International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities
Vol. 6, No. 2 (2014), pp. 206-213
ISSN 2248-9010 (Online), ISSN 2250-0715 (Print)
Defense Industry and Threats
Cheng-Te Lee
(Corresponding Author)
Department of International Trade
Chinese Culture University
55, Hwa-Kang Road, Yang-Ming-Shan
Taipei City 11114, Taiwan
[email protected]
Yo-Yi Huang
Institute of Applied Economics
National Taiwan Ocean University
2, Pei-Ning Road, Keelung 20224, Taiwan
[email protected]
Kuo-Hsing Kuo
Department of International Trade
Chinese Culture University
55, Hwa-Kang Road, Yang-Ming-Shan
Taipei City 11114, Taiwan
[email protected]
(Received: 27-9-13 / Accepted: 11-11-13)
This paper sets up a dynamic optimization model to analyze the impact of military threats on
defense industry. We prove that a rise in the foreign military threats will result in the shift of
economic resources from the civilian sector to the defense sector. As a result, civilian sector
shrinks and defense sector expands, a phenomenon resemble to so-called ‘Dutch disease’ in
the trade literature.
Keywords: Defense industry; Threats; Resources allocation; Dutch disease.
1. Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of military threats on defense industry.
Clearly, military spending is an indicator of the amount of economic resources devoted to
military activities. During the cold war period, the East-West struggle has evolved into the
arms race, leading to an increase in the worldwide military spending. After the cold war, the
military threats reduce and thus many countries accelerate the shift of resources from the
defense sector to the civilian sector. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Yearbook (1999) states that world military spending has been on a declining trend during the
period of 1987-1999. The reduction in world military spending is more than one-third; more
International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2014), 206-213
specifically the strong cuts have been made in Europe by 55%, America 30%, and Africa 25%.
In the meantime, the reduction in military spending has also caused a dramatic wave of
defense industry mergers in America in which the defense industry is whittled down from a
group of about fifteen companies to the five companies of Lockheed Martin, Boeing,
Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman. 1 As indicated by Markusen and
Costigan (1999), the total defense-related employment in the world has fallen by 6.5 million
workers during the period of 1987-1995. Obviously, these workers should migrate from the
defense sector to the civilian sector.
It was not until the 911-event of terrorist attacks, the world military spending rebounded and
began to rise on an upward trend.2 Thereafter, the controversial defense programs of European
and America are more likely to swim through on a rising tide of national insecurity.
Meanwhile, the defense-related employment is expected to accelerate uptrend, corresponding
to the phenomenon of return migration from the civilian sector to the defense sector.3 In other
words, the military threats will cause the reallocation of economic resources, leading to
shrinkage or expansion of defense industry, see Bouthoul (1969). However, what we have
observed from the above story is that an increase in the military threats will lead to the
expansion of the defense industry and the shrinkage of other civilian sectors or conventional
manufacturing sectors, a similar phenomenon of so-called ‘Dutch disease’ in the literature on
trade theory.4
Our paper is formally to analyze the above-mentioned interesting phenomenon of the Dutchdisease induced by the military threats. More specifically, we will set up a dynamic
optimization framework to analyze the impact of the military threats on the defense industry.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents a simple dynamic optimization
model. Section 3 presents the comparative static analysis. Section 4 concludes the paper.
2. Model
Consider a theoretical model consisting of the home country and the foreign country, and
suppose that the home country is a small open economy which is confronted with foreign
military threats. There are two sectors in home country: the civilian sector and the defense
sector. The civilian sector produces consumption goods (C) and the defense sector produces
weaponry (R). The home country derives utility from consumption, and the home weapon
stock, and disutility from the foreign weapon stock ( M ∗ ): U (C , R, M ∗ ) . Assume that
U (C , R, M ∗ ) is concave and continuously differentiable in its arguments. Following Brtio
(1972), Simaan and Cruz (1975), Deger and Sen (1983, 1984), van der Ploeg and de Zeeuw
(1990), Zou (1995), and Chang et al. (1996, 2002), the instantaneous utility function U
satisfies the following assumptions:
U1 > 0, U 2 > 0, U 3 < 0, U11 < 0, U 22 < 0,
U12 = U 21 ≥ 0, U13 = U 31 ≤ 0, U 23 = U 32 > 0.
Let U i represent the derivative of the utility function with respect to the ith argument.
Similarly, U ij represents the derivative of U i with respect to j th argument. The
aforementioned assumptions imply that the marginal utility from consumption and home
See The Economist (8280 July 2002, pp. 62-63).
See SIPRI Yearbook (2006).
See The Economist (8242 October 2001, pp. 57-58).
The Economist (26 November 1977, pp. 82-83) first describes the phenomenon of ‘Dutch disease’.
The phenomenon originally refers to the adverse effects on Dutch manufacturing caused by the natural
gas discoveries of the 1960s.
Cheng-Te Lee et al.
weapon stock is positive and diminishing. In addition, the marginal utility from foreign
military threat is negative. The assumption U 13 = U 31 < 0 implies that more foreign weapon
stocks reduces the marginal utility of consumption, whereas U 12 = U 21 > 0 states that a rise
in the home weapon stock raises the marginal utility of consumption, similarly,
U 23 = U 32 > 0 asserts that an increase in the foreign military threat will increase the
marginal utility of home country’s weapon stocks. Moreover, the assumption U 13 = U 31 =
U 12 = U 21 = 0 implies that the utility function is separable between the consumption and the
weapon stocks.
The civilian sector and the defense sector employ labor and capital as inputs. Labor and
capital are intersect orally mobile. Hence, the production function of the consumption goods
is expressed as:
Y = F ( L, K ),
FL > 0, FK > 0, FLK = FKL > 0, FLL < 0, FKK < 0 ,
Where L denotes the labor employment and K represents the capital employment in civilian
sector. Similarly, the production function of the weaponry is specified as: G ( LR , K R ) ,
G LR > 0 , G K R > 0 , G LR K R = G K R LR > 0 , G LR LR < 0 , G K R K R < 0 , where LR denotes the
labor employment and KR represents the capital employment in defense sector. The
production functions are assumed to be linearly homogeneous, and the marginal products of
labor and capital are positive and diminishing in both civilian and defense sectors. Let L and
K represent the endowment of labor and capital respectively. The full-employment
conditions for labor and capital can be derived as:
L + LR = L ,
K + KR = K .
Following McMillan (1978), the weapon accumulation in the home country is:
R&= G(LR, KR) − δR , δ ≥ 0 ,
Where δ represents the depreciation rate of the weapon stock. Substituting equations (1a)
and (1b) into equation (2a), we have:
R&= G( L –L, K –K) − δR .
The household budget constraint can be described as:
PF ( L, K ) + G ( L − L, K − K ) = PC + T ,
Where P represents the relative price of the consumption goods, and T is a lump-sum tax.
The objective is to maximize the discounted sum of utility over an infinite horizon with a
constant rate of time preference ( ρ ), and 0 < ρ < 1:
max ∫ U (C , R, M ∗ )e − ρ t dt ,
Subject to equations (2b) and (3). The initial home weapon stock is given as R0.
To solve the optimization problem, we specify the corresponding Hamiltonian as following:
International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2014), 206-213
Ham = U (C , R, M ∗ ) + λ[G ( L − L, K − K ) − δR ]
+ γ [ PF ( L, K ) + G ( L − L, K − K ) − PC − T ] .
Where λ is the costate variable which can be interpreted as the marginal contribution of
weaponry to utility. The variable γ represents the shadow price of the consumption goods.
Normalize prices so that γ =1. Hence, the first-order necessary conditions for the
optimization are:
U 1 (C , R, M ∗ ) = P ,
P FL ( L, K ) = (λ + 1)G LR ( L − L, K − K ) ,
P FK ( L, K ) = (λ + 1)G K R ( L − L, K − K ) ,
λ&= ( ρ + δ )λ − U 2 (C , R, M ∗ ) ,
lim Rλe − ρ t = 0 ,
t →∞
and equations (2b) and (3). Equation (5a) says that the marginal utility of consumption is
equal to its price. Equation (5b) implies the equality of the marginal productivity of labor
between the civilian sector and the defense sector. Equation (5c) implies the equality of the
marginal productivity of capital between the civilian sector and the defense sector. The
familiar Euler condition is giver by equation (5d), which governs the optimal choice between
consumption and weapon accumulation. The transversality condition is given by equation (5e).
Let τ denote the tax rate. The lump-sum tax revenue can be described as:
T = τ [ PF ( L, K ) + G ( L − L, K − K )] .
The government is assumed to collect its lump-sum tax revenue to purchase the armament
and then freely offers internal and external security. Hence, the government budget constraint
τ [ PF ( L, K ) + G ( L − L, K − K )] = G ( L − L, K − K ) ,
G ( L − L, K − K ) =
PF ( L, K ) .
Combining (5b) with (5c), we have:
FL ( L, K )G K R ( L − L, K − K ) = FK ( L, K )G LR ( L − L, K − K ) .
Solving equation (8a), we have:
K = K ( L, L , K ) ,
Cheng-Te Lee et al.
> 0.
Substituting equations (6) and (7) into equation (3), we have:
Substituting equations (5a), (8b) and (9) into equation (5b), we have:
U 1 ( F ( L, K ( L, L , K )), R, M ∗ ) FL ( L, K ( L, L , K ))
= (λ + 1)GLR ( L − L, K − K ( L, L , K )) .
Substituting equations (8b) and (9) into equations (2b) and (5d), we have:
R&= G ( L − L, K − K ( L, L , K )) − δR ,
λ&= ( ρ + δ )λ − U 2 ( F ( L, K ( L, L , K )), R, M ∗ ) .
Differentiating equation (10a) with respect to time, we get:
1 G LR &
λ − U 12 R&] ,
∆U 1 FL
U 11 ( FL + FK Λ ) ( FLL + FLK Λ ) (G LR LR + G LR K R Λ )
< 0,
U 1 FL
ψ = U 11 FL FL + U 1 FLL + (λ + 1)G L L + Λ[U 11 FL FK + U 1 FLK + (λ + 1)G L K ] < 0 .5
Substituting equations (10a), (10b) and (10c) into equation (11a), we have:
U 2 G LR U 12
L&= [( ρ + δ )(1 −
(G − δR)] .
U 1 FL
U 1 FL
Equation (11b) states how the labor will mobilize intersectorally over time. Therefore,
equations (11b) and (10b) describe the transitional dynamics of the economy. In
characterizing the steady-state equilibrium of the model, we get that there exists a unique
stationary state (i.e., R , and L ), which satisfies L&= R&= 0 . Appendix states the stability
analysis of the dynamic system. The phase diagram is illustrated in Figure 1. The point E is a
saddle point. The path SS is the unique saddle path.
In the next section, we will explore the impact of the foreign weapon stock on the labor
employment of civilian sector and the home weapon stock at the steady-state equilibrium.
Using the assumption of the linearly homogeneous production function and the relationship of the
first-order conditions, we can prove that ψ <0 is hold.
International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2014), 206-213
L&= 0
R&= 0
Figure 1: Stably dynamic system
3. Comparative Static Analysis
At the steady-state equilibrium, the economy is characterized by R&= λ&= 0 and L, R, and λ
~ ~
are at their stationary level, in other words, L , R , and λ . From equations (10a), (10b) and
(10c), we can derive the steady-state relationships as follows:
< 0,
(G LR + G K R Λ) ∂M ∗
∂M ∗
(G LR + G K R Λ )
[( ρ + δ ) FLU 13 − G LR U 23 ] > 0 ,
Ω = −( ρ + 2δ )U 12 FL G LR (1 +
Λ) + δ ( ρ + δ )ψ + U 22 G LR (G LR + G K R Λ) < 0 ,
A = −(GLR + G K R Λ) FL (U 12U 23 − U 13U 22 ) + δU 23ψ − δU 13U 21 FL ( FL + FK Λ) .
Equation (12a) indicates that a rise in the foreign threats has a negative impact on the labor
employment of civilian sector. From equation (8c), we also can prove that a rise in the foreign
threats has a negative impact on the capital employment of civilian sector. In other words, an
increase in the foreign military threats will result in the shift of economic resources from the
civilian sector to the defense sector. Equation (12b) states that an increase in the foreign
threats leads to more home weapon stocks. Equation (12c) describes that the relationship
between the foreign threats and the shadow price of home weapon stocks is ambiguous.
However, if the utility function is separable between the consumption and the weapon stocks
(i.e., U 13 = U 31 = U 12 = U 21 = 0), equation (12c) definitely indicates that a rise in the
foreign threats will increase the shadow price of home weapon stocks (see Chang et al. (1996)
and Lee (2007)). Therefore, we get the following proposition:
Proposition 1: An increase in the foreign threats will lead to the shift of economic resources
Cheng-Te Lee et al.
from the civilian sector to the defense sector, and vice versa.
Proposition 2: A rise in the foreign threats will lead to the booming defense industry, and
vice versa, a similar phenomenon of so-called ‘Dutch disease’ in the trade literature.
4. Conclusions
This paper sets up a dynamic optimization model to analyze the impact of the military threats
on the defense industry. We prove that an increase in the foreign military threats will lead to
the shift of labor and capital from the civilian sector to the defense sector, and vice versa.
Namely, an increase in the foreign military threats will result in the shift of economic
resources from the civilian sector to the defense sector. As a result, civilian sector shrinks and
defense sector expands, a phenomenon resemble to so-called ‘Dutch disease’ in the trade
In order to examine the stability of the dynamic system, we rewrite equations (11b) and (10b)
which describe the dynamics of the economy as follows:
L&= H ( L, R, M ∗ ) ,
R&= J ( L, R, M ∗ ) .
Expanding equations (A.1) and (A.2) around the stationary values of L and R , we get:
L& H L
& =
H R L − L
~ ,
J R R − R
HL =
HR =
G LR [( ρ + δ ) + U 2 ]
U 1 FL
G L U 22
[( H L + δ )U 12 − R
∆U 1
JL = − (GLR + GK R Λ) < 0,
JR = − δ < 0.
Let Hi and Ji represent the derivatives of the functions H and J with respect to the variable i
respectively, where i= L, R. The slopes of loci L&= 0 and R&= 0 from equations (A.1) and
(A.2) are:
> 0,
< 0.
L&= 0
R&= 0
International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2014), 206-213
Assume that µ1 and µ 2 are the two characteristic roots that satisfy the dynamic system
described by equations (A.1) and (A.2), we have:
µ1µ 2 = HLJR – HRJL < 0.
Obviously, the two characteristic roots of the dynamic system are opposite signs, µ1 < 0 < µ 2 .
Therefore, we indicate that the system displays the saddle-point stability and prove that there
exists a unique saddle path SS in the dynamic system. However, the slope of saddle path SS is
positive as following:
[H L − µ1
H R ]νν 1 = 0 ⇒
> 0,
H L − µ1
Where [v1 v 2 ] represents the characteristic vector. Meanwhile, the slope of saddle path SS is
smaller than the slope of loci L&= 0 .
We are grateful to the editor and the anonymous referees for useful comments on the earlier
version of this paper. Any remaining errors are our responsibility.
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