Human Brain Mapping 22:72 – 81(2004)
Neural Correlates of Syntactic Transformations
Isabell Wartenburger,1–3 * Hauke R. Heekeren,1 Frank Burchert,2
Steffi Heinemann,2 Ria De Bleser,2 and Arno Villringer1
Berlin NeuroImaging Center, Department of Neurology, Charité, Campus Mitte
Berlin, Germany
Department of Patholinguistics, University of Potsdam, Germany
Department of Neurology II, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Abstract: Many agrammatic aphasics have a specific syntactic comprehension deficit involving processing
syntactic transformations. It has been proposed that this deficit is due to a dysfunction of Broca’s area, an
area that is thought to be critical for comprehension of complex transformed sentences. The goal of this
study was to investigate the role of Broca’s area in processing canonical and non-canonical sentences in
healthy subjects. The sentences were presented auditorily and were controlled for task difficulty. Subjects
were asked to judge the grammaticality of the sentences while their brain activity was monitored using
event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging. Processing both kinds of sentences resulted in
activation of language-related brain regions. Comparison of non-canonical and canonical sentences
showed greater activation in bilateral temporal regions; a greater activation of Broca’s area in processing
antecedent-gap relations was not found. Moreover, the posterior part of Broca’s area was conjointly
activated by both sentence conditions. Broca’s area is thus involved in general syntactic processing as
required by grammaticality judgments and does not seem to have a specific role in processing syntactic
transformations. Hum. Brain Mapp. 22:72 – 81, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Key words: agrammatism; aphasia; auditory; Broca’s area; event-related fMRI; grammaticality judgments;
language; non-canonical; syntactic traces; trace deletion hypothesis
Lesions in Broca’s area often result in agrammatic aphasia.
Patients with lesions in this region were described originally
Contract grant sponsor: BMBF-MOS Cooperation; Contract grant
number: FKZ 01GA0202; Contract grant sponsor: BMBF Berlin NeuroImaging Center; Contract grant number: FKZ 01GO0201; Contract
grant sponsor: DFG Emmy-Noether-Programm; Contract grant
number: 3347/1-1; Contract grant sponsor: International Leibniz
*Correspondence to: Isabell Wartenburger, Berlin Neuroimaging
Center, Department of Neurology, Charité, Campus Mitte, Schumannstr. 20/21, 10117 Berlin, Germany.
[email protected]
Received for publication 7 October 2003; Accepted 22 December
DOI 10.1002/hbm.20021
2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
as having a syntactic impairment in language production
[Pick, 1898]; however, it has been shown that syntactic comprehension is disturbed as well [Caramazza and Zurif,
1976]. In contrast, semantic processing seems to be relatively
unaffected in both production and comprehension. Because
of the dissociation between syntax and semantics, agrammatism has been characterized as a central syntactic impairment [Berndt and Caramazza, 1980].
Contrary to the central syntactic deficit hypothesis, Linebarger et al. [1983] found that agrammatic subjects with
severe syntactic comprehension deficits in sentence-picture
matching tasks show a nearly normal performance in grammaticality judgment tasks. The deficit is thus interpreted not
to be in central syntax but rather specific for certain conditions. Sentence-picture matching tasks require semantic as
well as syntactic interpretation, hence semantic and syntactic processing compete for limited resources. In these tasks
there is a tradeoff in favor of semantics in agrammatic
patients [see also Hagoort et al., 2003]; however, semantic
interpretation is not required in grammaticality judgment
Syntactic Transformations 䉬
tions, such as phonological processing, semantic processing,
and syntactic processing [e.g., Caplan et al., 2000; Heim et
al., 2003; Muller et al., 2003; Poldrack et al., 1999, 2001; Price
et al., 2003; for review see Gernsbacher and Kaschak, 2003].
So far, neuroimaging studies focusing on the difference between syntactic and semantic processes or on syntactic complexity found Broca’s area (Brodmann area [BA] 44/45) to be
active [e.g., Caplan et al., 1998, 1999, 2000; Dapretto and
Bookheimer, 1999; Indefrey et al., 2001; Newman et al.,
2003]. Only a few neuroimaging studies have focused on the
comparison of processing non-canonical and canonical sentences. Cooke et al. [2002] reported increased activation in
left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG, BA 47) only during processing non-canonical object cleft sentences with a long distance
(seven words) between the moved element (antecedent) and
its base position (gap), i.e., sentences with high working
memory load. Correspondingly, these sentences require the
most time to be understood. In sentences with short antecedent-gap distances (three words), there is no specific activation in left IFG and they are processed faster. The sentences were presented visually in a word-by-word fashion.
Results of this study could thus be interpreted as modulation of left IFG by an interaction of working memory and
non-canonical syntactic structures rather than by the syntactic structure itself. Bilateral temporal regions are also modulated by working memory because processing sentences
with long antecedent-gap distances resulted in greater activation in these areas irrespective of the syntactic structure.
Similar to Cooke et al. [2002], Ben Shachar et al. [2003] found
left inferior frontal and bilateral temporal activations when
comparing auditorially presented Hebrew sentences with
and without transformations. The authors attribute these
activations to syntactic structure rather than to working
memory demands. Behavioral data, however, were not reported. Our group could not find a greater involvement of
Broca’s area or adjacent regions in the processing of noncanonical as compared to canonical sentences using visual
presentation of whole sentences with short antecedent-gap
distances only (i.e., a task with a rather low working memory load) [Wartenburger et al., 2003]. In this task, the moved
element could be maintained easily via the visual field, i.e.,
it was possible to switch between its transformed and base
position visually without the necessity to keep the representation of the whole syntactic sentence structure in working
The goal of the present study was to investigate the role of
Broca’s region in processing canonical and non-canonical
sentences. Because Cooke et al. [2002] and Ben Shachar et al.
[2003] did not control for task difficulty and Wartenburger et
al. [2003] did not ensure that moved elements had to be
represented in working memory, it remains unclear how
Broca’s area is modulated by canonicity. We compared noncanonical and canonical sentences with equal processing
difficulty in terms of reaction time and accuracy. Because
sentences were presented auditorily, the sentence structure
and all elements of the sentence had to be cortically represented and maintained in working memory. Based on the
tasks and thus syntax can operate in isolation. There is
evidence that syntactical analysis of syntactically unambiguous structures is relatively independent of semantic context
or semantic violations [Hagoort, 2003], e.g., syntactic violations can be detected in semantically uninterpretable Jabberwocky sentences [Indefrey et al., 2001].
A recent neurolinguistic theory of agrammatic comprehension disorders, the trace deletion hypothesis (TDH), reintroduces the idea that syntactic processes in agrammatism
are impaired at the representational level [Grodzinsky, 1986,
1995]. The TDH is based on Chomsky’s “government and
binding” theory [Chomsky, 1981]. Grammatical transformations involve movement of certain sentence constituents
from their base (i.e., canonical) positions to other possible
positions. Sentences with basic word order are called canonical whereas sentences with a transformed word order are
called non-canonical. The base position of the transformed
argument is filled by a trace. For example:
1. It is likely that (Mary will win).
2. It seems that Maryi is likely (ti to win).
In the example, the noun phrase “Mary” is moved to the
subject position of the embedded clause in (2). To mark its
base position, a phonetically empty and abstract but syntactically effective trace (t) is left behind. The trace transmits the
thematic role of the transformed argument via co-indexation
(i) (example adapted from Grodzinsky and Finkel, 1998).
The representation of the trace is therefore necessary to
comprehend sentences in which the canonical word order is
changed (i.e., non-canonical sentences). According to the
TDH, the traces are deleted from the agrammatic representations. Agrammatic aphasics should therefore show comprehension deficits in non-canonical sentences (e.g., passives, object relatives, object clefts) rather than in canonical
sentences without transformations (actives, subject relatives,
subject clefts). Because the TDH claims that the underlying
deficit is representational, the dissociation between canonical and non-canonical sentences is expected to become manifest in sentence-picture matching tasks as well as in grammaticality judgment tasks. In line with this theory,
Grodzinsky and Finkel [1998] found that agrammatic aphasic patients show significantly greater deficits in grammaticality judgments on non-canonical sentences than in grammaticality judgments on canonical sentences. Results of
lesion studies and experimental data suggest that the traces
are represented in Broca’s area [for review see Grodzinsky,
2000]. Furthermore, Grodzinsky hypothesized that Broca’s
region plays a specific role in processing non-canonical sentences [Grodzinsky, 2000]; however, Grodzinsky’s TDH has
been highly criticized and rejected by others [e.g., Beretta
and Munn, 1998; Berndt et al., 1996; Berndt and Caramazza,
1999; Caplan, 2001; Caramazza et al., 2001; Mauner et al.,
1993; for review see peer commentaries on Grodzinsky,
Broca’s area is part of a large neural network for language
processing and is responsible for various language func-
Wartenburger et al. 䉬
TABLE I. Examples of sentences
Wen pflegt die gütige Nichte im Altenheim [t]?
[whom cares the kind niece at the nursinghome]
Es scheint, die Formel ist leicht abzuleiten [t]. [it
seems the formula is easy to-deduce]
Womit glaubst du, was der Monteur repariert
[t]? [whereby thinks you what the mechanic
Der Computer scheint, es ist leicht aufzurüsten
[t]. [the computer seems it is easy to upgrade]
Es ist leicht, den Kastanienbaum zu fällen. [it is
easy the tree to chop]
Der gefährliche Bär droht der braunen Katze.
[the dangerous bear threatens the [dat] brown
Sie ist schwierig, die Fensterscheibe zu reinigen.
[she is difficult the pane to clean]
Der gefährliche Bär droht die braune Katze. [the
dangerous bear threatens the[acc] brown cat]
assumptions of the TDH, we hypothesized greater activation
of Broca’s area during processing non-canonical sentences as
compared to canonical sentences.
ing of an argument over another argument position (violation of the relativized minimality constraint [Rizzi, 1990]).
The grammatically correct CAN condition contained
“easy-to-please” constructions and simple, active sentences.
The incorrect sentences of the CAN condition were either
derived by violating the theta criteria (i.e., an argument in
the sentence is not assigned a semantic role) or by violating
the subcategorization frame through selection of wrong
case. One non-canonical sentence type, namely auxiliary
movement constructions, was removed from further data
analysis because of unexpected erroneous grammaticality
judgments. To match the total number of canonical and
non-canonical sentences, another canonical condition was
excluded randomly (with incorrect sentences violating the
subcategorization frame by selecting a wrong preposition).
Examples for each type used are given in Table I.
All sentences were semantically plausible. They were
matched across conditions for number of words (mean, 7
⫾ 0; Z ⫽ 0; P ⫽ 1.0), number of syllables (mean, 12.1 ⫾ 1.1;
Z ⫽ ⫺0.5; P ⫽ 0.6), stimulus duration (mean, 3.8 ⫾ 0.1 sec;
Z ⫽ ⫺0.7; P ⫽ 0.5) and frequency of nouns, verbs, and
adjectives (low frequency; mean, 22.6 ⫾ 16.2 per million
words; Z ⫽ ⫺0.7; P ⫽ 0.5) [Baayen et al., 1993]. The interstimulus interval was randomly jittered (mean stimulus onset asynchrony [SOA], 8.75 sec; min SOA, 6.27 sec; max SOA,
16.86 sec). All stimuli were spoken by a trained female
speaker and were equal in loudness.
Before investigation, subjects were instructed to judge the
grammaticality of the sentences intuitively, i.e., without relying on rules of grammar learned in school. The task was
explained outside the scanner and the subjects were asked
explicitly not to repair or adjust incorrect sentences. Inside
the scanner they had to indicate their decision as quickly
and correctly as possible by a left-hand button press on a
two-button response box. The sentences were presented in
an event-related and pseudorandom manner using an magnetic resonance (MR)-compatible headset (MR confon; Magdeburg, Germany). Depending on their level of alertness,
subjects carried out between 3–5 runs (mean, 3.85 ⫾ 0.69
CAN condition
All subjects were native speakers of German and had no
prior knowledge of the sentence material. Thirteen (seven
male) healthy, right-handed [Oldfield, 1971] young adults
(mean age, 25.8 ⫾ 4.9 years) participated. They gave written
informed consent before investigation and were paid for
participation. All experiments were carried out in compliance with the relevant laws and institutional guidelines and
were approved by the ethics committee of the Charité Berlin.
Linguistic Material and Task
The stimulus material included two conditions: canonical
sentences without transformations (CAN) and non-canonical sentences involving transformations (non-CAN). Both
conditions contained sentences that were either correct
(50%) or included a grammatical error (50%).
Non-CAN condition
In the non-CAN condition, movements of the noun phrase
or a wh-element (i.e., a question word beginning with wh)
were used. In noun phrase movement (A movement), a
noun phrase is moved from one argument position to another argument position. In wh-movement (A⬘ movement),
the wh-phrase is moved from an argument position to a
non-argument position. Although both movement types are
linguistically different [for an overview see Haegemann,
1991], both contain movements of phrasal constituents (compared to head movement). Within the framework of the
TDH there is no difference expected between noun phrase
and wh-movement because patients suffering from agrammatic Broca’s aphasia show comprehension deficits in movement of phrasal constituents [Grodzinsky, 1995; Grodzinsky
and Finkel, 1998]. Incorrect sentences involved illicit cross-
Syntactic Transformations 䉬
mined by a threshold of P ⬍ 0.001 and a corrected cluster
significance threshold of P ⬍ 0.05 [Forman et al., 1995;
Friston et al., 1994; Worsley et al., 1992]. Group analysis was
carried out using one-sample t-tests to identify regions that
showed greater activation in non-CAN and CAN compared
to rest, non-CAN compared to CAN sentences, and vice
versa. To determine the main effect of grammaticality and
the interaction of grammaticality and canonicity, grammatically correct and incorrect sentences were compared. Finally, to test the brain regions that were conjointly active
during CAN and non-CAN sentences, a conjunction analysis
was carried out (the statistical threshold was corrected for
false discovery rate [P ⬍ 0.05, corrected]).
runs; min, 3 runs; max, 5 runs). Each run consisted of 16
canonical (8 correct, 8 incorrect) and 16 non-canonical (8
correct, 8 incorrect) sentences and 5 null-trials that were
presented randomly. The Experimental Run Time System software (ERTS 3.28; BeriSoft Cooperation, Frankfurt/M., Germany) was used for sentence presentation and recording of
reaction times and accuracy.
Data Acquisition and Analysis
To compare the conditions regarding reaction times and
accuracy of response, nonparametric Wilcoxon-tests were
used (P ⬍ 0.01, corrected for multiple comparisons).
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measurements were carried out on a 1.5T scanner (Siemens Magnetom Vision, Erlangen, Germany) with a standard head coil.
Head movement was minimized using a vacuum pad. After
the scout spin echo scan, structural 3D data sets were acquired using a T1-weighted sagittal sequence (MPR; TR/TE
9.7/4 msec; flip angle 12 degrees; voxel size 1 mm ). Subsequently, 17 4-mm slices were obtained approximately parallel to the bicommissural plane (ac-pc-plane) using an echoplanar sequence (TR/TE 2,000/40 msec; flip angle 90
degrees; field of view 256 mm; matrix 64 ⫻ 64; interslice gap
0.4 mm; ascending acquisition of images). One run consisted
of 220 scans (mean 846.2 ⫾ 151.5 scans per subject; min 660
scans; max 1,100 scans). To avoid a systematic bias in sampling over peristimulus time [Burock et al., 1998; Dale, 1999],
scans were acquired in temporal asynchrony to the task
(jittered stimulus presentation). Slices covered the whole
brain with the exception of the most superior frontal and
superior parietal lobe, inferior temporal pole, and cerebellum (most superior z about 30 and most inferior z about
⫺36), thus covering both the frontal and temporal language
Imaging data were analyzed using SPM2 (Statistical Parametric Mapping, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, University College London, UK). The first three
functional volumes of each run were excluded to allow for
magnetic saturation effects. Scans were realigned, slice-time
corrected, normalized, and spatially smoothed by a Gaussian kernel (full-width half-maximum [FWHM] ⫽ 8 ⫻ 8 ⫻ 8.8
mm) using standard SPM2 methods [Friston et al., 1995].
Autocorrelations were corrected and a high-pass frequency
filter (128 sec) was applied. Time series were modeled using
event-related regressors. Duration of each event was determined by the reaction time of the subject. The resulting time
series were convolved with the hemodynamic response
function and the first derivatives were included in the
Contrast images for each condition versus rest and for
differences between the respective conditions were computed for each subject. To be able to generalize the observed
effects to the population [Holmes and Friston, 1998; Friston
et al., 1999a,b], the group effects were computed using these
contrast images in a mixed effects model treating subjects as
random (commonly referred to as random effects analysis).
T-statistic images were thresholded using clusters deter-
Behavioral Results
Behavioral data did not reveal significant differences in
reaction times and accuracy of response between canonical
and non-canonical sentences, respectively (compare Fig.
1A,B). There were also no statistically significant differences
between canonical and non-canonical sentences when grammatically correct and incorrect sentences were compared
separately (compare Fig. 1C,D). Task difficulty thus could be
considered equal in all conditions.
Functional MRI Results
Sentences verus rest
Compared to activity during processing the null trials,
both CAN and non-CAN resulted in bilateral activation of
temporal regions, the inferior and middle frontal (left
⬎ right) gyrus, midbrain, basal ganglia, and pre- and postcentral gyrus. Activations are shown in Figure 2A,B.
Non-CAN versus CAN
A significant main effect of canonicity (non-CAN vs.
CAN) was found in bilateral superior and middle temporal
gyrus (compare Fig. 2D and Table II). Parameter estimates of
each sentence condition were computed in activated temporal regions (see Fig. 2D). Comparing CAN to non-CAN
resulted in activation of the left parahippocampal/fusiform
gyrus, right precentral gyrus, and right occipital cortex
(compare Fig. 2C and Table II).
Effect of grammaticality
A significant main effect of grammaticality (grammatically incorrect vs. correct sentences) was found in left inferior frontal gyrus, left insula, and left temporal pole. Comparing grammatically correct sentences to incorrect
sentences resulted in activation of the bilateral medial frontal gyrus, bilateral posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus,
and left parietooccipital junction (compare lower part of
Table II). There was no interaction, however, of grammaticality and canonicity.
Wartenburger et al. 䉬
Figure 1.
Behavioral data acquired during the fMRI experiment. Reaction time (A) and accuracy (B) of judging non-canonical (non-CAN) and
canonical (CAN) sentences as shown by the combined analysis of grammatically correct and incorrect sentences. Reaction time (C) and
accuracy (D) of judging non-CAN and CAN sentences as shown by the separate analysis of grammatically correct and incorrect
sentences (non-CAN, non-canonical correct; non-CAN*, non-canonical incorrect; CAN, canonical correct; CAN*, canonical incorrect).
There were no significant differences between the conditions. Median, quartile, and data range are displayed.
sentences. Frontal and temporal language regions were engaged in sentence processing as required by grammaticality
judgments. A greater activation of Broca’s area in processing
non-canonical sentences could not be found. Moreover, the
more posterior part of Broca’s area (BA 44) was conjointly
activated by both non-canonical and canonical sentences. In
contrast, bilateral temporal regions showed greater activation in non-canonical sentences as compared to canonical
sentences, i.e., they were modulated by canonicity. Furthermore, the left inferior frontal gyrus, insula, and temporal
pole showed greater activation in grammatically incorrect as
compared to correct sentences, i.e., they were modulated by
grammaticality. There was no interaction, however, of canonicity and grammaticality.
Conjunction analysis of non-canonical and canonical
The conjunction analysis of non-canonical and canonical
sentences resulted in bilateral activation of the inferior frontal gyrus, superior and middle temporal gyrus, putamen,
midbrain and occipital regions, right pre- and postcentral
gyrus, thalamus, and left cerebellum. These regions were
conjointly activated in all sentence conditions (compare Fig.
2E and Table III). Parameter estimates of each sentence
condition were computed in the activated left inferior frontal
region (BA 44) (see Fig. 2E).
Taken together, there is considerable overlap of cortical
activation during processing canonical and non-canonical
Figure 2.
Comparison of non-canonical (A) and canonical (B) sentences to rest. Processing both sentence conditions resulted in similar activation.
C: Comparison of canonical and non-canonical sentences. D: Comparison of non-canonical and canonical sentences. Right: Parameter
estimates of sentence conditions in right and left middle and superior temporal regions that showed significant greater activation during
processing non-canonical sentences as compared to canonical sentences. E: Results of the conjunction analysis. Right: Parameter
estimates of sentence conditions in left BA 44 that showed conjoined activation during processing canonical and non-canonical
sentences. Results of group analysis (n ⫽ 13) superimposed on MNI template; non-CAN, non-canonical sentences; CAN, canonical
sentences. Bar graphs: non-CAN, non-canonical correct; non-CAN*, non-canonical incorrect; CAN, canonical correct; CAN*, canonical
Wartenburger et al. 䉬
TABLE II. Contrasting non-canonical and canonical sentences and grammatically
incorrect and correct sentences and vice versa
Main effect:
Brodmann area
Non-CAN vs. CAN
Superior/middle temporal
Superior/middle temporal
Precentral gyrus
Occipital cortex, lingual
Inferior frontal gyrus
Insula, temporal pole
Medial frontal gyrus
Posterior cingulate gyrus/
Parietooccipital junction
21/22, 41/42
21/22, 41/42
44/45, insula
47, insula, 21/38
CAN vs. non-CAN
Main effect:
Incorrect vs. correct
Correct vs. incorrect
Contrasting non-canonical and canonical sentences and grammatically incorrect and correct sentences and vice versa. There was no
interaction of canonicity and grammaticality. For each contrast, the respective activated anatomic region, right or left (R, L) hemisphere,
approximate Brodmann areas, cluster size, t values, and coordinates of the local maxima of significance within the Montreal Neurological
Institute (MNI) coordinate system are given (P ⬍ 0.05 corrected).
We compared canonical and non-canonical sentences and
tried to minimize the confounding effect of task difficulty.
Because there were no differences in reaction times and
accuracy between the conditions, difficulty was comparable
in all sentence conditions. Both theoretical considerations
and experimental evidence indicate that processing of noncanonical sentences requires more working memory [Gibson, 1998]. The observed main effect of canonicity in bilateral
temporal regions thus could be attributed to greater working memory demands: the antecedent-gap relation has to be
represented and maintained in the working memory buffer.
In line with this finding, several imaging studies showed
greater activations during tasks of higher syntactic complexity/working memory load as compared to tasks with lower
complexity/working memory demands in left hemispheric
or bilateral temporal and inferior frontal regions [Caplan et
al., 2002; Fiebach et al., 2001; Just et al., 1996; Stromswold et
al., 1996; for review see Caplan and Waters, 1999]. The
greater response in BA 41/42 during processing non-canonical sentences could also be explained by an attentional
top-down modulation [Jancke et al., 2002; Sussman et al.,
As mentioned above, two previous studies focused on the
effect of canonicity. Similar to the present study, Cooke et al.
[2002] found activation of bilateral temporal regions during
processing sentences with increased working memory load,
i.e., long antecedent-gap distances, irrespective of canonicity
as compared to a baseline task. Activation of left IFG (BA 47)
reflects an interaction of working memory and sentence
structure, as it is only involved in processing non-canonical
The goal of the present study was to investigate the role of
Broca’s region in processing canonical and non-canonical
sentences. We found that Broca’s area was not more strongly
engaged in processing non-canonical sentences as compared
to canonical sentences. The posterior part of Broca’s area
was activated by both non-canonical and canonical sentences; however, there was a main effect of canonicity in
bilateral temporal regions.
Based on the specific comprehension deficit of agrammatic Broca’s aphasics, it was hypothesized that Broca’s area
has a specific and limited function for the computation of
antecedent-gap relations [Grodzinsky and Finkel, 1998;
Grodzinsky, 2000]. In particular, we hypothesized a greater
activation of Broca’s area in processing auditorily presented
non-canonical sentences as compared to canonical sentences.
Our data do not support these assumptions, however, because the posterior part of Broca’s area (BA 44) was conjointly activated by both canonical and non-canonical sentences. Processing canonical sentences as compared to noncanonical sentences activated areas that are not part of the
language-processing network (left parahippocampal/fusiform gyrus, right occipital cortex, and right precentral cortex). These activations could be related to attention- and
motor-related processes, respectively.
There was a main effect of grammaticality in left inferior
frontal regions, left insula, and the left temporal pole. This is
in line with previous studies reporting a modulation of
Broca’s area and the left anterior temporal pole by grammaticality [e.g., Meyer et al., 2000; Newman et al., 2003].
Syntactic Transformations 䉬
TABLE III. Results of conjunction analysis showing areas that were active during
processing canonical and non-canonical sentences
Inferior frontal gyrus
Superior/middle temporal gyrus
Temporal pole
Inferior frontal gyrus
Superior/middle temporal gyrus
Pre- and postcentral gyrus
Occipital cortex
Brodmann area
Cluster size
21/22, 41/42
21/22, 41/42
Results of conjunction analysis showing areas that were active during processing canonical and non-canonical sentences. Respective
activated anatomic region, right or left (R, L) hemisphere, approximate Brodmann areas, cluster size, t values, and coordinates of the local
maxima of significance within the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinate system are given (P ⬍ 0.05 corrected).
both the sentence structure and the sentences’ elements).
There were minimal working memory demands, and Broca’s area or adjacent regions did not seem to play a special
role in processing sentences with movement of the noun
phrase compared to canonical sentences [Wartenburger et
al., 2003]. In contrast, auditorily presented sentences have to
be held in the phonological buffer, thereby increasing working memory load as compared to visually presented sentences. The moved element cannot be reactivated via eye
movements but has to be reactivated from the internal phonological representation.
In conclusion, the greater activation of Broca’s area in
processing antecedent-gap relations, as hypothesized
based on the TDH, could not be found. In other words,
Broca’s area is involved in general syntactic processing as
required by grammaticality judgments and does not seem
to have a specific role in processing syntactic transformations.
sentences with long antecedent-gap distances [Cooke et al.,
Greater activations of left inferior frontal and bilateral
temporal regions during processing transformed sentences were also found in a recent fMRI study [Ben Shachar et al., 2003]. The authors suggest that these activations are based exclusively on the syntactic structure.
Broca’s area is not active during processing sentences
without transformations, but rather shows a negative signal change. This contradicts various previous imaging
studies showing Broca’s region to be active in general
syntactic processing (see above). Additionally, complexity
was modulated by comparing sentences containing complex and simple verbs (determined by the number of
arguments a verb takes). Processing sentences with and
without transformations containing complex verbs did
not result in greater left inferior frontal activation than
processing sentences with and without transformations
containing simple verbs. An effect of verb complexity was
found in left posterior superior temporal regions only;
however, as mentioned by Ben Shachar et al. [2003], both
transformation and verb complexity can account for general sentence complexity. In the latter study, these two
factors were not disentangled and behavioral data were
not reported; therefore, the influence of task difficulty and
its relation to verb complexity and transformation remain
In our previous study, sentence complexity was controlled
by comparing sentences with similar processing complexity
[Wartenburger et al., 2003]. Similar to the present study,
there were no differences in reaction times and accuracy
between sentences with and without movement of the noun
phrase. The sentences contained short antecedent-gap distances and were presented visually (whole-sentence presentation for 4 sec, thereby allowing for visual maintenance of
We thank D. Ruff for proofreading the article.
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