IET Optoelectronics
Research Article
Performance enhancement of OCDMA
systems for LAN consideration
ISSN 1751-8768
Received on 13th April 2016
Revised 19th May 2016
Accepted on 5th June 2016
doi: 10.1049/iet-opt.2016.0044
Hichem Mrabet1 , Sofien Mthali2
Department, College of Computation and Informatics Saudi Electronic University, Saudi Arabia
Lab., Tunisia Polytechnic School, La Marsa, Tunis, Tunisia
[email protected]
Abstract: In this study, the performance of optical code-division-multiple-access (OCDMA) systems using 2D optical codes,
taking into account an optical channel in local area network context is investigated. The authors demonstrate that one can
enhance the 3-dB multi-mode fibre baseband bandwidth up to 4 GHz by exciting only two mode groups with the optimal axial
launching. It has been demonstrated, that the OCDMA system performance can achieve a very low bit-error-rates in the range
of −9 dBm. Furthermore, a large number of simultaneous users can be supported. In the authors’ treatment, the effect of both
multiple access interference and modal dispersion are considered. Nonetheless, an OCDMA successive interference
cancellation receiver is used to foster a better system performance.
In a matter of fact, it is known that optical code-division-multipleaccess (OCDMA) is an advantageous technique for sharing the
total bandwidth of the optical channel. The common problems, in
this case, are due to the effects of multiple access interference
(MAI), optical beat noise and channel dispersion. Previous works
have shown that optical beat noise can be minimised by choosing a
longer code with minimal cross-correlation constraint [1].
OCDMA technique based on code attribution for each user using
the system. There exist three families of OCDMA codes, 1D
optical codes, 2D optical codes [2] and 3D optical codes [3]. The
2D optical codes are used to avoid problems associated with long
codes and low weights of 1D optical codes. Several families of 2D
optical codes, such as 2D OOC [4], prime hop system (PHS) and
hybrid code (HC) [5] can be generated. In this paper, we try to
investigate an analytic study with the help of the error probability
of OCDMA system using 2D-OCDMA codes. The performance of
OCDMA systems can be improved using a successive interference
cancellation (SIC) based receivers compared with conventional
correlation receiver (CCR) [1]. This improvement is translated into
a very low error rates, and an enhancement of system performance.
Recently, optical communication has shown to play an
important role in multimedia transmission through the Internet
using a fibre channel. In literature, there are two families of fibres,
such as, multi-mode fibre (MMF) and single mode fibre (SMF). On
one hand, MMFs are used in short distance, like local area network
(LAN) and metropolitan area network [6, 7]. On the other hand,
SMFs are used in long haul system, such as wide area network, and
wavelength-division multiplexing system [8, 9].
According to IUT recommendation G651.1 [10] for MMF, one
can support from 10 Mb/s to 10 Gb/s and hence their deployment
as backbone architecture in LANs, storage area networks and
wireless LANs [11]. Several applications using MMF in many
fields are developed, such as, Ethernet [12], MIMO system using
MGDM techniques [13] and fibre-channel redundant array of
independent disks system [14]. Furthermore, there are two kinds of
MMF related to the shape of index, such as, step-index used in
short distance and graded-index to mitigate modal dispersion
related to step-index and can reach a distance over then 100 km
In LAN context, communication is characterised by a short
distance and a small number of simultaneous (active) users, MMF
is a good candidate used in the 850 and 1300 nm region [15]. In
such networks, communications should support high levels of
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security, low bit-error rates (BERs), and high data rates to ensure
good quality of services (QoS). On one hand, the high-security
levels can be assured through the use of 2D, time and wavelength
domains, optical codes. On the other hand, low BERs in the range
of −9 dBm can be achieved using MMF with a 3-dB baseband
bandwidth that is more than 4 GHz (i.e. exciting a limited number
of mode groups) [16, 17].
In addition, we have performed the modal dispersion of MMF
in [16] with different kind of excitation techniques. Hence, this
study is the logic continuity of our previous works [1, 16], and we
try to investigate system performance of 2D-OCDMA codes using
MMF channel in LAN context. We also try to employ the OCDMA
SIC receiver to enhance the system performance.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, the
system model is presented. In Section 3, we investigate a
performance analysis of the OCDMA system, in terms of BER
with considering an analytic model. Nonetheless, in Section 4, a
power budget calculation of the proposed system is performed.
Finally, our conclusions are deduced.
System model
As shown in Fig. 1, the system model is composed of three main
elements; an OCDMA transmitter, an optical star channel model
and OCDMA receiver. After the channel model, an OCDMA
receiver is used to recover the transmitted user data.
2.1 Transmitter model
The OCDMA transmitter is composed of OCDMA encoder
followed by a vertical-cavity-surface-emitting laser (VCSEL). In
this work, a VCSEL is used to couple a small number of mode
groups into the MMF core in order to improve the MMF baseband
bandwidth and penalty signal in the LAN context.
As depicted in Fig. 2, the transmitter architecture is composed
of an OCDMA encoder, a multiplier and a VCSEL optical
transmitter. The OCDMA encoder generates the 2D-OCDMA code
ck(t), and a VCSEL transmitter converts the electrical signal to
optical signal using an optical carrier.
At the end of each user transmitter system we have the
following output signal:
�� � = �� � �� � exp �2��c�
�(�, �) =
�1(�) 1 − 2Δ(�)
� 1/2
�1(�)[1 − 2Δ(�)]1/2
where r is an offset distance from the core centre, λ is the
wavelength emitted by the laser, α is the index exponent, n1(λ) is
the core peak index, Δ(λ) is the refractive-index contrast and a is
the core radius of the fibre. The MMF is known to support a finite
number of optical modes which can be analysed by solving
Fig. 1 OCDMA system architecture
Fig. 2 OCDMA transmitter architecture
Fig. 3 Star channel model
Where bk(t) is the kth user data, and ck(t) is the optical code of the
kth user, exp() is the exponential function, and fc is the optical
carrier of the VCSEL transmitter.
It is known that for PHS and HC generated with a prime
number (P), the OCDMA system can support P(P−1) and P(P + 1)
users, respectively, and the cross correlation varies between 0 and 1
[1]. In our development, we employ both PHS and HC due to their
attractive features such as the large multiplexing capacity and good
correlation properties.
2.2 Channel model
As shown in Fig. 3, the star channel model of the proposed system
is composed of a coupler, a MMF channel and a number of spans
block loop. The role of the number of the spans block loop is to
provide the number of MMF to meet the length link user
At the coupler output, the overall transmitted signal through the
optical fibre s(t), can be expressed as:
�(�) =
ℎmodal(�)����(� − �)exp(�2��c�)
where N is the total number of active users.
The received OCDMA signal at the MMF output is given by:
�(�) =
Where ϕ is the propagation delay caused by the MMF channel.
The modal transfer function in terms of the inverse Fourier
transform is given by:
ℎmodal(�) =
�(�, �, �)e���d� .
In this study, we consider a graded-index optical MMF,
characterised by a-class refractive index profile which can be
expressed as:
Maxwell's equations. In this case, guided optical modes can be
grouped into families of modes with propagation properties
described by the same propagation constant. In an MMF, the total
number of mode groups that can be guided is given by:
�(�) = 2��
�1(�) �Δ(�)
The modal transfer function of the MMF is represented by [17]:
�modal(�, �, �) =
2�ℜ(�, �, �, �)d�
where z is the fibre transmission length, ω represents the baseband
angular frequency, ℜ(�, �, �, �) is the modal power distribution,
and x is the normalised mode group number, defined as x = m/M(λ)
with m being the principal mode number. Note that the mode
number m is a discrete integer parameter which takes values
ranging from unity to M(λ). The modal power distribution is
described by the following power flow equation:
∂ℜ(�, �, �, �)
= − ���(�, �) + �(�, �)ℜ(�, �, �, �)
1 ∂
∂ℜ(�, �, �, �)
�d(�, �)
� ∂�
where τ(x, λ) is the modal delay, γ(x, λ) is the modal attenuation,
and d(x, λ) is the mode-coupling coefficient. Note that the power
flow equation represents the modal power distribution as a function
of frequency in Fourier domain. In fact, several techniques are used
for exciting modes in MMF as the axial launching and the offset
launching [18, 19]. In the case of axial excitation with Gaussian
input beam, the excitation mode can be simulated by computing the
launching efficiency as the overlap integral of the electrical field of
each fibre mode with the electrical field of the incident light. A
particular centre launching technique, named mode-field matched
centre excites only the fundamental mode in MMF and avoids the
inherent limitation caused by the differential mode delay [20]. In
our study, we have considered the fibre axial excitation with a
Gaussian input beam. The numerical aperture (N.A.) of silica
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Fig. 4 Receiver architecture
optical fibre is in the range of 0.16–0.65 whereas the numerical
aperture of the beam spot is approximately given by the relation
N.A. = λ/πw, with w being the spot beam radius measured from the
core centre. We can reasonably assume that for a relatively large
spot size, the N.A of the Gaussian beam is smaller than that of the
optical fibre at w. In this case, the excited number of mode groups
with the Gaussian beam is:
�GB(�) = �(�)
+ 2�2�21(�)Δ(�)
2 (� + 2)/(2�)
. (9)
An optimised Gaussian spot radius can lead to excitation of a small
number of mode groups. Hence, the optimal spot radius is given
�opt =
1/(� + 2)
2/(� + 2)
In [16], it was shown that an optimal axial launching technique can
enhance the baseband bandwidth of the underlying MMF and also
reduce the signal penalty. Furthermore, a spot radius equal to 10
μm which produces two excited groups of modes in silica optical
fibre was shown to be optimal.
2.3 Receiver model
As depicted in Fig. 4, the received architecture is composed of PIN
receiver, and a CCR or SIC receiver.
The PIN receiver convert the optical signal to electrical signal
and generates the following signal:
�1(�) =
ℎmodal(�)����(� − �) + �(�)
Where n(t) is the transceiver and the photo-detector noise. In this
study, we consider the transceiver and photo-detector noise to be
small and hence can be neglected.
Knowing the desired code user ck(t) the CCR or SIC receiver
give the estimated bit user ��(�).
To reduce the effect of MAI, several multi-user detectors have
been introduced in the literature. Among these detectors, the
parallel interference cancellation and SIC receivers have shown to
be promising [1].
In this paper, two types of OCDMA receivers are analysed;
namely the OCDMA CCR and the OCDMA SIC based receiver.
BER analysis
We consider a 50/125 μm MMF with short length equal to 5 Km
operating at 1300 nm. We investigate the OCDMA system
Table 1 System parameters
undesired user threshold (ThN)
desired user threshold (Th1)
prime number (P)
core/cladding radius MMF
mode-coupling constant
refractive index exponent
intrinsic fibre attenuation
total number of excited groups
50/125 µm
6.5 × 10–5 km–1
0.55 dB/km
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performance for both ideal and realistic MMF channels. Table 1
presents the system parameters used in our study.
3.1 Ideal channel
For comparison purposes, we first consider the BER of OCDMA
systems in ideal channels. Let the number of interfering users be
modelled as a binomial distribution with parameter N−1 and PrI
(the average probability of hits). Then, the probability of error can
be expressed as [1]:
Pe ≤
1 �−1 � − 1
( Pr )�(1 − Pr )� − 1 − �
2 � =∑�ℎ
where Th is the receiver threshold value. The BER as a function of
the minimum probability of error is then given by [21]:
BER�� = 10log10 ��min
where Pemin is the minimum probability of error.
Fig. 5 shows the BER of an OCDMA system using both the
PHS and the HC as a function of the number of active users with
the optimal threshold employed in the CCR and SIC with different
interference cancellation stages and P = 17. It can be seen from
Fig. 5 that the SIC receiver with PHS can support a larger number
of simultaneous users than the CCR at a BER value equal to 10−9.
The same observation is also clear for the HC case.
We can say that when the number of users is increasing, then
MAI is increasing also. In this case, the probability of error is
increasing, but BER is decreasing. Hence, we can conclude that we
have a degradation of OCDMA system performance, in terms of
BER when the number of users is increasing.
If we would increase the number of active users in OCDMA
system, we should increase the parameters of 2D-OCDMA codes,
called the prime number P. At a given prime number P, the
OCDMA system can support P(P − 1) and P(P + 1) users,
respectively, for the PHS and HC. As shown in Table 1, the prime
number is taken equal to 17, hence the maximum theoretical
number of users with considering MAI only is equal to 272 and
306, respectively, for PHS and PC as shown in Table 2. As
depicted in Fig. 5, we consider only the number of active users for
BER value equal to 10−9 to take the maximum advantage of the
fibre at rate speed equal to 1 Gbit/s. If we want to increase the
number of active users, so the BER value is decreased. As an
example from Fig. 5, we can reach a number of users equal to 200
and 300, respectively, with a BER value equal to 10−3 and 10−4 for
PHS and HC, respectively, when a CCR receiver is used.
To make a comparison, in terms of system performance and to
show the added value of our SIC receiver compared with CCR
receiver, we add the Q-factor in dB related to the BER with the
following expressing:
� dB = 20log10( 2 erfc−1(2BER))
According to Fig. 5, at 200 users for the PHS code, the BER value
is equal to 10−3 and 10−6 for the CCR and the SIC receiver for 5
stages, respectively. Hence, the Q-factor when using (14) is equal
to 12.59, and 14.98 dB, respectively.
As a result, we can deduce that the SIC receiver can improve
the system performance by about 14.98–12.59 = 2.39 dB for the
given number of active users.
As depicted in Fig. 5, at 300 users for the HC code, the BER
value is equal to 10−4 and 10−7 for the CCR and the SIC receiver
Fig. 5 OCDMA system performances with an ideal channel
(a) PHS, (b) HC
Fig. 6 OCDMA system performances with MMF channel
(a) PHS, (b) HC
for 5 stages respectively. Hence, the Q-factor when using (14) is
equal to 11.40, and 14.98 dB, respectively.
As a result, we can conclude that the SIC receiver can improve
the system performance by about 14.98–11.40 = 3.39 dB at 300
active users.
3.2 MMF channel
When considering a realistic channel such as the MMF, both MAI
and modal dispersion need to be examined. Here we examine the
impact of modal dispersion caused by the propagation of several
groups of modes in MMF standard core on system performance.
The probability error of OCDMA system considering the MMF
channel can be written as:
Pe ≤
� = Th
( Pr� )�(1 − Pr� )� − 1 − � 2�ℜ(�, �, �, �
Table 2 Users capacity with P = 17 and BER equal to –9
theoretical number
ideal channel with CCR
ideal channel with SIC
MMF channel with SIC
MMF channel with optimal axial launching
In Fig. 6, we present the BER of the OCDMA system using 2D
optical codes and SIC receiver with three and five stages of
interference cancellation and taking into account the effect of
modal dispersion. The system performance is reported with the
optimal axial launching technique for excitation in the case of P =
From Fig. 6, it can be observed that the number of simultaneous
users is smaller than the ideal case for both the PHS and the HC
due to the effects of modal dispersion.
According to Fig. 6, at 200 users for the PHS code, the BER
value is equal to 10−5 and 10−6 for the SIC receiver with three
stages and the SIC receiver with five stages, respectively, with
considering modal dispersion. Hence, the Q-factor when using (14)
is equal to 11.4, and 12.59 dB, respectively.
As a result, we can deduce that the SIC receiver with five stages
can improve the system performance compared with SIC receiver
with three stages by about 12.59–11.4 = 1.19 dB for the given
number of active users.
As depicted in Fig. 6, at 300 users for the HC code, the BER
value is equal to 10−6 and 10−7 for the SIC receiver with three
stages and the SIC receiver with five stages, respectively, with
considering modal dispersion. Hence, the Q-factor when using (14)
is equal to 12.59, and 13.54 dB, respectively.
As a result, we can conclude that the SIC receiver with five
stages can improve the system performance compared with SIC
with three stages by about 13.54–12.59 = 0.95 dB at 300 active
Fig. 7 shows the BER of the OCDMA system using 2D optical
codes and SIC receiver with five stages of interference cancellation
and different axial launching techniques (i.e. full mode excitation,
optimal axial excitation, and mode field matched axial launching).
From these results, one can see that the system can support a large
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Fig. 7 OCDMA system performances as a function of various axial launching techniques
(a) PHS, (b) HC
Table 3 Bubget power calculation
emitted average power (dBm)
-connectors attenuation (dB)
-star coupler attenuation (dB)
-system margin (dB)
-received average power (dBm)
=available attenuation (a)
maximal fibre length
5.14 Km
10.82 Km
number of active users for the PHS and HC when the optimal axial
launching is used. However, the user capacity can be enhanced
further by employing mode field matched axial launching with P =
According to Fig. 7, at 200 users for the PHS code, the BER
value is equal to 9.4 10−7, 4.810−7 and 1.110−7 for the full mode
excitation, optimal axial launching and mode field launching,
respectively. Hence, the Q-factor when using (14) is equal to 12.62,
12.92 and 13.5 dB, respectively.
As a result, we can deduce that the optimal axial launching can
improve the system performance by about 12.92 –12.62 = 0.3 dB
compared with full mode excitation for the given number of active
As depicted in Fig. 7, at 300 users for the HC code, the BER
value is equal to 1.310−7, 6.910−8 and 1.710−8 for the full mode
excitation, optimal axial launching and mode field launching.
Hence, the Q-factor when using (14) is equal to 13.44, 13.67 and
14.15 dB, respectively.
As a result, we can conclude that the optimal axial launching
can improve the system performance by about 13.67 –13.44 = 0.23
dB compared with full mode excitation at 300 active users.
As shown in Table 2, we can reach a user capacity system equal
to 120 and 150 for PHS and HC, respectively, when MMF channel
is considered with optimal axial launching and a BER value equal
to –9 dBm(10−9).
Power budget
The cost performance of OCDMA system is calculated as optical
power budget when using a LED and a VCSEL laser in the
transmitter and a PIN for the receiver as shown in Table 3.
As depicted in Table 3, the emitted average power of the
transmitter is equal to 50 µW and 5 mW for the LED and the
VCSEL respectively. In addition, The receiver average power of a
PIN receiver is equal to –42 dBm for a BER equal to –9 dBm
acceptable in optical context.
According to Agrawal [15], the fibre cable loss(α) for MMF is
equal to 3.5 dB/Km, the available attenuation for the proposed
OCDMA system is equal to 18 and 37.5 for LED and VCSEL
As a result, we retrieve that the maximal distance between the
transmitter and the receiver for the proposed system is equal to
5.14 and 10.82 Km for LED, and VCSEL respectively.
We have analysed the performance of OCDMA systems with 2D
optical codes taking into account the effect of both MAI and modal
dispersion caused by the MMF channel in LAN context. We have
demonstrated that optimal axial launching is upper bounded by the
full mode excitation and lower bounded by the mode matched axial
launching. It has shown also that using SIC-based receiver, the
OCDMA system can deliver high QoS with BERs lesser than –9
dBm with large user capacity for both PHS and HC. A numerical
result is given express that OCDMA system can reach a capacity
user equal to 120 and 150 for PHS and HC, when taking into
account MMF channel with optimal axial launching and MAI for a
prime number equal to 17.
IET Optoelectron.
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2016
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