Karl Popper es uno de los grandes defensores del liberalismo y de la sociedad abierta, pero tambien es uno de los mayores criticos del propio liberalismo, pues considera que este presenta una serie de puntos debiles que deben ser analizados y resueltos. Por eso su ataque no solo va dirigido a sus enemigos, sino tambien a aquellos pensadores liberales que no defienden la sociedad abierta con la suficiente solidez intelectual Popper propone que abandonemos algunas ideas ingenuas de la propia tradicion liberal y las sustituyamos por planteamientos mas solidos y sosfisticados. En este articulo revisaremos estos topicos y la reformulacion que Popper propone. Abstract Karl Popper is one of the great defenders of liberalism and open society, but he is also one of the main critics of liberalism itself, as he consideers that it has many week points that are in need of analysis and solutions. Therefore his attack is directed not only to his enemies, but also to those liberal thinkers who do not defend open society with enough intellectual solidity. Popper proposes to abandon some naive ideas of the very liberal tradition and to replace them with more solid and sophisticated viewpoints. In this paper we review these topics and the changes of frame posed by Popper.
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