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We have realized that UNAN practices research, innovation and entrepreneurship done, but in isolation, without strategic planning; it has been the result of individual initiatives rather than institutional, we have realized that there are no indicators that qualify and / or quantify these actions, and until last year we did not have a financial background to manage these variables to implement. We have not enhanced the strengths we have as an institution, we have not taken advantage of the relations between the university and the state research sector, as the INTA, MAGFOR, MARENA, MINSA, Energy and Mines, as happened to us with the business sector (Private Sector) We have not taken the Internationalization for effects of globalization. I think that these weaknesses have given way to this conceptual model proposed by Pedroza, whose strategy I join to advance the Quality, advance conceive it as a system for advancing inter, multi and transdisciplinary practice and above all: WITH SO...
Sense Publishers, 2008
This book is based on the experiences of sixteen university research groups in four Latin American countries – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico - from different fields of knowledge, working in very different national contexts, but sharing the experience of producing high quality scientific knowledge in their fields, and, at the same time, being very active in transferring their knowledge to society. They are not typical of the usual academic centers in the their own countries, which work in accordance with research agendas established by their individual members, with subsidies from the education or science and technology authorities, and, even when working in applied fields, have difficulties or give low priority to making their competencies available to business, governments and public agencies that could put them to practical use. We believe, however, that they point to the future.
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, 2017
The lack of scientific production from university professors and the weak relationship between students and teachers cause poor student motivation to investigate topics that tend to better production in companies. This, coupled with the limited library infrastructure and the lack of financial support to access national and foreign journals and scientific reviews that not only serve as student support but also as a way to encourage them to generate new ideas, leads to a scientific research deficit in Mexico. When comparing Latin American countries, Argentina, Chile and Brazil have higher research levels than the Aztec country. This research is aimed at finding new ideas that should be taken into account in order to improve this country's low research levels.
in Björn Wittrock and Aant Elzinga, editors, The University Research System - The Public Policies of the Home of Scientists, Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International,, 1983
The often problematic relationship between scientific research and institutions of higher education is fairly obvious for those who follow the attempt to build up modern universities in societies without solid academic traditions or the problems faced by traditional and well-established universities in the context of rapidly expanding systems of higher education. The larger Latin American countries - Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile - have faced these two problems simultaneously during the past decades. Their institutions of higher education, previously open only to the heirs of the small elites in these countries, have rapidly evolved into large systems of mass education with hundreds of thousands of students. At the same time, a very limited tradition of scientific research in a few isolated institutions have given way to complex structures of science policy and administration and to fairly large networks of laboratories, research centers and graduate programs. During this process, new organizational structures have been superimposed on old ones, and new groups, without any previous experience with science or higher education, have been engaged in these activities - teachers, administrators, planners.
Resumen Las universidades dedicadas a producir investigación de alta calidad han existido por siglos en América Latina, pero solamente en las últimas dos décadas el modelo de investigación intensiva se ha convertido en el estándar para la mayoría de las universidades públicas de la región. El creciente énfasis en la publicación académica en la región ha coincidido con el adelanto del internet y con el surgimiento y crecimiento del movimiento de acceso abierto (OA, por su sigla en inglés).
Kybernetes, 2007
Purpose -This paper seeks to present a proposal to change the form in which knowledge is produced in Colombia. Design/methodology/approach -Discusses the key issue -to transform the way in which the production of knowledge is currently taking place at the university level. Findings -To be able to increase the production of knowledge in this country there is a need to create bonds among industrial, governmental, and academic institutions. It is believed that this can be done by the development of a system capable of continuously forming researchers at a doctoral level. Originality/value -The paper puts forward a proposal for the construction of such a system based on the developments of organizational cybernetics. The proposal is based on the concept of autonomy which is crucial to solve this problem.
Cheng Xuanying’s Expository Commentary to the Daode jing presents the Laozi as the origin of Daoism—a Daoism which, by his time in the seventh century, included many beliefs and concepts coopted from Buddhism. The commentary is representative of chongxuan xue (Twofold Mystery philosophy), which is characterized by the integration of Buddhist concepts and methods into the interpretation of the Laozi. Taking the integration of the Buddhist concept of the bodhisattva as universal savior of limitless compassion, this paper investigates the “why” and “how” of this cooption. The question of why Cheng Xuanying wanted to read the Daode jing as a testimony to Laozi and Dao being a compassionate, universal savior is addressed with a contextualization of the commentary in its time and location: early Tang Chang’an. Next, the paper discusses, in detail, the hermeneutic tools Cheng Xuanying used to achieve his reading. Cheng Xuanying integrated his commentary and the original text of the Laozi i...
Anales de Historia del Arte, 2013
Madīnat al-Zahrā' forma parte del grupo de grandes ciudades planificadas de fundación califal construidas durante los siglos IX y X por los gobernantes abbasíes, fatimíes y omeyas como capitales de sus respectivos estados. Como esas capitales, la ciudad erigida por el califa 'Abd al-Rahmān III se caracteriza por poseer un alcázar prominente y separado del resto de la medina por su posición topográfica más elevada y por sus gruesos muros. De la superficie total de la ciudad evaluada en 112 ha, la investigación arqueológica ha permitido plantear una hipótesis sobre los límites de este ámbito palaciego que alcanzaría 19 ha, equivalentes al 17% de la ciudad 2 ( ). Esta área acoge dos funciones principales, la de residencia y lugar de representación del califa y del príncipe heredero y la de sede de los órganos de la administración del Estado y del gobierno de la urbe. De él debemos destacar no solo su gran tamaño, sino que tras su construcción inicial en la década que va de 940 a 950, experimentó una extensa ampliación hacia el este una década más tarde y sufrió un extraordinario proceso de reforma que afectó a todos los niveles: topográfico, urbanístico, arquitectónico, viario, hidráulico y decorativo.
The Sinister Side: How Lef-Right Symbolism Shaped Western Art , 2008
Jurnal Visi Komunikasi
Storicamente. Comunicare storia, 2015
Sustainability, 2024
A Patrimonialidade do Ato Administrativo, 2016
Revista Latino-americana de Estudos do Discurso, 2020
Kütahya Mebusu Yusuf Cemil Bey’in Günlüklerinde Millî Mücadele Dönemi’nde Ankara (Önemli Günler, Kutlamalar ve Halkbilimsel Unsurlar), 2024
European Journal of Heart Failure, 2017
Scientific Reports
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 2005
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2012