Los Alamos National Laboratory: a national science laboratory


LA-URApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Title: Author(s): Intended for: Los Alamos National Laboratory A National Science Laboratory Primary Responsible Author: Paul Dotson Internal and external audience Q Alamos NATIONAL LABORATORY - - - - EST. 1 943 - - -- Los Alamos National Laboratory, an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, is operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. By acceptance of this article, the publisher recognizes that the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive , royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or to allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. Los Alamos National Laboratory requests that the publisher identify this article as work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy. Los Alamos National Laboratory strongly supports academic freedom and a researcher's right to publish; as an institution , however, the Laboratory does not endorse the viewpoint of a publication or guarantee its technical correctness. Form 836 (7/06) Abstract: The General Meeting of the Steering Committee for the International Agreement between the CEA/DAM and the NNSA/DP on Cooperation in Fundamental Science Supporting Stockpile Stewardship. This presentation is an overview of the Laboratory. LANL Mission: National Security Science Stockpile Stewardship Global Security Non Prollf.ratlon Energy Security Materials and Concepts for Clean Energy large.Scale Simulation Stockpile Stewardship Pit Manufacturing Intelligence Analysis Nuclear Energy B61·7/11 Strategic Bomb W76, W78, W88 for Trident & Minuteman III Proton radiography Space Systems Six other product line. A • los Alamos NATIONAL LA.OltATO • ., UNCLASSIFIED Operated by Los Alamos NationaJ Security, ue for the U S. Department of Energy's NNSA Cllmat. Energy N.xus Importance of the Laboratory to National Security ~ :- IC: . Weapons Science & Engineering , I;" , r' " I Computational Physics & Applied Mathematics A • LosAlamos Information & Knowledge Science Materials NATIONAL LAIOIIATORY Earth & Space Sciences UNCLASSIFIED Operated by LOll Alamos Netlooat Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA Capability pillars define areas we must sustain. • Experimental science focused on materials for the future • Information science and technology enabling integrative and predictive science • Science of Signatures for enduring national needs Information Science and Technology for Integrative and Predictive Science --_ - ---... • ror-Aiii'mos -- -....... .- -- -. '- '- NATIONAL L".O= . . .=O.::.. y _ _ _ _ _ __ _-.! Science of Signatures ~ U!.N ~CLAS!:IF.;E - Operel8d by Los AIamoI National Securty. LLC fOr lhe U.S. Department of Energy'. NNSA D - --=___- ___________ Ensuring Safe, Secure and Reliable Deterrent A SPaSM on Roadrunner: Materials dynamics in extreme conditions Plutonium Science: Metallurgy • LosAlamos N... TIOH ... l L... . O ...ITOlty UNCLASSIFIED Operated by losAlamol National s.eunty, llC fOr fie U.S. Departmtnl Of EnetVY's NNSA Achievements from partnering for the Weapons Program • Conducted 4 DARHT 2-axis experiments ·Conducted Bacchus, Barolo A&B , and Z • Cielo delivers on applications from all 3 labs at 9X performance improvement ·1 51/l annual assessment completed • Identified $20M RTBF funds for LANSCE LlNAC Risk Reduction (FY12+) • Delivered 2 key diagnostics (gamma reaction history, neutron imaging) to NIF • Selective hiring underway A • LosAlamos H... TIOH"' L L.... OIt ... TOlt y UNCLASSIFIED Operated by L08Alamos National Security. LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA LANL supercomputing performance meets or exceed requirements for stewardship and other scientific missions • Road Runner: the world's first machine to operate at 1.105 petaflops 1600 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Contributed Significantly to resolution of Level 1 milestone for energy balance • First-principles physics models are becoming mature • Cielo delivered on time and budget • Early applications from 3 labs on Cielo began Jan. 18 • Classified operations Feb. 2011 • upgrade from 1.1 to 1.35pfs summer 2011 Roadrunner and Cie/o are key elements along the road to exascale computing. A • los Alamos NATIONAllAIOIAtOIV UNCLASSIFIED Operated by Los Alamos National Security, lie for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA Roadrunner's open science simulations are being published. • Roadrunner kinetic plasma simulation shows formation and turbulent reconnection of magnetic flux ropes (Nature Physics) . • Scientists used the plasma simulation code VPIC to study this problem for the first time in 3D using a first-principles approach. Development of turbulent reconnection in flux ropes UNCLASSIFIED Operated by Loa Alamos National Security. lie for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA LANL has a long history of success in space Science => Mission Design => Instrumentation => Testing => Launch => Operations => Analysis 50+ years of experience ALEXIS FORTE DSP -1400 sensors Mn on -400 instruments on -60 satellites UNCLASSIFIED Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC lor the U.S . Department of Entt;y's NNSA CubeSat - Rapid-Response Satellite Development • Four LANL-developed CubeSats launched December 7, the most on-orbit from any organization: - Inexpensive - Reliable - Rapid development I deployment UNCLASSifiED Opetated by Los ALamos National Security, LLC kM" the U.S. Oepertmenl of Energy'. NNSA Mastcam (M. Malin, MSSS) - Color and telephoto imaging, video, atmospheric opacity ChemCam (R. Wiens, LANL/CNES) - Chemical composition; remote micro-imaging CONTACT INSTRUMENTS (ARM) MAHLI (K. Edgett, MSSS) - Hand-lens color imaging APXS (R. Gellert, U. Guelph, Canada) - Chemical ANALYTICAL LABORATORY (ROVER BODY) SAM (P. Mahaffy, GSFC/CNES) - Chemical and isotopic composition, including organics CheMin (D. Blake, ARC) - Mineralogy Brush Drill/Sieves ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERIZATION Scoop MARDI (M . Malin, MSSS) - Descent imaging Height of Deck: 2.8m 1.1 m REMS (J. G6mez-Elvira, CAB, Spain) - Meteorology / UV Ground Clearance: O.66m RAD (D. Hassler, SwRI) - High-energy radiation Height of Mast: 2.2m Rover Width : DAN (1. Mitrofanov, IKI, Russia) - Subsurface hydrogen UNCLASSIFIED Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC lor the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA Navy Free-Electron Laser Program Overview • The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is funding an industry-led program, called FEL Innovative Naval Prototype (INP), to develop a laser weapon capable of operating in the maritime environment. ' LANL is directly supported by ONR to develop science & technology (S&T) for MW FEL ($3M in FY10, $5-7M in FY11, $7M/year FY12-14 and is participating in the industry-led INP program to build a 100 kW FEL at the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) facility at TA-53 . •Q Alamos HATlONA" LAlo_u _'o_" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ U " 'N "'C"' LA " 'S=IF"'IE"'D S _ Operated by Los Alamos NatIooal Security, LLC lor the U.S. Department of Energy'. NNSA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=--:-::::=:=_ wV;,."f&. 12 Los Alamos Energy Security Focus Areas o . ~ o ~ Sustainable Nuclear Energy ·Coupled predictive models for climate, infrastructure impact analysis • Prediction of abrupt change at multiple scales (regional to global) Concepts and Materials for Clean Energy • Efficient extraction of energy content from fuel • Energy storage, generation, and transmission • Nonproliferation and safeguards • Revolutionary altematives to petroleum • Effective waste management • Clean fossil energy • Global security and policy implications Operated by Loa AIaITIOI Natlonal Security. LLC for the U.S. Department 01 Integration and synergy are key to our success in Materials in Extremes towards MaRIE. LDRD DR Investments BES: Fundamental Science Meso-scale Modeling of the Evolution of Interfaces under Extreme Strains "':'V'.- ~ ~ ... _._ "f.P a. L-.:&.--- Kinetic and Spatial Effects on Dynamic Damage e.nt.r for DefKt Physk:s NE:Applied Modeling & Simulation Spatial-temporal Frontiers of Atomistic Simulations in the Petaflop World Robust Nuclear Waste Form Design and Novel Materials Discovery A • LosAlamos NATIONAL l"'IOItATOf!lY ... Centers and Consortia UNCLASSIFIED Operated by LOll A1atT'Ol National Security, LtC for the U.S. Department of En&rVY's NNSA Center for Materials at Irradiation and Mechanical Extremes Nanolayered composites suppress irradiation hardening • Structural metals in nuclear power reactors become hardened and embrittled from the accumulation of radiation-induced defect clusters. Micro-pillar Compression Tests Pure Cu As-deposited; Ion Irradiated; Compressive strength 0.43 GPa Compressive strength 0.91 GPa = = • Nanolayered composites contain interfaces that attract, absorb, and annihilate point defects, suppressing formation of defect clusters and radiation-induced hardening. • After helium ion irradiation, Cu hardens by more than a factor of two and loses deformability. • Nanolayered Cu/Nb has insignificant hardening and no loss in deformability. •-Q Alamos _'o_" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'U"NCLASIFE!.D~= HAflOH ... l l .... O •• _ Operated by L~ Alamos Natlon9l Security, ue for the U .S. Department 01 Energy'. NNSA Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics Novel Materials for Next-Generation Solar Cells Nanoscale Heterojunctions • Spatially indirect" gap (Eg12 ) tunable through infrared • Pulls charges apart • Increases time to extract and transport • Potential use in photocatalysis and photovoltaics Semiconductor-metal hybrids • Increased sunlight absorption • Enhanced non-linear processes, such as two-photon absorption and carrier multiplication • Potential use in ultrathin solar cells A • los Alamos N ... TlON"'L l ... . o._._'o·_' _ _ __ __ __ Operated by loa Alamos National Security, - - 'U""N""CLA=SS""IF"'IE!!.D- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - : = - : c - - ue tor the u .S. Department of Energy'. NNSA !IV;.'fSf#!. 16 CASL: First DOE Hub will create a virtual reactor for predictive simulation of light-water reactors. • Current state-of-the-art neutronics, thermal-fluid, structural, and fuel performance applications • Existing systems and safety analysis simulation tools • New requirements-driven physical models • An unprecedented predictive simulation tool for simulation of physical reactors • EffiCient, tightly-coupled multiscale/multi-physics algorithms • Architected for platform and software with quantifiable portability ranging from desktops to DOE's leadershipaccuracy class and advanced • Improved systems and safety architecture systems analysis tools (large user base) • UQ framework • Validation basis against 60% of existing U.S. reactor fleet, using data from TVA reactors • Base M&S LWR capability ~ I _ ...~ ~-: w~, ___~ Operated by los ALamos National Security, llC for the U,S . Department of Enetgy'. NNSA ~ National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and cts Consortium Genomes of model and production algae sequenced • Chlorella protothecoides (Fresh water organism) • Nannochloropsis salina (Salt water organism) Transcriptome analysis (examines regulation of genes due to environmental changes in growth conditions) • 55 transcriptome samples sequenced and analyzed • Algal systems: -Nannochloropsis salina -Chlamydomonas reinhardti Microscope photo of an alga . Courtesy University of Washington Bench scale systems for acoustic focusing to concentrate and extract lipids for $0,11/gal achieved -Low energy input A -Ultrasonic Biofuel Harvester was a LANL R&D1 00 Award Winner in 2010 • los Alamos NATIONAl lA.OItATORV UNCLASSIFIED Operated by Los Alamos National Security. u.c for the U.S. Oepattment of Energy's NNSA Los Alamos publications: leading the nation 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 Publications: 2005-2009 by Laboratory ... ., ~. --LANL --ANL 1-SNL .=* ~ * ;...--- • • • • • r===" -'LSNL -'LLNL -'PNNL - SNL --ORNL .... * "!:::::-. ~ . o Dec-OS Oct-06 Aug-07 Jun-08 .Q Alamos NAnOHALlAIO " _ '_O'_' _______ Mar-09 Jan-lO -----"'UN"'CLA""""SS""IFI""EO'---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--::-_ _ !IV;."~ Operated by LOll Alamos NatIooal Security, LLC for the U.S, Department of Energy'. NNSA 11 Science vitality underpins the Lab's mission areas. Fundamental Science Program User Facilities LD@ Innovation for our nallon Post Doc P ~. ~ ~J .; - ~ .;;;;.--" - . "':. Institute. .Q Alamos HATlOHAll"'O_"'_ O'_' _ _ _ _ _ _ _-"' UN "CLAS Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Ener;v's NNSA "'- IF~E O '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____:::-::-:==_- Backup Slides A • Los Alamos N",'ION ... L L .... O ....,O .... UNCLASSIFIED Operated by Los Alamos National Security. LLC ror the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA laboratory Duector '.1('.01 " AT ,,'./\ () Deputy Dlre(tor Ide-/( t R (f h()T .1' :~ A • LosAlamos N ... TlON"'L l .... O_ . ._' _ O ._' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.! U~NC<.!LA=S;I Operated by Los Alamos National Security. LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA !: F!IE~D c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=:-_ __ N"~ 22 Science, Technology and Engineering --- ,-------.., ...... ..._u-. ........... ...... 0 . - -- Principal Associate Director Terry C. Wallace. Jr. ...... L. . . . . . . . . ~ Deputy Director Duncan W. McBranch YolenQ;" . ~HR o-rw. ScmIdIr, ~ ~GIArwJ.Mielf\CO Jam. JtidI.Intn."'SInchu. ....aoc: .... Directors r-----L-__~ ~ =~ k~ _..Nan s.u.r(Acbng} --......... EnglnMf5ng and Engineering ServkH Paul WMU:k ("'*"9) Science and T~ SCMe~ CMmiatry. u. and e..1h _ k ....... ...... _..... ....... .... OfIk" --..... OII CMIlM Nude.-1'fogrWn. - Theoty. SlmulaUon and c............. .... h • Los Alamos ,. ... 'ION ..... L.... O ....'O.v UNCLASSIFIED Operated by Los Alamos National S8Cl6ity. LLC lor the U.S. Department of Energy'. NNS,.. FY10 Laboratory Budget The Laboratory's FY10 annual budget is approximately $2.2 Billion" Science & Energy Funding : $272M"" Laboratory's R&D Funding: $939M"" . -Q Ala ~ S Opefated by L OIAiatTOS National Security, LLC b' \he U.S . Department 01 Energy's NNSA Tropical Western Pacific. and Stimulus **includes $31 M of Stimulus not include Stimulus "AflOHAL L .... O. _A_.O _. _. ________________________~ U ~NCLAS"'IF:E + Includes Genome. D"_ ____________________________--::--::--::___ /IV;....&. 24 Current Workforce Profile LANL Site Staffing Levels (12,182 Employees) as of 12/31/2010 LANL Career (Regular) Employee Distribution 8,193 as of 12131/2010 R&D Technical Staff Disciplines Career (Regular) Employees include: • R&D Engineers and Scientists • Technician • MgmtlExec • Professional ' Support A • LosAlamos --=__ NATIONAll".O _OA_'O_" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _U"'N"'C"'LA"'S""S""IF"'IE"'O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the u .s . Department of EoorvY'l NNSA