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This course is designed to help students learn research, writing, and oral communications skills that they can apply to all academic and professional pursuits. The ultimate goal is to complete a well-written, strongly argued, and thoroughly documented Diplomacy Honors Research Project. The course is structured to include both class and individual meetings. The first several weeks mix class and individual meetings with the professor to focus on helping students turn their research interests into a research puzzle, find and use primary and secondary sources, develop hypotheses, conceptualize variables, identify an effective research design, and present their ideas professionally in public settings. The next several weeks help students shape their particular projects, with a focus on writing, revising, and providing effective feedback to fellow students. During the last weeks the students formally present their research findings and constructively critique one another’s presentations
This course is designed to help students learn research, writing, and oral communications skills that they can apply to all academic and professional pursuits. The ultimate goal is to complete a well-written, strongly argued, and thoroughly documented Honors Thesis Project. This course and the Honors Thesis Project you will produce this semester are designed as a capstone experience: the goal is to use the knowledge you have gained throughout your program in order to produce an original, well designed, well-researched and well-written piece of research. The course will include a combination of group meetings (at the beginning and the end of the semester), mandatory peer-group meetings, and mandatory one-on-one meetings with the instructor
The course introduces students to contending theoretical traditions in international relations. The theories help us understand patterns of state interaction in world politics and may help us make sense of contemporary world events like wars, international organizations, foreign policies, role of domestic and transnational actors, international political economy, and alliances in world politics. As such an understanding of key theoretical perspectives may be of relevance to policy makers and diplomats. The course also aims at developing critical thinking skills and writing capabilities on themes around International Relations theory
International Relations (IR) is a continuously popular subject. It concerns peoples and cultures all over the world. The scope and complexity of the interactions between the various groups makes IR a challenging subject to master. IR is new and dynamic and has a special appeal to everybody. However, some people perceive IR as a distant and abstract ritual conducted by a small group of people like presidents, generals and diplomats. This assumption is not accurate because despite the fact that leaders play a major role in international affairs, many other people participate as well. For instance, students and other citizens participate in international relations every time they vote in an election or watch the news. In fact, the choices we make in our daily lives ultimately affect the world we live in.
This course is designed to introduce students to the major theoretical traditions of international relations and diplomacy. We will begin with a critical investigation of the competing assumptions and concepts that form the heart of various or maybe traditional theoretical approaches to the study of world politics. As a class we will discuss the key actors, processes, and variables highlighted by each theory, and assess their relative strengths and weaknesses. Throughout this investigation, we will consider various theoretical tradeoffs relating to the issues such as levels of analysis, parsimony versus accuracy, and the types of research questions being addressed. There is an important underlying goal of the course: to provide students with an opportunity to improve their ability to engage in critical analysis. As a result, the course centers on the examination of competing theoretical perspectives. It is expected that students will use this course to develop further three sets of ...
Purpose; to introduce students to principles of Diplomacy Expected Outcomes.
«Archivio Storico dell'Emigrazione Italiana», 2022
Con l’approvazione della legge 23/1901 fece il suo ingresso nel panorama istituzionale italiano la prima agenzia amministrativa dedicata alla gestione dei fenomeni migratori. “Esito di una lunga riflessione e sperimentazione dell’intellettualità tecnica crispina”, il Commissariato Generale dell’Emigrazione (Cge) nacque a seguito di un’iniziativa parlamentare di Luigi Luzzatti e Edoardo Pantano e di un intenso dibattito parlamentare. Il Cge non ha suscitato tra gli studiosi amministrativi o dell’emigrazione un interesse paragonabile alla sua importanza. Alcuni utili contributi si sono fermati sulla soglia degli studi preparatori: manca tuttavia ancora una storia complessiva e approfondita di questo ente. I giudizi complessivi della storiografia nei confronti del Commissariato sono estremamente contrastanti.
isara solutions, 2022
Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 2023
Journal of Environment and Development, 2019
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, 2010
Immunology Letters, 1997
Journal of Neuroimaging, 2020
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 2013
Deleted Journal, 2021
Nano Research, 2011
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 2020