Di%.ete Mathematics 32 (1980) 167-189
@ Earth-Holland Publishing Company zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Stephen B. MAURER*
Department of Mathematics, Swarthmore College, Swarihmore, PA 19081, USA
DeparIment of Mathematics,
Concordia University, h?ontred, Quebec, Canada H3G lM8
William T. TROTTER, Jr.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Univ. of Sleuth Carolina, Columbia, SC29208,
Received 8 January
We consider An extremal problem for directed graphs which is closely related to Tutin’s
theorem giving the maximum number of edges in a gr;lph on n vertices which does not contain
a complete subgraph on m vertices. For an ;ntc&r n 22, let T,, denote the transitive
tournament with vertex set X,, = {1,2,3, . . . , n) and zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
edge set {(i. j): 1 s i C j s n]. A subgraph H
of T,, is said to be m-locally unipathic when the restriction of H to each m element subset of
X,, consisting of m consecutive integers is unipathic. We show that the maximum number of
edges in a m-locally unipathic subgraph of T,, is (;g)(m - l)‘+q(m - 1)r + Ur”] where n =
q(m - 1) + r and [$<m - I)] s rc’ @rn - 1)1. As is the case with T&n’s theorem, the extremal
graphs for our problem are complete multipartite graphs. Unlike T:r&n’s theorem, the part
sizes will not be uniform The proof of our principal theorem rests 011a combiaatorial theory
originally developed to inves:dgate the rank of partial’iy ordered sets.
For integers, n, k with zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
n se k a 2, let g(n, k) be the maximum number of edges
in a graph G on n vertices which does not contain a complete subgraph on k
vertices. Then let n = (k - 1)q + r where 0 6 r C k - 1 and consider the complete
multipartite graph G(n, k) having k - zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
1- r parts of size q and r parts of size q f 1.
Clearly, G(n, k) has n vertices but does not have a complete subgraph on k
vertices. The following well known theorem of P’. Tur6n [9] tell us that the lower
bound on g(n, k) provided by the graph G(n, k) is best possible. It also Sells us
that G(n, k) is the unique extremal graph.
Theorem 1 (Turhn). For integers m,k with n > k 2~2 the maximurn number g(n, k)
of edges in a graph on n vertices which does not contain a complete subgraph on k
*Work supported by United States National Science Foundntion Grant MCS 76-19670 while the
author was in the Mathematics Department at Princeton University.
S.B. M aurer, 1. Rabinovitch, W.T.Trotter,
vertices is given by :
gIn,k)= “r
(q + l)*+ (k - 1
- 1. Furthermore,
r)rq(q + 1)
if G is a graph on n vertices
jvhich does not contain a complete subgraph on k vertices, then G has g(n, k) edges
if and only if G = G(n, k).
In this paper, we will consider a similar combinatorial problem involving the
maximum number of edges in a directed graph which satisfies a particular
property. As in Tur6n’s theorem, the extremal graph(s) will complete multipartite
graphs, although the part sizes will not all ke uniform.
For an integer n 2 2, let T, denote the Vansitive tournament with vertex set
,..* n) and edge set ((i, j): 1 s i C,i C n}. A subgraph H of T,, is said to
be unipathic if for each pair x, y of distinct vertices, H contains at most one
directed path from x to y. Now consider the following elementary extremal
problem: What is the maximum number u(n) of edges in a unipathic subgraph of
T,? It is easy to see that this problem is equivalent to a special case of Turhn’s
2. Far each n a 2, the maximum number u(n) of edges in a unipathic
subgraph of I’, is
given by the formula: u(n) = [in*J. Furthermore, if H is a
unipathic subgraph of T,, having u(n) edges, then the underlying undirected graph
derermined by H is the compjeete bipartite graph K( [$I, [$nl); M oreover, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih
if n >4,
the verbces in each of the two parts of H occur consecutively in {1,2,3,
. . . , n}.
Pro& Let H be B unipathic subgraph of T,, and let G be the underlying
undirected graph detixmined by H. Since H is unipathic, G is triangle-free, i.e., G
does not contain KS. Thus H and G have at most g(n, 3) = [$n*J edges. On the
other halcld, let t = 1.4n j (or t = [$nl ) and consider the subgraph H of T, containing the kedges {(i, j) : 1 L i s t, t + 1 ~j Q n}. Clearly , H is unipathic and contains
En”J edges, and thts u(n) = [$z’J.
Finally, suppose that n 24 and let H be a unipathic subgraph or’ T, containing
Un’J ejges. It foll ows from Tur&n”s theorem that the underlqi mg undirected
graph C determined by H is the complete bipartite graph K( [$z], [$I). Then let
A and B denote the subsets of {1,2,3, . . . , n} which form the vertex sets of the
two parts of G. If n 24 and either .:‘? or B does not occur consecutively in
n}, then there exists integers a,, a2E A, bl, b2E B for which one of
the following statements holds: a, C 6: c a2 < b2, al c bl SCb2 C a*, 6, < a1 < a2 <
bz, or bl <a, -=z
b2<a2. HIIeach of the four cases, H would fail to be unipathic
even though it is triangle-free.
-We note that although u(3) = !5*/4] = 2, there are three extremal graphs
A generalization of zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
T ush’s theorem to directed graphs
to A = {l}, A = {1,2} and A = (1,3} respectively.
{(1,2), U,3)1, {(1,3), (2,3)), and {(L 2), (2,3)).
These graphs are
Now let n and m be integers with IZa m 3 2. A subgraph H of zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY
T, is said to be
m-locally unipathic when the restriction of H to each subset of V, containing m
consecutive vertices is unipathic. On the other hand, H is said to be m-locally
when the restriction of H to ,ach subset of X, containing m
consecutive vertices is triangle-free. Then let u(n, m) be the maximum number of
edges in an m-locally unipathic subgraph of T,, and A (n, m) the maximum
number of edges in an m-locally triangle-free subgraph of T,,.
We have already observed that u(n, n) = A(n, n) = g(n. 3) = [&z’J for every
n 2 2. Furthermore, it is easy to see that u(n, 2) - A (n, 2) = (;) for every n 3 2 and
that A(n, m)a u(n, m) for every ii 2 m 22.
In view of Theorem 2, it is reasonable to conjecture that the extremal graphs
for u(n, m) are complete multipartite graphs for all n k m 3 2 with the vertices in
each part occurring consecutively
in {1,2,3, . . . , n} (except for the case
(n, m) = (3,3)). Analysis of the properties of such graphs suggests the following
with n=q(m-l)+r>2,
scheme. For arbitrary integers m ~=2,qbO,rbO
construct a complete multipartite subgraph H(m: q. r) of T,. We begin by setting
V,, = CL 2,3, . . . , l&J>,
Vq+l = {n - [$rl + 1, n - [$I + 2, n - [&I+ 3, . . . , n},
Finally, we define H(m, q, r) as the complete multipartite graph having q + 2 parts
with edge set ((j,, j2): There exist i,. i2 with j, E Vi,, j2~ Vi2
V,, v,, v2, * * * , vq+,
and 0 s i, < i2 --=q + 1). Note that H(m, q, r) is a bipartite graph when q = 0. Also
note that V, contains the first L$j vertices of (1,2,3, . . . , n) and V4+, contains
the last [irl vertices of {1,2,3, . . . , n}. We then denote by &m, q, r) the
complete multipartite graph obtained by reversing the roles of V, and Vq+lr i.e..
in &m, q, r), V,, contains the first [$rl vertices of {l, 2,3, . . . , n} and V4+1
contains the last [$J. Note that K(m, q, r) and fi(m, q, r) have the same number
of edges. In fact, H(m, q, r) = fi(m, q, r) when r is even. Fo:: convenience, we let
h(m, q, r) denote the number of e,>ges in H(m, q, r). Note that
h(m, q, r) = ($(m
- 1)2+q(m - 1)r + l$r’].
easy to see that H(m, q, r) and fi(m, q, r) are m-locally unipathic. Furthermore, it is straightforward
to verify that for fixed values ol n a nd m w it h
and ra0 so that n = q(m -- l)+ r, then the maximum
v&e of h(m, q, r) is achieved when [$(m - 1>1~ r < [$<m - 1)1. When m 2 3, this
maximum value is achieved by a unique triple (m, q, r) unless r = f(m - 1) in which
It is
S.B. Maurer, I. Rabitwuitch, W.T. Trotter,Jr.
case, we have h(m, q, r) = h(m, q- 1, r+m - 1). For example H&3,2)
each have h(5.3,2) = h(5,2,6) = 73 edges; and H(l1, 1,5) and
H( 11, 0.15)
each have 56 edges. When m = 2, we observe that the maximum
value of h(m, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
q, I) is (!!), and this maximum value is achieved if and only if r is 0,
1, or 2. We also observe that H(2, n, 0) = H(2, n - 1, 1) = H(2, n -2,2) = T, for
every n a 2. These observations are summarized in the following result.
3. Let n am 32.
Then the maximum number u(n, m) of edges in an
m-locally unipathic subgraph of ‘I’,, satisfies the inequl?lity:
u(n, m) 2 h(m, q, r) =
m - 1)2+eI(m - l)r+
In th: remaining
sections of this paper, we will show that the inequality
Theorem 3 is best possible. We will also show that if (n, m)# (3,3), then the
complete multipartite graphs H(m, q, I) and fi(m, q, r) are the only extremal
graphs except when r = $(m - 1). When r = $(m - 1) and r is even, there are two
extremal graphs: H(m, q, r) and H(m, q - 1, r + m - 1). When r = $(m - 1) and r is
odd, there are four extremai graphs: H(m, q, r)_ Z%(m,q, r), H(m, q - 1, r + m - 1)
and &m, q - 1, r+ m - 1). Sections 2 and 3 will be devoted to the theoretical
preliminaries, and the proof of the principal theorem will be presented in Section
4. In Secticn 5, we will present a brief discussion of the concept of rank for
partially ordered sets and the specific problem which motivated our investigation
of m-locally unipathic subgraphs of T,.
2. ‘Be cfigrapb of nonforcing
p&s for a partially ordered set
In this paper. a partially ordered set @set) is a pair (X, P) where X is a finite
set and P is an irreflexive transitive binary relation on X. The notations (x, y) E
f, x > y in P, and y <x in P are usecl interchangeably. The notations x d y in P
in P, and y$x in P We also let 1, -=(ix, y): x ly in PI. A poset (X, P) is called a
totally ordered set (also a linearly orQ:“r:d set or chain) when Ip = 8.
Throughout this paper, we adopt the: folicl*;;ng conventions concerning directed
graphs. We denote an edge from ;t vertex x to L vertex x to a vertex y by (x, y)
and we specify a digraph by its edge zet. It is then understood that the vertex set
of a digraph, when not explicitly described, is the set of endpoints of the edges.
We may therefore view a binary relation on a set X as a digraph. For example,
when al, a2, . . . , 4+l are distinct, we say that the sequence {(a,, a,+i): 1 d i s t} is
a dir+cred path of length t from cr, to a,,,. When a,, a2,. . . , a, are distinct and
A generalization of T&n’s
theorem to directed graphs
we say that the sequence {(a,, Qi+i): 1 G i G t} is a zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
directed cy cle of length
f. A digraph H is said to be acyclic when it does not contain any directed cycles.
A digraph H is said to be unipathic when it contains at most one directed path
from x to y for every pair of vertices x, y, i.e., if Pi = ((4, q+,): 1 C i c t} and
P2 = ((vi, vi+,) : 1 sj bs} are paths in EZ, u1 = u1 = x, and y+l = us+l = y, then s = t
and (h,ui+i) = (ui, ui+i) for i = 1,2, . . . , t.
To assist in distinguishing directed and undirected graphs, we will continue the
notational convention adopted in Section 1. Specifically, we will use the letter G
to denote an undirected graph and the letters H and N to denote directed graphs.
We will then use “primes” or subscripts when we are discussing more than one
such graph.
W hets X is a set, we let 1x1 denote the number of elements in X, and when H is
a digraph, we let IHI denote the number of edges in H.
Now let (X, P) be a poset and let (x, y)~ ZV We say that (JC,y) is ;7 conforcing
pair when P W{(x, y)} is a partial order on X, i.e., z >x in P implies z > y in P,
and z < y in P implies z <x in P for every z E X. We then let NP be the digraph
(binary relation) of all nonforcing pairs. To illustrate this definition, we provide zyxwvutsrqpon
Fig. 1 the Hasse diagram of a poset (X, P) and the digraph N,, associated with
a1 = ~f+~,
(X7 P).
Note that in general, the digraph NP may contain directed cycles. In order to
extract an acyclic subgraph of NP, we adopt the following convention for “break- zyxwvutsrqpo
iing ties”. Let L be an arbitrary linear order on X. Then define the acy clic digraph
of nonforcing pairs I$ by
It is straightforward to veri:‘y that Nf is acyclic, so we may adopt the same
convention used for Hasse diagrams in providing a diagram for G. i.e., we
require that each edge (a, b) E N$ be represented by a nonhorizontal arc with the
point corresponding to a having larger y-coordinate then the point corresponding
to b. In order to avoid drawing arrows, it is then understood that the direction of
an edge is from top to bottom on the page. For example, if L is defined for the
poset drawn in Fig. 1 by a > b > c > d > e >f > g > 12in L, then we may represent
N$ as shown in Fig. 2.
a zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Fig. 1.
S.B. Maurer, I. Rabinouitch, W.T. Trotter, l’r.
Fig. 2.
The notation N$ does not indicate the particular linear order L used in its
detinition since it is easy to see that the subgraphs of IVp determined by different
linear orders Lre isomorphic.
A subgraph H c ?$ is said to be unipathic relative to P (we also say H is a LJ$
graph) when the fo’llowing condition is satisfied: For each pair x, y of distinct
vertices. if H contains two nonidentical paths from x to y, then (x, y) 4 IV:.
For example, the subgraph HG G shown in Fig. 3 is unipathic idative to P
(but it k not unipathic). Note that H contains nonidentical paths from a to d, but
(a. d)d N$. In fact tl >d in P.
We next present some elementary but important lemmas which detail the
interplay between the partial order P and the acyclic digraph of nonforcing pairs.
The proofs are immediate consequeuces of the definitions and are therefore
Lemma 4. PfIIv$=@
l.emma 5. .PU A$ is a partial order on X.
and (LQ,,4,)~ P for some io, i, with
Ltmma 6, if ((4, &+,): I siGt}sPUIV$,
1 G i. C i, %t+l, then u,>q+,
in P.
It follows from kmmas 4 and 5 that a subgraph H of LG is a L$ graph if and
only if it satisfies the following condition: For each pair X, y of distinct vertices, if
Ii contains two nonidentical paths from x to y, then x > y in P. ‘These lemmas
Fig. 3.
= zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
A generalization of Turhn’s theorem to directed graphs
also allow us to ma1.e the following observation concerning graphs whiich are not
U$ graphs. If H c N$ and zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
H is not a U$ graph, then there 1exisi.s an edge
(x, y) E iV$ for which H contains two nonidentical paths P, and F$ fyorn x to y.
Although these two lhaths are nonidentical, they may have vertices in common
other than x and y and may also have common edges. On the other hand, if we
examine all edges (x, y) of N$ for which H contains two or more nonidentical
paths from x to y, and then choose an edge (x, y) E G and nonidentical paths P,
and P2 from x to y for which the sum jPlj+ lP,j of the lengths of P, amd P2 is as
small as possible, then it is easy to see that PI and Pz have no vertices in common
other than x and y. A Ug graph H is called a maximal U$ graph when there
does not exist a U$ graph H’ whose edge set contains the edge set of H as a
proper subset. A L$ graph H is called a maximum e graph when zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ
nc:ilC$ graph
contains more edges than H.
Maximal and maximum @ graphs are important concepts in the theory of rank
of partially ordered sets, and we refer the reader to [a- 61 for details. In
particular, we note that (except for certain degenerate cases) the rank of a
partially ordered set (X, P) equals the number of edges in a maximum Us graph.
In Section 5, we will return to this concept and employ the solution of our
extremal problem to compute the rank of a class of partially ordered sets.
3. Exchange theesrems for tr;” graphs
In this section,, we develop two exchange theorems for Ug graphs. These
theorems establish conditions under which it is possible to exchange edges
between a G graph H and lV$- H so as to produce a new U$ graph.
Theorem 7. Let (X, P) be 4 poser and {a,, a,, a,} a subset of .X for which {(a,, a,),
(a,, a,), (a,, a,)}~ G. If H is u U$ graph and {(a,, a,)~, (a,, a,)}~ H, !hen
aYe U$
and H”= (H - {(a,, a*))) U {(a,, a,)}
H’ = W - {(a,, a,))) 1J{(a,, a,)}
Proof. We show that H’ is a Ug graph. The argument for H” is dual. Suppose
to the contrary that H’ is not a t$ graph. Then there exists an edge (x, y) E N$
for which H’ contains nonidentical paths
4+l): lcict}
P2={(2)i, oitl): l~:jss}
from x to y. Without loss of generality, we may assume that the edge (x, y)~ N$
and the paths PI and P2 have been chosen so that s + t is mjnimum. We may then
assume that x and y are the only two point; belonging to both P, and P2_
Since H is a LJ$ graph, we may assume without EDSSof generality that
(a,, u3) E P,, say (a,, a,) = (Q z+,+,). Then it follows that H contains the paths
Pi = (P- {(a,, u3)})U{(u,,
a,), (a,, as)} and P2 from x to y and we must therefore
have Pi = P2, which is impossible. The contradiction completes the proof. q
S.B. M awr, I. Rabinovitch, W .T. Trotter,Jr.
1 7 4 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
c zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Fig. 4.
To illustrate the preceding theorem, consider the poset (X, P) shown in Fig. 3
and the sequence of L$ graphs shown in Fig. 4.
Observe that H2+, is obtained from Hi for i = 1,2,3 by an exchange permitted
by Theorem 7. Also note that H, is a maximal (but not maximum) U’$ graph, but
that Zf7: is not maximal since Hz U {(b, d)] is also a G graph. Therefore, an
exchange of edges permitted by Theorem 7 may destroy the property of being a
maximal L$ graph. For brevity, we say that a U$ graph H does not admit a Type
1 exchange when ((a,, a,), (a,, a3)r H implies (a,, a,)# .@ (and therefore
aI >a3 in P) for all ul, u2, USE X.
Our next exchange theorem describes a somewhat more complicated exchange.
Theorem 8. Let (X, P) be a poser, {al, u2, u3, a& E X, and A = {(a,, ui) : 1 <i c
j ~4) s A$. Further, suppose that H is a G gruph for which {(a,, a,), (a,, a,)) c H,
and then let G(u2) = {z E X :(z, a,) E M and (z, a,) E ZV$- &) und L,(u,) =
If H dues not admit u Type 1
{w ~X:(u~, W )EH and (u2, W )EN I- H}.
tbzn the graph H’= (H- ((z,
u2): z E G(u,)}- {:(a,,
us): z E G(u2)) U {(u,, w ): w E L(u,)} is a U$ graph.
w ): w E L(u,)}) u
Froof. Suppose to the contrary that H’ is not a U$ graph. and choose an edge
ix, y)~ h$r for which H’ contains nonidentical paths P1 = {(,h, h+i) : 1 =Zi d t} and
P2 = {(ui, Vi.+,: 1 ,Cjgs} from x to y. As in Theorem 7, we assume that the edge
(x, y) and the paths P, and P2 have been chosen so that s + t is minimum. Then let
S, = {(z, n,) : z E G(u,)) and S2 = {(a,, w) : w E L(u,j}.
Since H is a l$ graph, it is clear that (P1 U P2) n (S, U S2)# @ On the other
hand, it is clear that JP! n(S, U S,)( G 1 for i = 1,2. In view of the obvious
symmetry and duality, we may therefore reduce the remainder of the argument to
the following three cases. Only in the third case will we require the additional
hypothesis that H admits no -Type 1 exchanges.
Case 1. IP,nS,I=
I and JP,nS,l=
Jn this case, we may assume that (z, &E PI n S,, (z, a,) = (t+,, % ,+1), (a,, w ) E
P,f7 St, and (a,, w) = (,u.
,,,, vj,,+l). Recall that PU h$ is a partial order on X. It
bollsw~ that z > u2 L>aJ :b w in PU N$, Nhich implies that zl, = x # uz. Therefore,
A generalization of Turcin’s theorev to directed graphs
Ps = {(vi, ui+J: 1 d j< jO} is a path in Hfl H’ from x to a*. However, H also
contains the path P4 = {(q, h+,) : 1 G i < zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
io}U {(z, a 2 )} from x to + Since (z, a,) E
P4 - P3, we conclude that P3# P4 which contradicts the assumption that H is a I_$
Case 2. IPinS,(=
1 and lP2flS,l= 1.
Choose io, j. so that (z, a,) = (I+,, %,+I) E PI n S1 and (z’, a,) = (Q,, ui,,+,)E
P2 I? Sa. Since s + t is minimum, we must have i. = t and j0 = s, i.e., k(t+i= y =
Then it follows that H contains the nonidentical
paths P; :
%,I = zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
and P~={(Uj,Uj+~):l~j~~-l}U{(Z’,U~)}
s to uZr and therefore x > u2 in P. Since (u2, a,) is an edge in @, we conclude
from Lemma 6 that x > y in P, which is a contradiction.
Case 3. IP, 17S,l= I and IP2 n (S, U $ )I = 0.
Choose i. so that (z, a,) = (q,, r+,+,)~ PI fl S1. Now suppose that i,< r. Then
(r.+,+i, I+,+~)= (a,, r+,+2)E H’ implies
(a,, u,,+~)$ N$- &I, i.e.,
(a,, 4,,+2)E H or u2 > 4,+2 in P. If (a,, u~,+~)EH, then H contains the nonidentical
paths P3={(r.4, 4+i): I siCi,}U {(z,
a ,), (a 2 , ~q,+~)}U {(t 4h+,):
i,,+2G i St} and
P2 from x to y. On the other hand, if u2 > ho+2 in P, then it follows from Lemma 6
that x > y in P which is a contradiction. We may therefore assume that i. = t and
At this stage of the argument, we require that H admits no
a3 = Y = ut+1= Vs+l.
Type 1 exchanges. Since P2 n (S, U S,) = fl. i.e., P1:E H, we know that s = 1,
x = ul, and y = u3 = v2. since PI and P2 are edge disjoint and (2, u3) E PI, we know
that xf z and t 32. Therefore t = 2 and P, = {(x, z), (z, a,)}. Furthermore, we
know that {(x, z), (z, u2)}s H and since H admits no Type 1 exchanges, we must
have x >u2 in P, which in turn implies that x > u3 = y in P. The contradiction
completes the proof of this case bnd the theorem as well. Cl
We illustrate the preceding theorem with the I$ graphs in Fig. 5.
We call the exchange of edges in Theorem 8 a Type 2 exchange. For example.
we leave it to the reader to verify that for the poset shown in Fig. 5, the graphs HI
Fig. 5.
S.B. M aurer, I. Rabinovitch, W .T. Tmfter, Jr.
Fig. 6.
and ff2 as shown in Fig. 6 are maximal UF graphs which do not admit Type 1 or
Type 2 exchanges. and that H, is the unique maximum J.$ graph for this poset.
4. Tbs exfremal problem
In this section, we will apply the theory developed in the preceding two sections
to determine the maximum number of edges in a U$ graph of a carefully
constructed poset (X. P). As a consequence, we will solve the original extremal
problem: the determination of I.&I, m).
For integers R, m with n ant 22, let X(n, nr) = (X(n.. m), P(n, m)) be the poset
defined by X(n. m)={l,2,3..
, ., n} and P(n.m)=((i,j):l~-i<++mj~n}.
For example the poset in Figs. 3 and 4 is (after relabeling) X(6,3), and the poset
in Figs. 5 and 6 is (after re!abeling) X(8,4). To determine the acyclic digraph of
nonforcing pairs for X(n. m ), we use the 1ineEr order L = T, = {(i, j) : 1s i <j =Gn}
to break the tics, Thus A$ = ((i, j) ET,, : j 2 I + m}. We then define w(n, m) to be
the maximum number of edges in a b? subgraph for the poset X(n, m) and
reduce the determination
of u(n, m) to the determination
of w(n, m). The
equivalence of the two problems is easily established by the fo!lowing lemma
which is an immediate consequence of the definitions and the fact t.hat IP(n, m)j =
V-y +p.
Lemma 9. Let n 2 w 32 and (X, P) = X(n. m). Then a subgraph HG N$ is a U$
grupdz if and only if H L1P(n, m) is a m- lot dfy unipathic subgraph of T,.
Furthenmre, u(n, m) = w(n, m) + (“- ‘J+‘).
Lemma 9 allows us to apply the exchange theorems developed in Section 2 to
m-locally unipathrc subgraphs of T,. We will selectively apply these exchange
theorems in the proof of the principal theorem,
generalizationof Turbn’s theorem to directed graphs
The next lemma establishes some combinatorial
in future arguments.
identities which we will req=iire
Lemma 10.The foIlowing identities hold:
(i) h(m, q, r) = h(m - 1, q, r-2)i-(q$2)+(n-q-2)(q+
wi;aen m 23, q%O, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
ra 2 , zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
and it=m(ql)+ra3.
(ii) h(m,q,r)=h(m-l,q,r-l)+-(q~l)+(n-q--l)q+~~r]
when ma3,
and n=tn(q-l)+rs3.
(iii) h(4p+1,q,2p)=h(4p,q-l,6p-2)+(q~‘)+(n7q-l)q
w&ten pal,
arzd n=4pq+2p.
(iv) h(4p+3,q,2p+1)=h(4p+2.q--1,hp+1)+(q~’)+(n-q-I)q
wlien pal,
qal. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
and n=4pq+2q+2p+l.
Proof. To establish the first identity, consider the complete multipartite graph
H = H(n2. q, r) having h(m, q, r) edges. Using the notation of Section 1, we label
the q + 2 parts of H by Vo, VI, Y2,. . . . V,, V4+1 with IV,l= l$i IVq+,l= f$rl.
and IViI=m-l
for i=l.2....
, q. Then let S be a q+2
element subset of
,..., n} chosen so that S contains one element from each of the sets
V,,. VI, V,. . . . 1 Vq+,, and let H’ be the restriction of H to X,, - S. Then IH’i =
- 1, q, r - 2). Now consider
the edges in H-H’.
There are (qz2) edges in
H - H’ with both endpoints in S, and there are (n -q - 2:l(q + 1) edges in Z -f- H ’
wish one endpoint in S and the other in X,, - S. The! identity follows since
H= H’U(H-H’).
‘To estabikk the second identity., we modify the argument given above as
follows. We choose a q + 1 element subset S c X,, consisting of one element from
each of the se.& V,, V,, . . . , Vq+rr and let I-I’ be the restriction of N to X, - S.
Then (f-f’/= h(m - 1, q, r- 1). There are (“;I) edges in H-H’ with both cldpoints
in S, there are [$rJ(q + 1) edges in H - H’ with one endpoint in V,, and thiere are
(n - L&J-q - 1)q edges in H- H’ with one endpoint in X, - S - V,, and the other
in S. The desired identity follows as in the previous paragraph sicce H =
H’ U (H - H’).
To establish the third identity, we consider a q + 1 element subset of X,,
containing exactly one element from VI, V,, . . . , V,,, . Let S fI Vi = (Xi) for
Then let Vq=V;UVb
where IV$=33p lVbj=p, and xq,Vi.
i = I,&. . ..q+l.
Let H’ be the restriction of H to X,,, -S. and let H” be the complete q + 1
graph whose parts are VoU(Vq+, -{x,+~}) U VZV, -{xl}. V,V,_,lx,- ,},
VG- {x,}.
Since ~V ,,U (V q+,-{.u,+,})U ~~~=lV ~-~Sq}l:=
ix,}, . - . 1
and \Vi-{~}l=4p-l
for i=i,2,...,q-1,
we conclude that IH”I=
h(4p, q - 1,6p - 2 ). But Z-Yis formed from H’ by adding (3p - 1)p edges between
vertices in V; and Vi and deleting 3p2- 2p edges with both endpolints in
S.B. M aurer, I. Rabinovitch, W .T. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
T FOt b3 ,
J r.
178 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
vouwq,,-bq+,w vi.
lW’l+ (4;‘) + (n - q - l)q + p. and since IZ-I’I= I##“\- p, the desired identity follows.
The proof of the last identity is similar and is omitted in the interests of
brevity. 0
For an edge (i, j) ET,,, we define the length of (i, j) to be j - zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY
i. Note that each
edge in P<r.l.m) has length at least m, and we may therefore view the edges in
P(n. m) as “long” edges. Furthermore, if H is a m-locally unipathic subgraph of
T, having u(n, m) edges, then P(n, m) E H. On the other hand, there are
limitations on the number of “short” edges a m-locally unipathic subgraph of T,,
can contain. For example, the restriction of a m-locally unipathic subgraph to a
set of m consecutive vertices contains at most l$m” ] edges. ‘Ihe next lemma also
limits the number of short edges.
Lemma 11. Let n z m 3 2 and let H be a m-bcally unipathic subgraph of T,. Also
I<i<i+m1 C n. Theri H contains at most m - 1 eilges
from t!re 2m - I element set
Pro& Suppose first that H contains the edge (i, i + m - 1). Since the restriction of
2-I to the set jji,i+l,i+2,...,
i + m - 1) is unipathic, it follows that for each j
with i Cj C i +,m - 1, H contains at most one edge from the pair {(i, j), (j, i + m 1). Since there are m - 2 integers between i and i + m - 1, we conclude that H
contains at mclst 1 + (m - 2) = m - 1 edges from K.
On the other hand, suppose that (i, i + m - 1; +!H. If it is still true that H
contains at most one edge from the pair {(i, j), (j, i + m - l)} for each j with
i C j < i t m - 1, then it follows that H contains at most m - 2 edges from K. So
we may assume that there exists an integer j0 with i zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
C j. C i + m - 1 for which H
contains both (i. jO) and (it,, i -+m - 1). Since the restriction of H to {i, i + 1, i +
2 .., i+m1) is unipathic, it follows that for all j with i <jCi+
m - 1 and
js jn, H contains at most one edge from the pair {(i, j), (j, i + m - 1)). Therefore
We next introduce a technique for considfering subsets S of X,, for which the
identities in Lemma 10 as well as the restriction on the number of short edges
given in Lemma 11 will be applicable. This technique will allow us to construct an
inductive argument for the principal thc:orem utilizing the following convention. If
S s X, and ISI = s with 0 c s c n, then the restriction of T, to X,, - S is isomorphic
to T,_,. Given integers m,, m2 with n am, 22 and n--s> m,a2,
we may
consider a m,-locally unipathic subgraph H of T, and its restriction H’ to X, - S.
We may then ask whether H’ is a mz-locally unipathic subgraph of T,_,.
For integers n, m, k with n am 2~2 and Oskkm,
we let S(n,m, k)=
{iEX, :i = k (mod m - l)] and s(n, m, k) = IS(n, m, k)l.
A generalizationof Turcin’s theorem to directed graphs
L4?mma 1% . Let n, m, k be integers with n > m > 3 and 0 G k < m, and let H be a
m- locally unipathic subgraph of T,,. If H’
is the restriction of H to X, -
S(n, m, k) and s = s(n, m, k), then H’ is a m - l-locally
unipathic subgraph of zyxwvutsrqponm
Proof. Let A be a set of m - 1 vertices which occur consecutively in ‘I’“__%.
If the
vertices in A also occur consecutively in T,, then since H is m-locally unipathic, it
is also m - l-locally unipathic, and the restriction of H’ to A, which is the same as
the restriction of H to A, must be unipathic. Qn the other hand, if the- vertices in
A do not occur consecutively in T,,, then it follows that there is a unique element
x E S(n, m, k) so that A U(x) is a set. of m consecutive integers in T,,. As before.
the restriction of H’ to A must be unipathic, and the argument is complete.
We pause to detail two exceptional cases. The following
mediately from the remarks at the end of Theorem 2.
result hollows im-
Lemma zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
13. u(3,3) = 2. Furthermore, there are exactly three 3- focally unipathic
subgraphs zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
of T3 which have two edges:
H(3, (1,3) ={(l, 2), (1,3)},
ri(3,(), 3) = {(1,3), (2, 3)},
Ho = {(1,2), (293)).
We next discuss the special case (n, m) = (5,4). The argument
will be generalized to obtain the principal theorem.
Lemma 14. u(5,4) = 7. Furthermore, H(4, 1,2) is the unique 4- local!g unipathit
s&graph of T5 having 7 edges.
Proof. Let H be a 4-locally unipathic subgraph of T5 with 1HI = u(5,4). Then let
S1 = S(5,5,1) = {1,4}, S2 = S(5,4,2) = (2,5}, s1 = IS,( = 2, and s2 = IS,,1= 2. Also
let H, denote the restriction of H to X,-- Si and let & = (H- Hi) n P(5.4) =
{(1,5)} for i = 1,2. Then set El ={(4, 5))fl H and E2={(l, 2))rl H. Finally, let
Ii=Hi- Li- Ei
for i=l,2. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
N OW Hi is a 3-locally unipathic subgraph of T3 SO IHi(G 2 for i = 1,2. Also, we
note that I&IG 1 for i = 1,2. We next show that /Ii U I +1=~4 for i = 1,2. However.
this follows immediately since l&l = 1 and JIiJ65 by Lemma 11 for i = 1,2.
u(5,4) = 7.
We now proceed to show that H = H(4, 1,2)1. We begin by observing that we
must have lHil = 2, jEil = 1, and I~iU Lil = 4 for i = 1.2. In particular, we knov
that Ii1 and Hz must be one of the three extremal graphs in Lemma 13, and we
know that {(1,2), (4,5), (1,5)}~ H.
Suppose first that H, = H(3,0,3), i.e., ((2. 3), (2,5)}c H. If H contains the edge
(3,4), then H contains nonidentical paths from 1 to 4. The contradiction requires
S.B. kiaurer, I. Rabinovitch, W.T. Trotter, Jr.
that (3,4)&H. This in turn implies that H2# fi(3,0,3)
and H2# Ho. i.e., Hz=
H(3,0,3). Thus zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H contains the edges (1,3) and (1,4) which in turn implies that
H contains nonidentical p;a;>s from 1 to 3. The contradiction shows that H1#
.H(3,0,3). At this point, we may take advantage of the obvious duality to
conclude that H& &3,0,3).
(3,5)}. Then we observe that Hz=
Now suppose that H, = H,={(2,3),
H(3,0,3j = {( 1,3), (1,4)], and H2 = Ho = {( 1,3), (3,4)) imply that H contains the
edge (1,3). This in turn implies that H contains nonidentical paths from 1 to 3.
The contradiction shows th.ai H, # Ho, and by duality, we may conclude Hz+ Ho.
Therefore H, = fi(3,0,3)
arid Hz = H(3,0,3).
But these statements imply H =
H(4, 1,2). Cl
The next lemma allows us to resfrict our attention to m-locally unipathic
subgraphs which do not admit Type 1 or Type 2 exchanges. This will simplify
subsequent arguments consideraly.
EABUIM15. Let n, m be integers with n
3 m ~3. If q and r are integers for which
n=q(m1)4- r.
(m, q, r)f (3,0,3),
- l)] , and
M m - 1>‘Is r S [$(rn
H( m. q, r) and fi(m, q, r) cannot be obtained from a m- locally unipathic subgraph
H of ‘I’, by an exchange of Type P or Type 2.
first that H(m, q, r) can be obtained by a m-locally unipathic
?& by a T;ype 1 exchange. The argument for &m, q, r) is dual.
x, y, z wit!h 1 GX C y < z 6 x + m - 1 for which R contains (x, z)
one of these edges is exchanged for (x, z) to form H(m, q, r).
Without loss of generality dH(m, q, r) = (H - {(x, y )}) U {(x, 2)). Choose an integer i
so that x E Vi. Since (x. y) $ H(rit, q, r), we know that y also belongs to Vi. Since
z-xsnd1, we know that ZE Vi+,. If i >I), let w denote the largest integer in
Vi _,. Then him, q, r) and N contain the edges (w, x) and (w, y). But H also
contains (x, y) which is a contradiction since y - w G m - 1. Therefore i = 0, r 2 3,
and m a 6. If IV,1 22, we may consider the first two integers in V, and choose one
of them, say z’, with z’# z. It follows that H contains (x, y) (y, z’), and (x, 2’).
Since z’a2+t$rj
and x21. we see that r’- xsl+[% rJsm- 1
which is a
Now suppose that H(m, q, ri is obtaintd from a m-locally unipathic stibgraph H
of T, by a Type 2 exchange. Choose ijltergers x, y, z, w with 1 <x < y < z < w <
x + m - 1 for which (x, y)~ H, (z, W )E H, (x, z)$ H, (y , t)+! H, and zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
H(m, q, r) is
then obtained from H by a Type 2 exchange which results in (x, y) being
exchanged for (x, z) and (z, w) being exchanged for (y, w). (Other exchanges may
also be involved but this will not matter.) We then choose an integer i for which
X, y E Vi and Z, w E Vi+l. Hence H contains both (x, w) and (y, z) but this implies
that N contains nonidentical paths from x to w. The contradiction co!mpletes the
proof. 0
Pro& Suppose
subgraph H of
Choose integers
and (y, z) but
A generalization of Turdn’s theorem to directed graphs
We are now ready to present the principal theorem
of this paper.
16. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Let n 2 m 2 2. Then the maximum number u(n, m) of edges in a
m- locally unipathic subgraph of
T,, is zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
h(m, q, r) w here q and r are the unique
integers satisfy ing n = q(m - 1) + r and r&n - 1)1 s r C [s(rn - l)]. fiurthermore:
(i) If m = 2, then T, itself is the unique m- locally unipathic subgraph of T,
having u(n, m) edges.
(ii) If n = m = 3, then there are three m- Iocaily unipathic subgraphs of ‘T,,having
u(n, m) edges: H(3,0,3), &3,0,3),
and Ho = {(1,2), (2,3)}.
(iii) If n 3 m > 3, r >i(rn - l), and H is a m- locally unipathic subgraph of T,
having u(n, m) edges, then either H = H(m, q, r) or H = fi(m, q, r).
(iv) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
If nam23,
(n, m)Z(3,3),
and I-I is a m- locally unipathic
subgraph of T, having u(n, m) edges, then either H = H(m, q, r), H = fi(m, q, r),
H=(m,q- l,r+m- 1),
orH=fi(m,q- l,r+m- 1).
Proof. We first dispense of the case m = 2. In this case, we observe that ‘I’, itself
is the only 2-locally unipathic subgraph of T, having u(n, 2) = (;) edges, and the
desired result follows since T, = H(2, n - 1, I). We may also assume (n, m ) #
We then assume validity for all values of m with m d p where p is some integer
with p 2 2 and consider the case m = p f 1. In view of Theorem 2, we may assume
n > m. Throughout the remainder of the argument, q and r will denote the unique
integers for which n = q(m - l)+ r and [i(rn - l)l Qr < [$(m - 1)l.
From this point on, we proceed with :an indirect proof. We assume that the
theorem is false and let ie denote the set of all counterexamples,
i.e., U: is the set
of all m-locally unipathic subgraphs of T, having u(n, m) edges other than the
canonical graphs given in the statement of the theorem. We may then choose a
counterexample HE % which does not admit either a Type 1 or Type 2 exchange.
To see that this is possible, we observe that each time an exchange of either Type
1 or Type 2 is performed, the sum of the lengths of the edges in the graph
increases, but of course the number of edges remains the same. On the other
hand, it follows that if we choose a graph HE % for which the sum of the lengths
of the edges in H is maximum, then H does not admit either a Type 1 or Type 2
exchange. Otherwise, the exchange would necessarily transform H into one of the
canonical extremal graphs which is impossible by Lemma 15.
It is important to note that the counterexample
H satisfies the following two
G m, (x, y) E H, and (w, z) E H, then w ( y.
P,: If lsx<y<z
pz: If n-m+l<x<y<z,
and (x. w)EH, then y<w.
We first establish P,. Suppose to the contrary that 1 s x -Cy < z < m, (x, y) E H.
(w , Z) and y G w. Suppose first that y = w. Then H contains (x, y) and (y, z) and
admits a Type 1 exchange. Wow suppose y < w. If H contains either (x, wj or
(y, z), it admits a Type 1 exchange and if H contains neither (x, w) or (y. z). then
S.B. Maurer: I. Rabinwitch,
W. ‘p: Trafter, Jr.
it admits a Type 2 exchange. This, completes the proof of P1. The proof of zyxwvutsrqponmlk
P2 is
dual and is therefore omitkd.
At this point, we divide the remainder of the argument into four cases zyxwvutsrqpo
depending on the magnitude of r
Case 1. m SrC [$(m-1)l.
Let S,=S(n,m,
l), &=S(n,m,
l+ E(r-m)]), S3=S(*r, m,r-m+l),
S(n, m, 1+ [JrJ). Note that IS,1 = IS.1 = IS,! = q+ 2 and IS,,1= q + 1. For convenience, we also let q = lS,l for i = 1, :‘_,3,4. Then for i = 1,2,3,4,
let Hi be the
restriction of H to X,, - Si. It follows from Lemma that Hi is a m - l-locally
unipathic subgraph of Tnmg-2 for i = 1,2,3, and that H4 is a m - l-locally
unipathic suhgraph of T, - q - 1.
We next observe that the equation st = q(m - 1) + r, and the inequality m G r <
p$(rn- :;I together imply that the following statements hold:
(a) n-q--2=q(m-2)+r-2
and [$(m-2)1cr-2<[~(m-2)1.
(b) If rf4(3m-4),
then n-qkl(rn - 211.
(c) If r=&(3m-4),
then n-q-l=(q+l)(m-2)+r-m+l)
$(m - 2).
and r-m+l=
It follows from the inductive
that /HiI G u(n -q - 2, m - 1) =
tor i= 1,2,3. If r# i(.3m-4),
then lH4jGr&z-q-l,m-1)=
if r = &3m -4),
But since r-m+l=j(m-2),
have ~H~~~h(m-l,q+1,r-m+1)=k(m-l,q.r-1).
We conclude that IHJ<
h(m - 1, q, r- 1) for ail values of r treated in this case,
We now describe a method for partitioning each of the sets H-Hi into three
subsets. First, we let Z+= (H-Hi) 17P(n, m) for i = 1,2,3,4.
Then let ai be the
least integer in Si and bi the greatest integer in Si. We define
Ei = H n {{(x, Cli): 1 d x < 4) U {(bi, y) : bi < y s n})
letters C, E, and Z to suggest “long”, “exterior”, “interior” respectively.)
We now proceed to examine the number of edges in these sets. First, it is easy
to see that Z+ contains @)- (Si - 1) edges with both endpoints in Si. If x E X,, - Si
and a, < x < bi, then there are Si - 2 edges in Z+ having x as one of its endpoints. If
x E X, - Si and either x < ai or bi < x, then there are si - 1 edges in & having x as
one of its endpoints. Therefore,
- l)(m -2)(sie2)
Secr;nd, we observe
(Si-I !m-1).
that it follows immediately
from Lemma
11 that IZila
A gerreralization of Turh’s theorem to directed graphs
We conclude that
The form of the preceding inequality is not surprising since it is immediate that
if H=h(ffl,q,r).
In this case, note that H contains each of the (“1)edges with both endpoints in Si,
and if x E X, - Si, then there are Si- 1 edges of H- ,Ei -Hi joining x with a point
Of Si.
We may combine these inequalities with the identities in Lemma 10 to obtain
the following inequalities.
z zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
s Mm, q, r) + zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
lE41- kl .
We conclude from this that we must have lE4l > [$rJ. Now suppose that IEiI> 0
for i-1,2,3.
We not? that a,=l,
0, we know that H contains an edge e, = (n - r + rn, j) where n - r + m < j G n and
m. Since l&j > 0, we know that either
edge e,=(i, l+r-m)
where 1 < i < 1 + r - zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
H contains an edge e2 = (i’, 1+ [;(r - m)J) where 1 G i’< zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
1 + @r - m)J or an edge
e; = (n - [$(r - m)J, j’) where n - [$(r - m)l <j’s n. Now suppose that H contains
an edge e2 = (i’, 1+ li(r- m)]). Since H satisfies property P,, it follows that if
(x, QJ E Ed, then l<x < 1 +$(r- m). Similarly, since H satisfies P2, it zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
n-r+ m <yin.
if (b,, Y)EE~,
14(r- m)J + r - m &r - m)J which is impossible since 1E.J2 l.$rJ and [ir] >
[$(r - m)l . On the other hand, if H contains an edge es = (n - [i(r - rn 11, j’) then
S.B. Maurer. I. Rabinouitch, W.T. Trotter,Jr.
we would coslclude that if (x, a,) E &, then 1 =Gx < 1+ r - m, and if (h,, Y) E Ed,
then n- [$(r-m)l <y<n.
1, follows that lE41d(r-m)+
[&r-m>] = [s(r-m)l.
As before, this is impossible since zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
[EdI2 [$rl and [&‘I > @(r - m>lThe contradiction
allows us to conclude that there must be some i E {1,2,3} for
we note that this implies in turn that
which l&l= 0. Since r-2#i(m
(q+l) and IL;I=(q+l)(m - 1). Therefore, either Hi = H(m - 1, q, r - 2) or Hi =
fi(m - 1, q, r- 2). In either case, it is easy to see that Hi contains q + 1 edges of
length one. Furthermore, if we choose an arbitrary consecutive pair ul, USE Si,
then there exists a unique edge (w, w + 1) E Hi zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
SO that 1 s ul C w < w + zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih
1 < 02 =
tr, + nt c n. Sincz !fil = (q+ l)(m - l), it follows that H contains exactly m - 1
edges from {(u,. x):u~<:x~~)~}U{(~, u~):zJ~~~<u~}. Thus if zll <x<u2,
then H
must contain at least one of (u,, x) and (x. u,).
First, suppose that uI <x G w. We show that (x, u2) E H. To the contrary, assume
(x,~;~)$H; then (u,,x)~H.
Now (x,w +l),
so (ul,w)$- H,
(w , u2jE H, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
ii.e ., H contains (w, w + l), (w + 1, u2), and (w, u2) which is a contradiction, We conclude that if u, <x < w, then (x, u2) E H.
A dual argument shows that if w + 1 G y < u2, then (Q, y) E .H. We now show
that H contains (u,, uz). To the contrary, suppose that (ul, u2)$ H. Then there
exists an integer x with u, <x < u2 for which H contains both (u,, x) and (x, 21~)~
x d w, then H oDntains (u,, x), (x, w + 1), and (ul, w + 1) which is a contradiction.
Similarly. if w -+ 1 G x, then H contains (w. x), (x, u2), and (w, u2) which is also a
contradiction, W;= conclude that (ul, u2j E H.
In the above argument. ul and u2 were an arbitrary consecutive pair from Si so
that we have determined the location of each of the (q+ l)(m - 1) edges in IiSince Ei = (4 and ti G P(n.
H, it follows that if Hi = H(m - 1,~. r‘-2), then
H = H( m q, I), and if ~ii = fi(m - 1, q, r - 2), then H = d(m, q, r). Of course, we
have obtained a contradiction since the assumption that H was a counterexample
has led to the conclusion that H was not a counterexample. With this observation,
the proof of Case 1 is complete.
Case 2. &m - l)<:rCm.
In view of Lemma 14, we assume (n, m)# (5,4). Consider the three sets
Sl= S(PY,m, 11, Sz= S(n, m, r&l), and S,= S(n, m, r). I&t Si = ISiI and let a, and bi
denote the least integer and the greatest integer in Si respectively for i = 1.2,3.
Note that Si = q + 1 for i = 1,2,3. We then define for each i = 1,2.3 the subgraphs Hi* Ii, &,, and E, exactly as in Case 1. Since [s( m - 2)1 < r - zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
1 < [s(m - 2)1,
we know that the following inequality holds.
= h (rn.
q , rlf
l)+ (“5 *)+(n-q-
IEij- Lir.1 for i = 1,2, 3.
A generalization zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
of Turh’s
theorem to directed graphs
In particular, we note that lEil> [$rj for i = 1, 2,3. If IF, I= [$rJ for some zyxwvutsrqp
then we know that H,=H(m-l,q,r-I)
or Hi-=~~(m-l,q.r-1)
r - zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 = $(m - 2),
Hi ==
show that the requirement that l&l 3 l$rJ for i = 1,2,3 rules out this possibility.
To see that this is true, we observe that if Hi = H(nz - 1, q - 1, r + w - 3) or
for so.me ifz{1,2,3}, then Hi contains an edge
where either y= [i(r+m-1)j
or y= [&r+m-1)l.
Since IE,[->O, H
contains an edge of the form (x, r) where 1 %x <r. But this implies that H violates
Property P2, since l<x<r<y<y+
1 G ml. We may therefore assume that either
or Hi= Z$(m-l,q,r-1)
whenever IEil=lsr]
and iE
iE(1,2,3} ,
U.2,3} .
Suppose first that IElI= [$rJ. Th enwemusthaveH,=H(rn-l,q.r-l).forifr
is even and H1 = fi(rn - 1, q, r -. l), then H, contains each of the $r - 1 edges in
the set {(n-$r+ 1, x):n-$r+l<x
G n). However, this implies that jE,l G ir - 1 <
[$J which is a contradiction.
Since H, = H(m - 1, q, r - 1). we know that H
contains each of the l$r] edges in the set {(n - [$rj, x): n - [$r] <x c n} , and thus
El = {(n - r + 1, x) : n - [ir] <x d n} . The argument in Case 1 may now be applied
to determine the edges in Ii and show that H = H(m, q, r). We may therefore
assume that lE,l> Ur]. Dually, we may assume that lEJ> [$rJ.
It follows that E, contains no edges from the set {(x, [&rl): I G x s [lrl}.
for otherwis:
we would
lE.ll~ l$rJ.
Ez =
Lhr] <x s n} and lEz\ = @r] . However, this in turn requires that
{(n- lar],x):nlEl/ S l$rJ which is a contradiction.
This comple[es the p,roof for Case 2.
Case 3. $(m - 1) = r and r is even.
First set r = 2p and m = 4p + 1, We then consider the sets S,, Sz. . . . . S,. where
Si = S(n, m, i) and .si= q + 1 for i = 1,2, . . . , r. Note that
It follows that if It; =O for some ie{I,2,...,r} .
then Hi=H(4p,q-1.6p-2)
and the same argumeiat used in Case 1 wouid a:!ow us to conclude that
l)= H(4p+ 1, q- 1,6pl.
We may therefore assume that tEi I > 0 for i =: 1,2, . . . , r.
Now consider the set Sr+, = S(n, m, 3~). Since s,,, = q and
u(n - 4, m - 1) = u(417q + 2p - q, 4~) = h(4p, q, 2p),
we conclude that /Er4,j22p. If IEr+,l = 21.4it follows easily
H(-? + 1, q, 2~). We therefore assume that (E,+,j > r.
Next suppose that for some i E { 1,2, . . , r} , $ contains
and an edge (n-r+i,y)
where n-r+i<ySn.
clude that jE,+,Is(i - l)+ r-i = r - 1. The contradiction
that H = H(m, q. r) =
an edge (x, i) where
Then we would conshows that for each
S.B. Maurer, I. Rubimuitch,
. . . r,
W.T. Trotter, Jr.
or zyxwvutsrqponmlk
{(n-r+i,y):n-r+iCysn} .
Similar reason& shows that if H contains an edge of the form (x, i + 1) where
and an sdge of the form (n-r+i,y)
where n-r+i<ySn,
\&+,I c r. The contradiction shows that we must either have 4 c {(x, i): 1 G i C i}
for i= 1,2,. . . , r, neither
for i = 1,2,. . . , r or EiC((y, n-r+i):n-r+i<yGn}
of which is possible. The contradiction completes the proof of this case.
Case 4. #m - 1) = 4, r is odd, (n, m)f (3,3).
First set r = 2p + 1 and m = 4p + 3. As in Case 3, we consider the sets
S,, s,, . . . , S, where Si = S(n, m, i) and Si = q + 1 for i = 1, 2, . . . , r. Note that
lt follows that if I$! - 0 for some i E { 1,2, . . . , r}, then either
Applying &heargument used in the previous cases, we would conclude that either
We therefore assume IEi1>O for i = 1,2, . . . , r.
Mow consider the set S,+, = S(n, m, 3~). Since s,,~ = 4 and
we conclude that lE+,] ar. If [&+,I = r, then it follows easily that
We may therefore assume that IE,+,I > r. The remainder of the case follows along
the same lines as Case 3 and is therefore omitted. With this observation, the proof
of our theorem is complete.
5. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The compu4utb
of rank
If P and Q are par&i orders on a set X and P cc0, we say that Q is an
extension of P. If Q is also a linear order, then we say Q is a linear extension. A
well known theorem of Szpilrajn [7] asserts that if P is a partial order on a set X,
then the collection 9 of all linear extenl;ions of P is nonempty and n 9 = P. A
family 9 of linear extensions of a partial order P is called a realizer of P when
n 9 = P. A realizer 5 of P is said to be irredundantwhen n .%# P for every
proper subfamily $5 5 Dushnik and Miller [l] defined the dimension of a poset
(X, P) a% the smallest integer t for which there exists a realizer 9=
CL,. L*, . . , &) of P. Note that if (X, I?) Slas dimension t and 9 = {L,, L2, . . . , I;}
is a real,zer of f, then 9 is irredundant. Maurer and Rabinovit8zh [2] defined the
rank 4 tX, P) as the largest integer t for tl*lhich,there exists an irredundant realizer
A generalizationof Turcin’s theoremto directed graphs
&} of P and showed that wbile a n-element antichain has dimension two when n a 2, it has rank l&z’] when n a4. In [6], Rabinovitch and Rival
gave a formula for the rank of a distributive lattice. In [3] and [4], Maurer,
Rabinovitch, and Trotter developed a general theory of rank based on the graph
theoretic concepts discussed in Section 2 of this paper. For the sake of completeness, we state here the principal results of this theory.
For n 20, let n and A denote respectively an n-element chain and antichain. If
X = (X, P) and Y = (!Y, Q) are posets, we define X join F, denoted XCBY, as the
poset (X U Y, P U Q IJ (XX Y)), i.e., in XCDY, every element of X is greater than
every element of Y. A poset (X, P) is said to be rank degenerate if there exist
integers n, m a0 such that (X, P) is isomorphic to a subposet of n@?@lrlz. The
width of a poset (X, P) is the maximum number of points in an antichain
contained in (X, P).
17 [5]. If (X, P) is rank degenerate, then rank(X, P) = width(X, P).
Theorem 18 [3]. If (X, P) is not rank degenerate, then the rank of (X, P) equals
the maximum number of edges in a V$ subgruph of N$
By combining Theorem 18 and Lemma 9, we can now compute the rank of the
family of posets {X(n, m) : n > m >2}. Note that X(n, n) = ii for n 3 2 so rank
X(2,2) = 2, rank X(3,3) = 3, and rank X(n, n) = [$n’] when n >4.
19. Let n > m 22.
rank X(n, m) = h(m, q, r)-
where n = (m - 1)q + r and r&m - 1)1 c r < [$(m - l)] I
Proof. Note first that X(n, m) is not rank degenerate when n > m so that by
Theorem 18, the rank of X(n, m) equals w(n, m), the maximum number of edges
in a U$ subgraph of @. In view of Lemma 9, we know that
w(n, m)= u(n, m)- i,
and our conclusion follows from Theorem
16 since u(n, m) ‘=h(m, q, r).
It is of particular interest to consider the slpecial case of the preceding result
which occurs when n = 2m. The family {X(2m, m) : m 2 1) is a collection of posets
of height one of particular combinatorial interest. First, the posets are interval
orders of height one and secondly, X(2nr, m) is the horizontal split of m (see [8]
S.B. Maurer. 1. Rabinovitch, W.T. Trotter, Jr.
for definitions).
X(2m. m) has dimension two for all m zs2, and we may examine
19 in detail to obtain a formula for the rank of X(2m, m).
(i) rank X(4.2) = 3.
(ii) rank X(6,3) = 7.
(iii) rank X(8,4) = 12.
(iv) rank X(2m, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
rnj = [$(3m*-3)J for m 25.
Proof. X(2m. m) is not rank degenerate when m ~2 so that rank X(2m, m) =
w(2m, m),the maximum number of edges in a U$ subgraph of I’$. By Lemma 9,
we know that
w(2m.m)= u(2m. m)It follows from Theorem
( )
16 that u(4,2j = h(2,2,2)
= 6 so tiat
w(4,2) = u(4,2) - (if’) = 6- 3 = 3.
On the other hand, when m a5,
w(2m. m j = h(m, 1, m f 1)-
u(2m, m) = h(m,1,m + 1) so that
m + 1‘
= (m - l)(m + l)+ @m + 1yj - (“;
= [$3m2-
Although we d:o not dtscuss the detaiLi here, it is relatively easy to establish the
inequality rank X(2m, m) 2 # rn* - 3)J directly from the definition of rank. This
is accomplished by explicitly constructing an irredundant realizer 9 for X(2m, m)
with pS[ = [d(3m2-3j].
The problem of establishing the reverse inequality,
rank Xt2m, m) s Li(3rn
*- 3)J, served as; the initial motivating force behind this
A generalization of Tush’s
theorem to directed graphs
6. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Open probllems
One of the obvious problems remaining to be solved is to investigate further the
relationship between u(n, nt), the maximum number of edges in an m-locally
unipathic subgraph of T,,, and A(n, m), the maximum number of edges in an
m-locally triangle free subgraph of T,. We recall that A(m, nz) a u(n, m) for all
n am 22 and that A(n, n)= u(n, n)= [$“J while b(n, 2)= u(n, 2)=(T). On the
other hand, it fnay happen that A(n, m)> u(n, m). For example, when n = 9 and
m = 8, ~(9,s) = 20 and the only extremal graphs are the complete bipartite graphs
H&O, 9) and A(& 0.9). However, it is straightforward to shalw that A(9.8) = 2 1
Several problems involving the digraphs of nonforcing pairs also arise naturally.
(1) What (acyclic) digraphs are the (acyclic) digraphs of nonforcing pairs of a
(2) Characterize maximal and maxirnum Us graphs.
(3) If IX]= n, characterize the set S of integers for which there exists a poset
(X. P) so that for every s E S, there exists a maximal V$ graph having s edges.
(4) Which posets have the property that every maximum LJg graph admits no
Type 1 or Type 2 exchanges.
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[3] S.R. Maurer. 1. Raoinovitch, and W.T. Trotter, Jr., Large minimal realizers of a partial order Il.
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