Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 185 (2019) 105465
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Brain death: Radiologic signs of a non-radiologic diagnosis
Joseph Gastala , Deema Fattal , Patricia A. Kirby , Aristides A. Capizzano , Yutaka Sato ,
Toshio Moritanic
Northwestern University, Department of Radiology, 676 N St Clair, Chicago, IL, 60611
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA 52242
University of Michigan, 1500 E Medical Center, Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Brain death
MR angiography
CT angiography
CT perfusion
Ancillary testing
Brain death is a clinical diagnosis characterized by the irreversible loss of neurologic function caused by global
injury to the brain, including the brain stem. This is often caused by trauma and subarachnoid hemorrhage
amongst other etiologies. This injury results in extensive cerebral edema, a rise in intracranial pressure, and
eventual cessation of cerebral blood flow. Although brain death is a clinical diagnosis, ancillary and confirmatory tests are widely used. These are categorized into imaging that demonstrates absence of cerebral blood
flow and electroencephalography that demonstrates absence of cortical electrical activity. Cerebral angiography,
transcranial Doppler, and cerebral scintigraphy are the only imaging studies to have been validated by the
American Academy of Neurology for diagnosis of brain death. However, characteristic findings on computed
tomography, computed tomography perfusion, computed tomography angiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and magnetic resonance angiography may suggest the diagnosis. In this article, the clinical criteria, pathophysiology, pathology, and variations in current practice of brain death diagnosis are discussed, and the
imaging findings of brain death are reviewed.
1. Introduction
The concept of brain death was first described by Mollaret and
Goulon in 1959 when they described “le coma dépassé” of comatose
patients supported by mechanical ventilators with absent electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings, absent intracranial flow, or total
brain necrosis at autopsy [1]. Before the advent of artificial cardiopulmonary support and mechanical ventilation, loss of heart and lung
function were easily observable and sufficient to diagnose death. With
the capability to maintain vital body functions after the brain had irreversibly ceased to function, a reexamination of the criteria of death
followed [2].
In 1968, an ad hoc committee at Harvard Medical School expanded
the medical definition of death based on neurologic criteria, defined as
loss of function at the cerebral and brain-stem levels characterized by
unresponsiveness and lack of receptivity, absence of movement and
breathing, absence of brain-stem reflexes, a flat EEG, and by coma
whose cause was known [2]. This effort was spurred by the moral,
ethical, and legal controversies of organ transplantation in patients with
irreversible coma and futile attempts at continued life support [2]. In
the United States (US), the Uniform Determination of Death Act in 1981
provided a new legal and medical basis for defining death based on
both cardiopulmonary and neurologic criteria [3]. Brain death was
defined as the “Irreversible cessation of functions of the entire brain,
including the brain stem.”
Early recognition of brain death is important to expedite organ
transplantation, provide closure for loved ones, and prevent futile
medical interventions [4]. It comprises 1%–2% of deaths yearly in the
US [5] and, in a large referral hospital, it may be diagnosed from 25 to
30 times per year [6]. The diagnosis of brain death is inherently a
clinical diagnosis that is not always straightforward. In the US, the
American Academy of Neurology (AAN) has promulgated the American
Academy of Neurology Practice Parameters (AANPP) for the determination of brain death, first in 1995 and with an update in 2010, to
establish guidelines and provide uniformity for the diagnosis [7]. Certain ancillary tests (electroencephalography [EEG], angiography, transcranial Doppler [TCD], and scintigraphy) have been validated by the
AAN to be used as confirmation in situations of uncertainty although
ancillary testing remains controversial. Although brain death is a clinical diagnosis, radiologists may encounter it with ancillary testing and
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (J. Gastala),
[email protected] (D. Fattal),
[email protected] (P.A. Kirby),
[email protected] (A.A. Capizzano),
[email protected] (Y. Sato),
[email protected] (T. Moritani).
Received 21 June 2019; Received in revised form 30 July 2019; Accepted 6 August 2019
Available online 12 August 2019
0303-8467/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 185 (2019) 105465
J. Gastala, et al.
perfusion pressure, intracranial circulation ceases [14,15]. Subsequently, loss of physiologic brain activity and electrocerebral silence
are irreversible in the setting of brain death [17].
Post mortem examination of the brains of patients with irreversible
brain injury can show uncal, central, and tonsillar herniations. This
leads to compression of the brainstem with stretching and tearing of
pontine perforating branches of the basilar artery resulting in pontine
Duret hemorrhages (Fig. 2a). The brain is congested, soft to friable in
texture, and has a dusky appearance [18] (Fig. 2b). Microscopy shows
global cytotoxic and interstitial edema with diffuse neuronal ischemicanoxic injury (Fig. 2c).
In the past, cerebral pathology of brain dead patients was referred to
as “respiratory brain” with a dusky congested brain and extensive brain
damage; the brain often was very friable upon removal from the skull
[18–20]. In the modern era, with time to death and brain at autopsy
shortened due to organ donation protocols, brain pathology is currently
done within days of brain death diagnosis and the resulting pathology is
different from the so-called respirator brain. The pathological findings
in the modern era can be nonspecific and without pathognomonic
features as previously recognized. More importantly, there may be lack
of uniformly severe pathology. For example, Wijdicks found mild
changes in one third of cerebral hemispheres and in one half of brainstems in brains studied within 36 hours of declaration of brain death
imaging modalities including computed tomography (CT), CT angiography (CTA), CT perfusion (CTP), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and magnetic resonance
angiography (MRA) and must be familiar with the diagnosis. In this
article, we review the clinical criteria and diagnosis of brain death,
discuss the pathology and pathophysiology, and discuss the key imaging findings that can suggest and aid in the diagnosis.
2. Pathogenesis and pathology of brain death
The inciting event of brain death is global irreversible injury to the
brain [8]. In most adult series, traumatic brain injury and subarachnoid
hemorrhage are the most common intracranial events leading to brain
death [9,10]. In the intensive care unit, it is most commonly seen with
large ischemic strokes or anoxic encephalopathy, often caused by an
extracranial event such as cardiopulmonary arrest, resulting in prolonged and severe impairment of blood supply to the brain [5,8]. Any
acute large space occupying lesion with brain herniation and compression of the brain stem can also cause brain death. Whatever the
etiology, eventually global cerebral injury leads to marked brain
swelling and destruction of brain parenchyma despite continued advanced life support. The most common mechanistic pathway leading to
brain death is increasing intracranial pressure to the point of cessation
of intracranial blood flow [11,12].
As a result of the inciting event, alterations in blood flow as well as
oxygen and glucose supply leads to local or global injury [5]. Depending on the nature of the inciting event, there is increasing brain
edema which can be intracellular (cytotoxic) secondary to hypoxia and
changes in osmolar regulation [5] or extracellular (vasogenic) secondary to disruption of the blood brain barrier and loss of autoregulation [13]. As the brain is confined to a rigid structure, the cranium, there is limited ability to compensate for the increasing brain
volume as edema progresses [14].
The main compensatory process for maintaining constant intracranial pressure (ICP) is CSF reduction, primarily by CSF resorption
[14]. Once compensatory mechanisms are overcome, ICP rises and
cerebral perfusion pressure decreases (Fig. 1). A threshold is finally
reached at which small increases in brain volume lead to exponential
rises in ICP [15].
When the volume of the expanding brain exceeds the skull volume,
brain herniation will occur [13]. This causes compression and eventual
irreversible damage to the brainstem leading to disruption of respiratory and cardiac centers as well as the reticular activating system
[5], and this injury leads to loss of brainstem reflexes [16]. Respiratory
failure from brainstem compression further exacerbates hypoxia and
causes further increases in ICP[13]. When ICP exceeds arterial
3. Diagnosis
Brain death is a clinical diagnosis that can only be determined when
the clinical situation meets specific prerequisites [22]. First, there must
be clinical or neuroimaging evidence of an acute catastrophic event that
could cause clinical brain death; this is commonly demonstrated on CT
scanning. Secondly, complicating medical conditions that may confound clinical assessment must be excluded, including severe acid-base
disturbances, electrolyte imbalances, or endocrine disturbances. These
must be investigated even if there is an abnormality discovered on
imaging. Third, there must be no drug intoxication or poisoning. Finally, hypothermia must be excluded, and the core temperature must be
greater than 36 °C.
Once these prerequisites are met, clinical examination is appropriate. The diagnosis of brain death is made with documentation of the
three cardinal findings: coma, absence of brain-stem reflexes, and apnea
(Table 1) [8]. Coma is assessed by performing a complete neurological
examination in accordance with the AAN guidelines [8], which includes
testing for absent responses to verbal, visual and painful stimuli on the
face and extremities. Absence of brain-stem reflexes is assessed by examining the pupils, ocular movements, facial motor response, and
Fig. 1. Intracranial pressure and intracranial volume regulation. Total intracranial volume is comprised of the volume of
the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the brain, intracellular and extracellular water, blood volume and any volume contributed
by a possible tumor, hematoma or other mass lesion (8, 12).
An increase in any one of these components must be accompanied by a decrease in another. Increasing intracranial
pressure (ICP) causes arteriolar vasodilation to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) also resulting in increased
cerebral blood volume (CBV). CPP is the driving arterial
pressure gradient across cerebral vasculature demonstrated by
the following relationship: CPP = Mean arterial pressure
(MAP)–ICP (9). With decreasing CPP, arterial vasodilation
occurs to maintain cerebral blood flow in a process called
autoregulation. However, this vasodilation leads to increased
cerebral blood volume (CBV), and a vicious cycle may occur in
which further rises in CBV cause further increases in ICP (9).
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 185 (2019) 105465
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Fig. 2. Gross pathology and microscopy in
cases of clinically diagnosed brain death.
(a) Duret hemorrhages after compression of
the brainstem.
(b) The brain increasingly takes on a dusky,
congested, and discolored appearance.
(c) Microscopy demonstrates cytotoxic edema
in the brain stem with vacuolation of the white
matter neuropil (hematoxylin-eosin stain, original magnification ×400)
but the patient does meet clinical criteria) or false-negative results
(clinical brain death but confirmatory test is negative) [22] (Tables 2
and 3).
Ancillary tests can be divided into tests that evaluate brain function,
such as EEG, and tests that evaluate intracranial blood flow, such as
imaging studies [17]. The tests which have been investigated, validated, and approved by the AAN are cerebral angiography, TCD, and
cerebral scintigraphy [8]. The decision to use a specific ancillary test is
dependent on many factors, including availability, safety of transport,
and diagnostic accuracy [25] and there is no evidence to support use of
one ancillary test over another. Further research would be helpful to
establish guidelines in this regard if ancillary testing is used. The most
specific confirmatory findings on imaging are related to the cerebral
circulatory arrest caused by increased ICP [26], with loss of CBF.
Table 1
Brain death diagnostic criteria [8].
Clinical Criteria
Absence of motor responses to painful stimulus
Absence of response to supraorbital nerve pressure, temporomandibular joint
pressure, sternal rub, or nail-bed pressure
Absence of brain stem reflexes
Absence of pupillary responses, corneal reflexes, caloric responses, gag reflexes,
coughing in response to tracheal suctioning, sucking and rooting reflexes
Absence of respiratory drive
Validated confirmatory tests
Confirmation of loss of electrical activity
Demonstration of loss of cerebral blood flow
Cerebral angiography
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography
Cerebral scintigraphy
4. Variations in clinical practice
There is no international consensus for the diagnosis of brain death
and the role of ancillary testing as there are wide variations in guidelines and legislation [17,27]. Even though the lack of uniformity in
brain death determination has improved over time [7] discordant
practices still abound [28–30]. Some advocate the diagnosis can always
be made clinically if the examination is performed properly and ancillary testing is unnecessary [22]. About half of European countries
routinely require ancillary tests before brain death can be diagnosed
[27]. Others require ancillary testing only when confounding factors
interfere with the clinical determination [31]. In the US, there is no
federal legislation regarding the determination of the diagnosis, and
legal guidelines vary state by state [5,8]. In 2010, the AAN updated the
AANPP with the attempt to standardize the diagnosis, and reiterated
that the diagnosis of brain death can be made without ancillary testing,
also highlighting the as of yet unproven role of newer ancillary methods
such as CTA [7].
pharyngeal and tracheal reflexes [8]. Finally, a positive apnea test is the
absence of breathing when the PaCO2 reaches a target level of
60 mmHg or increases 20 mmHg above the baseline after 8–10 min of
disconnection from the ventilator [8,23]. The key distinction between
adult and pediatric brain death determination is the addition of a
second, confirmatory examination including apnea testing 12 to
24 hours after the initial examination with pediatric patients [24].
If specific components of the clinical testing or the apnea test cannot
be reliably evaluated, or are inconclusive, confirmatory and ancillary
testing can assist in the diagnosis. The most common indication confirmatory testing is performed is the failure to complete the apnea test
[22] and other indications include situations in which cranial nerves
cannot reliably be assessed, such as in patients with skull base or facial
trauma or patients with pre-existing cranial neuropathies [17]. Ancillary tests can lead to false-positive (ancillary test suggests brain death
J. Gastala, et al.
Table 2
Comparison of imaging modalities [17,25,39,42].
Technical Aspects
Potential Pitfalls
Cerebral Angiography
−Separate injections are performed in both
common or internal carotid arteries as well as
vertebral arteries
−Lack of opacification of intracranial ICAs and
vertebral arteries
−Excellent for demonstrating
intracranial blood flow
−Validated by AAN
-Considered “gold standard”
−False positive in hypotensive patients
-Stasis filling
Cerebral Scintigraphy
−Tc-99 HMPAO or ECD most commonly used
-Up to 30 mCi radiotracer may be used
-Validated by AAN
Transcranial Doppler
−2 MHz probe
-Bitemporal and suboccipital acoustic
windows are utilized
−May be performed on 1.5 T or 3 T magnet
−Absence of cerebral uptake, cerebellar
uptake, or both
-Hot nose sign
-Progressive loss of forward flow
− Operator dependent
− Limited availability
− Contrast load
− Radiation dose
− Limited anatomic detail
- Possible damage to transplant
organs with vessel occlusion
−No anatomic detail
-Limited availability
-Diffuse decrease in ADC extending to the
−Transcerebral and transcortical vein signs
-Prominent medullary veins
-Lack of flow above supracliniod ICAs, no
contrast distal to level of ACA and M1 segment
of MCA
−Brain herniation patterns
-Mass, hemorrhage, edema
−Lack of opacification of ICVs is most
-4 and 7 point scales for intracranial
-Matched decrease in CBF and CBV extending
to the brainstem
−No radiation
-Provides anatomic
−Widely Available
-Provides anatomic
−Operator dependent
-Acoustic window may be
−Time consuming
−Not widely available
−Difficult to perform on
ventilated patients
-Variable criteria for intracranial
circulatory arrest
−Radiation dose
−Contrast load with CTA/CTP
-Variable criteria for intracranial
circulatory arrest
−False positive in hypotensive patients
−False negative in decompressive
craniectomy or other reason for intracranial
-Stasis filling
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 185 (2019) 105465
−Protocol typically includes noncontrast CT
brain, with 20 s arterial and a delayed 60 s
venous phase
−Transtentorial and foramen magnum
−Absent intracranial vascular flow voids
−Poor white/gray matter differentiation
-MR hot nose sign
−No radiation
-Validated by AAN
-False negative in decompressive
craniectomy or other reason for intracranial
-False negative in decompressive
craniectomy or other reason for intracranial
−MRI artifacts
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Table 3
Sensitivity and specificity of imaging modalities[8,38,47,59–61,64,69,76–79].
Number of reported proven brain death patients
Number of reported non brain death patients with a positive result
Cerebral Scintigraphy
Transcranial Doppler
274; 226 positive, 48 negative
1311; 1137 positive, 174 negative
64; 59 positiveb, 5 negative
467c; 391 positive, 76 negative
38; 35 positive, 3 negative
All studies but one included only patients which were already clinically diagnosed with brain death. One study of 22 patients included a small number (n = 2) of
patients which were not prospectively diagnosed with brain death.
Positive result with no flow above supraclinoid ICA on MRA or loss of flow void on conventional MRI
Includes studies only for which a 4 point scale could be determined, i.e. two phase exam with explicit examination of 4 point criteria.
A case report of a patient unable to complete apnea testing. A CTA was positive for brain death, but a TCD 9 h following was negative. An HMPAO SPECT study
3 h of after the TCD was positive for brain death.
Fig. 3. Clinically diagnosed brain death in a
43-year-old male with aortic dissection, postoperative course complicated by ischemic
bowel. (a) Tc-99 m HMPAO scintigraphy at the
same day of the CT demonstrates no intracranial vascular flow.
(b, c) Axial and sagittal CTA images demonstrate bilateral transtentorial (arrows) and
tonsillar herniation)(arrowhead). Note a lack
of opacification of intracranial circulation with
no opacification in the internal cerebral veins
and middle cerebral arteries, findings that
confirm brain death.
entry of these arteries to the skull [33,34]. Destruction of the intracerebral vascular tree in conjunction with necrosis related to brain
injury also contributes to the absence of intracranial flow.
The flow pattern in brain death is the reverse of the normal cerebral
vascular filling, in which the low resistance intracranial arteries fill
before the higher resistance extracranial arteries. In brain death, external circulation remains patent, filling rapidly and early. In certain
patients, supratentorial circulation can cease but persistent and delayed
posterior fossa blood flow can be seen, which may result from the
protective effect of the cerebellar tentorium from increased hemispheric
pressure [35].
Despite the advantages of accuracy and resolution, angiography is
invasive, time-consuming, and dependent on the availability and skill of
the operator. Additionally, angiography may inadvertently obstruct
flow within the remaining vessels and cause damage to transplantable
organs of brain death donors. Pitfalls can occur when the patient does
Actual practice patterns also vary widely despite some established
guidelines. For example, in the US, despite guidelines established by
AANPP 2010, a study of patients diagnosed with brain death over a one
year period found that at least one ancillary test had been performed in
about 65.5% of patients, with CTA being performed in 12.8% of those
patients [28]. Therefore, despite the controversial and uneven role
ancillary testing plays in the diagnosis, imaging is still widely used.
5. Imaging in brain death
5.1. Cerebral angiography
Cerebral angiography is considered the gold standard for assessment
of intracranial circulation [32]. In the setting of brain death, flow is
obstructed in the internal carotid and vertebral arteries due to increased
ICP, and angiography will show no intracerebral filling at the level of
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include operator dependence as well as dependence on the available
acoustic window[41].
Cerebral scintigraphy
Multiple radiotracer uptake patterns have been described with
cerebral scintigraphy in the setting of clinical brain death. Typical
agents used include 99mTc hexamethylpropyleneamine ozime
(HMPAO) or 99mTc ethylene cysteine diethyl ether (ECD) with planar
or single photon emission CT (SPECT) [42]. Demonstration of no uptake
within the cerebrum and cerebellum provides straightforward confirmation [43] (Fig. 3a). Another uptake pattern that has been described is the preservation of cerebellar perfusion without cerebral
perfusion. All documented cases with this pattern have eventually been
diagnosed with brain death, but this is still considered an equivocal
finding [26,43]. A rare pattern is absent cerebellar but preserved cerebral uptake [44], which is also equivocal. The “hot nose” sign is another finding referring to increased uptake in the nasal area with
nonfilling of intracranial arteries and can be seen with brain death
[45,46]. As with the other ancillary tests, cerebral scintigraphy has
significant false positive and false negative results when compared to
the clinical exam [22,47].
5.3. CT
In patients suspected of brain death, initial interpretation of the
noncontrast CT scan is essential in helping determine the underlying
cause [48] (Fig. 4a). This may demonstrate single or multiple hemispheric lesions, intracerebral hemorrhage, stroke, tumor, or edema,
corresponding to the initial inciting event. A positive finding on CT,
however, still requires careful consideration of any confounding factors
[48]. A negative CT scan should cast doubt on the diagnosis, although it
still may be falsely normal in certain patients after cardiorespiratory
arrest and acute stroke [9]. The noncontrast CT is of limited use beyond
radiologic evaluation for an inciting cause, as brain edema, trauma, and
ischemia can occur without clinical brain death.
Fig. 4. 57-year-old female with brain death. Initially presented with headaches
and subsequently became unresponsive. (a) Axial noncontrast CT demonstrates
subdural hematoma with midline shift.
(b) Coronal CTA maximum intensity demonstrates external carotid artery
branches and a lack of opacification of intracranial circulation.
5.4. CTA/CTP
CTA has gained attention in the evaluation of brain death as it is a
non-invasive and widely available technique that clearly demonstrates
contrast medium in the vascular system to evaluate cerebral circulation
and is relatively less operator dependent than conventional angiography [49] (Fig. 3b-d). Several vessels have been proposed for the
demonstration of intracerebral circulatory arrest in both arterial and
venous phases [50–54]. Three-dimensional reconstruction images of
CTA can demonstrate external carotid artery branches and a lack of
opacification of intracranial circulation (Fig. 4b,c).
Multiphase spiral CTA provides both anatomical and functional
information of brain death (Fig. 5a-c). In the seminal study by Dupas
et al., 14 clinically brain dead patients were scanned in two phases:
twenty seconds and then 54–60 s after initial injection [50]. Brain death
diagnosis in this study relied on a score based on lack of opacification of
7 intracerebral vessels: the pericallosal arteries, cortical segments of the
middle cerebral arteries (MCA), internal cerebral veins (ICV), and 1
great cerebral vein. Lack of opacification of these vessels indicated
stagnation and arrest of contrast medium at the level of internal carotid
and vertebral arteries with absence of venous blood return. There were
2 brain dead patients who had MCA M1 segment weak opacification,
including one where angiography showed no flow (false negative). The
specificity was 100%, as compared to CTAs of healthy volunteers used
as controls. On the basis of this study, this was accepted as one of the
ancillary tests for brain death diagnosis in France and Netherlands [49].
Additionally, Austria, Switzerland, and Canada adopted its use in confirmation of brain death, even though follow up studies did not replicate the results, with sensitivity ranging from 11 to 48% although
not meet clinical criteria yet the cerebral angiogram is consistent with
brain death (false positive test) [22], or, conversely, when there is
persistence of intracranial circulation in the clinical setting of brain
death, which has been documented in many case reports (false negative
test) [36]. This persistence of blood flow in brain death can affect not
only the interpretation of cerebral angiograms, but also other imaging
methods (such as CTA and MRA) that evaluate cerebral blood flow and
cerebral perfusion. One of the most common scenarios for this phenomenon is when the imaging study has been performed after clinical
brain death, but before the ICP exceeds systolic pressure [36].
5.2. TCD sonography
TCD is inexpensive and noninvasive and can be performed at the
bedside. It is a validated confirmatory test, with sensitivity varying
from 91-99% and specificity of 100% [37]. A systematic review by
Chang et al. showed pooled sensitivity and specificity of 90% and 98%,
respectively, for showing cerebral circulatory arrest [38]. Moreover,
sensitivity increases with time, reaching 100% after 36 h [22]. Yet, false
positive and false negative results (using the clinical exam as reference)
are well documented [22]. TCD in brain death shows cerebral circulatory arrest in the middle cerebral arteries, indicated by characteristic
flow patterns without forward flow progress [37,39,40]. Disadvantages
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Fig. 5. 42-year-old female with brain death. Presented with diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage. (a, b) Axial 3D multiphase CTA images demonstrate delayed opacification of intracranial circulation (a: 24 sec, b: 43 sec after contrast injection).
(c,d) CT perfusion images demonstrate matched and decreased CBV (c) and CBF (d) in the supratentorium and posterior fossa including the brain stem.
there was some variability in the diagnostic criteria and contrast phase
timing [51–53].
Frampas et al. introduced a more simplified 4 point score based on
lack of opacification of the cortical segments of the MCAs and ICVs
[54]. The 4 point scale was more sensitive than the 7 point scale, with a
sensitivity of 85.7% versus 62.8%, respectively. Subsequent studies
have also found absence of opacification of the MCAs and ICVs to be
more sensitive than the 7 point scale for demonstrating brain death
CTP in addition to CTA, with a focus on the brain stem, may be
useful as an additional ancillary tool [57] (Fig. 5d,e). This was demonstrated in a retrospective study of 11 patients by Shankar et al. that
yielded a sensitivity of 100% with CT perfusion in addition to CTA,
using criteria of no flow or matched CBF and CBV reduction within the
brainstem. Comparatively, the sensitivity of both the 4 and 7 point
scales in this study was 72.7% [57]. Another study by Escudero et al. of
27 patients showed a sensitivity of 89% using CTP and CTA [58]. These
studies suggest that CTP in addition to CTA may increase sensitivity,
but this needs to be validated on a larger scale.
Two systematic reviews have assessed the accuracy of CTA in the
diagnosis of brain death [56,59], and another more recent systematic
review has assessed CTA in addition to CTP [60]. In a Cochrane review
by Taylor et al., the sensitivity in 8 studies involving 337 patients was
low at 84% compared to clinical testing; when using only the 4-point
scale, sensitivity was only 85%. Specificity could not be calculated as all
brain dead patients were diagnosed with clinical assessment, and there
were no patients for whom CTA was performed without the clinical
diagnosis. The authors concluded that CTA “may be useful… assuming
that clinicians are aware of the relatively low overall sensitivity” [56].
In a study by Kramer [59], the pooled sensitivity was 62% for venous
phase and 84% for arterial phase imaging in 12 studies involving 541
patients when compared to clinical testing, cerebral angiography, or
radionuclide imaging. The most recent systematic review by Brasil et al.
revealed a sensitivity of 87.5% in 8 studies involving 322 patients using
the 4 point scale but found no benefit for adding CTP based on 2 studies
[60]. Given the low sensitivity in these systematic reviews, a substantial
portion of cases would not be diagnosed as brain death. In all these
studies performed, absence of opacification of the internal cerebral
veins was the most sensitive parameter for the diagnosis of brain death
[52,56,60], although none have evaluated ICV a priori for the diagnosis.
A major limitation in nearly all the previous studies is that all studied patients had already been diagnosed with clinical brain death and
there was no inclusion of patients without the diagnosis. Therefore,
specificity could not be determined on prior studies. A recent study by
Garrett et al. is the first to include a control group of neurologically
critically injured patients which did not meet the clinical criteria for
brain death. While this control group was small (n = 2), the authors
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Fig. 6. Clinically diagnosed brain death after
imaging in an 11-year-old female with anoxic
brain injury. (a) Sagittal T1 weighted image
demonstrates marked diffuse brain edema with
tonsillar herniation (arrow) and brain sagging
(b) Axial T2-weighted images at the level of
the pons shows diffuse obliteration of cortical
sulci and loss of flow voids within the bilateral
ICAs (arrows).
(c) Axial susceptibility-weighted image demonstrates Duret hemorrhages in the center of
the pons.
(d) Axial ADC map demonstrates prominently
decreased ADC in the entire brain stem extending to the medulla (0.25 × 10−5 mm2/
sec) and cerebellum.
(e) Axial susceptibility-weighted image demonstrate transcortical (arrows) and transcerebral (arrowheads) vein signs with prominent
medullary veins.
found a specificity and positive predictive value of 100% compared to
the clinical exam using the 4 point scale [61].
Despite its advantages, CTA is not yet widely accepted as an ancillary test for the diagnosis of brain death with the main obstacle being
insufficient diagnostic confidence [53]. There is also no consensus regarding the radiographic criteria used to demonstrate absence of intracranial blood flow [17]. One major limitation is persistent contrast
enhancement of cerebral vessels, which could be interpreted as persistence of intracranial flow [53], as has been described with cerebral
angiography. This can occur in patients who have had decompressing
fractures or craniectomies, ventricular shunts, as well as brain herniation [36,62].
5.5. MRI/MRA
MRI can demonstrate some characteristic findings in the setting of
brain death. Orrison et al. first identified 6 signs on MRI: 1) transtentorial and foramen magnum herniation, 2) absent intracranial vascular
flow voids, 3) poor gray matter/white matter differentiation, 4) absent
intracranial contrast enhancement, 5) carotid artery enhancement
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Fig. 7. 32-year-old man with brain death.
Initially presented with headache, and.
CSF findings consistent with viral infection.
(a) ADC map reveals marked decreased ADC in
the white matter (0.21 × 10−3 mm2/sec) and
decreased ADC in the cortex (0.51 × 10−3
mm2/sec). Note diffuse obliteration of cortical
sulci. Axial diffusion weighted image (not
shown) showed diffuse increased signal intensity
(b) Decreased ADC is observed in the pons
(0.30 × 10−3 mm2/sec) but not involving the
(c) Intracranial time of flight MR angiography
demonstrates external carotid artery branches
and loss of vascular flow of internal carotid
(d) Dynamic contrast MR angiography shows
loss of vascular flow within the supraclinoid
internal carotid arteries but reveals opacification of intracranial vertebral and basilar arteries.
(intravascular enhancement sign), and 6) prominent nasal contrast and
scalp enhancement (MR hot nose sign) [63] (Fig. 6a, b). Evidence of
brain stem injury with Duret hemorrhages is also well visualized on
gradient recalled echo (GRE) and susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI)
(Fig. 6c). Any of these findings when in isolation, however, are not
specific for brain death. For example, transtentorial and foramen
magnum herniation as well as poor gray matter/white matter differentiation may also be observed in patients with severe hypoxic brain
damage in the absence of brain death [64].
DWI shows diffuse decrease in the ADC values of both white and
gray matter [65] (Fig. 7a). Pathologically, the decreased ADC areas
specifically represent cytotoxic edema. Low ADC values are greater in
white matter than gray matter for both cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres [66], which may reflect cytotoxic edema of different cellular
components in the gray (neurons and glial cells) and white matter
(myelin sheaths, glial cells and axons). Diffusion restriction usually
extends to the brain stem and, variably, the cerebellum [66] (Figs. 6d,
7b). Extensive diffusion restriction, however, may occur in other situations, such as bilateral carotid artery occlusion [67], and this should
be correlated with other findings of brain death. Another confounding
factor is the difference in ADC values between MRI scanners and DWI
protocols, making comparison of absolute threshold values difficult
Findings on SWI and GRE include the transcerebral vein and
transcortical vein signs [69] (Fig. 7d) as well as prominent medullary
veins (Fig. 7d). The transcerebral vein sign refers to multiple and/or
branching dark structures extending through the cerebral hemispheres
parallel or perpendicular to the outer wall of both lateral ventricles; the
transcortical vein sign is accentuated visualization of hemispheric
cortical veins [70]. These have been described in acute stroke among
other etiologies, caused by increased oxygen extraction fraction with
increased deoxyhemoglobin in capillaries and veins [69,71]. Although
these findings can be seen in brain death they are not specific [69].
Time of flight (TOF) MRA (Fig. 7f) and dynamic contrast enhanced
MRA (Fig. 7g) have also been studied in brain death. Ishii et al. first
demonstrated findings on TOF MRA, showing absence of cerebral vessels above the level of the supraclinoid ICAs, indicating cessation of
blood flow[64]. The first study using gadolinium enhanced MRA by
Luchtman et al. showed no intracranial contrast above the level of the
anterior cerebral artery and M1 segment of the MCA, consistent with
the findings on TOF MRA [72].
More recently, spin-labeling perfusion MRI has emerged as a technique for measuring cerebral blood flow. This method generates a
perfusion image by subtracting signal in labeled protons in feeding
arterial vasculature from background signal from unlabeled brain tissue
[73]. This was found to satisfy criteria of brain death in a small series of
patients (Fig. 8a, 8b) [74].
Similar to CTA, there is insufficient diagnostic confidence with MRI
and MRA to be used routinely as a confirmatory test for brain death.
Disadvantages include length of scanning time, lower availability, difficulty obtaining the study on a ventilated patient, and cost.
5.6. Future directions
Further research is necessary to establish validity of CTA and MRA
for determination of brain death. Specifically, greater consensus is
needed to establish radiographic criteria used to identify cessation of
brain blood flow, including prospective assessment of lack of opacification of ICVs for the diagnosis. Other techniques, including CTP and
ASL, have shown some promise, and further studies validating these
techniques is needed.
Finally, resting state functional MRI is a technique that can evaluate
functional neuroanatomic connectivity not possible with conventional
imaging and provides a tremendous amount of additional information.
This neuroanatomic connectivity has been shown to be decreased in
vegetative state and brain death patients in a single-case study [75].
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 185 (2019) 105465
J. Gastala, et al.
Although this is not as widely available as other imaging modalities,
further studies with greater power may be fruitful in establishing the
role of this technique in the diagnosis.
Brain death is caused by global irreversible brain injury. Early recognition is important to provide closure for loved ones, prevent unnecessary interventions, and support organ transplantation if applicable. Brain death remains a clinical diagnosis. However, there are
circumstances in which confirmatory tests may be helpful. Imaging
tests can demonstrate the absence of cerebral perfusion although the
ultimate diagnosis relies on the clinical findings. Imaging in brain death
continues to be performed and recognizing the imaging findings, as well
as knowing the limitations of these imaging modalities, may aid in the
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