Received: 29 January 2020
Revised: 29 May 2020
Accepted: 5 June 2020
DOI: 10.1111/jcmm.15540
Impact of diet and genes on murine autoimmune pancreatitis
Robert Jaster1
| Yask Gupta2 | Sarah Rohde1 | Luise Ehlers1 | Horst Nizze3 |
Artem Vorobyev2,4 | Ralf J. Ludwig2 | Saleh M. Ibrahim2
Department of Medicine II, Division of
Gastroenterology, Rostock University
Medical Center, Rostock, Germany
Lübeck Institute of Experimental
Dermatology and Center for Research on
Inflammation of the Skin, University of
Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany
Institute of Pathology, Rostock University
Medical Center, Rostock, Germany
Department of Dermatology and Center
for Research on Inflammation of the Skin,
University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany
Robert Jaster, Department of Medicine
II, Division of Gastroenterology Rostock
University Medical Center ErnstHeydemann-Str. 6, Rostock 18057, Germany.
[email protected]
Funding information
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,
Grant/Award Number: JA 819/5-1 and IB
24/9-1; Research Training Group 'Genes,
Environment and Inflammation', Grant/
Award Number: GRK 1743/2
The impact of environmental factors, such as diet, and the genetic basis of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) are largely unknown. Here, we used an experimental murine
AIP model to identify the contribution of diet to AIP development, as well as to finemap AIP-associated genes in outbred mice prone to develop the disease. For this
purpose, we fed mice of an autoimmune-prone intercross line (AIL) three different
diets (control, calorie-reduced and western diet) for 6 months, at which point the
mice were genotyped and phenotyped for AIP. Overall, 269 out of 734 mice (36.6%)
developed AIP with signs of parenchymal destruction, equally affecting mice of both
sexes. AIP prevalence and severity were reduced by approximately 50% in mice held
under caloric restriction compared to those fed control or western diet. We identified a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 4 to be associated with AIP,
which is located within a previously reported QTL. This association does not change
when considering diet or sex as an additional variable for the mapping. Using wholegenome sequences of the AIL founder strains, we resolved this QTL to a single candidate gene, namely Map3k7. Expression of Map3k7 was largely restricted to islet cells
as well as lymphocytes found in the exocrine pancreas of mice with AIP. Our studies
suggest a major impact of diet on AIP. Furthermore, we identify Map3k7 as a novel
susceptibility gene for experimental AIP. Both findings warrant clinical translation.
autoimmune pancreatitis, diet, gene-environment interactions, Map3k7, MRL/MpJ mice, QTL
mapping, susceptibility genes
diagnosis is of particular importance since AIP patients, in contrast to patients with other forms of CP, usually respond well to
Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a rare but clinically relevant
steroid treatment.1,2 The current concept of AIP pathophysiology
form of chronic pancreatitis (CP). AIP patients may present
differentiates two subtypes of AIP, AIP type 1 and type 2, which
with obstructive jaundice due to the formation of inflammatory
are distinguished by their pathogenesis: AIP type 1 is the pancre-
pseudotumours, a finding that may evoke the differential diagno-
atic manifestation of IgG4-related disease and is characterized
sis of pancreatic cancer and result in surgical treatment. Correct
by dense infiltrates of IgG4-positive plasma cells. In AIP type 2,
Ralf J. Ludwig and Saleh M. Ibrahim are equal contributors.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine published by Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
J Cell Mol Med. 2020;00:1–9.
which is frequently associated with inflammatory bowel disease,
granulocytic epithelial lesions are the key pathognomonic finding,
whereas IgG4-expressing plasma cells are lacking. Common his-
2.1 | Animals
tological features of both subtypes are a periductal fibrosis and
the presence of periductal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.1-3 AIP
MRL/MpJ, NZM2410/J, BXD2/TyJ and CAST/EiJ parental mouse
shares with other autoimmune diseases basic immunological char-
strains were intercrossed at an equal strain and sex distribution as
acteristics, such as presence of autoantibodies and involvement
of autoreactive T cells. Furthermore, adoptive transfer of splenic
tercross line (AIL). As previously reported, AIL mice develop AIP, 20
leucocyte subpopulations (specifically, CD44 high memory T cells)
which is most likely due to the inclusion of the AIP-susceptible
from MRL/MpJ mice with AIP into healthy mice induces AIP in the
MRL/MpJ mice.16,18-20 For the mapping study herein, mice of the
to generate an advanced autoimmune-prone in-
15th, 18th-20th generation were used. To study the impact of diet
Environmental and nutritional influences are well-established
on AIP, after weaning, AIL mice were randomly allocated to one
key factors in the pathogenesis of pancreatitis. Of note, chronic alco-
of the following diets: control mouse chow, caloric restriction and
hol abuse represents the most common cause of CP in general, and
western diet, as described elsewhere.19 Regarding randomization:
hypertriglyceridemia is associated with an increased risk of acute
Offspring mice were transferred into separate cages after weaning
pancreatitis.5 The role of such factors in the development of AIP has,
at 3-4 weeks. Each cage contained mice of either gender and was
however, not been systematically studied yet. Therefore, we here
randomly allocated at a 1:1:1 to one of the three different diets: con-
also addressed the contribution of diet, as an every-day environmen-
trol mouse chow, caloric restriction and western diet (all mice of one
tal factor, on AIP development.
cage received the same diet, which was selected at random). At the
Regarding genetic associations, genome-wide association
age of 6 months, a skin biopsy (for genotyping) and the pancreas
studies (GWAS) and candidate gene-based approaches have
(for histological analysis) were obtained (Figure 1A). A total of 734
identified several susceptibility loci for human AIP (largely, type
mice lived until that age; of these, 461 were female and 273 were
1), including HLA DRB1*04:05-DQB1*04:01, 6 FCRL3,7 CTLA4
male. A total of 84, 276 or 101 female mice were in the caloric re-
and KCNA3.10 Targeted sequencing has suggested additional ge-
striction, control chow or western diet arms, respectively. For males,
netic associations of AIP, specifically CACNA1S, SMAD7, TOP111
this amounted to 79, 140 or 54 mice (Table 1). Unequal sample size
and CALCB.
Noteworthy, specific PRSS1 mutations (PRSS1_IVS
distribution is due to the cage-wise randomization and the death of
2+56_60 delCCCAG and PRSS1_p.Leu81Met) that were suggested
mice during the 6-month observation period. Mice were held under
to cause ectopic trypsinogen activation have also been implicated
specific pathogen-free conditions at 12-hour light/dark cycle at the
into the pathogenesis of human AIP type 1.13,14 Further insights
animal facility of the University of Lübeck, Germany. Animal experi-
into the genetic architecture of AIP have been obtained using the
ments were conducted according to the European Community rules
MRL/MpJ mouse AIP model. At an age of approximately 6 months,
for animal care, approved by the respective governmental adminis-
predominantly female MRL/MpJ mice spontaneously develop AIP
tration (Ministry for Energy, Agriculture, the Environment and Rural
that resembles important histopathological features of human
Areas, file number 27-2/13) and performed by certified personnel.
Application of polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly I:C)
further accelerates and enhances the disease.17,18 Previously,
we generated an autoimmune-prone advanced intercross mouse
2.2 | Genotyping and QTL mapping
(AIL) line, to study the impact of genetics and diet on complex (inflammatory disease) traits in the mouse, including AIP.19 In brief,
The tips of the tails of AIL mice were collected during mouse sam-
3 parental mouse strains that spontaneously develop different
pling at month 6 and subjected to the isolation of genomic DNA as
autoimmune diseases—MRL/MpJ (AIP), NZM2410/J (lupus) and
reported.19 In brief, the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen GmbH,
BXD2/TyJ (arthritis)—and CAST/EIJ mice, which are not prone
Hilden, Germany) was employed according to the manufacturer's
protocol, and DNA samples were stored at −20°C until further use.
These AIL mice have been used for QTL mapping of several com-
DNA samples from 734 mice were analysed by MegaMUGA geno-
to any autoimmune disease, were subjected to crossbreeding.
plex traits, including murine AIP.19,20 Regarding AIP, 5 associated
typing array covering 77 800 markers throughout the mouse ge-
QTL were identified, located on chromosomes 2, 4 (two QTLs), 5
nome. 21 Genotyping was performed at Neogen/GeneSeek (Lincoln,
and 6. 20 The identified QTL, however, encompassed numerous
NE, USA). Non-informative SNPs were filtered out using plink and
genes, due to the fact that the study was performed in mice of the
applying the following criteria: minor allele frequency (maf) >0.05,
4th generation, where relatively few crossing over had occurred.
missing genotype probability <0.1 and common homozygous SNPs
To fine map these QTLs, preferably to the single gene level, we
among the founders. This approach yielded 55,458 informative SNPs
here used mice of the 15th, 18th-20th generation. In addition, we
for further downstream analysis. 22 The probabilistic reconstruction
took advantage of recently published whole-genome sequences
of AIL mouse genome in term of four founder strains was performed
(WGS) of the AIL founder strains
using the R package of HAPPY23,24 as described before.19 Briefly,
ciations of AIP.
to fine map the genetic asso-
the posterior probability that each mouse was in one of the four
F I G U R E 1 Diet modulates the spontaneous development of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) in an advanced intercross outbred mouse
line (AIL) (A) A total of 734 outbred AIL mice were fed 3 different diets (caloric restriction, control or western diet) for 6 months. Thereafter,
mice were genotyped and H&E-stained sections from the pancreata were evaluated for the presence and (if present) severity of AIP. (B)
Pancreatic sections were stained with H&E and subjected to the evaluation of pathological changes on a semi-quantitative scale from 0
to 4. Stage 0: healthy; stage 1: small infiltrate of mononuclear cells (arrow); stage 2: large periductal focus of mononuclear cells; beginning
parenchymal destruction; stage 3: severe inflammation and more extended parenchymal destruction; and stage 4: organ-wide inflammation;
large-scale destruction of acini and partial replacement by adipose and fibrotic tissue. (C) When stratified for sex, no difference in the AIP
severity was noted. Graph shows all individual values as dots, whereas the red line indicates the median. Statistical analysis was performed
using rank-sum test. (D) By contrast, stratification for the different diets showed that mice fed calorie-reduced diet had a significant lower
AIP severity compared to control and western diet-fed mice. Graph shows all individual values as dots, whereas the red line indicates the
median. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA (P < 0.0001) with Tukey's multiple comparison as post-test
possible genotype states was estimated employing a hidden Markov
covariates rather than additive covariate within the same function.
model (HMM), and probabilities were converted to Rqtl2 object in R.
Genome-wide and suggestive thresholds were estimated by tradi-
Subsequently, a chromosome-wise kinship matrix, which represents
tional permutation (1000)-based approach at 5% and 10% threshold.
intra-individual relationship, was calculated using 'calc_kinship' func-
The confidence interval for a QTL was described by 1.5 LOD drop
tion with leaving out one chromosome at a time (R/qtl2 R package). 25
within 10 Mb from the peak SNP. To further fine map the QTL, WGS
We estimated heritability of AIP using 'est_herit' function from the
data from founder strains (variant call file format; vcf) were down-
same R package, that is R/qtl2. For additive model, LOD scores were
loaded from database.19 The annotation of SNPs and Indels within
calculated by linear mixed model in which AIP score was regressed
this file was performed using ENSEMBL VEP web server. 26 The
to posterior probabilities with sex and diet as additive covariate and
genomic region plots for the QTL were visualized and created using
kinship as a random effect (scan1 function from Rqtl2). For QTL in-
R ggplot2
teraction model, covariates diet and sex were considered interactive
has been recently validated.9
and UCSC Genome Browser. 28 This analytical pipeline
Score pancreas
2-4 (%)
Caloric restriction
Control chow
Western diet
Caloric restriction
Control chow
0-1 (%)
Western diet
Caloric restriction
Control chow
Western diet
2.3 | Histology and immunohistochemistry
Development of spontaneous AIP was assessed based on pancreatic
histopathology. Therefore, paraffin-embedded pancreatic sections
TA B L E 1 Pancreatic phenotypes of
AIL mice. A total of 734 mice (461 females
and 273 males, all from G15-19) were
fed the indicated diets for 6 months,
before phenotyping was performed by
assessing pancreatic histopathology on
a semi-quantitative scale from 0 (healthy
pancreas) to 4 (most severe AIP). The
unequal sex distribution is due to (i) the
sex ratio at birth (which was in favour of
females), and (ii) a higher mortality rate
in male mice during the 6 months of the
3 | R E S U LT S
3.1 | Caloric restriction reduces the prevalence and
clinical severity of autoimmune pancreatitis
(4 µm thick) were stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), and
subjected to the evaluation of pancreatic lesions on a semi-quantita16,18,20
tive scale from 0 to 4 as described before.
Briefly, the stages
At 6 months, 428 out of 734 mice (58.3%) presented with lymphocytic infiltrates in the exocrine pancreas. A total of 269 animals
were defined as follows: 0, no pathological findings; 1, minimal focal
(36.6%) displayed signs of parenchymal destruction and were clas-
infiltration of periductal tissue with mononuclear cells but lack of
sified as AIP stage 2 or greater. Both sexes were similarly affected
parenchymal destruction; 2, presence of larger periductal foci of
by AIP (Figure 1C). Prevalence of AIP stage 2 or greater amounted
mononuclear cells along with beginning parenchymal destruction; 3,
to 38.5% in female and 33.4% in male mice, and average AIP scores
severe and multifocal periductal inflammation together with more
were 1.1 ± 0.4 or 0.9 ± 0.4 for female or male mice, respectively.
extended parenchymal destruction; and 4, comprehensive infiltra-
AIP scores also showed no differences between both sexes when
tion of pancreatic tissue with mononuclear cells, large-scale destruc-
calculation was performed separately within each dietary group.
tion of acini and (partial) replacement by adipose or fibrotic tissue
When comparing AIP prevalence among the different diets, 71%
(Figure 1B). All samples were assessed by microscopic analysis of at
mice under caloric restriction were free of any AIP, whereas an
least three tissue sections per sample by two independent investiga-
AIP score of 0 was only observed in 30% and 41% of the mice fed
tors and blinded before evaluation.
control and western diet, respectively (P < 0.05; chi-squared test).
Immunohistochemistry was performed on 4 µm thick paraf-
Corresponding findings were made regarding AIP severity: In mice
fin-embedded pancreatic sections. The sections were deparaffinized
held at caloric restriction, the histological AIP score was 0.5 ± 0.03;
and subsequently stained using the ImmPRESS—alkaline phospha-
whereas the score reached 1.1 ± 0.03 or 1.2 ± 0.04 in mice fed
tase detection system according to the instructions of the manu-
control or western diet, respectively (Figure 1D). Strikingly, cases
facturer (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA). For staining
with parenchymal destruction (stages 2-4) were much less common
of MAP3K7, a mouse protein-specific polyclonal antibody from
in mice with caloric restriction than in animals on control chow or
Biorbyt, Cambridge, UK (catalogue number: orb32004) was em-
western diet (Table 1). Taken together, these findings point towards
ployed. The slides were then counterstained with Mayer's hemalum
a protective role of caloric restriction on the development and on
solution, dehydrated by two short incubations in ethanol and xylene
the progression of murine AIP. The principle effects of diets on the
each and embedded in Pertex (MEDITE, Burgdorf, Germany).
average scores were the same in females and males (data not shown).
2.4 | Statistical analysis
3.2 | Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase
kinase 7 (Map3k7) is associated with experimental
autoimmune pancreatitis
Unless stated otherwise, data were analysed employing IBM SPSS
Statistics V25.0 and are presented as mean values ± SEM. Statistical
tests are detailed in the figure legends. P values of < 0.05 were con-
Next, we aimed to fine map previously reported QTLs of AIP, 20 pos-
sidered statistically significant. We used Dsquare function from
sibly identify so far unreported AIP-associated genes, and evaluate
modEvA R package to estimate proportion of variance explained by
the impact of gene-diet and gene-sex interactions in AIP. For fine
diet (4.7%) and sex (0.3%) for pancreatitis score.
mapping, we continuously intercrossed AIL mice leading to smaller
confidence intervals of QTL due to the meiotic crossing over. In the
pancreata, MAP3K7 protein expression was largely restricted to
15th, 18th-20th AIL mouse generation, 734 mice were genotyped
pancreatic islets (Figure 3). By contrast, pancreata from mice with
and phenotyped for AIP severity. Considering diet and sex as addi-
AIP showed additional expression by the pancreas-infiltrating mono-
tive variables, we identified a QTL at the genome-wide significance
nuclear cells (Figure 3).
level on chromosome 4 (LOD = 6.44, Confidence interval (CI) = 3132.6 Mb, Figure 2A-B), which was located within the previously
identified QTL for AIP (Table 2). We next considered diet or sex
4 | D I S CU S S I O N
as interactive covariates for the QTL mapping, allowing to identify
gene-diet and gene-sex interaction: The QTL on chromosome 4
Autoimmune disorders are multifactorial diseases that are influ-
was confirmed at the genome-wide significance level (LOD = 7.68,
enced by the interplay of environmental, for example dietary, and
CI = 31.39-34.8 Mb) when diet was taken as an interactive variable.
genetic factors.19 In the case of AIP, both aspects are still relatively
When using sex as an interactive variable, the QTL was significant at
poorly understood. We herein addressed this knowledge gap and
the suggestive level (LOD = 6.89, CI = 31-36.1 Mb, Figure 2B). We
show that diet has a vast impact on AIP development. More specifi-
also mapped a suggestive QTL interacting with diet on chromosome
cally, compared to control or western diet, caloric restriction halved
4 (LOD = 6.76) at CI of 135.5-136.4 Mb (Table 2), suggesting that
both AIP prevalence and severity. Regarding the genetic AIP associa-
diet can potentially unmask novel genetic associations also in AIP. In
tion, we fine-mapped Map3k7 as an AIP-associated gene and dem-
addition, 6.8% or 0.46% of AIP phenotypic variance are explained by
onstrate its expression in the leucocyte infiltrate within the pancreas
diet or sex, respectively.
of mice with AIP.
Still, the fine-mapped QTL, located on chromosome 4, contained
Our genetic studies were based on the report of five, rather large
several genes. Hence, for further fine mapping, we first correlated
QTLs that were mapped within in AIL mice in the 4th generation, 20
(Spearman rank correlation) the posterior probability of the peak
including one QTL located on chromosome 4 (termed AIP2). In order
SNP (UNC7008858) for the individual founder strains to the AIP
to obtain smaller confidence intervals of the QTLs, we took advan-
score. Here, BxD2/TyJ and MRL/MpJ strains negatively correlated
tage of meiotic crossing overs across generations. By continued in-
(ρ = −0.18, P < 0.01) and positively (ρ = 0.14, P < 0.01) with AIP score.
tercrossing of AIL mice for 20 generations and use of WGS data of
The other two strains CAST/EiJ (ρ = 0.02, P = 0.57) and NZM2410/J
the founder strains, we were here able to confirm and to narrow
(ρ = 0.0007, P = 0.98) showed no correlation with the AIP score
down the size of one of these QTLs, namely AIP2.
(Figure 2C). Hence, as indicated by the haplotype effects, the ge-
The herein identified QTL within the AIP2 locus encodes for one
netic association of the AIP score is due to the genetic differences
protein-coding gene, Map3k7 (Tak1). By contrasting the genomic
between the BxD2/TyJ and MRL/MpJ strains within this locus. Next,
variations of the AIL founder strains, the variability within this QTL
we used the recently published WGS of the 4 AIL founder strains
to identify polymorphisms (SNPs and Indels) discriminating between
derived from the AIP-prone MRL/MpJ strain, whereas the Map3k7
allele of BXD2/TyJ mice was associated with less AIP.
BxD2/TyJ and MRL/MpJ strains. We identified 2,994 variants be-
The MAP3K7 protein represents an essential signalling interme-
tween the two strains among which most of the variants were either
diate in tumour necrosis factor, interleukin 1, and Toll-like receptor
intergenic regions (38%), intronic (36%) or located within non-coding
signalling pathways. The member of the mitogen-activated protein
transcripts without any predicted severe consequences. For pro-
kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase family transmits upstream signals
tein-coding genes, we did not identify any non-synonymous variants
from the receptor complexes to the downstream MAPKs and to
with severe consequences. However, we detected multiple variants
the NF-κB pathway. 29-31 Whereas Map3k7 has not been associated
on predicted upstream/downstream region and importantly in 3’
with AIP previously, mutations within this gene are associated with
UTR region of the full-length protein-coding gene Map3k7, whereas
other experimental inflammatory diseases in the mouse, including
for the partial protein-coding gene Bach2 variants in predicted up-
murine autoimmune myocarditis,32 encephalomyelitis33 and type
stream region were found (Figure 2D). The importance of variants in
1 diabetes.33 In the latter two models, an inhibitor of MAP3K7/
3’ UTR has been established previously. Hence, we identify Map3k7,
TAK1, 5Z-7-oxozeaenol (OZ), attenuated progression of the disease
also known as transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1
and will therefore be of interest in the context of experimental AIP
(Tak1), spans from 31,96 to 32,02 Mb, to be potentially associated
as well. The mechanisms of OZ action are apparently complex and
with AIP.
may involve impairment of dendritic cell maturation and a Th1 to
Th2 cytokine shift.34 However, when mapping 54 physiological
and pathophysiological phenotypes, including ANA production and
3.3 | Map3k7 is expressed by infiltrating
mononuclear cells of mice with experimental
autoimmune pancreatitis
lupus susceptibility, no association with Map3k7 was found, pointing
towards a selective role of this gene in AIP pathogenesis.18
In addition to AIP2, we previously have identified additional
QTLs for AIP located on chromosomes 2, 5 and 6.20 These previ-
To obtain insights into a potential contribution of Map3k7, we stud-
ously reported QTLs were, however, not replicated within the cur-
ied its protein expression in the context of murine AIP. In healthy
rent study. This is likely because of the epistatic interactions or gene
environmental interactions. It should also be noted that generation
microenvironment may have altered the association of AIP with host
4th AIL mice were housed at the University of Rostock, whereas later
genetics. For example, when we introduced diet (microenvironment
generations were kept at the University of Lübeck. These changes in
modulator) as an interacting covariate, the highest LOD scores on
F I G U R E 2 Map3k7 is associated with experimental autoimmune pancreatitis (A) Manhattan plot for mapping of quantitative trait loci
(QTLs) for murine autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP9. The plot shows chromosomes on x-axis and LOD (log of odd ratios) for each SNP (grey
and black dots) on y-axis. LOD scores were calculated by regressing histological pancreatitis score with the estimated genotype posterior
probability. Sex, diet and first principle component of kinship matrix were considered as additive covariate loci. Logarithmic p-values are
plotted against genome location. The red line represents the genome-wide threshold (P < 0.05), and the blue line shows the suggestive
threshold (P < 0.1) evaluated after 1000 permutations for histological pancreatitis score. (B) The scatter line plot shows LOD scores across
chromosome 4 for three models (ie additive, interactive diet and sex). Use of either one of the interactive variables ('diet' or 'sex') considers
the variability introduced by either of the variables, allowing to detect gene-diet and gene-sex interactions. The shaded region within the
plot described confidence interval in Mb for each model (grey = AIP2, orange = genome-wide and blue = chromosome-wide). (C) The box
plot shows ranked haplotype posterior probabilities (derived from happy R package using HMM) for Peak SNP (UNC7008858) across the
four founder strains, when stratified for different AIP score. (D) The figure shows the fine-mapped AIP2 loci (using UCSC browser) on
chromosome 4 and genes within this loci. The figure also shows all the SNPs and Indels (derived from WGS) different between BxD2/TyJ
and MRL/MpJ, as Peak SNP from these strains was negatively and positively correlated with AIP score in previous figure
chromosome 2 (LOD = 4.07) and 5 (LOD = 5.25) were observed at 65.9
the rate of AIP with parenchymal destruction in our model. Western
(SNP = UNC3225113) and 78.7 (SNP = UNC9531776) Mb. The re-
diet, on the other hand, did not significantly affect the course of
spective regions fall within the confidence intervals of the previously
the disease, although we noticed a tendency towards more severe
reported QTLs on chromosome 2 (56.3-81.9 Mb) and chromosome
stages of AIP (Table 1). The effects of diet were observed in both
5 (74.8-96.6 Mb) but did not pass the significance threshold. These
sexes, which in this study did also not significantly differ with re-
discrepancies were also reported in previous studies and should be
spect to the overall occurrence of AIP. To the best of our knowledge,
further investigated for AIP.19 AIP2 comprised a CI of 25.2 Mbp (Mbp
this is the first study to show an effect of diet on the development of
7.1-32.3), contained a variety of genes and was therefore too large for
AIP in either an experimental model or AIP patients. In a rat model
the analysis of genetic traits at the level of individual genes. In con-
of non-insulin-dependent diabetes with obesity, WBN/Kob-fatty
trast, the herein fine-mapped QTL was 1.55 Mb only and contained
rats, caloric restriction was found to be associated with less severe
several predicted and pseudogenes, a full-length protein-coding gene
signs of spontaneous CP and specifically diminished interlobular, in-
(Map3k7) and a partial protein-coding gene (Bach2). The latter gene
tra-lobular and intra-islet fibrosis. These findings, however, could be
might be of interest for follow-up studies as well since recent data
attributed to a unique genetic background, the homozygous pres-
suggest that Bach2 repression is associated with clinical features of
ence of the fa allele of the leptin receptor gene, and are also not
advanced CP through an increased Th17 cell-induced inflammation,35
directly linked to AIP.36 Apart from AIP, growing evidence from ex-
a subset of T cells that may also play a role in murine AIP.
perimental and clinical studies suggests that caloric restriction and
Of note, the QTL effect observed in this study (Figure 2) cannot
fasting-mimicking diets may positively impact autoimmune diseases
be caused by a single SNP, as the effect (a) differs between strains
such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis,
CAST/EIJ + NZM2410/J (both no effect) versus BXD2/TyJ + MRL/
multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diabetes.19,37,38 In addition, we
MpJ, (b) but BXD2/TyJ + MRL/MpJ differ according to severity. The
recently demonstrated that caloric restriction confers complete pro-
contribution of different SNPs to this complex pattern represents a
tection from the development of lupus nephritis in NZM2410/J mice,
point of interest for follow-up investigations.
whereas mice fed western diet showed an accelerated and aggra-
Using the same autoimmune-prone AIL as in this study, we have
vated clinical phenotype. Interestingly diet-induced changes in the
recently shown that diet substantially contributes to the variability
intestinal micro- and mycobiome preceded clinical onset, indicating
of complex traits and, in addition, may unmask novel susceptibility
that the protective effects of diet may be modulated by changes in
Strikingly, caloric restriction alone was sufficient to over-
the intestinal microbiome.19 Although it is well known that the type
come the genetic susceptibility of the mice to develop lupus. This
and levels of nutrients can influence the generation, survival and
observation prompted us to ask whether diet might also influence
function of lymphocytes, the mechanistic links between caloric re-
the development of autoimmune pancreatitis in genetically suscep-
striction and autoimmunity are far from being understood. Given the
tible mice. The results of this study show that, compared to control
potential clinical implications of dietary interventions, our results
chow or western diet, long-term caloric restriction roughly halved
encourage further studies in the context of AIP.
TA B L E 2 Pancreatitis Score QTLs identified by fine mapping. Genome-wide threshold for LOD (0.05), suggestive threshold (0.1). In
addition, 6.8% or 0.46% of AIP phenotypic variance are explained by diet or sex, respectively
CI (Mb)
Peak SNP
Peak Pos (Mb)
Pheno var %
QTL x Diet
QTL x Diet
QTL x Sex
Abbreviations: Chr, chromosome; CI, confidence interval; pheno var, phenotypic variability.
F I G U R E 3 MAP3K7 is expressed in the
lymphocyte infiltrates of experimental
autoimmune pancreatitis Pancreatic
tissues from mice with AIP stage 0
(healthy) and stage 3 (severe AIP) were
stained with anti-MAP3K7. Arrows
point to positively stained pancreatic
islets and organ-infiltrating mononuclear
cells, respectively. The photographs are
representative for n ≥ 5 mice per group
In summary, this investigation has identified a novel susceptibil-
Investigation (supporting); Methodology (supporting); Resources
ity gene of murine AIP, Map3k7, and a potent protective environmen-
(equal); Supervision (equal); Validation (equal); Visualization (sup-
tal factor, dietary restriction. As the MAP3K7 protein is in principle
porting); Writing-original draft (supporting); Writing-review & edit-
druggable39 and dietary interventions are possible, these findings
ing (supporting).
may shape the future management of AIP patient.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from
We gratefully acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of
the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Mrs Katja Bergmann. This work was supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG JA 819/5-1 and IB 24/9-1) and the
Research Training Group 'Genes, Environment and Inflammation'
Robert Jaster
(GRK 1743/2).
None to declare.
Robert Jaster: Conceptualization (lead); Data curation (equal); Formal
analysis (equal); Funding acquisition (equal); Investigation (equal);
Methodology (equal); Project administration (lead); Resources (equal);
Supervision (equal); Validation (equal); Visualization (equal); Writingoriginal draft (lead); Writing-review & editing (lead). Yask Gupta: Data
curation (lead); Formal analysis (supporting); Methodology (equal);
Validation (supporting); Visualization (supporting); Writing-original
draft (supporting); Writing-review & editing (supporting). Sarah
Rohde: Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Validation (supporting); Writing-original draft (supporting); Writing-review & editing
(supporting). Luise Ehlers: Investigation (equal); Methodology (supporting); Validation (supporting); Writing-original draft (supporting);
Writing-review & editing (supporting). Horst Nizze: Investigation
(equal); Methodology (supporting); Writing-original draft (supporting); Writing-review & editing (supporting). Artem Vorobyev:
Investigation (equal); Methodology (supporting); Validation (equal);
Writing-original draft (supporting); Writing-review & editing (supporting). Ralf J Ludwig: Conceptualization (supporting); Data curation (supporting); Formal analysis (supporting); Funding acquisition
(supporting); Investigation (supporting); Methodology (supporting); Resources (supporting); Supervision (equal); Validation (equal);
Visualization (lead); Writing-original draft (equal); Writing-review &
editing (equal). Saleh Ibrahim: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (supporting); Formal analysis (equal); Funding acquisition (equal);
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How to cite this article: Jaster R, Gupta Y, Rohde S, et al.
Impact of diet and genes on murine autoimmune pancreatitis.
J Cell Mol Med. 2020;00:1–9.