the analysis model, and possibly a few
of the changes reflected in the design model. We
assume that none of the potential changes are to
be implemented within the present scope of the
of a potential change can
The “importance”
depend on many things, including its likelihood,
scope and expected cost. In general, it requires a
judgment call on the part of the design team to
identify the most important changes while staying
within budget. Any design effort, however, will
benefit from analysis of some potential changes,
because they provide a benchmark for evaluating
the design that emerges in the later stages of the
Once the significant changes are identified, change
cases can be captured using the same techniques
and formats that the methodology
employs for
ordinary use cases. As we have discussed
throughout this paper, it is important to establish
the links between each change case and the
existing use cases that would be affected by it.
Methodologies differ as to the deliverables
expected from the analysis phase of a design
Some expect a preliminary object
model that is directly driven by the domain
requirements and pre-figures the design phase
object model, just as an entity-relationship
diagram pre-figures a final data model. Analysis
guidelines of such methodologies include rules like:
0 “Create a surrogate object for each
system user.”
0 “Create a surrogate object for each
object that occurs in the domain.”
0 “Create a specialist object for each use
0 “Create a responsibility in the specialist
object for each . . , “
We will prioritize or otherwise select change cases
to be analyzed within the change analysis budget.
Having selected a set of change cases, we develop
the base analysis model, based on analysis of all
the use cases, and then perform analysis of
selected change cases. This produces a “changeextended analysis model”, that is, the base model
transformed by the selected change cases.
When performing change case analysis, we may
observe common responsibilities between a change
case object and a use case object, which would lead
us to factor out a superclass providing the shared
This is a good change to the
analysis model, making it more robust to the
related change. Traceability links should be
exploited to keep track of the dependencies
between the change cases and the components of
the various analysis models, so that the reasons
for such analysis decisions do not become lost.
Typically, the design phase focuses on refining the
analysis model as the requirements and design
constraints are more carefully considered.
this results in factoring and/or reducing the
analysis model to produce an object model suitable
for code development
in the implementation
phase. A concern is that a design-level decision
(e.g., factorization)
may reverse an analysis-level
decision made explicitly for robustness.
Therefore, at the design level, attention should be
paid to the scope of the analysis model constructs
that are traceable back to change cases.
The impact measures defined in Section V can be
used to predict whether the design model with a
particular factorization (reduction) is more robust
to the analyzed changes than otherwise.
D, is a design model for a given analysis model,
and D2 is a design model, with some additional
(reduction) for the same analysis
model. For a given change C, by comparing
Impact(C, Design level) for designs D, and D2 , we
can determine which design is preferable (more
robust) with respect to change C.
The implementation phase usually focuses on
realizing the design model in working code.
Significant changes are considered a re-design
rather than a separate refinement of the design
While the analysis and design models may include
the effects of potential changes, it is appropriate
at the implementation
phase to focus on what
actually needs to be delivered for the upcoming
system release. Traceability links identify objects
and methods that owe their existence primarily to
of these can
potential changes. Implementation
be deferred, stubbed, or replaced with simpler code
derived from a restricted design model. As with all
artifacts of the implementation
traceability links should be created to identify the
need to change these artifacts when the potential
change becomes actual.
Finally, consider a potential change, C, that is
identified when the design, or even the
is nearly complete.
Change cases
can be used to analyze the impact of C on the
current models.
Assuming that the impact analysis of change C is
within the robustness analysis budget, for each
phase of the development lifecycle, we select
change cases (that trace from C) to analyze the
robustness of the model at that level. The
desirable outcome is that, after robustness analysis,
the robustness of each model level (to this change)
is acceptable.
Otherwise, we could consider a redesign, at one or
more levels of the model. We can use the impact
measure, Impact(C, L), and the known cost of
completed models to estimate the expected costs
of making change C with or without doing
immediate redesign for additional robustness.
Depending on costs-benefit analysis, we may
choose to backtrack and revise the existing work
for increased robustness.
In this paper, we have introduced the concept of a
change case as a way to describe potential system
functionality, and demonstrated how it can be used
to capture potential changes and design systems
that are robust to the changes identified.
importance of dealing with change early in the
analysis process cannot be underestimated.
dealing with change early in the development
process, it should be possible to both reduce future
maintenance costs, and extend the system’s
effective life span.
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We thank Rebecca Wirfs-Brock for her insightful
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in the final version of the paper.
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