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1984, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, 2021
In the next few years, more than 80% of AC power is to be processed through power converters owing to their benefits of energy conservation, flexibility, network interconnection, and weight and volume reduction in a number of equipment such as lighting arrestors, HVAC computers, fans, and so on. This paper gives an introduction on power quality (PQ), causes and effects of power quality problems. It also deals with power quality definitions, terminologies, standards, bench- marks, monitoring requirements, financial loss, and analytical quantification. It also discusses various types of nonlinear loads, which cause these power quality problems, they are illustrated, classified, modeled, quantified, and analyzed for associated power quality issues.
SIRIS, 2016
Two bronze ornaments were found in the archaic temple of Policoro during the 1970 excavation. They were probably manufactured in Eastern Greece during the 7th century BC. The first item is a plate-decorated fibula for which there is only one other example in the Artemision of Ephesus. It can be considered a Phrygian-type object from the first half of the 7th century BC. The second object is an elongated spiral earring of an Eastern Greek type. They contribute to a small series of Ionian ornaments found in Policoro and its vicinity. They seem to attest to the presence of individuals from central Ionia, as early as the mid-7th century BC. These items also raise the question about the founding date of the Varatizzo valley sanctuary.
Археологические вести, 2024
В выпуск 42 журнала «Археологические вести» включены статьи по различным аспектам и проблемам археологии. Один из разделов, в который вошли материалы по археологии Сибири, посвящен юбилею известного исследователя сибирских древностей Н. А. Боковенко. В разделе «Новые открытия и исследования» представлены работы, вводящие в научный оборот материалы археологических памятников различных исторических эпох, а также статьи, связанные с анализом отдельных категорий находок. В публикациях, включенных в рубрику «Актуальные проблемы археологии», обсуждаются вопросы использования естественно-научных методов в археологии при изучении ранненеолитической керамики Карелии и состава металлических предметов эпохи архаики на Таманском полуострове. В одной из статей рассматриваются этапы развития и международные связи поселения на Рюриковом городище во времена викингов. Также представлены статьи по истории и организации науки и заметки о проведенных конференциях. Среди авторов-ученые из Казахстана и различных центров России: Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Петрозаводска, Пензы, Кемерово, Новосибирска, Иркутска, Тобольска, Красноярска, Симферополя, Краснодара, Ростова-на-Дону. Issue 42 of the journal "Archaeological News" includes articles on various aspects and problems of archeology. One of the sections, which includes materials on the archeology of Siberia, is dedicated to the anniversary of the famous researcher of Siberian antiquities N. A. Bokovenko. The section "New discoveries and studies" presents works that introduce materials from archaeological monuments of various historical eras into scientific circulation, as well as articles related to the analysis of individual categories of finds. The publications included in the section "Actual Problems of Archeology" discuss the use of natural scientific methods in archeology in the study of Early Neolithic ceramics of Karelia and the composition of metal objects of the Archaic era on the Taman Peninsula. One of the articles examines the stages of development and international relations of the settlement at the Ryurikovo gorodishche during the Viking times. Also presented are articles on the history and organization of science and notes on conferences held. Among the authors are scientists from Kazakhstan and various centers of Russia:
Fulton Adventist University College Journal of Theology, 2024
This study investigates Isa 52:13-53:1-12 and discovers the theological significance of the mission motif. Linguistic analysis was carried out where the morpho-syntactic features of text were examined. The syntactic features and patterns were described as much as possible according to their exact attestation in the Isaianic passage. The study revealed how YHWH relates to His mission and redemptive purpose for all humanity. The mission is centered on God and shows the response of God's people to their relationship with Him. Isaiah emphasizes missionizing activity as part of the Servant's task. The Servant's mission is to benefit Israel, the nations, and many. Isaiah's portrayal of the nations' inclusion of the Servant's missionary task is significant and instructive.
Both prevention and combating the domain of juvenile delinquency are considered special problems, because among the conditions of criminal responsibility is also the age of the perpetrator. Taking into account that minors can make more mistakes, but also the fact that they can be re-educated more easily, the legislator established a special program for sanctioning minor criminals. The punishments applied to minors who are criminally responsible were completely abandoned, they being replaced by a regime made up exclusively of educational measures, the process of their elaboration being generally inspired by Spanish, French and German law. There was a need for a special regulation of the criminal liability of minors because they do not have a complete psychophysical development, they do not have enough social experience, they have a personality that is extremely easy to influence, these being sometimes also due to the deficiencies recorded on the educational level.
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Revista Tiempo Histórico, 2024
Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems, 2013
Bulletin for Biblical Research, 2014
Epigenomics, 2024
Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 2019
Graphics Interface 2021, 2021
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2016
European Journal of Immunology, 2014
Şişli Etfal Hastanesi tıp bülteni, 2016
Fems Microbiology Letters, 2009