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We study the forces that act on a point flux carrying an integral number of flux units in quantum Hall fluids. Forces due to external fields, Lorentz and Magnus type forces, and the forces due to mutual interaction of point fluxes are considered. The forces are related to the adiabatic curvature associated with families of Landau Hamiltonians. The problem displays distinct features of the quantum Hall fluids with point fluxes on the plane and on the torus, which, however, agree at the "thermodynamic" limit.
Physical Review Letters, 1995
The viscosity of quantum fluids with an energy gap at zero temperature is non-dissipative and is related to the adiabatic curvature on the space of flat background metrics (which plays the role of the parameter space). For a quantum Hall fluid on two dimensional tori this viscosity is computed. In this case the average viscosity is quantized and is proportional to the total magnetic flux through the torus.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 1997
In this paper, the key ideas of characterizing universality classes of dissipation-free (incompressible) quantum Hall fluids by mathematical objects called quantum Hall lattices are reviewed. Many general theorems about the classification of quantum Hall lattices are stated and their physical implications are discussed. Physically relevant subclasses of quantum Hall lattices are defined and completely classified. The results are carefully compared with experimental data and also with other theoretical schemes (the hierarchy schemes). Several proposals for new experiments are made which could help to settle interesting issues in the theory of the (fractional) quantum Hall effect and thus would lead to a deeper understanding of this remarkable effect.
Nuclear Physics B, 1991
We discuss the large-scale physics of incompressible Hall fluids from the point of view of universality and symmetry. We show that, in the scaling limit, incompressible Hall fluids are described by certain topological Chern-Simons gauge theories. The gauge field strengths are dual to conserved currents of the fluid. The Chern-Simons gauge theories unambiguously predict current algebras of chiral edge currents. We describe incompressible Hall fluids exhibiting edge currents which form a non-abelian Kac-Moody current algebra at level 1. Some new incompressible Hall fluids are described. Our analysis is derived from very general physical principles and should therefore lead to reliable results.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2005
We introduce the notion of Gauss-Landau-Hall magnetic field on a Riemannian surface. The corresponding Landau-Hall problem is shown to be equivalent to the dynamics of a massive boson. This allows one to view that problem as a globally stated, variational one. In this framework, flowlines appear as critical points of an action with density depending on the proper acceleration. Moreover, we can study global stability of flowlines. In this equivalence, the massless particle model correspond with a limit case obtained when the force of the Gauss-Landau-Hall increases arbitrarily. We also obtain new properties related with the completeness of flowlines for a general magnetic fields. The paper also contains new results relative to the Landau-Hall problem associated with a uniform magnetic field. For example, we characterize those revolution surfaces whose parallels are all normal flowlines of a uniform magnetic field.
We study an adiabatic evolution that approximates the physical dynamics and describes a natural parallel transport in spectral subspaces. Using this we prove two folk theorems about the adiabatic limit of quantum mechanics: 1. For slow time variation of the Hamiltonian, the time evolution reduces to spectral subspaces bordered by gaps. 2. The eventual tunneling out of such spectral subspaces is smaller than any inverse power of the time scale if the Hamiltonian varies infinitly smoothly over a finite interval. Except for the existence of gaps, no assumptions are made on the nature of the spectrum. We apply these results to charge transport in quantum Hall Hamiltonians and prove that the flux averaged charge transport is an integer in the adiabatic limit.
Tài liệu CNTT miễn phí:
Извори српског права IV, Одељење друштвених наука САНУ, Музеј СПЦ, ур. Коста Чавошки и Владимир Радовановић / Sources of Serbian Law IV, SASA, Department of Social Sciences, Museum of the SOC, eds. Kosta Čavoški and Vladimir Radovanović, Belgrade, 2023
Хоповски препис Душанова законодавства / COD. MS. HOPOVENSIS
Desde que o brilho da inteligência humana iluminou a face da Terra e o homem começou a se locomover sobre a superfície terrestre, surgiu a necessidade imperiosa de se posicionar e de se orientar em seus deslocamentos. Para atingir tal mister, o homem, inicialmente, orientou-se, em seus deslocamentos próximos ao local em que habitava, utilizando-se das estrelas que embelezavam a abóbada celeste, bem como de referências físicas existentes ao longo dos trajetos que percorria. Todas as civilizações, desde o homem das cavernas, mostraram extraordinária atração em relação ao céu e suas entidades, quer sob o aspecto místico, quer do ponto de vista do desenvolvimento científico. As civilizações egípcia e grega, por exemplo, proporcionaram as bases para a fundamentação da astronomia moderna. Além da necessidade de posicionamento e orientação, também brotou a carência de registar os itinerários e os pontos de referência utilizados pelos homens em seus deslocamentos, estes cada vez mais alcançando distâncias maiores em relação ao ponto de partida. Surgem os registros feitos sobre placas de argila. O espírito aventureiro do homem levou-o a grandes deslocamentos, exigindo o desenvolvimento de instrumentos que foram adquirindo, com o ecoar do tempo, elevado grau de sofisticação, tal como, em nossos dias, utilizam-se os denominados receptores GPS, que captam os sinais emitidos por satélites artificiais que orbitam em torno do planeta Terra, transformando-os em posição georreferenciada. Estes receptores permitem, de maneira rápida e precisa, a determinação da posição de pontos situados em qualquer local da superfície terrestre, assim como uma navegação segura (posicionamento e orientação), quer em ambientes marítimos, ambientes fluviais e ambientes lacustres, quer em ambientes do espaço aéreo, quer no espaço sideral – além da fronteira externa da atmosfera terrestre. O ato de registar seus deslocamentos fez surgir a Cartografia. O vocábulo Cartografia foi cunhado pelo eminente cartógrafo português, o Visconde de Santarém, numa carta escrita pelo mesmo ao historiador Francisco Adolfo Varnhagem, no ano de 1839. Pode-se, a princípio, entender a Cartografia como sendo a técnica do traçado de cartas geográficas e de seu estudo. Embora o termo Cartografia seja recente, a sua história é muito antiga. A humanidade já expressava seus conhecimentos geográficos muito antes do aparecimento da escrita, em que a feitura de mapas inclui-se entre os tipos mais antigos da arte gráfica. O denominado Mapa de Ga-Sur, inscrição esculpida em uma estela de barro cozido, é a mais antiga representação cartográfica conhecida. Este referencial histórico foi descoberto na região do atual Iraque, cuja elaboração estima-se estar situada no período compreendido entre 3.800 e 2.500 anos antes da era cristã.
Cognition and Emotion, 2007
Depressive disorders may be characterised by hyperattention toward negative information, hypoattention toward positive information, or a combination of both processing biases. In two studies, a dot-probe task was utilised to better ascertain the specific direction and time-course of these biases. In both studies, the dysphoric group showed significantly less attentional allocation toward positive stimuli than the non-dysphoric group. In study two, the dysphoric group also showed greater attentional allocation toward depression-specific stimuli. Importantly, the bias toward depression-specific stimuli, and the bias away from positive stimuli, were uncorrelated with each other. It may be that both biases can act as sufficient, but not necessary, characteristics of dysphoric processing. An additional possibility is that the relative level of each bias type may best characterise dysphoric processing. Each of these possibilities is discussed in turn. A current controversy in research on information processing in depression concerns the existence and nature of attentional biases in depressed individuals. Cognitive models based on schemas (Beck, 1976) or associative networks (Bower, 1981) predict that individuals with depressive disorders should show mood-congruent processing biases at all stages of attentional processing (Ingram, Miranda, & Segal, 1998). Thus, according to these models, depressed individuals should manifest hypervigilant orienting towards negatively valenced information in their current environment (early stage attentional processing) as well as increased sustained attention and
Music theory online, 2004
Emotionale und Soziale Entwicklung in der Pädagogik der Erziehungshilfe und bei Verhaltensstörungen Heft 1 Gemeinsam & Verschieden: Was sind Spezifika des Faches „ESE“?
AI and Ethics, 2024
Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, 2011
В: В спиралата на времето: пространства, хора, идеи, събития. Сборник с доклади. Национална научна конференция, посветена на 75-годишнината от основаването на Историческия музей в Пловдив и на юбилейната годишнина на доц. д-р Василка Танкова, 13–15 октомври 2023 г. Пловдив, 2023, 164-183
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2018
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021
Scientific Review, 2020
European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, 2015
AIChE Journal, 2015
MIX Sustentável
Cuadernos de Arquitectura. Habitar el Norte., 1993