Thermal Stress Analysis of Liquid-Cooled 3D-ICs
Sakib Islam1 and Ibrahim Abdel-Motaleb2
Department of Electrical Engineering, Northern Illinois University , Dekalb, USA
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract—It is known that 3D-ICs suffer from hot spot
temperatures that can reach thousands of degrees, if they are
not cooled to reasonable operating temperatures. The problem
of hot spots is not limited to the high temperatures of the IC;
thermal stress can also pose severe problems, even after cooling
the chip. This study investigates thermal stress resulting from a
3D-IC hot spot with 20 W power dissipation. The IC is cooled
using SiO2 and diamond cooling blocks. The study is performed
using three cooling liquids: water, Freon (R22), and Liquid
Nitrogen (LN). As expected, the study shows that metal layers
on the chip suffer from high thermal stress due to rising the chip
temperature to values higher than the room temperature. It is
also noticed that the stress becomes more severe, if cooling is
done using LN. In fact, the stress exceeded the maximum tensile
strength of aluminum, which means failure of the chip. This
indicates that cooling 3D-IC may not ensure acceptable
operation or reliability. Thermal stress must be investigated at
both high and low temperatures to ensure high performance and
acceptable reliability.
temperature, there will be still time-dependent local
temperature change [8]. Such dynamic change of the
temperature can cause thermal stress and strain. The thermal
energy produced from local hot spots can cause severe
damage to the IC due to the thermal stress and strain. This
mechanical stress is expected to affect the reliability and
performance of the circuit, due to the likely chance of damage
to the metal and insulator layers.
Keywords— 3D-IC, Liquid Cooling, COMSOL, Thermal Stress.
where 𝝈 is the uniaxial stress, 𝜺 is the strain or deformation,
and E is Young’s modulus [9]. Young’s modulus, E, gives
the measure of stiffness of a solid material [10].
With the increasing density of ICs, two challenges have
risen: the first is reaching the physical limit of the device size
(reaching the end of Moore’s law), and the second is the
increase of the power density of the ICs to the point that the
performance is adversely affected. To solve the first
challenge, a new approach of integration where regular 2DICs are stacked on top of each other forming 3D-ICs [1]. The
electrical power connections and signal transmission between
the stacked ICs are done using metal vertical connections
through holes, or vias. The 3D-ICs technology provides many
advantages. First, the integration density can be increased by
a factor equal to the number vertical stacks (for example, to
10,000%, if 100 2D-ICs are stacked on top of each other).
Second, the total speed of the IC increases due to the short
vertical connections between the stacks. Third, 3D-ICs
allowed for integration of heterogeneous technology.
Although 3D-IC technology resulted in many advantages,
it introduced serious problems. One of the problems is the
introduction of power noise resulting from the need for huge
power supplies and long signal delays [2]. The second, is the
creation of hot spots, due to the high integration density. Hot
spots temperatures may reach thousands of degrees that
would destroy the IC in milliseconds. This is a very serious
problem, especially for the next generation of IC where a
power density reaching 1000 kW/cm2 will be a requirement,
according to ITRS [3].
To manage power dissipation from 3D ICs, several
techniques have been proposed and implemented. Powerful
fans, large heat sinks, Microelectromechanical Systems
(MEMS)-based cooling technology, embedded micro
channels [4,5], liquid immersion cooling [6], and
microfluidic cooling using thermal TSVs [7] are among the
cooling techniques utilized. Although the steady state
temperature can be reduced to an acceptable operating
In this study, we investigated the thermal stress resulting
from the dynamic temperature change of hot spots in liquidcooled 3D ICs. The study was performed using advanced
multi-physics numerical analysis program, ComsolTM.
The relationship between stress and strain is expressed by,
𝝈 = 𝑬𝜺,
Thermal stress can be expressed by the following
𝝈 = 𝑬𝜶𝜟𝑻 = 𝑬𝜶(𝑻𝑭 − 𝑻𝑶 ),
where α is the thermal expansion coefficient, T0 is initial
temperature, TF is final temperature, and 𝜟𝑻 = 𝑻𝑭 − 𝑻𝟎 in
kelvins (K). The temperature, TF varies with respect to time
due to subsequent heating and cooling and results in a
temperature difference [11]. From equation (2), we can see
that, for a specific material, the stress is proportional to the
thermal expansion coefficient, young’s modulus, and
temperature difference. Since the materials used to build IC
do not have the same thermal expansion, significant thermal
stress may arise, adversely impacting the device performance
and the circuit reliability [12].
In this analysis, the test chip contains a heater to represent
the hot spot in the 3D-ICs. The heat generated from a heater
is assumed to be equal to the heat generated from the hot spot
of the 3D ICs [8]. The test chip with the heater is shown in
Fig. 1. In this chip, the substrate is a 200μm -thick silicon
with an area of 5x5 mm2; on top of the substrate, 0.30μm of
SiO2 is deposited; on top of the oxide layer, a 0.18 μm-thick
serpentine-shaped tungsten layer with a total area of 1000 x
2000 μm2 is deposited; another 0.15 μm layer of SiO2 is
deposited to cover the heater; on top of this oxide layer, two
aluminum pads, with 125 μm x 250 μm area and 0.05 μm
thickness, are deposited and connected to the two ends of the
heater using two vias through the SiO2 layer. Finally, a
7000Å SiO2 passivation layer is deposited.
Fig. 2 shows the cooling block structure which consists of
blocks having an area of 40x40 mm2. The inlet area is 2x38
© 2020 IEEE
mm2. The thickness of the walls is 250 μm for the top and
bottom and 1000 μm for the sides. The analysis was done
using the two cooling blocks: one built using SiO2 and the
other using diamond. We used three different liquid coolants
in the study: water, R22, and Liquid Nitrogen (LN).
To have a functioning IC, a cooling mechanism must be
employed to cool the chip to the required operating
temperature, within a reasonable time. Although, temperature
can be reduced, an overshoot may take-place [8]. Overshoot
of temperature may cause high thermal stress.
Thermal stress is investigated for a test chip sandwiched
between two cooling blocks, as shown in Fig. 2.
Temperature and the thermal stress are calculated for the
first 15 s, after admitting the liquid coolants. With a 20W
hot spot covering an area of 1000 x 2000 μm2, the power
density reaches 1000W/cm2. Having this hot spot on a
25mm2 chip results in a power dissipation of 80 W/cm2 for
the chip. In this analysis, the coolants were admitted at the
same time the heater was powered up, where the system
temperature was initially set to room temperature, 293K.
Tungsten heater
Aluminum pads
Fig.1: Serpentine Shaped Tungsten Heating Block on top of Si-Substrate.
For SiO2 cooling block, liquid was pumped at a velocity
of 10 mm/s when the 20W heater is powered on, and
temperature and thermal stress were calculated during the first
15 seconds. From Fig.4, we can observe that the temperature
reaches an overshoot within 1 s, for water, R22, and liquid
nitrogen cooling. The maximum temperature at the tungsten
metal (hot spot) for water, R22, and liquid nitrogen reached
432K, 437K, and 375K and the corresponding coolants
reached saturation at 432K, 416K, and 293K.
Comsol multiphysics program is used to conduct the
thermal analysis. The emissivity values utilized in the
simulation are 0.79 for SiO2 and 0.63 for diamond [13,14].
The convective heat transfer coefficient is assumed to be 50
W/m2K for all the coolants and 10 W/m2K for air. The heater,
representing a hot spot, is assumed to dissipate 20 W of heat.
Temperature (K)
Our analysis predicted that a 20W hot spot would elevate
the chip temperature to 4050 K, if no cooling liquid is
admitted, Fig. 3(a). This temperature would produce a
thermal stress of 9418 MPa, as shown in Fig 3(b). This
temperature is above the melting point of tungsten (3695 K),
and the stress is beyond the maximum strength of the
materials (980 MPa). This means that the IC will melt and
evaporate before it can reach this temperature, and no
structure will even remain to experience the stress.
Time (s)
Fig. 4. Hot spot temperature using SiO2 cooling blocks for water, Liquid N2,
and R22 coolant with 10mm/s inlet velocity.
Liquid N2
Time (s)
Time (s)
Stress (Mpa)
Liquid N2
Stress (MPa)
Temperature (K)
Fig. 2. Test chip sandwiched between two cooling blocks.
Time (s)
Fig.3: (a) Temperature & (b) Thermal Stress of the IC without Cooling.
Fig. 5. Thermal Stress using SiO2 cooling blocks on the IC for water, Liquid
N2, and R22 coolant with 10mm/s inlet velocity.
Fig.5 shows the corresponding thermal stress. Within 1s,
the thermal stress rises from 0 MPa to maximum values of
324 MPa, 335 MPa, and 177 MPa for Water, R22, and Liquid
N2, respectively, then saturates to 324 MPa, 282 MPa, 33
MPa, as the temperature saturates. The figure shows that the
stress value follows the temperature difference |TF -T0| value
(T0=293K) as explained in Eq. (2). At 1s, |TF -T0| has the values
of 128K, 133K, 71K, for Water, R22, and Liquid N2,
respectively. This explains the reason for the high thermal
stress for R22 compared to the other cooling cases at 1s. But
as the temperature saturates, the difference from the original
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Aluminum 6061 is widely used in IC technology as
interconnects and ohmic contacts. The ultimate tensile
strength of that alloy is 310MPa [15]. For cooling using SiO2
cooling block and velocity of 10mm/s, the thermal stress
exerted on aluminum pads reaches up to 274 MPa for Water,
232 MPa for R22, and 68 MPa for LN. This high stress might
lead to gradual breakdown of aluminum pads.
It appears that inlet velocity of 10 mm/s does not pump
enough liquid to cool the IC down. Therefore, it is reasonable
to assume that if the inlet velocity increased to 100mm/s, both
the temperature and thermal stress will decrease. Fig. 6 shows
that for 100 mm/s inlet velocity, the temperature saturates to
416K and 361K for water and R22, from initial temperature
of 304 K, respectively. No significant overshoot of
temperature for the two coolants take place. For LN, the
temperature decreased to 207K within 1 s and saturates. This
is due to the fact LN temperature is 77 K, and the velocity was
high enough to pump enough LN to bring the temperature to
a much lower value than the initial value much quicker.
Temperature (K)
Fig. 7 shows the thermal stress for an inlet velocity of 100
mm/s. The temperature difference, |TF -T0| are 123 K, 68 K,
and 86 K for water, R22, and LN, respectively. The stress can
be due to tension or compression. The thermal stresses on the
IC is related to |TF -T0| and, accordingly, are found to be
saturated at 303 MPa, and 161 MPa 233 MPa for water, R22
and LN, respectively. The study shows that thermal stress can
exist for high as well as low final temperature. Hence. Deep
cooling may case thermal degradation of the IC.
Liquid N2
Time (s)
Fig. 6: Hot spot temperature after cooling using SiO2 cooling blocks with 100
mm/s inlet velocity. Coolant used are water, R22, and LN.
Fig. 7 shows that the highest stress for tungsten results
from water cooling. This is understood, since the temperature
difference in this case is the highest. It is noticed that even
though LN results in the lowest operating temperature, the
stress is higher than the case with R22 cooling. This can be
understood, if it is realized that the temperature difference, |TF
-T0| is higher in case of LN. Because the operating temperature
for LN is lower than the initial value, the type of stress is the
opposite (compression rather than tension).
Stress on aluminum is also investigated, for inlet velocity
of 100 mm/s. The results show that the stress on aluminum
pads are 241MPa, 107MPa, & 262MPa respectively for
water, R22, and LN. Similar to the case of tungsten, R22
cooling provided the lowest stress, because the temperature
difference is the lowest.
This results signified some issues. The first is that thermal
stress exists not only because of higher operating
temperatures, but also because of lower operating
temperatures than the initial temperature. Therefore, if the
intention is to operate at lower temperatures than room
temperature, it may be advised to deposit metals at
temperatures closer to the operating temperature. Second, the
impact of metal elasticity and ultimate tensile stress are critical
reliability factors that must be considered when designing 3DICs.
Liquid N2
Stress (MPa)
temperature goes down. This difference becomes smaller for
R22 than water, leading to a lower stress. Cooling reduced
the thermal stress to less than the ultimate tensile stress of
tungsten of 980 MPa.
Time (s)
Fig. 7. Stress on tungsten when SiO2 cooling blocks with 100 mm/s inlet
velocity. Coolant used are water, R22, and LN.
Since SiO2 is a poor thermal conductor, it is reasonable to
assume that SiO2 is responsible for the high temperature of the
chip. For this reason, diamond, a highly thermal conductive
material, is used instead to build the cooling block. Fig.8
shows the hot spot temperature for coolants pumped at 10
mm/s velocity. The saturation temperatures are found to be
325 K, 272 K, and 123 K, for water, R22, and LN,
respectively. As can be seen from the figure, the saturation
temperatures are much lower than when SiO2 cooling blocks
were used. The reduced temperature for water can be
attributed to the higher thermal conductivity of diamond,
which resulted in a faster dissipation of heat energy to the
outside. For R22 and LN, the temperature is lower than the
ambient temperature. This means, heat transfer should be from
outside to inside, which in turn should raise the inside
temperature for diamond blocks compared with SiO2 block.
But the opposite happens. The failure of heat to transfer from
outside to inside is believed to be due to the creation of a cold
domain outside the block. This domain acts as an isolating
region that prevents heat from reaching the inside, with
sufficient rate, to elevate the inside temperature.
The stress analysis for diamond blocks with 10 mm/s
velocity is shown in Fig. 9. The thermal stress on tungsten was
found to be 77 MPa for water, 58 MPa for R22, and 440 MPa
for LN. As can be seen, the stress for water and R22 are low,
since the temperature difference, |TF -T0|, are 21K and 17 K,
respectively. For LN, the difference is 110K. This explains
why the stress in case of LN is much higher. In all three cases,
the stress is lower than the maximum tensile strength of
tungsten. Similarly, for aluminum, the stress was found to be
42 MPa for water, 86 MPa for R22, and 443MPa for LN.
Again the thermal stress for LN is high, but in this case it is
higher than the maximum tensile strength of aluminum, which
may cause metal fatigue.
When the inlet velocity increased to 100 mm/s, the
temperature of the hot spot changed to 318 K for water, 260 K
for R22, and 106 K for LN, as shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 11 shows
the thermal stress which was found to be 60 MPa for water,
87 MPa for R22, and 482 MPa for LN. Similar to the case of
10 mm/s, LN results in high thermal stress, due to the large
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difference between the initial and final temperature values of
the hotspot.
Liquid N2
for LN. Again, the stress due to LN cooling is the highest. The
problem is that it is higher than the maximum tensile strength
of the metal. This means the aluminum pads may break down
and cause problem for the IC reliability, if cooled with LN.
Temperature (K)
Time (s)
Fig. 8: Hot spot temperature after cooling using Diamond cooling blocks with
10 mm/s inlet velocity. Coolant used are water, R22, and LN.
Stress (MPa)
Liquid N2
The stress analysis for next generation 3D-ICs have been
conducted using diamond and SiO2 cooling blocks. The result
shows that, in order to ensure the stability of the IC thermal
stress needs special consideration along with the operating
temperature. The results also show that overcooling may
cause metal breakdown. Therefore, the level of cooling should
be considered, and the strength of materials used to build the
IC should be evaluated. This study would not be complete
without studying the material deformation due to the cooling
Time (s)
Fig. 9. Stress on the IC for using Diamond cooling blocks water, LN, and
R22 coolant with 10 mm/s inlet velocity.
Temperature (K)
Liquid N2
Time (s)
Fig. 10: Hot spot temperature for water, LN, and R22 coolant with 100 mm/s
inlet velocity.
Liquid N2
Stress (MPa)
Time (s)
Fig. 11: Stress on the IC for water, LN, and R22 coolant with 100 mm/s inlet
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