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2018, Jurnal Pengabdian Al-Ikhlas
4 pages
1 file
Service aims to assist the pilgrims so that not too long queue when the purification ritual, so that problems that had been faced by the mosque Noor about the uneven distribution of water during ablution can be resolved by means of installing a piping system so that the water supply everyone on water tank or reservoir can be filled and evenly all these divisions reservoir, so that when the full-full of pilgrims could be served all and not so many pilgrims who cannot attend the prayer in congregation. The main target of this activity is the management of the mosque and the mosque, because they always get complaints and direct censure of pilgrims due to uneven supply of water during ablution, so they need to know how to properly install piping system. The method used to achieve the objectives that have been implemented are: to perform the installation of the channel that goes into reservoirs and channels out of the reservoir so that the distribution of water for ablution can be evenly and flowed perfectly. From the results of this activity all the reservoir can get a direct supply from the pump or other sources, the supply of water for ablution can run smoothly is that during these 14 taps of 43 taps for ablution place of men who do not get water supply now is 100% get water or completely get water supply, in the place of ablution women there are six taps that do not get water from 17 taps installed there now entirely get water supply, as well as the bathroom which amounted to 14 taps, as well as urinal male 8 taps obtain equitable water supply. Djuhur prayers and implementation are now only approximately 1 shap or 40 worshipers who pray it too late due to the late arrival of pilgrims.
Madani : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2022
Masjid Darussalam merupakan masjid lingkungan dengan konsep arsitektur tropis. Dalam perkembangannya, masyarakat pengguna ingin merenovasi masjid agar kebutuhan yang berkembang dapat diakomodir. Kebutuhan yang ingin diwadahi selain ibadah salat berjamaah, pengajian skala besar, TPA juga mengfungsikan lantai dua menjadi ruang serbaguna dengan harapan dapat sebagai tempat resepsi pada event pernikahan, seminar dan sebagainya. Mengingat bervariasinya usia pengguna (berusia lanjut/lansia) serta keinginan dari sebagian jamaah yang telah beramal dalam pembangunan masjid yang terdahulu untuk tetap mempertahankan sebagian elemen bangunan maka kemudahan aksesibilitas sebagai sebuah keharusan dalam desain serta keberlanjutan gaya dan sebagian pemakaian material lama menjadi solusi desain. Re-desain masjid ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi harapan dari jamaah dengan kemudahan aksesibilitas dan masjid semakin dapat didayagunakan.
Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, 2018
Bencana kekeringan yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini menimbulkan berbagai jenis penyakit, rawan pangan dan menurunnya pasokan air bersih yang merupakan kebutuhan utama manusia. Kekeringan sebagian besar diakibatkan oleh gangguan keseimbangan hidrologis seperti terjadinya degradasi aliran sungai yang beralih fungsi yang menyebabkan terganggunya sistem peresapan air tanah dan pendangkalan waduk atau tempat penampungan air yang menyebabkan daya tampungnya menurun.Pendangkalan tersebut akan membuat cadangan air yang tersimpan menjadi lebih sedikit untuk persediaan air di musim kemarau.Kalimantan Selatan termasuk daerah yang memiliki ancaman persoalan kelangkaan air bersih terutama di wilayah Banjarmasin.Dalam penelitian ini penulismerencanakan penerapan teknologi pemanenan air hujan pada Masjid Agung Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan sebagai salah satu cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air baku jamaah dalam kegiatannya di lingkungan Masjid Agung. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data dan pen...
Air merupakan salah satu kebutuhan utama yang diperlukan oleh setiap makhluk hidup untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya. Begitu juga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air di Mess Trikora Kobangdikal Surabaya, diperlukan sistem plambing untuk menyediakan debit dan tekanan air bersih yang cukup agar kebutuhan dapat terpenuhi. Sistem penyediaan air bersih mempunyai tujuan yaitu melayani kebutuhan air ke tempat-tempat yang membutuhkan dengan debit dan tekanan cukup. Air dari PDAM sebelum didistribusikan oleh instalasi plambing terlebih dahulu ditampung di tangki bawah yang selanjutnya dinaikkan ke tangki atas oleh pompa. Setelah itu dari tangki atas akan didistribusikan ke tiap lantai/kamar yang memerlukan. Dalam perencanaan sistem penyediaan air bersih di gedung Mess Trikora Kobangdikal Surabaya ini dimulai dengan menaksir kebutuhan air, menentukan diameter pipa pada instalasi dengan menggunakan persamaan kontinuitas dan energi yang mana kecepatan aliran dalam pipa yang diasum...
Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya : Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Assulaiman Mosque is one of the public facilities for residents of Bareng Raya which is located in the RW 01 area, Bareng Village, Malang City. The idea of expanding the mosque is a request from the surrounding community who need mosque infrastructure to accommodate the worship activities of the surrounding community which are starting to develop against other functions that are permanent in nature, namely TPQ education and the need for secretariat space for mosque managers and other temporary functions such as grand recitation and sholawatan which require a wider space. This is the background for the implementation of community service activities by a team from the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang. The method of consultation and discussion was carried out as the basis for the planning of the development of the Assulaiman mosque. The basic concept of sustainable architecture is applied to the analysis and development plan of the mosque, so that the proposal of the mosque development plan is a design that is adaptive and responsive to climatic conditions and the surrounding environment. The results of this activity are in the form of 2D and 3D plan drawing products which are used as a reference for the implementation of the renovation of the Assualaiman mosque development, Bareng village, Malang city.
The collapse of the wave function is a central issue in quantum mechanics, describing the transition from a quantum superposition to a single, definite state upon measurement. This phenomenon has sparked various interpretations, one of the most debated being the role of consciousness in triggering the collapse. This article provides a rigorous mathematical analysis of wave function collapse, using von Neumann's formalism, and explores the hypothesis that consciousness could be the agent responsible for this process. By examining the measurement problem and the von Neumann chain, the article defends the consciousness-collapse hypothesis and discusses its implications, supported by perspectives from prominent scientists. The discussion contributes to the ongoing research at the University of Manchester Institute of Technology (UMIST) in cooperation with the Manchester Polytechnic Institute of Advanced Studies, focusing on the intersection of quantum mechanics and consciousness.
The distortion of the concept of magic to hide one's true nature.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2023
Financial literacy is the holding of the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to be financially literate enough to make effective decisions. Financial Literacy is becoming a priority area all across the world in present time. The present scenario has made it essential for individuals to be well aware with the basic financial knowledge in order to use their financial resources in an optimum way. The study examines the association between basic financial literacy with demographic factors by using a questionnaire. The data were collected from 65 respondents to test the association. The findings shows that above 50% of the total respondents demonstrate higher basic financial literacy. Although the majority of the people possess basic financial knowledge and manifest positive financial behaviour and remaining respondents exhibit reluctant financial attitude. However, analysis of the demographic factors reveals that certain factors may prevent persons from being more financially literate.
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