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2005, Europhysics News
3 pages
1 file
S tatistical physics today is arguably in much the same situation that Euclidean geometry found itself in the early nineteenth century. Over the last decade, an increasing body of evidence has indicated that denying a certain postulate of statistical physicsthe extensivity of the entropy-results not in a contradiction, but rather in an entirely new family of mathematically consistent variants of the statistical physics developed by Boltzmann and Gibbs (see Editorial). The mathematical formulation of these variants begins with a generalization of the definition of the entropy in terms of the microscopic state probabilities of the system under study (see Box 1 in the Editorial). A family of such entropies has been posited, parametrized by a single positive number q, such that the usual Boltzmann-Gibbs formulation is recovered when q = 1. More precisely, whereas the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy is expressed in terms of the logarithm function, nonextensive variants are expressed in terms of a q-deformed logarithm (defined in Box 1) to which application of l'Hôpital's rule confirms reduction to the ordinary logarithm as q → 1. Remarkably, many fundamental results of statistical physics, such as the Maxwell relations and Onsager reciprocity, are "q-invariant"; that is, they hold for any statistical physics in the family. Other results, such as the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem and the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for viscous fluid dynamics, must be modified by the addition of terms that vanish when q = 1.
Foundations of Physics
I will argue, pace a great many of my contemporaries, that there's something right about Boltzmann's attempt to ground the second law of thermodynamics in a suitably amended deterministic time-reversal invariant classical dynamics, and that in order to appreciate what's right about (what was at least at one time) Boltzmann's explanatory project, one has to fully apprehend the nature of microphysical causal structure, time-reversal invariance, and the relationship between Boltzmann entropy and the work of Rudolf Clausius.
Lecture Notes in Physics, 2001
In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, Ludwig Boltzmann explained how irreversible macroscopic laws, in particular the second law of thermodynamics, originate in the time-reversible laws of microscopic physics. Boltzmann's analysis, the essence of which I shall review here, is basically correct. The most famous criticisms of Boltzmann's later work on the subject have little merit. Most twentieth century innovations -such as the identification of the state of a physical system with a probability distribution on its phase space, of its thermodynamic entropy with the Gibbs entropy of , and the invocation of the notions of ergodicity and mixing for the justification of the foundations of statistical mechanics -are thoroughly misguided.
Entropy, 2022
As known, a method to introduce non-conventional statistics may be realized by modifying the number of possible combinations to put particles in a collection of single-particle states. In this paper, we assume that the weight factor of the possible configurations of a system of interacting particles can be obtained by generalizing opportunely the combinatorics, according to a certain analytical function f{π}(n) of the actual number of particles present in every energy level. Following this approach, the configurational Boltzmann entropy is revisited in a very general manner starting from a continuous deformation of the multinomial coefficients depending on a set of deformation parameters {π}. It is shown that, when f{π}(n) is related to the solutions of a simple linear difference–differential equation, the emerging entropy is a scaled version, in the occupational number representation, of the entropy of degree (κ,r) known, in the framework of the information theory, as Sharma–Taneja...
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2004
Boltzmann defined the entropy of a macroscopic system in a macrostate M as the log of the volume of phase space (number of microstates) corresponding to M . This agrees with the thermodynamic entropy of Clausius when M specifies the locally conserved quantities of a system in local thermal equilibrium (LTE). Here we discuss Boltzmann's entropy, involving an appropriate choice of macro-variables, for systems not in LTE. We generalize the formulas of Boltzmann for dilute gases and of Resibois for hard sphere fluids and show that for macro-variables satisfying any deterministic autonomous evolution equation arising from the microscopic dynamics the corresponding Boltzmann entropy must satisfy an H-theorem.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2019
The Gibbs entropy of a macroscopic classical system is a function of a probability distribution over phase space, i.e., of an ensemble. In contrast, the Boltzmann entropy is a function on phase space, and is thus defined for an individual system. Our aim is to discuss and compare these two notions of entropy, along with the associated ensemblist and individualist views of thermal equilibrium. Using the Gibbsian ensembles for the computation of the Gibbs entropy, the two notions yield the same (leading order) values for the entropy of a macroscopic system in thermal equilibrium. The two approaches do not, however, necessarily agree for non-equilibrium systems. For those, we argue that the Boltzmann entropy is the one that corresponds to thermodynamic entropy, in particular in connection with the second law of thermodynamics. Moreover, we describe the quantum analog of the Boltzmann entropy, and we argue that the individualist (Boltzmannian) concept of equilibrium is supported by the recent works on thermalization of closed quantum systems.
WSEAS transactions on computers, 2021
A scale invariant model of statistical mechanics is applied for a comparative study of Boltzmann's entropy in thermodynamics versus Shannon's entropy in information theory. The implications of the model to the objective versus subjective aspects of entropy as well as Nernst-Planck statement of the third law of thermodynamics are also discussed.
The long standing contrast between Boltzmann's and Gibbs' approach to statistical thermodynamics has been recently rekindled by Dunkel and Hilbert [1], who criticize the notion of negative absolute temperature (NAT), as a misleading consequence of Boltzmann's definition of entropy. A different definition, due to Gibbs, has been proposed, which forbids NAT and makes the energy equipartition rigorous in arbitrary sized systems. The two approaches, however, are shown to converge to the same results in the thermodynamical limit. A vigorous debate followed ref.[1], with arguments against [2,3] and in favor [4,5,6,7] of Gibbs' entropy. In an attempt to leave the speculative level and give the discussion some deal of concreteness, we analyze the practical consequences of Gibbs' definition in two finite-size systems: a non interacting gas of N atoms with two-level internal spectrum, and an Ising model of N interacting spins. It is shown that for certain measurable quanti...
Zenodo, 2024
In the landscape of theoretical physics, Ludwig Boltzmann's revolutionary contributions to statistical thermodynamics stand as a testament to human ingenuity in understanding nature's fundamental principles. This comprehensive analysis of Boltzmann's work explores not only its complexities but also the historical environment in which he worked and its enduring contributions to contemporary science.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 2009
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Hanneke Janssen. a b s t r a c t A comparison is made of the traditional Loschmidt (reversibility) and Zermelo (recurrence) objections to Boltzmann's H-theorem, and its simplified variant in the Ehrenfests' 1912 wind-tree model. The littlecited 1896 (measure-theoretic) objection of Zermelo (similar to an 1889 argument due to Poincaré ) is also analysed. Significant differences between the objections are highlighted, and several old and modern misconceptions concerning both them and the H-theorem are clarified. We give particular emphasis to the radical nature of Poincaré 's and Zermelo's attack, and the importance of the shift in Boltzmann's thinking in response to the objections taken together.
The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution has been a very useful statistical distribution for understanding the molecular motion of ideal gases. In this work, it will be shown that it is also possible to obtain a generalized Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution valid for any macroscopic system of any composition and having any arbitrary state of aggregation. This distribution is the result of the large number of collisions and molecular interactions taking place in such macroscopic system. On the other hand, in order to better understand the concept of thermal equilibrium, a mathematical interpretation of the zeroth law of Thermodynamics is included.
Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 2023
Israel: testemunhas do Reino, 2010
Communicate or Die - Mit Sprache führen, 2015
The American Political Science Review, 1999
As inteligências do telejornalismo , 2024
Catálogo de la IV Muestra de Orfebrería contemporánea de la Asociación de Diseñadores de Orfebrería y Joyería Contemporánea, 2020
Políticas Culturais em Revista, 2024
BISNIS : Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam, 2020
PLoS ONE, 2008
BMC Cancer, 2014
Catalysis Letters, 2018