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1997, Presentation at NELS
15 pages
1 file
Universite du Quebec a MontrM and MIT 1.
Abstract During the past 40 years research of causativity belonged to the central themes of the general and comparative resp. typological linguistics. In this respect it is astonishing, that in my opinion from the Slavic side this subject was treated if at all very marginally in the past. My interest was motivated by the fact that Causatives and Anti-Causatives require an analysis, which touches an interface of morphology, semantics, lexicon, word formation and syntax. Therefore it is also replicable by the Minimalistic Program (with the inclusion of Distributive Morphology). Furthermore, the theme comprises important observations concerning questions of affix ordering, syntactic structures and verb movement. Most syntactic accounts of affix ordering and verb movement follow the theory of incorporation by Mark Baker (1988). In this theory syntactic incorporation is assumed to be an instance of the general syntactic rule Move Alpha, e.g. a syntactic operation that derives morphologically complex words from morphologically basic elements (root, stems, or affixes) by head to head movement via incorporation. Whereas the traditional view on morphology and word formation is that word-formation takes place in lexicon, and that morphological rules are different in nature and apply on different primitive elements than syntactic rules, we shall try to advocate an analysis in which the phenomenon of Anti-Causatives and Causatives has to be derived from different ROOT-Semantics of verbs projecting different trees and syntactic structures by the operations AGREE and MERGE. The Causative Alternation (CAL) will serve as criteria to distinguish between externally and internally caused causation; with help of the CAL the Unaccusativity will be divided into two subgroups: alternating Unaccusative (AU-) verbs and non-alternating Unaccusative (NAU-) verbs. In the following an alternate distinction between AU- and NAU-verbs will be developed, namely the presence/absence of information about how the process to be treated was caused. The universal concept of the encyclopedic lexicon in English, German, Russian and Czech (partly also other European and non European languages) seems to assume four different ROOTS of verbs at base to classify the Anti-Causativity-Opposition: √ agentive (murder, assassinate,cut), √ internally caused (blossom, wilt, grow), √ externally caused (destroy, kill, slay) √cause unspecified (break, open,melt). Moreover, it will be shown that unergative/causative pairs depict an independent phenomenon, which does not affect considerations about CAL (correspondent to Alexiadou et al. 2006a, b, Kosta 2010, 2011; and Marantz 1997, but dissenting Levin & Rappaport Hovav 1995 and Reinhart 2000). This talk is organized as follows: in section 1, I propose a formulation of the MP based on syntactic features; the examples will be taken from Causatives and Anti-Causatives that are derived by affixes (in Russian, Czech, Polish, German, English and some other languages of different types and origins) by head-to-head movement. In section 2, I review some basic facts in support of a syntactic approach to Merge of Causatives and Anti-Causatives, proposing that theta roles are also syntactic Features that merge functional affixes with their stems in a well-defined way. I first try to give some external evidence in showing that Causatives and Anti-Causatives obey a principle of thematic hierarchy early postulated in generative literature by Jackendoff (1972; 43), and later reformulated in terms of argument-structure-ordering principle by Grimshaw (1990:chapter 2). Crucial for my paper is the working hypothesis that every syntactic theory which tries to capture the data not only descriptively but also explanatively should descend from three levels of syntactic representation: a-structure where the relation between predicate and its arguments (and adjuncts) takes place, thematic structure where the theta-roles are assigned to their arguments, and event structure, which decides about the aspectual distribution and division of events.
Linguistics in the Netherlands, 2000
Studia Neophilologica, 2015
The traditional English verb classifi cation based upon their grammatical meaning is a certain matrix according to which new units are grouped. The present investigation is aimed at integral describing the verbs of the ‘give’ type in the model “to give a smile”. The analysis of its constituents does not give any new information, however, its analysis as an integral unit in the sentence and discourse can reveal it as a structural-semantic unity, wherein a redistribution of the lexical meaning takes place. Since Otto Jespersen defi ned them as “light verbs" they have been in the focus of research of grammarians, semanticists, discourse experts, and cognitologists. In the framework of our research the referred verbs in the given model are presented as the result of grammaticalization and lexicalization — major factors of the English language development.
English linguistics, 2000
J.C. Friedman (Ed.), The Routledge History of the Holocaust (pp. 412-424). New York: Routledge
About 250,000 Jews, survivors of the Holocaust and refugees, were stranded in occupied Germany, Austria, and Italy in the immediate aftermath of World War II. It was only with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 and the opening of other immigration possibilities that these people found a home outside of Europe. While on German soil (mostly) these Jewish Displaced Persons rebuilt their lives, forged new communities, and made their voice heard on the political scene. This chapter deals with the major issues and points of contention in the research of their experiences during these years.
"Veja, eu espero que eu não seja hipócrita, espero que eu seja sincero, penso que realmente quero seguir a Jesus Cristo com todo meu coração. Mas os homens são fracos. Não existem corajosos, eles não sabem muito. Deus usa as pessoas fracas. Estou dizendo que se você olha para a Bíblia, você vê isso. Olhe para os homens e as mulheres que Ele usou. Não há isso de "grande homem de Deus". Há apenas, homens fracos, pequenos, de um grande Deus misericordioso." "Deus pode lhe usar. Ele lhe usará. E Ele provavelmente já lhe usa mais do que Ele lhe deixa saber." "O único para o qual devemos olhar é Jesus Cristo. Nós nunca devemos depositar confiança no homem, nós ficaremos desapontados. Mas devemos depositar confiança em Cristo. Como a Bíblia diz: "Você não será envergonhado" [ver Isaías 50:7]." "Agora, se você está em uma rebelião, vivendo uma hipocrisia, não. Mas, se você é uma pessoa que verdadeiramente quer seguir a Cristo, e ainda que você se sinta como se tivesse dois pés esquerdos, Deus ainda pode usá-lo. Ele obtém Glória ao usar os fracos, porque isso prova que Ele é que está fazendo a obra." "Cristãos humildes se alegram, você tem um Salvador que é um amável e maravilhoso Mestre, que nunca lhe deixará, nunca lhe desamparará, que nunca desistirá de você. Porque, para começar, Ele nunca colocou qualquer confiança em você. Ele nunca vai desistir de você, porque Ele fez uma Aliança com você. E pela Sua virtude, Seus méritos e poder, Ele cumprirá." "No verso 15 diz que "Quanto ao homem, os seus dias são como a erva, como a flor do campo assim floresce". Se Ele tivesse dito que o homem é como um monte, nós ainda teríamos razão para ficar com medo, porque as montanhas não duram para sempre. O tempo irá reduzi-las a nada. Até mesmo as montanhas que conseguem suportar as forças da natureza. Então, se Deus tivesse dito que o homem é como a montanha, nós ainda teríamos razão para saber que um dia a vida teria um fim. Se Ele tivesse dito aqui que o homem é como o mais firme carvalho, ainda teríamos razão para temer, pois carvalhos também morrem. Eles podem ser destruídos por doenças, eles podem ser derrubados pelas ações do homem. Então, se Ele tivesse dito que o homem é como o mais firme carvalho, nós ainda teríamos razões para temer. Mas, Ele diz que o homem é como a relva. A relva tem duração curta, mesmo que ela seja saudável, não durará mais que um ano. O inverno chega e as folhas murcham. Forças podem atuar sobre a relva e matá-la e a relva não tem controle sobre essas forças. Os mais fortes homens da face da Terra são relva. Eles podem florescer por um tempo, mas no seu tempo eles irão partir. Como diz no verso 16 que "passando por ela o vento, logo se vai, e o seu lugar não será mais conhecido". Eles florescem, e depois eles se vão. O homem nasce, o homem se educa, trabalha e realiza grandes coisas, o homem morre e é esquecido." "Nabucodonosor, você será maior do que ele? Mas, imagine que passam meses e anos, e você nem sequer lembra-se dele. Ninguém que conhece você sequer existirá daqui a 100 anos! Você sabe o nome do seu pai, você sabe o nome do seu avô? Você sabe o nome do seu bisavô? Você
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024
Edited by: John Pavlopoulos, Thea Sommerschield, Yannis Assael et al.
The sharing economy was originated in the United States in the 1990s, driven by technological advancements that led to cost reductions in on-line peer-to-peer transactions (SHIRKY, 2008), thus making it feasible to create new business models based on the exchange and sharing of goods and services among unknown people (SCHOR, 2015), and boost the rise of the sharing economy business models (GANSKY, 2010). The sharing economy consists of business practices that allow access to goods and services, without the need of purchasing a product or exchanging money (BOTSMAN; ROGERS, 2011). Currently, the sharing economy is growing in Brazil through the expansion of new business models that aim at sharing, exchanging and reselling goods and services. In order to expand the knowledge about the sharing economy, this research conducted a multiple case study of four companies that represent this economy. This study attempted to investigate the companies' business models, emphasizing a holistic approach to explain how each organization conducts its business (ZOTT; AMIT; MASSA, 2011). As a result, the case study confirms that the sharing economy consists of several types of business models (SCHOR, 2014); among the four cases studied, three different types of business models were identified. Besides, this study showed that sharing economy companies tend to develop synergies with traditional economy companies to ensure their business model sustainability. Among the four companies studied, three are developing business-to-business transactions with traditional economy partners. Thus, the study confirms the emergence of a hybrid economy formed by the capitalist market and sharing economy initiatives (RIFKIN, 2014). However, the study also showed that approaching traditional businesses does not mean abandoning the essence of sharing and environmental sustainability present in the value proposals of the sharing economy.
The Art & Science of an Innovation Office: A Review of the Literature, 2024
This literature review explores "The Art & Science of an Innovation Office," examining the pivotal role of the Innovation Office (IO) in modern organisations as a critical driver of technological advancement and strategic innovation. The review comprehensively analyses the IO’s functions, including technology intelligence, sourcing, management, and intellectual property (IP) portfolio development. It highlights the IO's role in fostering an innovation culture, facilitating collaboration through open innovation, and ensuring alignment with corporate objectives and compliance with ISO standards. The discussion extends to measuring the IO's impact on business performance, addressing qualitative and quantitative metrics demonstrating its contribution to organisational growth and market leadership. Furthermore, the review identifies the challenges faced by the IO in balancing innovation with compliance while also exploring opportunities for enhancing its effectiveness in promoting sustainability and social innovation. Ultimately, this review underscores the significance of the IO as the starting point for effective technology and innovation management, emphasising its vital contribution to achieving sustained competitive advantage in an increasingly dynamic business environment.
Africa Spectrum, 2017
Social Vision, 2024
Lifelong Learning
intervención Gestión y desarrollo del riesgo, 2024
The Good Christian Ruler in the First Millennium
University of Ottawa colloquium
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1991
Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi dergisi, 2005
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, 2000
Ciencia y Actividad Física, 2017
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